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Extermination and gravity in the stomach after meals: causes and treatment. Possible causes of bumping air, gravity in the stomach and other symptoms after taking food gravity in the stomach belching

The belching is a fairly common symptom, which is an involuntary output of gases from the stomach or esophagus through the oral cavity. It can also arise in healthy people (especially, babies and children of preschool age), and is not always the reason for anxiety and appeal to the doctor. However, if symptoms are accompanied by a feeling of gravity in the stomach and nausea, without a visit to experts will not do.

Factors that contribute to the appearance of belching, nausea and gravity in the stomach, quite a few. Basically, they are divided into three groups - problems with nutrition, illness and impaired motor regime. Sometimes there can be several factors at the same time to the patient's body, further increasing the severity or frequency of symptoms.

Incorrect nutrition

The most common reasons for the simultaneous appearance of symptoms include nutritional problems. Among them you can allocate the main factors:

  • consumption of products that are poorly absorbed by the body;
  • violation of food intake mode, including food shortly before sleep, overeating and constant fasting alternation with abundant power;
  • frequent snacks "on the go" and a visit to the type "Fastfud" (McDonald's, Burger King, etc.);
  • the use of carbonated drinks or non-baking products.

To products that are bad or too slowly absorbed by the majority of people include fat, acute and fried food. There is in this list and sweets, and bakery products, and too satisfying fruits and vegetables (from potatoes and leguminous crops to grapes and bananas). They cause belching and gravity in the stomach is difficult to digest the food of the type of mushrooms and the boiled egg-boiled eggs.

Diseases of the tract and other organs

The reasons for the appearance of unpleasant symptoms can be the problem (permanent or temporary) in the work of the digestive organs. Because of this, food does not have time to digest in time, and the process of its rotting or fermentation causes belching and severity in the stomach. The factors contributing to the development of symptoms include the presence of such diseases in a patient:

  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • cholecystitis;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • inflammation of the mucosa of a 12-tupest process;
  • liver diseases.

In people who have at least one of these diseases, the risk of nausea along with the beloved and the severity in the stomach is much higher than that of the others. If additional factors are added to these factors, such as power change or use of unwanted products, symptoms can enhance. Moreover, a combination of several reasons at once, among which there are serious diseases, can lead to the need to receive drugs

Violation of motor regime

Patients suffering from or HARB must comply with not only the corresponding diet, but also movement mode. For example, for them, it is unacceptable to perform active physical actions during meals - including, you should not eat on the go, leaning during chewing. It is undesirable to strain and immediately after eating. Guided by these recommendations, some patients are completely refused against a moving lifestyle, which also leads to unpleasant consequences:

  1. the normal functioning of the intestine requires a sufficient amount of water to them with fiber, as well as a sufficiently active movement of a person;
  2. in normal physical activity, the intestinal peristalsis is at a sufficiently high level;
  3. if the lifestyle is inactive, a feeling of gravity may appear in the stomach, and the patient begins to suffer from belching.

The lack of activity and the use of unsuitable products leads to stagnation in the Tolstoy intestine. Food boosts what causes the severity in the stomach and belching. Problems of this type often arise in people who have problems of the musculoskeletal system, and in elderly patients.

Diagnostic methods

In cases where symptoms in the form of belching, nausea and gravity in the stomach continue to disturb the patient for several days, and their cause is not a nutritional disorders, the patient should turn to the therapist. If suspicions about the causes of symptoms were justified, the next step should be the appeal to the gastroenterologist. The doctor appoints a number of studies, the first of which usually put fibrogastroscopy (FGS) - a procedure that detects problems with the stomach and 12-tupest process, including the presence of gastritis, tumors, ulcers and polyps.

To clarify the diagnosis or in cases where FGS did not help determine the cause of symptoms, additional research can be carried out. Among them - blood tests (general and for the presence of a chielicobacter pylori bacterium). According to their results, therapy is assigned - the more accurately the diagnosis was raised, the more effective the treatment.

Treatment options

The severity in the stomach, nausea and belching are considered not illness, but only symptoms. For this reason, therapy should be appointed on the basis of the underlying disease (or several ailments). Although in order to cope with symptoms, preparations are prescribed to improve digestion. Folk remedies can bring certain benefits - although it is not recommended to use for treatment.

Reception of drugs

The appointment of medicines, with which the problem is eliminated, only the doctor should be engaged. However, some drugs help cope with the severity in the stomach and belonging to almost all patients:

  • Tablets "Mezim" allow you to cope with severity and flatulence. Take them follows 1-2 pcs. 2 hours after meals.
  • "Almaty" is able to remove all the symptoms. It is accepted in accordance with the instructions (1-2 hours w. For half an hour before meals for an adult patient, 1/3 of this quantity for children up to 10 years, half - for patients with age 11-15 years old).
  • Motilium is a drug to normalize digestion. It is accepted for 10-20 ml four times a day.

Right ration

The patient who suffers from gravity in the stomach, belching and nausea, should be observed a diet and a certain power mode:

  1. separations of food should be small - so as not to cause severity;
  2. in the diet should not be greasy, acute and fried - do not abuse and smoked food, and carbonated drinks;
  3. it is recommended to reduce garlic, bow, milk and desserts.

In addition, patients are desirable to avoid physical exertion for about 2 hours after meals. This avoids the increase in the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal organs and reduce the risk of belching. It is not necessary to go to bed immediately after eating - in such a position, more likely to return food from the stomach in the esophagus, and, it means that the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Folk remedies

The use of funds of traditional medicine is not the most effective way to cope with belching and severity in the stomach. But it is also possible to apply them - naturally, consulting with the doctor and only after the accurate diagnosis is made. Choosing a folk remedy should be in avismism from the type of disease:

  • with increased acidity and the presence of a patient gastritis recommended tea, which includes mint, blackberry and melissa;
  • a 12-russian ulcer and any form of gastritis require bursting from rowan fruits;
  • the belch, caused by damage to the walls of the esophagus and the stomach, is treated with lipov and flax seeds.

Symptomatic caused by reduced acidity is eliminated by cranberry juice. To improve the work of the digestive organs, drink juice from potatoes. And, if the reason for the belching was not the recommended product, the appointed apple or carrots eaten immediately can help.

Preventive measures

  1. eating properly (with the compliance of the regime), avoiding some products and consuming, mainly boiled, stewed and baked food;
  2. if possible, avoid stress or at least minimize the likelihood of IL appearance.
  3. move a fairly movable lifestyle.

By fulfilling the last prescription, do not forget to comply with the recommendations of physicians regarding the frequency and severity of exercise. However, in order for activity to have a positive effect on digestion, it is not necessary to deal with serious sports. It will help the gastrointestinal authorities and normal charging.

The severity in the stomach, discomfort and belching - with a similar spectrum of symptoms, early or later faces 80 percent of humanity, and these are the first calls that digestion needs support, and lifestyle - in change. Consider from which these problems may arise and how to get rid of them.

The severity and feeling of the overflow of the stomach are often accompanied by belching and even pain. The main cause of the discomfort of the stomach and esophagus is the wrong lifestyle of a person - meals to the dryness and on the go, overeating at the later time of day, bad habits, constant stress. Listed factors become activators of gastric diseases. The rapid rhythm of life does not allow many of us to eat systematically and at least three times a day, as a result of all, teenagers and children face unpleasant sensations.

The dishes that fall into the stomach are a big role, each trifle is important - the amount of salt, pepper and seasonings, the method, with which food, freshness and quality of products was prepared.

If the body constantly comes into the body, the question of gravity in the stomach and associated diseases is the question of time. Not only the stomach suffers from the wrong nutrition, but also other internal organs: liver, intestines, gallbladder, pancreas.

Ignoring such a problem as gravity leads to a constant belching, bloating, smell of mouth and even bitterness, which as if rises from the esophagus. If you notice similar manifestations or your loved ones, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and revise your lifestyle.

Remember: the feeling of gravity and other uncomfortable sensations are the first steps to serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that it is easier to prevent than cure!

Diseases in which belching and gravity in the stomach can occur

If discomfort and belching are bothering the stomach constantly, it indicates that some disease is already conquering your body. The decision should be made in the shortest possible time - visiting a specialist, quick diagnosis and course of treatment. Consider, the manifestations of what diseases may be unpleasant sensations: heaviness, belching, fermentation. The most common diseases associated with digestive impaired and organs in close proximity to the gastrointestinal tract:

The severity in the stomach and exterior air can occur during gastritis

  • Gastritis - pathological inflammation of the mucosa of the inner walls of the stomach.
  • Dyspepsia is a shortage of enzymes responsible for digesting food.
  • Viral infection - causes acute inflammation and refusal to eat.
  • Ulcery disease - the consequence of ignoring gastritis and the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
  • Pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas and lack of enzymes.
  • Cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder, which can throw out bile in the stomach.
  • Dysbacteriosis - since the stomach and intestines are directly connected, the first often suffers from intestinal fermentation.

All of the listed inconsistencies can manifest itself not only by air belonging and cause heaviness, but also cause nausea, heartburn, painful sensations in the abdominal cavity, lack of appetite. In some cases, bitter belching arises and even foam belching, in the case of ulcer - bleeding. Similar symptoms should not be ignored, it is important to consult a doctor in time and start treating the center of discomfort and the stomach as a whole.

How to get rid of gravity and belching

If unpleasant feelings are bothering you rarely, think about what the severity could arise, belching and other manifestations. Most likely, on the eve or a few hours before the manifestation, you became a member of a rich feast. Perhaps there was a harmful snack. Is this this way?

You do not need drug treatment, just just abandon the harmful food, which causes uncomfortable changes in your body. Symptoms occur often and systematically? It's time to beat the alarm and immediately act, having received a consultation of the gastroenterologist and passing a medical examination, identifying the hearth problem and necessarily the acidity of the stomach.

Currently, there is a unified recognized system of treating diseases that are susceptible to the stomach. It includes the following steps:

  • Reception of pharmaceutical preparations.
  • Getting rid of stress and emotional experiences.
  • Maintaining diet and streamlining food meals.
  • The inclusion in the lifestyle of physical exertion and sports.

If you are tormented by the severity in the stomach and unpleasant belching, you need to stick to the correct power mode. Try to take useful food at least 5-6 times a day and do not overeat. The stomach must provide gentle mode of operation, because in case of poor digestion, the residues of food will wander in the gastrointestinal tract and form additional gases, and to add the smell of mouth to existing problems.

Depending on the individual disorders in the body and the level of acidity, the doctor will assign you a suitable diet, which stands until the moment when the aggravation passes.

The second step to recovery will be the stabilization of the emotional state. Improve metabolism and psychological condition with the help of sports. Turn on the morning charging day in the routine and run on weekends, walk outdoer. Take medication. Secure medicines can be attributed to Mezim, Pancreatin, Maalox, Mothilium, Omez, Smacks, Panzinors - they will help to remove spasm and unload the stomach during digestion.

A drugPhotoPrice
from 83 rubles.
from 22 rubles.
from 255 rubles.
from 375 rubles.
from 145 rubles.

Remember: Before applying any drug, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.

How to deal with discomfort in the stomach at home

Chamomile tea when gravity in the stomach

  • Chamomile tea. Soothing acts on the stomach, envelops the mucous membrane and removes spasms.
  • Tincture of chinese os. Alcoholic withdrawal is taken on a teaspoon and eliminates inflammatory processes.
  • Plate of plantain with the addition of honey - also has a soothing effect.
  • Potato juice with honey - soothes pain and eliminates gas formation and belching.
  • Soothing fees - remove spasms and favorably affect the emotional state.
  • Tea with mint.

Try to abandon your clothes that puts on the abdominal department, drink more simple water and stick to the diet. If the severity occurs at the time of meals, it is recommended to stop the meal and take a horizontal position, if possible, adopting enzymes or antispasmodics. Do not overeat: the meal must end with a slight feeling of hunger. Exclude Late Dining and Sukhinky, more often drink green, unsweetened tea.

Proper nutrition when gravity in the stomach

Let's talk about the right nutrition, which you need to stick to those who suffer from problems with the stomach.

  • Sweet, chocolate, fresh pastry, cakes, etc.
  • Perishable products (cottage cheese).
  • Alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  • Sour fruits and grapes.
  • Coffee and strong tea.
  • Cabbage, radishes, dill, onions, garlic.
  • Ice cream.
  • Sabas and smoked sausages.
  • Fat fish.

It is important to stop adding sharp and salty seasonings into dishes, all kinds of sauces and marinades. It is unacceptable to use roasted and oily food. Prefers stewed culinary masterpieces from vegetables and meat, dishes prepared for a couple or in a brass cabinet, soups and porridge.

Discomposition prevention

Each meal should be sitting, without a rush, in a relaxed atmosphere. The preceding Snub is necessary to finish at least two hours before the pen. It is desirable that it was a lightweight dinner of a baked apple or omlet, augged with a mug of warm, green tea.

After you manage to cope with the disorder, it is important to adhere to the right way of life - the stomach is very vulnerable, and the problems have a property arise again. Rearrange the routine of the day and do not abuse harmful meals and alcohol.

As prevention, do not neglect the outdoor walks and exercise. Try to keep a calm psycho-emotional state. Drink herbal decoctions.

Quite often after meals in people of different ages, heaviness in the stomach and belching arise. Many believe that the causes of these unpleasant sensations is the use of excessive amounts of food, especially fatty dishes. However, very minor discomfort may cause serious pathological processes in the body and arise together with other signs such as nausea and vomiting. In these situations, people prefer to make drugs independently, but some states require a medical examination and appointment of correct therapy of major diseases.

In what cases do uncomfortable phenomena arise?

After eating the burden, air and severity in the stomach develop against the background of violations of the normal functioning of the organs of the digestive system. The output of air masses from the stomach through the oral cavity occurs as a result of air swallowing during eating. The entry of an excessive amount of air in the stomach occurs when:

  • conversations during food;
  • overeating;
  • frequent use of carbonated drinks;
  • food absorption during stressful situations;
  • consumption of significant volumes of alcoholic beverages;
  • the fast chewing process, subsequently food gets into the stomach in not enough crushed form.

A sedentary and low-effective lifestyle also contribute to the deterioration of the efficiency of the digestive tract.

Each person periodically manifests the belching. In a healthy body, the ingestion of a minor air in the process of meals is not pathology, and the necessary practice to maintain pressure inside the peritoneal cavity. In this case, the reverse air outlet has no unpleasant feeling and smell. If the symptoms begin to occur quite often and they are joined by such signs as a feeling of bitterness or acid, heartburn, a foul odor from the oral cavity, soreness at the top of the abdomen, this can be the first signal of serious impairment of the gastrointestinal organs requiring the use of therapy.

The severity in the stomach after meals and belching can become the symptoms of disorders of food digestion, especially fat and fried foods, fast food, salinity, smoked meals and sharp dishes.

Possible pathological conditions

The severity and burden arising increasingly after meals may be the symptoms of various diseases not only by the gastrointestinal organs, but also liver, pancreas and gallbladder. The most common pathological processes in these symptoms are the following states:

  1. Reflux Ezophagit - This is inflammation of the gastric mucosa, characterized by throwing food from the stomach back to the esophagus. The disease causes belching and gravity in the stomach, frequent heartburn. Low quality products are the main etiological factors, the period of pregnancy in women, stressful situations and neurosis, obesity. For the treatment of pathology, drugs that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid (antisectory agents) are used.
  2. Intestinal dysbiosis (dysbiosis) - This is a state at which a violation of normal microflora occurs due to a decrease in the amount of beneficial bifido and lactobacilli and increasing pathogenic microorganisms. Developing symptoms are manifested by uncomfortable sensations in the abdomen, air outlet from the stomach into the oral cavity with the smell of boring food. In the absence of proper treatment, the patient decreases appetite, pain in the stomach of the cutting character appears, the feeling of gravity.
  3. Cholecystitis - is inflammatory phenomena in the bustling bubble. Signs are heartburn, a feeling of nausea, pain in the right side of the abdomen, in some cases the temperature rises, dryness in the oral cavity occurs and the thirst increases, the emission of air from the stomach having an unpleasant smell. With motor activity, the symptoms are enhanced.
  4. Pancreatitis - This is a group of syndromes and pathological processes in which the pancreas is inflamed. Nausea appears, the severity in the abdomen, intelligent sensations, heartburn, the appetite is reduced, the soreness is developing, the chair (diarrhea or constipation) is disturbed, the patient loses body weight. During the period of exacerbation, all the symptoms are pronounced, the main reasons are consisting of alcoholic beverages, non-compliance with diet food, using excessive amounts of food. For treatment, primarily enzyme and painkillers are used.
  5. Ulcerative disease - Inflammation of the gastric and intestine mucosa with the formation of ulcerative lesions. The symptoms are heartburn, the release of acidic air masses from the stomach into the oral cavity, pain in the upper part of the abdomen, nausea, turning into vomiting, weight loss.

What is the treatment?

In some cases, the severity in the stomach together with belching disappear independently. If there are signs every time after meals that do not disappear, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist - a gastroenterologist to identify the main reason for this state and the appointment of the necessary medical events.

Initial actions will be the compliance with the recommendations, allowing to reduce or completely eliminate heartburn, the severity and emission of gases into the oral cavity:

  • it is necessary to completely abandon the use of carbonated beverages, snacks sandwiches or fast food, from oily and fried food, salinity, smoked, and reduce the use of chocolate products;
  • it is recommended to arrange unloading days once two times during the week, these days are allowed to eat fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water;
  • it should be abandoned from the use of food before bedtime, it is better to replace heavy food for a glass or water with the addition of honey;
  • air exhaustion is eliminated by stopping active conversations while eating, careful chewing of food and exceptions of overeating;
  • reducing the consumption of legumes will reduce the accumulation of gases in the stomach;
  • it is necessary to avoid stressful situations.

Use of medicines

Before using drug therapy, you need to visit a specialist and undergo diagnostic research. After the results obtained received, the attending physician will prescribe the necessary drugs. Most often, with violations of the functioning of the digestive system, the following treatment is applied:

  1. Pancreatin, Mezim, Creon - Enzyme-containing agents that improve digestion, eliminating severity and discomfort.
  2. Smekt - Powder that has an adsorbing effect.
  3. Preparations for improving the peristals of the stomach - Motike. Treatment allows you to eliminate the severity, flatulence, emission of gastric gases in your mouth and soreness.
  4. With ulcerative changes, agents are used to reduce the production of gastric juice. One of these drugs is Ranitidine.
  5. Microflora recovery preparations - Laktovit.

Get rid of such symptoms as belching, nausea, gravity and discomfort in the abdomen is possible only when compliance with drug therapy and dietary table. Improve the performance of the gastrointestinal organs with the help of gymnastic exercises and methods of traditional medicine. Any treatment must be appointed only by a doctor after the survey.

After receiving food, anyone from time to time feels in the field of waist unpleasant sensations. Some people do not pay any attention to this symptom, hoping that everything will cost. The main signs of such discomfort are: bloating, gravity in the stomach, air belching, permanent gases, heartburn. It is important to know that this may be and what disease is accompanied by the listed features.

Causes of concerns in the stomach and constant gas formation

When using an increased amount of food, stretching the walls of the stomach. Gastric juice in turn does not have time to recycle food, which leads to a stress in the gastrointestinal tract. Patients may complain about severity in the intestines, meteorism appears.

The factors in which the symptoms described above occurs in the gastrointestinal tract:

  • overeating;
  • abuse of fat and fried products;
  • rapid swallowing of food;
  • frequent snacks;
  • the constant consumption of sweet, carbonated drinks.

The severity in the gastrointestinal tract may occur:

  • during pregnancy, the uterus squeezes internal organs, delivering discomfort;
  • in the state of stress, hydrochloric acid is produced, which negatively affects the intestinal mucosa;
  • harmful habits, such as alcohol and smoking, are poorly reflected in the work of all organs, including the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reception of antibiotics and some drugs.

When disordering digestion, you need to follow these rules:

  1. there is no fat, fried food and semi-finished products;
  2. do not drink too hot or cold food;
  3. to refuse from bad habits;
  4. to eat and comply with a special diet;
  5. refuse all carbonated drinks.

The accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract (meteorism) occurs due to dysfunctional digestion operation, which can be accompanied by belching. Typically, such signs do not require special treatment. But if the meteorism, belching and bloating appear increasingly and accompanied by diarrhea, you need to turn to a specialist sooner. The reason for frequent belching is the conversation during the meal, eating in the meal, food on the go, as a result of which the air gets inside with food.

List and brief characteristics of gastrointestinal diseases

The appearance of belching together with meteorism and severity, often signals serious deviations in the human body.

  1. . With it, an enhanced or insufficient release of gastric juice occurs, the mucous membrane is inflamed. Often the cause of the occurrence of the disease becomes the following factors: alcoholism and smoking, improper nutrition, constant stress.
  2. Ulcer stomach. A chronic disease at which the formation of bends on the gastric mucosa occurs. This disease is characterized by weight, heartburn, vomiting, severe pain and can lead to complications.
  3. Dysbacteriosis. Disruption of the useful composition of intestinal microflora, resulting in a failure in the work of the stomach. In this case, the patient occurs frequent rumbling, bloating, changing the chair.
  4. Pancreatitis. There is inflammation of the pancreas. The following symptoms are characterized by pancreatitis: nausea, vomiting, severe pain in the left or in the right hypochondrium, general weakness.
  5. Cholecystitis. Inflammation of the walls of the gully bubble and violation of its functions. This body takes part in digesting food. During the exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, there are such symptoms as belching, vomiting bile, a violation of the chair, a bitter taste in the mouth, pain on the right side.

Diagnosis of diseases

First, it is necessary to establish the cause, due to which unpleasant symptoms appeared, because it may indicate serious problems in the gastrointestinal tract. Secondly, if during the examination, no pathologies have been identified, it is necessary to figure out first in its lifestyle.

Eliminate all bad habits, change the diet, start sticking to a healthy diet and slowly chew food. And it is also not recommended to go for the night and the last meal of food should be for two, three hours before sleep.

In what cases should I go for help to the doctor? If such signs are like, the severity in the stomach, air belching, permanent gases and meteorism worried over long days, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist. He will explain that it can be. When examining the doctor - a gastroenterologist, will send to the surveys established by him. It may be:

  • general and biochemical blood test,
  • fibrogastroscopy
  • Uzi busty bodies.

It should be learn to control their emotions and not give in to stressful situations, as they will negatively affect not only the work of the heart and blood vessels, but also at work of the whole intestine.

Medicinal preparations for the treatment of gravity and belching gasts

Medicinal treatment is prescribed only by the doctor. The pharmacies today sell various drugs and medicines to eliminate and treat problems with the digestive tract.

These are the most famous and effective are the drugs:

  1. Panzinorm. Used in violation of the pancreas functions, as well as with meteorism, dyspepsia.
  2. Smacks. This medicine is accepted with various problems in the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, ulcers, etc.
  3. Mezim. Designed to eliminate belching, gravity and pain. The course of treatment is appointed by a doctor.
  4. Festal. It helps with discomfort, gravity, eliminates gases, constipation, improve digestion.
  5. Renny. Assign those who have increased acidity of the stomach, worried about heartburn and belching.
  6. . Reduces the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, has an anti-sized property.
  7. Motilium. This drug is very popular among the population. It is taken with meteorism, nausea, vomit, cholecystitis, heartburn. He perfectly eliminates the feeling of gravity of the stomach after eating.

When receiving one of the above medicines, it is necessary to get acquainted with the instruction. The choice of the method of combating the problems of the gastrointestinal tract should first be carried out on the principle of the least harm for the body. First of all, to normalize your lifestyle and diet, and if after this does not happen to improve, resort to the choice of suitable drugs.

The process of digestion food does not always proceed normally. This is evidenced by unpleasant symptoms - gravity, bloating, belching or bitterness in the mouth. Discomfort occurs under the influence of various factors, including due to the pathologies of the gastrointestinal bodies. In this case, complex drug treatment is required, eliminating not only external signs of diseases, but also their causes.

Main perpetrators of discomfort

The reasons causing unpleasant sensations are many. Most of them are related to the errors in nutrition, but this is not always the case. Regular occurrence of gravity and belching immediately after receiving food - a dangerous symptom that signals the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal organs:

1. Gastritis. The severity in the stomach in this pathology is associated with the flow of inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes and constant irritation of nervous fibers located on damaged walls.

2. Gastric ulcers. The disease is characterized by extensive damage to the inner walls up to the destruction of the muscular layer of the organ. Destructive changes are the cause of not only pain, but also gravity in the abdomen, heartburn and nausea.

3. Reflux gastritis. Pathology associated with a violation of the work of muscle sphincters of the stomach separating the organ from the esophagus from above and from the duodenum below, also provokes discomfort after meals. Salonic acid easily enters the neighboring gastrointestinal departments, which initiates the irritation of the mucous membranes. With biliary reflux, the aggressive contents of the stomach is thrown into the esophagus, which is accompanied by weight in the abdomen and extermination.

4. Duodenitis. Inflammation affects not only the stomach, but also neighboring organs. Often the upper duodenal department is amazed - her bulbs. At the same time, the severity in the stomach is not developing immediately after eating, but after 3-4 hours. This is the time required to complete all the processes occurring in the stomach.

The severity in the stomach can be a consequence of problems with the motor function of the gastrointestinal organs. Due to weakened peristalistics, split and semi-steamed compounds are stored, provoking strong discomfort after feeding. However, the most popular reasons are associated with non-compliance with the diet. Most often, belching, nausea, vomiting, bitterness in the mouth is observed due to:

  • overeating;
  • rare food techniques;
  • eating sharp dishes;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • increased activity after eating.

Other possible reasons for discomfort are harmful habits - smoking and abuse of alcohol-containing drinks. Alcohol and tobacco smoke act on the mucous membranes as an acute food. The walls are damaged, and tissue regeneration occurs extremely slowly.

In what cases contact the doctor?

Light discomfort after the feast usually passes on its own the next day. In this case, the normal reaction of the organ, which is not accustomed to digest large volumes of food, but there are situations in which it is impossible to postpone a visit to a doctor. Timely appeal will allow to identify dangerous pathology in the early stages, which will significantly accelerate its treatment.

To tell about the problem, a specialist is necessary if the severity in the stomach is worried regularly after each meal. This is the main sign of problems of functioning of the gastrointestinal bodies.

To clarify the diagnosis, the gastroenterologist will suggest a patient to pass laboratory tests, go through the FGDS procedure. If during the examination, damage to the mucous membranes will be administered, drug treatment will be appointed.

Consultation of the doctor is needed if the severity is accompanied by:

  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • meteorism;
  • open with sour;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea.

If the severity is replaced by severe pain, and the body temperature rises sharply, you need to seek medical help immediately. Patients with such symptoms are necessarily hospitalized to find out the true causes of pathology and cure it.

Medical therapy feelings of gravity and belching

It is most effective to treat gravity in the stomach with the help of modern medication. Open, nausea, vomiting is considered a reason for prescribing drugs.

Symptomatic treatment of gravity in the stomach is carried out under the control of the gastroenterologist, taking into account the factors provoking this condition. If the gastrointestinal tract does not cope with the volume of food, shows the reception of enzymatic drugs. Such medicines contribute to the acceleration of the splitting of the compounds received, which reduces the time of food in the stomach cavity. Doctors call several drugs that help you quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms:

1. Mezim - means having the greatest fame. Available in the form of tablets containing analogues of enzymes secreted by the pancreas. Thanks to the reception of medication, the process of splitting of complex polymers - proteins, fats and carbohydrates is significantly accelerated.

2. Creon - an analogue of a mesima manufactured in the form of capsules. The medication is designed to establish digestion and eliminate discomfort and pain.

3. Enzystal helps not only get rid of gravity, but also to clean the intestines. The action is provided by a unique composition that combines the analogues of the enzymes, the components of bile and hemicelylase is a substance that destructifier fiber.

4. Digestin - syrup, allowing to cure gastrointestinal disorders. The tool acts softly and carefully, which makes it possible to consider the drug safe and appoint it to children and pregnant women.

If, after the course of enzymatic drugs, the gravity in the stomach after meals and belching continue to disturb, the tactics of treatment change. Patients are often prescribed by Motilium - a means of comprehensive action, a significantly faithful condition of the patient.

Its base is a domperidone, this substance enhances peristaltic activity, due to which the semi-earned food is progressing by the gastrointestinal organs at normal speed. As a result, publishes, belching and bloating. The use of Motilium ensures the suppression of a vomit reflex, which makes the medication indispensable with constant barking of nausea.

It is much more difficult to get rid of gravity in the stomach associated with gastritis or ulcerative disease. These pathologies are usually accompanied by an increase in acidity, as evidenced by heartburn and belching with an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Treatment should be comprehensive. Doctors prescribe at the same time several drugs possessing different effects:

  • antibiotics;
  • histamine blockers;
  • proton pump inhibitors;
  • prokinetics;
  • gastroprotectors.

Separate attention deserve funds with an antacid effect, they help to quickly get rid of burning and belching. The principle of their work consists in neutralizing the acid in the stomach and reducing the aggressive effect of the digestive juice on the walls of the organs.

There is another useful quality of such medicines. Antacid drugs help treat the tractology of the GCT due to their ability to accelerate the rehabilitation processes, which stimulates the healing of erosive sections. Medicines from this group are enveloping the walls of the stomach, protecting them from the influence of provoking factors. Renni, Gastal, Maalox and Gevison are considered popular antacid funds. Their acceptance is appropriate when developing discomfort and heartburn after eating.

Some unpleasant symptoms get rid of just. It does not require the treatment of belching after eating, provided that it is not accompanied by bitterness and does not cause difficulties. It is enough to exclude from the diet products provoking gas formation, to eat small portions and not to talk during meals.

Easy discomfort in the belly, which is temporary and arising only after eating, should not lead to a panic, but it is not necessary to completely ignore the symptoms. In some cases, the severity signals the presence of diseases that need to be treated with medication.