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How to open the game in the window mode? Exit the full screen. How to set up fullscreen mode

When you start a gaming program or in the game process, difficulties may arise with the output of the game window in full screen mode. This problem has software and hardware and occurs under the following circumstances:

  • hardware damage video adapter (overheating, deformation);
  • software error Related applications (Video adapter driver crash, incorrectly configure screen configurations or games).

In the case of a hardware fault, you must contact the service center for technical analysis. With a program, you can try to make the game on the entire screen itself.

Using hot keys to display a full-screen format

In Windows family systems, there are two variations with the output of the program window in full-format mode, which will deploy the window to the entire screen using the key combinations:

  • WIN. + D. - The combination restores the rolled dialog and program windows. Used if the program has been minimized;
  • Alt. + ENTER - This combination is valid for the configuration built-in feature of the output of the game in full screen. Visits during the program.

The presented key combinations are used for one-time fixation of the application window in the required format.

Setting the game startup options using a program shortcut

With a full-fledged installation of the program, a label with a branded logo will appear on the desktop, and in the "Start" menu, the corresponding tab. Using this label, as with the help tab, you can configure the position of the process window when started. To expand the game to the full screen follows:

  • press the label (tab) right-click;
  • in the window that opens on the tab " Label"In category" Window»Select the position" All-screen»;
  • at the bottom of the tab click " Apply", And then" OK ".

With a consistent action of actions, the program will start in full screen mode.

Adjusting the video card for full-length game startup

The program process may not start in full screen mode for reasons associated with the video adapter:

  • video card not suitable under the requests of the gaming program;
  • not suitable Software (driver) for a specific game.
  • from using a discwhich comes complete with a video card;
  • download file Drivers from the official site of the manufacturer.

Important!It is undesirable to download driver file from third-party network resources. This can lead to incorrect operation of the updated component.

You can install the driver by running the downloaded file or opening the disk with the executable file (file with extension.exe). In this case, the driver will be installed automatically.

Gaming settings

To enable a visual number of the program process in full screen mode, sometimes it is enough to produce setting up in-game configuration. Depending on the program, the interface may differ, but the general presentation is as follows:

  • when entering the main menu, select the item " Settings»;
  • go to subparagraph " Image settings"(Possibly" screen settings ");
  • choose " Running the game in full screen mode"And press the" key " OK"(At the bottom of the screen);
  • restart the game.

With a new start, the game will automatically be released in full-format.

Monitor Setup (Screen)

When installing the program, it is necessary to study in detail how hardware and software requirements. A possible condition to make the screen to the entire monitor in a widescreen form can be a certain resolution.

As an example, the requirement of the game: 1024 x 768, at the current resolution of 2560 x 1600. Accordingly, it is necessary to change permission to the desired one. The execution order may not differ significantly depending on the Windows Operating System, the general actions are as follows:

Laptop game settings

In the laptops equipped with a hardware-software complex from Intel, the problem of starting the process to full screen is solved through a special application - the Intel graphics and media control panel. To extend the window to the full screen you need:

  • enter the program interface (through the menu " Control Panel»);
  • select item " basic settings»;
  • point certain permission, as well as set the required scale;
  • press Apply", Then" OK ";
  • when completing the actions, the computer is required reboot.

With the subsequent startup of the processes, they will go out in the desired format.

Window mode - best conspiracy. Why play the window mode? It is from him that it is easiest to switch to another window when the head, wife, parents or a cat, who is very against your pastime, suddenly entered the room. And seriously, this question may be relevant to the fans of old games. As a rule, such games have a very low resolution and when deployed to the whole screen look awful. In addition, the window mode is convenient to switch to other tabs, allowing you to instantly return to the game, without a long expectation of "loading" textures, locations and so on.

But how to start the game in the window mode? Fullscreen mode in some games can be disabled in the graphics settings of the game itself, with others you will need to apply a couple of tricks. In this article we will tell about all known ways.

In the game, press the ALT + ENTER buttons. This is a classic combination that triggers in a variety of full-screen applications and translates the game to the window mode.

Some games use other hotkeys that can be found from the control settings menu.

Using the property "-window.»

If the game does not respond to hotkeys - you should try to perform the following steps:

  1. Save the changes and enter the game.

If it did not work, try instead of "-window" to introduce "-W".

With this property, the start of the game with this icon will be made in the window mode. To open the game to the full screen again, you will need to simply delete the inscribed condition.

Game settings

Some games support the transition to the window mode through the settings menu - it is only worth putting a tick in the graphic settings menu, and the game will open in the window.

Using third-party programs

The most common program for forced translation of the game in the window mode is Chinese D3DWindower, quite old, but working.

In order to play in the window with its help, you must:

  1. Download the program, install it and run.
  2. Press the "plus" and select a file with the game - it will appear in the program list.
  3. Select the game and click on the closed folder icon - the settings window will open, where in the first tab it will be necessary:
    • set the desired width and height of the window - in the first two input fields, respectively;
    • make sure that the tick is right from them;
    • press the button on the right at the bottom of the window, then select from the folder with the D3DHOOK.DLL program;
    • save settings and click on the third right button in the main program menu.

If everything is done correctly, the program must open the game in the window mode.

Attention: in the way K. D3dwindower there should be no kirillic symbols!

Using an emulator

If this program does not help you, you can try to use system emulators, but this method is very demanding to computer resources and is not suitable.

In order to run the game via the system emulator, you can use Windows Virtual PC or VMware, which can be downloaded from the links from official sites. Such programs create the so-called virtual machine - "Computer on a computer" and usually work in the window mode, because any game running in this way will be located in the emulator program window. This method requires a long setting, and the virtual machine takes a rather much space on the hard disk, so we recommend using this method only if you work with it. Set the emulator only to start the game in the window mode - too much time and long.

However, if you still decided to try, then you will need the installation image of the OS, the best, Windows, since it is compatible with most games, the emulator distribution, time and patience. You will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Install one of the above programs and run it.
  2. Following the instructions, specify the program path to the image of the setting disk from the OS, set the amount of the virtual machine of the disk space (as a rule, for the correct operation of the emulator there is enough 20 GB of free space, but in our case everything will depend on the size of the game you want in it Run).
  3. Wait for the installation of the OS, complete it, following the instructions of the installation program.
  4. Reload the virtual machine.
  5. Install on it game and all the necessary additional software (Visual C ++, DirectX, etc.).
  6. Start and hope that your computer will have enough performance.

It is worth remembering that the game in the window mode, especially using third-party software (especially through the virtual machine), requires more resources, and therefore can slow down, hob and work incorrectly, especially if you play on a weak computer or parallel the large number of other programs.

Table label game, if any. If there is a shortcut, you will operate with it. Click on the label with the right mouse button, select "Properties" in the drop-down menu - for the English version of the OS). Extract the address of the game "-Window" in the line. For example:
It was - "D: \\ Games \\ Data \\ Gothic.exe";

It became - "D: \\ Games \\ Data \\ Gothic.exe -Window".

Click on the "Apply" button and exit. Now run the game on the edited label. It is worth noting that some games continue to run in the window even if you remove the inscription "-Window". Here you need to register another inscription, namely "Full Screen".

The third method is built-in. The fact is that many modern games provide window mode. You only need to activate the appropriate option in the game settings and that's it.

In some cases it is convenient to run game In the window mode. For example, if you want to quickly switch between windows or play old games, most of which do not support a large resolution of modern monitors. To go to the window mode, there are several ways to go to the Windows operating system.


Before trying various ways to start the window mode, check whether there is a similar setting in the game. To do this, run the game and go to the "Settings" menu. Select "Video" and find the appropriate feature. If it is absent, you can try other options.

Run the game. After it is completely loaded, press the ALT and ENTER key simultaneously. As a rule, many games after that go into window mode. If this method does not help, it will be necessary to try out more complex options.

Find your game label on your desktop. If it is not, then open the folder with the game and locate the file to start it. Hold it right mouse and drag onto your desktop. A menu appears in which you want to select the "Create Label" command. You can also simply click on the right mouse to the file and select the "Create Label" item, then transfer it to the desired location.

Call the "Properties" menu for the game label. Find the object "Object" in which the path to the game is specified, select it and add it at the end of the window. For example, it was: C: / Games / Counter-Strike 1.6 Condition-zero / hl.exe, and will be: C: / Games / Counter-Strike 1.6 Condition-Zero / HL.exe - Window.

Save the settings and run the game from the shortcut. If you want to start the game on the full screen again, then simply delete the recorded record. In some cases, the launch will still take place in the window mode in order to fix it in the end - Full Screen instead -window.

Look for information about the window mode of your game on forums and sites dedicated to its settings and passages. Some games require to enter special codes or teams, and for others there are special additional programs to start in the window. At the same time, be very careful. If you play in

Many of us sometimes want to remember the past and play classic computer applications. At the same time, the question often arises how to start the game in the window.

Unfortunately, most old applications are not easy to force to work correctly on modern PCs equipped with Windows 7 operating system or later software versions from Microsoft.

For example, the screen resolution can be 640 × 480 or even less. On modern HD monitors, such a resolution looks, to put it mildly, terrible.

To solve the problem, you need to start the application in the window mode. Some games offer the user built-in feature to start the application in the window. But how to deal with programs whose developers did not provide for such an opportunity?

There are several options for solving the problem that will help run in the window mode not only old, but also new applications.

First of all, you need to try to hold the ALT and ENTER key combination on the keyboard, while the program is running in full screen mode. This is the easiest way to solve the problem. As a result, some games can automatically go to window mode, but not all.

Many applications can be switched to window mode using internal settings.

In any game there is a starting menu, where the "Settings" or "options" item is necessarily present. There is usually sub-clause "Video Settings" or "Graphics Settings", in which application developers often provide for the function of disconnecting a full-screen mode. For example, in the game DOTA 2, this feature is located in the "Video / Audio" subparagraph.

Some programs contain files with extension.ini, in which you can configure the game before it starts. If you are lucky, then the launch options may also be a game mode in the window. Files.ini are usually located in the root folder with the game (it is in that place on the hard disk of the computer where the application was installed).

Another possible solution to the problem is to register certain commands in the program shortcut.

To do this, click on the right mouse button on the icon that runs any game, and try to add one of the following commands in the Object field:

  • -Window;
  • -WindowMode;
  • -F resolution;
  • -F 1024 × 768.

Editing the properties of the shortcut can lead to a program malfunction.

You do not need to delete everything that is written in the "Object" string by default. Just add the command to what already exists. In addition, to change the label, you may need administrator rights. If there are no such rights, you should contact the owner of this PC.


There are special emulators programs that allow you to run games for Windows on the Apple Mac platform (including in the window mode). Not all applications are successfully transferred from one platform to another, while maintaining performance, but it is worth trying. The most popular today emulators are DirectX OpenGL Wrapper, DXWND and Glide.

If there was a desire to start a very old toy running under the DOS operating system, it is best to use the DOSBOX emulator. This program is quite simple to use and allows you to start the game in the window mode. It is enough to start the emulator to see the emulation of the games.

The owners of the Windows 7 operating system can also try Windows XP MODE - the official utility from Microsoft, which allows not only emulating XP, but also to run the game in the window. Alternative emulators can serve as VMware or VirtualBox.

They are able to emulate various operating systems and display the game in the window mode. Accordingly, all programs running through these emulators will also start in the window.

The situation when you have to use multiple programs at the same time - the usual case for the computer user. Application programs are run in the window mode, and switch from one window to another simplest simple. But if one of these programs is a computer game, everything turns out to be somewhat more complicated due to the fact that the applications of this type are launched by default in full screen mode.

P & G placement sponsor Article on the topic "How to open the game in the window mode" How to start the game in the window mode in Windows How to open the game in the window How to enable the game in the window


Try the easiest way to switch from full-screen mode into the window - when the game is running, press the Alt + Enter key combination. If it does not work, check if the manufacturer did not use other sufficiently common analogues of this command - the F11 key and the Ctrl + F combination for Windows or Command + M for MacOS. Another way to do without manually editing the properties of the game is to use the switch to the window mode from the program settings. This option also is far from all games, but it is worth checking - in the menu of the running application, go to the Settings section and look for the WINDOWED MODE or similar to it. If this setting exists - check the checkbox and save the changes. If you do not work out the control elements of the game itself, try the appropriate modifier to add to the program string. To do this, right-click its label on the desktop and select the "Properties" string in the context menu. If you use the item in the OS Main Menu, then you do the same with the line in the menu. As a result, the window appears on the screen with the selected line in the Object field. Go to the end of this string (key End) and add a -Window modifier via space. Then click OK and run the application. This method allows you to start in the Counter Strike, Warcraft, Mass Effect, etc. If it does not work in your game, try changing the modifier - for example, the window mode in SIMS 2 is turned on by adding -w, and besides this option is it possible. This option can be enabled through the settings file, if, of course, it is provided by the manufacturer. To find out, go to the game folder and look for FullScreen or Windowed text in the files. In Windows 7, this can be done using the search box in the upper right corner of the "Explorer" window, if you click the "Content File" icon after entering the text. Installing FullScreen in the settings file you need to turn off, i.e. Assign it a value of 0, and Windowed - enable, i.e. Assign 1. How easy

In casual or ind-games, as well as in old low-resolution games, the question of how to make a full screen causes difficulties even with experienced users.

Sometimes it is fairly easy to turn the game to the full screen, you should simply change the resolution, press the keyboard shortcut on the keyboard or remove the checkbox from the window mode in the game settings, but it does not always work.

In order to start the game in full screen mode, it is necessary, first of all, update the drivers on the video card. Outdated or built-in VGA drivers may be the impossibility of running the game in normal resolution.

You can start the game full screen in several ways. Below, we, we describe all the well-known ways to start games in full screen mode.

In many applications, you can try to click "Alt + Enter" on the keyboard. It can translate the game in full screen mode.

Through the game settings

In many games, full-screen mode can be done through the menu of graphic settings. You should simply select the desired mode: window, or full-screen.

Running without additional parameters

In order to start the game without additional parameters, you must do the following:

  1. Click PCM on the game icon and select "Properties".
  2. Make sure that there is no "-Window" in the "Object" row. If it is - remove it.

Setting through the video card driver

The first thing you need to do if there are problems with a graphical display of the game, it is updated or reinstall the video card drivers. Then go to the graphics settings menu and set the image scaling. Depending on the map manufacturer, the menu will look different.

  • : Enter the "Adjust the size and position of the desktop" menu and turn on the scaling.
  • : In the "Screen Properties" menu, select "Properties" and configure scaling there.
  • For kart INTEGRAL INTEL GRAPHICS:in the "Display" menu, select "Basic Settings" and set the scaling options. If they are not available - to lower the screen resolution, configure the scaling and return the original resolution.

Fitting screen resolution

Sometimes old games simply cannot open in full screen mode due to too low permission, and even if they unfold in full screen mode, black stripes appear on the sides or the picture looks very bad.

If all previous methods did not help, it is worth doing the following:

  1. Look in the game settings, what permission is for it maximum.
  2. Set the same permission through the computer settings.

Of course, the desktop and all programs will appear worse, visually increase, and other games created for a higher resolution will not allow you to fully enjoy the graphics, because after completing work with the old game, the screen resolution needs to be returned to the original value.

Modern programs are usually automatically configured under the display resolution - however, lovers to play old action or arcade may arise how to make the game on the whole screen.

Because the application created 10, 15 or even 25 years ago, on the modern can only be displayed partially.

Sometimes such a question occurs at startup.

There are a number of reasons why this happens, as well as several ways to return everything to normal and play full-screen mode.

Method 1. Using hot keys

It is often enough to translate the game or any other application full screen can only be pressing 2 keys - "ALT" and "ENTER".

The method helps not only in old games, but also in modern - for example, in WOT.

The same keyboard shortcut, if necessary, return the window mode back.

Method 2. Changing the startup parameters

Sometimes it happens, especially if you play someone else's computer that the game is required to start the "-Window" parameter in the window of the label.

It can be recorded in the object "object" of the properties of the game label.

Removing this inscription, you can restore the standard launch to the entire monitor.

In this case, you should choose the "Compatibility" tab in the properties of the label or the application itself and select the operating system.

However, most often the OS list ends on Windows Vista, and the owner of the modern OS, for example, this method will not help.

Method 3. Adjusting the video card

In some cases, run games in full screen interfere with outdated video card drivers. The question is solved by their update or full reinstall.

The video card setup menu of each manufacturer looks different.

For example, for the company's products, the user will have to open in the Start / Control Panel menu.

Here the NVIDIA control panel is selected and choose the zoom adjustment there. When it is turned on, the game should expand to screen sizes.

For ATI video cards, the Catalyst Control Center application is required.

And for integrated Intel Graphics cards, often installed on, you will need to perform a number of actions described separately.

Method 4 4 game settings

Some games on the modern OS, for example, on allow you to install a full screen or window mode in your graphics settings.

This feature can be detected by running the game that for some reason runs in the window, that is, not on the entire screen.

Solution to the problem:

  1. Go in settings;
  2. Find the item responsible for starting in the window or full screen mode;
  3. Enable mode or put a tick.

Sometimes after changing the settings, the game has to be restarted. It usually no matter what the operating system is nor the screen resolution.

Method 5. Change of permission

If all of the above did not help achieve the solution to the permission of the game in a normal state, perhaps the game is quite old in order to run on the entire screen.

Sometimes in this case the picture looks fetus.

And it is possible to fix the problem in just one way - change the resolution of your screen.

After that, other programs will stop starting to launch, more modern and calculated on normal parameters.

Therefore, playing into the game, you need to return the monitor the usual permission for it.

If the game requires the resolution of 640x480, and the monitor does not support it, there is one more option. It is selected in the label properties on the Compatibility tab.

Important! It is worth noting that this feature allows you to return the normal resolution after exiting the game automatically.

How to start the game in the window mode on Windows 7, detailed instructions.

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Most often, games on PC are running in full screen mode, allowing the player to immerse themselves in the virtual world. However, this is not always convenient. Moreover, the frequent switching between the game and other computer programs, not only the players, but can also lead to rolling.

Oversion, as a rule, pass only after restarting the game. Also, in some cases, make a screenshot of the screen using the button on the "Print Screen" keyboard. Since instead of an image, on the screen, only the black window is copied.

In addition, if the game starts on a large screen, but this resolution is not provided in its settings, then the image will be fuzzy. Accordingly, this will not bring pleasure to the player.

So what to do? To resolve this issue, you can use window mode.

In this material you will be able to get acquainted with the ways to run games in the window mode on Windows WINTOVS.


The Windows operating system is designed so that most commands can be run by using certain combinations that are created using the keyboard. The same applies to the window mode.

The most common option is the combination of "Alt + Enter". At the same time, the game first starts, and then the "Alt + Enter" keys are simultaneously clamped. Sometimes the combination of keys "Ctrl + F" or "F11 + F" can be used.

In this case, the use of a key combination does not always solve the problem. Yes, and the presented version, though the easiest, but not the only one.


Given the wishes of the players, the developers provide the ability to play the window mode using the internal settings of the application. In this connection, it is worthwhile to search this item in the settings of the game in the section "Video" or "Graphics".

If you can't find yourself, then try to visit the forums dedicated to this game, and ask the question of running the window mode through the settings of more experienced players.

More experienced users can try to adjust in the configuration configuration settings. Only when using this method should be attentive, as you can spoil everything and eventually, the game will need to reinstall.

As a rule, configuration files are located in the "Config" folder, and you need to open them using the usual "Notepad". Running the configuration you need to find a line with the name "Windowed". In this line after the sign "\u003d", the number "0" is changing to "1".


After installing the game on the PC on the desktop, an appropriate label appears. You can also add one setting through it, which will allow you to immediately run the application in the window mode. True, this option is usually useless for many games. But, nevertheless, you can try to set the desired settings.

So, to set the required parameter you need:

  • Click on the label with the game right key.
  • In the open menu, select "Properties".
  • Next, on the tab "Label" in the "Object" line, "-Window", "-W" or "-win" without quotes are added.
  • To save the settings, click on "OK".


How can you see, resolve the question how to run the game in the window mode on Windows 7 is not difficult. And besides the above options, additional utilities can be installed for these purposes.

For example, such a program as D3DWindower and others. In any case, much depends on the "engine" of the game itself and not always the transition to this mode is a good solution.

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