Repairs Design Furniture

How to beautifully paint the sandbox to the child. Sandbox made with her own hands: the pride of the dad and the joy of the child. How to make an inexpensive summer sandbox do it yourself

Evgeny Sedov

When the arms grow out of the right place, live more fun :)


All children in the summer love to mess around in the sand. To provide a child joy from the game, as well as take care of his security, every parent thinks how to build a sandbox with your own hands, especially if you plan to leave for the country area.

How to make a sandbox in the country do it yourself

Collecting with the baby to the country, you should think about all the entertainment that he will be engaged. The most common and budget option is considered to build a homemade sandbox. Many confident dads think that for her you can just start the sand to the site and disappear by his boards. But not so simple. The sandbox for children in the country has their own hands has a lot of nuances.

It is necessary to take into account the main rules for posting the posting area:

  • for child safety, the design should stand correctly and always be in sight of the parents;
  • the top layer of the soil must be removed to create a good basis;
  • according to the rules of hygiene, the platform cannot be under the tree so that no foreign objects (sticks, bird litter, leaves) are not fallen;
  • better when there is a canopy or roof to protect the baby from the sun;
  • to build a sandbox for children in the country, with their own hands, the ideal material is a tree (timber, logs of a small diameter, block house);
  • the sand with sand in the garden can be any shape (circle, hexagon, rectangle), but often it is a square, 3 sizes 3 meters, with a thickness of the board 3 cm.

Wooden children's sandbox with a lid for giving

The playground with sand is a favorite place of kids. Therefore, the sandbox for giving with his own hands can be made with a lid. It is necessary to protect the child, the convenience and purity of the filler so that in the sand does not get garbage and food waste. You can take an ordinary awning for the roof, while it will have to pull it on the sandbox every evening. It is better to make the cover from the boards, which is more convenient in use. Make a similar playground can be as follows:

  • we plan a preliminary drawing of the future structure;
  • we note on the spicy plot space 2 by 2 meters;
  • dig in the resulting square pit depth of 25 cm;
  • we cover the hole with a special material (or install the pallet), which passes moisture so that the earth and sand mixture occurred;
  • we prepare the bars (45 × 5 × 5 cm), processing them with a pre-antiseptic, drive them into each angle;
  • collect the square from the boards and put it so that every corner fell on the bar;
  • attach the design to the bars using self-tapping screws;
  • construct two wooden shields from the boards (30 cm wide, 2.5 cm thick);
  • all the details we clean and process so that there is no pinch;
  • we fasten the shields with hinge hinges and supply them with handles;
  • in the deployed form, such a roof turns into comfortable benches;
  • fill with a sand pit.

Round baby sandbox do it yourself

A large wheel in itself can be a playground. It is only necessary to find a place for it in the country and fill in sand. The structure at the same time should be deepened in the ground. The disadvantage is close space, more than 3 children in it will not be able to accommodate. Therefore, the best option is sandbox for children with their own tires. Tires often use trucks and tractors. For this you need:

  • in the drawing, we note how much tires will be, and where they will be located;
  • we make the markup of the plot and smell the sand;
  • we have a tire around the perimeter of the area with sand, not very tight to each other (approximately 20 cm);
  • we get a convenient support for seating;
  • i deepen the tires in the ground;
  • children's playground with sand is ready.

Sandbox with hand-made hands

It doesn't matter how much the form will be a sandy area, the main thing is that it is with the roof. Canopy is needed to protect children from any weather (rain, sun rays, etc.). As a basis, you can take the creation of a simple wooden sand site. The lid for the sandbox can look in the form of a fungus or an umbrella. To create it, it will be necessary:

  • i log in a diameter of 10 cm and a length of 3 meters - it will be a foot for the cover that is necessary to bury the meter in the center of the sandbox;
  • bar fixing stones;
  • the hat should be led from the boards, for this we combine four triangles among themselves and nail them to the leg of the mustache;
  • canopy from above should be sewn;
  • you can make a transformer roof, which develops as an umbrella;
  • the size of the canopy is arbitrary, but, as a rule, has a 2 m width;
  • the tree must be treated with an antiseptic.

Wooden children's sandbox with benches

The design with benches is convenient for children and parents. To create it, it will be necessary:

  • in the drawing of the site, mark the place of the future platform;
  • collect the box, as for a simple playground, and treat primer;
  • we make benches and canopy;
  • the lid, as a rule, consists of two sash: one fixed and other mobile;
  • the fixed part (the basis for the bench), which is composed of two boards, sew soldiers to the box;
  • next, connect the movable part of the bench with fixed;
  • i spread it on the box and with the help of screws fastening the canopies;
  • it is necessary that there is a small gap between the connecting flaps, providing optimal rotation;
  • as a result, a wooden folding harmonica should be turned out, which is easily transformed into a comfortable bench.

How to make a children's sandbox in the shape of a boat

Ideas for creating a sandbox can be a huge amount. It all depends on the imagination of parents. For example, a gaming design with sand for children can be made in the form of a typewriter, an excavator, a boat. The most popular options for small pirates is the ship filled with sand. A sandbox for children to give her own hands is being built:

  • we design the square base with small sideboards;
  • near the one side of the body to the ground, you need to drive two blanks, to which they will then attach the boards for the stern of the ship;
  • we make a nose in the form of a triangle and krepim to the base;
  • mastery stairs for 3 steps so that the kid itself switched from the sandbox on the nose of the ship;
  • we sew the top of the triangle boards;
  • the arrangement of the received vessel can be diverse: sea pictures, schemes, masts, pirate attributes, etc.;
  • the design is optionally can be supplemented with an extension;
  • in such a closed house it is interesting to play and convenient to store toys.

The sandbox brings so much joy to children! But it is very easy to build on its own, only a little material, skill, imagination and skillful hands are required.


Sandbox placement

To begin with, it is necessary to decide where to organize a cozy corner for the baby. When choosing a place, follow the following rules:

  • Sandbox should be placed in sight so that adults can control Toddler classes. Playground for children's games is not a place behind a barn or high shrub.
  • Think O. shadow. The game area must be equipped so that one half of it remains in the sun, and the other allowed to hide from the scorching rays. Well, if nearby will grow a tree with a lush crown.
  • Or create a shadow ourselves. There are no high trees on the site or are you not ready to constantly dance from the sandbox of fallen leaves? Not trouble: Make a cute canopy in the form of an umbrella.

Size and preparation of the base of the sandbox, moisture protection

Children's sandbox you can make anyone! If a lot of kids, then, of course, it should be more good. However, the most common square designs with a size of 1.7x1.7 m - it will be cozy and two-year-old karapuzam, and already grown upwards. Build such a facility is easy. But first it is necessary to mark the site markup and make foundation. This requires cord, markup tape and pegs.

Preparation of the basis is performed in several stages:

  1. Feed around the perimeter the desired area.
  2. Remove the top layer of soil - about 30 cm sufficient.
  3. In the center, dig a yat with a diameter of 40-50 cm and a depth of 60-70 cm, pumped off with a small bulk material, for example, rubble, in the end. This is necessary so that in the sandbox does not accumulate an extra moisture.
  4. From the sidewall to the center, make a slope for which rainwater will become.
  5. When everything is ready, you can proceed to the construction of the base of the sandbox.

Base for sandbox

In this role can be any tight Material: Polyethylene, plywood (just do not forget to do holes in it, otherwise water will constantly accumulate in the sandbox), paving slabs. The main thing before laying the material, pour a small layer of sand.

Sandbox do it yourself photo in stages

The base performs several important functions. So, it protects the game corner from mice and insects, which are not averse to settle in the sand. And the film or plywood will help to keep the sandbox in purity, not allowing land and stones into it.


The time of sides for the sandbox came. They help designate the territory of the playground, do not give sand to crumble and are actively used by children as an "exhibition site" for cakes or just for rest.

For sides will be useful:

  • 45x5x5 cm bars;
  • boards 150x30x2.5 cm (can be replaced by narrow blanks with a width of 10 cm);
  • wide boards for horizontal benches.

Sandbox do it yourself photo in stages

Since the wooden sandboxes are usually square, billets are required by 4 pieces.

The material must be carefully processed, otherwise the tree will quickly deteriorate, and the children will get a few bypass. Take the grinder or electric drill, put on the grinding nozzle and go through the horizontal sideboards. The remaining boards and bars are pollinked optionally, but it is necessary to cover them in several layers of olifa or any antiseptic. Bitumen is perfect.

To obtain the base, the bars are bought at the corners of the future sandbox to a depth of approximately 15-20 cm. The boards are nourished. Finally, horizontal overlays are fixed around the perimeter.

Lid for sandbox

An important element of the design is cap. In principle, you can do without it, but in this case the debris, branches and leaves will constantly fall in the sand, and the animals will surely indulge it as a toilet. Therefore, it is better to make the lid for the sandbox. In this role can be:

Decorating sandbox

Children's sandbox is presented with her hands, but will the child be wondering if you leave it without decorations? The design can be simply painted in any color or draw ornament on it, various pictures, letters, funny muzzle - what you want!

The last "barcode" - filling the sandbox. Usually for this, high-quality river or quartz bulk material is used, in which the insect will be uncomfortable, and the children, on the contrary, is safe and fun!

Sandbox do it yourself photo

Go to practice

Materials and sizes of sandboxes

Sandbox do it yourself photo in stages

So, you decided that you need your child a sandbox. It is not necessary to do it independently: now the finished designs that remain only to be installed in the selected place are sold at any store of children's products. But this product is dear, and more pleasant to make the playground with your own hands. Especially since the network is easy to find hundreds of photos that will be inspired and will easily decide on the materials and sizes of the sandbox.

Before getting to work, find the boards of the desired size and well collect them so that children do not get the title. The width of the blanks should not be less than 30 mm.

Now make a drawing by choosing the location of the playground and deciding with the size. Standard sandboxes are made in the form of a square with a side of 1.5- 2 m. Sufficient depth is 20-30 cm.

Sandbox with their own hands. Drawing

How to make a children's sandbox?

When materials are ready, it's time to start directly to the creation of a wooden sandbox with their own hands. It is quite simple, if you act according to the instructions:

Determine a place For the playground. As mentioned above, the sandbox should be installed so that the children do not suffer from hot sunlight and were in sight. Open area will not fit - choose a corner under a spreader tree, giving enough shadow. And do not forget: the playground should be well visible.

If the shadows are not enough, makeshed. It will perfectly protect both from the scorch rays of the sun and from the rain, if he suddenly finds the kids during the game, and, moreover, it will increase the life of the sandbox.

Treat woodantiseptic compositionwhich will not allow the material to rot and suffer from insect invasions. The sandbox is located on the street, so the protection must be high quality, otherwise the precipitation will quickly lead the boards into disrepair.

Prepare the surface and make base For sandboxes. It should be so as to prevent the penetration of insects and rodents, as well as the mixing of sand with the ground. Good for this purpose will fit the agricultural fiber, which is attached to the boards with the help of an ordinary furniture stapler.

Sandbox do it yourself photo in stages

Install safety Sandbox, connecting boards with self-draws. This is the most convenient and affordable fastening option, which will give the design necessary strength. Even the constant pressure of the sand mass will not be able to deform it.

Secure wide horizontal boards around the perimeter of the site so that the children can relax during the game. You can sit on comfortable benches with backs, which are easy to install on two sides of the structure.

To understand how to make a sandbox with your own hands and find answers to all questions that may arise in the process, it is better to watch the video with explanations of all installation steps. Perhaps you will have the ideas of various sandboxes made by yourself.

Simple sandbox from large logs do it yourself

The design slightly resembles a traditional log house. As walls used whole logs, wide boards covered with light paint and used as benches are enshrined on both sides. Flooring has become an excellent basis that does not allow soil in the sand.

Sandbox transformer with folding lid

Perhaps the most practical and interesting option. It is done like this:

  • As for the ordinary sandbox, the box is mounted from the prepared boards.
  • Materials for the lid are prepared: 12 narrow boards (6 per side) and loops - standard door and with one long shelf (4 pieces).
  • On both sides, two boards are nailed to the finished box.

A short shelves of loops are attached to the resulting parts of the future lid, and the next pair of boards is screwed to the long. Keep in mind: the magnitude of the billets should be such that the long loop captures no less than half the width. It is necessary for construction strengths.

The next board is attached using a conventional loop, and so that the shelves remain on the other side. To install the second workpiece, a small bar is useful, which is stuffed on both sides, retreating from the edge of approximately 15 cm.

On the first pair of boards, a suitable segment of wood is stuffed, which will not allow the lid to fuse and put into the loop in the leaf.

It turns out an interesting sandbox with a lid with your own hands, which remains only to paint. You can still use a special impregnation at the preparation stage, which not only protects the wood, but also gives it one or another shade. Paint can be any, the main thing is that it is intended for external work and did not spoke under the influence of the sun and precipitation. Turn on the imagination and turn the sandbox in a small miracle for your child!

To make the playing pad even more practical, we recommend using a seat under the seats for storing toys, extinguishing the space like an outline. All the same, children are mainly played in the center of the structure, and in the sand it will save.

Sandbox boat do it yourself

A wonderful option for small ripples is a sandbox-boat. Probably, every boy dreams at least once in his life to go swimming, so why not give him such an opportunity? Sandbox is built with her hands like this:

The usual square base with low sidelights is constructed.

In the land near one of the sides of the housing, two blanks are driven, to which boards for the "nose" of the future ship are attached. It is done in the form of a triangle with the parties whose height should be noticeably above the main part. In the corners of the board you need to be copped, scoring the maternity nails.

We make a staircase for 2-3 steps so that the child can easily move from the sandbox itself to the "nose" and back.

The top of the triangle is sewn by boards.

Decor and additional fixtures are constructed: equipment, masts, etc. The resulting boat is painted.

Optionally, the design can be supplemented annexwhich is installed on the other side of the sandbox. It is made from the bars who are driven into the ground as pillars, and plywood sheets. In such a house, it is convenient to store toys and striking a variety of games.

Sandbox truck with his own hands. Step-by-step photos

Playground - favorite place of games for kids. For adults, it will not be much difficult to make it bright and cozy. For example, it is completely easy to make your own hands an interesting element - a sandbox in the form of a truck that will deliver a lot of joy.

What do you need

Any important thing begins with planning. To create a sandbox, you need to prepare materials and design the design.
To do this, you will need:

  • plywood sheet 1.5x1.5 m thickness of 1.8 cm (several sheets);
  • fasteners (self-tapping screws, screws, metal corners);
  • lobzik;
  • charming pencil, drawing tools, Watman;
  • primer;
  • paint for outdoor work;
  • unnecessary car spare parts (steering wheel, wheels, tamblers, headlights, etc.)

Manufacturing process

The sandbox in the form of a truck consists of two large parts - cab and body. They can be made of 13 details:

  • Borge body (2 pcs.)
  • Hood
  • Front
  • Body seat
  • Body Sitting Body
  • Lateral side with doorway (2 pcs.)
  • Panel under the steering wheel
  • Roof
  • Seat in the cabin
  • Bottom of the seat of the cabin
  • Back wall

Sandbox with her hands drawings. Photo

In order not to make a mistake with the calculations, it will be advisable to pre-draw sketches of parts on paper and find the optimal location of them on the plywood. After that, transfer the image to the tree and cut over the jigsaw lines.

With the help of fasteners we collect the design, process the edges and protruding parts to avoid injury to children.

Since the sandbox in the form of a truck will be used on street conditions and exposed to weather phenomena, it should be processed. For this, the entire surface is first covered with primer, the second layer is applied to outdoor work.

Sandbox truck with his own hands. Step by step instructions with photos

It remains to add a realistic truck by installing the steering wheel, switches, you can also attach real wheels and headlights.
Thus, you will need only a few hours to make a sandbox with your own hands. And how many fun minutes they will hold satisfied children in it.

Sandboxes with a canopy. Photo

Very practical and decorative sandbox with a canopy. Mass execution options:

Simple wooden design with benches around the perimeter and fabric canopy. For its facilities in wide horizontal boards on both sides of the sandbox, holes are made through which long thin rails that serve as the basis. The roof is attached to them.

Sandbox with a canopy. Photo

The sandbox is given a form of a square, but a boat. For this, on one side, two boards are attached immediately, connected by a triangle. In the "nasal part" put the steering wheel. Fabric canopy is installed on four supports.

Sandbox in the form of a house: Wooden pillars are put in the corners of the bases, they mounted a bathal roof with a carved skate and other decorations. An interesting effect is created by the designs of the design, which are not made from the boards, and from a variety of bars supplied by a palico.

Sandbox with roof. Photo

Another boat. As in the option above, the basis of the appropriate form is made, the tissue triangular canopy is installed (two supports are drunk on the sides near the "nose", and another one in the center of the board from the opposite side). Constructed "Captain's bridge" with steering wheel.

The laconic sandbox with his own hands with four supports, on which the waterproof fabric is stretched from above so that their sides are used. From the same material you can make a lid: you only need to pull the cloth, tied in the corners to the columns.

Playground with dripped in the corners of the supports to which a wooden bathal roof is installed. At a small height between two pillars opposite each other, wide boards are attached, performing the role of benches.

It is very difficult to meet a child who would not like to mess in the sand. To give the opportunity to kid pleading to enjoy your favorite thing, caring parents at the cottage or just in the courtyard of their house mounted sandboxes. On sale without difficulty you can find ready-made designs, but you have to pay a completely native value. The optimal option is to make a sandbox with your own hands. In this case, all the needs and desires of your Chad will probably take into account, and the price will be less than several times.

From what can be done sandbox

The most popular material for the arrangement of children's sandbox is always considered a tree. For these purposes, boards, logs, bars or block - House are well suited. They are basic materials for the production of sandboxes. To make the end result pleased with its appearance, it is better to choose polished wood. It costs somewhat more expensive, but the result is worth it. If the budget of the construction site is small, you can save, and alone alone existing material.

You can also use moisture-resistant faeer. But this type of building material is best used in extreme cases, since the presence of glue and formaldehyde in its composition does not affect human health very well. But it is worth noting that it is with plywood easier to work. It is easily cut by an electroller, going with a screwdriver. And after the assembly, it is enough to easily polish the ends of the design, and the sides cover the paint.

Wanting to make a sandbox with your own hands in the country, you can use any healthy material. For example, empty plastic bottles of water can go into move. In order to get a robust wall, the covers are screwed up with self-drawing in a wooden base, and then screw the bottle. Also, with the help of thick wires add additional strength walls of the sandbox. To do this, the bottles through the top and bottom are spinning. The ends of the wire are necessarily well twisted, and the dangerous ends are hiding.

Twist is located only on the one hand. By mounting the sideways of the sandbox, try it to be inaccessible to the child. The finished design for sand is mounted in a shallow ditch and sprinkled with sand and soil well, and then very carefully tamper. At the bottom of the sandbox, Stell Faneru, and then filled with sand.

Another very popular material for the manufacture of children's sandbox with their own hands are tires from the car. They are great for such a case. To quickly make a place for games with Pack at the tire remove one sidewall. As a result, quite high sides are obtained. Next, you can go in two ways:

  • the hole to close the plywood and fasten it to the second sidewall;
  • cut the second part and get just a side.

Attention ! Regardless of the selection of the sections, it is necessary to secure. If the reinforcing fiber is plastic, it is enough to spit enough, but if it is made of metal, it is necessary to cover something without anything.

The main stages of sandboxes

In order to understand how to make a sandbox with your own hands, consider in detail the main stages of its construction. Regardless of the type of design, all stages will be repeated.

Select location

The platform for placing the design is better to choose that part of it is located in the sun, and part in the shade. If it is impossible, the sandbox is better to do in the sun and make a good awning. It is important to pay attention to next to the place where children play, high trees and bushes did not grow. Of course, the plants give a shadow, but, first of all, the trees sometimes fall from the trees, which can injure the child, as well as constantly feeding leaves in the fall add work for adults.

Never make a sandbox on the scorching sun and in the place where there is no air movement. Avoid drafts. There is also another important factor to remember. Select a sandbox in such a place that is very well visible from the window of the house, so you can be calm for the safety of the child.

We make markup

If the design has a rectangular shape, then wooden pegs and tensioned between them are used for marking. The stakes are driven by measuring the necessary parameters. Traditionally, the size of children's sandbox made with their own hands is 2 * 2m. Between the stakes stretch the rope, twine or metal cord. Check the corners. They must be exactly 90 ° C.

If the design provides rounded edges or sidewols, then make a proper arc will help sand. It must be poured into the bag in which to make a small hole and so draw the desired shape.

Kopy Kotullov

To do this, first remove the top layer of the soil, and we remove the soil. It is important to clean all the roots, stones and other trash. Driven under the children's sandbox need to make a depth of about 30 cm. In the middle of the dug rectangle or square, make a hole smaller in size, but deeper. Pour rubble into it. So it is equipped with a thawed or rainwater removal system.

Tip! If there is a small slope from the edges of the sandbox, then the sand will always be dry.

Mount the base

The bottom of the resulting pit is falling asleep with a small layer of sand, not more than 5 cm, after which it is well tamped. Only after that you can lay the foundation. The optimal option for these purposes is geotextile. It is a special nonwoven material, which is characterized by increased strength and durability. He does not give the grass to grow, and will not allow the connection of the Earth and Sand. If when laying geotextiles to wrap the edges of the pit, then it will still restrain the land without letting it be frowning with a strong rain. In the case when geotextiles are not available, you can make a base of plywood or linoleum. Only then needs to make several holes in the material so that the water does not accumulate at the bottom of the sandbox.

Construction of seasonal sandbox

Seasonal sandbox is a box with sides. The height of the drawer is about three boards (depending on their width). The frame is collected by attaching the boards with self-draws to vertical bars mounted in the corners of the perimeter of the sandbox. If the board has a width of about 10 cm, then two attachment points are required, in the case when the board has a width of 15 cm - 3 points. If the sidewall is made from a conventional cutting board with length over 1.8m, then another additional vertical element is attached in the middle of the sidewash.

The corners of the sandbox must be strengthened additionally. For this, the angular racks are mounted outside, and the boards, which are the walls of the sandbox, are interconnected in Poltera.

Mount the side

Sandboxes are a frame made of boards. It serves for additional stiffener of the box, it may look like a seat or shelf for toys. So that the boards are securely connected, they need to be cut at an angle of 45 ° C. It is very important to ensure that the angles coincide clearly.

Important ! The outer edge of the angle is very sharp and herbal. Children are very often scratched on him and get off. To avoid injuries, it is better to make corners with semi-circles, for this you need to cut them, and all sorts of flaws and edges to stall.

Conducting installation, the side is placed on the box and are fixed by angular and intermediate racks. Fix the boards in the edge of the box of the box is not very reliable. The lining bar also will not save the position, because the children love to hide as a toy. The best method of fastening sandboxes - segments of the plinth with a cross section of at least 4 cm. On the meter of the side it will be quite enough to cut a 30 cm long. Self-tapping screws in those places with a step of about 10 cm. Also, if the subranges can be installed under the outer edge of the side, then its fasteners should be made hidden.

We draw the roof

Since the sandbox is located outdoors, then the roof is simply necessary for her. Traditional roof model - mushroom. But everyone who has ever played in the sandbox, understand that such a roof will fasten. It is better to make fungus separately, for quiet calm games in the yard. But the sandbox is better equipped with another roof view.

The best, simple and reliable option of the roof is a surface on four pillars. The only minus of such a roof is that for restless children it is very extensive.

An equally good version of the roof for the sandbox will be the surface on two pillars. They are attached to the side of the box. If the roof is severe or complicated by design, the poles are strengthened with pan.

The roof of the sandbox is better to make soft, or stretched. The last option is very profitable, as the costs of materials are minimized. Remember that you have chosen for the roof of the sandboxes, materials must be safe for life and health.

Tip! If polycarbonate remained from the construction of the greenhouse, the gazebo or the porch, it can be the best option to cover the roof.

Than fill sandbox

What sand is the most suitable for children played with him? White and petty will not work unequivocally. Such sand is bad, dust, climbs into the eyes and ears, and is also an allergen. Even adults, working with such sand, wear masks and respirators to protect themselves.

It is also not like white or gray quartz sand. He is not dust, but also does not matter. But the gentle skin of the child this sand hurts very quickly. The thing is that quartz is a very solid mineral and its particles cannot be polished until a complete roundness.

Redhead or laughing sand. He, of course, is good, but it doesn't fit for babies. In such a sand, a lot of clay, in which bacteria and microorganisms are very quickly multiplied.

The best option for children's sandbox is the yellow sand of the middle fraction. It is very well suited for a good modeling, and a special layer, enveloping sand, reliably protects sand from reproduction of bacteria.

If the sand is used again, up to 2-4 times, then it is necessary to have a special appeal:

  1. In winter, sand needs to be able to properly store. The best way will be storage in bags, in a dry unheated room. If the sand is stored on the street, then it needs to be covered with a film.
  2. With the onset of heat, the sandbox is filled with sand. If the sand was in it all winter, then it is necessarily ventilated and sifted.
  3. The sandbox is filled with layers of 10 cm. Each layer of sand is dried in the sun at least twenty-four hours.

Requirements for the gaming zone

After the sandbox is made, you need to pay special attention to its strength and safety. Therefore, it is very important to securely secure everything and polished all the corners and roughness with a grinding machine.

After the sandbox is made, it is painted. On the one hand, the sandbox painted with bright colors is very attracted by the children, on the other, the tree impregnated with paints, significantly increases the service life.