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As the urinary tract infection is manifested. Urinary tract infections: the first signs of the occurrence of the ailment and the principles of treatment. Applicable treatment of urinary tract infections

Every year a huge number of patients, both adults and childhood, regardless of sexuality, faces such a serious medical problem as urinary tract infection. Women suffer from this infection much more often than men, but men in the development of urinary tract infection expect a tendency to a protracted and even severe course of the disease.

Urinary tract infections are inflammatory diseases of the human urinary system caused by infectious microorganisms having a recurrent course with the possible development of complications.

The urinary system (urinary pathways) is a single complex of organs for the formation of urine and its discharge from the body, this is a serious selection system, from the clear functioning of which not only the condition of the human body, but also the patient's life in some cases (with acute renal failure). The urinary pathways from the kidneys of the beobovo form (urine formation occurs), urine (urine on them enters the bladder), urinary bubble (urine tank), urethra or urinary channel (urine release).

Urinary Ways play a significant role in maintaining the water-salt balance of the body, the development of a number of hormones (erythropoietin, for example), release from a number of toxic substances. During the day, an average of 1,5-1.7 liters of urine is released, the amount of which may vary depending on the fluid consumed, salt, urinary tract diseases.

Risk groups for urinary tract infections:

Female sex (women are sick with such infections 5 times more often than men, it is associated with a physiological feature of the body of a woman - a short and wide urethra channel, suspended with the infection easier to penetrate the urinary paths).
- Children up to the age of 3 years (inferiority of immunity, in particular, infection of the foxidation system are the most common cause of fever of unclear genesis among boys up to 3 years).
- Faces of elderly due to the development of age immunodeficiency.
- Patients with the features of the structure of the urinary system (for example, an enlarged prostate iron may make it difficult to outflow of urine from the bladder).
- Patients with renal pathology (for example, a urolithiasis at which stones are an additional risk factor for the development of infections).
- Patients of resuscitation and intensive care departments (such patients need to remove urine with urinary catheter - this is an infection entrance gate).
- Patients with chronic diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus, in which there is a high risk of developing urinary tract infections by reducing the resistance of the body).
- Women applying some contraceptive methods (for example, a diaphragm ring).

Factors predisposing to the emergence of urinary tract infections are:

1) supercooling (the bulk of such problems occurs in the cool time of the year),
2) the presence of respiratory infection in the patient (there is a frequent activation of urological
infections in the cold season)
3) decrease in immunity,
4) Violations of urine outflow of different character.

Causes of urinary tract infections

Absolutely sterile from microorganisms is formed in the kidneys, it contains only water, salts and various exchange products. The infectious pathogen first penetrates the urethra, where favorable conditions have been created for its reproduction - urethritis develops. Further applies above to the bladder, in which his mucous membrane is inflammation - cystitis. In the absence of adequate medical care, the ureterals infection enters the kidney with the development of pyelonephritis. This is the most frequent ascending type of infection.

Pathways, causing urinary tract infections:

1) Intestinal wand (Escherichia coli). This pathogen is a representative of the normal flora of the large intestine, and its fall in the urethru is mainly due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Also, the intestinal wand is almost always present on the outdoor genital organs. 90% of all urinary tract infections are due to the intestinal wand.
2) chlamydia and mycoplasma - microorganisms affecting mainly urethra and ducts of the reproductive system. Transmitted mainly by sex and affect the urinary system.
3) Klebseyella, a blue chopstick can be causative agents of urinary tract infections in children.
4) Streptococci serogroup A and V.

How microorganisms can get into urinary ways:

1) If the rules of personal hygiene are non-compliance after visiting the toilet room.
2) During sexual contact and anal sex.
3) When using certain methods of contraception (diaphragm ring, spermicides).
4) In children, these are inflammatory changes due to stagnation of urine in the pathology of the urinary tract of various nature.

Symptoms of urinary tract infections

What clinical forms of urinary tract infections are found in medical practice? This is an infection of the urethra or urethra - urethritis; bladder infection - cystitis; Infection and inflammatory process in the kidneys - pyelonephritis.

Also allocate two main types of infection spread is an uptrending infection and descending. With an upward infection, the inflammatory process affects the anatomically lower organs of the urinary system, and then there is a dissemination of an infectious process to the above-mentioned organs. An example is cystitis and subsequent development of pyelonephritis. One of the reasons for an ascending infection is the so-called problems of a functional nature in the form of a bubble-ureteral reflux, which is characterized by the reverse current of urine from the bladder into ureters and even the kidneys. The descending infection by origin is more clear. In this case, the causative agent of infection is spread from higher departments of the urinary system to lower, for example, from the kidneys in the bladder.

Many cases of infectious pathology of the urinary system are asymptomatic. But still, for specific clinical forms, there are certain symptoms, which are most often complaining of patients. For most patients, nonspecific symptoms are characterized: weakness, poor well-being, overwork, irritability. Such a symptom as a fever undisputed at first glance (temperature) - in the overwhelming majority of cases the sign of the inflammatory process in the kidneys.

With uretrite patients bother: Root with urination, pain and burning at the beginning of the urination process, separation from the nestra of a mucous-purulent nature, having a specific smell.

With cystitis There is a frequent urination, which can be painful, accompanied by painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen, a sense of insufficient emptying of the bladder, sometimes the temperature can be raised.

Pyelonephritis It is characterized by the appearance of pain in the lumbar region, an increase in body temperature (with a sharp process), chills, symptoms of intoxication (weakness, lubrication in the body), urination disorders may not feel. Only with ascending infection can be disturbed first pain during urination, stripped urination.

Summarizing the foregoing, list the symptoms characteristic of urinary tract infections requiring access to the doctor:

1) pain, burning and cutting when urination;
2) frequent urination;
3) pain at the bottom of the abdomen, in the lumbar region;
4) Pain in a suplocked area in women;
5) temperature and symptoms of intoxication without cold phenomena;
6) discharge from the urethra of the mucinous-purulent nature;
7) the change in the color of the urine - becomes muddy, the appearance of mucus, flakes, blood streaks;

Features of urinary tract infections in children

The frequent causes of the infections of the urinary system in children are obstruction of the urinary tract, various kinds of functional disorders, phyms, congenital anomalies of the urinary tract, rare emptying of the bladder.

The symptoms of urinary tract infections in kids can be erased. Babies up to 1.5 years old, with such an infection, can become irritable, plastic, abandoning food, may not be very high, but a short-range temperature, poorly bought by conventional antipyretic drugs. Only from the biennium, the child will complain about pain in his stomach or back, the pain at the bottom of the abdomen, you will notice the stripped urination, urination disorders, the body temperature is more often rising than remains normal.

The outcome of the urinary tract infection in the child is more often favorable, but there are such consequences as sclerosis of kidney tissue, arterial hypertension, protein in the urine, functional disorders of the kidneys.

Features of the urinary tract infection in pregnant women

Up to 5% of pregnant women suffer from inflammatory kidney diseases. The main reasons for this include hormonal restructuring of the body during pregnancy, the decrease in the immunological protection of the body, the change in the location of some organs associated with the growing fruit. For example, due to an increase in the size of the uterus, pressure on the bladder occurs, there are stagnant phenomena in urinary organs, which will result in the reproduction of microorganisms. Such changes require frequent monitoring of this system in a pregnant woman.

Features of the infection of urinary tract in men

First of all, the reasons leading to the emergence of infections of the urinary system in men differ from female. This is basically such pathology as a urolithiasis and an increase in the size of the prostate gland. Hence the impact of urine and inflammatory changes in the urinary system. In a program of treating men, this item is included as a removal of an obstacle for urine outflow (stone, for example). Also certain problems delivers a chronic inflammatory process in the prostate gland, which requires massive antibiotic therapy.

Diagnosis of urinary tract infections

The preliminary diagnosis is made on the basis of the patient's clinical complaints, but not in all cases it is enough to form a faithful diagnosis. For example, pyelonephritis can be accompanied only by the temperature and symptoms of intoxication, the back pain appear not in the first day of the disease. Therefore, without additional laboratory research methods, the doctor is diagnosed with difficult.

Laboratory diagnostics includes:

1) generallygic analysis: general blood test, general urine analysis, blood biochemical research (urea, creatinine) and urine (diastasis).
The most informative at the initial stage is the overall analysis of urine. For research takes the average portion of the morning urine. In the study, the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, calculate, due to which it is possible to suspect the bacteriuria (bacterial inflammatory process). Also informative such indicators like protein, sugar, share.
2) bacteriological method (urine sowing for special nutrient media in order to detect growth in certain types of microorganisms), in which the average portion of the morning urine is closed into sterile dishes;
3) PCR method (with a negative bakposphere and continued urinary tract infection) - to identify such microorganisms as chlamydia, mycoplasm.
4) Instrumental diagnostic methods: ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, cystoscopy, radiocontrase research or intravenous urography, radionucheoid studies and others.

Basic principles of treatment of urinary tract infections

1. Mode events: Home semi-noar treatment in the infections of the urinary system, and according to the indications, hospitalization into the therapeutic or urological department of the hospital. Compliance with the dietary regime with salt limited and sufficient liquid in the absence of renal failure. In case of kidney diseases, diet No. 7, 7a, 7b by singer is shown.

2. Etiotropic treatment (antibacterial) includes various groups of drugs that
appointed only by a doctor after setting the correct diagnosis. Self-treatment will lead to the formation of resistance to antibiotics of the causative agent of infection and the occurrence of frequent recurrences of the disease. For treatment, it is applied: accepting, Bactrim, Amoxicillin, nitrofurans, ampicillin, fluoroquinolones (offloxacin, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin), if necessary, combinations of drugs. The course of treatment should be 1-2 weeks, less rare (with concomitant pathology, the development of septic complications, anomalies of the urinary system). After the end of treatment, it is necessary to control the effectiveness of treatment with a complete laboratory survey appointed by the attending physician.

The launched cases of urinary tract infections with the formation of a protracted flow occasionally require longer courses of etiotropic treatment with a total duration of several months.

Recommendations of the doctor for the prevention of a protracted flow of urinary tract infections:

Drinking mode (sufficient fluid intake during the day);
- timely emptying of the bladder;
- hygiene of the crotch area, daily shower instead of bathroom reception;
- careful hygiene after sex contacts;
- not allow self-medication with antibiotics;
- Avoid acute and salty foods, coffee reception;
- drink cranberry juice;
- dramatically cut down until the smoking is completely exception;
- for the period of treatment, avoid sexual proximity;
- Exclude alcohol.

Features of therapeutic measures for pregnant women:

When registering infections of urinary tract in pregnant, therapeutic measures are carried out without delay to prevent more serious problems (premature genera, toxicosis, arterial hypertension). The choice of antibacterial drug remains behind the doctor and depends on the period of pregnancy, the evaluation of its effectiveness and possible risks for the fetus. The appointment of drugs is strictly individually.

3. Fedromal therapy (antipyretic at temperatures, urological fees, herbal
wrosomptics, for example, phytolysin, immunomodulators and others).

4. Fitting therapy for urinary tract infections: Apply of herbs (birch leaves, Tolokniki, grass waving field, dandelion root, juniper fruit, fenhel fruit, elderberry black, parsley fruit, daisy flowers and others).

The main problem of urinary tract infections is a frequent development of the recurrent form of infection. This problem is characteristic mainly for women, each 5th woman after the primary debut of the urinary system infection occurs with the repetition of all symptoms, that is, the development of relapse, and sometimes frequent recurrences. One of the important properties of relapses is the formation of new modified strains of microorganisms with increasing recurrence frequency. These modified strains of bacteria are already acquired and resistance to specific drugs, which will definitely affect the treatment of subsequent exacerbations of infection.

Recurrements of urinary tract infection may be related:

1) with an unfinished primary infection (due to the wrong low doses of antibacterial drugs, non-compliance with the treatment regimen, the development of the resistance of the pathogen to the drugs);
2) with a long-term persistence of the causative agent (the ability of the pathogen is attached to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract and to be long in the infection focus);
3) with the occurrence of re-infection (reinfection by the new causative agent of the periurethral space, a direct pisk, the skin of the crotch).

Prevention of urinary infections

1) Important in prophylactic measures are given to the timely rehabilitation of chronic foci
bacterial infection (tonsillitis, sinusitis, cholecystitis, caries teeth and others), of which the infection can spread and hit the urinary system with a blood current.
2) compliance with the hygienic rules of care for intimate zones, especially girls and
women, pregnant women.
3) Avoid overwork, hypothermia of the body.
4) Timely correction of changes in the human immune system.
5) Timely treatment of diseases of the urinary system (urolithiasis, prostatitis, developmental abnormalities).

Doctor Infectiousist Bykov N.I.

Diseases of urinary tract include diseases of such organs such as ureterals, bladder, urethra, as well as a cup of kidney cup. A feature of these diseases is that the urinary bodies are closely related to the reproductive human system.

Among the causes of urinary tract diseases, the infectious damage caused by the reproduction of bacterial microflora due to violations of the patient's immune status, reducing the body's resistance due to stress or supercooling. A huge role also plays the presence of frequent unprotected random sex contacts.

Knowledge of risk factors makes it possible to adequately carry out the prevention of these diseases. It is also important to know the features of the flow of diseases of the urinary sphere in men, women, as well as in children. There are a large number of pathologies under which the above bodies are affected. Sendly consider the diseases of each part of the excretory system than they appear and what features have.


Pelite is an inflammatory process that flows in the mucous membrane of the pelvis. Very often, inflammation is not limited to the mucous membrane and goes to the kidney parenchyma, as a result of which such a disease is developing as pyelonephritis. However, in the early stages of the disease it is more correct to talk about insulated peelitis.

The reasons

Pelite arises usually due to infectious processes that develop due to the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the kidney cavity through blood, lymph or urinary paths. Such distribution paths are called hematogenic, lymphogenic and urogenic.

Among the pathogens, an intestinal wand is most often found, which usually penetrates the loyal lymphogenic path.

Other frequent pathogens can be staphylococci, streptococci and other bacteria. Therefore, the pylitis usually occurs as a consequence of such infectious diseases as intestinal pathology, angina, scarletin, abdominal typhus.

An important role in the creation of conditions for the attachment of infection is played by a urolithiasis. When the stones are in the renal laughter, they can injure the epithelium of the mucous membrane, which creates conditions for the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the wall of the organ. Gradually, the infectious process applies to functionally active kidney tissue or ureterals and a bladder - a downward path of infection.

The upstream distribution path is that the infection moves from the urethra to the bladder, then on the ureters of the bacteria, fall into the cavity of the cup-making system and the kidney parenchyma. If the inflammation of the pelvis began due to the penetration of the pathogenic microflora by from the bottom up, such a pylitis is called ascending. It may be injured, pregnancy or supercooling.


Severe acute and chronic pelitis options. In acute, an increase in temperature is increased to 40 degrees with short-term temperature normalization periods. Fever is a consequence of general intoxication of the body, it is accompanied by a decrease in overall performance, headache.

Another symptom of inflammation of kidney pelvis is the pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe loaf with irradiation into the inguinal region and the genitals. When painting on the lower back, pain is enhanced, blood appears in the urine. Urination can be painful, the patient is disturbed by frequent urge to empty bladder.

Cause inflammatory urinary system diseases maybe pregnancy

The duration of the course of the disease depends on what caused its development. For example, pylitis associated with infectious diseases can last up to several weeks, after which it completely disappeared (if the correct treatment was carried out). The pelitis associated with pregnancy disappears only after the delivery. If the necessary therapeutic measures have been taken, there is a risk that the disease will go into chronic kidney parenchyma defeat (pyelonephritis).

If pylitis arose against the background of urolithiasis, it is already considered chronic in the early stages.


A general analysis of urine is carried out, in which pyuria is determined - increased content of leukocytes. Urine can become muddy, which is associated with the presence in it in the pus. An important feature is that when the urine standing does not fall down.

It is also possible to carry out a microscopic examination of urine, the purpose of which also lies in the determination of leukocytes in this biological fluid. In some cases, when the amount of pusa is large, protein can be detected.


The effectiveness of treatment is determined primarily by the elimination of the cause of the disease. If the inflammation of the pelvis occurs as the result of the infectious process, it is necessary to carry out antibiotic therapy in order to combat the causative agent. If pylitis has become a complication of urolithiasis, it is required to remove the accretions from urinary tract.

The patient needs to comply with bed mode, it is recommended to drink a large amount of liquid. Abundant drinking is necessary to increase the burdering load and enhancing the removal of the products of the biology of bacteria, as well as the dead microorganisms themselves.

Antibiotic therapy usually consists in the use of sulfonamides (recommended preparations are sulfacyl, Urosulfan). If there is a tendency to generalize infection, other antibiotics are prescribed, including combined drugs.

Furagin, Furadonin, Urotropin are used - these funds showed their effectiveness in the treatment of infectious diseases of the urinary tract. Under the conditions of the operating room, it is possible to wash with lochank with disinfectants.


The most effective means of preventing inflammatory diseases of the cup-lowering system is the warning and early treatment of infectious diseases. This is especially concerned with intestinal infections, as well as angina. It is also important to solve the question of removing stones in a timely manner.

Urinary ways are affected by this disease due to disruption of metabolism. The factors predispose to the appearance of stones are:

  • calcium exchange violation;
  • violation of phosphorus exchange;
  • stagnation of urine;
  • excessive use of calcium salts, for example, with drinking water;
  • inflammatory processes.

Pain - the main sign of urolithiasis

There are three types of stones depending on their composition. Urachial (urates), oxalate (sowless) and phosphate (phosphate). The conditions for falling out the sediment of these salts occur when the products of inflammation of the mucous membranes are formed, for example, peelitis.

Contribute to the formation of stones such elements such as mucus, pus, blood clot, epithelial cells, which are in the lumen of urinary tract, as a result of which their blockage may occur.


At the beginning of the disease, when the stones are still too small (in the form of "sand"), no symptomatology may not be. Sometimes together with urine sand can go out. The clinical picture develops with the appearance of signs of irritation of the mucous membrane by foreign bodies - the mucosa of the urethra is preferably affected. Larger stones can not disturb the patient for a long time, as they can be in Lohanka for a long time, without moving from the place and not causing irritation.

If the stones for one reason or another change their location, such symptoms appear as pain. If there is a blockage of the ureter, pain can be significantly pronounced. This condition is called renal colic.

In its development, an important role is played by the spastic reduction of the muscles of the urinary tract, stretched by the accumulated urine or passing stone. The pain appears unexpectedly, the intensity is rapidly growing, it can give in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin, urethra. At the same time, vegetative symptoms appear - nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, weakens the pulse.

If the stone does not pass through the ureter, creating an obstacle to urine outflow, uronephrosis develops and renal failure. Perhaps the development of life-threatening state.

Stones in a cup-laughter system are removed using lithotripsy

Diagnostics is based on data of general inspection and special research methods. The symptom of Pasternatsky (pain and blood appearance after the harness at the lower back) is positive. When analyzing urine, hematuria is detected, which can be a noticeable naked eye - urine color often becomes reddish.

Blood appears in the urine due to damage to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract by a passing stone. For diagnosis, it is important that blood appears only in one kidney or ureter. Therefore, it is possible to determine the direction of the lesion by conducting a fence of urine from separate catheters introduced into the ureters.

However, this method is inappropriate to use - currently use x-ray methods for determining the lesion focus.

The clinical picture depends on the size of the stone, so small concreters can cause only low-heed symptoms. Large stones that cannot independently come out of the pelvis, lead to the development of a chronic disease. In this case, the patient notes from time to time notes the appearance of signs of inflammation of the urinary tract, which, after treatment, disappear.


Small stones or renal sand require a patient compliance with a diet based on dairy and vegetable products that do not have an irritant effect on the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. It is recommended to use a sufficient amount of vitamins A, D.

The abundant drink is shown to improve the passage of urine and washing the urinary tract. Mineral waters possess high efficiency.

Renal colic requires more radical measures. The patient must be in full rest, the rainfront is applied to the zone area, warm baths are prescribed in order to reduce muscle spasm. The subcutaneous administration of morphine, priedol or canopone, as well as atropine, is shown. If the cooling of the limbs is noted, the heights are applied to them. If there are violations of cardiac activity, then their correction is carried out.

Plugging of the ureter of the Conqueritom

The removal of large concrections should be surgical, especially in cases where they cause kidney colic attacks or cause inflammatory processes in the urinary tract. Pelites and pyelonephritis associated with urolithiasis are treated in the methods indicated above.

The prevention of stone formation is a full-fledged balanced nutrition, as well as in the timely treatment of inflammatory pathologies of kidneys and urinary tract.

Pathology of uroakers

For diseases of these organs, the most frequent and characteristic symptom is the pain in the lower back in the area of \u200b\u200bthe projection of uretera. This may be a manifestation of urolithiasis, tuberculous lesion, empieme (suppuration) of the ureter culture. Only a qualified doctor after certain diagnostic procedures will be able to establish the exact cause of the appearance of pain.

The inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder arises as a result of the impact of microorganisms, which fall into this organ or from the kidneys, or through the urethra. More often is the upward way of infection.

A trusting factor in the development of the disease is usually supercooling and cold. In addition, the cause of cystitis is damage to the mucous membrane by blades or irritating chemicals.

Some cases of disease are associated with non-compliance with the introduction of urinary catheters when an non-sterile toolkit is used. Women are more often sick, the reason is the structure of the urinary tract.


Acute cystitis is manifested by an increase in body temperature and common malaise. The patient complains of pain at the bottom of the abdomen, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bladder, irradizing in the genitals and the urethra. It is often observed such symptoms as frequent urge to urination, the process of expulsion of urine is usually not accompanied by pain.

Cystitis is usually manifested by pain at the bottom of the abdomen

The total number of single urine isolated is reduced, pus is present in it, which is why it becomes muddy. Sometimes it can have a red shade due to the presence of blood. In the urine there may be flakes, mucus - a sign of damage to the bubble epithelium. For some time, urine acquires a sharp smell of ammonia, its reaction becomes alkaline.

In chronic cystitis, the clinical picture is significantly less pronounced, there may be no sharp painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen. Fever often no, urinary calls may not disturb the patient. In the urine, the presence of pus both in appearance and according to the results of the analysis, the reaction is alkaline, the smell sharp. The duration of the course of acute cystitis during timely treatment does not exceed a few weeks, chronic can disturb the alternating phase of relapse and remission for several years.


Bedroom mode. Recommended abundant drink, for the most part milk or alkaline mineral waters. Patients showing a dairy-vegetable diet, is prohibited by the use of all irritating mucous membranes. Warm baths should be taken, put the heating on the bottom of the abdomen.

Antimicrobial therapy is to use sulfanimamides and other drugs shown in pylitis. In chronic cystitis, the washing of the urinary bubble cavity is shown by disinfecting solutions. The remaining principles of treatment and prevention do not differ from those with pylits.

The urinary system plays an important role in the proper functioning of the body.

Blood filtration by kidneys, removal of excess fluid with material metabolic products, maintaining water-salt balance in the body, control of blood pressure - not all processes that can be broken when inflammation occurs.

They can hit adults and children, causing functional disorders and significantly reducing the quality of life.

Urinary tract infections

The concept of "" (IFP) unites the group of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system organs, which are developing in the infectious pathogen in the body.

The urinary system authorities include:

  • kidneys - a pair body responsible for blood filtering and;
  • ureterals - hollow tubes through which urine reaches the bladder;
  • the bladder is a hollow organ, a smooth muscle tank, in which urine cluster occurs;
  • (or urethra) is a tubular organ that eliminates urine from the body.

Despite the fact that the urinary pathways are sterile, any of the organs may be subject to the development of the infectious process. A feature is that in most cases inflammation is transmitted between the upstream bodies (from the urethra up to the kidney) or a downward path (from infected kidney to the bladder).

Classification of disease

There are several classifications of infectious diseases of the urinary system.


  • infections of the upper urinary tract, they include inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis), ureters;
  • lower urinary tract - bladder (cystitis) and urethra ().

By the nature of the course of the disease:

  1. Uncomplicated. Benefit without structural changes in the tissues of the urinary apparatus organs, in the absence of obstructive uralopathy or other concomitant diseases.
  2. Complicated. Arise against the background of difficult urination, when applying instrumental research methods or treatment (catheterization).

Depending on the place of infection, the causative agent:

  1. Hospital. Also known as nosocomial or nosocomial. Develop an infectious pathogen in the body of an infectious pathogen in the medical institution.
  2. Complete-communal. Develop in outpatient conditions with circumstances favorable for infection.

According to the characteristics of the symptoms:

  1. Clinically pronounced infections. It is characterized by an explicit, often intense expressed symptoms.
  2. Asymptomatic infections. The clinical picture is manifested weakly, the symptoms slightly worsen the quality of life of the patient.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease

Urinary tract infections relate to widespread diseases, they enter the top five most common infectious diseases. Here are some signs:

The CFA course is characterized by a number of features depending on the floor and the age of the patient:

In the age group, from 20 to 50 years old, women are often faced with IMLP problems. But in the category after 50 years, the situation changes: at this age, the frequency of "male" diseases (prostatitis, adenoma) is increasing, which can give the complication and distribution of infection to the organs of the urinary system.

Pathogens and paths of their penetration into the body

Provice the emergence and development of inflammation in the organs of the urinary apparatus can various types of microorganisms:

  • bacteria (intestinal wand, ureaplasma, gonococci, streptococci, trichomonade, lacery, staphylococcal);
  • mushrooms (yeast fungi genus Candida);
  • viruses (herpetic, papillomaviruses, cytomegalovirus).

The most frequent causative agent is the gram-negative bacterium - Escherichia coli intestinal wand (E. coli). This bacterium refers to a conditional pathogenic, is a normal component of intestinal microflora.

In case of neglecting hygienic procedures, improper crotch washing (from the rear pass forward), in the event of a fall of the body's protective forces (with a supercooling, the presence of viral diseases), heavy forms of dysbacteriosis, E. coli begin to actively multiply on the skin and can migrate to the urethra mucosa, developing which causes inflammation.

There are several possible paths of penetration and distribution of pathogens in the urinary tract:

  1. Contact. Unprotected sexual contact (vaginal or anal), migration on the skin from the rear pass, catheterization ,.
  2. Hemorrhagic and lymphogenic. The pathogen falling on the body of the body (from blood or lymph) in the case of the presence in the body of infectious foci. For example, carious teeth, angrint, sinusitis, lung inflammation (against the background of a launched viral infection, the pathogenic causative agent can penetrate the bladder mucosa - develops).
  3. Downward. Move the causative agent from the kidneys through the ureters, the bladder to the urethra.
  4. Ascending. Infectious inflammation applies to bottom-up: from the urethra to the kidney.

Newborns are prone to the development of the PCA due to possible congenital defects, underdevelopment or late formation of some parts of the urinary system (urethral valves, ureteral mouth). The emergence of infectious inflammatory diseases is possible with improper use of diapers.

Manifestation of symptomatics

The clinical manifestations of the ICP can manifest themselves at the initial stage of the disease. But also the process of infectious inflammation for a long time can proceed asymptomatic.

With urinary tract infection, various symptoms may appear:

  • painful sensations in the field of small pelvis, lower back, side;
  • itching in the region of the urethra;
  • a feeling of burning, pain, difficulties in urination;
  • uncharacteristic liquid waste from the bladder (transparent, serous, greenish-purulent);
  • hyperthermia, chills, fever;
  • change of smell, urine color.

In children, especially younger age, the symptoms of the ISP may be even more lubricated than in adults.

Children up to 1.5-2 years can not specify the localization of pain, they become smaller and restless.

Parents may notice the increase in urination, the traces of urine of unusual color on the diaper, an increase in body temperature.

Diagnostic methods

The preliminary diagnosis is made after analyzing the patient's complaints therapist or. To confirm the diagnosis and compilation of a complex of therapeutic measures, assign:

  • common clinical analysis of blood and urine;
  • biochemical analysis of blood and urine (such metrics of metabolism, as, some enzymes characterize the activities of the kidney);
  • or PCR analysis (to establish the nature of the causative agent of the disease);
  • instrumental research methods (cystoscopy, X-ray-contrast studies, ultrasound kidneys and bladder).

Timely and comprehensive diagnosis allows you to identify the disease at an early stage and prevent the spread of the inflammatory process.

Methods of therapy

The main task of therapeutic measures in infection of urinary trapes is the suppression of the infectious and inflammatory process and the elimination of the pathogen. In the treatment of IFP, drugs of different groups of antibacterial agents are used:

In order to prevent the development of fungal infection, antimicose agents (flukonazole) are added.

As part of therapeutic complex (to reduce urethra), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, combined preparations of plant origin (Kanefron).

Renal herbal fees, teas, are widely used. Additionally, physiotherapy sessions can be assigned.

During treatment, it is necessary to respect the diet with the restriction of the use of acidic, spicy, salty products, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, coffee and chocolate. These foods, changing urine pH, can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the urinary system.

The consequences of illness

Urinary tract infections, affecting the mucous membrane, can cause severe consequences for the entire body. Paints, frequent urination to urinate greatly worsen the quality of life of the patient.

In the case of incorrectly selected treatment or non-fulfillment of the doctor's prescriptions, the pulp is returned again, causing severe relapses.

Against the background of progressive pyelonephritis, renal failure can develop, the deformation of ureters (kidney omission), violation of urine removal (reflux). The transfer of the CFA when entering a child can cause spontaneous interruption of pregnancy on any time.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures to prevent the ICP consist in correction of lifestyle and implement some rules:

  • timely treatment of infectious foci in the body;
  • compliance with hygienic standards;
  • prevent the aboolness of the organism;
  • on time to empty the bladder;
  • the use of condoms during sexual intercourse.

Urinary tract infections are not a strict indication for the hospitalization of the patient, outpatient treatment shows high efficiency with timely appeal to the doctor.

But without performing medical appointments, ignoring the symptoms of the disease, it is possible to cause the dissemination of the disease to neighboring organs, provoke the transition of the pulp in chronic form.

Currently, a large number of people, regardless of age and gender, are faced with such a difficult ailment as the urinary tract infection. This problem is an infectious-inflammatory process in human urinary system organs caused by pathogenic bacteria.

The female body is more susceptible to these diseases, however, urinary infections in men are often characterized by a heavy and protracted flow. Unfortunately, in many cases, this pathological condition acquires a recurrent course with the development of possible severe complications - chronic renal failure, which often may endure the disability of the patient.

In our article, we want to tell about the risk factors for the development of urinary tract infections, describe their main signs, modern methods for the diagnosis of these diseases and rational treatment.

What is a urinary human urinary system?

The urinary tract is a single system of organs involved in the process of urinating and isolating urin from the body. This complex consists of:

  • kidneys - pair-shaped paired organs, in which the processes of filtering biological fluids and urine formation are occur;
  • ureterals - hollow tubular organs, according to which Urin from the renal locher enters the bladder;
  • bladder - a hollow muscular organ that performs the role of the urine tank;
  • the urethra (or urethra) is a unpaired tubular organ, through which urine release is carried out from the human body.

The state of human health depends on the clear functioning of this complex, and in some cases its life. Urinary organs belongs great importance in maintaining water-salt equilibrium in the body, secretion of a number of biologically active substances, the removal of a series of toxins.

At the blade per day, about 1.6 liters of biological fluid is distinguished, the amount of which varies depending on the use of salt and water, as well as from diseases of the urinary system organs

Factors predisposing to the development of diseases of urinary authorities

In the development of pathological processes in the excretory system of the human body, a bacterial infection plays a major role. Circumstances that predispose to the emergence of the EHA, this is:

  1. Supercooling.
  2. Frequent respiratory diseases.
  3. Reducing the resistance of the body.
  4. Violation of normal urine outflows.

Factors contributing to the development of urinary tract infection in women are:

  • anatomical features of urinary tract - shorter and wide urethra, facilitating the penetration of pathogens;
  • the use of some contraceptive methods (for example - spermicides or vaginal ring).

The risk group for the development of infectious inflammatory pathology represents:

  • children under 3 years old;
  • elderly people;
  • men having the features of the structure of the prostate gland (for example, its increase can impede urine from the bladder);
  • persons suffering from renal pathologies (for example - urolithiasis);
  • patients who have suffered surgery - for some time they need to extend urine outflow using the blade of the blade;
  • sugar diabetes patients - this disease leads to a decrease in immunity.

Very often there is an infection of urinary tract during pregnancy - in the period of tooling the kid, the body of the future mother becomes susceptible to various malicious pathogens.

More information about infections of urinary tract in children can be found.

Causes of the development of infectious processes in the urinary system

The kidneys isolated an absolutely sterile urine containing salts, products of metabolism and water. The infection pathogens are most often penetrated into the urethra in the urethra, the most favorable conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms and the development of the inflammatory process (urethritis) have been created.

In the absence of a timely healing therapy on ureterals, pathogenic bacteria fall into the kidneys and cause the damage to their channel system - pyelonephritis. This process is called - ascending infection.

Causes of the development of the infectious-inflammatory process in urinary tract - pathogenic bacteria penetrating with the weakening of one of the mechanisms for the protection of the sterility organs of the excretory system

The infectious damage of urinary organs causes the following types of microorganisms:

  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • gonococci;
  • trichomonas;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasma;
  • klebsiella;
  • yeast-like fungi;
  • intestinal and sinic sticks.

Escherichiacoli (intestinal wand) is the main "culprit" of inflammation of the urinary system organs - about 90% of infection is due to this microorganism

This bacterium is a representative of intestinal microflora and outdoor genitals, its hitting in the urethra occurs when non-compliance with the elementary requirements of hygiene.

The main way of transmitting pathogenic microorganisms is pin, with:

  • non-compliance with the rules of hygiene after visiting the toilet;
  • unprotected sexual proximity with an unfamiliar partner;
  • anal interchange.

Classification of infectious diseases of urinary organs

The urinary pathways from the kidneys and to the outer opening of the urethra have resistant to the colonization of the bacterial flora. Mechanisms supporting their sterility include:

  • constancy of the acidic environment of urin;
  • the liberation of the bladder in urinary;
  • bubble and ureter and bubble-urethral segments;
  • urinary sphincter;
  • immunological protection for mucousproof.

Practicing urologists distinguish the following types of urinary tract infections. Complicated - observed if there is a predisposing circumstances in the patient who contribute to the ascent of the bacterial infectious process, this happens when:

  • anatomical anomalies - inheritance addents, damage to the spinal cord;
  • surgical interventions;
  • obstacles to a normal urine outflow - neoplasms, stones, an increase in prostate;
  • insufficient emptying of the bladder caused by neurogenic disorders, pregnancy, the loss of the bladder in the vagina.

Uncomplicated - characterized by the absence of preceding disorders of the outflow of urins and various anomalies. Most often develop:

  • young people having unprotected sex contacts;
  • the elderly - when polluting the crotch as a result of the incontinence of feces;
  • sick AIDS and diabetes;
  • patients who are uncontrolled antibiotics.

Symptomatics of the infectious inflammatory process

The manifestation of urinary tract infection often depends on the causes of the pathological condition. General features are:

  • pain in muscles;
  • malaise;
  • temperature increase;
  • increased sweating.

Local symptoms of urinary tract infection:

  • acute, stupid or sawing pain in the inflamed organ;
  • the increase in micakes (urges for emptying of the bladder);
  • pain feeling and cutting when urinating.

With the development of the inflammatory process, a change in the dedicated urine occurs - it becomes muddy, with heavy mucus, pus and blood streaks

Chronic infection is characterized by lubricated clinical signs or their complete absence during the remission period, with the exacerbation of the process, signs of acute inflammation are observed.

Diagnostic methods

The leading role in the diagnosis of infections of the urinary system organs is assigned to laboratory diagnostics, which includes:

  1. General urinary analysis - It makes it possible to estimate the change in the various properties of urin (colors, transparency, odor, density, urinary sediment) and reveal inflammation in urine organs. In case of bacterial damage, an increase in the number of leukocytes, mucus, epithelium cells, the presence of pathogenic microbes is observed.
  2. Study of urine on the method of non county - Conducted in the presence of changes in the results of generally increasing analysis. With this test, the exact number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, cylinders in 1 ml of urine is determined.
  3. Clinical examination of blood - Allows you to study the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (an increase in which is the main sign of the presence in the body of the inflammatory process), the level of hemoglobin, the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes (increasing in the development of inflammation), the composition of the leukocyte formula.
  4. Bacteriological sowing urine On the microflora with the determination of susceptibility of identified pathogens to antibacterial drugs.

Bacteriological research is of great importance for the selection of rational treatment of infectious pathological processes in urinary bodies - it is determined by the type of microorganism, which caused inflammation and medicine, acting nominated by this type of Bacill

Additional diagnostic methods are:

  • intravenous excretory urography - x-ray study of the organs of the urinary system;
  • cT scan;
  • ultrasonography is one of the safe and rapid techniques for diagnosing urinary tract infection in pregnant women.

Contraindication to the conduct of instrumental research is a recurrent bacterial infection.

Treatment methods

Treatment of urinary tract infection requires antibiotic therapy. Antimicrobial means to apply the attending physician after the bacteriological seeding of urine is a study helps to heal the disease completely.

If for any reason, this analysis was not carried out - it is necessary to use drugs having a wide range of antibacterial effects. However, some of them have a nephrotoxic effect, which is why, with the danger of development in a patient, the use of gentamicin, streptomycin, polymixin is prohibited in a patient.

Most often, to treat the illness to use the means of cephalosporin group:

  • Cephalexin;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Cephipim;
  • Cefuroxime;
  • Cefatoxim.

Good results gives us to use:

  • semi-synthetic penicillins - ampicillin, amoksacillin, oxacillin;
  • modern group of macrolides - roxitromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin;
  • fluoroquinolones - Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin.

If the infectious and inflammatory process in the urinary tract is caused by the simplest microorganisms, it is necessary to use antiprotozoic drugs - ornidazole, metronidazole, metrogil.

In the complex treatment of infections are widely used:

  • sulfonamides - etazol, Norsulfazol, Urosulfan;
  • uroantispetics - Furazolidon, Kanefron, Wroflux

The excellent effect in the treatment of acute, chronic and often recurrent infections of the urinary tract gives the use of a drug 5-nC drug related to the group of oxychinolines (8-hydroxychinolic acid derivatives)

The course of comprehensive therapy also includes use:

  • physiotherapy sessions;
  • reception of vitamins and immunomodulators.

An important role in the treatment of an infectious inflammatory process in the urinary system is assigned to rational nutrition. Patients are strictly prohibited by the use of products that can have irritating effects on the mucous membranes of the urinary organs - sharp, pickled, acidic and spicy dishes, alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, chocolate.

Methods of traditional medicine

For these days, the treatment of many diseases by folk remedies is becoming more popular. Healing plants have become indispensable assistants and when delivering from urinary tract infections.

Folk tips in the treatment of these diseases include the use of various herbal teas and tinctures, berry juices

The most famous grass that helps in the treatment of urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis is an earthen incense (the scientific name is Zelenchuk yellow). To prepare a decoction, 1 teaspoon of dry grass brew 250 ml of boiling water, insisted for half an hour. Use before eating 3 times a day.

A very good result brings her grass (hernik smooth) to cook therapeutic infusion takes 1 tsp. Raw and poured 1 glass of boiling water. Take a means of 100 ml in the morning and evening hours.

No less effective is to be applied:

  • cranberry juice - capable of preventing the spread of pathogenic bacteria by urinary tracts, suppress their reproduction and contribute to removing with urine, it is recommended to drink 1 cup of juice per day;
  • echinacea's root - strengthening the immune system, it is desirable to drink at least three cups of herbal tea per day;
  • military thistle, which is a storeroom vitamins C, B, E, A - its application increases immunity, contributes to the speedy recovery and preventing the relapses of the pathological process;
  • taspberry leaves, which has an antiseptic effect - is used only in the acute period of the inflammatory process;
  • chia from nettle, which is considered a powerful diuretic - it enhances the formation of urine and contributes to the removal of bacteria from the blade, it is necessary to brew 1 time per day. Grass 200 ml of boiling water and drink.

Warm sediment baths with sage, chamomile before bedtime remove the feeling of discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen

Preventive actions

The implementation of some simple rules will help prevent infection of the urinary system organs by pathogenic microorganisms:

  • regular emptying of the bladder;
  • fulfillment of personal hygiene requirements;
  • wearing underwear of cotton fabric;
  • the use of special means for cleansing the genital zone;
  • use of fermented milk products;
  • the use of condoms;
  • the elimination of the supercooling of the body.

Summing up the foregoing, I would like to add that, although bacterial lesions of the urinary system organs are quite common, problematic and painful illnesses, they are very successfully amenable to adequate treatment. And when performing all the necessary prophylactic measures, the occurrence of recurrence of these pathological processes is reduced to zero.

Urinary ways are part of a single and vital system of the body. In women, the urinary system is closely related to sex.

That is why among patients with patients the overwhelming number of female.

Symptoms of urinary tract infection are expressed differently and depend:

  • from the type of infection itself;
  • individual characteristics;
  • the presence of concomitant or chronic diseases;
  • the flow of infection and its shape.

In order for the infection of the urinary flux to begin, not one of the main factors:

  1. Personal hygiene.
  2. Private change of different partners.
  3. Negregate overall health.

Infection provokes inflammation at the time of the fall of the activity of immunity or in the presence of active provocations. The main causes of inflammation:

  • frequent sexual acts, even if with a permanent partner;
  • anal kind of sex;
  • application of prevention methods irritating ureage mucous membranes;
  • reception of some contraceptive tablets;
  • interesting of intestinal sticks (candidiasis);
  • uncontrolled and unreasonable reception of any group of antibiotics;
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes of any kind;
  • sex infections (gonococci, trichomonosis).

In fact, in most cases, human carelessness becomes the reason for the occurrence of such diseases as cystitis, urethritis and even pyelonephritis.

As infection occurs

Finding into the body, the infection affects the urinary system progressively.

At first it penetrates the nearest point: urethra. Depending on the type of infection, certain symptoms may appear at this stage.

But more often at this stage, the men notice the men. Purchased, the causative agent penetrates further and strikes the mucous membrane of the bladder. Already at this stage, a person has two diseases caused by infection: urethritis and cystitis.

If at this moment does not stop infection, the ureter and the kidney themselves are involved in the inflammatory process. From the nature of the kidneys are designed to produce sterile urine.

When the causative agent falls into them, the entire excretory system is affected. This creates ideal conditions for the birth of such a dangerous disease as pyelonephritis.

In suspected infectious diseases of the kidneys and bladder, the first component of diagnostics - urine analysis. So that the result is as true as possible? Read carefully.

About symptoms of cystitis in children of chest and school age, read.

Treatment of acute cystitis is aimed at eliminating the cause of the inflammatory process. Here you can read about medication and home treatments. How to remove pain?

Risk group

The above reasons concern the general group of all patients. They are derived on the basis of clinical observations for the group of patients, the health condition of which is basically normal, there are no chronic diseases. But there is an additional group of persons who automatically fall into the risk zone of inflammation in the urinary tract:

  • the presence of renal pathology or chronic disease (ICD, diabetes);
  • an abnormal structure of small pelvis organs;
  • female Paul due to the characteristics of the structure of the urethra;
  • older people due to the reduction of immunity activity;
  • people forced to use a catheter for urine outflow;
  • little kids up to 3 years due to the defective work of immunity.

Such patients are often sick of various inflammations, especially if infection goes into chronic stages. In this case, people become more vulnerable to the disease.
In general, the urinary system is extremely sensitive to any infection. So, those who often suffer with respiratory diseases can enter the same risk group.

Symptoms infection

Symptoms depends on how the infection began to develop. There are two options: descending and rising. In the first case, inflammation begins with the lower organs, which is the most frequent option. When descending, the kidneys first amazed and then the infection goes below: to the bladder.

When inflammation begins, it is important not to miss the first signs. In some patients, first will be pain in the side, others will simply have a fever and deterioration of the state of the general one, thirdly will appear only the temperature: significant, but without any pain. Therefore, summarizing cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis, you can withdraw the following symptom algorithms:

  • soreness during sexual contact or after it;
  • unpleasant sensations when urination;
  • feeling of burning and itching;
  • the appearance of bleeding in the urine (in the absence of menstruation in women);
  • frequent urges, the feeling of the incompleteness of the emptying of blade;
  • sharp smell of urine and color change;
  • strong pain or cut in groin;
  • pain in the very process of urination;
  • fever or light chills.

Usually the appearance of cystitis or urethritis is not accompanied by high temperature values. Even less often there is vomiting and other signs of intoxication of the body. However, when the kidney involves, a temperature of up to 39 degrees will appear, the patient can tear and nausea. This suggests that the level of poisoning is significantly high. But such a temperature can say about renal colic or the passage of stone. In the latter case, we are talking about the life of the patient, since some stones can cause blockage of urinary tract and lead to death.

If there is a symptom of kidney colic, do not try to remove it yourself. In such cases, it is necessary to call "ambulance".


The patient's survey begins equally anyway: blood and urine.

This is necessary in order to accurately see the level of leukocytes, the level of protein and whether it is in the urine.

If the patient is not in serious condition, urine sowing can be appointed. This is the most accurate way to determine the sustainability of infection to various groups of antibiotics.

Such a method is used more often if there are signs of inflammation, but blood and urine did not show the desired result.

This happens when sex infections are infected, for example, chlamydia. Here they can additionally take the scraping from the genitals, which will make it possible to accurately identify sources and assign correct treatment. With the help of ultrasound, it is carried out an additional diagnosis of internal pelvic organs.


The diagnostics described is standard for any clinic. However, everything is solved by the patient. For example, in some cases, the urine gives a lubricated result or the patient cannot pass it at all. Then it is shown the use of a catheter or a doctor, based on his knowledge, puts a preliminary diagnosis. And confirmation of the correctness of this diagnosis is determined by other methods, for example, using intravenous urography.

Listed research methods are not the limit of urologists. In urology, the mass of tools in order to accurately establish even the most latent infection. However, today the level of preparedness of some specialists is criminally low. Therefore, do not hesitate to change the doctor if doubts arise in his profitiness.


In the treatment of infections, one thing is important: complete doctor control and no self-medication.

Antibiotic therapy is most often shown, certain antibiotics are prescribed.

This is usually: ampicillin, bundime, amoxiclav, nitrofurans. With more complex forms or stability of bacteria to treatment, combination is allowed.

Detailed treatment is assigned by indicators. For example, under the presence of salts, washing the bladder and kidneys can be appointed.

Be sure to comply with diet food that allows minimizing the flow of salts. The maximum flow of fluid is one of the main steps of treatment. Here any drink is allowed, but it is especially useful to take a cranberry morse or a roshovenik. In these berries, the maximum collection of useful vitamins, they give a soft diuretic effect. Moreover, it avoids reception of special diuretic, which is washed not only toxins, but also useful substances.
If there are stones in the kidneys that can provoke infection, the possibility of crushing them or removal is considered in an inoperative way. But it all depends on the type, the size of the stones themselves.

It is impossible to deal with self-medication, contraindicated as life-threatening.


The person consists mainly of liquid. It is necessary to remember this and provide the body at least 2 liters per day of fluid. This minimum must come regardless of your desire, otherwise there will be an ideal flora for infection and moreover, the electrolyte balance of the entire body is destabilized.

For full prevention, it is important to comply with the following items:

  1. Personal hygiene. More often take shower instead of the bathroom.
  2. Minimize salted / spicy food.
  3. On time to empty the bladder.
  4. Try to quit smoking and drinking.
  5. Do not enter into sex with treatment.
  6. Observe hygiene with sexual contacts.

Do not forget that in the microflora of our organism there are already infections. In a healthy body, they are in an anabiosis state, but it is worth only to give a chance and they will begin to actively colonize the body. Be careful even when you have to wash intimate places with raw water or drink it. Some infections are in crude water in the most active form. It is better to use only purified water and use the same for intimate hygiene.

Do not forget that our body is not designer Lego. It is all connected so tight in order to provide us with the fullness of life. If the urinary system is destroyed, at least, there will be disorders in sexual. The changes and involvement of the kidneys says that part of our cleansing system failed. Without this, all falling toxins will remain in the body, destroying and provoking other diseases. Nature gave us powerful filters and protective barriers: liver and kidneys. We only need to save and help them in time.

Due to the characteristics of the anatomical structure of the urogenital system, inflammatory diseases of the bladder in the overwhelming majority of cases are worried about women. If it is necessary to undergo multifaceted diagnostics, including the STD.

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