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Full translation of the Quran into Russian read. The study of short seur from the Quran: transcription in Russian and video. Muslim prayer against problems, misfortunes, misfortunes and grief

Koran - the Sacred Book of Muslims. With Arabic, it translates as "reading out loud", "edification". The reading of the Quran is subject to certain rules - Taj Distance.

World of Quran

The task of Tajvida lies in the right reading of the letters of the Arab alphabet - this is the basis of the faithful interpretation of the Divine Revelation. The word "Tajvid" is translated as "bringing to perfection", "improvement".

Initially, Tajvid was created for people who wish to learn how to read Quran correctly. To do this, it is necessary to clearly know the place of articulation of letters, their characteristics and other rules. Thanks to the Taj Distance (rules of orthoepic reading), it is possible to achieve proper pronunciation and eliminate the distortion of the semantic value.

Muslims to reading the Quran are trembling, it's like meeting with Allah for believers. It is important to prepare correctly for reading. It is better to be alone and engage in early in the morning or before bedtime.

History of Quran

The Quran was nosplated by parts. The first revelation of Muhammad was given at the age of 40. For 23 years, Ayati continued to send the prophet ﷺ. The collected revelations appeared in 651 - then the canonical text was compiled. Suras are not arranged in chronological order, but remained unchanged.

Koran language - Arabic: It has many verb forms, it is based on a slender word formation system. Muslims believe that the Ayata possess a miraculous force only if they are read in Arabic.

If Muslim does not know Arabic, he can read the translation of the Quran or Tafsira: so called the interpretation of the holy book. This will allow you to better understand the meaning of the book. The interpretation of the Sacred Quran can be read in Russian, but it is recommended to do it only for the purpose of familiarization. For deeper knowledge, it is important to know Arabic.

Suras from Koran

The Quran contains 114 Sur. Each (except for the ninth) begins with words: "In the name of Allah, gracious and merciful." The Arabic Basmal sounds like this: بسم ٱلله ٱلرحمن ٱلرحيم. Ayati from which suras consist, otherwise references are called: (from 3 to 286). The reading of SUR brings many products for believers.

Sura al-Fatiha, consisting of seven ayata, opens a book. It is given to Praise Allah, and also ask for his mercy and help. Al-Bakyar is the longest suice: it is 286 ayata in it. It contains a parable about Musa and Ibrichim. Here we can find information on the unity of Allah and about the bottom of the terrible court.

The Koran is completed by a short Surah Al of us consisting of 6 ayata. In this chapter, it is narrating about various tempters, the main struggle with which is the pronouncement of the name of the Most High.

Sura 112 is small in size, but according to the very same prophet ﷺ, it takes the third part of the Quran on the basis of its importance. This is explained by the fact that it laid a lot of meaning: it refers to the greatness of the creator.

Koran transcription

Those who are not a carrier of the Arabic language can be found in their native language using transcription. She is found in different languages. This is a good opportunity to learn the Quran on Arabic, but with this way some letters and words are distorted. It is recommended to first listen to Ayat in Arabic: you will learn more to pronounce it. However, it is often considered to be unacceptable, since the meaning of the Ayatov can be strongly changed during its transcription into any language. To read the book in the original, you can use the free online service and get a translation in Arabic.

Great Book

The miracles of the Quran, which have already been said about many, truly amazing imagination. Modern knowledge made it possible not to just strengthen faith, now it became apparent: he was sent by Allah himself. The words and letters of the Koran are based on a certain mathematical code that goes beyond human capabilities. It is encrypted by the events of the future and the phenomenon of nature.

Much in this holy book is explained with such accuracy that they involuntarily come to the thought of her Divine appearance. Then people did not have even those knowledge that was now. For example, the French scientist Jacques Yves Costo made the following discovery: the waters of the Mediterranean and the Red Seas are not mixed. This fact was still described in the Quran, what was the surprise of Jean Iva Kusto, when he learned about it.

For Muslims choose names from the Quran. The names of the 25 Prophets of Allah and the name of the Muhammad's companion of Muhammad were mentioned here. The only female name - Maryam, her name is even called Sura.

Muslims are used as a prayer of Sura and Ayati from the Quran. He is the only shrine of Islam and all the rites of Islam are based on this great book. The Prophet ﷺ said that the reading of Sur will help in various life situations. The pronunciation of Sura "hell-spirit" can save the fear of the day, and the al-Fatiha Sura will help in difficulties.

The Koran is filled with Divine meaning, in it the highest revelation of Allah. In the Holy Book you can find answers to many questions, it is only worth thinking in words and letters. Each Muslim must read the Quran, without his knowledge you can not make Namaz - the mandatory type of worship of the believer.

There is no doubt that people need to know what was transmitted to us in the last God's revelation of the Sacred Kur'an. After all, Kor'an novoslan in Arabic, but confesses many nations, and not all people know Arabic.

And not only Muslims want to know what is written in Kur'an. On the one hand, many negative stereotypes are associated with Islam, and on the other - interest in the text of the last God's revelation is high as never! That is why the "translation of the Quran" began to find fame for some in a rapid way, as well as earn money.

A person who takes the responsible case must be configured to certain criteria - to transfer the content of the sacred book in another language. This is a tremendous work, requiring outstanding personal qualities and huge knowledge, and a little under the power like. Therefore, it is not surprising that most of the "translations" of European languages \u200b\u200bmade amateurs or sectarians, and the "fruits of their work" do not just contain numerous errors, but directly contradict the basics of Islamic creed!

In this regard, there is a need to give at least a brief analysis of this issue, as well as to find out the level of the qualifications of "translators" in the field of Arabic and Russian languages \u200b\u200band in religious sciences.

Nowadays, there is not a single reliable interpretation of the full text of Kur'an into Russian and Ukrainian, despite many attempts of different authors "Translate" Kor'an. And even if they represent their pseudo-relief as "the translation of the meanings of the Quran", then this is far from reality! Translations of many ayatov are not just incorrect, but clearly contradict Islamic creed.

Here are the most famous authors of Lzherovodov in Russian: Sablukov G. S., Krachkovsky I. Yu., Porokhova V. M., Osmanov M.-N. O., Kuliev E. R., Abu Adel. And the most promotable pseudo-propellers of Kur'an in the Ukrainian language: Basirov V.M., Yakubovich M.M.

They are trying to translate the Holy Cagrand as a literary work, guided by Arabian-Russian dictionaries and referring to similar pseudo-propellants. Such a "translation" often not only contradicts Islam and misleads readers, but it turns out to be in hand to the sects that deny the need for Tafsir Kur'ana. In particular, erroneous (literal) translations of some Ayatov Kur'an reflect the delusions of the false scientist ibn of Timyia, the views of which are the basis of the ideology of many extremist pseudoislamic flows. It is with the help of such literal false drivers that these sects seek to substantiate and extend their ideology under the guise of Islamic creed. Therefore, they are primarily interested, and often they are direct customers or sponsors of the "Translations of the Quran".

"There is nothing like AllahU »

Kor'an was sent in Arabic and the prophet Muhammad spoke in Arabic. Therefore, one who wants to convey the meaning of the Holy Book and Hadiths of the Prophet in another language should be deeply known both of these languages, as well as have the necessary religious knowledge, without which he will not be able to correctly understand the meaning of many Arab words and expressions and choose them the correct analogue in the language which he translates. As for Russian and Ukrainian languages, the Arabic language is richer compared to them, and the different meanings of one Arab word can not be conveyed in one word in Russian and Ukrainian.

Before proceeding to the analysis, it is necessary to give some general notes regarding the admissibility of using some words of the Russian language in the translations of religious texts.

Speaking of God, it is necessary to proceed primarily from the fact that God is absolutely none of anything being created - in essence, nor in affairs, nor in attributes (syphants). Therefore, it is important to understand what words can I use, speaking of God, and what's the point they have.

  • only in relation to the Creator,and it is impossible to use in relation to the created, for example, "all-living", "omnipotence", etc.
  • There are words that can be used only in relation to the created,but it is impossible to use, speaking of the creator. It is unacceptable to attribute the quality of the quality created, such as dimensions, location, movement, body and body parts, external appearance, form, change in time, etc. All this is not inherent in Allah, as it is associated with space and time, and Allah is the creator of space and time, but himself is not associated with them.

Since God is not associated with space and is not an object, then in relation to it can not be used by words meaning structure:"Body", "Lick (face)", "Smile", "Eye", "Ear", "Hand (as part of the body)", "Finger", "Noga", "Stop", "Shin", etc. d., as well as words meaning movement / Peace:"To be", "sit", "stand", "descend", "to rise (crawl)", "approved", "coming", "to" appear "," come ", etc. And it is impossible, talking about God, use words meaning change in time:"I learned", "I saw", "wanted", etc.

You can not talk about God "Beautiful" (since God is not inherent in the appearance), "smart, insightful" (as it is the characteristics of the mind, and the mind is the quality of some created). And it is also impossible to talk about God that he "makes a decision, thinks, reflects" (as these actions are associated with thinking and over time). In addition, Allah cannot be called "Engineer of the Universe", "Planner", "Ecumenical Mind", "Universal Soul", "Ecumenical Law", "First Shift", "Principal", "Principal Cause", "Source", "Absolt" , "Universal", "Love", etc. And, as scientists explained, it is impossible to call God as he did not call himself (in chickensanya and Hadiths).

Especially, it is impossible to attribute to God qualities that even created are miserablefor example, trick, meanness, deception, greed, oppression, injustice, \u003d cruelty, etc.

  • There are words that use, speaking and about the creator, and about the created,but they have a different meaning. For example, when they say that "Allah loves someone," this is a particular grace and superiority, and not about feeling. "Allah's approval" means a remuneration, and not a sense of joy and mood, since Allah is not inherent in emotions and feelings. When they say that Allah "sees", "hears", "said", then there is in mind His scattering all the way, surviving and speech, which are eternal, absolutely perfect, unchanged and are not like the qualities of the created - imperfect, volatile and limited.

A special case - words and expressions that have a figurative meaning (phraseologisms, idioms),for example: "Everything in the hands of God" (i.e. "all in his power"), "House of Allah" (that is, the place where Allah is worshiped, and not in the meaning of the location), "before God" (not in The meaning of the mutual location and direction), "approach God" (not at the distance), "Most High" (in the value of the exaltation, and not in the meaning that Allah is at the top, since he is not inherent in the location) and others. Eating such expressions is permissible If the language allows them to be used in a value that does not contradict the creed. And one who conveys the meaning of religious texts into other languages \u200b\u200bshould be attentive in these cases, since it is often a literal translation to Idie leads to distortion of meaning, because not always in different languages \u200b\u200bthere is a complete analogy for such expressions. For example, the great Imam Abu Khanifa warned that the multivalued Arab word "" [YAD] 4, in relation to Allah, it is impossible to translate into the Persian word [give], as it means only part of the body.

4 One of the values \u200b\u200bof which "Hand"

Interpretation of the Quran

Ta'uil is an explanation of the religious text (Ayata or Hadith), which cannot be understood literally.

In the Holy Kur'an there are Ayati, clear in meaning - the "Mukhkamat", which is said that this is "the basis of the book." And also there are ayata containing multivalued words and therefore requiring the correct interpretation - the Mutashabibat. Theologies of Islam made an explanation to these Ayatam so that people correctly understood them and mislead them.

to be continued…

Holy Quran this word must be read on Arabic as - القرآن Contains 114 seur and divided into 30 approximately equal parts (Juses), each of which has its name. In the last part of the Koran, the largest amount of Sur - 37, but they are short, and therefore often the study of the Quran is starting with this Juse, which is called 'Amma. "

Interpretation of the Sacred Quran - Sura 82 "Al-Infit R"

This sura consists of 19 ayatov. According to the unanimous conclusion of Muslim scientists, they were sent in Mecca.

Start with the name of Allah in the name of God in the Arabic "Allah", the letter "x" to utter as ه Arab - merciful for everyone in this light and only for believers on that light.

إِذَا السَّمَاء انفَطَرَتْ ﴿١﴾

  1. When the sky is split,

    وَإِذَا الْكَوَاكِبُ انتَثَرَتْ ﴿٢﴾

  2. and when the stars (planets) fall,

    وَإِذَا الْبِحَارُ فُجِّرَتْ ﴿٣﴾

  3. and when the sea is connected.
    The sea will be wondering (come out of the shores) and connect to the same sea.

    وَإِذَا الْقُبُورُ بُعْثِرَتْ ﴿٤﴾

  4. and when the graves will erupt on the surface, and the dead will resurrect,
    The land on the graves cracks, and what was and their depth will be on the surface. Dead will come to life and come out of their graves.

    عَلِمَتْ نَفْسٌ مَّا قَدَّمَتْ وَأَخَّرَتْ ﴿٥﴾

  5. everyone finds out what I did and missed!
    Ibn 'Abbas in the interpretation of this Ayat said: "Everyone learns that he made from good deeds and that he did not fulfill what was obliged."

    يَا أَيُّهَا الْإِنسَانُ مَا غَرَّكَ بِرَبِّكَ الْكَرِيمِ ﴿٦﴾

  6. Oh, man! What prevented you, and you did not believe in our Lord - al-Karim
    It is believed that the reason for this Ayata was the unbelieving Uba Ibn Halya he was one of the influential KrayshitovBut this appeal concerns all unbelievers. In this condemning issue, it is implied: "What prevented and deceived you so much that you did not believe in the Lord, who gave you so much of the best?!" What chooses a person in this life (Dunya) is wealth, power, pleasure, and seduces his Shaitan. One scientist said: "Dunya makes it harm and leaves," that is, it sements what is not benefit. Al-Baydaui said that the answer to the question set in Ayatu: "His Shaitan was prevented!"
    One of the meanings named after Allah Al-Karim, mentioned in this Ayat - "The one who gives for forgiveness and is in no hurry with punishment." But Shaitan deceives a man, inspiring him: "Do what you want, because your Lord is Al-Karim, and he will not punish anyone!"
    Sufi named Muhammad Ibn Sabih Ibn As-Sammak said in verses: "Oh, the one who hides their sin! Isn't you ashamed?! After all, Allah sees you, even when you are alone! Really calm you that Allah will not immediately punish you and hides you from others your bad things?! ". Imam Zunun Al-Miery said: "How many sinners do not feel [gravity of their sins] due to the fact that their sins are hidden from others!".
    Imam An-Nasafy in the interpretation of this Ayat said that this appeal to those who denied the resurrection. Question: "What prevailed you means:" What did you deceive you so much that you did not fulfill what is obliged, but Allah al-Kairim gave you being and created you in an excellent image?! ".
    When the prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "X" is pronounced as ح in Arabic I read it he said: "He deceived ignorance!" 'Umar said: "He was deceived nonsense!" And Imam al-Hasan said: "He deceived Shaitan." And there are other opinions.

    الَّذِي خَلَقَكَ فَسَوَّاكَ فَعَدَلَكَ ﴿٧﴾

  7. Who created you and made direct, commensurate,
    God created a man, endowing it with a beautiful appearance: proportional, harmonious, slim and with full-fledged bodies. Man healthy organs, his body, hands and legs straight, symmetrical: one hand is not longer than another, one eye is no more than the other, the same kind and color (not so that one hand is black, and the other white). Unlike animals, the person moves on two legs, goes straight, equal, keeps the balance.

    فِي أَيِّ صُورَةٍ مَّا شَاء رَكَّبَكَ ﴿٨﴾

  8. And he gave you the image that he wanted!
    Allah created every person in the form in which he predetermined: a man or a woman, beautiful or ugly, high or low growth, similar to some relatives or others.

    كَلَّا بَلْ تُكَذِّبُونَ بِالدِّينِ ﴿٩﴾

  9. So there is no way! You do not believe in the reward on the day of the court!
    This appeal to unbelievers with the condemnation that they do not recognize the religion of Islam and do not believe that there will be a reward for good deeds and punishment for bad. And in this condemnation there is a warning about punishment.

    وَإِنَّ عَلَيْكُمْ لَحَافِظِينَ ﴿١٠﴾

  10. And, truly, you have keepers -
    Each person accompany angels who fix it and words.

    كِرَامًا كَاتِبِينَ ﴿١١﴾

  11. Honorary scribes
    Unbelievers do not believe in reward, but the angels write down their affairs, and even what is hidden in their hearts (Allah grants angels to know this) so that unbelievers answered everything. The exaltation of the angels that record people's affairs emphasizes the importance of the report.

    يَعْلَمُونَ مَا تَفْعَلُونَ ﴿١٢﴾

  12. Who know what you are doing.
    None of the affairs of people whether it is good or evil, not hidden from these angels, and every business is recorded. And this warning is an emergence for sinners and grace for God-fearing. Al-Fudail Ibn Iyad said: "What a strong ayat for those who are forgotten in their carelessness!".

    إِنَّ الْأَبْرَارَ لَفِي نَعِيمٍ ﴿١٣﴾

  13. Truly, pious - in pleasure!
    Here it is said about believers who will be in pleasure of Paradise. God-fearing believers in this life receive pleasure from humility to the creator, contentment by the fact that they are predetermined (including tests), and the fact that they are given, even if this is not enough, and in the world they will enjoy in paradise.

    وَإِنَّ الْفُجَّارَ لَفِي جَحِيمٍ ﴿١٤﴾

  14. Truly, big sinners - in hell,
    Here are due to unbelievers. All of them will be in hell. Punishment for their disbelief is a flaming flame.

    يَصْلَوْنَهَا يَوْمَ الدِّينِ ﴿١٥﴾

  15. In which they will overthrow them on the day of the day!
    Unbelievers will fall into hell on the day. There they will experience terrible torment from strong heat and burning fire.

    وَمَا هُمْ عَنْهَا بِغَائِبِينَ ﴿١٦﴾

  16. And none of them will avoid this punishment!
    No unbelieving punishment will avoid punishment, and none of them will come out of hell. There they will be forever.

    وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا يَوْمُ الدِّينِ ﴿١٧﴾

  17. What do you know about the day of the Court?!
    Some interpreters said. What is an appeal to the unbelievement, and other appeal to the Prophet Muhammad, in the sense that even he does not imagine all the grandeur and severity of the vessel.

    ثُمَّ مَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا يَوْمُ الدِّينِ ﴿١٨﴾

  18. Yes! What do you know about the day of the court!
    This is a repetition to strengthen the meaning of the previous Ayata and even more intimidestrate.

    يَوْمَ لَا تَمْلِكُ نَفْسٌ لِّنَفْسٍ شَيْئًا وَالْأَمْرُ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِلَّهِ ﴿١٩﴾

  19. Tom the bottom, when no one can help anyone, and everything will be in the will of Allah!
    On the judy day, no one created can help another created with the exception of those who, by the will of Allah, will make Shafa'at, (Shafaat will only be for Muslims, and unbelieving at all should not be waiting for any relief)
    In this Ayat, it is said that on the vessel, everything will be all the will of Allah, but we know that absolutely everything in this world always happens in the will of Allah, and on the judy day it will be even more explicit for those created, including for those who did not believe in God].

    The first Muslim Radio of Crimea Islam Radio presents to your attention the first part of the interpretation of Sura Yasin. Continued interpretation of Sura Yasin and other Sur, you can hear on and also on our website.

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The new translation of the Quran is made by the famous Easternist, Professor Mr. O. Ommanov The first full translation into Russian directly from the Arabic original was performed by G. S. Sablukov in 1878 in the city of Kazan. In the Translations offered you, Professor Ottomans to the best of his forces recreated an Arabic original, bringing it at an understanding of the reader. Here it should be said that an ordinary person is not easy to understand all the words of Allah. In these cases, the translator tried to select the same expression that the original corresponded to the original. Impecably accurate, correct and corresponding to the language standards. . To satisfy the requests of truth seeker, we provide on your choice this translation of the Quran into Russian. We hope that Allah will guide you on the right path.

1. Recreasing

3. The family "Imran"


5. Sapes


14. Iibrahim.

17.Thow at night







35. Creator

37.Things in the ranks [Angels]


41. Disability

43. Buildings


46. \u200b\u200bAl-Akhkaf


51.The [dust]

52.Gor [Sinai]

55. Miley




60.The list



64.The failure

69.Cudny day

70. Fast






79. Bistoring


81. Dogging into the darkness


83. Waving


85.The Code of Zodiac

86.Twalking at night

87. Higher

88. Following

94.The we did not reveal?



97.The determination




101. Quick trouble

102. Insecurity to increase

103.Axiphered time



107. Milosnya




111. Palm fibers




Translation of meanings

Mr. O. Ommanov

1. Recreasing

1. In the name of Allah, the meal and merciful!

2. Praise Allah - Lord [inhabitants] of worlds,

3. gracious, merciful,

4. Relief of the Day of the Court!

5. We worship and call you about help:

6. lead us directly

7. Through those you have enforced, not those that [poured] anger, and not [by] lost.


In the name of Allah, the meal and merciful!

1. Alif, Lam, Mime.

2. This is a Scripture, in [Divine Suspension] of which there is no doubt - a guide for God-fearing,

3. Those who believe in the intimate, always praying the prayer rite of salad, distribute alms from what we have identified them in the lot;

4. Those who believe in the sent to you and sent to you and are convinced that [exists] future life.

5. They follow the direct path specified by the Lord, and they will acquire bliss [in the world].

6. Truly, those who did not believe, and those who were exhorted, and those who did not fit, would not believe [and henceforth].

7. Allah sealed their hearts and rumors, and in front of them they are paddle, and the great punishment is prepared.

8. Among people there are those who claim: "We have believed in Allah and on the judgment day." But they are not believers.

9. They are careful to deceive Allah and who believed, but deceive only themselves, not leading [this].

10. In their hearts - vice. Yes, aggravate Allah their vice! They are prepared to torment the prison for the fact that they lied.

11. When they say: "Do not create wickedness on earth!" "They answer:" We are doing only good deeds. "

12. May you know that they are wicked, but they themselves do not know [TOL].

13. When they say: "Try, just as they believed [others] people," they answer: "Will we believe, how did you believe fools? "Let you know that they are fools, but do not know [about it].

14. When they meet those who believed, they say: "We believed." When you stay alone with your Shayans, they say: "Truly, we are with you, and, truly, we just laugh [over believers]."

15. Allah will arrange themselves over them and gain their arrogance in which they brave blindly.

16. They are those that price the true path bought a delusion. But the deal did not bring them profits, and they are not counted to those who drive through direct.

17. They are similar to those who lit a fire, when the fire illuminated everything around, Allah removed the light and left them in an impenetrable darkness.

18. Deaf, blind, they will not come down [from the false path].

19. Or they are similar to [it turned out under] rain wrap, which is in the sky. She carries darkness, thunder and zipper, they are in death, in order not to hear thunder, plug your ears. But Allah is the volume [with its power] unbelievers.

20. They are almost blind from lightning. When she flashes, they are started in the path when it lights when their darkness stops, they stop. If Allah wished, he would deprive their hearing and vision: truly, Allah Vlassen's above all.

21. Oh people! Worship your Lord who created you and those who lived to you: And then you will become God-fearing.

22. [Worship the Lord], who made the land with your lie, and the sky - the blood of yours, who has reimbursed from the sky with rains and has grown fruit on earth for your feed. Do not equal [idols] with Allah, because you know, [that they are not equal].

23. If you doubt [truth] that we sent our slave to our, then Javit Suru, equal to the Sura of the Quran, and encourage your Writish a fuel in addition to Allah if you [people] are true.

24. If you do not do this - and you will not do that, - then you are afraid of hellish fire, in which people and stones are burning and who is viable.

25. Give (about Muhammad) those who believed and peaked out good deeds: after all, they are prepared by the paradise gardens, where the streams flow. Each time there is served in the inhabitants of the fruits for food, they say: "This is the same thing that we were granted before." In fact, they give it that only the similarity [was that given before]. And in those gardens they will be provided with prechy spouses. And they will be so forever.

26. Truly, Allah is not seen as an example and the parable of mosquito and even what is less than him. And those who believed, understand that this parable is the truth, sent by their Lord. The same that did not believe will say: "What did Allah wanted, leading this parable?" [And the fact that] he is misleading it alone, and other behaves directly. But he will mislead only wicked,

1975 is the year of the birth of Elmira Kuliev. School began to visit from five years. However, such a young age did not prevent him from learning with honors. For ten years of study in the 102nd Baku school, he did not receive any four. During the training, Elir was not at all interested in the issues of religion and the more not dealing with reading books reflecting religious themes.

Since 1990, being at the age of 15, Elmir Kuliyev studied at the Azerbaijan Medical Institute at the Faculty of Dentistry, perfectly coping with the profiling exam. Together with Elmir, students from Palestine studied with Elmir Dental Craft. From conversations with them, Kuliyev first learned about Islam and rites of mazaz, after which they took interest in this religion. Studying aspects of religion, Elmir Kuliev became more interested in Arabic. Kuliev decided to start visiting the courses for the study of Arabic. For more efficient training, Kuliev acquired the Arabic dictionary, with which he often worked at home. Over time, doing from two to three hours a day, Kuliev began to memorize up to 30 new Arab words daily. Such a zeal for learning the language allowed him in a fairly short time to master the Arabic language in perfection. Subsequently, Elmmy decided to engage in the translation of Arab books into Russian.

Today Elmir Kuliev is a scientific editor of a number of books. He created about fifty articles and translation of theological books into Russian, moreover, transfers not only from Arabic, but also from Azerbaijani and English. However, the main work is undoubtedly a semantic translation of the Quran Elmira Kulieva. This work was completed in 2002. Later, Kuliev created some additions and comments to work. The translation of the Quran is constantly being improved by Elmir Kuliev, accustomed to doing all its work flawless!

The advantages of reading the semantic translation of the Quran.

The Quran in Russian now exists in large quantities. You can find it in any mosque, in addition, you can read in Russian on the Internet on sites dedicated to Islam's religion. For reading the Qur'an in Russian Muslim, it will surely be awarded a good reward, since the desire to understand the essence of the fulfillment fills the Muslim consciousness with the necessary knowledge about Islam and information set out in the Holy Scripture.

As they say in one of the Hadiths of the Prophet Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam):

"Who came out on the path of receiving knowledge, that Allah will facilitate the path to paradise. Angels stretch their wings over him, rejoicing for him. Every creature in the sky and on earth, even fish in the water are asking for the forgiveness of the sins of the receiving knowledge. The dignity of Alima before ABID (simple worshiping) is like the dignity of the full moon to the rest of the stars. ". (Abu Daud, Hadith 3641, handed over Abu Dard).

Hadith suggests that everyone who is trying to read the Quran in Russian and understand the read, this will be easier to get into the paradise gardens. But often, when reading the Quran in Russian, the reader has numerous questions, since there is a large number of difficult interpretable ayatov. Often it is almost impossible to understand myself. To facilitate the understanding of the written translation of the Quran in Russian, the interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, or Tafsira. The interpretation of the Quran is a painstaking work, produced for many years the most outstanding scientists of Islam.

The best reading of the Quran in Russian is considered to read it using interpretations. Only using Tafsiri Muslim can most effectively understand the meaning of the Quran. Reflecting on the meaning of sacred words gives Muslim in more correctly to understand its religion, make competent conclusions regarding the further device of his life, the possibility of achieving the right way to follow Islam.

To seek Koran to read first in Russian, using and studying the taphsirs, then the Quran read in Arabic, holding the meaning of the read-in the Arabic words of the Holy Scripture in the head and thinking about them, should every true Muslim. Thus, he is no longer just thoughtlessly reread the Arab letters of the Quran, but reads it with a complete understanding. And reading the Koran in Arabic and with understanding of the text gives more Savab than reading the Koran in Russian or reading the Quran in Arabic without understanding.

Complete collection and description: the prayer of the Quran in Russian read for the spiritual life of a believer man.

The basis of Islam is the Koran - the book of revelations sent by the Prophet by Allah. The Koran is a collection of covenants and recommendations for each Muslim believer, which is obliged to withstand all earthly tests in order to raise heaven after death and reunite in paradise with Allah. Assist in this Muslims are capable only prayers for every day.

Namaz: Rules

In Islam, there is a main prayer - Namaz. With its help, a person can keep a spiritual connection with Allah. According to the covenants of the Prophet, each believer Muslim should read Namaz at least 5 times a day:

The reading of Namaz helps Muslims to strengthen their faith in the Most High, cope with earthly temptations, clear the soul from the perfect sins. Before a prayer, a person is obliged to commit the rite of ablution and to appear to its creator absolutely clean.

If there is an opportunity, then a person must make Namaz in specially designated for this room.. The Quran should be stored in such a place so that there are no other items above it.

Men and women should pray separately from each other.. If for some reason you have to make a joint prayer, the woman does not have the right to pray out loud. Otherwise, a man will listen to a female voice, and this will distract him from communicating with Allah.

The strongest prayer is Namaz, perfect in the mosque. But it is possible to make Namaz in any other place, since this rite is considered mandatory. By the beginning of the prayer of all Muslims encourages Azan. During the commission of prayer, believers should be located face to Mecca - the sacred city for all Muslims.

There are a number of rules and conditions for which Namaz must be accomplished:

  • Ritual purity. A man gets right only after ablution.
  • Pure place. Namaz is allowed to be performed only in the placed room.
  • Clean clothes. For Namaz, a person should be dressed in clean clothes. Clothes need to cover the aurat - parts of the body, which Muslims on the ball are obliged to close during namaz. In men, this is part of the body from the navel to the knees, and in women - the whole body, except for the feet, hands and face brushes.
  • Sobility of reason. It is unacceptable to pray in a state of alcoholic and narcotic intoxication. In general, alcohol and drugs in all Muslim countries are Haram (sin).
  • On every day

    Maza's making is a rather complicated riteconsisting of some actions praying (bows, turns of the head, arrangement of hands) and reading the prayer itself. Children teach to this from the small years, and an adult, for example, the one who recently accepted Islam should also touch the correct commission of Namaz.

    For all believers exists unified prayer in Russian, which can be read at any time:

    "About Allah! We call for your help, ask us to lead us along the right path, we ask you for forgiveness and come. Believe and rely on you. We glance you in the best way. Thank you and do not deny. We reject and leave (leaving) all those who peckless the lawlessness. Oh my God! You worship to you, pray and come in front of you. We strive for you and go. We hope for the mercy of yours and the scarces of your karas. Truly, Kara Your female female! "

    This prayer can use those Muslims who are not yet familiar with Namaz.

    After namaz read:

    "About Allah, help me worthy of mentioning you, worthy of thank you and best worship you."

    Some of the everyday prayers

    There are many options for Muslim prayers, and each of them is intended for some particular case or moment. The only thing that unites each of the prayers is the list of rules and actions that are not desirable or generally forbidden to do during the maase:

    • foreign conversations and thoughts
    • eating any food and beverages (including chewing)
    • it is forbidden to blow something
    • make mistakes in prayer
    • go out and sneeze
    • make Namaz in someone else's house without the permission of the owner.

    In addition, a violation is considered a prayer, uttering during the sunrise. Before starting the prayer, it is forbidden to get up in the second row of believers, if there are free places in the first.

    1. Prayer for repentance in sins

    "Oh Allah, you are my Lord! There is no God besides you. You made me, and I am your slave. And I will try to justify the responsibility entrusted to me, keep this word in the measure of my forces and opportunities. I resort to you, removing from everything unfaithfully done by me. I recognize the benefits that you gave me, and recognize your sin. Forgive me! Truly, no one will forgive my mistakes except you. "

  • Prayer when leaving the house

    "With the name of the Most High Allah! I only hope for him. True power and strength belong only to him. "

  • Prayer before married proximity

    "Starting with the name of the Lord. About the Most High, deleted us from Satan and deleted Satan from what you put us! "

  • Prayer before meals
  • Prayer for peace of mind

    "On the Most High Allah! I am your slave, the son of your slave and the slave of yours. Power I need in your [Desna]. Your decision is unquestioned in relation to me and fairly. I appeal to you with all the names you called yourself or mentioned in the Scriptures of yours or discovered any of the created you or those [names], which are known only to you. [I appeal to you by your name] and ask to make the Koran in the spring of my heart, my soul light and the reason for the disappearance of my sadness, stopping my anxiety. "

    Koran's prayer in Russian read

    Namaz - Second Tip Islam

    Namaz is one of the foundations of the religion Islam. With it, the connection between man and the Most High. The prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and welcomes) said: "Know that the best of your acts is prayer!". The reading of Namaz five times a day helps a person every time strengthen his faith every time, clean the soul from perfect sins and protect himself from future limits. In another Hadith, it is said: "The first thing that a person will be asked on the day of the court is about the perfect Namaz."

    Before each prayer, a true Muslim makes ablution and appears before its creator. In Morning Namaz, he exalted Allah, infinitely claiming his exclusive right to worship. The believer appeals to the Creator for help and asks him a direct path. As evidence of humility and loyalty, the person goes to the ground in the bow before Most High.

    How to read Namaz (Namaz Tartibe Tych)

    Prayers are performed in Arabic - the language of revelation - 5 times a day:

    1. at dawn (Irtering);
    2. in the middle of the day (OILE);
    3. in the evening (Ikend);
    4. at sunset (Ahsham);
    5. at dusk (yasta).

    This determines the rhythm of the day of the muslim believer. To make namaz, women and men should clean the soul and body, clothing and place of prayer. If possible, righteous Muslims should strive for prayer in the mosque. If there is no such possibility, it is allowed to pray almost anywhere, for example, at the university or in the office.

    Before mandatory prayer, the call for it is Azan. The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and welcomes) in order to show that Azan is a manifestation of piety, said: "If the time of prayer has come, let one of you read the Azan."

    To read the namaz, it is necessary to comply with the following conditions:

    1. ritual purity. A person who is in a state of desecration must make a ritual ablution (full or partial, in accordance with the degree of desecration);
    2. clean place. Prayer should be performed only in a pure, unknown place (free from Nadzhasa - unclean);
    3. kibla. During Namaz, the believer should stand in the direction of the Muslim shrine of Kaaba;
    4. clothes. The Muslim must be dressed in absolutely clean clothes, not blurred by uncleanness (for example, human or animal excrement, non-fat animals, like a pig or dog). Also, the clothes should cover the aurat - the places that the believer of a ball should close (a man is part of the body from the navel to the knees, the woman is the whole body, except the face, hands and feet feet);
    5. intention. A person must have a sincere intention to make prayer (nigs);
    6. sober minds. Alcohol, various psychotropic and narcotic drugs in Islam under the absolute ban (this is Haram).

    Muslim prayers - the basis of the life of Muslim

    Also, unlike Muslim namaz in Islam, there are prayers (in Arabic, they call Dua, and on Tatar - "Dog") is an opportunity to communicate with the Lord of the worlds. The Most High knows everything clear and hidden, so Allah hears any prayer and no matter, Muslim prayer is uttered aloud or about herself, on the surface of the moon or in a mine where coal is extracted.

    Dua Allahu should always be pronounced confidently, because we know: Allah created us and our difficulties, and he can change this world to be able to change and easily solve any problem. And no matter what language you contact the Creator, let your soul whisper on the language in which you are easier to express everything.

    In Islam prayers there are all cases of life. Below are examples of Muslim Dua, most of which are taken from the Quran and Sunna, as well as from Sheikhov and Aulia (approximate people - Allah's friends). Among them there are prayers for good luck. For example, against problems, troubles, misfortunes and grief, if threatens the danger, etc.

    Muslim prayer if you want to repent in sins

    Allaahumma Ante Rabbia, Lyaya Ilyaja Illya Ant, Halyaktania Va Ana 'Abduk, Va Analya' Aalya 'Akdikya Va Va'dykya Mastato'ta, a'uu Bike Min Sharry Maa Sona'tu, Abuu'u Lyakya bi na'matica' Alayia Va Abuu'ulyakya bi Zanbia, Faghfire, Fa Innah Lyaya Yaghfizz-Zunube Illya Ant.

    About Allah, you are my Lord! There is no God besides you. You made me, and I am your slave. And I will try to justify the responsibility entrusted to me, keep this word in the measure of my forces and opportunities. I resort to you, removing from everything unfaithfully done by me. I recognize the benefits that you gave me, and recognize your sin. Forgive me! Truly, no one will forgive my mistakes except you. Note: Having become a Muslim, a person imposes a certain responsibility and gives the Most High Vale not to make a forbidden and carry out what is mandatory.

    Muslim prayers read before the start of food

    First option: Bismillas!

    Note: The Prophet Muhammed said: "Before you begin to eat, each of you should be said:" Bismillas ". If he forgets this at the beginning of [Meadows], then let him say at once, as remembering: "Bisimyl-Lyayahi Fii Avivai Va Aahiri" (with the name of the Most High at the beginning and at the end of [Mesti]). "

    Allaahumma Baary Liana Fihe, Va At'amnaa Hiran Minh.

    About the Most High, do it blessed for us and feeds us what is better than that.

    Muslim prayers read upon leaving home

    With the name of the Most High Allah! I only hope for him. True power and strength belong only to him.

    Allaahumma Innia 'Auuzu Bikya An Adylla Av remove Azille Avalla Avluma Avnia Av Adzhal Av Yudzhal' Alaiya.

    About the Lord! Truly, I resort to you, so as not to get down from the right track and not be reduced to him, so as not to be mistaken and not to be forced to be mistaken, so as not to do unfasse yourself and not be oppressed, so as not to be ignorant and in order to do not Did not do ignorant.

    Muslim prayer readable at the entrance to the house

    Speaking, these words, incoming welcomes who in it:

    Bisimil-Lyayah Valyajna, Va Bisimil-Lyayah Harajna Va 'Alya Barbina Ta-Vakkyalna.

    With the name of the Most High, we entered and with his name went out. And only our Lord we hope.

    Muslim prayer if you want to marry or get married

    First, ritual ablution (Taharat, Abdest) is performed, after that it is necessary to make two additional namaz racks and utter:

    Allaahumma Innakya Takdir Vaia Akdir Va Ta'lyam Va La A'lyam Va Ante 'Alla-Yamul-Gujjub, Fa' Ra'aita Anna (calls the name of the girl) Hairun Lii Fii Diya Va Dunya-I Wa Va Aachyrats Beadrhaa Li Va In Käyanget Gairuhaa Hyran Lii Minhaa Fii Diinius Va Dunya-I Wa Aachyrats Fadrhaa Lii.

    About Allah! Everything is in your power, I'm not able to do anything. You all know, and I - no. You know everything that is hidden from us. And if you think that is the best to preserve my religiosity and well-being, both in this and in the future worlds, help me that it becomes my wife (husband). And if the other is the best for preserving my religiosity and well-being in both worlds, help me so that the other becomes my wife (husband).

    Muslim prayer in front of married proximity:

    Starting with the name of the Lord. About the Most High, I deleted us from Satan and deleted Satan from what you put us!

    Muslim prayer readable in case of loss of any thing

    Bisimil-Lyahn. Ya Haadyad-Dullyalyl Vaaddad-Mollyati-Rdudud 'Alayia Due-Liamia Bi' Isitaging Va Sultaiki, Fa Innahaa Min 'Atoika Va Fadlik.

    Starting with the name of Allah. O one who sends to the right path of those who have come down from him! O one who returns what was lost. Below me the lost thing with your grandeur and power. Truly, this thing is given to me on your limitless grace.

    Muslim prayer against problems, misfortunes, misfortunes and grief

    Truly, we fully belong to Allah and, truly, we all return to him. Oh Lord, in front of you I will give a report for the reason and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Receive me for patience, manifested me, and replaced the misunderstanding of it.

    Muslim prayer against difficulty, needs and problems

    First, the ritual ablution (Taharat, Abdest) is performed, after that it is necessary to make two rackate for additional prayer and pronounce:

    Algemu Lil-Lyayha Rabbil-'Aalaimine, Ase'alyukya Mudzhibati Rakhmatiki, Va 'Azaaima Magfiratic, Val-'Smat Ming Kully Zanb, Val Ganiimata Min Kully Birr, you-Salayamata min Kully Ism, Lyaya Tada' Lii Zanban Illya Gafartah, Vaia Hamman Ilagia Farrajati, Vaia Haghanten Khaia Lyakya Ryndan Ilai Kadathahaa, Ya Arhamar-Raahimine.

    True praise belongs only to Allah, the Lord of Worlds. I ask you about Allah, what your mercy will bring to me, the effectiveness of your all-believe, protection against sins, benefit from all the righteous. I ask you to save from all errors. Do not leave a single sin that you would not forgive me, not a single alarm from which you would not save me, and not a single need, which, being correct, would not be satisfied with you. After all, you are merciful.

    Muslim prayers against concern and sadness in the shower

    Allaahumma Inni 'Abdukya Ibnu' Abdika Ibnu Ematic. Naatsyatii bi Yadika Maadyn Fieya Hukmukya 'Adlyung Fiya Kadoouk. AS'ALYUKY BLI KULLY ISMIN HUDA LOCK, SAMMYYATE BAI NATSYA, AV ANOSAL'AH FIRI CHAIBIC, AV 'ALLYMTU ACHADEN MIN HALKYK, AV ISTA'SARTE BAI FII' Ilmil-Gaibi 'Indekin, En Tad-zh'alal-Kor'an Rabbi' And Calbi, Nouur Sadri, Va Jalaa'e Huzni, Va Zahaba Hami.

    About Almighty Allah! I am your slave, the son of your slave and the slave of yours. Power I need in your [Desna]. Your decision is unquestioned in relation to me and fairly. I appeal to you with all the names you called yourself or mentioned in the Scriptures of yours or discovered any of the created you or those [names], which are known only to you. [I appeal to you by your name] and ask to make the Koran in the spring of my heart, the light of my soul and the reason for the disappearance of my sadness, stopping my anxiety.

    Allaahumma Inni A'uuzu Bikya Minal-Hammi Val-Khazan, Val-Gajzi Val Cusal, Val-Juice Val Jubn, Va Shat'id-Dane Va Galyabatir Ridgeaal.

    About the Most High, I am removing with you from worrying and sadness, from the migration and laziness, from miserism and cowardice, from the burden of debt and human harassment.

    Muslim prayers, if threatens danger

    About Allah, their pharynx and languages \u200b\u200bwe give you a court. And resort to you, removing from their evil.

    Khasbunal Laahu Va Ni'mal Vakiil.

    We are enough Lord, and he is the best patron.

    Muslim prayer to pay debts

    About Allah, make sure that the [Halal] protect me from the banned [Haram] and make me about the grace with its independent from everyone except you.

    Muslim prayers when you visit the patient

    Translation: Do not matter, Clear with the permission of the Lord.

    The second option, the prayer should be said seven times:

    As'ELLULL LAAHAL-'SIMIM, Rabbel-Duarshil-'uzyim Ai Yashfayyaky.

    I ask the great creator, gentlemen of the great throne about your healing.


    Prayers (DUA) with transcription in Russian.

    33 messages

    "Oh Allah, you are my Lord! There is no God besides you. You made me, and I am a slave. And I will try to justify the responsibility entrusted to me, keep this word in the measure of my forces and opportunities. I resort to you, removing from everything unfaithfully done by me. I recognize the benefits that you gave me, and recognize your sin. Forgive me! Truly, no one will forgive my mistakes except you. "

    The Prophet Muhammad (may His Most High and Welcomes) said: "Who will read this [prayer] in the morning, being convinced of what he says, and, what happens, will die during this day before the evening, he will be one of the inhabitants of Paradise. Who will read this [prayer] in the evening, confident that I say, and, however, will die before the onset of the morning, he will be one of the inhabitants of Paradise "(Sv. X. Imam al-Bukhari).

    After committing the morning prayer ("Fajr") and to sunrise.

    After committing the third or fourth prayer.

    About the Most High, do it blessed for us and feeds us what is better. "

    Bisimyl-lady, Tavakälte 'Alal-Laah, Vaia Havlav Vaia Kuvwate Ilajaya Bil-Lyahn.

    "With the name of the Most High Lord! I do I hope for him. True power and strength belong only to him. "

    "Oh Lord! Truly, I resort to you, not to get down from the right path and not be reduced to him; so as not to be mistaken and not be forced to make a mistake; so as not to do unfair and not be oppressed; In order not to be ignorant and in order to do not come to me ignorantly. "

    Bisimil-Lyayah Valyajna, Va Bisimil-Lyayah Harajna Va 'Alya Barbina Ta-Vakkyalna. (Having said it, incoming welcomed in the house.)

    "With the name of the Most High, we entered and with his name went out. And only on our Lord we hope. "

    "Allaahumma Innakya Takdir Vaia Akdir Va Ta'lyam Va La A'lyam Va Ate 'Alla-Yamul-Gujyub, Fa In Ra'aita Anna (calls the name of the girl) Heirun Lii Fii Diya Va Dunya-I Wa Va Aachyrats Beadrhaa Li , Va In Käyanget Gairuhaa Hyran Lii Minhaa Fii Diiniya Va Dunya-I Wa Aachyrats Fadrhaa Lii. "

    "Oh Allah! All in your power, I'm not able to do anything. You all know, but I do not. You know everything that is hidden from us. And if you think that (the girl's name) is the best for the preservation of my religiosity and well-being, both in this and in the future worlds, help me that she become my wife. And if the other is the best for preserving my religiosity and well-being in both worlds, help me so that the other becomes my wife. "

    Bisimil-Lyahn. Allaahumma Giannibernash-Shaitaea Va Jannibish-Shaightaana Maa Razcotanaa.

    "Starting with the name of the Lord. About the Most High, removed us from Satan and deleted Satan from what you put us! "

    After performing the ablution, it is necessary to take two rayats of additional prayer and say:

    "Bisimil-Lyiay. Ya Haadyad-Dullyalyl Vaaddad-Mollyati-Rdudud 'Alaya Due-Liamia Bi' Isitikaaa Va Sultaiki, Fa Innahaa Min 'Athuika va Fadlik. "

    "Starting with the name of Allah. O one who sends to the right path of those who have come down from him! O one who returns what was lost. Below me the lost thing with your grandeur and the authorities. Truly, this thing is granted to me on your limitless grace. "

    Innaa Lil-Lyayakhi Va Innaa Ilyai Radhihun, Allaahumma 'Indacia Ahtasiba Musaybati F'Jurnia Fihei, Va Abdillia Biheee Hyran Minhe.

    "Truly, we fully belong to Allah and, truly, we all return to him. Oh Lord, in front of you I will give a report for the reason and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Receive me for patience, manifested me, and the replacement of trouble is the fact that it is better. "

    It is necessary to take a bluntness, then two more prayer canceriaat and turning to the Almighty, say:

    "Alghamid Lilyahi Rabbil-'Aaalyamin, Ase'alyukya Mudzhibati Rakhmatiki, Va 'Azaima Magfiratic, Val-'Smat Ming Cool Zanb, Val Ganiimata Min Cully Birr, You Salayamata Min Kully Ism, Lyaya Tada Lii Zanban Illya Gafartah , Vaia Hamman Illya Farrajati, Vaia Haajaten Chia Lyakya Ryndan Iliaia Kadatahaaa, Ya Arhamar-Raahimine.

    "True praise belongs only to Allah, the Lord of Worlds. I ask you about Allah, what your mercy will bring to me, the effectiveness of your all-believe, protection against sins, benefit from all the righteous. I ask you to save from all errors. Do not leave a single sin that you would not forgive me, not a single alarm from which you would not save me, and not a single need, which, being correct, would not be satisfied with you. After all, you are merciful. "

    Allaahumma Inni 'Abdukya Ibnu' Abdika Ibnu Ematic. Naatsyatii bi Yadika Maadyn Fieya Hukmukya 'Adlyung Fiya Kadoouk. AS'ALYUKY BLI KULLY ISMIN HUDA LOCK, SAMMYYATE BAI NATSYA, AV ANOSAL'AH FIRI CHAIBIC, AV 'ALLYMTU ACHADEN MIN HALKYK, AV ISTA'SARTE BAI FII' Ilmil-Gaibi 'Indekin, En Tad-zh'alal-Kor'an Rabbi' And Calbi, Nouur Sadri, Va Jalaa'e Huzni, Va Zahaba Hammi.

    "About the Most High! I am your slave, the son of your slave and the slave of yours. Power I need in your [Desna]. Your decision is unquestioned in relation to me and fairly. I appeal to you with all the names you called yourself or mentioned in the Scriptures of yours, or discovered anyone from created by you, or those [names] that are known only to you. [I appeal to you by your name] and ask to make the Quran in the spring of my heart, the light of my soul and the reason for the disappearance of my sadness, the cessation of my anxiety ";

    "On the Most High, I'm removing with you from worrying and sadness, from the weakness and laziness, from misuse and cowardice, from the burden of debt and human harassment."

    Allaahumma Innaa Nazh'alyuki Fii Nukhuurichim, Va Ague Beach Min Shuruorichim.

    "About Allah, their pharynges and languages \u200b\u200bwe give you a court. And resort to you, removing from their evil. "

    "We are enough for us, and he is the best patron."

    Allaahaumm, Ikphini Bi Chayalyalikya 'An Chaamik, Vagnini Bi Fadlikia' Am Man Sivaak.

    "Oh Allah, make sure that the [Halal] will protect me from forbidden [Haram], and make me about the grace with its independent from everyone except you."

    Lyaya Ba's, Tahuurun Insha'el-Laah (Dvraza).

    "Do not trouble, clean with the permission of the Lord";

    "I ask the great creator, gentlemen of the great throne about your healing"