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Common commands for the command block. Command Block Teams. How to make a command unit: ways to get it

When creating any playable card, which will differ from randomly generated locations, construction, pixelart or plot scenarios, the server administrator can not do without using "embedded" functions. To implement them, you can use the command unit. This is a special device in which you can record the system team, starting from getting a resource player and ending with its teleportation to the specified location. But how to give yourself a command block?

A warning

There are only two ways to acquire this item. Both are that you will need to use system teams. This comes from what to do (scaffold) with infirred materials is impossible. That is why the question is: "How to give yourself a command block?" - always relevant. Whatever fashion you have set, no matter how experimented with the ingredients, you will not have anything. Anyone who claims that by downloading his mod, you can create command blocks - a fraudster who seeks to "throw a virus" to you. So how to give yourself a command block?


The first method of obtaining the command block is that you can create a map in "Creativity" mode. The command unit will be available to get among other items.

The second method is slightly harder. To do this, have to use how to give yourself a command block using the system? To do this, you will have to open the chat and write the following: / Give [Name: Command_Block [Number]. Also, this team will answer the question how to issue another player.

All syntax is written without brackets. Instead of the name of the character, you must specify the nickname of the right player, the number is the number of command blocks obtained. By the way, the main condition for the work of this command is the permission to use cheats. If this feature is disabled, you will not receive this item in anyone or in a multiplayer game.


So, let's say you figured out how to give yourself a team unit, and it lies with you in inventory. Now let's learn to use it.

In order to place a block on the ground surface, drag it to the shortcut panel. After that, highlight it and click on the right place. At this point, you will open the control interface, with which we will enter the function. It should take into account that one command unit can only perform one instruction.

However, it is not always necessary that the player can find the command block and use it. It is much more interesting that the user can click on the lever, and the mountain of gold or the necessary items appeared before him. In this case, you can use red stone schemes.


In order to use the command block, a little know how to get it or install it. The most important thing is to be able to correctly register the syntax instructions. To do this, it is important to remember a few simple rules.

  1. First, the command itself is written. Here, any feature that is activated using the console can be spelled.
  2. Then the "zone of application" is given. That is, the player to which the effect or coordinate appearance of the subject will be applied.
  3. And finally, additional arguments to clarify the characteristics of the object.

In general, the command will look like this.

/ [Team] [Nick Player or Coordinates] [Parameters]

To better be clear, let's give a few real examples. Let's start with how to issue items by the command block.

/ give @p iron_ingot 30

With this instruction, the command unit will give the nearest player within the radius of 10 blocks of iron bars - 30 pieces. Now let's see how to work with coordinates.

/ SPAWN 10 20 30 / Summon Enderdragon

Actually, from the syntax and so it is clear that the team calls on certain dragon coordinates. Finally, we note that the complete list of commands used by the command block can be seen by entering the chat / Help.

In which the long-awaited innovation was added - command blocks.

Using the command blocks, you can specify certain commands that can apply both to the entire server and on a random player.

It is important to know: ask commands can only create a game world and only in cotton mode. Command blocks in the "survival" mode do not work.

Many players do not know and do not understand how to use these blocks and which commands need to be introduced to be active.

To get a command unit you need to open a chat and register the command / Give @p Command_Block

After that, choose it and install a lever or any other activator to it.

How to set a command for the command block?

In order for the command unit to execute this or that function, he needs to set a specific command. To do this, click on the command unit and the window opens with the ones. In the "Console Team" field and you need to enter the command you need.

Below will be presented the top 15 of the most popular commands for the command block to Mobile Minecraft.

Top 15 Commander for minecraft ne

/ Title @a Tittle Your message. With this command, you can write and transfer to everyone on the server some message or indication.

/ Effect @a Regeneration 2000 2000. Team for regeneration. 2000 is the level and quantity.

/ TP @a 0 0 0. Where - your coordinates, and 0 0 0 - Cordinates where you need to teleport. To learn your coordinates, you need to download a special mod.

/ Clone ~ -1 ~ 1 ~ 3 ~ 3 ~ -3 ~ 4 ~ -1 ~ -3 Team for an endless road for trolley. That is, the road will be constantly cloned and created.

/ setblock its coordinates DIAMOND_BLOCK. Team on endless diamond block. So you can get rich very quickly.

/ Weather Rain. Weather change team on rain.

/ Weather Clean. Command shift on clear weather, turns off rain.

/ GameMode 0 - a quick transition to survival mode. / GameMode 1 - transition to creative mode. I exhibit for whom the mode will change, for example / GameMode 0 @a - thus the mode will be applied to all players.

/ Time Set Night - This team changes the time of day at night. / Time Set Day - Thanks to this team, the day will come in minecraft.

/ Give @a Diamon 1 - a command that gives you the items that you specify. In our case, these are diamonds. Where 1 is the number of diamonds.

/ SpawnPoint - Thanks to this team, you can set the point of appearance after they died.

/ Kill - a team that kills everything on the map. You can ask what exactly you need to kill, for example animals or crips.

/ DiffiCulty - a program that changes the complexity in the game. You can deliver from 0 to 3.

/ Say - a team with which you can also communicate in the players on the server.

It is possible that this item is not particularly familiar to you, moreover, its use and activation in this game are generally riddles. But if you start playing over the network, you will be useful for you to know how to use the command block to minecraft, and why it is needed. However, everything is in order!

As you have already noticed, the Minecraft game makes it possible to interact with a multitude of different blocks. They differ from each other by functions, appearance and placement in space. Having gathered all their together, each hero seems to open for himself a new world!

There are so many different blocks that can be worn as an inventory and then place in the game again. Of these, after processing process, various materials can be obtained, which can also be subsequently subject to change.

Actually, the whole essence in minecraft is based on blocks. Among them are one that is absolutely not like that everything is a command unit. Its most likely can be attributed to the so-called console teams that are of great importance in the game. Let's figure it out why.

Teams in Minecraft

It is difficult to guess about the presence of the console, if you constantly play only in solitary mode. And all because it matters only in multiplayer mode. Thanks to her, the game functionality is significantly expanding. Server admin controls the gameplay using the console in which it prescribes commands. The command block in the game does, too, only a little differently. To be clearer, let's understand the principle of using commands.

If the administrator wants to make changes to the game, then he only needs to call the console and enter into it the appropriate command. It can make changes at any stage of the gameplay, ranging from minor adjustments (introducing additional mobs to the game) and ending with impressive changes (changing the game mode).

Thus, the admin with the help of teams has the opportunity to make the game as he represents it. It is equated in the Minecraft game to the creator with unlimited possibilities. But if the administrator has the ability to activate the commands, only by entering them into the console, then something else need something?

Lovers of the game (not everything, of course, but most of them) do not even think about the fact that there is a command block. But even when they are aware of what it is, then how to use them, have no idea. Although there is nothing complicated. With this block, some commands are automated and accurate conditions and events are created.

In other words, as soon as Admin contains a command block on the map, and will write specific commands for it, and the player will activate, a new event will come in the game space. You can register a lot in the block of the block, for example, what effects will be or to whom they will act. As you can see, in order to make the game more diverse, it is enough just to use the command blocks in Minecraft.

Who has access to the command block?

The command unit in the version of minecraft 1.5.2, and, of course, in those reliefs that came out later, is not only a powerful, but also very functional object. And they will not argue here. This is the reason for the simple player it is unavailable. They can only enjoy server admins. It is impossible to create or get by knocking out from mobs during the game.

There are, of course, one option for ordinary players, but taking advantage of them, be prepared for what you can ban on the same moment. We are talking about cheat codes. But even if the ban will overlook you, it does not mean that you can have access to the server. And all because the use of the command block you will not be able to remain unnoticed.

That is, you have one option - to play according to the rules. But still, there is another way: create your own server yourself and then control in the game will be entirely and completely only at your disposal.

How to use the command block in Minecraft?

The command unit is very easy to use. First you need to register the command: The right key, the administrator calls the window with the field. In this field, it indicates all that it is necessary: \u200b\u200bconditions, teams and so on. For example, messages in the form of text addressed to players. The next thing to do the admin is to put the block into the game. And there it will be found players.

Be sure to be installed in each such block, a red stone must be installed. He, if you activate it, give a signal to the command block. In order for this command to be constant or periodic with the same intervals, you just need to specify the conditions in a certain way.

That is, knowing how to use the command unit in Minecraft, you can specify specific conditions for the command you need. And since these commands can be any please, players on your server will be interested in playing depending on the conditions created here.

How to activate the command block in minecraft?

In Minecraft, the red stone has its own special purpose: it leads to the work command block. You ask: how to activate it? Everything is very simple! To create your own server, you need to fully configure everything separately. You are waiting for a lot of work. In order to resolve the question of whether you will or will not have a command bloc, you need to go to the server, or rather - in its properties. There you will see the next entry:


If you specify TRUE, then you activate the block, and if you select FALSE, turn it off.


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The command block in minecraft is a block in which various commands can be made. After receiving the signal from the Red Stone, it will begin to fulfill the task it. The block largely expands the possibilities of players and finds many ways to use in the gameplay. Thus, many gamers have a question how to make a command unit in minecraft.

Creating a command bloc

Just to take and make a command block (from the English "block") in Minecraft it is not possible. However, it can be obtained using special cheats and teams.

  1. Run a single game in Main in creativity.
  2. In the settings of the world, include the function of using cheats.
  3. Pursuing a question as in minecraft to make a command for issuing a block, you need to open the console.
  4. In the console row, you will need to enter the command: Give * Nickname player * Command_Block.

After performing this team, the block will be in the hand of the character of the corresponding player.

You can give the unit to yourself, another player or a whole group. In the survival mode it is impossible to use them.

How to use a block

The block is widely used in the game by performing various commands.

When the command unit turns out to be in the hands of the character, click on the PCM on the ground to install it. After that, you need to click the same button by the attribute itself.

This will open the command block window where you can enter the necessary task or change its parameters. In the future, changes can be made at any convenient moment. If something was done wrong, then in the same window the user will receive a corresponding notice.

Blocks can be in passive mode, run from the chain reaction through similar objects or to work across the signal transmitted by red stone. The command unit may also have a direction according to which you can build a whole chain from blocks that are triggered one by one.

If desired, the player can set the binding unit. With this feature, you can kill specific entities or all in the district, in addition to the player itself. The unit can be configured to interact with other players.

In some situations, the command unit can be used for teleportation of one player or a whole group. To do this, you will need to specify not only the command, but also the coordinates.

In principle, the command unit supports a lot of tasks, familiar with the full list of which is possible on numerous Internet resources. You can view the entire list of possible commands directly inside the game, setting in the Chat / Help window.

Video: How to use a command unit in Minecraft.

With the help of special teams, you can do anything in minecraft - we have a complete list of these teams.

You can add any items, change the weather conditions or just do yourself invulnerable. Some of the teams will only work in a single game or only in a multiplayer, so carefully read their description before entering.

Commands are entered into chat, so in order to start, press - T or / and then write.

Click to go:

Commands for a single game in Minecraft:

Commands for admin in Minecraft:

If you are an administrator of the server, then these commands will be very useful to you. With them you can perform most of the actions necessary for the normal existence of your server.

clear<цель> [Object number] [Additional data] - Clears the inventory of the specified player by all objects or specific ID.

debug. - Runs the debug mode or stops it.

defaultGameMode - makes it possible to change the default mode for new players on the server.

difficulty.<0|1|2|3> — Changes the complexity of the game, 0 - peacefully, 1 - easy, 2 - ok, 3 is difficult.

enchant.<цель> [Level] - Engines the subject in the hands, on the level specified in the team.

gameMode. [target] - Changes the game mode for the specified player. Survival (Survival, S or 0), creativity (Creative, C or 1), adventure (Adventure, A or 2). So that the team worked, the player should be online.

gamerule.<правило> [Value] - Makes it possible to change several basic rules. Value should be true or false.


  • dofireTick - with False stops the spread of fire.
  • domobloot - with FALSE with mobs does not drop away.
  • domobspawning - with False prohibits spawn mobs.
  • dotileDrops - with FALSE from destroyed blocks, items do not fall out.
  • kEEPINVENTORY - With True after death, the player does not lose the contents of the inventory.
  • mobgriefing - with false mobs can not destroy blocks (cryper explosions do not spoil the landscape).
  • cOMMANDBLOCKOUTPUT - with false, the command unit does not displays anything into the chat when executing the commands.

give.<цель> <номер объекта> [Quantity] [Additional Information] - gives the player the subject specified by software.

help [Page | team] ? [Page | team] - Displays a list of all available console commands.

publish - Opens access to the world on the local network.

say.<сообщение> — Shows all players a message pink color.

sPAWNPOINT [Purpose] [x] [y] [z] - Allows you to install a spa point for the player in the specified coordinates. If the coordinates were not indicated, the point of the spa will be your current position.

time Set.<число|day|night> - allows you to change the time of day. Time can be specified in a numerical value where 0 is dawn, 6000 afternoon, 12,000 sunset and 18,000 midnight.

time Add.<число> - Adds the specified amount of time to the current.

toggledownFall - makes it possible to turn on or disable precipitation.

tP.<цель1> <цель2>, TP.<цель> - makes it possible to carry out the teleportation of the player specified by the name to another or by the introduced coordinates.

weather.<время> — Allows you to change the weather for a certain time specified in seconds.

xp.<количество> <цель> — Gives a specific player a specified amount of experience, from 0 to 5000. If, after the number, enter L, the specified number of levels will be added. In addition, levels can be reduced, for example, -10L will reduce the player level for 10.

ban.<игрок> [cause] - Allows you to block the player's access to the server in Nick.

bAN-IP. Allows you to block the player access to the server by the IP address.

pardon<никнейм> — Allows you to unlock the specified player access to the server.

pardon-IP. Deletes the specified IP address from a black list.

banlist - Allows you to see a list of all player blocked on the server.

op.<цель> — Gives the specified player privileges of the operator.

dEOP.<цель> — Selects the player the privileges of the operator.

kick.<цель> [Cause] - Picks the specified player from the server.

list - Displays a list of all players online.

save-All. - will force all changes to the change on the server.

save-ON - Allows the server to automatically save.

save-OFF - It prohibits the server to automatically save.

stop. - completes the server operation.

whitelist List. - Displays a list of players in Whitelist.

whitelist. <никнейм> — Adds or deletes a player on a white list.

whitelist. - Includes or turns off the use of a white list on the server.

whitelist Reload. - Reboots Whitelist, you mean updates it according to the white-list.txt file (can be used when the White-List.txt is modified manually).

Privata Teams in Minecraft

These commands will need you if you are going to move the territory or perform the other related actions.

/ Region Claim<имя региона> - Saves a selected area as a region with the specified name.

// HPOS1 - Sets the first point in accordance with your current coordinates.

// HPOS2. - Sets the second point in accordance with your current coordinates.

/ Region Addowner.<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Adds the specified players to the owners of the region. The owners have the same opportunities as the creator of the region.

/ Region Addmember.<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Adds the specified players to the participants of the region. Participants have limited opportunities.

/ Region RemoveOwner.<регион> <ник1> <ник2> - Remove the specified players from the owners of the region.

/ Region Removemember.<регион> <ник1> <ник2> Remove the specified players from the regions participants.

// Expand.<длина> <направление> - expands the region in the specified direction. For example: // Expand 5 Up - will expand the release of 5 cubes upwards. Permissible directions: Up, Down, ME.

// Contract.<длина> <направление> - Reduce the region in the specified direction. For example: // Contract 5 Up - will reduce the release of 5 cubes from the bottom up. Permissible directions: Up, Down, ME.

/ Region Flag.<регион> <флаг> <значение> - The region can set the flag if you have sufficient access.

Possible flags:

  • pvP - Is PVP permissible in the region
  • use - Is the use of mechanisms, doors permissible
  • chest-Access - whether the use of chests is permissible
  • l AVA-FLOW - whether spreading lava is permissible
  • water-Flow - Water spread is permissible
  • lIGHTER - whether the use of lighters is permissible


  • allow - turned on
  • dENY - Disabled
  • none - the same flag as not in the private zone

Commands for the WORLEDIT plugin

These commands will need if the WORLEDIT plugin is installed on the server and you have permission to use it commands. On the average server, for most players - these commands will not be available.

// POS1 - Sets the coordinates as the first point where you are standing.

// POS2. - Sets the coordinates as the second point where you are standing.

// HPOS1 - Sets the coordinate as the first coordinate point to which you look.

// HPOS2. - Sets the coordinates as a second point to which you look.

// Wand. - Gives you a wooden ax by clicking on this ax left-click on the block, you set the first point, right-click the second.

// REPLACE. - Replaces all selected blocks to those specified in the selected region. For example: // Replace Dirt Glass - will replace the entire ground on the glass in the selected area.

// Overlay - cover the region by the specified block. For example: // Overlay Grass - Pasting the Grass region.

// Set. - Fill the empty area by the specified block. For example: // SET 0 - remove all blocks in the region (fill with air).

// Move. - shift blocks in the region on<количество>, in<направлении> and replace the remaining blocks on .

// Walls. - creates walls from<материал> In the selected region.

// SEL. - Removes the current selection.

// Sphere. - creates the sphere from , C radius . Raised can be yes or no if yes, then the center of the sphere will shift up on its radius.

// HSphere. - Creates an empty sphere with the specified parameters.

// CYL. - creates a cylinder from , with radius and height .

// hcyl - Creates a blank cylinder with the specified parameters.

// Forestgen. - Creates a forest area x. blocks, with type and density The density happens from 0 to 100.

// Undo. - cancels the specified number of your actions.

// Redo. - Restores the specified number of the actions that have canceled.

// SEL. - Allows you to choose the form of the region allocated. CUBOID - highlights parallelepiped. Extend is the same as CUBOID, but when installing the second point you extend the region without losing the selection from the already dedicated. Poly - allocates only in the plane. Cyl - cylinder. Sphere - sphere. Ellipsoid - ellipsoid (capsule).

// desel - Removes selection.

// Contract. - reduce to the specified number region in the selected direction (North, East, South, West, Up, Down), if the number is indicated - That and in the opposite direction.

// Expand. - increase the region to the specified number of blocks in the specified direction (North, East, South, West, Up, DOWN), if the number of Reverse-Amount is indicated in the opposite direction.

// INSET [-HV] - narrows the selected region in each direction.

// Outset [-HV] - Expands the selected region in each direction.

// Size - Shows the number of blocks in the highlighted region.

// Regen. - re-generates the selected region.

// Copy. - Copies the contents of the region.

// Cut. - Cuts the contents of the region.

// Paste. - Inserts the contents of the copied region.

// Rotate. - turns the contents of the copied region to the specified number of degrees .

// Flip. - Reflect the region in the buffer towards the DIR, or in the direction of your view.

// Pumpkins. - Creates a pumpkin field with the specified size.

// HPYRAMID. - Creates an empty pyramid from the block, with the size.

// Pyramid.Creates a pyramid from the block, with the size.

// Drain. - remove the water on the distance specified from you .

// Fixwater. - Corrects the water level on the distance specified .

// Fixlava. - fixes the level of lava on the distance specified from you .

// Snow - covers the snow area on the distance specified from you .

// Thaw. Removes snow on the distance from you .

// Butcher [-a] - kills all hostile mobs on the distance specified from you . Use [-A] kill both friendly mobs.

// - gives you a super pickaxe to quickly destroy blocks.