Repairs Design Furniture

Make a chair from the tree with their own hands folding. Production of a chair from a tree. Which tree to choose

The chair is an integral attribute of the life of a modern person. These furniture items have differences in terms of the magnitude, configuration, materials and other features. Wooden chair will make a variety in the interior, will noticeably reduce material costs and will save time on finding the desired option in the store. Having a sufficient amount of material and a set of tools, it is possible to carry out installation work without difficulty.

Preparation for work

Beech, pine and oak are used as suitable foundations for the manufacture of chair. To implement an independent assembly of such a design, a variety of model, its functionality and stylistic affiliation should be taken into account.

Make a wooden chair with your own hands easy. Most often a large number of start-up masters make an elementary design. This is a wood structure with a smooth back and a fabric seat.

Before you start work, you need to draw a drawing of the future foundation. The necessary parts and blanks should also be prepared. Wood chairs will be practical and decorated with the interior solution. They will be good to harmonize with the overall setting in the room, furniture and other attributes of the room. The designs of this type are suitable for rooms decorated in any directions.

This is a classic win-win version that is always in fashion. Wood chairs are perfectly combined with a table of the same material. Nice results give combinations of natural rocks and glass. Speaking about combining wood with plastic or metal, it should be noted that such combinations are quite complex, the difficulties of the selection are in a clear choice of color, which must certainly be combined.

Folding structures complement the room with small dimensions. The selected model is convenient during reception.

List of necessary tools and materials

For a wooden chair, naturally, we need wood. Special attention should be paid to the quality of the material. Shches and cracks should not be. Beech, pine and oak are often used as fundamental breeds. Excluding pine, all other breeds are easily polished, but the result will be stunning. As materials necessary:

  • bar 40x60 mm, 40x40 mm;
  • strong fabric for the seat;
  • dense foam for the chair;
  • boards with a thickness of 10-15 mm;
  • sandpaper;
  • glue for furniture;
  • screws.

The bar can be prepared by themselves. It is enough just to remove the chips from it and make the surface smooth. The processing of the plane is carried out using the emery skirt of large graininess at the beginning and shallow - later.

Used tools:

  • emery skar;
  • construction stapler;
  • saw with small teeth;
  • conductors;
  • kiyanka;
  • chisel;
  • plane;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver.

Detailed chalk assembly plan

It is necessary to prepare 2 bars: one is intended for the back, and the other - for the front legs. The length of the first will be 80 cm, the second is 44 cm. They make holes for the base, they should be placed at one level. Ready bars are stacked at each other. Slices of legs must be combined. Using a pencil, grooves are marked. It is very important to do 2 grooves on the ground. They are made on adjacent legs. As a result, it turns out a peculiar rectangle on the legs.

With the help of the chisel, it is necessary to make holes, chips and sawdust are removed. The rear legs of the chair are cleaned, their face is thoroughly grinding, carrying out a gradual transition, and adjusted to a flawless state.

As soon as the legs are made, the pride and longitudinal rails are made. Both options for details - 2 pieces. For the manufacture, bars are taken in the amount of 4 pieces, the future sizes of spikes are marked. They will correspond to 10-12 mm. Then the spikes are cut. By carrying out this work, you need to be extremely careful, because the spikes must be firmly in the excavation. Clamps should not be.

Now you make a back. The material is best to use the edged board. On the rear supports from the inside there are grooves that are equal to the thickness and height of the back. The backrest is started in these holes. The seat is fixed with screws. To give the stool the desired degree of rigidity and ensuring fastening, it is necessary to attach small discolutions.

From the outside, the legs and the back are made rounded, then grind.

The finished base of the stool is covered with varnish and polished.

After that, the product must completely dry.

Working with varnish or enamel follows in a well-ventilated room. However, you can buy a varnish without a resistant smell, configuring yourself from unwanted consequences. Such coatings are manufactured on a water basis. Application on the base of the dark color of the varnish will allow to disguise individual irregularities and heterogeneity of the tree.

To make a soft seat, it is necessary to cut the foam-rone of the desired size, wrap it into the selected dense tissue. The finished tissue base is fixed on the seat with a construction staple.

Once all parts of the overall design are dried and polished, it is necessary to collect stools, spikes to handle glue and drive in the hole in the holes. Apply the blows should be careful not to spoil the lacquer coating. The end of the work will be screwing to the place of the back and seat. Screws are taken as fasteners.

To secure furniture screws, you need to apply the drill for such hats. They can be carefully hidden. For this take sawdust and PVA glue. Of these, a thick mass is made, which is applied on the hat and smelves. During the coating of the chair with varnish, these points are also processed, as a result of which they become practically invisible.

The process of assembling of folding and wicker stool

Wooden chair is characterized by a small mass. It is made of 2 boards, it records the back of 3 slats, the seat of the shield and the lower thin plate.

To keep the seat well in the desired position, and the shield had a tilt, you need to make the spikes. The seat for the seat is held on metal pins. You can independently make a braided version of the chair. To do this, you will need:

  • dense straps or braid;
  • nails;
  • oak bar;
  • saw;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • a hammer;
  • danish oil;
  • drill;
  • emery skar.

Sequence of work:

  1. To begin with, the length of the legs are measured on the basis of the bars. Then you need to take 4 brus with a length of 14 and 18 cm.
  2. At the points of the connection, the excavations are made, which must be strengthened in advance.
  3. So that the rails from the wood turned out to be smooth, it is necessary to polish their base with the help of emery skirt. After that, you can start assembling the braided design of the chair. Work should be started with the finishes of the legs. They are connected using screws.
  4. As soon as the stool is ready, it can be covered with Danish oil or lacquer for furniture.
  5. Then you can make weaving using belts. Scraps from leather or other material are used as such a material. After that, you can weave the base.

So, manufacturing technology is characterized by simplicity. I understood the principle and method of independent production, you can easily build structures for the veranda, cottage, living room, children's room.

« W. throme money - in the evening chairs "! The phrase of Montere Minkovov from "12 chairs" illustrates the process of acquiring a chair with the heroes of the novel. Yes, the chair can be bought, but also the question how to make stool do it yourself - not a question for a real man!

Varieties of chairs are a lot: high and low, sophisticated and simple. For bars, cottages, offices and restaurants, all styles, models and materials. All varieties and not count! Let's still increase this diversity, and make your own chair, choosing a simple model, with a straight back and soft seat.

Why start? From the project! It is said loudly, but you need to draw a sketch and the components of our future creation.

Materials for stool with your own hands

Metallic and plastic furniture is suitable for office, industrial premises, cafe, but, significantly inferior to the tree in the natural "stateness", it is unlikely that it will be good for a residential building.

We cost and without various wood "plastics", OSP, chipboard, plywood. Even high-quality wood processing products will not compare with a real tree, its unique, warm texture. And, the main material of our chair and there will be a tree. Dry pine is suitable without bitch, beech or oak. The last two breeds are not easy to process, but the result will be solid.

We will need: Bar 40x60 mm, 40x40 mm ram, cutting board size 400x480 mm for seating and 100x420 for backrest. The thickness of the board is 10-15 mm. Further, thick foam leaf in the size of the seating, dense fabric for upholstery. And expendable: screws, glue, sandpaper.

The planed beam can be purchased ready, but you can independently treat the usual, stealing the planer and polishing the sandpaper. For rough grinding, paper No. 100-120 is suitable, and the final shine will give numbers from 220 and above.

Tool required for the manufacture of chair with their own hands

Before starting to work, it is necessary to provide yourself with a necessary tool. You will need:

saw with a small tooth;
sandpaper with grain of various size;
Building stapler with brackets.

As an additional device, make a chair with your own hands help:

Screw clamps - Conductors.

Making chair with your own hands how to make a chair

We scream four bars. Two 800 mm long, a cross section of 40x60 - billets for the rear legs and two to 440 mm, cross section of 40x40 - billets for the front legs. See fig. 1. First cut into them the grooves under longitudinal, transverse bases and prodes. The bases of the bases and grooves of pripec should be located in the same level. To do this, fold the bars together so that their ends of the nose legs exactly coincided. After that, we conceal the pencil. Sizes of grooves: 20x40 mm, depth 15-20 mm. The inner edge of the grooves must retreat 10 mm from the inner face of the legs.

If the economy of the homemade stool is still worth thinking, then to make the chair personally, the chair is definitely justified: the usual crowd chairs from the domestic workshop can not look worse than the purchase, but will cost 2-3 times cheaper. This is if you buy material "from scratch" without using accumulated reserves. And if you swallow on the exclusive that the chair with the chair is quite possibly the ardent of the middle hand, then the savings will reach the limits simply unimaginable, see at the end.

There is another important moment. The chair differs from not only technically, what will be said later, but also ideologically. Stool - the product is essentially a utilitarian; It is considered generally a bad tone to keep in the living room stools, it is better puffs. And the chair refers to objects of furniture determining the face of the interior is not less than the table, or even more. Thin signs of etiquette are judged by the dignity of a person in the quality and condition of his shoes, but about the situation of his affairs - in the chairs in the house. If a person has a skill, time and desire to make a chair with fiction and tastefully, like, for example. In the photo, he deserves confidence, even if it is still in cramped circumstances. And these are only untransformable chairs; Folding and, let's say, steering chairs are a special class of joinery, on which we will still stop.

Note: high passages sometimes reach curiosities. This is how, for example, a certain British Lord-sailor was expressed about the first wife of Napoleon I Josephine Debogarne: "In England, she could become a real lady. Just look at the instruments of her feed! "

How is the chair?

Chairs are generally divided into 2 classes: living rooms and dining. The difference primarily in the seat, the dining room is alone behind and a little higher. So invented during the times, unshameable so that the servants were more convenient to serve the pouring, and it was sitting in the sake of absorption of a larger amount of snack and drinks. A structurally dining chair differs from the living room by the fact that the prodes are located below, it is required by the conditions of strength to ensure. As the whole, the chair and what the approximate dimensions of both the other are shown in Fig.

Dining chairs are currently not related to the subject matter; Most people in all cases costs living rooms. The drawing with details of the device of a regular living room chair is shown in Fig. His feature is straight back legs, which saves the material and simplifies work. The physiologically acceptable postal pose is ensured by flexing the back. The home wizard of the average level to compile on it and the total dimensions will not be difficult, and the subtleties occurring are described below.

Note: billets are collected in packages for parties from 4-chairs for the convenience and accuracy of marking with a manual measurement tool. With such an organization of work, the quartet of the chairs are obtained completely the same, it is 1st subtlety.

Why chair is not stool

At first glance, it seems that the chair is just a stool with a back. But just the back makes it completely different from the toaster from the point of view of mechanics: they are based on it, and even fall apart. If the stool can generally consider something solid, working mainly on compression; Well, even on the bending and shift shift, then in the load chair from the node of the connection of the longitudinal karg with the rear legs is much higher, another character and spread through the design is quite bizarre. Therefore, by the way, transverse prodes in chairs, as a rule, do not put: they will not work in the design, only excess material will leave.

The trim of the chair is made by common methods for furniture: toning by verses, varnishing, painting, plywood, upholstery. But technologically chairs are distinguished from stools in the following:

  • The character of most applied compounds.
  • The choice of wood is most.
  • How to build.
  • Soft seat device.

Joinery thorns

To make a chair with your own hands, we will have to master the furniture (carpentry) spike-groove connections. The initial information about them is given in the article on the stool with their own hands; Here we mention something in relation to the chair.

Compounds open and with through spikes in the chairs of aesthetics are rarely applied, as well as compounds with reinforcement by methms: bolts, confirmates, self-draws. The nail in the chair is at all as much as the hood of the car, accumulated by the rope.

Chairs are assembled in invisible outside the deaf compounds of grooves-spike; Sometimes they are called compounds in Us. The assembly is made with sickness, often apply spikes, because Conventional chairs with removable legs do not. Chair on outdated spikes more laborious, but very durable and durable, because All connections are dry together.

How the deaf groove (well) is done under the thorn, shown in Fig. If you have a manual wood milling mill, then you do not need to choose linas, but you need to fly the edges of the well: just to "leave" the end milling cutter. In this case, the edges of the spike are made rounded, just carefully and stronger.

It seems to be strange, but it is with the spikes from amateurs most often there are problems: to cut the blank for it, not "chirking" on the base of the spike, it is difficult, and the spike inscribed in the base is an invalid marriage, because The connection strength drops sharply. It is obvious to slower and shoot Falset (an excess tree around spike) with hands - spike can get out "plump" or oblique, which is no more permissible. Therefore, furniture spikes are best done still with a milling bag with some simple devices, see Roller:

Video: K. aK Make Furniture Spike DIY

Tree for stool

The coniferous tree, from which such good stools were obtained, for the chair, it is definitely not suitable, even a solid larch. Cause: Any coniferpal wood is long, and in the stool of loads capable of calling the chip in the layer - I would like less, but where are you going to. The coniferous tree in the chair will go only in the form of plywood on the basis of the seat.

On wood chair takes deciduous fine-layer tight durable breeds: oak, beech, rhine, nut, elm, rowan. Birch will go to children's chairs; And birch plywood - on folding. Conditions for the preparation of general furniture: indoor dryness (8-12%), not chamber drying, impregnating by water-polymer emulsion or other harmless biocides, for example. High purification mineral oil for furniture, oily-wax compositions, acrylic compounds for furniture.

A tree for a chair will cost cheaper if it is not painted it, but an array, and dissolve himself on a circular or a grinder with a disk saw in a homemade bed. For some products, for example. Chairs for a bar, see further, without an array will not cost, because Lumber of the desired width or not, or very roads. In this case, you need to know that the arrays of the tree on sale are decorative and structural. The second is more expensive, because Their mechanical indicators are normalized and checked, and in decorative arrays - no.

The last thing you need to consider when choosing a tree for a chair is "decorative" defects are not allowed. In a stool or countertop of coslast, switches, tightly sitting bitchs can go for the benefit, giving ultimately a beautiful texture, but a chair from such a tree will soon break.


A wooden chair is collected without a seat twice: first on dry and without wedges, and after fitting parts and check the configuration, the CARG and steam (oblique diagonals from the lower angle to the opposite top) finally with the crushing and sizing. In both cases, they first collect T. Naz. An apron from the rear legs, rear and longitudinal tsarg, and already configure the "Apron", see fig.

Note: Pay attention to the method of stakes in the front legs here and lower when we do to the seat shine. Equal spikes, as in a stool, the kings of the chair in the legs are not crashed, there will be no durability.

About carcass details

All parts of the chair are made from solid wood. Temptation to make the rear legs teams for the sake of saving material are great, but do not: soon break. It is better to take immediately at the headset, placing the contours on the plaque board on the template with a shift. If the chair is dining, then the longitudinal tsargs should be oblique / curved, and the question arises: how to make spikes with grooves? Miscellated at home is very difficult, and no need. We will have to spend a little more material, but oblique / curved tsargi with straight spikes are obtained without any special difficulties from the board thickness to the height of the Tsargi, see Fig.:

Only we need to milling the spikes, using the mandrel with the right angle, and necessarily in the package: remove the fold from long sides, the package shift and fold the short sides. The corners of the spikes are spinning separately, it is no longer critical.


The back of the chair is known, it is a whole rigid, typical and soft. Whole rigid is just a curved plank. Cut it, like curvilinear kings, as well as the details of rigid typical backs, pos. 1-3 in fig.; On the backs of the Viennese, etc. Complex chairs will not say yet. The details of the spikes are collected; Chairs with the backs on the screws will leave in the museums of the Soviet hoist.

For a simple soft back, pos. 4, you need a straight top plank and, possibly, an intermediate support (run, "snap-up"). The base of the back is made of plywood 4-6 mm. They are also trimmed as the seat, see below, but the foam rubbing is not thicker than 7 mm or bypassing with Vatin / felt. The soft packs put on glue, not bringing 15-20 mm to the edges. Decorative trim sew pockets, put on the basis with a packing and stitch down. Put a back in the grooves selected in the upper bar, rear king or run and rear legs; Choose the grooves, freeing the thickness of the back, covered with cloth. The sequence of the assembly of the chair changes:

  1. collect the left (right) part of the apron with the rear Tsarga, the top plank and the drone on dry;
  2. put a back, possibly with fit;
  3. the apron is completed by installing the missing back leg with its longitudinal king;
  4. the front part is attached to the apron;
  5. after checking the configuration and the final fit, it is moved by everything on glue (optional - with a splitting) in the same sequence;
  6. the soft insert of the back is finally set or dry, or on the minimum amount of glue introduced only in the grooves so as not to be squeezed on the fabric.


How the pillow is arranged, shown in fig. With the drawing at the beginning. Unlike the shepherd seats, the upholstery in this case does not stretch in this case, therefore the internal upholstery is not required. Based on the founder or a solid board with a thickness of 12-30 mm. But the seat of the chair is more difficult to clean than the stool, so the foam padding is necessarily covered with felt or worse, with a wedin absorbing sweat. Solid particles of dried sweat are subsequently squeezed out of the seat.

The upholstery of the seat of the chair is also not necessarily fixed so carefully as a tobupere, you can do with a comprehension with a furniture stapler without sizing. We are tightened with a decorative cloth in the usual way, cutting the rings formed on the corners. But much longer will last the skin, made, as shown in Fig. If the chair is covered much more elastic and expensive than fabric, skin, this is a mandatory option.

Reiki or dosy?

In the drawings of the chairs, the fastening of the seat to the slats is most often shown, embedded in the legs at the same time with longitudinal kings and additionally attached to them self-draws. This very technological and little labor-intensive way is widely used in the industry, but for itself much better lay the seat on the bows, see fig. on right. The chair will turn out much stronger, the seat will be less dumping and easier to remove for cleaning.

How to put a seat?

The seat, just laid on top of the support frame, loses all the advantages relatively with the stool, and the frame of the chair is experiencing increased loads. Therefore, the seat of the chair is better to lay in a lodgment formed by the kings; For this, if the seat on the drive, they put them below on the thickness of the base of the seat without a pillow. So that the front tsarga does not interfere with the legs, it is lowered on the same thickness that it will make the entire frame only stronger, and the sideways - with a removal forward to the thickness of the Tsargi or a little more. Then the front drives are crashed into the front king thief with its top.

About curly legs

I really want to put a homemade chair on the curly legs of the tree. This is not so difficult at all, as it may seem, only you have to spend money on thick bars: the front legs will go, taking into account the reserve for processing, the ram 150x150, and on the rear - from 250x250. How the curly legs are placed on the bars, it is clear from fig. MAIN CONDITIONS: We need 2 identical templates, converging headings and heels on the inner (relative to the finished leg) of the rib of the bar. However, the convergence of heels is not necessary, then they will turn out wide as hooves, and the trace of their supporting surface will be similar to the horseshoe. The very same technology of artistic education does not require: they simply remove the drying of the inner edge and alternately with the outer faces.

Chairs different

We will assume that you are now quite imagining how to make an ordinary living room or a dining chair. But only household chairs have a huge number of varieties. Most of them are falling on the folding; It must be said that folding furniture is now experiencing a stormy flourishing and is widely used not only as temporary, but also for the sake of saving place and / or modification of housing design. Chairs here play no last role, see eg video:

Video: Folding chair as a solution for small apartments


Folding chairs, so to speak, classic look, look like both modern and old, see fig. Their advantage Until recently was that in folded form they occupy little space. But, first of all, the tilt of the back of such a chair is not optimal. Secondly, the mechanism requires a slip of the shoes of the rear edge of the seat in longitudinal grooves, which is complicated and weakens the design. Therefore, patents are calculated with thousands of each other, and in the end, in the end, it was not at all where they were looking for, see below.

For example, an attempt to optimize the design of the original folding chair is shown on the trail. Fig.:

The disadvantage of it is only one, but the fatal: the huge Svea seats ahead relative to the line of support, which is why the first landing on a new chair can end the collapse in the literal sense of the word. Other constructors tried to fit the stool more ergonomic or by performing the rear legs with a break, at the top in Fig. Below, either the transfer of the threshing hinge upwards, at the bottom there. In this and different case, the design is also not called and the dimensions in the folded form "sticky". And in the first case, the rear-rear (i.e. associated with the sidewalls of the back), the legs cannot be performed solid that any chaul is contraindicated.

The exit was made relatively recently and, when you see what kind of involuntarily recalls the statement of T. A. Edison: "Everyone knows that it is impossible to do so. There is a boyfriend that does not know that, he does the invention. " In this case, the plywood folding stool plate, see fig. It's not necessary to describe it, and so everything is clear. Double seat support distributes design load. In addition, inhalesing on the sides of the seats of the holes of the holes, you can adjust the chair under the seed. There are such modifications on sale.


All described chairs have a flaw: they are tough. Plywood, though, can be made soft, but the thickness in folded will increase. Such chairs are suitable for a picnic, but for a long squeaming you need to be softer. The output is also known for a long time: chairs with a canvas seat and, possibly, the back. For example, in fig. Below is a sail folding chair for giving. The design is complicated, but its comfort pays off, and the folded such chair is slightly thicker. True, the discrepancy occurs across the seats, but because, breaking in the tank, the legs under the chair are not pressed, it is not so scary.

Even more used canvas and tarpaulin in chairs for fishing; Here plays a role lightness and compactness. But ordinary fishing and tourist viscos, pos. 1 In fig. For hiking hiking, the bulk and the backpack pulls noticeably. If you go hiking by car, you can take a fishing plywood folding chair, pos. 2. Its feature is an additional swivel plate on the back; On such a commander, it is more convenient to languish with sluggish bite.

For useful walking and in general, in any case, the most convenient chair-tripod, pos. 3. This is easy and to make it yourself; How - shown on the right in fig. Tripod with legs from bamboo in a backpack is not felt at all. If there is a tight durable rubber ring, like a wretched expenditress, it is even easier to make a tripod stool: the rubber band is simply spoiled to the middle of the bag from the legs.

Chairs for bara

Recently, there has been an increased interest in the furniture for bars and cafes. In fact, the adjectives are "bar", "bar", "bar", "bar" in Russian is not. It would not be prevented, since these bars everywhere wherever you know, but the language is not glued to the system. However, here let the philologists wisely, and we will assume that the bar stool exists and make it worth it.

Furniture for bars "From that" yes, "from that" also, with an extraction of "Behind an asterisk", everyone came. Inexpensive and sufficiently high-quality furniture for bars at an affordable price is well bought, and here the Master-IP or simply, the Fizliso can not well earn.

Chair for the bar is in general, high, height in the dining table, stool with the footboard. The base of the seat is easiest to do from 2 plywood or from an array of circles with a thickness of 20 mm and a diameter of 350-370 and 250-270 mm. A smaller circle is an intermediate of the seat fastening link to the stool stand, and the larger is the base of the seat. If it is rigid, circles are made from the array, grind and lacquer; Plywood bases go under tightness.

The soft seat of the chair for the bar of the same design as for a soft tokeret, only tighten it with a decorative fabric or leather; You can and skin if the customer pays. Decorative covers, especially on the round seats, the bar will slide long before the end of the evening. Porolon on the seat pillow take as thick and elastic as possible, from the 35th room. From it you can make a pillow with a thickness of 60-70 mm, and from the 45th - 50th to 120-150 mm. The lower circle is attached to the support by self-draws from above, and the finished seat is from under the bottom.

In fig. The above shows the detail and method of assembling a massive, solid chair for a bar; Dimensions of parts 3 and 4 - in see. Please note that the part 4 is asymmetrical, because 4 details 3 collected socket. In fig. On the right - a chair on the view is easier, with round legs. The basis of its sedlication is 2 identical circles with a diameter of 340 mm. The necessary strength is given by the annular pierce together with exactly the same fit. There are also shown methods for assembling and cutting off the prodes with the footboard: in the plywood harvesting 20-24 mm, the perceptual drill is drilled first the holes to the diameter of the legs, the logs is cut out the inner circle and cut the ring along the external contour.

Here in fig. - Very steady and pretty original on the look of the chair of the chair in the bar from the board. The foot of it is made from plywood similarly to the previous version, but put, putting on top. Carefully cutting out the bevelled grooves under the boards, you can give it a kind of solid ring that is aesthetic.

And children?

No, you did not forget about children. Just children's furniture is so unique that it is necessary to consider it separately. Children, with all their fantasy, always pragmatics, nature tuned for survival in the future. Therefore, they are tireless researchers. So "lick" the aesthetics of the chair for a child does not mean no sense: there is more important functionality and strength. Surprise adequately, as such a little thing manages to break very durable things. Maybe scientists will understand the future; Perhaps revising the fundamental laws of nature. Joke, joke. We were all the same, just forgotten, but there are no indigo children at all.

Best material for children's chair - birch or birch plywood. Its relatively lower strength in this case is not a hindrance: the details are shorter and the unit of the area of \u200b\u200btheir cross-section comes smaller stresses. But collect children's chairs on confirmation with plugs or waders, pos. 1 in fig. Above, as adult furniture, it is not worth it: break, roll out, unscrew. Such a design is acceptable for the stool to grow, with the rearranged seats and the footrest, pos. 2. And best of all will make a children's chair quick-climbing without fastenings, pos. 3. Milk - anything terrible, collect not long. And he (it) only the intelligence and spatial imagination will increase. So we give in fig. Drawings of children's team-collapsible chair, and to him in addition - the scheme of the folding chairs for quite still inconsistencies. Dad, who saws with a hammer from the hands of themselves, do not fall out, repeat it, probably, the problems will not be.

Note: back in fig. Below is a children's chair "in an adult", on the frame and self-drawing. For some reason, they like such boys and they break them less.


Both children, and adults come in handy chair, turning into a staircase. First - in order not to rummage in the dusty storage room and do not risk bias the bums of the flasks, pulling out the stepladder. The second is to climb the second floor of a bed or a children's corner. This is especially important in small-sized apartments, where the stationary ladder can just not be found. In general, if necessary, in Fig. - drawings of an adult staircase chair; The legs, of course, do not be figured. Children's chair-ladder of the same design is obtained proportional to diminishing, except for the thickness of the steps.

Hedgehog under the skin

With the most kind, honest intentions and on a reasonable basis, without any psycho-engineering stuff. Take a look at fig. on right. Cool, yeah? Especially if you ask the price of 1 (one) product. The whole furnishings of a decent bachelor odnushki, including a refrigerator, a vacuum cleaner, a microwave and an electric equipment, is about the same.

The reason is the high complexity of such a chair that cannot be mechanized-robotization. Or amenable to do so tight that it's easier to make hands. Highly qualified and highly paid.

But, by the way, the technology of creating a potential of the beauty of the unspecified to a funny trivial, only requires much attention and accuracy. Materials are also ordinary - wood, plywood, fabric, foam rubber. Large production areas and complex equipment is not required, garage or barn enough. This is the "hedgehog under the skin": you can make such a home yourself!

Unfortunately, to give this highway at least a quick description in the review article there is no possibility: its volume and labor intensity fully comply with the nature of the object. But, let's hope that we will still have a case to tell how at home, with the middle family budget, make a chair worthy of the royal palace at home.

Whatever product does not do from natural wood, and with your own hands, it definitely needs a creative approach. Any tree is a living material, easy to handle. If you need to keep care and care for such products, they will serve for a very long time. One of the main advantages of wooden items is their ability to fit into almost any interior, bringing heat and coziness, comfortable and native. If you are the creative nature, and you want to make a chair with your own hands, here you will learn about it in more detail.

Make furniture is not so hard. The main thing is to understand what you need and for what purposes. Surely you would like to ensure that the furniture is not only beautiful, but still very durable and safe. To do this, it is better to protect yourself and acquire quality materials. In spite of everything, even genuine high-quality wood will cost cheaper than buying a finished product from it. The most suitable trees breed are beech, oak or pine. They are very durable and reliable. To make a frame, buy a bar, whose cross section is 40 * 40 and / or 40 * 60, mm. Make jumpers and bar back - you will need boards, the thickness of which is up to 1.5 cm. Well, if you wish to make a chair in which there will be a back, and also a soft seat, get a sheet of plywood.

From the tools that will be useful to you for your own creation of furniture, it should be prepared: a saw, electric jigsaw, a chisel, a hammer, a screwdriver, a china, a sandpaper, a stapler, a triangle, meter, clamps. It will not be superfluous with carpentry glue, and if necessary is a lacquer. Fasteners Choose in the form of stainless steel tapes. If you plan to make an upholstery on the seat, prepare a staple bracket.

For those who decided to make a similar masterpiece for the first time, we recommend trying from stools. Since, in fact, the chair is not the easiest thing to learn to make furniture.

Therefore, in practice, it is better to start mastering how to make a stool, and only then move towards other products. In general, a stool is the simplest version of the chair, without a back. Sitting in it can also be with an upholstery or without it.

Be sure to see the photo on which the process of manufacturing a wooden chair is clearly shown. And, of course, stick to the instructions. So.

Brux, cross-section in which 40 * 40, length 44 cm - take 4 pcs. Such. To prepare wood from sowing, take advantage of sandpaper: first larger grain, after which the shallow.

Next, take the Tsargi, 4 pcs. - On them the seat of your chair will rely on, and they will be jumpers. The parameters of the CARG 2 * 5 * 28, see also you will need 4 kings, which are used to secure the product, sizes: 3 * 2 * 28, see

It would be great if you found a solid wide board. But if there is no such possibility, you should adhere to the connection according to the "Paz-Ship" method. If you have a desire, the seat can be rounded.

At the edges of each tar and the prodes make spikes, respectively, on the legs themselves - the grooves. Spikes and grooves - 2 cm in length. In turn, the grooves should be done, from the floor, at an altitude of 27 cm.

All items, except the seating, you need to collect together to make sure that everything is exactly and not shied. If you have done everything right, you can lubricate the grooves and spikes and firmly connect all the products with each other.

Success to the resulting design is not difficult to fasten. To do this, the self-tapping screw should be screwed in each leg, well, if you are resting his hats in the tree a little. Mounting sites can be masked using a special putty on the tree, or plastic plugs, pose under the color of the product.

If you chose good wood, she has a good structure, shade ... take paint or just lacquer, open your product and use on health!

Make a folding chair? Easily!

This option of furniture is simply indispensable in many vital cases. Especially if the house is small, and it is difficult to place the overall furniture in it, and you need to take guests for the holidays ... And if you gathered to go to the picnic - this chair will need it unambiguously!

In order to make an ordinary folding chair, you will need:

  • 4 * 2 * 47, cm legs - 4 pcs.
  • 4 * 2 * 32, cm crossbars for support bars seating - 4 pcs.
  • 4 * 2 * 32, cm Protesters - 2 pcs.
  • For seats: 9 * 2 * 35, cm - 2 pcs., 6 * 2 * 35, cm - 2 pcs.
  • Bolts, the diameter of which is 6 mm, and length up to 4 cm - 6 pcs.
  • To attach the nodes directly to the legs, as well as bars to the support crossbars, we need a self-tapping screw, the length of which from 4 to 5 cm

For a more aesthetic appearance of the product, round the edges of the details.

The legs are needed to connect together in pairs, crosswise. Do it better at the top of the legs. This will make it possible to make a steady model of the chair. Nuts and hats bolts climb a little in a tree.

The crossbars and the tops of the legs are connected by bolts. Next, on each half, fasten one pier and on the seating bar (1 narrow and 1 wide). When the product is collected, you will succeed, it should be 2 narrow for each broad bar. At the same time, the distance between narrow and wide bars is 1.5-2 cm. It remains to open varnish or paint and voila!

A variety of wooden chairs

Maybe such that you will have to do so creative activity, and you will become a manufacturer of author's furniture. But in fact, the options, what would be made of wood, can be a lot! The same rocking chairs, diverse options for children's furniture and much more!

If you want to have a comfortable time, then you can not do without comfortable chairs. Manufacturers offer various options for such furniture for every taste, but in order to save money, many decide to make everything alone. In this article, we suggest you consider several options for how to make a chair.

For the manufacture of the chair, the following types of sawn timber may be required:

  1. Boards.
  2. Array.
  3. Logs.
  4. Bars.

Most often simultaneously use several materials. Why in this log log? In the presence of appropriate equipment, boards and other blanks can be made independently. There are also original ideas, like a log of a chair. Some of these ideas, you can see in the photo section, at the end of the article.

As for the choice of lumber, it should not have bitch, cracks and fungal diseases.

Be careful when choosing wood, since it is often tinted for a better look.

In general, the sawn timber must comply with such parameters:

  • There should be no cracks on the bars, the edges must be smooth, and the material itself is dry. Small dismissions are allowed.
  • Boards must have a thickness of up to 100 mm.
  • The wood array breed should be suitable for the manufacture of the chair. It must be strong enough and hardy. In most cases, the choice falls on an oak or a red tree. They are easy to handle and differ in durability and durability.
  • Also used pine or beech. These wood species are no less in demand and practical.

When purchasing do not take all the materials back. Be sure to take with a slight margin.

After reviewing the subtleties of the selection of wood, let's see how you can make a wooden chair with a back. The principle of manufacturing is similar to the climbing of the toaster. Only in this case the back is still manufactured. In addition to sawn timber, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • Screws.
  • Carpentry glue.
  • Mill.
  • Chisel.
  • Hammer and other joinery tool.

Now you can consider the list of items to create a chair, as well as an explanatory drawing:

Although the details are quite a lot, but in general, it will be possible to assemble a high-quality and durable chair from a tree.

The process of work consists of the stages indicated below:

Once again it is worth reminding that each detail should be carefully polished. It should no sharp corners and all kinds of irregularities. The assembled chair is covered with a mourn and varnish (up to three layers). In this case, each layer of varnish is applied after complete drying of the previous one.

In conclusion, the seat is covered with soft skin, dermatitin or other suitable material.

In order not to damage the floors, it is recommended to fix rubber or felt lining to the back of the legs.

Now let's see how you can make a folding chair from a tree. For it, the next set of materials will be required:

  • For long legs 2 BROS 900 mm.
  • For short legs 2 BROS 550 mm.
  • For support under the seat 2 bar 290 mm.
  • For long legs 2 crossbars from the board 400 × 50 mm and 340 × 50 mm.
  • For short legs 2 crossbars from the board 280 × 50 mm.
  • Wooden rail for the base of the backrest 400 × 70 × 150 mm.
  • For seats 6 Rosek 340 × 40 × 150 mm.
  • Metal rod Ø 10 mm and 36 cm long.

The timber in all listed cases is used 30 × 30 mm, and 20 mm thick boards. To assemble a chair from these components, follow the instructions:

  1. In the bars intended for the seat support, drill holes for a metal rod. From the edge of 40 mm, and from supports 70 mm.
  2. After them, the seats with a gap between them at 10 mm are fixed to them.
  3. Now with an indent of 110 mm at the upper end drill holes in the long legs of long legs. In them, retreating 40 mm from the edge, perform the wrinkle for the back. Below drill 2 holes. So, you can consolidate the cross. The back is fixed to the top.
  4. In the prepared holes, the metal rods, which is fixed in the rubs of the legs into the ends.
  5. To short connect with long, in the middle of a bar for smaller legs drill holes. Below and above the middle on the impudent are fixed.
  6. Finally, all parts are fastened with screws.

This is how the folding chair is so simply made. Other details and details of the assembly you can see in the videos presented.

So, we looked at different options for the fascinating process of manufacturing a tree stool. Be sure that you are completely able to assemble a similar product. If you have other ideas, then write comments on this article. If you want to learn about the original solutions, then several ideas are presented in the photo gallery.



Schemes and drawings

To some of the chairs offered in the photo gallery, diagrams and drawings are attached, which will help you understand how to make the selected chair yourself: