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How to clean the well with your own hands. Self cleaning and disinfection of the well. There may be several

Well - invaluable help in obtaining pure water for drinking and technical needs. But the problem is that the active circulation of fluid gradually leads to its clogging. It is possible to cope with such troubles, it is only necessary to strictly observe a certain work technology.

Signs of pollution

Start follows from recognition of contamination signs. After all, each type of blockage is distinguished by a special approach and cannot be eliminated by a universal pattern.

  • The appearance of muddy water, even in a very small volume, almost always indicates that particles of soil fall into the cavity of the well. The penetration of them is becoming possible due to the weak tightness of the wall joints that can shift or prove. Where worse, if the water acquires one or another color.

  • Green tump says that the well has become the place of active reproduction of microscopic algae. And if the fluid becomes black, it most often allows you to conclude that the organizing agent not only got inside, but also decomposes.
  • Yellow becomes water with an excessive concentration of iron; Immediately it is necessary to keep in mind that ordinary cleaning in such a situation is powerless. Clearing with excessive saturation of well water helps cleaning through special filters. Recognize "strong" metal helps and a specific taste that appears even earlier explicit visual signs.
  • At the cottage and in the household economy, water raised from the well may be sweet due to the presence of nitrogen. It falls there along with fertilizers (nitrates) and can not cope with this problem until the source of the receipt of these substances is blocked.
  • The yellowish color is often inherent to water in a home source of swamps; The difference from simple iron overflow is that the color is relatively weak. Green tone, except for algae, is sometimes associated with the penetration of hydrogen sulfide from secondary sources. It is easy to recognize on the appearance of a characteristic rotten smell.

  • The clay hitting the clay well is sometimes provoked by the action floating. It mechanically destroys the most durable and stable structures, and a rich moisture of the breed easily finds insignificant with the appearance of the gap and immediately penetrates them. The presence of lime in significant quantity is determined visually as contamination occurring from dirt and yals. If the lime is relatively few, the water "just" becomes tough. On household appliances and dishes, a scale appears on the plumbing and in the pipes.

Dirt may appear as as a result of long-term operation of the well, and almost immediately after kokka.

The problem is aggravated by poor-quality construction, non-compliance with sanitary and technological standards. In any case, you should not count that pollution will eliminate itself after a while. But even overly hurry, applying random or recommended by some means, not too reasonable. Much more correctly, finding the root of the barbell, understand the tools and ways that will actually help when cleaning.

Methods of elimination

Enthusiasts and engineers have developed a lot of tools, with which you can clean almost any well from mechanical dirt. The simplest option is to use a scraper. He removes stems that appeared on the walls of the mine. But before you cut these walls, it is worth trying to clean the well using pumps. It is much more productively than trying to solve the problem manually.

The drainage pump, lifting water upwards, at the same time pulls and accumulated dirty particles. A pressure pump mounted next to the head will play their role. This is such a high-tech "scraper", creating a strong, strained fluid flow. What is important, pumps as a device for narrow and wide wells are suitable in the same extent. Avoid failure of a drainage unit in Il will help place it on a special stand.

It is recommended to choose those pumps that are designed for dirty water; Even if there seems to be insignificant on top, it is impossible to predict how the situation will change at the bottom and when the supply of the liquid changes.

The pressure hose is put in the reservoir of about 300 liters. When it is impossible to use the pumps, the bucket (or scoop) comes to the rescue. This tool is easy to do, even with their own hands, just a sheet steel and several simple devices for working with it.

Those who tried to clean the wedge of the bucket were disappointed in it.True, such work is very tedious and takes a lot of time, but at least in financial plan it is easier. The scoop need to be thrown into the well asset down, seeking him to pierce the accumulated IL. When working, try to grab the mud as much as possible (in one reception extract it from 2 to 3 kg).

A more complex version represents a grab, this tool is suitable for a narrower composition of the work.

According to the appearance of the grab - these are "jaws", with the closure of which sediments are captured at the bottom. After the lift, they are blocked by holidaying the collected dirt. Like a scoop, grab is better to do with your own hands. But the point is not so much in the simplicity, how much is that in a free sale such a tool almost no one offers.

When cleaning sewer wells, along with the tools listed, you can use the ELOSOP. This is the so-called an associate machine, equipped with a vacuum pump and a special tank. Contrary to the name, such equipment is suitable for removing not only one il. It copes perfectly with sand and fat, with various particles of hard rocks. Only abrasives are dangerous for a relatively soft hose by placing dirt into the tank. The disadvantage of this method is that it will have to pay, specifically cause assistants.

Technology Cleaning

It is not at all necessary to contact the specialists - the well can be cleaned with your own hands, not even going down into it, and remaining on solid land. Manual cleaning begins with careful pumping water, while consistent. Filling the mirror at 400-500 mm with the help of elongated tools purify the walls mechanically. With this work, it is categorically unacceptable to use even the most gentle household chemicals. Most of the works are still carried out inside and need to closely monitor the structure of the rings remained the whole.

Having reached the bottom, the fluid is pumped out completely and begin the decisive phase of cleaning. You need to rinse the bottom filter, and the stones are preferably lifted up, there it will do more effectively. Suts, even having visually noticeable deformations, you need to close the cement with the addition of liquid glass. This makes it difficult to mix surface waters with a mine. It is necessarily disinfection.

At all, without descending, you can do with the automated cleaning, it already came into question - this is the use of drainage and deep pumps. This technique helps if it is required to cope with insignificant clogging only. 50 cm from the bottom of the pita placed the pumping block. Another closer to the bottom is the hose from the feed pump. Observe such accommodation is very important, the violation will not allow to achieve a good result.

It is necessary to continue work strictly until the pumping pump becomes perfectly clean water.

If necessary, the various mechanisms and devices are recommended to use the winch. This device is relatively simple, but it helps to save power. And, of course, work at the bottom of the pit requires the corresponding mental attitude.

What is important, there are ways to purify the wells in stages without pumping water. This is possible not with all types of pollution, of course. So, the struggle with microscopic algae, giving greenish tint, is best done with chlorine. For a few days, the tank will be completely clean and ready to use. Natural sorbents, such as zeolite and shungite, are effectively fighting with foreign substances. For optimal effect, you will have to use several kilograms of these reagents. Another way is the use of dosing blocks.

This cartridge container varies from 250 to 1000 cm3. But despite the presence of special developments, all the same professionals are recommended to completely pump water and remove the IL 100%. Then you need to fill the well with clean water, defending it at least a week.

Cleaning without pumping with the use of open chlorine or dosing charges helps mainly against microbiological agents. But taking into account the danger of the substance used, the manufacturers' instructions should be very strictly observed and not to apply doses more recommended.

It is important to allow one more question - when it is best to carry out a planned cleaning of the well - in the fall or spring. Timely cleaning prevents the need for emergency work of this kind and allows all the time to use fresh water. Regardless of the graphs, you need to start working if:

    in the well hit sticks, stones, leaves and branches of trees, various birds and animals;

    the presence of metals and their compounds were found;

    water clogs at the depths of sand or clay.

Crazening both metal and sand can be provoked by primers. They lead to the displacement of the rings and penetrate the extraneous mass. In such a situation, you will have to not just clean, but also repair the water source. The prevention of clogging protrudes regular water lifting up. Even when it does not have an obvious necessity, it turns out to be very useful.

Before cleaning the well, all interfering items, including pumping equipment, are always removed.

After removal of water, it is assumed to inspect the design and look for signs of visible destruction. In the absence of such problems, change the bottom filter. The sand, gravel and crushed stone, you need to pull out and make a completely new embankment. The released walls are cleaned particularly, for this, not only brushes are used, but also antiseptic preparations. After completing the formation of the bottom filter, the pumps and stationary output filters return to place.

We have to keep in mind that the water obtained during the first injection is not yet ready even for technical use. High-quality liquid is always transparent, without strangers or tastes. It is possible to achieve this success sometimes only from the third bay. If filters do not change, they are purified as prescribed by the manufacturer's instruction - mainly strong water pressure.

Another approach should be to the pipe wells. In them, as well as in wells, only pumps and filters can be applied. Water pumping is also obligatory, as is the test resulting after cleaning the fluid in a specialized laboratory. Reduce the need for cleaning wells and wells helps their cover with covers or canopies. As for the time of regular cleansing, for wells used only in summer, the time of work occurs in spring and autumn. Closer to winter you have to pump water to prevent contamination of filters and pumps. In the spring months, special attention is paid to cleaning the walls of the structures or replacing natural filters.

Even if the water seems clean all the time, it is recommended to check it in the laboratory four times a year.

Regardless of the findings of experts, cleaning the source of water supply is obligatory. It is necessary to hold it in the case when the soil is hurt when the snow melts. IMPORTANT: Independent cleaning of the sewage well, in contrast to plumbing, almost impossible. For this purpose you will have to use special equipment, the purchase of which is not justified. Before using any reagent of natural or artificial origin, it is better to immediately check whether it is economically safe.

Installation of the bottom filter

The correctly installed bottom filter is an essential element of coarse cleaning, stops the intrusion of sand and clay. To form this protection, only natural materials are used that are not blurred by water. Be sure to lay them in several layers to ensure complete safety using well water. It should be noted that in dense soils of clay origin with obtaining water from underground springs, the filter will not be required. But when the bottom is folded with soft clay and water comes with a significant pressure, the fight against muddy suspension is very relevant.

A large crushed stone or pebble breeds lined with a layer of 0.15-0.2 m are prevented from blurring the bottom here if the base of the pit is made of sand and water comes with uniform portions, just need to put the filter on their own. It is also required in cases where it turns out to be flooded.

The direct type of the bottom filter is used where the influx is relatively small, as well as on top of flooding. First, the material is laid out the material of large fractions, then medium and small (each layer smaller than the previous one 5-6 times).

The upper filtering surface in such a system is made from quartz sand or pebbles. If the bottom and so sandy, use reverse filters. Their main task is not to start the dirt on the water onto the well. At the same time, the owners are configured from clogging by the fluid with sands rising in the stream of spring water. The difference from the direct scheme is that the sequence of layers changes to the opposite; The thickness of each formation is a maximum of 150 mm.

Disinfection of water

Clean the well is clean mechanically - very good. But it will not allow to protect yourself from:


Meanwhile, all these species of living beings are terrible enemies of a person. The bad smell is only a subjective problem, much worse there will be health consequences. Apply the disinfection tools once every six months, before the start of seasonal use of the well and in the fall. Special cases when such a measure is needed, are:

    flooding of the mine by a flood or precipitate, wastewater;

    seeping of untreated groundwater;

    clogging by any eradicate and industrial, household waste;

    hitting land animals and birds;

    collapse of a piece of material;

    the presence of garbage;

    sewage of the bottom;

    detection of excessive concentration of microbes in the study of samples.

To make water suitable for drinking, you can use chlorine lime in the form of a powder.

ATTENTION: It is necessary to carry out the exact calculation of its quantity and do not try to exceed the dosage "for greater efficiency." Precautionary precautions are observed when dealing with this substance!

In some cases, it is better to use manganese - such a tool works quickly and does not represent danger. Its disadvantage is relatively small efficiency.

30 g of the reagent is mixed with 10 liters of warm water. Waving from 30 minutes to an hour, you need to pump water several times. Next, the same solution is washed with dry walls, and the mesh is put on the bottom with 3-5 g of manganese or silicon crumb. Finished pills based on chlorine compounds can only be applied in accordance with the branded instruction!

Important: All disinfectant solutions should be prepared in clean dishes, which pre-rolled down.

After all, it is impossible to predict how one or another reagent behaves when interacting with foreign substances. Applying chlorine water, you need to threaten it to thoroughly mix it with the help of long poles either by the bucket and sharp spill back.

It is much easier to do this using a suspension pump. After such chlorination, in any case, you need to cover the well with a dense cloth or polyethylene. Be sure to follow that the mines are cool and did not fall into the solar rays.Otherwise, chlorine will evaporate too quickly and does not produce the desired result. Walls will need to rinse with clean water. Pading the well after chlorination is repeated until even the weakest smell of the chemical will disappear.

If the only source of water on your dacha is a well, then it should be protected and protected from all kinds of pollution. Even if you make every effort to protect it, avoid contamination is completely impossible. But there are many ways to clean the well.

There are many factors that it's time for cleaning your well. In achieving the best result when performing this work, it is important to know the cause and root of the problem. There are several signs:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • color;
  • the presence of impurities and so on.

Most common problems:

Problem Consequences and reasons
Located As a result, the liquid flies. At the bottom there are deposits of clay and sand
Oil film Sign of petroleum products. The reason may become depressurization of the mine
Rusty water It is explained by a large amount of iron in the liquid.
Bacteria When water from the source is rarely used, then bacteria are breeding. The reason can be a household trash that fell into the mine, for example, animals / birds and the like
Nasty smell One of the reasons - sewage penetration
Green water The reason may be reduced to algae. Germinate when a large amount of sunlight gets
Muddy water In most cases, the reason for this - the emerging bottom filter

Cleaning is also required when you notice a decrease in the fluid level. In almost all cases, this work can be performed independently, without the involvement of specialists.

How often will it be right?

Ideally - once a year. Mostly chosen the spring season.

Council: Even if you do not have a single feature of those listed above, preventive cleaning will allow you to get rid of possible problems.

Regardless of whether you spend prevention or scheduled cleaning of the source, it should be done on time when the snow completely descended. Otherwise, there is a risk that the fusion fluid will return to the source of the rover.

Methods for cleaning the mine in the country, from the sludge and dirt

Two main ways are known:

  1. To go down.
  2. Do not descend.

In the first case, the work should take care of serious precautions. But you can achieve a better result, because it is so realistic to see what is happening at the bottom of the source.

The second method is a secure method. To solve the problem, a special pumping and other equipment is used.

Safety technique

Negligence, it can end fatly for the worker. Be sure to take a number of measures:

  • Do not work on your own: at least three people.
  • When descending into the mine, the safety cable is used, fixed to the belt.
  • Before starting to make sure that the absence of gases.
  • In the event of a drop in instruments from above, the working at thenime should be as close as possible to the wall. Moreover, work should be carried out in a protective helmet.
  • It is unacceptable to stand at the bottom of the well at one point for a long time.
  • It is impossible to clean the topics that have a heart problem.
  • The staircase used should have a platform at the bottom, and to hook it reliably on top of it.
  • Use reliable equipment, among which a bucket, cable and so on.

Common errors:

  • Before starting work, the cable strength was not checked, the raised bucket can break.
  • Non-explanation of the cause of the bottom of the bottom. For example, if there is sand, you should check the rings for integrity. Otherwise, pumping sand can be infinite.
  • If the source is worth, then the fast pumping of sand will lead to the deposit of the mine. A gap and sealing disorder may occur.

Manual cleaning: What should be prepared?

Prepare the following tools, materials and clothing in advance:

  1. Insurance cable.
  2. Long stairs. Instead, you can use a swing on a rope with a tied at the bottom of the board.
  3. Durable bucket.
  4. Metal brush.
  5. Cable to raise the bucket.
  6. Cable for raising and retaining the stairs.
  7. Slings.
  8. Drum for water lifting.
  9. Winch.
  10. Rubber boots.
  11. Cask.
  12. Protective waterproof overalls.

The full set of all necessary will allow you to spend the work quickly and promptly.

The process of cleaning the mine from concrete rings do it yourself

Consider in detail how to do it correctly, without using the pump. All work consists of several consecutive stages, such as:

  1. Obtaining.
  2. Inspection and cleaning bottom filter.
  3. Analysis and repair of junctions between reinforced concrete rings.
  4. Cleaning the mine.

First of all, it is necessary to solve the task with pumping. The easiest way is to use the pump. If it is absent, then pumping is performed by buckets. Very long and time-consuming process. In the latter case, a winch is installed and a drum for raising buckets.

Council: This work should be performed alternately, because per person will be a serious load. It is important to achieve a conveyor so that the fluid continuously pumped out.

You can pump up the liquid with a pump for a pair of tens of minutes, and the same work using the bucket will require several hours.

At the next stage, cleaning the walls of the mine is performed. Lower in it and fix it. Start work is needed from top to bottom.

For cleaning, a metal brush or any scraper is used, some use a chipper. Very convenient, as they have a long handle.

Cleaning the walls of the mine, you need to proceed to clean the bottom of the well. First, the sand, il, mud, and the like, with the help of the buckets are damped. Filling it, give a signal to extract. Gradually, the bottom will be cleaned from the sludge and other contaminants. Be sure to be checked. If necessary, it can be replaced or rinsed existing.

It should be inspecting the condition of each seam between the reinforced concrete ring. If the gaps or the existing solution is observed, it is necessary to completely remove the old smear, prepare a new solution and close the joints. Also, everything is covered with waterproofing material, which is allowed with direct contact with pure water.

In the completion of work, disinfection of the entire mine is carried out. You can use chlorine decade and water bucket. Mixing them, simply deprive the walls of the wall. Thus, disinfection occurs, and all available microorganisms simply will be cleaned.

How to brush from clay, not going down in it?

A special self-priming pump is used. When performing work, it may occur, since layers of gravel, sand, rubble are formed on the day. If you do not conduct a timely cleaning of the well, then these layers are compacted between themselves. High power pump is required, which can be quickly pumpped fluid.

Important: If you use a weaker pump, you can provoke even greater well pollution. Moreover, the device itself is simply thoroughly burns.

Work begins with the following:

  1. At the bottom lower pump for cleaning.
  2. It is immersed at the distance from the bottom to one meter, it is possible to half meter.
  3. Then the pump turns on and the dirt turning out.
  4. After, the liquid from the pump should be directed back to the shaft. The jet will break all sediments at the bottom.

It is extremely important to raise the device from time to time to the surface to clean the filters. The process is repeated until a clean fluid goes or the larger inclusions remain.

Before performing the disinfection of water in the well, it can be attributed to samples in the laboratory.

Council: To automate the process, you can use a grapple bucket.

Features of using a grab bucket

Under the gramifier, the design consisting of two buckets is meant. In the center they are connected by the hinges levers of the oblong shape. A chain or a cable is attached to the edges of the bucket, which will pull on the closing of the grab bucket. Well, if it will have a small weight.

The use of a grab bucket allows you to completely eliminate the need to go down to the mine. Its use will make it possible to raise from the bottom of the source Il, sand and other dirt. Work can be carried out in virtual one, but it will be easier with assistants.

Before using it, you must completely roll out the liquid. The work is then carried out in such a sequence:

  • The grab bucket is suspended on the cable.
  • When descending, the catch occurs (due to falling under its own weight).
  • Then the cable should be pulled, and the buckets will close. A lock ring is installed so that they do not reveal when picked up.
  • Next, the grab raises the cable to the surface.
  • Buckets are revealed. Of these, all captured Il, sand and the like are removed.

This tool is considered optimal for cleansing the well.

Disinfection, cleaning agents

There are several ways to disinfect, which can be displaced water in the well.


White volume should be calculated on the basis of one can one ring. Having finished all the walls of the mine by this solution, you should leave for a day. The headband is necessarily closed by a polyethylene film.

Council: Performing a homemade well disinfection using whiteness or chlorine, be sure to buy protective mittens and respirator for respiratory organs.

A day later, the entire accumulated liquid should be downloaded. If necessary, press it several times during the week.


Simple manganese makes it possible to produce high-quality disinfection of dacha wells with drinking water. One bucket requires one tablespoon of manganese. Dilute it, thoroughly mixing. All means pour out to a source for cleaning it from bacteria. After you need to wait about two hours, closing the head. After the expiration of time, pump water. You can merge into the garden, this composition will be useful for the soil.

Bleaching powder

If the liquid in the source was infected with bacteria or contaminated by the organica, then a chlorine lime solution is used. For one liter of water, 20 milligrams of chlorine lime are needed.

By adding this chemistry to the source, leave it for six hours. After the expiration of time, fluid is pumped up twice. After one week, the water is recommended to boil. Now you know how to displaced water in your well, if it has undergone bacteria or organic attacks.


Before you begin to clean the source using the iodine solution, it is necessary to weigh everything in and against. A number of researchers argue that this agent has an excellent antibacterial effect. It destroys a large number of microorganisms and does not allow them to multiply. On the other hand, there is an opinion that iodine will make a liquid unsuitable for drinking.

If there is no possibility to make complete disinfection, then this tool is used to delay the execution of this work. So, one liter of water will take three drops. The whole composition is poured into the source. Iodine should increase.


There are many tableted funds, mainly with chlorine content, such as the "Equipment", "septololit" and others. Their use is permissible only after pre-cleaning the source from all sorts of deposits at the bottom and walls of the mine. The method of their application is indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer. To accurately sticking to her, you can clean your source yourself and understand how this procedure is often necessary.


The use of ultrasound and ultraviolet belongs to an alternative way. Immediately note the high cost of this option of purification. But plus is that it is less labor. Ultrasound disinfection is performed only after pre-cleaning the mine.

The disinfection process is carried out by a special unit, within which the ultraviolet lamp is located. It is worth noting that this technology does not change the chemical composition of the liquid.

Preventive work

Potassium permanganate, iodine or other preparation described above can be used as prophylactic funds. Some tablets can also be used. But for this you need to read the instructions for their use.

How much is?

If you cannot cope with the task, you can contact specialized companies. Approximate prices in rubles:

  • cleaning the mine depth to five rings - about 5 thousand;
  • repair and seal of one seam - about 300;
  • waterproofing of one seam - about 300;
  • pumping source - about 2.5 thousand;
  • disinfection by manganese - about 3 thousand.

In any case, the cost will be formed individually, because each case is unique (region, remoteness from the city, etc.). You can focus on these prices before contacting specialists. As for the warranty to work, then approximately one year. This is relevant if the source is not so intense. If it is the main source of water, then you will have to clean twice a year.


So we reviewed all the features of how you needed, all the ways for this, which means are used and how to make a safe job. Adhering to all the advice and recommendations, you can cope with your own. From time to time, spend preventive cleaning so that at one point he simply does not stop giving you clean water.

To secure all the theory, we offer viewing the prepared video at the end of the article. And if you have personal experience in this area, then share them, leaving comments at the end of the article. Your experience will help beginners.

Useful video

Cleaning the well, this is a kind of general cleaning, it is necessary regularly and must be done on conscience. The owners of this simple, but very necessary structures may be interested to know how to clean the well with their own hands to save a little.

It is no longer necessary to think that once the dug up the well requires care, in the root incorrectly. And in order to enjoy crystal clear, always cool, fresh water, you need to make some effort from time to time. The well sanation is performed annually, and once every 3-5 years he will need "general cleaning", sometimes more often.

So that the water is suitable for use, the well needs to be cleaned regularly

About the need to carry out unscheduled cleaning will surely tell the quality no longer drinking water. Such water can not be used for bathing in the shower, nor for watering plants on the beds.

For work, you can attract specialists, but many homeowners are not looking for easy ways and prefer to do everything yourself. Such an initiative is always praised and economically beneficial, but conjugate with some difficulties. The cleaning of the well with your own hands the case is troublesome, unsafe and requires some theoretical knowledge.

The reasons for cleaning the well may be several. And before proceeding to the work, it is worth determining the nature of pollution and the ways to eliminate them. Determine the causes of clouding of water in color, smell and the presence of impurities.

  • Cheating well. As a result of this inevitable process, water becomes muddy and acquires a characteristic taste. Deposition at the bottom of the sand well and clay also leads to severe turbidity. At the same time, the water level in the mine can significantly reduce, but it is impossible to be confused with sharp seasonal drops;
  • The appearance of oil film water indicates the presence of petroleum products. They may appear due to the depressurization of the mines, to get directly with the aquifer or by the banal reason for non-compliance with purity when using the well;

If the water is contaminated, you can easily determine this in its color, smell and the presence of impurities
  • Water becomes rusty because of the impurities in it iron;
  • Bacterial contamination may be a consequence of elementary water stagnation with rare use. The development of bacteria can also contribute to the mining items that have fallen in the mine: household, vegetable garbage or randomly fallen animals and birds;
  • Sewage of sewage implants easy to recognize by unpleasant odor;
  • The reason for the landscaping of water becomes the simplest algae, which are developing in the warm season with sufficient amount of sunlight;
  • Water blaracing or appearance of rotes is often found in the wells, on the bottom of which an aspen shield is installed. Tree eventually can rot and spoil the water.

Security measures

Often people neglect the elementary rules of their own security, but in the case of work in the well, this is not worth doing.

To carry out the work on the cleaning of the well, you need the help of a partner and insurance
  • The first and basic rule - the presence of a safety cable, regardless of the depth of the mine;
  • It is categorically not recommended to work alone. It is not only much more difficult, but not safe. Nearby should be a person who can assist;
  • It is equally important to make sure that there are no harmful gases in the well. To do this, the shaft is lowered a lit candle, if it continues to burn, then oxygen is enough;
  • The staircase that will be lowered to the bottom of the well, you must equip the retaining platform, and the rope is well fixed.

Important! At a depth of more than 3 m, much less oxygen, therefore, a person with cardiovascular diseases is better to reconcile to someone else.

Technologies and methods of cleaning wells

There are several ways to clean. The choice of a certain depends on the nature of the pollution and the tool used. In some cases, comprehensive events may be required. Cleaning wells can be:

  • Prophylactic;
  • Capital (drainage or manual cleaning).

Preventive cleaning of wells

For prophylactic cleaning of the well and disinfection of water in it, it will be necessary for a solution of manganese

Every year, after the snow, it is desirable to carry out sanitation, even if the water seems clean. Used for disinfection ordinary permanganate potassium. The tablespoon of crystals is dissolved in the bucket of water and poured into the well. After 2-3 hours all the water from it roll off. You can pour it into a garden, light disinfection of the soil will not bring harm and will even be useful.

Manual cleaning Well: Technology and work features

The entire process of manual cleaning is reduced to gradual mechanical cleaning. In this connection, several main steps can be distinguished:

  1. Preparatory;
  2. Pumping water;
  3. Mechanical cleaning of the mine;
  4. Cleaning the bottom of the well. Flushing or replacement of a well filter;
  5. Repair work, seams (as needed);
  6. Disinfection of the well.

Preparatory work

Before you begin cleaning, consider whether you have all the necessary tools

When all tools are collected and assistants are found, you can move to the preparatory stage. His goal is to provide free access to the mine, so the canopy will have to dismantle. If there is garbage on the surface of the water, it is deleted manually. Also check the presence of harmful gases and if there are such, work will have to be performed in a gas mask.

Out of water

Choose water from the well, of course you can and buckets, but it is much easier to do it with the help of a pump. Even the small power of "Rodnichok", which can be borrowed from the neighbors, will perfectly cope with the task, if not omitting it too low to the bottom. It is worth considering that it will not be able to completely dry the mine, a small amount of water will remain at the bottom anyway.

Mechanical cleaning

The walls of the mines are cleaned from all available contaminants, use a scraper, a metal brush or a sponge. All that is removed from the walls will fall into the water, but it is not critical, together with the bottom mula, it will be deleted. Walls twice washed with water. During cleaning, the mines carefully examine the seams between rings or masonry. In the event of cracks, repair work is carried out.

Sealing seams

Use cement mortar to seal seams

Cracks and other damage between rings mines may appear due to a small displacement, long pollution of water or vegetation. To restore tightness they are close in conventional solution with a high cement content or use special mixtures. Before repairing the work surface is recommended to clean, for better clutch of materials. Apply a solution with a spatula or blade.

Important! In no case cannot be used for cleaning the well economic detergents and other chemicals.

Cleaning the bottom of the well. Flushing or replacement of a well filter

The recess of the sediment from the bottom of the well is performed in several ways. The easiest it goes down to the bottom and choose it with buckets. You can use a graff for cleaning the well. This is a special bucket that is equipped with two frowning blades. It is lowered to the bottom, IL climb, and then raise a strong cable manually or on the winch. The old filter is also recommended to remove, rinse thoroughly and retire. If for some reason it does not fit, a new layer is covered on the bottom. Stones of a larger fraction are stacked on the bottom of the well made of loose clay or at the bottom shield. The fine-grained fraction filter is used for a sandy bottom and a calm tributary.

Manual cleaning of the bottom of the well

Disinfection of the well.

For disinfection, a solution of chlorine lime or special chlorine-containing stabilizing agents is used. Chlorine lime will need 20 mg per 1 liter of water. The usual cylinder volume formula will help to learn its number in the well. After adding a disinfectant, the mine is tightly closed and left for 5-6 hours. After that, the water twice completely pumped out. Within 5-7 days after processing it is recommended to boil. Such a cleaning is needed if the water has been contaminated with bacteria or organic. Other disinfection methods for wells are not recommended.

Tip! To make sure the drinking water, the sample can be passed on the analysis.

Drainage: Technology and Selection of Pumping Station

Cleaning this type is enough if only graining or deposition at the bottom of clay and sand occurred. Using only a special model, namely, or a drainage pump. Preferences are given to the submersible device.
Knowing the depth and fullness of the well, it is necessary to choose a pumping unit with sufficient power, good consumption and most importantly low requirements for water quality. In this situation, the conclusion is simple - the more pump consumption and power, the better.
Fecal pumps can also be used. If leaves or other garbage float on the surface of the water, it is recommended to be previously removed. The drainage pump is immersed in water at a distance of 0-5-1 meters from the bottom and is well fixed.

Cleaning the well using a drainage pump

It is important that the jet from the outlet is directed strictly down and picked up well by pressure of the precipitate.

Periodically, the pump lift and washed filter. The regularity of purification by means of a drainage pump depends on the characteristics of the soil on the site, but, as a rule, it is required no more than 1-2 times a year.
The process of well contamination is inevitable. But this reason does not refuse fresh, clean and free drinking water.

Cleaning the Dacha Well Manual: Video

Recently, the wells have ceased to consider how the main sources of water supply in the country areas and in the villages.

But, no matter how, no, the owners of country houses are not hurry from them.

Water is always needed in large quantities. In the summer in the village or in the country without irrigating, it is not necessary for a lot of living moisture.

Simple solution from the depths of centuries

If you water the garden, connecting the hose to the central water pipeline, then the electricity bills and water are unlikely to add you a good mood.

Which of this should the exit?

Of course - Well Or a well (), where there is always water, besides, in unlimited quantities.

If the crinic is used irregularly, this is over time leading to the fact that the quality of the fluid becomes not suitable for drinking.

There are two outputs from this situation:

  • not to take anything, to accept the fact that there is and use water only for household needs.

And you can produce general Cleaning the source of melting moisture.

If you seek help for professionals, they will do everything very quickly and efficiently, but, for their work will take a lot of money.

High cost for such work is quite justified. Many people think that this occupation is not worth such investments.

And they are right. Why pay your cash, earned by unbearable, if you can try, and clean the source from dirt without assistance.

Others do not want to realize the importance of this procedure and delay this occupation "for later."

This suggests that the aquifer of the crylice of poor quality, and it is not desirable to use the living wicking out of it.

In this case, there is one effective way out of the current situation - at the entrance of the pipeline to the house to put a filtering system or use household domestic filters.

Unpleasant taste and sulfide odor

If the well comes from the well, a strange flavor of liquid is felt when drinking is felt, then the problem is most likely lies in the depressurization of the mine.

For this reason, the inwards penetrate the associates (About the best septic tanks for the country house is written in the article).

By the way, the same symptoms will manifest itself if a small animal fell into the well and began to decompose there, and you did not even suspect.

After the spring floods, it will not be superfluous to conduct sanitary processing of the source.

To do this, take a teaspoon of mangartages and dissolve it in a bucket of water, which we pour into the well.

After an hour and a half, you need to roll out all the water out of the mine.

Method first - manual cleaning

To begin with, you will get acquainted with the subtleties of this method. The whole process consists of the following steps.

Progressive pumping fluid. What does this mean?

After the 40 cm water dropped out, you need to thoroughly clean the walls of the crinth.

For these purposes, a brush is useful for a soft structure or a large sponge.

It is important not to damage the structure of the rings. Apply detergents or other chemicals is strictly prohibited.

After the walls cleaned completely, and reached the bottom, the fluid must be completely pump out and proceed to stripping directly bottom.

This procedure needs to pay special attention..

The procedure is required - we rinse the bottom filter consisting of stone and gravel.

For more thorough cleaning, the stones raise upstairs.

Cleaning finished.

After that, we close the seams with cement mortar with the addition of liquid glass.

Thus, waterproofing will improve, and surface water will not penetrate the inside of the mine.

Next Stage - Disinfection. The cleaned walls thoroughly wist with chlorine lime (a solution of 10 percent).

The bottom, also need to be treated with the same composition. Then we close the well cover, wind the tight fabric so that chlorine does not disappear.

In this form, the construction costs at least 2 days, after that the water must be completely pump out 2 times.

The method described above is not the only one. You can still take advantage of the automated manner cleaning.

In this case, a person will not go down to the bottom of Critique.

For this purpose, you will need two pumps - deep and drainage (what to buy for wells and wells. Read) and several high-tank tanks.

Through these simple devices, the fluid circuit is improved - the submersible pump pumps water from the well, and the drainage pump serves it back.

So that the process passed without excesses, it is very important to correctly distribute all the elements:

  • at the height of the half meter from the bottom of the pit, there should be a pumping unit.

And close to the bottom, we have a hose of the feed pump.

Strong water pressure from this hose is waving fluid, which, together with the sludge and mud, will climb up and pass through the filtration system.

This procedure () must be continued until pure water is absorbed from the pumping pump.

The main thing is to choose the pump of the corresponding power (it must be agreed with the depths of the mine).

Periodically, the unit raise up and clean the filter. In order to be confident in high-quality cleaning, water must be attributed to the laboratory for analyzes.

To purify small crinic use grab. This equipment is a bucket with two blades that are closed, as soon as the land will affect.

With it, you can lift the garbage, weighing 1.5 - 2 tons.

For a reliable descent of the device, it is better to use several durable cables.

To make it easier for work, you can use the winch for diving.

Thus, you will save your strength.

Equipment required for a cleaner

If someone does not know, the procedure for cleaning the well from dirt is unsafe and time-consuming.

Only a desperate person can afford to scream with water buckets, standing on a dexcable staircase, in a narrow and stale tunnel.

Work best in the afternoon, in this case darkness bad assistant. It will be not bad if two more people come to help you.

Climbing ammunition that you will need:

  • Rope for insurance and strong cable.
  • The staircase on which you can stand comfortably.
  • Supporting crossbars.
  • Wooden swings with a hook.
  • Platforms fixed on cables.
  • High rubber boots.
  • Safety helmet.

Dressed in a rubber suit, boots and hardware, fixing the insurer cable on the belt, you can slowly descend in the well mine.

When descending-lift, you must be confident that at the top, someone is as an insurer.

Before falling at the bottom of the crinic, make sure that harmful gases have not accumulated there.

This can be done with a lit candle. It is put in a bucket that is immersed in the bottom.

If the candle continues to burn, then there is no danger. When working in a mine, the tool may fall on top to you, in order to avoid injuries, you need to try to cuddle to the wall.

After you fully go down and visually inspect everything around, it will become clear to you, what amount of work to fulfill and what is specifically subject to repair.

Which of the actions you may have to produce:

  • strengthen and make the control sealing of all seams, it is necessary to prevent underground water leaks into the well. For this purpose, a special waterproof sealant is used;
  • clean the bottom filtering system;
  • repair wooden structures;
  • if necessary, restore the concrete surface with cement mortar.

At the moment, the modern market offers a wide range of cleaning products, in the form of ready-made solutions, for a well.

These compositions contain substances of a stabilizing and disinfectant.

You got acquainted with all possible ways to clean the well with your own hands and know which tools and fixtures are needed for this.

If you regularly clean the well, which is on your site, then you can be sure that your family will be provided with clean and fresh water.

Look at the video, which was filmed during the cleaning of the well made of concrete rings.

I sometimes hear from our clients bewilderment - "Why clean the well? For many years, we have been using them for many years, and the water is all the same clean. "

Kopanka provides a full range of services for the repair and restoration of wells. In this area, we have been working for more than 10 years, throughout which specialists managed to achieve a high level of professionalism and gain experience in solving any problems with individual water sources.

In this material I will tell you why you need to clean wells, with what frequency do it, what are the methods, "pitfalls", how to avoid problems and maintain a hydraulic structure for decades.

Useful advice

  • - Do not try to clean the well yourself, or at least do not do it alone
  • - Use a well often. Do not let down the water. Share water with a neighbor. Then you do not need cleaning about 10 years.
  • - Check the filters - if they quickly clogged, then water with impurities.
  • - Check the water on the smell, taste and color
  • - Always close the well lid
  • - Never suit the place of car wash cars, clothes, location of sewage and septic
  • - Do not wait for the progress of the well, spend the planned cleaning of the structure

Why is the cleaning of the wells?

The reasons for having a well are different:

  • High content of mechanical impurities in water - Rodniks carry a lot of sand, wash the loam
  • Destruction of a bottom bulk filter or its improper initial arrangement
  • The appearance of floating - oversaturated sand water with elevated zybacity
  • Move of the soil - For the Moscow region, the phenomenon is rare, more often associated with construction work carried out near the well
  • Depressurization of the mine, butts rings
  • Depressurization of the clay castle, scene
  • Water pumping

All this leads to the fact that the dirt - sand, clay, chernozem begins at the bottom of the well.

Consequences of casing

Among the most negative consequences of casing is a decrease in the flow rate, up to the total waterproof enclosure in the rings, worsening water quality. If you use the pump, it will be due to a large share of probability or will be brought under a thick layer of bottom sediments. The water may have an unpleasant smell, as a result of stagnation, it will turn into a favorable environment for the development of bacteria, it will close. It will be impossible to use it in domestic purposes.


To avoid such negative consequences, I, relying on extensive experience in the Moscow region and knowing the pace of the prickness, I recommend that you carry out the prophylactic cleaning of the well at least once in two with intense, permanent operation, and once a year - during seasonal. .

Ways cleaning wells

The main methods of cleaning wells in the Moscow region:

  • Vibration and drainage pumps. Two vibration pumps are immersed on the bottom of the well. A hose is connected to one of them, which pumps water to the surface, while the second pump is simply "balamutitis" at the bottom, raising the sand from stone. I do not recommend pursing such a cleaning yourself, since you can spoil the pumping equipment, and this cleaning will be effective only with a small sand layer at the bottom - clay or Il so much. The drainage pump is somewhat more powerful, but it will not cope with serious pollution

  • Mechanical method - with the help of a grab or manual labor (shovels, vest). Fully pump water from the well and manually scare from the bottom from the bottom

  • The use of high pressure apparatus for the cleaning of the rings - powerful jets of water are knocked down from the inner surface of the Mushes, rising vegetation

As a rule, we use the combined method, depending on the degree of contamination of the well.

You ask, we answer

Below I will give answers to the most frequent issues with which we have to face in the process of drilling, arranging and cleaning wells and wells in the Moscow region.

How often do you need to clean the well in MO?

The following factors affect the frequency of planned or preventive cleaning:

  • The type of soil is the predominance of sand, clay, loam, the degree of natural filtration
  • Depth - As our experience shows, the deeper the well, the cleaner
  • Type of sources - basically I mean the difference in chemical composition
  • Intensity of the use of hydraulic structures - permanent / seasonal
  • The type of pump and the correctness of its installation - vibration models can contribute to the destruction of the rings, depressurize the seams

To keep water quality at a high level, I recommend cleaning the well at least once a year.

Our well repair services

  • Alignment of the mine;
  • arrangement of the clay castle;
  • replacement of the rings;
  • deepening;
  • repair of seams and joints;
  • elimination of cracks and others.

Cleaning a new well - Do I need to hold it?

If drilling / kopk and arrangement we carry out, then cleaning the new well you will not need, since we hand over the result of turnkey. In rare cases, cleaning may be required shortly after the start of operation of the well, if the aquifer layer is oversaturated with water (abundance of precipitation, for example) or a natural disaster (flooding as a result of floods). Cleaning may be required if the work was carried out non-professional, and the bottom of the well was equipped incorrectly.

Cleaning the well after idle - is it necessary?

If you use the well seasonally (spring-autumn), or for a while you are leaving (from three to four weeks), then after each such downtime, I recommend that it is necessary to clean the well, even if it is completely closed and accession from the water mirror is out. During this time, water is styled in it, the bottom is stolen, malicious microorganisms can begin to develop in the well.

In the spring, the smell of well water appeared - what to do?

We often encounter such a problem in the Moscow region. The source of unpleasant odor in 80% of cases is the vital activity of microorganisms - malicious bacteria. The remaining 20% \u200b\u200bfalls on changes in the chemical composition of water - an increase in the level of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, iron and other components. We solve the problem of fully cleaning the well with the subsequent disinfection of water, and if the problem lies in the chemical change of sources, we recommend an effective filtering system. But most often the case is cleaned, as in winter, water in the well has time to stag.

What if in a wet water well?

Marsh water in the well many cause a real panic, but I want to calm you. If there is fragments of vegetation (algae) or even small amphibians (tritons, frogs), this indicates the chemical purity of water. The problem solves capital cleaning of the well, shaft and dumping a good bottom filter. I can advise you to more intensively use the well, not to give water to stammer in it. Then she will not appear a swamp smell, color change.

Cleaning an abandoned well - justified or not?

An abandoned well is almost completely stolen for 2-3 years. If it was not used longer, then there is a possibility that underground springs are completely left or hammered. Here I recommend that you clean the well in the event that there are signs of water. If the bottom is dry completely, it will be necessary to carry out a deepening. This is justified only if the mine is well preserved. I often came across the Moscow region with abandoned wooden wells, restore which makes no sense. If we are talking about a hydraulic structure with a mine from concrete rings, then the game is worth the candle - you will spend much less than on the arrangement of a new well.

Cleaning the well from the sludge - you can independently cope with this task?

Immediately I want to dissuade you from the venture to clean the well from the sludge. The point is not only that without experience and special tools you will spend a lot of strength without achieving the desired result, but in high risks. The service of cleaning the well in the Moscow region costs about 6000-10000 rubles. Agree - this is quite inexpensive, if you consider how difficult is such a job. Unlike sand, IL creates very dense at the bottom, the layer, which can be deleted, only dropping down, after throwing water. We will make this work faster, better, safer.

Is it possible to pump sand from the well?

I answer - yes, but not all. Note that you have to pump off all the water, and this is from 1.5 to 3.5-4 tons. With the pumping of the sand, only a very powerful drainage pump can cope, and it is good to swallow water only with the help of special vibration equipment. The usual "Rodnichok" will not give the expected effect.


Never try to use to pump centrifugal household depth pumps! They are extremely vulnerable to any smallest sand impurities in water, and quickly fail because of it.

Below, I cite the table in which the average maximum dimensions of solid fractions are indicated for various types of pumps.

How to understand that the well is it time to clean?

Here everything is very simple - pay attention to the following factors:

  • Debit and the accumulating body of the well decreased
  • Water quality decreased - the smell, turbidity, sand appeared
  • The time of scheduled maintenance
  • There was a long (from 4 weeks) simple
  • Filters in the water purification system began to clog faster

Bacteria in the well - how to kill?

First, it is possible to determine the presence of bacteria in the well as a result of its laboratory analysis. If he showed their presence in the well, the most common way is fresh (non-quenched) chlorine lime, which in the proportion of 300-400 grams / 1 bucket on 1 ton of water in the well is added to it. Use the hydraulic structure after that it is impossible within 6-12 hours. Moreover, water in the well needs periodically "shabby". Then she completely pumped out. I do not advise you to spend these manipulations yourself, since it is high the risk of incorrect calculation, incomplete pumping, and it is important to eliminate the cause of the cause of bacteria, cleaning the bottom of the well.

When do you need a disinfection of a well?

The need for disinfection of the well is determined by the results of laboratory analysis in the event of a malicious microorganisms in water. Do not be mistaken on the theme of the diversity of chemical reagents for disinfection - is at the heart of any solution lies sodium hydrochloride or simply a chlorine. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out disinfection only during acute necessity, since even after a complete pumping of chlorinated water, some percentage it still remains in the well, and falls to your table.

Additional work during cleaning wells

  • Deepening the well to increase the accumulatory ability, increase the flow rate
  • Installation of the aspen shield when finding floating
  • Sealing joints of rings, cracks
  • Bookmark of the clay castle, scene
  • Conducting laboratory water analysis

Deepening well on the site

There are several reasons that require an increase in the existing depth of the well. The deepening method is effective and economical, thanks to which is popular.

It is carried out in cases:

  • drying (partial or complete) old well;
  • reducing waterfront per day.

In both cases, the area owner faces the problem of a lack of sufficient water volume. The "revival" of the old well will allow natural water to use various needs. However, it is impossible to conduct an independently deepening or trusting this case to amateurs. That is, several reasons.

The reasons why do not deepen independently

There are several explanations why you should not deal with the deepening of the wells yourself. Of course, you can trust such a matter and novice wells of wells, but in this case it is impossible to guarantee the success of the deepening. The deepening is carried out once. This time-consuming and expensive process is possible only once. Because of this, the recess is carried out immediately to the maximum possible depth. Usually deepened well on 3 rings immediately. The need for suspension and special knowledge.

Well - this is a complex hydraulic device. There is a certain range of operations, preventing the destruction of the well due to the movement of the soils. These include reinforcement of the well column, removal of water supply equipment, etc. Without such special work, risks increase that it is undesirable. In addition, special knowledge of the masters make it possible to learn the potential of the soil layers. For different types of soils, a different approach is necessary. For example, in dense soil, the recess can be carried out in an open way. Here you do not need a cloth by well rings. Swimmed soils require special technology. Calculation of optimal depths. The deepening of the well requires accounting for all factors. Calculate the ability of soils to keep the walls of the well without precipitation, the depth of the aquifer of the aquifer, the daily water beads into the well can only a specialist with experience.

The order of the deepening of the wells among our professionals is beneficial, since experts can restore even strongly launched wells.

The deepening rules carried out according to the rules are capable of ensuring the influx of water into the well for more than half a century. Trust professionals in this case is a manifestation of prudency. After all, it is better to order high-quality and standing work once than several times to resort to the services of amateurs.

Deepening Technology Well

After the arrival of specialists to you, it is concluded about the feasibility of deepening a particular well, as there are cases when it is rational to dig a new source than trying to reanimate the old one. To deepen the well makes sense while complying with the following conditions:

  • the lack of displacements of the rings and strong mine curvatures;
  • satisfactory water quality from the source;
  • there is not enough space on the site for the arrangement of a new well;
  • the depth of the mold of the well is 10 rings and more.
The deepening of the well is performed using special repair rings, the diameter of which is smaller than the diameter of the main part of the mine.

Initially, the water dropping from the well with the help of drainage pumps is carried out, after which the worker is lowered into the shaft barrel, which removes from there, then the ring is moving into the mine with a winch mechanism.

The ring on the bottom of the well is dug up from the inside until the reinforced concrete design drops under its weight to the desired depth. Similarly, the remaining rings are mounted, the process is completed only after the mine is deepened by 2 meters below the foundation of the aquifer.

Safety measures during the cleaning of the well

What can be dangerous to clean the well? There are certain risks, including:

  • The probability of collapse or skewers - we carefully study the rings, their condition, if necessary, we carry out the strengthening
  • The probability of suffocation due to the accumulation at the bottom of the soot of carbon dioxide during a long stay there - so we use special equipment for filing a fresh air from the surface
  • The risk is bogged down in the floating in the absence of special climbing equipment that we have

Possible consequences of unprofessional cleaning of wells

Among the consequences of the unprofessional cleaning of the wells, the following problems with which we encountered in the Moscow region:

  • Debit Reduction - Incorrect Filter Sweep Blocks Rodnik
  • Washers water quality - rises
  • Reducing the accumulatory ability due to improper fixing of the filter - the distance between it and the water mirror decreases
  • Depressurization of junctions between rings mines
  • Pagter pumping equipment

Welcome cleaning with your own hands

If you decide to implement this, quite a time-consuming procedure, do it yourself, then this article will be useful for you. To begin, you should pump out all the water from the well, for which the pump must be required. Next, make sure that at the bottom of your well there are no gas clusters that are already in the most memorial quantities can bring harm to the human body. To check the availability of gases, descend to the rope in the wellfaced candle. In the case of its attenuation, descend into the well is considered dangerous. Among other things, we advise you to think through the way of lifting the well in case you are not good. And of course, you should not clean the well alone.

As you can see, cleaning the well in Solnechnogorsk is not only a labor-intensive process, and also dangerous. Especially for an inexperienced person. In addition, the lack of experience and knowledge will inevitably lead to the fact that cleaning will be carried out poorly and internal flaws will be missed. As a result, you will use the water from a crude well, which can adversely affect your health. Trust specialists - here it is, the perfect option for cleaning the well. After all, they are able to produce all the necessary manipulations quickly, competently and efficiently. And you will only have to enjoy delicious and clean drinking water.

Professional cleaning services for wells

Under my leadership, as a leading engineer, a team of professional and experienced masters, has a full range of services for cleaning wells. We guarantee the quality of the result, we carry out work promptly and accept wells for service. To find out the price of cleaning the well, in your case, contact us by one of the ways offered in the "Contacts" section.

Prices - cleaning and repair of wells

Type of work Price
Cleaning the well: pumping water, cleaning the bottom from garbage and other contaminants up to 10 rings 8000 rub.
from 10 to 15 rings 10 000 rubles.
from 15 to 20 rings 12 000 rubles.
from 20 rings contractual
Clay castle 6000 rub.
Inserting internet seams cement mixture 0 rub.
Sealing the current seam hydrophombotic, for one seam 1500 rub.
Ospen Shit on the bottom of the well 3 000 rubles.
Drainage (river shaking pebbles with a diameter of up to 10 mm) in bags of 50 kg, for one bag 2 000 rubles.
Quartz sand in bags of 25 kg, for one bag 700 rub.
Extra charge for the stationary pump whose hose passes through the middle of the well (if it complicates the work) 500 rubles.
Extra charge for a non-removable house / cover, narrow rings, hatch on the well (if complicated) 500 rubles.
Disassembly-installation of the pump (with all components and fasteners) 1000 rub.
Soil removal more than 10 m from the well 500-1500 rubles.
Using the generator (in the absence or disconnection of electricity) 500 rubles.