Repairs Design Furniture

Technological card on a cement-sand tie device. Technological map, brief instruction TTK Technological screed card

Technological map of device semi-dry CPS tie
The technological card was developed on a cement screeding device from a semi-dry solution performed by a mechanized manner using equipment for the preparation and supply of the solution.
This technological card is compiled on the basis of the requirements of SNiP 3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings", SNIP 2.03.13-88 "Floors", MDS 31-6.2000 "Recommendations on the Floor Device" and regulates the sequence of preparation of cement-sand semi-dry mixtures (solutions) with reinforcing polypropylene fiber, device screed and quality control of the work performed. The current technological card takes into account the requirements for the quality of the materials used, namely: GOST 8736-93. "Technical Conditions"; GOST 25328-82. ". Technical conditions "; GOST 7473-94. "Mixtures concrete. Technical conditions "; GOST 28013-89. "Solutions of construction general technical conditions"; GOST 26633-91.

Technological card on the device semi-drying floor screed.

1. Instructions for the preparation of cement-sand semi-dry mixtures with reinforcing polypropylene fibrovolok using equipment for kneading and pneumoprodachi over the sleeves.
2.Technical requirements. Technology device.
3. Device, technical control, acceptance.

1. Instructions for the preparation of cement-sand semishes with reinforcing polypropylene fibrovolock using equipment for kneading and pneumopodachi over the sleeves.

When performing cement-sandy underlying layers () using a semi-drying method, the following requirements for the preparation of solutions must be observed:
Sand volume ratio to cement volume 3: 1; The equipment "TurboSol M-250" has the volume of the mixing bunker on the actual volume of the mixture of 250 liters. The minimum number of cement on one bunker load should not be less than 50 kg (1 standard bag).
The waterproof ratio is located in the range of 0.35-0.50, which corresponds to 17-24 liters of water for one bunker loading. Data for natural humidity.

Loading sand, cement and water is carried out in a working mixing bunker in two stages, namely:
Initially, the sand volume is loaded (about 75 kg) and the entire cement bag (50 kg). Next is added bucket of water (10-12 liters);
Next, the final loading of the working hopper is sand (about 100 kg) and the necessary amount of water (7-12 liters). Full loaded mass is mixed at least 2 minutes. The total time of the mixing bunker is based on the load time from 4 to 7 minutes.
The flow rate of the polypropylene fiber used for volumetric reinforcement is about 120-150 grams to the full loading of the hopper or one to the mortar. At the rate of 1 m3 performed solution, the consumption of polypropylene fibra is 700 grams. Polypropylene fiber is added with each portion of water, i.e. On 1 water bucket of about 60 - 70 grams.

2.Technical requirements. Technology device, brief instruction.

The supply of the prepared cement-sand semi-dry mixture (solution) to the site of the device, the TURBOSOL M-250 hardware unit should not exceed 3-5 minutes. In particularly difficult flow conditions, for example: the length of the hoses, more than 150 m and the feed height of more than 80 m, the feed time can reach 7-10 minutes. In the negative temperature of the outer air to minus 10 ° C, the preparation and supply of cement-sand semi-dry mixture (solution ) It is resolved with the mandatory device "warmly" above the installation site "TurboSol M-250". At lower temperatures, the preparation and supply of cement-sand semi-dry mixture (solution) is not recommended.

It is allowed at a temperature of the placed materials not lower than 5 0 ° C and the positive air temperature in the room measured during the cold season near the door and window openings at an altitude of 0.5 m from the floor level.
Cement-sand screed from semi-dry mixtures should not have direct contact with enclosing room structures. This requires laying of sound insulating (damper) ribbons from foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 4-8 mm for the entire height of the tie over the entire perimeter of the adjuniqué to walls, partitions, other designs.
The device of the tie with a semi-dry mixture should be made immediately to the calculated thickness, because It is the basis for the first floor covering.
The minimum total thickness of the cement-sand screed is at least 40 mm.
The local minimum possible thickness of the cement-sand screed is 30 mm.
After the cement-sand semi-dry mixture (solution) is supplied to the place of production, the mixture is evenly distributed by areas bounded by beacons from the compacted solution installed on the level. The cement-sand semi-dry mixture (solution) is resurrected by a tool called "rule" moving with a bilateral support for these lighthouses.

Grinding the surface of the underlying layers (screeds) should be produced by a machine equipped with an aligning disk. Surface grinding should be started immediately after recalling the solution at a given level and end prior to the beginning of the setting of the solution (about 1 hour from the moment of feed).
Indoors of more than 45 sq.m. It is recommended in the process of manufacturing work to make a map of the sequence of fill areas with partition on the area to 10 - 15 sq.m. Stripping already ready to start the premises simultaneously with the smoothing of the next site. In this case, the processing of the end surfaces of individual sections of the room is not produced, and their adjoining with 2-3 mm gap form the required deformation seam.

The execution of deformation seams of the plate (tie) required for premises with the size of one dimension is more than 6 m, recommended in two ways, namely:
The deformation seams with a width of 5-7 mm, performed directly in the process of grinding the screed, are technologically made by mechanical cleaning of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area of \u200b\u200bthe adjuncing areas to the entire depth of the screed from the mounted residues of the mixture. Further, in the process of burning the adjacent area, a small amount of semi-dry mixture is thrown on top of the seam and the seam and zones of adjoining sections are diagnosed. Thus, the result of a visually uniform surface is achieved with an organized deformation seam inside the entire thickness of the screed.

3. Device, technical control, acceptance.

Technological operations manufacturing work and requirements for them Control (method, volume, type of registration)
Preparation of cement-sand semi-dry mixtures (solutions) with reinforcing polypropylene fiber The reception of the floors, the elements of which are made of materials hardening after laying, is allowed no earlier than the achievement of the design strength, the strength of these materials must be determined by the test of control samples in an amount of at least three per 500 m 2 layer of the floor. In the absence of control samples, there should be a compression test for at least three cubes with a non-destructive structure and an edge size of at least 25 mm, taken from the floor layer.
Laying insulating (damper) ribbons made of foamed polyethylene width from 8 to 15 mm for the entire thickness of the screed throughout the perimeter of adjustment to walls, partitions, other designs, as well as in doorways. Visual, all places of adjustment, work log.
The nominal thickness of the cement-sand coating over the heat pipe is 30 mm. In cases of the installation field, in the conditions of the maximum permissible curvature of the base, the thickness of the cement-sand coating over the heat pipe is not allowed less than 15 mm in separate places of the thermal plate Measuring, at least three dimensions for every 50-70 m 2 surfaces of the screed or in one room of a smaller area.
Deviations of the plane of the element from the horizontal or a given slope - 0.2 of the corresponding room size, not more than 50 mm The horizontal surface of the surface of each element of the floor is checked in all directions of levels and a control rail with a length of 2 m, and in the presence of a slope - the control rack-template with the level
Grinding the surface of the screeds should be produced by a machine equipped with an aligning disk. Surface grinding should be started immediately after recalling the solution at a given level and end prior to the beginning of the decaying of the solution (about 3 hours from the moment of feed). The measuring, at least five dimensions evenly for every 50-70 m 2 surfaces of the screed or in one room of a smaller area.
Execution deformation seams Thermal plate (tie) required for rooms with size in one dimension more than 6 m. Technical, all seams.

Order LeninBUT Heads Mosstone Oh under Mosgorci Olkom

Mos. Or Musst Oh

Typical technol.ABOUT Iska I am cards
On the cement-sandy
And polymer cement tie shops

Moscow -198 2

Typical technologist I. capless maptana Department Designed Iyathechno L ogiy finishing works of trustMosorgstro y (l. Not MCs, a .n. P ugina) and the agreement of the ana with the management of the department of the Christmas tree slave, the Vosetroi (and .g. Kozin).

1 AREA OF USE Technologist I. chery map developmenton the device for the cement of the new and germy and the floor of the hemem-cement screeds, before related for expressdriving down the top below floor element or forinto I. i'm the floor of a given engineon the.

I. MONOLITI CEME NT NT - Sproll Chatting EC, Prev Dnas under the floors of the parkt. and polymeric mothersalov, pr name The brand's solution is notizh 150.

By l IMER TSA MENTAL CREATE CREATING WITH OWN OSIONAL CEME N sandy, in the composition of ore introduced Polyves in Ilacetable dispersion (PVAD).

FROM tramples perica I. mut all operational loadand on the floors.

MA T. erial, T. oil and strengthb. Stya Zeznask Acha ohm depending on the type coveredt. floor Floor, DesignaI PERSONS AND OBZN ACCESS PLAYED PLAYS.

In a real mapp redesmo Tren Tin Solin A Cener But Song Call 40 mm; Polymer cement - 15 mm.

2. Organization and technology of the building process

2.1. Work on Us. t. rosie screeds should be performedt. after graduationbuilding H. and installation work when provyodvs T. whose veiledand may be damaged.

2.2 . Supports O. Screeds allowi am PRT. air Everperature on Levelf gender and temperature of the underlying layer not lower e 5 ° C, this t the Emature must supportup to prize ten and i tie strencedand at least 50% about processed.

2.3. With the device cement-sand withtRAWS TAKE FURTHER YES TECHNO LOG IACH OPERATION:

purification surfacet. and the underlying layer;

reference marks cleaning about floor;

installation of light arms;

solution to the montht. styling;

rustling I. rasting Right and scrap moving by lighthouses;

removed I. e Lighthouses IZA Deliva B Orojok;

grouting P. overcome.

2.4 . Under the device flooriHDS EMENT STSA You are full of the following technologies of the EU Kea Processes:

och and surface stock under the groundabout the layer;

removing about T. there are currents of the unit;

oGRUNTING BASEDand i'm 5% watering the Initian of the Tattoo y d and 1: 9 cutter 1: 9 (dispersion: water);

installation of lighthouses;

submission of the solution to the place of laying;

running the solution, rule Moving by lighthouses;

smechivan I. e tie and 5th polyvinyl cetatat dispersion;

delete n. lighthouses and climbing grooves;

grout over N. ask.

2.5. C. yemen-ne, the presence of the Creative Creative Creative Creative Cottage and Transport and Transport and rigid hard solutionsЖР- 2.5.

Laying the solution to followway: races from the setting to the month in laying is fed by solutions. By the end of the solutionorovod attached Inen Gary Tel, POS internally moved by two workers.

Raft in oR, passing through Gusand tel, smoothly without shockd. it is on the basis.

2.6. Place for aNO VK IUPT Zhr -2, 5 and ku shr-2, 7, compressor a Must be specifiedin the project about from the water of Va r Abot. Playground , on which is locatedwe are set but VK and must be flashedirovana

2.7. Concrete Pov E. rhnot t tper but och session ayut from garbage and strangerstheir layers. PR and NOCH ICH AI on Cement milk,e. go carefully oph.met ally specifically and Il and Il and scrapers (Fig.).

Fig. 1. Cleaning the base

2.8. P ol Imertzee Rust Thief Goto Visit the following imaging M: THAT THE VARTURE CEME NT NT-Song PR ACHOR PRIA INSTRUCTION PR IMERA BU NK EP comprehension of a piece of tournament and Kushr-2.7. Then in the bunker, IZYUY T 10% poly vinyl acetate d He fired into the challenge by name Count Hich EU TV e (1 m 3 solution - 250 l ddrink II PVA). After thoroughiW ESH IWAN PHASE IMER CEME NT I apply for hosest to the place of Ukraine and then across the nozzlet on osnovy (Fig.).

Fig. 2. og r Н НОТО Вка

2 .9. When Ist e screeds on concrete landovaniu Surface T b under the underlying layermust be wet, but used with a deployment of water.

Clearance s between the harvest and plot of ITCAM and blocked, the places of the priests to the walls, and T act of Mountingmusta I. i have to be hookedn. cement-sandus m solve brand not nit is also a 100 ICO with a meal plate.

2.10. W. rO VEN H and the floor is removalgEO DEZH TAMI WITH HELL IVEL IR IL AND water level. Etcand It takes into accountthat it is ur in the horses of the landing floor and there would be a might in all the pomeh of the quarters of the quarters of Ira Il and the hour floor located between adjacent leats with nothing and cells.

2 .1one . G. runtstka appliesit is found based on omes Layer Pr.and the assistance is installed in the CO-21A (R Is.). GRU NTTOK N. come composition for firenTTO and founded by Iva and Svach Ivan and i tagged after inflictedi am a solution Goto in yat on site productiont. wA works by mixing one part 50% -y d drinning AI PVA and4 parts of water.

2.12. Solution stay under Mayaksset by the named but y n and jacking surfaceand According to the rendered abouttotems.

For Ma I. cOP PR named T steel e-pipe d iamer 12.5 mM.when we succeed as a triple, the floor is the EP cement screeds and d. 31 mm PR and device TV ETSEMENT but-sand x tie We install themt on brands from the solution in parallel for the other side with t ena. First lighthouse setpointвл Влю ит, прода пла по за замень 50 - 60 cm, the rest I have carcalell but yerv in 2 - 2.5 m (rice. ).

Fig. 3. Installation of Mayakov

2 .13. R aSSOR laid stripsn. chen two neighborsand Lighthouses. Laying the solution in the bandand sleep through one. Stying starts from the wall, protivo Regulation entrance doors and ved. in directedaI doors. Surface L SHIP The layer of the solution should be above the top of the lighthouses on 2- 3 mm (Fig. And).

Fig. 4. Feeding RASt. the thief with the help of Gii Tel when the device is devoted to

R and from. 5. Application of the solution with a nozzle with the deviceyour polymer CEME NT with hard

Alive I. i t looked out of races in one planes with lighthouses whensoup of il rights that op and warm for two lighthouses (piP. ), and pregnant Vibrore YKO. Through from the duck after the CCA LADD and RAS TV ora Mayakand CH I. mut and formed furrowand fill the T Solvatolo m, the auditor, but IT IT IT alterkom. The solutions formed at the same time are considered to be scrapers.

Fig. 6. Rolling Rast. thief

2.14. Freshly U. logged cement Non-sand tie reduce from loss of moistureand before purchasing I raw thief needed by Dima . For this, after a day after laying it closest Rodgey and wet the water of 7 - 10 days OK at least once a day with mouthnovki SO-21A.

2 .15. At the cost and tie tie strength 25 - 30 kg / cm 2 The surface of the screed rangego for the tira of the machine for s at IRK and Cement screed CO-89 (Fig.).

Fig. 7. Studying ties

2 .16. PR IMKA Rabo T on device screed proirgea is as appropriate and and with the requirements of SNIP III-in.14-72 "Floors. Rules for SDS TV and Acceptance and Rabo T ":

cracked s, potholes and about t covered seams in the screeds not upstrong. Rejected I. e thick screeds aboutt. the project is allowed only in separate places and should notv. 10% of the specifiedshields;

surface cliente. to should be at the level of test data;

surface with T. jague should be on being g Orizonal or have for this slope. Mountains from N. valves check the control rail with the level;

surprise surfacet. and with a litter checking t two-meter railway moving in all directions. Pros vet between with t blade and rack should nothighlight 2 mm;

vL agriculture Circling CRI devices from your floors from l inleums, PVC tiles, tex til n coatings, piece parkthat, Park T no more than 5% should be boards and shields.

2 .17. Before starting slave on the device screed responsetS Your TC and their production is obligedtan to provide about workers' briefing and youdacha need Dima Special clothes and mediadual For Shch and you. When performing slavet. It is necessary to follow the rulest. safety Economics, stated in SNIP III-4-80 "Safety Techniqueti in the construction of yours. "

Special in the nimination followsto follow:

to maintain installations and mechanisms to admitt. li C. and not under the age of 18, lastiE Meditors Instser West to go to the definite qualifications of C jU, knowledgeable deviceand construction of T. functions for equipmentgiving having y the focus on the right of their service;

according to the rulest. eXH OPERATE OPERATION TAZ AI Electrical Inspection on Trembi Body "" We are installed. melt your ground ground.

Before starting slavet. Machinis T is obliged:

external OSMOt. r settings state of entrance to it;

p rack equality of electrical wiring and grounding;

cheer T. b SIS T. his alarm to the working monththere.

During work s Machinis is obliged:

beginning t. b and stop the submission of racescustomer only on Sig N alu from the workplace;

feed T. s races only after thorough its mixing it.

DK-9 compressor management and maintenanceM. I am allowed Persons held withpecial Uu for DG Otovk y and Having an identity for the right to operateand compressors. Pressure gauges and safety valves shouldt. loomed. MaintenanceiOP N. oh-89 car must be instructed by the worker, aboutz. caught with instructionsand by operatingand . Connecting the machine to the power grid must produceelevice.

2 .eighteen. Work on US Troyce T wu cement screeds performt. Brigade of 6 people. The composition of the brigade is the following:

bapton 5 category (brigadier)- 1 (b - 1)

- "- 4 -" - 2 (B- 2, B -3)

- "- 3 -" - 2 ( B -4, b -5)

- "- 2 -" - 1 (b - 6)

B. t. 5 discharge sets the lighthouses, causes racesthe creator is based and e with the help of the damper; Ripple-ruled laid with a mortar; FallentRA TRA Creative in Ibroreka; for T. irirates the surface of the stewardand with the help of oh machine, controlt. The quality of the laid tie.

Concreteers 3 - 4 discharge of the surface of the surface t, close a hole in solution, installingweat beacons, moisturizing The base, smash the solution for beacons, rubthe screed of the screed is the urgent machine.

B. t. two discharge Ochit is a surface close up potholes, moves hosesand the damper in about c esse applying a solution. Installation U.PT LS serves the driver, not in E bettons in the brigade of concreteers.

2 .19. Works on the SatyST Wu Paul Ismecment Screeds performt brigade be t oners from 6 people.

Big composition dy the following:

baptist 5 category (brigadesand p) - 1 (b - 1)

- "- 4 -" - 2 (B-2, B-3)

- "- 3 -" - 2 (b-4, b-5)

- "- 2 -" - 1 (b-6)

Beto N. shch IK 5 discharge mustyt. anain lifts lighthousesn. osit oR based onp la, recreakand wae.t. laidt. thief Reito oh rulem, Stript. Surfacet. b S.t. yazhkand, Controls Karachat. in bedn. noah S.t. yazhkand .

Beton. 4 category set lighthouseand , OGR.nT. oVs based based onand wait. laidt. the thief of the rules, pert. rail surfacet. b tie.

B.t. onchand toand 3 discharge prepare genderand merc. eMEn. tn.oh Solution and OGRun tovochnyoh sOSt. av.

B.t. onchto 2 discharge Ochand sHAYt. overn. oS.t. b basis, etc.and nimait. Participation in the installation of beacons, movet. Hoses in the process of applying a solution.

2 .20 . G. rafic Labor Starn. a concreteand kovP ridgeand tsya in the applicationn. aI.

2 .21 . FROM hem organization of workerst. Listed in Fig. .

Fig.8. Scheme organizationaland and working montht. but

B 1 and b 2 - bet. onchings

2 - Box for racest. thief

Fig. 9. Schemeabout rGbut nization working montht. but

B. 1 andB 2. - B.e. nonchniki

1 - Reika-Rightand lo

2 - Machine fori pert. iRKI SHYAZHKand

3. Technical and economic indicators

BUT. Device t. inc. agentp eschean tie.

Development for 1 person.-day, m 2 - 60.8

Labor cost per 100 m 2, people.-c- 13,3


preparation of the base - 4.7 (UNIR 2-46 No. 1)

mustachet. road tie - 4,6 (UNIR 2-46 No. 2)

grouting screed- 4.0 (C. NIB« Mosstroy» )

B. Device floor and mixed screed

Development for 1 person.-dN., m 2. - 48,2

Pert. r.t. labor NA100 m 2., person.-c.- 16,59.

int. oh ohm on:

preparation of the base - 7,79.

device screed- 4.8 (Tsnib "Mosstroy")

grouting tie - 4.0

4. Material and Technical Resources

4.1. Sand (GOST 8736-77, 10268-80), used for a solution with a device of screeds, should havet. lity no more than 5 mm and no containingt. b Glynand three particles are more than 3% by weight.

Poret. landzent. There must be a brand not lower than 400. Motorost. lit Rastin oRA I definet. according to standardt. it is a cone - GOST 5802-78.

Plasticized polyvinyl acetate disp yersia Pvad mustbut B.s 50%conxist. encay.

Material consumption per 100m 2. Floor surfaces:

plasticized and nylacetate dispersion 5%, kg (when the base of the base) - 4

cement-sandus th Rast. thief,m. - 4,2

pabout l.and merc. e.m. e.n. th Rast. thief, kg - 1552.

4.2. Byt. eddyt. b in inst. rumenat. ah, equipment and fittingsl. bacniat. in tablec. e 1.

No. p / p


unit of measurement


Regulatory document, organization - Calcodeger


Mustachet. annka fort. ranselt. izing geset. kih rast. thieves UPTZH P-2,5


Experienced rem. nEO-mechanicalfrom toiY zood. aboutkommersant mosremstroy unitybut w GLaU mOfrom montaj. specialistfrom troy


Machine fort. iRKI S.t. jazha-89



Odessa Plant S.t. swarmst. elino-aboutt. milking machines


Installation of the CO-21A (for the base of the base)



Vilnius factoryfrom troyt. elino-deposite. top machines


Vibroreka S.-47


Odessain oD S.t. roasing-ot. milking machines


Compressor SO-7A


Vilnius Zoo.d. Constructionl. and finishing machines


Scraper for OCHt. ki base



c.e. rt. . 1233 MOsO rgs tr.oLA HMS.


Rake rule 3 m long (for rareand solution)



blackt. . TE- 2 75 ORgST rabout i'm minerES. Cf.


Wooden grater



heck. 1154 M.about surgical HMS.


Rake Kon.t. rolled lengthn. oh 2 M.



c.e. rT.TE- 27 6Urt roy Mins.t. roy Essr


Shovelt. iPALP (D. filling the furrowt. thief)



GOST 9523.-81


Box for solvent



blackt. . 69.00.00 Umor GMS.


Construction level


3 .

GOST 941.6-67


The level is flexible (ind. yana)



T.25- 11-7 60-72


Folding wooden meter



PCT. 149-71

VISbut bot. ka for 1 hel.-Den. b - 48,2m 2.


Technological map on a cement-sand tie

an object: House



In the technological card, the issues of the device of cement-sand ties in housing construction are considered. Recommended area of \u200b\u200bapplication, the organization and technology of work production, labor protection and safety have been developed.


1.1. The technological map applies to work in housing construction on the device of cement-sand tie.

1.2. The application in this TTC methods of implementation and organization of labor provides for compliance with the requirements of the norms and rules regulated by SNiP 3.01.01-85 * "Organization of construction production"; Snip 3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings"; VN 35-80 (Research Institute Mosstroy) "Instructions for floors in residential and public buildings"; SNIP III-4-80 * Safety Safety in Construction.


Database "HREF \u003d" / TEXT / CATEGORY / BAZI_DANNIH / "REL \u003d" BOOKMARK "\u003e Databases.

1.3. The workpiece of materials for the cement-sand tie device should be performed completely for the entire scope of work.

1.4. The main form of the organization of labor adopted during the device is a screed, are specialized links combined into a brigade. The optimal numerical and qualification composition of the brigade is determined in each case, depending on the scope of work and the degree of their mechanization.

1.5. When designing and organizing labor processes of work on the construction of a cement-sand screed, special attention should be paid to creating conditions that meet the requirements of regulatory documents and obtaining high quality screeds as one of the most important elements of the internal decoration of buildings.

1.6. Prior to the start of work on a cement-sand tie device, all general construction and special work should be completed at the facility, the execution of which can cause floor damage.

1.7. The basis for which the design of the cement-sand tie must meet the requirements of 2.03.13-88 "Floors" and SNiP 3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings".

2. Organization and technology for performing work

2.1. Device screed

2.1.1. The screed is a floor element that is used as an aligning layer at an uneven surface of the overlap, as a layer that creates a slope in the floors, arranged overlap and as a rigid layer, overlapping non-rigid floor elements (heat and sound insulation layers). The screed should be separated from the main designs of seams that differ from the usual and perceive all the deformations of the screed as vertical and horizontal. The devices of the seams in the process of laying the screed should be paid to much attention, since these seams can be any deformation seams or layers in the form of air slots. In accordance with SNiP, 3.04.03-85 seams are defined as provided by the project or due to the adventure of the gap between building structures or details. Any seam participates as deformation of the structure as a whole, therefore, depending on its constructive solution and destination, it can be open, closed or compacted. There are 3 types of deformation seams in accordance with their functional purpose - separation, temperature and seams of adjoining. Separating seams are constant design seams passing in places of construction constructions. These are the seams in the places of the walls of the walls to interoaded overlaps, between the designs of overlaps. Such seams are filled with cement-sandy mortar. Temperature seams perform the function in addition to the separating seams. When applying the screeds, they usually break the total area into areas of up to 40 mdiv_adblock75 "\u003e

2.1.3. Considering the design features of monolithic screeds performed directly on the object, before their device must be made depending on the type of screed preparatory work:

purification of bases and underlying layers from garbage and dust;

laying aligning coatings with a horizontal or inclined surface of concrete B20, rigidly related to the base;

the device of the heat, sound insulation layer under the "floating" screed;

printing around the perimeter of the walls in the places of the future screed of sound insulation pads to create deformation seams. Cleaning the base is performed before applying a screed, while the garbage and dust with the industrial vacuum cleaner are removed, the surface is purged with compressed air, the fat spots are removed, close the slots between the prefabricated plates of inter single floors. Aligning layers are performed if it is necessary to continuously align overlapping or creating slopes, cement-sand solutions and fine-grained concrete, designed for the screed device, are used. The device of the heat, sound insulation layer is carried out according to an even pure base by laying foam or mineral, fiberglass on a synthetic basis of plates with a density of 50-150 kg / m or fiberglass fiberglass plates, as well as mineral wool mats, stitched and impregnated with a synthetic ligament with a density of 100-150 kg / m0 "STYLE \u003d" BORDER-COLLAPSE: COLLAPSE "\u003e The mobility of the cement-sandy solution should correspond to the depth of the dive of the standard cone 4-5 cm, and the fine-grained concrete must correspond to the cones 2-4 cm.

The mobility of the solution and fine-grained concrete can be increased by administering to a solution of plasticizing the C-3 additive, modified by the SDB sulfite-yeast maternity. When using commodity cement-sand solutions or fine-grained concrete concrete, they are transported in solutions, and on the facility is overloaded into the bunker, from which with the help of mortar pumps (CO-126, SO-165, CO-157, etc.) pumped to the place of laying in the screed solutions. In the context of construction under small amounts of work for the preparation of cement-sand solutions or fine-grained concrete, mobile concrete - or mortarmers Sat-101, Sat-23A, Sat-46b, Sat-116A, etc., in the case of the preparation of latex-cement-concrete compositions, are loaded into the mixer First, the latex with water, and after their mixing, add dry components, stirring them 8-10 minutes before receiving a homogeneous mass. The laid layer is compacted by the Vibrores of the CO-131A, CO-132A, SO-163. In places inaccessible to vibrorek, the mixture is sealing with light rams. Immediately after laying and sealing, the screed checks the fat surface with the rule with the level. After setting the laid solution or concrete to the state, when the surface can be walking, leaving only minor traceprints, produce the surface of the coating surface of SO-89A, CO-135, SO-170, etc. and the polling stalls. In places of workshops, the surfaces of the surface are made until the joint becomes invisible. Screed from cement-sand solutions or fine-grained concrete should be solved in wet conditions for at least 7-10 days. After hardening the screed in the places of its adjoining to walls, partitions and columns perform the imposition of deformation seams.

2.2.1. Laying concrete.

Divide the surface under the screed on the strip of about 1 m wide with a period of 1.5 to 2 m long and 50 mm width. The upper surface of the REC should be on the same level. Place the concrete, starting from the furthest angle and smashing it to the shovel so that it is slightly higher than the level of wooden plates.

2.2.2. Evalved concrete.

To block the concrete with a rack-rule cross section of 100 by 60 mm and about 1.2 m long, moving it along the demarcative raiks and on itself. When conducting construction work, continue laying and smoking the concrete in the specified way, removing the rails between the strips and filling the gaps formed after the recovery. After laying each strip, cover it with wet bags or plastic wrap and leave to withstand and solidify for about 4 weeks. During this time, constantly moisturize the surface of the concrete water.

3. Requirements for quality and acceptance of work

3.1. The facial surface of the installed industrial screed must be smooth, horizontal or have a bias in accordance with the project, but not more than 2%. Lucky screed check 2-meter rail.

3.2. The mobility of the cement-sandy solution should correspond to the depth of the dive of the standard cone 4-5 cm, and the fine-grained concrete must correspond to the cones 2-4 cm.

3.3. The air temperature at the floor level, the temperature of the underlying layer and the stacked materials should be no lower than 15 ° C, but not higher than 30 ° C. The temperature difference between the mastic coating and the tie, as well as the ambient air should not exceed 5 ° C. In order to avoid the appearance of wrinkles on the surface of the coating until the end of it, it is necessary to protect it from drafts and direct sunmakes.

3.4. Solid coatings are arranged by a carefully prepared surface of a screed, made of cement-sandy solution or concrete of a class not lower than B15 (M200). The surface of the screed must be without shells, cracks, oil spots, its humidity should not exceed 3%.

3.5. The evenness of the screed is tested by a 2-meter rail, the lumen between the surface of the screed and the rail should not exceed 2 mm.

4. Labor protection and safety

4.1.1. All newly arriving workers must undergo introductory safety instructions, instructing in the workplace when working with specific mechanisms, tools and materials.

4.1.2. Instructions in the workplace conducts a forearm or master with registration in the production instruction journal.

4.1.3. When conducting a safety instruction when working with electrical equipment and power tools, workers must learn the basic principles of the power tools, pass the test for practical techniques (connecting the wires, grounding electrical equipment, the inclusion and disabling mechanisms) and the rules for the first aid to be affected by electric shock.

4.2.1. While working in the premises, unfilled and unlocked openings should be closed.

4.2.2. Workplaces, passages and drives should be well lit, ensure the free movement of people and inventory. Do not climb them with machines, materials, especially boards and shields with sticking nails.

4.2.3. Work on the preparation of solutions, concrete and mastic compositions should be carried out using personal protective equipment (respirators, rubber gloves, aprons, etc.).

4.2.4. Workers performing work on the device of the cement-sand tie must provide overalls (jumpsters, knee pads, mittens, rubber shoes and gloves).

4.3.1. * Workplaces on the cement-sand tie must be organized so that there is complete safety of work.


* Numbering matches the original. - Note database manufacturer.

4.3.2. When working with solvents, mortar pumps, grinding machines and an electrified tool, working should strictly follow the safety regulations. Work allowed workers who have passed safety instructions.

4.3.3. All electrified machines, mechanisms and tools must be in good condition, to have reliably fastened wooden handles, wires should not have breaks and do not intersect with other wires.

4.3.4. Cleaning, lubrication and repair of machines, mechanisms and tools are produced only after they stop and off from the network, eliminating random voltage supply (plate, signals, posters).

4.3.5. When working associated with a large amount of dust (preparation of solutions, grinding surfaces), it is necessary to use respirators and protective glasses. When working with machines having flexible trees with abrasive circles, it is necessary to use protective shields, and to reduce dust formation to carry out wet grinding.

4.3.6. In rooms where polymer materials are stored, it is impossible to smoke and produce work related to the use of fire or causing sparking.

Electronic document text
prepared CJSC Codex and drilled on materials,
provided by LLC "PPR Expert"

This article describes the steps of a semi-drying device of the floor with a mechanized manner with the use of specialized equipment, which is intended to mix the solution and feed it to the construction site. A technological card on a semi-drying device includes several stages: preparation of the base, kneading the solution, a device of screed and care for it.

Marking of the thickness of the screed

The first thing that is being done when the device is semi-drying is measured, the thickness of the future screed is measured, for this it uses a laser or water level. With the help of a level on the wall, the height of the screed and future clean floor is applied. This distance is calculated based on the volume of the screed and the materials used.

The level of the screed is noted for several reasons, one of which is the maximum possible height of the floor, that is, the height that some elements in the room, such as door thresholds allow. In addition, its weight depends on the thickness of the screed, and for some rooms it is important, since the supporting structures of buildings have a load limit. The semi-dry screed is the greatest of all, the weight of the centimeter screed is 18-20 kilograms per square meter. For example, light species of screeds weigh 14-18 kilograms per square meter, and centimeter bulk floors 12-16 kilograms per square meter.

Preparation of the foundation

Problems with a screed arise, as a rule, due to poorly prepared foundation. After the cement-sandy mixture begins to dry, the entire floor screed, in the process of evaporation of moisture, begins to decrease in the volume and shrink, but, at the same time, it is firmly connected with the walls. So it should take place with the base of the floor, but, in some cases, the screed begins to break away from the overlap and the voids between them are formed because of this. In addition, the screed can pull on itself and the continuing top layer of the base, leading to the same consequences. To avoid the appearance of emptiness between the overlap and the cement-sand tie, it is necessary to qualitatively prepare the base of the floor.

Preparation of the base for a semi-dry screed begins with garbage cleaning and removing all the armature sticking out of overlapping, the rods of which are caught in a heavy hammer (cut off their root is not at all necessary, everything will hide the screed). All laggards from overlapping areas are removed using a perforator. In order for the semi-drying screed more firmly closed with the base of the floor, the overlap is processed by a grinding machine. If you decide to make a semi-dry screed on your own, and you have no special equipment, then on the basis of the floor, you can hollow with the axle ax, which will remove all lagging elements from overlapping and help the solution better entry. But, the device of semi-drying is an important part of construction and repair work, so it is better to apply to its creation to a specialized company, such as "Expressing". Our company during the installation work uses only the latest equipment from Germany, which allows you to spend all the work qualitatively and in just one day.

After the whole surface of the floor is appeal with a hammer, is treated with a grinding machine and removed the lagging parts, all major recesses are closed. For this, the same cement-sandy solution is used, which is involved in the screed device, sometimes inexpensive tile glue. If there is a need to create water waterproofing, then it is better to use precisely for tile glue, as it has a waterproof property. But, before all the potholes on the ceiling are taken, they are processed by primer or cement milk if the seal will be made by cement-sandy solution. If the array of holes will be carried out with tiled glue, then a special primer for glue is used for processing.

If the height differences are present on the basis of the floor, they are not aligned, this is an extra spending of time and forces, and all flaws will hide the screed. As for the chosable and pit, their sealing occurs quickly and without much effort, the main thing is that in the process of laying a screed, the solution fails in them. Climbing gaps between overlapping plates and walls, even if they are not visible. These places are still maintained by a solution, since the targets can be simply noticed, and the water from the screed is leaked into a small crack. After all works, the base is cleared of garbage and dust.

Primer base

The primer to prepare the base under the screed is used with the mark "for concrete bases" or "for absorbing surfaces". For the cement-sand tie device, factory primers from any manufacturers are used. Primer to concrete floors to be applied with brushes, roller, as a rule, is not used, as it can miss irregularities. When using those primers that allow drying, two layers are applied if the manufacturer recommends applying the screed only on the wet primer, it is applied directly in front of the screed device.

Installation of Mayakov

The next stage of the device is a semi-dry screed - installation of beacons. This part of the whole process can be safely called the most painstaking and, at the same time, the most responsible, it is from the installation of lighthouses will subsequently depend on the evenness of the entire screed. For a device, a semi-dry screed is used by an aluminum rule, since the quality of the material and equipment is a significant part of the success of the whole event. The company "Expressing" uses only modern equipment and high-quality materials that allow you to make perfectly smooth floors without cracks and irregularities.

For the device, a semi-dry screed, as a rule, several rules are used, a long two-meter and short meter, especially if the works are produced in the apartment. Long rule for large rooms, and short for corridors and other small rooms. If one rule is used, then its length, usually corresponds to the width of the room. For the device, the semi-dry tie is no longer used by the wooden rule, as it does not provide such quality as an aluminum.

Lighthouses for the device semi-dry screed are mounted by one of three ways:

  • Shtyrev.
  • Dissolved.
  • By metal guides.

Installation of damper connection

A damper connection is installed on the perimeter of the room. Its installation begins with the laying of the waterproofing layer, so that one side of the canvas enter the wall slightly above the level of the future screed, and the other remained on the base of the floor. For these purposes, a two-millimeter polyethylene film, rubberoid, waterproof or other waterproofing material, it is cut to the strip, 30-40 centimeters width. The damper compound looks like a trough under cement-sandy solution. The ribbon of waterproofing material is attached to the wall with liquid nails every 20-50 centimeters, so as not to be broken.

The rolled insulation, sliced \u200b\u200bon the strip, 8-15 centimeters wide, is pasted on this "trough", which is a damper connection of screed and walls. The insulation strip protects the screed from sticking to the wall, due to this it will not rush in the process of drying. The damper connection protects the screed from the temperature and wet expansion during operation.

Kneading solution

For the preparation of the semi-drying solution, the ratio of cement and sand 3 to 1. For the TURBOSOL M-250 equipment, a maximum of 250 kilograms and a minimum of 50 kilograms of the solution (one standard bag of the finished dry mixture) is mixed up. Miscellaneous ratio of cement and water is added to each load (0.34-0.45), approximately 17-24 liters of water at a time.

All components of the solution (cement, water and sand) are mixed in the car bunker in two receptions:

  • About 75 kilograms of sand + cement bag (kilogram) + declted bucket of water is loaded.
  • A sand up to 100 kilograms is fed to a working bunker and fills + 7-12 liters of water. The solution continues to stir for another 4-7 minutes.

Polypropylene fiber is added to the bunker from the calculation of 700 grams per cubic meter of the finished solution. 120-150 grams of polypropylene fibra are added to the full loading of the hopper, the same amount is added to the fading of another volume. Fibrovolocked need to be added portion, each bucket of water accounts for about 60-70 grams of material.

Technology device semi-dry screed

On the construction site, a finished solution for a semi-drying screed is supplied using an "TurboSol M-250" equipment pneumatic equipment. In this case, the feeding process should not exceed five minutes. In exceptional cases, when the height of the device of the screed device exceeds 80 meters, and the length of the hose for supplying the solution exceeds 150 meters, the transport time of the mixture increases to 7-10 minutes.

If at the location of the equipment for the preparation and supply of the solution, the temperature of the air, below zero, then the "warmness" is installed. At the same time, the equipment "Turbosol M-250", even after installing "warmly", is intended for use only to a not lower than -10 degrees. If the temperature is below this threshold, work on the device is usually transferred to a more appropriate time.

The semi-dry screed is laid only in a room with a positive air temperature and the temperature of the materials used not lower than +5 degrees. In the cold season, the room temperature is measured near the windows and doors at the height of the half of the base.

The semi-dry screed should not be contacted with the enclosing structures in the room (walls, columns, etc.), for this, the damping (sound insulation) tapes are made.

The device semi-drying is made immediately necessary thickness, as it serves as a base for clean floor.

The minimum semi-drying thickness should be at least 40 millimeters, in exceptional cases, the local minimum thickness can be 30 millimeters. The maximum thickness is limited only to the carrier space of the room, but to create a thicker thicker 60-70 millimeters is impractical, it is too heavy. If you need to make a screed of such a thickness, the semi-dry screed is replaced by more easy options.

After the prepared cement-sandy solution is delivered to the place of the device of a semi-drying screed, it is evenly distributed on the floor surface between the beacons and is leveled with an aluminum rule that relies on these lighthouses from both sides.

The grinding of the laid tie is made immediately after the end of the work, but not more than an hour from the moment of supplying the solution. The grinding process is carried out by a grinding machine with an aligning disk.

For large rooms (more than 45 square meters), a work card is made, which includes the fill in the area of \u200b\u200bthe solution on a plot of 10-15 square meters. After the first site is aligned, the workers simultaneously begin to grout and align the second plot. In this case, the processing of individual sites of the room is not carried out, and 2-3 millimeter clearance at the place of their adjoining forms a deformation seam.

Plate deformation seams are used for those rooms in which one portion size exceeds 6 meters. The execution of deformation seams of the plate is performed in one of two ways:

In the process of grinding the screed, deformation seams with a width of 5-7 millimeters are performed. They are made as follows: the plates of the adjoining sections of the adjacent sections are cleaned from the crepe residues of the mixture of the mixture. After that, these joints are maintained by a small amount of cement-sandy solution. Due to this, the appearance of the perfectly smooth and single surface is achieved.

Caring for tie

The finished tie is covered with polyethylene film, which provides a normal reaction of cement and water. Over the next day, lighthouses and self-tapping screws are removed from the screed, the holes that appear are climbing and rubbed. The screed is sprinkled from the sprayer and again covered with a film. The next three days screed is checked for cracks and, if necessary, sprayed with water.

When conducting quality work on the device, a semi-drying lumen screed on the solution should not be and such a floor is suitable for laying any floor covering. Half the strength of the screed is gaining days later in nine, after 28 days from the date of the device, it gains 90% of the strength and this indicator is a vintage strength, the remaining 10% semi-dry screed is gaining over the years.

Semi-dry screed is an excellent base for laying any floor covering. But, the main thing is that it has been implemented in all technological requirements, only in this case can we talk about its durability. The company "Expressing" gives a three-year warranty on its work, and in the course of the device, only modern equipment and high-quality materials use only modern equipment. From the choice of the company, the quality of your screed depends, so you trust only professionals.

High-quality and fast device semi-dry tie
Warranty 3 years !! Check out the measurer for free !!
Order, daily from 9.00 to 20.00 by phone. 8-495-227-69-29
El. post office

Sample technological map for a device screed with noise insulation.

Technological card on floor screed device

In the LCD "12 Quarter" Khimki

The technical task is provided for a device in the apartments of the floating cement-sand tie of the floor with shock insulation.

We offer as shock insulation we offer to apply a sheet noise insulating material "Foam" with a thickness of 8 mm. In the complex with a floating cement-sand tie with a thickness of 60-70 mm, as well as when using a damper ribbon of foamed polyethylene with a thickness of 5 mm, the screed design provides an index of improvement of shock and acoustic insulation within the normative SNiP 23-03-2003 "Noise Protection »In residential and public buildings.

Before the device tie, you must perform the following works:

a) Wiring on the floor of the electric and Internet cable. It is advisable to lay in the corrugation.

b) Waterproofing of toilets and bathrooms (it is allowed to perform a coating waterproofing 2 weeks after the screed over the screed surface).

c) Wiring of the pipeline in the bathrooms (washbasins, washing machines, shower cabins).

Stages of the production of work on the device screed in the apartment:

1. From the surface of the concrete base, garbage is removed, large concrete growths are cut down.

2. On the surface of the slab overlap spreads rolled noise insulation "Foam" with a thickness of 8 mm. The joints of the sheets of insulation are sicked with scotch.

3. On the perimeter of the room to the depth of the screed, a damper tape is installed - foamed polyethylene, 5 mm thick.

4. On the street at the entrance is installed equipment for the preparation and supply of the solution (air pump), water tank 200 liters. The cement and sand in the required amount is temporarily stored.

5. A rubber sleeve is stretched from the street from the street from the pneumatic stepper on the evacuation staircase (d. 65mm) on which the cement-sand mixture will come to the floor screed.

6. Manufacture of a cement-sandy solution:

· Preparation of a solution for a device of a screed is made directly at the entrance. The preparation of the mixture occurs according to the following algorithm: brought by washed career or river sand (the dimension module \u003d 2.2-3 mm.) It will fall asleep into the mixing tank of the air pump. There is also 1 bag of cement (50 kg), water and fibrovolok. Stirring occurs. If the reservoir is properly loaded, the mixing process ends with the addition of the last components, the mixture becomes homogeneous. Filling the reservoir as follows: 1) Sand 50 liters; 2) cement cementII. - 32.5 D20 - 50 kg; 3) 10 liters water (with natural sand humidity); four); 5) Sand 64 liters. 6) water 8-12 liters. The volume of the tank allows you to prepare for one full load of 200 liters of cement-sand mixture of optimal quality and proportions.

· Transportation of the finished mixture of cement-sandy solution is carried out by compressed air along flexible hoses. A prepared solution with a volume of 0.2 m³ is automatically divided into small portions and under pressure on the hoses, the work (in the apartment) to the exterior is carried out directly into place. In the extension, the operating pressure is discharged, after which the solution is poured onto the surface of the concrete overlap for laying.

· The solution received from the exhaustion manually by a uniform layer is distributed on the room. A mixture of semi-dry cement-sandy solution is stacked, compacted and leveled with a manual tool (rule). The level is controlled by laser level. Reducing the volume of the mortar mixture due to seals from 15 to 30 percent, depending on the size and emptiness of the sand.

· After laying and aligning the mixture of cement-sandy solution, the surface of the screed is polished by a disc cloud machine.

· At the end of the grinding, the deformation seams are cut down with a spatula of 1.5-2 cm (linear expansion), 2-4mm wide. The seams cut down according to the technical task, in its absence according to SNiP.

7. The remnants of the cement-sand mixture, trimming of the damper tape and foam is removed. Lift Hall, the corridor at the entrance door swept away.

8. Signed an act of work performed.

Circuit bie is possible after 12 hours, at air temperature +20 o

Further production of finishing works is possible after 48 hours

2 days after the device, the screed is recommended to slightly moisten the surface of the screed with water by spraying (0.2-0.3 l per 1 m2). In case the screed in the next 2-3 days by the customer is covered with a PET film or other concerning material (it is recommended during subsequent finishing works), no moisturizing is required.