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Was Muscovy. As Muscovy stole the history of the Kiev Rusi-Ukraine (report of the Doctor of Historical Sciences). Muscovy in the Crosswordist Dictionary

This morning on the first channel of Ukrainian radio in the author's program of the people's deputy Vladimir Jaworivsky, a very interesting information was performed, which I have never heard before. It turns out that Karl Marx has one work that has never been published during the USSR and after Russia (, recognized as 27.01.15 by the Supreme Rada country aggressor). It is called "secret diplomacy of the XVIII century."

I looked at the Internet now and found what Jawquior told about today.

Meanness similar to which in history and find hard

Why did Karl Marx published in the USSR? ... no, not entirely. One little book was not published. Did not publish. Not translated. Not mentioned. One but iconic. The one in which Marx analyzed the history of Russia. What he wrote so terrible there that her in the scoop (!!!) was not published?

"Chud and Chok around," he wrote. - Russia is Moscow, which arose after the collapse of the Golden Horde. He wrote that the cradle of Muscovy is "Bloody marsh of Mongolian slavery, and not harsh glory of the Normanov era" (©). He wrote that Russia's policies continued to politize the Horde, and not the policies of Russia.

That Muscovy (future Russia) was the successor not Russia, but the Golden Horde. Simply put, he discovered the lies of imperial historians, as he wrote.

This book is called "Secret diplomacy of the XVIII century." MARX KARL. Secret Diplomatic History of Eigtheen Century. London, 1899. Excerpt in Russian and link to full text with translation. But let's go about everything in order.

The appearance of Russia

Rus - as a state with the center in Kiev - created the Polyan tribes. Poles have long lived on the right bank of the average flow of the Dnieper. And Kiev land (land of Polyan) long before the creation of the state was called Russia. Polyansk cities: Kiev, Chernigov, Pereyaslav. Over time, the glades are united with other Slavic tribes.

Polyany, Drevdany, Northerners, Dregovichi, Radmichi, Vyatichi, Curvichi, Ilmenie Sloves. United, assimilated, these eight tribal unions became the basis of Russia. This general nationality later began to be called Rusyn. Rus or Rusins \u200b\u200bwere the basis of Russia, with the center in Kiev.

No matter how they said, it was the title of Russia.

Rus Imperial

Rus with the center in Kiev was a kind of imperial state. There was a center (Kiev and the Kiev region) and were the colonies that felt the Rusins \u200b\u200bof Dan. Among those who paid tributes were the Lithuanian tribes, and Finno-Ugors.

From the chronicles of Nestor: "And the essence of Inni Jazyzi, izh, the tribute to Rusi: Say, Merry, the whole, Muroma, Damn, Mordva, Perm, Pecheque, Jam, Lithuania, Zimigol, Court, Norova, Libe: si From the knee of the affair, others live in the countries of the semidal "

All conquered lands were also considered Rus. But the population of these colonies was not ethnically by Rusyn. And they themselves did not count Rusyn. They were "rusky people" only in the sense that the tribute of Russia was paid. Well, the faith of one was (the total church) became after Russia won the tribe. Cultural influence was yes.

Rusy in a narrow sense was only the Kiev region for a long time. Then the Chernigovschina and the Pereyaslavshchina ethnically became ruus. And much later (at the end of the XII century), residents of Gloria and Volyn became Rusyn. Then Rusy became called the Galician-Volyn Principality. There were no more Rusynov anywhere. And no other Rus was no longer.

Chud (Finno-Ugric tribes)

Finno-Ugry, who felt Rusi Dan, lived between the Volga and Okoy and in the Ural. In Russia, these territories were called jam. This is the central part of modern Russia. Mail to Russia joined somewhere in the X-XI century. At that time, Rus is already century and two as existed. And the Rusins \u200b\u200bwere formed as an ethnos.

There is no accurate data on the conquest. It is only known that he did not immediately have won it, but when Russia fastened. When "conquering" appeared.

At the end of the XI century, a separate principality was formed: Rostov-Suzdal. It had two centers: Rostov and Suzdal. In the XII century, another center appeared: Vladimir. It is this land in the literature of the XIX century called Rostov-Suzdal or Vladimir-Suzdal Rus.

But no, it was not in the chronicles of many Ravy: Kiev, North or Serobursalin. Moreover, Rostov-Suzdal or Vladimiro-Suzdal Rus. These are the historians of the Russian Empire in the XIX century donorid. "Kievan Rus" is the same artificial name as "Russia". Rus was only one. And she was called "Rus". That's so simple.

Formation of Muscovite (Russian)

In the X century, the Rostov-Suzdal land was mainly settled with Finnish tribes. On these lands and began to form the ethnos of the modern Russian people.

Like any metropolis, Kiev influenced the conquered peoples. Slavic migrants on the lodge, of course, were mixed with Finnish tribes.

And, of course, Finno-Ugry and other tribes collapsed over time.

And they adopted the tongue, and the Orthodox faith. But so far, the Russian depth is keeping the story of Finno-Ugroms, not the Slavs. Here they wrote about it, and here, and here, and here.

Russian folk suit nothing in common with Slavic clothes has no. Muscite folklore is also atypical for Slavs. Fiction "The Slavic" first and the main Russian people are just funny.

Cities at the Finno-Ugric lands were sometimes called on the rusky manner. Nevertheless, the river and most settlements still retained Finnish names. For example, a bunch of river and the influx has a Finnish ending (-I, which means "water").

Make, you can say, was on the backyards of Russia. People inhabiting it, because of the difficult living conditions pushed. Trade routes were almost no. Around the forest and swamps.

Therefore, the Kiev princes did not consider these lands to "Laccom Kosk". They did not pay almost no attention to them. Rusins \u200b\u200bfrom their rich and warm edges, in lodge, the crowds did not pour. Migrants-Rusinov was little.

In general, Russia in Muscovy Massovo never moved. And Muscovy was not initially rusky, and Muscovites were not Rusyn. Muscovite ethnos was formed somewhere in the second half of the XII century.

Rusins \u200b\u200bas an ethnos with a separate state and the title existed since the X century. That is, modern Russians are the youngest East Slavic ethnos. Not a senior, and the younger. Not brother, but a neighbor.

The Russian woman in the comments somehow said that "no, our ancestors are not thiemen, because that these peoples are a completely different skeleton structure." Iron argument! Now look at the photo of modern Finns. Guess: who were their ancestors? Do not you say!

Rus and Chud

Finno-Ugry themselves (Chud) were not called Russia. They opposed Russia in their chronicles opposite. What colony would not oppose my metropolis alien to her?

In the Lavrentievsky chronicle and in Ipateevskaya, it is clearly seen this opposition. And they describe the events of the XII-XIII century. That is, even in the XII century and at the beginning of the XIII century, Novgorod-Suzdal land was not considered Russia. Neither Rostov-Suzdal Earth, nor Ryazan, nor Smolenshchina, nor Vladimir Earth.

Russia was only the earth of Polyan, that is, the metropolis on the Kiev lands.

And yes, Kiev - the mother of the cities of Russky; Mother of Russia - Polyanskaya lands. And other cities expanding Russia, who have never belonged to future Muscovy.

Russians consider ... ATTENTION: that their first state (Russia) appeared somewhere around 400 years earlier than themselves. ... And that it was precisely their state. How it happened, I will write below. While about the Tatar two words.

Conquest Russia Tatars

At the beginning of the XIII century, because of the internecial wars, Rus weakened and fell under the onslaught of Tatars. Tatars won Rus, and Poland, and Hungary, and the Northern Balkans. Returning from the victorious campaign, Tatars created their state.

So the state of the Golden Horde appeared, on the Lower Volga. Earth Rus did not enter the Golden Horde, as part of the state, and became its vassals. Now Rus itself was forced to pay tribute.

The disintegration of Russia has further separated the land of Rus and lumping apart. And culturally, and ethnically, and politically.

Muscovy, or Moscow State

Where did Moscow come from? Finno-Ugry was first under Russia, then under the Tatar Horde. Partially under the influence of Russia, they were plagued, and under the influence of the horde - they turned out. Moreover, they were silent very much.

But Russia's influence Russian historians deliberately exaggerate. And the influence of the horde is deliberately understood. It comes to funny: almost deny the influence of the hordes on Muscovy.

And this is despite the fact that under the Golden Horde, Muscovite lands were almost 300 years.

What do we have these 300 years? Haha! We did not notice! So here. Only after the collapse of the Golden Horde, they were formed:
Kazan Khanate
Kasimovskoe Khanate
Crimean Khanate
Astrakhan Khanna
Siberian Khanate

Moscow as a small settlement with this Finnish name is mentioned in the preserved writers only from the middle of the XII century. In the XVI century, this name has spread to the entire Moscow principality.

The usual thing for those times: the city of Rome gave the name of the Roman Empire, Moscow - Moscow. Actually, then the Moscow Principality itself appeared in the international arena.

Only in the XVI century. This is the beginning of Russian statehood.

Most of the nations of Europe, as Evgeny writes, are beginning their history with the emergence of their independent states in the IX-X century.

Russians, probably, the only believe that their first state (Russia) appeared somewhere 400 years earlier than themselves.
But it was different: first, the Moscow ethnos appeared in the second half of the XII century. Then, in the XV century, the Moscow state appeared, and in the XVI - it seemed to neighbors.

Marks wrote about and wrote (there are translated passages in the network): "Amazed Europe, at the beginning of the reign of Ivan III, barely noticed the existence of Muscovy, sked between Lithuania and Tatars, was stunned by the sudden appearance of a huge state at its eastern borders" (c)

So, Moscow, Moscow, Moscow State. Rules to them the prince, and the first king of Moscow appeared in the XVII century. That is, at first Tatar Khan replaced the prince, and later the King changed the king.

The center was transferred to Moscow. But. To know at the Moscow Prince remained almost in the full composition of Tatar. Muscovy lands won the Horde. And Muscovy's policies were a continuation of the Horde policy.

What, actually, wrote Karl Marx. And Marx, and Gumilev, and Platonov. Many actually wrote. Then Catherine II just rewrote the story (more precisely: continued this case). And those historians who wrote the truth was very sad fate.

Lip rolled by half

The Moscow Principality was a receiver of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. Which itself almost 300 years was part of the Golden Horde. If Muscovy was someone's succession, then the successor of the Golden Horde. Muscovy was not and could not be the succession of Russia. What rus? How sideways?

Trubetskoy: "The Moscow State originated thanks to the Tatar IGU. The Moscow kings, without finishing the "gathering of the Russian Earth", began to collect the lands of the Western ulus of the Great Mongolian monarchy: Moscow became a powerful state only after the conquest of Kazan, Astrakhan and Siberia. The Russian king was the heir of Mongolian Khan. "The overthrow of the Tatar yoke" was brightened to the replacement of Tatar Khan by the Orthodox king and to the transfer of the Khan bet to Moscow "(c)

That's how. On the one hand, Muscovy collected the Orda lands, and on the other - the land of Russia. Still collects. Crimea is also the Earth of the former Golden Horde. So Muscovy announced himself by the succession and Russia, and the Golden Horde. She rolled the royal lip on Polmir, can still pick up.

How did Russia appear?

Until 1721, only the name "Moscow" or "Moscow State" was officially used. Until this time, it was not officially Russia, allegedly in Russia. Because until that time, Muscovites had not yet managed to steal her name nor the history of Russia.

Then consciously the name of the Moscow state changed. In 1721, the Moscow kingdom captured the land of Rus, the name of Russia and the history of Russia. They did the rebranding, which is called: the name of Russia stole and turned it into Russia.

This name is not popular. It is artificial.

But it was from this that the myth-making quality of the Great Russia or Velikorsia began. It was not 100 years old as Russia became called True Russia. Muscovites began to call Russian or grandios.

Rusins-Ukrainians suddenly became "Malorus".

Lies have repeated so many times that it began to seem true. But did not become true. At the same time, the conquest of Russia Muscovy ceased to admit. What a conquest? One land, one people.

Is it possible to win your people?

Not. Maximum - combine, collecting together. Good thing, yes? A lie, which has the beginning, but having no end. Meanness, similar to which in history and find difficult.

When Muscovy changed its name, Rusins \u200b\u200bchanged the name of their land. In order not to uniform Russia and Muscovy, Rus began to call Ukraine more often.

And they began to call themselves more often not by Rusyn, but by Ukrainians. Because different nations and to be called in different ways. Now Rusinam-Ukrainians are strongly told that they were not.

That the names of the people were not, therefore there were no people. That there was no people, because he had no name. That their states in Rusin-Ukrainians were not. All of these blah blah blah about the single people and the fraternity are all from there. From the lies for the benefit of the empire.
Where did the older brother come from?

Invented only the XX century. Only in the 30s of the XX century. That is, this concept is only about 70 years old. The elder brother is the type of Russians to Ukrainians, Russia. And all the rest of the people of the USSR, Russia is also an elder brother. Stalin - Father, and Russia is an older brother.
Three "Slavic people" were announced equal, but the Russians were always written first. The Russian people were the first among equal. Some, as you know, are always equal to others. Although not. Is the nationality? In no case. Therefore, the 5th Graph was obligatory to fill in (nationality).

Therefore, the peoples of the USSR deported, based on the entry in this graph.

Therefore, now Russia now has its aggression in Ukraine, "Russian protection". It does not matter that in the Crimea of \u200b\u200bRussian only half. It does not matter that in the eastern regions of Ukraine, Russians are even less. Who are the other nations and nation worry? We see only Russians, the rest move. The myth about the championship and seniority of Russians is still promoted. How else otherwise resume the Russian Empire or the semblance of the USSR headed by Russia? On what basis otherwise the Ukrainian lands will again seize?

Three (not) fraternal people

The ancestors of the Ukrainian people are the tribes that lived on the territory of modern Ukraine (Volinyany, Claranians, Polyany, White Croats, Oitlini, Tivers and Sievers) and did not move anywhere. In the X century, Rusins \u200b\u200bhave already been formed as a separate ethnos.
The tribes that occupy the territory of modern Belarus (Dregovichi, Curivichi, radms mixed with the Balti, which in this territory settled before them) became the ancestors of the Belarusian people.

Ilmenie Sloves have formed a separate Pskov-Novgorod ethnos, which only in the XV-XVI century was partially destroyed, and partly assimilated by Moscow.

On the lands of lumps, Slavic migrants were mixed with Finnish tribes and formed the youngest East Slavic ethnos - Muscovites, future Russians. It was somewhere in the second half of the XII century.
Then appeared on the historical stage of "Velikorosi".

The first of them was Andrei Bogolyubsky. He became famous for destroying Kiev in 1169. Sugal, killed, robbed, took captivity. Do not destroy your cities. Only strangers. It was not something like a "civil war" between Rusyn. Rus and Kiev were a strange prince from the lodge and his army.

By the way, his Russian church has not admitted so long ago. The facts of historians-lungs, justifying Great-Callery, do not confuse. For this purpose, a lie is the first tool. Lomonosov, Miller, Solovyov, Klyuchevsky, Pokrovsky and a bunch of other scientists wrote that the basis of the people of Muscovy is the Finno-Ugric tribes (Chud). Some of them said that in Russians 1/5 of Slavic blood. And that would be no matter if the Russians themselves did not want to be the first and chief Slavic people.

In addition to the article.

Muscovy (Russia) paid tribute to the Crimean Khan, his sovereign and the owner, the legal successor of the Golden Horde, up to 1700. Muscovy's king met the Crimean ambassador on Poklonnaya Mount, he sacked him on his horse, hiking himself, under Judis, led a horse with the Crimean ambassador to the Kremlin, he sacked him on his throne and got on his knees ...

1. Power with the title of Moskovik Tsar Peter I renamed Russia already in the 18th century, in 1721.

2. The Moksha tribe called its river Moscow, and the translation of this name, from the Moksha language, sounds like "dirty water". Any other languages \u200b\u200bof the world cannot translate the word Moscow. The word "Kremlin" is Tatar and denotes the strengthening on the elevation.

Z. In the Middle Ages, all European cartographers wrote and conducted the border of Europe along the borders of Russia (Russia is the territory of the current Ukraine). Muscovy - Ulus, with its Finnish peoples, has always been the component of the Horde, and its Europe rightly referred to Asia.
4. Muscovy (Russia) paid tribute to the Crimean Khan (!), His sovereign and the owner, who was the successor of the Golden Horde, up to 1700. The king of Moskovia met the Crimean ambassador on a positive grief, he sacked him on his horse, hiking himself, under the ultimate, led the horse with the Crimean ambassador to the Kremlin, sled him to his throne and got up to his knees (!?).

5. In 1610, in Murzia on Boris Godunov (Murza Guidong) ended the Chengizidov dynasty (relative of Genghis Khan), and Alexey Cat from the Finnish race of mares was erected on the throne, and with his wedding to the kingdom, the Church gave him the name of Romanov, who allegedly arrived from Rome rule Muscovy.

6. Catherine II, after the occupation of the last free Ruska Power - the Grand Duchy of the Lithuanian (territory of Belarus) in 1795, the Ugro-Finnish Tribe of Muscovy was ordered by his order, and the Ukrainians - True Rusich - Malorus.

7. No one has ever seen an agreement on the reunification between Muscovy and Ukraine, allegedly signed by B. Khmelnitsky and King A. Romanov.

8. For several centuries, the Archaeologists of Muscovy are looking for artifacts confirming the accuracy of the Kulikov battle, but so far unsuccessfully, that's just the fable about the victory of D. Donskoy over Mama, they still have to have all the voices.

9. Pskov, Novgorod, Smolensk regions of Russia, is the former Slavic Ruskii principality, and there was no relation to the Ugro-Finnish Musculi, as long as Muscovy Horde did not occupy them, respectively, in 1462, in 1478 and in 1654. And in other regions of Russia (Muscovy), Slavic tribes and peoples never lived.

10. The Golden Horde and her daughter - Muscovy, are the only countries of the world who kept their own people in the slaves. This explains the eternal backwardness of Muscovy rich in natural minerals from the European countries relatively deprived of natural resources. After all, the efficiency of free people is much higher than slaves.


A law is submitted for consideration by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, according to which, replacing it with the word "Moscow".

The note to the draft law states that the name "Rus" and the derivative of it "Russia" is a generally accepted name of the current Ukraine. Before the Ukrainian parliamentarians finally cancel Russia, replacing it with Muscovy, it is necessary to refer to the history of the issue.

Name Rusa

There is a mass of enough contradictory versions on the origin of the name "Rus", or "Ros".

The first mention of the "Peace of Ros" is found in the Burty Annals dated 839. Some people who called themselves dews arrived at the Byzantine Emperor Feofil as ambassadors to enter into friendly relations on behalf of their leader. The Emperor Theophilus had the opinion that the envoys were performed soon the intelligence, rather than a diplomatic mission.

According to the Slavic version, the Rosis or Rus was called the tribe of the Eastern Slavs, living on the average course of the Dnieper: to the south of Kiev to the Roussa River and by the flow of this river and its influx of Rossavy. Subsequently, the name began to spread to other associations of Slavic tribes in the region.

"The Tale of Bygone Years" argues that the State Rus, which included in its territory of the Baltic, Finno-Ugric and East Slavic tribes in its territory, received its name from Varyagov. Prior to the variations of Varyagov, the territory of the first Russian state inhabited the Baltic, Finno-Ugric and East Slavic tribes under their own names. The author of the chronicle, the monk of the beginning of the XII century Nestor, notes that the Russian land was nosed from those Varyag. "

Another version says that the "Rossami" the Byzantines nicknamed the tribes that made raids to Constantinople. Rosses meant "red" or "red" - the name was given for the characteristic color of the faces of warriors who were overtook under the south sun.

According to the military version, initially Rusy called the military estate of the Slavic tribes living in the region. Then the name spread to the entire people.

Residents of "Kievan Rus" did not know that they live in it

By the X century, the name "Rus" firmly consolidated for a new state education, which at the peak of its power included land from Galich and Misley in the West to the Volga in the East and from the White Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south.

The unified Russian state with the capital in Kiev existed to the middle of the XII century, when the period of feudal fragmentation began with the release of individual principalities.

A similar phenomenon was experiencing absolutely all European powers, and the process of crushing after this was replaced by a new association.

On the Russian lands, the events began to develop otherwise as a result of the large-scale invasion of Batiya in 1237-1240, as a result of which the final separation of a single Russian space occurred.

The period of development of the Russian state in historiography has several titles: "Ancient Russian state", "Ancient Russia" and "Kievan Rus".

The term "Kievskaya Rus" first appeared in the first half of the XIX century in the work of the historian Mikhail Maximovich "Where the Russian land comes from" in a universityographic sense to designate the Kiev principality, in one row with such phrases as "Chervonny Rus", "Suzdal Rus." In the second half of the XIX century, the term acquired an additional, chronological dimension - one of the stages of a single Russian history and statehood.

Finally, the term "Kievskaya Rus" was established in the Soviet period thanks to the work of the historian Boris Grekova. Himself academician Greeks interpreted this term as follows: "I think it is necessary to once again point out that in my work I deal with Kievan Russia not in the narrow-engineering sense of this term (Ukraine), namely, in the broad sense of the" Empire Rurikovich"Corresponding to the Western European Empire Karl Great- includes a huge territory on which several independent public units subsequently formed. "

So, Kievan Rus, or the ancient Russian state, is the stage of development of the statehood of a single people, which includes those who today call themselves Russian, Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Substitution of concepts, or why Muscovy Poles

The unifying processes that began on Russian lands in the XIV century, and most actively passed in the XV - early XVI centuries, had their own peculiarity. The territories on which people lived, called themselves Russian, were united in two state formations - the Great Principality of the Moscow and the Grand Duch of Lithuanian.

By the end of the XV century, Russian territories under the control of Lithuanian princes were more than those that controlled Moscow Princes.

From the end of the 15th century, the term "Russian state", which is accepted and foreigners is finally enshrined around the Moscow Principality.

However, simultaneously with him at the turn of the XV-XVI centuries, the term "Moskovop" appears. According to historians, the emergence of this term is the merit of Polish-Lithuanian propagandists of that time.

Created at the end of the XIV century, the personal Junis of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with the Kingdom of Polish in 1569 in 1569 in the Lublin Union turned into the creation of a new United States - Commonwealth.

As part of the Commonwealth, there were extensive territories that once belonged to the ancient Russian state. These lands were inhabited by people who called themselves Russians who were spent in Russian, but in fact inside the statehood of Poles and Lithuanians. Meanwhile, there was an independent Russian state next to them, which sought to unite all Russian lands that existed to the Mongolian invasion.

The ideologists of the Commonwealth first began to oppose the southwestern Russian lands, which they called "Russia", the Russian state with the center in Moscow, which they called "Muscovy".

Propaganda folosing in history

In Western European countries that have not focused on the information coming from the Commonwealth, there was an understanding that the terms "Muscovites" and "Russians" are actually synonymous and are not opposed to each other.

French traveler XVII century Jacques lanehe wrote that the "Muscovites" the Russians became referred to after finding independence from the Mongolian Iga on the main city of the state - Moscow. "It is mistaken to call them by Muscovites, and not Russians, as we do not only live in distance, but also closest neighbors. They themselves, when they are asked what nation they answer: Russac, that is, the Russians, and if they are asked, from where they answer: Is Moscova - from Moscow, "wrote Geager.

In Russian, the term "Moskovia" appeared only in the middle of the XVIII century as introduced and never enjoyed popular.

In Europe, a new active promotion of the term "Moskovia" began in the middle of the XIX century and was caused by the political confrontation and rivalry of the great powers, primarily France and Russia. In France, using the so-called "Polish question", actively began to promote the work of the Pole Francis Dukhinsky. In them, this ethnographer claimed that "Muscovites" is not Europeans, and Asian Turanians, unlike the Poles and Rusins \u200b\u200b(Ukrainians and Belarusians), who, together with other European peoples, were "Aryans". Accordingly, according to Dukhinsky, "Rusins" - cultural farmers, and "Muscovites" - wild nomads-barbarians, who have always threatened civilized Europe. According to Francis Duhinsky, Europe should have helped creating new independent Poland, including Ukraine and Belarus, so that she spoke to the Court of Civilization on the path of "Wild Asian Hordes".


The term dates back to the times of an ancient Russian state, when "Ukraine" called the border areas of Russia and Russian principalities.

For the first time, "Ukraine" is mentioned in the Ipatiev chronicle due to death in 1187 in the Pereyaslav land of Prince Vladimir Glebovich ("About him Ukraine a lot of post"), later - in the annals of 1189 and 1213 (Galico-Volynsky chronicle). These mention belonged to the incense territories of Pereyaslavsky (National Line), Galician and Volyn Principities. From that time and almost until the XVI century in writing sources, this word was used in the meaning of "border lands", without binding to any particular region with clear boundaries, including far beyond the territory of modern Ukraine. Only by the XVIII century, the term "Ukraine" is consolidated by a particular region - by the Cossacks by the Middle Subway. Residents of this territory are gradually being called "Ukrainian people", or "Ukrainians". At that time, the term is absolutely devoid of ethnic burden, since the Ukrainians also called representatives of the Polish gentry on the Ukrainians. At the same time, on a par with the name "Ukraine", there is also the name "Malorossia", indicating the ethnic affiliation of its indigenous inhabitants.

The term "Ukraine" until the XIX century did not spread in the territory of Volyn, Podilya, Chervonna Russia, that is, on the Western lands of the ancient Russian state, which was deprived of national statehood and those in the composition of the Lithuanian principality first, then a compulcular speech, and subsequently the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

People who inhabited these territories continued to call themselves "Russians", which seriously disturbed the politicians of Austria-Hungary. At the end of the XIX - early XX century, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was reanimated by the old Polish ideological developments, opposing two branches of the Russian people. So the modern Ukrainian nationalism was born, one of the fruits of which is the current idea of \u200b\u200bUkrainian deputies for renaming Russia in "Muscovy".

The azvitsis of such a social structure, as a state, is subject to certain evolutionary laws. A serious analysis of the history of Russia shows that the path of our country in time is fundamentally scaly, and the elevation of Muscovy was caused by the fact that the principles of the absolute monarchy were produced here, while in the surrounding lands the style of the Board was different, princely in the boyars control. Russia was carried out, for had a tough state idea.

In a book written by an affordable language, with plenty of illustrations, the past of Russia is highlighted from different sides: the secular and church history of the country traced; The features of its relationship with the West, primarily with the Grand Durability of Lithuanian and Poland, and the East, are primarily with Kazan.

For a wide range of readers.


Idea stem history

According to generally accepted opinion, the story is a complex of social sciences studying the past of humanity in all its concreteness and diversity. However, the Donun remains a fair other definition of history, - it is given in the British Encyclopedia of 1771, - where this item is called the "History of Actions":

"The story of Acts is some way an ordered series of memorable events."

What events are considered memorable, how to streamline them - all this remains at the discretion of the historically. Therefore, almost everything that is understood by the history today is a historiography in which interpretations made by individual historices are combined by one or another rules in the "history courses" based on

public compromise

in a certain way

political conjuncture

But this is only one side of the question. In our past there is a lot of unclear due to the complexity of the evolution process itself. Evolution is a multifactoric process, non-linear, accompanied by the production of a huge amount of information, from which only the insignificant part turns out to be reflected in the chronicles, besides, it is not known which degree of completeness and reliability.

The story, of course, is science, - if only because it has its own area of \u200b\u200bresearch and its own method - but it initially and still does not initiate an objective approach, but an ideological paradigm defining geopolitical and regional economic and political interests. Until the XVI century "History" of various regions, and the general history, too, was built entirely on Divine

In the interests of the Church. In the period of the XVII-XIX centuries in Europe, the dominant has become

humanism. In the Soviet period in our country it was believed that the story became science

only on the basis of

Marx and Engels ("Historical Materialism"). Meanwhile, it is properly said: if for ideology it is necessary that there are two two two, then it will be.

In this way,

the focus of traditional European history is completely obvious. She, as a complex of philological sciences, including among other things and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe past of mankind, was developed in the XVI-XVII centuries, in the Epoch of Reformation and Counforming, as a result

Beginning of historiography

Political historiography has its own ancestor. This is an outstanding statesman of Byzantium, the founder of the doctrine of the State George Gemist Plongfon (otherwise Pleton, 1355-1450). He foresaw the decay of the Byzantine Empire and tried to substantiate the necessary changes in the state structure, but did not have time: Byzantium fell in 1453. It was this elder that emigrating to Florence, brought his archive there and founded the Duke of the Metzenichi Medici "Platonovskaya Academy", which would be more correct to call the Flaphonian.

This academy and began rapid activities on "detection" and the replication of the "ancient" sources, calling for the work of book publishers and merchants, such as P. Braccholini, whom his own contemporaries have repeatedly shown in a fake manuscript.

L. Bruni, the Florentine Chancellor, nicely worked on his owners of the Medici, exalted their genus: Published in 1439, after the arrival of Florence with the Byzantine archives, a 12-volume "Florence story". It simply rewritten by the Byzantine chronicles with the replacement of the site and actors to Florentine. And so, the medieval history of Florence immediately "lengthened" about 260 years!

In those years, Florence has become a worldwide artistic salon, and she trades the "Byzantine antiques" so far. It is here on the backyards of the workshop of the Great Michelangelo in the XVI century a newly agreed "ancient Greek Laocona"; And at the same time

the appearance of the masterpieces of Leonardo da Vinci and Rafael, suddenly "discover" the creations of the works of Italian artists of the PRASTENESAN (Jotto, Chimabue, etc.). All this product was in demand, since the "Byzantine" products on the market was not enough. It is characteristic that the icons in Florence were not traded, since the hands of the Orthodox Icons in the Muslim Ottoman Empire cut off their hands, it was dangerous, and the Florentine artists could not write icons themselves, they did not know how to write icons. But the manufacture of "ancient" manuscripts was put on the flow (and not only in Florence) as well as the 20th century.

For the XIX century there is a brilliant example of falsifying European culture. Veus Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was not only a great poet. He was a historian; His first position is the official of the archive of the Department of Foreign Affairs, then he wrote scientific work on history. After 1832, he, doubting the truthfulness of the story, compiled by Karamzin, seriously engaged in the study of sources. And so, when writing the "Songs of Western Slavs" cycle, I suspected that the poetic collection of Proster Merim (1803-1870) "Guzla" ("Guzla", 1827) is founded not on the present Bosnian folklore. At the request of Pushkin, his friend S. A. Sobolevsky in 1835 wrote a letter to Merim, with a request to explain the origin, according to Pushkin's expression, these "strange songs".

History and evolution of structures

Any dynamic system

- The number of which includes both humanity as a whole, and any holistic community, is structured. Various units of a single social system have different names: classes, denominations, scientific schools, industries, political parties, social groups ... Here we call them just


And this is something about what V. O. Klyuchevsky called "historical bodies."

In our understanding


Forming the social system, there are holistic parts of this system. They are characterized by sustainable connections and interests that allow them to maintain their basic properties in time. Interests


the interest of the system as a whole is not identical, but necessarily coincide with it in detail.

It is important that


it manifests itself through the activities of people, despite that every person can be an object or a subject of many of them. Let's say a person has a certain profession, and at the same time owns some religion, and supports some other political party. In the economy, he and the manufacturer, and the buyer. It gives some of its activities with some information, but at the same time turns out to be a consumer of information, and may be an object of manipulation. So he is involved in a lot of penetrating each other


unified system.

The main goal of any


it is her own survival, and in this business it uses all means. If the survival is beneficial to cooperate with others


, - will cooperate. If it is more convenient to autonomous development, it will exist in itself. But usually relationships become antagonistic because


one main resource - people.

Another important consideration that should be taken into account: a person as an independent "unit" makes decisions, proceeding not from the specific situation in the system and its


And from my ideas about what is happening and what should happen. The degree of loyalty of its presentations is usually low.

Lettering in Russia

Official chief spelling in Russia began in the XV century, almost simultaneously with the conquest of Tsargrad Turks (1453 years old), and his so-called

original devils

, - according to historians. This all recognized fact means only one thing: we do not have reliable sources on the state history of Russia for earlier times. And what is interesting, in the chronicles of ordinary devils there are no mention of "ancient manuscripts". And the study of history and systematization of chronicle data began even later.

Meanwhile, it is believed that the first chronicles on the sample of Byzantine chronographs were created in the XI century, and by the end of the XVII century, printed books came to replace handwritten creations. For these six centuries, thousands and thousands of chronicle lists were created, but before our times they had about one and a half thousand. The rest, including the very first, died for various reasons. In general, the same chronicles in fact are in fact not enough: the overwhelming majority of the lists are handwritten replication of the same primary sources. The very old of the preserved are the following chronicles: the synodal list of the Novgorod first chronicle (XIII-XIV century), Lavrentiev (1377 years), Ipatiev (XV century), illustrated Radzivilovskaya (XV century) chronicles.

Original chronicles are named by the names of the creators, publishers or owners, as well as at the place of writing or initial storage (now they are all in state libraries or other storage). For example, the three most famous Russian chronicles - Lavrentievskaya, Ipatiev and Radzivilovskaya - are named as follows: the first name of the correspondence, the monk of Lawrence; The second at the place of storage, Kostroma Ipatiev Monastery; Third - named first


owner, Lithuanian grand-road race Radziwilles.

The emergence of Russian history

The compilers of Russian history on the basis of available chronicles, the oldest list of which does not leave earlier the end of the XIV century, were: the founder of the Norman theory of the origin of the Russian state Gottlieb Siegfried Bayer (1694-1738) and the Yellow Enemy of Normanism M. V. Lomonosov (1711-1765); V.N. Tatishchev (1686-1750) and Gerard Friedrich Miller (1705-1783), Prince M. M. Shcherbatov (1733-1790), who wrote the "Russian history from ancient times" in seven volumes, which became a prologue to Karamzin (1766-1826). Look at the dates of the life of these scientists! They were

ancient Russian history

in the XVIII century, - which is not at all surprising if the sources on which they were based were accumulated in the preceding two hundred and three hundred years.

G. - F. Miller, having studied Russian, became one of the first Russian historians. Supporter of the Norman theory of origin of the ancient Russian state, he attributed all the most important events of his economic, political and cultural life, - and this means that he was a story, obviously being in power

The history of Russia written by them caused hot objections, and among his opponents were M. V. Lomonosov and S. P. Krasheninnikov. Despite this, the 38 foliants of the acts of acts collected by them ("Miller's portfolios) have been feedd by materials not only by historians, but also geographers, and writers.

The first connected "history of the Russian state" amounted to N. M. Karamzin, who in 1816-1825 released the eleven volumes at the government subsidy, and the last, the twelfth volume was released in 1826 after his death. For his time it was a serious and important work. In his example, we see that the Russian historical school with a small lag behind Europe

based on one written sources

Without any archeology and other natural scientific methods, the past structured, ranging from Rurik. Scientists either created during the work some

for thousands of years of development in a huge territory, inhabited by many peoples, whether from the very beginning proceed from

What is interesting, contrary to this established scheme, Dmitry I. Ilovaysky (1832-1920), detailing all the well-known oldest chronological arches, does not find Rurik there!

"… Same

Moscow and Lithuania

"Empiries". Short essay about Byzantium

As a biological being a person, whatever they say, belongs to the animal world. And human families, from their very appearance on Earth, inevitably obeyed the rules of the animal "hostel". And since the main thing for the survival of the family is the availability of resources, inspired by the main wealth, the basis of the very existence of a family became the territory, the land with all its natural diversity with which this family feeds.

Bear and lion's families, wolf flocks adhere to "their" land. Lynx hunted on his site and will fight someone else's lynx from him. Even poultry will not let the stranger in the space near their nest. Urban dogs, not the name of "their" land, today will make the territory around the house of the owner. An animal instinctively protects his life and its resource, because they are inseparable from each other: without a resource will be deprived of life too.

As for people, it was established - from the 9th century, there was a selection of nations in Europe, the state-owned design (and from the XII-XIV - registration of national states). If you believe the traditional story, long before that, the ancient states of Asia passed exactly the same way to disappear overnight and start "from scratch" - as if Asia was on another planet. But we will leave aside the question of loyalty or infidelity of traditional chronology and see how the social development of man really went. After all, from the primitive family to the nation the path is not free!

Rod - Tribe - Nature - Nation

- It is believed that the development was exactly the case. And without special foundations, scientists considered that

- The rootary association of people - changed the primitive human herd. What kind of "flock" is this, we can not tell you. In our opinion, regardless of how people appeared - according to God's command, or a slow "rebirth" of individual monkeys, or as a result of a quick natural mutation, they immediately united into families, and families in childbirth, and defended their territory. In the end, the monkey of the group in the forest also do not walk abubs where.

Rod already knows social and production relations, but he still does not need a way out. Family self-sufficient, he is an independent social

Walking in Moscow

A huge, underestimated, in our opinion, the importance of the emergence of states has international trade. At all


trade, exchange of goods, once having arisen, can not stop, because it is here that the surplus product arises, which gives the resource and for many conjugate


Which, for the sake of their own survival, will support trade in all imaginable ways!

Imagine the primary merchant. Suppose on the seashore, he agreed with fishermen, which will exchange ten herring on nine breads. Then, moving away from the coast, it agrees with the landpashers, which will exchange ten breads on nine herds. Both those and others are glad: To exchange the goods directly, they need to lose a working day, having lost a fair amount of herring or breads. Rad and merchant; To feed the family, he mined her herring with bread.

Over time, trading turnover increases, and on their income it can hire movers and carriers, accounting and protection. These


also begin to develop, and they pull the following layer


For example, shipbuilding. After all, it is clear that the one who will offer the carrier a more spacious and reliable transport ship will win - and with it the carrier, and the merchant.

But merchants are becoming a lot: the point is profitable, new people are adjacent to it, and children, grandchildren, closures, nephews of the initial traders are also greeted, - along with producers of goods.

While trade has an intergovernmental nature, that is, only in a specially dedicated place (city) on the border of tribes, its regulation, with the collection of tax and the establishment of internal rules, tribal leaders are engaged. But the interests of the first persons of such a city gradually go beyond the interests of the tribal authorities, besides, very large funds are concentrated in their hands. There is nothing surprising that there is a splicing of powerful powers of the leaders of various tribes with accumulated trading capital; Power and money are always "friends", and the lords and capitalists will find the opportunity to breed families.

Moscow - Capital

By purchasing even preliminary advantages, Moscow quickly entered the selection situation. And no one could continue to defeat it. So, once occurring, the randomness of the moment

goes in

and becomes irreversible; This is a universal evolutionary law. For this reason, the story can not teach anything other than understanding these postulates. And the historian takes the basis of his reasoning, the accomplished and proves that it is natural, without not considering that there is an element of chance!

All facts, harming the idea of \u200b\u200bpatterns, usually lean. Any facts confirming the "pattern" are welcome. For example, Valery Demin after a serious critical review of Russian chronicles, moving to Moscow, suddenly writes:

"Starting from the XIV century, the Pole of Russian Passionarity gradually moves to Moscow. Accidentally this or not by chance? Of course, it is not by chance. Moscow, it was simply written in Moscow to become the noosphere and geopolitical center of the Russian state, which is due to its geographic, geophysical and cosmoplanetic position. Everything else is derived from this fact and related circumstances. "

What this scientist writes further (as well as other scientists) is difficult to perceive seriously. It turns out that the capital was formed here, since the Moscow geological brand, located between the Valdai hill and the beginning of the Black Earth Zone, once was the extensive bottom of the oldest sea. Or here is another Pearl: Moscow - in the center of opposing geophysical fields, inextricably connected also with the energy of space (see Kochchemasov G. Moscow, sacred limits // Science and Religion. 1998. No. 8).

Neither Kiev nor Vladimir had such "conditions", but were the capitals. When Peter the Great transfers the throne to St. Petersburg, did not help Moscow "Geophysical Fields". But we continue to confine that the point is in them and in the tectonic lines folding "in seven concentric rings." Not the laws of the evolution of human communities living in certain geo-climatic conditions, but "sharp differences of the gravitational field", which is, it turns out, determines victories and defeats! S. Belov reported that Moscow is located within a pronounced gravitational minimum, and the territory of the Kremlin and in general

Belarus to entering the Great Lithuania

About the beginning of the history of Belarus, the principalities of which became the main components of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania since 1240, as in the case of the history of Moscow, it is necessary to talk on the basis of dubious documents ... that chronology, which is set out below, is legendary - it is mythical to no less As Kievan, and Moscow, at least before the beginning of the XV century. But we give her that the reader can navigate in the convergence and discrepancies between the versions of the history of different parts of Russia, and we are these discrepancies to comment.

Next, we are widely used by the book of Igor Litvinus "The Lost World, or Little-Learning Pages of the Belarusian History" (at the time of writing this chapter, Igor Litvina was not yet published; her text kindly provided us by the author himself

) and the "chronology of memorable events and dates in the history of Belarus."

About 25 thousand years ago. - The oldest known scholars of a person near the villages (villages) Yurovichi and Berdyzh.

End III thousand BC. e. - VII century BC. e. - Bronze Age.

VII century BC e. - VIII century n. e. - Iron Age.

Mongol-Tatars - Horde and Order

The school history course describes the Mongol-Tatar Igo in Russia in detail. Its details are so rushed that people will not immediately believe that there was no place in Belarus in Belarus, there was no place for the local principality, and there are no information indicating their subordination to Mongols or Tatars. True, they all the time fought with crusaded orders ... But it is quite interesting, and for Muscovy, there are also no archaeological finds that give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe Mongolian state. Was it, and if yes, - how and where?

About the appearance of Mongol Tatars have to be judged by drawings, but most of them are made or in our days, or in the recent past, that is, in the XVIII-XX centuries. In these drawings, not witness from nature, and artists in the stories of historians are depicted, as a rule, Turkic dressed in Turkmen bathrobes, with crooked sabers, on low horse horses, first described by Przhevalsky in the XIX century. The collectors of Dani - Baskaki, - judging by the modern paintings, also people from the southern steppes in their own kind of clothing.

But according to some testimonies, Tatar clothes differed from Russian only to the fact that it was left to left, which in the absence of standards and mass sewing production is completely insignificant. If you try to find the difference between Russian and Tatars, looking at the miniatures from the Russian chronicles, even if they fulfilled in the XVII century, find that the Tatars look quite in Europe. In their "Khan" even the royal crown on the head!

But maybe Russian chronicles did not know how to draw differently? However, Baty came to Poland, and in Hungary. And on the local drawings, his warriors look quite "civilized." In the picture dedicated to the battle with them Poles and Teutonov under the league, we see the "Mongols" armed with the Byzantine weapons - Fakes.

Originally Posted By. veletry_zp. AT.

The original is taken by W. nick_yalta77 As Muscovy stole the history of the Kiev Rusi-Ukraine.

Report of the Doctor of Historical Sciences

Creating its Ukrainian state, Ukrainians should reconsider and clarify their history, based on truth, reliable facts and historical events. Being under the centuries under the authority of the conquerors, the Ukrainians actually devoid of the possibility of influencing the formation of national consciousness and the development of history, as a result of which the history of Ukraine is written mainly to these conquerors. The question of claims and claims of Muscovy, and in the future of Russia, on the historical heritage of Kiev, Russia, especially unclear.

In the Roman Research V. Belinsky (Country Moxel or Muscovy / / Kiev: Publisher. Elena Teligi, 2008, 2009, in three books) are reported facts taken from historical sources (mostly Russian), which indicate a fundamental distortion of the history of the Russian Empire aimed at creating historical mythology that Muscovy and Kievan Rus have common historical roots, Muscovy has "hereditary rights" on Rus.

The usual fraud of Muscovites, who assigned the past of the Great Kiev principality and his people, defeated a terrible blow to the Ukrainian ethnic. Now the task is to disclose the falsehood and immorality of Moscow mythology on the basis of truthful facts.

Consider the main questions of this problem.

Moscow, and later Russian kings understood that without the Great Past it is impossible to create a great nation, the Great Empire. To do this, it was necessary to decorate your historical past and even assign someone else's. Therefore, Moscow kings, starting with Ivan IV (Grozny) (1533-1584), was tasked to assign the history of Kievan Rus, its glorious past and create the official mythology of the Russian Empire.

This could not be paid to this if this mythology did not affect the indigenous interests of Ukraine, was not aimed at the complete destruction of Ukraine - its history, language, culture. Time has shown that Russian pastovinists did and do everything possible to implement this task.

Over the centuries, especially with the beginning of the XVI century. In the heads of people inspired and inspire that the Russian state and the Russian people originate from the Great Principality of Kiev; that Kievan Rus is a cradle of three fraternal peoples - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian; That Russians under the law "Olderies" have the right to the Heritage of Kiev Rus. This miserable lie still enjoys Russian historiography and state figures of Russia, as well as the "fifth column" in Ukraine, which includes communists, regionals or ex-region in the Verkhovna Rada.

It is known that:

During the existence of the State of Kievan Rus about the Moscow State there was not a single mention. It is known that the Moscow Principality, as the Golden Horde Ulus, is founded by Khan Mengou Timur only in 1277. By this time, Kievan Rus already existed more than 300 years;

There are no facts about the links of Kievan Rus with the Finnish ethnicity of the Earth "Moksel" and later by the Moscow principality with the principality of the land of Kiev Rus to the XVI century. At the time, in 988, the baptism of the state of Kievan Rus, the Finnish tribes of the Moxel land were in the middle-aged state.

As you can talk about some "elder brother", when this "older brother" was published by several centuries later than Rus-Ukrainians. He has no moral right to call himself an "elder brother", to dictate to humanity the rules of existence, to impose its culture, language, worldview.

It is known that by the end of the XV century. The Russian state did not exist, there was no older brother of "Great Russian" and the Russian people, and there was a Suzdal land - the land of Moxel, and later the Moscow principality, which was part of the Golden Horde - the Power of Genghisids. From the end of the XIII to the beginning of the XVIII century. The people of this land were called Muscovites. Moscow historians bypass the question of their national origin.

Muscovites, Velikorsosa - who are they?

Muscovites. In the IX-XII centuries. Big edge from Tula, Ryazan and the current Moscow region, Merry, the whole, Moksha, Chud, Mordva, Marie and others - all this is the people of Moxel. These tribes were subsequently the basis of the people who have encouraged themselves "Velikorsosa".

In 1137, the younger son of Kiev Prince Monomakh - Yuri Dolgoruki came to these lands - Yuri Dolgoruky, who remained without the princely table in the Kiev principal. Yuri Dolgoruky began the reign of Rurikovichi on the lands of "Moksel", heading the Suzdal Principality. He from a woman of a local tribe was born with son Andrei, whom was called "Bogolyubsky." Born and brought up in the forest wilderness in the middle Finnish tribal environment, Prince Andrei broke all the ties with the parent friend and with the old Kiev customs.

Yuri Dolgoruky and Andrey Bogolyubsky

In 1169, Andrey Bogolyubsky seized and destroyed Kiev: came as a barbarian who did not feel any kinship with the Slavic shrine - Kiev.

In a short time (50-80 years old), the prince from Rurikovich, a native from Mother Maryryanka, Muromskhanki, Mokshanki, was planted in every Finnish settlement ... So appeared on the land of Moxel Principality: Vladimir, Ryazan, Tver and others.

At this time, individual missionaries for the spread of Christianity begin to penetrate on the land of Moxel. On the mass "flowing" of the Slavs from the Dnieper on the ground "Moksel", as Moscow historians say, can not have any speech. Why are the Slavs from the fertile land of the Dnieper to go through impassable thickets and the swamps of thousands of kilometers to the unknown semi-dog wilderness?

On the basis of Christianity on the ground, "Moksel" is beginning to be formed, which has become Russian over time.

By the XII century. On the lands of "Moksel" only the Finnish tribes lived. This is confirmed by archaeological excavations A. S. Uvarova ("Meriana and their life on Kurgan Excavation", 1872 - 215 p.). In 7729, nor Slavic burial was found in 7729 unknown mounds.

Anthropological studies A. P. Bogdanova and F. K. Vovka, who conducted the study of human skulls, confirm the excellent features of the Finnish and Slavic ethnic groups.

In 1237, Tatar-Mongols came to Suzdal Land. All those who inconscepted their head kissing Khan's boots and took his citizenship, remained alive and unharmed who did not want to conquer - destroyed. Vladimir Princes Yuriy and Yaroslav Vsevolodovichy conquered Khan Batu. Thus, the Land "Moksel" became part of the Golden Horde of the Empire of Genghisids and its military force joined the military forces of the Empire.


He headed the military squad of the land of Moxel as part of the troops of Khan Batiya Vladimir Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich. The fact of the formation of a 1238 military squad from the Finnish tribes, which were used by Batym in conquering campaigns to Europe in 1240-1242, is direct evidence of the establishment of the power of the Khan in Rostov-Suzdal Earth.

For the period of the military campaign, Yuri Vsevolodovich, Yuriy - Yaroslav Vsevolodovich Yaroslav, who gave Hanu Batya his eight-year-old son Alexander Yaroslavich to Amanata (that is, hostages). Having been in the Horde at Batya from 1238 to 1252, Alexander, named and famous by Russian historians as Nevsky, learned the whole building and the customs of the Golden Horde became an entangle (blood brother) of the son of Batiya Sartak, married the daughter of Khan Batya and later became the faithful servant of the Golden Horde later , heading the Volodir Principality (1252-1263). He did not participate in any serious battle, all the victories of Alexander Nevsky - a pathetic lie. Prince Alexander simply could not participate in clashes on the Neva in 1240 and on the Chief of the Lake in 1242, being another child.

Alexander Nevskiy

It should be noted that the management authorities of Rostov-Suzdal princes were minimal. Khan Batym for the leadership of the principality (ulus) was appointed governor - a big bacquak, and on the ground - specific backers. These were the full-awake rulers of the Golden Horde, who were guided by the laws of Jeans of Genghisids.

The lies of Russian historians are the fact that Suzdal, and later Moscow Princes were independent of the Golden Horde. The first ruler of the principality (ulus) in the Khan diploma is called Baskak or Daruga, and the princes were considered in the second, and even in third place.

The lie is that Moscow is based on Yuri Dolgoruky in 1147. This is a myth that does not have evidential confirmation. Moscow as a settlement was founded 1272. This year a third census of the population of the Golden Horde was conducted. At the first census (1237-1238 pp.) And the second (1254-1259 pp.) Settlement - Moscow is not mentioned.

Muscovy, as the principality, which emerged in 1277, on the orders of Tatar-Mongolian Khan Mengu-Timura and was the usual Golden Horde Ulus. The first Moscow Prince became Daniel (1277-1303) (the younger son of Alexander T.N. "Nevsky"). The dynasty of the Moscow Princes Rurikovich is taken from him. In 1319 Khan Uzbek (this is stated in the above-mentioned Roman-research of V. Belinsky) appointed his brother Kulkhan by the Specific Moscow Prince, and from 1328 - the Grand Moskovsky Prince. In Russian historical literature, called as Kalita, Khan Uzbek, adopting Islam, destroyed almost all the princes Rurikovich. In 1319-1328 pp. The dynasty of Rurikovich dynasty on the Genghisid Dynasty in the Moscow Ulus Golden Horde was held. And 1598 in Muscovy was interrupted by the Dynasty of the genus Genghis Khan, which began from Prince Ivan Kalita (Kulkhan). That is, about 270 years in Moscow ruled clean chingizids.

Ivan Kalita

The new Dynasty of Romanov (Mobyl) in 1613 pledged to be sacred to keep the ancient traditions and brought an oath to the allegiance of the old Genghisid dynasty.

The Moscow Orthodox Church in 1613 became stabilizing force, which provided the storage of Tatar-Mongolian statehood in Muscovy.

From the given data it can be seen that Muscovy is a direct heiress of the Golden Horde of the Genghisid state, that is, in fact, Tatar-Mongols were the "godfathers" of Moscow statehood. The Moscow Principality (and from 1547 the kingdom) had no connections in the XVI century. With the principalities of the land of Kievan Rus.

Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky begging Khan Batya to spare Russian land. Collected engraving XIX century.

Velikoporsa. The tribe of the Velikorsov or the Russian people, as he is called today, appeared around the XV-XVII centuries. Among the Finnish tribes: Murom, weight, weight and others. Then his story appears. There is no story of the gibborsov on the land of Kiev! The story of Great Basins begins with the "landing of the Earth", with Muscovy, who have never been Russia. Tatar-Mongols, who came to these lands, made a significant contribution to the formation of "Velikorsov". The Great Common Psychology imposed an imprint of the borrowing of the Tatar-Mongolian instinct of the conqueror, the despot, who has the main goal - world domination.

So in the XVI century. The type of human conqueror, scary in his ignorance, rage and cruelty. These people did not need European culture and writing, they are alien to those categories like morality, honesty, shame, truthfulness, human dignity, historical memory, etc. Significant part of the Tatar-Mongols in the XIII-XVI centuries. It was joined in the composition of Velikorsov, more than 25% of the Russian "nobility" begin their pedigree. Here are some names of the Tatars who brought the fame of the empire: Arakcheev, Bunin, Griboedov, Delzhavin, Dostoevsky, Kuprin, Plekhanov, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Turgenev, Sheremetyev, Chaadaev and many others.

To assign the history of Kievan Rus and perpetuate this theft, the Justicians had to suppress the Ukrainian people, to drive him into slavery, to deprive their own name, to learn hunger, etc.

Ukrainians who manifested themselves as a nation in the XI-XII centuries, and perhaps before, declared "Malorus" and began to present this version to the whole world. For the slightest retreat from this version of people, they were executed, destroyed, referred to the Gulag. The Soviet period was especially cruel. In then, Ukraine has lost more than 25 million of their sons and daughters who died in wars for the interests of Russia, during collectivization, in references and dungeons.

So the "older brother", "Velikoros" forced to live "younger brother", "Maloros" in the brutal "arms of love".

Creating the historical mythology of the Russian state

At the time of the reign of Vasily III (1505-1533) in Muscovy, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe greatness, which was expressed by a representative of the Moscow Orthodoxy Monk Philofee: "Two Rome fell, and the third stands, and the fourth not to be." Since then, the Russians are born by the idea of \u200b\u200bomnipotence and "Godbragurance" that "Moscow is the third and last Rome." These thoughts applied and approved in Muscovy. How much blood was praised by Moscow princes, and later - the kings for this idea-nonsense.

In the reign of Ivan IV (Grozny), the claims of Muscovy for inheritance not only by Kievan Rus, and the Byzantine Empire strengthened. So, according to legend, the monomacha hat, allegedly donated by the Kiev Prince Vladimir Monomakh, his grandfather, Basilev Konstantin IX, was considered a symbol of the transfer of power by Byzantia Kievan Rus. Considering the fact that the first Suzdal Prince was the sixth son of Vladimir Monomaha Yuri Dolgoruky, then the presence of the inheritance rights of Moscow rulers is "proof" of the hereditary rights of Moscow rulers not only at the Kiev Breastseed Prepolya, but for the inheritance of the former Byzantine Empire. Next, a false testament of Vladimir Monomakh was drawn up on the transfer of "hereditary rights" to the son of Monomah Yuri Dolgorukhu, the conqueror of the so-called "land". All this was a fiction. In fact, the monomacha hat was a Golden Bukhara Tubette, which Khan Uzbek gave Ivan Kalita (1319-1340), which adapted this tubette for its exaltation. (Logvin Yu. "Mare, Kalita and Tubete" Monomakh "/ / Time. - Kiev, 1997, March 27).

So-called monomacha hat

Ivan IV (Grozny) for the first time in 1547 was married to the church with the title of the Moscow king, as a "imitator" of the Greek and Roman emperors. Of the 37 signatures that brought the diploma sent from Constantinople to Moscow, 35 were fake. So Ivan the Terrible became the "heir of the Byzantine emperors." So led a lie.

Ivan groznyj

The massive state falsification of the history of its people began Peter I. He for the first time in 1701 issued a decree of withdrawal from the conquered peoples of all written national monuments: chronicle, chronographs, chronicles, ancient historical records, church documents, archives, etc. especially concerned Ukraine-Rus.

In 1716, Peter I "removes a copy" with the so-called Königsberg chronicle, where the "union" of the ancient chronicle of the Kiev and Moscow principalities was shown and the unity of Slavic and Finnish lands was substantiated. However, access to the "copies" of the favorite, as well as to the original itself, was closed.

Falsifier Peter

This petrov falsification has become the basis for further falsifications - writing t. N. "The community chronicles", which substantiated the right of Muscovy to the heredity of Kievan Rus. Based on these falsifications on October 22, 1721, Muscovy declared himself the Russian Empire, and Muscovites - Russians. So it was stolen from the legitimate heirs of Kievan Rus - Ukrainians the historical name Rus.

Peter carved from Europe a large number of specialists, including professionals-historians who attracted to writing and falsifying the history of the Russian state.

For this, every foreigner entered the public service, gave an oath about the non-disclosure of the state secrets and was obliged to never leave the Moscow state. There is a question of what state secrets may be with the "processing of Russian history" of ancient times? In any civilized European country, after 30-50 years, all archives declassified. The Russian Empire is very afraid of the truth about his past. Deadly afraid!

After Peter I, who turned Muscovia to the Russian state, the Elite of Muscovy began to think about the need to create a holistic history of his own state. Empress Ekaterina II (1762-1796) was carefully taken for this (1762-1796), who did not allow that in the royal race it could be among the ordinary Tatar-Mongolian nor. Ekaterina II, European educated person, familiarized with archival primary sources, noted that the entire history of the state is kept on the verbal epic mythology and does not have an evidence base.

Catherine II continued fraud

Therefore, Catherine II by his decree of December 4, 1783 creates a "commission to compile notes on ancient history of mainly Russia" under the leadership and supervision of Count A. P. Shuvalov, as part of 10 outstanding historians. The main task that was completed before the Commission was to justify the "legality" of the Assignment of Muscovia of the Historical Heritage of the Kiev Rus and the creation of the historical mythology of the Russian Russian state of the Russian Federation at the expense of chronicles, writing new chronicles and other falsifications. The Commission worked for 10 years. In 1792, the "Ekaterininskaya history" saw the light. The work of the Commission was carried out in the following areas:

Collecting all written documents (chronicles, archives, etc.). This work has already been partially made by Peter I. The collection of materials was carried out not only from its country, as well as from other countries - Poland, Turkey, and more.;

Study, falsification, rewriting and destruction of historical materials. So the chronicle was rewritten: "The Word about the regiment of Igor", "Tale of Bygone Years", "Lavrentievsky Chronicle" and many others. Some chronicles corresponded several times, and the originals were destroyed or classified.

So, the Scythian History was classified by A. I. Lyzlov, published in 1776 and 1787, "Russian history from ancient times" V. N. Tatishchev, published 1747. In the Scythian History, A. I. Lyslova states that residents of Muscovy are a separate separable distinctive people, nothing in common has nothing to do with Rus (MSK), Lithuania, Poles, etc.;

Writing new "community consignments", which were written in the XVIII century, and were filed so that they were Xi, XIII, XIVB. All these vaults preached the "communional idea". This is at the time when Slavic tribes (Polyana, Drevlyan, Northene, etc.) lived on the Kiev Earth, which were already Christians, Finnish tribes (Muroma, Mero, All, Moksha, etc.) lived in the "shellish" lands. who were in the middlewide, and these tribes did not have anything in history until the XVI century;

To justify the unity of Kievan Rus and Finnish tribes, thousands of various arches were written. All these vaults and chronicles are indicated in the Roman-study of V. Belinsky, there is only in the rewritten form, and not a single original. NO ONE!!

All this indicates incredible on-scale shamelessness and arrogance of falsification when creating the history of the Russian state.

It is impossible to live forever in lies!

It's time that Ukrainian historians have written the true history of Ukraine, which would not be based on the spills of Ekaterina II chronicles and newly written in the XVIII century "community chronicle crops", but on historical facts recorded in documents, in particular countries such as Poland, Turkey , Greece, Iran and others ..

People need to know the truth.

Yaroslav Dashkevich, Doctor of Historical Sciences

UPD Some "Historians" - Freamers such as shut-off trying to convince their apologists that Ukraine has occurred from the "outskirts" and even some kind of tribe of Ukrainians nailed))). Well, stupid (s). Here is the most interesting article on this topic:
Days of Vipovnilylosta 820 Rockyv's Day of the Persian Wafter Shipping Facto IMI.
Rydomlennya Vіtchiznyannyy L_topis Vіd 18 snta 1187 ROCK Speaking: "Tіm hike (Knyazіv Rusi, Tobto Kiєva, Bilgorod, Vishgortod, Vasilkova, Pereyaslav Ta Fortese Polyovtsiya) Rybornovy Volodymyr Glіbovich (Prince Pereyaslavsky) Neduless, Vіd Yako ін . І brought yo in Pereyaslav (Ning Mist Pereyaslav Kyivskoї domain) on Noshach, і Outtailing Vіn, Mizyatsya Kvіtnya at Visіmnadtsyiy day, І Sanding Bow at the church of St. Michael, і we were crying for nyo-dyasylavtsі. Vіn Maja love a squad, І gold is not Zie, good is not Skoduvav, but Musta Druzhinі; Bouva Vіn Prince is a honestly stronger in battle, I am a Music Misnoye Vіdrіznayvnaya, I have all sorts of volunteers of the boob of resignations. For him, there is a lot of post. "

Mіzh Tim, in the Istorії Yak І in Kozhanіi Nasuy, Skіd Wain, sidel - Z'Yasuvanny Zm_sta Termonіv.
I head the problem of Istorії Ukraine є Patnanya, little is more via a scoop, І b_lshe - s shrim_nalіstyku. Accurately, З is the right of Іnteltectual vlasnosti. Tse - Kradіzhka Note the 10th. Won Vіdbulasya in the XVII and XVIII century.

One time, pіsl kіlkasotlіtіnіh killya in Odrazu on "Kilka Frontіv" Ukrainian, I looked around, і, yak then we can see, s'yasova - "I am not me, I am not mine."

Нооодівано и и и и и и и в мой и і і каївскаїнська Русский мозама комонта стоконічній комиріїники комотка ротошовано оті стиі русі койва Київ, инігів, Pereyaslav, Kiviv, Bilgorod, Vasilkіv, Vishgorod, Jurav, Lyubek, Ovruch , Ostrog, Putivl, Novgorod-Skivsky, Priluki, Volodymar-Volinsky, Lututk, Galich, Lviv, Terebed - і so much on a couple of Storinok.

Both, Zea brought to Nabli Bulo, painted by the last way, s is the politician traditional traditional culture distant squinting. € Mobacansі Nor_t Do not Rose Lyubli Ukraine, I do not rose.

Mіzh Tim, "Exchange" Nazvi - the appearance of Zvichna in Istorії. Moscow here is far from PershikiDcrivach. NІMECHINA MAZHINT TSIL TSYCHIKOLITYA, Up to 1806, Rimskoi Іmperіyyo, to 1806, I wanted the head of the Hermann Polyagaw's head in Rimsku, Rimski Schuynova Rome.

Rumunіya in the middle of the city of Khіkh Tsittya Zmіnila Dvі Vlansnі Nazy Nazvi (Voloschina I Moldova) for one. Cover Yaku! Want, in the Bіlshosti of the Wench, Scho Rumuni - Nudio Latin Dakiv, and not Rimskikh Level'ioner II Colors_stiv, Yaki Evricted with Dakії 271 ROK, Yak about the price of Odosynoynino, the Antichni Jerela.

Vіdpovіv at Patnia, Shahoya Rus, І Shahoy Ukraine, Mi Damo Sobii vіdpovіd on those, Сhoi є.

For Radyancy High in the SRSR Bula, the most popular Varyazka GіPoteza Parking Named Rusi. € Higherians appeal to one ureting of the Novgorodsky Litopean Beard, de said, Shaho "і Od Tih Varyagiv, the arrival, called Russia, and the Rus land marks them; І Novgorodski People up to the Tsoy Day Vijazkiy Day. "

Vododokhas, at Bіlsh, the early checkered Kyivsky Kyivsky Kіntsya XI Tsittya, Zkomsky was rewritten by the Bun Ranni Rydomlennya Novgorodsky Litopis_v, such a rig is municipal.
Togo, at the Novgorodskomskomskomi Litopis, Suddzhuzu, Shaho Sedna Nadnіpryanshchyna Solar Zvatsya Rusy, in 854 Rotsi, Tobto before the parish Varyagiv in Novgorod.
Ці обортені не жерменгиі дали мульліть русиской комеской отеміку О.Shakhmatov Bring, Shahvoku's єdin list of Novgorod L_TOPISU Pro POCKOVER RUSI VaryAg_V, Yak Torzor about Poked Novgorodzіv not Vono Sloven І Lyui (Yak Vono Bulo VaryAgіv, є Dich I piznyu insert, graveling Orієntovno in Prshi Polovin XV Tipitty for Zmіцнення Presting Novgorod.

Name Rus Z'. Easy to do with the header of the territory of Sadno Nadnіpryanshchini in Serino VI Tsittya, at the Creation of Sirіysky author Pseudo-Zakharіya Ritor. Pseudo-Zakharіy Talk about the people "Ros", Shahly Bagging on Pivnichny Zakhіd Vіd Priazi, Tobto, on the Seredny Dnіprі.
In the work of the Gotkiy, Istorika Yordan (VI Tsіття), I described the IV of the Bіlsh Rannі іvsky), go about the people of Rossoni, a kind of bagow from the Seredniy Nadnіpryanshini.

Naturally, Scho Ani in Vi, Ani Tim Bіlsh, in the IV Tiphtt of Wajni Varyagiv in Regioni, could not. The fersion is still kafіxovaniya Skandinavivaviv attack to 787 ROCK (їx nastack in English). Tset Person Date Eating Vіkіngіv on the M_Inny Arenis.

In Zhortti Stephen Parrotsky "- Creation of the Northwood Author X Tipittya - Sz'ii Zdіttya Zeiyi Kіntsya VIII TIRTTA WITH THE RUSSHIK RUSSION BRAVLIN І YOW PHODID ON SUROG (Sudak) TA All Usterezhka Vіd Chersonese to Kerch. Evhovaya, Іm'ya Prince is clearly not a Varyazka, but a lot to add to the hour, if Varyagіv did not Bulo.

Seednohazіyskiy lines al-Khorezmі's geographic creativity "Book" Book ", Writain Mіzh 836-847 Rockami Zgaduє Riku Kruce (Danapros-Dnіpro), Yak Tchech z Rusko Gori, Ivyody, from Kyivsky Gir.

Cherch Svidchennya about the people of Ros is found in Franksky Chronіqi "Bertinski" Vіd 839 r., Tobto, Takov, before the arrival of Varyagiv in Novgorod. Opovіdayuchi about the Embassy of the Visantіysky Imumerator to the court of Imumerator Frankiv, Hron_st-eyewitness Piche: "Vіn Torzozh Slashing (ambassadors) of people, Yaki said, Shah Woni, Tobto їkhnіy people, Ros Ros і щ їхні kings pose Khakan, sending їx to noy Vіzantіysky Іmumerator, Yak Thunder to rebel, rude friendship. "

Mіzh Tim, Prshі Didovіrno Vіdomі Danі about the Contacts of the subdigirovsky words, Iz Varyagami dates back to the middle of the middle of the table. Tobo, Yakby Varyagi brought Іm'a Rusinv, Vono Nіyak could not have Baud Zafіksovan at the VI-VIII table.

Varyazka Theorem "Named Nalli Rusi so loved in the SRSR through those, Scho donated" not to take "hundreds of hundreds of libeys, in a clear Scheduzhvo, Scho Rus - Tse Vuschulya, the Earth Central Republic, and zhіі Ukraine.
The KIM, Varyagiv, Yaki, often served Namanzi Vіyski Varyazhi, Varytіjtsi. However, Vіzantіjtsі Nikoli was not called qih Varyag_v Rusa. Rusi at Vіzantіjvіv - TsEA Events Semennya Naddnіpryanshini Ta Pіvnіchnіynshiya, Alla Alla Nіyak not Scandinavi s be -halnikyiiiii - Sam Scandinaviai, іtalії, Franzії, Skandinavia, Bulo Cimalo in Constantinople.
For the end to the vast, Odazu on Pivden Vіd Kiєva, on the right Berezia Dnіpra is soothered by the center of the rule of the dominant name, Rosy, Rosava, Rostavitzia, Ruta, Rutouy, Mali Routets, Fortceya Rodge Tusko.

Deeki Rosіyskі Dobelіdniki, Zokrema І. Danilevsky, singer, Scho N_bito name Rus is not an etern, and the social acquisition: "The people" Rus "did not have a middle of the Scandinavian people who were called" Veshallіv "(* Robs-), participated in the ships on the ships, Scho Skіdna єVROPU І иverted Words of the head of the name "Rus".
However, Tsy theorem is not concerned with the explanation of Russia, the Varyagam i will not breathe in the Varyagam I will not breathe in the vaezantkiyiyi, but the name of the Arabic Jerelakh, and the name of the name of Rus Mіtsno brought to SAME to the population of Sedno Naddnіpryanshini Torramgo.

SAME TO TAI Vіdomі Rosіyski Domelіdniki B. Ribakov, O. Trubachov, M. Tikhomirov, at once with dozens of Ukrainian, Rosiysky and Zakhіdniki, Varnali Nadnіpryanskika Poked Rus_.

Nevіt Taki Moskiv Fail, Yak Academik P.Tolochenko, Yaki Vivchav Istorіja Kyivskoї Rus \u200b\u200bat that hour, if without SanTsії KDB of the cdbogo robiti did not allow you, Torzhazhє, Scho name Rus - Mishtsev, Pivdenne Parking: "Evaid," Rus "- Iranomovna Poor, d'Kaz'yazn with the names of Sarmatsky tribes (Rosi, Rossoni, Rocksolani). Main on Interi VIII - IX Town Wono Plippilosha on Seredny Dnіprі і perished to words. Do not vipadkovo Litopishets Pisav: "... Polyanya іzh ninі calling Russia." ІNAKSHE Kojuchi, Word'yani іz tribes, Yaka became the kernel of the Davanorusko, the Spear was made by Polyanov, Alla Potim was seeded by the name "Rus" ... Evaid, Zi Vodnі Rus Povzazanі y Davong іMe Rіkuvіv Rosavi і Rostavitsky. "

Yak bi did not buoy there, but the fact is deprived of the fact. For the schoscsychos of the VI Tsіttt, the name of Rus won in Ukraine (Zakhіdnіy) to the XX Centralia, and in Central Ukraine - until the XVIII century. It is a gentian sings Ivan Franco in 1914 Rotsі writing "I єSM RUSIN". The acts of Zakarpattsi Dosі di zaminas zaminov, Nіchim is not visited by Vіd Navkolishnіkh Ukrainian.
Parallel, zhіі t_ttya viknika, name "Ukraine".

ІMERSKA Propaganda from XIx Tipitty RovsdєKota Name to Note "Ukraine" Words "Okraїna". Want, in Ukrainian, the actual words of the words "Krain", Yak, mean to the authorities.
Sowing the word "Ukrainian" in 1187 by Rotsi on Visnoye to Pereyaslavn, Tobto Vlasna Rusi, Odraza put irrrose "izne for Іmperskoi Propaganda Patten - Okrah Ukraine Caucan could Buti Tia Territory?
Naturally, not the codes of Moscow. Stained at the TI Chasi Boula with a Gremoyannia, Scho about neither the hardest one knew the Kyiv region.
Sign of Pereyaslavsky Prince Bula Vіddalena Vіd Cordonіv Rusi Nail Bіlsh, Nіzh Kyiv himself.
Such a rank, Bulo b not a prosecouxo, whom about the prince was inspired by Same Prikordonnі earth, Azzh, for the logiko, Robiti Mali Mali of the Visor Princess. Easy Bіlsh Unzomalіlo, okraїn whom could Bouti Litopica Chernigіvska Ukraine, Silsk (Novgorod-Sailorska) Ukraine, Abo, Tim B_lshe, Kyivka Ukraїna.

PІD 1189 r. In Litopsi in OpovoDannі about Prince Rostislav Berladnik, Zgaduzu, Scho Vіn Compare "in Ukraine Galitsku" (Kolya Vіn V'Ixhav at Princess).
In Galitsko-Volinskom Litopisі pіd 1213 r. є EYE DANILOW DANYLY DOMIUKI І їхав з brother і taking bestіyi, and trees і і и ерещин, pillars, komoms і all Ukraine '. Magnifying on Uvat All Princess.

In Ukrainian Movі є the word "decorati", Tobto Nadіliti Chim-Neuav, a thoughts, chl_bl, earthy і etc.
The Word of Ukraine is the word "princess" synonym. Princaimnі, SAME in such a meaning voono bugatozezovo to enhance the singer of Kilcohki Storіch Pisl, please, if Ukraine is familiar with "Our Prince", "Our Earth", "Krava".

The parallel here is a boundary prozor is obvious - Aji and Ninі in Ukraine, the word "Kraina" means Vlasna Kra. "Ukrainian", Vіdpovy, meant "Countryman", "Spіvіvіtchiznik".

Vodnochas, Yakby named Ukrainian Ponzde's named Words of the word "Okolitsya", then Tse SliD Bi Bulo Madryno Spring. Zrestyu, ISNUє MISTRA Moscow, the name of the name of the "mudget, darkness", and for Onshoy, "Cord'yachy Brod".
Alya, if Vivchennya Pisitive to bring, Shaho Specific Covered by Vozhni Valvi Ukraine in Liteteuriki Xіі-XV Town Tsіlkom Szoro Svidach about those in that perigode Thermian "Ukrainian" grew to Same Yak Synonym "Princess", "Earth".
The name of Russia is Tset Us Lishe a long time of Ukraine. And Ukraine, Vіdpovyody, Bіlsh is young (I want Niza Nova) the name Rus.
And Znovka, in the soy of the name of Nazvі Ukraine is not Originalna. Cole Frances called Galli. Coles іspanіy called Іber_yu. Before the Anglo-Saxon, the Zvuvannya is british, British was called simply British, Potim Albіyon, Potim, Anglіyu, and Sudzhnі in-day Vikodistovuє Dvі Nazvi. China Zmіnіnyuvavov called the name of the skin time Zi Zmіnu Dynasty.
Ajezy Rosiya Mineyє named so, Yak Rosіyska "Matrichka" Zmіnyuє Obolonka. The crawl of the SRSR was sangnate enough, before the Moscow kingdom, and before Tim Suzdal Issu.
Oleksandr Paliy, Istorik

Breaking Russian-Soviet myths: what was the appearanceMuscovy (Pramateri Russia)in Finno-Ugric lodge in the 14th century, thanks to the Tatar-Mongolian Horde; As Muscovy for 500 years was a vassal of Tatars - the Golden Horde and the Crimean Horde; On the renaming of Muscovy in Russia in the 18th century, about the Finno-Ugric peoples of lodges suddenly become "Russian Greats"; And naturally, we'll figure it out why Muscovy stole the history of Russia-Ukraine ... Let's start in order:

In the photo: Part of the world map 1507 Cartographic Johannes Ruysch titled "Uniuersalior Cogniti Orbis Tabula Ex Recentibus Confecta Observationi". Large format on the link ... In principle, the 16th century - the point of reference for Muscovy, which for the first time the civilized world and Europe heard - that somewhere on the border of Europe and Asia exists Finno-threatening Tatar settlement with the name Moskovia.

Who are Muscovites? Where did you come from? Let us open the falsification of Russian-Soviet historians who tried to distort the actual truth about the past Russia and, especially about Moscow, stirring their finno-threat-tatar history with the history of the Christian Slavic Rus (Prazazhava Ukraine).

Moskovika (Lat. Moscovia) - begins its history, thanks to the Tatar-Mongolian Horde, from the beginning of the 14th century. The parent of Muscovite ulus on the Suzdal lands among the Finno-Ugric peoples of the XIII century, you can safely call Daniel Alexandrovich - the son of Alexander Nevsky, who received a label called "MuscoVite Ulus" in 1277 ...


1277-1721 Moscow Moscow - The mother of modern Russia, was created by the Tatar-Mongolian Horde in the lodge of Eastern Europe [now the Golden Ring of Russia] among the peoples of Meria, Moksha, Meshchera, Mordva and Erzya (referred to as "De Moxel") on the Moska River (Moscou) in the year 6785 (Year of Red Bull). Throughout the 500 years, Muscovy was in full dependence on the Tatar: 1 / Golden Tatars of the Genghisid Dynasty and 2 / Crimean Tatars of the Gera Dynasty. Muscovite kings were only two Tatar clans - Ordi Gengizids and Crimean Gerai. The Finno-Ugro-Tatar Muscovy (Pramatery of Russia) to the Slavic Christian Russia of Kiev (Prazheva Ukraine) has nothing to do anything.

1277-1352 Muscovite ulus. (Moscovite ULS) - into submission of Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. In the modern language of the administrative-territorial device: almost for 80 years, from a small settlement, he slowly grows into a village, and then in a small Muscovite district of the Suzdal region, where the specific prince is planted on the princes table from the one Vladimir-Suzdalsky.

1352 Moscow City Principality (Muscowia) - The specific ulus receives the status of "principality" (in the modern language of the administrative and territorial device - from the status of Muscite district in the Suzdal region of Muscovy moved to the status of the 'Region of Moskovskaya'). The capital of Muscovy was not established immediately. Now I understand the confusion of historians, why at first they were voiced - the cities of Sudal, then Vladimir-on-Klyazma, Vologda, Kolomna and ... and ... and ... in the year of the Black Dragon 6860 Moscow (Moskua, Mokshva, Moskay, Moskka) becomes great, thanks to Tatarina Kulkhan (Ivan Kalita). The date of the capital of Muscovy-RF - can be safely considered the year 1352 (the year of the Black Dragon), the age of Moscow is 662 years old (for 2014).

1277-1470 Muscovy Ordanskaya(Lat. Muscoviae) - Vassal Golden Horde, a temporary label on the jurisdiction is issued by the Khangans of the Genghis Khan dynasty in Saraj [now Volgograd].

1474-1700 Muscovy Crimean-Tatar (Lat. Muscoviae) - Vassal of the Crimean Canata of the Gireev Dynasty since 1474 (year of the blue-green horse), where the label for the temporary pronunion of Muscovy was issued to the princes in Cuff (Crimea). Since 1532, labels on the devices were issued in Bakhchisarai [Capital of Crimean Tatars]. About any hereditary transfer of shortcuts on the principality of Muscovy among the alleged kind of Tatar romanov-maobyl, and speeches could not be. Muscovy paid tribute to Crimean Khans until 1700. (See "Constantinople Mirny Treaty" of July 14, 1700, the liberation of Muscovy from the annual Dani Crimean Khanty).

1700-1721 Muscovy Orda Asian Occupant - Freed from its Tatar hosts from Crimea, Moskvites in 1721 (the year of the bull) rename themselves to Russians and Muscovy, "Russia". The frank occupation of Asian lands from the Urals to Kamchatka begins - with the main Muscovite slogan "Lies to salvation". The eighteenth century for Muscovites is unpublined massive rabes and killing practically hundreds of people of Asia. November 2, 1721 Renaming Muscovy in Russia... about the peoples of lodges / Velikoszos - Russian - Finno-Ugric group. What kind of Slavic people are lounge, and even more so - "Velikorsosha" (later "Russians") so hardly shouting Russia-Moscow? Mail with your peoples: Erzya, Moksha, Mordva, Komi-Perm, Chukhoga or Mordva. The whole, the Baltic-Finnish Muscovites tribe is not Slavs, but the Finno-Ugric Muscovy (Meriana is not Russia). Trouble - the capital of the people of the measure. Ryazan - the capital of the people of Erzya. Murom is the capital of the people of Murom. Rostov - the capital of the people all. Novgorod is the capital of the peoples of Chok, Chukhoga and Veps. Language - Finno Volga subgroup. 1721-1917 Russian empire (Lat. Russia) - Renaming the Moscow principality by Peter I in November 1721 [in the process of Petrovsky reforms, known as the "window of windows to Europe"], Muscovites are renamed Russian. Moscow-Russia has become the European invoice.

1918-1991 RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) is an anti-national state controlled by colonial methods; Country-Okkupant destroyed the population of its and neighboring republics more than any other country in the world.

1991-2014 the Russian Federation (Russian Federation) - RSFSR receiver, anti-national state controlled by colonial methods; Country-Okkupant twenty-first century.

2014+ Russia-MoscowFor the third time, occupying Ukraine-Rus, suppress and returns to the 13th century.

16th century. Part of the work of the Flemish Cartographic and Geographer Gerhard Mercator (Gerhardus Mercator He is Gerhard Kremer, years of life 1512-1594). It is interesting for the study of the cycle "Moskovia and Crimean Khanate in the XVI-XVIII centuries or 1474-1700." From the map "Tavrik Chersonesskaya, called Perekopskal, or Khazaria. Northern Black Sea and Crimea." Large format.


1 / Muscovy language (Muscite dialect) referred to the Finnish dialect (Finno-Volga subgroup) - not recognized by European linguists / even Slavic language /, including - was not recognized in Slavic countries. The cardinal change of the Muscovite language began at the beginning of the 18th century under the leadership of Peter the first, when that in 1711 gave the first name to the languages \u200b\u200bof Muscovy "Civil ABC". Muscovites (Russians) generally love to rename all ... not amazing!

2 / Kievskaya Rus / Ukraine and Moscow / Russia - two different states with different worldviews, religion, spiritual and material values. Peoples Slavic Rusichi / Ukrainians and Finno-Ugric Muscovites / Russians are completely two different people. Kievan Rus is Europe. Moscow / Russia is Asia.

3 / In addition to reading: two branches "Rurikovichi" from the XI century - the Slavic Christian branch in Russia (Praserazava Ukraine) and the branch of the ceremony naked on the Suzdal Finno-Ugric Lands (now Russia, Musovy's daughter), analyze yourself: from the father to the son of HTTP : //

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