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Reinforced diet. Reinforced diet now I firmly know what

I checked on personal experience - in 6 months it is really more than 30 kilograms. Earlier, I weighed about 105 kg, with my height of 175 centimeters. The reinforced diet allowed me to throw out extra 30 kg, giving not only a beautiful and "light" body, but also excellent health, immunity! In the article, the entire path of the diet is painted - from the initial attitude and training, before a detailed description of the diet.

Before such a diet moral mood is important. Nor familiar, friends or relatives will not push you to such a diet - only you can adjust yourself to correctly, in a moral and mental level really wishing the result. So, you need to decide on our own - throw these 20-30 kg to anything.

How to convince:

1 . Look truth in the face - people don't like fat, because of this, initially negatively (prejudice) belongs, respect has to earn difficult labor, but they don't get rid of ridiculers on the beach;

2 . Worth viewing in the mirror, preferably only in underwear - you will not notice anything pleasant, and it should push you to change it;

3 . Another important factor - health and physical capabilities of a normal body. After all, after throwing out these kilograms, you will be much less likely to hurt (fastening immunity due to healthy and useful food), and an interest in physical education will appear. On the normal body, muscles (in men) and gentle, smooth forms of the body (in women) are more clearly visible.

As soon as you properly configured, prepared for such a diet, you can already begin. To inform your family, to friends that I decided to throw a weight - so that they once again did not offer you no useful and fatty food and start a diet from Monday - a new week, a new life.

It is impossible to start such a diet from a unloading day, namely, nothing but 3 apples and 2 cups of green tea can not. This the first day is the most important - After that, you will find out, I am ready to truly for a diet or not; Also, the stomach is noticeably reduced, and in the future you will always want to eat less. Such days are simply necessary to spend once a week over the first two months, then you can refuse them.

Eating time

Develop for yourself the most convenient meal schedule. But it is necessary to eat 3 times a day, with a small fruit punch. Breakfast, preferably up to 9 hours; dine up to 14; Dinner until 20 hours. The rule is "not later than 18 o'clock" inherently stupid, it is not necessary to serve it. The most important thing is to eat 3-4 hours to sleep - it improves digestion. Also, you just need to make an important part in your schedule - water. Given its specific features that are important for digestion, it should be used in 20-30 minutes before the main meal, and not earlier than 20 minutes after eating (including tea and other liquid).

Portions. Of course, the first weeks will be quite difficult to limit yourself so sharply, but unloading days will help. Reduce your servings by 70% at least, food on a plate should be in terms of expensive restaurants standard portions. I think you should not remind you that these portions need to be used as long as possible - distract yourself with a conversation at the table, see the TV in the extreme. The standard of food eating is from 15 minutes, if the meal will stretch for all 20 minutes, then with a sense of saturation there will be no problems at all.

Permitted Food

Here I will give a complete list of resolved food and its valid reception schedule:

1. Fruit 2. Vegetables
- Apples (every day up to 5-6 pieces)
- Grapefruit, Orange (half a day)
- watermelon (up to 3-4 kg per day)
- Quince (up to 2 per day)
- Cherry, cherry, plum, peach and apricot - up to 1 kg per day
- Raspberry, strawberries, blueberries and strawberries - up to 0.5 kg per day
- Cabbage quashen, white, color, broccoli and other varieties (up to 1 kg per day)
- Greens (in salads is practically unlimited)
- Tomatoes, Bulgarian peppers, eggplants, carrots, beets, onions, radishes and zucchini (up to 0.5 kg per day)
- Potatoes (0.5 kg, once a week, exclusively in supe)
3. Meat 4. Sweet
- chicken fillet (once every three days 300 grams per day)
- chicken liver (once a week for 500 grams per day)
- squid meat (a week to 1 kg)
- Shrimp not cleaned (up to 2 kg per week)
- honey (every day 2-3 tablespoons, you can in tea)
- condensed high-quality milk (one bank in 3 weeks, only in exceptional cases)
5. Kashi 6. Drinks
- buckwheat and wheat porridge, rice, barley, oatmeal (every day, up to 300 grams) - Black tea, green (every day up to 4 cups)
- Juices (every three days 0.5 l)
7. Conservation and dairy products
- peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini caviar, corn, pineapple (one banks are 500 grams every week)
- Solid cheese is not fat (up to 100 grams every day)
- milk, sour cream, kefir, no greasy cottage cheese (once a week, up to 200 grams)

Cooking and recipes

It is necessary to prepare either on water or with the addition of olive oil. About fried food should be forgotten. Vegetables are best preparing in the microwave oven (the most preserved vitamins), or grieved on the water. Of course, when cooking a porridge is prohibited to put butter - only porridge cooked on the water.

Distribute the allowed products so that every day there was something new, and most importantly - every day must be attended by meat. Chicken fillet can be cooked with onions and carrots, with the addition of spices, and a chicken liver - knocking, with carrot on the water. Squids and shrimps are just boiled in water up to 5 minutes - and they are ready to use. In salads from vegetables, you can add a drop of olive oil several times a week.

Physical exercises

Ideally, on such a diet you need to run every day. But considering that there are problems at work, running should be made mandatory at the weekend - increasing gradually the length of the run from 20 minutes to an hour.

At home, it is necessary to perform certain, minimal classes every day. Make a bar for yourself - to download the press 100 times every day, press 30 and squat 50. If there are dumbbells, horizontal horns or simulators in the house are a big plus - with their help will be much more fun to do physical exercises.

That's the whole secret of this diet. I had enough half a year in order to find my perfect shape, throwing over 30 kilograms, I hope she will also help you!

Dmitry Aleksandrov

Benefits of slow slimming

Before spreading with extra kilograms, you need to morally prepare for many difficulties. And they will meet at every step, since the weight loss program is calculated for six months. Some much easier to abandon familiar food for a week, and then compensate for all deprivation of loved ones. However, most nutritionists and fitness coaches are confident that this is the most effective action plan.

Compared to express diet, calculated for several weeks, a semi-annual slimming has a number of advantages described below.

  • Lose weight by 20 kg in 6 months with a proposed power plan, you can even without sports. But for a more pronounced effect, it is desirable to visit the gym (the body becomes more enduring, the muscles are more relief, the skin is elastic).
  • The achieved effect is preserved for a long time. Nothing in life is given in vain. In case of overflowing over a week-two, due to a sharp limitation of calories, the body displays, first of all, excess liquid. And only after a two-week diet, high-quality weight loss begins (due to fat stocks). Studies have established that the body can do without food for four or five days, as its own fat reserves fully cover the cost of basic exchange.
  • For six months, you can not just change the diet, but also make a healthy eating a lifestyle. Practice shows that for the formation of a new habit you need 21 days. During the first 7 days, the body is cautiously looking at what happens to it. For another 7 days, it starts to get used to and adapt. During the last week, structural changes occur in it. Including in the brain (new links appear between its departments, which affect the so-called saturation center).
  • The body receives the required amount of nutrients. Most express diets are based on the use of one-five products that are not enough to ensure the normal amount of minerals and vitamins. If such a diet is designed for 7-10 days, the body will not significantly feel a significant damage (except for reducing performance). But with longer periods, chronic diseases may be aggravated, the state of hair, nails and skin will deteriorate, the digestion will break, insomnia and dizziness will appear.

Easily lost kilograms are as easy and quickly returned (photo: Telo "S beauty)

Comment by a nutritionist. The weight loss process involves the use of own fat deposits as the main fuel source. To do this, you need to create a shortage of calories consumed. There are two ways. The first one moves a lot so that the amount of calories expended exceeds the number of consumed. The second is to reduce the diet of 500-700 kcal. By the way, the second way fits most people, so far from all due to the characteristics of the body can, in principle, to withstand physical exertion. And those who suffer from the third and fourth degree of obesity, and is suppressed. At the same time, it is worth remembering that physical exercises are not created for weight loss, but to improve the overall condition of the body. Separate systems are functioning without failures only when they actively use them. So sport is the same reliable investment in your own health, as well as a balanced diet.

Motivation - the first important step

Motivation is the main key to success. It can be different, ranging from discontent with reflection in the mirror and ending with the desire to be healthy.

Before losing weight, it is important to answer some questions:

  • Why do you need to lose weight? It's one thing when this need is dictated by the state of health (with a weight of 100 kg, there may be problems with tooling the fetus, so women recommend to reset at least 10-15 kg). A completely different story when you need to get into the dress.
  • How many kilograms do you need to lose weight? If we are talking about health, definitely, the answer to the question should give a specialist. If there is no such need, you can use one of the formulas.

Brock formula:

The ideal weight for men \u003d (growth in centimeters - 100) x 1,15.

Ideal weight for women \u003d (growth in centimeters - 110) x 1,15.

Lorentz's dream: the ideal weight of a woman \u003d (growth in centimeters - 100) - (growth in centimeters - 150) / 2.

  • What will happen if it does not work out to reset the scheduled number of kilograms? In this case, the majority understands that the world will not turn upside down. So it makes no sense to make a slimming meaning of life.
  • Slimming is this way to please yourself or others? Psychologists are confident that all problems begin with the head, and the body is its continuation. You can weigh the centner, but feel the queen. And you can achieve the desired parameters 90-60-90, but it is still unhappy.

And, of course, you need to believe that everything will work out. Whatever the wills of the will to abandon the usual diet, do not break away halfway, do not lower your hands when kilograms will go on a teaspoon per year. And so that this does not happen, you need a plan of action.

Slimming Power Plan

Before you begin to lose weight, you need:

  • Take a diary. During the first two weeks, after the desire to get rid of fat stocks, to record all the food, the time of food intakes (including snacks or "inadvertently" eaten candies). At this stage, it becomes roughly clear where extra kilograms come from.
  • Find time for full meals. The problem of modern man is a total lack of time, including for food. The lack of food mode is even worse than overeating, since the body goes into energy saving mode. In this case, each eaten gram is covered on the case of total hunger strike. Breakfast, lunch and dinner must be approximately at the same time every day. Smells - when the feeling of hunger appears.
  • Get sickness. So that there was no temptation to eat extraordinary candy, it is impossible to walk hungry. So the serum couple in the bag is the best wand-corrupt, when the time to go dine is missing. For even more convenience, you can prepare food a few days ahead and make inscriptions on containers.
  • Sharing to weigh and make control measurements (chest volumes, waist and hips). Any purpose requires constant control of actions. Measurements will have to do every month to keep track of the situation.
  • Calculate the daily calorie rate. This will help both special programs or applications and formulas. The result of calculations depends on the floor, age, profession. For example, during seats, the daily calorie rate is 1600-1800 kcal for women and 1800-2000 for men. With light physical work, the amount increases by 100-200 kcal.
  • Learn to drink water. Often hunger confused with thirst. Check what the body wants, simply. At the first hungry urges, drink two glasses of water and wait 15-20 minutes. If you still want to eat, it means, after all, hunger.

And from this point on, you can proceed directly to weight loss due to changing the diet.

All products can be divided into three groups: those that need to be completely eliminated; those that can be allowed no more than once a week; Those that need to be used, but limitedly.

Exclude completely Can be 1-2 times a week Possible in limited quantity (30-50 g per day)
  • fast food;
  • bakery products;
  • mayonnaise / sauces;
  • chips, crackers;
  • fried potatoes;
  • dumplings;
  • sausages;
  • smoked sausage;
  • glazed raws;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • cookies, cakes, pastries;
  • fatty meat combined with roasted potatoes or bread
  • chocolate - no more than 30 g;
  • pancakes, pancakes;
  • alcohol (best - red dry wine);
  • fat meat;
  • sunflower seeds - no more than 50 g per day;
  • cupcakes without cream, condensed milk, any fillers;
  • coffee with milk / cream, hot chocolate;
  • yogurt with fruit filler / pudding / marshmallow;
  • glazed Flakes, Chocolate Balls
  • hard cheese;
  • dried fruits (kuraga, dates, prunes, figs);
  • nuts;
  • raisins;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • apples, banana, peaches, apricots;
  • melon;
  • tangerines;
  • grapes;
  • jelly;
  • canned fruits;
  • black, wholegrain bread, with bran;
  • boiled potatoes / baked;
  • any porridge (oat, buckwheat, pearl, corn);
  • butter;
  • sunflower oil;

The advice of the nutritionist. A very important point in proper nutrition is the distribution of food throughout the day. We have to eat 4-6 times a day and at the same time fully: 3 main reception and 2-3 snacks. For breakfast, it is usually 25% of the total coloring per day, for lunch - 30-35, for dinner - 20-25 and snacks - 5-10. This means that in the first half of the day (breakfast, the first snack and lunch), a person should eat 65-70% of its daily diet, and this is much more than half. On the second snack and dinner accounts for only 30-35% of the total daily cone. This means that in the evening it is better not to overeat and give preference to non-fat proteins and vegetables using unrefined oil. Carbohydrates are better transferred to the first half of the day.

What is the effect of a plateau and how to be

One of the difficulties that almost every losing weight is faced after a month and a half after the start of the diet is the effect of a plateau. He manifests itself like this: during the first month kilogram they quickly melted, but suddenly the process of weight loss slowed down. And even when complying with all prescriptions in nutrition, the weight arrow is no longer moving, and sometimes even rushes forward.

During this period, it is important not to panic and not to break. The fact is that the whole body is accustomed to the whole organism. And to a new power supply. The fact that for him at first was stress and gave a stimulus for weight loss, is not one. Plus, weight decreased, which means that the main exchange also declined. Now the body needs to maintain normal operation.

What if the weight does not decrease:

  • To give yourself one or two days of relaxation (you can eat something forbidden, but until 16:00), and then return to the right nutrition.
  • Variate calories during the day. For example, the energy value of the diet is 1700 kcal. On even to eat this quantity or even 100 kcal more, over an odd - 1500 kcal.
  • Variate the ratio of proteins / fats / carbohydrates. Normally, it is 1.2: 0.8: 3.5. In order to slightly shake the body, at even increase the number of proteins twice as well, and the amount of carbohydrates is halved (at the same time the caloric content of the diet remains unchanged). According to odd to do the opposite.
  • Increase physical exertion. If before this occupation passed three times a week, add one more training. Or increase the intensity of training. Or radically change them - instead of aerobic loads (running, swimming) do strength (squats, push ups, drops) or alternate them during one occupation.

The most efficient and safe diets

The most effective diet is the one at which the body does not feel the feelings of hunger. He does not need to make stocks, as he knows that he will still feed him.

Here's how to lose weight, correctly constituting the diet:

One day a week needs to be discharged. It is worth experimenting with combinations of products to understand how the body responds to them. The menu for the unloading day may be:

  • kg of apples, 1.5 kg of watermelon, kg of zucchini;
  • 500-600 g of cottage cheese + 500 g cucumbers;
  • 700-800 g baked pumpkins or boiled;
  • 700 g of boiled lean meat;
  • 400 g of buckwheat + 2 l kefir or ryuzhki;
  • 600 g of launch fish + vegetables in any form.

During the unloading day you need to drink plenty of water (2-2.5 liters).

How to lose weight for 6 months by 10 - 15 kg. No harm to health. And got the best answer

Answer from Oksana Derbsisheva (Glyaeva) [Guru]
link ...
many things in my diary.
in addition, it is interesting:
it is impossible to reduce the subcutaneous fat in a separate part of the body. It's just impossible! Performing exercises for individual parts of the body, you can reduce intramile fat in them, but it will not affect the subcutaneous fat on top of these muscles. Subcutaneous fat must be considered as relative to the whole body. Make the biggest muscles to work together if you want to reduce subcutaneous fat.
In women, the subcutaneous fat is postponed primarily in the legs, then on the hips, then in the diaphragm region and, finally, at the top of the body, especially on the forearms. As a rule, these sediments are removed in the reverse order. If you are a woman with fatty sediments in these places and you started an aerobic exercise program by bicycle, fat will be removed in the order of its accumulation. Even though the bike is an exercise for the legs, you first get rid of fat on your hands, and on your feet - in the last one.
No matter how much I say that fat needs to be discharged by systemic (aerobic) exercises, someone necessarily asks how to remove fat from a specific place on the body. Women with full hands are convinced that swinging with their hands, pushes, rubbing, blows will certainly remove fat from their hands. Believe me if you run a jog of a coward or a bike ride, your fat will be removed much faster. "

Answer from Just me[guru]
Walking, physical load, unloading days, turn the hoop for at least 20 minutes - under rhythmic music, dancing - your choice and desire.

Answer from Natuska[active]
Do not eat after 6 pm and consider kilocaloria.

Answer from Claudia Svniko[guru]
there is no sweet, flour, oily, tea and coffee without sugar. Kremlin diet is suitable for this

Answer from Victoria Perova.[newcomer]
For 6 months - really, very much)) For one and a half-2 I will manage if you wish ..)) I tell my story))
I myself could not cope with overweight for a long time. The next "miracle means" helped, which, as was claimed, can burn 10 kg per month)) another divorce, as I then thought, but decided to try.
After the first 3 weeks I was shocked)) I left more than 7 kg)) really transformed))
I will help you, although the secret does not really want to disclose))
Here it is))

Answer from ***** ***** [newcomer]
Capsules for burning fat "Bomb"

Answer from Kira Lesnikova[guru]
Limit the use of carbohydrates (flour, sweet, potatoes), do not eat after 18.00, drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day, play sports, or gymnastics do, exercise various
i was in my time fucking on diet Larisa Valley, a very effective diet, I am satisfied!
1st day: 400 g of baked potatoes without salt and 0.5 l kefir 1% fat (this is for the whole day).
Day 2: 400 g of degreased cottage cheese and 0.5 l kefir.
3rd day: 400 g of fruit (except bananas and grapes) and 0.5 l kefir.
4th day: 400 g of boiled chicken breasts without salt and 0.5 l kefir.
Day 5: 400 g of fruit and 0.5 l kefir.
6th day: 1.5 l mineral water without gas
7th day: 400 g of fruit and 0.5 l kefir.
After a week, diet eat as usual, but with the restriction of sweet, oily, sharp dishes and flour. It is necessary to secure weight. It is possible that a kilogram will add during this time. Seven days later, let's start a diet again - until you reach the desired result.
1. Every day you need to use only a certain kind of food. For example, cottage cheese or boiled chicken. Squeeze with kefir, infant herbs and water.
2. Products must be divided into small portions and eat every two hours from 8.00 to 18.00. After - nor!
P.S. I instead of the 6th day, where you need to drink water, I rushed fruit with kefir, because it is very difficult personally for me, and still lost weight!

Answer from Olesia[newcomer]
it is necessary to all the above. incentive (except for the prize), communicate with thin and appetite will disappear, buy something small in which you do not power or chic underwear without correction and adjust the clothes under the clothes, I raised the house at the most unprofitable places, with the brightest lighting so that all the flaws was It can be seen, after 4 months of irregular (but at least some) run, nutritional restrictions (minus bread, mayonnaise, pasta) and anti-cellulite massage (!!! super !!! But it hurts) in the mirror you could watch and smile))

Answer from Kostyan.[guru]
eat only when the hunt and not so that the cuisine go about can erase what ??

Answer from Viktor Ivanov[active]
First of all, it is necessary to make the body cleaning, without this will not shift with the "dead" point. Further everything is individually, but to eat in a little, but more often, what the body wants !!!

Hello everyone! How much I remember I was always inclined to complete. I never refused to do anything. I wanted what I wanted and when I wanted. Could have a cup of tea with "There is a whole tile of chocolate. And I was so comfortable ... Now, of course, it is difficult to imagine ... so that you understand, with 164 cm, I weighed 78kg. After giving birth, I threw a few accumulated kilos, but My weight is still about 73-74 kg.

I tried to lose weight earlier, but my will's strength had enough for 2 weeks, and then breakdown and everything was new. This is now I already understand that everything did wrong, only subjected to stress your body and nerves.

Now my diet is the image of my life with which I am pleased and easily harmonize. I read a large number of books and articles on the topic of losing weight and made for myself a few conclusions, like the rules with which I adhering to every day. In this review, I will reveal you the secrets of your diet and share the photo of the main dishes.

So, proceed ...

To date, with 164 cm, my weight is 58 kg. And this weight is quite satisfied with me. Perhaps I still cut a couple of keel, but no more.

Rules of my diet:

1. Drinking mode.

2. Do not miss food.

3. Feed every 2.5-3 hours.

4. Eating small portions.

5. Eliminate the flour, sweet, smoking, whenever possible fried.

6. Sport, to move more, lying less on the sofa.

And now in more detail about each item.

1. Drinking mode.

Absolutely everyone knows the importance and significance of water for the human body. Some scientists believe that a person needs to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. And this is not counting tea, coffee, etc. Other scientists refute these statements, referring to the fact that a person can have kidney problems. Therefore, a large amount of water drilled can lead to edema. And you need to drink so much water as you want. I am more inclined to the second conviction. But necessarily as soon as I woke up, before breakfast, I drink water. It is necessary so that the body woke up and launch metabolism. When I go out of the house, I try to always take a small bottle of water with him.

2. Do not miss food.

Never for anything !!! I used to think about the less I heard the day, the faster I will lose weight. By all, it is not. When you try to limit yourself in food, the body perceives it as a threat to the hunger strike and includes energy saving mode. Therefore, calories begin to postpone, rather than burn. In addition to the constant feeling of hunger, nervous breakdowns can occur here, indiscriminate. It should not be tormented in this way.

It is believed that the most important food reception is breakfast. Breakfast should be dense and saturated. I decided for myself that my most saturated food reception is lunch. Middle of a day.

3. Feed every 2.5-3 hours.

Yes, yes, you did not hear. My day consists of 6 food receptions.


2 breakfast


Afternoon person


Night light

You can say, I eat like in a camp or in a sanatorium)))

On the breakfast i choose porridge. I have a few kinds of porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, multi-zeal, etc. in the form of flakes. Every day I choose different porridge, so they do not bother me. By the way, porridge do not cook. There is not enough time. But brew porridge with boiling water and give it to be broken, also quite good. I do not use sugar substitutes, so I can afford to add a bit of sugar to Pitch. Either instead of sugar add dried fruits or fruits. It turns out delicious, and most importantly satisfying. After such breakfast there is no desire to have something else to eat.

In general, you can eat omelet, cottage cheese, banana-oat fritters for breakfast, cornflakes. This is what the soul lies more ...

2 breakfast - I have often fruit (mostly banana), or cottage cheese, yogurt.

Dinner - My most saturated food reception. I am not a lover of soup, although sometimes you cook them yet. Everything is right here. For lunch, I am more preferring second dishes: mashed potatoes (Fig) with a goulash, freestat, ratatuy, stewed vegetables with chicken, cream soup (from zucchini, pumpkins, carrots), casserole, cabbage rolls (lazy and ordinary), pilaf.

Afternoon person - Mostly choose fruits, natural yogurts.

Dinner - Always light. I do not try to bundled the stomach heavy and dense food overnight. For dinner, I choose salad + protein (you can with a piece of baked fish, boiled egg), boiled beets, corn.

Night light - Standard kefir. I choose 1%. I just like it better. And so you can take any milk product. He and hearty and non-caloric. But night is what you need.

Do not think that I do not drink tea and does not allow himself a little pamper. Between meals I can afford tea (I drink only green), or coffee with a piece of pastes, moorings, puddings, cottages to Danissimo (my weakness). On holidays, I can emit a small piece of cake. Yes, and in truth, all day I go forth, from which automatically the need for sweet itself disappears.

And yes, sometimes, when food is far away, and you want to eat something, I saved nuts. I choose walnut. A small handful is capable of quenching hunger and gives energy. Moreover, the nuts are an excellent source of vitamins for beauty, nails and skin. Cancer bars are also saved. The benefit is now in stores their huge selection. Choose any)))

4. Eat in small portions

A small portion is not saying that you need to eat 2 spoons of rice. NOT. Just need to eat so that after meals do not feel the severity from overeating. Again, it all depends on the food itself. If it is a light salad, then it can be erupted more. If you eat pasta, or potatoes, then a little need to limit yourself. At first it may seem that you are hungry. Over time, the body is bothering with such portions of food. In the future, you just can not be able to eat more physically more of the put portion. Yes, and no need.

5. Eliminate the flour, sweet, smoking, whenever possible fried.

It is allowed to eat only whole grain bread. And I excluded the bread completely. From the flour I can eat straw, drying, cookies "Maria", and sometimes "anniversary". Honestly, weakness to flour do not feel, so it was easy to refuse it.

All sorts of sweets are simple carbohydrates that quickly give the necessary energy. But unfortunately it is often very calories. Notice, we really want sweet exactly when very hungry. I used to be a terrible sweet tooth. All these chocolates, cakes, cakes, sweets were very attracted me and manili. Of course, no tea drinking without sweetness. Now, the need for sweet disappeared. I just don't want it. I did not think that this is how I can easily refuse it. Passing by the showcases with the cakes now it does not beat me and does not stand out for a cake. In general, when it became less sugar, it began to notice how many sweeteners producers add products. For example, I recently bought myself an Imuneel Kids. And there is so much sugar, which is also a shown.

And I completely refused sausage products. All these chemical serves, half-splashing sausages - flat dyes, stabilizers and preservatives. Better a piece of meat to fool.

6. Sport, to move more, lying less on the sofa.

And this is in principle, and so understandable. To quickly get expected results, you need to move more. I do not go to the gym, I do not run around the parks. I just do not have time for it. My fitness is my child. Only slopes when cleaning the children's room will come down for a session in the gym. In general, I try to walk more, especially when good weather. Moving more and walk more on the street (so at least you are away from the refrigerator).

Summing up the above above, I want to say that at the beginning of my diet my goal was of course throw off extra kilograms. But then my diet has grown into something more. My diet has become not a cortic for me, but pleasure. I eat those products that I want. With pleasure. I forgot what heartburn and overeating. Now I know to be full, it is not necessary to eat a whole sack of pasta with a cutlet. The main thing in the nutrition is balanced, a small portion and mode.

As promised my photos before and after

Here I will weigh about 78 kg

When I revise my old photos, I can not even believe that I was so. I considered myself quite normal, a little plump. So much extra kilo wore with you constantly.

Hello, my dear !!!
That's how I promised show myself before and after the result of a weight loss is 10 kg. More precisely, I have already lost 11.55 kg, but in time just for half a year 10 kg
There were any - takeoffs and falls. Judge for yourself - this is a weight schedule:

The schedule is not all right with me insert. I began to lose weight with 70 kg.

Weight - minus 11.5 kg
Breast girth - minus 4.5 cm
Waist girth - minus 9 cm
Belly girth - minus 7 cm
Girth bleder - minus 7 cm
Hip clamp - minus 5.5 cm
Cooking legs just above the knee - minus 5 cm

Still cellulite left almost completely, which I am insanely glad. Now it is not ashamed and shorts to wear.

And of course a photo - without them.
On the left photo to (November 25, 2013), reference - after (May 7, 2014)

And a few more pictures Read more



Pop apologize for such a frank photo

He began with the lungs of the exercises that herself selected themselves: turns, slopes, maugh, cries and so on; And necessarily at the end of the stretch of 10 minutes.
Gradually increased the load and complicated the exercises.
Then he moved to walk from Leslie: 1 week went 1 mile every day, then 2 miles alternating every other day with power training. When they are tired of 2 miles, switched to 3 miles.

After Leslie, I wanted something more serious. I found the workout of the Hollywood coach "The perfect press and correction of the hips and buttocks" - I really liked. The muscles of the buttocks and legs are well.

Then there was a 30-day with Dzhilian Michaels. I thought this time the results would be better, but my alas did not really please me. No, of course, the results were - the body was pulled out, all the muscles were growing, rounded. The most sad thing was that I tried so much, squatted, and did not go from the buttocks.

All about this my exploits ended in sports. Docha became bad at night to sleep, apparently the teeth will soon cut off, and I have become a sooooooooo hard to do fitness, since I sleep very little - 4 hours sometimes 5 per day. And so the whole day on the legs.
And so 1.5 months without fitness. But in the help of my weight loss came spring, and this is long walks on the street with a carriage. And also - cottage. Road there and back - for half an hour and almost all day of picking on the beds. So, for 5 days of work at the cottage, I left the ill-fated cm with legs, buttocks and abdomen.

In addition to all this, daily long walks with a carriage. I do not like to sit in one place, I will cut the circles better
As well as a massage almost every day with here this is a crem

Once I saw him in the store, I decided to buy a try. I tried, I really liked it - Bodriti, refreshes and seems to be the result from it. In short, now I use only it.
Massage I did not herself - here a lot of my husband, tried to glory

I adhere to diet for nursing, plus a lot of all restrictions, since the crumbs are allergic. True there were different such pants in the form of cakes, pies and other home baking, cheese ate kilograms
Now food is more strictly observing. But still daily in my menu there are many crackers and dryers, bread too, but a little bit at lunch.
Oh, girls, how do you want a cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar. I would not think that I would do it more than sweets or chocolate.

Future plans:
1. Fighting ears
2. Work on sides and belly
3. Development of endurance
4. Maybe in a couple of months start running

That's basically it. In more detail about everything I wrote in my diary. If anyone is interested, I ask for a visit. Come in, read, do not hesitate.