Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a mansard roof at home with their own hands. Damage roof drawings. Species of mansard roofs

When people start building a house, they rarely think about the family composition will change soon. What should I do if an additional living space is needed, and it is impossible to expand the dwelling due to the attachment due to the small area of \u200b\u200bthe land plot? The design of the attic roof solves the problem of a shortage of the area, it can be mounted on only the removable house or to make the reconstruction of an existing roof.

Double mansard

Broken roof with mansard

Species of mansard roofs

In the attic roof group includes all kinds of roofing, under the skates of which you can equip a residential premises. For the construction standards, attic of the attic is distinguished by the height of the ceiling, suitable for the residence of people and the presence of natural lighting. For mounting, the attic approaches the following:

Houses with a roof of any type can be equipped with an attic, but it is better to work with tent, single and asymmetric and more expensive, it is better to abandon these options in favor of more rational - two-screw or broken roofs.

Types of mansard premises

Heated mansard premises - a real alternative to the second residential floor of a wooden or brick house. The fact is that the increase in the storeinations of the structure is due to the considerable costs of capital foundation and the structure of the ladder. Different attic configurations are used depending on the disposable area and the needs of the homeowner:

  • Single-level. Under the broken or straight rigid row, only one residential premises is located. The construction of this type of attic of this type is not associated with an increase in the weight of the roof, so it is suitable for under construction and reconstructing buildings. Perform calculation and build a drawing of a single-level attic may even wizard without experience. For construction standards, the height of the ceilings in the residential room should be 2.5 m or more.
  • One-level with a remote console. The indoor roof of the console type is placed under the asymmetric roof. To increase the area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, its part is carried to the limits of the perimeter of the structure. The protruding part of the attic based on the pillars, fit under the canopy or garage. The roof of the house with asymmetric consoles, the main part of the house covers a two-tie roof, and the console is a single "patch". Console view of the attic to be built to install vertical windows for natural lighting. However, to create a project and drawings of this complexity under the power of professional architects, and the complex scheme of the rafter system is not suitable for self-installation.
  • Two-level. If the height of the roof exceeds 5 m, then in the attic room, two rooms can be equipped at different levels and the connected staircase. This type of attic does not extend to existing homes. Duplex rooms are planned at the design stage, take into account, creating the drawings of the foundation. The scheme of the mutual arrangement of the rafter system is specifically developed for complex, asymmetric geometry of the roof rods. The second level of the attic relies on the columns, so the reliability of the design directly depends on the correctness of the calculations and professionalism of the architect.

Designers can create real masterpieces from console and two-level attic, using the advantages of panoramic lighting, equip the greenhouse, nursery or bedroom, filled with fresh air and light, however, a simple single-level design is suitable for self-installation.

Advantages of mansardes

Homeowners try to use every opportunity to rationalize costs during construction, so they do not miss the opportunity to use space under the roof of the house. This option of increasing the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house has the following advantages:

  1. Minimum price of 1 square. m residential space. Due to the fact that the attic equipment is not connected with an increase in the exercise costs of the foundation, the cost of each meter in the house is cheaper than in the construction of two-storey structures.
  2. Rationalization of heating costs. The air pocket between the floor and the attic ceiling does not give heat generated by heating devices, go through the roof. The air does not transmit heat, so in the first floor of the structure will be warmer, which leads to energy savings.
  3. Finished appearance. The equipment of the attic makes the appearance of the house completed and harmonious, allows you to equip a balcony, canopy or garage.
  4. The rapid exhibition. During the construction of the attic in a residential building, well, it is necessary to stop exploiting the first floor. Installation speed allows you to complete the work on the equipment of the attic during the week.
  5. Minimum costs. Experienced builders argue that there is no way to cheaper to get several square meters.

To equip an attic room The length of the end wall of the building should exceed 4.5 m, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe house is more than 7 square meters. m, the recommended proportion of height to the square is ½.

Natural lighting of mansardes

The presence of natural lighting is a prerequisite that needs to be performed so that the attic room is considered to be residential for construction standards. There are two ways to organize it.

Choosing windows for the attic, consider that it should be harmonized with the roof material, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe windows cannot exceed a third of the surface of the skates, and the size of the translucent design is directly dependent on the angle of inclination.

Ventilation equipment

If you are going to warm and sculpt the attic, it must be equipped with a forced ventilation system. Cold subteracted space is ventilated independently using auditory windows. In a qualitatively insulated attic, natural circulation of air makes it difficult to become stuffy, raw and uncomfortable. So that such problems have not occurred, installation is necessary:

The location of the elements of the forced ventilation system on the soft roof

A working system forced ventilation to force the air to circulate with convection - the properties of warm air rise upstairs, freeing the place for the cool, closed from the street. This will increase the period of operation of the rafting system, roofing material, protects from mold and dampness, as well as create a pleasant microclimate in the attic.

There are ready-made drawings of mansard roofs of a sized size available for installation with their own hands, if you are an inexperienced builder, then it will be more reliable to stop on such versions.

Video instruction

Attic is that room in your home, which can carry the most diverse functional load: from the workshop and office, to the bedroom and the living room. Mansard arrangement will cost you much cheaper than a full-fledged second floor. Yes, and its construction technology is more accessible to execution.
In this article, consider the views of the attic, as well as the stages of the construction of the attic with their own hands.

The attic is a premises limited to the bottom of the inter-storey overlap, and on top and on the sides of the roof skates. Depending on the shape of the attic of the attic may be:

  • single-level symmetric with a bone roof (a, b);
  • single-level symmetrical with broken roof (B);
  • single-level asymmetric (g);
  • two-level asymmetric (D).

Slingers of mansard roofs

If it is not, or the distortion of the walls from the edge of the attic is more than 7 m, the rafters of the hanging type are mounted. They are composed of the top of the roof of the roof, and the attic beams are limited to the coffe beams.
Installation of the rafter system is the first stage of the construction of the attic. Therefore, before starting it, it is necessary to calculate and take into account all the subtleties of this construction. For example, the possibility of arranging the attic floor instead of the already existing attic room will depend on the quality of the underlying surface, on the type of foundation and its bearing ability, as well as from the state of the whole construction as a whole.

However, before you need to get acquainted with the terminology presented in the construction drawings.

Stages of construction of a rafter frame

Initially, the upper bar is placed, which can be a cross section of 0.1x0.1 m, and better than 0.15x0.15 m. It is attached to the racks, it is fastened with specialty, iron brackets or self-draws. This bar is a substropsy frame.

  1. We produce Maurolat Mount. It is this element that is the "foundation" of the whole roof. It prevents the roof overline with a strong impact wind, and also shifts the load from the attic on the bearing walls of the house. For mounting, Maurolalat is used: boards (thickness of at least 5 cm) and bars (with a minimum cross section of 10x15 cm). The bars are laid out around the perimeter of the entire roof and are attached to the wall with long screws or metal brackets (and better and the other at the same time).
    It will not be superfluous to be another method of fastening Mauerlat to the wall - with the help of thick wire, which is mounted in advance to the top row of brick wall masonry. Remember that the stronger you will connect Mauerlat and the wall, the stronger the entire design of the attic. And yet: under the bars of Mauerlata, it is necessary to pave a layer of waterproofer, and the boards themselves or bars to handle the antiseptic and waterproof impregnation.
  2. which most often acquire ready (although they can be made with their own hands if desired). Before assessing these elements of the design, you need to apply tags to Mauerlat, which will indicate the place of the foot mount (the distance taken between the legs is 15 cm). Application of labels will simplify and speed up the implementation of this stage.
  3. We put the edge rafters to the frontoth. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the edge edge and the top of the rafter should be one line. Also, pay attention to the quality of the board used under the rafter: it must be without much marriages (no more than 3 flaws on 1 m), the thickness is about 4 cm, the width is about 15 cm after the edge rafters are installed, They are connected by a level rope, which are mounted all the other rafting legs.
  4. It's time to combine all the plumbing together. This is done at the top point of all rafters using a run. Then an installation of a skunk beam is made, which, in principle, is not a mandatory element of the frame (it is erected in the case when the roof is longer than 7 m).
  5. Do not forget that at the stage of the construction of the rafter design, the window frames under the attic windows should be laid.
  6. If the roof is below 7 m, then the upper part of the rafter is mounted stretch marks that perform a double function: serve as ceiling beams of the future attic, strengthen the skeleton of the attic roof.

The solo system is ready. It remains only to make a crate, fasten the hydrobaric material, lay the layer of insulating material, as well as roofing. Mansard roof is ready. We proceed to the internal work that we will talk about.

The importance of insulation of mansard roofs is indisputable, because The walls of the attic room make up unity with the attic roof, or it is close as possible. Because of this, the indoor placing the attic of the attic is faster, and in the summer heated significantly.

The laying of Minvati is produced in an interconnection space. In this regard, the basic sheets of the insulation are dismissed under the size of the gaps between the rafted. Minvati sheets are stacked at a pair-insulator layer in advance, and the layer of hydropara insulator is attached over the sheets. In this multilayer design, air gaps are formed, located between the layers of the paрosolytor-minvat and minvat - hydroparizedtor. These air channels will consequently contribute to the ventilation of the entire design, and therefore they must be discovered in the skate zone. This will improve the quality of insulation.

Warring attic, remember that the microclimate of the attic room and the comfort of your stay will depend on the quality of insulation and availability of ventilation.

Thanks to the construction of an attic roof, it is possible to significantly increase the useful space of a low-rise private house. However, this is a very time-consuming process that requires the implementation of the preliminary calculation, compliance with certain rules and techniques. The competently created solid roof system is the key to creating a comfortable, reliable, functional and durable residential building.

Before the construction of the attic requires a good project. The appearance of the future roof must be harmonized with a common type of building. There are several varieties of the construction of the rafter frame, which depend on the type of roof, the step of the rafted and the embodiment of the attic roof. Opening your choice on a specific configuration, you should know exactly what structural elements are the rafter system. It is a roof support skeleton, and withstands not only its weight, but also the effects of atmospheric precipitation.

The correct installation of the rafter system ensures its reliability, functionality and durability.

When creating a nuclear roof project:

  • completely calculating the load on the support bearing walls and the foundation, not allowing it to exceed;
  • pick up high-quality heat insulation to avoid uneven heating of the room;
  • choose good sound insulation thanks to correctly selected roofing material;
  • pick up good waterproofing;
  • choose lungs by weight Facing materials for the decoration of the attic room.

Schemes of the attic roof

The rafter system may have an inclined or hanging design. In the hanging structures, rafters are based on Mauerlat and the ski run. To distribute the load on the rafter, the bottom and upper tightening are installed. When the skate length is more than 4 m, to prevent sagging in the bottom of the design, the rafter legs are maintained with the help of racks and pods. The main advantage of such a design is that all its elements are placed in unused places of attic, which creates more free space.

The inclined design is used in homes, where the airborne partition is located in the middle of the building, on which building legs are based on. The inner bearing design is laid a litter, which plays the role of Mauerlat, and the racks that hold the skate run are mounted on it. This system is used for large areas of the nuclear roof of a private house, which can be seen in the photo. Here you can use roofing materials with great weight, such as slate or ceramic tile.

There are projects of mansard roofs of private houses, which use both variants of rafting systems. To release free space, the framework elements can be shifted in one of the parties, where they will be used as the basis for wall decoration, and the beam is suitable for cladding the ceiling. In some architectural styles, beams and racks can be used as decor elements.

For the arrangement of a large eaves, the attic roof is executed with focusing outside the bearing walls. Maurylalat is not installed here. The system is mounted using beams. It is necessarily installed subproof, special racks are crashed into the beams of overlapping, and the rafters are fixed using a reliable anchor compound and wire twists.

Dersighted Roof Design Elements

The rafting system under the attic roof consists of such structural elements:

  • mauerlat;
  • rafting legs or racks from beams;
  • vertical racks;
  • runs;
  • skate timber;
  • clamps;
  • additional beams, relells and runs.

The basis of the entire structure of the roof is Maurylalat, which consists of wooden squares of square section, fitting towards the external walls of the building. These boards are attached to the remaining elements of the skeleton roof frame. The main purpose of Mauerlat is perception and even distribution of the entire load from the general roof system on the bearing walls of the building.

Stropile legs or racks made of beams form a frame of roofing structures. For these items, you should select boards that are able to withstand the load of roofing pie together with an outer coating. To maintain racks from beams or rafting legs, runs installed at an angle are used. Vertical racks hold the central part of the rafter bars, preventing them from bending. They also create support for the skate bar.

To ensure the rigidity of the future roofing design on long rafting systems, the skiing timber is mounted. The case is an additional wooden structure, which is attached to the rapid system, and is the basis for the future roof.

Types of mansard roofs

Today there are several embodiments of the roofs of an attic type that have a different design of the rafter frame:

  • single one;
  • double;
  • broken consist of two or more rods with different angles of inclination;
  • walm have two triangular skate with short sides of the roof and two trapezoid skate with long;
  • semi-haul have two short end hips over the front part of the roof;
  • dome are characterized by a round or polygonal shape;
  • the vaulted are in the context of the arc shape.

Single roof is the most simple version performed by the option. It is often treated when it is necessary to make an attic on a small country house. The most popular among other species of mansard roofs of private houses, photos are clearly confirmed, is a bartal roof. Her design and construction does not cause difficulties with their own hands. Especially when it comes to a forcep roof.

When choosing a broken roof, it is possible to get a large, functional and convenient attic room without additional work related to the construction of walls. Today, many laundering hosts of private houses prefer the rafter system of the duplex roof under the corrugated floor, the construction of which does not need numerous technological and technical triggers and in unreasonably high consumption of funds for construction materials.

The most complex in the installation are hip, dome and vaulted attic roofs. Their device requires a professional approach. These roofs, photos of private houses, are clearly displayed, have an unusual and very aesthetic design. They are characterized by a large number of pitched foes for which the end device is performed. The scheme of the rafter system clearly shows the peculiarity and uniqueness of this design. The unsatisfactory condition of each of the endands (internal angles) can carry a potential danger to the integrity of the whole roof.

Single-table roof. Photo of successful projects

The simplest, reliable and cheap option is a single roof of an attic type. As a result, it turns out a non-standard decorated building. This type of roofs is used for industrial and business buildings. Also, often used for single-storey small private houses. All roofing materials can be used here.

The design involves creating a window in a high part of the roof. There is no hitch in this design, which simplifies its installation. Maurylalat is fixed on the walls with different levels, due to which the SCOS is formed. Boxes are based on it.

The angle of the skate must be within 35-45 degrees. The smaller the slope, the more snow will accumulate on the roof surface, which will require the creation of additional supports and enhancing the beams. In addition, this will significantly reduce the attic room. The design is able to withstand strong winds with the correct orientation of the roofing rod, which is necessary to increase the stability of the structure.

Helpful advice! If there is no more than 4.5 m between opposite carrier walls, you can not mount the supporting elements, but simply put on the walls long wooden bars. This additionally reduces the cost of the roof.

This type of roof involves the use of simple elements to create ventilation of underpants spaces. It is enough to sew the perforated sofit of two sinks, or mount the ventilation grille.

However, it is not necessary to choose a single-sided roof for non-strokes of buildings, where it is impractical to arrange the attic floor in this way.

Double Children's Roof: Construction Features

The double roof is the most common and rational solution that allows you to get a comfortable attic. Photo of houses with an attic roof of this configuration confirm the demand for the design.

Design and construction of a two-tie attic roof does not cause any difficulties. It is formed due to two inclined planes (skates), which intersect in the skate area at a certain angle. Thanks to the correct choice of optimal angle, it is possible to create reliable protection of the building from heavy precipitation, strengths of winds, excessive snow pressure during heavy snowfalls.

There are varieties of the configuration of the rafter system of two-tie attic roofs:

  • the nipce symmetric roof is a classic option, which makes it possible to evenly distribute the load on the bearing walls and the roof support. The disadvantage of this design is the presence of sharp corners, which take the free space of the attic;
  • the asymmetric roof is a non-standard design, where the horse can shift into one of the sides. If one of the corners will be more than 45 degrees., It will be quite a spacious attic room. However, in the calculations, it should take into account the uneven distribution of the load on Mauerlat and the bearing walls.
  • the broken roof has the surface of the skate, flexible in the middle, forming a face resembling two rectangles.

Slinge system of the attic roof. Drawings of the classic option

When the question arises how to make a native roof of the house with your own hands, you should choose the simplest performed and practical option for further operation. Therefore, for private homes, preference is given to the broken roofs.

This design allows not only to create a large on-site indoor room, but also thanks to the soles that are lowered quite low, protect the upper part of the walls of the building and the foundation from atmospheric precipitation. In addition, this is a good solution for creating the original exterior of the private house.

Article on the topic:

How to choose the appropriate material. How to avoid common errors in work. The phased work of work with their own hands.

The angle of inclination of the lone roof depends on the region, climatic conditions and the choice of roofing material. A classic scan of the attic roof, the drawing of which it displays it clearly, has the ratio of the tilt of the upper rods to the plane of the floor in 30 degrees., And the lower - 60 degrees. The angle of inclination of the side surfaces can vary from 45 to 80 degrees.

Helpful advice! For regions, where strong winds are characterized, it is better to arrange a roof gerier. Because, the more the scat, the greater sailboat it creates.

Taking the basis of this data, the parameters of the house, and the fact that the height of the ceiling in the attic room should not be less than 2 m, you can calculate all parameters. In the classic version, you can not take into account the load on the side surfaces from precipitation, as they will be held at the top of the roof.

Calculation of a naked roof

At specialized sites, you can find a drawing of a nuclear roof of a native hand for a small house. It can be taken as a basis for the fulfillment of future calculations, which includes calculation of the attic room, loads, elements of the rafter design and the number of building materials.

To calculate the attic roof, you can use many years of experience who have repeatedly erected a classical broken roof and can suggest which material must be used. It is from this that many parameters of the rafter frame are dependent. The calculation of the required amount of sawn timber to create a rafter system is reduced to determining the height and width of the spans, and, accordingly, the number of wooden bars, which is multiplied by their heights.

From the width of the insulation depends on the step between the rafters, which should be 3 cm less than the width of the heat-insulating material to reduce the amount of waste and simplify its installation. Boards for rafting legs are also selected taking into account the thickness of the insulating material. In the case of using basalt wool, a thickness of 200-250 mm and creating the required ventilation gap in 20-30 mm, the minimum boards width is 230 mm. The thickness of the rafter should be more than 50 mm.

For beams and racks, a timber with parameters 100 × 100 mm should be chosen, which will create a solid and reliable design even for zones in difficult weather conditions.

To calculate the amount of insulating and roofing materials, mathematical formulas for determining the areas of geometric shapes are used, of which a certain type of attic roof is formed.

Today on the Internet you can perform online calculation of the attic roof. To begin, it is indicated by the type of the attic roof, the scheme of the rafter system, insulating and roofing material and the requested geometrical parameters are introduced. To obtain a more accurate result, you should use the services of a specialist who will not only fulfill the calculation of all loads and the size of building elements, but also tell me which material it is better to choose.

Roof window windows

The attic differs from ordinary rooms by the fact that its walls are a rafting frame, which consists of certain roofing surfaces, which is clearly shown in the drawings of the attic roofs. It affects the design of the window for this room, which should well pass natural light, and at the same time hold the load in the form of strong impacts of wind or abundant precipitation. This is due to the fact that the influence of weather conditions on the inclined part of the roof is much stronger than the massive bearing elements of the building.

Important! According to SNiP, the area of \u200b\u200bthe window should be at least 10% of the total floor area.

The window in the attic roof, the photo is clearly displayed, can be located in the plane of the roof, obliquely or vertically, or to be in the face of the attic. Vertical windows in the plane of the roof can be protruding over it (dormer), or recessed into the room.

The most popular and easy to install is the inclined window in the roof plane. It can skip the maximum amount of natural daylight. After its installation, the roof surface does not change, but remains smooth. However, this option requires the creation of due waterproofing. Here, special models with reinforced glass and a reinforced metal-plastic frame should be used.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe window opening is selected in proportion to the corner of the roof inclination. The width of the window must be selected in such a way that the element fit into the distance between the rafyles without disturbing the integrity of the structure. If the window is much wider, then you have to install a reinforced beam, which will connect the cut rafters to install the window. In this case, if one unwarked window is not enough, it is better to establish two adjacent non-chokes of the element, which will ensure the integrity of the rafter frame.

To install the Dormer window, the complication of the roof geometry is required, namely, the installation of lateral and upper funds is required, followed by their thorough waterproofing. Also complicates the laying of roofing.

The vertical window recessed into the room, it is advisable to arrange only when it will be released to the balcony. In other cases, these are unjustified significant financial costs (complication of the geometry of the roof) to obtain a minimum effect (insufficient natural lighting).

The easiest, practical and cheap option is to install the window in the roof end. This is especially important for country houses with an attic roof.

Methods for mounting the attic roof

The device of the harrowing system of the attic roof can be carried out in two ways. The first option involves collecting a rafter frame on Earth, followed by the rise in its finished form at home and thorough consolidation. The method is effective for small-sized structures.

How to make a mansard roof with the collection of part of the rafter system on Earth? Previously at the top of the building vertically exhibited and fix the extreme structures that will be subsequently in front of the front. You can temporarily consolidate them with the help of long bars, nailed to the wall. In Mauerlat, recesses are created with a given step, where the collected design will be mounted. To ensure proper geometry and creating stiffness of the structure, its elements can be fixed with spacers. When the side beam mounting is completed, and the entire system will acquire the necessary rigidity, the struts can be removed. The video installation of the rapid system of a two-tie attic roof will clearly show all the features of this option.

The second option is more traditional. It suggests an indoor roof device in place in compliance with the strict sequence of actions. This method is most convenient and effective when erecting a large-sized rafting system. Because to raise the assembled design, you need to attract specialized techniques.

How to build an attic roof in a traditional way?

Some subtleties in the technology of construction of mansard roofs of private houses depend, directly, from its species. However, the sequence of actions is similar to all kinds of mansard roofs.

Before making an attic roof, it is necessary to put in the longitudinal direction on the bearing walls of Maurylalat, and consolidate it on a laying or armopoyase with a spree or rod. The rafting design of a wooden roof of a wooden house can be attached to the upper crown, which will play the role of Mauerlat.

The construction of the attic roof is starting with the installation of beams for overlapping. They are attached to Mauerlat. Then building legs are attached to the beams. The center of the beam should mark the locations of the supports and the skate element.

In compliance with the same distance, mount the racks from the boards, fixing them with the help of the corners. The first pair of racks is bonded by tightening from wooden bars. On the educated P-shaped design should be mounted rafters. They can be installed on Mauerlat or with deforestation of the groove on the ceiling beam.

Next, go to the installation of the skate rafters, which are connected using metal linings or bolts with washers. To create the necessary stiffness of the design to the central part of the side rafter and the rack, it is necessary to attach the pitch, and in the center of the tightening the beams. Similarly, the installation of other farms is satisfied with a distance of 60-100 cm. They are attached to each other with the help of runs.

With the help of a bracket, fixation of all nodes of the attic design is performed, and the final strength is attached. After that, it is necessary to mount the crate, which can be solid or rarene, depends on the roofing option.

If a flexible tile is used, asbestos-cement flat slate or roll material, a solid crate should be performed. It is installed in two layers. The lower flooring consists of a thickness of 20 cm, laid in a step of 30 cm. The upper flooring consisting of a 20 × 50 cm boards is nailed with respect to the lower layer at an angle of 30-45 degrees.

For clay tiles, azbesto-cement slate, steel, metal coating, a rarefied type is used. For this, the installation of bars, a cross section of 5 × 5 cm and a step of 20-30 cm, from the eaves upwards perpendicular to the rafters. On the sink, it is necessary to install the flooring of wooden boards with a width of about 70 cm. Next, the bars should be fixed along the skate and ribs that are joined. Vitely this process can be seen in the photo of the rafter system of the bone roof under metal tile.

Horsery roof insulation technology

The insulation of an attic roof of a private house allows not only to insulate the attic, but also to create proper thermal insulation of the entire roofing system so that it serves for many years.

As part of the insulation scheme of the attic roof lies a set of measures, which includes the creation of heat, hydro and vaporizolation. The roofing material is stacked on top of this roofing cake, which protects the entire structure from negative environmental factors. To protect the insulation from the negative effects of condensate, which reduces its thermal insulation properties, it is necessary to protect it from the roofing material. To do this, one of the proposed sheet materials can be used:

  • waterproofing film that is attached from the outside to the rafters. It should not touch the insulation material, so it cuts down from it with crate or counterbashers;
  • the diffusion membrane ̶ is attached to the insulation and protects it from any impact of moisture.

Helpful advice! The waterproofing material should be laid with light weight, excluding the ability to pull it out.

The waterproofing layer must be decomposed across the rafter. Start should be started. The first row is lowered into the drainage chute. Each next one must roll out 10-12 cm. Thus should reach the skate. There, the material on the upper edge is cut on both sides and fixes. Along the horse should roll the strip, which descends from two sides of the roof to the chute itself, which ensures a uniform diversion of water.

A layer of vapor barrier in the form of a membrane is a reliable protection of the insulation from penetration into its thickness of the room from the room. The material also stacked the braziness and is attached to lags with a staple bracket. All junctions and places of the adjoining should be carefully smoking using a special double-sided pan-pant-free scotch.

Helpful advice! On a vapor barrier film, a bold line is applied, from which it is necessary to start the next layer. Following it, the canvases are fastened with the help of tape.

Important rules when insulating a naked roof

When the question arises, which insulation is better for the attic roof, there is no unambiguous answer. However, due to the fact that for the attic roof it is characterized by a large angle of inclination, you should not use soft materials that will be lifted and crawled from the surface.

Rolled insulation must be laid below up. To do this, use a building stapler and lace. Rolling roll, the material is pressed against the planks. With the help of a lace and brackets, the letter Z is drawn. According to this technology, each layer of insulation is fastened.

It is better to give preference to plates, a density of 30-50 kg per cubic meter. In this case, the step of the rafter will have to be adjusted under the size of the insulation, which 10-15 mm should be less than the width of the insulating plate. This is required in order for the material to become an ambistry without forming the slots and to hold well between the beams. If the width is less or more, it will be necessary to cut the material. Create a smooth slice will not always succeed, and also remains a large number of residues. Place plates should be so that the seams of the previous row overlap the following.

The insulation is stacked so as to provide the minimum amount of cold bridges. Additionally, the residues of the material can be put on the required width of the plank stuffed from the room. From above on a layer of insulation, vaporizolation is stacked and a doomle for future finish is performed. This option is overlapped even rafters, almost completely eliminates the formation of cold bridges. Despite the fact that it will take a little more insulating material, the attic ultimately will get better, which will give the opportunity to reduce the cost of heating the room.

Important! Cold bridges contribute to the formation of moisture in roofing cake. This may lead to rotting rafters, swelling of the heat-insulating material, corrosion of metal structural elements, the occurrence of unpleasant odors indoors.

How to warm the attic roof: the progress of work

There are two ways of roof insulation: from the inside or outside. When using the first option, you can push the fulfillment of the interior decoration for a certain period. The second option involves a full range of works, which makes it possible to achieve the rapid end of construction.

How to insulate the attic roof outside? To do this, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the rafted, clearing it from protruding elements that are able to damage the layer of hydro and vaporizolation. From the inside of the room across the rafter, it is necessary to fill the crate on which the insulation will be located. Instead of crate, you can attach galvanized wire or cord.

From the roof side, the thermal insulation layer is mounted on this crate in compliance with the above rules. The thickness of the malsard roof insulation should be more than 100 mm. The superdiffusion membrane is laid on top of the heat-insulating material. Next, it is necessary to fill the crate to which roofing will be roofing.

Now, from the inside of the room, it is necessary to secure and cry the vapor barrier layer. Next, you can proceed to interior decoration. This embodiment of the roof insulation is considered the easiest performed. The heat insulating plates are easily fitted on the previously created crate.

The technology of insulation of the attic roof with their own hands from the inside is performed in two stages. The first mandatory stage is as follows:

  1. It is rolled and fixed on the rafters of the waterproofing layer.
  2. Cuts a doom.
  3. The roofing material is mounted.

After performing the mandatory list of work, you can postpone the insulation of the attic roof for an indefinite time, which may be due to the lack of financial capabilities at present.

The second stage is less convenient performed. The insulation of the attic roof will be performed from the inside. Here it is necessary to create a protective design that will hold the insulation, and prevents it outwards more than it is possible. To do this, there are straps between lags with a step of 40-50 cm. They will not only hold the insulation, but also create the necessary ventilation gap.

Next, the installation of the heat insulating layer is carried out in compliance with all the rules. A lamp is stuffed on it. Next, you must arrange and paste a vaporizolation membrane. After that, you can proceed to the execution of finishing works. To do this, you can mount the crate, and you can do without it.

Varieties of insulation for the attic roof. What insulation is better?

Today there are several options for the insulation for the attic roof:

  • mineral wool;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • styrofoam;
  • glass gaming;
  • an authors;
  • equata.

The most popular material is mineral wool, namely basalt. This relatively inexpensive material is produced comfortable thickness and sufficient stiffness. She keeps warmly warm, not combustible and is not amenable to rotting. However, it is afraid of moisture. Therefore, to ensure the preservation of all technical and operational properties, it must be carefully protected from all sides.

The foam has good performance characteristics that give it the opportunity to create good thermal insulation. The price of material is relatively low. It is easily mounted between the rainstorms of the Muspiece due to its elasticity and due to the fact that you can buy the slabs of the required size. All joints should be made of mounting foam.

Helpful advice! During the combustion, it is capable of distinguishing harmful substances, so it is better to give preference to self-fighting brands where special additives are used.

The material is not afraid of moisture. It does not hold steam, which is the main disadvantage of foam. In this regard, it is necessary to create a good ventilation system in the attic, which will lead to additional financial costs.

The most better characteristics possesses the extruded polystyrene foam, the thickness of which is two times less than that of mineral wool, and one and a half more than the foam. The material is equipped with a system of locks, which eliminates the formation of slots. The eppt is not formed by fungus and mold, it does not like rodents and insects. However, he does not miss the pairs, which requires the creation of a good ventilation system. Another disadvantage is the high cost of the material.

Recently there was a new type of insulation - foamed polystyrene foam. It is applied to the surface in liquid form, filling all the slots. At the same time, enhancing the reaction with oxygen, increases several times in size, forming a monolithic coating.

Helpful advice! The use of foamed polystyrene foam will improve the position in the absence of a layer of waterproofing during the installation of roofing coating.

Another under-generation insulation material is an eco-friendly, which has good characteristics. However, its application requires compliance with special technology. The loose wool is fed under pressure into the closed cavity, filling out all empties and forming a durable holistic layer of insulation. For the organization of a closed cavity to rafters, leaf material in the form of plywood, GVL or DVP is nailed from below.

A distinctive advantage of this material is its ability to conduct steam. Here moisture is regulated in a natural way, which does not require the organization of the parobacker. However, a ventilation gap must be created between the insulation and the roof, where the air masses are moved.

Today, among the possible projects of houses with an attic roof, you can choose the most acceptable and attractive option, and bring it to life for your own private dwelling. To make the house visually beautiful and aesthetic, it is necessary to seriously approach the question of choosing a kind of attic roof, which should be harmonized with the building design. The competently arranged rafting roof system is capable of immaculately perform all its operational and protective functions, which will create a warm, cozy and comfortable room.

Creating a naked roof with your own hands step by step. Video instructions

A mansard roof with her own hands built above the house allows you to increase the total living area with minimal financial investments. The most popular options include a two-batch broken roof, the installation technology of which is not distinguished by complexity.

Project development

"Breaking" roofing rods at different angles, you can increase the volume of space under the attic roof. The broken design, as well as the other type of the attic roof, is massive and heavier than the standard forcep roof, which should be considered when equipped with an attic floor in the process of reconstruction of the house. Previously, it is necessary to examine the state of the foundation and walls of the structure to determine whether they can withstand high loads. If the device of a massive attic design is planned at the stage of preparation for construction with his own hands, it must be taken into account when developing a project for the foundation and walls of the house.

The creation of an attic roof project should be taken carefully, since the errors in the calculations or incorrectly chosen parameters of the elements of the rafter system can lead to damage to the roof itself, and in some cases at home, during operation.

The development of a nuclear roof project is recommended to trust professionals. It is also possible to take advantage of special computer programs by which the optimal angle of inclination of the roof and other parameters are calculated. All calculations are performed according to a subscription document "Load and Impact".

When choosing a mansard project, the construction of which can be carried out with their own hands, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the dependence of the parameters of the room from the angle of inclination of the roof. Residential premises must have a height of more than 2.2 meters. If the roofs are straight, the angle of their inclination seriously affects the width of the room.

The broken roofing is allowed to expand the room as much as possible, ensuring the necessary height of the ceilings throughout its width. At the same time, the side (lower) rafters are arranged at an angle of about 60 degrees, and the angle of tilt the upper can be chosen at its discretion, based on the aesthetic preferences, as well as snow and wind loads characteristic of the construction area.

Roofing Pie and Other Elements

Gathering with your own hands to perform the attic roof, it is necessary to provide in the project the use of certain materials for the installation of roofing pie. Their composition includes:

  • waterproofing;
  • vaporizoation;
  • insulation;
  • roofing material.

The selection of the insulation affects such a parameter as the step of the rafted - in order to save the heat-insulating material, it is recommended to place rafters so that the stove or mat tightly come into between them. The selection of the roofing is depends on the type of crate (solid or rarefied) and step of the sparse crate. It is worth noting that the roof device of the attic floor involves the creation of not only high-quality insulation, but also effective ventilation of the roofing system.

Materials and tools

In order to ensure security, the construction of the rafter system and roofs should be conducted using fireproof, environmentally friendly materials. Tree materials are processed by means of flaky-protein.

To build a rafter system of a private house with their own hands will be required:

  • wooden timing with a cross section from 50 × 100 mm;
  • board 150 × 50 mm;
  • unedged board;
  • nails 80, self-tapping screws and other fasteners;
  • the wire iszhaned (diameter 3-4 mm);
  • level;
  • plumb;
  • roulettes;
  • hacksaws;
  • axes;
  • hammers;
  • sharp knives carpentry.

The use of a high-quality tool simplifies and speeds up the installation of wooden structures with their own hands. Instructions for conducting work step by step can be found on the video.

Device Maurolat

As the basis of the rafter system of the attic roof, Maurylalat, made of a bar or a powerful board, is performing. A two-tight roof requires Mauerlat laying on long walls of the house. Maurylalat not only allows you to securely secure the lower part of the rafter, but also contributes to the uniform distribution of the load when it is transmitted to the walls and the foundation of the structure.

Metal studs, fixed in a monolithic concrete beam, made in the top of the wall, or an annealed wire, embedded in brickwork, are used to secure the Mauerlat Board or Bru. When mounting the Mauerlat to the upper wool of the wooden wall, wooden brazed is applied. The Mauerlat device requires high-quality waterproofing of a wooden bar. For this purpose, rubberoid or other durable materials with water-repellent properties can be used.

Montage Maurolalat is necessary if it is assumed to build the roof frame with its own hands, the rafters of which rest in the upper part of the wall bevelled or a special neckline. If the attic is designed, the width of which actually corresponds to the width of the house, the rafters are resting in the lower end in the rendered supports. As a support, powerful beams, laid across long walls, protrude. The number of supports must correspond to the number of rafting steam. The beams are attached to the walls similar to Mauerlat, and waterproofing is also used.

Maurylalat or reference beams must be securely secure the walls, since these elements prevent the roof offset under strong wind loads.

Construction of the supporting design

The device of the scan of the attic roof begins with the laying of the supports under the racks, which should be located strictly symmetrically relative to the axis of the building. The distance between the supports is equal to the width of the future attic. First of all, the P-shaped arches on the front of the facilities are mounted. Each arch consists of two reference racks associated with a jumper. For the manufacture of racks, the bar is used, the cross section of which should be no less than the cross section under it.

Racks are installed on a plumb, strictly vertically. The jumper is attached to them, the horizontal of which should be checked during the installation process. According to the size of the first arch on another front, the second is manufactured. It is important to perform a design level. Between the P-shaped arches, the cord is stretched, which should be located strictly horizontally. If necessary, one of the arches is dismantled and adjusted exactly under size. Focusing on the strained cord, the remaining arches should be installed. Their quantity and step depends on the designed step of the rafter, as the upper end each rafter is attached to the corresponding rack. This provides the necessary rigidity of the skeleton roof frame.

P-shaped arches can be attached to the support with metal brackets, nails or spike compounds. On the main methods of compounds of elements of the rafter design, you can learn from the video instructions. To ensure the verticality of the racks under the load, which the roof will experience during operation, it is recommended to additionally install the disclosure. The arches in the upper part are connected together with jumpers parallel to long walls of the house.

Installation of rafting legs

Construction with their own hands broken roof involves the use of two types of rafter feet. The lower rafters are located at a very sharp angle, connecting the racks with the Mauerlat or the ends of the transverse supports of the transverse supports. The upper two-tight rafter design is mounted on the arched system.

Before mounting the lower rafting legs, it is necessary to carefully place the place of their installation on the Mauerlate. The first mounted the extreme to the fronton rafter. The trimming of the rafter legs is performed in such a way that the cutting of the upper edge of the board lay down at the desired angle to the rack, and the lower cut rested in Maurylalat or the supplied support. If, on the project, the attic roof is performed with slopes, at the bottom of the rafter foot, a special shape cutout is performed: the horizontal part of the cut cutter relies on the support. Fastened raftered nails or brackets. Foot connections with Mauerlat or Supported support is additionally recommended to strengthen the burned wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm. By a similar scheme, all the lower rafters are installed.

If we build a house, the length of which exceeds 8 meters, it is recommended to install a rafter system with a skate timber. Such a device allows you to evenly distribute the load on the entire frame. In this case, the racks are installed in the center of the frontoths, the verticality of which is checked with a plumb, the skiing bar is strictly horizontally mounted on them. It is important to correctly determine the altitude of the arrangement of the skate, since the angle of inclination of the upper rafters directly depends on this. The rapid legs rests on the top cut-off ends in the ski bar, lower - in the support arched construction.

The upper rafters of the attic roof can be a L-shaped design. Stropile legs with each other can be connected with the use of a wooden or metal fastener, or in the method of writing in Polterev, using a bolted connection. It is recommended to adjust the first pair of rafters, which is then dismantled and used as a template. Prepared farms are set in a standard order - first extreme, then the rest with constant leveling.

At the last stage of the creation of roofing design, making crates, laying of waterproofing, creating ventilation lumen, installation of roofing coating. From the inside, thermal insulation and vapor barrier is fastened, the casing is attached. On video, you can familiarize yourself with the technology of work.

An attic roof is an optimal method of increasing the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house. At the same time, costs will be minimal. When such a design, you can equip one more or more residential rooms. Often on the attic arrange children's rooms or an office. Comfortable room in the attic can perform the function of the living room.

With the arrangement of the attic, it is important to remember several principles that will help create a comfortable and practical room. A mansard roof is a certainly equipped attic. When creating such a design, it is important to carefully approach the stages of thermal insulation, redevelopment and ventilation on the roof. Video construction of the attic roof with their own hands (step by step) can be found at the end of the article.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solutions

Solving to equip the attic room, you need to know the features of its construction. The benefits of attic rooms include:

  • An additional room appears in the attic. It can be equipped depending on taste preferences and destination.
  • Small costs. Building an attic room will not rise in a large amount. Such work will be equivalent to the construction of an extension at home. At the same time, the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house expands.
  • Great view from the window. Attractive landscapes outside the window of the attic room will not leave anyone indifferent.

If we consider the minuses of the attic of the attic, it should be remembered about the need for additional heating of the room.

Types of mansard roofs

When designing an attic floor it is important to take care of the choice of the type of roof. It is necessary to figure out not only in the choice of the appearance of the design, but also in the methods of its arrangement. There are several options that are most acceptable when creating an attic roof. They can only be chosen when taking into account the features of the house:

It is important to deal with the devices of the attic roof, which is decided to do.

Mansarda device

Each roof has its own design features. However, mansard structures have a number of common features and with simple scanty facilities. They are important to know, starting to work:

Knowing the roof device, you can start basic work. Photo of the construction of an attic roof with their own hands (step-by-step) will help to deal with the stages of the process.

Mansard construction technology

Often, architects in drawing up an attic roof project do not take into account the errors of the ventilation system and the insulating layer. If there are such errors, the result may be deplorable. Already a few years later, the roof will flow. Since the attic is quite close to the wall indoors, it is quite difficult to ensure the optimal level of heat exchange. The design of the attic must include such elements as thermal insulation and ventilation.

Important! Elements of the rafter system should be treated in advance with various means of protection, which will reduce the effects of fire and microorganisms.

The heat insulating layer is performed with a thickness of 20 cm. This is due to a cold climate in most regions of Russia. In addition, when creating good thermal insulation in the summer under the attic roof will be cool. The advantages of such a decision suggest the need to choose a high-quality protective material.

In addition, it will be needed to create a roof ventilation system. In the summer, when the temperature is quite high, the roof will warm the roof, it can make a stay in the attic quite uncomfortable. With a properly equipped system of the influx and removal of air, it will be much more pleasant to be in the room. This is the solution and will protect the roof of destruction. The noise insulation layer is laid to create a quiet and comfortable environment inside the attic. At the same time, rain, hail or strong wind will not be heard.

Tip! When laying of insulation materials is performed, it is better to work with an experienced installer. This will avoid mistakes.

Stages of construction of mansardes

Step-by-step instructions for the devil of the attic floor involves the implementation of a number of subtleties of technology. For the construction of the attic, it is necessary to have at least minimal experience of construction work. The construction of an attic room will be significantly more complicated than in the case of a conventional roof. This is due to the need to respect the desired corners of the skates. To figure out how to build a attic in a private house with your own hands, after studying the construction plan.

It is necessary to start with the preparation of the planning floor project. For this purpose, it is better to invite a specialist who can accurately calculate the loads and set the necessary dimensions of the elements. In the presence of certain knowledge, all calculations can be performed in a special program. It will also be necessary to calculate the biases of the roof and the alleged loads. For an errorless performance, you will need to explore the book "Load and Impact on Buildings and Constructions".

Construction of the rafter carcass

When performing this stage of work, you will need to invite 2-3 employees. The roofing device is better to start with the laying of Mauerlat Bruis. They are fixed throughout the perimeter of the house. For Mauerlatov, the bars are chosen 100x100 mm.

Then the framework of the future attic room is mounted. Its vertical elements will be supported by support racks for the rafting system. First, vertical supports are installed on both sides. They are fixed to longitudinal beams. To connect, you need to use metal corners and screws.

Tip! In the process of such work it is better to use a screwdriver. This will significantly speed up the course of work.

As a result of such actions, two arches are obtained. They should be connected using a beat. It should be strictly horizontally. Even with a slight tilt of the beat, one of the arches will have to shorten. Then, at a certain distance, other arches should be installed. To fix the jumpers, use stamped corners.

Then the upper rafters are installed. Such work is quite complicated. The rafters should be mounted in such a way that they are installed under a specific slope. First, a template is performed from the board. It is necessary that they match the connected rafters. When using such a template you need to trim the rafters located on Earth. Then they are installed in the right place. Installation of the rafter is carried out taking into account the construction of an internal attic room.

End the setting of the rafter design with the feeding of the crate. It is usually performed from plywood or chipboard.

Harry roofing

After completion of the installation of the rafter system and the crates, you can create an insulating layer. Parosolation film is placed from the inside of the roof. It is fixed to the rafters on the building brakes. After thermal insulation is performed. It is necessary to monitor the density of laying the insulation on the surface of the rafter. There should be no cracks due to which in the future there may be problems with condensate and heat-shielding room. The design of the crates is fixed on heat insulation with a gap between the boards of half the meter.

From above on rafters laid waterproofing. She will protect the attic from moisture. The roofing coating is laid on the waterproofing layer. Such a scheme of roofing pie serves as optimal at the disposal of the attic.

Attention! During construction, it is important to take care of compliance with security requirements.

As can be seen, the construction of the attic roof is a serious work. The durability of the structure depends on the degree of seriousness with which to approach work. You can find a lot of examples, which design and appearance may have attic. Among the various types of its species, you can choose the most suitable option. If you need to create optimal daylight, you should set the large size window. Often its shape is chosen round or square. In any case, before work, it is necessary to carefully prepare and draw up a draft future building.


When the attic roof is erected, some features of the work should be taken into account. For example, it is important to create proper insulation and waterproofing of the cake. In addition, you need to take care of choosing roofing. Due to this, the attic roof will be reliably protected from bad weather.

Before work, a draft future building is drawn up. It is created taking into account the calculated loads and the materials used. In terms of construction reflect all the subtleties of the process. It is important to follow the technology of the attic roof structure - this will ensure its reliability and durability.