Repairs Design Furniture

How to strover OSB home outside. Than to obey OSB outside and inside the house, tips and instructions. Whether a frame case with an OSP cover is obligatory inside

The facade is a business card of any country house. Despite the huge selection of modern and proven options for finishing the facade, users of our portal are not afraid to experiment.

Interesting experience of the ForumHouse member with nickname Viktorbanev,which decided to improve the old cottage, making the facade from OSB (or OSP, oriented - a chipboard) with further imitation of the layouts of the half-timber.

Durability OSB.

Usually everyone who decided to do something like this, first of all concerns the question - what will happen to the facade in 3-5 years, if he is herald of its OSP.

Someone thinks that the plates sweep, because OSB is not a finishing material intended for operation on the "Street". Someone believes that such an option is possible and more than - optimal from the point of view of reducing the financial costs and the possibilities of self-repetition.

Viktorbanev User forumhouse.

Use or not OSP on the facade - opinions differ. I decided that the game is worth the candle from the point of view of speed, ease of installation and the low cost of such a facade. Just notice that the facade fromOSB is an economy option for lean dachas. To separate the capital construction - cottage, more atmospheric materials should be applied.

Running forward, let's say that the service life of the facade from OSB-slabs has already gone for the third year, and as it looks, it clearly demonstrates the next photo.

Wall Pie with OSP

The result is impressive, and now go to practice. There is an old tangible date of 6x8 meters. Outdoor sheathing - an "inches" board. On top of the boards - painted organitis. Place alteration - Leningrad region, i.e. Area with higher humidity than Moscow, with frequent rains, fogs and a short-lived summer.

It is required - insulate the structure outside and make a beautiful facade. The budget is minimal. This means: work without hired workers, using relatively inexpensive materials and technologies, sat down to perform two people. Also interesting is the course of the user's thoughts when choosing ways to finish the facade.


I do not like the facade of the facade siding. Avenue. Block House is too expensive. A well-proven option using the CSP (cement-chipboard) for further staining and the imitation of the phagging also disappears. Expensive and, because of the big weight, it is hard to raise sheets, and even more so, to mount them at the height. Encrew the clapboard - also not that. But I, what is called, fed to the header and began to think how to realize this idea into life.

After a passage of several options, the user decided - to make the facade facade liked so much on the basis of OSP plates. This, according to the user, is much cheaper and easier than burning with CSP.

OSB wall cake

As a result, the user came to such a "patty" walls. From the inside out:

  • plasterboard;
  • wall;
  • insulation - Minvat, laid in 2 layers, a total thickness of 100 mm;
  • wind and moisture protection membrane;
  • monitoring;
  • oSP 3 plates with imitation layout formation.

Since total savings have been set at the head of the corner, the first thing that the user of our site did Viktorbanev,virtually decomposed the plates on the walls to minimize their cut and waste.

And list sizesOSB dictate the arrangement of decorative layouts fromboards (25x100 mm), which close the joints of the plates and imitate the half-timbered timber.

After several intermediate layout options, it was possible to come to a common denominator. The sheet with dimensions of 224x122 cm, delivered vertically, almost completely covers the wall, and the lining (boards) are needed only to protect vertical stoves. We will tell you how to estimate the layout (in advance removing all the necessary sizes from the facade) on the example of the left wall of the house.

If you look at the drawing above, it can be noted that on the left and on the right vertically set 2 whole sheet of OSP. According to the results of the measurement of the wall, it turned out that the distance (the remaining gap) in the middle is wider than one sheet, but already two. Those. - We need to see the wall with two segments laid horizontally, and then close the resulting horizontal seam. To observe the symmetry and the overall design of the layout, add horizontal strips to extreme OSP sheets and act in a similar way around the perimeter of the building.

The layout of plates and boards, which close joints, depends on the size of the house, and each case should be considered and calculated individually.

Installation plates

Having understood with the design layout, go to the installation of plates. The work is not good, but there are a number of nuances. First of all, do not forget that hinged facade requires good ventilationto exit excess moisture. If you neglect the main ventilation channels, (gap) with exit in the upper part of the facade, then the moisture runs inside, behind the OSP plates, which are poorly missed steam, and with a large thickness almost playproof. From here - a bouquet of problems in the form of mold and convergence of the insulation.

The user at the top of the facade left the gap, about 1.5 cm across the entire width of the panel.

Go directly to the installation of OSP. Plate thickness in this embodiment is 9 mm. This is quite enough, because Sheets are practically not carried by the power load. First, on the walls, outside, pack the frame - the crate of the vertically furnished wooden bars with a cross section of 50x50 mm.

We put between them, the Mospus, the mineral wool insulation.

Next, we feed the horizontal doom and, accordingly, we put the insulation (so-called cross-insulation), orient it horizontally. Thus, the joints of the plates overlap. Then attach parry-permeable moisture protection membrane, With a mandatory trash and sickness of the joints of Scotch tape (double-sided).

After that, we feed the vertical bars of 30x40 mm, for fastening sheets of OSP.


The installation step of bars - 0.4 m, i.e. It turns out: 3 vertical strips per 1 sheet. OSP fucked by self-drawing, 6 pcs. on 1 bar. There were 2-3 mm gap between the sheets. Next, the clearance carefully looked, though, I think that it is not necessary, because From direct contact with rain or dew ends of the plates will be protected by wooden lining width of 100 mm.

In addition to insulation, the house has replaced the windows, for which they were brought forward on the frames made from the 5x15 cm boards.

At the end of the trim, they started staining the mounted walls.

Before painting on the surface of the slabs, one additional layer of universal bioprotective moisture-resistant impregnation was applied, on a lamp basis. Application was performed from 2 sides.

Next, plates, before mounting on the walls (it is more convenient and faster), coated with two layers of acrylic facade paint. At the coating stage, the user made one error that will be described below, but still offer to see what happened at this stage. According to the user, the result exceeded all the expectations.

If you move away from the facade by 1.5-2 meters, it seems that the walls are separated by plaster, and understand from the street, that this is a facade of OSB plates, it is impossible.

In addition to the decor, instead of the old porch, a summer veranda was erected in the form of the letter G from a bar of 15x15 cm.

After that, they switched to the finishing finish - the mounting of the flash layout. Planed laying board has a different length. Somewhere - 2, somewhere - 3 meters.

Diagonal ships, 2.5 m, made from one whole board.

The boards are attracted along the edges of self-draws. It turns out a durable, hermetic connection in which moisture does not fall.

For contrast, the board was painted in a dark brown color.

Three-year exploitation of the facade confirmed the correctness of the technology. OSP plates on the ends did not swell, the paint did not exist, the quality of the facade is consistently high. The only moment about which was mentioned above is due to the error made at the installation stage (several plates "forgot" to handle bioprotection), OSB was covered with fungus, which spoke out of paint.

Plates treated with protection, mold did not touch. This error turned out to be easily disposable. The facing were removed and cried once again paint (for safety - with an antiseptic additive). A year later, the fungus did not appear. That in the end it turned out Viktorbanev, demonstrate the following photos.

Andrei Pavloviec Member ForumHouse

The facade is used for 10 years. He passed on CSP plates with a water-emulsion 2 times, and everything since all this time did not tinker. Paint holds just fine. Did everything himself. CSP saws of 1200x3600x10 mm per squares with a side of 1200 mm. Otherwise do not raise. The most difficult thing is to make the upper corner outdoor elements. To sow, had to climb the stairs if I was mistaken with the dress, descend and saw again. Holes under the self-tapping screw drilled in advance, then hesitated them with fasteners and, with the help of the block system, raised to the top. It is difficult, but it is worth it.

The users of the portal will be useful to articles where it is described.

In construction and repair for plating walls and ceilings, various sheet materials are often used. One of these materials is an oriented shake plate (OSP), which is also used in the English name OSB (Oriented Strand Board).

OSB: what it is and how to use it

OSB produce from wood chips and large chips, gluing them at high temperature synthetic resins.

The stove consists of several layers, usually 3-4, with different chips orientation.

In the outer layers, the chips is located along the long side of the sheet, in the inner side - across. In its characteristics, the OSP is close to plywood, but it is less.

Benefits and features

A distinctive feature of an OSP is a high strength due to cross-arrangement of wood fibers. For strength, the slabs are superior to MDF, chipboard and wood, a little inferior to the plywood. Plates show high resistance to chemicals. Some manufacturers are used in the production of plates special impregnations - antipyrenes that reduce the flammability of the material. OSB Plates are easily processing, it will take a conventional woodworking tool to work with them.

How to calculate OSB plates

Mainly distributed 2 stove size 2440 * 1220 mm (American standard) and 2500 * 1250 mm (European). There are OSP and other sizes, but they are much less common and produced, mainly under the order.

To calculate the number, the easiest way to draw a wall plan on the cellular paper, making the size of the cell for 250 for the plates of the European standard or 300 mm - for American. Then, on the plan to draw OSB plates and calculate their quantity. Place sheets are better in checker. It must be taken into account how the surface will be separated later.

If we plan to cover, for example, siding on the street or GCL indoors, it is allowed to dock in non-zero cuts, but if painting is provided - try to stick the slabs with factory cuts. It is desirable to reduce the number of joints to a minimum. For example, a wall fragment with dimensions of 2.4 m per 1.2 m is better to sew one sheet, and not 3 pieces of 0.8 * 1.2 m, because it is quite difficult to produce perfectly smooth cuts, and even a small deviation from straightness forms a gap. You need to add multiple sheets for the reserve in case of marriage or errors when cutting.

An easier way is to divide the surface area on the leaf area. In this case, "about the reserve" it is necessary to take at least 20% of the quantity. The resulting number is rounded into the biggest.

What is the OSB-slabs for exterior walls

OSP make 4 species:

  • OSB-1 - Used only in dry premises.
  • OSB-2 - Used as structural material in dry rooms.
  • OSB-3 - can be used both indoors and outside. Use under conditions with high humidity. Strength allows the use of OSB-3 as a design material.
  • The most common class OSB-4 is more durable and moisture-resistant than OSB-3.

Only 3 and 4 classes can be used to cover the outer walls.

Installation outside: doom

The walls of the walls can be carried out in several cases:

  • In order to align the existing walls, hide defects (cracks, shocking plaster, etc.) and simply as a cladding.
  • With frame construction - to protect the insulation from wind and precipitation, as well as an element of the carrier system.
  • When insulation of the walls - to protect the insulation from atmospheric phenomena.

In all 3 cases, OSB sheets are attached to the crate. The lamp is performed from a wooden sawn timber of various sections, depending on the task. Most often use non-stroke lump of coniferous breeds of natural humidity with a cross section of 50 * 50 or 40 * 50 mm. It is allowed to mount an OSP to a metal frame.

When insulation, the lamp is performed with a step, a multiple width of the insulation minus 20 mm, without a heater - the step is chosen in such a way that the sheets of sheets accounted for a bar, several additional racks are added between the joints with a distance between them at least 600 mm.

When the walls are trimmed, the use of a vagaire-proof film, compliance with the recommendations of its manufacturer, in particular, the distance between the membrane and the OSP.

How to mount panel wall

OSB plates are usually attached to the wall through the tree screws in the wood, when used in the framework of bars or metal when mounting a metal profile frame. The length of the self-press should be 25-45 mm.

It is allowed to mount the osp directly on the wall. For this, the holes are drilled in a sheet carved in the size, set the sheet to the place, the perforator is dried with the wall in the planned places, the dowels are inserted and screwed up the screws. When mounting on a wooden base, hardware is spinning without prior drilling.

Fix the screws in the same selected direction, for example, to the left-right-up, otherwise the OSB leaf may bend.

How to arrange from OSB outside beautiful

OSP has a rather interesting texture that leaves many finishing options. At the same time, it should be remembered that OSB is 90% consists of a tree, so the material is subject to the same hazards as wood. A fungus may appear on the plates, mold, to a small extent they are subject to rotting, the resin can be collapsed under the influence of sun rays, the ends of the panels absorb moisture.

OSB-stove is treated with wood compositions for outdoor use. The composition should provide protection against ultraviolet. To preserve color and textures, the surface is covered with colorless varnish and antiseptic impregnations, to give wood shades - decorative antiseptics, for painting in various colors - facade paints for wood.

To get a smooth surface of the wall of the OSB, plastered and put off. Before applying plaster, the plate surface must be protected from moisture with special primers or pergamin, then fasten the plaster grid and plaster. It is possible to apply decorative plaster or painting.

Also, the walls from the OSB can be covered with any kind of siding or facade panels, a block house, clapboard, etc.

OSP Material for internal works

The indoors indoors are used to cover the walls, ceilings, for the black floor device, as the construction material in the manufacture of built-in furniture, to create decorative elements, boxes, technological cabinets. In the frame house-building, the internal sheath of the walls of the OSP increases the strength of the structure.

Stroke work

The walls of the OSB walls consists of the following steps:

  • Marking.
  • Device crate.
  • Laying of heat insulation, if provided for by the project.
  • Fastening of solid sheets of OSB.
  • Dumping OSB in size.
  • Fastening the rest of the sheets.


To cover the walls of the OSP, you will need:

  • Haves, disk saw or jigsaw for cutting material.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Level.
  • Marking tool (roulette, square, pencil).
  • Perfore reserving of brick walls.
  • Chisel.

Options for interior decoration

An unusual OSP structure allows you to create a rather attractive interior. Plates can be used without finishing, but it is better to cover them with a varnish to improve operational properties. OSB can be painted with wood paints, handle decorative impregnation for wood. To obtain a smooth surface of the panel, you need to sharpen with putty for wood, after which they can be painted or caught by wallpaper.

How to make a crate under OSB

When the device of the crates from the bars first fasten the timber on the perimeter, then the vertical racks are installed in 406 mm increments with a sheet width of 1220 mm and 416 mm with a sheet width of 1250. If you need to lock the sheets on the inside of the junction.

Bruks are attached to the wall 2 ways:

  1. Directly through the bar. When mounting to the concrete, brick, slag block and aerated concrete walls, the holes are drilled by a dowel diameter with a step of 300-400 mm, stick the wall to the wall, the perforator through the finished holes, the holes are dried in the wall, the dowels are inserted and screwed up the screws or use anchors. It is more convenient to first fasten the bar on the edges, after which it can not be kept and calmly fixed in the other outlined points. When mounting on wooden walls, the bar is attracted by self-drawing without drilling holes. Self-tapping screws better use "white" or "yellow", because With an excessive force, the "black" hat is laid down and it is very difficult to extract such a self. For adjustment of the vertical frame, wood linings are used.
  2. On galvanized corners or P-shaped fixing profiles. In this case, first place the position of the bars, the elements of the fastener are installed on this markup, then the timber is attached with screws.

When used for the metal profile frame around the perimeter, the guide profile is fixed, on the plane - the rack. Fastening profile to the wall is carried out on special suspensions.

Racks and guides on the walls should be strictly vertical!

Whether a frame case with an OSP cover is obligatory inside

OSB plates can be fixed directly on the wall, but it is better to use the crate. This is allowed to correct the slope or curvature of the wall, lay the minorvatu to improve heat and sound insulation. Also, the lamp creates an airbag, so that the space between the wall and the OSB stove is ventilated.

Installation of OSP Plate

OSB fasten orienting a long side vertically to reduce the number of horizontal joints. When fastening the first sheet, it should be controlled by its position in terms of the level, otherwise the slots may appear in the corners of the walls. The rest of the fixing rules are the same as in external work.

What should be the thickness

OSP is of different thickness: 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 22, 25 mm.
Sheets of 6 and 8 mm thick are used to cover ceilings and structures that are not subjected to mechanical load. OSB-plates with a thickness of 6 mm can be used for curvilinear surfaces with a large radius of curvature.

Plates with a thickness of 9-12 mm - the main weaving material for cladding walls and ceilings both outside and indoors, for a solid roofing device.

The material is 18 mm thick and more used for the manufacture of furniture, carrying structures and draft floors.

Work examples

Mansard, sheathed OSB

Built-in racks from OSP

Corner for recreation from OSP

Shepacle on OSB

Operation of OSP finishes: Features

Walls from OSB-slabs do not require any special care, it suffices to comply with the rules common to wooden surfaces, for example, not allow the prolonged exposure to moisture.

OSB is a modern high-tech material, with proper installation capable of leaving for many years.

Useful video

Before talking about the technical details and intricacies of the inner cover of OSB or OSP with plates (they are OSP, OSB sheets), it is worth thinking about the feasibility of this event. Installation of OSB plates indoors occurs in two cases, namely:

  1. If you have a frame house and the frame will not be caught yet.
  2. If the design and texture of OSB plates are decor element.

If you just need to level the walls, then drywall is better suitable for this purpose, as it is cheaper and more convenient to work with it in the installation process and further finish.

The technology of the external skin of the house is set forth in the article :. Here we consider the question of the correct installation of OSB plates on the walls inside the house.

Selection of plates for mounting ox on the walls inside the house

When using any material inside the house, including OSP plates should pay attention to its harmlessness for the health of the inhabitants of this house. For 34 years, the plates have passed since the appearance of OSB and all these years disputes on the environmental friendliness of OSB plates are not stopped. In fact, there are bases for these disputes, since indeed when gluing chips, polymer resins containing formaldehyde are used. But formaldehyde is also found in many other surrounding things, for example in tissues in furniture from LDSP, combustion products, etc.

OSB plates on the walls inside the house.

To eliminate the poisoning of people by formaldehyde, the enlightened Europeans established control over the production of OSB plates and divided the harmful plates into classes. Plates with formaldehyde E1 emissions are harmless to human health and are used in the construction of residential buildings. Therefore, when buying OSB panels, choose a reliable and verified manufacturer, since your health may depend on this. Better than any words about the ecology of OSB panels will say the Austrian four-star Hotel Arlmont, the internal finish of which is replete with OSB panels.

Hotel Arlmont, OSB sheets are used in the interior.

OSB Plates are divided into waterproof classes:

OSB-1 - Plate class most affected by moisture, and has the lowest strength. Such plates are used to produce furniture.

OSB-2 - Plate class with the same moisture resistance as OSB-1, but more durable. Such plates can be used to cover the walls in dry rooms.

OSB-3 - Moisture-resistant plates with high strength. They are suitable for mounting in wet rooms. But with long-term contact with water deform.

OSB-4 - plates possessing maximum moisture resistance. They are able to withstand long-term contact with water.

OSB4 plates are not widely popular because of its price, which will have a two times higher than that of OSB3 plates. Therefore, OSB3 plates are widely used. If they are handled by primer or paint paint, then such plates become resistant to long-term contacts with water.

In more detail about the various characteristics of OSB sheets, you can get acquainted in the article :.

Out of the walls of the frame house from the inside

Before proceeding with the inside of the skeleton house, it is necessary to warm the walls, close the frame outside and the insulation of vaporizolation.

Walling the walls are recommended for mineral wool, and better slab, as it is easier to work with it than with polystyrene foam, it is better kept in vertical structures and does not settle down what happens with fiberglass insulation. Other insulation are not excluded and also suitable for the insulation of the walls of the frame house. In more detail with various insulation, you can get acquainted in the article :.

After insulation of the walls, they must be closed with vapor barrier. The vaporizolation membrane protects the wall from penetration into her moisture, which will retain the frame of the house and the insulation dry. Parosolation is attached by a regular construction stapler, with an overlap at 10-15 cm and glued together with a special double-sided scotch.

An example of a frame of a frame of a frame house. From the inside, a vapor barrier film was laid on the frame, the plates are fixed on top of it.

The sheath itself is made as follows, the sheets behind each other alternately are screwed to the frame of the house. The gap between the sheets is 3 mm. The sheets are screwed by self-drawing on a tree with a length of 35-40 mm. All holes (for windows, doors, mounting holes) are cut with a jigsaw.

Decorative wall cover OSB plates and crate device

As a dohes, it is best to use a metal profile for a hyposkarton. It is easy to install and is not prone to deformities like a tree. When choosing wooden bars for the crate, it is better to use bars from the dried tree, because such bars are less bent and twisted while drying. Installation technologies in both cases are not fundamentally different, so we consider them on the example of the lamb of metal profiles.

In order to sew the inner walls with OSB plates, you need to start with the installation of the lathes on the walls of the room.

The gearbox installation technology looks like as follows:

1. First, you need to install the starting profile that is mounted on the adjacent walls, the floor and the ceiling as in Figure 1. The profile should stand strictly vertically and closed around the perimeter with the upper and lower profile.

Figure 1. Starting profile is mounted to the adjacent wall. And closes with the top and bottom profile.

2. After installing the starting profile, you must make markup on the walls for the suspension. Since the suspensions will keep the vertical racks of the crates, it is necessary to place in such a way that two one-piece OSB sheets are closed in the middle of the profile, you also need to install one profile in the center of each solid OSB sheet.

The suspensions are attached to the wall. It is attached to the doom.

3. Mount the profile. It is important when fixing a profile on the suspension, control the plane of the crate of the rule so that the "pits" or "beam" on the wall are not formed.

Installation of OSB plates on the inner wall using doom.

OSB (OSB) or OSP (oriented-chipped stove) is a modern design material that has become a serious alternative to plywood, chipboard and the widespread use in the construction of frame houses and decoration of buildings and buildings. OSB plates are trimmed with internal and outer walls of rooms, floors and roof. The walls of the walls of OSB plates take place in frame construction, when the stove performs with structural material and serves to enhance the walls of the building, or when it acts as a facade material of concrete, brick or wooden houses, which is caused by a small price and high strength and durability of the material. In this article we will look at the question: how to fix the OSB plate to the wall with its external side.

When installing the OSB plates to the outer walls, the crate is used for the following purposes:

  • alignment of the wall plane;
  • creating a ventilation gap for insulation under osb slab;
  • preventing the deformation of the plate caused by the bases of the base, especially relevant for OSB plates with a thickness of 9 mm and less.

Fastening OSB plates to the wall over the insulation using the root

The mounting of the slab to the wall is carried out using the root, which is made from a wooden bar, or a metal profile. Installation technologies OSB plates on a wall with a wooden crate and a doomed made of metal profile are not fundamentally different. When choosing a bar, it is advisable to choose a dry, planed bar 40-50 mm, then it will not turn it and will not lead after drying, which will have a positive effect on the flatness of the whole wall.

For mounting the bar and profile, special metal plates (suspensions) are used to the wall. Before fixing the suspensions, it is necessary to draw vertical stripes on the wall, the distance between which should be twice the width of the sheet, which is subsequent, will provide the joints of the plates right in the middle of the bar or profile and give the opportunity to secure OSB slab in the center along its entire length. After the lines are drawn, the suspensions are fixed along 30-40 cm increments.

Metal suspension is used to fasten the root.
The placed lines are attached suspensions. The suspensions allow you to fix the shap above the insulation.

After that, they laid the insulation and cover it with a membrane that protects the insulation from moisture ingress, after which the lamb is mounted.

It should be noted that outside the building is not needed outside the building, as it prevents the ingress of wet air into the insulation from the inside of the room, and from the outside of the structure excess moisture should freely go out.

Wall with a doom. The insulation is laid between the shap and the wall.

After fixing the root, you can proceed to the installation of OSB plates. For the walls of the walls, the stove is most often used from 9 to 12 mm thick. If the facade is not mounted on top of the plate, the plate should be moisture resistant. The OSB slab made from a wooden bar of the OSB plate is mounted with nails in a length of at least 2.5 times the thickness of the OSP sheet. To the crate of a metal profile - on a screw for metal with a length of 10-15 mm longer than the thickness of the sheet of sheet.

With this installation, the lamb weighs over the insulation, and does not create cold bridges in the insulation between the wall and OSP plates. Thanks to this solution, the maximum efficiency of the insulation is achieved. In addition, there is an air gap between the bars of the roasters, through which moisture from the insulation is derived, which also increases its characteristics. More information about the technology of the ventilated facade is in the article :.

Fastening OSB plates to a wooden frame

When building frame houses, the recommendations on the choice of sheets are the same as when the walls are previously elevated. The difference only when the sheets act as a hardness element. In this case, their thickness must be at least 12 mm. The recommended thickness is usually 15-18 mm.

When mounting walls with a wooden frame, two main approaches are used: fastening of OSB sheets to a frame through a doom and fastening of OSB sheets directly to a frame without a crate. Consider both.

How to mount the walls to the frame using the root

When durable plates are mounted on the inside of the wall to the frame, providing good stiffness of the wall design, then the slab can be made outside of the frame and OSP. The breadtife forms air cavities for insulation ventilation and reduces the deformation loads from the frame on the OSP plate.

The insulation is stacked between the frame racks. On top of the racks and insulation, the wind and hydroelectric membrane is fixed, easily skipping moisture. Next is fastened with a doom and her OSB plate.

Installation of OSB plates on a wooden frame with a doom.

With this, the execution of the plate can be left without finishing, you can paint them, attach them to attach or secure almost any facade material on them.

When fastening the OSB plates without the use of the root, the maximum stiffness of the wall structure is achieved. In this case, the windproof and waterproof membrane is recommended for the OSB plate, then mount the crate to create the ventzazor and the facade material, such as siding, boards, or decorative panels. The OSB wooden frame frame is attached to the nails with a length of at least 2.5 times the thickness of the OSP sheet.

The advantage of using nails in front of self-drawing when mounting an OSP from the outside of the house is substantiated by the fact that nails are better tolerated by the deformations of OSB sheets under atmospheric influences.

Installation of OSB on the walls of a frame house without a doom

Among the methods of providing stiffery frame, three methods are considered optimal, which can be combined with each other:

Fastening sheet materials to frame racks inside the house;

Drives between frame racks;

Fastening sheet materials to frame racks outside at home.

When OSB sheets are mounted to the frame racks outside the house, then the lap between sheets and frame racks leads to a decrease in stiffness almost twice. Therefore, to ensure the maximum strength of the design of it, this crate is excluded. Ventzor disappears without a crate, so it is recommended to mount such a crate on top of the OSB sheets. On the OCB fasten the hydraulic vapor permeable film, then the crate, and on top of any suitable facade material: siding, professional flooring, wood, front panels and so on.

Technology fastening OSB sheets to a wooden frame without using the root.

The described variant is preferable. But there are other ways. When it is necessary that the OSB sheets are fixed to the racks, the role of the facade, and it is not mounted on top, then the ventilation gap can be organized between the frame racks. For this space between the frame racks is filled with insulation not completely. Leave 2-3 cm for the ventilation gap between the insulation and sheets of the OSB. The hydraulic protective vapor-permeable film is fixed to the frame using the rails. So that these rails remain between racks - on two sides to each rack.

The use of oblique crate is the compromise option. It is placed at an angle of 45 degrees. This contributes to increasing the rigidity compared to the straight cage. To increase the rigidity, boards with a thickness of 25 mm are better suited for such a crate. The board is attached to each frame rack with two nails. Due to the increased consumption of materials and the complexity of work, this method is urgent is extremely rare, therefore there are no statistical information on the operational characteristics of the built houses.

Oblique doom.

Fastening OSB Plates to Metallic Frame

Fastening is carried out similarly to an option with a wooden frame. When mounting the plates directly to the metal frame, screws are used for metal with a length of 10-15 mm more than the thickness of the OSB sheet.

General Rules for Montage OSB Plates to the Wall

Regardless of the selected method of fastening sheets of OSB, there are general rules, which will ensure maximum strength, reliability and durability of the design of the trim.

  • Self-tapping screws should be screwed at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other and at least 1 cm from the edge of the plate.
  • Between the bottom plate and the foundation require a gap of 10 mm to prevent water clusters.
  • The plates can not be shy close to each other, 2-3 mm is needed between them, so that the stove can be easily expanding from the drops of moisture.
  • All door and window openings are cut out with a jigsaw or circular saw, but if perfectly smooth joints are needed and feeding, you can come to the furniture workshop with ready-made OSB, where your sheets on the format-cutting machine are smoothly and exactly sized for a small fee. .

Which side to secure OSB sheets

All sides of the OSB sheets do not differ in composition. But there are differences in the surfaces. Often one side is smooth, and the other rough. In this case, when installing plates on the walls on the outside of the building sheets, it is better to mount the smooth side to the outside. With this orientation, rainwater will not accumulate in such quantities in the irregularities of the plate. Water helps to accelerate the destruction of the slab. Protection of sheets from the penetration of water contributes to an increase in their durability.

When mounting the plates on the roof under the roof, in turn, the OSB sheets are recommended to have a rough side up so that they do not slip on them to walk during the work on the arrangement of the roof.

When installing the OSB plates in, protected from moisture exposure, the selection of their orientation does not have a significant effect on subsequent operation.

In most cases of mounting OSB sheets outside the house there is a ventilation. It moves the air that comes from the bottom of the wall from the surrounding space and comes from above back into the atmosphere. The deaf sealing of ventilations from any of the parties is not allowed. Otherwise, instead of the ven beam, a closed air cavity is obtained.

In the ventilation gap can be penetrated, wasps, mice, small birds and build a socket there, thereby disrupting the characteristics of the wall. Therefore, it is recommended to provide protection, at the stage of its construction or repair.

There are several options for protecting the wall from rodents, birds and insects, consider them.

  1. Protection with metal meshes and sheet metal with fine holes. It is better to use a stainless metal that will not be subject to corrosion. The grid or metal strips are fixed from below and on top of the walls per osp sheets so that they do not affect the appearance of the house.
  1. Paint mesh. It differs from the previous version of low cost and less durability.
  1. Perforated facade material in the lower and top of the wall. For example, in the case of siding, this perforated sofa.

Lattices or grids are mounted at the entrance and outlet of the ventilation gaps.

Many builders are squeezed by the outside of the OSB (OSB, OSP) slabs. This material is available at a price, and is distinguished by high quality. When the time comes to hold the final works, the masters are thinking about how to paint the OSB plate on? To properly select, you need to study all possible options used for this product.

What is OSB plate?

The first OSB plates were already created more than thirty years agoduring mass attacks from frame materials. In such houses, most residents of Canada, USA and many Europeans live.

For the first houses performed on framework technology, required reliable sheathing, resistant to sunlight and moisture. Wood for mounting this species did not fit, as its installation occupied too much time and strength.


This coating of the OSB panels is the most demanded and justified for external work. This type of finish has A number of features:

Siding clamping

The use of casing with the installation of saidding panels is an economical way that helps to improve the appearance of the building.

Siding can be strengthened on the installed surface of the OSB.

Siding panels are presented in large quantities, so if a desire appears, you can select a model that imitates a block house or brickwork.

The advantage of such a sheat is that if the side of the facade is already glued to the OSB slabs, it is not necessary to mount a smooth frame. But, it is impossible to do without membranewhich will protect against wind and moisture.

If you do not put this extra mount, then siding will periodically sweat from the inside, and the OSB under the action of moisture will be swelling.

If you choose between two types - PVC or acrylic, then you can stop in any form, as there are no significant differences between them.

Facing products are produced by one thickness, varying from 0.8 to 1.3 millimeters. They are able to withstand temperatures reaching 80 degrees Celsius, and the effects of sunlight, under which they do not burn out.

Both species have high resistance to the spread of fire and reagents of chemical origin. Acrylic panels have a rich color, but others almost do not differ from PVC products.

Is it possible to fix siding directly to OSB - practical tips on the installation of siding from professionals, see the video:

How to plaster the slab outside the house?

The question of whether it is possible to put the surface of the OSB plates, controversial: some experts believe that this coating will not save the product from the appearance of cracks on the surface of the facade. Others, on the contrary, recommend using an additional coating, because it will refresh the dark wooden panels and serve as protection against moisture and dust.

Conduct quality work on plastering the facade part of the building can be performed subject to the following conditions:

  • the surface must be covered with adhesive composition before carrying out work;
  • the solution applied to the surface with a spatula should not be thinner than three millimeters;
  • the use of the reinforcing mesh after applying the first layer;
  • the surface coating with adhesive composition after drying the first layer.

The surface of the plates from the OSB visually looks worthily, and some household owners leave them at this stage and do not make additional works on the buildings of the building.

Many experts still recommend covering plates with plaster - it will not only give the house individual traits, but also protects from external damage. In order to focus qualitatively, you need to follow the execution sequence:

  1. When applying the first layer, you must try to spend a wide spatula along the wall to fill all the recesses on the OSB. For proper application, you need to drive a tool on the wall by arcuate movements. Completion of the first layer should not be accompanied by divorces along the surface coated.
  2. After the first layer is completely dry, the wall is cleaned with an abrasive grid and repeat the applying of putty.
  3. In order to achieve an ideal surface with a smooth glitter, you need to apply at least five consecutive layers.
  4. After applying the putty, the surface must be sucked, after which you can apply a layer of paint.

The question of what is best to carry out work on the palating panels, even experienced masters ask. The process of work can be complicated by the fact that most putty materials are poorly lipped to the surface made of wood.

Therefore, you need to choose the models of coatings that have the highest adhesion with a wooden surface.

In order for the work to be completed successfully, it is recommended to pay attention to on the mixture of Rodband and Goldband. These mixtures are made on a plaster basis with impurities from polymeric materials.

If the owner of the room wants to save on a putty material, it is better to purchase Rodgland, her texture is tougher than Goldband, and the price is significantly lower.

The selection of the finish finish is also important, and it is necessary to approach it. In order not to make a mistake with this choice, it is recommended to purchase mixture Witonite KR.

Installation of ceramographic

Porcelain tiles are applicable for sticking onto walls from OSB, but is it necessary to carry out such serious works that are also able to harm building structures?

Porcelain tiles are distinguished by resistance to fungal formations, moisture and mold. One of the most important advantages of this material is considered sustainable and extensive product range in stores. All these advantages are suitable for internal work, but not external.

OSB panel can be separated by tiles indoors, for example, on the floor, but external work is not recommended.

The masters do not use porcelain stonewares in front works on the main reason - the surface of the wall should be ventilatedin order to avoid the convergence and swelling of the panels.

OSB Tools

In addition to water-repellent protection, paint coating gives a number of advantages for the surface:

  • the coating can protect the wooden surfaces from premature deformation;
  • if large chips are noticeable on the wall surface, they can be easily hidden after applying the impregnating solution;
  • compared to other materials, painting costs rather cheaply and is not inferior in protective qualities.

Usually, OSB-3 or OSB-4 is used to finish from the street, which are most resistant to weather phenomena. Not every host can acquire OSB-4, since this material is characterized by high cost and resistance to mechanical effects. If the "Four" is fully protected, then for OSB-3, additional coating is needed.

Plates are made of wood, which is the main component of the product, by hanging its environmental properties. At the same time, this natural composition gives a vulnerability product from a tree before Natius weather conditions.

You can give additional protection by siding, artificial stone or the most common and easy-to-install material - paint.

When choosing a composition suitable for outdoor work, you can pay attention to all mixtures intended to work with a wooden surface.

It is necessary to avoid coatings, spoiling the appearance of the facade. These include lescing substances and shine varnishes. These compositions will set the shavings texture to the universal review and emphasize it, and it does not have a special attractiveness. Therefore, it is better to refuse such products.

The following compositions are suitable for covering OSB plates:

  1. Latex compositions.
  2. The composition of latex paints includes substances that are most suitable for work with woody material. After applying, the paint is not exposed to stretching, and does not leave the lifettes. Minus this option is to high value material.

  3. Alkyd paint.
  4. It is often used in carrying out similar works. Her feature is that it looks attractive after applying to the wall. Save this composition for a long time, sometimes this time reaches eleven hours. Until complete drying, the composition evaporates an unpleasant smell. After drying, the smell disappears.

    Paint is capable withstand elevated temperaturesBut not resistant to ignition and alkalis that fell on the surface of the product.

  5. Acrylic mixtures.
  6. Also often use, but if you read the composition of this paint, it will become obvious that it is not an ideal option for the coating of OSB, because it contains water. Water-based paints when contact with OSB panels able to spoil their composition.

    But if the panel is rather durable, then you can use acrylic composition, which has indisputable advantages: resistant to sunshine, smooth coating and ability to stay on the facade of more than eight years.

    But it is important to remember that when leaving cans with red at low temperatures there will be a damage of composition, because water is converted to ice. The composition without water will be unsuitable for further use.

  7. Oil mixtures.

Previously, they were widely applicable, and today they almost come out of use. This happened due to the displacement of this mixture by others more sought-after.

Oil suspensions toxic in compositionAnd work has to be carried out in special masks or respirator. The oil dries too long and spreads along the painted surface, which of course implies additional forces on the restoration of the wall and eliminate the lifts.

After the work on the application of the suspension, raches are often formed, which spoil the type of facade. Another unpleasant property of this paint is the inability to cover it with a new composition, differing in components.

In order for working on staining to end safely and without additional effort and tinting, one must remember a number of features of the wooden material:

  • if there are sharp protrusions on the building, they will contribute to spreading paint composition. In the presence of such angles, they need to round up, as in a plasterboard plate;
  • the edges and joints of the plates need to be covered to eliminate possible difficulties in applying and giving smooth wall;
  • the question of whether it is necessary to grind the surface between the tree and paint, should not arise, because there is a clear answer - yes. This action is mandatory for accurate adhesion between paint and material;
  • if the owner wants to achieve an even application of the composition throughout the wall of the wall, he will need to carry out a finishing putty on all stoves;

The number of times to apply paint is defined individually, but experts advise painting at least four times. After abundant absorption of paint in the wooden surface, the color of the product will be saturated, and the strength of the composition will increase significantly.

It is important to remember that to dry out each layer there is your time, and you can not begin to paint earlier than the previous mixture is dry.

Outdoor decoration of a skeleton house from Paracon - Watch video: