Repairs Design Furniture

How to correctly repair a wooden house in the village with your own hands? Salvation of an old wooden house: repair or replacement of the foundation Restoration of the old village house

If your property has an old wooden house, do not rush to demolish it. Old buildings can serve for many years after the restoration. It is necessary to return the house former attractive appearance, "overcome" the fungus, make thermal insulation and you can live!

Not so many companies are taken for the restoration of old wooden houses. In the company "House and Co." we produce capital and cosmetic repairs of various difficulties, with a possible completion of the upper floors and the attic, the replacement of the crowns, an extension of terraces, etc.

Evaluation of the problem

You have become the owner of the started old house or decided to produce restoration work at the cottage. You wish to evaluate the amount in which the recovery will cost. Contact "House and Co."! Our expert will examine the building and will appreciate the foundation, roof and log house for cracks that have rotted or damaged by fungal elements. Specialist outlines the range of problems and indicate the approximate cost of repair. If it is meaningless, and it is better to prepare for the construction of a new home, we will also be honest about it.


The top layer of wood after several years of operation loses its attractive look. This is due to the effects of the sun, moisture and microorganisms. Wood is gray, shines, brings. If black spots appear on it, it says about spreading fungus. To return home to the former attractiveness, a mechanical grinding is required, and then processing the purified surface. Grinding is recommended to produce every five years. Sometimes you can do without grinding, and clean the biological lesions using antiseptics. But grinding and subsequent processing is the radical and the best way.

Seeling cracks

Cracks in logs and bars should be eliminated by putty. In some cases, it is required to pry the articulation locations of the chub elements. And putty, and pantry produce in front of the cosmetic operations to bring the cut in order. These important repairs must be made correctly. Then they will give an effect: insulation of the house and suspending its further aging. Do not fulfill your hands with your own hands, and trust it by the repair brigade "House and Co.".

Protective treatment

All wooden sandwicked surfaces need to be treated with protective compositions from bacteria, insects and fungi. We apply modern integrated antiseptic treatment tools, including insecticides and fungicides. The impregnations will increase the service life of the cut and the maximum will postpone the moment when you have to do the house in order again.

Primer - mandatory part of cosmetic repair. It is made from the outside and protects the surface from weather influences, temperature differences, etc. Special attention should be given to protect the ends of the wooden walls. Through them absorbed the maximum amount of moisture, which leads to cracking. After the primer, you can cover the house with varnish or paint it. This is the final stage of the cosmetic repair of a wooden house outside.

Internal repair work

When carrying out a cosmetic restoration, it is necessary to estimate the state of the rafter system, gender, stairs, a steer board. Some elements will have to be replaced. Specialist should be evaluated and eliminating such damage. We recommend experts and repairmen of our company who have extensive experience in the restoration of wooden floors on lags, overlapping, rafting systems, etc.

Cold house

Often our customers are worried about not so much appearance as bad thermal insulation qualities of wooden buildings. At the walls and the corners of old and not very old wooden houses often "blows cold." This is due to the insufficient thickness of the walls, or due to improper assembly of log cabins (insufficiently insulating material or the technology of its laying is broken, the gaps in the cups are left). When operating homes, problems are only aggravated: cracks appear, the house becomes colder. To insulate such a log house, the gum seal is traditionally used. But we use an elastic sealant together with polypropylene tubes (the so-called "warm seam" technology).

Overhaul of a wooden house

Old house for its recovery requires mass effort. The main thing is to make sure the feasibility of all costs for its restoration. The most "weak" venue of wooden buildings are the lower crowns mounted on concrete or brick grounds. These crowns absorb moisture through concrete and brick and sometimes just rotten. As a result, the house gives a visible precipitate, plaster falls off in the rooms, the walls are pulled off. In order not to take place, it is necessary to make thorough waterproofing at the bottom of the log cabin, as well as isolate the foundation itself. But if "is done", and since then has passed many years since you can take? We offer a replacement of fallen logs or bars.

To begin, it is necessary to prepare a log house of the same size as already existing. The number of replaceable crowns can be the same or large. So you will succeed a little "raise" the ceilings if you wish. The best material for the lower crowns is larch. This is the most stable moisture wood. But in a concrete case, the choice will help you to make an expert of our company.

Sometimes to replace damaged parts, there is a disassembly of the house and the assembly of it is again. This method is used when it is supposed to completed / restructure the building. In all other cases, it is easier and cheaper to raise a log house with a channels and jacks, restore the foundation and lower crowns, and then install the upper part to the new base. Our company has techniques and capabilities to raise on the jacks of single and two-storey wooden buildings. This operation must be carefully prepared: the furniture is taken out of the house, door and window boxes are taken out, which can collapse at the slightest concast design. Sex lags embedded in the crown crowns should also be dismantled. Chimney should be separated from the roof and the ceiling. You should not perform a similar difficult operation yourself, so as not to destroy the house completely. Trust the work on replacing the crowns by professionals from the company "House and Co.".

After the reconstruction of the foundation and the bottom of the walls, the floor is collected or renovated, the outer part is replaced, the ladder and stairs are replaced by the need for rafters and stairs, internal finishing works are manufactured. Caution should be paid to the rafter system. If you strengthen, strengthen and replace problem elements in time, then you can avoid destruction and roof. For this purpose, unloading beams are installed (the so-called "swellings"), reinforce the beams by double-sided lining, pink, etc. The lower parts of the rafter structures are often damaged due to the roofing, poor vaporizolation, etc., all these damage should be revealed and eliminated.

Where to order works on the restoration of the old wooden house

Reconstruction or repair of the old house in Moscow or the area for you will be performed in the construction company "House and Co.". This specific and complex work is carried out by brigades of masters with extensive experience both in the construction of wooden buildings "from scratch" and in repair.

Procedure for performing work

  1. Survey. Departure of specialists "House and Co." to the object for the activation and examination of the house.
  2. Coordination of estimates. Selection and preparation of materials. Production of new crowns, purchase of finishing materials, impregnations, rafted, geepboard and other things. Preparation of materials for the new foundation.
  3. Restoration. Performing work on the object according to the approved plan.
  4. Delivery of the renovated object and briefing the client according to the rules of operation.


Restoration of an old wooden house

Without proper care or simply after many years, wooden houses lose their magnificent look, destroying under the influence of external factors. A tree is an excellent natural material that is used for the construction of houses over long centuries, but it does not withstand competition with modern materials. The signal is that it is time to proceed to the restoration of a wooden house, serve noticeable defects in its appearance. The elements from which the wooden house is built is wear out and eventually become unsuitable. To avoid serious costs or the moment when your home will not be repaired, contact your professional house professionals.

Restoration work

There are cases when it would be easier to destroy the old building and erect a new home in its place, but the restoration of the wooden house will help preserve the building as a memory of close relatives or children's memories. Before starting any work on the restoration of a wooden house, you need to evaluate its condition to compile a plan of work and estimates. The specialists of the company "Parasem House" will inspect your home, namely its foundation, the state of the lower crowns, the bearing walls and the roof of the building. It is possible to count on the full restoration of the wooden house in the case when the foundation did not rust, and the logs from which the walls are erected, not rotten.

The next stage of restoration is to develop the design project of premises and appearance at home. Do not forget that the cadastral agency must be informed about all changes in the structure and coordinate the design project with the architectural department. The project will give you the opportunity to see a complete picture of the restoration of a wooden house. In order to complete the work on the reconstruction as successfully, contact your home teamwork.

Stages of the restoration of a wooden house

Before starting work, you need to take care of buying the necessary materials and equipment. You can do it yourself, but you should know that in our work, the specialists of the company "Paint the house" use high-quality materials and paints of leading manufacturers. After ordering the work brigade will arrive at the facility for preparatory work. Why is it important to prepare a house for restoration? All further work will be useless in the case when shrinkage will occur or cracked.

Experience experience allows you to evaluate the front of work that you need to spend to avoid various problems. The restoration of the wooden house begins with the restoration of the foundation, namely the reinforcement, which is most susceptible to corrosion. Depending on how worn out the reinforcement, the question of the complete replacement of the foundation will be resolved. After that, change the lower crowns. The most difficult event that will have to face the restoration of a wooden house - this is a replacement of a roofing coating, which we recommend to carry out on mandatory.

The choice of roofing materials today amazes with its diversity, so you will simply choose that material that externally will be harmonized with your wooden house and will meet financial capabilities. One of the roofing materials, preferable during the restoration of the wooden house - a ceramic tile, which, like a tree, eco-friendly and durable.

Do not forget about communications that are much more developed today than in those times when a wooden house was built. Do not neglect the competent installation of the water and gas pipeline, which can be carried out by our specialists. It is important to take care of the climate in the house - to establish the heating and ventilation system, to then feel beautiful, being in a wooden house.

Benefits of working with us

If you are still in doubt, who should entrust the restoration of a wooden house, contact the company "Paint House". Our specialists are ready to offer you a restoration plan, given all your wishes and opportunities. For all types of services rendered, we give a guarantee, it means that we carry out our work in good faith and efficiently. It will be pleasant to surprise the price of materials - we deliver them by wholesale value, so we offer you a reasonable rates.

Cost of restoration of a wooden house

Types of jobs Unit. Price, rub)

Cost of concrete and foundation

dismantling of old foundation M3. From 1200.
development of trenches and catlovanov M3. From 1200.
comprehensive device of a ribbon R / B foundation M3. 6600
concrete screed device up to 10 cm M2. 960
improved laying base facial brick M2. 1560
masonry base from concrete blocks M2. 720
plastering base for reinforcing mesh M2. 720
painting the base in two layers M2. 288
installation tiles on a prepared surface M2. 1200
waterproofing device in two layers M2. 430
installation of carrier pillars (up to 1.5m) pOS. 3600
installation of intermediate and fellow supports (up to 0.6m) pOS. 1320
device unit with sand-gravel pillow M2. 1440
sidewalk from paving slabs on a prepared surface M2. 1020
device of sites and paths from paving slabs
On a sandy pillow
M2. From 1800.

Cost of repair of walls and frames at home

operations in frame / overhaul wooden /
Brick wall
M2. 900/1800/
from 2400.
installation of lower strapping with lags M2. 600
mounting frame of exterior walls M2. 600
mounting frame of indoor walls M2. 360
cases of walls with clapboard, imitation of a bar, edged board, plywood, drywall, osp on the existing frame M2. 540
laying of walls from timber M3. 3200
laying of walls from a log M3. 3000
wall cacked on one side pM 60
raise at home for 5cm From 6000.
highlighting the house for temporary supports From 14400.
replacing the crowns in Siruba pM From 960.
laying brick walls in 1.5 bricks and more M3. 2220
improved wall laying facial brick M2. 2400
laying walls from blocks M3. 2040
dismantling of wall sheathing M2. 180
installation of guide crate M2. 240
staying insulation with vapor barrier M2. 156
masonry of ceramic and floor tiles with surface preparation M2. 1560
plastering walls on the reinforcing grid M2. 660
plotley Wall M2. 192
grinding wall M2. 72
painting walls in one / two layers M2. 145/264

Roof repair cost

dismantling of the old roof, crates M2. 300
installation of the rafter system (along the roof area) M2. 360
installation of segments of step / solid (OSP) M2. 265/325
installation False Fatherland M2. 240
installation of the roof slate / ondulin and corrugated / metal tile and professional flooring / soft tiles M2. 360/420/540/
montage of mansard windows pOS. 6000
laying a pair of wind insulating film M2. 60
snowstanding device pM 300
installation of drainage jugs pM 350
installation of water-feling pipes pM 300
knocking Kornizov M2. 500

The cost of repairing floors and ceilings

dismantling of floors / ceilings M2. 300
installation of lags and beams pM 150
installation of draft floors M2. 250
one-sided processing of rough floors antiseptic M2. 60
installation of the pinched board M2. 450
laying of laminate with surface preparation M2. 540
preparation of the floor surface M2. 240
linoleum flooring on the prepared surface M2. 264
installation of leveling Mauerlat with lags of overlapping M2. 400
ceiling cover on a prepared surface M2. 500
framework for mounting ceiling M2. 240
cyclovka, polishing floors and other surfaces M2. 265
installation of plinth pM 96
device of hatches up to 1m2 in the floor / ceiling pOS. 3600

The cost of repair windows, doors and
Other carpentry work

dismantling of the window or door block pOS. 480
installation of the window or door block pOS. 3600
installation of metal door pOS. 4200
installation of window slopes and sweating pM 240
installation of casualin pM 100
installation of windowsides pM 540
installation of window metal gratings pOS. 3000
montage Stove pOS. 3600
device role shutter pOS. 4200
installation of an inter-storey staircase with fences pOS. From 42000.
installation of fences of the porch (crossbars, balusters) pM 1200

Outdoor sheathing

installation of siding with a 50mm insulation / without insulation on a guide crate M2. 800/700
installation of soffits without insulation M2. 700
installation of the facade tile Kiriss on the crate with insulation M2. 1680
touching a block chamo on a crate with insulation 50mm M2. 650
installation of sweats around the perimeter pM 250
device of base plastic panels on the crate M2. 900
finishing the base with an artificial stone with surface preparation M2. 2400

Nothing is eternally, and anyone, even the most durable building, with time begins to grow old. There are noticeable deviations from vertical lines, cease to close the doors and windows normally, the walls begin to move - all this indicates that the overhaul of the old wooden house is necessary. What works need to be carried out first and how much can they cost?

The most difficult and most important task is to repair the foundation of the old wooden house with your own hands. The base begins to collapse under the influence of nature factors, additional load after the construction of the second floor or attic or simply from time to time, because any materials come into disrepair over time.

Reconstruction and repair of old wooden houses require a mandatory inspection of the foundation, determining the depth of damage and the necessary work on its strengthening. Methods of fixing depend on the destruction destruction and on the type of base itself. There are several options for reconstruction:

Restoration of the foundation is a fairly costly event. It will be necessary to rent jacks, acquire concrete and fittings or brick to install pillars, in addition, it is necessary to hire employees. Alone to cope with such a task problematic: the complex process is better to entrust the qualified brigade, otherwise the harness is possible.


The repair of wooden floors in the old house has to be carried out be sure to: over time and lags, and the floorboards themselves are rotten, and they have to be replaced. However, it is necessary to get rid of unnecessary damp in the basement, otherwise the new floor can start it very quickly. For this you need to take care of the ventilation and insulation of the underground.

Repair of an old wooden house in the village begins with the removal of the old flooring and revision of the rough floor. For overhaul, it will take a dry timber with a cross section of 200 × 200 mm, a floor board with a thickness of 5 cm, fastening elements and antiseptic impregnations. In addition, you need to purchase a heater.

Works are carried out in several stages:

The walls have to be repaired if the lower crowns of the church were injured. In this case, the house is lifted by jacks, as described above, after which the lower busting crown is changed to the new one. Very often used logs not from pine, but from larch: although it is more expensive, it serves much longer, so the repairs will not have to spend repairs.

In addition to the replacement of logs, the repair of walls in the old house includes a mandatory grinding, antiseptic processing and cutting of the cut. When grinding removed damaged by rotting and mold wood, special attention should be paid to the birch connections. Immediately after this, the treated surface is covered with an antiseptic. For cacopa, you can use both natural materials and a modern silicone cord in combination with a sealant.

How much will it cost to repair in an old wooden house? When contacting a specialized company, a complete audit of the object will first be carried out: in each case, an individual estimate is drawn up depending on the damage detected.

In the metropolitan region, the foundation will cost approximately 4-8 thousand rubles. per square. meter, the cost of grinding walls - from 300 rubles. per square. m, caulking - from 100 rubles. For the temporon meter. If financial capabilities do not allow a full range of works, you can immediately hold only the most necessary events, and the decorative decoration is replaced later. You can even restore very old houses: a wooden building with proper care can serve up to 100 years or more.

Old log house sooner or later will require reconstruction. The reasons for this can be a great set, starting with outdated design and ending with banal wear. The leakage of the roof, rotten the crowns, the destruction of the foundation. All this is not a reason to demolish the old house, especially if he loves his family and keeps many pleasant memories. Repair of a wooden house with their own hands will fulfill with due preparation. As in any significant business, it is important to carefully examine the question, prepare from the theoretical and practical side. Frequency financial and physical strength.

House repair: before and after

To begin with, decide on the scale of reconstruction. Will this cardinal update from the technical and aesthetic side or simply overhaul? Will the project be required? If a project is needed, then it is better to turn to professionals. The competent architect will produce the necessary examination of the entire structure, will issue professional recommendations, will make a visualization of an object on which the result of reconstruction will be visible. As a result, the customer will receive a photorealistic design project of his house with a set of drawings required for work.

If the design project is not required, it is necessary to independently deal with the procedure for conducting the necessary repair activities. Assess the scale of the upcoming labor, temporary and material costs.

Restoration of a wooden house: the main stages of the process

Wooden houses may require reconstruction

The most common problems are:

  1. Repair of the foundation;
  2. Replacement of the lower rotten crowns;
  3. Floor repair;
  4. Replacing the subcast crowns;
  5. Replacement of the upper crowns;
  6. Roof repair;
  7. Replacing window and door blocks;
  8. Replacement or repair of engineering communications;
  9. Redecorating. Internal and exterior finish.

The most complicated stages with the replacement of the crowns and the repair of the foundation, because It requires very thorough preparation, some technical equipment, and the scale of work produced will not be compared with the cosmetic update of the house. Paul repair is often combined with the replacement of the crowns. The replacement of engineering communications makes sense to give to those skilled in the art, if confidence in their forces is not enough.

This includes electrical wiring, sewage, gas supply, if it is, and plumbing systems.

Gas services greatly control any work in its field, it is also clear, because this is a security issue.

Certificate assistance may be required.

For installation of electricity in wooden buildings there are certain norms and rules. Here is some of them:

  • Pue - "Rules of electrical installations";
  • SNiP 3.05-06-85 - Construction standards and rules: "Electrical devices";
  • GOST R. 50571.1 - "Electrical installation of buildings and structures. General provisions ";
  • International Standard: IEC 60364.MEK - International Electrotechnical Commission (English International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC).

IMPORTANT! Compliance with these norms do not bland and not pumping money! This is the key to fire safety in a wooden house!

Examples of violations of norms

The replacement of door blocks can be performed independently, but with windows more difficult. Modern double-glazed windows differ from wooden frames. In addition, the technology of fastening glass-plastic structures in wooden houses is not as in high-rise buildings. So, it is worth leaving this question to manufacturers of plastic windows from beginning to end, i.e. From measurements, before installation.

On the replacement of the crowns and the repair of the foundation, we will stop more.

Repair of a wooden house: the replacement of the crowns is extremely important

As mentioned above, the replacement of the crowns can be in several places: the lower, upper and submaps. The lower crowns may make it possible to suffer due to time, poor waterproofing, can be abused by insects that inevitably appear in wooden buildings. The upper and windows most often spoils the water falling as a result of atmospheric precipitation and the insufficient magnitude of the roof and window sumps.

If the wear is not obvious, the need to replace logs are determined by the usual clutch. Rotary log emit a characteristic deaf sound. The lower crowns replace partially or completely. Sometimes it is required to replace even two lower crowns.

This can be done in several ways:

  1. Raising the house;
  2. Running part of the foundation.

The choice of a method for replacing the crowns is dictated by the degree of damage. To replace 1-2 lower crowns, partial disassembly of the foundation will be sufficient. Disassemble about 20-25 cm from the top edge. It depends on the thickness of the replaceable logs. They should be freely removed and stacked, without the threat of collapse of the main part of the house. The base, naturally, also disassembled. Restore the foundation after replacing the required number of crowns at once throughout the perimeter or by order of laying fresh logs.

This method has one drawback. The foundation is repaired after the parsing should be made with special care, because the integrity of the supporting structure was violated. The foundation will definitely have to strengthen.

Sometimes old crowns are not replaced with new ones, and, gradually drinking rotten logs, laid on the foundation several layers of brickwork, putting a layer of waterproofing under good logs.

If more global repairs are required, or the ability to disassemble a part of the foundation is not, the house is lifted on the jacks. In this case, you can increase the height of the foundation or not only to replace the bad crowns, but also add a few new ones. And the structure in general, and the height of the ceilings will become higher. This is especially important for old log houses that cannot boast the height of the ceilings.


Installing a house on jacks is necessary very neat. Usually, take 2 jack for one side and 1 insurance. Depending on the length of the walls, the jacks can be more. Raise the walls alternately, at a small height at a time. Experts recommend not to hurry in this business and increase the rise by 5-10 cm. Under the raised wall temporarily install racks or chairs from bricks, thick logs.

Racks from Brenen

If necessary, a healthy part of the house is "post". This is done when it is necessary to replace a large number of crowns, it is necessary to increase the height of the walls, the walls of the house are too weak to withstand the rise without compression. The way of lifting with "hanging" gives greater space for work, provides greater reliability and safety for the house itself, but requires serious training. "Hanging" makes on a rack or pump.

Highlighting walls with compressive and pods: 1 - washer; 2 - bolt; 3 - shy; 4 - troops; 5 - Slays
Wall hanging: a - with sliding squeezes; b - sliding between compressions; 1 - rack; 2 - holes; 3 - pin; 4 - washer; 5 - bolt; 6 - Skoby

The rise of the house in any way is a very time-consuming, painstaking, complex process. It is impossible to neglect any trigger. The geometry of the whole house changes, even if it is not visible to the eye, because the walls are raised alternately. It should be remembered that when the wall climb is 10 cm, the deviation of the vertex will be 5 cm, with a lift of 20 cm - already 8 cm, and with a 30 cm climb - already 15 cm. The calculation is given for the wall height of 3 m.

Such drops are fraught with consequences. It is necessary to calculate the height of the lift in advance and, if necessary, remove the window and door blocks, disassemble the floors around the furnace and the roof around the chimney.

It is important to make reliable waterproofing between the new crowns and the restored foundation, so as not to return to the repair issue for a long time.

How to repair the foundation of an old wooden house with your own hands

Stages of work

The foundation, if it is from a wooden house, is also subject to repair, because Over time, it can collapse completely or partially. If the foundation does not have the house, it is quite possible to arrange, and it is destroyed to replace.

Substitution, repair or structure of the foundation are possible if absolutely no desire and the ability to hire a brigade.

Repair foundation

The most convenient to disassemble the floors in the house to provide access to the base from two sides, internal and external. The design of the house is lifted by one of the methods described above. If in the future it is planned to expand residential premises at the expense of an attachment, it's time to consider the foundation and under them to make the design of one.

House can be lifted to repair the foundation

If in the former foundation the reinforcement has undergone corrosion, you should not try to replace it. Constructions made of brick or concrete is enhanced by injections of concrete solutions under pressure or anchor rods. Foundations with point structures are strengthened by filling the gaps between the supports by a monolithic method.

In the case of repair and enhance the foundations of the ribbon type, most often digging the trench around the perimeter of the entire house, the drainage pillow is placed on the bottom, the formwork, the reinforcement and is poured with concrete solution. Previously, it is necessary to fill with concrete all existing cracks in the existing foundation. It is also necessary to produce waterproofing work so that the new design does not absorb moisture from the soil.

After the concrete solution is driving, you can lay a pre-chopped rubberoid and lower the house for a new base.

Finishing the old wooden house do it yourself

After all overhaul works are finished, it is time to engage in the aesthetic side of the issue. The outer decoration of the old wooden house will not only give it a modern look, but will allow it to extend his service life for several decades. Almost all modern finishing materials possess such properties as resistance to external influences, ultraviolet, moisture, temperature drops. Not susceptible to rotting, mold and not interesting insect.

Practically! Having conceived the exterior decoration of the wooden house, it is possible to insulate it with a layer of the corresponding material in the interval between the wall and trim.

The house can be at the same time and insulate

Ideally, it should be started with close-up cracks in the logs that necessarily eat in connection with the natural wear of the building. For this sell special compositions. After the sealing of all cracks, the cracks arising between the logs arose between the logs. This can be considered the preparatory stage before the outer finish.

Outside, the house can be seated and coat with a verse or varnish. You can arrange various attachments. Block House, clinker or hinged tile. It all depends on the preferences and capabilities of the owner. Important to remember:

  1. Arriving mounted finishing structures, do not neglect the membrane vaporizolizing materials. The wooden house should breathe, and under the layer of finishes there may be condensate, which will lead to the processes of rotting and forming fungus.
  2. Thinking up the update of your home, do not forget that roofing materials, drainage, windows and doors also belong to the external finish of the house and should be harmoniously combined with each other.
  3. Do not forget all the wooden parts and joints of the joints should be treated with antiseptic and fireproof drugs.

That's how it looked before the repair ... Wooden rotten frames, closed outside with double film, from cold and wind ... On the left old veranda with a shattered visor porch ...

For those who have to do repair in their home, it seems ...

These were the windows and window sills.

Started the house in order with the foundation.

Alternately reveal the corners of the house, we remove the crisps that rotten logs with chainsaws, put the formwork, put large stones and rubble, lay the reinforcement so that its ends remain open (for subsequent fastening it with the bay foundation), the crown of the crown to wind up and foul in concrete. Finished stand.

And so all four corners of the house and the middle of it, around the perimeter. Total - 8 Tumb. The process is time-consuming, heavy, but the result is worth it ... When it was finished with the couches, we made Zavaling around the perimeter. The continuation of outdoor work was postponed for the next summer. And we took up the internal repair of the house ...

This is a big room and start with it. She looked before repairing like this:

This is its right corner ... And this, in the photo below, the left corner. In the process of writing the topic, I will hold these two corners ...

At first, all the layers of old wallpaper were completely delimited. The windows were still old, but we have already waited for Masters on the installation of plast.

The old stove disassembled ... And the liver folded the new one.

And the result was not forced to wait a long time ... one window decided to close at all and make one big-there will be a dining room.

After installing windows, the men began to disassemble the old floor, align the lags and put the brick courses for them ...

Then the floors were mounted with old boards (they will serve for a very long time, as fat and dry), and in places where they were rotten, replaced with new boards.

Set the metrophrophilic frame for the walls and the ceiling ... My mistake was that you first need to do the ceiling, and then the walls, and not on the contrary. The equipment of these works I found on the expanses of the Internet, I will not stop on it in detail. If you do There will be any questions, I will answer with pleasure that I know ...

On the ceiling, mount the frame is much more complicated, the neck hurts ...

When metal carcars is completely ready, you can sew it to it, it is preferably in a checker, starting from the ceiling! Do not forget to scatter the wiring and hide it in a hafrolanal, for the profile, and the boxes are distributors in a convenient place for you.

In this picture, you see wooden lumps, I screwed them for the subsequent fastening of the bookshelves. Equally the same, only a thorough, fasten under the ceiling above the windows (for fastening the eaves).

When all the walls and ceiling are covered with GLK, we will put off the spatula and align all the joints between the sheets and the screws in the screws of the screws here ...

In the corners and seams, we lay the reinforced mesh for the strength of the compounds, and after everything is dry, sandwiches, we applied to the walls and the ceiling.

And now the most interesting moment-sticking wallpaper. I took vinyl white on the ceiling and with gentle roses on the walls ...

When dried out the wallpaper, I am by mutual consent

invited the brigade of the masters to finish their work in this room through the windows (slopes and window sills).

After that, I stuck the ceiling plinth, hanged the shelves on the wall, put the flowers on the windowsill, which we already installed the guys from the company ...

The carpenter helped put the door interroom, only then I learned that it stands up with my legs ... (what's the difference!) If only I function normally ...

Door loops pasted with a white corner on a liquid nail. On the right side, the oven new, heels all the rooms immediately.

The firebox itself is in the bathroom ...

On the draft floor put the substrate, then Fiberboard and linoleum. Then the floor plinth screwed up self-drawing and voila-beauty !!!

This is what this big room is ...

Some of you wanted to see more detail about concrete courses, so I added details ... So, the windows layer are inserted, the house will be covered with a flat slate and a packer has been made around the house, until the next summer ...

Now we continue about the outdoor work, after the expiration of the cold winter and spring ... the next summer.

When all the cabinets are ready, gradually, revealing each of the sides of the house from Zavalinka, we remove the rotten birch of the lower crown, dry-wind the waterproofing,

We set the formwork, lay the reinforcement, connecting it with the ends of the armature of the corner tumb and fill with concrete ...

This we do together with a man, under my sensitive leadership ...