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Spring work on the nursery. What works need to be carried out in the spring spring work in the field and in the garden

The household plot practically year-round needs: Spring is the time to exit winter hibernation and the preparation of land and plants to the new yield. Summer is the time of departure of plants. Autumn - it is time to collect harvest and the preparation of land and garden to harsh winter. Only in the winter, the avid dacket receives a breather, and at this time the loft needs some supervision.

Spring is the time of the awakening of nature after the cold, the preparation of land and the garden to a new crop. But in the spring the weather is so capricious and unpredictable that before starting work in the garden and on Earth, it is necessary to navigate in the first spring month not by dates, but on weather conditions.


In March, it is most common to start household work interferes with snow and frost. But even at this time you can find a lesson, which will help to improve the type of site, help trees and shrubs, prepare the Earth.

Caring for the garden in March

If the first month of spring is rich in snow, it should be tried to protect the fruit plants from damage by shaking snow from the crown. Due to the alternation of frosts and thaws, the snow becomes heavy and sticky, due to which the fragile branches of trees can break.

Spring is a hard time for hares and small rodents, therefore it is desirable to check the integrity of the cortex in young fruitful trees. If there is a lot of snow next to the trunks, it is advisable to clear it so that the animals do not get to the branches.


In the spring, the sun is pretty bright and sun rays can damage the crowns of coniferous trees, especially if there is snow on the ground, which reflects the light. If young trees are located in open areas, it is advisable to cover their branches from the puzzling ultraviolet. The crown twine struts can be covered with burlap or old bedspreads. For small trees, you can build special shields. When the snow comes down, protection can be removed.

Care of fruit trees

If the trees are not applied to the trunks in the fall or in winter, it needs to be made early in spring. Alternatively, you can wind the trunks with light paper. It will save the bark from sunburn. The whirlwind protects the bark of plants from pests that will necessarily appear with the onset of heat.

So far, the snow should do pruning branches in fruit trees. This will help not only remove unnecessary shoots, but also correctly form the height and shape of the crown.

It is worth knowing !!! Forming the crown you need every few years. The annual cutting of the branches can weaken the tree and lead to a decrease in the crop.

Video - how to trim the crowns of fruit trees

When the air temperature rises above 5-6 degrees, the branches of fruit trees should be made by special insecticides against pests and diseases. It is important to do it until the first leaflets appear.

If a lot of snow has a lot of snow in the garden and in March he began to actively melt, it is impossible to allow water stagnation on Earth. With the help of small dual channels, the water outflow from the site should be ensured in the ground. Otherwise, the roots of the trees on the flooded plot cannot "breathe."

On sunny days, you can start opening the shoots of roses and other thermo-loving colors to prevent condensate accumulation under the film and "harden" plants.

Closer to the end of March, it is possible to free the bulbs of Narcissus and lilies from the observer materials. These colors night frosts are not terrible.

Earth's liberation and garden from snow cover should be noted by capital cleaning. Old leaves and broken branches should be removed from the ground, fastening the garden tracks, clean them from Moss. You can also explore garden furniture, repair or painting benches.

Gardening in March is sowing tomato seeds and peppers for seedlings. Seedlings are grown in special containers of the house, on the windowsill.

Video - How to correct the seedlings of tomatoes at home


This month, great attention is paid to the preparation of the Earth to planting plants, and it is April that is the most time-consuming and rich month for summer residents.

Work on Earth

April - working hours of land. But before proceeding with the neck, agricultural tricks should be known.

What cultures are sowing in April

Name Description

Sit into open ground, planting in warming film do not need.

Seeds germinate at home. At the end of April, under the condition of warm weather, the seedlings are endured to the street for hardening.

Save to open soil, but the beds should be closed with a film.

If a potato landing is planned, then in early April, the paddling tubers should be sorted by posting them to a well-ventilated and illuminated place for narrowing. It is impossible that direct sun rays fall into potatoes.

If winter garlic and onions were sown for the winter, it should be removed the mulched layer, explode and feed the soil with sowing.

In April, you need to prepare greenhouses for new landings. In addition to jumping and fertilizer, the soil should be displaced. For these purposes, a 3% burglar liquid is used. It is also recommended to wash the glass or plastic in the greenhouse to improve the material light sensor.

April work in the garden

At the beginning of the month you need to feel the roasting system of fruit trees and shrubs.

In April, after snow comes down, you need to remove all the strapping from the trees, remove the protective sailor and the shields from the sun.

If the soil is too wet, you should not get tread near the roots of trees, it will worsen their nutrition and oxygen saturation.

In the middle of the month, you can start updating the garden, while planting seedlings of trees or shrubs in advance prepared and fertilized by the organica and ash well. Saplings need to be tied.

You need to carefully view all trees and shrubs to make sure that pests did not appear on the crust or branches. Also, in preventive purposes, it is necessary to treat plant trunks with a solution of copper sulphate.

With the onset of heat you can do strawberry. You should remove the mulch, explode and fertilize the land around the shoots.


Work in the garden

May is a month of unstable weather: the day is warm, and the freezing. It is the night mayor freezing that can destroy the entire harvest if not to take action. Also in May, all plants and cultures are planted into the greenhouses and in the greenhouses, therefore a month for dacms and gardeners is very tense.

In the last month of spring, you need to try to finally form a bed. Cabbage landed, sorrel, onions, carrots, fragrant herbs and spices sowed.

All shoots of carrots and beets should be switched, to feed. Water sprouts are recommended after 3-4 days. Weed weeds should be taken carefully, as vegetable sprouts are still very weak and easy to damage them.

Onion cultures thinned, feed the mixture of cowboat, potash salt and phosphate fertilizers. The feeder is best combined with watering. In order for the plants to receive enough oxygen, it is necessary to periodically shrink the land near the rows with bulbs.

We should not forget about garlic. The beds with this culture must be watered often and carefully, otherwise the garlic begins to be fine without water. In mid-May, it is necessary to carefully remove the arrows, otherwise these sprouts will pull most of the nutrients.

In mid-May, it is possible to carry out the seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants to a greenhouse or an open soil, under the film.

People's Calendar Sowing Plants in Open Soil

Name Description

You can sow under the film after the blooming of rowan, there will be no strong frosts on the soil.

These cultures can be sung after the peonies dissolve their buds.

It is possible to plant and sow in the open ground, these cultures can be chosen after the daffodils bloom.

These cultures can be sowed after the chestnut bloom.

Can be seen after lilac bloom

Potatoes are planted in May. Early varieties are made to sow at the beginning of the month, late - in the middle or at the end of May.

It's important to know!!! Fragile and gentle sprouts of garden crops need enhanced feeding and watering. Especially do not forget about those plants that are planted in greenhouses. Also should be seeded in a timely seedlings against pests.

May work in the garden

If a lawn is planted on the site, then in May, you should start a haircut of grass. So far, the land is wet, it is not worth a lot of tread on the lawn, otherwise it will appear "propellars." In the course of the haircut, it is important to remove breaking weeds.

During the flowering of fruit trees, the gardeners should be fear of night frosts, because the flowers damaged by frosts do not give scores. To keep the crop, you can try to protect the trees from the exposure of the cold. For these purposes, smoke checkers or small portable brass furnaces are used, in which the fire follows all night.

After the appearance of the kidneys on the fruit trees, you need to take care that the pests do not destroy the future harvest. For the prevention and destruction of apple flowes, ticks, moths, Tly, appleantic media need to prepare the following mixture: 60 grams of carbofos, 80 grams of chlorocyse copper and 40 grams of chlorofos are divorced by 20 liters of water. These substances can be purchased in specialized stores. The crowns and branches of all existing trees and shrubs in the garden are sprayed with the resulting mixture. If the primary processing did not help, you can repeat the procedure before the start of flowering of fruit trees and shrubs.

With the advent of the first leaves on the trees you can see which branches were damaged by winter frosts. Dead branches need to trim, sections of cuts are recommended to smear the usual oil paint.

In early May you need to work with Garden Malnik. The shoots that were thrown into the earth for the winter, it is necessary to straighten and tie to a hat or fence. Damaged branches are recommended to cut down the root, the rest of the shoots should be cut through the first formed kidney. Malina must be filtered, organic fertilizers are suitable for these purposes. The feeder can be combined with watering.

It is important to inspect all the existing bushes of the gooseberry and ferrous currant. These cultures during the flowering and formation of the barriers are the present delicacy for ants. To preserve the crop, moisten a piece of fabric in kerosene and place it from the roots of shrubs. It is impossible to pour kerosene to the ground, it can adversely affect plants.

It's important to know!!! If signs of terrain appeared on the black currant during the flowering period, the bush should immediately emerge, otherwise there is a risk of infecting all plants in the garden. The terrace caused by the tool and the kidging tick is not cured.

So that the garden and the garden pleased with a rich harvest, you need to pay attention to planted plants every day during the garden period.

Spring will soon come, which will bring seasonal spring work in the garden, for which, honestly admit, I personally missed ..

In the second decade of March, it is possible to shoot a protective shelter of trees and bushes (husk, straw, etc.). I recommend to do this work on a cloudy day, then the plants will not suffer from a sharp temperature drop.

Make sure that the trees do not cause melt water - this leads to a crust.

It is important to check how fruit crops survived the winter - and treat all damage to the crust of the garden harr. If the trees have appeared in the garden that suffered from rodents, you can try to save it by making it.

If you did not cut trees or shrubs for the winter, it is worth doing this in the period between the one of the snow cover and a noticeable swelling of the kidneys (but before their dissolve). This simple operation, when damaged, patients and dry branches are removed (sanitary trimming), stops the development of disease, increases yields and generally prolongs the life of garden crops.

Trimming trees and shrubs

It is worth mentioning about other types of this procedure.

Thus, the forming helps to give the crown of a young plant of the desired size and shape. This not only stimulates fruiting, but also facilitates harvesting.

Supporting trimming Perform annually adult trees and bushes to ensure intensive growth, fruiting and preserving the crown shape.

Regulating trimming Helps control the level of load on the branch during fruiting (usually combined with supporting).

Restorative trimming Trees need with an excessively developed crown, as well as those whose branches are strongly extincting in winter or received other damage.

Rejuvenating trimming Conducted for old trees that began to give a smaller harvest - it stimulates their productivity.

So far, Sokotivation began (until mid-March), the vaccinations of bone crops are carried out.

Spring treatment from pests and diseases of plants

Simultaneously with the awakening of plants, pests and pathogens of certain diseases are activated. Early spring against them you can use almost all the pesticides permitted for household sections.

With the usual pest activity (if neither your nor neighboring garden suffered from their invasion of last year), it will be enough to apply urea, burgundy liquid, copper or iron vigor.

So, to prevent the development of pasta, moniliosis, kokomikosis, peach curly, conduct spraying of sleeping kidney with a 1-2% burglar fluid at the average daily temperature + 3-4 ° C (repeat after 10 days).

With the signs of cytospose (red-brown spots, on which the accumulation of black tubercles can be seen), the affected areas should be cleaned to a healthy tissue (very thin shoots are simply removed).

Wounds are treated with copper (3%) or iron (6%) vitriol and smeared garden water. A 3% burglar liquid is used against fungal diseases. To this end, plants can be treated with a 5% urea solution.

Yes, and do not forget for your lawn, about spring work with which you can read.

Tempets trees

After the snow is completely melting, spending spring whitewash - this simple measure reliably protect trees from sunburns, as well as pests. You can, of course, buy a ready mix.

And it is possible to make it yourself: the decoder bucket takes 2.5 kg of fresh lime or chalk, 400-500 g of a copper melted in hot water and 100 g of casein glue.

Bring the mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream, diluted with ordinary water.

Before the start of active growth, perennial flowers are divided and seed:, hosts, chrysanthemums, etc. At the flower beds, the seedlings of daisies and forget-me-not, Violi and Calendula, in general, all their favorite annual, resistant to possible freezers are planted. Replanted decorative trees and.

Give the past year prepared by last year. Fit bulbous, perennial and early dancer daffodils, tulips and hyacinths. For this purpose, mineral fertilizers are used (per 1 sq. M): urea - 20 g, superphosphate - 20 g, potassium salt - 15 years after which the land around the sprouts fruit and watered.

If frosts are no longer predicted, time to remove shelter from roses. To protect the plants from the burn, at first remove for several hours with partial shading. Ten days later, the shelter is removed completely.

In the second decade of April, rose trimming. It is impossible to slow: a timely manifold procedure stops the spread of diseases and stimulates the development of young shoots. At the same time, 6-8 kidneys on each shoot are left at removable roses. On tea-hybrid and poliant, leave 2-3 kidneys, and on climbing and parking, spend a careful inspection of bushes and remove only dead, broken and weak branches.

In the last decade of April, germinated gladiolus bulbs are planted (with a period of 10-15 cm, leaving between the rows of 20-25 cm). Before planting, they are kept in a weak solution of manganese for 20 minutes.

The bulbs can be divided into several parts (depending on the number of sprouts), processing the injured surface with a green-tree or coal powder.

Gladiolus preferably grow in one place for no more than two years.

Do not forget to pay attention to and room colors - most of them need to transplant and feed.

There are still time, think well,. At the same time, keep in mind: some vegetables are well developing surrounded by some crops - and fade next to others. To understand our tables will help you.

garden crops desired neighbors unfriendly neighbors
Eggplant Beans.
Beet Onions, Kohlrabi. Beans.
Cabbage (Color, Kohlrabi, Broccoli) Potatoes, Celery, Dill, Sage, Rosemary, Beet, Bow Strawberry, tomato, beans
Potatoes Beans, corn, cabbage, horseradish, calendula, eggplant Pumpkin, cucumber, tomato, raspberry
Beans, spinach, salad-latch Cabbage
Corn Potatoes, peas, beans, cucumber, pumpkin
Onion and garlic Beets, Strawberries, Tomato, Salatlatuk, Charker Garden Peas, beans
Leek Bow, Celery, Carrot
Carrot Peas, leaf lettuce, onions, rosemary, sage, tomato Dill
Cucumber Beans, corn, peas, radishes, sunflower Potatoes, aromatic herbaceous plants
Parsley Tomato, Asparagus
Peas Carrots, radishes, cucumber, calendula, corn, eggplant Onions, garlic, gladiolus, potatoes
Radish Peas, nasturtium, salad-latch, cucumbers Hyssop
Salad latobe Carrots, radishes, strawberries, cucumber
Celery Leek, tomato, beans, cabbage
Sunflower Cucumber Potatoes
Asparagus Tomato, Parsley, Basil
Tomato Onions, parsley, asparagus, calendula, nasturtium Kohlrabi, Cabbage, Potatoes, Fennel
Turnip Peas
Pumpkin Nasturtium, corn Potatoes
Beans. Potatoes, Carrots, Cucumber, Cabbage, Charker Garden Onions, garlic, gladiolus
Spinach Strawberry
Basil Tomato Ruta
Rosemary Cabbage, Luc
Sage Rosemary, Cabbage, Carrot Cucumber

Since the beginning of March, they begin to grow seedlings of most vegetable and flower crops. A seedy way allows you to get early crops, as well as significantly reduce seed costs.

Optimal dates of sowing and planting vegetable crops

vegetable crops Emerging (day) Terms of sowing seeds Terms of landing seedlings for permanent location
Pepper 60-70 The first second decade of May
Onion 60-70 The third decade of February - the first decade of March The first second decade of May
Celery root 60-70 The third decade of February - the first decade of March The first second decade of May
Early cabbage 45-55 The third decade of February - the first decade of March Second-third decade of April
Cabbage middle late 30-35 The third decade of April - the first decade of May Third decade May - the first decade of June
Cabbage late 35-45 First-second decade of April The second-third decade of May
Tomato for greenhouse 45-55 The second decade of March The first decade of May
Tomato for open soil 40-55 Second decade of April The first decade of June
Cucumber for protected soil 25-35 Second decade of April The first second decade of May

From mid-March, pre-sowing soil treatment is carried out. When the earth overshaves and acquires a light gray color, it is checked for maturity: a small lump is compressed in hand. If the moisture does not succeed and does not eat between the fingers - the land is ready for processing.

The beds, focused in the fall, are cultured and harrowed with robbles. Unprocessed plots are dripped with composite, superphosphate and ash.

Features of growing vegetables seedlings

vegetables Seed Storage Term (years) germination temperature (° C) Duration of germination (day) Save rate (g / sq.m) Depth of bookmark (cm)
Eggplant 3-5 20-30 10 4-6 1,5
Melon 6-8 20-30 8 4-6 2
Cook 6-8 20-30 10 4-6 2,5
White cabbage, Savoy, broccoli, color 4-5 20-25 8-10 2-3 2,5
Cucumber 6-8 20-30 7 2-3 2
Squash 5-8 20-30 10 2-3 2,5
Sweet pepper 3-4 20-30 15 7-8 1,5
Pepper sharp 3-4 20-30 12 7 1,5
Celery 2-3 20-30 14 2 1,5
Tomato 8-9 20-30 10 7 1,5

To grow strong seedlings, follow the following simple rules:

  1. Spend calibration - seeds of cucumbers and zucchini immerse in clean water, and tomatoes - in a 3% salt solution (1 tbsp. Per 1 liter of water). Seeds that will pop up are not suitable.
  2. Seeds of domestic producers (imported usually already treated) for disinfection hold 30 minutes in a pink solution of manganese, and then rinse in chilled boiled water. After that, decompose them with a thin layer on Marle and put on five days in the refrigerator.
  3. To get an early harvest of carrots, parsley, celery and bow, their seeds can be germinated. For this, they are soaked in a tissue bag for half a day and kept in a warm place until they proceed. And after that they are sown.
  4. Representatives of the Pumpkin family have a very delicate root system and do not tolerate transplants. In order for the seedlings of cucumber, pumpkins, patissons and zucchini was healthy, they are sowed into individual peat pots. Vegetables can be sowed in a decay of a depth of no more than 10 cm, followed by (seating in the container of larger size, when the first 1-2 real sheets appear).
  5. Seedlings before diving are plenty. Then a special peg in the prepared substrate makes a deepening, where the root and part of the stem (before the seedy leaves) of the seedling are lowered. At the same time it is necessary to monitor that the roots are not bent. For better development, the central root can be added to 1/3. When diving, keep the plant should not be for a gentle stem, but for the seedy leaves.
  6. Water seedlings as needed, since the disadvantage, and excess water is equally harmful. If you need to slow down growth, watering is limited. It is believed that in this case the root system will be stronger, more developed and branched. It is best to carry out abundant, but rare watering in the morning.
  7. 12-14 days before disembarking, the seedlings begin to temper: for several hours, it is put to the street for a few hours, while so much. During this period, the plants can be treated with a 1% burglar mixture. A good result also gives feeding with potash fertilizers after abundant irrigation - it strengthens the roots.

Warm spring and good harvest!

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With the onset of winter, gardeners and gardeners take a small pause and rest from work at the cottage. But with the onset of spring, they will again come to work in the garden and garden. Let's find out in more detail what activities need to be carried out in the plots so that the gardeners and gardeners are satisfied with the harvest obtained.

Basic work in the garden in spring

With the onset of spring, first works begin not in the garden, but in the garden. This is due tothat most of the events are carried out before the coating and the appearance of the first kidney.

What you need to do:

Care of coniferous trees in spring

In order for the spring bright sun did not damage the crown of coniferous trees, they must be covered with an old bedspread or burlap. Roots of coniferous trees need to shed warm waterth. Such a procedure will help faster to miserably snow and secure trees from dehydration.

If during the winter branches broke or dried, then they need to be removed. You also need to not forget about mulching. You can do it with the help of a pine bark or crushed cones. Such a procedure helps to hold moisture longer and prevents the appearance of weeds.

Spring care for currant, raspberry and gooseberry

Spring work in the garden

In order to get a good harvest From the bed, it is necessary to prepare a garden to landing in the spring. What should I do?

Spring lawn care

If you have a lawn, then it is necessary to take care, starting with early spring. As soon as the snow on the lawn starts to melt, you need to spread mineral fertilizers throughout the lawn area containing nitrogen.

When the soil snacks a little, it is necessary to remove all the leaves and garbage from the lawn. After that, it is necessary to make a lawn loop with special grablamic scarifier. This procedure will give the opportunity to grow young spons.

In order for the soil to be saturated with oxygen, pinched it throughout the perimeter of the lawn with the help of Vil.

If during all the above-listed works, the surface of the lawn was damaged, these sites should be comparable in height, fall asleep sand and falling down a new lawn.

In May, the lawn must be cut, but it's not hard to get tread on it so that your traces do not remain.

Caring for strawberries

Strawberry love all, and adults, and children. But not everyone knows that from the right departure in the spring behind the strawberry depends on obtaining a good crop. How to care for this berry spring?

From the plot where strawberries grow, It is necessary to remove all snowstorming materials. Remove the garbage and old blackened sheets. Cut old mustache and inflorescences. The whole garbage is better to burn to secure your berry from last year's diseases and pests.

After that, under each bush, make a nitrogen-containing fertilizer. To obtain a good harvest, the strawberry must be fed to flowering and after flowering. To do this, culinary yeast are suitable, chicken litter, korovyan, sodium sulfate, potassium, nitro phosphate, tincture of weeds. But it is necessary to feed it right, otherwise excessive feeding can lead to strawberry death.

New leaflets that swell, you need to touch the earth. The soil around the bushes of strawberries should be exploded.

Before the appearance of the leaflets, each bush should be sprayed with a burglar mixture. And when heat is installed, busts need to make a solution from calcium chloride and wood ash.

If some bushes of strawberries have merges, then new bushes can be added to their place.

If you do not want the slug to attack your berry, you should carry out mulching with wood ash or pine needles.

Spring work at the cottage: landing new colors

In early March, you can plant the following flowers: hyacinths, crocuses, snowdrops, Astra Petunia. But if you want these flowers to begin to please your bloom before you, need to plant seeds first at home In special boxes, and with the onset of heat, plant seedlings into the ground.

Before planting seeds, they must be soaked for several minutes in a solution of manganese. After this procedure, the seeds must be dried, and can be planted.

Earth for landing should also be prepared. Better if it will consist of humus, sand and soil.

If you decide to plant bulbous plants, then before planting, they need to withstand thirty minutes in a manganese solution. This is necessary so that they are not subjected to various viruses and fungi.

When disembarking on bulbs in the soil, it is necessary to ensure that the bulbs be strictly pointing down. The fallout must be carried out when the air temperature at night will be above ten degrees. Otherwise, your flowers will die.

Soil must pass the water well. The sandy soil must be focused by a compost, and if the soil misses the water, then it is necessary to pour a bit of rubble and sand to the bottom of each well.

If you do everything right, then your flowerbed will be the most beautiful at the cottage.

Now you know that there are spring work in the garden and garden, what needs to be done to get a good harvest. Stick up these rules, and you will succeed. Successful harvest!

Competent work in spring in the garden and garden are very important agrotechnical activities that allow you to perform the right landings and get the highest possible crop.

Spring work in the garden and garden: when and where to start

Be sure to check and prepare for the coming season.

It is also required to perform a number of activities that include cleaning, cropping, removing shelters, prevention, preparation for vaccination and landing. As a rule, in the southern regions it is possible to start performing such work in March. In the middle lane of our country and the northern districts, the timing is shifted for a couple of weeks.

Garden work in spring

To begin to carry out the first spring work in the garden is needed with the onset of the first warm days and after the main mass of the snow cover.

Cleaning in the garden after winter

Cleaning is to remove all the vegetable garbage, as well as the audit of the soil and garden plantings in the country. It is the early spring - the period of the appearance of the first weed vegetation. Also insufficiently faster roots are easily removed from the wet spring soil. The first warm spring days provoke an active growth of the strokes not only on the soil, but also on the surface of garden tracks, which should be thoroughly rinsed with a strong jet of water from a conventional garden hose.

Should be rememberedThat any spring activities related to water must be carried out only at the positive temperatures, which will prevent the formation of land. All planting containers, as well as vases, porridge and flower pots, designed to grow plants in the coming season, also need audit, high-quality cleaning, and if necessary and restore integrity.

Works in the garden of early spring (video)

Trimming fruit trees and shrubs

In most cases, sanitary cleaning is carried out in most cases, as well as Removal of all old and unnecessary shoots and branches:

  • annual raspberry shoots need to be thrown by cutting up the upper five kidneys, which allows you to stimulate the formation of a new roasting rig. Removal is subject to all extinct weakened shoots;
  • bushes currant in spring are thinned. Thousands of seven years older are removed on the black-free currants. On the bushes of red and white currant, you need to cut branches older than ten years. You also need to cut excessive root piglets and weakened shoots. Credit all the frozen tops;
  • starting from the three-year-old age, it is required to cut the gooseberry bushes, as well as remove old branches and extra highways, which improves the illumination of fruits and increases yield;

  • cherry's spring trimming is very careful, removing thickening and old branches, taking into account fruiting on last year's peripheral branches. It is best to perform shorting in the summer, after fruiting;
  • the spring annual formation of fruit plantations allows you to maintain Habitus and improves the insolation of the above-ground part. Any forming should be done with the definition of the direction of the growth processes of skeletal branches;
  • plums are best grown by a strab, since the bush forms are faster thicken and become less fruitful. The formation begins almost immediately after planting seedlings to a permanent place, which will create a productive crown to four-five years.

It is possible to form the crown of fruit trees in a scattered, horizontal or saucer, as well as vertical or palmetta variant.

Rules and deadlines for the removal of winter shelters

Or special designs need to be examined, clean and rinse carefully.

After the winter shelter is dried, they can be deposited to the autumn cold. From the garden territory necessarily old and circumcised in the process of spring formation of the branch, fond of foliage and a courageous grass, as well as any other garbage of plant and unimpressive origin.

March in the country: protection of plants from sunburn in early spring

In the first decade of March, the illumination increases, so in the daytime clock, the stem and branch of garden plantations are able to heat significantly, so during night frosts there is a die on the heated wood. Damage, peeling and cracking are observed on sections with sunburn.

Effectively reduce the heating of the bark allows the whiten of the strain and branches of skeletal branches. Breaking garden plantings is best in autumn or in the last decade of February, choosing dry and sunny day for these purposes. Before proceeding, it is necessary to conduct a revision of plants and perform preventive or therapeutic measures if necessary. Poisuring can be produced by acrylic water-dispersion paint "VD-AK 0508" or "Dekoprof". Also allowed the binding of the stem portion with white parchment.

How to treat trees in spring (video)

What and how to handle trees in spring from pest

Treatment time varies depending on the type of plants and the composition of the solutions used for spraying:

  • prevention of fungal diseases, lesions by mkhami and lichens to dissolving the kidneys, copper vigorous, divorced from the calculation of 100-150 g per bucket of water;
  • spraying the grape vines and soil around to the dissolution of the kidneys from bacterial cancer, spotted necrosis and anthraznosis with iron vitrios from the calculation of 200 g on the water bucket;
  • mandatory treatment of garden plantings before flowering from California shields, medalers, ticks, weevils and color "Iskra-M", "Fufanon", "Spark-Double Effect", "carbofosoma", "alive" or "biotlin";
  • processing of currant "Commander", "Vacon", "Taxon", "Spark Golden" or "Inta-Virogram" on blossomed kidney and first leaves;
  • processing gooseberry "Topaz" or "Sight" before flowering.

It should also be sprayed peach, apricot and a cherry to protect against maniliosis, curls and a kraisproporiosis "Khorus", "Krupolux", "Abiga Pitch" or "Ordan" after flowering.

Vaccination and planting trees

As a rule, by the first decade of May, planting fruit-berry trees and shrubs is already ends, and the time of vaccination occurs. It is best to carry out such an event when the kidneys will be swept on the selected inhibition and slightly. Spring vaccination can be performed in several ways:

  • Copulate;
  • Fried;
  • PaintStchen;
  • Saddle;
  • In side cut.

Regardless of the method used, the prerequisite for obtaining a good result is the use of a high-quality tool and a special vaccination tape.

What to do in the garden in the spring

In the spring there comes the main preparatory activities in the garden and in the greenhouses. During this period, it is necessary to pay attention to the trimming crops, perennial cultures, as well as to prepare open soil ridges and in greenhouses to landing and sowing work.

Main events

Cleaning the garden from garbage and plant residues. It is also required to remove all the shelters that were covered for the winter period. Promotional crops and least cold-resistant garden crops.

As soon as the greenhouse soil deprives, it is necessary to move it to one bayonet shovel. At the same time, the main fertilizers are required:

  • on the cucumber ridges are made to each square meter of about 5-6 kg of high-quality humor, with the addition of 50 g of any complex fertilizer and a pair of wood ash glasses;
  • on the ridges prepared for the cultivation of tomatoes, pepper and eggplant, the dose of making a humus will need to be reduced twice;
  • when preparing the "warm groen", it is necessary to remove the upper 15 cm of the soil, after which it is to put a biomass and pour out a layer of fertile soil.

In the same period, film structures should be prepared. The time of pulling the film shelter to greenhouses should be calculated in such a way that in the last decade of April it was possible to embroider the most cold-resistant and early ferrous garden crops.

Important Check the condition of the above-ground part of garden berries and replace the old mulching layer. It is best to use the organic as a mulch, presented:

  • sawdust;
  • compost;
  • wood bark and chip;
  • straw;
  • rewind leaves.

A good result gives the use of mulching pasting fabric. In March or April, the garden soil is made by complex universal fertilizers "Nitroammofoska" or "Azophoska".

When to start landing in the country

Sowing and planting cold-resistant garden crops should be produced while soil is still in a soft and plastic condition. In such a period, the soil will be warm and contains the amount of moisture optimal for the growth and development of cultures.

Earth resistance is recommended immediately before sowing or landing work, which will not allow moisture to evaporate. If necessary, all reheated ridges, in order to save moisture, before conducting sowing, be covered with a polyethylene film, which is fixed with stones.

How to trim Berry shrubs in spring (video)

From how correctly and the entire volume of spring work in gardens and gardens will be produced in a timely manner, the harvest will depend. That is why the spring period is the most responsible time for anyone who is engaged in private gardening and vegetable growing.

When the favorite garden wakes up after the hibernation, it is important to spend the desired care on time so as not to miss precious time, because the weather is changing in the spring. Perhaps tomorrow will be late. Experienced gardeners know that specifying exact dates - an ungrateful occupation . In the article, we will tell about the spring work in the garden and garden, give tips on the care of trees, soil.

List of Spring Surge

The timing of spring work depends on the climatic and weather conditions of each region, but there are general recommendations when you can start the garden season. They are associated with temperature regime, illumination and peculiarities of the growth of each culture. The list of work on months is presented in the table:

As and when to perform spring work, each gardener determines independently, objectively evaluating local weather conditions and state of plants. We will tell you more about each view of the care below.

🎧 Spring work in the garden and garden

Interesting interview with Dachnik Expert Andrei Tumanov: "Spring work in the garden and garden". The author for 20 years led to the TV series of gears dedicated to amateur gardening and gardening - "Fazenda", "Groke", "our garden", "rural hour", "field work".

Garden and garden concerns in March

With the arrival of spring gardeners embark on trimming. If the fruit garden takes a significant area, then it is better to start working at the end of February. First of all, dry and broken branches are removed. Then, young trees have a formative trimming, ripe - corrective. Cuts with a diameter of more than 2 cm are treated with protective agents. In addition to the traditional garden, modern drugs appeared, for example, "Ranner".

Tip # 1. To pruning trees and shrubs, proceed when the temperature is not lower than minus 100. With a strong frost, the branches and shoots are particularly fragile, so they do not cut, but break.

The cut branches are better to burn, the larvae of pests and causative agents were wintering. If the autumnaches washed off in the snow, it's time to resume it. At the beginning of the spring, trees suffer from a sharp difference between day and night temperatures. Light garden paint protects the bark from cracks, reflecting an excess of solar heat from the surface of the barrel and branches.

Young trees need to be especially needed. Whiskers cover not only the trunk, but also one third of skeletal branches. This work is beginning in mid-March and suspend with swelling. The solution can be prepared independently if mixed:

  • harated lime (or chalk) - 3 kg;
  • clay - 500 g;
  • copper vigorous - ½ kg;
  • glue PVA- 200 g;
  • water - 10 liters.

Modern ready-made solutions appeared on sale, which are easy to use and significantly save time, for example:

  • the whots acrylic "Green Square";
  • paint garden concord OST;
  • pasta limestone "gardener";
  • michurinka - 2 mixture

Before painting it is worth paying attention to the weather. It is important that during the day there is no wet snow, otherwise work will be in vain. Some decorative trees and shrubs are afraid of spring burns. Coniferous plants are especially vulnerable. They are covered with a protective material of white. A spunbond is suitable for this purpose, which is stretched into pre-installed supports. This design will protect the crown from a sharp imbalance of solar heat and night frosts.

April work in the garden and garden

Trees and shrubs that are protected from frost from autumn various materials are exempt from them:

  • Remove the agrofiber, which are wicked by the crown of thermal-loving trees and shrubs.
  • Clean the winter mulch. Sometimes it is enough to break it down and leave as feeding. For example, if pines, spruce, juniper, cypressions, rhododendrons for the winter were warm coniferous mulch, and it was preserved in good condition, it is better to leave it like a fertilizer. At the same time, it is necessary to move it away from the tree trunks to open the root neck.
  • Shrub shoots are also released from shelter to access the air to the roots. Read also Article: → ".

Board # 2. If the mulch is overly seal, heded and began to be installed, it is completely removed, and the soil is breaking around the plants.

After trimming and blissing, you can proceed to spring vaccines. This process starts when an approximate temperature is +5 0, and in the tissues of the connotation of the coating. This usually happens from mid-April to May. In any case, it is necessary to navigate on the characteristics of the growth of culture:

  • the first to vaccinate the Rannetic trees is apricots, plums, cherries, cherries.
  • later - pears and apple trees.
  • in addition, you should not forget about the timing of fruiting - vaccination must be completed before the kidney dissolve.

Child cleaning from winter residues

As soon as the land in the garden is dry so much that it does not get involved when walking, it is cleaned of overwhelming garbage. These are the remains of dry leaves, stems, branches that brought the wind in winter. Remove the entire garden with sharp teeth with robbles. Under the soil snow, a film was formed on the surface, which makes it difficult to access the air to the roots of plants. The feet of plant leaves, the gardener conducts aeration, that is, enriches the soil with oxygen.

The most carefully take care of lawns. After cleaning, the derm must be pierced. The easiest way is to use garden forks or special aerators. Lawns, which for more than five years require scarification. Work is carried out before the germination of young grass. The surface of the turf is cut to reduce the seal of the turf.

Preventive garden treatment against diseases and pests

Chemical preparations are not dangerous if applied to them correctly. They differ rapid effects and a long effect. The positive side consists in complete neutralization of the means in a short period. When the time comes to collect the harvest, poisonous substances will completely dissolve and swap.

Making fertilizers in spring

A rich harvest is impossible without feeding the garden. Fruit trees in the spring fertilize when the soil is dry to a wet state. During active focus, plants need nitrogen substances. In the spring, they contribute 2/3 of the total amount of plants for the entire vegetative period. Percentage of nitrogen in mineral and organic fertilizers:

Name fertilizer Nitrogen content (%) Note
Humile (manure rewind) 0,98
Bird litter 0,7 – 2,4 Nitrogen content depends on freshness of litter. The longer fertilizer is saved, the less the active substance remains
Compost 0,3 – 0,5
Sheet land 1,0 – 1,2
Non-peat 0,8 – 3,3 Dry substance
Ammonium nitrate 33,5 – 35
Carbamide (urea) 46
Ammonium chloride 24

Good results give feeding with complex fertilizers, which gardeners call: "According to the last snow". Dry granules are scattered over the entire surface of the soil. Dissolving in the worst snow, the active substance is evenly distributed at the desired depth.

Mineral feeders are carried out according to the instructions at intervals in 2 - 3 weeks.

Planting seedlings in April - early May

April, beginning of May is the best time to plant trees and shrubs with an open root system. It is possible to determine the term of work by the state of the soil. When the earth will dry so much that it can be saved to the desired depth, then the time came.


  • pit prepared two weeks before landing;
  • the top layer of soil 25 - 30 cm is folded separately. Deep poor soil is removed and replaced with fertile;
  • placed back to the pit and leave for two weeks for seal;
  • with the edge of the pit, the pegs are clogged to which the seedlock is tied;
  • before boarding, it forms a deepening, such a size, so that the roots are freely located, and the neck was located 2 cm above the edge of the pit. After landing when the soil seal, it will fall on the desired level;
  • when the seedlock is covered with the soil, an earth roller is built around the barrel in the form of a circle for holding water during watering.

Last time, trees and shrubs with a suit of soil were popular for sale. This method allows you to save roots and extend the landing time. Such plants can be planted from early spring to late autumn. Unlike them, seedlings are limited to the period of rest until the leaves are dissolved.

Seeding and planting seedlings in spring

Many gardeners have long refused to pinch the beds, following the equitable advice of organic farming. To prepare a place for sowing enough to break the soil and make effective microorganisms (EM) Emmochki, Baikal, shine.

Council#3 . You can apply "EM" only at the average temperature +10 - +12 0. Live culture, which is contained may die when cold.

Dates of sowing for vegetable crops are different, but you should not start working until the Earth warms up to +15 0. For example, the seeds of Bakhchyev - cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, which cannot be seeded, sowed under the condition of intensive warming. If the ground does not warm up, the seeds will lay in cold ground and do not go for a long time.

  • Previously, the other in April is planted garlic and onions, carrots, beets. Read also Article: → ".
  • They followed radishes, spinach, leaf salad.
  • After them - cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini.

Seedlings are in open ground only after the threat of the last frosts. For example, in the middle lane, they are not uncommon in mid-May. Differs are dangerous for the rapid sprouts of tomato, pepper, eggplant, cabbage. Do not rush with sowing and landing in adverse weather conditions. This will not only bring the crop maturation, but also destroy the seeds or seedlings.

Experienced gardeners worked out their own plans for spring events. As a rule, in many respects they are similar. If you adhere to strict sequence, you can evenly distribute spring work in the garden. To facilitate the work of the gardener, you can adhere to such a plan:

Error number 1. Disrupting the timing trimming of fruit trees.

If the time is omitted, the plants are activated by sloping, the sections are not delayed, the wound is formed, into which the pathogens of the disease penetrate. This leads to the infection of the whole tree.

Error number 2. Neglecting spring whitewash.

Among the gardeners are the misconception that the whims needed only in the fall as a measure against pests. Light paint reflects the sun's rays that spring can cause bark burns.

Error number 3. Early sowing of vegetable seeds in bed.

Some gardeners believe that the earlier sow seeds, the sooner the crop matures. This is not true. So far, the Earth warms up to the desired temperature, the seeds will not sprout. And if you go, then risk frozen from spring frosts.

Rubric "Questions and Answers"

Question number 1. What trees need to trim first?

Those who earlier begins vegetation. This is apricot, plum, cherry, cherry. Pear and apple tree can wait.

Question number 2. If there is no spunbond, as you can save the Cypress "Smaragd" from burns.

Previously, experienced gardeners pollinated coniferous plants with chalk mixed with water. When the need for protection disappeared, then painting was washed off with a powerful jet of water from the hose.

Question number 3. Can you put when the kidneys are fed on the trees?

Yes, if the input is active, and the lead in the "hibernation". To do this, pre-harvested cuttings must be kept in the refrigerator before vaccination.

Question number 4. What fertilizers are needed in the spring?

In the spring plants need nitrogen. It is called a green mass growth stimulator. Its a large amount is necessary because the substances in which it is contained is easily dissolved and quickly washed out of the soil.

Question number 5. We can not apply chemistry to process the garden, we have small children and two dogs. What are harmless to people and animals?

Modern biological resources do not pose a danger. These are microorganisms that stimulate the synthesis of protective substances in plants. The entire chemical army of insecticides - means of pests, replaces the actor. There are preparations against diseases:

  • Mikosan;
  • Phytoosporin;
  • Ekoberin;
  • Glyocladin.