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Snowball game goal game. Game "Snowball". Program construction principles

I generally do not understand the perturbation of moms about the fact that they do not allow breastfeeding in a public place. For a minute, do not feed do not give, but do not give the breasts. Of course, a hungry child has the right to quench his hunger at any time convenient for him, and his mother has the right to feed his child there and then, where and when it considers it necessary. But why should I define my breasts defiatively? If you are a nursing mom, you probably assume that inevitably the time will come to feed your child, well, so capture a cape, a scarf, snead, and even fan, well, something to cover if necessary. In the end, if it happened that there is nothing with you, get away to the sideline, turn away, choose not such a crowded place, so that it is not to confuse and do not confuse people. As for the concrete situation in the museum, then the question is, in my opinion, controversial. Here, oddly enough, I am on the side of my mother. Just because it is absolutely nothing to object. Indeed, about what indecency in connection with the progress of the breast may be discussed if families with children come to the Tretyakov Gallery and from the webs of Rembrandt, David Michelangelo without a fig leaf in embarrassment, do not turn away, do not close their eyes and so on. But this is how trolling, to retrieve the administration of the museum and the public. In general, I would not drag the breast child in the ORVI season in a public place, and then, if the incident took place in the Tretyakov Gallery, then sometimes there are such queues on the cashier, sometimes it is possible to simultane on the street. Why torment the child. And then it would be possible to move again aside, why feed the kid demonstratively in the crowd of the people? Feeding Breedless is such an intimate moment, not tolerant of extraneous unnecessary views, strangers, not always positive thoughts and so on. But this, of course, the personal matter of everyone. I do not know all the details, but at the site of the Museum staff, the scandaling with a nursing mother would not have become, and if her behavior, in their opinion, somehow broke the order set in the museum, I would (be an employee) He offered her palatine, a scarf or spent in a more secluded place. Well, if the nursing mother would have become scandaling in response to mine (as an employee of the museum) proposals, defending his rights, would leave her alone. Why take sin to the soul, join with her in a rewritten, unwind, ultimately, everything will reflect on the baby, it turns out, your actions harm the baby, what is it?

Alevtina Korchkova
Methodical development of a mobile game for children of preschool age "Snowball"

Annotation. The mobile game "Snowball" is designed to prevent hypodynamine, forming the need for children of senior preschool age in daily musculoskeys. This game can be used in the implementation of the problems of physical development in a joint task with the teacher and the independent activities of children. It is recommended to instructors in physical culture, educators of general array groups and compensation groups for children with severe speech disorders.

Purpose of the game: Physical development of preschool children.

Tasks: Improve physical performance, develop speed and dexterity, improve the speed of the reaction to the signal, form interest in participation in moving games and interaction with peers, to bring up a friendly attitude towards others.

Age: 5 - 7 years

Location: Playground, Physical Hall.

Inventory: not required.

Players get up in a circle without taking hands. In the center of the circle, one of the players is coming out and it chooses leading:

We ride snowball

And build a snowy house.

We heal the whole family

Well, and you for us - someone else's!

At the time when the driven - "Alien" is chosen, all children run out in different directions. Driving starts to catch players. As soon as I caught the first player, they are taken by arms and together catch the third player. The next caught the same takes the hands and already threesomate the fourth. And so on until all players caught.

Thus, the number of leading gradually increases like a snowball.

Rules of the game. When running it is impossible to push each other. Caught is the one who "someone else" will hit his hand. Water catch up with players, holding hands.

Publications on the topic:

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Explanatory note: The sensory development of the child is the development of perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects:

The main goal of this game for children and adolescents is to develop sociability and help remember the names of all players, the number of which can reach up to 20-30 people. In addition, the game helps to establish communication, create a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere in the company of unfamiliar people and "melt ice". Often they play in camps in order to for example acquaint detachment or new team Guys.

Rules of the game "Snowball"

For the game it is convenient to sit in a circle or something similar to it (for example, the train compartment is perfect) that the players seem to be clear.

Someone calls her name.

For example: Petya.

The next clockwise sitting clockwise calls the name of the first player and its own.

Petya, Tanya

The move goes to the next sitting. He must remember the two names named in front of him, and then call its.

Petya, Tanya, Polina

The game can be finished when everyone called all the names of playing without errors. The goal is achieved - everyone got acquainted!

Games for acquaintance

Playing sit in a circle. The first calls his name, the second is the name of the first and its own, the third - the names of the first and second, then - its own, etc., while the circle is closed. As a result, the latter in the circle says the names of all playing, and then their own. It is easier, of course, to be the first, but the last is useful.

"I'll take a hike with him"

The game passes as well as the "snowball", but besides its name, each player also calls the item that he would take with him to the campaign (or anywhere) and which begins on the first letter of his name.

"Let's get acquainted"

Playing form two circles. Standing in the inner circle turn face to external. Sounds music playing in circles move in opposite sides. After stopping music, the participants of the game stop each other, acquainting, calling the name. Next, the music sounds again, only now, moving in different directions and run past a friend, make up his hand. Music stops playing, new acquaintances appear. Game continues.

"Double your name"

Each player in turn sings his name. All others must repeat the name, i.e. His sing the same, with the same intonations, etc.

"Who is faster"

The detachment is divided into 2 teams. Between the teams, assistants hold a screen (for example, bedspread). One person from the team is suitable for Shirma and squat, they should not see each other. At the command of the master Shirma, the players sitting near it are lowered, should call each other's names. Wins the one who calls faster. The loser goes to the opponent team. Etc.

"Zoo with names"

This is the same game as "Zoo 1" or "Zoo 2" (section "Reaction games"), but only every player also calls his name every time.

"I never…"

All sit in a circle and put hands on their knees. The first player says what he never did in his life. For example, he says: "I never flew by plane." If someone from players flew, he fences one finger on his hand. Then says the next player, etc. round. The one who fastest all his fingers will get off.

"Tutti Frutti"

All sit in the circle on the chairs and are calculated on the first-third. The first numbers will be, for example, apples, the second - bananas, third oranges. In the center there is a leading, which begins a story about himself and as soon as in his story mentions one of these fruits, these players must quickly change places. If the leading says: "Tutti-Frutti" - all the players are changing in places.


Playing sit in a circle. The leading says: "My name is ..., I love ..." (you can love anything and anyone) and rolls an apple to someone from the circle. He lifts the apple and also says: "My name is ... I love ...". And the apple rolls to the next. The game continues until all the players have introduced themselves.

Magnificent Valery.

Participants get up in a circle. The first participant calls his name and adjective characterizing it (player) and starting with the same letter as his name. For example: Magnificent Valery, an interesting Igor, etc. The second participant calls the phrase of the first and speaks his own. The third participant calls the phrase of the first two players and so until the last participant calls his name.


Participants are taken by arms, forming a circle. Begins the game the first player, calling his name. The second participant in a circle repeats the name of the first participant and speaks his own. The third participant repeats the names of the first two and calls its name. And so the game lasts until the last person calls all the names, including its own.

A blanket

Participants are divided into two teams, located, opposite each other. A blanket is stretched between them. With each team, one person is sitting closer to the blanket. As soon as the blanket is lowered, you need to have time to pronounce the name of one who sits on the contrary. Who called faster - takes to the player's team. That team wins, which "pulls" to itself more players, i.e., the team that knows more names.

And I'm going, and I, too, and I hare

Participants of the game are sitting on chairs in a circle, one place - not occupied by anyone. In the center - driven. All participants during the game are transplanted in a circle counterclockwise. A player sitting near an empty chair is transplanted with him with the words "I'm going." The next player - with the words "and I, too." The third participant says "And I am a hare and, with my left hand, hitting an empty chair, calls the name of a person sitting in a circle. The one whose name did they say, should be as soon as possible to run on an empty chair. The task of the leading - have time to take a chair faster than those who called. Who did not have time, becomes leading. The game starts first.

We go hiking

Participants get up in a circle. The first participant starts the game, calling his name and item that he takes with him hike. The presenter begins: "My name is Katya, I take the Kalachi with me." All participants need to be guessing that the subject should begin with the same letter, with which name. Who guessed, the leading takes on a campaign. And so as long as everyone does not say correctly.


Participants are in a circle. All together make two cotton, click on the fingers of the right hand, click on the left hand, two cotton, etc. It is desirable to be started by the counselor. So, when you click the right and left hand, the master pronounces its name, then two cotton, after that, when you click on my right hand, it utters your name, and when you click on your fingers, the name of one of the participants is clicked. That player whose name was called, repeats the same thing. For example: Olya, Olya, Two Cotton, Olya, Igor, Igor, Igor, Two Cotton, Igor, Light, and so on. Who did not have time - that "broke out."


Participants are in a circle. The presenter comes to any player and says: "Hi, I am a steam locomotive. What is your name?" The participant calls his name, "locomotive" repeats. It is important to repeat with the same intonation, with which the participant said. Who introduced himself to join the steam locomotive. The game continues until all participants join each other.

Favourite hobby

All participants are sitting in a circle on the chairs. Leading in the center, he pronounces a certain characteristic (for example: who loves to dance, who plays a guitar who love ice cream, etc.), relevant to her players must change places. If the host first takes a free stool, the player without a chair becomes the lead.


All participants are distributed cards that are divided into 9-16 cells. The task is recorded in each cell. The essence is one: in writing in the cell the name of a person who (here opens the scope for fantasy) loves the fish, holds the dog at home, loves the stars ... The unexpected the task, the better. You can put in this card what you need. For example, to identify lovers of drawing, singing, playing guitar, etc. Runs one who is faster and more accurately collects names.

Molecule - Chaos

Participants depict the Brownian movement of molecules. Meeting, greet and get acquainted with each other. According to the command of the left-way: "Molecule 2, 3, etc.", players are divided into groups of 2, 3, etc. Man. As soon as the team sounds: "chaos", the participants begin to move as molecules again. Thus, the game continues.


The presenter proposes to be built to participate in the color of the eyes (from the brightest to dark); in the numbers and months of birth dated January 1 to December 31; In alphabetical order, according to the first letters of complete names, etc.

"Find a partner."

A group of children becomes a row by age or for any other sign. The middle shares the row into two groups that become near so that there are a couple. Each couple invents itself a code consisting of two words, for example: (moon - ball, children-garden, etc ..). The steam is determined that the first word-code belongs to, for example, the participant "A", and the second word is the code - the participant "B". For all participants in the game, codes are announced so that they do not repeat. Participants "A" become in the opposite side of the playground, change in places with each other and they tie their eyes.

To avoid accidents, players must pull hands forward. Now each player is trying, calling his code, find his half of the couple. Couples who found each other take off her eye bandages and get acquainted with each other.


Playing choose someone from those present. The leading must guess it. To do this, he asks questions: "Suppose, the person's intended by you will be furnished. What kind of item does it remind you?" Analyzing the answers of playing, leading trying to find out who Zagadan. An interesting option is when the driving leads himself. Associations are given both by the appearance of a person and in its nature.

This game is held at the very late stage.

"Wailed portrait"

Partners take each other interviews about names, place of residence, work, age, hobby, expectations, pets, etc .. Time sets the lead. Then the partner in the "A" partner is then present. In the partner's view, the whole group communicates 4 facts (events, details, details), which one of the partners finds the most interesting. One detail of four - fictional. The whole group of those present should guess the fictional information.

"False coat of arms"

A group of children is divided into pairs. Each pair receives from leading color pencils, markers, sheets of paper. On sheets of paper there may be ready-made contours of the coat of arms. Each participant draws inside the coat of arms 4 images (what is characteristic of it is characteristic). 3 - the right, real, 1 - false, fictional, the participant is not peculiar. Each pair attention studies the drawn coat of arms of the partner and tries to learn (guess), a false image. The next step of the game: The whole group of children is going together. Partners from each pair are as truth as possible (comment) coat of arms of each other. The goal of the whole group is to guess which of the 4 images on each coat of arms is false.

"Duel Names"

A group of children is divided into 2 subgroups. They (subgroups) are located opposite each other. The presenter with the assistant is kept covered between groups in such a way that the subgroups do not see each other. In silence, each subgroup chooses one player. They must sneak to the sheet and squat to her face. According to the signal, leading quickly lower sheets. Two participants who sit against each other should call the player's name opposite as soon as possible. Who will name the first name, has the right to pick up a player with him to his team.


Each child gets the task to make a passport (cardboard card), which will be able to learn all the participants to learn more and get to know each other.

The passport contains small information about the owner of the passport (5 - 8 facts). Each fact (appearance, interests, details from personal life) is described in one sentence. Finished passports fold in a large hat or box and change - sewing. Each participant pulls one passport and according to data, which is described in it, trying to learn about whom. The content of all passports is read out loud and all the participants of the game are trying to find out about the com.

"Wailed portrait"

Partners take each other interviews about names, place of residence, work, age, hobby, expectations, pets, etc .. Time sets the lead. Then the partner in the "A" partner is then present. In the part-non-part view, the entire group communicates 4 facts (events, details, details), which one of the partners finds the most interesting. One detail of four - fictional. The whole group of those present should guess the fictional information.


Playing becomes face to each other, forming two circles. You can do this: Girls - the inner circle, boys - an external circle.

The inner circle is "tickets", the external circle is "passengers". In the center there is a unbiven "hare". At the command of the leading circles begin to move in different directions. Lead Shouting: "Controller"! Baleti remain in places, and passengers must find their own pairs. "Hare" is enough that "Biletik", which he liked. "Passenger", which remains without a playground becomes a leading - "hare." When meeting, "Passenger" and "Biletik" get acquainted. After some time, the "passenger" can catch not only his own, but also any "Biletik" liked. The game can be accompanied by music.

"Agents 007"

Each participant is a jar from the film. Inside, there may be (for example, pebbles, sand, salt, flour, etc.). The task of the participants is not opening the jar, to find his pair by sound.


  • for the game requires a smooth area of \u200b\u200bat least 50 x 50 m;
  • participation take from 2 teams and more than the same number of participants in each;
  • teams before the game make a lot of snowballs;
  • thursts are carried out only from the start line, it is impossible to intercelace it;
  • you can only throw after the signal, otherwise one point is removed;
  • a player can repeat the throw if he was prevented to make the first.

How to play:

2 bright targets are installed on the site, each of which consists of three circles with a diameter of 0.5 m, 1.0 m and 1.5 m. The start line is drawn 5 meters from the location of the target, the distance increases depending on age Players. The teams are built into the ranks, and one player from each team begins to throw snowballs in the target. Everyone has 2 attempts, 3 points are counted for entering the central circle, in the middle - 2, in external - 1 point. The team wins the highest amount of points. You can diversify the game by installing new rules, for example, throwing snowball with your left hand, from a runway or in a jump. When children learn accuracy, the distance to targets can be gradually increased.


  • for the game it is necessary to a smooth area of \u200b\u200b50 x 20 m with a marked start line;
  • participate from 2 teams, each of which consists of 3 participants;
  • commands must prepare the attributes for the smearing of a snowman in advance, they can only be used in the game only them;
  • snow for snowmen takes strictly on a specific area;
  • it is impossible to intentionally impede the work of other teams;
  • for violation of the rules, the removal of half of the points is prescribed.

How to play:

All items for smearing the snowman are decomposed on the starting strip, and take them permitted one by one. The distance between the commands are separated by the strip, it is approximately 8-10 m. A snowman starts to make a snowman at the command signal, and after the end of operation, it is built on the start. The captain of the team with the words "Ready!" Rises a hand. Appointed judges assess the quality of the work of teams according to the principles of the magnitude, the external attractiveness and degree of sustainability. If 3 teams are involved, then the first fulfilling receives 2 points, the second - 1 point, the last - 0 points. If the teams are larger, then the number of points distributed between them is proportionally increased.


  • for the game it is necessary to a smooth platform of 50 x 50 m;
  • participate from 2 teams, the composition of which from 3 to 6 participants;
  • players must prepare a certain number of snowballs in advance;
  • it is forbidden to intercelace the throw line, otherwise the attempt is not counted;
  • you can only throw after the signal, attempts made earlier are not considered.

How to play:

The playground for the game is divided into small sections, their size depends on the number of commands. The center of the playing field is put on the ball or any other strong target. Participants of the same command can be on one side or on both, each participant has three snow. If the commands consist of 3 players, after the signal, they start throwing into the ball at the same time. If 6 people participate, then they are thrown alternately by three teams. Accordingly, the leader becomes the team, the participants of which made the greatest number of accurate hits and minimal errors.


  • it is unacceptable to catch the hands of the players, this attempt is not counted;
  • it is forbidden to throw snow into the face;
  • You can go away from the snow with all sorts of ways, even hiding behind trees and buildings;
  • mandatory participation of at least 3 participants, but in general, the more - the more interesting.

How to play:

First, the player who will drive will be selected. After the signal, "run out!", He sculpts the snowball and begins to run with him for running out players. The one he gets to, announces "I - Salka!" and becomes leading. Now he sculpts the snowball and is trying to get into the runaway guys.


  • for the game you need a spacious playground;
  • participates from 6 or more children;
  • pearl attributes - stick and washer (or something similar in size and weight).

How to play:

At first, a huge circle is drawn on the site, inside it - the circles are smaller (with a diameter of about 1 m). Their number depends on the number of teams for which children shared. These small circles become one participant from different commands selected by the draw or vote. Now they should be bravely and to protect the circle, in which they are, from the attacks of opponents. The game time was originally stipulated, and the team wins, which scored the greatest number of heads in the "boiler".