Repairs Design Furniture

How to update the round table with your own hands. Restore the round table. ways to give new life to the old table

Furniture items occupy a central place in the interior. So, in the kitchen or in the dining room, the main attribute is the kitchen table. In order for the product for a long time, the hostess is covered with a tablecloth or special napkins. But what if the furniture is spoiled or deformed? In this case, you can restore the kitchen table with your own hands. There are various ways and technologies for improving the appearance of the design. Therefore, you should not throw outblid objects, because they are easy to fix, decorate and decorate.

The coating of the self-adhesive film is the most economical option of the table update.

Preparatory work

Before decorating the kitchen table with your own hands, you need to prepare a product. It should be cleaned of dust and dirt. For this, all the elements of the table must be wiped with a damp cloth. With a strong pollution of the product, you can use special household chemicals. After wet processing of design details, everything must be carefully dry. Otherwise, the accumulated moisture will contribute to the appearance of mold and fungal lesions, which will negatively affect the quality of operation.

Wooden kitchen table must be carefully examined. If cracks or gaps appear on its surface, they need to be processed using sandpaper. This will help strengthen the design and simplifies the application of a new coating.

Very often, the tabletop kitchen headset is equipped with a polishing coating. In order to update the old kitchen table, you must remove the coating. Experts recommend to make the main work in an open, well-venting room. The floor should be closed with an unnecessary cloth or paper.

The following tools will be needed for finishing work:

  • dry rag;
  • means for removing polishing coating;
  • putty knife;
  • metal cotton;
  • alcohol solution;
  • brushes;
  • gloves;
  • mask for the face;
  • sandpaper.

The brush is wetted in a special solution that serves to remove a polishing coating. It can be liquid or thick. For convenience, it is recommended to pour a small amount of the mixture into a separate container. This consistency is applied with a dense layer on a certain area. After that, it is necessary to wait until the surface does not absorb the solution. For some areas you can use a rigid brush. Thus, clean the kitchen table does not make a lot of work. To do this, select the processing materials correctly.

Experts recommend following the removal of the polishing layer to process the surface of the table with sandpaper and metal cotton, after which the base will become smooth. The resulting surface will be the perfect place to decorate and create a new design.

Tile update

Decorative tile is one of the most popular materials for facing kitchen heads. To independently design, the countertops need to be measured and choose for it a suitable material.

A variety of tile textures is a durable and reliable table top facing. The tile is good because it is comfortable to wash and that you can safely put hot dishes on it. To finish the kitchen table, it is recommended to choose elements with a matte coating. For work you will need:

  • tile;
  • grout for seams;
  • plastic crosses;
  • special glue;
  • edge profile;
  • brush;
  • spatula gear;
  • building level;
  • dry rag (sponge).

On the prepared and purified base, the countertops are applied special glue for tiles. This procedure should be done using a toothed spatula. During fixation, the material will turn out to be firmly and securely fixed.

Tile is tightly pressed to the base of the table. Product elements are connected to each other in the desired composition. The seams between the materials are recommended to strengthen with plastic crosses. Thus, products will be fixed with each other at an equal distance. With the help of a building level, you need to monitor the position of the details.

After the main work is done, it is necessary to sweep the seams between the tile. To do this, use a special mixture that can be purchased at any construction store. The grout is applied to the base of the table after the complete drying of the glue.

In order for the kitchen table to look beautiful and festively, it is recommended to decorate the side parts of the table top. Conduct this procedure using special edge profiles. They can be selected in accordance with the appearance of the tile.

Restoration with paint

This method allows you to unusually update the kitchen table, available for each. You can paint as a countertop and legs of the product. The color and design of the new design depend on the preferences of the owners. In order for the kitchen table to become a central attribute of the room, it can be painted with bright paint. Decorating the interior item allows you to show fantasy and skill and create an original masterpiece at home.

It is recommended to purchase quick-drying paint and brush to work. The room for work should be spacious. The surface of the table is recommended to be displayed. Some hosts prefer to use monophonic paint, but the combination of various shades will help create a unique design of furniture. Some masts for decorating are used stencils: the main part is stained with one tone, and on the sides or in the center of the countertop create an original picture using stencil.

Decoupage technique

Napkins for decoupage are ideal for decorating any kind of furniture.

The aerosol paint is rapidly applied and completely dries in 2 hours.

With their help, you can unusually decorate the table in the kitchen. The attribute should be decorated, taking into account the theme and style of the room. There is a large selection of applications that perfectly complement the appearance of the tabletop. In addition, the decoupage technique can be used for lateral parts of the design and framing the legs during its help.

To work, you must prepare the tools:

  • napkins for decoupage;
  • pVA glue;
  • capacity;
  • brush.

With the help of glue to the table surface, the drawing is transferred. For work, you can apply both special napkins and images from magazines, newspapers. If defects appeared, they can be masked using paint. Upon completion of the work, it is recommended to treat the surface with varnish. This will significantly increase the service life of the product.

Ways to decorating a table

The variety of decoring methods allows the owners to radically change the kitchen set. An affordable and practical method of decorating is self-adhesive film that helps to decorate the furniture yourself. It is enough to choose the desired shade of a material with an increased density. Sticking the film on the base of the table top allows you to update the product as soon as possible.

Some owners are used to decorate furniture Old wallpaper cuts. To work, you need to purchase special glue. Registration with wallpaper will make the interior unusual and original. In addition, you can purchase wallpaper with imitation of stone, brick or tiles.

In the reconstruction of old furniture, you can show fantasy, ideas and skill. It should not be limited only to the decoration of the table top. The replacement of the legs will create a new design in your own kitchen. Updating the table is accessible even to people who have never come across such work. It is enough to use various decorative linings and homemade decorations to radically transform this piece of furniture.

The restoration of the coffee table on its own is quite painstaking, but not very difficult matter. If you familiarize yourself with technology, take into account the advice of specialists, will acquire high-quality materials, you can give your favorite thing to the second life.

The painting of the table is a very complex and long process, but only a sketch, marker or paint, as well as varnish is required.

The alteration of furniture consists of several stages: removal of old varnish, wooden surface restoration, painting or toning, varnish coatings (wax).

How to get rid of the old coating?

It will take:

  • cycle or grinding;
  • sandpaper;
  • wood putty;
  • putty knife.

The restoration of the coffee table begins with the removal of old varnish. The easiest way to apply a grinding machine, but in this case, maximum caution should be observed, since the tool can damage the wooden surface. You can use special solvents. It is important to calculate the thickness of the layer: the tool should only dissolve the varnish without reaching the tree. If the solvent is absorbed into the surface of the coffee table, then this will complicate all the subsequent stages, the materials can "do not make friends" among themselves, as a result of which bloated, detachment or cracking of the paint and varnish.

The main materials and tools for decorating the coffee table are: acrylic paint, brushes, glue and pictures.

If the old lacquer has a lot of cracks and erased, it is easy to remove with the help of ordinary sandpaper. Take a medium paper, moisturize it, wrap around the bar, go through the surface. When emery paper breaks dust, rinse it in water and take again for work. Under the influence of moisture, the old varnish softened and easy to fit. After you remove the varnish, pass the surface of the coffee table with small grain with small grain. You can consider the old coating with a cycle or a piece of broken glass. In this case, do not do without workers gloves. The varnish gradually spawns from the surface, while it is necessary to follow, so as not to damage the tree. All these methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Which one to choose, solve only you.

After the old varnish is removed, all cracks, chips and scratches are needed to sharpen. The putty is applied using a spatula, they roll up in such a way that it does not perform above the surface, leave until complete graze, then grind fine emery paper. If you plan to tint the table with a veil, then it is better to purchase a putty to the color of wood.

Toning and painting of the coffee table

It will take:

Decorating the table mosaic allows you to hide the emerging cracks and stains.

  • primer;
  • acrylic paint or veil;
  • furniture wax;
  • brushes;
  • sandpaper.

Restoration of the coffee table involves painting or toning the product with the help of the veil (wax). First, it is necessary to progress the surface: use a special primer for wood, apply the composition with a 1-2 layer with a mandatory intermediate drying. If you use the veil, then the priming stage can be omitted.

The paint is applied with a brush, for the table top it is more convenient to use a roller or painting blade. Inaccessible places are crossed with a thin tassel. It is important to apply a paint with a subtle uniform layer - then you can avoid the influx. After the first layer is dry, it is passed by fine sandpaper. The second time the paint is applied in the opposite direction. All colorful layers are definitely polished by sandpaper - then the surface will be perfectly smooth, and the bands from the brush will be invisible.

Restoration of the table can occur with the help of a simulator or colored wax. The simulator occurs on aquatic and alcohol basis, the first gives a softer tone. The veil is applied with a wide flat brush (flots). You can mix the colors among themselves, apply one tone to another, to evil the center, darken the edges - it all depends only on your imagination. Instead of the verse, you can use colored wax, which, when restoration, the surface performs several roles immediately. With it, it is toned and secured the result at the same time. When using bitumen wax, the color depth can be achieved on top of the veil.

The wax is rubbed with a soft cotton cloth with a very thin layer, and it is impossible to return to the processed place, otherwise dark places may turn out. Some manufacturers are recommended with a large amount of work to extract the wax in the water bath, in this case it is applied with a brush. After the first layer is dry, polished with a woolen cloth, then apply the next one. This is done until the surface becomes perfectly smooth. If you painted the acrylic paint table, then it is better to use transparent furniture wax to secure the result.

Decorating the coffee table by gilding method

It will take:

  • golden or silver potal;
  • shellac;
  • stencil;
  • flat brush.

It is possible to decorate the coffee table with help, for example, make gold butterflies or silver dragonflies. For this purpose, you must purchase a finished stencil or make it with your own hands. Draw the dragonflie contour on the tight film, then cut it out with a blade or a thin knife. Attach the stencil to the surface of the table by painting tape. Apply Shellac, leave it for a while. Varnish must dry out a bit, but at the same time stay sticky - then Potoli will well stick.

Attach the sheet Potted to the stencil, carefully segregate it with a tassel, leave until a complete burden, then remove the brush the remains of gold, remove the stencil. You can muffle the bright gloss with the help of an antique bitumen, which is applied by a thin layer of a foam sponge. The result is fixed by shellac.

In no case cannot be covered with acrylic varnish, otherwise it will oxidize over time.

Materials for gilding - cheap pleasure, if desired, they can be replaced by transfer foil for nails and special body glue. Application technology is almost the same: first they attach the stencil, they wash the surface with glue, leave for about 5 minutes (the exact time is always indicated on the attached instruction). Then applied foil with a side of the book, stroke the nail, cut down sharply. The result is fixed with aerosol varnish - then the foil will not doubt. Repair of the coffee table with your own hands is completed!

If you are the owner of the old table, which you want to update, or you purchased a table that looks very boring and you want to decorate it with something, then tips below for you!

In fact, change the appearance of such an object of furniture as the table is quite easy. And there are many ways exactly how it can be done.

Adhesive tape

Let's start with the simplest way - this is the use of self-adhesive film. Surely you met such a film in stores. It is sold, as a rule, in rolls, like wallpaper.

It has a smooth surface that is easy to wash and which is simply impossible to damage or deform.

To begin with, make houses at home - how long will you need this film to purchase. Take it a bit with a reserve so that there are no ugly junctions on your desk.

The process of application of the self-adhesive film is very simple - it is not necessary to prepare furniture before that. You simply separate the paper from paper and apply it to your table, gently pressing to the surface.

The table will not even have to dry. He will immediately be ready for operation in an already updated form.

Paint and stencils

If you are ready to freeze a little more than sticking the self-adhesive film to your interior item, you can, armed with paints and tassel, appear in the artist-designer.

The most important thing is to come up with a plot for your table. Think what you would like to portray it? It can be all that you will only wish. If you have an artist's deposit, you can immediately start drawing, with sketch or without.

Note! PVC wall panels - what to choose? Photo Review of the best ideas for the interior!

But if you are with art art "on you", do not despair! Stencils will come to the rescue. You can purchase stencil in the Stationery store or make yourself.

To do this, it is enough to cut from a magazine drawing and use it, like, a kind, leaf, according to which this drawing will be transferred to your furniture.

Or bring the pencil onto a sheet of paper any of the items you like, cut it and also putting on the table, to scroll the gap of the cut-out paint stencil. Removing the stencil, you will see a drawing on the table.

If you think this method is difficult to fulfill, you can seek help to a professional artist, for which the implementation of this type of work will not be difficult.

True, the artist's services will need to pay and this method will no longer call budget.

As for the paint, which should be used, it must be moisture-resistant. The most optimal option is the acrylic paint. It does not smell and dries very quickly.

In addition, acrylic does not fade into the sun, resistant to water and high humidity as a whole.

We can safely say that the table covered with acrylic paint will serve you a whole century, and it will not be an exaggeration.


There is another way to decorate a table, which is very similar to the use of stencils. This method is called simply - decoupage. What is he?

Any fragments of drawings are taken from magazines, napkins, various albums. It may even be photos from your personal archive or just liked the pictures from the Internet.

In general, anything. You cut the items you are interested in and put them on the worktop. For a start, see whether it will look beautiful. If you like the option and you are ready to decorate the table with these fragments, you can start work.

The piece of furniture must be carefully taken away, remove the paint or get rid of the lacquer coating. The surface of the table should be clean, dry and perfectly smooth. In general, he must return his primary look.

After that, you take in advance already prepared elements or photos, cover the root side of the PVA and impose them on the worktop.

Such manipulations must be done with each photo. After that, it is necessary to cover all the lacquered pictures.

Varnish will prevent your desk from unwanted damage, scratches and other deformities. Your photos (decoupage) will be under reliable protection. At the same time, the decoration of the table will not only update it, but will delight your gaze!

Many table scenery options. The main thing, do not be afraid to experiment! And you will definitely work out.

Photo of the ideas on the decoration of the table

Furniture, which is covered with varnish, returns to everyday life. After all, lacquered products are richly looking, and the interior attach originality and solidity. Although that it is a rather problematic to criticize the soul. It can easily be damaged. Very frequent defect - the emergence of scratches. You should not immediately get rid of the spoiled table, and you should try to restore it. This process can be assigned to the masters of restorers or try to restore the lacquered table with your own hands.

Restoration technique

Let's discern how to restore the lacquered desk by the method of restoration. This is one of the best ways to return a decent species with a lacquered table. For example, to eliminate scratches, it is necessary to remove the layer of varnish on defective places, and then apply a new one. This method is quite effective and allows you to get rid of any scratch. But not only scratches are a problem for lacquered furniture. The next disadvantage that may appear over time is the darkening of the lacquered surface. As a result of clouding the surface of the table top, the appearance of the table begins to significantly lose in relation to other furniture. Such a defect is corrected in the same way: removal of the old layer of varnish and re-applying new. This method is simple enough, and it is quite realistic to cover the old table with your own hands.

The sequence of restoration work

You can update the old lacquered table in several stages. But it is worth pre-prepare some tools and materials and think about your safety. So, you will get acquainted in detail with the algorithm for restoration of the lacquered table.

Determine the degree of worniness

Before restoring the lacquer on the table, it is necessary to initially assess the degree of defects formed.

We choose the material

The question arises how to remove the varnish from the table. To ensure the quality of the restoration, the materials should correctly choose. Many believe that distressed places can be removed by alcohol. In some cases, minor defects can really apply alcohol, but unforeseen consequences may arise, such as roughness, light areas and so on. Therefore, we will dwell on specialized materials that will be good assistants for beginner masters.

  • Polish shellaic. Such a material not only helps to restore the surface, but emphasize its originality. This is one of the oldest and proven materials. In terms of its consistency, the polish is more like a liquid, and not varnish. To achieve a qualitative result, this composition is applied about 50 to 60 layers. It is because of this, an original deep color is achieved. This is a very successful option that will remove scratches on the lacquered table.
  • Nitrocellulose varnish. This solution is used to restore large surface surfaces. For its application, sprayers are used, which provide very fast and uniform spraying. At lower speed, the droplets of the solution begin to stick, and the desired effect of a smooth and uniform surface will be quite difficult to achieve. That is why it is not recommended that the use of standard pulverizers, which additionally form air bubbles, from which it is almost impossible to get rid of it.
  • Pentafthale varnish. This is the perfect material for the restoration of the table, as quite easy to work. It does not require special devices for applying and dry out quite quickly. Apply it at least in 4 layers. You can eliminate the acquisition of primer solutions, since the first layer of pentaphthalic varnish will be primer. After applying the composition and complete drying, grinding should be made.

After the choice of restoration composition was determined, it is necessary to pay attention to such a moment as a definition with color. You can use a colorless varnish, and you can buy a varnish that imitates the color of any wood. In the second case, it is necessary to correctly determine the tone of the varnish.

Step-by-step instruction

We give a detailed instruction that will answer the question of how to properly cover the wooden table. It consists of several stages:

  • The preparatory stage consists of such aspects:
  • the surface of the table is thoroughly cleaned with the help of a specialized composition or using conventional warm water;
  • we remove the spoiled layer using a scraper;
  • we start to grind the surface with the help of sandpaper until the matte achievement;
  • clean the surface from dust.
  • Water based varnish:
  • the surface is covered with several layers of water based lacquer;
  • each subsequent layer is applied after complete drying of the previous one;
  • after the last layer is completely drying, perform surface grinding;
  • clean the surface from dust.
  • Performing works with a varnish on an acrylic basis:
  • initially, choose a varnish that suits the surface of the table on the shade and gloss;
  • dilving varnish by 15% White spirit, we carry out the surface graft;
  • after drying the primer layer, we produce intermediate grinding;
  • cover the surface of the table with undiluted varnish in several layers, giving pre-dry the previous layer;
  • we produce finishing surface grinding.
  • We draw attention to the fact that after applying all the layers to impart the surface of the glitter, surface grinding should be made.

Performing all recommendations, you can get a very high-quality surface covered with varnish. It is clear to get a decent quality to use the spray gun. The video is translated on the varnishing table and useful restoration tips are given.

If the table that served as faithfully and the truth was at all at all, it is not worth a hurry to throw it away. There are many ways to decorate the old table with your own hands and give it a new life. Below the master class, how can this be done.

If the table itself is still strong, and there is simply a loss of appearance, then it can be updated and turned into a real object of the pride of the hosts. For today Hand-Maid is valued as ever. Ways to reorganize the old table there is a great set. These include:

  • tile cladding;
  • painting;
  • painting on a tree;
  • pasting film;
  • decoupage;

Decoupage - a new look from napkins

Refresh the table using decoupage, you can even having special skills. You can learn how to work in this technique with your own hands, having studied any master class.


For work you will need:

  • pictures for decoupage - you can replace them with ordinary wipes with the pictures you like and even images from magazines;
  • acrylic varnish - best to buy varnish in the canoe;
  • pVA glue;
  • brush;
  • napkin.



  • Clear table from old layers, paints, dirt. The surface of the table is degrees, rub it with a rag with alcohol. If the surface is not fully cleaned, the decoupage will turn out to be sloppy.
  • Choose pictures and make up the composition. Any pictures are suitable - for the kitchen table you can choose the motifs of fruits and vegetables, various colors. Very original will look at the table made by your own hands, with the motifs of old buildings.

Important : If special pictures are used for decoupage, you don't need to do anything with them - just glued. If the pictures are cut out of the napkin, the two-layer napkins should be divided into layers. If the picture is cut out of the magazine, then its lower layer must be removed, wetting the picture and removing the layer with their own hands. Then the restoration of the table will turn out more accurate.

  • Locate cut pictures on the table. Mix PVA glue with water in proportion 1: 1 and glue pictures to the table to the selected places. In order not to form bubbles, the pictures swallow the napkin, kicking out extra bubbles. Next pictures should dry.
  • After the decoupage is dry, the surface of the table with pictures should be closed. Varnish to decoupage is applied in several techniques. Each layer of varnish must dry well. The better this operation will be carried out, the stable will be the surface of the table to the effects of moisture. Decoupage with their own hands is ready - such a restoration will cost inexpensively, and the table will look very stylish. If the decoupage is made neatly, then such a table can be a real decoration of the house.

Sketch surface

The surface of the old kitchen table can be painted with paints. This restoration is most suitable for the wooden old table. The painting does not always require special artistic skills and talents. A detailed master class will show that even a beginner in this business can make it.


For work you will need:

  • paints - the best acrylic, resistant to the effects of the sun and water;
  • brushes;
  • stencils;
  • foam sponge;

Stages of work

Restoration begins with surface surface cleaning. If necessary, it must be stupid. Next, the surface is clean and degreased.

Pictures for painting can be found on the Internet or do it yourself. The master class advises, print the drawing and make a stencil from it, cutting out the contour of the elements by a stationery knife. By doing stencil, you must not forget to leave jumpers between paper elements. Then apply the drawing will be easy. If you want to update the table, but there is no data to draw or do not want to make stencil, you can buy ready-made stencils in finishing materials or artistic goods.

You can update the table by applying a curb in the form of a border along the edges or making a complex composition from individual elements, scattered over the surface of the table.

Next, the restoration of the table includes paint paint. There are subtleties here. So that the stencil does not shift during work, it is better to glue with a painted scotch with a perimeter. Paint on the brush must be taken a bit, otherwise the paint will spread and penetrate under the stencil, spoiling a drawing.

Important : Instead of brush, they often use a sponge to whom the paint is gaining. The drawing applied with a sponge looks more even and homogeneous. Paint with this method of application practically does not flow and the risk to ruin work is minimal.

After the painting is dry, the surface of the table is covered with varnish. Varnish are applied in several layers - it protects the painting on the effects of water and makes the surface more durable. The restoration of the table is finished with their own hands.

Paint and paint

You can easily update the table - painting it entirely. To do this, selected:

  • acrylic paints;
  • alkyd paints;
  • epoxy paints.

All of them are resistant to water and do not require additional protection of the surface in the form of varnish.

Important : If the surface of the table is large, it is best to paint it with a roller. This will give a homogeneous, smooth, "factory" surface. Such a restoration will be practically imperceptible to an outsider.

Self-adhesive film - the most lazy way

Paint can be replaced by self-adhesive film. Today there are a large number of film colors, so you can make any design of the table.

Before pasting the table, the surface must be well cleaned, rinse and degrease. Next, the film is neatly pasted on the surface and smoothes - it is necessary to ensure that bubbles are not formed. This restoration ends.

Tile decoration

You can update the table with your own hands if you decorate it with tiles. To do this, you can choose:

  • ceramic tile;
  • tile in the form of a mosaic;
  • tile made of composite plastic materials.

Important : It is convenient to work with a tile in the form of a mosaic. Such tiles simply cut with a knife, cutting off extra parts.

Restoration begins with cleaning and degreasing the surface. Then, with a special glue, the tile is glued to the surface. After a few hours, you can lift the joints between the tiles of grouting or special paint for the joints. Master class on this topic can be viewed on the Internet.

How to decorate a kitchen table with your own hands (video)

Update the table yourself is absolutely not difficult. To do this, you need to attach only a little imagination and patience.