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Modern style in Russian architecture. Modern in Russian art Mansion S. P. Ryabushinsky at Malaya Nikitskaya Street

The mode of fashion on modern in the architecture of Russia falls at the end of 19 - the beginning of 20 centuries. Russian Modern is a style that has received its development due to the emergence of a new class - bourgeoisie, whose representatives were educated, although they did not have an aristocratic past. Researchers note that Russian modern in architecture was an artistic direction that corresponded to the Western European verses of this style, but differing in its peculiarities. The decoration of the buildings appeared characteristic of the style asymmetric picturesque compositions with the predominance of plant motifs, multicolor mosaic panels on the plots of folk epic, created according to the sketches of Russian artists.

Abramtsevsky Circle - Association of Russian Arts and Scientists. Acted in the estate of the entrepreneur and the patron of S. I. Mamontov - in Abramtsev - in 1870-1890-Hg

Russian Modern - style in which you can distinguish different directions. One of them is associated with the Abramtsevsky Circle. The activities of the circle gave rise to the development of the national version of Modern style. in architecture. Often, architects from this community appealed to the historical heritage of Russian masters, hypertrophing national forms of Old Russian architecture.

One of the samples of this direction was the church of the Savior of the Unpreigned for the project V. Vasnetsov (Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. 1848-1926.), V. Polenova (Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov. 1844 - 1927), A. Mamontov (Anatoly Ivanovich Mamontov. 1839- 1905) The project was based on the temple of Savior Neoledin, built at the end of the 12th century. Near Novgorod, stylized by the authors in the spirit of Modern, which combined the cubic volume of the building with smooth lines of the dome, added beveled counterphorties, stressed the smoothness of the walls with a few decorations.

The architects, built in the style of Russian modern, often for samples took such structures such as the Moscow Cathedral of Vasily Blessed, Yaroslavl temples of the 17th century, decorated with tiles. The composition of the facades included mosaic, tiles, majolica panels, stained glass windows. In modern construction, national motives continue to use, relying on the traditions of Russian modern.

Another course of modern in the architecture of Russia relied on the techniques of stylization of methods from various currents of the European Modern. It also happened that Russian masters followed one of the adopted European Canon Modern, the adopted experience of the architects of a country. The fulfillment of Russian masters was characterized by bizarre ornamentation, such as Kazan station in Moscow architect A. Schuseva (Alexey Viktorovich Shushev - Russian and Soviet architect. 1873-1949) This is an asymmetrical, as if assembled from different volumes, the construction stretched along the square. The composition ends with a copy of the Sumbeka Tower in Kazan.

One of the samples of Modern style in Russia is Pershov's house in Moscow (architects S. Malyutin (Malyutin Sergey Vasilyevich - Russian artist, architect. 1859 - 1937), and N. Zhukov (Nikolai Konstantinovich Zhukov - Russian, Soviet architect. 1874 - 1946)) In the base of the building built-in towers with tent vests. Walls are decorated with mosaic panels, windows of Ostrochild windows.

Hotel Metropol in Modern style was created by the project V.F. Valkota (William Frantsev Walcot - British architect and artist, one of the founders of Modern style in Russia. 1874 - 1943) in the style of the European Modern. The hotel was a building with plastic facades and semicircles, decorated by Maitolika (Artists A.Ya. Golovin, M.A. Vrubel). The complex composition was the turrets, pipes and arbors on the roof. Walls are decorated with colored horizontal stripes.

Russian Modern - style, an example of which are industrial buildings (Liminson Prosonison typography of architect F. Shechor in Moscow), Railway Stations (Yaroslavl Station - Architect F. Shechtel, Kazan Station - Architect A. Schusev in Moscow), Religious buildings (Mosque in St. Petersburg Architect F. Vasilyeva, Church in Abramtsevo - Architect V. Vasnetsov, Cathedral of the Marfo Mariinsky Resident in Moscow - Architect A. Schusev), Profitable houses. The stylistic range of modern in the architecture of Russia is wide and manifested itself in various directions that combine new style trends not only with national traditions in architecture, but also with classics. For example, in the facade of the Vitebsk station, the columns of the Doric Orders are connected to the vegetation ornaments and open metal structures. Mixing styles, among which you can distinguish between the elements of Modern, which are uniting, can be seen in the buildings of shops of the shopping house Brothers Eliseev in Moscow and St. Petersburg, created by Zodhchi Baranovsky (Gabriel Vasilyevich Baranovsky - Architect, Engineer, Art historian. 1860 - 1920) The asymmetry characteristic of this type of such type reflects the idea of \u200b\u200b"movement from the inside", characteristic of modern.

Modern architecture in Russia for a long time was estimated by critics negatively, it was considered a fallen, losing sense of measure in the external design of buildings, clogging, which, in their opinion, created an unfavorable impression of this style. There was another look, which in his book "Russian architecture of the 1830-1910s" (M., 1982) E. Kirichenko (Evgenia Ivanovna Kirichenko - historian of architecture bodies. January 5, 1931). The researcher identified the end of the 19th-beginning of the 20th centuries as a turning point of formation in architecture due to the appearance of a new style. Other researchers noted that modern is associated with symbolic images connecting a variety of arts through the decor. Supporters of the Russian modernity believe that the style of Modern in Russia was imbued with a sophisticated aesthetics, symbolism that intertwined with tastes and requests from representatives of the bourgeoisie class.

Having aroused in a complex historical and cultural situation, Russian Modern was designed to solve problems and contradictions, which came with the beginning of the 20th century. Alexander Benua wrote: "A number of young artists had nowhere to go. They were not at all accepted to large exhibitions - academic, mobile and watercolor, or accepted only with the brave of all that the artists themselves saw the most obvious expression of their quest ... To "unrecognized", those of "recognized" were joined by in approved groups. With us, they were tied to the hatred of everything in the overthrown, established, dead. The desire to rethink the old and discovery of new artistic forms and techniques led to the creation of a holistic attitude, which is based on the synthesis of various types of art - from architecture to ornament. Moreover, many artists brought up artistic universalism.

List all artists and graphs, architects and sculptors somehow related to this style, difficult. Among them are not only recognized masters V. Vasnetsov and M. Vrubel, M. Nesterov and A. Golovin, V. Borisov-Musatov and E. Polenova, S. Malyutin, and I. Bilibin, K. Somov and L. Bakst, M . Dobuzhinsky and A. Benois, F. Shechtel and L. Kekushev, F. Lidval and N. V. Vasilyev, N. Lamanova and V. Serov, but also K. Korovin, V. Kandinsky, N. River, M. Voloshin , I. Levitan and K. Petrov-Vodkin ETC. For a short term of existence - from the 1890s to the 1910s. - This style is forever or on time to make many. On the peculiarities of the Russian modern, paths of its development, major monuments and works included in the treasury of Russian art, created not only by the capital, but regional artists, - we will talk about this and many other things at lectures.

The cycle consists of 7 lectures, each of which is accompanied by a multimedia presentation:

  1. Architecture of Moscow Modern.
  2. Architecture of the Northern Modern.
  3. Russian modern architecture: from Pskov and Novgorod to Samara and Yekaterinburg.
  4. Abramtsevo and Talashkino: the revival of traditions.
  5. "The World of Art": dreams and picturesque experiments.
  6. "Russian seasons": the dance of life.
  7. Fashion and jewelry art of the Russian modern.

Lecture 1. Architecture of Moscow Modern - September 2 in 19-30

Pertrov House, 1905-1907, Architect - Sergey Malyutin

When Louis Aragorn in 1930 walked through the streets of Moscow, he noticed that in the capital there are much more buildings built in the style of modernity than in Paris, "My path, which I, always on foot, was done in Arbat, passed by many buildings that Could compete with the buildings of Paris, Barcelona or Brussels. Their whimsical decor belonged to the colors of the thirty years ago ... On the old Nikitskaya, which was then called Herzen's street, you can still see the mansion of Ryabushinsky, built by Shechor in 1900, with his lattices, balconies, with his running mosaic floral friece belonging to Vrubel. The same architecture belongs to the monumental building of the Yaroslavl railway station, in which, as in the Mindovsky mansion at the corner of the Cook Street, built by the architect L. Kuekushev, Russian national origins of this art are very clearly detected. Many other, more modest buildings in the Arbat area are also marked by modern buildings in the Arbat area, although it applies more to their decor than actually to architectural solutions. Much later, I managed to see the interiors of modern buildings, and I found amazing fireplaces there, metal casting, staircase railing, chandeliers, which were pale of Western products. "

At lectures, we will talk about the legendary Moscow projects - the hotel "Metropol and" National ",", Building Mchat in Cherehersk Lane, F. Shechor's own house in Yermolaevsky Lane, about the house of Sytin and Ryabushinsky, about the mansions of the Derozhina and Morozova, Pershov and Belyaev, Yakunchikova, Isakov, Gutheil, Mindovsky, Ponizovsky and Sheet, as well as on the features of creativity of the Matrov of the Russian architecture of this period - F. Shechtel, L. Kekushev, W. Valkotta, F. Resurrection, A. Erichson etc.

Lecture 2. Architecture of the Northern Modern - September 9 in 19-30

Mansion M. Kshesinskaya in St. Petersburg, 1904-1906, Architect - A.I. von goguene

The architecture of St. Petersburg, who formed under the influence of European "national romanticism", Finnish and Swedish traditions, had its leaders - F. Lidvali, R. Meltsiera and A. Shulman, N. Vasilyeva and A. Bubil, A. Zelenko and I. Pretro, G . Makayev and V. Apyskova.

What impact was the exhibition of Scandinavian artists. Organized by Sergey Dyagilev in 1897, which contribution was made by Eliel Saharinen in the activities of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, which was distinguished by the St. Petersburg and Moscow Exhibition "Contemporary Art" and which orders received architects after it, as the works of Russian Masters Rene Makintsch and Josef Maria Olbrich, what features The "Lidvali style" and the expressive nature of the buildings of St. Petersburg architects, "we will talk about this and many other things to lecture.

Lecture 3. Architecture of Russian Modern: from Pskov and Novgorod to Samara and Yekaterinburg - September 16 at 19-30

The building of the peasant landing bank in Simbirsk, 1916, Architect - Fedor Livchak

Russian Modern brightly manifested itself not only in the architectural guide of Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also influenced the regional architecture, managed to implement in the capital and provincial life, giving them a special color. Despite the generality of the Provincial Modern Original, in different cities had his own face. Of particular interest are the buildings "Wooden Modern".

What is "wooden modern" and what is its features, what buildings of private (residential buildings and cottages) and public appointments (pharmacies, train stations, schools and cinemas) A. Zelenko, M. Kvyatkovsky, K. Babykin, G. Valenova, E . Krotkova, A. Semenova, V. Dubrovina, N. Veshnyakova, E. Tatarartseva, P. Malinovsky, P. Dombrovsky, F. Livchaka, S. Levkova; And Shcherbachev. P, Golovkin - still delight the eyes of citizens; In which city, the Museum of Modern Museum is formed; Where is the house with elephants, - we will talk about this and many other things to lecture.

Lecture 4. Abramtsevo and Talashkino: the revival of traditions - September 23 at 19-30

"Teremok" in Flenovo, 1901, Architect - Sergey Malyutin

Abramtsevsky artistic circle united around the famous entrepreneur and the patron of Sergey Mamontov, Talashkino - around the four Tenishev, who not only helped Russian artists, but also supported many creative undertakings, seeking to revive Russian traditions.

What workshops on the revival of vintage artistic crafts were organized in Abramtsevo and Talashkino; As amateur productions contributed to the organization of the Moscow Private Russian Opera; What artistic breakthroughs made M. Antontic, Brothers Vasnetsov, M. Vrubel, K. A and S. Korokhin, and .. Levitan, M. Nesterov, I. S. Ostrochov, in .. and E. Polenov, N. Roman Korsakov, V. Serov, K. Stanislavsky, N. Rerich and S. Malyutin, as the "non-Russian style" was formed; Who is the author of Russian matryoshki-Matrius; What a furior produced an exhibition of Russian art at the World Exhibition in Paris; - We will talk about this and many other things to lecture.

Lecture 5. "World of Art": dreams and picturesque experiments - September 30 in 19-30

Ivan Bilibin "Dawn on the shore of Dnieper", 1902

The emergence of the Association "The World of Art" was preceded by a homemade "self-education circle", formed by A. Benua and his friends D. Philosophical, V. Nuelev, L. Bakstom, S. Dyagilev, E. Lancere, K. Somov, who believed that artistic creativity Gesentence and does not need ideological regulations. The slogan mug was "art for art." K.S. Petrov-Vodkin in the memoirs of the "world of art" wrote: "What is the charm of Dyagilev, Benouua, Somov, Baksta, Dobuzhinsky? At the borders of historical fractures, such constellations of human groups arise. They know a lot and carry these values \u200b\u200bof the past, know how to extract stories from dust and, reviving them, give them a modern sound. "

What group was united by the "World of Art" and created in 1903 "Union of Russian Artists"; What exhibitions of Miriskussnikov were the most ambitious; Why A.P.hekhov believed that Dyagilev is the only one who should edit the magazine "World of Art"; What articles and whose work caused public indignation; What features the artistic method of "typical" Miriskusnikov; which showed the "International Exhibition of Africa" \u200b\u200barranged in St. Petersburg; What the works of senior and younger Miriskuseniki entered the use of mass art; What features the last exhibition of the "world of art", held in 1927 in Paris, - we will talk about this and many other things to lecture.

Lecture 6. "Russian Seasons": Life Dance - October 7 in 19-30

Ballet "Shehherazada", 1914, artist - Lion Bakst

Dyagilev discovered the Russian ballet, demonstrating that while in the European capitals the ballet comes into decay, in St. Petersburg he strengthened and took revenge. In 1909, A. Benua wrote that the triumphistrator in Paris was "all Russian culture, her conviction, freshness and immediacy." C 1907 to 1922 Dyagilev organized 70 performances, while 50 of them were absolute benefits.

Why the "Russian seasons" troupe followed eight decoration cars and three thousand suits; What productions were met by ovations, and what were the failure; who from Russian and European composers and artists cooperated with the "Russian seasons"; What ballets and why J. Balanchine became a classic of the American ballet, and Serge Lifar headed the ballet troupe of the Parisian opera; Why in Saint-Denis, Dyagileev's fans leave red roses and worn ballet shoes; - We will talk about this and many other things to lecture.

Lecture 7. Fashion and Jewelry Art of the Russian Modern - October 14 in 19-30

Egg "Chicken", Karl Faberge, 1885

Russian jewelers have successfully embodied new ideas and organized quite large workshops. In 1882, Ivan Khlebnikov was employed up to thousands of jewelry masters, and a little more from Carl Faberge.

At lectures, we will talk about the Jeweler of his Imperial Majesty Carla Faberge and Pleiad Masters, working in his company, Mikhail Perchinee, Eric Colin, Henry Wigstrom, Victor Aarn, Vasily Zuev, August, Holmstrem; On traditional and unique techniques, as well as the original developments used in Russian workshops I. Khlebnikov, F. Lorie, O. Kullyukov, N. Nemirova-Kolodkin, I. Chicheleva, P. Sazikova.

Lecturer - Elena Ruban. - cultureologist, teacher MARHI and VSS.

The cost of lectures is 500r.

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Fashion for a new architectural style, called in Russia modern, penetrated our country at the very end of the XIX century. Cooling to it of European customers was associated with the economic crisis of 1900-1903, but in Russia the fashion has been lasted before the beginning of the First World War.

Architectural objects of this style are easily recognized on the streets of cities due to the original facade and the high decorativeness of the details, large "shopping" windows. Most often in this style, profitable houses, trading series, plants, stations, exhibition halls were designed. The appearance of buildings, all structural elements: stairs, doors, pillars, balconies, and the inner interior were thoroughly worked out in a single aesthetic vein. The complexity of the lines of the roof, facades, the windows determined the need for the use of new materials: steel, concrete, glass.

Modern in Russia, as in Europe, immediately collapsed into several directions: stylishing modern (pseudochik, Mauritanian and Russian styles) and Modern (innovative modern). The originality of regional forms of Modern - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga, Provincial is manifested.

In the capital in the 1900s. Modern was formed under the strong influence of the traditions of the St. Petersburg architecture of the XIX century: monumentality, composite balance, the use of order elements, which determined the strict nature of most modern buildings; An example may be considered the house of Mertens (Arch. Lyolevich, 1909). The impact on the St. Petersburg modernity was proximity to the Scandinavian countries and their version of modern, so-called. "National Romanticism": Finishing of facades with natural stone (granite, marble), in excess of the capital existing in the vicinity; Wood and metal.

The stylish modernity is characterized by both new features and traditional elements of compositions and forms of historical styles, but significantly and arbitrarily processed. For example, the building of the Museum of A.V. Savorova (1901-1904, Arch. A.I. Gogen and G.D. Grimm) has the appearance of a medieval fortress due to the use of transformed elements of medieval Russian architecture. The building represents the national-romantic branch of modern. An example of this direction of Modern in Moscow is the Yaroslavl Station (1902), built Fedor Osipovich Shechor. (1859-1926). Steep tall roofs and tower, hypertrophied machine (attached braces) and multicolor lining of an asymmetric building give him the features slightly tangible effects of Northern Folk architecture. If the architecture of the Yaroslavl railway station is inherent in a thin national flavor, then the building of the Tretyakov Gallery (1900-1905, the main facade - on the project Hood. V. M. Vasnetsov) is characterized by a bright manifestation of national traits, which is due to the specific function of the museum building.

Shechor was the leading architect of the Russian Modern. At the beginning of his creative path, the Shechtel gave tribute to the retrospectivism, skillfully operating with the Gothic architecture (mansion 3. Morozova on Spiridonovka, 1893-1898). From the 1900s. He became a convinced supporter of Modern, creating projects characterized by simplicity and rationality. The most characteristic modern work of the Shechor is recognized by the mansion S.P. Ryabushinsky at M. Nikitskaya (1900-1902), which was a peculiar "architectural manifesto", proclaimed a new style of architecture. The appearance of a small painting in terms of volumes and decoration of facades of facades is completely rummaged with the continuity of previous architecture. Here, everything is new - and a plane interpretation of the facades, and peculiar outlines of the arches and the porch, and the MAIOLICOM FRIS, interrupted by various windows, and strongly protruding eaves of a simplified profile, etc.

The architecture of the late XIX - early XX centuries. On the outskirts of the Russian Empire was distinguished by an eclectic-stylish character. This manifested itself in projects not only provincial, but also metropolitan architects. Shechor was the author of the mansion of a boss trader E. Sharonov in Taganrog. In this project, he quite casually connected the details of the earlier buildings. The building of the Volzhsko-Kama Bank in Rostov-on-Don (Arch. A.N. Beketov, 1906-1909) is a model of late imitative modest. His project is not distinguished by stylistic unity: Atlanta and griffins on the facade, an adhesive balcony grid with stylized robes and baroque stucco interior is non-membered elements of heterogeneous historical styles. A more mature architectural solution in the style of Modern is the profitable home of the Rostov Gradorchalnik I.N. Zvorkina (1914), made in the style of pseudo.

Among the directions of the provincial modernity, the so-called is of particular identity. rostov, or Yaroslavsky, Moderncharacteristic of the cities of the Northeast: Yaroslavl, Rostov of the Great, Vologda. In it, as anywhere, such a property of provincial modernity was manifested as facade, i.e. The use of decorative techniques characteristic of it is exclusively for decisive purposes. This is the asymmetricity of buildings built from round logs or dashest boards; Oval windows, erkers, turrets, floristic patterns on platbands, but all in a wooden version.

At the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, a new course was originated in the art of a number of European countries. In Russia, it got a name "Modern". "Science crisis" At the beginning of the century, the refusal to the mechanistic ideas about the world gave rise to artists to nature, the desire to penetrate her spirit, to display its changeable elements in art. Follow "Natural Starting", Architects rejected "The fanaticism of symmetry", opposing him principle "Equilibrium Mass". Architecture of the era "Modern" differed asymmetry and mobility of forms, free flow "Continuous Surface", flowing internal spaces. In the ornament, vegetable motives and flowing lines prevailed. The desire to transmit growth, development, movement was characteristic of all types of art in style "Modern" - in architecture, painting, graphics, in the painting of houses, casting grids, on book covers.

"Modern" It was very heterogeneous and controversial. On the one hand, he sought to assimilate and creatively process folk beginnings, to create an architecture of not a disquenceous nationality, as in the period of eclecticism, but genuine. Holding the task even wider, Master of the Epoch "Modern" It was achieving the fact that the objects of everyday consideration carried the imprint of folk traditions. In this regard, a lot was made by a circle of artists who worked in Abramtsev, the estate of the Petsenate S. I. Mamontov. V. M. Vasnetsov worked here, M. A. Vrubel, V. D. Polenov. The case, begun in Abramtsev, was continued in Talashkin near Smolensky, the estate of Princess M. A. Tenisheva. M. A. Vrubel and N. K. Roerich shined among Talashin masters. And in Abramtsev, and in Talashkina operated workshops who produced furniture and household utensils on samples made by artists. Theorists "Modern" Anti-literal folk crafts to a blindless industrial production.

But, on the other hand, architecture "Modern" Widely used the achievements of modern construction equipment. Careful study of the possibilities of such materials such as reinforced concrete, glass, steel led to unexpected findings. Convex windows, curved window curls, fluids forms of metal grids - all this came to architecture from "Modern".

From the very beginning in the domestic "Modern" Two directions were distinguished - pan-European and national-Russian. The latter was perhaps the prevailing. At the origins there is a church in Abramtsev - the original and poetic creation of two artists who spoke as architects - Vasnetsov and Polenov. Taking the ancient Novgorod-Pskov architecture for the sample, with its picturesque asymmetry, they did not copy individual details, but embodied in its modern material the spirit of Russian architecture.

The fabulous and poetic motifs of the Abramtsevsky Church repeated and developed Alexey Viktorovich Shushev (1873 - 1941) in the Cathedral of the Marfo Mariinsky Resident in Moscow. He also owns the grandiose project of the Moscow Kazan station. Built outwardly somewhat chaotically, as a number of adjacent stone "Chambers"He is clearly organized and convenient for use. The main tower is closely reproduced by Syümbeki Tower in the Kazan Kremlin. So, in the building station, the motives of ancient Russian and eastern culture were intertwined.

Yaroslavl railway station, located opposite Kazan, built on the project of Fedor Osipovich Shechor (1859-1926), an outstanding Russian architect of the Epoch "Modern". Following the path of Vasnetsov and Polenov, Shechtel created the fabulous epic image of the Russian north.

Very versatile artist, Shechor left works not only in the national-Russian style. The numerous mansions scattered along its projects, exquisitely elegant and on each other, are unlikely, became an integral part of the metropolitan architecture.

For early "Modern" It was characteristic "Dionyskoye" Start, i.e. The desire for spontaneity, immersion in the flow of formation, development. Late "Modern" (on the eve of World War) began to prevail calm and clear "Apolonistic" Start. The architecture returned elements of classicism. In Moscow, on the project of architect R. I. Klein, a museum of elegant arts and Borodinsky Bridge were built. At the same time, the buildings of the Azov-Don and Russian trade and industrial banks appeared in St. Petersburg. Petersburg banks were built in monumental style using granite cladding and "Rvanaya" Surface masonry. It would have personified their conservatism, reliability, stability.

Century "Modern" It was very short - from the end of the XIX century. before the start of world war. But it was a very bright band in the history of architecture. At the beginning of the century, his appearance was met by a squall of criticism. Some considered it "Decadent" Style, others - Meshchansky. But "Modern" Proved his vitality and democratism. He had folk roots, relied on the advanced industrial base and imagined the achievements of world architecture. "Modern" did not possess the severity of classicism. He was divided into a variety of areas and schools that formed a multicolor palette of the last blossom of architecture on the eve of the great shocks of the XX century.

For a half decades, coinciding with the construction boom, "Modern" spread throughout Russia. Its today can be found in any old town. It is only necessary to look at rounded windows, exquisite stucco and curved balcony grilles of any mansion, hotels or shop.

The flourishing of architectural style of Modern in Europe and America falls in 1890-1914, then the first world war was prevented. The new direction dramatically changed the idea of \u200b\u200bbeautiful in graphics, design, sculpture, music, ballet.

Inventive architects created not just expressive structures with an unusual external and internal appearance, but also mastered new materials - concrete, steel, glass.

Modern projects of houses in Technique Modern use historical elements selectively, refusing the lush decor and excessive asymmetry in favor of more rational solutions.

On shift eclectic

The direction was formed in counterweight eclectics, which mixed parts from different styles, it is often not too skillful. During the period of rapid growth of cities and industrialization, modern construction was proclaimed a return to the practicality of the Middle Ages and Renaissance facilities.

Architects satisfied the increased need for the buildings of exchanges, banks, stations, industrial enterprises and profitable homes. The innovation of that time is reinforced concrete structures, the curved steel profiles - allowed the ability to create complex curved facades.

Decorative art served for development. German artist Decorator Hermann Overlooking in 1895 created a "Bunch of Beach" ... in another translation of the "hit whisst"). Silk embroidery on a woolen panel depicted stem, leaves and a cyclamen flower in a bizarre form, reminiscent of the stack of a whip whip.

Nature has become a source of inspiration for architects working in the style of classical modern.

Natural plant silhouettes (lilies, orchids, irises, palm leaves, algae), sea waves are used everywhere: in painting, large-scale mosaic panels, stucco friezes, in the design of facades, balcony lattices, door handles. Fancy stained glass furnished in modern style depicting peacocks tails, beautiful swan necks, women's curls.

Features modern in architecture

Design principle

In the 18-19 centuries, a movement was expected from the appearance of the house to the inner organization. The new approach proclaimed the primary layout of the premises, which in turn influenced external forms. The buildings receive asymmetric volumes, the facades in the modern style are saturated with erkers, towers, balconies and loggias.

Freedom of creativity

Intentionally fantasy design of external and interior decoration becomes one of the popular architectural solutions. A vivid example is Casa Batlo Spanish Masters Gaudi, the idea of \u200b\u200bvictory over the dragon is embodied here.


The rejection of direct and angular lines in favor of more natural leads to current silhouettes and underlined decorativeness. Thanks to the creative use of steel, glass and reinforced concrete in the design of houses Modern clearly felt the merge of natural and man-made forms.

Color spectrum

Pastel, without explicit contrasts, the olive, gray, dust-lilac, tobacco shades dominate. The exterior and interior of buildings exists in close relationship; Curved stairs, railings and supports repeat ornamental lines.

Characteristic elements of modern

The lifestyle decorated columns (straight, located at an angle or curved), window and doorways in the form of an archer, complex the glazing structure. The masters combine the traditions of European, Eastern and African architecture, but do not blindly copy them, but freely interpret.

Direction of modern in the architecture of different countries

The fashionable course received several names - it was denoted as "AR Nouveau" in France and Belgium, "Modern" in the Russian Empire, "Seetsession" in Austria, "Tiffany" in the United States.


Victor Orta first in construction applied the "beat of Beach" in the design of the facades and used the supporting structures of the asymmetric form. The architect appealed to the receivers of large glazing in combination with a large amount of metal.

His buildings in the style of Modern - the famous mansions of Tassel, Solwei, Aytemel, House-Workshop (Museum of Orta) - entered the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Ector Gimar, a leading architect of the period, embodied projects in the style of AR Nouveau when making urban mansions, but most of all he was remembered by the design of the pavilions of the Paris Metro.

Created objects freely combine metal frames with glass elements glazed by ceramic tiles, brick and sandstone.


Viennese secession is characterized by a more modest decor and simple, correct geometric shapes. In this direction, the Maitolika House's profitable house and the postal building in Vienna (Otto Wagner projects) were performed. In the style of Geometric Modern, J. Hoffmann worked, instead of smooth outlines, direct angles and receiving a chess grid.

A bright sample of Austrian architecture is a banker mansion, erected in Brussels.


Catalan architect Antonio Gaudi created famous picturesque, but no less constructive buildings: Batlo House, Mila House, Park Guell. Its beautiful houses in the technique of modern - with wave-like facades, ceramic facing, like a dragon Czech Tile - attract tourists from all over the world, as the unfinished project of the Church of the Holy Family.


The design in the style of American Modern is associated with the name of Louis Tiffany. He invented the connection technique for glass pieces with a copper foil. Stained glass windows, created on this technology, decorate buildings throughout the country. Stained glass windows are one of the main elements of modern modern.

Russian Architecture Modern Style

The new flow in the architecture covered not only the European part of the Russian Empire, but also the city of Urals, Siberia. Regional differences were manifested in the floors and the choice of materials: in the capital they built multi-storey buildings from stone, in the other places - mansions with two and three floors made of wood and stone basement.

Modern style in the architecture of Russia was distinguished and manifested itself with two main destinations: St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Northern Modern (Petersburg)

Developed under the influence of the works of the Scandinavian masters of F. Lindwall, A. Shulman, E. Sainin. Made in the style of Modern Dacha Grand Duke B.V. Romanova under the royal village was one of the first buildings.

Examples of the new architectural destination include the Shop Brothers Eliseev, House F.G. Bazhanova, Hotel "Astoria", Profitable houses in Gatchina, Vyborg, Vatvale. From Russian architects in this style, N. Vasilyev, G. Baranovsky, P. Aleshin.

The main characteristics of the Northern Modern:

  • Facade finish with natural and artificial materials.
  • Facing with granite blocks (rough or smooth texture).
  • Refusal to small ornament in favor of simple molding elements.
  • Saving symmetry using rectangular towers.
  • The color gamut of the facades is associated with impregnable northern cliffs and medieval castles.

A characteristic sample of the modernist architecture of St. Petersburg is the project P. Suzora on Nevsky Prospect: the house of the company "Singer" (today there is a "house book").

For the first time, a metal frame was used for the first time, which reduced the load on the walls and allowed you to mount windows-showcases.

The roof with glazing over the inner courtyards has become a new technique, a ventilation system was technically technically equipped. The main facade is crowned with a transparent dome with an eagle figure - one of the most recognizable symbols of the city.

Moscow Modern

There were predominantly private buildings here (this is the difference with the St. Petersburg direction). The ideology was substantiated and developed in the Abramtsevsky circle - the unification of artists and decorators led by the polenate of Savoy Mamontov.

Buildings built in Moscow Art Nouveau style have characteristic features:

  • Asymmetric layouts and facade compositions.
  • Multifacture facing materials.
  • Erkers in the role of dominant architectural accents.
  • The combination of floristic and geometric decors in the interior and exterior.

The classic example of the house in the style of Moscow modern is a mansion of collector S.P. Ryabushinsky on the project Fyodor Shechor.

Light yellow facades are decorated with a lilac mosaic with iris. Window openings are made different in shape, they are complemented by steel grilles with floral ornament. Shechor has developed an interior decoration at home.

In the outlines of stairs, the ceiling stucco, the outdoor mosaic is read by the idea of \u200b\u200ba sea wave.

Modern Modern Houses

Majestic and elegant Moscow and St. Petersburg mansions of the late 19th - early 20th century serve as a prototype for private houses Modern today.

The architectural direction is universally: suitable for residences and small areas of country cottages in Moscow and Moscow region. Building builds from bricks, stone, concrete, wood, popular solution - frame steel and glass designs.

Signs of modernity as a modern style:

  • Asymmetry of composite-volume solutions.
  • Registration of the facade of railings, eaves, fancy forms.
  • Window openings of non-standard configuration: oval, round, trapezoid, narrow (loopholes), showcases with stained glass windows.
  • Turks, spiers and flugger on the roof.
  • Nature Color Gamma: Lavender, Terracotta, Beige Shades.

Homemade space is organized rational. Often, the projects of cottages in the modern concept are united by a residential part, garage, economic extensions. The same outer decoration performs a binding function.

Erkers are appropriate, plenty of balconies, glazed terraces, attic rooms. Exterio characteristic openwork metal parts: railing, window grilles. Wild stone is well suited for trim, its imitation or facing brick is well suited.

Projects of modern modern houses are very democratic in terms of materials. Metal, glass, brick, ceramics, reinforced concrete are in progress. From polyurethane make the original facade decor, including copies of the design of famous historical objects.

Video of the modern house in the style of modernity from the architects to the top

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