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Science of sound in water. Kimatik: water memory and sound power. Dispersion and absorption of sound with non-uniforms

Article from the journal "Technique - Youth" №11 for 1939 on the earliest research and researchers of sound. The article is pretty cute pictures of Leo Mrumov. It turned out that Lev Stuchov is an uncle of the well-known actor of Veniamine Stakhova.

Sound For a long time, it was considered one of the most mysterious phenomena of nature. In fact, what causes the sound? What makes him spread and achieve our hearing in unknown ways? Why is the sound, barely born, so quickly freezes? These questions have long been worried about a tortured mind of a person.

Nothing knowing about the nature of sound, mankind for thousands of years has used them. People have noticed some regularities in this phenomenon very long ago, having allocated separate combinations of them from the mass of sounds, who made a pleasant hearing impression. It was one of the reasons for the origin of music, the oldest arts.

Our remote ancestors have established purely practical ways of basic patterns of construction. musical instruments. They knew, for example, that the Lyra or Harp had a good tone only if their strings were selected in their length and thickness with respect to some numeric ratios. Only in this case, each string gives the sound of a certain tone. The correct combination of these tones is the basis of musical harmony.

However, why all this happens, the cause of the phenomenon, the ancient masters of musical instruments could not explain.

The first who mathematically researched the numerical ratios of tones in musical instruments was the great mathematician of antiquity Pythagoraswho lived in VI in. BC e. They say that one day a scientist, passing by the forge, noticed an interesting phenomenon: Molotov's blows about the anvil reproduced the sounds of musical tones - quart, quint and octave. Pythagoras began to look for the causes of so extraordinary musicality of blacksmith tools. During this period, Pythagoras developed his theory, the numbers as the basis of the entire existing one. Hoping and here to find numeric ratios that would help explain the transformation of blacksmith tools into musical, the scientist decided to weigh the hammers. It turned out that the weights of smaller hammers make up three quarters, two thirds and half of the weight of the big one. Then Pythagoras asked Kuznetsov to take other hammers whose weights would not fit the proportions found. However, new hammers no longer gave musical tones.

This case served as a Pythagora reason for setting a whole series of experiences. With the help of simple devices, the famous geometer will detect that the height of the string is depends on its length and the degree of tension. In addition, the studies of the scientist found it that in a properly configured musical tool, the strings should be in the same. Relations that were found in the study of musically sounding hammers.

Outdoor Pythagorac law gave an explanation of only one particular phenomenon from the sound area. The deeper reasons for the found patterns, as well as the nature of the sound, still remained a mystery.

About nature and causes of sound propagation Ancient natural philosophers put forward a lot of assumptions. Someone then expressed a bold guess about the oscillatory nature of sound phenomena. These ideas found the most loyal and complete generalization in the compositions of the Roman writer Seineawho lived in i c. n. e. Its seven books united under the general title "Natural Questions" were a kind of encyclopedia of natural science, which retained scientific value to almost the end of the Middle Ages. In these books, written quite vividly and convincingly, Seneca talks about the most diverse problems of natural science, including the sound. This is what he writes about the nature of sound phenomena:

"What is the sound of voices, how does not shock the air with the blows of the language? What kind of singing would be possible to hear, do not be this elastic air fluid? Does the sounds of the horn, pipes and hydraulic organs are not explained by the same elastic force of air? "

Seneca appeared very close to modern views on the nature of the sound. True, these were only assumptions that were not supported by experienced, practical research.

Subsequent one and a half thousand years have added very little to what it was known to people about the nature of the sound. In the XVII century Francis BaconThe founder of the experimental method in science, believed that the sound could not spread otherwise, as with a certain "elastic liquid", which, in his opinion, is part of the air. This incorrect approval of Bekon repeated essentially distracted arguments of the ancients. naturophilosophers.

Meanwhile, by this time an experienced sound science. In the Italian town of Florence, a great scientist Galileei received musical sounds, quickly by spending a knife along the edge of the coin, piastr. Galilee found that when the number of jar on a coin is large, it turns out a high tone. From here the scientist concluded that the height of the tone depends on the frequency of the pushes.

Galilee's experiments served as the basis for the works of the French scientist, monk Messenna. In 1636, Meresenn issued a book in which he described his research. He wanted to check the pattern of musical sounds found by Pythagore, and explain the reasons for it. After long-term research and painstaking surveys, Mersenn found out that the height of the tone depends solely on the frequency of the oscillations of the sounding body. He also set the law of fluctuations in strings, according to which the number of oscillations is inversely proportional to the length of the string and square root from its weight and is directly proportional to the square root from its degree of tension. A similar law was fair and with respect to the length of the pipes. The shorter the pipe, the greater the number of oscillations it gives, the higher its sound.

These experiments shed light on the nature of the sound. The research of Mersenna proved that the sound is nothing but the oscillations of air particles caused by the sounding body. Music hammers, striking Pythagore and put the beginning of his research, gave rise to sound, hitting the anvil. It is clear now that lighter hammers were rapid, i.e. frequent, oscillations, and heavy - slow. The numbers of molot oscillations were proportional to their weights.

The works of numerous scientists confirmed the basic idea of \u200b\u200bMersenna. It was found that any oscillating body with a number of oscillations from 20 to 20 thousand per second generates in the air of the waves perceived by the ear in the form of sound.

When the oscillatory nature was clarified, the question arose: what is the speed of the propagation of sound waves? It was long ago it was known that the sound spreads much slower than the light. Many had to observe how to strike (for example, a hammer about an anvil or ax of the woodcutter about a tree), produced at some distance from the observer, perceived by the ear somewhat later than the eye. This is because the sound requires a known time to reach the observer, while the light applies almost instantly.

The first determination of the speed of propagation of sound in the air was produced by the French physicist and philosopher Pierre Gassendi In the middle of the XVII century.

At that time, many considered a truth statement AristotleAs if high tones extend faster than low. Gassendi decided to check it out. His experience was as follows. At a certain distance from the observer, a shot of a gun and cannon were simultaneously. At the same time, the time interval was measured between the appearance of the powder outbreak and the sound of the shot, reaching the observer. Experience has shown that the sounds of both shots spread at the same speed. Along the way, Gassendi determined the speed of sound propagation; According to its calculations, it turned out to be 449 meters per second.

Despite the inaccuracy of the result, the experience of Gassendi was very important for further research. He gave the method to which many scientists took advantage. Applying more advanced devices, they found the true speed of sound in the air. It was found that it does not remain constant, but varies depending on temperature and pressure: on a warm summer day it is less than in cold, winter, and, for example, at 0 °, the sound speed is about 332 meters per second.

In 1667, the famous researcher, compatriot and Newton's associate, Robert Guk I made a series of experiments, discontinued new properties of sound. Until this time, many scientists, like Bacon, considered air the only medium in which the sound is capable of spreading. Meanwhile, in everyday life, there were phenomena, who spoke about the friend. It was known, for example, that by treating the Earth to the Earth, you can hear horse-trip. In the same way, diving into the water, you can clearly hear the noise of the surf, the splash of the merger of the moving boat, blows the stones about each other. GUK knew, of course, about these facts. He decided to disprove the wrong approval of Bekon and his followers.

After conducting a series of very interesting and original experiments, the scientist came to the results that recorded in his laboratory journal: "So far, no one has yet dealt with the question of what other media, except air, the sound can be perceived by the human ear. I argue that with the help of an elongated wire, I passed the sound for a significant distance, and moreover at a speed if there is no equal speed of light, then in any case incomparably more significant than the speed of sound in the air. "

The GUK did a very curious experience. He applied the violin to the copper plate with a solder-free wire. This wire went out through the window into the garden and at a considerable distance from the house ended a small membrane. The man who was at the membrane could clearly hear the game on the violin, which occurred in a closed room.

Further studies have shown that the speed of sound propagation in various solid bodies of non-etinakov. Of all metals, iron has the greatest sound. The speed of sound in it is equal to 5 thousand meters per second, and, for example, in lead, the sound spreads at a speed of only 1200 meters per second.

After the work of the bitter and other scientists, physicists decided to explore whether the sound in liquids is distributed.

In 1827, the French geometer and physicist Sturm together with the Swiss physicist and engineer Colladon We decided to determine the speed of propagation of sound in water. Experiments were held at the Lake Geneva, the depth and purity of which they did it particularly suitable for this purpose. At one end of the lake, near Roll, the boat was anchored, in which the assault was placed. It had to give simultaneous light and sound signals using a special mechanism. The mechanism acted in such a way that simultaneously with the blow of the hammer about the bell under water broke out a small bunch of powder. The appearance of light at this point served as a signal to send a sound.

Colladon drove away from the assault by 12 kilometers. Here he took light and sound signals from the other end of the lake. In one hand, the scientist kept the hearing tube, the end of which was lowered into the water, to another - stopwatch. Determining the time passed between the appearance of the light signal from the outbreak of the powder and the hum of the bell, the coldladon calculated the speed of sound propagation in water. This experience was repeated several times. It turned out that the speed of sound in water is almost four times more than in the air. At water temperature at 8 ° it is 1431 meters per second.

By the end of the XVIII century. The oscillatory nature of the sound has no longer doubted anyone.

Famous English Mathematician, Physicist and Astronomer Isaac Newton The first made a brilliant mathematical analysis of wave and oscillatory movements. He gave a formula for which it was possible to calculate the speed of sound in various environments. Newton's research continued Laplace and other mathematicians. Their theoretical works fully coincided with the results of numerous experiments. For example, the speed of propagation of sound in the air and other media calculated on the basis of mathematical formulas quite coincided with the experimental data. It would seem that everything you can know about the sound is already known. But in 1787 in Leipzig, the book of a young German physics of Colding was published. In this book described incredible things. If you believe the researcher, it turns out that the sound can not only hear, but also to see.

Ernst Coldney All their scientific activities devoted to the study of sound phenomena. He was known to work Daniel Bernoulli and Leonard Euler On the vibrations of the rod and strings. These were the studies of the simplest sounding bodies. But how do more complex sounding bodies behave, sort of, for example, bells? This question is modern Cold Science did not give a response. The fact that not only strings, but also many other items are glasses, tubes, plates - can be sought to sound, spending the bow for them, it was known for a long time. The scientist decided to apply the bow to the study of sounding bodies. The laboratory of the researcher was filled with numerous subjects of the unexpected form and destination. Wine glasses, glasses, cups, metal dishes, plates, rods and rods made of glass and metal - everyone answered with his "voice" to the touch of a magic bow.

Of course, all this was not a simple fun. Soon the scientist noted an interesting phenomenon. He poured into a cup of water, wanting to check whether the empty cup and a cup filled with liquid sounds equally. As soon as I caught a bow along the edge of the cup, a small asb appeared on the surface of the water, caused by a trembling of the vessel walls. This asbew was too small, so that it could be studied, besides, she quickly disappeared. The researcher wondered how to make this sound more sustainable.

I caught a copper circle and secured the rod on which the circle was strengthened, led the bow along the edge of the mug. The circle began to vibrate, giving a low tone sound. When the sound stopped, the researcher sprinkled with a mug of sand. After that, he again conducted a bow along the edge of the mug. You can imagine the surprise and joy of the scientist when clear lines appeared on the sounding circle. The sand swashed from the vibrating parts a mug and gathered where there was no movement at all. Now the character of the vibration of the sounding body is visible. The higher the tone of the mug, the more difficult the sandy figures were obtained.

News on the experiments of the Cold quickly flew around the whole scientist world. Physicists of all countries carefully studied mysterious chladdinesis figures. These experiments had huge meaning not only to study sound, but also to popularize acoustics in general. Cold experiments and in our time serve as an excellent demonstration of the oscillatory nature of sound phenomena.

Subsequently, other ways to make sound visible were found. It is possible, for example, to fade to the membrane of the edge, which rests on the smoked record. When about this simple device is a conversation, the membrane fluctuates, and the jitter is transmitted to the edge. At this time, the plate is informed of the translational movement. Topper draws on the warded surface of the zigzag line. The nature of this line varies depending on the nature of the sounds perceived by the membrane.

Before scientists got a new tempting task. It was necessary to find a way to fix sound oscillations so that later it was possible to play the recorded conversation.

This task brilliantly allowed the famous American inventor Thomas Edison. In 1876, he arranged a device to the telegraph apparatus of Morse, allowing a purely mechanical way to transmit a telegram obtained from one line to another. This device consisted of a metal cylinder with screw cutting. When the cylinder is rotated by cutting, a metal pin walked. A sheet of paper was placed between the cylinder and the pint. During the reception of the telegram, the pin cut the paper according to the received signals.

Once Edison launched its apparatus with extraordinary speed. When the speed increased to the fact that the telegraph signals could already be distinguished, the inventor noticed that the device makes a musical tone. This tone varied depending on the nature of the transmitted signals. Edison had a thought to replace telegraph signals by Morse with traces left by human speech. A tireless researcher immediately carried out his idea. He made a diaphragm, stretching on the frame of wipe paper. A sharp steel pin was attached to the center of the diaphragm. Instead of paper, the telegraph cylinder was wrapped in tin foil. Then Edison began to slowly rotate the cylinder, while simultaneously pronouncing various words over the diaphragm. Sound oscillations caused a diaphragm tremor, and together it and a pin, which, pressing in foil; Leav on her a trace in the form of a groove of uneven depth. So for the first time a human voice was recorded. It remained to reproduce it. Edison removed the first aperture and placed over the cylinder another, equipped with a thin and flexible edge. The cylinder was again driven into a rotational movement. The edge, meeting on its way of elevation and deepening, drawn by the pin on the tin sheet, passed these fluctuations in the diaphragm. The car spoke; phonograph I saw the light.

The invention of Edison scientists met in different ways. Some admired, others were incredulously shouting their heads, the third believed that there was some kind of deft deception. It was hard to drop away from the usual opinion about the sound, as a mild, mobile and elusive matter; It was hard to believe that the sound can be caught, fix and make repeat how many times. According to the reviews of contemporaries, "the phonograph hit those who understand him, as much, if no more than those for whom he is incomprehensible."

Edison Phonograph It turned out to be a source of a number of acoustic devices. The development of technology in our days put forward a number of new problems before acoustics. The construction of the radio studios, the fight against street noise, the construction of large audiences and concert hall requires knowledge of the laws of sound absorption.

A large audience was built in one American campus. The architect, who designed it, did not take into account the laws of distribution and absorption of sound. This led to unexpected results: those present were heard at the same time and the speaker's speech coming directly from the department, and sounds reflected from the ceiling. All this, merging together, created an unimaginable sound chaos. To correct the error of the architect, I had to pull a large tarpaulin from the ceiling on the ropes, which ordered the acoustics of the hall.

Construction of the greatest building of our era - Palace Soviets - also put forward a number of completely new tasks on acoustics. The big hall of the Palace of Soviets will accommodate 22 thousand people. The height of this room will be 100 meters. Soviet scientists and engineers needed to develop such a dome design, which would ensure the full absorption of all sounds reaching it. It was necessary to create a kind of "artificial sky": after all, under the open sky, all the sounds going up, freeze in height, not returning back. The task was complicated by the lack of materials that would ensure a very strong absorption of sound. Theoretically, this question was also completely not designed. Soviet scientists brilliantly allowed this difficult task. Based on the developed theory, materials found with the necessary sound-absorbing properties were found. By his acoustics, the large hall of the Palace of Soviets will be the best audience in the world.

So develops the science of sound, in which the last word belongs to the Soviet scientist.

Kimatik examines the properties of the waves, this term was introduced by the Swiss scientist Hans Jenny. For the first time, the scientist captured the effect of sound wave on the substance of different nature - sand, water, clay, scattered on the surface of the steel plate, under the influence of oscillatory movements of different frequencies, ordered pattern took.

Kimatik examines the properties of the waves, this term was introduced by the Swiss scientist Hans Jenny.For the first time, the scientist captured the effect of sound wave on the substance of different nature - sand, water, clay, scattered on the surface of the steel plate, under the influence of oscillatory movements of different frequencies, ordered pattern took. The images of the figure depended on the frequency of the wave, the higher the frequency, the more difficult the drawing obtained from the effects of sound waves.

Kimatika - Science of Forming Wave Properties.

Hans Jenny continued the work of the German scientist Ernst Coldney (1756-1827).The scientist conducted experiments of the effects of sound waves on water droplets, and again and again came to the conclusion that the same laws of the harmonic organization apply to inorganic and organic matter.

The harmonicists said that "the sound is a space trail or rays of creation, diagonal to a space source."

The world of color, sound and forms are controlled by the same laws, and there are close relationships between harmonics and harmonic structures. The harmonicists said that the sound was a space trail or rays of creation, diagonal to a space source.

In meditation, light and silence becomes identical, creative conversion.

The popular theory of the origin of the Universe, supported by theoretics - the Big Bang Theory". According to this theory, once our universe was an infinitely small clutch, super-durable and hot to very high temperatures. This unstable education suddenly exploded, the space quickly expanded, and the temperature of the flying particles with high energy began to decline. The explosion was such a power that the light and sound waves resulting from this explosion convert their energy into more and more new forms;millions of years creating peace in different variations of the energy of sound and light waves.

Numbers and sounds

Studies of principles lying between music and mathematics, between sound and number since Pythagora, attracted the attention of scientists.

In the twenties of the last century, the German scientist Hans Kaiser developed the theory of world harmonics, reviving the forgotten science about overtones (harmonics).

Kaiser investigated patterns lying between sound and number.

The height of the tone and the length of the strings are in relationships, - said Kaiser, that is, quality can be output from the quantity. The Kaiser Theory argues that the principle of the ratio of integers is the basis of not only music, but also of many sciences (chemistry, physics, astronomy, etc.). According to Kaizer, those forms in nature, in which there are harmonious relations in human perception, are considered more beautiful. Oktave-based ratios (2: 1), quart (3: 2), the flares (5: 4) are characterized by special proportionality.

The energy of the universe can be expressed by an octower of the sound spectrum, the octave of the light spectrum, the geometric - hierarchy of the form of crystals. There is an evidence in between sound frequencies, color with a geometric shape. Science, studying forms of crystals and their inner structure called crystallography. The energy of manifested forms exist in close cooperation, transforming each other, these energies create new forms.

Form and sounds

In the scientific study of Dr. Jenny, known as "kimatika", the author demonstrated a geometry of sound vibrations, using thin containers filled with the following environments: sand, ligraum fungus, wet gypsum and different fluid forms with tiny particles or floating in them "colloids ".

This book is of particular interest. colloid liquid. Being in a state of rest, the colloids are evenly distributed in the liquid, and water becomes muddy. Dr. Jenny calls such a "hydrodynamic dispersion".

However, when the container vibrated on pure diatonic sounds, the particles in the liquid were harvested in ordered and isolated visible geometric patterns, many of which had a two-dimensional and three-dimensional structure. In other words, they could observe the formed and clearly perceived depth, that is, they were not "flat". In this book, this is one of the most important provisions that should be studied and remember, for it provides an irrefutable visual proof of the concepts that we discussed.

There are five major three-dimensional forms, and we know them as Platonic Body, for the honor of their discovery belongs to the Greek philosopher Plato. It is important that it is extremely clear: watching these forms, in fact we are seeing vibration. Forms themselves may not "exist" as a physical object, but to be hologram. If you try to grab them or disrupt, they will simply disappear and turn into ripples around your fingers. However, not being disturbed, forms will exist as a very real vibration, and to have exactly the same pressure on the body that you feel from very loud sound or rolled thunder.

Now, when we saw the forms of vibrations working in a liquid-shaped ether, we know that the power lines created by their pressure allow a new look at the dynamics of gravity. Having irrefutable evidence of how these geometries form the structural features of the surface of the Earth, such as continents, underwater ridges and mining education, we will no longer blind the truth. And only a matter of time when simple observations turn into a well-known knowledge of the bulk of humanity.

It is also very important to mention the following: when Fuller students increased the frequency in the ball, or Jenny increased the frequency in water, the old forms dissolved and disappeared, and a more complex geometric shape appeared in their place. This phenomenon worked and on the contrary: when the frequency dropped to the original value, the geometry of the same form reappeared again.

Therefore, studying the dynamics of the ether, we will see: with an increase in the vibration frequency (or voltage) of the energy in this area, the geometry itself of this area, for example, forming the land will be spontaneously transformed into a higher order of complexity. And the effects of increasing and lowering frequency occur in all creation, including all the bodies of our solar system when it moves in the galaxy.

The work of Dr. Spielhaus demonstrated that since the primary "mega-continent" of Pangay, the gravitational field of the Earth has already passed through several similar transformations. At that time, the land had a single bark. It was before the expansion movement, which is now being considered in the theory of global tectonic expansion, created in 1933 Otto Hilgenberg.

Sound and Energy

Sound is a stream of energy flowing like an aqueous stream. The sound can change the environment through which it passes, and it changes it. Each sound wave is a force that creates a corresponding reaction. There is an active force that perceives the force and the area of \u200b\u200btheir interactions.

Consolidated oscillations Forming harmonious frequencies, which leads to the attraction of subatomatic particles to each other.

Dissonant oscillations cause separation or explosion of particles or shapes.

The American scientist, who lived in the 19th century, devoted most of his life to the study of sound as a force, which eventually began to serve in its experiments in the primary pulse for the excitation of mysterious energy.One of the greatest results of creative activities John Kiel was the discovery of forty laws governing vibrations.

These laws were the foundation of the physics of sympathetic vibrations created by them.

This area of \u200b\u200bresearch, where John Kili was a lonely pioneer, considers the internal nature of vibration phenomena based on sympathetic, that is, resonant interactions.

The scientist said that the sound is "a violation of atomic equilibrium, destroying the existing atomic particles, and the substance liberated at the same time undoubtedly should be a broad current of some order." According to his ideas, everything in nature hesitates, vibrates. It can be said that the entire nature is based on the vibrations of different frequencies that create a variety of combinations. At the same time, "consonant", harmonious combinations cause attraction and are creative, and disharmonious cause repulsion, destroy.

An example of organized vibrations - music.When the two strings of the musical instrument are configured in a harmonic combination (for example, in the prison, quint, octave), the movement of one of them gives rise to a response to another.

But since ancient times, other music, "music of spheres", created by the Sun, Moon and Planets, was also known. Today we can hear this music in a computer arrangement, but perhaps for ancient dedicated she sounded much richer and brighter.

Kiel called the science founded by them Sympathetic Vibratory Physics "Physics of sympathetic (response) vibrations". He managed not only to unite fundamental physical concepts in this science, but also go beyond the traditional "physics", to combine it with "metaphysics", with the fact that it lies in the region of unknown, including in the spiritual sphere.

Physics of sympathetic vibrations are reduced in forty laws in which the unity of power and matter is postulated, as well as the principal infinity of the divisibility of the latter. For Kili, the force is liberated matter, and the matter has a bound force, which is brilliantly confirmed in the twentieth century in the form of a well-known schoolboy formula E \u003d MC2. According to the calculations of Kili, the energy contained in the water bucket is quite enough to shift our world from its course.

Among the most important physical and metaphysical categorieskili applies concept neutral Center.Each manifested body in the universe from an atom to the star system has a neutral center, indispensable focus; Everything is being built around it, which we are aware of the matter, which is its objective manifestation.

"Forty laws of physics of sympathetic vibrations"

"There is no separation of matter and strength into two different concepts, since they are both essentially. The strength is liberated matter. Matter has a bound force.

The law of matter and power.

The basis of the whole matter is an infinite and unchanged number of atoms, co-boundless with space and co-eternal with duration; They are in constant vibration movement, endlessly throughout, unchanged in quantities and are the origin of all forms of energy.

The law of vibration tel.

All coherent units, isolated from themselves like bodies, or immersed in Wednesday, consisting of matter in various states, vibrate with a certain tone set.

Law fluctuations tel.

All coherent units, not isolated from themselves such bodies, fluctuate with a period of frequency that is harmoniously correlated with the main tone of the vibrating body; This tone is multiple atom.

The law of harmonic vibrations.

All coherent units are constantly vibrated with a period of frequency that is harmoniously correlated with the main tone of the vibrating body; This tone is multiple atom.

The law of transmission of vibration energy.

All the oscillating and vibrating coherent units are created in the medium in which they are immersed, the concentric waves of alternating compression and permissions with a period of frequency equal to the tone of the aggregate.

The law of sympathetic oscillations.

Any coherent unit immersed in Wednesday pulsating with a frequency equal to the proper frequency of the unit varies in conjunction with the medium with the same frequency, regardless of whether the union's tone is or any harmonic of the main tone of the oscillating unit.

The law of attraction.

The nearest coherent units vibrating in unison or with a harmonious frequency ratio are mutually attracted.

Repulsion law.

Nearest coherent units vibrating in dissonance are repeatedly repelled.

Law of cycles.

Harmonically bound coherent units form centers of vibrations that correlate with the main tone, but are not multiple to harmonics, and the secondary compounds between them generate dissonant tones, regardless of whether they are unused or overtones to the original tone. So from harmony is born disharmony, the inevitable cause of endless transformations.

The law of harmonic.

Any unit in a state of vibration creates, in addition to its main tone, a number of vibrations from symmetric fractional fractions of itself, components of one-, two-, three- or multiple ratios with the main tone.

The law of force.Energy manifests itself in three forms:

  • Generating (vibrating unit),
  • Transmitting (the propagation of isochronous waves in the medium in which it is immersed),
  • Attracting (its impact on other units that can vibrate unison or harmonically with it).

Law fluctuations atomic substance.

Coherent atomic substance can vary with a tone varying directly proportional to density and inversely proportional to linear dimensions within the frequencies from one period per unit of time (for the 1st octave) up to the frequency of the 21st octave, creating a generating sound strength (SONITY), whose The transmitting force (sound) applies to solid, liquid and gaseous media, and its static impact (sonism - Sonism) creates an attraction or repulsion between sympathetic vibrating bodies in accordance with the law of harmonic attraction or repulsion.

The law of sound reclosure.

Internal vibrations of atomic substances and atomic molecules are able to vibrate with a period of frequency, directly proportional to their density, inversely proportional to their linear dimensions and directly proportional to their integrity from the 21st to 42th octaves. At the same time, the generating sound recreation (SONO-THERMITY) is created, whose transmission power of the soundlot (SONO-THERM) applies to solid, liquid, gaseous and ultra-shaped media and statically creates the adhesion and combining molecules or decay them in accordance with the law of attraction and repulsion.

The law of fluctuations of atoms.

All atoms in the integrity state (tension) are able to fluctuate with the frequency inverse the proportional cube of their atomic weights and directly proportional to their integrity, ranging from the 42nd to 63rd octave per second. At the same time, the generating force, the heat rate (thermity), whose transmitting force, rad-energy (RaDenergy) *, is distributed in solid, liquid, gaseous ether and produces static impact (COHESION AND CHEMISM - clutch and chemical) to other atoms, causing them Compound or disintegration in accordance with the law of harmonic attraction and repulsion.

The law of vibrations of atomolar substances.

Atoms are capable of vibrating within themselves with a frequency, inversely proportional to Dina (local gravity coefficient) and atomic volume and directly proportional to atomic weight. At the same time, the generating force (electricity) is created, whose transmitting force applies to atomar solid, liquid, gaseous media and creates an induction and static magnetic effect on other atoms, causing their attraction or repulsion in accordance with the law of harmonic attraction and repulsion.

Law fluctuations atoms.

Atoms, fluctuating with the same tone (determined by their same sizes and weight), create atomolity generating force (atomolity), whose transmitting form, gravel is distributed in a more discharged environment and produces static effect on all other atoms, called gravity (gravity).

The law of transformation of forces.

All the forces are different forms of universal energy, which differ in their periods, passing into each other through indistinguishable increments; At the same time, each form takes the range of 21 octave.

Each form or tone can be converted to an equivalent height of another tone, located above or below on the scale of 105 octave. This transformation can be carried out only through the static impact, developed by either the vibrations of harmonic tones, above and below their main tone, or nearby systems when adding and subtracting their tones, or in some third way, depending on the specific conditions.

The law of the atomic tone.

Each atom has its own determined tone of natural vibration. The law of changes in atomic tone by means of rad-energy. The height of the tone of higher harmonics and overtones emitted

Rad-energies are sufficient to cause an atom to expand; The same impact, encouraging atoms to continuously vibrate, causes the compression of the atom; Thus, through a change in volume, the tone of the atom changes.

The law of changes in the atomic tone by means of electricity and magnetism.

Electricity and magnetism generate internal vibrations in the atom, which are accompanied by proportional changes in its volume, and, therefore, tone.

One of the errors of modern science is to consider some phenomena in isolation from others, physics of sympathetic vibrations opens the infinity of the universe, in which all objects and phenomena are part of the whole.published

Impact of music on the water structure. Experiments of Japanese scientists.

On the impact on the water of ordinary words and thoughts

Memory of water. Visits on the water. Recorder Ren-TV.

Fragment of the documentary film "Secret Stories: World Coding Law".
TV company Ren TV, transfer was on the air in December 2009

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

Experiments of Italian physicists have finally allowed to give a final explanation to the phenomenon of fast sound in water. Of the two existing theories today - viscoelastic and two-component - these experiments confirmed the first and denied the second.

Under normal conditions, the speed of sound in water is approximately 1.5 kilometers per second and does not depend on the sound wave frequency. However, it has long been known that ultrasound fluctuations with a frequency of several terahertz (1 terahertz \u003d 10 12 Hz) spread in water at a speed of approximately greater. This phenomenon was open experimentally 20 years ago, hints appeared on it and with numerical modeling of water dynamics at the atomic level, but in spite of all this generally accepted his explanation has not yet been. Only now, thanks to the experiments of Italian physicists published in the article SC Santucci et al., Physical Review Letters, 97, 225701 (27 November 2006), in the nature of this phenomenon are placed all points over "I" (the article is also available on the authors website, PDF , 274 KB).

Immediately it is worth emphasizing that experiments with such a highly frequency ultrasound to put very difficult. The acoustic emitters in this range are not yet invented, and therefore physicists have to determine the speed of such ultrasound with indirect methods. For this, the water is irradiated with a stream of neutrons or X-rays, which, facing water molecules, are generated in microscopic large fluctuations and transmit part of their energy and momentum. From the ratio of these two magnitudes, the speed of propagation of sound oscillations is derived.

Today there are two main theories claiming to explain this phenomenon. In accordance with the first, the water is becoming an increasingly elastic and less mobile medium for the sound (such environments are called viscoelastics). As a result of oscillations with such a high frequency, rather through the elastic, almost solid medium, and in the solid body, the speed of sound is higher than in the fluid (the speed of the ice in ice, for example, is approximately 3 km / s).

The second theory is based on the fact that water consists of a twisted network of ions of two types: very light hydrogen ions and heavy oxygen ions. Calculations show that often in such two-component environments with highly distinguishing masses there is a special type of fast sound waves, which are distributed exclusively through a network of light atoms. This theory has already proven itself to describe fast sound in two-component gases and metal alloys, and therefore it seems natural that it will work for water.

Both of these models, of course, are consistent with the experiments described above, but they describe completely differently. transition From normal sound to rapid, which should occur at lower frequencies, in the gigahertz range. Therefore, to answer the question of which of the two models is correct, it is required to measure the dependence of the speed of sound from the frequency in this intermediate area. The additional complexity of such an experiment is that the most clearly transition from normal to rapid sound is manifested in very cold and even supercooled water (that is, below zero degrees Celsius). Experiments with supercooled water require skill, because at the slightest perturbation it is quickly crystallized.

It is this experience and put Italian physicists. Studying the scattering of optical and ultraviolet photons, they were able to scan the frequency range of sound oscillations from 1 to 100 GHz and first obtained accurate data on the speed of sound oscillations in this range. The experiment absolutely clearly showed that with increasing frequency (or with a decrease in temperature), the speed of sound really gradually moves away from "normal" dependence and begins to grow (in the existence of such a smooth transition, by the way, opinions are also divided).

In addition, the authors of the article compared their data with predictions of both models and proved that the experiment confirms the viscorelastic model and contradicts the conclusions of the two-component model. Thus, we can assume that in the long-term dispute of adherents of two models is the point. In general, this work once again emphasizes the striking diversity of the structural and dynamic properties of water (for further familiarization, see a popular article: Yu. I. Golovin. Water and ice - do we know about them enough? // Coolant, 2000, № 9, p. 66-72).

Hydroacoustics (from Greek. hydor - water, akusticoc. - auditory) - science of phenomena occurring in an aqueous medium and related to the propagation, radiation and intake of acoustic waves. It includes the development and creation of hydroacoustic agents intended for use in aquatic environment.

History of development

Hydroacoustics - Quickly developing science currently developing, and having undoubtedly a big future. Her appearance was preceded by a long way of the development of theoretical and applied acoustics. The first information about the manifestation of the interest of a person to the spread of sound in the water we find in the notes of the famous scientist of the Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci:

The first measurements of the distance by sound produced by the Russian researcher Academician Ya. D. Zakharov. On June 30, 1804, he traveled in a balloon with a scientific goal and in this flight took advantage of the sound reflection from the surface of the Earth to determine the height of the flight. While in a basket of a bowl, he shouted loudly in the mouthpiece down. After 10 seconds came clearly audible echo. From here Zakharov concluded that the height of the ball over the ground was approximately 5 x 334 \u003d 1670 m. This method is based on radio and hydrolections.

Along with the development of theoretical issues in Russia, practical studies have been conducted studies of the spread of sounds in the sea. Admiral S. O. Makarov in 1881 - 1882. Offered to use to transfer information about the flow rate under water, the device called the fluctuometer. This was the beginning of the development of the new branch of science and technology - hydroacoustic telemetry.

Scheme of the hydrophonic station of the Baltic Plant Obr.1907g.: 1 - water pump; 2 - pipeline; 3 - pressure regulator; 4 - electromagnetic hydraulic shutter (telegraph valve); 5 - telegraph key; 6 - hydraulic membrane emitter; 7 - board of the ship; 8 - tank with water; 9 - Sealized Microphone

In the 1890s. At the Baltic Shipbuilding Plant, at the initiative of Captain 2 rank, M. N. Beklemishev began work on the development of hydroacoustic devices. The first tests of the hydroacoustic emitter for sound binding were carried out at the end of the XIX century. In the experimental pool in the gallery harbor in St. Petersburg. The oscillations emitted by him well listened for 7 miles on the Nevsky floating lighthouse. As a result of research in 1905. The first hydroacoustic bond was created, in which the role of the transmitting device played a special underwater siren, controlled by a telegraph key, and the receiver of the signals served as a coal microphone, fixed from the inside on the ship housing. The signals were recorded by the Morse apparatus and hearing. Later, Sirena was replaced by a membrane type emitter. The efficiency of the device called a hydrophonic station has increased significantly. Marine tests of the new station took place in March 1908. On the Black Sea, where the range of confident reception of signals exceeded 10km.

The first serial stations of the sound-driven binding of the Baltic Plant design in 1909-1910. Installed on submarines "Carp", "Gudgeon", "Sterlet", « Mackerel"And" Perch" When installing stations on submarines in order to reduce interference, the receiver was located in a special detergent, towed for feed on cable cable. The British came to such a decision only during the First World War. Then this idea was forgotten and only at the end of the 1950s g. It began to use it again in different countries when creating noise-resistant hydrolycate ship stations.

The first world war was the impetus for the development of hydroacoustics. During the warriors of the country, the Entente carried large losses of the trade and military fleet due to the action of German submarines. There was a need to search for means of combating them. Soon they were found. The submarine in the underwater position can be heard on the noise generated by rowing screws and working mechanisms. The device that detects the noise objects and the location determines their location. French physicist P. Lanzhen in 1915 suggested using a sensitive receiver from a ferronetic salt for the first sovereign station.

Basics of hydroacoustics

Features of the propagation of acoustic waves in water

Components of the event of the appearance of echoes.

The beginning of comprehensive and fundamental research on the spread of acoustic waves in water was found during the Second World War, which was dictated by the need to solve the practical tasks of naval fleets and primarily submarines. Experimental and theoretical works were continued in the post-war years and summarized in a number of monographs. As a result of these works, some features of the propagation of acoustic waves in water were identified: absorption, damping, reflection and refraction.

The absorption of the energy of the acoustic wave in sea water is caused by two processes: internal friction of the medium and dissociation of salts dissolved in it. The first process converts the energy of the acoustic wave into the thermal, and the second - transforming into chemical energy, derives molecules from an equilibrium state, and they disintegrate into ions. This type of absorption increases dramatically with an increase in the frequency of acoustic oscillation. The presence of suspended particles, microorganisms and temperature anomalies in water also leads to the attenuation of an acoustic wave in water. As a rule, these losses are small, and they are included in the overall absorption, but sometimes, as, for example, in the case of scattering from the trail of the ship, these losses can be up to 90%. The presence of temperature anomalies leads to the fact that the acoustic wave falls into the zones of acoustic shadow, where it can undergo multiple reflections.

The presence of the boundaries of the water - air and water leads to the reflection of acoustic wave from them, and if in the first case the acoustic wave is completely reflected, then in the second case, the reflection coefficient depends on the material of the bottom: poorly reflects the factory bottom, well - sandy and stony . At small depths due to repeated reflection of the acoustic wave between the bottom and the surface, an underwater audio channel occurs, in which an acoustic wave can spread over long distances. The change in the speed of the sound at different depths leads to the curvature of sound "rays" - refractive.

Sound refraction (curvature of the sound beam path)

Refraction of sound in water: and in summer; b - winter; Left - changing the speed with depth.

The speed of propagation of sound is changed with depth, and changes depend on the time of year and day, the depth of the reservoir and a number of other reasons. Sound rays emerging from the source at some angle to the horizon are bent, and the direction of bending depends on the distribution of sound velocities in the medium: in the summer, when the upper layers of the bottom of the lower, the rays bend down the book and mostly reflected from the bottom, while losing a significant proportion of its energy ; In winter, when the lower water layers retain their temperature, while the upper layers are cooled, the rays bend upwards and are repeatedly reflected from the surface of the water, while significantly less energy is lost. Therefore, in winter, the range of sound distribution is greater than in the summer. The vertical distribution of sound speed (VRSZ) and the speed gradient have a decisive effect on the spread of sound in the marine environment. The distribution of sound speed in various parts of the world's ocean is different and varies in time. Distinguish several typical cases of VRSZ:

Dispersion and absorption of sound with heterogeneities of the medium.

Spreading sound in underwater sound. Channel: A - Changing the speed of sound with depth; B - the course of the rays in the sound canal.

On the spread of high frequency sounds, when the wavelengths are very small, the small inhomogeneities are influenced, usually available in natural reservoirs: bubbles of gases, microorganisms, etc. These inhomogeneities are in two ways: they absorb and dispel the energy of sound waves. As a result, with an increase in the frequency of sound oscillations, their distribution range is reduced. This effect is especially noticeable in the surface layer of water, where the most inhomogeneities.

The dispersion of sound with inhomogeneities, as well as the irregularities of the surface of the water and the bottom causes the phenomenon of underwater reverb, accompanying the parcel of the sound pulse: sound waves, reflecting from the totality of heterogeneity and merging, give the sound impulse, continuing after its end. The limits of the propagation of underwater sounds are also limited to their own noise of the sea, having a dual origin: a part of noise occurs from the blows of the waves on the surface of the water, from the marine surf, from the noise of the pebbles rolling, etc.; Another part is associated with sea fauna (sounds produced by hydrobionts: fish and other marine animals). This very serious aspect is engaged in biological science.

Sound wave propagation

The range of propagation of sound waves is a complex function of the radiation frequency, which is uniquely connected with the wavelength of the acoustic signal. As is known, high-frequency acoustic signals quickly fade due to the strong absorption of the aqueous medium. Low-frequency signals on the contrary are capable of spreading in aquatic environment over long distances. So an acoustic signal with a frequency of 50 Hz is capable of spreading in the ocean at a distance of thousands of kilometers, while the signal with a frequency of 100 kHz, the usual for the side view hydroleter, has a distance of distribution of only 1-2 km. Approximate range of modern hydrolytators with different frequency of acoustic signal (wavelength) are shown in the table:

Areas of use.

Hydroacousty has been widely practical application, since the effective transmission of electromagnetic waves under water has not yet been created for water at any considerable distance, and the sound is therefore the only possible means of communication under water. For these purposes, they use sound frequencies from 300 to 10,000 Hz and ultrasound from 10,000 Hz and above. Electrodynamic and piezoelectric emitters and hydrophones are used as emitters and receivers, and in ultrasonic - piezoelectric and magnetostrictive.

The most significant uses of hydroacoustics:

  • To solve military tasks;
  • Navigation;
  • Sound binding;
  • Fishing intelligence;
  • Oceanological studies;
  • Spheres of activity on the development of wealth of the World Ocean DNA;
  • Use of acoustics in the pool (at home or in a simultaneous swimming center)
  • Training of marine animals.


Literature and sources of information


  • V.V. Shuuleikin Sea physics. - Moscow: "Science", 1968. - 1090 s.
  • I.A. Romanian Basics of hydroacoustics. - Moscow: "Shipbuilding", 1979. - 105 s.
  • Yu.A. Koryakin Hydroacoustic systems. - St. Petersburg: "Science of St. Petersburg and the Sea Power of Russia", 2002. - 416 p.