Repairs Design Furniture

Mini-house - Compact log house from the Forumhouse member. How to build an inexpensive house from a turnkey room? Houses from ordinary log

The cost of mounting a cut from a rounded log in construction companies is sufficiently high, so many prefer to build a house from the finished wall set on their own. Docylidation in this regard is much more convenient than other building materials, but there are many nuances here. To properly install a log of a rounded log, you need to know the outlines of the stages of work.

Order of work

The wall set is a set of birings in which the connecting bowls and the mounting groove are made, with its help the parts will be tightly connected: without cracks and moisture penetration. Since all items are made on special equipment, they are most suitable for each other. The owner remains only to properly put them according to the numbering.
Installation sequence:

With good quality connecting elements, the assembly of a bath from a rounded log, as well as the construction of a full-fledged country house, will take a little time. The main work can be completed in a few days, after which go to arranging the temporary roof. The disadvantage of any wooden structure is a long period of waiting: there must be at least six months so that you can start the finish.

Installing windows and doors

The bath assembly algorithm from the rounded log is complemented by the mandatory construction of casing boxes in window and doorways. They are also called the sophisticated, they are designed to protect the window frames and door blocks from pressure during shrinkage. Casual box is made from a 5 cm thick bar and has a mounting groove that connects to the walls of the wall. It does not have a durable fastening and lowers, without preventing a decrease in the height of the bric. It is to the box that the frames must be attached, otherwise they will spread them.

Between the casing and the wall, leave the gap, which will gradually shrink. It is filled with elastic insulation: it will keep the energy efficiency of the construction and does not prevent the normal flow of shrinkage processes.

To prevent negative processes during the waiting period, you need to properly start heating. It is impossible to make a wooden building in the first six months after construction. If inside the heat, and it's cold outside, the tree will dry unevenly, and cracks will appear in it.

They will not only reduce the thermostability of the house, becoming a goal for the cold, but also will adversely affect the strength of the structure, as they will gradually expand. The optimal time for the inclusion of heating is a year after the completion of construction, at the same time the temperature inside should not exceed 8 degrees. In any case, it cannot be avoided, but you can minimize them. To do this, in the upper part of the otillization along its entire length, the mounting propyl is made. It allows you to make the inevitable deformation controlled and removes the tension from wood fibers.

Processing and insulation

After the end of the main period, the shrinkage can be moved to the finish. There is an opinion that the building from the otillization does not need it in it, it is not quite so. Even if you do not want to hide the natural beauty of the tree, you need to protect it from rotting and destructive effects of insects.
There are several types of processing: the question of whether it is necessary to further insulate the building, remains controversial. A tree is a warm material, and a birler with a cross section of 24-32 cm is enough to protect the structure from freezing. However, it is possible to strengthen the heat shutter and carry out the insulation of the seams.

The minus of the interventional insulation from natural materials in the DISTRIBUTY: it will deteriorate over time, poultry disappear. However, the seams can be closed differently: one of the options are acrylic sealant. With the help of a special tool, they are filled with all the slots, and after drying it, it reliably protects the house from the cold. At the same time, it does not reduce ecology, the walls will "breathe".

A tree over time loses its original color, darkens, and very soon a new house will strongly change the appearance. The process can be stopped if you take care of painting on time. It is absolutely necessary to choose a traditional oil paint, there are many modern solutions. One way is a water-based acrylic paint. The use of polymers allows you to forget about an unpleasant smell, and the treated surface will be smooth, beautifully shiny, without flutters, which looks very neat. The optimal option can be selected, thanks to the large selection of shades. One of the few minuses of the coating is the high cost. If you do not want to use the "deaf" compositions, you can purchase translucent lazuries that retain the natural beauty of the tree and protect it from destruction. With their help, you can create an interesting eco-interior.

Independent installation will allow you to build a warm and beautiful house without unnecessary costs. For work, enough minimal skills, and almost every homeowner will be able to build a solid durable housing.

In this article, we will look at how to make a house from the logs with their own hands, which will not give up the beauty and functionality of the structure made by experts.

Modern technologies

If you have a question how to build a house from a log, we advise you to read this material. The construction of the house from the rounded log is most popular. This is an explanation:

  1. This type of building material is pre-mechanical processing, making each barrel of the same size.
  2. For the project of the customer, the length of the logs is adjusted, and with the help of laser equipment on each barrel with great accuracy there is a compound. Thanks to this, there is practically no manual fit, and the frame is collected from both parts of the designer.

Where to begin?

Of course, from the project. Some restriction of the flight of fantasy to create its own project can be the size of the logs - they have a certain length. Therefore, you first need to ask what is sold in your area, since the standard log length is 6 m, and the maximum can reach 13 m, but it is possible only when purchasing a Siberian larch.

However, if your knowledge in the design area is superficial, it is better not to experiment, since errors can do it very expensive, up to the point that the house can become unsuitable for housing. What to do?

On the endless spaces of the Internet there are many ready-made projects - some can be downloaded for free, others are sold. The second option is more reliable, since all to the smallest detail is calculated by experts. Whatever way you go, but before building a house from a log, you need to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe size of the house and the number of floors. This will help determine what the foundation is needed.

Choosing foundation

From how much a solid foundation will be at home built of logs, the period that he will last is depends. The undoubted advantage of a wooden house is its low weight, thanks to which it is not necessary to do too powerful foundation. The device can be different, but the foundation must be built in accordance with all the norms of strength and reliability. Consider several options suitable for this purpose:

  • Fine-brewed belt foundation.
  • Foundation column.
  • Pile foundation.
  • Slab foundation.

The most common is a ribbon foundation. It goes columns and pile, but in cases where the ground is too loose and wet, then the last option remains - the device of the slab foundation. This costs more, but even if the house of the log is "floating", then only with the stove. In any case, before deciding on how to make a foundation, you need to "get acquainted" with the soil.

After completion of the work, carefully check the horizontal surface of the base surface using the hydraulic level. If the difference is more than 1 cm, it must be aligned with cement solution or waterproofing.

Selection of material

On the question of what kind of tree is the most resinous, even a child will answer - well, who does not remember how hard to wash his hands after you take the trunk. Someone may have less pleasant, but the bright memories of the resin - sat on the bench, with which this sticking board was distinguished with everything, with which it will face, liquid. Undoubtedly the smallest are logs of coniferous trees.

Due to the fact that in this wood a lot of resin, it is less susceptible to rotting. In addition, the trunks of coniferous trees are straight, and this is one of the most important factors for the construction of a wooden house, so that, given the low cost of this material, will stop the choice on it.

If you wish and the availability of funds, you can buy bars from larch, which have a very beautiful texture, they are durable and durable, but very expensive.

Stages of work

For any home, and in particular for the wooden, you need to isolate the building material from moisture. First of all, the concrete is disappeared by molten bitumen. Before laying the first crown, laid at the foundation at least 2 layers of waterproofing (you can additionally be done once again laying "glass painter"). Then there is a stamping board, and on top of a layer of waterproofing, which needs to be put in such a way that all the layers go to the edge of the foundation of 25 cm from all sides.

The bar must be prepared in advance, while unloading the forest to the site. We need the most smooth logs, with a minimum number of bitch and without blue. The forest is chosen on the annual rings - one whose rings is greater and there is the most dense. Please note that it was the central part of the tree. This can be determined at the location of the central point on the log cut.

Selected wood is definitely laminated several times with liquid bitumen mastic (this composition is achieved by mixing with waste machine oil), leaving the ends intact, since moisture will be published through them. This will help to increase the bar as much as possible, thereby significantly increasing the service life of the crown before it is replaced.

If the log is somewhat bent, then it must be laid smooth face down. Fix the bars with metal bellows that need to be score to a depth of 3 cm.

Then the house from blanks is going on, which does not represent much difficulty. Keeping the sequence of laying, the logs must be stacked on each other, but before putting the following logs, secure the tape insulation from the jute, hemp or pacles to the longitudinal sinus.

It is important to securely secure the timber near the window openings and doors. This is done with the help of a brace - wooden cola, which connects 2-3 logs. Before fixing the log, check its position relative to the wall. Lock it with nails, lifting them on the sides.

This will prevent the log displacement when it is drilled by a perforator with a long drill, the diameter of which should be 5 mm less than the heel used. That is, if the drill Ø 20 mm, then the bell must be Ø 25 mm. Tightly driven brazers fasten the logs together, making the frame durable.


This video is talking about building a house of logs.

1. Requirements for the future house.

From time to time, crises occur in our country. Crisis not only in the country, sometimes they occur in the life of almost every family. Let's not discuss interpersonal communications for research psychologists and discuss how to economically build your home when your budget is limited.

Thus, you have an unlimited amount of money to which you should get well.

The wind is not sent in the form of a purchase of various things that will be useful in the next 3-5 years, but invest in such an acquisition that can be useful throughout life, and then serve as your descendants. That is why the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating your own home is one of the most important, possibly fatal solutions in your life.

Every future developer wants his house: a) a beautiful, different from other residential buildings in the neighborhood; b) functional so that the house has answered all the requirements for the presence of the necessary amenities in the form of living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, etc.; (c) sufficient for all its inhabitants; (d) Comfortably cause positive emotions in this house; e) reliable, durable; E) Available for a budget, so the amount of money that is designed for the construction of the house is sufficient for everyone.

2. What material to build a house from?

First of all, you need to decide which material will be your future home: brick, foam, wood or frame?

The brick version is immediately discarded - it is expensive, and we have a problem during the crisis to build a house, according to a specific budget. House from foam blocks? The inset view of the house from such a material immediately enters into a contradiction with our requirements, one of which is described in paragraph "A", which states what the future is at home, that it is "beautiful, different from others, and what can be beautiful, Differs from other gray houses?

In addition, there are dubious properties of foam, such as fragility, nonideal geometry, an unknown quality of manufacturing at the manufacturer, etc. Show, how long can this structure continue? Builders say that at least 50-70 years and how many pre-revolutionary buildings from foam blocks (or aerated concrete) do you see? The objection that at that time such technology has not yet existed, I would be honest.

Therefore, no one knows how much this house will serve, which doubts the point "D" - reliability and durability.

It is pretty cheap to build a house built on frame technology. Builders skillfully and quickly deceive this house, because the cabinet will collect only model "cabinets", will be more, but the essence of the "cardboard" of the house is about the same: everything is on the boards, in the bars in the corners, so that the tooth.

Covered with mineral wool, cavities in the walls are designed to maintain heat in the apartment in the heavy winter months. Perhaps this option must be rejected. The only advantage of such a structure is cheap, but you need quality and reliability to get everything possible for smaller money. Contracts that "live in these houses throughout America are not accepted.

Russia is not America in accordance with climatic conditions and mentality. Have you seen Hollywood movies, where are their "damn" piston holes in the walls of the houses? It turned out that it is not surprising ... You do not need a superman to make your way through a thin wall structure of a skeletal shield or entered the house by car, you will not get crushed cars, but to spread fragile obstacles.

The fireplace of the house was not warm in winter, which requires constant heat, in the summer in the closet, the kitchen is quickly lit under the shining sun, and it is necessary to install air conditioning systems in order not to fry there. And with inheritance, such a structure is somehow impractical to send offspring and what will remain from the moment when the time comes?

3. Find out how to choose a wooden house.

In Ljubljana wooden house You do not need a heating system around the clock.

Walls of such houses from natural building materials are reliably heated in winter. It is not surprising that our ancestors always built and lived in wooden houses from cottages - in cottages. The wooden house passed the test of time - for centuries (!) And it turned out to be good. The house from the house will be a reliable warm shelter in winter, and in summer wooden walls will not be warm under the burning rays of the sun, in this house in the hot season of the year fresh and cool.

It is enough to open windows in the house, carefully prepared the accumulated background in the corners is a natural preparation for you.
The surviving monuments of wooden architecture in the quiz, Suzdale or the extraordinary beauty of the wooden tower in the Kostroma region are a convincing example of how reliable these structures are.

Yes, and something more eco-friendly and pleasant to the soul than a tree in the house, it is difficult to think. So leave the opportunity to think - a wooden house.

Wooden houses are different types: houses from logs hand logging - Production according to traditional technology, houses from the bar, houses from a round bar can also be worn with rounded wood.

Wooden log houses today are in the road movement, as the production log is whole logs, each of which individually adjusts the corpse in the crown, which was not a strong run between the buttocks and the vertices in the logs, at least hidden.

Each magazine is processed manually, manually, with an ax and saws, slots are designed to form a frame in a cup or point. In fact, all such frameworks are manual, requiring a special qualification of a carpenter. Each house from the log cabin is unique and exists in one instance. Therefore, such work can not be cheap, and we have a task to build a house during the crisis.

The log house (CBS) resembles a hand cutting house, only the barrel rounding is processed by special equipment, where the surface layer is removed to produce a homogeneous, pre-defined log diameter and a smooth surface.

Since the CBS is a rounded shape and grooves in it in a container - it complicates work, so the wooden house from the frame in this version will be cheaper than the hand cutting logs, but more expensive than in the bar, in fact, in the same shaft, and with another hand geometry,

We do not consider glued timber as a material for a wooden house - dear building material.

And the method of production is to glue the plates that they are treated separately, already indicates that this material is not made of solid wood. And why do we need glued plates instead of solid wooden walls?

And with what glue they are attached whether such construction materials can be labeled as "environmentally safe", and who will ensure that after a long time there was no cracking of the glued panels and that glue broke?

4. The best choice is a house from a natural barrier.

The simplest (normal) natural bar for moisture is the most affordable and economical option for the construction of solid wood materials.

Such a rod was not processed in the drying chamber, so it is cheaper, and it is understood that such a rod naturally will reach the necessary percentage of humidity depending on the environment.

As a result, the wooden house should be built for shrinkage. For each wooden house required abbreviationEven before drying. Although it is more expensive, but the difference between the outer layer dried in the chamber and the inner, less dried, still causes a shrinkage in the diary after a certain time. And if the drying was rapid, the most aggressive, the big difference between the external and inner layers will appear during the subsequent drying.

In this way, house Natural humidity under the roof for a certain period of time for shrinkage, without installing windows and doors and the rest of the finish.

The bar associated in the grooves and further consolidation of the cloves, under the severity of the roof and the functioning of external conditions, very slowly, without external influences, reaches the level required by moisture and get a static form, after which it will be possible to start the final future house.

This process will last from six months to one year, depending on the time of the year in which a logical framework was created. Summer reduction occurs faster.

Working with the bar for experienced carpenters is not particularly difficult. Such material in the geometrically correct form of wood allows a complex project in the house, not significantly increasing the cost of the complexity of the project.

For example, in recent years, developers are very popular with developers in the house.
The propulsion is an extra room in the house, part of the facade, which extends over his aircraft, curly "bulge" in the wall of the house, which greatly facilitates the appearance.

Erker can be square and polygonal. Erks are usually decorated with glazing, sometimes from top to bottom, have a single and complete height of the house. The house from the bar, you can decorate the panoramic window in the living room or in other places at home, and then your wooden house will stand out from other square buildings.

And if you add it to the balcony in the attic, the veranda or on the terrace at the entrance, your home will give you a significant external respect at a low price.

So, if you build a house from the bar, you will get an environmentally friendly apartment with a natural medium of the interior.

In addition, it does not require additional external and internal conclusions, since the structure of wooden walls itself is an interior decoration. The geometric simplicity route allows you to fantasize with the complication of the project without a significant increase in the price of this complexity.
The size of the house must be selected without special switching, so as not to spend extra cubic meters of wood and heating at home in the future.

How to build a house do it yourself

It is rather reasonable if there is a common space in such a house for all family members - a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a few bedrooms for family members. On the second, the attic floor, which is first built as an attic, you can arrange a bedroom, then you can allocate, and then the second floor will be suitable throughout the year.

Thus, for a middle family of 3-4 people, it will be pretty at home from the bar 6 × 6 or 7 × 7 from the attic. Dimensions of the house must be selected in accordance with the budget designed for the building. And if the wooden house decorates the verandas at the entrance, there is a panoramic window in one of the rooms and a balcony in the attic, but your new home with its compact sizes is not similar to the "budget" built during the crisis.

It is useful if such a wooden house is processed by an antiseptic during construction, it is for the budget project, but it will help extend the life of the house, because you do not need it for one generation.

In order for the construction costs to be reasonable, they should be viewed on each average enterprise, where labor costs are not included, the costs of maintaining roads in the form of offices in the city center, advertising on television, etc. It would be better if this company would be from the provinces of Russia in which qualified and experienced carpenters are working, which build not only the houses from the tree, but the logs are manually - a sign of high carpenter caliber, because they know a lot about the tree, they know how to work with the tree and above, They live in these wooden houses with Rye Eney and are hereditary masters.

Even if the crisis is over, and you want to build a larger and more successful home on your website, your "crisis house" can still be useful to you in the future.

It did not spoil the look at their simplicity of the entire landscape, and the guest house, which is not ashamed of the population of the whole family separately, too long. And if the child grows and wants to live "separated" from you, but close, then this house still served as a good bend, which became a refuge for the future young family, which can also become a pedigree for breeding.

In this way, wooden house from a natural moisture bar - The most optimal option for construction during the crisis.

The fact that the house needs some time abbreviation, there are certain advantages, because construction will not happen in a hurry, as "truth, feeling, slowness" ... to the end, you will have time to revaluate the state of your finance and taking into account the fact that they will complete the final construction stage: or afford or afford Something to finish or simplify work at the front.

Good luck to you in the future, and do not hesitate, without having experience in these issues. Experience is companies that came to life and came on time, every time they begin with this. As the famous warlord said once: "The main thing is to get involved in the battle ...".

Before you begin the construction of your own wooden house, read these materials:

Take a look at rounded logs. They are pleased to surprise, because the construction will pass quickly. And the appearance of the house will force their neighbors.

This is also an eco-friendly material.

How to create a pinned timber

You can select multiple stages. So, first of all, the trees that are suitable for the production of logs are chosen. They are preliminary. If it turns out that the trunk of the tree is not straightforward, then the axis is straightened. And after that, the trained logs are loaded into the roundtill machine. It produces chute milling.

In addition, manipulations with a discharge puzzle are performed.

Final stage - tracing. It passes along the entire length of the log. Castle milling is also carried out. All, the material is ready.

Now the quality is tested.

Before selling the logs, the designs are collected, looking for flaws on a litter. And after that, processing takes place. It uses antiseptic tools, and also carry out treatment with drugs to increase the refractory properties of the tree.

Build a cut from a rounded log, do-it-yourself: detailed video

Most often these are the trees of coniferous rocks. Such a choice is dictated by the fact that they are slender and high. The logs of them are smooth and do not require additional alignment.

See also: How to build a house from glued bars with your own hands

Logging logs can be several types:

  • Movable cutter. This is a very accurate method. The grooves converge almost without flaws. Such accuracy saves time. You can build a house for an order faster than when using logs treated with other methods.

    But one of the conditions of such treatment is the use of dried materials. The logs must pass the stage of drying.

  • Stationary cutter.

    This method is much worse than the previous one. The fact is that the cutter stands in place and some flaws are possible when processing logs. But it is a fairly fast method.

  • Rotary type technology. The logs are stretched through the rotor system. Production is high enough, but, as well as the method of a fixed cutter, quality is lost.

Preparation for construction

Before you plunge into construction, you need to prepare very carefully.

At the first stage, you need to collect the maximum of information about what materials are suitable for your home, learn about the features, pros and cons, clarify possible nuances. After that, find reliable suppliers and builders. It is worth remembering that, except for the installation itself, it will take plenty of effort to harmonize the project and a fairly important stage - commissioning.

So, if you have decided on the material and the choice fell on rounded logs, then you need to consider all the nuances.

According to the reviews, the construction of such materials is raised quickly and has an excellent appearance.

Against the background of neighboring houses, your log house will be distinguished and attract attention.

See also: What fittings it is better to choose for a ribbon foundation

It must be remembered that the standard length of the cylindered log must be 6 m.

And the diameter varies from 16 to 40 cm. Non-standard dimensions are paid at an additional rate.

Starting construction

You need to decide how much material needs to build your home. There are formulas for which you can independently calculate which sizes and in what quantity it will be necessary for a log house.

And there is an opportunity to use the services of professionals. After calculations, the order is performed.

When materials appear on the construction site, you can proceed to work. Use a pinned timber is very simple. Each log has its own clearly designated place. You can hire workers or proceed to arrange your forces.

Today there are many videos on the Internet in which comprehensive information on how to carry out the construction of the house from the rounded logs with their own hands. For convenience, you can immediately order the so-called domocomplekt.

You will receive a set of building modules where geometric parameters are already set. The foundation for such a building is suitable for a low tape.

For ventilation, the underground is equipped with produced in the walls of the base. The main thing is to prevent the formation of closed spaces in the form of dead zones. After all, the fresh air does not fall into them, and this contributes to the formation of dampness and the development of mold, harmful microorganisms.

It is necessary to think about both floor insulation methods.

In addition to the trends of modernity, it is necessary to take into account the features of the climatic zone where the house is built. In order for the floor to absorb moisture and served a long time, it is necessary to consider waterproofing.

Having finished the construction, you need to wait a bit. The house should give shrinkage. This is due to the fact that even the dried wood has natural humidity.

The walls are settled at 4-5 cm. It must be borne in mind that loaded logs gives a big shrinkage and much faster. It is not dangerous if the project provides all the nuances. Therefore, it is necessary to make a very serious approach to the choice of projectors and ask questions for each item, even the slightest nuances take into account.

And after that it was time to start decoration.

You can also additionally handle walls from various diseases of wood and harmful microorganisms. In addition, it will not be superfluous and additional protection against fire.

See also: Which insulation does not bind mouse and rats

Wooden house is not only convenient, but also eco.

Materials are relatively inexpensive, but energy efficient.

A rounded log is a chic traditional material that does not only have maximum environmentally friendly, but also quite convenient for the rapid construction of small buildings.

It has a natural appearance, durability and wear resistance, and if all technologies are complied with the comfort of comfort, there is no modern cottages from other materials.

  • Some, looking at such houses, there is a persistent association with an old rustic hut, stereotypes appear.

    Similarity is only external, since the design of these houses with all the simplicity implies the presence of all communications and amenities

  • In a standard house for 36 square meters, 2 families can live here, and without experiencing tastes and similar problems.

    In addition, a log house can be built up a small team of workers or even independently, the practice shows that it is quite possible to fit into the most squeezed dates

The beauty of such buildings is recognized by everyone: the correct round shape of the material and its high-quality grinding make the ready-made building with a neat and clinging look. This circumstance will save time and money: the walls do not need additional finishes, since they already have all valuable properties.

  • Manually chopped home - pleasure more expensive, but not always better
  • The pleasant and warm color of the tree always makes the eye, and the thoughtful shape of the login contributes to the fact that they are very easy to put on each other: the help of a highly qualified brigade, you obviously do not need

Nevertheless, houses from the log have its drawbacks that it is important to work on time.


The main disadvantage of houses from the rounded log is shrinkage, since the entire finish is done upon completion of this process.

The height of the house may well diminish percent on 7, while this parameter will depend highly on humidity and weather conditions.

The easiest solution will cover the roof of the rubberoid and immediately suspend the construction of about six months.

Of course, many ignore these moments or prefer to leave the house as it is, but really durable and beautiful buildings of this plan will be implemented only in terms of compliance with these requirements.

It is important, however, it is important that when working with a rounded log, this problem will attend you in a relatively small degree: much stronger shrinkage at the boards and logs of natural humidity, it is also more significant and in any variety of timber.

  • To move to the house immediately after the construction will not work, but you can immediately start internal work
  • If the log is normally succeeded, with shrinkage you will not have problems such as significant changes in the geometric shape.

    Naturally, the walls need to be caught, and sometimes repeatedly close some cracks, but it's not so difficult to do it.

  • Shrinkage can last up to two years, log, for example, by 240 mm can be completely reached to diameter 220 mm

In construction standards, as a rule, set certain values, within which the percentage of drying should remain.

A separate option, is the so-called chain drying log, which has a reduced shrinkage.

A resin is evaporated from the material in special furnaces, a longer thermal processing occurs. Such an alternative is more expensive, but it does not have breaking defects, the grooves practically do not have significant deformations.

There are also wet trees, which have such a specific density that are not cracking under any circumstances. One of the most striking representatives here is the Arkhangelsk Pine.

In order to avoid cracks, it is also necessary to gradually enter the house in operation, because in many respects these phenomena are associated with improper inclusion of heating.

Luggage with your own hands

Treatment of ends with PVA liner or lime will help improve moisture yield, the log will dry more evenly.


The construction of a rounded log requires a certain care. The material itself is good, but it must be cleaned and process.

Many of the compositions, for example, the anti-epires suffer greatly from rain and other effects, so the coatings will have to be periodically updated.

It is easiest to separate the house by siding or bite tiles, but there will be no sense from the natural type of logs in this case. Therefore, a simile or varnish or varnish is usually used, they, unfortunately, retain their properties for no more than 3-4 years, no more.

The rolling log is also exposed to direct sunlight, this is not the best effect on the state of coatings.

  • Without due processing in the tree, a variety of pests may appear.

    In the case of construction in the summer season, the first outer layer of the antiseptic should be applied in about 2 weeks.

  • In winter, this procedure can only be carried out at the plus temperature, it is desirable to even wait for spring and start working approximately at +10
  • The impregnations are optimally applied by paint: 3-4 months they will defend the house from pests, fungi and mold

After this period, it is possible to cover the tree layers of the caloring composition.

This processing ends: inside the room you need to repeat the same thing using an antiseptic on a water basis.

Wood tends to darken and covered with gray or blue spots.

If this, nevertheless, failed to avoid, acquire a special tool for electro: Powder based on chlorides.

A thin layer of such a substance will help you quickly return a natural bright shade of any wood. From a darkened layer, if desired, you can get rid of the grinding machine, removing the layer of about 1-2 mm.

Conditions for accommodation

The log is a pretty warm material, but if you want to do without additional finishes by insulation, you will have to think about some nuances.

Long stay especially in cold winter requires housing with rather thick walls.

A truly warm wooden house should be of the bricken about 60-70 cm, and they are relatively rarely used in modern practice.

Working manually, you can pull out the material and greater diameter, but the conveyor products rarely can afford it.

At the same time, in the place of the junction, the thickness is at the minimum border of up to 10 cm, in the Russian skews it is not for nothing in vain traditionally sleep in the furnaces. Sandwich panels, for example, in this issue won definitely.

For houses from a thin log without a proclued insulation, in most cases, warming up with a furnace will need, and this is unlikely that the method that can be called economical in energy consumption.

  • For normal life, it is worth considering all heat leaks at the time of design
  • The total proportion of energy losses through the roof and overlap of the first floor is up to 23%, which can not be overlooked
  • The cubature of the house is of great importance: with a large volume, the thickness of the walls should be proportionally increased

Rounded log, like any other, is well lit, especially if it is well sucked.

For this reason, certain fears always cause wiring. In combination with humidity, this moment is one of the main risks for a possible fire: overload networks or save on sockets inappropriate.

Make an adequate hidden wiring may not be far from any master, it will take some experience, because even in the case of a glued bar, it is substantially simpler.

Cons of houses from a rounded log


1. Replace the phrase of "Paris battles" built on the basis of coordination synonymous phrase with connections control.

2. "I looked with respect" phrase with connections adjoint.

3. "Tears of Mother" phrase with connections coordination.

4. "cushion" phrase with connections control.

5. "Theatrical Dvor" phrase with connections control.

"Duck nest" phrase with connections control.

7. " dog Soul"Phrase with communication control.

8. "Children's Licacy" phrase with connections control.

9. "drey" phrase with connections control.

"Door to the kitchen" phrase with connections coordination.

11. "I said mockingly" phrase with connections control.

12. "Musical circle" phrase with connections control.

13. "human life" phrase with connections control.

14. "To Alkina House" phrase with connections control.

"Papina handle" phrase with connections control.

16. "Sleeping nights" phrase with connections control.

"On the coastal sand" phrase with connections control.

18. "Has per read" phrase with connections adjoint

19. "Rocket Tail" phrase with connections control.

20. "Iron stove" phrase with connections control.

21. "Glebovskaya Power" phrase with connections control.

"children's books" phrase with connections control.

23. "Music Stars" phrase with connections coordination.

24. "Golubnskaya conscience" phrase with connections control.

"Temporarily closed" phrase with connections control.

26. "Car headlights" phrase with connections coordination.

27. "Carefully got out" phrase with connections control.

28. "Steppe blizzards" phrase with connections control.

29. "Evening cool" phrase with connections control.

"Neighborhood Garden" phrase with connections control.

31. "In a crystal vase" phrase with connections control.

32. "To the Iron Gate" phrase with connections control.

33. "Gently stroking" phrase with connections control.

"Grandfather Favorites"phrase with connections control.

35. "book Shop" phrase with connections control.

36. "Daily frowned" phrase with connections control.

"Father's face", phrase with connections control.

38. "Bumblebee buzzing" phrase with connections control.

39. "Wooden bench" phrase with connections control.

40. "Kids toys" phrase with connections control.

41. "brick house" phrase with connections control.

42. "Said with the suffering"phrase with connections adjoint.

"After the morning jogging" phrase with connections adjoint.

44. "School weekdays" phrase with connections control.

45. "Makeup Shed" phrase with connections control.

46. "Ozorno watched" phrase with connections control.

47. "Fuckingly jumps" phrase with connections control.

48. "The world of poetry" phrase with connections coordination.

"Oil divorces" phrase with connections control.

50. "Box from matches" phrase with connections coordination.

51. "People's Melody" phrase with connections control.

52. "Mother's Council" phrase with connections control.

53. "Joyfully said" phrase with connections control.

54. "Punchback hat" phrase with connections control.

55. "Air stoves" synonymous phrase with communication coordination.

"People's Horre" phrase with connections control.

57. "Father's Court" phrase with connections coordination.

58. "Log house" phrase with connections control.

59. "Teddy bear" phrase with connections control.

"German tanks" phrase with connections control.

61. "Wooden lid" phrase with connections control.

62. "Tin Bank" phrase with connections control.

63. "Top Color" phrase with connections control.

64. "bookshelves" phrase with connections control.

65. "Concrete Road" phrase with connections control.

66. "Sukon's blanket" phrase with connections control.

"Paper flags" phrase with connections coordination.

68. "Deck of the ship" phrase with connections coordination.

69. "Express with the words" phrase with connections adjoint.

70. "stone plate" phrase with connections control.

71. "Take humoristically" phrase with connections control.

72. "Hit with force" phrase with connections adjoint.

"Steel Color" phrase with connections control.

74. "May morning" phrase with connections control.

75. "Nightingale songs" phrase with connections control.

76. "concrete wall" phrase with connections control.

"In the canvas pants" phrase with connections control.

78. "sea shore" phrase with connections coordination.

79. "Army Headquarters" phrase with connections coordination.

"DNO Well" phrase with connections coordination.

81. "I knew perfectly" phrase with connections coordination.

82. "Pulls insistently" phrase with connections control

83. "A pack of geese" phrase with connections coordination.

"Mamina album" phrase with connections control.

85. "In the restaurant hall" phrase with connections control.

86. "Children's Library" phrase with connections control.

"Human Vera" phrase with connections control.

88. "School doctor" phrase with connections control.

89. "Readly read" phrase with connections control.

90. "Dog fall" phrase with connections coordination.

"Respectful called" phrase with connections control.

92. "Lace scarf" phrase with connections control.

"Velvet ears" phrase with connections control.

94. "Wooden seats" phrase with connections control.

95. "Says Joyful" phrase with connections control.

"School door" phrase with connections control.

97. "In waterways" phrase with connections control.

98. "Papin Chief" phrase with connections control.

99. "Joyfully reported" phrase with connections control.

100. "In the children's camp" phrase with connections control.

101. "Paper pigeons" phrase with connections control.

"Izvestia from the front" phrase with connections coordination

103. "Steam Bead" phrase with connections coordination.

104. "Student Choir" phrase with connections control.

105. "Porcelain dogs" phrase with connections control.

107. "Without a ceremony threw" phrase with connections adjoint.

108. "Joyfully reported" phrase with connections control.

109. "Iron lever" phrase with connections control.

Ban and house of logs: construction technology do it yourself

"Lyalina Beauty" phrase with connections control.

111. "wooden box" phrase with connections control.

112. "Marble columns" phrase with connections control.

113. "Spruce cones" phrase with connections control.

114. "Lucina Mom" phrase with connections control.

115. "Temporarily disappeared" phrase with connections control.

"Sankins feelings" phrase with connections control.

117. "Pushkin House" phrase with connections coordination.

118. "Declauses of rye" phrase with connections coordination.

119. "School Hall" phrase with connections control.

120. "Strings on the violin" phrase with connections coordination.

"morning running" phrase with connections adjoint.

122. "Skifer Wigvama" phrase with connections control.

123. "coffee mill" phrase with connections control.

124. "Deputy Son" phrase with connections control.

"French Cheese" phrase with connections control.

126. "Stone elephants" phrase with connections control.

127. "Mamina Name Days" phrase with connections control.

128. "Sleeping nights" phrase with connections control.

129. "Paper Sheet" phrase with connections control.

« (c) military media " phrase with connections control.

131. "Rain droplets" phrase with connections control.

"fish soup" phrase with connections control.

133. "Silver Colek" phrase with connections control.

134. "Flying Pall" phrase with connections control.

135. "(K) Steps of Soldiers" phrase with connections coordination.

"flower shop" phrase with connections control.

137. "In the words of the novel" phrase with connections coordination.

138. "Human steps" phrase with connections control.

139. "Master's affection" phrase with connections control.

"wooden fence" phrase with connections control.

There are situations in life when you need to quickly and efficiently remove the apartment. Many mistresses are lost, not knowing why it is better to start the process. As a result, cleaning is delayed for a long time or does not bring the desired result.

To achieve maximum effect, you need to tune in to a positive wave and draw up an approximate action plan, noting for myself plots requiring special attention. Such simple tips are suitable for both superficial and general cleaning. How to quickly remove the house in a short time?

Emotional setting

A good mood is an important component of rapid and efficient cleaning.

It is necessary to secure the correct emotional attitude. Do not perceive cleaning as something negative and take-off precious time. Think that this is an excellent opportunity to make your home clean, neat and cozy.

So that cleaning passed more fun, turn on your favorite music.

You will not even notice how quickly and clean, and most importantly, easily remove the room.

How to build a log house

Attract the process of members of your family by setting up a competition or quest, inventing an unusual reward for the well done work.

Starting cleaning, set the time for which all processes must be completed.

It will not allow you to relax, but only improve the concentration and increases the motivation.

Preparation of funds and tools

To facilitate the cleaning process, prepare the necessary funds and tools in advance:

  • Household chemicals (for washing plumbing, dishes, glasses, etc.) will help to quickly and effectively get rid of pollution, as well as to carry out disinfection.

    Use drugs according to the instructions.

  • Polyrol for cleaning dust. Such a means will not only effectively clean the surface, but also prevents the accumulation of dirt in the future.
  • Soft rag from microfiber for wiping dust, double-sided foamwalls for plumbing, rubber scraper for glasses and mirrors.
  • For sex you will need a vacuum cleaner (irreplaceable in carpet rooms), broom and scoop (for garbage collection with linoleum or parquet), mop and bucket with water for wet cleaning.

Cleaning kitchen

Cleaning in the kitchen start with general guidance.

Arrange the places of the plates and cups, remove the tape and towels from the field of view. Remember, the smaller on the table items, the accurate room looks like.

Wash all the dishes that gathered in the sink. If you are happy with the dishwasher - turn it on.

Otherwise, before the arrival of guests, just fold the dishes gently in the locker and do it later.

Wipe all surfaces in the kitchen - table, countertops and open shelves. Remove crumbs, dust and other contaminants. Then wipe all the kitchen appliances - the top and door of the refrigerator, the microwave, plate, etc. Remove surface contaminants, small particles of fat and dust. Leave more detailed cleaning at the time of general cleaning.

Squeeze the floor, starting from a long corner and gradually moving towards the threshold.

Remove the garbage in the scoop and wash the floor with mop. To effectively clean the surface and give the room freshness, use special household chemicals.

Toilet and bathroom cleaning

It is extremely important to ensure the purity of the restroom and the bathroom. Start cleaning with applying cleaning and disinfectant on the sink, bath or shower cabin. This will help get rid of visible pollution and refreshing plumbing. Wash the mirror using a special spray. Clean the mixers from the lime plate and soda them to the brilliance.

After cleaning the bathroom, proceed to clean the toilet bowl.

Apply a disinfectant to the inner plumbing surface, thoroughly wash the special brush and wash the water several times.

The outer surface of the drain barrel and the toilet disperse dry with a dry cloth. Upon completion of cleaning, well wash the floor with mop and scroll air freshener.

Cleaning in the bedroom and living room

Fast cleaning in the bedroom Start from the bed. Carefully fuel sheets, fold the blanket and arrange the pillows. Stop sleeping plaid or bedspread.

Remove all things that are scattered on the surfaces. Pure clothes fold into the closet, and send dirty to the basket for linen.

Remove the cosmetics and leather toilet drawers. Put the books on the shelves, and return all the dishes to her rightful place - to the kitchen.

Wipe all the surfaces with a soft cloth from the microfiber to remove dirt and dust. All sphal off on the floor. Avoid a large number of chaotic movements that will not bring the result, but take a precious time.

Finish cleaning in the floor cleaning floor with a vacuum cleaner.

It is important to bring the living room in order. Establish all objects in our places, clean the closet or bedside tables. Wipe the shelves from dust, clean the glass surfaces and mirrors. Let the floor or wash it with a mop.

Following ordinary advice, you can clean the cleanliness in the room, with minimal physical efforts and temporary costs.

The main thing is to maintain the correct emotional attitude, to clearly comply with the established temporary framework and action plan.

In this article, we will look at how to make a house from the logs with their own hands, which will not give up the beauty and functionality of the structure made by experts.

Modern technologies

If you have a question how to build a house from a log, we advise you to read this material. The construction of the house from the rounded log is most popular. This is an explanation:

  1. This type of building material is pre-mechanical processing, making each barrel of the same size.
  2. For the project of the customer, the length of the logs is adjusted, and with the help of laser equipment on each barrel with great accuracy there is a compound. Thanks to this, there is practically no manual fit, and the frame is collected from both parts of the designer.

Where to begin?

Of course, from the project. Some restriction of the flight of fantasy to create its own project can be the size of the logs - they have a certain length. Therefore, you first need to ask what is sold in your area, since the standard log length is 6 m, and the maximum can reach 13 m, but it is possible only when purchasing a Siberian larch.

However, if your knowledge in the design area is superficial, it is better not to experiment, since errors can do it very expensive, up to the point that the house can become unsuitable for housing. What to do?

On the endless spaces of the Internet there are many ready-made projects - some can be downloaded for free, others are sold. The second option is more reliable, since all to the smallest detail is calculated by experts. Whatever way you go, but before building a house from a log, you need to have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe size of the house and the number of floors. This will help determine what the foundation is needed.

Choosing foundation

From how much a solid foundation will be at home built of logs, the period that he will last is depends. The undoubted advantage of a wooden house is its low weight, thanks to which it is not necessary to do too powerful foundation. The device can be different, but the foundation must be built in accordance with all the norms of strength and reliability. Consider several options suitable for this purpose:

  • Fine-brewed belt foundation.
  • Foundation column.
  • Pile foundation.
  • Slab foundation.

The most common is a ribbon foundation. It goes columns and pile, but in cases where the ground is too loose and wet, then the last option remains - the device of the slab foundation. This costs more, but even if the house of the log is "floating", then only with the stove. In any case, before deciding on how to make a foundation, you need to "get acquainted" with the soil.

After completion of the work, carefully check the horizontal surface of the base surface using the hydraulic level. If the difference is more than 1 cm, it must be aligned with cement solution or waterproofing.

Selection of material

On the question of what kind of tree is the most resinous, even a child will answer - well, who does not remember how hard to wash his hands after you take the trunk. Someone may have less pleasant, but the bright memories of the resin - sat on the bench, with which this sticking board was distinguished with everything, with which it will face, liquid. Undoubtedly the smallest are logs of coniferous trees.

Due to the fact that in this wood a lot of resin, it is less susceptible to rotting. In addition, the trunks of coniferous trees are straight, and this is one of the most important factors for the construction of a wooden house, so that, given the low cost of this material, will stop the choice on it.

If you wish and the availability of funds, you can buy bars from larch, which have a very beautiful texture, they are durable and durable, but very expensive.

Stages of work

For any home, and in particular for the wooden, you need to isolate the building material from moisture. First of all, the concrete is disappeared by molten bitumen. Before laying the first crown, laid at the foundation at least 2 layers of waterproofing (you can additionally be done once again laying "glass painter"). Then there is a stamping board, and on top of a layer of waterproofing, which needs to be put in such a way that all the layers go to the edge of the foundation of 25 cm from all sides.

The bar must be prepared in advance, while unloading the forest to the site. We need the most smooth logs, with a minimum number of bitch and without blue. The forest is chosen on the annual rings - one whose rings is greater and there is the most dense. Please note that it was the central part of the tree. This can be determined at the location of the central point on the log cut.

Selected wood is definitely laminated several times with liquid bitumen mastic (this composition is achieved by mixing with waste machine oil), leaving the ends intact, since moisture will be published through them. This will help to increase the bar as much as possible, thereby significantly increasing the service life of the crown before it is replaced.

If the log is somewhat bent, then it must be laid smooth face down. Fix the bars with metal bellows that need to be score to a depth of 3 cm.

Then the house from blanks is going on, which does not represent much difficulty. Keeping the sequence of laying, the logs must be stacked on each other, but before putting the following logs, secure the tape insulation from the jute, hemp or pacles to the longitudinal sinus.

It is important to securely secure the timber near the window openings and doors. This is done with the help of a brace - wooden cola, which connects 2-3 logs. Before fixing the log, check its position relative to the wall. Lock it with nails, lifting them on the sides.

This will prevent the log displacement when it is drilled by a perforator with a long drill, the diameter of which should be 5 mm less than the heel used. That is, if the drill Ø 20 mm, then the bell must be Ø 25 mm. Tightly driven brazers fasten the logs together, making the frame durable.


This video is talking about building a house of logs.

Not so long ago, a new material came to the wooden house building - rounded log. The houses from it are obtained on the sight - the root and neat. It would seem that high quality configures on a careful attitude. But the haliters are not necessary - they do not feel sorry for any beauty.

It is believed that the assembly of the kit of the house from the rounded log is similar to the children's game in the designer - know myself to fold Brevna. Such a statement is true, provided that skilled carpenters will be performed. Professionals, of course, it is easier to work with roundabout than with a regular log. Seasonal workers who do not know which side to lay the crowns, often literate the primitive material.

Each tree, in fact, is unique. Even after a thorough sorting of the timber, it is necessary to take into account the natural features of the bric. One bark of the trunk is worth. Reducing the diameter on average is 1 cm per 1 m length. In addition, trees differ in diameter and outlines of the trunk (the nature of the bitch and other natural vices). It is not surprising that the log houses until recently chuckled manually. Yes, and now the manual cutting did not lose their positions. At the same time, the quality of chopped buildings for obvious reasons directly depends on the skill and conscientiousness of carpenters.

In the second half of the last century in Finland was invented production Technology Production Log. Briefly can be described as follows. The first-class round forest is purified from the bark and is subjected to primary machining. Then he is sent to the soft drying chamber. The dried brices (no more than 12-18% humidity are treated with the machine - give them the form of the correct cylinder ("pencil") and choose a longitudinal assembly groove.

Production of a rounded log

In the future, detail drawings are made of such "pencils" in detail drawings (wooden part of the house). Corner locks are chosen on high-precision hardware control equipment. Thus, many problems are solved. The rounded log is nothing but a unified construction module with specified geometric parameters, which, in combination with the factory billet, brought the quality of log houses to a fundamentally new level.

When assembling ready-made household complexes, the share of manual labor is reduced, the effect of human factor is minimized, the construction rates increase. And at the same time, the shrinkage is noticeably reduced, and the amount of cracks is practically reduced to zero (their localization occurs in the zone of the compensation groove, which is forced before drying the material).

Russian manufacturers appreciated the advantages of a rounded log. But to dry the log in the chambers is too consistent. Some woodworking enterprises went their way. So in the Russian market there was an otlinding of a natural drying. If the timber stored in well-ventilated stacks, closed from the sun, rain and snow under sheds, then the brica is dried evenly and without serious defects. However, in practice, it is often not waiting for the raw material to achieve the required condition. In other words, raw logs are subjected to launch processing. In addition, in semi-destroy enterprises there are worn outdated equipment. The longitudinal groove literally "squint" a stupid mill. In turn, "self-sufficient" building brigades are taken to build up from such, with the permission to say, the roundabouts of the house, choosing the corner locks by chainsaw. As a result, no fires are obtained, but frank breakdowns.

For the sake of justice, we note that in a professional environment there was an ambiguous attitude to the rounded log. In the process of machine processing, a rather solid layer of useful wood is removed. Moreover, the surface remains in the surface, that is, young wood, sensitive to water, sharp drops of temperature and humidity, biodegradation. Meanwhile, carpenters sought to maintain the initial volume of the log. From the trees were filmed only a bark, if possible, without affecting the waterproof lubok.

Construction of houses from a rounded log

Dolonged log houses, like other wooden buildings, often erected on fine-gulled belt foundations. Without going into the details of the structure of such supporting structures, let's say that the height of the ground part of the tape (that is, the base) should not be less than half a meter. Otherwise, in winter, the lower crowns of the cut will be littered with snowdrifts, and in thaw and spring the tree wureswards, which naturally will not benefit him.

In the walls of the base, it is necessary to arrange a product - Small holes providing natural ventilation underground. At the same time, it should be completely eliminated by the formation of so-called dead zones - closed spaces, absolutely deprived of fresh air inflows. In the dampness and stuffing, a dangerous mold blooms in a lush color, rotten and other malicious microorganisms are rapidly multiplied. It is clear that all this album feeds the wooden floor design of the first floor, as well as the first crowns of the cut. It is impossible to cover the product in winter.

In order not to worry about the cold from the underground, it is necessary to equip the black floor of the first floor with full responsibility (overlapping technical support). The gaps between the lags should be filled with an effective insulation. It should be noted that the thickness of the heat-insulating layer is determined by the calculation based on climatic indicators of a particular region. For example, in the suburbs, the floors insulate plates from minvati or extruded polystyrene, the total thickness of which is at least 200 mm. So that the thermal insulation serve as faithfully, which is possible only in a dry state, it is necessary to take care of the vapor and waterproofing of the black floor design.

Special attention is required to require the first wintis at home. Under the edge of the foundation, two layers of rolled waterproofing (gravily masters claim that the optimal option is a regular rubberoid). Then there are a lining board or a timber. To this end, it is desirable to use an impregnated sawn timber (that is, in the factory conditions under pressure, a completely impregnated with an antiseptic). If there is no such possibility, the lining board is treated with a potent antiseptic composition. By the way, an excellent "mediator" between the foundation and the logberia is a lining bar of larch. Its dense wood is well opposed to the negative effects of water and biological striking.

In the brother of the first crown make a longitudinal section (and not a groove, like the rest of the crowns). This technique ensures a uniform distribution of the load from the walls and makes a tangible contribution to the stability and stability of the log. From the outside, the foundation is covered with galvanized steel with an icy steel. In addition, the base needs decoration with waterproof materials. With a tree perfectly harmonizes cladding from natural or artificial stone, clinker bricks or tiles.

Those who are planning the construction of a country house from the roundabout, I would like to advise order logs with a diameter of not less than 26-28 cm. Of course, massive material will cost more, but it is more viable in adverse conditions for the construction and operation of the log structure. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the thermal indicators of the material and, as a result, the cost of heating the house. After all, the thermal insulation capacity of the walls is determined by the thickness of the structure in the longitudinal interventional groove. For the walls of a brown with a diameter of 22 cm, this indicator is 15-17 cm, and a diameter of 28 cm - 22-24 cm. One-time savings can turn into serious problems and costs in the future.

Forced drying and machine processing do not cancel the natural properties of wood. The rounded log needs to care and care, like any other wood material. It is not by chance that the domico components of the leading Finnish and Russian manufacturers are delivered to the construction site in waterproof packaging. In the process of assembly, the elevated walls are covered with rain and wet snow by plastic film. The tree is treated with temporary antiseptic compositions (special primer is applied to the ends, which prevents the capillar climber of water into the walls).

The quality of the processing of the rounded log approximates to the standards of furniture products. The finishing of the log walls from the inside is reduced to grinding and applying primer and transparent varnish. True, unrelated builders leave dirty traces on the material, dents and scratches. And how the evacuated brices called themselves in the most prominent place. Another question, whether the spots will disappear whether dents are polished.

Features of building houses from a rounded log

The main problems of log walls are associated with a shrinkage of wood. The natural moisture content of wood is 25-40% (in winter less, in the summer more). When drying, the tree decreases in the volume, which causes shrinking deformations of the structures made of it. At the same time, the walls are settled on average by 4-5 cm per meter of height. True, the otlindering rules made for all rules is less susceptible to shrinkage than ordinary logs of natural humidity. However, due to the violation of the transportation rules, storage and assembly, the material succeeded in the chamber can gain atmospheric moisture. With a sharp increase in temperature, the rounded log dries unevenly, which leads to the formation of through cracks, cracks and other unacceptable defects.

Negative consequences of shrinkage arise and due to the fault of unreasonable design (or due to the complete absence of any project documentation). For example, the fact that loaded and unloaded log walls are seated at different speeds and for different magnitude. If you do not take measures to level the shrinkage, then the walls on which the rafters of the pitched roof rests may be irreversible and very critical deformation. Meanwhile, this constructive task was solved by our distant ancestors. Part of the load was redistributed from the bearing walls to the inclusions of thick jerseys from the inclusion in the truss design.

Unfortunately, people who do not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bthe canons of carpentry art often do wooden house-building. Such grief-carpenters are not just not careful about properly regulating the shrinkage, but also allow unforgivable errors. For example, embedded large-format windows of the trapezoidal shape in the log films, which leads to the aggravation of hazardous deformations. Hard casing interfere with the normal movement of the walls. Brother literally sit on brazening, and as a result, gaping gaps are formed. To get out of the situation, experienced masters make the attic floor frame. The walls are insulated with efficient thermal insulation and outside the materials that simulate the log (blockhasis, for example). You can safely embed any windows in the frame design.

I would like to ask the builders of this house, how to regulate the jack, located almost under the rod of the roof? Is that the autotower to customize or install scaffolding.The log house from the main facade is almost in contact with the earth. During the melting of snow, the water will pour the porch (the relief of the plot drops to the forest).There are no products in the basement.Normal shrinkage of the front wall of the wall is not provided. Broadcasts have already formed huge slots.

Another rough mistake. Such short seals (sections of the walls from the liar to the window) are not visibility. After some time, they will begin to fall out from the wall plane. The windows of the window were built into the logo. And the triangular casing in generally led under the roofing slope. It turns out that the rafter foot relies on a wooden frame (or, on the contrary, the box keeps behind the raftered?)

Here the builders not only drove the window under the roof, but they still managed to do without inclined beelel of the casing. Truncated brave pressure directly on the plastic frame.
The first crown of the house is made of logs with a longitudinal groove. Wall, in fact, relies on two narrow strips

Here the builders "forgot" about the lining board. The first crown of the house was placed right on rolled waterproofing. Rushed into the eye and uneven pellets loose

What is interesting, keep black beams? At the same time, a solid removal of the foundation was left from the outside. In addition, the base is too low. The beams are almost in contact with the vegetation layer of the soil
Here on such a worried half a wall stands. The triangular gap will certainly enjoy insect, especially the treasurers. The waterproofing clearly stumbled. Part of the edge of the foundation remained defenseless before the water element
This wall is in suspended state. Apparently, when building the foundation, builders were mistaken with center axes. Or, on the contrary, on the woodworking enterprise a brica for the walls cut, not looking into the drawings. Or maybe it does not come together with the designers?
The use of mineral wool as an interventory insulation is categorically prohibited! Here the owner insisted on the fact that the builders put the builders instead of packley or jute put the Isover glass gambler. The homeowner ignored the protests of carpenters and caused by their insistence. This kind of insulation must be in a closed state. Mineral wool insulation is contraindicated direct atmospheric impact. But the main mixture of wool's microfiber is dangerous to health. But the house lives juvenile children.

Here are the rules of the word Word of the beams of overlapping in log walls. In fact, no word is not in mom. Boxes are free to lie on the round surface of the log

And this is a kind of wall, abundant joints. And there is no constructive necessity in a similar dock. Apparently, in this way, the builders have been launched in the case of substandard bric. The joints are exposed to the appearance, but must be hidden behind decorative elements or subservit. In addition, the brica is not mounted with each other - the steel line is fluent in the joint
A vivid example of a dismissive attitude to a rounded log. The material was seriously affected by the uncontrolled shrinkage. Through cracks belong to the category of emergency defects
The junction of the bribant is carried out without the use of tightening or fastening elements, that is, with a violation of the requirements of the GOST. As a result, the wall formed a gap that did not make any panty

It is difficult to believe that this house has just been built. The owners have not yet managed to get even furniture to get into it. Full compaction with natural material. Failure to comply with the conditions providing a normal shrinkage led to the destructive and irreversible deformations of log walls

The log walls of the erker are not bandaged. It is not clear what the owners are counting on. Steel brackets and other tightening elements here are not helpers. Over time, the junction will dry. And there it is worth it to push one log - and the walls are broken down
Different lengths of the remains of the logs of logs spoil both external and inner view of the house. Typically, such defects occur due to a noticeable deviation of walls from the vertical, and this is already an encroachment on the stability of the building as a whole

It is difficult to imagine what roof the owners have thought (a professional architect is unlikely to be involved in such a plan). Let's hope that four frontontones do not break down to the installation of the rafter design
Builders forgot to install a casing. Plastic window is mounted in log walls. In the process of shrinkage, the brica will be pressed on the plastic frame, which will lead to deformation and even partial destruction of the window block
Internal angles need to be grinding manually (you can't get the grinders). But the builders reasoned, which would come down and so
The rafting of the pitched roof is loose on the wall. Builders decided that fastening here is superfluous

In the binder of the eaves, the slot was left. Excellent loophole for OS, so the owners will be delighted with such a neighbor.

Rounded broth are corrupted by poor painting. The lesing antiseptic is inflicted on the principle of "then thick, then empty." As a result, the wall "decorated" divorces and non-crisps
Here the walls were left without antiseptics. And in addition, natural ventilation of the built house was not provided. Now the owners are engaged in the choice of an effective agent for the treatment of mold and other "infectious diseases". But will the chemistry go good?
This house was left without roof and antisepting processing for the year. And here is the result. Walls from an excellent rounded log with a diameter of 28 cm twisted, and places were covered with mold. In response to the officials of the owners builders only hand waved

Often, people who live in the area with an affordable forest turning on sale, there is a thought to build a house independently: especially since almost all the peasants, not knowing the diplomas, do not have a given to the wisdom. To build a log house is not a great science, but still requires a deep understanding of the process and the ability to adapt old carpentry technologies to new conditions.

Materials and Tools for the construction of a church

Immediately rush to dissuade people who want to put a log house using a modern power tool to save time. Unfortunately, the use of chainsaws and electrourubs is not recommended, they can only be used for heavy work. Forest treated with power tools is more susceptible to mold and rotting processes. For the construction of log cabins, a special carpentry set is used.
To work, except the ax, the standard planer will be required (as well as the shirbel planer for pure work) and the braceal (for lifting the bark), there are also a number of an additional joinery tool for cutting into a cup. For the remission of the longitudinal groove, the Tesl is used with a rounded blade and an inverted hatch. When processing a tree, a manual tool naturally blocked wood pores, as a result, the house-chopped manually eats much longer.

Carpentry ax and its features: where to order and how to make

A round house is cut by several types of axes, professional belchings order axes for cutting houses under the order from high-quality hardened steel. In the simplest version, we recommend stocking an ax without weight of the axle with an ax without weight, have a 25 degree sharpening angle, for convenience, use a 60 cm axes for convenience. And the second ax is used for finishing with higher accuracy, such The model will have an angle of sharpening 20 degrees, a mass of 0.9 kg and an ax long up to 50 cm.

Many artel in their work use a restoration-carpentry ax, which restored and made on the basis of ancient examples of A.V. Popov. There is its many modifications that are made by the same Popov. Approximately 90% of carpentry work on the log cabing can be performed by this tool. The Popov ax has a wedge-shaped form, in fact this ax is a semi-column, since its task is not only the cutting, but also removing the chips during operation. This requirement is achieved using a special tool shape.

High-quality axes for cutting log cabins produces a number of Russian forge. One of the most curious is "Toporsib". In this artel, you can buy the entire necessary tool for cutting a cut in the form of ready-made sets.

Selection and preparation of logs for the construction of a church

For the construction of a church, the forest is required. The chip thickness is selected based on the availability of materials. Usually, the house from the roundabout with their own hands is cut from the affordable and inexpensive materials. In Russian conditions we are talking about a pine round. Four-grades are available for sale, specialists recommend the 2nd grade:

  • 1 grade: Comute part, without bitch, used for high-quality woodwork;
  • 2 grades: A variety from the middle and comluk part of the pine tree, there is a small amount of bitch and cracks;
  • 3 grades: Forest Rounded with lots of bitch;
  • 4 grades: Forest with any disadvantages, except rot.

Pine for the construction of a log is chosen from budget considerations, in addition, this wood is characterized by softness and compliance in processing, has a small amount of bitch, does not require additional processing, running off the barrel (the difference in diameter) does not exceed 1 cm. Pine is not so cracking like a fir In processing, but has soft, therefore, for the lower logs, which are closer to the ground, larch or oak is recommended. In this case, the busting crown can be made of pine, but its diameter should be 5-7 cm above the main log. In some cases, a high foundation can save from the soil moisture.
Only fresh wood is used for logging, Ideally, the log cabins in the forest, where you can choose the material, and after the installation is transported. Fresh material should be stored no more than 2 weeks, stacking on the construction site is stacked on the construction site. For the northern regions with a temperature reaching -40c in winter, logs with a diameter of 21-24 cm are used, for the middle strip 15-18 cm.


When building a home is better to start with small forms of buildings, for example, we build a gazebo or log cabin with a relaxation room and a bedroom. In such a house, you can live before the construction of the main house, and after using it as a house for guests. Typically, the forest of maximum length is ordered, and accurate calculations can be made, based on the availability of windows, doors, simpleness and select logs on the sawmill on the required size.
To successfully and quickly build a house, it is better to go to the artel, which is engaged in wooden construction, at least for summer time. This will help clarify the main moments of the handbructing of the log cabins.

Foundation: in the old days and now

The foundation for a wooden log house is performed on tape technology or stone. The higher the foundation, the better the wood will be protected from soil moisture. A round house can be installed on a column and pile foundation. In the old rows of logs, the so-called dairy crown was installed on the stone shafts, they were called okay. Such a solution made it possible to raise the house above the ground and firmly secure it.

Rubym log house do it yourself

Before starting work, prepare additional devices. First of all, substrates for keeping logs, latching fixation is ensured by the wedges. Next you need to prepare logs in size:

  • when logging, the logs "in the paw" logs are prepared according to the design sizes of the house;
  • when slaming "in the bowl" 60 cm more.

Next, the bone with the trees can be removed from the trees, bring to a smooth state of the log can be bored, but since the top layer of wood will be removed, it is necessary to handle in a log with an antiseptic solution or aqueous oil.

At the next stage, the slam of the plating crown is carried out using a log feeding. On the one hand, you must get a perfectly smooth surface that will come into contact with the foundation. Next, the binding is being built, it is done without much difficulty log houses in the bowl, other technologies require skill.
Let us give how the log house is done with your own hands:

The algorithm of cutting a longitudinal groove can be different, professional masters make it manually. Newcomers will help a small graphic instruction.

A log cabin can be carried out in a bowl, as well as using a number of other methods that are illustrated in the figure.

Please note that there is a Russian and Canadian cutting technology. Canadian method of cutting log cabins is better designed for a shrinkage of a log and guarantees the best thermal insulation.


A log cabing with your own hands is quite a real goal, as a result of which you will become the owner of a beautiful and warm house. The construction of a wooden house will cost you relatively inexpensively, as labor-intensive processes will be performed independently. The house will delight with its appearance, as well as create inside a healthy atmosphere due to the fragrance of pine resins. The key advantage of this construction technology is the fact that you can cut the wooden house at any time of the year. When using a high-quality old tree, such a house will have no less than 100 years.