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What is useful in a red brush. Alcohol infusion of a red brush how to take. Useful properties of a red brush

Red brush - a herbaceous plant having a richest and unique chemical composition. It is also called Rhodiola four-hour, Rhodiola Cold and Rhodiola four. This grass grows in Russia in Altai, in the mountains, and it is the Altai shamans that opened all the beneficial properties of this plant. Thanks to them, it became known how to make a red brush, to make it properly, as well as testimony and contraindications for use.

Due to the strengthening of the radiols of the cold, the population of this culture began to grow significantly less, it was listed in the Red Book. At the moment, the plant is protected, the collection for industry is prohibited.

In its composition, a red brush is a unique agent whose analogs does not exist in nature. It includes such components:

  • phytohormones;
  • sahara;
  • anthocian;
  • sterina;
  • glycosides;
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • bethains;
  • vitamins;
  • trace elements.

I would like to note that this tool does not work on eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but removes the cause of its occurrence. Due to the rich composition, the red brush has a wide range of pharmacological action:

  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hematopoietic;
  • hormonal;
  • wound-healing;
  • binder;
  • antifungal;
  • immunostimulating;
  • adaptogenic;
  • laxative;
  • vasculating;
  • antiviral.

Widely use this grass in many areas: gynecology, urology, oncology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, neurology, reproductology. As a gynecological agent use it in the treatment of hormonal disorders, Miom, mastopathy, trampling cycle failures and other diseases.

The urology use a red brush for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system: cystites, pyelonephritis. In endocrinology, prescribed during the pathologies of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, diabetes.

The grass has a laxative function, enhances the intestinal peristalsis, contributes to the improvement of digestion.

In the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, Rhodiola will also be a good assistant. It strengthens the walls of the vessels, cleanses them from atherosclerotic plaques, reduces blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels. Effective grass and in blood diseases and the lymphatic system, since it has a hematopoietic function.

ENT doctors apply to Rhodiolation in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the sinus skull, such as sinusitis, frontitis and sinusitis. In neurology, the plant is widely used to improve cerebral circulation in epilepsy therapy, with brain injuries, nervous states.

There are studies that confirm that the red brush is effective in the fight against oncological diseases, but not as basic therapy, but as an aid.

Rhodiola four is used as a general feling agent during the recovery period of the body after heavy diseases and operations.

Separately, I want to highlight the influence of the parents of the cold on the male organism. This grass is useful for both men reproductive age and the elderly. When receiving the means, the potency significantly increases, the spermatozoa becomes much more mobile, the hormonal background is normalized. This grass is especially useful during the so-called "male climax".

Indications for the use of a red brush in gynecology

Very useful in therapy of gynecological diseases. It is used as the main treatment and as an auxiliary means. Among the diseases with whom this grass is struggling, such:

  • disorders of the menstrual cycle;
  • neoplasms in the uterus and appendages;
  • mastopathy.

Rhodiola Cold contains phytogormones, contributing to the elimination of hormonal disorders in the body of a woman. Use it in the treatment of dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding ,. With a highly pronounced premenstrual syndrome, this grass will be a good assistant. No exception and unpleasant symptoms of the climacteric and prelimacteric period: to completely remove their grass will not be able, but, as a rule, to significantly improve the overall condition for it.

As an auxiliary and prophylactic agent, a red brush is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the uterus, appendages and vagina (adnexite, endometritis, cervical erosion, cervicitis, vulvovaginitis), mastopathy and various neoplasms in female genital organs (mioma, fibromyoma, cystosis and polycystic, polyps, endometriosis).

Only the attending physician should be appointed and adjusting the reception. Improper treatment tactics can lead to aggravation of state and be dangerous to health.

How to cook a red brush

A ready-made drug based on Ramiol Cold can be bought in a pharmacy, but if there is a raw material, prepare the medicine at home will not be difficult. Most often use tincture and decoction from the dried root. In terms of their action, they are the same.

For the preparation of tincture, 50 grams of dry raw materials of a red brush are used, poured this 0.5 liters of vodka, insisted for a month. Periodically need to mix the tool. The dishes in which the grass will appear, must necessarily be from dark glass. Store the drug only in a dark place. After 30 days, it is necessary to thoroughly strain and take 30 - 40 drops, this is about 1 teaspoon, three times a day.

How to brew a red brush? This process has several nuances. In order to prepare a decoction, you will need a water sauna, enameled dishes, dry grass, boiled water, cold to 70 degrees.

Pour boiling water and keep on fire a red brush can not, otherwise all useful properties will be lost.

On 1 tablespoon of grass, 1 cup of water will be required. In the dishes you need to pour grass, mix with water, put on the bath and keep it, constantly stirring, for 15 minutes. After it should be removed and crushed within an hour. Next, strain and pour into glass dishes. The decoction is stored for two days. Take it on a half package you need three times a day.

Using this grass also for douching in inflammatory vaginal diseases. For the preparation of the solution you need to mix a glass of broth with half-liters of boiled, cooled water. Drying is carried out in the morning and in the evening.

Features of the use of a red brush in gynecological diseases

Before proceeding with the treatment of a red brush, you need to get acquainted with how to properly take this tool. There are several rules, the execution of which is necessary.

Be sure to comply with the graph of receipt of the drug. In the morning the medicine is drinking for half an hour before breakfast, not before nine in the morning. At lunch, the drug is accepted an hour before meals. In the evening 30 minutes before dinner, but no later than 19 hours.

Preparations based on Rhodiola Cold have an exciting effect, enhance the work of the brain, it can provoke insomnia.

Taking drugs, you need to strictly adhere to the treatment regimen. The first course should last a month, then fifteen days break. After that, two more thirty-day courses are made with the same break. At the end of the three-month course, the body needs a month of rest and then follows another course of treatment. It will help consolidate the result.

Contraindicated to drink a red brush with such states:

  • high temperature;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy.

In the treatment of gynecological diseases, especially infertility, the red brush is preferably combined with a boric uterus. But, as soon as the pregnancy came, the Rhodio-cold need to urgently cancel due to the ability to cause a spontaneous abortion.

It is impossible to use a red brush along with other herbs containing phytohormones. Contraindicated to take it and together with synthetic hormonal drugs. The simultaneous use of several similar drugs can aggravate the state.

Starting to take a red brush, you need to remember what she treats, like all herbs, is meaningfully gently. In order to notice the effect, it will take more time than with therapy with synthetic preparations. The joint efforts of the doctor, the patient and mother-nature will always have a positive result, you just need to gain patience.

Red brush (Rhodiola Tour Rod) - Altai Endemic Plant. It dwells in a limited territory, small, does not forms thickets, but is found by single copies. Extremely rare culture is entered into the red books of all regions of Russia, where it grows. The industrial harvesting is not produced, even if necessary for the preparation for the pharmacological industry, the preparation of one ton of raw materials is problematic.

Due to the limited growth of culture, it should be carefully related to the acquisition of medicinal raw materials. The root of a red brush is highly valued by folk medicine, so it can not cost cheaply. Ready preparations in the form of droplets and syrup contain so small concentrations of active substances that it does not make sense. Use a red brush in the form of independently harvested infusions and decoctions, in the origin of the raw materials for which you are confident.

Features of the impact on the body

Rhodiolan is a four-part in a list of plants with adaptogenic properties. There are research data in which its properties are determined by stimulating for the body with different kinds of depletions.

Use natural adatogen is recommended as a supportive means for diseases of the circulatory system, inflammatory nature and after diseases to restore the vitality. It has been proven that a vegetable complex of glycosides and tanning substances that make up a red brush affects the cells of the body, increasing the production of peptides. As a result of the stimulation of natural reactions, a tonic effect is achieved without the threat of spending its own energy resources of the body.

Treatment of female diseases with grass Red brush is largely based on the adaptogenic qualities of medicinal raw materials. According to herbalists, Rhodiolas the four-part has an impact on the body as a whole, which is extremely important for diseases of the urinary sphere.

According to the Association of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Buryat State University of Elena Botoeva, the complexity in the treatment of sexual diseases in women is that most organism systems are connected to this process. Their normal functioning is broken, the hormonal background changes, the prerequisites for the development of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver. Due to the general destructive impact on the body of a woman of inflammatory and hormonally dependent processes, it is important to use generally productive funds in their integrated therapy. One of these safe preparations is a red brush.

Glycoside Salidrolizid, Anthocyanins and tanning substances that are part of the drug have a comprehensive effect on the body of a woman.

  • Anti-inflammatory, oncoprotective effect in pathologies of hormonal nature. Allows you to use the plant in the complex therapy of hormonal disorders and hormonal tumor diseases.
  • Anti-infective, antimicrobial effect. A red brush in female diseases can be used to treat inflammation of the genuine system of fungal, bacterial character.
  • Blood-performance. With a long, chronic course of the disease with the involvement of many systems in the inflammatory process, the composition of the blood changes. Normalize it, clean from inflammatory factors, restore the blood formula also allows the reception of a natural agent.

Rhodiola four partner does not apply in official therapeutic practice. This is due to the lack of studies that would allow to finish the composition of the drug raw materials and its properties. Many of the recommendations of the traditional medicine are not substantiated, are not confirmed by the results of studies and are unclearly formulated.

The lack of clear data on the possibilities and properties of the drug plant leads to the emergence of "effective recipes" of the use of a red brush that enterprising traders suggest to be considered a panacea from all diseases. Culture really has a pronounced effect on the body, can be applied in the treatment of gynecological diseases, but its unauthorized use is not allowed, without coordination with the doctor.

Often, a red brush when infertility begins to be used by women at "his discretion" along with the hormone therapy appointed by a specialist. Combining synthetic hormones and treatment with floral means is unacceptable, as it is possible to form a hormone overabr in the body. Be sure to inform the doctor that you plan to use the family of a four-part in the treatment to adjust the overall course.

It is also important to take into account the following features of the plant drug.

  • Red brush when planning pregnancy is not used individually. In the complex, it uses a Borovoy uterus or a pear. The essence of treatment is not to "saturate the body with female sex hormones," as it is considered. And in eliminating the existing inflammatory, adhesion process, which in the overwhelming majority and becomes the cause of infertility. And correct the hormonal background. A pronounced anti-inflammatory effect in this complex has a boring uterus.
  • Recommended by courses. Vegetable funds do not demonstrate such a bright effect on the body as medication. This is their advantage, since the normalization of processes occurs gradually, without jumps and disruptions. But this is the disadvantage, since the effect has to wait for months. The course of treatment with a red brush in the world is at least three to six months with interruptions through every month of reception of fourteen days. Be sure to observe the doctor.
  • The tool can be used inside and externally. The use of a red brush with female diseases is possible in the form of an infusion or decoction inside, or for douching. In the latter case, with the help of the solution, the vagina is treated with collision, vaginite, gardenellosis.

With the external use of a red brush, it is important to remember that other, more common and affordable plants have external antiseptic properties. More rational intake intake.

Floor therapy

In folk medicine, the red brush is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases of hormonal nature and inflammatory nature. According to the herbalist Vladimir Kulakova, the complex of the plant with a herue of a ring-headed has a positive effect on the sexual system, reduces the growth intensity of tumors, relieves inflammation.

The complex of the Pear and Red Brush should be used during endometriosis, miser, fibromome. It will help to get rid of the tumors of the sexual sphere, the cysts of the ovary, polycystosis. The essence of the impact is the hormonal nature of the means, since most of the diseases of the sexual sphere occurs due to hormonal imbalance against the background of the concomitant inflammatory process.

  • With endometriosis. Red brush stops the growth of endometrial. In therapy with a headache, a round-hearted or borog uterus, a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect is observed, a decrease in the adhesive process.
  • In the world, fibromome. The vegetable agent stops the growth of the tumor, with properly selected therapy, reduces the size of the mioma or completely eliminates it.
  • When climax. The use of a red brush with a climax allows you to stabilize the hormonal background on a natural level for the female organism, reduce the manifestations of aging processes, increase the resistance to external factors.
  • When mastopathy. The use of a red brush during mastopathy leads to a decrease in the severity of the process of the growth of the tissue of the breast, eliminates the feeling of breast burning, its pain.

Dosage forms are prepared from the root of Rhodiola a four-part, harvested entirely. It is preferable to buy raw materials not shredded, but in the form of a whole root. Visually on it, you can unmistakably determine the red brush, as the root itself, like a brush, and a reddish shade.

Infusion for intake


  1. Grind the root weighing fifty grams.
  2. Fill with vodka with a volume of five hundred millibers.
  3. Leave it in a dark place in glass containers from twenty-five to thirty days.

Take the remedy is necessary on a teaspoon (thirty drops) three times a day. After receiving to wait forty minutes, then you can drink or eat. Continue treatment for a month, take a break for two weeks and repeat the course. The expected effect is achieved for three to six months of reception.

For scriptures, the alcohol tincture is bred in water. Use a teaspoon on half liters of warm water. Treat the inner surface of the vagina twice a day for seven - ten days.

Decoction for intake and external treatments

According to some herbalists, the use of alcohol tincturing for douching is not effective, since the minimum amount of active substances is detected in the finished solution. With pronounced endometriosis of the vagina or acute inflammation, the decoction of the red brush root should be used. It can also be accepted inside as a toning, common-eating agent for inflammatory processes of the gynecological sphere.


  1. Grind the root, use a tablespoon of raw materials.
  2. Push up into the enameled saucepan, fill with water with a volume of two hundred milliliters.
  3. Bring to a boil, put on a water bath and leave to spend the lid for fifteen minutes.
  4. Remove from the fire, wrap, leave for forty five minutes.
  5. Perfect.

To receive inside the agent use half a glass three times a day. Take forty minutes before meals in a warm form, adding a spoonful of honey to the decoction. The duration of the course is a month and a half, then the two-week break and the course repeat.

Using a red brush with female diseases, it is necessary to control well-being and regular inspections of the doctor goes. When signs of deterioration of the state, the reception is stopped. The normalization of sexual range functions indicates a positive effect of therapy. The red brush normalizes the duration and nature of menstruation, stimulates the restoration of the hormonal background and localizes the nature of the pathologies associated with it: mastopathy, misa, endometriosis, polycystosis.

PressFoto / Kosmos111

Boring uterus (Lat. Orthilia Secunda) - a find for women who contribute to gaining health and the full functioning of the body. This grass is like an elixir of youth acting on the skin.

Boring uterus refers to the ocean family. In the people, it is called: Boko-bellows, uterus from forty diseases, Babsky becomes, Borovinka.

The most valuable effect, the boring uterus has on women's organs, on this its useful properties do not end, not in vain this plant is called "medicine from forty disease."

The plant has proven its effectiveness in the fight against diseases of the genitourinary system, inflammatory processes of prostate and adenoma of the prostate gland, diseases of the esophagus, and even with nervous disruptions. The benefit of its action may feel not only women, but also representatives of the male half!

The Borovoy Makeup began to apply in the treatment of traditional methods in antiquity, and today, the doctors of local hospitals increasingly include it in recipes. The plant is prescribed in inflammatory processes in gynecology, complex treatment of various tumor diseases, infertility, menstruation disorders, toxicosis, spikes, etc.

Consider all the properties and methods in more detail, how to brew a boring uterus.

Boring uterus: the main pharmacological components and their properties



Phytoprogesterone and phytoestrogen

Hormone-like substances of plant origin. It is these components that the pronounced therapeutic properties of the borovy uterus are explained.


Natural antioxidant with severe antiseptic and diuretic action.


Antithrombotic, diuretic and bactericidal impact.


Anti-inflammatory and diuretic action.


Strengthen vaginal secretion, as well as secretion in the gastric mucosa and bronchi.

Wine and citric acids

Strengthening immunity, acceleration of metabolic processes, relief signs of dyspepsia.


Natural antioxidants with a choleretic and lightweight effect for the gastrointestinal organs

Vitamin C

Powerful antioxidant actively helped nervous, endocrine and immune systems.

Usal scope

In the medical sphere, the boring uterus is used in the treatment of such diseases:

  • inflammatory processes in gynecology;
  • leiomioma cervix;
  • intramuscular mioma;
  • fibrozno-cystic disease;
  • problems with reproduction;
  • reduction or absence of the tone of the uterus;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • menstruation cycle failure;
  • spikes;
  • diabetes;
  • pathology of the reproductive system;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • liver disease;
  • disorders of the gallbladder functions.

As a diuretic and antibacterial agent:

  • inflammatory processes in the urinary system;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • inflammation of prostate;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • increased intrauterine pressure;
  • acute otitis.

The Borovoy Makeup is allowed to apply in the complex composition of herbs for the treatment of stones in the kidneys, when goug, colitis, radiculitis and rheumatism.

In gynecology also use the healing properties of this plant. With benign tumors, it is additionally recommended to receive: Friday and wintering Boligol, as well as a freezing of a wicked year. Quite often in the treatment of some ailments co-use of borovatter and red brush.

How to drink a Borovoy Makeup? To start a healing course, doctors recommend to prepare an infusion from the spillage seeds and take it before the boron uterus. In this way, you will save the liver from harmful effects.

Methods of preparation


  1. Fall asleep 2 tbsp. Dry grass borovya uterus.
  2. Pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  3. Insist the hunching within 2 hours.
  4. Profiliate.
  5. Take 100 ml, 4 times a day, before the meal.


  1. Pour 500 ml of vodka 50 g of grass.
  2. Cover with a lid.
  3. Insist 14 days in the shade.
  4. Take 30-40 drops, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Infusion for douching:

  1. 2 tbsp. Dry herbs pour 250 ml boiling water.
  2. Insist for 2-3 hours.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the severity of the disease and ranges from two to six months. According to experienced herbalists, you will be able to independently calculate how much the tincture of the boring uterus is required for treatment - every year of the disease corresponds to 250 ml of infusion.

Red brush

Red brush (lat. Rodiola Guadrefida) is a invaluable and unique gift of nature itself. For those who have ever been in the mountains familiar to the feeling of lightness and freedom when inhaling the living mountain air - this is the action of a red brush - it is a healing source of life for all organs of the human body.

This plant can only be found in the singular place - the mountain altai. A distinctive action of a red brush is its action on the root cause of the disease, and not investigative symptoms. Daily stresses, a bad environmental situation in cities - all these adverse factors make us look for the purity gifts in the depths of nature and the red brush belongs to such cleansing filters.

Modern medicine has long recognized the healing properties of this plant. The unique features of the natural medication have the additional effect of rejuvenation, i.e. You not only treat the cause of the disease, but also reduce the biological age of the organs.

Red brush is a natural immune stimulant and a toning agent suitable for people with a weakened immune system. With it, you will be able to heal the diseases of a protracted or chronic action, recover after taking antibiotics.

Red brush tincture on vodka Successfully applied to the treatment of diseases of the vessels and hearts, under the conditions of anemia, leukemia.

Red Brush Application in Gynecology

For women, this healing shrub has simply invaluable properties. Application red brush are shownwhen: fibrous-cystic diseases, cysts, with disorders of the menstrual cycle, etc. Drawing with a red brush is prescribed in erosions and various tumors.

At the expense of its hemostatic and sedative effect, the plant helps with uterine bleeding, as well as with headaches.

Grass red brush, what treats men?

Men use this plant for full cure from prostatitis. The uniqueness of this plant is concluded in its properties to restore the hormonal background of the endocrine system: the diseases of the adrenal glands, lymph nodes, thyroid gland, etc. It is also possible to use in the treatment of viral and bacterial diseases of various etiologies.

What diseases a red brush treats?

The disease under which the plant is applied red brush:

  • salpingoForit;
  • bPH;
  • anemia;
  • sleep disorders;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • violations of gynecology;
  • hormonal failures;
  • disorders of the endocrine system;
  • dysbacteriosis is a thick and small intestine;
  • menopausal signs;
  • cysts;
  • leukemia;
  • violation of the reproductive function of men and women;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • revitalization (appeal to reversal the process of aging) of the body;
  • oncabolic;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • problems with erectile function;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • adenomyosis;
  • intracranial blood pressure;
  • inflammatory processes in the urethra and much more.

Red brush: the main pharmacological components and their properties



Tannins (Tanyina)

Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, are detrimental to paratyphoundic bacteria, normalize the function of the adrenal cortex and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.


Stimulate the production of energy in myocardial cells, control the processes of suction, bond with proteins, the dissolution rate.

Essential oils

Beneficially affects mental and physical health, normalize the work of the nervous and endocrine systems, restore the water-salt balance, remove toxins from the body.

Organic acids

Support acid-alkaline balance (pH), contributes to regular emptying of the intestine, its active work, as well as the absorption of many essential nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.


The permeability of cell membranes is controlled, affect the process of metabolism, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, have pronounced antioxidant activity, strengthen the immune system.


Improves microflora, has an antibacterial and wound healing effect, reduces the body temperature.


Maintain a tooth tissue in normal, stimulates the activities of enzymes that provide synthesis of ascorbic acid and normal breathing tissues.

Scope of using a red brush

A red brush has a strongest immunomodulatory effect and is recommended for receiving people suffering from frequent colds, as well as for those who have changed chemotherapy. With the help of its antioxidant reducing properties, the plant cleans the blood vessels from the "bad" cholesterol, and the entire body from the accumulated slags.

For sharing a red brush and boronthe rejuvenating effect of these plants is significantly enhanced.

Methods of preparation


  1. 1 tbsp. The dry root of the plant pour 250 ml of water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, constantly stirring.
  2. Insist for 1 hour.
  3. A portion of 250 ml is divided into 4 equal reception.
  4. Drink in half an hour before meals.
  5. Course of treatment 1-1.5 months.


  1. 50g dry red brush root pour 500 ml vodka.
  2. Insist in transparent dishes 1 month.
  3. Profiliate.
  4. Adults take 30 drops, 3 times a day for half an hour before meature.
  5. Course for 1 month.
  6. After stopping for 14 days.
  7. Next course resumes.

Methods of joint use of the boroval uterus and a red brush

Red brush and boring uterus co-use It must be divided into 4 stages, each of which lasts 14 days. Between each stage there is a break for 2 weeks. Reception of the medicinal collection should be on an empty stomach in 1 hour before meature: until 08:00, before dinner, until 19:00. Required number of infusion - 1 tbsp.

Water infusion:

  1. Fall asleep in boiling capacity of 1 tbsp. Each of herbs.
  2. Pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. Cover with a lid and insist on aquatic bath for 20 minutes.
  4. Profiltrate and add water to obtain the original volume.

Natural components are often used to combat overweight. They do not harm the body with proper use, and the effectiveness of such funds is very high. One of the medical grasses is a red brush. It is used not only for therapy of gynecological diseases in women, but also to reduce body weight. This is due to the beneficial properties of plants affecting the hormonal background. To achieve a strong weight loss result, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe mechanism of exposure to a red brush for extra kilograms.

What is a red brush

Rhodiola Cold, Women's Grass Red Brush or Rhodiola four-plated - so called a universal medicinal plant from the Tolstanka family (Rhodíola Crassulaceae). He has no curly, slightly curved stems. Plant is perennial, with a powerful, branching basis. Rhodium leaves are flat and twisted, have a form of a semicircle or a triangle, drill or brown. Cylish-shaped or thyroid inflorescences belong to the dwarm. The fruit of the plant is a straight multi-eyed with a nose or without it.

The name of Rhodiola received due to the form of leaves, resembling a brush and their red. Often Ramiolu is associated with another famous plant - borovoy uterus. This is due to the fact that the combination of these two grasses enhances the therapeutic effect of each other. A red brush grows on the Alpine slopes - in the gorges, on the slopes and banks of the rivers. The plant is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Medical properties

Multicomponent composition makes Rhodiolation a unique healing agent. The plant consists of the following elements:

  • essential oil is a natural antiseptic;
  • organic acids - improve digestion and metabolism;
  • tubils - remove inflammation;
  • phytohormones - normalize estrogen level, progesterone;
  • anthraglycosides - enhance the intestinal peristaltics;
  • phenols - strengthen the blood system;
  • tertiary alcohols - disadvantaged for viruses;
  • sterols - reduce cholesterol levels;
  • waxes - healing wounds;
  • flavonoids - normalize pressure.

Vitamin C stimulates the metabolism and the work of the nervous system. The composition of the plant includes many chemical elements:

  • selenium - prevents the development of cancer cells;
  • zinc - insulin synthesis;
  • chrome - normalization of lipid, carbohydrate exchange;
  • silver - antiseptic;
  • manganese - restoration of female sexual functions;
  • nickel - participation in the exchange of prolactin;
  • copper - hemoglobin synthesis;
  • cobalt - enhances the production of antibodies;
  • molybdenum - improves the exchange of iron in the liver;
  • gum - detoxification of the body.

A special place in the composition of plants occupy glycosides and natural phytohormones. They positively affect the endocrine system, normalizing the hormonal balance. It helps to eliminate not only gynecological problems, but also overweight. The healing properties of the red brush are as follows:

  • adaptogenic;
  • antibacterial;
  • bactericidal;
  • laxative;
  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • soothing;
  • anesthetic;
  • hypotensive;
  • vasteransior;
  • binder;
  • anti-cancer;
  • wound-healing;
  • hemostatic;
  • immunostimulating.

Indications for use

Rhodiola Cold has a multilateral healing effect. In gynecology, the red brush is used to treat the following states:

  • Infertility - the plant improves reproductive functions, contributes to an increase in ovulation, which increases the possibility of conception.
  • Oncology - normalizes the level of estrogen, which prevents the formation of myoma, fibromes, mastopathy.
  • Gynecological diseases - cyst, ovarian polycystosis, cervical polyps and erosion, endometritis, endometriosis.
  • Climax - eliminates the symptoms of the age reducing reproductive function.

Therapeutic properties of a red brush apply to many diseases. These include:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • leukemia;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • anemia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • prostatitis;
  • oligospermia;
  • pyelonephritis, cystitis;
  • neurosis;
  • inflammation of lymph nodes;
  • hormonal violations

Use for weight loss

The plant during reception rarely causes the manifestation of side effects. A red weight loss brush is used both independently and in fees, chipping, contributing to getting rid of excess weight. The anthraglycosides are in the plant, have a laxative effect on the body, which is important when complying with the diet. Organic acids normalize lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, improve digestion and work gastrointestinal system.

Molybdenum and nickel accelerate metabolism, and the decrease in appetite is due to chromium and sterols. They reduce cholesterol levels, which leads to a lack of hunger. The cleansing of the body from toxins and slags occurs due to the antioxidant properties of the selenium and the gum. Plant components have a slight sedative effect, which helps to normalize sleep and increase the efficiency of weight loss. Reception of a red brush allows you to lose up to 8-10 kg per month, without having a negative impact on health.

How to take a red slimming brush

In order to reduce weight, the root of Rhodiola is cold. The plant for the workpiece of raw materials is collected immediately after the end of flowering, but until the ripening of fruits. In pharmacies, you can buy a ready-made collection with a red brush. Slimming efficiency directly depends on the correctness of cooking or extract and compliance with recommendations for receiving.

The use of any dosage forms of the red brush cannot be combined with the reception of hormonal, contraceptives or herbs containing phytohormones. Contraindications to use are:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • monthly;
  • heart failure;
  • obstruction of uterine pipes;
  • hypertension;
  • mental disorders.

Broth red brush

For the preparation of therapeutic drug, the crushed root of the plant will be needed. The algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. The root of the red brush in the amount of 20 g must be pouring 300 ml of water.
  2. Put on fire and boil 10-12 minutes.
  3. Let it be broken for about an hour.
  4. Strain, take on ½ cup 3 times a day for 2-3 months.

There is a simpler brewing method. 2-3 The root of a red brush should be placed in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. It is necessary to brew all night, then drink during the day as ordinary herbal tea. To achieve high summary results, an important condition should be observed - the reception of the beam must be combined with physical exertion and diet. The result will be a weight loss, preservation of skin elasticity.


A ready-made tincture of a red brush is sold in the pharmacy network. Ramiol extract can be prepared at home. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. 100 g dry roots should be chopped in large.
  2. Pour the raw materials of 1 liter of vodka.
  3. It was insisting a mixture of 3 weeks in a dark place at room temperature, periodically shaking.
  4. Take an extract of a red brush follows in a diluted form - 40 drops on a half-table of cool, boiled water.
  5. Reception is carried out daily 3 times a day for 1-3 months.


Elegantly referred to in the official science of Rhodio-cold, this famous herb is a real gift of God.

About her, its unique healing qualities, application and contraindications will be discussed in this article.

Description of type

Rhodiola Cold - a rarely encountered plant belonging to the genus of the family of Tolstankovy. Despite the fact that the range of plant propagation is negligible, his names are surprisingly a lot - this is a four-party robe, or four-plated. In Russia, with someone's easy hand, it is called a red brush for the characteristic bristleness of the roots, sharp tips of narrow, thick growing thick leaves and a purple-pink color of inflorescence. The red color due to the presence in all overhead parts of concentrated coloring substances - anthocyanins and betaines, inherent in the preparations made from the plant. The red brush, therapeutic properties and contraindications to its application is the topic of this article.


Common only in harsh mountain areas, the rhodium cold is withstanding the monstrous conditions, surviving on stone places. Being an Altai endemic, grass is found on rocks and mountain slopes at an altitude of 3000 m, as well as on the shores of streams and robusts. Drought-resistant Rhodiola loves open spaces, filled with a bright sun.

A representative of a vast family of Tolstankovy, a red brush is a sheet succulent with dense leaflets, contrary to powerful reprehensive rigid shoots, and a rod, branching root. This herbaceous perennial forms neat compact or disintegrating bushes with a height of up to 30 cm.

Simple, without granting sheets, fleshy and retaining water, save the plant into arid periods, often occurring in the Altai foothills. Overall small flowers of various shades, from yellow to cream and red, are collected in palate or corpid inflorescences.

The fruit is a long-standing. Seeds small. Poriolova bloom comes in June - July. Endurance is striking, but the main advantages of such a plant, like a red brush - therapeutic properties. The healing force of this magnificent grass is very impressive. Apparently, due to the amazing ability to survive in the hardest mountain conditions, she acquired a number of most valuable qualities.

pharmachologic effect

From scientific positions, such a strong healing action of the plant is due to a surprisingly clear balanced composition.

This "elixir of health" includes a number of valuable substances - flavonoids, essential oils, minerals, salts and organic acids. Rhodium-cold drugs have rare quality - help in the fight against the causes of diseases, and do not treat their symptoms or consequences, and really destroy the imbalance. For example, the root cause of various diseases often becomes a failure in the circulatory system. The use of drugs, as part of which this remarkable grass is present, normalizes blood-forming processes, heart rhythms, tones and restores the tissues of the walls of the vessels, that is, eliminates the body from negative manifestations. Effective and in the fight against cancer Red brush. Medical properties (feedback confirm) of this grass significantly reduce the risk of their occurrence.

Due to its unique composition, plant-based extracts help to fight the most different painful states: eliminate the body's liner, stabilize the metabolism, the work of the vessels and hemoglobin indicators, increase the vital tone, increasing efficiency and endurance.

When and whom it shows the use of drugs based on Rhodiola four-dead

The most common and effective drug is the tincture of the brush. It has a beneficial effect of the reproductive system of men and women, increases the body's resistance, neutralizes harmful effects.

For the elderly, the use of such a drug is very relevant: it restores and activates immunity, updates the fabric of the internal organs, gently withdrawing toxins, nourishes the cells of the brain, stimulating its activities, improves the work of the heart and blood vessels. Prevention of atherosclerosis, postoperative restoration of the body, stimulation of healing processes during bone fractures and tissue damage - this is an incomplete list of painful states that the red brush is successfully fighting - a component of many bioactive additives and fees that increase the energy potential of the body and the attending manifestations of chronic fatigue, depression and spectrum The actions of this amazing plant is extensive. And yet the Rhodiola Cold is considered the first vegetable pecker, healing from diseases called women. A red brush, therapeutic properties and contraindications (photos of the plant is presented), which cannot be forgotten - a magnificent drug. Practice shows that the exchange rates of drugs made on the basis of the Rhodiola four-paved, really help to patients.

Red Brush: Medical Properties for Women

This plant is a valuable find for the female organism, since it is able to significantly help in the treatment of many serious gynecological diseases. A red brush, therapeutic properties for women, which are very high, with endometriosis and erosions are especially effective. Its use restores and normalizes the menstrual cycle, stops and eliminates inflammation caused by infections of different etymology: mushrooms, viruses, bacteria. A red brush can eliminate a hormonal imbalance that occurs in a chart with dysfunction of the work of the thyroid and sex glands, as well as adrenal glands.

Amazing results showed the use of a plant in the treatment of infertility, mastopathy, as well as a number of oncological problems.

Application of Rhodiola Cold in the treatment of gynecological diseases

The most common diagnoses in the treatment of which one of the first places occupies a red brush, therapeutic properties and contraindications to the application of which are listed in the article are fibromes, myoma. Reception of tinctures Ramiol helps to get rid of polyps and cyst, adjust the menstrual cycle.

Rhodiola Cold Extracts Supports Women's Health in the most responsible periods of life:

When preparing for a safe conception;

During postpartum recovery and period of lactation;

With the onset of menopause.

It has been established that the consequence of the course treatment with the means containing a red brush is a noticeable rejuvenation of the body, although scientific explanations of this phenomenon were found today.

The red brush, therapeutic properties and contraindications for women of which are equally strong, should be used carefully. To allow an overdose tools is unacceptable, but about contraindications should be known before thinking about the use of the drug.

Tincture "Red Brush": therapeutic properties and contraindications

The tincture of a red brush is the strongest energy, so it should be taken only after consulting with a specialist and under his supervision. Despite the truly magical effect of the drug, there are contraindications that must be considered. These include:

Intolerance to any of the components;

Increased AD;

Violation of the rhythm of the heart;


Alarming states;

Dysfunction of the work of the thyroid gland;

Periods of menstruation, pregnancy, lactation.

In addition, it is not used in the treatment of children under 12 years of age drugs, the main component of which is a red brush. Therapeutic properties and contraindications (reviews of people receiving drugs confirm) are equivalent to the power of exposure, and it is impossible to forget about it.

How to cook tincture at home

Release the drug many different manufacturers. You can buy it today in the pharmacy network, but you can buy dry raw materials and make yourself. For this purpose, the following ingredients are needed: 100 g of dried plant roots, 1 l alcohol with a fortress 50-70˚ or high-quality vodka. Prepare tincture in glassware - a jar or a bottle with a wide throat. The components are mixed, hermetically closed and placed in a dark place for a month. Once a few days, the mixture shakes. After the specified period, the tincture is filled and overflow into clean bottles, equipped with droppers. This tincture can be stored for several years. The red brush, therapeutic properties and contraindications on the use of which are the theme of our review, should be used with caution and in various schemes depending on the disease.

Application tincture

1st time - at 9.00;

2nd - an hour before dinner;

3rd - no later than 19.00, since the toning effect of the tincture provokes insomnia.

The course reception continues a month, after which they suspend for 2 weeks. Such frequency is repeated three times, and then after a semi-annual break duplicate this series if the need for it remains.

It has proven itself precisely as a means of protecting the health of a woman's red brush. Therapeutic properties and contraindications are equally manifested, both in the tincture and in its aqueous solutions. They are used in scripture to bring microflora and elimination of urinary infections. The solution is prepared as: a teaspoon of tincture is mixed with a half-length of boiled water (36˚С). The procedure is carried out 7 days 2 times a day, then arrange a weekly break and repeated treatment again. This is a very effective way to overcome the manifestations of thrush, ureaplasmosis and other problems listed.

Power Mode when taking tincture

The use of the drug will require a change in the diet: it will have to exclude alcohol, oily and heavy food.

It should be noted that the tincture is strictly forbidden to be taken in combination with hormone therapy, the use of contraceptives, and when receiving plants containing phytohormones, such as souls, fennel, hops.

Overdose: Symptoms

Adhere to the specified dosage should be strictly, since the rhodium cold has not only a strong effect, but also toxic properties. That is why the use of tincture, dosage and duration of reception should be engaged in the specialist.

The symptoms of an overdose are reduced blood pressure, drowsiness, reflex inhibition.

So, normalizes the health state of unique herb red brush, therapeutic properties for women, contraindications and the reception conditions of which are listed in the article.