Repairs Design Furniture

How much is a cooked olted solution. Falker of plants ash. How to get ash under fertilizer

Famous many centuries fertilizer - Wood ash And today helps gardens and gardeners to solve several problems at once. It enriches the soil by the minerals that improve the growing vegetation and fruiting plants. Breaks it, increasing yield even on loamy. Giving the opportunity to oxygen to actively penetrate into the ground, helps multiply useful microorganisms and soil invertebrates.

Than rich ash

  1. The ash obtained after the burning of waste (Tree, dried plants, straw), has valuable magnesium and boron compounds, calcium and zinc, sodium and potassium, sulfur and phosphorus. In general, it has about 30 useful trace elements for plants. All of them are important for a variety of cultures. Thanks to them, the ash feeder increases countering diseases, infections, pests.

So, calcium shortage leads to the death of plants. It is he who helps them get the necessary nutritious trace elements from the ground. Potassium makes them immune to various diseases, they suffer less from pests. Without him, they grow slower. Potassium is needed for full-fledged fruits, tubers, bulbs.

Phosphorus affects plant metabolic processes, on normal photosynthesis, provides good fruiting

Fucking ash improves the structure of the Earth, it restores the desired level of acidity, the useful microflora is actively developing.

What plants useful ash fertilizer

Ash is useful to all plantswhich requires alkaline soil or soil with reduced acidity.

Cabbage under these conditions is less exposed to pests and fungal diseases, so as a responsive for fertilizer ash.

Well, the potatoes react to stealing ashes. Because of the presence of potassium, tubers grow large. The ash introduced into the soil intended for legumes provides their good harvest. From the most dangerous pest - carrot flies and her larvae - saves the ashes of carrots. Many vegetables - tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, pumpkins, beets, cucumbers spoke to him well.

But we must take into account that the ash is harmful to those plants that need acidic soils..

What an ash is preferable

Experts divide the ash, obtained from the burning of wood, and vegetable.

  1. The most valuable because it is more environmentally friendly, consider ash from firewood and logs - without mold and impurities. And from this species highlights especially fertilizer obtained when burning birch. In it (and in other hardwood), especially a lot of potassium. Therefore, gardeners prefer her.

The ash, which is formed when burning plants, also contains a significant percentage of potassium.

How to get ash under fertilizer

The most suitable means for these purposes is metal barrels or boxes. In them, the resulting ashes is protected from the wind, all the firewood is good, dry the remains of the plants (including the leaves collected during the leaf fall). It is important to keep in mind: you can not mix the wood with household waste, so it turns out a harmful mixture. Ash should be dry, small fractionswithout harmful to cultures and human substances.

The as a result of burning ash is best to store in a dry place, in wooden tanks, tightly closed, it is possible in well-closed polymer bags.

If the moisture falls inside, then it will dramatically worsen the quality of fertilizer due to leaching it. Therefore, polyethylene bags for storing ash are not recommended: condensate is formed in them, which is also able to reduce the valuable properties of the ashes.

How to prepare feeding

The effect of wood ash increases when mixing it with humus, peat, compost. This provides a faster decomposition of organic substances. You can make ash and directly into the soil, improving the fertile properties of humus. Cultures are better fruit.

Another plus of this fertilizer: its impact on plants lasts almost three years..

Mineral feeding from dry ash is a powder made of small particles. Its necessary amount is scattered on the ground. Drops together with Earth or leave on the soil in the form of mulch. It is under the action of moisture then gradually penetrates into the lower layers of humus.

Like any fertilizer, ash requires compliance with the proportions of its application per square meter. For suesy lands, the dose is 100-200 grams. For Suglinkov, it takes several times more - depending on the clay content in the soil.

Accurate calculations of fertilizer volumes for entering into land are important, alkaline characteristics will be broken, it will have adverse effects for cultures.

Wet feeding from ash

In addition to dry ashes, specially cooked liquid. The ashes fall asleep in cold water (up to 200 grams of 10 liters). After stirring, it insists for about a week, mixed and insisted for about a week. This liquid is well absorbed by the roots of different cultures. Watering and feeding it preferably to combine.

Garders use such wet feeding and for extractive plant feeding, spraying cucumbers and tomatoes with sprayers.

To the mixture remained longer on the leaves, the household soap is added to its composition.. Such a spraying protects plants from diseases and exposure to numerous pests, with which it is difficult to cope in other ways.

Another type of wet fertilizer is a basic solution. Make it easy. In this case, in 10 liters of water, one kilogram of the ashes is dissolved, the resulting composition boils up to 20 minutes. One liter is diluted with 10 liters of water. This solution is then carried out by a wet full mineral feeding of plants.

The basic solution is well stored for a long time. Therefore, it can be prepared by the future. It is then used in several feeding. The whole period of its storage, he does not lose its useful mineral properties. Between the feeding, some gardeners add boric acid into it, potassium permanganate and ash. It further enriches the finished applying fertilizer.

Liquid feeding such a substance should be carried out 3-4 per year. When flowering occurs, it is possible to fertilize more often, after 2-3 weeks.

Features of the feeding of garden crops

Cucumbers during the formation of stocks especially need potassium and calcium, and they have ash in the desired quantity. During this period, it is recommended at the beginning of the flowering of culture every ten days to water any bush with infusion in half liters.

Vegetables that are grown in the open ground, and spray the ashes of the ashes, so that the leaves are covered with a gray bloom. When active growth occurs, 3-4 feeding as a month is carried out.

For tomatoes and peppers, during the preparation of the Earth, three glasses of ash are introduced for each square meter. When the seedlings are planted, the ashes of the ashes are addicted to all the wells. It helps a good aging of fruits. These cultures feed the whole season of the growing fertilization. Before irrigated, the land sprinkles ashes, and after loose.

If the ash is not enough, you can make a shallow ditch around the bush, to fall asleep a quarter of a cup of ashes and pour out the ground from above.

Under the bow and garlic in the fall, when preparing the soil, 2 glasses of ash are made on the calculated area. In the spring when landing - 1 cup on the same area. Wood ash in the garden saves from rotten bacteria. These cultures are several times (but no more than three per season) feed the fertilizer or under the root, or to make grooves and water them with a solution.

From serious problems, the ash fertilizer saves potatoes. It protects against the wire and destroys the larvae of the main enemy of this culture - the colorado beetle. In each yam, you need to make two tablespoons of the ash. When the soil is preparing under the landing, also contribute one glass of ash per square meter. This means is introduced under each bush and during its growth (up to two tablespoons), even by half a compartment - when dippeding. Punching the land infected with the Colorado Bucket, the gardeners destroy his larvae. It is also recommended to spray the potato leaves with a decoine of ash.

When growing cabbage of any variety 1-2, the glasses of ash on the "square" are made in the preparation of the soil, then when the seedlings are planted, still in hand in the well. To protect against pests spray as needed leaves.

The carrots and beets are fitted with a similar way, bringing as a glass of ash to sowing. meter, and then sprinkled before watering once a week.

For zucchini, the land prepared for landing is made on the calculated area of \u200b\u200bthe glass of ash, one or two tablespoons in the well. If the land is poor, then during the development of this culture during irrigation fertilize with one glass per square meter.

Plants require feeding during the appearance of floral buds, the first strings, during intensive fruiting.

The use of ash in the garden

Gardeners use ashes to protect trees and bushes from diseases and pests. This fertilizer saves them from pulse dew, budding tick, fruit and other enemies of garden crops. To do this, they are sprayed with infusion, prepared as well as with extracurricular feeding of vegetables. The ash activates the growth of plants and increases their durability.

Strawberry, if it is sprinkled by it at the rate of 10-15 grams on the bush immediately after flowering, avoids the infection with a gray rot. The berry as a result of the feeding of the ash fertilizer gives more berries.

Saplings of fruit trees and shrubs are planted with climbing in the ground up to 10 cm deep into 100-150 grams of ash for one square. Such feeding helps the rapid development of the roots. Adult trees and shrubs feed as a seaside every four years, about 2 kilograms of ashes enter the rolling circle. To prevent diseases and pests, garden trees and bushes spray ash in the leaves.

The ash fertilizer is well affected on roses, lilies, clematis, gladiolus, peonies. Sutting off the seedlings of these colors, 5-10 grams of ashes are put on each well.

When pests appear, the flowers are twisted with the ashes with a solution in which soap is added. This operation is desirable to be performed in the morning in the absence of wind, with dew or after rain. In dry weather, the flowers of room temperature spray with the fertilizer.

What to take into account

  • The ashes added to fresh manure reduces the nitrogen content in the mixture, such mineral connections arise, which can not consume roots.
  • It is impossible to feed ash seedlings until the first real leaves appear. At this time, it is better to make a nitrocertic trace elements.
  • If a cabbage and beans grow on acidic soilShe can not enrich ash.
  • Included ashes and nitrogen fertilizers should at different times. Alas - autumn, nitrogen fertilizers - in spring. You can change places.
  • The ashes mix with the ground when planting tomatoes, pumpkin crops, cucumbers so that there is no root tissue burn.
  • It should take into account the content of alkali in the soil in order not to exceed its content. Otherwise, useful minerals will be well absorbed.
  • Adding ash in fresh vegetable compost It will prevent the accumulation of nitrogen in it.

Thus, the ash, the most affordable fertilizer for all gardens and gardeners, acts as a reliable means both in the fight against diseases of various cultures and their pests, and in obtaining a good, environmentally friendly harvest.

Do not know how to use wood ash on the plot? In this article, we will tell you in detail how to properly carry out different crops using the usual ash.

In wood ashes, an accessible form contains about 30 minerals that are necessary for the proper development of plants. At the same time, in such a valuable fertilizer there is no chlorine, so ash is recommended to apply plants for feeding plants that react to this element negatively: strawberries, raspberries, currants, potatoes. Also on making wood ash, all pumpkin, cabbage, beets, tomatoes and cucumbers are well opposed.

But consider: plants that love the acidic soil (for example, blueberries, cranberries, lingonberry, azalea, camellia, rhododendron), ash are not transferred.

The ash happens (from wood burned) and vegetable. It is ecologically clean and suitable for use as a fertilizer, an ash from wood and logs, on which there is no mold and various impurities from the combustion of polyethylene film, synthetics, rubber, colored paper, etc. Of the tree species, potassium trees is most of all in the ash of deciduous crops, especially birch. It is recommended to use it as a fertilizer for the garden.

Also, valuable ashes are obtained by burning grassy plants, such as sunflower and buckwheat. They contain up to 36% potassium oxide. And the least of all potassium and phosphorus in peat ashes, but there is a lot of calcium.

Firewood and plant residues best burn in a large iron drawer with high walls so that the ashes did not blow up the wind

It is impossible to carry out the wood ashes obtained from the burning of household waste.

After burning wood or plants, the ashes are assembled and stored in a dry place in a wooden box with a dense hermetic lid. Polyethylene storage bags of ash are not suitable because moisture is condensed.

How many ashes are contained in different tanks:

Wood ashes are used in a dry and liquid form. In the first case, the ashes are simply close in the soil as a fertilizer, and in the second - cooked solid infusions and solutions are prepared from it.

How to prepare ash solution

In order not to harm plants, but help them develop correctly, you need to know how to dilute ash for feeding. It is not difficult to do this: 1 cup of ashes should be stirred in a bucket (10 l) of water. This liquid is usually watering the root plants instead of industrial mineral fertilizer. Before use, the resulting solution needs to be thoroughly discharged because the precipitate is formed.

How to prepare infusion ash

To prepare the feet useful for plants, ash can be insteaded. For this, the 1/3 bucket is filled with ashes, to the very edges poured it with hot water and insist two days. After that, infusion is filtered and used for root feeding or spraying garden crops.

Spray plants need in the evening in quiet weather. Such processing can be made 2-3 times a month

Extra-corner feeding ash

An extractive feeding can be carried out not only by the infusion of ash, but also a decoction. For this, 300 g of ashes are sifted, poured boiling water and boiled for 25-30 minutes. After that, the decoction is compatible, filtered and bred 10 liters of water. So that the feeding is better sticking to the leaves, it is necessary to add 40-50 g of the household soap.

The spraying of the ash decoction helps protect cultures from diseases and pests, in particular from a wireman, threshing, cruciferous fleece, nematodes, slugs, snails.

Use of ash in the garden

When feeding vegetables ashes, the first thing is to take into account the level of soil acidity. Alkaline soil ash board, because This will lead to even greater latching. But the introduction of ash in the acidic land makes her reaction close to neutral.

Undercalinking seedlings ash

To speed up the growth of seedlings, it needs to be pollinated by a thin layer of ash every 8-10 days. This procedure will also protect plants from pests. When the plants appear in 2-3 of the present leaflet, they should be disappointed with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust (in equal proportions). So you will scare from seedlings cabbage flies, cruciferous fleck and other insects.

Also, when placing seedlings into the ground in each well, it is necessary to make 1-2 tbsp. Dry ash. Such a feeder will support the soil and will help the plants get better.

Also, the ash can be scattered around the plants and in the aisle

Feeding ash plant in greenhouse

The ral solution is most often used for watering vegetables (first of all - cucumbers) grown in a greenhouse. In the protected ground, root feeders are usually carried out: on one plant is consumed by 0.5-1 l of liquid ash fertilizer.

Undercumbers of cucumbers ash

The cucumbers are experiencing a special deficiency of potassium and calcium during the formation of the barriers. Therefore, in order to improve the ripening of fruits, at the beginning of the flowering of the plant is watered with an infusion of ash (0.5 liters per bus). The feeder repeats every 10 days.

The cucumbers grown in the open ground are additionally feeding with an extraordinated way: spray as an ash decoction so that the entire sheet plate is covered with a gray bloom. In the period of active growth and bootonization, 3-4 feeders per month are carried out.

Feeding ash ash tomato and peppers

With the cultivation of tomatoes and peppers during the soil resistance, 3 glasses of ash per 1 sq.m are made, and when the seedlings are seedlings of these crops - by hand in every hole. Also, the ash can be made under peppers and tomatoes throughout the growing season. Before each watering soil under the bushes sprinkled ashes, and after moisturizing the ground loose.

Undercaming ash and garlic

Under the bow and garlic with autumn resistance in the soil, 2 glasses of ash on sq.m are introduced into the soil, and in the spring - 1 cup on sq.m. These cultures are prone to root rot, and entering wood ash warns the growth of putrefactive bacteria.

Also, onions and garlic can be picked by the infusion of ash under the root or water the grooves. But this is done no more than three times per season.

Fucking potatoes ash

When planting potatoes, they bring under the tuber to each well 2 tbsp. ash. During the soil resistance, 1 cup of ash on sq.m is used. During the growing season at the first injury to the potatoes, 1-2 tbsp are made under each bush. Alas, and with the second perching (at the beginning of the bootonization), the norm increases to 1/2 cup under the bush. Also potatoes are useful to spray in the leaves of an ash decoction.

Slash can sprinkle when landing and potato tubers themselves - it will protect them from the wireman

Undercantle Cabbage Sky

Under the cabbage of different species is made at the peroxide 1-2 cup of ash on sq.m, and when the seedlings are planted - a handful of every well. And the ash perfectly protects representatives of the family of cruciform from pests: plants spray with infusion on the leaves. The number of treatments depends on weather conditions: if it rains, the leaves need to be polled more often.

Fucking ash carrots and beets

Before sowing these crops in the soil, 1 cup of ashs per sq.m. After the appearance of germs, it is necessary to sprinkle carrot and beetric beds with ash plants once a week before watering plants.

Undercaming Zabachkov Sky

Under the zucchini make 1 cup of ash per 1 sq. M during the soil resistance, 1-2 tbsp. - in each yam when disembarking seedlings, and on depleted soils during the growing season, plants additionally fertilize during irrigation: 1 cup of ash on sq.m.

The use of ash in the garden

With the help of wood ash, trees and shrubs from diseases and pests can be protected, such as malievable dew, kidding mite, fruit, cherry sawner, etc. For this, the plants spray with a decoction prepared by the same recipe as for extractive feeding of vegetables. Make it in the evening in quiet weather.

Also, the ash is good as a fertilizer, which stimulates the growth of plants and increases their immunity.

Standard Strawberry Slaboy

Strawberry (garden strawberries) poured sainted ashes at the rate of 10-15 g on a bush immediately after flowering. This prevents the spread of gray rot. If this procedure has to be repeated, then the ashes spend twice as much.

Garden strawberry, fed along with the ash fertilizer, gives a greater number of flowerons and, accordingly, berries.

The ash in dry form also protects the garden strawberries from pests

Vintage grapes

Grapes feed 3-4 times per season: on the leaves of plants after sunset spray the decoction of ash. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that all sheet plates be covered with it evenly.

However, the vines themselves can become a good feeding. In the fall after the end of the fruiting, all cropped shoots (they must be absolutely healthy) burned. The resulting ash (1 kg) is poured with 3 water buckets and allowed. The resulting agent is stored in a cool place no longer than a month, periodically stirring. Before use, infusion is bred by water in proportion of 1: 5 and the chips of the economic soap is added there.

Feeding ash trees and bushes

When planting seedlings of fruit trees and shrubs in the soil at a depth of 8-10 cm close up 100-150 g of ashes per 1 sq.m. Such feeder contributes to the rapid adaptation of plants to new conditions and the speedy development of the root system.

Adult trees and shrubs feed the ash once every 4 years: about 2 kg of ashes contribute into each rim.

In order to prevent diseases and pests, fruit and berry plants are useful to spray with an ash infusion on the leaves.

Forming flowers ash

Fertilizer of ash is especially useful roses, lilies, clematis, gladiolus and peonies. When planting seedlings of floral crops into each well, 5-10 g of ashes are laid out.

Flowers that were underwent pest attacks evenly dismissed ash (with the addition of soap). Make it in the morning in windless weather on dew or after the rain. During drought before processing, it is possible to make plants with water room temperature.

Now you know how to prepare a fantastic of ash and how to use it in the garden, garden and flower bed. This organic fertilizer is not only useful for plants, but also safe for people and domestic animals.

Juicy green grodes, as you know, is the result of the heavy work of the shimmer. It requires care and attention, so to grow delicious cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and other useful vegetables, you need to prepare in advance and time for growing, and fertilizer for the soil.

Supporting the soil is one of the most important factors affecting the right growth and taste of pretty, so this question cannot be ignored. You can, of course, buy all the necessary mineral fertilizers in special stores, but it is impossible to challenge the fact that natural substances will benefit much more than purchased.

One of the most economical and easily accessible Dobring is wood ash. Almost all rural residents are a fertilizer always at hand - branches of trees are burned, dry grass. Dropping the potatoes, you need to not forget to leave and dry it with the tops - when burning in its ash, there is a huge number of useful trace elements. Buckle and sunflower tops are also a great remedy for obtaining the necessary ash. This so easily obtained ashes and need to be used for feeding. Residents of cities who need ash for fertilizer of soils in the country areas, can be used as remaining in fireplaces after burning coal and firewood.

Wood ashes useful to feed:

  • Acid soils for growing vegetables;
  • Soils where fruit trees grow;
  • Earth for growing houseplants in pots;
  • Earth for growing seedlings in greenhouses.

You can also feed ash in pure form or the case of wood ash and field soils that are sown with cereal cultures, but it is not always possible to get such a large amount of this natural fertilizer so that it is enough to feed the large territories.

Ways to use wood ash in agriculture

  • For growing indoor plants, mix the ground with ashes - per 1 kg. soil need approximately 3 tablespoons of ash;
  • For growing colors on the flower, you can pour a little ashes under each planor - approximately 1 teaspoon (without a slide);
  • For the cultivation of vegetable crops, the land is needed in advance to sprinkle ashes and overcoat it. Thus, the ash is mixed with the soil and plants in the future will receive all the necessary elements. Per 1 m². You need to pour the floor of a dry ash.
  1. Wet ash. Such an ash loses its main component - potassium, so it is not recommended to use it in wet. But wet wood ash is a wonderful ingredient for composting - through time it will be a unique fertilizer.
  2. Infusion of wood ash. This is the most useful and widespread fertilizer, which is used in agriculture.

The infusion of ash (ash) is used for such purposes:

  • For feeding soil;
  • For the prevention of many diseases of plants;
  • To combat pests.

Now let's tell about everything in order.


For feeding the soil, the next charm of wood ash is used.

Option 1.

In the water bucket, you need to gradually pour 100-150. Dry ash and mix it thoroughly. The ash must dissolve almost completely. Such an infusion can be picked up the soil where houseplants or flowers will grow.

Option 2.

In 1 liter of steep boiling water, it is necessary to dissolve 1 tablespoon of woody ash. Tincture must be laid within 7 days. Daily, the bank must be shaken that the natural fertilizer dissolve faster. Such an infusion you can feed the soil on which seedlings are growing, vegetable crops, flowers.

Against diseases and pests

For the prevention and treatment of plant diseases, the following infusion of ash is used:

On the floor of the warm water you need 25 of this natural substance. The easily soluble parts of the ashes dissolve in the water - for this, the jar with a liquid must be left for two hours. When infusion is ready, it needs to spray "patients" plants. You can also sprinkle plants with water coal powder.

To combat pests of all types of plants, various options are used.

Option 1.

Astroita ash against Tly and caterpillars. As is known, the plant, the most subject to the destruction of the tool - it is cabbage. The TLL appears very quickly, and accordingly, very quickly destroys the plant. So that this does not happen, you need to pour one glass of wood coal residues into the declined bucket and pour a bucket to edges with cold water. All contents need to mix well with a wooden stick and give it to brew 10-12 hours. Then you need to mix the solution thoroughly and strain. The resulting liquid needs to spray cabbage completely - and external parts, and internal. Spraying must be carried out daily in early in the morning, preferably at 5 am. If you regularly protect the cabbage plants with the help of ash tincture, then such pests as a failure will not be disturbed.

Option 2.

Spray ash vs . To defeat the TRU, you can use the following recipe. 1 cup of dry ash must be boiled in a 1.5 liter of water and give it to boil 20-25 minutes on slow heat. Then the day the decoction should stand. Fluid need to handle plants on which pests can be.

Option 3.

Decoration of ash against diseases of the gooseberry. On the leaves of the gooseberry often performs a malievable dew, which spoils and subsequently destroys the plant. So that such trouble does not happen, you need to use a solution of ash. It will take a large boiler for its cooking to be poured a bucket of dry wood ash and pour 3 buckets of water. This mixture should be touched to a boil and boil one hour. When a kind of decoction cools, it needs to spray a bush. It is possible to use this solution only after the ovary is formed. Previously, it is impossible, as it will negatively affect the number of future fruits.

Option 4.

A mixture of ash, tobacco and household soap against pests. So that no failure, nor other pests disturbed, you can use the following infusion.

You need to mix an equal amount of ash, household soap and tobacco. This mixture must be pouring a small amount of water and give it a few hours. Then you need to process plants with a small amount of this infusion. This tool not only protects the pests of pests, but also helps to avoid a large number of different plant diseases.

The remnants of flourishing firewood and coal are one of the best fertilizers who do not need to spend money. A large number of useful substances in this fertilizer - potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc. help plants to grow normally and take time time. Undercantling with inferior wood ash - the process is inexpensive. So that this fertilizer is enough to feed the entire land plot, the ashes need to be collected throughout the year. It needs to be stored in a dry place, and then it will not lose his useful properties within a few years.

He has long been in Russia for the treatment of many diseases used oven ash. What, and this medicine in any house was in excess. In ancient hospital, it was recommended to treat bruises, eye diseases, childhood diseases

He has long been in Russia for the treatment of many diseases used oven ash. What, and this medicine in any house was in excess. In ancient hospital, it was recommended to treat bruises, eye diseases, childhood diseases. Moreover, the ash was taken from one furnace, but from three (self-elected, maid and bath), reading the conspiracy "with three stoves of ash brought health", and in more complex cases - from seven, including neighborhood. This was not only the echoes of the pagan rituals, but also practical meaning, since in different houses it was treated with firewood from different types of trees, then mixing ash from 3-7 stoves, achieved the maximum healing effect. It was like dry ash, and diluted with water and oil in proportions 1: 1: 1, and ash water. By the way, "ash's therapy" does not have contraindications and, unlike chemical drugs, is suitable for absolutely everyone.

Under the urchinice regularly two or three times a week, wash the body with coarse water 1/2 cup of deciduous trees (best birch) boil in 2 liters of boiling water and immediately remove from the fire, give liquids to stand for days, then carefully drain the pure infusion Perfect it through several layers of gauze or wool, and put it in a cold place. Before applying the infusion, dilute the water temperature in the ratio of 1: 1.

With trophic ulcers, ask 500 g of birch or lime ash, fill it with 5 l of steep boiling water, insist until it is cooled to 35-37 degrees, and straighten the patient or leg to lower in this infusion for half an hour, then remove and, without wiping, give dry in air. If the ulcer is located on the torso, then twice a day, in the morning and evening, make compresses from a folded four to six times gone, wetted in the nasty. Keep the compress on the affected location you need 2 hours. After the ash begins to pull the pussy, the ulcer need to rinse the diluted tincture of the calendula (the tablespoon of the pharmacy tincture of 0.5 glasses of water).

With rheumatism, the ash baths are effective. Mix in equal proportions water and birch ash, boil in the enameled dishes for 10-15 minutes, insist the day, drain, without scolding, clean infusion and pour 1 l in a bath with a water temperature of 32 degrees. Bath duration -10 -15mount.

After the procedure, it is a pretty laugh with a terry or waffle towel.

In convulsions, pains in the legs, high sweating, vegetative dystonia, circulatory disorders, climacteric blood ties mix 1/3 of a salt and 2/3 of a glass of birch ash, pour a mixture into an enameled bucket and fill 6-7 liters of warm water, mix well and Do not flash. Heat the composition to the body temperature and lower the legs in the foot bucket. Blank with a sheet or towel.

With the disease of the oral cavity as a dental powder, use well-sieved ashes.

You can dilute ash water in proportion 1: 1. This tool helps to keep teeth and gums healthy even in old age.

And on a hot summer day, it's beautifully thirst for such water:

Half a glass of ashes pour into a dense linen bag and rinse well with water. A piece of ash will dissolve. The remaining ash placed in a water jar (1/4 cup of ash on 2 liters of water) and insist the day, then dilute with boiled water in proportion 1: 3 and drink.


The healing properties of the "black drug" depend on the wood from which it is cooked. The most useful coal is beech and birch. Next, in descending order, pine, linden, oak, spruce, ox, olha, poplar

In everyday life, you can always use pharmacy carbolne tablets, but if a large amount of sorbent is required for treatment, then the activated carbon is better made by itself. And if the ailment grabs you where there are no doctors or pharmacies, the more you need to learn how to cook this universal medicine is done it

Chocks or Hollows will pre-clean from the bark. Put them into the fire all at the same time and burn, having achieved such a state when there are no flames in the fire, but only the heat is felt from the roller coal, as above the barbecue for kebabs, then from this slide, choose angle with a small eraser or slightly smaller, fold into the clay Or a different vessel, closely close the lid and let it go and cool. After that, remove, blow away from the shallow dust, put into the mortar and grind to the state of small crumbs. If you want to get better activated carbon, then hot coal, before putting in a pot, pour out in a colander or metal sieve and hold over a saucepan with boiling water for 5-10 minutes.

In case of poisoning by non-baking milk products (sour cream, yogurt, oil), as well as spoiled (proceeded) soups, tested for 1/4 teaspoons of coal in 1/4 cup of water three or four times a day per hour before meals.

When gougring in the period of exacerbation, take a teaspoon of coal, crushed and squeezed in 1/4 cup of water, twice a day per hour before eating coal picks up urinary acid causing salts deposition and contributing to the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

When hepatitis, take a daily cup of warm milk with a teaspoon that is confused into coal dust (better from birch).

In diarrhea and even dysentery, stir a teaspoon of chopped birch coal in a glass of red wine and quickly drink. Repeat every day until the symptoms stop.

When allergic is three or four times a day, per hour before meals, take the coal powder for treatment - 2 weeks the treatment regimen is as follows in the first week. Gradually increase the amount of coal from the first dose on the tip of the knife to the teaspoon on the 4-5th day of treatment 2-3 Take the day for a teaspoon three times a day, then again smooth down the dosage.

With the disease of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, atherosclerosis, obesity, after small doses of radiation (radiation therapy), chemotherapy take activated carbon 1/2 teaspoon two or three times a day. Course of treatment for 2 weeks.

To accelerate the removal from the body of radioisotopes, take 1/8 teaspoon of chopped coal two or three times a day per hour before meals. At the same time, make cleaning belly with the presentation of birch leaves (a tablespoon of 0.5 liters of boiling water, to insist the hour, strain and pour into a two-liter enema).

In case of meteorism caused by the use of cabbage, onions, radish, turnips, bananas, apricots, other vegetables and fruits, take a 1/8 teaspoon of chopped coal, squeezed in 1/4 cup of boiled water.

In case of meteorism caused by the use of a large amount of milk, beans, peas, beans, take 1/8 teaspoon of coal stirred in water, three or four times a day, before the cessation of symptoms.

ATTENTION! When receiving coal, constipation is possible, so during "carlet therapy" should be used more vegetables, fruits containing food fibers, as well as drink more liquid.

Black powder

Wound has long been sprinkled with coal. It neutralizes the products of the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, toxins, as well as pus. Therefore, if the wound gotten, rinse it with a solution of antiseptic and, without hesitation, pour out the unwrapped coal. It should also be done when weaving wounds, trophic ulcers or if you have a furuncle.

When exacerbating gouts, use coal parires Mix the coal powder with a ground linen seed in relation to 2 1 Add a small amount of warm water until the pasta is obtained, apply the mixture to the sore place, cover with cellophane and cloth, tap and leave for the night

In case of treating a rowing damning place, finish garlic first, then cover the birch coal, moistened with fresh loop root juice Sleep slowly, not less than 25-30 minutes repeat the procedure three more times, although, as a rule, deprive is cured for 2-3 rubbing

When burning, pour a little birch coal powder on the burned place. Bring the powder for 1-2 hours, it will reduce the pain and prevent the appearance of bubbles six times gone, wetted in the infusion.

Carbo Vegetabilis - a homeopathic preparation made from coal, successfully used in meteorism, colic, food poisoning, the total decline in the elderly and elderly, asthma and many other diseases is especially good for the treatment of people who differ in quickness, irritability, bad mood, anxiety and dimming. If you have no filter to clean the water in the country (in the countryside, water is often rusty), then with coal, you can make a homemade filter, which will clean the water not worse than expensive purchased. To do this, cut the bottom of the two-liter plastic bottle, in the cover burn a small hole, fill in the bottle of coal (pre-flushing it with cold running water) by 4/5 and strengthen the narrow end down. If you are preparing strong homemade alcoholic beverages (for example, moonshine), then coal is useful for cleaning as it is impossible. When "Firewater" will be ready, pour the bottle of coal at the rate of 50 g per liter of a drink, shake well and leave for a day, shaking it from time to time. Then leave the bottle at rest for a week to carbon donkey. After that, carefully filter through the gauze and a small wool layer.

Treatment of ash and coal: Questions and Answers

Recently heard that we can treat various diseases of the ash and charcoal. Honestly, very surprised. I still understand when the ash is used as a fertilizer, so that the potatoes grow better, but as a medicine ... Explain what kind of ash and coal are healing properties?

The principle of healing action of ash and charcoal is based on their
Abilities to bind and remove harmful substances and toxins from the body (this phenomenon is called sorption).

I read in the newspaper about the "black medicine" - wood ash. Unfortunately, in the article, nothing was written about what kind of ash from which diseases helps, and most importantly - in which dosages to take. Could you write about this?

Birch ash is considered the most useful: it treats the diseases of the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract, including infectious, is used in atherosclerosis, ischemia, arthritis and allergies. Three tablespoons of birch ashes pour 0.5 liters of boiled water, insist 2 hours, strain through the gauze. Take the infusion of 4 tablespoons twice a day.

Linden ashes are used for colds, prostatitis and renal disease. Cutlery spoon fill with 2 glasses of boiling water, insist for half an hour, strain and drink infusion of 3 tablespoons three - five times a day. Course treatment - 14 days.

Oak ash treats diarrhea, normalizes intraocular, intracranial and blood pressure. Pour 4 tablespoons with a liter of boiling water, insist the day, then carefully drain the clean infusion and take it for 14 days of 3 tablespoons three times a day, then take a break for 5 days and repeat the treatment.

Pine ashes are used in diseases of the urogenital system and gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and oncological diseases. The method of application is the same as the oak ash.

Cedar ash helps with arthritis, radiculitis, relieves muscle pain. A tablespoon of ashes pour the glass of boiling water, insist the day, strain. Infusion Drink 2 tablespoons three times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days, then break 7 days, after which treatment can be repeated.

Aspen ash is used to treat colitis, inflammation of appendages, diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Fill 4 tablespoons (with top) ash liter boiling water, insist for a day. Infusion Drink 3 tablespoons three times a day for 11 days, then take a break of 22 days and repeat the course of treatment.

In my youth, I had a lot of sick, pills tablets with grief. As a result, spoiled the intestines, a strong meteorism developed. I heard that the charcoal helps well. Can I use the coal from the fire?

You can, but chocks and halves that you will use, you must first clean from the crust. When they run out, choose carbon sizes of 1-3 centimeters, pour into a metal colander or sieve and hold over boiling water pots - 10 minutes. After that, fold the coal into the clay or some other heat-resistant vessel and close the lid tightly, and when the coolers are completely cooled, pour them into the mortar and grinding into the powder - you will use it for treatment.

Recently, the radio was transferred, there they said that earlier in the people any wounds and ulcers were treated with coal and ash from the stove. Tell me, please, the recipe, I will be very grateful to you!

There are several treatment methods, you can choose the one that suits you the most.

Rinse the ulcers with a solution of furaticiline (2 tablets on a half-table of water) and pour very finely unwound birch coal.

Put in the enameled bucket of 500 g of birch or lime ash, fill it with five liters of steep boiling water, wait until it is cooled to 35-37 degrees, strain. In this infusion half an hour lower legs. After the procedure, do not wipe the leg, let them dry in the air.

Fold four to six times a piece of gauze, wet in the infusion of birch or lime ash and twice a day, in the morning and evening, make a row for 2 hours, and then rinse the ulcers of the diluted tincture of calendula (tablespoon of pharmacy tincture of 0.5 glasses of water ).

I have a gap, it happens especially hard in the fall and in winter: the joints swell and hurt so that you want to swell. And here they talked with a neighbor in the country, and he said that the exacerbations of the gout removes birch coal. Could you write how to use it specifically?

With exacerbation of the disease twice a day, one hour before meals, take a teaspoon of birch charcoal, stirring it in 1/4 cup of water. In addition, it is useful to make coal binds: Mix 2 parts of coal powder with 1 part of the ground linen seed and add warm water to get a thick paste. Mix the mixture to the sore place, cover the polyethylene film, lock the bandage and leave for the night.published

Ash is an indispensable assistant of all gardens. This is an excellent means of combating garden pests and beautiful mineral fertilizer. And most importantly - absolutely free.

Ash like fertilizer

The ash is a residue formed by burning various organic substances. It can be: firewood, straw, dried trees of garden plants, coniferous needles, stone coal and other materials.

The plants infected with various diseases cannot be sent to the compost, but the ash after their burning is allowed to use!

Properties, the chemical composition of the future mineral fertilizer will depend on the initial raw material.

Alas get from:

  • Wood hardwood and crops with thick stem (sunflower, buckwheat).

Such ash contains a lot of calcium, potassium. These minerals will serve as a good feeding of garden cultures and will ensure the reduction of the pH of the level of acidic soils.

  • Woods of coniferous rocks

This ash, in addition to the greater calcium content, is rich in indispensable for plants with phosphorus.

Wood ash is considered one of the most valuable types of mineral fertilizers of natural origin.

  • Peat

Peat ash occurs not so often, it practically does not have a nutritional value for garden crops. And therefore such ashes less in demand from the gardeners. It is mainly used as an impurity to maintain the optimal pH of the soil.

  • Coal

The ash on its basis is little suitable for fertilizer, since it contains a slight amount of beneficial substances. It is used on alkaline soils in order to acidify them.

  • Fallen foliage

Autumn biomaterial is conveniently stored, and then burn in barrels. Deciduous ash can be used both in the form of self-feeding and as mineral supplements for compost.

Separately, it should be said about the ashes remaining after smoking cigarettes. It is used as fertilizer for room colors. In addition, ash perfectly protects home plants from small midges and fungal diseases.

Collect ash should immediately after cooling. Wet ash is not endowed with useful qualities. Therefore, it should be protected from moisture.

Composition and properties

Zola is famous for its useful properties and rich mineral composition. Due to this, it is capable of improving the quality composition and structure of the soil, saturate its indispensable elements, improve air exchange, strengthen plant immunity.

In the ash contains:

  • calcium (in different compounds: carbonate / silicate / chloride / sulfate);
  • potassium (in the form of orthophosphate);
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium (in the form of chloride);
  • magnesium (in compounds: silicate / carbonate / sulfate);
  • molybdenum;
  • sulfur;
  • manganese;
  • iron;

Properties of ash:

  1. It is capable of improving the structure of the soil - to make it more loose.
  2. Increases fruiting on heavy soils.
  3. Improves the air permeability of the soil, due to which the plants grow better and develop, and the simplest inhabitants get the opportunity to simply fully exist.
  4. Accelerates the process of decomposition of the organic matter, therefore it is always added to the compost heaps as a separate layer.
  5. The ability to maintain a positive effect on the soil within 2-3 years.

Can I use?

Wood ash in the role of mineral fertilizer can be used on any soil type. At the same time, the pH of a little or strongly acidic soil will try to correct. Neutral soils ash enrich the full complex of mineral elements.

Use it for fertilizer of indoor plants and a large number of garden crops: zucchini, tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkins, eggplants and many others.

The ash is made mainly in the fall in the preparation of the Earth for Winter.

It is impossible to use ash for fertilizer:

  • Berries loving acidified soil: lingers, blueberries, cranberries.

When making the ashes of the soil becomes neutral, and therefore these berries simply cease to grow.

  • Dips, radishes and radish.

These cultures on the ash react to the rapid release of the shooters, as well as the cessation of root of root.

  • Colors: Camellia / Rhododendron / Azalea.

They immediately cease to bloom and stop in growth.

  • Cabbage and beans.

These plants grow well only on acidic soils.

Product Preparation

Before applying ash, it is necessary to adapt. It is usually used in three ways:

  1. By plaguing on the beds, in a broader, wells, under shrubs and trees.
  2. By irrigating or spraying (pre-prepared an infusion based on ash).
  3. As a composite component for compost. The optimal dose is 2.5 kg per cubic meter.

Garders are mainly used by a straw, deciduous and woody ash. Strengthening its effectiveness will help mix with other organic fertilizers. Along the aggregate with a humor or peat, the ash protrudes with a powerful mineralizer. The average proportion for mixing is 1: 3. Such fertilizer can be immediately used, distributing evenly by the site. Plants will not work to learn all nutrients from such a complex.

It is good in composhes. Moreover, no full-fledged compost is possible without its introduction. The ash has the ability to speed up the process of decomposition of the organics. Thus, 45 kg of wood ash on a ton of basic raw materials will be required for peopheosol composts. It perfectly neutralizes peat acidity.

The ash is not desirable for mixing with fresh manure, chicken litter due to possible losses of nitrogen. And its connection with superphosphate will reduce the access of garden crops to phosphorus. For a similar reason, you should not mix the ashes with lime.

Rules for making pure ash:

  • Pretty small grooves (approximately 15 cm deep).
  • Spicking in them ash. One adult plant consumes about 2 kg of this mineral feeding season.
  • Prepare an aqueous solution based on ash (on the bucket you need at least 2 glasses), which then shed recesses in the ground.
  • Grooves bury.

How to use?

Methods for use for various cultures and plants:

For the neck

When planting the spring seedlings of vegetables apply wood ash directly into the wells (9 g per furrow), not forgetting to mix it with the soil.

Very responsive to the ashes of legumes and greens: for the season they are able to learn up to 200 grams per square. m.

Zucchini and pumpkins feed ash at least 3 times per season: during the spring preparation of beds, before planing, in about the middle of the growing season together with watering. Each time it is used for 200 g per square. m.

Peppers and eggplants fertilize twice: with a peopling in spring (600 g per meter), when planning (100 g per well).

Cabbage and trouser are fed by ashes 2 times: during the landing (on a handful in the well) and in the form of a solution for spraying during active growth.

Under the garlic in the fall of 400 g of substance per square meter. m.

For carrots, celery, beets will be enough one spring feeding - a glass of ash on a meter.

Potatoes fertilize with ashes 3 times: with spring dumping (200 g per meter), directly in the wells during landing (3 large spoons per each), with secondary dips in the form of a solution (400 ml per bush).

For cucumbers, 2-3 feeding will be required: the spring - method of scattering ash in the arses (50 g per meter), during the growth and appearance of uncertains - when watering with the addition of dry matter (1/2 liters per bus).

Tomatoam requires 4 feeding: 2 dry and 2 wet. For the first time, the ashes are used when the land of the land is leaving (1/2 cup per meter), the second - when disembarking by scattering between the plants. Subsequent 2 wet feeding are carried out during the period of active growth and in the process of fruiting (up to 1 l per plant).

For garden

Good responds to the introduction of currant ash. Adult bush requires up to 600 g of dry matter. In the process of vegetation, you can shed a bush with an aqueous solution of ash. Due to this, currant is better fruits and becomes more resistant to diseases and some pests.

Strawberry feed 2 ways: root and extractive. The first make 2 times a year - before stormy bloom, after the end of fruiting. The ash is simply scattered in the aisle (65 g per meter). Extra-root feeders (spraying method) are carried out in the process of berry tying. Full cabinet of dry matter on the water bucket. Spraying is made at the rate of 1 l per square. m.

Fruit trees feed most often with a liquid solution of ash for about once every 2-3 years. It is enough 2 kg on the water bucket. This is a portion for one adult tree. For seedlings enough 1 kg. The ash helps to withstand pest attacks and gives the necessary plants mineral feeding.

For flowers

Indoor flowers fertilize periodically at the rate of 3 large spoons on 200 ml of water, garden - twice per season. First, when preparing the beds in the spring (200 g per meter), then in a glass of dry mixture in the well when disembarking.

Especially love roses. It stimulates the development of future inflorescences, protects against disease, strengthens their immunity, making more resistant to temperature roughs.

  • The ash is well used on clay soils and loams in the process of autumn people. On the sandy soil, it is better to move the ashes to the Spring.
  • If the consumption of ash 300 g per meter, about the additional mineralization of the soil in the next couple of years you can forget.
  • On the acidic soils as the asna, he will help the plants better move the winter.
  • Detect the compost of the ash fertilizer anyway, to leave a chemical reaction without a powerful catalyst.
  • It is good to use an aqueous solution of ash for soaking seeds before sowing. The ash is a powerful growth stimulator.
  • It is better to store it in a closed container that does not pass moisture.
  • Simultaneously with nitrogen, the ash cannot be made. These two substances neutralize each other. It is necessary to wait at least about 30 days.

If possible, it is best to disseminate 2 of these substances in different seasons: nitrogen - in spring, asna - in the fall.

  • If, with a burning of biomaterial in the barrel, household waste or plastic fall, the ash becomes not suitable for use due to large toxicity.
  • In the fresh manure, the ashes is not appropriate - it will reduce the content of nitrogen and will contribute to the formation of compounds that plants will simply be able to absorb.
  • It is forbidden to fertilize the seedlings ashes until the first leaflets appear. At this moment, the feeding of nitrogen is more relevant - to stimulate growth.
  • When fertilizing tomatoes or cultures of the family of pumpkin ashes, it is perfectly mixed with the Earth, in order to avoid burns of their root system.
  • If the level of soil acidity is 7, the contribution of the ashes is unnecessary. The acidification and latching of the soil always leads to the worse absorption of nutrient plants.


The ash is no longer one decade remains one of the beloved garbageans of minerals. It does not require capital investments, easy to use, environmentally friendly and very effective. Minerals contained in ashes are delayed in the soil of up to 3 years.