Repairs Design Furniture

The interior of the mansard type room. Efficient and stylish arrangement of the attic floor or attic. Warming and waterproofing

Useful space under the roof over the first floor can always be used rationally. Why do you need a non-residential Cold attic when, when a reasonable approach can be turned into a full-fledged residential room? The design of the attic will require attention, investment, as a result you get an additional area, it can be turned into a bedroom, living room, office or cinema hall. Insulated attic to save up to a quarter of energy, which is usually used to heating at home.

Second floor design

Previously, the attic was not intended to stay. Later there began to place a servant. Today, the living rooms have become fashionable under the roof.

If for the equipment of the attic floor it is necessary to reconstruct the rafter system, the services of professionals may be required. When heating, ventilation and electricity are already present, the interior can be thought out independently.

The moments that need to be taken into account when creating an interior of a house with an attic:

  • Mandatory insulation, availability of all engineering communications. In matters of arrangement, you need to be very pricious, in their decision to be technically savings.
  • Well think about how to use walls, beams, rocks in the interior of the room.
  • It is rational to approach the vertical windows or located in Lugarny, with their help to achieve maximum light.
  • In the finishing apply those materials that show the greatest moisture resistance.
  • Not to get involved in a large number of furniture, extra details, accessories, remember the rule: Low ceilings require the same low furniture.
  • Take the use of natural finishing materials.
  • Rationally dispose of space, in the process of passionland designer development and not make it closer.

Little mansard

The modest size of the room is not an obstacle to creating a stylish interior. The beveled ceilings are selected by a large share of space. It is always possible to beat, the volume and area will be added using successful lighting, enlarged as much as possible and width of window openings, harmonious color gamma.

Bedroom on Mansard

Depending on the degree of inclination, the room under the roofs adapt to different purposes. At low angle of the attic of the attic will be the perfect place for the location of the bedroom there. Its comfort, romanticism will only win, it will become quieter, warmer, through the windows it will be a starry sky.

For the design of space, traditional style is chosen, equip it in an eastern or aristocratic manner. In any case, first will have to be repelled from the height of the room, do not chase behind large parts, stop at more compact. First, it will be necessary to place the most necessary furniture, the remaining place to fill out by other details.

When choosing finishes based on those materials that were used in the design of the house. The bedroom will naturally look an ecosil where there is a lot of wood, classic finishing with wallpaper, which will emphasize the beauty, comfort. Special attention - textiles. He will put accents, give a unique look.

What can be done if the ceiling indoors is very low? Even in such a situation you can equip a cozy bedroom. The bed is "tatami" will be out of position, and the entire interior must be withstanding in the style of eastern minimalism. The ceiling will be visually raised if it is in bright colors.

Living room in the mansard room

The cozy living room in the attic can be done by spending the minimum effort. The main thing is that the guest room is spacious and solid. Carefully thought out design is capable of even the very large room to turn into a reception center.

To visually expand the narrow scope of attic, you need to strive for light tones in everything: use plastic, transparent glass furniture, the walls are also made as light as possible.

The first right for accessories will be the unity of all the details. For windows, translucent fabrics are best suitable. Not bad will look tight curtains, blinds.

The style of the living room must fit your interests, mood, to harmonize with all the decoration of the house. Choose among the following directions:

  • Classic. She is inherent in luxury and grace. Good furniture, carpets, chandeliers will be required. The main decoration of the interior should be a fireplace zone. No bright colors, everything is ordered.
  • Modern modern. Functionality, simplicity, practicality. In the atmosphere of the room, warm pastel shades depart, there are dark elements. All details are subordinate to harmony.
  • Retro. The situation is characteristic of the end of the last century. The living room is furnished and decorated with paintings of that time. Instead of the fireplace, you can build a cast-iron oven or its stylization.
  • Provence. The popular destination is due to its sophistication and romanticity. Finishing and furniture is subject to antiquity. The room is warmed with warm southern tones.
  • High tech. For modern attitudes. In the finish, everything corresponds to the most recent fashion. Many chrome, glass details. Strict forms, monotony, minimalism.

Kitchen and dining room under the roof

Wonderful if this idea comes to mind at the stage of laying a building. Cuisine's arrangement will require relevant communications. We will need not only light and insulation, but also to summing up the gas, water.

The thoughtful attic interior with a kitchen and dining room can be the most comfortable and beautiful, the selection of stylistics, furniture, taking into account the nuances of the planning of the room, the height of the ceilings, the shape of the floors.

Where the ceiling is beserved, lay the cooking surface, install a sofa and a table with washing. To give preference to modular systems, cabinets with inclined walls. The optimal option is a multi-level furniture, preferably on wheels, no massive heads in classicism style. The functionality of the avant-garde and techno with bright flower accents, unusual furniture will be more appropriate.

When developing the interior of the kitchen, you need to consider that:

  • natural lighting will best provide small-sized mansard windows;
  • it is better to get furniture bright colors, walls and ceiling to withstand in pastel colors;
  • with the appropriate layout, the kitchen furniture is placed at the wall that perpendicular to the skate;
    The dining table will be good at the window;
  • the colors of the kitchen zones, the dining room must be combined with each other, even better, if contrasts between them are opposite.

The design of the windows on the attic floor, where the kitchen will be, can dictate the complete absence of the decor. The most convenient option will serve rolled curtains, blinds.

Children's room

"Dead zones", the inconvenience of planning is those claims that usually impose in the process of working on the design of the attic floor. In the case of children's pallets, not quite accessible angles may opposite to create additional features. Features of the relief of the walls, the height of the ceilings can be used well. Highly located windows are safer than traditional.

First of all, it is necessary to think about good insulation, the harmlessness of all materials used, the convenience of planning.

The child will like to be the one-chased owner of a separate room, which he can objural at his own discretion. The room will be a good observation point away from the close parental supervision. It is easy to organize several zones: for recreation, games, storage of many toys, things, creativity classes.

For children, it is important for the presence of an abundance of light, bright accents. In the interior, unusual furniture will fit well, on the bedrooms, motley textiles, all sorts of soft flooring, many interesting colorful lamps in different zones of space.

Cabinet, workshop or library

In a small private house, it is always difficult to highlight a separate room under the office or workshop. On the former attic you can organize a cozy zone for privacy, reading, favorite hobby. Large space will not be needed, several square meters. In the absence of restrictions in meters, the impressive racks for books, a soft sofa or a fluffy rug with many cozy pads for recreation, a rocking chair in a separate corner with a flyer.

An attic room is made up with open shelves or closed racks for books, tools, use all the space to the maximum.

In order not to reduce the expanses of the attic floor, you should not sew the massive wooden beams with plasterboard. This will not give the narrow-limited space, give the interior of the individuality, the atmosphere of the cabinet with a large number of equipment and electronics will become warmer.

Bathroom on mansarde

The attic floor, by virtue of its specifics, beveled ceiling, walls with different levels, is infrequently used in functional purposes. In a large metropolis, the whole apartment may be an attic area. When creating an interior of a country house, utilitarian premises can also be placed under the roof itself.

There are nuances here, in the preparation of the design project of the attic to the settlement takes not only the size of the room, the growth of hosts is taken into account, ergonomic patterns. It turns out a convenient, practical bathroom, it is better to place it above the kitchen area. It will simplify the work of water supply and sewage systems. To the inclined wall, the toilet, bathroom is most often installed. If the dimensions of the room are small, then it is better to put a shower room instead.

Plumbing, furniture must be compact, often used washbasins built into the cabinets, lockers, various suspended structures. It is better if the surface and doors will be made of materials with a light, glossy, mirror surface. Outdoor tile - appropriate.

With the impressive size of the walls, the walls are decorated in any tones if it is close, stopped on the bright range, which should visually expand the space. With the same purpose, it is worth abandoning the idea to hide the designs and save on this area. We decorate them, make interior accent.

Home Cinema

Usually one of the largest rooms on the first floor combines the functions of the dining room, living room, kitchen. It is convenient, zoning helps not infringe each of the segments.

The current design of the attic room, if there is no sharp need to save useful space, assumes the possibility of planning on the second floor of the cottage or private house of a full home cinema. This room places a large sofa, TV, a projector screen to the entire wall. Wires, the speaker system is hiding behind beautiful wall panels, where disks, other attributes, etc. will be comfortable.

In the presence of funds, rich fantasy, a bar rack is added to the arsenal, a refrigerator for drinks, a car for popcorn, coffee cooking. If you make the furnishings of the mobile, the room is useful for holding parties with dancing, other mass assembly.

Wardrobe under the roof

To arrange a storage system on the first floors due to the eternal lack of place is unprofitable. Establish a room for such purposes under the roof, let even a small area and with a specific form, a very good solution. This can be reached by the things of all family members. Non-standard layout, with a well-thought-out approach, pay yourself in a plus.

Asymmetry, all sorts of ceiling bellows will not always allow the store an assortment of furniture on the attic area. But you can think about how to use every angle with cabinets, racks, shelves made to order.

High walls are installed cabinets and niches for long items. Near the walls under the slope, the wardrobe with sliding doors will fit well. Next to low wall fragments, you can equip low stands, benches for which it is convenient to sit down, store seasonal things there, shoes with a vacuum cleaner.

Fireplace room

Mansard is a non-standard space. Inordinate people to create an atmosphere of romance and creativity are not quite suitable for heated floors, electrical radiators. The fireplace can play both a purely practical role and perform purely decorative.

Traditional wood fireplace is a massive structure. Since the scenery of the attic floor, the structure in half-way is unlikely to endure, preference is given to compact models with a slight weight. Contraindicated cladding with heavy stone, ceramics. The most appropriate stylistics of Heytec, steel, glass, cast iron parts, simple forms without decorative excesses.

The design of the fireplace in the attic room is very individual, necessarily takes into account the degree of load, the ventilation system. If the overlaps in the wooden house are stopped on electrical models or those working on biofuel.

Important! If you want a fireplace on the attic to be, prior to the storage of solid fuel. The system of removal of smoke is required, but is associated with additional financial load. When using electrical models you need to choose the most powerful. The fan heaters pull a lot of energy, do not withstand fire safety requirements, the air is overly dried.

Materials and ceiling design

When choosing a ceiling finish, consider all the nuances of its structure, your future comfort depends on it.

The range of materials for work is quite wide. All known design types can be used. Stretch surfaces are suitable, out of lining and plasterboard, most importantly - take into account the roofing device. Sometimes the design does not allow you to embed wiring with the lamps, the best alternative will be made of a tail or suspended ceiling.

Stretching coatings are applied only when the vertical wall is present. Otherwise, given the small area, the close location of the objects, there is a risk of damaging the surface. Stretch systems do not lose design, are good for all the shapes of the roofs, they simply hide any communications behind them.

The most common and affordable methods of finishing are plasterboard and lining, it is also easier to mount decor elements.

Mansards look very original, in which the ceiling is saved by wallpaper of light tones with a delicate pattern.

The effectively multi-level plasterboard ceilings with height drops, lots of unexpected protrusions. That's right, the tricky broken roof slightly adds beauty and originality to the whole interior.

Finishing of Mansarden walls

The most popular material and here is a tree. No others will compare with it. It is distinguished by the uniqueness of the wood aroma, created only by the microclimate, serves as additional thermal insulation.

The simplest solution is a trunk finish, which has several types of profile and methods of location on the surface.

Frequently used wooden panels made of array or from the same lining. Budget version - laminated and venged panels, MDF with wooden or bamboo veneer. The attic interior with such panels is more suitable for the office, the athletic room, so it is better to resort to a combination with wallpaper, staining or decorative plaster.

Very winning looks relatively new material called Wooden Wallpaper. Like traditional, they stick on the wall. This decoration of the attic "under the tree" is very decorated.

A large drawing, the dark color of the walls in the small attic space is not quite appropriate. It is better to dry the walls with white wallpaper. The soft color of furniture and spots of bright accessories will live in the interior.

A completely recent novelty in the mansard finish is the HPL panels, high-pressure plastic, with which you can embody the most spectacular design solutions.

Of the modern technologies it is worth mentioning the last "squeak" - the drapery of the walls by fabrics. Exquisite textiles are decorated not all walls, but two or one in the center of the room.

Important! With the arrangement of the attic floor, it is necessary to ensure that the technical requirements for the thermal insulation of the ceiling and walls are performed. If insulation and ventilation will not comply with all standards, there is a risk that the roof and windows in the cold time will be covered by condensate. Dampness and its consequences - fungus are able to cause discomfort, household diseases, premature damage to furniture.

Floor facing materials

However, the floor is arranged on the attic, always high demands. This is due to two very important requirements: good heat and noise insulation. Traditional finish methods These tasks do not decide. To satisfy all requests is designed to build not only dry, but also the installation of a "floating" base.

For reliable insulation use mineral wool, glass wool. Good waterproofing is also very important. Outdoor coating requires a special basis, the role of which is performed by boards from fir, pine, larch treated with special antiseptics.

The final cladding can be any: linoleum, laminate, parquet, chipboard, carpet, depending on the tastes of the owners, their views on the future function and stylistics of the room.

It is not worth saving on the floor covering, because the materials of poor quality will crack, burn out, publish foreign sounds. Mandatory thick layer of insulation material. Decoration, additional insulation will serve carpets, on the attic floor they are more than appropriate.

Choose mansard windows

One of the main issues in the construction of the attic is to ensure a high level of natural lighting. There should be at least one window for each room, better if there are several of them, it is very good when they are not on the same wall. The width of the windows can be given, not wider than the distances between the rafters. Length is limited to the upper and lower edge, depends on the roof slope.

Modern design

More recently, the windows on the attic were deaf, did not open, they simply crashed into the roof. Now the double-glazed windows have at least two glasses. The outer glass to increase strength is amenable to hardening, the internal method is processed to crash, it has not disintegrated into pieces with sharp corners.

Modern frames are able to rotate in a particular axis, directly in the middle, 2/3 from the edge. Rotary devices work both in manual mode and using the remote.

Not only visible, but also hidden from eyes space in the design of wooden windows must be closed, it is a guarantee of protection against humidity.

Make sure the lower slopes of the window are perpendicular to the floor, and the upper was parallel. It will prevent the formation of condensate, contribute to better lighting.

Artificial lighting

The organization of the light supply system depends on the zoning of the space, from the way there is furniture in the room, the number and size of the windows, the features of the roof structure, the ceiling.

Light on the attic should be a lot. For this purpose, Local lamps are used: sconce, all sorts of floor lamps, portable lamps and rotary, point devices. The ceiling chandeliers of varying degrees of power will not be superfluous.

From the usual chandelier, you can refuse, set point lamps only in the most used zones. In the bedroom it is allowed to leave only point lighting. In the living room, where fees and events are planned, set the lighting devices of the general and local type.

To create a romantic ceiling pattern, fiber optic lighting threads are used. In the attic room, any variants of local light are good.

Color solution

Since the attic is a specific room, the color gamma in its design is of an important meaning. Colors are preferred bright, which is especially relevant for small interiors under the roof. The overall color range needs to be kept on all surfaces, including furniture, walls, ceiling, floor. Finishing materials should also be harmonized between themselves, to constitute a single whole.

The space with a deep ceiling needs light and glossy surfaces that would reflect the light. It will be visually expanding the color contrast of the floor and walls. Dark floor and dazzling white walls that do not have borders with the ceiling will create an illusion of infinity. Ceiling beams, harmonizing in color with floor-coated, will become an original part of the design.

When choosing textiles and furniture, it is also worth a preference to light pastel colors. A small room will become even smaller if it is taken into the design of dark paints.

To somehow revive the interior, bring bright strokes. Transparent curtains will not be a barrier light, but the shadows will add a game, they will create the necessary comfort.

The choice of destination of the room and the style of its design is always the prerogative of the owner of the house. What to choose - depends on its tastes, financial opportunities, lifestyle.

Until the middle of the XVII century, the space under the roof of the house was used only as a warehouse for old things or housing for servants. The idea of \u200b\u200bchanging it came to the French architect Francois Manzar - he was the first to propose to make full-fledged living rooms there. The idea liked so much that these premises were called in his honor - attic. After all, it is enough just to competently arrange the place under the roofs and choose the original design of the attic. The photo gallery of the interior in a private house of any thematic publication will offer many options. The future inhabitant remains only to fulfill several mandatory preliminary general construction and to decide on the appointment and style of the indoors of the attic.

The planning of the attic is 2 types: Studio (space freely from partitions and is one spacious room) and cellular (clearly expressed zoning). The raisin of the attic - the beveled walls, it is they become a major emphasis in any style.

And it is possible to arrange this room in a variety of styles. Choosing an attic design in a private house, view the photo gallery of the interior, appreciate the geometry of the room and its illumination.

If you consider examples, it will be the following:

  • bedroom or kitchen looks better in country style;
  • bathroom and bedroom can be arranged in the Spirit "Vintage";
  • bedroom Plus Children or Billiard Plus Cabinets are drawn up in minimalist style;
  • the lounge and hooking room perfectly look in the east key;
  • ethosal is optimal for the bedroom.

The main problem, which designers successfully solve - beveled walls and ceiling. Light from windows falls at an angle and pick up the color range is difficult. Most often choose light paints, light transparent varnish for lining.

Dark tones of furniture are suitable if the windows are available only in the roof ends. Then the contrast with the snow-white ceiling will make the interior more graphic. If the attic windows come to the south and west, quiet pastel colors are suitable for the interior. Increase small windows help long monophonic curtains.

The beams and rafters are very often involved in the interior of the attic, painting them exactly in the color of the furniture. If wallpaper is selected for design, their drawing should not be large, if possible, repeated in textiles or design elements.

Visually expand the space will help the use of transparent furniture items, such a reception is called the "invisible interior".

If you study the photo gallery of interiors and the design of the attic in a private house, it is immediately noticeable that most options are associated with the device.

Designers believe that there are several steps for this:

  • the right palette: muffled tones help soften the bevel of the wall of the wall, and if you want bright accents, focus all the saturated paints on the central wall;
  • proper furniture: in the attic living room it should not be a lot, a fairly comfortable soft corner, a table, a pair of puffs. Everything else we distribute over the angular shelves and racks - they add the volume room;

  • proper accessories: It is better to choose the elongated shapes, paintings or photos to raise vertical rows;
  • windows: for them they choose curtains made of light fabrics or rolled curtains.

Sleep under the stars

Mansard is an ideal secluded area for recreation. The bed is located near the windows, which will allow you to admire the view from the window. Cabinets and shelves fit perfectly under the bevelled walls and in the corners. Even the modular furniture is precisely in the color of the wall panels will not seem in such a bedroom too much.

The design of the attic in a private house in the photo galleys of interiors very often assumes the placement in the bedroom of a large outdoor mirror and in the lighting to use the lamps of the vertically elongated shape. And in the drawing of the bedspread and the curtains should repeat each other.

Create a comfort in the bedroom will help the tree - the lining clapboard in combination with beams is often used in the style of Provence. Pressurely rudely unpacked wooden furniture, blankets and tablecloths will create an interior in country style. And the classics can be emphasized by a wrought-iron mirror frame, light walls and a little darker furniture of strict forms.

Fashionable Loft today is not too appropriate for the bedroom, as it does not provide for the finishes of the walls or disguise communications. This style is suitable for a kitchen or an ultra-modern living room.

Children's fairy tale

Probably the dream of each child - its own magic corner.

Mansard is an ideal place for this. Observe only a few rules:

  • use the attic bed by placing the game zone under it;
  • wardrobe place opposite the bed;
  • the desk is a place at the window;
  • the staircase should be far from the gaming area.

Remember the safety. No sharp corners and shaky designs.

The color of this determines the nature and gender of the child - the saturated bright tones are very active, but they pick up the phlegmatics, they like cream, pink, white tones, and boys prefer gray-blue or khaki.

Other options

The kitchen or dining room on the attic is rarely equipped, because it will be necessary to organize several zones, put the oven, refrigerator, oven, and a large table. A glass table and transparent plastic chairs can somewhat easier to ease the interior.

The most unexpected decisions that the photo gallery of the interiors and the design of the attic in a private house is perhaps the bathroom or. But if the convenience of getting rid of the cabinets at the bottom of the family members will be appreciated, the bath in the attic is equipped more often in addition to the bedroom. We will have to take into account the hanging bevelled wall, so it's better to do the shower.

But the place to rest can be any. Lovers roll balls can not do without a billiard room. And it is possible to equip a gym in the attic, a luxurious winter garden, a home theater or an excellent library with a study to work.

The variants are many, and the main plus is that the attic room can be in a root differ in style from the design of the whole house as a whole. After all, this is a special premises that will be as whatever you want.

I like

In the modern construction of a private or country house, attention is paid to each element of the construction, ranging from the layout and ending with the arrangement of decorative accessories of the stylistics of each room. One of the significant elements of construction is attic. Today she attaches particular importance: it is a decoration of the house, so there must be a stylish design. How to do it, let's understand.

Features and advantages

The attic is an exploited attic room, which is shutdled directly under the roof of a private house or on the last floor of a certain part of a house having a special attic roof. In other words, this is an attic room adapted for a residential room. Difference of the attic of the attic is the presence of heating and insulation. This is not a balcony, not an extension or loggia: outwardly the room is characterized by the fact that All features of the ceiling are visible in it, including the presence of beams and a skate from the inside.

Today, these ceilings are in the spotlight, therefore, deliberate rudeness is only on hand with arrangement of attic and compiling a certain composition.

The features of this room are advantages and disadvantages of the attic, which:

  • saves the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe private building, allows you to use the total space with the benefit;
  • it is a separate type of room that allows you to equip a secluded corner to your liking, without needing to select identical other stylistics rooms;
  • is an environmentally friendly, providing the right microclimate in the room;

  • does not take the design of the house, so it does not create a weight load on supports and foundation, eliminates the drawdown of the construction;
  • it is distinguished by durability, therefore allows you to equip space with a complete set of furnishing items without fear to engage the ceiling of the lower floor;
  • it is distinguished by a variety of the shape of the room, submitting a certain kind of roof;
  • allows you to implement different stylistic solutions, taking into account the financial capabilities and features of the available area.

A mansard room can be a separate corner of an adult or adolescent. Often it is equipped with a room for children.

This room allows different experiments on the purpose of the area: the attic can be a winter garden, a work offender, a bedroom, a dining area or a living room.

Not always the attic is distinguished by the worst of the room. This is associated with a limited metro station allocated to the overall building. This room has and other disadvantages:

  • the arrangement of such rooms is subject to the form of the roof, which in some cases it makes it takes to buy furniture in such a way as to close it at the wall as close as possible;
  • in these structures, it is difficult to install high furniture at the walls: the ceiling height of the walls can be 80-100 cm;

  • the arrangement of attic rooms (furniture assembly) is carried out directly on the spot, it is difficult, and then it is impossible to bring up the stairs at all;
  • in such premises, there is often not enough lighting, the windows themselves can be on the roof slope, which changes perception and causes to get used to the layout, limits the design of windows with curtains, or by another decor;
  • such premises are planning at once: neither the windows nor the walls to remake to improve the room (this can lead to the deformation of the walls).

By type of roof, the attic room has several varieties. Today, construction is performed by such types:

  • single-car - the roof in the form of a half of the triangle (plane of a half of the perimeter of the house), which has one large height of the wall, from which the scath is underway;
  • double - a roof in the form of an isoble triangle, which is more spacious in the center of the room, but rather uncomfortable on the sides of low height (in addition to the central windows has windows on the roof itself);

  • tent - the roof of four slopes connecting in the center (two triangles located perpendicular to each other, characterized by the complexity of waterproofing and designing windows);
  • walm - roof, reminiscent of tent variety with a small difference: its skates have a broken or extended perspective, which provides more internal space;

  • the bartal broken - the roof, which each of the skates consists of two faces, often one of them goes into a visor (convenient option for furniture and windows);
  • with a remote console - a type of roof, characterized by the complexity of the installation, and the installation of windows at a right angle can be installed;

  • a frame with a mixed focus is a combined type of roof, a distinctive feature of which in most cases is the presence of a balcony and a complex appearance consisting of a bounce roof with smaller identical rods placed on them.

Depending on the height of a specific species of attic may be:

  • a full-fledged floor (if the minimum height of its walls exceeds 1.5 m);
  • classic attic (when the height of the wall is stacked in 1.5 m);
  • half-gantry (if the height of the wall is less than 1.5 m).

Choosing style

Despite the limitations of the designer thought, it is possible to equip the attic that it will not resemble a chopped rustic style in the usual understanding, which is especially important for a modern person.

Of course, in such a space it is difficult to perform a classic designer idea with elements of palace solemnity and pomp. Carved legs, a massive multi-level chandelier with a crystal and a ceiling with stucco here is inappropriate. However, some elements of classics for attic quite suitable. It is possible to equip it with compact wooden furniture (or by its imitation), to equip the room with a mirror, due to which space can be visually enlarged.

An excellent design solution will be a rustic flavor in the spirit of Provence or Country: painting the walls of white paint, supplied by natural details of furniture and multi-colored textiles, you can perform currently actual directions of stylistics, relevant in this room.

If you need a creative, you can try to equip the room with a slight touch of grunge and loft styles. Let the complete imitation of the industrial facility, it is impossible, but with a large space, open layout and highlighting walls of brickwork, create this mood will be possible. Moreover, the ceilings are just created for this: the presence of beams and communications is a visiting card of such a design.

Disposal of space

Divide the attic room is possible using zoning techniques. It makes no sense to overload the space by partitions. Effectively distinguish between functional zones by:

  • use of different squeezing, drawing, texture and composition of facing material of walls and flooring;
  • emphasizing the necessary zones, highlighting them with a special tint against the background of other sections of the room;
  • use of furniture arrangement (for example, putting a sofa to the wall of the side face, supporting the separation of the placement of the shelving from the back of the sofa);

  • using individual lighting devices for each specific zone, pushing out from the design and stylistics of the main central lamp;
  • cycling carpets, mats, sofa pillows, curtains;
  • equipping separate corners using protrusions, niches or other features of the design of the room and roof.

With a harmonious and solid approach to the arrangement of the attic room, you can simultaneously use multiple zoning techniques.

It is important to take into account their combination of among themselves and moderation: unacceptably excessive separation, which deprives the interior composition of integrity. Need unobtrusive organization of space.

Ideas and projects

Attic is planned at the very beginning of the construction. To do this, develop a special design project. The indoor type can be a decoration of a country or country house, a wrame of a wooden dwelling. The interior of any private house or cottage with this feature provides for the designer approach to the roof arrangement inside. The design of the attic can be simple, characterized by the lines of lines, bevelled ceiling without frills or complex multi-level.

In each case, it is repelled from the available space of space, the purpose of the room, the material of its manufacture. At the same time, the stability of materials to the effects of moisture, waterproofing, features of the installation of window blocks with tightness is observed. Masives communications.The project includes a plan-drawing with the exact location of each layout detail and the calculation of the amount of raw materials, including the presence of a balcony, if such is provided for the project.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe design project is to make it with the limited space to make it as cozy and comfortable as possible, while stylish and modern. If it is planned for children, cleaned sharp protrusions and angles, windows do so that children cannot reach them to avoid traumatic situations.

By drawing up a bedroom project, take into account the location of the bed, bedside tables and a small locker for clothes. If the attic will be a seating area, a false fireplace is placed in it, rubbing the ledge by imitation of the brick. For the working area, they think over the corner so that the place of the writing table is located as close as possible to the wall.

If you need to equip a musical corner with an audio system, part of the wall is removed, complementing the relax zone with a comfortable sofa or chair. It is important to ensure that the arrangement of the room does not constitute difficulties. For this, doorways must be wide. Ideal if the ceilings are high: it will allow them to separate them materialseeking the desired stylistic design direction. So that the interior is not overloaded in Mansard there should be no styles mixing.

So that in the attic room, it is cozy and comfortable, with arrangement it is worth listening to several recommendations of stylists, This will help to fill the room of harmony:

  • do not overload a room with an abundance of furniture objects: In most cases, it has a complex ceiling with beams, which in itself makes the stylistry of severe;
  • since there is often little light in this room, use appropriate artificial lighting, highlighting each functional zone, bringing the intensity of the light flux to daylight, taking into account the temperature of the shade of the lamps;
  • exclude the abundance of a tree in the interior of the design: so the room will remind a Russian bath or a wooden box that in the subconscious level will provoke internal discomfort;

Many were accustomed to consider the attic of the attic of a second grade, or auxiliary destination, from which something worthwhile is very difficult. Well, beautifully equip the interior of the second floor of an attic type is really difficult, since this room is distinguished by non-standard dimensions, and usually suffers from lack of natural lighting. However, modern designers have suggested quite a few interesting ideas and recommendations on how beautifully to issue an arrangement interior. If you want to know which stylish and functional can be a modern attic, a photo in our article, which are more than two dozen, will clearly demonstrate this and inspire you to arrange your own cozy corner under the roof.

The interior of the mansard of a wooden house and cottages in the photo

Country houses and cottages from natural wood are distinguished by a special rural flavor, in addition, they are surprisingly a harmonious and comfortable atmosphere, so the lovers of wooden buildings do not get less. The interior of the attic at the cottage is usually equipped so as to emphasize the provincial charm of a wooden house. You can do this with the help of suitable furniture, souvenirs, paintings, textiles and other decor items. However, the cozy interior of the horsepower of a country house begins not with furniture and curtains, but with the right light.

Important Beautiful and comfortable attic (photo below it is proved) is impossible without good natural lighting. Therefore, at the first stage of repair, take care of the installation of additional attic windows between the rafters, if the light from the main window is not enough.

Typically, the interior of the country attic is designated using a large number of natural materials. The floor and walls, and sometimes the ceiling is sewn with wooden clapboard, block house or imitation of timber. Here you can learn more about the installation of the plating on the attic. The furniture is also chosen from a natural tree. Perfectly look in the country interiors Rotan and bamboo home furnishings: tables, braided rocking chairs, baskets for clothing storage. Textiles for curtains and covered is also preferable natural, such as cotton, flax or wool. Animal skins, blankets and other attributes of hunting life are very organically fit into the attitude of the attic, see the photo below.

The design of the indirect floor interior does not have to be filled with rural pastoral motifs. Most modern owners will tell you that this technique, although very good, but already fit. We offer you separately. You can develop a very modern, stylish and functional interior of the attic, the photo gallery above shows the most interesting options. Despite the fact that this room is rarely distinguished by the space, using the methods of zoning space, you can give it a completely different look. And for this, it is not necessary to share the interior on the part with partitions or shirm. It is much more efficient to use and the original backlight.

Idea Accent attention on the individual areas of the attic of the attic with the help of finishing another color, inserts from wallpaper with a pattern, a large picture or decorative illumination. So you can select a bed, a working corner or a recreation area.

Photo Example of zoning wooden attic using niche, natural stone finishes and illumination on ceiling beams

Top Home Indies: Bedrooms, Children's, Living Room

The idea usually visits us if the family requires another separate bedroom. A small room under the roof of the house is not suitable for such purposes. Even very modest interior can be made cozy and beautiful if the space is properly disposed. The main element of any bedroom is a bed - it is necessary to place so that it can be free to get out of it, without hitting your head about the ceiling. If there are oblique windows between the attic rafters, the bed can be put under them to admire the clouds and stars.

Council Place the bed headboard to the lowest part of the walls, and closer to the middle of the room. Then the room will not "push" on you, and the bed will be comfortable to get up.

Beautiful indirect bedroom interior with functional furniture and a good location of the bed headboard to the window

Successful implies not only the correct location of the bed, but also the competent use of free space at the walls for organizing storage sites. Ordinary cabinet furniture rarely fits into such a place due to an inclined ceiling. The only exit in this case is to independently make or order built-in furniture on your standards. A carefully thought out bedroom interior with a nationery roof will allow you to remove special lockers and shelves for storing clothing, bed linen, cosmetics, books, souvenirs and other bedroom attributes.

An example of how to successfully arrange furniture on a small attic of a country house with a bedroom arrangement

Under the roof of the house you can create a cozy corner not only for yourself, but also for your children. To plan the original interior of the children's room on the attic, you need to show fantasy, refuse stereotypes and trust your a little. After all, you only know what your child wants to see his bedroom. A lot depends on age, gender and preferences of the future small owner, or hostess. In addition to the bed, most likely, you will need comfortable drawers for toys and clothes, books for books, writing desk and a corner for games.

How bright and beautifully arrange an attic inside to get a full bedroom and a gaming room for the baby

If in the family two children, and especially if they are different, the task of planning the nurse's interior for them is many times more complicated. Even kids have a need for a personal space, and when it is very little, as in the case of a nursery on the attic, it happens very difficult to delimit the interior correctly.

Idea If you have two different babies, divide the attic on the exactly in the middle with a small plasterboard partition, and the formed halves of the room place with compliance with the wishes of your children.

View of the attic from the inside, divided into separate zones for a boy and girls with a partition of plasterboard

The interior of the mansard room for a teenager is usually drawn up taking into account the tastes and hobbies of the host. In such a room it is important to organize a convenient workplace with good lighting, where the child could perform homework. In addition, they will certainly need special shelves or shelves for storing books, CDs, sports equipment, if the teenager leads an active lifestyle.

Cozy and stylish mansard room in blue-purple tones for a teenage boy who is fond of hockey

The living rooms on the attic decorate relatively rarely, because the interior of this room should be representative, spacious and functional. However, if we are talking about the apartment of an attic type, then other options, except for organizing a guest room under the roof, simply not. Here, the main thing is to try not to clutter the space by numerous details, and the most rationally use every corner. Limit the installation of the sofa, coffee table and a small built-in wardrobe, and the TV is better to choose flat, and hang on the wall.

Classic living room with mansard windows, bright wallpaper and winning combination of dark wood and light upholstered furniture

Such pictures clearly confirm that the modest square is not an obstacle in creating a beautiful interior of the attic, whatever room you have decided to equip there.

What does modern attic look like: an unusual style

The interior of the room on the attic can be issued in one of the popular styles so that each detail perfectly fit into the overall concept. Such an approach is a kind of "highest pilot", it is the most time consuming and costly, but the result is worth it. Our material "" is specifically dedicated to this issue. And here we suggest you look, in what style is most often made by the attic, the photo below will show the best examples of interiors.

Bedroom on the attic decorated in the popular Provence style using light furniture, gentle green textiles and wall frescoes

In the style of Provence is very in demand, because it is perfect for small cozy rooms under the roof of the house. French Provence is a twin brother of all famous country style. However, carved and wrought-iron elements, bright and light floral ornaments, as if carrying out in the sunny summer, are added to the shabby and elevated wooden furniture and finishing from natural stone. Another variation on the theme of provincial romance is the Alpine Chalet. This style is manifested in tapestries, plaid, manual embroidery, wooden beams on the ceiling and an indispensable fireplace.

An interior of a planted living room of a wooden country house, decorated in the style of chalet using a fireplace, leather furniture and sofa pillows

They have sunk in the summer, when the attic was used mainly as a storage storage room on it not used in the farm, as well as to conceal them from prying eyes. Modern attic in the house is a cozy room, equipped and decorated with nothing worse than other premises in the house.

Mansard Room: Features, Purpose

Under the attic usually means a comfortable attic room of a residential building. The Word itself has French roots: in France for the first time, they began to equip the attic rooms of houses and call them attic.

Given the features of the location of the room - height, fresh air, some cut off from the first floor and the earth's surface, often unusual types of neighborhood, etc., the artists, artists, poets, representatives of extraordinary creative thinking, first turned their attention to this room.

The premises itself and its location in the house predisposed to creativity, to obtaining new unusual sensations, ideas. Later, the attic room was finished in order to give it to Vince.

At present, the attitude of the attic is used in the house as an absolutely full room. Three factors contributed to this. First, the desire as best and more efficiently use every square meter in the house. Secondly, the emergence of a large number of lowest inexpensive finishing materials. Thirdly, the unusual location of the room with which, as a rule, offers beautiful views of the surroundings.

Appointment of an attic room

Attic can be used for different purposes, depending on which its property is put forward to the fore. For example, the remoteness of the room from the surface of the Earth, from noisy rooms makes this room perfect for mental work and recreation.

Accordingly, you can accommodate your workbook or a bedroom. The working attitude also contributes to the special atmosphere of the attic - fresh clean air, unusual views of the neighborhood of the house.

Sometimes use the attic room as a warehouse or utility room for storing low-use items and things.

Roof of mansardes

A distinctive feature of the attic from any other placement of the house is its location directly under the roof of the house. Accordingly, the state of the room itself depends on the physical condition of the roof.

The roof of the house has a complex structure and it is not surprising, since it performs many functions: carrying, waterproofing, soundproofing, heat-insulating. There are three elements that make up the roof - frame, roofing and subservation filling.

Modern building materials for roofing

You can select the most common - metal tile, folding roof and erectifier. Of these, perhaps, it is convenient to be a metal tile, which has good mechanical indicators and low cost.

Metal tile, in addition, is easy to install and subsequent maintenance, and is also a relatively lightweight material.

The main drawback is noise with wind gusts. Therefore, when using, the metal tile should additionally sound the roof, which, accordingly, leads to an increase in the cost of roofing work as a whole.

Natural tile is considered the best roof material, but its practical use is currently limited to the high price of the material itself.

Selection of style and design for Ansarda

The most preferred styles for attic - Country, High-tech, modern, as well as a classic, that is, all those styles that emphasize the unique properties and the location of the room in the house - fresh clean air, beautiful views from the windows at the surroundings, silence and peace. So how to make an attic?


Furniture The room is moderately, since the attic always implies a spacious room. Accordingly, this room should always have enough free space. The best way to locate furniture - on the border of the floor and ceiling around the perimeter of the room. In such places there are various cabinets, shelves, drawers.

Selection of finishing materials

The most preferred materials are natural wood and wallpaper. For visual expansion of space, the bright tones of materials should be used - they are well correlated with the observer of the attic.

Lighting of mansardes

In the room you need to use and natural and artificial lighting, but it is advisable to give priority to first type: it most of all meets the spirit of the room itself. For this purpose, one or more windows are embedded in the roof. Considering the roof slope, the plane of the windows will be at some angle to the plane of the earth's surface.

Simple windows are not suitable for such purposes. Mansard windows must withstand elevated wind and snow load. They arrange more difficult than simple, the installation of them on the roof will also be more difficult, and the cost of both the windows themselves and their installation are much higher.

The above concerned most of the private low-rise buildings - cottages, cottages. However, in multi-storey apartment buildings, it is quite realistic to equip and use the attachment for everyone. You can, for example, in such a room there is a gym, fitness club or billiard room.

Mansard Design - Gallery of Interiors