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Fight from Pervomaysky. Who betrayed our soldiers? January - month of tragic mistakes Pervomayskaya Dagestan 1996

9 January 1996 militants attacked the Russian city of Kizlyar (Republic of Dagestan).
The militants with a total number of about 350 people acted under the command of Salman Raduyev and Hunkar Pasha Israpilov. The initial goal is to eliminate the helicopter base of the federal forces and the seizure of hostages among Silovikov-federals. However, it did not come out. As a result of clashes with federal forces and local police, militants tried to seize the city, station and airport. After local battles around the city, the militants scored hostages among the civilians (about 3,000 people) and secured in the local hospital, because to fight behind the backs of pregnant women much more convenient - militants managed to repeat the Budyonnovsky scenario ...

The next day the troops entered the city. A part of the militants remained to hold the bridge through Terek on the approach to the city. To the outcome of the day, 32 people were killed, 64 were injured.
At that time, the militants did not go to negotiations with the command of federal forces, blocking quarters near the hospital.

Using the situation, Salman Raduyev demanded that Russian leadership to bring troops from the territory of Chechnya and the North Caucasus. Nobody went for that, but the militants released on buses with hostages from the hospital. His storming would be madness. For every deceased Chechen, militants threatened to shoot 15 civilians.

Raduyev Group route passed through the territory of Dagestan along the border with Chechnya. On his side the militants wanted to go in the village of Pervomayskaya village, located 300 meters from the border.

The border river Aksai of the buses column with militants and hostages (165 people) was stopped by a warning fire from helicopters (hit the car of the maintenance of the Dagestan traffic police). The federal authorities were not going to skip militants with hostages to the territory of Chechnya: it was assumed that they would free people on the border. The militants intended to go with hostages on, to Dudayev's headquarters in Novogroznensky village.

After the shelling, the column returned to the village of Pervomayskoye, where the militants, hiding behind the hostages, disarmed the corporal of the Russian police. The riot police had an orders for the buses not to shoot. As a result, the number of prisoners in militants increased by 37 militiamen from Novosibirsk, they chased their weapons, communications and a bodies.

On January 11-14, the militants strengthened in Pervomaysky. The village was blocked by federal troops. The militants began to prepare for the storm, forcing the captured digging of the trenches. The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Anatoly Kulikov and Director of the FSB Mikhail Bumbrook arrived at the place of events. Negotiations visited a dead end. Raduyev constantly changed his demands. He insisted that Grigory Yavlinsky, Boris Gromov, Alexander Lebed and Egor Gaidar became the intermediaries in negotiations, then voluntary hostages. Required that Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin participates in the negotiations.

On January 16, 1996, in Turkish port, Trabzon, a group of terrorists seized the passenger ferry "Abrazia", \u200b\u200bthreatening to shoot Russian hostages and then blow up the ship. The terrorists demanded to stop the assault of the village of Pervomayskaya, where the surrounded gangster group Salman Radueva was located.

On the night of January 18, a group of militants approached Pervomaysky from the side of Pervomaysky, who tried to release the Raduyev grouping. She pulled the strength on himself, forcing me to move away from Pervomaysky Dagestan Omon.

In the same place at 3 o'clock in the morning and the militants went to breakthrough. Bandits held a powerful three-minute firefall, and then with the screams of "Allah Akbar!" Rushed into the attack. On the shaft, where our trenches were held, reached hand-to-hand. Cropped with knives and blades. 150 militants in this area opposed no more than fifty special forces from the 22nd Squa Brigade. (Memories of Colonel General Gennady Toshva). When the terrible picture of the night battle was opened in the morning, it turned out that they put the whole first wave of militants. During the breakthrough, 39 militants died. At the site of fighting and at the approaches to the village, 153 militants corpses were found, 28 bandits were taken.

On January 18, the assault village took place. The decision to start the operation was made after the news of the execution of elders and several policemen. Federal troops lost during operation 26 killed, 93 servicemen were injured. On the fate of the fate of the militants Salman Raduyev in those days there was nothing known.

The storm diagram of the village of Pervomaysky.

Later it turned out that the Raduyev and a small group of militants with hostages still managed to go through the ring and flee to Chechnya. The militants escaped from the environment, using the gas pipe laid on the Aksai River.

The GRU "ALPA" lost five dead and six seriously reinforced. And then from their own. After the fight in Pervomaisk, they transferred the technique to fighters-conscripts and one of the soldiers accidentally obscure not where it was necessary and pressed on the electrospace the tools "Thunder". Shot immediately "demolished" several people. By the time the badgers have already reported that there is no loss in Alpha ...

On February 9, 1996, the State Duma decided to amnestizing the participants of the "illegal actions" in Kizlyar and Pervomaysky, subject to the liberation of the hostages remaining in captivity. During the terrorist attack, the militants were executed about 200 hostages predominantly Avars and Lezgin.

For the attack on the hospital, the Dagestanis called the Raduev "Gynecologist", and the authorities sentenced the leader to the death penalty. In December, there were hot heads who planned such a campaign with robbery of settlements in Chechnya.

In March 2000, Salman Raduyev was arrested by the FSB, transferred to Moscow to the SIZO "Lefortovo". After a year and a half, he was sentenced to life imprisonment, and in December 2002 he died in the Perm colony of a strict regime from internal hemorrhage in the ass.

According to the news of the Moscow News, residents of Pervomayi allocated 250 million non-delinited rubles as compensation, and each family received by the car "VAZ-2106" ...

The bright memory of those who died from the hands of terrorists ...

Infa and photos (c) Internet

"January 9, 1996 at 9.45 in accordance with the director of the Director of the FSB of Russia, General Army of Barsukova M.I. Personal management "A" was raised by combat alarm to obtain further instructions. "

The ancient and wise Sun Tzu advised: "Soldier's feet a thousand days to use one hour at the right time and in the right place."

This hour came in Kizlyar and in Pervomaysky. The country is tired of threats and bloody cases of Chechen terrorists. Everyone hoped for victory. Almost forgetting to feed and teach a soldier.

Then they shouted: who is to blame? Untar generals or gifted terrorists? It is complete to convince himself that the generals daps are to blame in all our military troubles.

Who left and destroyed the army by lack of money, thoughtless cuts, insane conversion? Who screamed from the parliamentary standing that the "black dog" KGB is not laundering and therefore it should be killed?

It turns out that they are not guilty, who, under the guise of a sacred war with Totalitarianism, ruined the army and special services. But then who? While we will not answer this question, we will keep the bloody fingers of Basayev for the sip. We do not see victories in the fight against terror. We do not be able to protect our citizens on our Earth. After all, the pledge of these victories in the wise council Sun Tzu: the sort of soldier a thousand days ...
... And now we will return to May Day.

"According to the primary information, a group of militants in the amount of 300 people, armed with Riflem, leading fire on civilians, seized about 350 people as hostages in the Kizlyar Hospital, Republic of Dagestan. At the same time, the militants were attacked by the helicopter platform of Kizlyara, as a result of which the 2 helicopter and the tanker were destroyed, the residential building was also captured.

At 11.30 one hundred and twenty employees, led by Major General Gusev, A.V., having a weapon, special means and means of protection, the equipment necessary to fulfill the tasks for the release of hostages, left at the Chkalovsky airfield.

12.00. Personal composition arrived at the airport and at 13.00 on two Tu-154 aircraft Spetsrais flew to Makhachkala. At 15.30 and 17.00, aircraft have landed at the airport of Makhachkala.

At 20.00, the personnel on the motor transport arrived in the FSB department of Makhachkala, where the head of the Anti-Terrorism Center of the FSB of Russia General Colonel Zorin V.N. I brought the operational situation at the moment.

On 01.20 January 10, at the arrival of two BTROS, the column began to move in Kizlyar, where arrived at 5.30. "

What did Alpha fighters in Kizlyar saw? Essentially, they saw the tail of the columns with terrorists and hostages who left the city. By this time, Dagestan's leadership decided to issue Chechen gangsters from the city hospital and provide them with unhindered fare to the border of Chechnya. Terrorists promised to free hostages on the border.

In 6.40 column of terrorists for 9 buses, 2 KAMAZ machines and 2 ambulances started motion. Kizlyar hospital remained mined.

The harassment began. Initially, it was planned to carry out the operation on the route: block the column and release hostages. Although, confess, in this version there was a considerable risk. Some high-ranking officials went hostage, Dagestan deputies, and a column - 9 buses. Imagine the death of at least someone from the hostage. And she would be inevitable, since the terrorists are not alone and not two, and they are armed with guns, but automata, machine guns, grenade launchers.

Now "impose" these events on the military, bloody, intense atmosphere in the Caucasus - and you will understand what doubts have been tormented by the operators of the operation.

In short, Raduyev and his terrorists did not stop on the route, did not blocked. He safely reached Pervomaysky, disarmed the checkpoint of Novosibirsk Omonovans, who had a badly raised their hands, replenished the number of hostages and their arsenal.

From the service report of the group "A"

"In the course of further negotiations, the Raduyev's militant commander put forward the requirements to provide an opportunity for the passage of the column to the territory of Chechnya, where he promised to release hostages. In this regard, the headquarters of the management "A" was developed an option to carry out the operation of the hostage on the movement route.

The operation plan provided for blocking the column by armored vehicles, the destruction of terrorists with sniper fire and undermining the KAMAZ car, loaded with weapons and ammunition, the declination of terrorists to pass the weapons and the release of hostages.

Employees of the management "A" carried out the reconnoition of the area and selected possible vehicles. The division was delivered a combat task and a communication scheme was worked out and the calculation of forces and means was calculated. "

However, the efforts of the commanders and fighters of special forces were in vain. Raduyev refused to put forward demands, remained in Pervomaysky and began equipment of firing positions. I must say that it was a strong stroke of the gangsters. Now the operation from the special - to liberate hostages and the destruction of terrorists - turned into a military. Or rather, in a special, cheekist-military. By the way, on this occasion of specialists and still there is no consensus.

The Ministry of Defense considers an operation in the Pervomaisian special, and the Federal Security Service is general-official. Who is right here, who is to blame?
Since the hostage was taken, the terrorists put forward demands and shot some captured, there are all components for the anti-terror operation.

But terrorists are not one or two and not even a dozen one, but more than three hundred bayonets. They are in service with mortars, grenade launchers, large-caliber machine guns, machine guns, sniper rifles. They pulled a full profile tanks, created a fortified defense area for all rules of military science with advanced and cut-off positions, with messages and even overlapped with slits. Ask any little less understanding in a man of man: what is it? It is nothing but a motorized rifle battalion in defense. And since the battalion was not in a pure field, but in a sufficiently large village, then for the advancing it is also the storming of the settlement. With all the consequences arising from here.

What are the consequences? They can be very deplorable, if not to fulfill a few "if".

If you do not conduct art preparation and do not suppress the enemy's fire faculty, if you do not create a three-time (in the years of the Great Patriotic War, five-, and tenfold) advantage of forces, if not to quit the assault of unprepared soldiers and officers, if ... however, , I think, is enough. In this case, the people who go to the attack will die, and the attack chooses.

What, in fact, happened. ArtProduction by and large there was no. Shelling from several anti-tank guns, perhaps, more brushed into psychological pressure than for the real destruction of firepoints.

Word of pressure ... Talling out of guns, destroyed the village. Yes, and dug, and destroyed. It all saw on TV screens. But the militants tearing in the ground, the pallet caused little harm. When, after shelling, the first units moved to the assault, the terrorists met their hurricane fire. Dagestan Omon immediately lost a few people killed, injured and retreated. According to the tactics law, this meant only one thing - the front edge of the enemy defense was not suppressed, the bandits retain their fires, and anyone who would try to rush forward, waiting for death.

From the service report of the group "A"

"On January 15, at 8.30, the Personal Management of the Office took the initial position. After applying fire strikes with aviation and helicopters, combat groups as part of the departments, putting an advanced watch, in cooperation with the Vityaz division entered into battle with Chechen militants and advanced to the "four square" on the southeastern outskirts of the village Pervomayskoye.

During the fighting, January 15-18, the management officers revealed, destroyed firepoints of militants, carried out a fire cover of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, provided medical care, evacuated wounded from the battlefield. "

For these pie rows of the report lies a lot. For example, the conclusion from the fire fighters of the "Vityaz" squad, which were, in fact, in a fire bag. They were helped by the staff of the group "A".

In war, when attack chose, pulled up artillery and again began to "process" the front edge. If possible, caused aviation and applied a bombing. Or was another option: the upcoming troops managed the center of resistance and moved forward.

There was no such option for the "feds", as, however, there was no other. It could not resume art preparation, since already from the first instrument salts rose howl: goes off hostages.

It comes out, one thing remained: to destroy our special forces - "Alpha", "Vympel", "Vityaz", throwing them under the knitting fire of bandits.

I often think about a terrible dilemma: yes, the state must be able to save the life of the hostages. But what is the price of this salvation?

Recently, we often look at the problem of the unarmed person captured by captured. Gorky, the humiliating role of a suicide bomber, besides anything in no wise. But how humiliated and crushed a professional, powerless in his main thing - the liberation of captives and punish the bandits! What could Alpha Fighter in Pervomaisk? Even the most experienced, first-class fighter? Climb all the growth in the attack and heroic to die? But this, at least, the stupidity. Although this is enough in war.

Do not die yourself, save as many hostages as possible, destroy terrorists - this is the triune task of special divisions.

The fighters of the group "A" are successfully able to storm trapped buses, airplanes, houses in which terrorists were signed, but not taught to walk in the chains and are not strong in the general tactics. Not their business. But then Whose? Moti-stokers, artilleryrs, tankers ...

"We arrived," My opponents will say. - The eighteen-year-old, unreleased, the untrained boys were thrown into the fire, and the excellent arrows, athletes, experienced fighters who were not in one alteration will remain aside. "

This is where the main question arises from which I started my reflections and which underlies all of our defeat of the last time: why the soldiers of the Russian armed forces are unfolded, unsurdious, poorly equipped, and even hungry?

All this, by the way, was present in Pervomaysky. And drivers who made their first march on BMP, and a multi-day cold, and the lack of elementary living conditions.

I was told by the staff of the group "A", as they asked for them to buses for the night freezing Russian soldiers. "Alfovtsy" and we would be glad to start, and they slept sitting, consider, kneeling each other.

And our television has doubled: Cleaning, ring, blocking. Forgetting that for each word - people. How many days and nights without sleep and rest can be "blocking" militants sitting in a trench or in the winter field? Considering that the militants warm at this time in the houses of Pervomaysky.

Now, many are surprised to ask the question: how did you slip out Raduv? Yes, she slipped away, breaking through with the battles. Because by and large there was no rings there. And not that external and internal, but even a conventional environment. Well, except that the "islands" of defense, one of which was defended by three dozen army special forces. A handful of fighters to which the Raduvian gang came out. They interpret the bulk of terrorists, submitting them almost closely. However, remember how many people were with the Raduyev - more than three hundred. So the advantage is almost ten times. These Russian guys-special forces are undoubtedly the heroes. They are almost all injured, there are also dead.

As it was, few people know. They remained a little left after that battle - the special forces of the 22nd Brigade. Who resigned to the reserve, who went to other cities, military districts. After those events, I hardly managed to find several heroes. That's how it tells about the terrible one of them:
"We once again settled. In the press then wrote - three rings of the environment, snipers. All this is nonsense. There was no rings there. Guys from our 22nd brigade of special purpose and hit.

Front density was 46 people on a half kilometer. Imagine! For all standards, the excess of the length for each fighter is three times. And weapons are only small, lung, and two days gave.

Our site was most likely to breakthrough. Why? Yes, because only here, in a single place, you can crush through Terek. I emphasize, in the only one. There, the pipe oil pipeline across the river is extended, and over her bridge. And the fool was clear: nowhere to go.
We offered to blow up the pipe. No, it is oil, "grandmothers" big. People are cheaper. And they would have deployed - and "spirits" have nowhere to go.

By the way, on the other side, two Kamaz Chechens approached. Stood, waited. From our side - nothing, "turntables" did not work on them.

As such preparation, terrorists were not. They began shelling, and their shock group went to the attack. Going to the support point of meters to a hundred, the front bandy fell down, began to provide fire pressure. In the meantime, the cover of the cover pulled up, and all the hop rushed forward.

From the point of view of tactics, they acted correctly. Different and could not. After the battle, we checked the documents from the dead. Afghans, Jordanians, Syrians. About fifty mercenaries professionals.

Everyone, as a rule, is two storms, in one - ammunition and canned food, in another - drugs, syringes, and so on. So they attacked them in a state of narcotic duri. They say fearless suicide bumps. They were afraid of the gangsters.

Yes, Raduyev snatched, but we put many. About 200 terrorists went to battle. 84 people we destroyed. Not counting the wounded and prisoners. In the morning, in the footsteps looked - a man broke out twenty, no more. With them and Raduyev.

The brigade also suffered losses: five died, six people were injured. If two or three companies were planted on our site, the result would be different. Much has been made of stupid. In the defense, the small hand was planted, the approaches did not become mining. What did you count on? Maybe such a breakthrough someone was needed? "

These are such bitter recognition.

In that battle, the head of the exploration of the 58th Army was killed Colonel Alexander Styzin, Commander Commander Communication Captain Konstantin Kozlov, Medic Captain Sergey Kosachev.

Lost in Pervomaysky and the group "A" of two of their officers - Majorov Andrei Kiselev and Viktor Vorontsov.

Vorontsov was from the border guards, served in a separate detachment of control in Sheremetyevo-2. At first I got to Vympel, and in 1994 he moved to the group "A". It was distinguished with the release of hostages in the city of Budennovsk, for which he was awarded the Medal of Suvorov.

Andrei Kiselev is a graduate of the Ryazan airborne school. He served in the company's special purpose of the Airborne Communication, was an instructor for airborne preparation. In 1993, adopted in the division "A".

Both officers participated in complex operational activities and combat operations. For the courage and courage, manifested in the salvation of hostages, Andrei Kiselev and Victor Vorontsov were awarded the Order of courage (posthumously).

The number of birthday 8 gives business ability, enterprise, indispensability in all spheres and areas of life, especially in commerce and industries.

Rushing only forward, these people successfully carry out their plans and intentions, perform conceived: their will affects their will and strong character, the ability not to regret oneself and others. And resistance, obstacles on the way, opponents only surface, reinforce their energy and efficiency.

This is the strangest and most difficult number. On the one hand, it can be represented as a sum of 4 + 4, which indicates that the nature of his people is doubly characteristic of the quality of people 4. On the other hand, the number 8 has its own properties. For example, it can mean grief, sadness and, at the same time, success, sometimes of world importance. The people of the number 8 features a great power strength and pronounced individuality, in communication with them is characterized by an external coldness and detachment, although, in fact, they are capable of the hottest feelings.

Happy day of the week for the number 8 - Wednesday

Your Planet - Uranus


In the "eight" rare administrative abilities, the ability to manage teams, fascinating people behind them. This is especially manifested in the field of politics, on a military field, in the business world, where they can be cruel and merciless. But people with the number of birth 8 are judged people, choose their friends on their taste, position in society.


Striving for power, success, sport.

The eight forms a business materialist, strong, with a complex device of the inner world. Of all the situations, the eight of the eight will find a way out, never gets to be asked, will always seem richer than in fact. His life is conjugate with ever-changing situations that make unexpected bold solutions.

This number is patronized by scientists, innovators and computerists, pilots and cosmonauts, television drivers, and communications. The eight of the man forces a person many times in his life from one level on another. The eight people are rapidly moving along the evolutionary staircase, among them a lot of dedicated. The circle of communication of these people is changing with every turn of fate.

Love and sex:

If these people come in early marriage, their partners will need a huge excerpt, for it was during this period that they are completely captured by work and are being desire to achieve their goals. In this case, they can destroy love relationships. Therefore, they are suitable for later marriages. By that time, they would all get better, and feelings will become more stable.

In general, if the choice of a partner is made correctly, these people are faithful, loving spouses, although they bring some features into marriage. By the way, many of them are willing to sacrifice the marriage for the sake of career at any age.

Birth number for women

8 birth number 8 for woman volitional, power, assertive woman. In the depths of the soul, very raven and in dire need of love and understanding. Sometimes strong feelings and sexuality hides behind the external restraint. She is alien to egoism in love relationships, although in other cases it can take it to the fullest. She "from love to hatred is one step." Unspoken experiences destroy it. Often she itself complicates good relationships and spoils life to its chosen one. It needs an intellectual partner, with the same strong character that is able to oppose its ambitions their own. Equal Union and joint commitments will benefit not only by them, but also others. She is useless to tend about love. Or loves and achieves his own, or does not like, allowing himself to love, but without claims to ownership, freedom and will. In relations with her, it should not be "to climb into her soul," to blame in infidelity, seek deficiencies, persuade to restrain their emotions. But one can appreciate its passion, sensitivity, as well as practicality and originality.

Men's birth number

Birth number 8 for men
Independent, self-sufficient and self-sufficient man. It has a strong will, honesty, sincerity and perseverance. It may be important, even arrogant, suppress the partner, and may be modest and not to expose their achievements. He always needs a stimulus for moving forward. Does not like to be dependent, but strive for complete control over people.

It may be soft, judicial, kind and loving, and may be tough and even evil. His negative manifestation of emotions can be frightened. Lucky in affairs. The need for activities and permanent employment can suppress close relationships. He will be interested in an intellectual and sensual woman who appreciates him and obeys him in personal relationships.

When courtcan, he uses the natural charm, then, sometimes annoying perseverance. Under the pressure of its energy is difficult to resist. He himself needs admiration and love, as in a reward for all his efforts and achievements. Carefully thinking over the marriage, paying great attention to the financial reliability of the future family, as he himself is thrifty. In fact, it can be generous and understands that money is a tool for the incarnation of dreams and plans. An error in choosing a spouse will cost him more expensive than anyone else. Since he is constantly engaged in affairs, it will not be against the husband to take on household concerns and arranged comfort to him at home.

Number of birth 9.

Fighters by nature, hard and do not fall in spirit before the hardest resistance, calm, bring to the end any business, far-sighted, possess the dominant character and instinct to the management, do not like to obey, happy when they are commanded, may be sometimes rude with subordinates and deaf to Feelings of others. In the army reach the highest ranks. They are respected for the power of will and ability.

Very sexy, but are not able to express their desires, considering them offensive, so they often fail. They bring themselves to self-vaccination to deep despair, instead of satisfying desire. They are leaders in any business other than sex. Their partners do not need to be offended by external insensitivity, because Internally, they experience the burning passion. They are difficult to fall in love, but if it happened, then for life. Often, physical attraction they take for love, which leads to the termination of the first marriage. Double errors do not repeat.

Only get along with equal in spirit: can not tolerate whots. They have strong analytical thinking, looking for people with the same sharp mind. They surround themselves with people with a flawless reputation. No one and nothing take on faith without a certificate in genuine qualities.
They should be more restrained and tolerable in relations with people. Men should be feared by enthusiastic women.
There may be fever, including.

Pythagorean or Psychomatrix Square

The qualities listed in the square cells can be strong, medium, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of digits in the cell.

Decryption of Pythagorean Square (square cells)

Character, willpower - 3

Energy, Charisma - 0

Creativity - 1

Health, beauty - 0

Logic, intuition - 1

Diligence, skill - 1

Good luck, luck - 1

Call of Duty 2

Memory, mind - 3

Deciphering Pythagorean Square (rows, strollers and square diagonals)

The higher the value, the more pronounced quality.

Self-esteem (column "1-2-3") - 4

Making money (column "4-5-6") - 2

Talent potential (column "7-8-9") - 6

Dedication (string "1-4-7") - 4

Family (string "2-5-8") - 3

Stability (string "3-6-9") - 5

Spiritual potential (Diagonal "1-5-9") - 7

Temperament (Diagonal "3-5-7") - 3

Sign of chinese zodiac boar

Every 2 years there is a change of elements of the year (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). The Chinese astrological system divides years to active, turbulent (yang) and passive, calm (yin).

You Boar Elements of the tree of the year Yin

Birth clock

24 hours correspond to the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. The sign of the Chinese horoscope of birth, the corresponding time of appearance on the light, so it is very important to know the exact time of birth, it has a strong impact on the character of a person. It is alleged that according to the birth horoscope you can find out the features of your character.

The brightest manifestation of the quality of the birthday will take place if the birthday character coincides with the SIM-WHOLE of the year. For example, a man born a year and an hour of a horse will show a maximum of the qualities prescribed by this-MU sign.

  • Rat - 23:00 - 01:00
  • Bull - 1:00 - 3:00
  • Tiger - 3:00 - 5:00
  • Rabbit - 5:00 - 7:00
  • Dragon - 7:00 - 9:00
  • Snake - 09:00 - 11:00
  • Horse - 11:00 - 13:00
  • Goat - 13:00 - 15:00
  • Monkey - 15:00 - 17:00
  • Rooster - 17:00 - 19:00
  • Dog - 19:00 - 21:00
  • Pig - 21:00 - 23:00

Capricorn European Zodiac Sign

Dates: 2013-12-22 -2014-01-20

Four elements and their signs are distributed as follows: the fire (Aries, Lion and Sagittarius), Land (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), Air (Twins, scales and aquarius) and Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Fish). Since the elements help describe the main features of the character of a person, including them in our horoscope, they help to make a more complete picture of a particular personality.

Features of this element - cold and dryness, metaphysical matter, strength and density. In the zodiac, this element is represented by the earth trigon (triangle): Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The land trigon is considered a materialistic trigon. Principle: Stability.
The Earth creates forms, laws, gives concreteness, stability, stability. The land structures, analyzes, classifies, creates a foundation. It is inherent in such qualities as inertia, confidence, practicalism, reliability, patience, rigor. In the body, the Earth gives braking, passing through tightening and compression, slows down the metabolic process.
People in whose horoscopes expressed Earth elements, have a melancholic temperament. These are people sober mind and calculating, very practical and business. The purpose of life is always real and achievable, and the path to this goal has been scheduled for young years. If they deviate from their purpose, it is very slightly more because of the internal reasons than external. People of this trigon achieve success due to such excellent traits, as perseverance, perseverance, excerpt, endurance, purposefulness, unshakable. They do not have such a fantasy and bright, living imagination, like the signs of the trigon of water, there are no utopian ideas, like the signs of fire, but they stubbornly go to their goal and always reach it. They choose the path of the smallest external resistance, and with emerging obstacles mobilize their strength and energy to overcome everything that it prevents them from achieving the intended goal.
People of the Earth Earth seek to hold matter. The creation of material values \u200b\u200bbrings them true satisfaction, and the results of labor make their souls. All the goals they put in front of them must first bring them benefit and material benefit. If the majority of the planets are located in the land trigon, such principles will spread to all areas of life, right up to love and marriage.
People with the predominance of the Earth's element are firmly on their feet, prefer stability, moderation, sequence. Love a settling lifestyle, tied to home, property and homeland. Lifting periods and well-being are replaced by crises that may be long due to the inertia of the Earth's trigone. It is this inertia that does not allow them to quickly switch to a new type of activity or relationship. Here is their limited ability to adapt to anyone and to anything, with the exception of the sign of the Virgin.
People with severe Earth elements usually choose a profession associated with material values, money or business. Often they have "golden hands", they are excellent artisans, can be successful in applied sciences and applied arts. They are patient, submissive circumstances, sometimes occupy an expectant position, while not forget about the bread. Everything is done with one goal - to improve their physical existence on Earth. There will be care about the soul, but this is from the case of the case. All of the above for them is easily achievable, provided that their energy does not go to such negative features of character, like ultra-humanism, excessive calcality, carefulness and greed.

Aries, Cancer, Scales, Capricorn. The cardinal cross is the cross of the will, the material basis of the universe, the new impetus of the idea. The main quality is the desire for implementation. He is always directed to the future. It gives dynamism, activity, desire for the goal. The man, in the horoscope of which the sun, the moon or most personal planets are in the cardinal signs, will be a person action. Such people are energetic and live in the present, for them the most important time and sensation of "here and now". Therefore, their emotions and sensations are characterized by brightness and great power. Their joy is the same strong and sincere, as well as disappointment, but any emotions are short-lived, because soon these signs are immersed in a new life, in new sensations, the new business is underdeveloped. With the age of their mood, they are becoming more smoother and come to the usual businessworthy for them. They are not frightened by their obstacles, but only strengthen the head and the desire for the goal. However, they do not have a lot of strength to withstand the struggle for their goal for too long. Therefore, if the struggle against the obstacle is too dragging or not at all shows the results of their efforts, then such an obstacle begins to seem insurmountable, which leads to disappointment, causes the decline of the forces and can even lead to depression. Also destructive for them the lack of dynamics and the opportunity to take the initiative. Such a person will always strive forward and up, fascinating with its energy. He is always in sight, it is noticeably towers over his surroundings, achieves his life goal and reaches a high social level.

In Capricorn, the elements of the Earth manifests itself on a thinner, ideal level. The main ruler here is Saturn. The ancient symbol of Capricorn is a goat, breaking out of the ground and even having a wings. This is an animal that binds the element of the Earth and the next element of air. Such duality is characteristic of you if your sun is in the sign of Capricorn.

You are most likely a hard analyst, very directed. Clearance is the deepest, most essential quality of the Capricarps. You set yourself the goal to which you go using your beautiful tactical abilities using your dexterity, in the worst case - cunning and conformism. At the lowest case, on the way to your goal, you can fit literally everything, act rather hard, clearly and definitely. In the worst version, you are a very cunning person, and you are very difficult to catch your hand at the same time, because you act very thinly and delicately. For the sake of implementing their ideas and goals, you can use any means. Among such Capricors we see half of the sweat, which destroyed several millions of people of their country, Mao Zeduna.
Among the Capricors there are many people living in the inner feeling of the goal whose goal of life becomes the desire to convey to others this feeling of the goal. Therefore, among high Capricors we find preachers, shepherds, prophets, missionaries, but with a stronger practical orientation. You can not give not only a high idea, but also tools for achieving, practical means, real schemes and ways to achieve high goals.

21 years ago there was an attack of Chechen militants to the Dagestan city of Kizlyar - one of the bloody episodes of the first Chechen war, a muster terrorist attack, during which civilians were killed and military personnel. On January 9, 1996, militants under the command of Salman Radueva and Huinkar Pasha Israpilov attacked the city of Kizlyar (Republic of Dagestan) and, taking the hostages, on January 18 returned to the territory of Chechnya. As a result of the attack on Kizlyar and battle in the village of Village, about 70 people died, more than a hundred were injured.

In the reports of various power structures, data on the number of detachment in 200, 400 and even more than 500, and half the militants allegedly "were professional Arab mercenaries".

The overall management of the operation of D. Dudaev laid on H. Israpilova and S. Raduyev, and H. Israpilov carried out military leadership of the operation, and S. Raduyev - political: after the seizure of Kizlyar, he had to negotiate with representatives of the Russian authorities and the media.

Attack plan for Kizlyar

On the night of January 6, on January 7, the boats were supposed to carry out the crossing over the River Terek and focus in the forest array in the village of Shelkovskaya. There to transfer to other cars and in the evening of January 8 to arrive at the administrative border between Chechnya and Dagestan in the area of \u200b\u200bStanja Borozdinovskaya.

On January 9, at 2 o'clock in the morning, the mainforces were to come up from Borozdinovskaya and through the Kargali hydroeer to arrive in Kizlyar. Ategiriev's detachment on cars with ammunition was supposed to arrive in the city circumferentially through the federal troops. The detachment was supposed to be on the pre-planned positions, and the ATGIRIEV division to pass the ammunition to 4 o'clock in the morning on January 9th.

The beginning of the storming of Kizlyar was planned at 4 am.

The Aidamir Abalaeyev division was tasked to attack the helicopter base, eliminate the protection, seize helicopters with ammunition, part of them are destroyed, and the rest to send to Chechnya with the help of captive pilots or militants who, according to them, were able to control helicopters.

"Nursky battalion" under the command of Musa Charaev received a task to seize the military unit # 3693. It was necessary to suppress the resistance of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia guarding it and try to capture as many soldiers in captivity as much as possible. Then, capturing the ammunition stored in the military unit, along with the prisoners to go to the curfew, which was planned to create in the hospital building.

"The consolidated detachment of the Northeast Front of the VF CRI" under the command of Suleiman Radueva was tasked with the task of capturing an aviation plant, located near the helicopter base, destroy the equipment there, then, collecting from nearby hostages, head with them to the hospital. Upon arrival at the hospital building, this unit was to be put forward to the railway station and take control.

The division of Brother Israpilova should have been in the reserve. The management team led by S. Baduev and X.Srapilov should be in one of the premises located near the ROVD. After the capture of the ROVD building was planned to organize headquarters there.

From the moment of the start of the operation, it was decided to collect residents of the Kizlyar in three places: around the building of the administration, the house of culture and hospital buildings. At the same time, the militants were to declare them that power in the city turns into the hands of the military administration of the Armed Forces of the CRI and declare the curfew. After that, it was planned to take a circular defense and prepare for a possible attack by the federal troops of Russia.

In early January 1996, the operation plan was written approved by Johar Dudaev.

According to some reports, on December 23, 1995, the President, Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation received an official report on the signature of the head of the Chief Intelligence Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense, General F. Zhangin, which reported on the plans of terrorists to strike in the city of Kizlar in Dagestan. However, judging by the testimony of Salman Raduyev, it was these days that Johar Dudayev first introduced him to the attack plan for Kizlyar.

In addition, according to the site AGENTUR.RU, information obtained from an unknown source D.Dudaev turned out to be false - no eight helicopters with ammunition in Kizlyar were not expected.

Events in Kizlyar

Advance of militants to Kizlyar

On the evening of January 5, 1996, the entire squad of militants on buses and cars was serving from Novogroznensky (Oyshara) and past the settlements of Suvorov-Yurt (Neubyra) and Cadi-Yurt arrived to the River Terek in the village of Azamat-Yurt. On two boats, militants were shipped to the opposite bank and at another vehicles got to the village of Shelkovskaya. The part of the detachment focused in a forest array, located near the villages of Shelkovskaya and Grebenskaya, the other part was resettle in residential buildings of these settlements. In the period from January 6 to 8, militants on the UAZ-452 car were repeatedly traveled to the intelligence kizary.

At about 21-22.00 on January 8, the detachment on buses and cars was left in the direction of Stanitsa Borozdinovskaya. Motively moving on the highway, sometimes living posts of federal troops.

In Stanitsa, Borozdinovskaya militants arrived around 3.30 nights, stopped in the field, not far from the administrative border between Dagestan and Chechnya. Here Salman Raduyev for the first time informed the militants that the attack object will be the city of Kizlyar.

January 9

The militants attack the helicopter base, located at the city of Radom with Kizlyar. We could not hold the airfield of the militant, although as a result of the battle, they managed to destroy the two Mi-8 helicopters, two beznosis and to plunder the warehouse of unmanaged reactive shells (NURS).

A squad of militants attacked by the military unit was repulsed. The attackers were thrown away from the location of the battalion and retreated to the city.

As Salman Raduyev admitted later, the results of attacks on the helicopter base and the military unit were not in favor of the militants: they suffered heavy losses killed and wounded, but could not destroy the attacked objects. Full control over the city failed.

The Armed Formations of the Cheverage retreated to the city and took the hospital building, capturing the hostages of the inhabitants of the nearest homes and driving them into the hospital. In total, according to various sources, the hostage was taken from 2000 to 3000 or more people, among which there were many women and children. The hospital building was mined and warned that in extreme cases he would be undermined with all people in it. The conditions for the liberation of the hostages S. Baduev put forward the following: the conclusion of the federal troops from Chechnya, recognizing the elections in the Chechen Republic in December 1995 (as a result of which the document of Chechnya as part of the Russian Federation was elected dock of cruise) invalid.

From the hospital building on a satellite telephone, Salman Raduyev has contacted the largest information agencies of the world and transferred information about the capture of Kizlyar. Also S. Baduev contacted D. Dudaev, who, having learned about the difficult losses incurred by the detachment, ordered to let go of the hostages and return to the territory of Chechnya.

January 10.

During the negotiations with the representatives of the authorities of Dagestan, an agreement was reached on the fact that the militants will be provided with transportation on which they will leave Kizlyar and through the village Pervomayskoye will go to the territory controlled by the CRI forces - in the village Novogroznenskoye. The agreement between the Chairman of the State Council of Dagestan M. Magomedov and S.Raduyev assumed that all hostages, except for 10 representatives of the leadership of the republic, will be released. However, the militants violated this item, seizing about 50 more hostages, from among those who were in the hospital.

S.Raduev promised to let go of all hostages as soon as the column of militants will arrive in Chechnya. In the future, there were discrepancies in the interpretation of this promise. Dagestan and federal authorities believed that the hostages would be released immediately after the intersection of the administrative border with Chechnya. In this case, there was still a lot of time and space in order to take a combat operation against the Raduyev militants before they reach Novogroznensky. The Raduv residents assumed to free hostages upon arrival in Novogroznenskoye.

On January 10, about 5.30 am, a column of vehicles arrived at the hospital building. The column was accompanied by a column of 10 representatives of the authorities of Dagestan headed by the First Deputy Minister of the Interior of this Republic V. Bayev. Among them were the Minister of Nationalities of the Government of Dagestan Magomedsalih Gusayev, Dagestan Finance Minister Hamid Hamida, Deputy Chairman of the People's Assembly of Dagestan Abakar Aliyev, Deputy of the National Assembly of the RD Imampash Chergizby (Chechen by nationality), as well as a number of other members of the government, deputies and representatives of the Khasavurtovsky administration district.

A column with militants and hostages (according to various sources, from 60 to 160 people) washed away from the hospital at about 7 am on January 10, 1996. Her movement was led by the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan V. Lev.

According to the journalists of the newspaper "Today", the federals were believed that at the achievement of the village of Pervomaysky, the hostage will be released, and, by intersection of the column of the buses of the bridge over the Aksai River, the operation to eliminate militants will begin. From the bridge to the nearest Chechen settlement of Azamat-Yurt about six kilometers. This segment of the path was very convenient for the attack: on the right of liquid fishing oil and non-freezing trees, and the field covered with a network. In the Chechen territory, the column of buses should have attacked two SU-25 attack aircraft from the air, stopping it. After that, Mi-24 helicopters link had rockets to turn buses to ruins. We run away in a panic militants to take alive or dead in two companies of the 7th division of the Airborne Forces, which intended to land on both sides of the highway.

At about 11:00 pm, the column arrived at the federal forces near the village of Pervomaysky, and headed for the territory of Chechnya. At this time, a message was received by the radio that the bridge was blown up. The column by order Beeva stopped, and accompanying her police car went to check this information. Almost immediately the car was fired by rockets from the helicopter. The column returned to the village of Pervomayskoye, who closed her division of Turptala Athgiriev entered the checkpoint and disarmed the fighters of the fighters of the Novosibirsk riot. Residents of Pervomaysky left the village even before the arrival of militants. All the hostages captured by us were distributed in the residential buildings of the village of Pervomaysky and were guarded by the militants. The very village was blocked by federal troops.

Fights for Pervomayskoye

January 11-14

From January 11 to 14, both parties were actively preparing for combat actions. Militants strengthened the village forces. The hostages were forced to dig trenches, some of them, despite the cold nights, was specifically left in buses in order to prevent the shelling of the positions of terrorists.

Federal troops pulled up artillery, additional divisions, carried out reconnaissance. Under Pervomaysky, the grouping of troops with a total number of 2.5 thousand people, 32 guns and mortars, 16 flamethos, 10 grenade launches, 3 installations of RSZO "Grad", 54 BMP, 22 BTR, 4 BRDM, several tanks and combat helicopters. S.Radueva had from 200 to 300 militants, over 100 hostages, 82-mm mortars exported from cage on trucks, as well as a large number of machine guns, grenade launchers, flamethrower and other weapons and ammunition.

The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Anatoly Kulikov and Director of the FSB Mikhail Bumbrook arrived at the place of events. Negotiations visited a dead end. Raduyev constantly changed his demands. He insisted that Grigory Yavlinsky, Boris Gromov, Alexander Lebed and Egor Gaidar became the intermediaries in negotiations, then voluntary hostages. Required that Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin participates in the negotiations.

On January 13, the Director of the FSB, Mikhail Barsukov, announced the next day, January 14, the last term for the liberation of hostages by the militants. He promised them a safe passage to Chechnya in case of liberation of all hostages and putting the weapons.

On January 14, negotiations resumed and continued to about 15.00, after which they were suspended. As stated in the official statement by the Center for Public Relations of the FSB of Russia, at 16.30 militants from small arms and mortars began shelling units of the federal troops, helicopter was fired.

The blocking structure of the village by federal troops was three rings: two internal inland - in the village and near it - and one external, stretched along a large area. The increased motorized rifle battalion of 136 OMSBR in the amount of 730 people blocked the village from the northeast, the East and South-East, and the two tactical groups of the airborne division in the amount of 80 people blocked the village from the West and the South-West. The tactical group of 22 OGN CPS from 876 OP SPN 58 army in the amount of 59 people blocked the village from the North-West. Motometry Motomagonian group In the amount of 80 people blocked the village from the north, interacting with the motorized rifle mouth.

According to the correspondents of the newspaper "Today", those present at the site of the events, the main forces were deployed from Dagestan, while the Western direction, the most threatened for a breakthrough, as they led to Chechnya, held a brigade of the Seventh Division of the Airborne Forces, devoid of artillery and aviation cover. The central position in the west direction was held by the second company in the amount of 37 people. The material and technical support of Russian troops was unsatisfactory.

January 15

In the morning there was information that the militants shot themselves to negotiate Dagestan elders (according to various sources, from 2 to 7) and 6 hostage police officers. Attempts to renew the negotiations of success did not have and decided to hold the assault of the village of Pervomaysky with the use of helicopters, tanks and BTrov, despite possible losses from the hostage. The general command of the federal forces was carried out by Viktor Zorin, First Deputy Director of the FSB Mikhail Barsukova.

On the morning of January 15, after a low-efficient artillery training and aviation strike, nine assault groups - a special purpose "Vityaz", special rapid response groups (CSR) and a division of 22 separate special-purpose brigade GRS GSH - went to the assault. In the second echelon, in full readiness for the storming of the structures in which the hostage could be located, the Alpha Anti-Terrorism Center group was.

In principle, all these units were not intended to conduct a combination of combustion combat. Special forces were not equipped with sufficient number of grenade launchers, flamethroughs and contractors - the most effective from the fires under actions in the settlement. There were no armored vehicles, the fire they could manage.

By 13 o'clock, the fighters "Vityaz", overcoming the canal, captured the first line of defense of the militants on the outskirts of the village and broke into the southeastern quarter. The rest, stumbled upon fierce fire resistance in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bridge and cemeteries, were forced to stop. Two hours later, there were little losses, stopped and "Vityaz". With the onset of twilight, all divisions were ordered to move back to its original positions.

January 16.

On January 16, the Sturm of Pervomaysky repeated. The attack was again along the southern outskirts of the village, the militants had fierce resistance. The greatest success was able to achieve at the right flank of the attacking units of Vityaz. The division secondly seized the southeastern quarter of Pervomaisk, it went to the central street and stumbled upon the second border of the defense of the militants: the shafts of a full profile, shut-off positions, skillfully equipped firepoints in homes. Snipers who knocked out of the rows of attackers first of all commanders were particularly dangerous. Their account refers to half of all losses in Pervomaysky.

All attempts of special forces break through the second line of defense militants did not have success. The total losses of the federal troops amounted to about 15 people dead and injured. At 17.00, the total post was given again. Departure, the personnel of the storming units was fixed on the outskirts of the village, in the open field. Night they were forced to spend in irrigation canals or in unheated buses, the hot food began to give only on the third day of confrontation in Pervomaysky.

The protracted operation, which led to continuously finding federal troops in severe weather conditions, each day reduced the combat capability of blocking village divisions. Night-night in the winter field, without a normal rest and heating, the servicemen were in a clearly disadvantageous position in relation to the Raduev militants.

January 17

At 23.30, the scouts reported on the emergence of the rear, in the village of Soviet village, the militant detachment, which was confirmed by the local resident who arrived from there. Militants Shamil Basayev attacked the external ring of federal troops. For allotted from the standpoint of special forces, exhausted by a weekly confrontation, the blow of militants from the rear was unexpected. In the half-hour battle, the Dagestan police and military personnel of SMDs suffered serious losses. The blow of helicopters scattering the attacking militants Basayev.

A few hours later, the drum group of militants tried to escape on the same site. After walking in full growth with flamethroughs and grenade launches, hostages walked and carried the wounded Chechens. In this area, the breakthrough failed, however, as it turned out later, it was only a distracting blow.

Taking advantage of the Soviet Failure I broke out, another team of militants, which included all participating field commanders, together with hostages began to break through toward Chechnya through the checkpoint to Terek. As a result of the sudden attack of militants, almost all the fighters of the 22nd Special Brigade of Special Forces were killed, including the head of the exploration of the 58th army of the Colonel A. Stolvin. The main forces of militants, including Raduyev and Tourpal Ali Atgheriev, managed to escape from the environment and return to Chechnya, taking 15 hostages with him.

Capture of the ferry "Avrazia"

On January 16, in the Turkish port, Trabzon Terrorists, headed by M. Tokjan, who fought, according to his statement, in Basayev's battalion, was captured by the "Abrazia" steam with mainly Russian passengers on board. The requirements of the terrorists were: the removal of the blockade of the village Pervomaysky and the conclusion of the federal troops from the North Caucasus.

Liberation of the remaining hostages

On January 23, 20 hostages from the number captured by the Raduyev militants during Kizlyar's events, as well as the day before, in the village of Herzel-Aul, they were released in the Chechen village Novogroznensky, another 12 Novosibirsk policemen remained in the hands of militants.

A month 9, 1996, the State Duma of Russia adopted a special decree, according to which the Raduev militants were amnestied. After that, Raduyev libened the captured by the Novosibirsk militiamen. The detainees in the May Day militants were released on freedom (actually exchanged in prisoner policemen), and the bodies of the dead were transmitted for burial.


On March 22, the Security Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation distributed data on losses among military personnel and civilians during the operation of federal troops in Kizlyar and Pervomaysky.

In the certificate, signed by the Chairman of the Committee Viktor Ilyukhin, it was reported that on January 9, 34 people died during the breakthrough of militants in Kizlyar, including 7 police officers and 2 servicemen. In the village of Pervomayskoye, where militants took up 60 hostages with him, 30 people died, including 16 hostages and 14 police officers. 38 tel of militants were found, they were issued to relatives. The number of wounded and killed militants made in the breakthrough from the cordon is not established.

According to other data, during the operation to exempt hostages in the city of Kizlyar and with. Pervomaysky 153 militants were destroyed, 16 hostages were killed, 26 soldiers and officers of federal troops died on the hands of terrorists, 93 people were injured, 250 houses were destroyed, 30 militants were captured, 82 hostage was released.

The Russian military stated that during the operation in the village of Pervomaysky, 82 hostages were liberated, and 13 more died. In addition, it was announced that losses among the storms amounted to 26 people killed and 128 wounded. According to other data, at least 78 servicemen and police officers died in Kizlyar and Pervomaysky.

More than 800 houses and apartments were damaged in Kizlyar, in Pervomaisk - 330 private households, more than 60 cars and tractors are damaged. The gas pipeline, plumbing, power lines, destroyed the buildings of the mosque and nursanes were dismissed.


On January 19, the State Soviet of Dagestan issued a decree on the declaration of mourning for victims of terrorism in the city of Kizlyar, the village of Pervomayskoye and Soviet: 19, 20 and 21, 1996 declared the days of mourning in the republic, the state flags were launched throughout its territory, entertainment activities and transmissions were canceled.

Raduyev's raid on Kizlyar has greatly aggravated the relationship of militants with residents of Multinational Dagestan, the attitude of the local population has deteriorated to the Chechen-Akintians in the republic.

After the completion of the first Chechen war, Salman Raduyev, as well as a number of field commanders who participated in the "Kizlyar Reid" were awarded the highest award of Ichkeria, the Order "Koman Sii" ("Honor of Nation") and the title of brigade generals. Salman Raduyev became the commander of the "Army of General Dudayev" (AGD), Hungar-Pasha Irapilov headed for some time headed the Anti-Terrorist Center of the CRI, Turpal Ali Ali Atgheyev became Minister of State Security in the Government of Aslan Maskhadov, and Idamir Abalaev was also the Minister of Internal Affairs for a short time republic.

In March 2000, Salman Raduyev, Salman Raduyev, began in Chechnya, was captured by the Russian special services in the village of Novogroznensky in the south-east of the republic. In October of the same year, Turpal Ali Atgheriev was detained.

In December 2001, Raduyev and ATGERIEV were sentenced to the Supreme Court of Dagestan to the life sentence and 15 years of imprisonment, respectively. In 2002, both of them died in colonies with unexplained circumstances.

It was officially announced that Turpal Ali Atgheriev, who left his prison sentence in a colony near Yekaterinburg, died on August 8, 2002, "from leukemia", and Salman Raduyev died on December 14 of the same year in the Perm Colony "White Swan" " from internal hemorrhage. Meanwhile, many in Chechnya believe that Raduyev and Athgoriev were killed.

Two other famous field commander: Hunkar Pasha, Israpilov and Idamir Abalaev died during the second Chechen war. Israpilov was killed in the winter of 2000 when the militants' reaching from the Terrible Surrounded by Russian troops, and Idamir Abalaev died in May 2002 in the south-east of Chechnya.

By the anniversary of the withdrawal of federal troops from Chechnya "Caucasian Knot" prepared the binder " First Chechen: 20 years from the withdrawal of troops "In which articles are collected about the turning points of war and the biography of the main actors. In addition, in the submern, you can find the footage of a military video card and listen to the songs about the war, including works of Chechen bard Timur Mutsuraeva.


  1. V.V. Ustinov. Accused terrorism. Protocol Interrogation S. Radueva.
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  3. Terrorist attack in Kizlyar (Dagestan) in January 1996. Help - RIA Novosti, 09.01.2011
  4. Alexander Chernitsky - "How to save the hostage or twenty-five famous liberations", Olma-Press, 2003
  5. "We did not have a submarine there ..." Compiled by: Boris Belenkin, Alexander Cherkasov, "Memorial", Moscow, 1996
  6. Website "": "Kizlyar-Pervomayskoye".
  7. Sanin, I. Dvinsky, V. Akopov. Hunt for "single wolves". - Newspaper "Today" №07, 24.1.1996
  8. Sanin, V.Akopov. Pervomaisk. Five days in January - newspaper "Today" No. 05, 20.1.1996.
  9. "We did not have a submarine there ...": Chronicle of smoke: Kizlyar - Pervomayskoye, January 9-16, 1996 / Sost. : B.I. Belenkin, A.V. Cherkasov; NIPC "Memorial". - M., 1996. - 135 p.
  10. A. Savelyev. Gangster raid. - "Russian House", 01/08/2011
  11. D.V. Krasnopheev. Chronology of the first Chechen. Site "Art of War".
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