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Latin America's place in the world. Watch what is Latin America in other dictionaries. Countries and capital of Latin America

The video tutorial is devoted to the topic "The composition of Latin America. Political card. " This topic is the first in the Latin America lessons section. You will get acquainted with a variety of interesting countries in the region that play a significant role in the modern world. The teacher will talk in detail about the composition, borders, originality of Latin America countries. As an additional material in the lesson, three topics are considered: "Freedom Island", "Hunt", "Capturing Grenada".

Topic: Latin America

Lesson: The composition of Latin America. Political map.

Latin America is called the Western Hemisphere region, located between the United States and Antarctica. As part of Latin America, several subregions are distinguished. This is Central America (Mexico, Central America and West Indies), Andor Countries (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile), La Basin countries (Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina), Brazil. The name "Latin America" \u200b\u200bcomes from the prevailing influence of the language, culture and customs of Romanesque (Latin) peoples in this part of the world of the world's prevailing influence of the Peoples of the Pyrenean Peninsula.

The region covers an area of \u200b\u200b21 million square meters. km with a population of more than 570 million people.

Fig. 1. Political map of Latin America ()

Latin American countries are different in the area: the largest country in the region is Brazil, the smallest are located in the Caribbean Pool.

The boundaries between countries are mainly in rivers, ridges and other orographic objects.

Economic and geographical position of Latin America:

1. Proximity to the United States.

2. Distance from other regions of the world.

3. The presence of the Panama Canal.

4. Almost all countries (except Bolivia and Paraguay) have access to the sea.

In the form of the board, all countries of the region are republic. Latin America includes more than 33 countries. Some countries are part of the Commonwealth (for example, Guyana, Dominica, Trinidad and Tobago). Guiana belongs to France. Cuba is a socialist state.

Under the form of an administrative-territorial device, unitary states predominate, the federal structure has the following countries: Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Saint Kitts and Nevis.

Fig. 2. Flag of Saint Kits and Nevis ()

Stages of formation of a political map of Latin America:

1. The stage of the daughree colonization.

2. Colonial stage.

3. Poskolonic stage.

4. Stage after World War II.

On the territory of Latin America, the civilizations of Maya, Aztecs, Incans were located.

The territory of Latin America was mastered mainly Spain and Portugal.

Puerto Rico has a special status. Puerto Rico is a territory dependent on the United States and has the status of a "non-coordinated organized territory", which means that this territory is under the administration of the United States (and not their integral part), the action on the territory of the US Constitution is limited; The supreme power belongs to the US Congress, but the territory has its own self-government system.

Currently, many issues relating to borders and belonging to the territories are not solved. A bright example is the controversial Falkland (Malvinsky) Islands between Great Britain and Argentina.

Cuba.The official name is the Republic of Cuba, unofficial since 1959 - the island of freedom is an island state in the northern part of the Caribbean. Capital - Havana. Cuba is the largest island state of the region, stretching at 1250 km. It is located at the junction of the Caribbean of the Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, forming the American Mediterranean. The key depicted on the coat of arms is the symbol of why the outdoor Columbus in 1492. The island for centuries has been with a key to the new light. Cuba is a socialist state, for a long time she was an ally of the USSR.

Junta.In many countries, this word denotes the various bodies of public administration, including civil. In modern Russian (as in a number of other languages \u200b\u200bof the world), the word " junta" It is used mainly to designate a military dictatorship resulting from a state coup. A bright example is a government junt chili.


Topic 10, P. 1

1. What regions (subregions) are allocated in Latin America?

2. Name the features of EGP Latin America.



1. Geography. A basic level of. 10-11 CL: Textbook for general education institutions / A.P. Kuznetsov, E.V. Kim. - 3rd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Drop, 2012. - 367 p.

2. Economic and social geography of the world: studies. for 10 cl. general education institutions / V.P. Maksakovsky. - 13th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, Moscow Tutorials JSC, 2005. - 400 p.

3. Atlas with a set of contour cards for the 10th grade. Economic and social geography of the world. - Omsk: FSUE "Omsk Martographic Factory", 2012. - 76 p.


1. Economic and social geography of Russia: a textbook for universities / ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Drop, 2001. - 672 C.: Il., Cards.: Col. incl.

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directory and Statistical Collections

1. Geography: reference book for high school students and entering universities. - 2nd ed., Act. and drab. - M.: AST-PRESS School, 2008. - 656 p.

Literature for preparing for GIA and EGE

1. Thematic control of geography. Economic and social geography of the world. Grade 10 / E.M. Ambarcumova. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 80 s.

2. The most complete publication of typical options for real tasks EGE: 2010. Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Astrel, 2010. - 221 p.

3. Optimal assignment bank to prepare students. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography: Tutorial / Sost. EM. Ambarcumova, S.E. Dukov. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2012. - 256 p.

4. The most complete publication of typical options for real tasks EGE: 2010. Geography / Sost. Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 223 p.

5. Geography. Diagnostic work in the format of EGE 2011. - M.: MCNMO, 2011. - 72 p.

6. EGE 2010. Geography. Collection of tasks / Yu.A. Solovyov. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 272 p.

7. Geography tests: Grade 10: to the textbook V.P. Maksakovsky "Economic and Social Geography of the World. Grade 10 "/ E.V. Branches. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - M.: Publisher "Exam", 2009. - 94 p.

8. Single State Exam 2009. Geography. Universal materials for the preparation of students / FIPI - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 240 s.

9. Geography. Answers on questions. Oral exam, theory and practice / V.P. Bondarev. - M.: Publishing House "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.


A collective term for countries that speak Romance languages \u200b\u200b(Portuguese and Spanish) who occurred from Latin actually from here and the name. Latin America is often associated with Catholicism, Roman legal and cultural traditions are strong here. Latin America is often in the West called Latin Europe, as well as Hermann Europe or Slavic Europe. South American countries began to call Latin America 19 in the century, when there was a very strong influence of Romanesque Catholicism, in this region the contribution of European Romanesque countries regarding culture, language, religion, as well as at the genetic level. Most of Latin Americans of Latin European origin, in particular, immigrants from Italy, Spain, France and Portugal. North America as opposed to called Anglo-Saxon America, but the Americans themselves are Americans and residents of Latin America are not other than the Americans, Canada is just Canada, but the residents of Canadians.

Population of Latin America

Today, Latin America's population is estimated at more than 610 million people.

Ethnic groups

Latin America is the most diverse region of the world in terms of the presence of ethnic groups and races, the ethnic composition varies from the country to country, the majority of the Latin American population are methuses, descendants of marriages by Europeans and local Indians. In most countries, the Indian population prevails, in some countries, there are countries where the majority of the population are black or mulatto. Nevertheless, about 80% of Latin America's population have European roots.

Latin American countries

In addition to the countries of Latin America, the countries of the Caribbean region are included in the list of Latin America countries: Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba. Often, countries in which countries speak French, the former and current colonies of France are French Guyana, Saint-Martin, Haiti, with the exception of Quebec, which is located on the territory of Canada, is also part of Latin America.

Many Latin American countries belong to North America, so the concepts of South America and Latin should not be confused. North America includes Mexico, most of the countries of Central and South America, the Caribbean, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.

Countries in which the majority of the population talks in English Zyanka traditionally in Latin America do not include - this is Guyana, Belize, Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica and others.

Latin America picturesque and quaint, despite its unfavorable climatic conditions for a white man is a popular tourist destination, here is the highest waterfall Angel, the largest mountain lake Titicaca and the largest functioning volcano Kotopakh, the longest system of the Mountains of the Andes, the greatest Amazon river. There are many natural fossils here, many countries live through the sale of oil and gas.

Languages \u200b\u200bin Latin America

Most of Latin American countries arepanic, Portuguese speaks the largest country in the region - Brazil. In Suriname, talking in the Dutch, in French in Guiana, in English in Guyana, Belize, Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica.

60% of Latin America's population with their first language considers Spanish, 34% Portuguese, 6% of the population speak other languages, such as Kechua, Maya, Guarani, Aimara, Naiathl, English, French, Dutch and Italian. Portuguese speaks only in Brazil (Brazilian Portuguese), the largest and most densely populated country in the region. Spanish is the official majority of the rest of Latin America, as well as in Cuba, Puerto Rico (where it is equal along with English), and the Dominican Republic. In French, they speak Haiti and in French overseas departments in Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guiana, the French Zamorsk community Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, also spoken in Panama. Dutch is the official language in Suriname, Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles. Dutch is a relative German language, so these territories are not necessarily considered part of Latin America.

Indian Languages: Kechua, Guarani, Aimar, Naiathl, Lenguas Maya, Mapudongun is widespread in Peru, Guatemala, Bolivia, Paraguay and Mexico, to a lesser extent in Panama, Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina and Chile. In Latin American countries, the population of native native native natives, as a rule, is negligible or not at all, for example, in Uruguay. Mexico is the only country that can boast a wide variety of indigenous languages \u200b\u200bthan any other Latin American country, the most common Indian language in Mexico is Nasual.

In Peru, the language of the Indians of Kechua is the official language, along with the Spanish and any other language of other indigenous peoples of the country, where they prevail. There is no official language in Ecuador, and Kechua is a recognized language of the indigenous people in accordance with the country's constitution, but only a few groups in the mountainous location speaks to Kechua. In Bolivia, Aimar Indian languages, Kechua and Guarani have official status along with Spanish. Guarani, along with Spanish, is the official language of Paraguay, where the majority of the bilingual population, in the Argentine Province Corrientes official only Spanish. In Nicaragua, Spanish is the official language, but on the Caribbean coast of the country official English and the languages \u200b\u200bof indigenous peoples, such as Miskito, Sumo and Rama.

Colombia recognizes all the indigenous languages \u200b\u200bon which local residents say, but only 1% of the country's population are carriers of these languages. Naiathl is one of the 62 native languages \u200b\u200bof the indigenous person in Mexico, which are officially recognized by the government as "national languages" along with Spanish.

Other European languages \u200b\u200bthat are common in Latin America - English, they say some groups in Puerto Rico, as well as in neighboring countries, which are not considered Latin America, this is Belize and Guyana.

German is common in South Brazil, southern Chile, parts of Argentina, Venezueus and Paraguay.

Italian is distributed in Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Uruguay.

Ukrainian and Polish in the southern part of Brazil, in the southern part of Argentina.

Yiddish and Hebrew are common in the vicinity of Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo.

Japanese is common in Brazil and Peru, Korean in Brazil, Arabic in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela, Chinese throughout South America.

In the Caribbean region, Creolesky is common, including Haitian Creole, who is the prevailing language of Haiti, this takes place primarily due to the mixing of French with West African languages, Indian, with the influence of English, Portuguese and Spanish.

In Garifuna, they speak along the Caribbean coast in Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Belize.

Latin American countries

The country's largest area in Latin America is Brazil with an area of \u200b\u200b8515767 square kilometers, then Argentina 2780400, Mexico 1972550, Peru 1285216, Colombia 1141748, the smallest region is the overseas territory of France Saint-Martin with an area of \u200b\u200b25 square kilometers.

If you look at the number of people, then again the largest state is Brazil 201032714, hereinafter Mexico 118395054, Colombia 47387109 and only on the fourth place Argentina 41660417.

Cities in Latin America

The largest proud in Latin America is the Mexican capital of Mexico City 20631353, Next Sao Paulo Brazil 19953698, Buenos Aires Argentina 13333912, Rio -de- Jeanoiro Brazil 11968886, Lima Peru 10231678, Bogota Columbia 8868395, Santiago Chile 7023767, Belo Horizonte Brazil 5504729 , Caracas Venezuela 5297026, Guadalajara Mexico 4593444.

The richest city of Latin America Buenos Aires with GDP per capita 26 129 US dollars, further Caracas 24,000, São Paulo 23 704, Santiago 21393, Mexico City 19 940, Lima 17 340, Belo-Horizonte 17 239, Guadalajara 16 855, Rio de Janeiro 16 282, Bogota 15 891.

Religion in Latin America

90% of Latin American Christians, 70% of the Latin American population consider themselves Catholics of the Latin rite. As we noticed in Latin America, Catholicism prevails in contrast to Protestant North America with the United States and Canada.

Latin and migration

For example, about 10 million Mexicans live in the United States, 29 million Americans today can boast of Mexican roots. 3.33 million Colombians live today outside of their homeland, 2 million natives of this country live outside Brazil. In the US, there is a half million Salvadorians and as many de Dominicans, 1.3 million Cubans.

0.8 million Chileans live in Argentina, USA, Canada, Sweden and Australia.

Education, school and literacy in Latin America

In Latin America today there are big problems with access to education, nevertheless in recent years the situation has improved, most children are already going to school. Do not have access to the formation of children who live in remote regions, as well as children of black families who can live in extreme poverty. Only 75% of the poorest youth at the age of 13 to 17 attend school. Currently, more than half of children with low income or residents in rural areas cannot complete nine years of study in high school.

Crime and violence in Latin America

Latin America is synonymous with the word crime. Latin America and the Caribbean are the most dangerous city of the world in Latin America, which can be justified by the highest level of social inequality in the population in Latin America. The problem with crime will not be solved until the social disappearance between the rich and poor will be smoothed. Therefore, the prevention of crime, an increase in the number of police and prisons will not lead to anything. The level of murders in Latin America is the highest in the world. Since the early 1980s before the mid-1990s, the kill level increased by 50 percent. The main victims of such murders are young people, 69% of which aged 15 to 19 years.

The most dangerous countries in Latin America

The dangerous countries themselves in Latin America are: Honduras 91.6 murders per 100,000 inhabitants, Salvador 69.2, Venezuela 45.1, Belize 41,4, Guatemala 38.5, Puerto Rico 26.2, Dominican Republic 25, Mexico 23.7 and Ecuador 18.2.

For example, the average global level is 6.9. In 1995, Colombia with Salvador broke the world record in Pale of Crime - 139.1 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. Crime and violence in Latin America are the main threat to the health of people and carry more lives than AIDS or other infectious diseases.

Economy of Latin America

nominal GDP at $ 5,573.39 million. Human Development Index (ICR) in Latin America

All countries of Latin America belong to countries with a developing economy. If we estimate the countries of the region in the human development index (ICR), then the leader here is chili with the coefficient of 0.819, then Argentina 0.811, Uruguay 0,792, Panama 0.780, Mexico 0,775, Costa Rica 0.773, Peru 0.741, Colombia 0,719, Dominican Republic 0,702, Bolivia 0,675, Paraguay 0,669, Guatemala 0.628, Honduras 0,617, Nicaragua 0.599, Haiti is an outsider 0,456.

Poverty in Latin America

The poorest and rich countries of Latin America

If there are people in Uruguay, it is best to evaluate the country in Uruguay where only 3% of the population is located outside the poverty, then there is chili with a coefficient of 3.2, Argentina 3.7, Costa Rica 3.7, Cuba 4.6, Mexico 5.9, Venezuela 6.6, Panama 6.7, Colombia 7.6, Ecuador 7.9, Brazil 8.6, the worst rate of Haiti 31.5. For example, 54.9% of the population lives per day in Haiti, in Guatema, 16.9, Nicaragua 15.8, Honduras 23.3, Salvador 15.1

Malnutrition affects up to 47% of Haitians, 27% of Nicaraguans, 23% of Bolivians and 22% of Honduras.

Life expectancy in Latin America

Life expectancy level is one of the most important quality indicators. So from this point of view, it is best to live on Cuba, in Costa Rica and Chile where the indicator is 79 years old. In Mexico and Uruguay, 77, in Panama, Ecuador and Argentina 76, the lowest indicator of Haiti 62 years.

The best countries of Latin or South America for life

So, the palm of the championship shall be divided into Chile and Uruguay, the Chile has a maximum for the region to show the human development index, GDP, lifespan and the lowest crime rate. Uruguay boasts the lowest income inequality, here the lowest level of poverty, extreme poverty, as well as this country has the highest indices of peacefulness.

Panama is characterized by the highest level of real GDP growth. Cuba boasts success in education, here the lowest level of illiteracy of the local population, as well as in Cuba, people live for a very long time, Costa Rica also boasts a relatively high life expectancy of their citizens.

The worst rates of Haiti, live in this country scary. Nevertheless, surprisingly at Haiti is a very low level of crime, despite the extreme poverty of the population, the level of murders is only 6.9 per 100,000 people per year of approximately the same level of crime in a prosperous Uruguay. But it is already very dangerous in Honduras, Salvador, Venezuela, Guatemala, Colombia, Mexico.

The best country to live in Latin America

Popular countries of Argentina and Brazil show averages as for the entire Latin American region. So, the best country to live from our point of view is Chile and Uruguay, then Argentina, Costa Rica, Mexico, Venezuela, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil are followed. Data on misfortunes in Cuba can be distorted.

Ecology in Latin America

The highest ecology in Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador. The lowest in Haiti Mexico, Peru, Guatemala, Chile and Argentina.

Tourism in Latin America

Among Latin American countries, the Plan of the International Trym of Mexico, this is due to the close geographical location to the United States and a large number of archaeological attractions, it is worth mentioning such a resort as Cancun.

Mexico annually visits 22.3 million foreign tourists, the following pursuer is very far behind, it is Argentina with an indicator of 5.2 million people, further Brazil 5.1, Puerto Rico, from 3.6, Chile from 2.7, Colombia 2.38 , Dominican Republic 4.1, Panama 2.06.

The most visited cities and attractions in Latin America

The most visited cities and attractions in Latin America: Cancun, Galapagos Islands, Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, Cartagena, Cape San Lucas, Acapulco, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Margarita Island, São Paulo, Salar de Uyuni , Punta del Este, Santo Domingo, Labadee, San Juan, Havana, Panama City, Waterfalls Iguazu, Puerto Vallarta, Paras National Park Volcano, Punta Cana, Vinya del Mar, Mexico City, Quito, Bogota , Santa Martha, San Andres, Buenos Aires, Lima, Maceio, Florianopolis, Cusco, Ponce and Patagonia.

If we talk about the effectiveness of tourism in Latin America, the leader here is the Dominican Republic where the greatest arrivals from the tourist sphere from the country's GDP, but here are the highest in Uruguay from tourism. Very high revenues from tourism in Venezuela, however this is due to space local prices. A trip to Brazil is considered very expensive, Panama Dominican Republic.

The most attractive countries for tourism in Latin America are: Haiti, Paraguay, Venezuela, Salvador - in his journey in South America such countries can be skipped.

Class: 11

Presentation to the lesson

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Educational and educational tasks:

- to form a concept and idea of \u200b\u200bLatin America, as a historical and cultural and historical-geographical region.
- to form students an idea of \u200b\u200bLatin America, their characteristics of an economic and geographical location.


- Develop the ability to draw up a response in the form of a scheme.
- Continue to form geographical skills: analyze cartographic and statistical materials, give a brief description of countries.
- Work on common educational skills: compare and summarize, listen.


  • Wall-mounted political map of the world, atlas, multimedia projector.
  • Distribution material for students: TPO (Note. Festival materials 2009-2010) Technological card, test.
  • Methods of the form of training activities: partially ash, heuristic conversation.
  1. Presentation "Features of Latin America".
  2. Territory study plan.
  3. Himself. Working with TPOs (notebook with printed basis).
  4. Studying new material composition of the region.
  5. Work on the map at the board "Features of the geographical position of the mainland South America".
  6. The history of the opening of the region. Formation of a political card.
  7. A variety of Latin American countries (S.R., Scheme).
  8. Relief tasks.
  9. Test.

During the classes

1. Teacher's introductory word:

- Today, we will start our lesson not quite usually, first we will make a virtual journey through some countries. You faces the task: After watching the presentation, answer the question: what region will we study today?

2. Show Presentations.(1-14 Slide)


After watching, children ask a question.

- Guys, you determined, with which region we will meet today? (Latin America)-( slide 15).

- Show it on the map. ( slide 16)

- Let's remember the plan for which we give the characteristic of the region.

tutorial p.330: territory, borders, position; natural conditions and resources; population; economy, territorial structure; Characteristics of the largest countries (Brazil); Environmental protection and environmental problems.

- So, name the topic of our lesson. "Territory, borders, position of the region on a political map" - write down in the notebook . (Slide 17)

- The purpose of our lesson: learn the composition of the region, consolidate the ability to determine the geographical location of the countries and their features.

To go to the study of a new material, let us recall that we are already known about the countries of the region.

To do this, discover the TPO (theme 5, block 1, work by options).


Independent work of students with TPOs (10min.). Attachment 1

5. Studying a new material.

Teacher's introductory word.

- What is part of Latin America?

Latin America is called the Western Hemisphere region between the United States and Antarctica. It includes: Mexico, Central America, West Indies and South America. Moreover, Mexico, West India and Central America are often combined into the Caribbean subregion. In total, the region includes 33 sovereign states, as well as 14 countries that are the possessions of Great Britain, France, the Netherlands and the United States. (These are small islands in the Caribbean).

The territory of Latin America is stretched from north to south by 13 thousand km., And from west to east to 5 thousand km.

In which part of the world is the region? (America), what is in it? (Two mainland).

- In honor of which traveler is America named? (Amerigo Vespucci).

- Guys, who opened the mainland South America? (Christopher Columbus). H.Columb lived in Portugal. He decided to open the way to India Western way. For the first time, he opened the Bahamas, one of which he called San Salvador. So, as he was looking for a way to India, the natives began to call the Indians. Opened tobacco and potatoes on the island of Cuba, won the whole world later. With the opening of new lands (15-17V.), the era of their colonization of the Spaniards and Portuguese began.

- How do you understand the word Colonization? (Capture, mastering new lands).

6. Story of settlement, development of the region. Forming a political map : The name "Latin America" \u200b\u200bcomes from the prevailing influence of the language, culture and customs of Romanesque (Latin) peoples in this part of the world of the world's prevailing (Latin) peoples of the Pyrenean Peninsula, Portuguese. Which in 15-18 centuries won this part of America and colon exchanges.

Before the arrival of Europeans on the mainland there were developed states: Aztecs ( slide 18.) with the capital tenochtitlan, the territory of modern Mexico and Maya ( slides 19,20) On the Peninsula Yucatan (Mexico), as well as the Empire of the Inca ( slides 21,22) On the west coast of South America (Peru, Ecuador) with the capital in Cusco.

All these civilizations were destroyed with the arrival of European colonialists.

Most of the modern states of Latin America are the former colonies of Spain, and Brazil is the former Portuguese colony.

Find this confirmation in the atlas with .... (correctly, only in Brazil - the population speaks in Portuguese, the Spanish language is dominated on the rest of the territory).

Is there any developed countries in this region? (not).

All 33 sovereign states are among the developing.


Pay attention to the scheme that needs to be briefly fill, applying conditional signs. As the scheme is filling out in the notebook, fill the circuit board on the board.

- What was the basis of the allocation of the region of Latin America? (p.331 uch.)

- Features of the boundaries between countries.

- Create a scheme "Diversity of Latin American countries."

(Slide 23.)


. Work on the map: Relief tasks.

A) The state was washed by two oceans, forming two bays from the territory. FROM

the north it borders with one more developed in the economy of the country.

Call the country, bay, border state. (Mexico slides 24-27).

B) On the territory of this country there is the most dry desert of the ATACAMA world. She belongs to the island in the Pacific Ocean - O. Pasha ( slides 28-32.).

C) part of the country has a harsh climate. The territory is called Patagonia. (Argenine slide 33).

D) in the territory of this country there is the highest waterfall in the world of Angel.

(Venezuela slide 34).

E) a country where the cane, cocoa beans and raw materials for chemical industrial (Brazil are grown. slide 35-36).

E) Guess the picture. (Cuba slide 37-40).


Fastening material: test. Appendix 3.


Summing up lesson.

Guys, today we studied the peculiarities of the geographical location of Latin America. Tell me, what do the features of the territory affect? (On a variety of natural conditions and the availability of natural resources, which determine the specialization of the economy). Suitable the topic of our next lesson: "Natural Resources".

D / z


- Repeat the types of natural resources, do practical work on the k / to the "features of the countries". Find on the map "Geographical names", write them down and apply on to / to.

On the territory of Latin America with an area of \u200b\u200b21 million square meters. km are 46 states, more or less different from each other.

States of Latin America

The largest and most politically significant Latin American states are several countries.

This is the largest state of Latin America with the greatest population. The country is attractive for tourists with nightclubs, impassable jungle and impressive waterfalls.

A unique country, almost the most popular among travelers. It is famous for the most popular beaches of the world, diving, ancient buildings Maya and Aztec.

A country rich in a variety of rides and entertainment (Corrida, feeding predators, wine festivals, motorcycle racing, show dolphins, etc.) Amazing nature of national parks with waterfalls and rare animals, skiing - an integral dignity of Argentina.

Costa Rica
This country is valued by the unique nature: volcanoes, reserves, mountain slopes, lakes, underwater national parks and exotic beaches.

This Latin American state attracts tourists with its unshakable ecosystem. The country can be proud of the highest waterfall in the world - Angel, the rain forests of the Orinoco River and a large variety of plant world.

This is a mysterious country with historical objects - Cusco, Machu Picchu.

State with beautiful nature, popular ski resorts.

Multiethnic high mountain country with salt hotels and deserts, mountain lake Titicaca.

This state is famous for chic resorts, snow-covered by the tops of the Andes, frequent festivals and fairs.

Less developed countries in terms of economics and tourism can be attributed to Panama, Uruguay, Paraguay, Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Belize, Guiana and Guatemala.

Island states of Latin America

The island states in Latin America include countries of West Indies:

- Grenada;
- Dominican Republic;
- Dominica;
- Saint Vincent;
- Grenadines;
- Saint Kitts;
- Nevis;
- Saint Lucia;
- Jamaica;
- Trinidad;
- Tobago;
- Antigua;
- Barbuda;
- Bahamas - a tiny, but rich state, with a high standard of living and economy, it is famous for luxurious hotels and pink flamingos;
- Haiti - almost the poorest country in the world: corruption and dictatorship do not give prosperity to the state, and uncommonly earthquakes only aggravate economic situation;
- Cuba is distinguished by inexpensive shopping, cigars, rum, as well as developed surfing and water skiing.

The world of Latin America is unusual and unique, as it is characterized not only by the interesting style of people's communication, but also by climatic features, unusually beautiful nature.

Latin America is a big region. It includes part of North America countries, most of the countries of Central and South America. Her borders extend from the United States in the north to Antarctica in the south. The area is about 12 million kilometers, is washed by the quiet and atlantic oceans.

Geography and states

The name "America Latina" introduced the Emperor Napoleon III in the 19th century in the 19th century, he combined the list of countries where they speak Romanesque (Latin) languages. Spanish and Portuguese languages \u200b\u200bare widely used in these states. In all these territories, Spanish is official, with the exception of Brazil, where Portuguese is considered by the state language.

Having considered the map of Latin America, it can be noted that the largest number of countries is in Central America. These are small states located along the Panama Canal. The largest countries are located in the Atlantic region, such as Brazil and Argentina.

Initially, all these territories inhabited the Indians who lived in primitive strictly. After the conquest of America, the Spaniards and Portuguese, the indigenous population was gradually supplanted, destroyed and rushed into difficult places. But unlike North America, the Indians of the southern hemisphere in the bulk survived, many tribes were assimilated with emigrants from Europe. Since the Europeans actively embraced Spanish and Catholic religion, now Latin American countries are the largest region who profess Catholicism.

Information! The official language is mainly Spanish, but in each country a different dialect is used.

The states of this region have a diverse economy and political way. All of them were previously the colonies of developed European states, but in the last century almost everyone gained independence.

Latin American countries are deservedly enjoying great popularity among tourists. Here, no one will leave indifferent breathtaking natural landscapes. These places are mostly visited by travelers who have seen many countries that are difficult to surprise something. These are not poor people, mainly stop in the level of 5 *.

Consider what countries are part of Latin America.

List of countries and their features

Latin America on the world map occupies 1/7 part of our planet in the Western Hemisphere. It consists of 33 independent states with a total population of about 600 million people. The geographical features of these countries are:

  • All countries of the region have access to the ocean, except Paraguay and Bolivia;
  • Geographical proximity to the United States;
  • Remoteness from other countries of the world;
  • In the form of political reign, all countries are republics.
Political map of Latin America in Russian

The largest country of the region is Brazil, the smallest - Suriname. Consider the list of states of Latin America, we will try to describe them briefly. The list of countries is:

  1. Antigua and Barbuda - a small state in the Caribbean, whose official language is English. The population is less than 100,000 people, the capital is St. Jones.
  2. Argentina is famous for tango, football and beaches. This is the second largest state of Latin America after Brazil, the capital - Buenos Aires. Enjoying enormous popularity among tourists around the world, economically developed country.
  3. Belize is a state in the Caribbean region, the famous offshore zone of the whole world. The official language of English, the capital is Belmopan, tourism is actively developing.
  4. Bolivia is a poor, but safe country is of great interest to travelers.
  5. Brazil is a huge country with a population of about 200 million inhabitants. This country of carnavals and sun beaches, attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists from around the world. Capital - Brazilia, Language - Portuguese. Brazil is the main exporter of coffee and tobacco in the world.
  6. Venezuela is a relatively small country in the north of the mainland, the population is just over 20 million, the capital is Caracas, the official language is Spanish.
  7. Haiti is a very poor country, constantly suffers from natural disasters and government coups. Uses several languages \u200b\u200b- French, Haitian and Creole. The capital is the city of Port-O-Prince.
  8. Guatemala - a country with the capital of the same name, attracts tourists with beautiful nature and volcanoes. The population consists of various Indians and Metis.
  9. Honduras is the island of the Caribbean Sea, united in one state. The capital is the city of Tegucigalpa, the language - Spanish, is famous for its poverty and crime.
  10. Dominican Republic - the famous beach resort, honeying holidaymakers all year round. The capital is Santa Domingo, the language - Spanish, the population is about 10 million people.
  11. Colombia is a country having sad fame due to the production of cocaine. This is a restless state, however, attracts tourists through its natural beauties. Capital - Bogota, population of more than 45 million
  12. Costa Rica is a state located in the central part of America. The capital is San Jose, the official language is Spanish.
  13. Cuba is the island of freedom famous to all our compatriots. This is a state in the Caribbean, which has a large number of high-level hotels. Tourism is very developed, excellent beaches, the capital - Havana, the population is very small - more than 11 million people.
  14. Mexico is a large country, famous for its soap operators, ancient architectural structures and beach resorts. Capital - Mexico City, this is a real paradise for tourism.
  15. Nicaragua is located in Central America, a problematic country, a population - 6 million inhabitants, the capital - Managua, the language is Spanish.
  16. Chile - a visa-free mountain state, elongated along the entire mainland. The population is more than 17 million people, the capital - Santiago, the state language is Spanish.
  17. Panama is the country of Latin America, located on the cage of the same name, the main language is Spanish, the population is about 4 million.
  18. Peru is located in the northwestern part of America, the capital is Lima. In addition to Spanish, Imaar and Kechua, indigenous languages \u200b\u200bare used here.
  19. Salvador is a small state, often ending all sorts of natural disasters, the population of 6.8 million, the capital is the city of San Salvador.
  20. Uruguay is located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, small and safe for tourists Country. The capital is Montevideo, the language is Spanish.
  21. Puerto Rico is a state dependent from the United States, has a special status. This country is rich in Spanish colonial architecture, attracts tourists with sports.
  22. Ecuador is located on the mainland, and in the Galapagos Islands. Visa for CIS citizens is not required, the capital is Quito.
  23. Saint-Bart, Saint-Martin, Martinique, Guadeloupe and French Guiana - this is the states legally part of France. This islands with beautiful nature, wide beaches and warm sun.

Interesting! Saint-Bart Island - Reserve for oligarchs from all over the world, with its high prices, this state scares many simple tourists.

As you can see, all countries of Latin America have bright features in culture and nature. This continent is rich in natural fossil, water and green resources, has unique historical values.

Rio de Janeiro - one of the largest cities in South America

Largest cities and sights

As with all over the world, in Latin America there is a tendency to move from the villages to major cities. People move to the cities in order to find a job and arrange their life. Consider which cities are of the greatest value.

  1. Sao Paulo - the largest city in Brazil, a large business center with a population of 17-18 million people. This is a large shopping center of the country, the nightlife is buried here, fashion weeks pass, thousands of migrants from other regions are flown here.
  2. Mexico City - the capital of Mexico, the largest city of Latin America. It is precisely difficult to calculate the number of the population of this metropolis, since the center is adjacent to many growing conglomerate districts, but this figure is from 18 to 19 million. Most of the population is indigenous Indians, thanks to which the ancient culture of the Precucumbian era preserved into Mexico City.
  3. Rio de Janeiro is a city of carnavalov and fun, nightlife and wide beaches. This is a cultural center of the country with a population of 6.5 million people. The main attraction of Rio is a mountain with the statue of Jesus Christ, one of the 7 miracles of the world.
  4. Lima - the capital of Peru, the population is more than 7.6 million, the city is washed by the quiet ocean, standing at the foot of the Andes. The main mass of citizens is the Indians of Cechua and Aimar.
  5. The Bogota is the capital of Columbia, about 7 million lives, this city is located at an altitude of 2600 m above sea level. Here are large temperature differences, often reaches -6 degrees, despite the proximity to the equator. Locals are friendly to tourists, but beyond the city's limits to leave.
  6. Santiago, Chilean capital, has 5.5 million inhabitants, and this figure is steadily growing. This city is visited before traveling to Easter Island, Atakam Desert and National Patagonia Parks.
  7. Buenos Aires - more than 3 million people, a city of contrasts. This capital of Argentina is simultaneously similar to Paris, London and Barcelona. Here is the most famous Color Theater, a huge park of Palermal forests, the famous area of \u200b\u200bLa Boc.
  8. Caracas - the capital of Venezuela, the number of residents reaches 3.5 million. The city is located in the Valley of the Caribbean Andes, interesting places - the Square of Bolivar with the Central Cathedral, museums. From Caracas starts the route to Angel and Raraniim's waterfall.
  9. Havana is a fun and diverse capital of Cuba with a population of 2.5 million people. Here time stopped, this city is recognized as "the property of mankind", in Havana you can see buildings with a 600-year-old story next to the houses of the 20th century.

In recent decades, this region is actively developing, and the main emphasis is imposed on tourism. The combination of warm climate, wide sandy beaches, tropical forests, historical attractions of manitis here are all new tourists from all over the world. Latin America is a real storehouse for travelers.