Repairs Design Furniture

Radius cabinets Coupe manufacturing with their own hands. Radius wardrobe do it yourself to make a radius

In this article, we will look at how and with the help of which tools and fixtures are made by radius (that is, having rounders) furniture parts. As a rule, these are shelves and countertops, although it is not an axiom, various roundings can have any elements of modern cabinet furniture.

Let's start with a simple to complex one. Moreover, simplicity will be assessed by the necessary tool, and not the complexity of the process (dependence will be inversely proportional - the cheapest method has the greatest complexity at the lowest costs for the toolkit and vice versa).

For marking in all cases, we will need a pencil and template (for example, a plate) or a circulation. Also almost everywhere (with the exception of small radii), we will need to sprinkle the excess material by the jigsaw.

You can cut rudely and quickly - the main thing is that the cut line does not affect the marking, and possible chips, too (that is, it is necessary to retreat from it by 2-5 mm).

If you are going to close the ends of the Cant, especially with-shaped, then you can simply gently sprinkle on the line of fine-cutting saw (for metal). The emerging chips will close the skes of Kant. If you decide to close the edge edge, then we read further.

Method 1 - manual grinding

C help smoothing the resulting cut to the laying line. The case is quite vigorous, and the observance of the perpendicularity of the edge relative to the plastic plating represents a number of difficulties. About the processing of several blanks at the same time does not even say.

But at the same time, it is possible to achieve good results if desired (and the absence of the tool).

Method 2 - with LSHM

The variant of the mechanization of the number one method. In this case, the belt grinder is placed on the side (as a rule, one of them is perpendicular to the tape) and the excess material to the laying line is also compatible. The processing speed grows at times, perpendicularity - at the level, and resolving several identical billets to each other and fixing them, you can produce identical parts.

Disadvantage (many completely identical details not do - the amount is limited to the ribbon width)

Method 3 - using a mill

When used, variations are possible:

Option first - Work on the template. As a template, it can be used either the part item obtained by the previous way,

or cooked in advance standard pattern. When passing with the bearing, we simply copy the rounding, moved it to the workpiece. (The pattern is under the details on the photo)

This method is optimal in the manufacture of a large number of identical parts (for example, radius shelves).

Option two - The use of a circulation is standard or improvised, from the undergraduate materials (in the photo - a circular from the standard parallel stop).

The cut is carried out in several passes with a direct dummy cutter. If you need exactly the same details, it is better to use the copier cutter - it will be more accurate.

Furniture production uses both recent ways.

Absolutely all novice wizards of home repairs who decided to do with their own hands, want to bring something new to the interior of their home. And here the help comes to the aid or even make your own hands.

Forms of these products have a rather large variety, it all depends on finance and fantasy. Arches are mostly manufactured by rounded vaults, suspended ceilings are not an exception, a bright example of this example.

Homework, looking at such a design, wonders how the end of such a ceiling is made and how can it be born, and at the same time fasten the sheet of plasterboard not to break it.

Now I will try in detail to tell and show the photo as I do it myself. Namely, it is necessary to do with a metal profile so that he would take the silhouette you need, or how to make the bend of any radius of plasterboard.

How to prepare a profile

What about the size of the profile, then I basically have to deal with 27 / 28mm. This is the so-called "guide". Perhaps this is the most frequently used material in combination with 60/27 (used for jumpers).

In order for the guide profile to repeat the radius The plaster is drawn on with you on the sheet, it is not necessary to create a cunning effect. You need a Bulgarian not a lot of size that should be easily held with one hand in the started state, and protective glasses.

We set the cutting disk on the metal on the grinder, cut the notches on profiles every 5 cm. Here it is necessary to clarify; The steeper the radius of the arch, the more and less the distance between the cuts on the gland.

Pay attention to the above photo, I prepare several blanks at once, long about one meter, if you try to screw the long blank alone, most likely it is not exactly exactly and accurately.

As a result, it gives such an appointment, I think you yourself are guessing, the outcropped profile27 / 28 turns into the likeness of the rope, it can be safely screwed to the gypsum to the plasterboard gradually bending and directing according to the predetermined radius.

Probably dealt with this, if something is not clear I will be glad to answer you in the comments below the article, do not hesitate and ask questions!

How to bend plasterboard

Now I turn to the most interesting. Running on the expanses of our Internet I found that everyone is mostly advised wash the plasterboard with water So he went with ease. I will not argue, as the option really works, a couple of times I was curious to apply it.

That's just it turned out that it was not entirely justified by labor costs to wet and bend such an option. Plus, I am sure that a person has no repair professionally not what happens. Therefore, I do not want to recommend this method.

But another option is much more efficient and easier. It is on it that I insist that the magnitude of my colleagues work this principle. All you need is a set of; Stationery knife, a simple, tape measure, a straight level is no more than 40cm., And the material itself, the material itself, is pre-cut in the form of a long strip (again no more than one meter for the convenience of screwing alone without extraneous assistance).

We harvest drywall under the radius of the suspended ceiling

On a pre-prepared band, with the help of a roulette and a pencil, we apply invasses every 5-10 cm. (See the photo), the distance is due to the semicircular radius on the ceiling or arches, the blanks should be put on both sides of the workpiece.

Taking the other hand the stationery knife, spend the blade on the plasterboard slightly pressing it into the material, and at the same time, based on the level as on the guide of the bar. This non-cunning operation repeat over the entire length and markup.

At the moment, "Gypsum" can be raised to the top of the frame and fix the gypsum tapers. As soon as you press the material to the frame, it will immediately start breaking on the notches from the knife, repeating the silhouette of the suspension ceiling radius. If you have an assistant, it can be prepared with a lot of longer, it is quite real from the edge to the edge of the leaf of plasterboard (2.5m).

When arising from the arrangement of his dwelling, people began to pay attention to radius cabinets more often. This model allows you to harmoniously save space and add individuality to the room. You can make a radius cupboard with your own hands, despite the fact that there is a large number of complex mechanisms in its design. If you do the work on the instructions and follow a predetermined scheme, the result will be able to surprise even an experienced designer.

Original and beautiful design

In 2017, the radius corner wardrobe became a fashion favorite, and the demand for it increased significantly. Its advantage is that each created model is unique in its own way, as it is manufactured based on the size of the apartment and its location. Smooth forms, a large number of departments and lockers, an individual design is all that it combines this model.

Models have different types of their design, such as:

  • built-in - walls floor and ceiling are parts of the cabinet, it does not move to other places, but does not occupy a place in the apartment, sitting most often on an unused space;
  • case - assemble as a separate model, based on the size of the room and its location.

Compact and comfortable wardrobe

Radius modern wardrobe with their own hands do it much easier than to search in the store suitable in size model or place an order from the experienced joiner. You can calculate all the layout on your own, based on how the product is to stand in what particular place.

Corner cabinets are a large set and pick it up in accordance with the color range of the room. Today, radius systems allow you to make smooth transitions and bends, which makes cabinets even more attractive. The doors of the coupe on the rollers do not occupy space, smoothly and easily open and look pretennively in any presentation.

In addition, this storage option can hide the irregularities of walls, asymmetrical angles, and in general, use the space correctly.

There is a rich selection of material to build a radiuscase. It can be a tree, plastic or glass, subjected to various types of processing. The coupe into the hallway can be with mirror doors, which is very convenient for small rooms. Since you choose the sizes on your own, and they will not make much difficulty fit. Photos and videos on the original radius cabinets of the coupe are presented below, and on them you can decide with your personal choice.

From plastic with a mirror with a picture on the glass

Build product

Knowing how to make an independently wardrobe, you can save a pretty good amount of money. Cabinets in the hallway, bedroom or hall are collected by one sequence: installation of frame, doors, shelves. To begin with, decide what material will be to assemble the body of the product. The most popular and durable is a tree, and it will not get much difficulty. Now also not limited to access plastic and knee glass, but it is worth remembering that, for example, a glass or mirror surface is not quite suitable for children's rooms.

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Be sure to prepare all the drawings and schemes made by preliminary measurements. In this case, accuracy is very important, since even small deviations can interfere with the correct operation of the doors on the wheels.

To get the perfect option, it is better to apply for help to a skillful master or use the help of our site, to view photos and video materials. To work, you will need the following tools:

A set of necessary tools

  • drill, screwdriver;
  • building meter, level, pencil;
  • self-tapping screws; nails;
  • glue on wood;
  • mechanisms for doors;
  • radius transitions.

According to the photo of modern radius cabinets, it can be said that the main complexity in their assembly falls on the doors. It is there that the largest number of transitions with a radius grid is located.

The radius closet must be collected from the case, especially if it is a built-in model. Featuring the size and having calculated its position, it will not be difficult to make the basis. Next, decide on the lockers that they will be retractable or internal. It all depends on the personal preferences of the future owner and the experience of a joinery. Doors are collected separately from the case, and after they are simply installed on pre-acquired wheels.

Remember that the radius wardrobe can be made absolutely versatile. For example, in children's rooms, it became very fashionable to collect a compartment with a photo printing of the favorite cartoon characters or family members. This approach will decorate the room and give brightness. You should not doubt your capabilities, because with a modern tool you can independently make incredible things and surprise your relatives and loved ones.

Today, increasingly growing demand on the wardrobes, especially the rounded shape. It is connected not only with their attractive appearance, but also with structural characteristics, as such furniture is quite spacious and is able to transform the interior to be unrecognizable. Unfortunately, these designs are very expensive and not everyone by pocket. Therefore, despite the whole difficulty, we suggest you make a radius wardrobe with your own hands. In this article, our specialists will tell you in detail how to make and assemble such a design yourself, and will also reveal all the nuances and the subtleties of this process.

Features of radius wardrobes

The main feature of such structures is rather unusual form, which allows you to place them in almost every room. This type of furniture will be the most relevant in small rooms, as despite its capacity, the radius wardrobes occupy a very little space.

Important! The side wall of the standard direct wardrobe in the width is at least 60 centimeters. Radius structures may not have side walls at all.

Such products can be made absolutely any form, and thanks to a special sliding mechanism, the cabinet can easily hide into the niche allotted under it.

In addition, the installation of a radius wardrobe has a number of advantages:

  • Visual increase in space due to the presence of mirrors or mirror inserts on the doorway;
  • Gives the interior more modern and original appearance;
  • A large range of diverse models and design solutions in the design;
  • The ability to use the walls of the room as the walls of the product itself.

Main types of radius wardrobes

Before making a radius wardrobe, it is very important to determine the type of design. In the modern market today there are only two types of such products:

  • Corps. This is an independent piece of furniture that accommodates absolutely all the details that should have a full cabinet. Such products are mobile, respectively - they can be moved in case of repair or moving.

Important! The only drawback of the furniture of this species is its overallity.

  • Built-in. Such structures are not equipped with side walls, ceiling and floor. Their main advantage is that the form and parameters of the finished product are designed exclusively under the place in which this design will be placed. Unfortunately, the built-in radius wardrobes are not transportable.

Required accessories and components

The main feature of all cabinets is their sliding system, which is made from a steel or aluminum profile.

As for the profile thickness, it must be no more than 1.2 millimeter.

Important! If the profile thickness is less than the above parameter, in this case there is a risk of anodizing the coating or loss of the material facade of the material.

It should also be remembered that after mounting the glass will be in constant voltage, respectively - the profile must be selected quite strong so that it is able to withstand such a load.

Important! Today you can find a finished curved profile wide up to 2500 millimeters and radius in the range from 300 to 5000 millimeters.

In addition, before making a bent the door for the cabinet, it is very important to choose the slip system. In radius structures, they can be two types:

  • Suspended mechanisms. In this case, the door is suspended on the rollers, which are installed in the upper guide, respectively - exclusively the lower part of the sash is fixed.

Important! Designs with a suspended mechanism are considered unreliable and poor-quality, since the main load is only solely on the cabinet itself.

  • Mechanisms with a slide system located at the bottom. In this case, the door is fixed on the top guide, and the rollers for sliding are set at the bottom. This design is more reliable and significantly increases the operating term of the cabinet.

At the expense of its original and very non-standard form, we will pay more attention to the door of the radius wardrobe, which consists immediately of several elements:

  • Side vertical profiles that perform the role of pens. They can be symmetric and asymmetric. The first - they look like both sides equally, and the second - divide the sash to the outer and external side.
  • Upper asymmetric rollers. With their help, the door holds in the opening.
  • Top frame. It is necessary for fixing the rollers and install the door in the upper opening.
  • The bottom frame is the place of fastening the wheels. In addition, it provides a smooth sliding door on the guide.
  • Filling. It can be absolutely different, depending on your taste preferences. Most often for these purposes, glass, wood, mirrors are used.
  • Sealer. It protects the design from dust from entering, as well as softens the blow of the door during its closure.
  • Door stub. It is intended for fixing and fixing side profiles.
  • Adjustable and assembly screws adjust and improve the quality of the slip.
  • The stopper or positioner makes it possible to fix the door in a certain position convenient for you.

How to make a radius wardrobe with your own hands?

The process of making a radius wardrobe is divided into two main stages:

  1. Designing a future design.
  2. Assembling the product itself.

Design of the radius wardrobe

To begin with, it is very important to determine the size of the future product. In this, an excellent helper will be an online constructor.

Important! The online constructor is a special software in which the necessary parameters of the future design are specified. After that, based on this data, the future appearance of the wardrobe, the number of doors and filling is selected. Thanks to this design, you can visually see the future product.

In order for the finished result to surpasses all your expectations, we bring to your attention a few tips that will significantly simplify the entire design process:

  • First of all, it is necessary to define the location of the finished product, as well as its functional purpose.
  • At least 2 sections should be left for clothing storage. Thus, you can share things for the seasons.
  • The depth of the cabinet should be at least 60 centimeters. This is the optimal parameter that will allow you to place the shelves without any problems.
  • If you planned to spend an additional backlight in the closet, the top cover must be pulled forward by 12-17 centimeters.
  • The width of the internal shelves should be no more than 65 centimeters, otherwise, under the weight, they simply flaunt.
  • The width of the sash should be at least 50 centimeters, as there is a risk of their falling out of the guides.

To make a high-quality design, it is also very important when designing to know and take into account the following factors:

  • The number of doors should always be equal to the number of compartments.
  • The thickness of the chipboard directly affects the appearance and strength of the finished product.
  • All doors must have the same thickness.
  • You can not have retractable baskets for storing things opposite the doors, otherwise there may be problems with their opening.

In addition, before assembly, it is very important to prepare the tools and materials in advance that you will be needed during work. You will need:

  • Drawings of the product itself;
  • Drill;
  • Pencil;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Corolnic;
  • Falc panels: upper, side and lower;
  • Furniture shield with a thickness of about 18 millimeters;
  • Doors;
  • Required accessories and accessories;
  • Boxes and guides.

The process of manufacturing and assembling the radius wardrobe

In order to make a radiuscase with their own hands, it is very important to adhere to such a move:

  1. Using the level, make a pencil on the wall in those places where vertical racks will be installed.
  2. On the ceiling make the markup of the future profile location.
  3. Mark the height of the shelves fastening.
  4. Drill holes.
  5. With the help of a hammer, score a dowel in already ready-made holes.
  6. Install the antleesol regiment according to the previously made markup.
  7. Install the side profile.
  8. Collect the filling of the entire design, including boxes and shelves. It should be done according to the markup.
  9. Mount the false panels. Using a screwdriver, fix them to the side wall, ceiling and floor.
  10. At the previously installed false panels, secure the upper and lower profiles.
  11. Install the cabinet door. To do this, at the sides, attach vertical profiles and install the door seal.
  12. Lock the lower and top door frames.
  13. Check the correctness and ease of sliding the installed door.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that radius roller systems attached to the ceiling should not be installed on the surface made of plasterboard and similar materials similar to it. This is due to the fact that the average ceiling load will consist of about 30 kilograms, and during the opening and closing of the doors, they will still create additional vibrations. Accordingly, the plasterboard ceiling simply will not endure such a load.

The popularity of wardrobes of rounded shape is growing rapidly. This is due to the original aesthetic and structural characteristics of such products that allow them to harmoniously fit into any interior. We will tell about the intricacies of the independent manufacture of radius cabinets.

  • Features and advantages
  • Types of radius wardrobes
    • Tools and materials
    • Order of work
    • Some Nuances Installation

Features and advantages

Radius wardrobes have an unusual form, which allows them to be placed in almost any room. This type of furniture will be especially relevant in small rooms, because it takes a little space. The lateral wall of the direct cabinet in the width is at least 60 centimeters. Unlike it, radius structures may not have side walls. Therefore, where there is no place for the usual wardrobe, you can put a radiuscase. Reviews of such furniture are mostly positive.

These products can be made almost any form. Thanks to the sliding mechanism, such a construction can be easily "hide" in a niche. The corner radius wardrobe is most often installed in a small room. At the same time, he does not interfere with movement.

In the manufacture of such cabinets, an aluminum profile is used. It can be lined with more than five hundred types of plastic, each of which has its own color, drawing and texture. In total, up to thousands of various decorative materials can be used in the manufacture of such a closet.

Types of radius wardrobes

Radius wardrobe: Photo

Distinguish between two main types of radius wardrobes:

  • corps
  • built-in.

In the first case, they are an independent piece of furniture with all the details that should be near the radius wardrobe. The built-in products have no rear and side walls, as well as the ceiling and floor. Each of these types of cabinets has its advantages and disadvantages.

So, the hull products are mobile, they can easily move, which gives the owner more opportunities. With embedded options for obvious reasons, do the same will not work. But their shape and sizes are designed for exactly the place where they will be installed. In addition, they, as a rule, have a large capacity, while occupying less space. To install this type of radiuscase, the coupe does not need to level the floor, walls and ceiling. To avoid these works, it is quite thorough to make the necessary measurements.

Accessories for radius cabinets coupe

Any cabinets have a sliding system. In this case, steel and aluminum profile can be used for its manufacture. It is best to apply the second option, but in terms of cost it is higher than steel.

As for the thickness of the aluminum profile, it must be greater than 1.2 millimeter. With smaller dimensions, the leaf material of the facade can occur or anodizing the coating, which will require its restoration in the future. In particular, it concerns acrylic glasses that are often noticed immediately when installed in the profile. To bend this material to a radius of 1000 millimeters, an effort should be applied equal to at least 100 kilograms. Therefore, using acrylic glasses, it should be understood that after installation, they will be in constant voltage. Therefore, the profile must be strong enough to sustain a similar load.

It should be said that today you can find a ready-made curved profile under the facades with a width of up to 2500 millimeters and a radius from 300 to 5000 millimeters.

When choosing a profile, special attention should be paid to the products of manufacturers such as Absolut, Komandor, Raumplus, Aristo and others.

By type of sliding system can be two types:

  • Suspended mechanisms.
  • Mechanisms with lower sliding system.
  • In the first case, the door hangs on the rollers installed in the upper guide. Thus, only the bottom of the sash is fixed. Such systems are rapid enough and are considered unreliable. It is mainly due to the fact that all load in this case falls on the closet.

    Best of all, the second option is suitable for radius structures, namely, the mechanisms with the lower slide system. In this case, the door is attached and fixed on the top guide. Rollers are installed in the lower guide. This design allows you to last the closet longer.

    Separately, it is worth staying on the door of the radius cabinet coupe. It consists of several elements:

  • So, in the design there are vertical side profiles, which, in fact, play the role of pens. They are asymmetrical and symmetrical. With the help of the first sash divide on the outer and outdoor side. When using symmetrical door profiles on both sides, it looks equally.
  • Also in the design there are upper asymmetric rollers, with which the door holds in the opening.
  • To install the rollers and fix the door in the upper profile uses the top frame.
  • The place of fastening the wheels is the bottom frame. Thanks to her, the door correctly slides on the guide.
  • Any door has an internal filling, which may be different. For example, glasses, mirrors, wood are used as fillers.
  • To mitigate the door impact to the vertical side profile, the seal is fastened. In addition, it protects the design from dust.
  • You also need a door plug that secures the side profiles.
  • To adjust the slip, the adjustment and assembly screws will be required.
  • In order for the door to be fixed in a certain position, a stopper or a positioner is required.
  • A chipboard is used as the side walls of the side walls, roofs and doors of the radius cabinet. For the rear wall, it is allowed to apply the Fiberboard with a thickness of 3 millimeters.
  • How to make a radius wardrobe with your own hands

    Design of radius cabinet coupe

    Dimensions of the radiuscase can be chosen using an online constructor. This software allows you to specify such parameters as the height, width and depth of the future cabinet.

    After that, the required number of doors is selected, the form of the future product, the type of material and the filling for the door. As a result of these manipulations, it turns out the finished project of the radius cabinet coupe.

    In order for the result to justify your expectations, some design tips should be followed:

  • So, first of all, you need to decide on the place to install the cabinet, and what are the functions of the future product.
  • No more than two sections should be assigned for clothing. Stayed on them will be in accordance with the season for which they are intended.
  • The depth of the cabinet is recommended to do at least 600 millimeters. This is enough to conveniently arrange the shelves.
  • If you need to install embedded lamps into the cabinet, then its roof will need to withdraw ahead of about 120-170 millimeters.
  • The shelf width is not recommended to do more than 650 millimeters. Otherwise, they can progress. The distance between them should be no more than 350 millimeters.
  • As for the sash, their width must be at least 500 millimeters. With smaller dimensions, they can fall out of the guides.
  • If possible, it is recommended to construct the built-in or half-built radius wardrobe, it is more spacious and at the same time takes less space.
  • When designing, it is important to know the following:

  • The number of doors must coincide with the number of compartments.
  • The thickness of the chipboard directly affects the strength and appearance of the cabinet.
  • All doors of the radius cabinet coupe must have the same width.
  • Drawers should be made for storage.
  • In order for the doors normally opened, you can not have retractable baskets in front of the door frames.
  • Before making a radius wardrobe, you need to measure the width of the walls, between which it will be installed, as well as the height of the ceiling. Then should decide on the type of the future product.

    Tools and materials

    The following tools will be needed for work:

  • Drill.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Corolnic
  • Pencil.
  • In addition, the following materials will be needed:

  • Drawings of the cabinet.
  • Furniture shield (thickness of 18 millimeters).
  • Boxes, handles, hangers, guides.
  • Doors.
  • Necessary fittings.
  • Side, lower and top false panels.
  • Order of work

  • Using a pencil and level, you need to mark on the wall, where vertical racks will be installed, the arrangement of profiles should be placed on the ceiling.
  • After that, we celebrate the height of the fastening of the shelves.
  • For dowels, holes are drilled in which they are clogged with the help of a hammer.
  • We establish an antleesol regiment on the previously made markup.
  • Mount the side profile.
  • We collect the filling of the cabinet (shelves, boxes, etc.) according to previously made drawings.
  • Mount the false panel. They are fixed using a screwdriver to the ceiling, gender and side wall.
  • At the installed panel panels attach the upper and bottom profile.
  • Mount the cabinet door. To do this, we attach vertical profiles on its sides. Install the door seal (rubber or silicone).
  • Fix the upper and lower door frames.
  • Check the correctness of the installed door.
  • Some Nuances Installation

  • Radius facades are spread through the rollers moving along the guides. Such roller systems can be attached reference or suspended method. For their attachment, the ceiling is most often used. If you went the same way, you should know that the ceiling must be made of durable materials. Plasterboard and the similar designs are not suitable for the simple reason that they will not be able to withstand long-term loads. On average, this load is 30 kilograms. Plus, when moving the door, vibrations are created every time.
  • Important moment: if the facade is manufactured, the radius of which is less than 1800 millimeters, then in the design it will be necessary to use at least four dividing bent profiles. They will reduce the load on the frame of the sliding sash.
  • From the above, we can conclude that the total quality of the product depends on the parameters of the sliding sash.