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Who signs a production characteristic for VTEK. Instructions for the proper filling of production characteristics for ITU (VTEK): Blank and sample for download

- This is an official document that gives the administration of the enterprise to its employees if necessary. Forms of compiling production characteristics directly depend on what the characteristic is needed.

Consider several options for the production characteristics that are most common.

Production characteristic for medical and social expertise (ITU)

Production characteristic It is the main document that is necessary for a comprehensive expert evaluation of the diseased, the degree of loss of working capacity or determination for a disability employee for disability. Such. production characteristic It is compiled on a specially developed form, taking into account the production conditions of the employee. It describes labor productivity, the norms of developing the surveyed and so on. If the enterprise has its own clinic or healthy, then the doctor is directly involved in the preparation of this document. Production characteristic Must be certified by the head and head of the personnel service.

Very often in the role of production characteristics, the characteristic of the place of work appears. Such a document is drawn up in the form of free presentation. It describes the official qualities of the employee and participate in its public life of the team. Business qualities and personal advantages of the employee are evaluated. The characteristics of the enterprise and chairman of the trade union organization (if available in the enterprise) is assigned.

Industrial characteristics on student

This type of characteristic is drawn up on a student who passed the planned manufacturing practice on the enshrined enterprise. The characteristic is the direct head of production practice in arbitrary form. The characteristic indicates the adaptation moments in the new team, the attitude to the acquisition of production skills, the student's society, the level of preparation and so on. The characteristic is certified by the head of the practice and head of the personnel department of the enterprise.

Medical and social expertise (ITU) is carried out to establish the degree of restriction of the working capacity of a particular citizen in connection with the disease identified from him or in connection with their injuries. Based on its results, an individual rehabilitation plan (IPR) is drawn up, which should help a person who has certain restrictions on labor activity to adapt to new life conditions.

The examination itself is carried out by the composition of the Special Commission, which works according to certain graphs according to the established rules.

To obtain ITU conclusions, it is necessary not only to inspect the patient in need of special working conditions, but also to explore a number of documents. There will be a production characteristic. In this case, the characteristic refers to documents playing an important role.

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Why do you need a characteristic from work?

Answering a question why you need a characteristic from a place of work, first of all, it should be noted that this document will be official. It is considered during the consideration of documents and is necessarily taken into account when writing a conclusion.

In fact, this is the official evidence of the presence of restrictions on working responsibilities. It is necessary to immediately say that this means only the fact that a particular person cannot fulfill professional duties fully in connection with the disease present in him or due to the injury gained and has nothing to do with the personality of the employee.

Therefore, filling the characteristics to an ITU employee has a number of differences from filling out the usual production characteristic. And should not be considered as a positive or negative characteristic.

Features and nuances

If the employee is already working and has been disabled in the process of work or due to the disease, it may need additional devices or a special mode of operation that the administration should provide. Usually, all recommendations contain an individual rehabilitation program. The worker has the right to provide it to the administration or not to provide if it does not want these recommendations.

Filling a characteristic for ITU must be guided by these recommendations. But here it should be remembered that IPRs to carry a recommendation and disabled person may not fulfill these recommendations, and therefore not to provide this document to the leadership. In this case, the filling characteristics will be carried out without taking into account ITU recommendations (as is).

First consider the form itself

The form of characteristics contains 18 points, among which data on the personality of the employee, as well as information about the enterprise.

It is a particular workplace, a particular employee and the degree of its fulfillment of their duties. This characteristic is different from the production fact that it does not carry an assessment of personal or labor qualities of an employee, it is designed to assess the degree of their work responsibilities in connection with the disease or injury.

Now separate items of its fill

  1. Typically, paragraphs 1, 2, 3 do not contain special difficulties in filling. Since they represent the usual data contained in the characteristic. As a rule, in the left corner of the form put an emerging stamp of an organization with weekends requisites, in accordance with the rules adopted in the organization. The right corner put a large stamp of the enterprise with the specified codes and the legal address. Although the same information is largely repeated in paragraph 2
  2. In p.4 "Form of Labor Organization" indicates the form on which this employee works. Usually, with the III group of disability, it is an organization of labor adopted at work, with the II - individual schedule.
  3. If the patient does not work in clause 5, it is indicated "does not work." And in others they are affixed.
  4. For other categories, specified data are prescribed.
  5. Paragraphs 6, 7, 8 contain information, according to a personal employee card.
  6. Special attention should be paid to the filling of paragraph 9 and its subparagraphs, as they characterize the working conditions, and the main thing, the possibilities of the employee (only those related to its restrictions on labor activity and relate to the disease).
  7. In paragraph 9.5 indicate "Easy", "medium" or "heavy".
  8. If the workplace is certified, data is indicated according to certification data. In the absence of such individual data for a particular employee who is written in the characteristic.
  9. When filling in paragraph 10, it is necessary to take into account the stroke of labor. It is advisable to be quite detailed and fully described the degree of labor tension of the employee. It is being prone to what emotional loads, for example, is responsible for the work of the brigade and its safety, is responsible for the quality of the products manufactured or responsible for the work of the unit.
  10. When characterizing the intellectual load in paragraph 10.2, specify their degree and complexity. For example, it makes a challenging work on planning workshop work, reporting or work does not carry intellectual load.
  11. When filling out p.10.3, it is advisable to specify sensory loads in the actual volume and the percentage for this particular employee. For example, it performs monotonous work on the manufacture of parts, over the change it takes all working hours. In the workshop, an increased noise load, a large load on visual analyzers (up to 100% of working time) or works in a separate office, no noise load, the visual load is high and is 100% time.
  12. In paragraph 11, a brief description of the work performed is made. It is usually taken from the functional duties of the employee and implies the basic performed, production operations. For example, he has wages to employees of the 5th and 6th shops, constitutes financial reports for leadership and tax service or produces a garage machine production, makes work schedules, controls the movement of machines.
  13. Filling 12 item must be specified which facilitated working conditions are provided with an employee and are provided at all. At the same time, the presence of frequent hospitals due to poor health, malaise in the workplace, which served to care from work early, as well as the presence of a specially equipped workplace, a short-range working day, and other relief of working conditions, including those, which can be provided.
  14. The content of paragraph 13 is directly related to the possibilities of the enterprise.
  15. Some difficulties arise when filling in paragraph 14. So, if in the preceding claims it was stated that the patient works full-time, it does not have any restrictions in work and at the same time copes with work, ITU will not be easy to determine the disability group or inherent restrictions in labor Activities.
  16. To fill this item, you need to approach with maximum attention and objectivity. If the employee works part-time or has a lower production rate, then it may be copes with his production task, but when working full-time full week and fulfillment of standards, most likely the patient is objectively difficult to cope with the duties in full.
  17. The filling of paragraphs 15, 16, 17 and 18 is usually difficult and fill on the basis of accounting documents and hospital sheets.

About filling features

Characteristic for ITU is filled in a special form and must contain all filled fields. In the absence of some data in the missed fields are mounted.

It is one of the most important documents when conducting an examination.

The characteristic signs the head of the enterprise, as well as the doctor, if there is an in the enterprise.

It requires outgoing details and printing.

To establish the degree of restriction of the ability of an employee who has revealed a disease or who was injured, medical and social expertise (ITU) is held. As part of the ITU expertise, the findings are made not only on the basis of an inspection of an employee, but also studying documents that describe its condition. These include the production characteristic for disability, the sample fill in which you will find in the article.

What characteristics the employer draws up for an employee

The production characteristic is the official document that the head of the Organization is and issued an employee to subsequently transmit it to the place of claim. The form of production characteristics (a sample of filling the production characteristic for disability) is due to the objectives for which it is issued.

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The following varieties of characteristics are distinguished:

Production characteristic for disability Sample fill

Characteristics of the employee for the passage of the Medical and Social Expert Commission (IECE) or a medical and labor expert commission (VTEK) is another special type of characteristics. Production characteristic for disability - a mandatory document when passing a medical examination of a sick employee to determine the degree of disability, as well as a disability group.

The production characteristic for VTEC (filling sample) is drawn up on a specifically designed for this form. You must fill in all the form of the form. If there is no appropriate data and there is nothing to enter, then they are stuffing. When conducting medical and social expertise characteristic It is a very important document. It must necessarily contain company details. Also on the characteristic stamped the organization of the organization, except in the case when it refused to use the use of seals. Signatures under the characteristic put the head of the organization and the doctor.

Question from practice

How to make a characteristic of an employee?

The answer is prepared together with the editors

Valentina Andreeva is responsible
to. and. N., Professor of the Department of Labor and Social Security Rights of the Russian Academy of Justice

Production characteristic is an official document that makes up and gives the head of the employee's organization to further transfer it to the Requirement Place. The form of this document depends on the type of characteristics and those purposes for which the document is intended.

Distinguish the following types of characteristics:

  • (in power organizations, authorities, other organizations);
  • Or a medical and labor expert commission (VTEK) ...

Ask your question to experts

Sample production characteristic for ITU: Filling Sample

When fill in production characteristicBe sure to specify personal labor indicators of this employee. Reflect how it performs a plan in the percentage ratio, as well as the frequency of interruptions in its work. Describe the nature of the work, namely, a manual or machine is applied by work, whether there is a business trip and what duration they are. Detighting the conditions of work in detail, namely noise, the presence of Chem. substances, average temperature and so on.

Practical situation

Two right and three erroneous ways to remove disciplinary penalties

The answer was prepared together with the editors of the magazine "

Svetlana Nikulina is replied,
lawyer, Head of Higher School Personnel

You can only remove the disciplinary recovery in two cases. Personnelists often allow mistakes due to the fact that they are confused when you need to remove the recovery, and when to cancel. These are different procedures with distinguished consequences.

The employer has the right to remove the disciplinear ahead of time, that is, before the expiration of the year from the moment of recovery, on its own initiative ( ). You can remove the discipline as a petition of his immediate supervisor. How to write a feature to the employee and make a petition tell below. ...

Full version of the answer is available after free

Filling Production Characteristics for VTEC Filling Sample

Filling a production characteristic for VTEC (ITU): We will analyze the sample of filling.

  1. Paragraph 1. Company contributes. Employee.
  2. Clause 2. Reflect the name of the employer.
  3. Clause 3. Prescribe the address of the place of work.
  4. Clause 4. Reflect the workplace, that is, the workshop, department, workshop, farm, brigade, and so on.
  5. Paragraph 5. Indicate a position, specialty, discharge or other.
  6. Paragraph 6. Reflect, copes or does not cope the worker with his work responsibilities.
  7. Paragraph 7. They prescribe what income received a worker in the last year. It is necessary to write an income for each of 12 months separately, and then specify the average monthly income.
  8. Paragraph 8. Reflect here working conditions Employee. Separately describe the nature of the work (in particular, the duration of the work shift, mode, whether there are connectors and business trips). The loads are described, physical labor (heavy, moderate or light) and mental, in this case the complexity of intellectual load is indicated, it is a compilation of plans, reports, graphs, etc. Hygienic conditions should also be described (work in the room or for Its limits, the level of noise, humidity and dustiness, temperature regime, do harmful substances affect and so on).

How to fill out other itemsproduction characteristics for ITU (Filling Sample 2016)read without errors, read .

Thus, in the article, we considered when the employer would need to fill the production characteristic for disability. Also disassembled features of filling production characteristics for VTEK, you can download the current sample of filling.

The characteristic issued by an employee at the production is an important document that must be in a folder transmitted to ITU.

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The document is used by doctors in order to evaluate the labor and professional qualities of the employee. The document is necessarily assigned to the print and signature of the company's head and is applied to the case.

When needed

By drawing up a characteristic to an employee for examination, the company director can use a standard form, or to use a free form of presentation, indicate its recommendations.

Most often, the document is required in several cases:

  • when making paper on a visa;
  • with employment;
  • admission to an educational institution;
  • for the passage of medical and social expertise.

If it is required to be a characteristic for VTEK, then the basic information about the employee is indicated - the overall reference level of the position. In addition, you can make a mark about whether a person goes on a business trip.

Make a similar characteristic, the manager should at the request of the employee itself. In order to receive a document from the head, you need to ask for its preparation a few days before the appointed date.

How to make up

To the general rules that should be guided by writing a document can be attributed:

  1. You need to draw up a document on a conventional white sheet of A4 format.
  2. The head writes a characteristic of a third party.
  3. The text can be written both in the present and last time.
  4. The signature can put both the head of the company and the personnel officer.

Sample of filling production characteristics for ITU in 2019:

When making a document, specify the following data:

  1. The name of the enterprise in which a citizen works. It is provided both in full and in the abbreviated version. Separately indicates the organizational and legal form - IP or LLC. In addition, you need to enter a legal, and the actual address, together with the postal index.
  2. Surname, name and patronymic of the employee, held a position, as well as a structural unit at the enterprise. These data should be aligned with the standard schedule operating in the enterprise. Next to the post is attributed to the qualifications, discharge, total work experience.
  3. The nature of the work that a person performs. It should be noted which type of labor is applied - manual or machine. If an employee visits a business trip, their frequency and total duration indicate.
  4. Terms of work activities, the number of weekend / working days, a total duration of the hour. In addition, a mark is made about conditions - compliance with hygiene standards - the presence of gas supply (the location of the enterprise next to the track), the noise level, the harmful conditions, temperature regime, the use of chemicals in the work, the presence of harmful conditions in production.
  5. The employer may indicate a personal assessment of the productivity of a citizen. At the same time, the frequency of interruptions is taken into account when carrying out activities, the performance of the work plan - data is analyzed over the past year.
  6. If, at the request of the employee, lightweight working conditions were provided, an additional weekend, or because of poor well-being, a person often asks to free it from work, an employer should indicate this, since these facts may affect the decision-making of the ITU Commission.
  7. If the employee often goes to the hospital, you also need to specify this. A mark is made about what causes of illness are indicated in medical certificates, whether the employee's translation officers were translated. If they were, you need to specify the previous position, class.
  8. An employer may indicate whether there is a rational opportunity for an employee's device to another position, including with a decrease in wages.
  9. In addition, the manager may optionally specify any additional information if it considers it necessary.

The document must necessarily be decorated in two copies, it can be printed from the computer, but only the signature is manually put.

If the head does not have the ability to make a characteristic independently, it can pass the authority to the personnel officer. If the enterprise has a medical worker, he can also be given the right to write characteristics.

How is the Commission

In order to get a group of disability, a citizen must undergo a special commission in the ITU organization - the Bureau of Medico - Social Expertise.

In the process of medical examination, doctors decide whether a person can occupy a certain specialty or recognition of disability.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a package of documents, make photocopies of a passport, medical extracts.
  2. It is required to undergo a commission in the clinic at the place of residence where the direction will be issued to the ITU Bureau.
  3. At the postal address of the citizen, an invitation is sent, which indicates the date and time of visiting the Commission.
  4. At the reception, a person passes all specialists, its social status is established.
  5. After analyzing all the data collected, doctors decide to appoint a certain group.

Preparation for visiting the ITU Bureau takes a lot of time, it is necessary not to simply collect all the paper, to the number of which includes the characteristic from the place of work, but also to go through a complete medical examination in the district clinic.

Required documents

List of documents required for visiting ITU and disability certificate:

  1. Direction from the medical institution.
  2. Passport citizen.
  3. Photocopies of all major completed jobbook pages.
  4. Help on the amount of income received.
  5. Medical outpatient map.
  6. Copies and originals of all certificates from the clinic.
  7. Statement.
  8. The Act, compiled in the form of H-1, is presented if a production injury arose or a professional statement.

All papers are transmitted to the Bureau in advance, on the day of visits, you need to have a passport and some extracts.

In order for the Commission to correctly establish a disability group and gave permission to carry out anyway, it is necessary to provide a characteristic of an employer. The document should be indicated that a person copes well with his duties, if this is true, in ITU will take into account the opinion of the company's head.