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Where Ivan Andreevich Wings was born. Ivan Krylov - biography, information, personal life. Inspiration and the most famous works

Krylov Ivan Andreevich (1769 - 1844) - Russian Publicist, Poet, Basinople, publisher of satirco-educational journals. Krylov's biography It is not specially noteworthy, although, like all the biographies of great people, has their own interesting nuances.

Brief biography of Krylov

Having lived 75 years old, Ivan Krylov received worldwide fame as the author of 236 Bass. Many quotes from its fables have become covered expressions. But first things first.

Childhood and youth

Wings were born on February 13, 1769 in Moscow, in the family of the retired army officer. He served as a small official in the Kazan Chamber. He did not receive the right formation, although he was constantly engaged in self-education, he studied literature and mathematics, French and Italian. In 1777-1790. Young official trying forces on a dramatic field.

In 1789, the Krylov publishes the magazine "Post of Spirits", which publishes satirical messages that have submitted abuse of government officials.

In 1792, the Krylov commenced, prints the Satyrian magazine "Spectator purchased by him, in the same year his story" Kaib "is published. Pursuing political satire, the wings continue the case of N.I. Novikova.

However, his work causes the dissatisfaction of Catherine II, the Kryona has to leave St. Petersburg for a while and live in Moscow, and then in Riga.

Formation of the future Basinista

In 1805, the wings transferred two fables of the French Basinist Lafontena. From this, his activities began as the most famous Russian Basinist. He continued to engage in this creativity until the end of his days, despite the considerable success in the drama of his works such as a "fashionable shop", "lesson daughters" and "Pie".

Portrait of Krylova

In 1809, the first book of the Basen Own essay was published. Then the real glory comes to him for the first time.

In the biography of Krylov there was a lot of honors. He was a respected member of the "conversation of lovers of Russian literature" from its very foundation.

In 1811, he was elected a member of the Russian Academy, and on January 14, 1823 he receives a gold medal for literary merit from her. When converting the Russian Academy to the Russian language and literature of the Academy of Sciences (1841), an ordinary academician was approved.

In 1812-1841. For almost thirty years he served as an assistant library in the Imperial Public Library. In general, the biography of Krylov is notable for books that he passionately loved.

From a human point of view, it should be emphasized that the wings were a very fastened man, loved to eat a lot and sleep a lot. However, he even more loved the Russian people.

Driving on the endless expanses of his homeland, he wrote wonderful fables, stirring the finest features of human behavior.

Concent and folk memory

Ivan Andreevich Krylov passed away on November 9, 1844. He was buried on November 13, 1844 at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Anecdotes about his amazing appetite, ignoramus, laziness, love for fires (Basnopisians extremely attracted fires), the striking power of will, wit and popularity - are still known.

We hope that the brief biography of Krylov will help you to make out the main moments of the life of the Great Russian writer.

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Krylov Ivan Andreevich (1769-1844), Russian Writer, Basinople, Academician of St. Petersburg Academy (1841). I made satirical magazines "Mail of Spirits" (1789) and others. Wrote tragedies and comedies, opera libretto. In 1809-43, it created more than 200 fables, imbued with a democratic spirit distinguished by satirical sharpness, bright and tame. They were infused public and human vices. N. V. Gogol called Basni Krylov "... Book of wisdom of the people himself".

Father - Andrei Prokhorovich Krylov - an army officer who drove out of ordinary. During Pugachev, the rebellion was led by the defense of the Yaitsky Town (he owns a published anonymously note of the "Defense of the Fortress of Yaika from the Rebel Party", the Magazine "Public Notes", No. 52-53, 1824). In the Yaitskom, the town of Krylov held an early childhood, during the Bunta was with his mother, Maria Alekseevna, in Orenburg. In 1775 Andrei Prokhorovich resigned from military service and entered the place of the Chamber of the Criminal Court of Tver Vacience. The family constantly needed, besides, the Father soon died (1778). The wings from the mercy studied at home teachers of the Lvov family, took the lessons of French from the governor's governor's governor.

With a delay, the future writer, helping the family who lost the breadwinner, served in the Kalyazinsk Zemsky Court, then in the Tver Magistrate. In St. Petersburg, the wings moved to 1782 with Lviv. From 1783 he served in the Casual Chamber in St. Petersburg, actively engaged in self-education. In addition to French, he learned to read and write in German and in Italian. Well played on the violin, learned the theory of music, understood in mathematics. In Lvov and, perhaps, the playwright Ya. B. Prinjinina, the Krylov met practically with everything, quite a narrow circle of writers and experts of the arts of the time, including G. R. Derzhavin and his wife, patronized wing.

From most of the events of the life of Krylov, no documents have been preserved, they are restored by the memories of contemporaries, we can only speak about many allegedly.

The literary field began as a playwright (comic opera "Coffeanitsa", 1782, the tragedy "Cleopatra", "Filomen", the comedy "Family Family", "Writer in the hallway" and others, 1786-1788). Contrary to the overwhelming majority of the then plays, the two latter were based on a modern Russian material. In the "mad family", frantic love passions (the subject is unsafe, given the well-known temperament of Catherine II), and in the "writing in the hallway" - the writer, humiliately reptiles in front of this world. The wings became close to the lead actor of the Russian Petersburg troupe I. A. Dmitrievsky, playwright and actor P. A. Madiller. But in the late 1780s. The wings composed the comedy "Pumps", where the playwright of Ja. B, Princess and his wife, Daughter A. P. Sumarow, climbed the name of the rhymecrade. For this pamphlet, the wings was over the complaint of the princess excited from the theater. In 1788, the wings quit from a mining expedition, leaving the civil service for many years.

He begins to engage in journalism. As a journalist and the publisher of the wings continued the traditions of N. I. Novikov, as a thinker - the tradition of philosophers of enlightenment. The wings set friendly connections with the publisher I. G. Rakhmaninov, in whose printing houses there was a meeting of Wolter's writings, magazines in which the wings began to cooperate. In 1789, the wings in the printing house Rakhmaninov began edition of the satirical magazine "Mail of Spirits". The journal in the form of correspondence of the gnomes, the sieves and other spirits was given a wide satirical picture of Russian society, the times of Catherine. The magazine was banned (the last issue - March 1790), possibly due to increased rigor due to the revolution of 1789 in France, and possibly due to the persistent pedaling of the dangerous topic of the "old coquetka". Together with Dmitrievsky, Playlist and Dramaturgoma, A. I. Klobhinin, in 1791, the wings founded a book publishing company, which, with the assistance of Rakhmaninov, in 1792 wings, produces the "Spectator" magazine, in 1793 - St. Petersburg Mercury. Here he also performed an accusable to the damaged morals of the Company, but already in a softer form, from satire proceeds to morality. Opened the company and its bookstore shop. The magazine was prohibited due to general censorship rigors, and there is evidence that the Empress itself happened to the wing.

In 1794, apparently, because of the history with the magazine, the wings moved to Moscow (and his friend Kushshin leaves abroad). From autumn 1795, it is forbidden to live in the capitals (but there are only indirect evidence about this), his name disappears from the pages of printing. In 1797, Krylov received a personal secretary to General Prince S. F. Golitsyn. After the sudden opals, General Wings followed voluntarily in the link for the owner and until 1801 was a companion of a reference family, gave the lessons of Russian to his youngest children and their friends. From October 1801 to September 1803, the ruler of the office of the office of Golitsyn, appointed by the Governor-General of Liflandia after the top of Alexander I. The departure from literary activities on "external" reasons coincided with a deep inner fracture, experienced by Krylov: From now on, he no longer believes in the possibility of man alteration Literature, keeping devotion to the ideas of enlightenment, prefers the book ideals a practical man's experience.

At 1800, the "supraged" "Support, or Trumf" - parody and the "high" tragedy of enlightenment and a beginner of Karamzin sentimentalism were written to the amateur Golitsyn Theater. In the play, satirically depicts a conflict between Western civilization (in the face of Trumifa) and Russian patriarchalness, and the author rises and rejects and rejects. "Support" was represented by the author to censorship in 1807, but is prohibited, however, and without publication becoming one of the most popular Russian plays, extending in the lists. In 1800, the wings began a poetic comedy "Lazy" (not completed), in which declared conscious non-participation in public life - the cherished position of the author.

After Riga, the wings moved to Moscow, here and in St. Petersburg there are his new plays ("Pie", 1802; in 1807 - Comedy "Fashion shop" "Lesson daughters"). The plays had a noisy success and laid in the repertoire until the middle of the 19th century. They are deprived of all didactics, although in the spirit of time and ridicule the passion for all foreign, excess sentimentality.

The first publication of Basen Wings ("oak and cane", "picking up the bride") took place in 1805. These were transfers from Lafontaine. In 1806, the wings move to St. Petersburg, where he participates in the formulation of his plays. Close relationships associate it for several years with actress A. I. Lingerie. He becomes the frequenter of the salon A. N. Olenina, under his start serves in 1808-10 in the Mint of the Department, from 1812, when Olenin became director of the Public Library, the wings are appointed by the librarian assistant, from 1816 - a librarian with an apartment with a library. Arhaist in his literary views, a member of the "conversation of lovers of the Russian word" A. S. Shishkov, a supporter of classicism and the heir to the Basinistians 18 V. (A. I. Susharov, etc.), the wings at the same time is the creator of realistic fables, and - wider - together with Griboedov and Pushkin stands at the origins of the literature of Russian realism.

In 1809, the first book of Basen Krylov was published. In total, it is written about 200 Bassen (the last and most complete edition, the collection in 9-g-books was released, released in December 1843, he arrived in book trade later, and part of the circulation was distributed free of charge at the Writer's funeral). Many works (for example, "Dragonfly and ant", "Wolf and a lamb", etc.) go back to samples borrowed from Ezopa, Fedra, Lafontena. However, the realistic persuasiveness of the images, the severity of the conflict between the requirements of morality and hypocrisy, careful, cruelty, cowardice, and the realism of the language is forced to see in the wing of the original artist, the reformer of the fastened genre. Willow's bass is deprived of dry morality, the moral conclusion concluded in it is an expression of common sense, embodied in the forms of a live spoken language. Thanks to these qualities, many rides from Basen Krylov entered the Russian language on the rights of sayings ["And Larchchik simply opened" ("Larchik"), "You're to blame for what I want to eat" ("Wolf and a lamb"), "yes only WHO and now there "(" Swan, pike and cancer ") and MN. Dr.]. The use of the free Russian yamba (with the exception of the Basinie "Dragonfly and Ant" 1808, written by four-stranded choree, contributed to the approach of the works of Krylov with a lively speech.

Many Krylov's fables relate to the most significant events of the public and political life of Russia ("Quartet", 1811, "Swan, Pike and Cancer", 1816 - responses for issues in the activities of the State Council; "Cat and cook", "Wolf on Psarn", " Crow and chicken "and others - on the events of the Patriotic War of 1812;" Dog friendship ", 1815 - on disagreements among members of the Holy Union, etc.).

Satyric pathos Basen Krylova celebrated Decembrist A. A. Bestuzhev (Marlinsky); On the natural originality and the national character of Krylov's creativity, comparing it with Lafonten, V. Zhukovsky and A. S. Pushkin said; The enrichment of the genre capabilities of Basni Krylova mentioned V. G. Belinsky ("... This is a story, a comedy, a humorous essay, an evil satire ...", full. Coll. Op., 1955, p. 575).

The first compilation of Basen responded to an extensive article in the "Bulletin of Europe" V. A. Zhukovsky (1809). Highly appreciating the innovation of the Krylov language, Zhukovsky still reproached him to the use of "coarse" speech revolutions. However, for a plurality of contemporaries, from Pushkin to Bulgarian, it was the "rough" language in combination with the "promotion" look at things, were evidence of the root transformation of the wing principles of Russian poetics. Baszy Krylov quickly gained wide fame, already in 1824 in Paris a two-volume journal of his fable was released in French and Italian. Then followed translations to most European languages.

The wings himself, the farther, the more perceived by contemporaries as a kind of literary character. The writer himself was emphasized by all public events, in society deliberately emphasized his flavors (laziness, gluttony, slurry, enthusiastic cards). Already in the 1820s. He became a character of numerous jokes, however, always benevolent. Until the oldest, however, he continued to engage in self-education: he studied the ancient Greek, took the lessons of English. He was appreciated and took the most distant literary circles in their views. According to some information, Krylova was Pushkin shortly before a duel, he, according to the testimony of contemporaries, was the last one who said goodbye to the Body of the Great Poet at the Eating.

The official recognition of the Krylov Dvor can be compared only with the recognition of Karamzin and Zhukovsky: in February 1812 he was appointed a lifetime pension, in 1820 he gets the Order of St. Vladimir IV degree, in 1838 - Stanislav II degree, in 1830 in the violation of the rules (the wings did not have university education and did not pass the exam) the writer was assigned to the rank of Stat advisor. In 1838, the anniversary of Krylov - the 70th anniversary of the birth and the 50th anniversary of the literary activity was celebrated solemnly by the authorities and the public. In 1841, the wings left the service and settled with the family of his "adopted crusher" (most likely his native daughter).

The wings became the first writer to whom in Russia put a subscription monument: May 12, 1855 Monument to P. K. Klodta "Grandfish Krylov" was put in the summer garden in St. Petersburg.

I.A. Krylov was born in 1769.2 February in Moscow in a fairly poor family. Education The future poet did not receive. After the death of the father, the whole concern for mother
i got it. 1782 They moved to St. Petersburg in search of more profitable work.
In 1809 he wrote the first book with bass. 30 years old wings composed Basni. His expressions are called woeful. In 1844 he died due to inflammation of the lungs.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov - the poet and the Basinista. Many of us he is familiar with such fables, like swan, cancer and pike, elephant and pug, Marty and glasses ...

It is known that the wings studied a little, but read a lot, and the diploma studied at home (for the most part due to the fact that the family lived in poverty).

At the age of 14, together with his mother moved to St. Petersburg. At the age of 18 engaged in literary activities. His first fables were printed without signature. The takeoff of his writing career came in 1809. Wings wrote more than 200 bass.

He died aged 75 years from bilateral inflammation of the lungs.

Russian Basinista Krylov Ivan Andreevich (1769 - 1844) was a fairly multifaceted person and besides the writings of Bassen, he also wrote in the sphere of journalism, was a poet and participated in the publication of satirco-educational journals. It was also known exactly as a Basinist, who in his entire lives wrote 9 Basen collections, the total number of which was 236 works.

  • Marty and glasses
  • Two pigeons
  • Elephant and Moskka
  • Quartet
  • Swan, pike and cancer
  • Cat and cook
  • Dragonfly and ant

Biography I. A. Krylova

Education The future writer did not receive practically no, but having a sharp mind and outstanding abilities read a lot and my education was done by myself, which gave his fruits and he became one of the most enlightened personalities of his time.

Start of a creative path

After the death of the father of the Krylov, I. A. I had to take all the care of my mother at the 10th age. The first work was the position in the Tver Court. In 1782, they moved to St. Petersburg in search of a more profitable profession in search of a more profitable profession and there was a wings, they were offered to work in the Kazan Chamber. In this city, its creative abilities are opened for the first time and within 1786 to 1788. He writes "Philomela", "Pumps", as well as the comedy "mad family." His name begins to learn in theatrical and literary communities.

Journalism and service at S. Golitsyn

In 1789, Ivan Andreevich publishes his first magazine called "Mail of Spirits", which was developed in the format of satirical journalism, he could not exist because of the topical one. Over time, the wings revived his idea of \u200b\u200b"Mail of Spirits" in the new magazine "Spectator", the publication became popular, but also existed for a long time.

In 1791 - 1801. Basinista departed from journalism, but he did not stop writing. In these years, he traveled in the corners of the Motherland (visited Ukraine, in Nizhny Novgorod, as well as in Saratov and Tambov).

After the death of Catherine II, he was able to get to the ministry to the prince of S. Golitsyn, performing the functions of the teacher of his children and the Personal Secretary. In the home theater, Galician was put by a play based on the works of Krylov "Trumf, or the procherum".

Exit the first book of Basen and the librarian service

In 1806, arriving in St. Petersburg Ivan Andreevich wrote there "lesson daughters" (1807) and the "fashionable shop" (1806), and in 1809 it comes out of his first Basen book, in which he performed as a moralist and a fighter for the rights of oppressed , swaying "the strong" world of this world.

In 1812 he received a post of librarian, he served there for 30 years, he not only significantly expanded the collection of books, but also worked on the compilation of bibliographic directories, he also devoted his time to work on the Slavic-Russian dictionary.

In November 1844, I. A. Krylov died. Buried in St. Petersburg.

Brief biography of Krylov
Category: Poets | no comments
Krylov Ivan Andreevich (1769 - 1844) - Russian Publicist, Poet, Basinople, publisher of satirco-educational journals. Krylov's biography is nothing special noticeable, as well as other biographies of poets, has their own interesting nuances.

Having lived 75 years old, Ivan Krylov received worldwide fame as the author of 236 Bass. Many quotes from its fables have become covered expressions. But first things first.

Childhood and youth

Wings were born on February 13, 1769 in Moscow, in the family of the retired army officer. He served as a small official in the Kazan Chamber. He did not receive the right formation, although he was constantly engaged in self-education, he studied literature and mathematics, French and Italian. In 1777-1790. Young official trying forces on a dramatic field.

In 1789, the Krylov publishes the magazine "Post of Spirits", which publishes satirical messages that have submitted abuse of government officials.

In 1792, the Krylov commenced, prints the Satyrian magazine "Spectator purchased by him, in the same year his story" Kaib "is published. Pursuing political satire, the wings continue the case of N.I. Novikova.

However, his work causes the dissatisfaction of Catherine II, the Kryona has to leave St. Petersburg for a while and live in Moscow, and then in Riga.

Formation of the future Basinista

In 1805, the wings transferred two fables of the French Basinist Lafontena. From this, his activities began as the most famous Russian Basinist. He continued to engage in this creativity until the end of his days, despite the considerable success in the drama of his works such as a "fashionable shop", "lesson daughters" and "Pie".

Portrait of Krylova
In 1809, the first book of the Basen Own essay was published. Then the real glory comes to him for the first time.

In the biography of Krylov there was a lot of honors. He was a respected member of the "conversation of lovers of Russian literature" from its very foundation.

In 1811, he was elected a member of the Russian Academy, and on January 14, 1823 he receives a gold medal for literary merit from her. When converting the Russian Academy to the Russian language and literature of the Academy of Sciences (1841), an ordinary academician was approved.

In 1812-1841. For almost thirty years he served as an assistant library in the Imperial Public Library. In general, the biography of Krylov is notable for books that he passionately loved.

From a human point of view, it should be emphasized that the wings were a very fastened man, loved to eat a lot and sleep a lot. However, he even more loved the Russian people.

Driving on the endless expanses of his homeland, he wrote wonderful fables, stirring the finest features of human behavior.

Concent and folk memory

Ivan Andreevich Krylov passed away on November 9, 1844. He was buried on November 13, 1844 at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Anecdotes about his amazing appetite, ignoramus, laziness, love for fires (Basnopisians extremely attracted fires), the striking power of will, wit and popularity - are still known.

Born on February 2 (February 14, N.S.) in Moscow in the family of a poor army captain, who received officer Chin only after the thirteen-year-old soldier's service. In 1775, his father resigned, and the family settled in Tver.

Education The future Basinist received a scanty, but, possessing exceptional abilities, much reading from childhood, persistently and persistently engaged in self-education, has become one of the most enlightened people of his time.

After the death of his father, the family remained without any means of existence, and the wings from ten years had to work as a scribe in the Tverskaya Court. Mother failed to achieve a pension after the death of her husband, and in 1782 it was decided to go to St. Petersburg to bother about pensions. In the capital, too, did not succeed, but for the Krylov there was a stationery player in the Kazan Chamber. In addition, Petersburg opened the opportunity to engage in literary labor before him. During 1786 - 1788, the wings wrote the tragedy "Cleopatra" and "Filomel" and the comedy "Family Family", "Pumps". The name of the young playwright soon acquires fame in theatrical and literary circles.

In 1789, the wings began to publish a satirical magazine "Mail of Spirits", which continued the tradition of Russian satirical journalism. Because of his radical direction, the magazine could only exist eight months, but the wings did not leave intention to resume it. In 1792, he created a new Satyrian magazine "Spectator", immediately became popular because of the topicality of his topics. In the story of "CAIB" allegorically presented the arbitrariness and false liberalism of the totalitarian regime, in which the reader was easily recognized by Russia. In the summer of 1792 in the printing house, a search was made, the wings fell under the supervision of the police, the publication of the magazine had to stop.

In 1791 - 1801, the wings moved away from journalistic activities, wandered on the province: visited Tambov, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod, in Ukraine. He did not stop writing, but his works only occasionally appeared in the press.

After the death of Catherine II, he managed to enter the service for the prince of S. Golitsyn as a personal secretary and a teacher of his children. In the House of Golitsyn's home theater was put written by Krylov in 1800 jerotragedgy "Trumef, or the procurement" - witty and label satire on Paul I and the royal court.

In 1801, Krylov completed the comedy "Pie", put in St. Petersburg and in Moscow.

In 1806 he returned to Petersburg, where he installed new literary ties, wrote a comedy "Fashion shop" (1806) and "Lesson of daughters" (1807). In 1809, the first book of Basen Krylov, in which he acted not only as a moralist, but the intettator of the "strong" world of this, oppressing the people. It was the bass that became the genre in which the genius of Krylov was expressed unusually wide. Nine books, including more than 200 Bassen, make up the fastened inheritance of Krylov.

8 1812 became a librarian just opened by the Public Library, where he served 30 years, having retired in 1841. The wings not only turned out to be a good book collector, the number of which with it has greatly increased, but he worked a lot to compile bibliographic pointers and the Slavic-Russian dictionary.

The title of the First Russian Basinist deservedly received the writer Ivan Andreevich Krylov. At the same time, the facts from the life of Krylov suggest that the talented Basinople first considered himself a poet and translator. His writer activity began with Satira, the release of magazines where the fools ridiculed and injustice. Next details will look at interesting facts about the wing.

2. The family lived very poorly, so parents could not give his son a good education. Ivan studied independently from the books that the Father left him.

3. The wings began his career from the usual writer in the Tverskaya Court.

4. Ivan was forced to go to work at eleven years after the death of his father.

5. Also, the wings worked in the office, where his literary activities began.

6. Ivan issued his first satirical magazine "Mail of Spirits".

7. For more than ten years, Ivan Krylov traveled around the cities and villages of Russia, where he found inspiration for his new Bass.

8. Most of the works of the Basinist are tight censored, but it did not stop the writer.

9. Catherine II pursued Krylov, and only after her death he sighed with relief.

10. Wings worked as a teacher of children of Prince S. Golitsin.

11. Thirty years of his life, the wings gave the Public Library, where he worked since 1812.

12. Ivan Krylov was the editor of the Slavic-Russian Dictionary.

13. Basinople was never officially married.

14. There were rumors that his native daughter Alexander worked in the house.

15. Bilateral inflammation of the lungs or overeating was the main cause of the death of the Basinista. The exact causes of death is not established.

16. Ivan Krylova buried at the Tikhvinsky cemetery in St. Petersburg.

17. The literary genre of Basni was opened in Russia for the wing.

18. The public library was replenished with rare books due to the wings.

19. Ivan loved to look at the fires and did not miss a single handy case.

20. The sofa was the beloved subject of Ivan in the house where he could relax for hours.

21. Ivan Krylov became the prototype of Goncharovsky Oblomov.

22. The Basinople was very much loved to eat, and it was the observation that could become the main cause of his death.

23. Money cards were the favorite game of Ivan Andreevich.

24. Cockfish was another hobby of Krylov.

25. The Basinista was not afraid of criticism regarding his obese species and voraciousness.

26. In the youth, Ivan loved fist fights, and also owned an incredible physical force that helped him to win.

27. Krylov worked until the last day, despite the serious illness.

28. In 1845, P.a Pletnev was written by the first biography of Krylov.

29. In the Kazan Cathedral, he loved to meet an Easter talented Basinista.

30. The wings learned the ancient Greek language called Gallet.

31. Ivan Krylov wrote 200 Basen.

32. The wings were specially loved by his fable "Creek".

33. Ivan did not like to follow his appearance, rarely washed and combed.

35. Ivan Andreevich cried when he was awarded some kind of award or a premium.

36. The wings lived only today, he did not touch anything, so I lived a happy life.

37. Once the wings offended the Count Tail, which in response wrote satirical poems about the Basinista.

38. The wings had an excellent appetite, which led to serious health problems.

39. Most familiar laughed at Kryonov for his untidy look.

40. Wings worked as a librarian and lived in the building of the Public Library.

42. Only in the old age of the wings began to carefully monitor his appearance.

43. In 1785, the Filomela and Cleopatra tragedy comes to the light.

44. In 1791, the wings go on a large trip across Russia.

45. In 1809, the first compilation of the Writer's Bassen is published.

46. \u200b\u200bIn 1811, the wings became a member of the Russian Academy.

47. In 1825, the Bassen collection was released in three languages. This collection published Count Grigory Orlov in Paris.

48. Krylov's funeral was lush. Even the Count Orlov himself volunteered to carry the coffin.

49. Ivan Andreevich very much loved tobacco, not only smoked him, but also sniffed, and chewed.

50. The wings after hearty lunch always loved to sleep, so no one went to visit him.

51. All inheritance Ivan Andreevich Krylov left her husband Sasha, his, as everyone thought, daughters.

Biography and episodes of life Ivan Krylova. When born and died Ivan Krylov, memorable places and dates of important events of his life. Quotes Basinista, Images and video.

Years of life Ivan Krylova:

born on February 13, 1769, died on November 21, 1844


"I will welcome with a smile, with a friendly look,
He, for sure with the old slowness of speeches,
Tells us with their high chairs,
About morals strange and nonsense beasts
And everyone laughs around and he himself is quietly and cheerful. "
From the poem of Ivan Majkova dedicated to the memory of Krylov

"I am the rank alone for me alone,
Which I wear in nature -
Chin man; - in it only to be
I set myself ... "
From the poem of Ivan Andreevich Krylova


When Emelyan Pugachev headed the assault of the city fortress of Yaitsk, the officer of the Don Cossacks, Andrei Prokhorovich Krylov, was among the soldiers devoted to the government who managed to protect the town from Natika. Pugachev swore to deal with the wing personally, as well as with his whole family. The officer's wife is Maria Alekseevna - in fear taken out of their young son from the city, having hidden him in the clay vessel. In this way, the life of Ivan Andreevich Krylova - an outstanding Russian Basinist - was saved.

In childhood, Ivan Kryonov never managed to get a decent education. His father died quite early, and his mother, remaining with two young sons in his arms, could hardly reduce the ends meet. But in memory of the father, the whole chest of books was preserved at Ivana - a wonderful start for self-development. Subsequently, Ivan Andreevich will go down in history as one of the most educated people of their time.

Before referring to literary activities, Ivan Krylov served as a pantyanist in the Kalyazin court, and then the Tver magistrate. Its financial position remained very tense and especially worsened after the death of the mother, since the custody of a small brother had to take over. However, with moving to St. Petersburg, good prospects opened in Krylov. Wings with excitement takes on writing plays, but on the field of drama and does not achieve success.

However, the talent fully revealed it to the fables. The work of Krylov perfectly described Ivan Turgenev, noting that "his writings were truly Russian." "... You can say without any exaggeration that a foreigner, thoroughly studied Krylov's fables, will have a clearer idea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian national character than if you read a lot of works that interpreting it," wrote Turgenev. During the lifetime, Ivan Krylov created and published several hundred Basen, collected in nine collections. Also on the account of the author, more than a dozen of the ages, comedies and tragedies.

By the end of his life, Ivan Krylov found an excellent reputation in the literary environment, and also acquired connections in the highest circles. In particular, the Basinist residents highly read in a royal family, and at the funeral of Krylov himself, the Count Orlov - the second person in the state - volunteered to carry the coffin. Before his death, Ivan Krylov bequeathed all his property and the rights to elaborate her husband of his adopted daughter Sasha, in whose company the writer held the last days of life. The Great Basinist died at the age of seventy five years. The cause of the death of Krylova served two-sided inflammation of the lungs. The funeral of Krylov was held at the Tikhvin cemetery in St. Petersburg in the presence of high-ranking specials. In memory of the legendary talent in many cities of Russia, majestic monuments are established.

Life line

February 13, 1769 The date of birth of Ivan Andreevich Krylova.
1774 Family of the wings moves to Tver.
1777 Little wings are arranged by a pantyanist in the Kalyazin Nizhny Zemstvo court.
1783 Ivan Andreevich writes the first comic opera "Coffee Name".
1789 Wings released the magazine "Mail of Spirits".
1809 Published the first book of Basen Krylov.
1812 The writer was hired to work in the public library of St. Petersburg.
1823 The wings are experiencing two strokes.
1841 The writer retires and settles in the family of its adolescent saint of Sasha.
November 21, 1844 Date of death of Krylov.
November 25, 1844 Date funeral Ivan Krylova.

Memorial places

1. The city of Moscow, where Ivan Andreevich Krylov was born and conducted a childhood.
2. The city of Tver, where the woven family moved in connection with the change of the place of work of the Father.
3. The city of St. Petersburg, which moved the Family of the Father after the death of the Father.
4. The city of Riga, where Ivan Krylov moved, accompanying Prince Golitsyn.
5. The city of Serpukhovo, where Ivan Andreevich was located for a long time at his younger brother Lion.
6. Tikhvin cemetery in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, where the wings are buried.
7. Monument to the Kryona in the Summer Garden, St. Petersburg.
8. Monument to the Kryona at the Patriarch Lakes, Moscow.
9. Monument to Kryona in Tver.

Episodes of life

Ivan Andreevich Krylov was notable eater. Whenever a new dish was served to the table, he imposed so much food into a plate as it could be accomplished. After the meal, Ivan Andreevich got up, prayed for the image and said: "Do you need a lot of people?". Eyewitnesses over this phrase have always laughed, knowing how much the wings need.

Once, rereading Lafontena, Ivan Andreevich suddenly felt the irrepressible desire to reproduce some of his Bassen in Russian for their people. The writer was warmly for the work and soon came with the results to the famous Basinowstra Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriev. He, although coming in the wing of a competitor, still highly appreciated his talent: "This is true of your kind, finally you found it."


"In the breed and in the ranks, the highness is good,
But what came in it when low shower? "

"As often spoken in affairs: still have time.
But it is necessary to confess
What they say, asked not with the mind,
And with the laziness of yours. "

Documentary "Ivan Krylov: Merry Death of Mind"


"... the wings left so little information on the cook that every word of his word acquires interest for the offspring."
Vladislav Kenevich, writer

"... He was able to defeat difficulties. In vain imagine that the light poems it went with the pen. "
Peter Plenev, Poet

"Regret our, that these last, solemn, the dying days of the transition from life to death were made unknown from us ..."
Peter Vyazemsky, poet

"He surpassed all of us famous Basinople."
Alexander Pushkin, Poet