Repairs Design Furniture

Hike Kolchak. Siberian campaign. Tragedy near Krasnoyarsk

Spiridonov A.G. White Guard Steel Fist. - Taganrog, 2008.
  • V.Perninov: General Kappel. - - Radical Orthodox (Neopr.) . Date of appeal November 12, 2015.
  • But about one of the associates "Georgian" Alexander Dmitrievich Misharin Son Peacesanin Dmitry Dmitrievich Misharina from Zhigalovo. Mother Fekla Prokopyevna Tarasova from Rudovka. The year of birth of approximately 1986. Education had the lowest. He graduated from elementary school. Then 27x (?) Class. School in Touury. Married 20 years. Alexander Dmitrievich was taken as a warrior warrior in 1915, served in Irkutsk in 4 (9?) Siberian spare shelf. After the end of the regulatory school team, he was awarded the title of Unter-Officer. In this rank, he returned home at the end of 1917 until December 1919. A. D. did not serve anywhere, worked in his farm. In December, a small detachment of local peasants against Kolchakov authorities was organized in Zhigalovo. The detachment was about 150 people, and Alexander Dmitrievich was elected commander of this squad. From Zhigalovo detachment reached from Village and made a stop there. After a week, two in Verkholnsk came with his small squad of Kalandarishvili. In Verkholnsk, Misharin and Kalandarishvili detachments and local rebels merged into one detachment. Kalandarishvili became the commander of the United Detachment, and Misharin became his deputy. (Zverev insisted Save command for Misharin, p. 149). From Irkutsk, the Kalandarishvili detachment was sent back to the Kachug district, where the detachment of Kolchakov troops was moved from Ust-Kut under Lena under the command of General Sukina, retreating from the Red Army. Sukina detachment numbered at least 4 thousand people in its ranks and was well armed. In February, in the pan. B ...? Kachuga district with Sukintans took place a fight. From the red in battle, the squad of Kalandarishvili, the detachment of Burlov and the peasants of the Zhigalovsky and Kachuga districts. The fight continued almost all day. The sukintans received stubborn resistance and retreated, and after found the conductors of Evenkov, went around Biryulki (?) District way and went on the road leading to Honguren and, no longer meeting resistance, went beyond Baikal. After the fight in Biryuhug, the detachment of Kalandarishvili was standing in Kachuga for some time, and then moved to the male car, where it was once (about April 20). In the marshwalk, the squad Kalandarishvili received an order to go for Baikal to fight with the Japanese. Those who wanted to return home could get certificates of finding in the detachment. The local peasants of Kachuga and Zhigalovsky districts in most fired from the detachment, Alexander Dmitrievich turned out to be. According to Ore Vasily Grigorievich, a cousin on Grandma Fekle Prokopyevna: "I personally remember that I came home by May 1, 1920 In September 1920, Alexander Dmitrievich and I were mobilized in the Red Army, as former Unter-Officers of the Old Army. We were left to serve in the Upper company. Alexander Dmitrievich was appointed assistant commander of the company (the company's commander was some kind of Zhdanov), and I am an assistant platoon commander. At the time in the vicinity of the mountains. Village acted White led by Cherepanov Andrian. Our company had to fight the Cherepanov. I remember, in November, Alexander Dmitrievich left with the platoon of cavalry in intelligence at the r. Kulenge, up to the village of Belousova, and then on the river Talme (the right inflow of the r. Kulengi). There were two settlements with. Kutyurgan and Ulus Talia. They made reconnaissance to the waist and above. On the way back, the platoon made a stop in Tallia. Resting a little in Talia, the platoon took the direction to Verkholnsk. At that time, Banda Cherepanova made an ambush in Ylannik near the waist. When the platoon drove to the Elannik, they killed Alexander Dmitrievich and the Volos Commissioner from Belousov from the ambush. In Verkholnsk, learning about the incident, two platforms and infantry and cavalry platoon for another day early in the morning left under the team of the county commissioner of Byrgazov to the scene and the village of Kutyourgan, we found a gang. There was a shootout and, without accepting the battle, the gang retreated. It seemed to us that they retreated on Talai, and we went to them. And when they took Talai, they made a stop. And the Cherepanovtsy, believing that the soldiers did not remain in Villagesk, they were trying to take Verkholsensk, but our disgrace was given. In Talai, Alexander Dmitrievich's corpse failed. Obviously, they launched him in the river Talma. And the upper clothes managed to find, which I sent his wife to Zhigalovo. That's all I wanted to tell. Capital he did not have. Officer's rank too. "\u003dcache:s-4pwqf1a9kj:kturitsyn. Alex Yeliseenko writes: Actually, he I remembered not as partisans as I remember, but as the leader of the Red Guard miners from Cheremkhov, IMHO In general, the leader of Cheremurch mines, including the Red Guards, was Alexander Bui, and Clandarishvili was just a commander of the squad of anarchists, see I. Kodshivals the leader of Cheremkhovsky mines
  • Interview Ruslana Gagkuyev for D / F "Last Mystery General Kappel"
  • Carpenters I. F. Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak. Life and activity. // Who, when and how did the question of the murder of A. V. Kolchak? Rostov N / D: Publishing House "Phoenix", 1998. - 320 p.
  • The story poses to everyone according to merit. In almost 90 years, the renewed Russia finally remembered about one of the most faithful of his sons: in January 2007, General Kappel was reburied in the Moscow Holy Danilov monastery in the Moscow St. Danilov Monastery, who died aside afternoon in January 1920. We remember and we about him. Behind the mental attack whites in the film "Chapaev" watched, holding his breath, not one generation of residents of the USSR. She is the most impressive episode of the iconic film. Slender ranks of officers with a contemptuous fearlessness go to the trenches in full height, not to bow out. When death overtakes someone, smoke the rows together, hiding losses. It seems that their even bullet is afraid. The confusion of Chapaev residents was transmitted to the audience. People, of course, rejoiced when the long-awaited Vasily Ivanovich was departed due to the bulb, turning enemies to flight. However, involuntary respect for "gold rods" remained.

  • It also swayed in the words of cinema redarmeys:

    Kappelevtsy ... beautifully go! Intelligentsia…

    Thanks to these personnel, the last name General Kappel remained in the memory of the people. But only the surname. Details about an amazing person with a tragic fate knew a few, mostly emigrants forced in 1920 to leave the Fatherland.

    Full bow of Georgievsky Cavaller

    Vladimir Kapapov was born in 1881 in the town of Bellev Tula province. Oscar Pavlovich, his father, served as the ordinar from General Skobelev, distinguished himself in the battles of the Russian-Turkish campaign, had for courage of the St. George Cross. Grandfather was also a George Cavalier. Naturally, from the glorious officer family went in footsteps of parents.

    Young Kornet.

    He graduated from the Cadet Corps, later the Nikolaev Cavalry School. After the school was sent to Novomirgorodsky Regiment. The young Cornet fell in love with everything. Disciplined, flawlessly brought up, easy to communicate - he has placed to himself.


    Vladimir Kappel stole his beloved from the parent home and married her in the rural church, as her parents were against marriage with a young officer

    Cappel colonel, colonel of crickets recalled that even his appearance inspired sympathy. Especially good were gray, a little sad eyes of Vladimir Oscarovich. He highlighted his mind and readiness, loved to talk to the female glasses of wine, but the measure knew in everything. Then, probably, few people guess that in a soft, modest officer lives desperate courage and huge will.


    Oddly enough, but also its enemies kincpel enjoyed great respect. The Bolshevik newspaper "Red Star" called him "Little Napoleon"

    The first decisiveness of Cappel noticed, perhaps his wife Olga Sergeevna. Contrary to the will of the parents, Vladimir took her under the crown on the sleigh in a blizzard, quite, as in the old novel. They lived happily for several years until the first world was killed. By that time, Kappel graduated from the Academy of General Staff. He went to war in captain, finished the war by the lieutenant colonel.

    Oktyabrsky Socialisturize

    The events of the February Revolution Vladimir Oskarovich experienced painfully. He was a convinced monarchist, sincerely believed that sharp changes would only harm the country. The proof of this was the ugly brother of soldiers with enemies, drunkenness, demagogy and cook desertion. To see all this is an offacarious officer, a man of debt and honor, who gave the oath to the faithfulness of the king and Fatherland, was unbearable.

    When the October coup was accomplished, and the decision was made about a shameful separate world, Kappel finally made sure that Russia had fallen into the hands of German-Bolshevik conspirators. He throws the broken front, trying to get to the family by the district paths, and in June 1918 it turns out to be in Samara. This city became the beginning of the high sacrificial path of Vladimir Kappel. By this time, the Bolsheviks were expelled from Samara.


    Detachment volunteers, watching him daily living in one life with them, more and more tied to their commander

    The first folk army

    The question arose who will lead the People's Army. There were no wishing among local officers, and temporarily command volunteers offered Kappelier. He agreed, because he was ready to fight in any capacity, just to free Russia from.

    Vladimir Oscarovich was at the disposal of 350 people. This handful of people and sent to free Syzran. It seemed red, five times superior volunteers, caps of their enemies. But a miracle happened: a tiny detachment skillfully and effectively knocked the opponent from the city. In the hands of volunteers turned out to be an abandoned weapon and warehouses with ammunition.

    In the footsteps of the kincpel army. Military reconstruction

    Success stunned everyone, and Kappel immediately became famous. Glory belonged to Vladimir Oskarovich by law, because it was he who was a soul operation. But the commander himself modestly shook and said that the victory was the merit of the Green Cadet Youth.


    Admiral Kolchak was issued by Czechs by the Essero-Menshevik politicalcenter. Having learned about this, Cappel called on a duel of the commander of the Czechs and Slovaks in Siberia Yana Cheese, but did not receive a response from him

    Zanoza in Bolshevism

    From this point on, the name kincpel became a headache for the Red Command. Everywhere, wherever he appeared, the enemy was head-bits. The royal lieutenant colonel speed and onslaught. His troops, which were replenished with new volunteers, rapidly moved along the medium Volga, stunning the enemy unpredictable maneuver. In June 1918, White broke into Simbirsk.

    Trotsky announced the fatherland in danger, and for the head of the "gangster" Kappel appointed a cash premium - 50 thousand rubles. This order fell into the hands of the commander, he laughed: "I am unhappy - the Bolsheviks were very cheaply appreciated ...".

    After taking the symbirsk who wishes to fight near the legendary cappel, it became even more.


    Everyone who personally who knew General Vladimir Cappels emphasized that he was always not only a skillful commander, but a person who was distinguished by personal courage

    He attracted not only the military talent, but also humanity. The prisoners of Krasnoarmeys never shot, he often took a rifle and participated in the battles, he fed from a common boiler, eagerly spoke to the soldiers, shared his thoughts, plans. His love was called: "Our Capprel."

    The main victory on the Volga became for Vladimir Oscarovich Take Kazan. It was well fortified, as the famous gold reserve of Russia was kept there. But in the evening of the sixth of July, under cover of rain and twilight, white parts, as always suddenly and bold, attacked Kazan. In the morning, the tricolor Russian flag was already waving over the city. Gold was immersed on a steamer and sent to Samara, from where to Omsk to Admiral Kolchka.

    At the beginning of the fall of 1918, the Red Army received reinforcements. The forces were not equal at all, and Cappel with her Volzhsky group departed to the Urals. By winter, Kolchak's order came to assign him the title of major general. "I would be more pleased if I had a baitalion of infantry instead of production," Vladimir Oskarovich sincerely said.

    Examples of strength words

    He fought for Russia not for the names and rewards, and only an academic sign yes, the St. George Cross, received in the first worldwide. Sometimes she threw a simple jacket over the uniform, then the orders and signs were not visible at all. Once, in such a "civilian" form, the general appeared at the rally of the workers of the Ural Asha-Balashovsky plant.


    Being a convinced monarchist, Vladimir Oskarovich categorically rejected both the February revolution and the results of the October Armed Coup

    Agitators worked here, who shot people to make an attempt on Belobandita Cappel. After standing and listening to the evil crystalks in your address, he asked the words and climbed the podium: "I am General Kappel ... you want to kill me. I listened to you, listen and you ".

    The collection is amazed frozen. He told the miners for which he was fighting, which brings with him communism. The workers then carried their recent enemy in their hands to the headquarters.

    The courage and selflessness of the general surprised sometimes even well-known people. Later, already being the chief committee of the Eastern Front, Kappel learned that his family was evacuated to Irkutsk, heaves much need. He was suggested to send the telegram to the commander of the Irkutsk district with the order to issue the mother-in-law and children ten thousand rubles. Vladimir Oscarovich refused: he did not see the opportunity to return the treasury in a short time such big money.


    Red, not having the opportunity to cope with him in the open battle, captured his wife and two children who were then in Ufa

    The Volga Corps, and then the third Army kincpel remained the most combed on the eastern front of the admiral of Kolchak. The working parts of Izhevsk and Votkinsky factories differed in particular resistance. It was Izhevtsi, and not an officer regiment, spent the famous mental attack under Ufa.

    In the late autumn of 1919, the blow of the red, which has established discipline and learned to fight, could not be restrained. After the passage of Omsk, the white armies were inexorably rolled to Yenisei. At this criterion, Admiral Kolchak persuades the lieutenant-general chappiege to head the Eastern Front with the words: "Vladimir Oskarovich, on you all hope!" But it was no longer possible to stop the process of retreat. Cappel hoped for fortified Krasnoyarsk, but in the city the rebels were in the city, who told the world and advised them to fold the weapons and chief committees. Cappel's telegraph response was destroying and short: "I do not talk to the traitors!"

    He threw the staff echelon and moved to the horse. Walking under Art Breastplate Krasnoyarsk, gathered randomly retreating parts and set a task: to go in Transbaikalia to make him stronghold of a white struggle. It began unparalleled on courage Great Siberian Ice Hike with a length of three thousand versts.

    The railway was in the hands of the enemy. Therefore, the army together with refugees, injured and patients had to move through a deaf taiga, where there were almost no settlements. The drops walked along with everyone. Many noted that he was easily dressed, but the commander could not be joined in a fur coat when the subordinates of frozley in shaven overcoats.

    On the Kan River, the general fell under the ice, in the raw shoes continued to go further and frost. The inflammation of the lungs began, then Gangrena. In Taiga, the regimental doctor, without having tools, the kitchen knife amputated the fingers on the legs.


    One of the participants in the ledy campaign A. A. Fedorovich recalled: "Has the teeth from pain, pale, thin, terrible, general on his arms carried into the courtyard and planted in the saddle. He touched the horse and drove out on the street - the parts of his army stretched there. "

    Crushed, in a semis-resistant state, the head demanded a horse and held at the saddle for some time so that the soldiers saw - he was with them. Only when Vladimir Oskarovich was no longer able to sit in the saddle and lost consciousness, he was placed in the traffic. On the morning of January 26, 1920, the dying commander was placed in the Lazaret of the Romanian train. But it was too late: after a few hours the capple was not.


    The last words of the general were: "Let the troops know that I was devoted to them that I loved them and my death among them proved it"

    Relief Capel

    He continued his way with the army after death. Tired and exhausted people, for whom Kappel was a symbol of white struggle, a symbol of honor and courage, could not part with his favorite commander. They were driven by His coffin on the road to the cheat. There Kappel was sent with honors. Later, the comrades were reburied by their chief committee in Harbin, fearing that the new government is abruptly over the rush. A monument was put on the collected money: the granite cross with a tern crown at the foot.

    In 1955, by order, by order of the Soviet ambassador in China, the grave of the legendary White General was hundreds of Earth. But the memory of the present person is not worried. There were decades and Cappel remembered the descendants. In 2006, the devotees from the organization "White Warriors" found the place of his burial and transported Vladimir Oskarovich from Alien to their homeland, for whose blessing he gave to a terrible civil war

    unknown unknown
    Eastern front
    Civil War in Russia
    Irkutsk (1917) Foreign intervention Czechoslovak corps (Barnaul Nizhneudinsk Baikal)Irkutsk (1918) Kazan (1) Kazan (2) Simbirsk Syzran and Samara Izhevsk and Votkinsk Perm (1)
    Spring offensive of the Russian army (Orenburg Uralsk) Chapanna War
    Counteroffscence of the Eastern Front
    (Buguruslan Belebey Sarapul and Votkinsk Ufa) Perm (2) Zlatoust Yekaterinburg Chelyabinsk Lbishchensk Tobol. Petropavlovsk Uralsk and Guriev
    Great Siberian Ice Hike
    (Omsk Novonikolaevsk Krasnoyarsk)
    Irkutsk (1919)
    Partisan traffic ( Altai Omsk uprising Minusinsk Center.Sibir Transbaikal) Hungry campaign Forkogo uprising The uprising of Sapozhkov West Siberian uprising

    Great Siberian Ice Hike - Accepted in a white movement The name of the retreat of the East Front of the Army Admiral Kolchak east in the winter of 1920. During the operation in the most difficult conditions of the Siberian winter, an unparalleled extent was performed, almost a 2000-kilometer equestrian transition from Barnaul and Novonikolaevsk to Chita.

    The Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Front of the General Staff General Lieutenant General Vladimir Oskarovich Kappel, appointed to this position in mid-December 1919. After his death on January 26, 1920, General Sergey Nikolayevich Vojtsekhovsky adopted the command of the troops.

    History hike

    The retreat began after severe lesions of the White Army in the Omsk operation and in the Novonicolaev operation in November-December 1919. The army, headed by General Kappel, retreated along the Trans-Siberian Railway, taking advantage of the transportation by the wounded echelons. On the heels from the west, the 5th Red Army under the command of GK Eich. The situation was complicated by numerous rebellion in the rear cities and attacks of fragmented partisan detachments, the transition of Louishe Siberian frost was further aggravated. White parts themselves after a series of lesions were in a demoralized state, the centralized supply was paralyzed, the replenishment did not arrive, the discipline disastrically fell. Head of the 2nd White Army Army Eastern Front General Major S.A. Schepichin characterized his parts by the time "only armed coping of people."

    Under these conditions, the appointment of the commander of the front V.O. Kappel, who enjoyed limitless trust and authority in the Kolchakov forces, was the first step towards an attempt to avoid the death of the entire Kolchakov army. At his disposal, parts of only the 2nd Army remained, since communication and interaction with the 1st and 3rd armies were lost. The control over the railway was in the hands of the Czechoslovak Corps, as a result of which parts of General Kappel lost their opportunities to use the railway. Therefore, white troops plunged into Sanya and moved to them. The army, thus, were gigantic sheds.

    The first step of Cappel was the order, allowing all the fluctuating to surrender to the Bolsheviks or to diverge home. In the same order, he warned that heavier tests remaining with him. Thus, he puts into the ranks only the most reliable contingent of fighters. The number of the army has declined sharply, but its combat capability has increased. The first test was the assault of Krasnoyarsk. Upon the approach of the White Guards in Krasnoyarsk, the rebellion of workers under the leadership of the Bolsheviks began, to which the garrison led headed with the head of the garrison by General Bronislav Zinesvich. General Zinesevich, deciding to go to the world with the Bolsheviks, began to persuade kincpel on the telegraph to do the same. General Kappel disagreed to the world and then ordered to knock the Zinesis garrison from the city. After a number of unsuccessful clashes (- January 6, 1920), about 12 thousand White Guardians, bypassing Krasnoyarsk from the north, withstanding a heavy battle with the Red Army units at the village of Durier and moving Yenisei, moved to the east, about the same thing a man surrendered to the Krasnoyarsk garrison. These actions of the White Guard part were associated with fatigue from the trip already done and the unknown path.

    On January 7, the remains of the 2nd and 3rd white armies were connected, in general, the rank has numbered up to 30,000 people. The retreat after Krasnoyarsk was decided to lead several columns due to the difficulties of supplying such a large mass of troops. The column under the command of General Konstantin Sakharov was walking along the Siberian tract and the railway, and the Kappel column went to the north of Yenisei below Krasnoyarsk, then along the Kansk river to Kansk, in order to reach the railway from Kansk and connect there with Sakharov's railway. This path of 105 kilometers long in the Taiga Porn River for 90 kilometers had no housing, except for several hunting huts.

    At this stage, the White Troops managed to break away from persecution, which contributed to the delay in the red troops in Krasnoyarsk to restore supply and replenishment. The destruction of kincpel's troops was instructed by the partisan armies of A.D. Kravchenko and P.E. Schetinkina. The transition along the river Kan was for whites one of the greatest sections of the campaign. Historian Ruslan Gagkuyev describes this episode of the campaign:

    By January 10, the hardest and exhausted large losses of the frozen and frostized transition along the Kan River ended - the troops came to the village of Barga. During this transition, General Kappel fell into a worm of and frosted his legs. The amputation of the legs and the inflammation caused by the hypochement was strongly undermined by the General forces, but he continued to lead the troops, having ordered General Wojcachovsky only a number of their powers. Having learned about the uprising in Kansk and the transition of the garrison to the side of the Bolsheviks, Kappel walked around the city from the south on January 12-14. Next, the troops moved along the Siberian path, which was a little easier in the conditions of the started heavy snowfall and frosts. On January 19, the troops occupied the Zestor station and found out about the uprising in Irkutsk. Now, along with the difficulties of the weather, heavy battles were accused. On January 22, white parts knocked red rebels and partisans from Nizhneudinsk, the next day there Kappel held his last meeting, and on January 26, 1920 he died in the way of the army's movement on one of the railway connectors, on the eve of the managing the control of the arms General Wojcachovsky. The body of chapel troops, continued hike, took with them.

    Having learned about the execution of Kolchak, General Voytsekhovsky did not conduct an unnecessary assault on Irkutsk. Cappelovtsy two columns went around Irkutsk and headed in the village of Golochetic. It was planned from there to go to Baikal and reach the Zagan Trans-Baikal Railway station. There Kappelevtsev already expected the troops of Ataman Semenov and sanitary trains.

    In mid-February 1920, Kappelevtsy moved Baikal, who was on a par with the transition along the Kan River, became one of the most difficult segments of the path of the Great Siberian campaign. Total Baikal passed 30-35 thousand people. At the stanza wounded and sick cappeles, as well as women and children were immersed in the echelons, and healthy continued their hike (about 600 km) to Chita, which was reached in early 1920.

    When the trip ended, General Wojcachovsky established a sign of the distinction of the military order "for the Great Siberian Hike" (the name of the award put it in one row with the Order of St. George the Russian Imperial Army). All soldiers and officers who have passed the Great Siberian Ice Hike were awarded the sign.

    Write a review about the article "Great Siberian Ice Hike"


    1. Binnyuk N.Yu. Collapse of the army A.V. Kolchak and her "Ice Hike" under the direction of General V.O. Cappel // "Military Historical Journal", 2013, No. 1. - p.48-54.
    2. . Checked on November 12, 2015.
    3. But about one of the associates "Georgians" Alexander Dmitrievich Misharin Son Peaceanin Dmitry Dmitrievich Misharina from Zhigalovo. Mother Fekla Prokopyevna Tarasova from Rudovka. The year of birth of approximately 1986. Education had the lowest. He graduated from elementary school. Then 27x (?) Class. School in Touury. Married 20 years. Alexander Dmitrievich was taken as a warrior warrior in 1915, served in Irkutsk in 4 (9?) Siberian spare shelf. After the end of the regulatory school team, he was awarded the title of Unter-Officer. In this rank, he returned home at the end of 1917 to December 1919 A.D. Nowhere served, worked in his economy. In December, a small detachment of local peasants against Kolchakov authorities was organized in Zhigalovo. The detachment was about 150 people, and Alexander Dmitrievich was elected commander of this squad. From Zhigalovo detachment reached from Village and made a stop there. After a week, two in Verkholnsk came with his small squad of Kalandarishvili. In Verkholnsk, Misharin and Kalandarishvili detachments and local rebels merged into one detachment. The commander of the United Detachment became Kalandarishvili, and Misharin became his deputy. (Zverev insisted Save command for Misharin, p. 149). From Irkutsk, the Kalandarishvili detachment was sent back to the Kachug district, where the detachment of Kolchakov troops was moved from Ust-Kut under Lena under the command of General Sukina, retreating from the Red Army. Sukina detachment numbered at least 4 thousand people in its ranks and was well armed. In February, in the pan. B ...? Kachuga district with Sukintans took place a fight. From the red in battle, the squad of Kalandarishvili, the detachment of Burlov and the peasants of the Zhigalovsky and Kachuga districts. The fight continued almost all day. The sukintans received stubborn resistance and retreated, and after found the conductors of Evenkov, went around Biryulki (?) District way and went on the road leading to Honguren and, no longer meeting resistance, went beyond Baikal. After the fight in Biryuhug, the detachment of Kalandarishvili was standing in Kachuga for some time, and then moved to the male car, where it was once (about April 20). In the marshwalk, the squad Kalandarishvili received an order to go for Baikal to fight with the Japanese. Those who wanted to return home could get certificates of finding in the detachment. The local peasants of Kachuga and Zhigalovsky districts in most fired from the detachment, Alexander Dmitrievich turned out to be. As Ore Vasily Grigorievich writes, a cousin on Grandma Fekle Prokopyevna: "I personally remember that I came home by May 1, 1920. In September 1920, Alexander Dmitrievich and I were mobilized in the Red Army, as former Unter-Officers of the Old Army. We were left to serve in the Upper company. Alexander Dmitrievich was appointed assistant commander of the company (the company's commander was some kind of Zhdanov), and I am an assistant platoon commander. At the time in the vicinity of the mountains. Village acted White led by Cherepanov Andrian. Our company had to fight the Cherepanov. I remember, in November, Alexander Dmitrievich left with the platoon of cavalry in intelligence at the r. Kulenge, up to the village of Belousova, and then on the river Talme (the right inflow of the r. Kulengi). There were two settlements with. Kutyurgan and Ulus Talia. They made reconnaissance to the waist and above. On the way back, the platoon made a stop in Tallia. Resting a little in Talia, the platoon took the direction to Verkholnsk. At that time, Banda Cherepanova made an ambush in Ylannik near the waist. When the platoon drove to the Elannik, they killed Alexander Dmitrievich and the Volos Commissioner from Belousov from the ambush. In Verkholnsk, learning about the incident, two platforms and infantry and cavalry platoon for another day early in the morning left under the team of the county commissioner of Byrgazov to the scene and the village of Kutyourgan, we found a gang. There was a shootout and, without accepting the battle, the gang retreated. It seemed to us that they retreated on Talai, and we went to them. And when they took Talai, they made a stop. And the Cherepanovtsy, believing that the soldiers did not remain in Villagesk, they were trying to take Verkholsensk, but our disgrace was given. In Talai, Alexander Dmitrievich's corpse failed. Obviously, they launched him in the river Talma. And the upper clothes managed to find, which I sent his wife to Zhigalovo. That's all I wanted to tell. Capital he did not have. Officer's rank too. "\u003dcache:s-4pwqf1a9kj:kturitsyn. Alex Yeliseenko writes: In general, he I remember not as partisans, but as the leader of the Red Guard miners from Cheremkhov, IMHO Actually, the leader of Cheremkhovsky miners, incl. And the Krasnogvardeans was Alexander Buuyski, and Klardarishvili was only a commander of the squad of anarchists, see I.Shivolov, the leader of Cheremkhovsky mines
    4. Interview Ruslana Gagkuyev for D / F "Last Mystery General Kappel"
    5. Rostov N / D: Publishing House "Phoenix", 1998. - 320 p. ISBN 5-222-00228-4, p. 277
    6. A. M. Buyakov. Signs and awards of Russian emigrant organizations in China. Russian island, 2005. ISBN 5-93577-030-x


    • V. O. Vynepayev, R. G. Gagkuyev, N. L. Kalitkin. Cappel and Capelevtsy. - m .: "Sowing", 2007. - 778 p. - (White Warriors). - 1500 copies. - ISBN 978-5-85824-174-4.
    • S. Volkov. Great Siberian Ice Hike. - m.: "Centropoligraph", 2004. - (Russia Forgotten and Unknown. White Movement). - 2000 copies. - ISBN 5-9524-1089-8.
    • A. I. Kambalin. In the "Cauldron"
    • N. Yu. Binnyuk. The collapse of the army A. V. Kolchak and its "ice campaign" under the leadership of General V. O. Kappel // Military-historical magazine. - 2013. - № 1. - P. 48-54.


    • Varzhensky V.
    • Klerge G. I.
    • Fiteyev D.V.

    Excerpt characterizing the Great Siberian Ice Hike

    Anatole came out of the room and a few minutes later returned to the fur coat and sabol with a silver belt, Molttozatu on Beckrane and very smashed to his beautiful face. Looking at the mirror and in the very pose he took in front of the mirror, becoming before Dolokhov, he took a glass of wine.
    "Well, Fedya, goodbye, thanks for everything, goodbye," said Anatol. - Well, comrades, friends ... He thought about ... - youth ... I, forgive, - he turned to Makarin and others.
    Despite the fact that they all went with him, Anatol apparently wanted to do something touching and solemn appeal to comrades. He spoke slow, loud voice and putting his chest swayed by one foot. - All take glasses; And you, Balag. Well, comrades, my friends of my youth, we smoked, lived, hit. BUT? Now, when you want? abroad will go. Eastern, farewell guys. For health! Hooray! .. He said, drank his glass and slapped him about the Earth.
    "Be healthy," said Baiga, also drinking his glass and wrapped with a handkerchief. Makarin with tears in his eyes hugged Anatol. "Eh, Prince, how sad it is to part with you," he said.
    - Go, go! - shouted Anatol.
    Balag was from the room.
    "No, stand," said Anatol. - Cancel the doors, it is necessary to sit down. Like this. - Got the doors, and all sat down.
    - Well, now the march guys! - said Anatole getting up.
    Joseph Lackey gave an anatoly bag and saber, and everyone went to the front.
    - And where is the fur coat? - said Doolokh. - Hey, Ignatka! Look to Matrey Matveyevna, ask a fur coat, Salop Solimi. I heard how to take away, "said Solohov, winning. - After all, she will pop up either alive, nor dead, what was sitting at home; Slightly hesitate, here and tears, and dad, and milf, and now, and back and forth, - and you at the fur coat immediately and carry in Sani.
    Lackey brought female Lysis Salop.
    "Fool, I told you Soboliy." Hey, Matryoshka, Soboli! He shouted so that his voice came far around the rooms.
    Beautiful, thin and pale gypsy, with shiny, black eyes and with black, curly sysoy-linked hair, in the Red Shawl, ran out with a sable salop on her hand.
    - Well, I'm not sorry, you take, "she said, apparently Robust in front of his master and regret Salopa.
    Shelokhov, not responding to her, took a fur coat, threw her on the matree and climbed it.
    "That's it," said Shahov. "And then like this," he said, and raised her collar's head, leaving him only in his face a little open. - Then like this, you see? "And he pulled the head of Anatol to the hole left by the collar, from which the brilliant smile of Matreos could be seen.
    "Well, forgive, Matresh," said Anatol, kissing her. - Oh, my gulba is over! Stskey bow. Well, goodbye! Goodbye, Matresh; You wish me happiness.
    "Well, give you God, prince, happiness big," said Matresh, with his Gypsy accent.
    The porch had two troops, two young people kept them. Balag sat on the front three, and, highly raising his elbows, disassembled leisurely. Anatol and Shahov sat down to him. Makarin, Tails and Laki sat down in another triple.
    - Ready, what? - asked Baiga.
    - Pushy! - he shouted, soaking around the arms around the hands, and the Troika suffered to beat down the Nikitsky Boulevard.
    - TPRRU! Look, hey! ... TPRRU, - just heard a cry of Balags and Well done, who was sitting on goats. On the Arbat Square Troika hooked the carriage, something shook, a cry was heard, and Troika flew along Arbat.
    By giving two end to the renovinsky Baiga, he began to restrain and, returning back, stopped the horses at the intersection of the old stable.
    Well done jumped to keep horses under the boils, Anatole with Doolov went on the sidewalk. Approaching the goal, Solokhov whistled. The whistle responded to him and after that the maid ran out.
    "Enter the yard, otherwise you can see, now it will be released," she said.
    Shelahov remained at the gate. Anatol entered the maid on the courtyard, touched the corner and ran into the porch.
    Gavrilo, a huge exit Lackey Maryia Dmitrievna, met Anatol.
    - To the Baryna, please, - Basa said Lackey, sunbathing the road from the door.
    - What la window? Who are you? - I asked anatole with a breathless shop.
    - Sick, ordered to give.
    - Kuragin! Back, - Shourahov shouted. - treason! Back!
    Shard by the wicket, which he stopped, fought with the janitor who tried to locate for the wicket entered Anatola. All the last effort pushed the janitor and grabbing the swollen anatol behind the hand, pulled him out for the gate and ran back to the top three.

    Marya Dmitrievna, put a swapping son in the corridor, forced her to admit it. I intercepting Natasha's note and reading it, Marya Dmitrievna, with a note in his hand, rushed to Natasha.
    - Bulk, shameless, - she said to her. - I do not want to hear! - pushing in surprised, but with dry eyes looking at her Natasha, she locked her on the key and ordering the janitor to skip into the gate of those people who would come in the evening, but not let them out, and the lacquer ordered to bring these people to themselves, waiting in the living room, waiting kidnappers.
    When Gavrilo came to report Marie Dmitrievna, that the coming people ran away, she frowning up and knew her hands back, went through the rooms for a long time, thinking about what she did. At 12 o'clock in the morning, she, sketching the key in his pocket, went to Natasha's room. Sonya, sobbing, sat in the corridor.
    - Marya Dmitrievna, let me go to her for God! - she said. Mary Dmitrievna, not answering her, revealed the door and entered. "Gadko, badly ... in my house ... Bulk, Girl ... Only Father is a pity!" Thought Mary Dmitrievna, trying to squeeze his anger. "No matter how difficult it is to be kept to everyone to be silent and hide from the count." Mary Dmitrievna entered the room with decisive steps. Natasha lay on the sofa, closing his head with his hands, and did not move. She lay in the very position in which she left her Mary Dmitrievna.
    - Good, very good! - said Marya Dmitrievna. - In my house lovers dates to appoint! It is not necessary to pretend. You are listening when I'm talking to you. - Mary Dmitrievna touched her hand. - You are listening when I say. You dare yourself like the girl is the latest. I would have done with you, yes, I feel sorry for me. I hide. - Natasha did not change the position, but only the whole body it began to boil from the silent, convulsive sobs that stirred it. Marya Dmitrievna looked at Sonya and sat down on the couch beside Natasha.
    - Happiness him, that he left me; Yes, I will find him, "she told her rude voice; - Do you hear what I'm saying? - She fisted with her big hand under Natasha's face and turned her to her. And Mary Dmitrievna, and Sonya was surprised to see the face of Natasha. Her eyes were brilliantly and dry, the lips were fastened, the cheeks dropped.
    "Leave ... those ... What I ... I ... die ..." she said, an evil force escaped from Maria Dmitrievna and fell into its former position.
    "Natalia! ..." said Marya Dmitrievna. - I wish you good. You are lying, well, lying so, I will not throne you, and listen ... I will not say how you are to blame. You know yourself. Well, now your father will come tomorrow, what will I tell him? BUT?
    Again the body of Natasha was adjusted from sobs.
    - Well, he learns, well, your brother, the groom!
    "I have no fiance, I refused," Natasha shouted.
    "All the same," Marya Dmitrievna continued. - Well, they learn that they will leave? After all, he, my father, I know him, because he, if his duel causes, it will be good? BUT?
    - Oh, leave me, why did you prevent everything! What for? what for? Who asked you? "Natasha shouted, lifted by the sofa and looking viciously on Marjew Dmitrievna."
    - Why did you want? - I screamed hot, Maria Dmitrievna, - What did you lock that? Well, who interfered with him to go to the house? Why do you like gypsy what, to carry? ... Well, he would take you, what do you think I would not find it? Your father, or brother, or groom. And he is a bastard, scoundrel, that's what!
    "He's better than all of you," Natasha screamed, raising. - If you did not interfere ... oh, my God, that's what it is! Sonya, for what? Get away! ... - And she buried with such despair, with what people mourning only such a mountain, which they feel the reason. Marya Dmitrievna began to talk again; But Natasha shouted: - Get out, leave, you all hate me, despise. - And again rushed to the sofa.
    Mary Dmitrievna continued to duplicate Natasha a few more time and inspire that all this should be hidden from the count that no one knows nothing, if only Natasha takes everything to forget everything and not to show anyone to anyone that something happened. Natasha did not answer. She did not sobbing more, but with her the chills and trembling. Marya Dmitrievna put her pillow, covered it with two blankets and brought her a lime color to her, but Natasha had responded to her. "Well, let him sleep," said Marya Dmitrievna, leaving the room, thinking that she was sleeping. But Natasha did not sleep and stopped open eyes from the pale face straight looked before him. All this night Natasha did not sleep, and did not cry, and did not speak with Sonya, several times the ranking and approached her.
    The next day to breakfast, as the graph Ilya Andreich promised, he came from near Moscow. He was very fun: the point with the bidder was laid and nothing was delayed now in Moscow and in separation from the Countess, on which he missed. Mary Dmitrievna met him and declared him that Natasha became very unhealthy yesterday that they sent for the doctor, but now she is better. Natasha at that morning did not leave his room. With pursing cracked lips, dryly stopped her eyes, she sat at the window and was resting restlessly in passing down the street and hastily looked around at the room. She obviously waited for news of him, waiting for himself he would come or write her.
    When the count climbed to her, she was restlessly fused on the sound of his men's steps, and her face took the old cold and even evil expression. She didn't even rose to meet him.
    - What's wrong with you, my angel, sick? - asked the graph. Natasha was silent.
    "Yes, sick," she answered.
    For restless persisions of the graph about why she was so killed and did something happen to anything with the bridegroom, she assured him that nothing, and asked him not to worry. Mary Dmitrievna confirmed the count of Natasha's assurance that nothing happened. The graph, judging by the imaginary illness, on the disorder of his daughter, on Sony's confused persons and Marya Dmitrievna, clearly saw that in his absence there was something to happen: but he was so scared to think that something shameful happened to his loved her daughter, he So I loved my cheerful calmness that he avoided the questions and tried everything to assure himself that nothing special was and only he was heard that on the occasion of her unhealthy was postponed their departure to the village.

    From the date of his wife's arrival in Moscow, Pierre was selected to leave somewhere, only not to be with her. Shortly after the arrival of growth in Moscow, the impression that Natasha made him forced him to hurry to fulfill his intention. He went to Tver to the widow of Joseph Alekseevich, who promised a long time to convey his papers of the deceased.
    When Pierre returned to Moscow, he filed a letter from Maryia Dmitrievna, who called him to himself on a very important cause concerning Andrei Bolkonsky and his bride. Pierre avoided Natasha. It seemed to him that he had a stronger feeling for her than something that was supposed to have a married man to the bride of his friend. And some fate constantly reduced him with her.
    "What happened? And what is the case before me? He thought, dressed to go to Marie Dmitrievna. Prince Andrei would come as soon as possible and married her! " Thought Pierre dear to Ahrosimova.
    On Tver Boulevard, someone called him.
    - Pierre! How long have come? - shouted him a familiar voice. Pierre raised his head. In paired sleighs, on two gray fristers, throwing the Sanya's heads snow, flashed anatole with her always macaric comrade. Anatol was sitting directly, in the classic pose of the military scoop, having wrapped the bottom of the face with a beaver collar and burned his head slightly. His face was blushing and fresh, a hat with a white plume was hoping on the side, opening curly, chanted and shrouded with small snow.
    "And right, this is a real sage! Pierre thought, nothing sees nothing further than the present moment of pleasure, nothing worries him, and therefore always cheerful, satisfied and calm. What would I give to be like him! " Pierre thought with envy.
    In the front Akhrosimova Lackey, removing his fur coat from Pierre, said that Marya Dmitrievna is asked to his bedroom.
    Opening the door to the hall, Pierre saw Natasha, who was sitting by the window with a thin, pale and evil face. She looked at him, frowned and with an expression of cold dignity came out of the room.
    - What happened? - asked Pierre, entering Marya Dmitrievna.
    "Good things," Marya Dmitrievna answered: "Fifty-eight years lived in the world, she did not see such a worm." - And taking a honest word from Pierra to be silent about everything he learns, Mary Dmitrievna informed him that Natasha refused his groom without the knowledge of his parents, that the cause of this refusal was Anatole Kuragin, with whom her wife Pierre was reduced and with whom she wanted to run In the absence of his father, in order to secretly get married.
    Pierre raving his shoulders and revealing her mouth listened to what Mary Dmitrievna told him, not believing his ears. The bride of Prince Andrei, so much loved, this before Mila Natasha Rostova, to exchange Bolkonsky on the fool of Anatol, already married (Pierre knew the secret of his marriage), and so fall in love with him to agree to run with him! - This Pierre could not understand and could not imagine.
    Natasha's cute impression, which he knew since childhood, could not connect in his soul with a new idea of \u200b\u200bher lowness, stupidity and cruelty. He remembered his wife. "All of them are the same," he said to himself, thinking that he didn't give him a sad leaf to be connected with a naked woman. But all the same, Prince Andrew was pity to the tears, it was sorry for his pride. And the more he regretted his friend, the more contempt and even disgust thinking about this Natasha, with such an expression of cold dignity now passed by him on the hall. He did not know that the soul of Natasha was filled with despair, shame, humiliation, and that she was not to blame for the fact that her face was inadvertently expressing calm dignity and rigor.
    - Yes, how to get married! - said Pierre on the words of Marya Dmitrievna. - He could not get married: he was married.
    "An hour from the hour is not easier," said Marya Dmitrievna. - Good boy! That then the bastard! And she is waiting, the second day is waiting. At least wait will stop, I must say to her.
    Having learned the details of Anatol's marriage details from Pierre, pouring his anger to him with their own words, Marya Dmitrievna informed him what she called him. Marya Dmitrievna was afraid that the count or Bolkonsky, who could come every minute, having learned the case that she intended to hide from them, did not cause Duel Kuragin, and therefore she asked him to order him from Moscow and not to dare to show her on the eyes. Pierre promised her to fulfill her desire, only now realizing the danger, which threatened and the old Count, and Nikolai, and Prince Andrei. Briefly and accurately presenting his demands, she released him in the living room. - Looking, the count knows nothing. You do, as if you do not know anything, "she said to him. - And I will go tell her that there is nothing to wait! Yes, stay dinner, if you want, - Jaria Dmitrievna Pjar shouted.
    Pierre met an old graph. He was confused and upset. This morning Natasha told him that she refused to Bolkonsky.
    - trouble, trouble, Mon Cher, - he said to Pierra, - trouble with these girls without a mother; I'm so stupid that came. I will be frank with you. Heard, refused to the bridegroom, did not ask anyone. I put it, I have never really rejoiced to this marriage. Put, he is a good man, but well, there would be no happiness against the will of his father, and Natasha without the grooms would not remain. Yes, all the same for a long time it continued, and how it is without a father, without a mother, such a step! And now sick, and God knows what! Bad, a graph, bad with daughters without a mother ... - Pierre saw that the count was very upset, tried to translate the conversation to another subject, but the count again returned to his grief.
    Sonya with an alarmed face entered the living room.
    - Natasha is not quite healthy; She is in her room and wanted to see you. Mary Dmitrievna also asks you too.
    "Maybe you are very friendly with Bolkonsky, I really want to pass something," said Count. - Oh, my God, my God! How well it was! - And holding the rare whiskey of gray hair, the count came out of the room.
    Marya Dmitrievna declared Natasha that Anatole was married. Natasha did not want to believe her and demanded confirmation of this from Pierre himself. Sonya reported this to Pierre while she accompanied him through the corridor to Natasha's room.
    Natasha, pale, strictly sitting near Marya Dmitrievna and met Pierre's player with a feverishly brilliant, questioning. She did not smile, did not nodded his head, she just looked at him hard, and his eyes asked him only about that: if he or the same enemy, like everyone else, in relation to an anatoly. By itself, Pierre obviously did not exist for her.

    Siberia's development is one of the most significant pages in the history of our country. Huge territories currently constituting most of modern Russia, at the beginning of the XVI century were, in fact, the "white stain" on the geographical map. And the feat of Ataman Yermak, who won Siberia for Russia, became one of the most significant events in the formation of the state.

    Yermak Timofeevich Alenin is one of the most poorly studied personalities of this scale in Russian history. It is still reliably unknown, where and when the famous Ataman was born. According to one of the versions, Yermak was from the banks of Don, on the other - from the surroundings of the Chusovaya River, on the third - the place of his birth was the Arkhangelsk region. The time of birth remains unknown - in the historical chronicles, the period from 1530 to 1542 is indicated.

    It is almost impossible to recreate the biography of Ermak Timofeevich before his Siberian campaign is almost impossible. It is not even known that the name of Ermak is his own or it is still the nickname of the Cossack Ataman. However, from 1581-82, that is, directly from the beginning of the Siberian campaign, the chronology of events is restored in sufficient detail.

    Siberian hike

    Siberian Khanate, as part of the broken Golden Horde, coexisted for a long time in the world with a Russian state. Tatars paid annual tribute to Moscow princes, however, with the arrival of the Khan Kuchum, the payments stopped, and Tatars detachments began to attack Russian settlements in the West Urals.

    It is unknown who was the initiator of the Siberian campaign. According to one of the versions, Ivan Grozny instructed the merchants to Stroganov to finance the presentation of the Cossack squad at the unexplored Siberian territories to stop Tatar raids. According to another version of events, Stroganov themselves decided to hire the Cossacks to protect property. However, there is another version of the development of events: Ermak with comrades plundered Stroganov's warehouses and invaded the territory of Handy with the goal of O.

    In 1581, rising in the stages up the Chusovaya River, the Cossacks dragged the boat with a wolf to the Oreval River of the Oba Basin and settled there to winter. Here there were first skirmishes with Tatar detachments. As soon as ice came up, that is, in the spring of 1582, the Cossacks detachment reached the River Tura, where the troops hesitated to meet them again. Finally, Yermak reached the river Irtysh, where the Cossack detachment seized the main city of Khanate - Siberia (now Cashlyuk). Remaining in the city, Ermak begins to take delegations from indigenous peoples - Khantah, Tatars, with the promises of the world. All arrivals ataman took the oath, announcing them of Ivan IV of Grozny subjects, and obligated to pay Yasak - tribute - in favor of the Russian state.

    The conquest of Siberia continued in the summer of 1583. After passing by Irtysh and Obi, Ermak captured the settlements - the uluses - the peoples of Siberia, forcing the inhabitants of the towns to take the oath of the Russian king. Up until 1585, Yermak with Cossacks fought with the detachments of Khan Kuchum, unleashing numerous clashes on the shores of Siberian rivers.

    After the capture of Siberia, Ermak sent an ambassador to Ivan Grozny with a report on the successful joining of land. In gratitude for the joyful message, Tsar gave not only the ambassador, but also all the Cossacks who participated in the campaign, and Ermak himself handed over two challenges of excellent work, one of which, according to the court chronicle, belonged to the previously famous governor Shui.

    The death of Ermaka

    Date August 6, 1585 in the chronicles was marked as the death day of Ermak Timofeevich. The small group of Cossacks is about 50 people - under the leadership of Ermak stopped over the night on Irtyshe, near the mouth of the Vagai River. Several detachments of Siberian Khan Kuchum attacked the Cossacks, having interrupted almost all the associates of Ermak, and Ataman himself, according to the chronicler, drowned in Irtysh, trying to get to the stoves. According to the chronicler, Yermak drowned because of the royal gifts - two challenches, which their severity and pulled him to the bottom.

    The official version of the death of the Cossack Ataman has a continuation, but these facts do not have any historical confirmation, and therefore are considered a legend. Folk tales say that a day later, Ermak's body caught the River Fisherman-Tatar, and reported to his find to Kuchum. Predit to make sure the death of Ataman gathered all the Tatarskaya to know. The death of Ermak was the cause of a big holiday, which lasted for several days. The Tatars were entertained by shooting the Cossack body, during the week, then, taking the donated mail, caused his death, Ermak buried. At the moment, historians and archaeologists consider several districts as presumptive places of the burial of Ataman, but there is still no official confirmation of the authenticity of the burial.

    Ermak Timofeevich is not just a historical figure, this is one of the key figures in Russian folk art. A lot of legends and tapes have been created about the acts of Ataman, and in each of them Ermak is described as a person of exceptional courage and courage. At the same time, Siberian's personality and activities of the conqueror of Siberia are reliably known, and such a clear contradiction makes researchers again and reopen their attention on the national hero of Russia.

    15 million people became victims of terror Bolsheviks

    Oleg Fedotov in the material "Chronicles of Terror" reminds that with the very first days of Soviet government, mass repressions on political, religious and social reasons began. In total, over the years of terror and repression, about 15 million people were arrested, exiled, deported or killed, and this number does not include those who died during the fighting and convicted in criminal articles, including those for the embezzlement ("Act about three spikelets" ) And harsh items for being late for work or drive.

    Red Terror 1918-1923 .. On December 7, 1917, the Bolsheviks create an emergency commission (CC) to combat counter-revolution. The head of this organization becomes Felix Dzerzhinsky. Vladimir Lenin calls to deploy an open terror against counter-revolutionaries. Enemies are determined by class sign. Soon the executions of the bourgeoisie, clergy and officers begin. At the same time, millions of peasants become victims of hunger due to violent food seizures. Total in the period of the so-called. About 140 thousand people killed "red terror".

    Collectivization 1929-1931 .. With the beginning of the violent collectivization of agriculture in the USSR, a war was announced against fists (prosperous peasants). In a short time, the authorities evicted hundreds of thousands of families to remote areas of the country. More than half a million people (mostly children) died during resettlement or in the first year of stay in the link. Millions of people died of hunger. In total, the number of detachable amounted to about 1.8 million people.

    GULD 1930-1956 .. The first concentration camp of the Bolsheviks created even during the civil war. In 1930, the main management of the camps (GULAG) was formed. Through a system of such "correctional institutions", millions of convicts on the 58th article (counter-revolutionary activities) were held. Due to severe conditions, such camps have become a grave for many innocently convicted people. Most prisoners in Soviet concentration camps were there on the position of powerless slaves. In total, the number of dead in the gulag is approximately 1.6 million people.

    Big terror 1937-1938. A wave of mass arrests and executions begins in the country. Under the pretext of the fight against espionage and the "enemies of the people", repression against various segments of the population are unfolded. Brutal torture is applied to the arrested. The victims are becoming the highest officials of the state and random people. The sentence is made by special "Troika". Efim Evdokimov and Fyodor Eichmans were separated from others. A little later (in 1940) and Nikolai Ezhov. But not for extrajudicial reprisals, and for "espionage", "anti-government plot" and "counter-revolutionary activities". The number of smoothed during this period is about 700 thousand people.

    Deportation 1937-1945 In 1937, the first case of mass deportation on the national basis occurs. From the Far East, 170 thousand Koreans were evicted. Soon other peoples of the USSR and the Germans, the Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush, Karachay, and Ave. Total Deported - 2.46 million people were subjected to merciless vigorous deportations.

    Repressions in Western Territories 1937-1941 Accession to the USSR of Western regions of Belarus and Ukraine, as well as the States of the Baltic, led to the law of the beginning of repression and deportations in these territories. Thousands of "socially alien" representatives of the bourgeoisie, fouls and clergy were expelled or shot. In total, 260 thousand people were arrested during these repression.

    Well, their followers.