Repairs Design Furniture

Drugs do it yourself. Types of jacks, manufacturer. How to make homemade jack for car homemade screw jack

The most necessary things that each motorist should be - jack, cable and a spray. Fortunately, now all this can be bought in any auto shop. We are not looking for simple ways and let's talk about how to make a homemade jack for a car.

And their features

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are several topical designs of jacks. The most popular - hydraulic, rigging and mechanical. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages.

Mechanical jacks are very reliable, but most of the models are not designed for heavy loads. Hydraulic raise large masses, but very often in places of seals from under the gasket leaks oil. As for pneumatic, it is one of the most optimal options. The homemade jack for the car is not so difficult, let's see how exactly. Let's start with the simplest.

Podcast jack with their own hands

One of the most popular types of car lifting devices is rolled. It is called so not because it can be transported on wheels from one corner of the garage to another. The principle of work is that during the lifting of the car, the jack is shifted under the car. This is due to the displacement of the lever relative to the point of the support.

A chaserler can be taken as the basis for the upper and lower levers, as well as a pair of corners. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the jack itself can be hydraulic or pneumatic. The first option is more freight, the second is less problematic in terms of service. The displacement of the rolling jack is possible in the presence of two pairs of the wheels, and this is the main condition.

On the advantages and disadvantages of the design

This drawing of the homemake subfolding jack shows that in terms of the necessary tool and material, the design is sufficiently costly. If, of course, you do not have half of the material in the garage, which is there as an unnecessary trash.

From the material you will need a channel with the walls of 4.5 mm and the shelves of 7.5 mm thick. Also necessary welding machine and an old bottle hydraulic or the usual one should not make the levers too long, 400-500 mm. But if it was done in this way, it is worth thinking about the manufacture of an additional stop. The advantage of such a jack is that it is convenient for them to use. But at the same time carry it with him in the trunk - not the best solution. Optimally used as a stationary "garage" tool.

Hydraulic homemade jacks

This is one of the simplest, but at the same time effective designs. For the manufacture you will need a reference site. Her strength and rigidity should be as much as possible. You can achieve this with the help of additional stiffeners.

An important step is also a supporting structure that is made from the profiled pipe of the square section. It is desirable that its thickness is at least 10 mm. As the basis, use the old hydraulic type. It is worth paying attention to that even in this case there will be quite a lot of metal profile, welding, as well as effort.

With a responsible approach to work, you will receive a high-quality and reliable design. Nevertheless, it is worth counting the costs in advance. If the amount is obtained more than 2,000 rubles, it is unlikely that it makes sense to bother over this case.

Buy or do?

Of course, the homemade jack for the car can be made. But it is worth doing in the event that this procedure is appropriate. Now there is a huge selection of jacks in stores at an affordable cost. For example, for 1,500 rubles you can get a good-quality diamond jack. It is reliable, steady and does not take up much space, which allows it to be easily transported.

For 2,500-3 000 rubles, a good quality of rigged jacks are sold. They have good lifting capacity and reliable, although they are extremely bulky and heavy. You can make rigging. But for this you will need a lot of tools and material, which ultimately will turn into severe costs.

The homemade jack for the car, made personally, will also have its advantages. If competently approach the case, then the output will be a reliable design, the resource of which will be explicitly higher than the purchase device. But here is easy and mistaken. For example, some welding seams, especially on the bend of the lever, can burst, and this, in turn, will lead to sad consequences. In any case, to solve you. The drawings presented in this article will help you in the manufacture of jacks on your own. But this can escape the whole day off and a bunch of nerves and materials. But if there is a tool, but in the garage a lot of metal, then try to try uniquely. Especially since you know how to make a jack with your own hands.

»From the presented material you will learn how to independently make a garage jacket for lifting the car with your own hands, as well as consider drawings, photos and video designs. The motorists know perfectly well that during the operation of the car often it is necessary to subdominate it to replace rubber with a summer on the winter and vice versa, as well as there are punctures of the camera and to repair it, it is necessary to remove and unfold the wheel. "Couproites" are also involved with the Silent Tires, and the standard automobile jack is not always convenient, as they say, "bent into three deaths))" For this reason, a sub-jack was invented, very easy to operate and maintain.

The design includes a hydraulic jack 2 t "bottle" base and lifting lever with a rubber gasket "Pillow" for the convenience of the merchant jack, support bearings are installed Attention!the wheels are mounted in such a way that they concern the surface of the floor only in the inclined position, and in the working, it is raised - it is done in order not to have a slip during a taxation of the car.

Lever arm It has a peculiar form, all sizes and angles are given in the drawings. The rise is carried out by 50 cm from the floor level, which allows the replacement of both wheels without recharging the jack. At the end of the lever there is a rubber gasket "Pillow"

The height of the lever lifting is 50 cm.

General design.

The jack is posted on a mobile platform.

Motorists, and especially lovers to spend a couple of free hours in the garage - these are people in whose genetic level is produced by talent to obtain practical benefits from girlfriend. They do not have to persuade into new experiments or experience a new way to fix something, collect, or remove, not owning a specialized tool.

Why to invent something new, when in three or four hours and almost free do it yourself collect jack - Useful, practical and indispensable tool for each car owner.

In the photo - types of jacks and methods of their use

Automotive jack - a universal device, capable of retaining on the weight of the structure with a severity of up to two tons, and sometimes more. It's like a third hand for a vehicle: super strong, straining and one hundred percent effective.

The simplicity of the design and the abundance of the species of the functional instrument allows you to make an accurate analogy of any branded jack.

How to make a screw jack

The classic and most common rhombid jack - screw. Make such dumplings do it yourself - The case of two hours, especially if you have one and a half or two meters of channel and the basic set of fasteners. The compact tool will easily fit in the trunk, and in any emergency and unforeseen situation you praise yourself for foresight and intelligence.

Many know how to collect jacks From the rancher, but never tried. There are only five elements, and the tool is already 90% already:

  • Levers made of steel bent chapeller with equal sides - 4 pcs;
  • Fragments of the channel for the lower and upper shoulders (the bottom shoulder can be replaced by a wider and sustainable base);
  • Rubber gasket (on the upper shoulder, for subdomains);
  • The axes holding the upper and lower shoulders (pins with heads on the axis fixed with hoptes);
  • Screw with threads fixed on the shaft on one side.

At the preparatory stage, drill holes in the locations of the elements, then start the assembly. Connect the shoulders, secure them between themselves and on the grounds. Grind screw with thread into the shaft and check the homemade jack for lifting.

In the photo - the scheme of assembling a screw jack

As you can see, a simple way that does not require welding and professional equipment (except for the electric drill) takes only a hour - two times, and does not cause damage to the budget.

How to make a jack from pneumatic powder

It is quite another thing when the jack is needed for more serious works than, for example, a wheel replacement on the road:

  • Lifting cars weighing more than 2x tons;
  • Work in the observation pit;
  • Professional activities in the car service;
  • Lifting the car in hard-to-reach points.

In cases where the classic screw models do not cope, homemade hydraulic jacks from pneumatic oil come to the rescue: they are relevant not only for the car, but also other heavy cargoes - safes, workbenches, large-sized furniture.

To collect homemade air jacks, It will take a minimum of materials:

  • Pneumatic cushion from a bus or truck;
  • Air hose + feed and blending system;
  • Stand for pillow + lining under the car;
  • Compressor (which, by the way, can also be made with your own hands).

In detail about how to make a jack with your own pneumatic hands, look at the video\u003dVG8Z68OBTEA.

In the same way, you can make a jam "lift" (for viewing ditch), or jack Podcast : The type of pneumatic pillow does not matter.

In the photo - pneumatic (rolling) jacks

How to make a rocket jack

He always comes to the rescue when other models are powerless, and human fantasy and physical capabilities are exhausted. Rack jack will help if you need:

  • Raise a motorcycle to height;
  • Raise a wagon, bus, train or truck body;
  • Pull out the car from off-road (dirt, sand, swamp, stones);
  • Raise the car for the hook.

In how to make a pattern model, no secrets, it will take only three points and around the hour of time:

  • From the existing Retails to weld one, elongated (1.5 - 2 meters, depending on the needs);
  • To tear to them a steady basis;
  • To wear a jack mechanism with a heel, found in the brine of the garage (or purchased by agreement with the neighbor).

At will, you can additionally make fasteners to such a device, allowing you to raise the car for wheels.

Uncomplicated manipulations and a little spatial imagination will save you, and with your own hands to assemble a device without which no replacement of wheels, and other parts of the suspension. And with the right approach and competent use of resources, the homemade jack will help you out in many situational troubles.

The main function of the jack is to raise the car wheel in order to replace it either tire. The jack is used for self-replacement of the car wheel in the absence of repair services. Also, sometimes you have to climb under the bottom of the car in order to carry out repair work. The jack is useful in this case.

Outside the car themes, jacks are often used for installations of structures at the required level during construction and repair work, when lifting goods in warehouses and spare parts in workshops.

About how the replacement of crossmen is happening, you can read in the detailed material of our author.

You may also be interested in information on how to choose and reliably fasten with your own hands.

Important characteristics of the jack are listed below.

  1. Loading. Each of the jacks have limitations on this parameter. In the manufacture of the device, it is necessary to consider the weight of the car. It is also necessary to take into account the weight of the cargo in the luggage compartment.
  2. Height of the rise. This parameter is especially important for cars with low bottom. In this case, the height of the lifting should be acceptable for the opportunity to climb under the car and carry out repair work.
  3. Height of pickup. This is the height of the tool. This parameter must be compatible with the car clearance (distance from the surface to the bottom). This parameter is different for each individual model. It is necessary to choose the height of pickup so that it was comfortable to work.

Jacks are different types of drive type.

  1. Mechanical typein which the rise occurs by pressing the handle. Such jacks are intended for infrequent use. Such devices are compact, but require physical effort.
  2. Hydraulic type. Similar to the previous, but requires less effort. The wheel rises due to the pressure generated by the working fluid. Great for frequent use.
  3. Pneumatic type. The device is working at the expense of compressed gases. For use, gas cylinders are needed. Gas creates pressure, the camera increases in size, and the car begins to rise. No physical effort is required.

Detailed information on how to make your own hands, you will find in the material of our specialist.

About how to make a job work step by step, our expert will tell in detail.

You can read information about making your own hands in the article of our specialist.

According to the principle of operation, the jacks are divided into screw, rush, pneumatic and hydraulic. Jacks are stationary, mobile and portable. Homemade devices are most often portable, as they have small sizes. Stationary jacks are intended for large cargo, and rarely interested in car owners.

How to make a jack for the car do it yourself?

Hydraulic jack with their own hands

Hydraulic jacks should be paid to special attention, as they differ in the greatest lifting capacity, which is important when working with trucks or SUVs. There is the possibility of manufacturing hydraulic jacks with different sizes and characteristics. Modern mechanisms are used not only at the service station and in auto repair industry, but even in the oil refining industry. The device can operate both in horizontal and in the vertical plane.

The main carrier elements of the device: the body, the working fluid (most often oil in its role) and the retractable piston. The hull is short and elongated. At the same time, it is made of hardened steel so that the design withstand the necessary level of loads. The housing bears the function of the guide cylinder for the piston and the tank for the working fluid.

The lifting device and the retractable cylinder are in the housing holes. The descent is carried out by turning the T-shaped handle. Equipment is equipped with polyamide wheels providing maneuverability. The housing of the elongated type is designed for heavy trucks.

Hydraulic lifting mechanisms are the most common and convenient, so we will start with them. The manufacture of hydraulic jack occurs as follows. You will need a welding machine, a plumbing knife, a corner grinding machine with a metal disk, a steel profile for the design.

Hydraulic jacks are standard, rigging, bottled, hybrid, hook and diamond. The process of manufacturing a conventional hydraulic jack is described below in detail. There are many drawings on the network for which these mechanisms are collected.

  1. First, the reference platform for the mechanism is created. It is suitable for a steel rectangular profile of 50 by 50 millimeters. From the profile it is necessary to cut 4 parts with a length of 300 millimeters. Lay these made the side walls to each other and negotiate from the bottom and on top of the docking seams.
  2. Make racks and stops. Spile 2 parts from the profiled pipe. The length of the parts is calculated relative to the magnitude of the maximum rod turn, then the height of the jack and the support platform is added to this. The emphasis is manufactured from the same material. Its length equals the width of the support platform. The stop and racks are connected by the weld, the P-shaped structure is welded to the base.
  3. Making a removable stop capable of moving around the guides and report pressure on the workpiece. It is made of several segments of steel strips thick centimeter. The length of the parts must be less formed between the distance racks. The obtained parts are connected in several places with welding. During the installation of the block on the frame of the press from the hydraulic jack, it is necessary to pick up 2 bolts with washers and nuts and connect the obtained plates with the unit in such a way that they will arrange on both sides of the racks. If necessary, you can reduce the distance between the moving stop and the upper beam design when installing an intermediate square profile.

When making a rush jack, it is important to take into account that the stability of this design affects the strength of fixation and the quality of the reference site. It is important to collect the mechanism so that the product does not move during operation. The effort that is applied during the lifting of goods depends on the maximum possible mass.

The process of making a rush jack is quite simple. It is necessary to take 2 roll pipes and a welding machine. The pipes must be cooked in such a way that they are like their species resembled a truncated pyramid. Next, it takes a steel sheet with a thickness of 5 millimeters. The upper and lower base of the mechanism is manufactured. In the upper part, a hole is manufactured in which the nut must be welded. The hole is done in the lower base. Next there is inserted with a mechanical bar for rotation.

For the manufacture of the mechanism, it is better to use parts from tempered steel. If you additionally attach a metal cable, then the rush jack can be replaced with a winch. The average lifting capacity of such a product will be from 5 to 20 tons.

Podcast jack with their own hands

The rod jack is easy to make, taking a bottle unit with a pickup height of about 23 centimeters and a channel for 10 and 12 millimeters. Bottle jack is the most simple-like mechanism. Despite this, it is used to repair the freight transport. The principle of the jack is based on the use of several working rods. The mechanism is based on the piston.

The rise occurs with the help of a lever, which is driven by a hydraulic cylinder. From the channel for 12 millimeters, a rack is created, from a decade-millimeter - lifting lever and the base. Front set rollers from the usual washing machine. The cup is taken from the car bipower, and the disclosures are created from the bar on 20 millimeters.

As a result, the subframe jack on the principle of operation is similar to the bottle, however, the axis of the working cylinder in this mechanism is located in the horizontal axis. The piston is not directly combined with pickup. The name "Podcast" This mechanism was obtained due to the fact that it seems to be reminded by a cart on wheels rolling through a flat surface.

The jack at the lift of the lever moves under load (car). The mechanism is driven by touching the lever, it drops by turning the valve screw. If the car needs to omit - the tubular handle is planted on the valve screw. The partition after that enters its groove. The screw rotates with the handle, throwing pressure in the working cylinder.

The screw jack consists of: base, lower and upper shoulder, stop and screw mechanism. A metallic base (a sortiment) is taken, having a cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200b2.63 cm square. 4 end-to-end holes are drilled, a diameter of a similar pins diameter. The basis is desirable to attach to a wider removable platform. Next is made upper and lower shoulder from the metal base.

The shaft is made of metallic rod. The diameter of the rod is 12 millimeters. From one end there must be a thread, and from the other - the retainer locking to the shaft with the help of the pin through the through hole. The axis is manufactured relative to which the shoulders rotation occurs. The axes on both sides are pins with flat cylindrical heads that are fastened with hopnesses. A through hole with a diameter of 10 millimeters is drilled in one of the stops, internal thread is made in the second. The retainer performs the role of fastening the shaft from the rotation side and transmits torque to the shaft.

The screw jack can be made in three different variations: with trapezoid carvings, rhombid, lever-screw.

More information about the positive and negative sides can you read in the article of our author.

The jack from the pneumatic makeup with their own hands to make relatively simple, given that such a type of unit is a very curious device. Pneumatic jacks are indispensable if it comes to accurate installation. When working on an uneven or loose surface, such a lifting mechanism is indispensable. A rubbing flat shell from reinforced tissue is the basis of the device. The shell increases when the compressed air is submitted. The device is also quite complicated in terms of construction.

So, for the manufacture of the mechanism, the following materials will be needed: an old cushion from a truck, a bolt, a ball that can perform the role of bearing, wheel bolt from the vase, chamber fitting and drill.

In the hole of the pillow, you need to screw the bolt. In the bolt to this you need to drill a hole that will be occupied by the fitting. In the wheel bolt from the vase also need to do a hole. It will be as a valve. Elements are connected. A ball is placed in the existing outlet, covering the passage of air during the work. A pump is required to use the device. The jack will be located under the bottom of the car. Also need a wooden bar, resting in the car.

Electric jack with do it yourself

The homemade jack for the car is easy to produce, if we are talking about mechanical devices working on the physical efforts of users, compressed air and working fluid. The jack with electric drive makes it more complicated with their own hands.

Electrical lifting mechanisms are the result of the synthesis of mechanical moving components and electric drive. Power of such a jack can be carried out from car power grid. You can connect the device through the "cigarette lighter".

Source materials for manufacture can be different. Motors are suitable for windows (as an example, you can take a motor from the "tens"). Drive and cables must be removed by leaving only the motor and gearbox. The head is needed, in which the four-headed side is equipped with graces of 7 millimeters. As a basis, a conventional screw rhombus jack can act.

Our task is to create an electrical drive not to make efforts when using. Mounts are performed from steel strips. Mounts need to be cut and give them the desired configuration, and then attach them to the gearbox. Fastening and head on the gearbox are welded to the device. The device management can be performed using the button from the mechanism of the windows.

Comparison of devices

Screw jacks with trapezoid threads with high load capacity preserve the simplicity of design, low weight and ease of operation. The rhombic design of such mechanisms is distinguished by the presence of a long drive handle that reduces the necessary effort for lifting the cargo. The design also has low weight and not bad stability.

  1. Armchair-screw lifting mechanisms are highlighted by large raising heights and small size.
  2. Cell-screw jacks are highly resistant and rigging.
  3. The design of the pattern is characterized by the possibility of use in different directions and ease of operation, as well as a high lifting force indicator.
  4. Bottle hydraulic jacks have the simplest design and high rigidity of the connection during operation. Efforts for the lifting attached minimum.
  5. Podcast jacks are stable, have a small initial height of the installation and considerable rigidity during operation.
  6. Electric jacks are best manifesting themselves in extreme conditions, do not require physical effort and have high accuracy and stability.
  7. Pneumatic lifting mechanisms provide convenience and reliability of use due to large support surfaces. They are also distinguished by silent and good speed, high efficiency and unpretentiousness.
  8. (6 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The problem of lifting cargo large mass in front of humanity is quite a long time. In recent years, jacks have become increasingly used to solve it. A mansion in this row is a hydraulic jack. He is capable of minimizing efforts to raise really heavy loads. Hydraulics, since science appeared, came to help a person. There are situations where the lift of this kind is simply needed, but it is not possible to purchase it. How to make a homemade jack?

Design and its features

Of course, before directly proceeding to work, it is necessary to learn more about the design of the hydraulic jack. In fact, it is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. The main elements are the hull, pump, plunger, screw with lifting fifth. The hydraulic jack is most often made of tempered steel. At the same time, special oil, having high viscosity indicators, acts as a working fluid. Normal engine oil in this situation will not suit.

It is worth considering when developing the device. Usually it is the case that is the main part of the hydraulic jack. It serves not only by the reservoir for the working fluid, but also the most real cylinder for the piston. The device of this design implies the presence of protective valves that provide uninterrupted operation. It is equipped with a manual or foot pump.

The descent of the oil is carried out using a special handle, which is part of the mechanism. The lifting mechanism and the special retractable hydraulic cylinder are capable of raising the workstation. It creates a fairly high pressure, which allows you to raise cargo diverse mass. The housing of such a device can be both short and elongated. The second option is most often used when carrying out repair work of heavy equipment. For example, it can be a bus or a heavy car.