Repairs Design Furniture

Plasterboard for interroom partition. What plasterboard is better: the wet or Knauf - comparison and reviews What kind of plasterboard is needed for walls

Using such plasterboard panels can quickly align the walls, redevelop the room, or collect the necessary structures (box, suspended ceilings).

However, various types of sheets have the most diverse characteristics, and the main purpose. It should be considered when drawing up a repair work project, and the main estimate.

What plasterboard is better for the walls to choose from a huge variety of material?

The use of GKC in a complex with a frame, and a large number of fastening points, allow you to create structures with a significant margin of strength.

The material itself consists of two parts: the filler, which is the plaster, and the cardboard shell.

Typically common drywall size is: width 1200 mm, length 2500 mm, with a thickness of 12.5 mm. However, before choosing plasterboard for the walls, it is worth dealing with sizes and assignments.

Companies produce panels thickness: 6.5, 9.5, 12.5, 15, and up to 24 millimeters. The length of the sheets, hesitate from 2000 to 4000 mm, and the width can be 600, 900, 1200 mm.

However, choosing material must be understood, for which you need certain types of panels, and how to distinguish them.

Classification of plasterboard for destination

Repair are subjected to rooms intended for different operating conditions: kitchens, bathrooms, residential and basement rooms. And everywhere finish is amenable to various impacts: humidity, temperature, mechanical load and other. To solve these tasks, companies produce plasterboard panels capable of withstanding certain variants of influence.


The most common types of sheets, most often referred to as walls. They are used when finishing residential rooms, as well as assembly of commoners between them.

Installation of material is made on the frame or a frameless way. Which allows you to create a solid finish of the walls, in the shortest possible time.

Marked with gray on planes.

But, for use in a wet microclimate, another type is needed - moisture-resistant.

G Clac

It has a green marking from the front side. The main purpose is the walls of the walls and the ceiling in rooms with elevated levels of water vapor in the air (plasterboard sheet moisture resistant).

This is a good option for finishing the walls of baths or semi-base rooms, the composition of the filler has an antiseptic additive that prevents the formation of fungus and mold.

For other indicators, the stove does not differ from the wall analog, except for the price. Such panels are somewhat more expensive.


Plasterboard fire-resistant sheet - can withstand and maintain a holistic structure even when exposed to open flame (limited period of time!). The effect is achieved by adding antipirens.

The main specialization of panels is the assembly and finishing of specialized structures: boxes of ventilation channels, coating of fireplaces and others.

Marking on the front side in red or pink color. Like other types of plates cost more in comparison with wall analogues.

Other specialized types of plasterboard sheets are manufactured.

  • Glevo - moisture and fire-resistant sheet combining both properties.
  • Acoustic drywall - provides sound insulation of the premises, and the right acoustics.
  • Arched - purpose Creating curved configurations, more plastic material.
  • Laminated - has a coating of PVC, not intended for residential rooms.

What thickness plasterboard is better for walls

With the appointment of the material, everything is clear, type is selected under the main conditions, but questions may arise with a stove (you can choose from 6.5 to 24 mm). What options to choose for wall decoration?

Usually, a sheet thickness of 12.5 mm is used in the loss of residential premises, such panels are able to withstand the main loads, and when using the appropriate fasteners, even the sample of massive objects and household appliances.

Thicker plasterboard, applied to designs that will be overloaded: shelves, stands, niches, seats and others.

Thick plates from 15 to 24 mm are used exclusively in constructs of significant loads. At the same time, their installation is possible only on a reinforced metal frame.

In self-trimming of walls, such material should not be overpacing for specialized types. They should be applied only by destination, but also do not need to save, do not buy cheaper panels with a minimum thickness for the main finish, otherwise at best there will be a recovery repair.

This is a modern building material, which due to its strength, lightness and ease of cutting, has been widely used in the walls of the walls, ceilings, as well as the creation of interior partitions and other architectural elements.

Now there are several types of this material, each of which is distinguished by its properties, sizes and price. What is the plasterboard to choose for finishing?

Major varieties of drywall

  • Plasterboard sheet (GLC) - consists of a gypsum core and external reinforcing layers of dense cardboard. Material is easy, manufactured from the available components, which provides a low price. Glk at a large construction scale is able to significantly save the budget, which you will not say about other types of drywall. For walls with a smooth surface, a standard plaster-powered sheet is suitable.
  • Gypsophibrous leaf (GFL) - differs from standard material in that it has a fibergular reinforcing layer. It gives the product high flexibility. Before choosing plasterboard for walls with a curved surface, arches, other curly elements, pay attention to the GFL - it is much more practical and easy to work, but it is more expensive.
  • Hypro-fiber leaf (GVL) - unlike the two above-described types of plasterboard, has a homogeneous structure. It is made of plaster, chopped pulp and other binding components. The density of the sheet is much higher than that of the standard GLC, which gives it an increased strength, but there is no reinforcing layer of cardboard. GVL should be chosen for partitions - it will provide proper stability and reliability over the years.

Characteristics of plasterboard

Special properties of plasterboard sheets

  • Moisture resistance. Moisture-resistant plasterboard (HCCV) contains in its composition substances that have water-repellent properties (for example, silicone). Thanks to this barrier, developing in the premises of pathogenic microflora and mold is prevented. Before choosing plasterboard for the bathroom, pay attention to the marking - moisture-proof material is marked with blue.
  • Fireproof. Some types of drywall due to the added mineral components have increased resistance to open fire and high temperatures. This type of drywall is used for finishing rooms with high fire hazard, such as electrical, ventilation systems, attic rooms and workshops. Fire-resistant plasterboard (GKLO) has a pink color.
  • Fire moisture resistance. This is a combination of refractory and water protection properties. Such plasterboard is much more expensive than usual. They are facing the premises with special microclimatic conditions - high humidity and temperatures. Fire-resistant plasterboard sheets (G CLEBO) have green color and red marking.

What thickness cabarton thickness to choose

  • Thin - up to 9.5 mm. Ideal for the manufacture of elegant ceiling structures, arches, protrusions and other uneven surfaces. The thinner the sheet, the easier to install it on the ceiling. Consequently, for the ceiling it is necessary to choose plasterboard with the smallest thickness.
  • Middle - from 9.5 to 12.5 mm. Optimal for alignment of the walls and facilities of interroom partitions.
  • Fat - more than 12.5 mm. Suitable for laying outdoor coatings. The thicker sheet of drywall, the more reliable there will be the floor. Typically, plasterboard is placed on the floor in several layers to create a dry band screed.

The shape of the edge of the plasterboard

  • Straight
  • Rounded
  • Drowning
  • Semicircular
  • Semicircular and drowning

The edge type is taken into account primarily when installing sheets. So, for sheets with a straight edge, "dry" installation, others are used in combination with a reinforcing ribbon or putty.

Dimensions of sheet cabarton sheets

  • Leaf length: from 2 to 4 m.
  • List width: from 0.6 to 1.2 m.

These parameters directly affect the transportation of sheets: when purchasing them, it is necessary to take into account the size of the body of the cargo transport and doorways in the building.

The choice of drywall is not only in mind, but also in thickness. What is the optimal thickness of the sheet should be for the walls of the walls. In some cases, we will apply a thin material. Nuances choosing a GK finish.

Thickness of plasterboard for walls

Plasterboard - building material, widely used for repair work. They align the walls, create partitions, arches, ceilings of incredible beauty. It is applicable to create shelves, niches, interior products.

The thickness of the walls for the walls plays an important role. How to choose correctly the dimensions of the material, from which the parameters of the selection depend?

Benefits of material

Before purchasing GK-sheets, you need to familiarize yourself with the pluses, minus material:

  1. Heat insulation. The level surface material saves on heating. This is especially valid if the insulation is laid under GLC.
  2. Flexibility. Plasterboard is strifted under a certain radius, it allows you to make decorative elements.
  3. Refractory. When fireing the room, not covered with the finishing finish of GLC, only the upper layer - the gypsum is not lit.
  4. There are certain types of material used in the kitchen, bathroom, on the balcony.
  5. When aligning the wall with the material, the sheets are carried out, wiring and other cables.

With all the advantages of GLC there are minuses:

  • fragility material. It breaks and crumbs, so installation work is carried out with caution;
  • if you set the usual view of gray in the kitchen or bathroom, it will beat a lot of moisture and is subsequently deformed;
  • before installing the hypin on the surface, it is necessary to determine which one should be thick, whether the wall is weighting;

The listed pluses show that the use of GCL is beneficial for leveling surfaces and creating other surfaces.

What plasterboard is better to sow walls in the room: characteristics

Before you answer the question, it is necessary to list external factors affecting the future design.

  1. Indoor humidity. With high humidity in the room: kitchen, bathroom, attic, corridor, apply moisture-proof sheet - G Clac green.
  2. Temperature mode. With sharp jumps of temperature, drywall can compress and expand. This will lead to cracks. Sheet burst.
  3. If the wall is located next to the acting fireplace, it is necessary to install a refractory material. It confronts high temperature and will not change the original appearance.

By applying the usual GK list, the surface is deformed in the shortest possible time. Favoring moisture, it will not come back because of high humidity.

The value is the purpose of the surface. If a decorative trim with garox with curly elements is assumed, then one sheet thickness of 12.5-9.5 mm is used. But, taking into account the hanging of shelves, televisions, paintings, large mirrors - use other material with a certain thickness of up to 24mm. In some cases, the cover of 2 layers is mounted.

What is better to choose and use drywall in thickness

The material used for the repair is divided into types. Each type is applicable to purpose, but there are options when the finishing material is not used there for which it is produced.

  • Wall GCL. Apply to alignment of walls indoors. With it, they create partitions, both decorative and capital interior buildings.
  • Ceiling Glk. The main difference is the thickness. The ceiling must be mounted thin sheets having a smaller weight.
  • Arch type. Plasterboard, which has flexibility due to its thickness. Apply not only to create arched openings, but also for the production of decorative curly elements on the surface, partitions, ceiling. Sometimes a beautiful butterfly from the arched material is mounted on the angle between the ceiling and the wall.

By type:

  1. Moisture-resistant - G Clap green tone.
  2. Fireproof - GKLO pink color.
  3. Normal - GLC Gray.
  4. Moisture-resistant refractory - Glevo red tone.

Depending on the purpose of building materials, a certain form is used.

A thin material is not used to cover the surface on which the hanger will be mounted at the entrance.

What are the sizes of GLK

Each type of material has its own sizes.

What is the thickness of GLK - this weight. Each manufacturer creates mounting sheets in size different from the standard millimeters.

What is the thickness of the sheet

To cover surfaces, material is used 12.5 mm. This sheet will solve a certain load.

Gypsum 15-24 mm is used to cover the surface to which heavy items will be naked - TV, shelves with books, water heater.

Wall sheets, not depending on the type (ordinary, moisture resistant) have a thickness of 12.5 mm.

The ceiling view has a thickness of 9.5 mm.

Arched Glk - 6.5 mm.

Sometimes, when erecting the capital partitions, use double walls of the walls. Create this for the strength of the structure capable of withstanding the high weight.

What width is better to choose

All types of drywall have the same width - 1200 mm. Under the GLCs are mounted frame base from profiles in which there are exact profile fixation dimensions. This concerns both the ceiling and other surfaces.

If there is a smaller drywall, it is cut by a construction knife, a mill.

Before choosing a GCL to align the walls, you need to determine the manufacturer. CNAUF, VOLM, are common. Before purchasing sheets, it is necessary to clarify its dimensions.

Attention. The size of the sheet affect the installation carried out in the room. When choosing the length of one sheet and its calculations, the material may not be enough. Do not also overpay.

When installing thin sheets, it is necessary to limit the wall from hanging on it any objects. Even the creation of a niche on such a wall can adversely affect the entire design.

Useful video

Gypsum Carton has proven itself as a durable and durable finishing material, attracted to cover surfaces, designing the arches, partitions, different curvilinear decor fragments. Choosing suitable plasterboard panels, their species assortment and optimal sizes are taken into account. The competent calculation of the second indicator allows you to minimize the volume of waste, that is, to save well. Then we will discuss what kind of drywall is better to select in a particular case, and what should be his perfect dimensions.

General information about GK Panel

Choosing a GC Plate, mean that finishing works will be conducted on the "dry" method. And as the basis of the structures will be taken precisely the Material Material. Other materials can be attracted as auxiliary for connecting, installing and finishing the basic. The GK sheet in the composition has two components - a gypsum flat core and its framing in the form of durable cardboard.

Despite the small thickness, plasterboard for walls, arches and ceilings is distinguished by a sufficient margin of strength. Such a claimed material, as wall drywall, is very tough, and its inner gypsum content can be complemented by different components to achieve certain qualities.

Species diversity of drywall

To properly make the calculation of the amount of material, you need to know the size of the wall drywall. It will largely help the possession of information about the species assortment of the material, because each species has distinctive dimensions.

According to the properties of drywall, the wall or ceiling is divided into the following varieties:

  • the usual (the abbreviation of GCL) is distinguished by light coloring (gray, beige);
  • moisture-resistant (G CLEB) - Sheets with a greenish tint;
  • fire resistant (GKLO) issues itself on a pink color;
  • moisture-fire-resistant (or G Clevo) - the color may be green or pink.


This type of panels has a standard structure in the form of plaster layers and dense cardboard on it. It is meant to install indoors with a normal moisture regime. Due to the slight weight and compliance with incision, it is extremely convenient to work with GLC.

The production of ordinary sheets is conducted according to GOST 6266-97 in German quality standard. At the junctions used the sophisticated rounded edge (Pluk). Cardboard and gypsum contents are glued together with a special adhesive composition. The cardboard assumes the functions of the reinforcing frame and serves as a universal surface for subsequent finishes - staining, decorative plastering, hobbling, or tile overlay.

The manufacturer for each sheet makes special marks denoting:

  • alphabet abbreviation name;
  • abbreviated name of the edge type;
  • list form dimensions;
  • compliance with standard.

For example, on a standard sheet can be applied - GLC-A-Pluk-2700x1200x12.5 GOST 6266-97.


Fire-resistant plates GLK are ideal for separating non-residential utility areas, for the construction of partitions. Due to the ability to withstand ignition, they cover the surfaces located near the heating devices (fireplaces, furnaces).

G Clac

Moisture-resistant type of GC is created to improve premises with an increased humidity regime (kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms). It has additives that improve the properties of water repellence. Due to which the material retains the form and is not deformed. This type of GKK has good resistance to the development of mold and mushrooms. It is precisely this kind of GK for finishing a country house, since the apartment in a private residential building is always distinguished by higher moisture indicators than the room in a well-maintained apartment.


Such a moisture-fire-resistant material combines two properties in itself, which become clear from his name.

Sheets with specific applications

On these kinds, the GLC does not end. There are also such varieties of panels that are characterized by the specificity of the destination.

For example, GVL or sheets of gypsum. The composition of such plates is a gypsum base with an addition from cellulose fibers. Hypus fiber is more durable and rigid in comparison with GLC. The effects of fire Such surfaces are not subject to, they are distinguished by a smooth surface.

Sheets based on gypsum fiber are used as a gender base under the tile, for street finishing and construction work (carcase designs of houses are collected). Their installation and indoors with a high degree of moisture formation are allowed. But for this purpose they choose special panels that are not susceptible to moisture - GVLV.

In addition to these species of drywall, manufacturers offer another type of material - intended for repair sheets. With their help, it is possible to adjust individual small flaws in the finished structures formed during their operation.

Also on sale there are sheets that:

  • feature the ability to isolate from noise;
  • have protection against winds (required when facing facade surfaces);
  • have the function of thermal insulation;
  • supplemented by layers - vapor insulation and polymer foam;
  • endowed with the ability of electromagnetic waves absorption;
  • are excellent heat conductors (including warm floors or cooling ceilings).

There are another classification of sheet GC, as a basis for their purpose and the corresponding standard size:

  • for walls (layer of thickness - 12.5 mm);
  • for ceilings (thickness 9.5 mm);
  • arch HC (has a minimum thickness - 6 mm or 6.5).

The difference between the arched panels is that they are easily bent. And this is a good property that helps when creating arched and curvilinear openings. Ceiling plates are used for sealing the ceiling part of the rooms, giving them multi-tiered forms. And wall plasterboard attracts partitions for the device and wall sheat.

Typical dimensions of GK sheets

Standard of the length of sheets of GK

The standard of length for drywall is considered to be values \u200b\u200bsuch as 2, 2, 5 or 3 meters. However, some manufacturers are not limited to these frames and produce panels with a length of 1.5, 2, 7 or 3, 6 meters. If necessary, some manufacturers at the request of consumers agree to immediately give sheets not typical sizes, for which the material is cut directly in the factory conditions.

For the facing of the entire wall plane (under the ceiling), it is advisable to purchase sheets with a maximum length of length, corresponding to the height of the walls. So fewer seams are formed, which will subsequently close. However, with the height of the ceilings in 2, 7 meters, the use of three-meter panels is not very convenient. Here difficulties arise with the transportation of material and delivery to the apartment. Therefore, it is sometimes easier to choose an alternative option - several panels are not the same length.

Standard Width of GC Sheets

Optimal is the width of sheets of 1.2 meters. Why frame racks are mounted in increments of 0.4, 0.6 meters. Little format sheets today can be found on sale too. The width is only 0.6 meters, and the length is 2 (or 1.5) meters. Small-sized sheets are easier to carry on passenger transport. And the installation of them is available alone. However, it is recommended to limit them with the use of surfaces on small areas. Otherwise, many seams are formed. The flexible GK can also have a narrow width (for example, a type of hypname under the name of GLD has a width of 1.2 m).

Standard thickness of the GC sheets

The standard of plasterboard thickness can vary. This is 6 (6.5), 9 (9.5) or 12.5 mm. Plates with improved characteristics for strength and fire resistance may be the holders of thickness 15, 18 and even 25 mm.

For wall decoration, wall drywall, having a layer thickness of 12.5 mm, acquire walls. The use of the technology of "dry" repairs has become possible in many respects precisely thanks to this type of building material.

For the facilities of floating designs, ceiling plates with a thickness of 9.5 mm are chosen. For suspended ceilings, it is possible to use and wall plates, but the higher price of the latter and the severity of the structure being created is not in favor of covering the ceiling by means of wall plates.

Plasterboard with a minimum thickness (6 mm) is called arched. And not just like that. It is well amenable to rounding, which makes it possible to create semicircular and curly elements from it.

To the choice of the size of the GC sheets, pass after the refinement of the required space of the room. With the height of the walls in 2, 7 m, doubt is often due to the length of the sheets will be more relevant - three-meter, followed by trimming in place or 2.5 meters with the addition of the segment of the drywall of the missing length. This case today has the opportunity to place the order to the manufacturer, immediately indicating the desired size of the sheets.

If this is not possible for any reason, it is best to adhere to the principle of installation of the GK sheets, which provides for the minimum formation of seams when docking panels. The beginners should take into account this by choosing the appropriate sizes of the walls of the walls.

Determine, plasterboard which thickness is better for the walls

If you do not know the subtleties of construction skills, it is difficult to figure out which thickness of the plasterboard is better for the walls to choose. The fact is that the size of the plate, the thickness of the leaf of GKL and the appointment of different types of finishing materials from different types of finishing materials. And it is important not to be mistaken to not use wall plasterboard for the ceiling or vice versa.

Plasterboard on the wall

What type is better to choose for walls

The use of plates of GLC, like GVL, for aligning the surfaces of the walls has gained wide popularity, and not in vain.

After all, these materials have a lot of advantages:

  • easily cut and quickly mounted;
  • work is performed with dry material;
  • it is possible to choose between budget plasterboard and more expensive GVL.

Choosing material for alignment of surfaces is not wonderful, because the plasterboard is made not only for wall decoration. And depending on which surfaces are the plates of HCL, the size and thickness of the sheet will also differ.


Glk (drywall) for walls

The thickness of the plasterboard for the wall partition determines the strength of the future design. At the same time, considering that the walls made of plasterboard sheets (GCC) are made both with laying plates in one layer and two-layer, the indicator of the optimal thickness of the material will vary, depending on the type of the selected design.

What will the thickness of the sheet be dependent on?

The first and most important parameter, which in the future will affect the choice of HCL of one or another thickness is, of course, the strength of the partition. Therefore, making a decision on the purchase of a certain type of sheet, always analyze the future wall to be calculated for what loads. If this partition is somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bactive regular movement, for example in the corridor or in the doorway zone, it is worth choosing a stronger design.

Mandatory, consider what type of partition will be organized. Among the standard plasterboard structures there are single-layer and two-layer partitions or facing systems, as well as cladding with direct mounting to the base wall (see scheme No. 1).

Obviously, a tightly adjacent sheet of GLCs even if it is slightly thinner, it will be quite strong base. If we are talking about a single-layer partition or facing system, then it is worth thinking twice before you stop on a plasterboard plate with a lesser material thickness.

Another important factor on which it depends on which thickness of the plasterboard to choose is in the field of professional experience of masters performing installation work on the installation of partition or cladding. The fact is that for sheets with standard thickness there are norms on the distance between the points of placement of the metal frame profiles on which the sheets of carcarton are held.

In case of non-compliance with these norms, low quality material of the racks and guide frames, as well as deviations from the optimal installation technology, thinner sheets of HCL will not be the best choice for installation in the already unreliable design.

As can be seen in the schemes of the profile installation steps, 600 mm or 60 cm. Here the topmost layer is the wall material, just below the dry plaster layer, then the empty space and the wavy lines are designated space for laying communications. The last bottom layer is the plates of the GLC standard thickness. If preference will be given to a little more subtle GLC, then this step will be required to cut up to 30-40 cm.

Standard wall sheet thickness

As mentioned earlier, all standards in calculating plasterboard partitions belong to the generally accepted recommended sheet thickness. So, the standard thickness of the plasterboard for the walls is 12.5 mm. Alternatively, plates are also used slightly thinner - 9.5 mm. Discussing various options in the matter of choosing the thickness of plasterboard walls or cladding is appropriate to speak only about these two figures - 12.5 mm and 9.5 mm.

Plaster-based plates are also manufactured with several other thickness indicators, but the absolute majority of the material used when finishing the ceiling and walls has one of the two specified thickness values. The table below serves the dependence of the weight of the plasterboard sheet from its thickness and other overall indicators. In general, the mass parameter is calculated based on the spare plate, as they are of different sizes.

Based on the data specified in the table, it is possible to calculate the weight of the slab on known sizes, as well as learn the total mass of the GLC material required to finish the surface of a specific area.

Which thickness to choose 12.5 mm or 9.5 mm?

It was previously mentioned that professionals recommend using 12.5 mm sheets for wall decoration. However, if you plan a more fortified design, you can make a two-layer partition or cladding using a layer of two 9.5-mm plates.

Also for a wall of plasterboard with a thickness of 9.5 mm. There is an important limitation - it is impossible to hang lamps, air conditioners, heaters or furniture weighing more than 2.5 kg without special preparation of the frame under these devices.

12.5 mm HCL plates require a standard frame of the placement of the framework profiles - 60 cm, a more subtle 9.5-mm analogue requires the installation of metal racks at a distance every 30-40 cm. Also special attention to the quality of the metal from which Metal Poll is made, since it must have increased strength when using thinner plates.

With the arrangement of walls in the bathroom, only moisture-resistant plates of G Clac with a thickness of 12.5 mm are suitable, followed by their trim tiles or painting protective paints.

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Why plasterboard is not the best choice for walls: compare alternatives

Rare redevelopment costs without the construction of new partitions, except that you decide to make a studio and only break the old walls. New walls can be erected from piece materials, such as bricks, plates and blocks of various composition - we have already told about them in the article "From bricks to glass blocks: from which to build interior partitions." Or use leafy materials. The most popular three are three, and we are ready to tell you about all their advantages, minuses and features so that you can choose the best.

1. Plasterboard sheet (GKK)

Plasterboard sheet is a plaster reservoir wrapped with dense paper, 1200x2500x12.5 mm and weighing 29 kg. It happens thinner - 9 mm wide, but this option is very fragile. Mounted as follows: First, a frame of a metal profile is formed, then plasterboard sheets are turned on the frame for two layers of the brass from all sides. The final wall thickness will depend on the width of the metal profile used 50/65/75/100 and will be 100/115/125/150 mm, respectively. GLCs are covered not only the walls, but also the ceilings.

A water-resistant plasterboard sheet (G CLEB) is also sold, but it is conditionally waterproof: with constant water, such sheets will be bludging, even if the top is covered with tiles. It is better not to use it at all in the "wet" premises.

Cost GLK: 250-350 rubles / pcs. G Clac will be more expensive.

  • Inside the frame, which is trimmed by GCL, it is convenient to put communication.
  • Easy installation.
  • If mounting the frame on top of the floor screed, the plasterboard wall can be disassembled and erected again as needed.
  • Very lightweight material, gives a very small load on overlap.

  • 1 m² of plasterboard wall withstands no more than 20 kg of facing material. That is, the tile will stand normally, but the porcelain stoneware is no longer a fact. When overloading, the finish will soon fall off with a layer of cardboard, blue plaster.
  • On one dowel-butterfly (the tip of which is revealed after screwing) in the drywater wall will hold the weight of no more than 10 kg, and on the ceiling - not more than 4 (under the curtain cornice will have to make a cutout or lay a bar on the ceiling). If you want to hang something harder, you need to know in advance, where exactly, and lay a bar or profile.
  • Very bad sound insulation.
  • Low strength - remain dents from shocks.
  • Use with great care in wet rooms.

2. Hypanoloconse sheet (GVL)

GBL is also based on its plaster, but reinforced by various environmental supplements. In the assortment there are sheets of a PC - with a straight edge, they are intended for walls, and FC - edge with a removal (for the floor). Also exists in the assortment of GVLV (waterproof gypsumless sheet): it does not differ in color, only has a stamp with the designation of moisture resistance.

The dimensions of the drying sheet of 2500 x 1200 x 10 / 12.5 mm, weight 36/42 kg. More often for interior partitions, a thickness is 10 mm. The metal frame is squeezed by HBL sheets in one layer, unlike GLC. To improve sound insulation, two layers can be made, but then it is better to combine: one layer of GWL, another of GLC.

The thickness of the final single-layer partition from GVL is 10 mm: 70/85/95/120 mm depending on the width of the selected profile.

Cost: 450-500 rub. / PC. The final wall is approximately the same in terms of cost in GLC and GWL, since the GLC is mounted in two layers, and the GWL is one.

  • On a dowel-butterfly, it is withstanding up to 20 kg on the wall and up to 8 kg on the ceiling, which is twice as high as GLC.
  • Non-flammable material, can be used in saunas.
  • Good water resistance, can be used in the bathroom; From GVLV, you can even make a frame for a bath or sink.
  • It is well processed to create complex forms: arches, bulges, concaves.
  • Inside the frame, which is trimmed by GWL, it is convenient to lay communication.
  • Easy installation.
  • The wall is flat, does not require additional alignment.
  • If you mount the frame over the floor screed, the gypsum wall can be disassembled and erected again as needed.

Without drywall, almost any repairs do not cost. Its popularity and good relevance can be explained by the fact that it is ideal as a finishing material, is relatively inexpensive, it has excellent sound insulation, environmentally friendly and not fuel. Consider the best manufacturers of wall drywall and how to choose it. Today in Russia there are 5 most sought-after manufacturers of plasterboard.

"Knauf" is a European manufacturer who has its own plants and in the territory of the Russian Federation. Probably everyone who has repairs to repair, heard of this company. First of all, it is famous for using the most modern technologies in the production of plasterboard and other building materials, which speaks of its high quality and long service life.

The released plasterboard has a standard size - 2.5 x 1.2 m, but others are available. The weight of one sheet is different and produced within 12 - 30 kg.

Despite the fact that this is a brand, manufactures European quality material, it has both budget options that also meet German quality standards.

2. "Gyproc"

"Gyproc" is the English brainchild of the French company Saint-Goben, which specializes in plaster materials. Since 2003, he occupies a leading position in the production of plasterboard products.

Wall Plasterboard "Gyproc"

A distinctive feature of the brand is absolute environmental harmlessness, because Production uses only 100% environmentally friendly materials. In addition, the release of highly light sheets, which have 20% less weight, compared with the standard.

"LAFARGE" - this French firm installed one of the lowest prices for plasterboard products, compared with the rest of the brands. This is explained by the fact that it has the largest amount of production worldwide. The amount does not harm the quality and they only produce high-quality products. This company is characterized by the fact that special attention is paid to the processing of faces of sheets, which makes the products perfectly even.

Plasterboard Lafarge.

"VOLMA" is the only original Russian manufacturer of plasterboard products, which is in wide demand in our country. The first, on the territory of the Russian Federation produced plasterboard with an increased level of resistance to moisture. Located in Volgograd Plant, focuses on European standards, which allows you to produce high-quality products, due to the latest technologies. The foregoing contributes to the manufacture of high-quality products at a low price.

"Rigips" - like "Gyproc", this Polish company belongs to the world's largest group for the production of plasterboard products "VRV". Modern production technologies and the latest equipment makes it possible to get quality for which is not ashamed.

Plasterboard "Rigips.

How to choose the plasterboard?

First, it is necessary to determine which type of drywall you need. Depending on its purpose, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Wall (GLC).
  2. Ceiling. It is one of the cheapest among the others, due to its small thickness of 9.5 mm and less than in a wall length - 2 or 2.5 m. The color of the lining room is light gray. In all the rest, it does not differ from the previous type. The presented view of the GCC is used both when weaving ceilings and in the manufacture of ceiling structures in several levels, arches and niches.
  3. Moisture-resistant (G CLEB). Made in green, with blue marking. The dimensions are exactly the same as the wall. The main difference is the special composition, from which the core and the material itself is made, which allows this type to not be afraid of moisture. Used mainly for premises with excessive humidity.
  4. Fire resistant (GKLO). It has standard dimensions (like a wall and moisture-resistant), but made in light gray color, and all marking are applied red. It differs from the rest of its composition, in which there are many fibers and additives that contribute to reinforcement. Finding its application where the high demands of fire safety.
  5. Moisture-rippier (G CLEBO). Combining the properties of fire resistance and moisture resistance, has standard dimensions.
  6. Arched (flexible). Due to the fact that it is used in the manufacture of complex structures where the bending is possible at a large angle, it has the smallest thickness of all - 6.5 mm. For this reason, it is usually used in two layers. For it, the standard length is 3 m, and the width is usually 1.2 m. Painted in light gray color.

When this material is selected, it is important to take into account the nuances that will protect you from disappointments in the purchase and will ensure the guaranteed service life of products built from it:

  1. When choosing, it is important to take into account the features of the room where plasterboard will be applied. Those, with high humidity - moisture-resistant, with high fireproof requirements - fire resistant, for wall decoration - wall and so on.
  2. When buying thoroughly inspect all sheets, on the subject of mechanical damage and the correct form. If you will see the marking inscription "Packing List" on a sheet of plasterboard. Do not take it. This leaf of the factory is free, because During transportation, it is the main on which other sheets fold. As a rule, it always has damage.
  3. The choice of sheet size is also an important point. It needs to be chosen, given the features of the installation of your room: with small easier to work, but it turns out more junctions. For walls, use a width of 12.5 mm, and for bends and other complex structures 6 or 9 mm.

By purchasing a set of materials, carefully examine the profile to which the plasterboard will be mounted. It must be metallic, homogeneous and shiny over the entire surface. The presence of damage should also not be.