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When celebrating St. Patrick's Day. St. Patrick's Day - traditions, customs, lepreicons, congratulations. Ireland Day

How to celebrate St. Patrick's Day? What are the traditions and customs of the holiday? What is lepreicon? What to wear? What to cook? How to congratulate?

Every day, on March 17, the Day of St. Patrick is noted - the patron saint of Ireland. Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland and his efforts it was established in this country almost bloodlessly.

It is also believed that he gave Ireland writing and expelled from the country of all serpets (Ireland really is a country in which there is no snake at all).

According to the legend, Patrick, formerly a Christian missionary, explained to the pagans Dogmat about the Trinity on a clear and accessible example of them - a leaf of clover (tribal): "God is one in three faces, like three sheets growing from one stem."

Google Doodle - St. Patrick's Day

According to the official biography, St. Patrick, he was born at the end of the IV century in Britain, which was then under Roman rule, in the family of Roman citizens of Falphornius and Congestion. From birth, his name was Mavin Sukkat.

Despite the fact that the father of the boy was a deacon of the local church, Mavin in the early years of his life was not a commitment to faith in a single God. When he was 16 years old, pirates captured him. Mavina was sold to slavery in Ireland, where he is six years old cattle. It was there that the young man came to the Christian faith. According to legend, the young man prayed furiously, and the Lord squeezed over him. God pointed to him how to escape from captivity, thanks to which Mavin returned to Britain. Soon he left the father's house and headed in Gallia (the territory of modern France) to become a minister of the Church. After several years of service, he was dedicated to the Episcopal San and nascha Patrician (Patrick)What means "Father to his people".

In the 30s, the V century, the future holy on behalf of the Pope Cellina I began its mission in Ireland.

For the hardness of faith, God promised Patrick that Ireland will go under the water for seven years before the end of the world, to avoid grief and disasters, and that the Holy himself will judge the Irish on the day of the terrible court.

Patrick died on March 17, 493 (according to another version, 461) of the year. He was canonized before the separation of the church to Western and East, so as the saint is revered in both. However, the reverence in Orthodox churches is local in nature, since the issue with common reverence is not resolved. In addition to Ireland, Saint Patrick patronizes Nigeria, since Christianity was preached mainly by Irish missionaries.

Saint Patrick - brief biography

The Irish began to celebrate St. Patrick's Day as a peculiar national holiday in the X-XI centuries, not only in Ireland, but also in other European countries, where the Irish diaspora was.

At the beginning of the XVII century, this day was included in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. The church celebration is transferred if the day of memory of the saint falls on a passionate week (week before Easter). A secular holiday in almost all countries is held on March 17, in some it stretches for several days.

In 1903, St. Patrick's Day became the official day off in Ireland. In the same year, a law was published, prescribing to close bars and pubs on March 17 due to excessive consumption of alcohol citizens (the law was canceled in the 1970s). Subsequently, on March 17, he was a day off in Northern Ireland, Newfoundland and Labrador (Canadian province), as well as on Montserrat Island (Island in the Caribbean, the Territory of the United Kingdom).

Interesting facts about St. Patrick's Day

With the celebration of St. Patrick's Day, many different traditions, both Christian and folk are connected. Christian applies an annual climbing pilgrims on the holy mountain of CroaGh Patrickwhere the saint prayed and fasted 40 days.

To folk - the tradition of drinking at least one glass of alcohol in some pub. Initially, the most common drink on this day was whiskey, El.

There is so-called "Charca Patrick" - Unit of measuring the drinking whiskey. Before drinking the last glass of whiskey, it was necessary to put a triligent in a glass. It was called "drying the tribal." Drinking whiskey, the shaded tribal was supposed to quit the back through the left shoulder - for happiness.

According to the traditional tradition on this day it is customary to dress in a green or attach to the clothes. For the first time, this is mentioned in 1689. Until this year, the Irish wore the Crosses of St. Patrick on the chest. Until the XVIII century, the custom of wearing the triligent was considered vulgar, but over time the tradition passed on.

On the day of the holiday, all the cities of Ireland "Green": people draw on the faces of the Irish flags, attach a clover's ohanki to the heads and costumes, dress in festive clothes, even drink green beer.

In addition to the tribal and green color, symbolizing and self-life, and the victory of spring over the winter (connected simultaneously with Celtic mythology, and with Catholicism), the symbols of the day are also considered lepreksoni (Fabulous creatures of small growth, sewing shoes for other fabulous creatures and being custodians of treasures), harp (depicted on the coat of arms of Ireland) and sleeved (oak or thorns with a curved end, used, in addition to direct destination, like a kerling stick).

Leprechaun (Irl. Leipreachán) - The character of Irish folklore, the wizard, who is traditionally depicted in the form of a small chorean man. Leprechaun's clothing color depends on the terrain from which it happens. In the XX century, in the mass culture of Leprekonov, they usually depict dressed in all green. Like other mythical creatures, binds to the tribes of the goddess Danu. There is most likely from Irish Leipreachán (Luchrupán, Luchorpán). One of the pronunciation options, Leithbrágan, comes from the phrase "left shoe" and is associated with the classic image of Leprechaun, on which he reaches one of the boots. Leprechauns have the form of small (no higher children) of people of old age.

Motto The holiday fits into one word - Craic. - What means "Fun and enjoyment". People drink beer and dance group Irish dance "Kayli".

On St. Patrick's Day is preparing special dishes. Despite the fact that on March 17, as a rule, it falls on the great post, this day prepares meat: there is a popular belief that the Holy Patrick turns all the boiling meat into the fish. The traditional dish is cabbage with bacon or saltin.

On St. Patrick's Day, parades are arranged.

People who are dressed in extravagant costumes are published on the streets, and also brass orchestras that cannot do without a famous flouse. People's Solva says that this tradition was born in Ireland. New York and Boston (USA) challenge the palm of the championship. New Yorks argue that the first parade took place in their city in the XVIII century.

The greatest scope of the holiday acquires in cities with a large Irish diaspora. In addition to New York and Boston, it is Philadelphia, Atlanta and Chicago.

Chicago paint in green river Green River. This is the tradition of St. Patrick's Day, which takes its beginning back in 1962. The organizers of the holiday claim that they use a vegetable dye, and no harm to the inhabitants of the river will bring the celebration. The recipe itself is a mixture that is used for coloring, the city authorities holds in the secret.

St. Patrick's Day in Chicago

It was in the USA who originated the tradition of friendly to pinch those who do not dressed on March 17 in green. In addition, in many American cities there is a tradition on St. Patrick's Day to paint the reservoirs in green. It is believed that the beginning of the tradition put the workers who followed the level of pollution of the Chicago River: they painted her water with green vegetable dye in order to track illegal reset of waste.

Dishes for St. Patrick's Day

American beer soup

Required products:

dark beer - 2 glasses
Rye bread - 200 g
Water - 1/2 cup
Limon grated zest - 1 tbsp. the spoon
Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon

Cooking method:

Cut the crust with bread. Brokes finely cut, pour beer and leave for 3 hours.

Breeding a beer with bread to a boil, add the zest, sugar and cook for 5 minutes.

Grind the mixture in the blender before receiving a homogeneous mass and bring it to a boil.

When applying, make cream.

Beef in beer sauce

Required products:

beef flesh - 1.2 kg
Dark beer - 2 glasses
onion - 4 heads
Zucchini - 400 g
Garlic chopped - 1 tbsp. the spoon
Olives without bones - 50 g
Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon
Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. Spoons
Olive oil - 6 tbsp. span

Cooking method:

Onions and zucchini cut into cubes.

Cut the beef with portion slices, spray, pepper and fry on the oil. Add bow, zucchini, garlic, sprinkle with sugar and roast 3 minutes.

Flour spasore, pour beer, cook sauce for 10 minutes. Then add beef, olives and stew until ready.

Serve a dish with pickled vegetables by placing greens.

Vegetables, sweened with cheese

Required products:

beer light - 2 glasses
Cabbage - 400 g
Carrot - 3 pcs.
Potatoes - 6 pcs.
Smoked Spike - 800 g
Onions - 1 head
garlic - 1 teeth
Creamy butter - 4 tbsp. Spoons
Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
Pepper black ground, salt to taste

Cooking method:

Cabbage dock with checkers, potatoes and spickens - cubes.

Onions, carrots and garlic also cut into cubes and spruce on oil.

Plow potatoes with beer, let out 10 minutes, add the rest of the vegetables, spiches, spits, stick and let out for another 20 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add a bay leaf.

Serve vegetables by sprinkling with greens.

Beer cookies

Required products:

wheat flour - 3 1/2 cup
Cream cheese - 300 g
Margarine - 350 g
Water - 4 tbsp. Spoons
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Mac - 2 tbsp. Spoons
Salt - 1/2 h. spoons

Cooking method:

From flour, melted cheese, margarine, one eggs, salts and water knead the dough. Make from it a big ball and put on the cold for 30 minutes.

Roll the dough into a layer with a thickness of 1 cm, lubricate the whipped egg, sprinkle and use the cuttings with the molds. Bake 10 minutes at 230ºС.

Congratulations on St. Patrick's Day

♦ St. Patrick's Day,
Cheerful, friendly day,
Dance, drink on the streets,
All who are not too lazy.
In this holiday, bright,
I wish I warm spring,
Love and passion hot
And everything you want!

♦ Green clothes,
And caps racing,
We sing songs Patricks,
We are not too lazy to sing.
Nature awakened
And with her and our hearts,
I wish you to happen to you,
Joy and fun without end.

♦ Merry friends to you,
Pleasant, good days!
Let life shines a rainbow
All day of St. Patrick!

♦ Give clovers for happiness,
I'm a trilley saved,
With Leprechaun to figure out
Also on this day I can.
Holy Patrick helps
Courage, courage to feel
He pours me beer,
"SHA", let's start the visitors to beat.
And parades in the world go,
People sing singing,
Patrick again turns the crowd,
Well, people drink again.

♦ with a leafle of clover in hand,
Walks boldly, light,
Leads with me spring, heat,
Patrick himself! So lucky!
Winter will already end,
Nature all comes crazy!
We congratulate you on the spring
With warm, streams and grass!

♦ Happy Patrick Saint Congratulations,
Let this day bring good luck!
I wish it from the soul,
Let Patrick saves your faith,
And Leprechaun will show the treasure treasure!
And this day, the Irish is shot,
Let it always be the most joyful,
And we will never be sad!

This is a Christian missionary and bishop of Roman-British origin, which in the V century popularized Christianity in Ireland.

His named, by different versions, Maevin Sukkat or Magon, and Patrick or Patrick (Patricius - "Agenious person, Patricia") was a nickname that Irish pirates gave him, capturing him and selling him to slavery.

Now Holy Patrick is associated with the Irish culture. He became a national symbol along with the tribal, on which, according to legends, explained the principle of God's tequisity by the Irish.

Why did St. Patrick's Day be celebrated worldwide?

St. Patrick's Day began to celebrate in the XVII century in honor of the anniversary of the death of St. Patrick. Later, this holiday penetrated America along with Irish immigrants who continued to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and wear a green color to emphasize their love for the Motherland.

In the 1990s, the Government of Ireland began a campaign to promote the country's culture in the world through the Day of St. Patrick. In 1996, a festival was held, dedicated to this holiday, and later such festivals spread around the world.

Now St. Patrick's Day is celebrated by festivals and parades in different countries: Canada, Malaysia, Great Britain, Switzerland, South Korea, Japan and Russia.

How is St. Patrick's Day penetrated Russia?

In the summer of 1991, the Irish Trading House on Arbat opened in Moscow, and a year later, on St. Patrick's Day, they decided to hold a parade under the leadership of the Irish, who participated in this project. Opposite the "Irish House" made the Tribune and staged a parade for all the rules - as he was already spent around the world.

Since then, parades are held in Moscow with national Irish music and dancing. Celtic culture processions and festivals can also be seen in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaluga, Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia.

Irish music and dancing, the image of the triligent, leprechauns and a very, very much greine color.

How is the Holy Patrick associated with green color?

Since Saint Patrick became associated with Ireland, the holiday was painted in a green color, which can be considered the national color of this country.

For the first time, the green flag was used by Irish rebels during an uprising in 1641, then the green color became the distinctive sign of the members of the joint Irish community, who fought against English dominion in 1790.

Now, during St. Patrick's Day, people dressed in green clothes and even drink.

ROC recognized St. Patricks?

Yes, and quite recently. At the meeting of the Sacred Synod on March 9, 2017, it was decided to add 15 saints to the Orthodox calendar, revered in the West.

They were chosen in several criteria: so that the saint was read before the separation of the church to the Catholic and Orthodox (Great Schism) so that his name was not mentioned in the fight against the eastern Church and that it was read by Orthodox parishioners in the Western European Dioceses of the ROC.

Holy Patrick, Enlightener of Ireland, or just Holy Patrick, came across all the parameters, and also included it in this list, and in the afternoon of his memory installed on March 30.

Why did we decide to recognize the Western Saints?

There are several versions, why the ROC suddenly decided to recognize the Western Saints:

  • For the sake of the convergence of two Christian churches - Orthodox and Catholic - and, perhaps, the establishment of political relations with the West. In February 2016, the first meeting of the Patriarch Kirill and Pope of the Roman at the airport Havana for signing a joint declaration. It is possible to consider the recognition of the Catholic holy continuation of work on rapprochement.
  • Due to the increase in Orthodox immigrants in the West countries. As they live in a current cultural environment with the reverence of their saints, the dioceses of the Orthodox Church should somehow adjust into this Wednesday and express the attitude towards the honorable holy.

And how does the recognition of St. Patrick affect this holiday in Russia?

Most likely, no way. St. Patrick's Day in Russia decided to celebrate March 30 (March 17 for the Julian calendar), and at this time, the faithful posts continue. Therefore, drink alcohol, there is a unlawful food and rejoice on this day is prohibited.

Another thing is people who celebrate St. Patrick's Day as a fun holiday dedicated to Celtic culture walk to parades and dress in green. In this case, it has nothing to do with the religion and recognition of St. Patrick Church. Therefore, there are no restrictions on green beer, whiskey, suits of leprechauns and unrestrained fun.

I am very weak in all kinds of religions and therefore was surprised by reading that the church in Russia would celebrate every year on March 30 St. Patrick's Day - the patron saint of Ireland. This decision was made in early March 2017 at a meeting of the Holy Synod in Danilov Monastery in Moscow.

Where does Ireland and Russia? For some reason, the Holy Patrick is associated with alcohol and with something green.

Let's still find out more in more detail what's what ...

March 17 - St. Patrick's Day - the National Day of Ireland, which many years are celebrated worldwide. But at St. Patrick's Day there are pagan motives. So, one of his indispensable heroes are leprechauns - fabulous shoes that own a hidden pot of gold. If a lucky trekking seeker manage to catch Leprechaun, then this creature must tell a person where his treasures are hidden. However, if you suddenly catch the shoe, remember that he should not believe that he should not be completely melted and rosazed and can easily deceive the trusting treasure seeker.

It is said that Leprekoni entered the celebration of St. Patrick's Day more recently - companies that sell postcards for this holiday, a pretty character was required, which could appear in the drawings. And harsh, although the kind, Saint Patrick preacher did not quite fit for this role. In drawings, Leprechauns are usually dressed in a pointed hat and a leather apron. Traditionally, parades are arranged on St. Patrick's Day. People who dressed in extravagant costumes will be published on the streets, as well as brass bands that can not do without a famous flour. People's Solva says that this tradition was born in Ireland. New York and Boston challenge the palm of the championship. Newlyorcans argue that the first parade took place in 1762 in their city. Then Ireland was under the authority of the British, and it is quite possible that residents of the revolving North American colonies thus expressed their solidarity with them.

The Russian Orthodox Church decided to include in Personals "St. Patricia, Enlightener of Ireland", as well as some other saints from the West countries, who lived before the final separation of the Church to the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox (this event included in the history called "Great Schism" happened in 1054). Thus, the Day of St. Patrick from this year is officially present in the official church calendar of the Moscow Patriarchate, but it falls on March 30 - just like, for example, Christmas, it was decided to celebrate the Julian calendar. In addition, the Persons included the names of Rev. Genevieve Paris, Bishop of the Parisian St. Hermann, Martyr Viktor Marseilsky, Martyr Alban British and other Western European saints.

Saint Patrick is the patron of Ireland and Nigeria, most of the information about which is learned from his own autobiographic works.

But maybe some delusions concerned this St. Patrick:

March 17 - Death Day

Holy Patrick - Holy Catholic Church, a holiday in honor of which is celebrated on the day of his death and ascension to heaven, and not on his birthday. Most of his earthly life, Patrick addressed the parabates of Ireland to Christianity. Saint Patrick died on March 17, 461 G.N.

Was not Irish

Although today St. Patrick considers the patron saint of Ireland, he himself was not an Irishman, and was not even born on the Emerald Island. Patrick's parents were the Romans and lived on the territory of modern England, and if more precisely, in Scotland or Wales (scientists cannot agree to an agreement, where exactly). He was born in 385 of our era. By the time most of the Romans were Christians, and the Christian religion quickly spread across Europe.


At the age of 16, Patrick kidnapped Irish robbers who sold it into slavery. He lived for several years in Ireland, pass sheep, and at the age of 22 he managed to run. After that, he reached the monastery in England, where he spent 12 years.

Visitnik - Symbol of the Holy Trinity

Many claim that the tribal is faith, hope and love, but he was actually used by Patrick, when he told the Irish of the Holy Trinity, that is, on the example of the tribal he explained how his father, the Son and the Holy Spirit could be individuals And at the same time one. Obviously, the pagan rulers of Ireland found Patrick convincing, because Christianity quickly accepted.

Exile Snake from Ireland

According to legend, Holy Patrick expelled all the serpets (or in some "Zeb" translations) from Ireland. In fact, there is no evidence that snakes generally existed in Ireland, because there is too harsh climate. Some scientists suggest that the term "snake" can be figurative and refer to pagan religious beliefs and practices.

Not green ... blue!

In fact, blue color is associated with Holy Patrick, and not green, as is customary. On a number of works depicting the saint, you can see his blue clothes. King Heinrich VIII first used as the flag of Ireland Golden Arf on a blue background. Since that time, blue has become a symbol of the country.

Green began to associate with the country much later, presumably, because of her green landscapes (in Ireland a very large amount of precipitation). Today, the country is also known as the "Emerald Island".

Visitnik is not a symbol of Ireland

The trilley is a popular Irish symbol, but it is not a symbol of Ireland. Already during the Middle Ages on the Irish tombstones and manuscripts, an image of the harp appeared. Nevertheless, scientists are confident that the harp was popular in Irish legends and culture even long before this period. In the medieval period, the harp symbolized Ireland.

King Heinrich VIII used the image of the harp on the coins already in 1534. Later, the harp was used on the Irish flags and Irish coat of arms. The harp was also used as a symbol of the Irish people during their long struggle for freedom. When Ireland became an independent country in 1921, the harp became a national symbol.

In the US, more Irish than in Ireland

It is estimated that about 34 million Americans have Irish roots. Some of them are purebred Irish, that is, they or their parents arrived from Ireland, but much more people today have a mixed origin. In Ireland itself, only 4.2 million people live.

It is explained by this "potato hunger" in Ireland, when millions of Irish left the country by emigrating in the United States. The resettlement of the Irish continued for most of the XIX century.

St. Patrick's Day in Russia

For Orthodox believers, a new holiday will have to be a great post. However, the Church suggests that on this day people will not dance and drink, but still go to services and pray. Archpriest Alexander Sorokin, Chairman of the Information Department of the St. Petersburg Diocese, the abbot of the Feodorovsky Cathedral in the solder of the 300th anniversary of the house of Romanov: "Saint Patrick, Saint Patrik - in Slavyansky. Westing this saint in the ROC began today. And not even the day before yesterday. And a long time ago, when our churches still constituted a single whole, Eastern and Western churches. "

March 17, until 1970, did not drink

In addition to the green color, St. Patrick's Day is associated with alcohol climbing and beer in particular. Nevertheless, in Ireland from 1903 to 1970, St. Patrick's Day was considered a religious holiday. All pubs were closed during the day. It was canceled in 1970, when St. Patrick's Day was classified as a national holiday.

However, today the beer parties on this day became a tradition and, moreover, in some directions of Christianity on this day, restrictions associated with the post are softened and alcohol is allowed.

And how will we be interested in the beer closer in this holiday?

Let me still remind you about or for example. Here is also what it is for

This is a Christian missionary and bishop of Roman-British origin, which in the V century popularized Christianity in Ireland.

His named, by different versions, Maevin Sukkat or Magon, and Patrick or Patrick (Patricius - "Agenious person, Patricia") was a nickname that Irish pirates gave him, capturing him and selling him to slavery.

Now Holy Patrick is associated with the Irish culture. He became a national symbol along with the tribal, on which, according to legends, explained the principle of God's tequisity by the Irish.

Why did St. Patrick's Day be celebrated worldwide?

St. Patrick's Day began to celebrate in the XVII century in honor of the anniversary of the death of St. Patrick. Later, this holiday penetrated America along with Irish immigrants who continued to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and wear a green color to emphasize their love for the Motherland.

In the 1990s, the Government of Ireland began a campaign to promote the country's culture in the world through the Day of St. Patrick. In 1996, a festival was held, dedicated to this holiday, and later such festivals spread around the world.

Now St. Patrick's Day is celebrated by festivals and parades in different countries: Canada, Malaysia, Great Britain, Switzerland, South Korea, Japan and Russia.

How is St. Patrick's Day penetrated Russia?

In the summer of 1991, the Irish Trading House on Arbat opened in Moscow, and a year later, on St. Patrick's Day, they decided to hold a parade under the leadership of the Irish, who participated in this project. Opposite the "Irish House" made the Tribune and staged a parade for all the rules - as he was already spent around the world.

Since then, parades are held in Moscow with national Irish music and dancing. Celtic culture processions and festivals can also be seen in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaluga, Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia.

Irish music and dancing, the image of the triligent, leprechauns and a very, very much greine color.

How is the Holy Patrick associated with green color?

Since Saint Patrick became associated with Ireland, the holiday was painted in a green color, which can be considered the national color of this country.

For the first time, the green flag was used by Irish rebels during an uprising in 1641, then the green color became the distinctive sign of the members of the joint Irish community, who fought against English dominion in 1790.

Now, during St. Patrick's Day, people dressed in green clothes and even drink.

ROC recognized St. Patricks?

Yes, and quite recently. At the meeting of the Sacred Synod on March 9, 2017, it was decided to add 15 saints to the Orthodox calendar, revered in the West.

They were chosen in several criteria: so that the saint was read before the separation of the church to the Catholic and Orthodox (Great Schism) so that his name was not mentioned in the fight against the eastern Church and that it was read by Orthodox parishioners in the Western European Dioceses of the ROC.

Holy Patrick, Enlightener of Ireland, or just Holy Patrick, came across all the parameters, and also included it in this list, and in the afternoon of his memory installed on March 30.

Why did we decide to recognize the Western Saints?

There are several versions, why the ROC suddenly decided to recognize the Western Saints:

  • For the sake of the convergence of two Christian churches - Orthodox and Catholic - and, perhaps, the establishment of political relations with the West. In February 2016, the first meeting of the Patriarch Kirill and Pope of the Roman at the airport Havana for signing a joint declaration. It is possible to consider the recognition of the Catholic holy continuation of work on rapprochement.
  • Due to the increase in Orthodox immigrants in the West countries. As they live in a current cultural environment with the reverence of their saints, the dioceses of the Orthodox Church should somehow adjust into this Wednesday and express the attitude towards the honorable holy.

And how does the recognition of St. Patrick affect this holiday in Russia?

Most likely, no way. St. Patrick's Day in Russia decided to celebrate March 30 (March 17 for the Julian calendar), and at this time, the faithful posts continue. Therefore, drink alcohol, there is a unlawful food and rejoice on this day is prohibited.

Another thing is people who celebrate St. Patrick's Day as a fun holiday dedicated to Celtic culture walk to parades and dress in green. In this case, it has nothing to do with the religion and recognition of St. Patrick Church. Therefore, there are no restrictions on green beer, whiskey, suits of leprechauns and unrestrained fun.

From the National Irish holiday of local significance, this holiday has become an international sun, spring and excellent mood. March 17, Moscow and Kiev, Madrid and London, Cape Town and Buenos Aires, all in a single gunweight celebrate St. Patrick's Day, and this is not only among the adherents of the Catholic faith, but among representatives of completely different denominations and even atheists. And what is surprising, no one also blames anyone in violating the feelings of believers, because St. Patrick's Day is uniting people.

Patrick comes to us

According to the legend, Patrick brought Christianity to the Irish land, to drive away all the snakes, and with them the pagan faith. Catholics, happily met a new faith, repulsed the saint fully, leaving his name forever in history, and making the holiday of St. Patrick the property of all mankind. The Irish themselves say that the mysterious Irish soul is concentrated in the Holy Patrick, which, you can understand the inhabitants of this funny people. Well, so that it is easier to be soaked in the atmosphere of this Irish holiday, you need to add more real Irish Guinness, diluing it with a good portion of whiskey. And then quite exactly the day of St. Patrick comes immediately.

Main Holiday Attributes

The most important thing is, of course, the famous dark Irish beer Guinness. On March 17, it literally flows into the river, and its amount is no longer measured in liters, because the real measure for Guinness is the mood. And his day is enough for everyone in Holy Patrick. Be sure to use in clothing only green, symbolizing Ireland and clover petals. This plant, according to legends, brings good luck. On the day of St. Patrick traditions again return us in ancient times. In order for luck and the truth always accompanied you, you need to sell a leaf of clover in a pettits.

Legend of Saint Patrick

Patrick - Favorite Saint Ireland and with his name, many interesting stories are connected. Thus, they or not, it is difficult to judge, but learn about them will be interesting. Once when for the first time celebrated St. Patrick's Day, a story silent, but it is obvious that this happened in his life. Patrick was engaged in Ireland with educational activities, telling illiterate pagans about the Holy Trinity on the example of an ordinary three-lift clover. The Irish decorate them with clothes, and he symbolizes the Christian cross, sparkling in the sun clean emerald color.


St. Patrick 2020 Day is unlikely to be serious from previous celebrations. River beer again, again Masquerade, drowning in the greenery of participants and is still unrestrained fun with a constant three-hundredth on clothes. Despite the fact that Patrick is a Catholic saint, the Orthodox Church gives honors. Moreover, even pagan prayers will be pronounced during the celebration of St. Patrick's Day.

Green evident

Some of the main negative heroes of the holiday of St. Patrick 2020 will again become Leprechauns - small harmful creatures, a little similar to the gnomes. According to the legend, a person who will be able to catch one of these creatures, is waiting for luck. Namely, the frightened Leprechaun will definitely tell where there are indispensable treasures. When St. Patrick's Day is in full swing, you can observe a picture of how thousands of heated celebrating chasing the invisible leprechauns in search of treasures.

When St. Patrick's Day in 2020 (date)