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Azores where are located. All about rest in the Azores. What is marketing cookies

On the edge of Europe, 1460 km from the coast of Portugal, a picturesque archipelago, consisting of 9 adorable islands spread out. This is the last Bastion of Europe, further - Atlantic and America. Azores - a lacquer for a serene holiday among untouched nature. Geographically, these green parts of the sushi are on the latitude of the capital of Portugal - Lisbon. They have volcanic origin - 1766 volcanoes numbered in the archipelago, among them 9 existing.

Azores on the world map on Google Earth:

Climate and vegetation of the Azores

This region is subtropics, besides around the ocean, therefore, sea air. Everyone is associated with an extremely comfortable atmosphere for recreation, the air temperature is kept on a pleasant + 20 ° C, rarely, when the thermometer column rolls over + 25 ° C. In the fall and in winter, tightening rains often go, characteristic and thick fogs, especially in the Western Islands. Coastal waters are quite comfortable for swimming: in summer, water is heated to + 23 ° C, and in winter it is rarely lowered below + 17 ° C. Beaches covered with black volcanic sands are always filled with tourists.

In the ancient century, all the islands were covered with relict trees. Now evergreen forests are covered with a dense carpet only the slopes of volcanoes, there you can find pretty valuable trees: English Holly, Laurel, Cedar, Japanese cherry and pine.

9 Pearls of Azor

The largest island is called San Miguel (747 km²), and the smallest - Korot (17 km²). The capital of the Azores is the city of Ponta Delgada. At the end of the XX century, the Archipelago was awarded the European Union Prize for his contribution to the preservation of the original nature and the development of ecological tourism.

San Mighel: Green Island

This is the largest island (64 km long and 8 width), and the capital of Azor is located on it - Ponta Delgada. This is a very picturesque piece of land, pleasing gaze with their green landscapes. His highest point is the peak-da-vara mountain (height of 1105 m), her foot grow dense forests, in which a valuable endemic lives - the Azores Bullfin.

This bird is recognized as an extinct view, therefore, it is under special protection, in the middle of the 20th century there were only about 100 individuals, but as a result of the program to preserve the type, the bullfight population increases.

But the main attraction is the mountain lake, the Lago-Do Fog Nature Reserve (947 m above sea level). The lake lies in the hollow volcano, it can be reached by tourist trails. Near the lake there are hot springs.

Peak: Island-volcano

The second largest - peak (447 km²) with a mountain-height-height of 2351 m, which is seen from afar. The island is located in the central part of the archipelago (40 km long, 15 width). Mountain peak - a valid volcano, it is unique and listed in the Guinness Book of Records. This is the highest mountain in Portugal, and, in addition to the ground part, it also has an underwater 6098 meters long!

TERSEYRA: Lilac Island

It is the third largest (402 km²) and the third on the opening, hence the name. TERSEYRA lies on the most western part of Azor (29 km long and 19 in width), on it 4 volcanoes, older, synth-write, 300 thousand years old, and the youngest, Santa Barbara, - acting.

On Teresaire beautiful beaches, and the waves are high enough for surficists. In the summer there are entertainment with bulls, which are released on the street on weak ropes. Festivals and holidays are also organized.

San George: Agricultse Island

Located in the center of the archipelago (area of \u200b\u200b237 km², 53 km long and 8 km wide), together with the file and the peak form a triangle. Sushi surface decorates Mount Esperanza. This is the edge of the farmers, its useful areas are occupied by agricultural products - cereals and citrus. The population catches fish, grows grapes and produces wine. Until the middle of the 20th century, San George was practically isolated from other islands, while in the 1980s did not build a runway and two nautical ports.

File: Blue (beech) island

The next descending order became the file with an area of \u200b\u200b172 km², a narrow strait is separated from the peak. The file can also boast of his own mountain - proud rises above the ground by 1043 m. The fame notableness is that the main seaport is located in the city of Orta, where the courts come from America to Europe. In the center there is a crater of an ancient volcano of Caledira with a wide brand, but the potential danger represents the volcano dropinush. In the middle of the 20th century, he everacted 13 months, as a result, almost all of the houses were destroyed, and the surface of the earth was covered with Loo. Fortunately, the inhabitants had time to evacuate. Many of them, using force majeure, emigrated to America.

A diving on the file is developed, tourists are invited to look at coushlots and dolphins suitable close to the shore, swim from the mask and make an equestrian walk deep into the island.

Other Islands of the Archipelago

The 4 remaining islands are smaller - Florish, Santa Maria, Graciosia and Korva. What can be viewed on them:

  • Florish - Waterfall Ribeira Grande, Ethnographic Museum, to visit thermal sources;
  • Santa Maria - on the "yellow" island stealing the leg of Christopher Columbus. Vintage mills, Church of the Holy Spirit and Chapel are required. Santa Maria is noteworthy of much weather - if the sun shines at one end, on the other at that time it is necessary to rain;
  • Graciosa - "White" island, here and in fact a lot of white color, starting with beach sand and ending with white houses. You can go up to the crater of the old volcano and inspect the sulfuric cave. There is also a sanatorium on sulfur sources. In 2008, UNESCO assigned Graciosia the status of the biosphere island;
  • Korot is the smallest in the archipelago, is notable for two adorable lakes in a volcanic crater. In the tiny village, Vila Nova is curious to look at the mills from volcanic tuff, their blades are covered with a cloth. Mills are made according to the likeness of the weather - turn after the direction of the wind.

How to get to the Azores

There are no direct flights to Azores, there will be a transplant in Lisbon. Book tickets are better for 3-5 months, it is possible to buy them at a very attractive price. In addition, you can track price fluctuations, as well as buy online tickets.

The capital of Portugal is a very pleasant and atmospheric city. If you plan a trip so as to spend between flights in it at least one day, she will not disappoint you. Yes, and the feeling of the road in terms of feeling fatigue will smooth and hang out, because you will walk on solid land, and not all the time being in the air.

From regularly run air vessels to Ponta-Deglada Airport on San Miguel, on average 2 flights daily, in the morning and evening, and a ferry message has been established between the islands. Please note that in Lisbon airport, domestic flights are carried out from Terminal No. 2, and passengers of international flights pass through Terminal No. 1. Therefore, you need to move to Terminal No. 2 at the airport bus.

The flight time to the islands is a little more than 2 hours. The cost of a ticket from different carriers will vary greatly, it depends on the level of comfort, the time of year and other conditions, an average of up to € 100 in both ends. The time difference between the mainland and the islands is 1 hour. It is most profitable to fly to the Azora of the SATA Airlines, they provide discount discounts on internal flights.

Where to stay in Azores

All of the islands of the archipelago have a developed infrastructure and are pleased to provide guests with different price levels. But this does not mean that cheap hotels are little suitable for accommodation, just the rooms are smaller in them and the package of services is modest. It doesn't matter what hotel live, anyway, you will not be able to stop in the room, and go for the development of the unfamiliar trail, on the fragrant hydrangea flavors, the expanses of the ocean winds. You are on the last bastion of Europe, on the edge of the earth, further - only the ocean.

Azores, located the group in the Atlantic Ocean, invariably attract travelers the possibility of excellent recreation in silence, solitude, calm. Each island is an amazing world of picturesque flora, unique natural monuments, wide opportunities for marine fishing, sailing, surfing, diving. The attractions of the Azores are associated, first of all, with natural phenomena and beach entertainment.

Amazing Beauty San Miguel Island

This is the largest San Miguel (Azores), whose attractions are simply amazed, can boast of magnificent vegetation, the purest natural lakes and thermal sources. On 12 hectares, a unique landscape of the terra-noster environmental park is retained. Lagoa-Du-Fog appears in the depths of the volcanic crater in the depths of the tourists in all its glory. Hence the second name of the lake - "Fiery".

Valley Valle Dash-Furnash attracts travelers with thermal springs and a heavenly blue lake, freely located in the open space. Island monasteries carefully retain the culture and history of San Miguel:

  • The monastery of St. Andrei (Ponta Delgada) is formed by a museum, which presents valuable ethnographic and biological exhibits.
  • The Esparanc Monastery is famous for the authentic tips of the XVII century and the statue of Christ-Wonderworker - the patronage of the Grand Annual Religious Festival.

South Island Santa Maria

At a distance of 82 kilometers south of San Miguel, a small island of Santa Maria is located. It was formed one of the very first settlements of the discoverers, settled by the Azores. Sights of the island confirm the old origin of the village Vila Do Porto.

Here you can see ancient houses built in the XV century, unique vintage mills, chapel and church of St. Spirit on the background of the mighty Atlantic Ocean. Santa Maria is famous for the fact that the famous rock festivals are held here annually in August.

Faale Island in the heart of the archipelago

The sights of the Azores in the central part of the archipelago are concentrated on the island of Fayal. The relict forest has been preserved here. Whales and coulotes sailed to the shores of Fayal, dolphins are free from the coastline. The coastal zone gives an excellent opportunity for diving and underwater photofool. On the island at a high level created conditions for equestrian sports and golf games.

Peak: A unique volcano on the island of the same name

7 kilometers from Fayal, the peak is the island of 42 km long and a width of 15 km. The top of the volcano from the Guinness Book of Records Hinnes is thrown over the island. Its height above the surface of the island is small - just 2351 meters. But the underwater part is truly gigantic - 6098 meters. Vulcan acting. Despite the fact that his eruption occurred in 1963, fresh traces of lava flows are visible on the slopes.

Peak is a present heritage that the Azores can boast. Attractions whose photos are presented in the article are a UNESCO World Heritage Conunement Thanks to the unique landscape of volcanic origin and unique vineyards.

San George.

Located in the middle of the San Georges archipelago, along with the islands of Peak and Faale, is a peculiar triangle. The length of 53 km (with a width of 8 km) is a ship, cutting the water of the Atlantic. On San Georges, the sights of the Azores are represented by the old buildings built in the XVII-XVIII centuries. Island cities and villages meet tourists with narrow streets, on which vintage temples, churches, the town hall are located. In the coastal urseline, the bell tower is cracked from the frozen lava. It is built on the spot of the church, which was buried by fiery lava during the strongest eruption of the volcano.

Paradise for lovers - Graciosa

Graciosia, open in the XV century, small and uyugen. His distance is the main value for tourists who dream of a calm, solitary rest. Here you can reliably hide from civilization and from people. The only settlement is Santa Cruz Da Gracioza.

Chopping its white landscape, sparkling on the sun White walls of vintage houses - the world around the world gives travelers a feeling of joy and delight. A striking silence accompanies tourists. Lush greens, sparkling peace against the background of the boundless ocean, the bottomless sky above the head - a true paradise for couples in love, romantics.

The sights of the Azores are concentrated here under the status of the biosphere reserve, where you can look at the Furna Da Caldeira volcanic crater with an underground lake from the outside and inside, to visit the incredibly bizarre sulfur cave, thermal and hydrogen sulfur sources.

TERSEYRA - Island Treasury

The island of TERSEYR, the Outdoor Europeans, one of the first, appeared as a result of the eruption of four volcanoes. One of them is Santa Barbara - still remains valid. Angra Do Heroismo Island City is the historical capital, which the Azores are famous. Attractions associated with the old building of the city are included in UNESCO World Heritage List.

Gorgeous island beaches have a relaxing rest, big waves attract surfing lovers and yachtsmen. Beautiful places on the island a huge amount. Among them you can highlight the 100-meter depth of the Algarian Do Carvao cave with the inner lake, stalactites and stalagmites, natural parks, the Misterio Dos Negros, Mister Brasil Mountain Naro Reserve. Slanged Island and its bright festivals and festive processions.

Floresh Island

Western Floes Island was opened by Europeans one of the latter. It is interesting in tourists popular with thermal sources, lakes in the craters of sleeping volcanoes. Ribeira Grande Waterfall is pictorially lowered from the mountain slopes. Among the natural monuments - the Grotto Enshareus. On Sundays, the feast of the Holy Spirit is held on Sundays throughout the summer.

Korvor Island

To the north of Florash Island is Korva (translated - "Crow"), where 430 people live. The natural feature of the island is two bright blue lakes, covered in the old volcanic crater. On the island, tourists can visit the Church of the XVI century, stroll through the old streets, admire the delightful panorama opening with a high hill.

Along the coast lined up an ancient mill. They are built from volcanic tuff - black, like a cronyovo wing, and the blades of the triangular shape are sewn from canvas. Unique design of windmills, which turn after the wind, with no matter how sides.

Azores of traveler's eyes

Tourists who visited the attractions in the Azores, the reviews are only enthusiastic:

  • Stunning impressions remain from a peak volcano on the island of the same name. View from the top captures the spirit.
  • It is impossible to adopt the game of dolphins in the coastal waters of Fayala.
  • Despite the problems with infrastructure and minimal comfort, the Azores cause admiration and leave only positive emotions.
  • Megacular view of the ocean, who will be remembered for life.

True bliss is experiencing a traveler on the edge of the earth, on the shore of the Great Atlantic Ocean under a clean blue sky. A unique and rare corner of nature - Azores. Attractions, photos and description of the natural and cultural wealth of the archipelago forever remain in the memory of tourists, causing a feeling of joy and happiness.

Azores - Archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, which consists of 9 islands and attracts many tourists. Here are delicious nature and species, many attractions. Special attention deserves the top 10 best objects of different directions.

He is on the island of the same name and is its main attraction. The height of the volcano is 2.35 km, and it takes 6 km under water - this is a mountain with the largest underwater part, which is noted in the Guinness Book of Records. The diameter of the volcanic crater is 0.5 km, the depth is 30 m.

This actual stratovancan is the highest point of the mid-Atlantic ridge. The last eruption was in 1963.

From afar, the volcano looks magically - it is shrouded in clouds, so it seems that the mountain is ferried in the air. You can climb on it in 2-4 hours depending on physical training. Having overcome half the way, tourists fall to the house of the forester. Here it is necessary to leave a small fee, in return for which a 10-minute thematic film show and give a GPS tracker.

Along the way to the top, lava flows are visible, frozen fancy forms. From the top opens a unique view - this is the real ocean from the clouds. On the way back, a dated certificate is issued - a great memorable souvenir.

In addition to the volcano on the island there are several reserves and picturesque lakes. Tourists also attract extensive fields with frozen lava and lava corridor - a whole network of tunnels and grotts.

This settlement is located on Santa Maria Island. It takes 100 square meters. km, and inhabit it 5.5 thousand people. In this oldest settlement, many charming houses and mansions.

Several interesting objects are concentrated here:

  • Chapel Nossa Senhora Dos Anjos. There is an object in the village of Anjus. It was here that Christopher Columbus prayed when he returned from America. Here is his bronze statue.
  • Church of the Holy Spirit. Baroque style.
  • Santa Maria Museum. The collection is represented by paintings by local artists, ceramic products, models of weaving.

This sulfur cave is located on the island of Graciosa and is rightfully considered one of his most attractive places. She is in the crater extinct volcano. Her grottoes forms an impressive arch under which sulfur lake appeared in a deep tunnel.

Attend this place is better in the afternoon when sunlight penetrates the cave. You can get into the grotto by the screw staircase - you will have to overcome about 200 steps.

The cave was formed by volcanic lava - she made a passage directly through the hill. In addition to the sulfur lake here there are burly mud geasers.

Graciosa Island is not only not only a sulfur cave, but also by its nature as a whole. It has the status of the biosphere reserve (UNESCO).

This city is located on Tersair Island and takes 237.5 square meters. km. Inhabit it is 35.5 thousand people. The landmark is the central part of the city, which is recognized as the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Such status was obtained thanks to the following places:

  • SE De Sao Salvador Cathedral. The building is elevated in the XVI century and made in the Gothic style.
  • Fort San Sebastian. This is the construction of the XVI century. Fort has erected from the eastern side of the city port.
  • Fort San Juan Batista. This is a wide wall that stretches for 4 km. This is only a part of the previously built fortifications here during the Spanish dominion.
  • Church of San Gonzalu and Handicap Soul-Zhezuitash. Both buildings refer to the XVII century.
  • Capitaes-Generais Palace.
  • Palace Betankurov. Baroque structure.
  • Board House on Restoration Square. The building in the XIX century is erected.

The north of the main urban area is a public garden. It is located on the slope of the mountain. On her top there is an obelisk king Pedro IV and an observation deck with an excellent panoramic view.

This huge natural park is located on the island of San Miguel in the Furnas Valley. This place is often called a green island.

The park founded a Boston merchant in the 19th century. He held 12 hectares, but over time he expanded. Many green landings are concentrated on this territory. Special attention deserves magnificent hydrangea - symbol of the Azores. Large ferns are planted here, evergreens tropical plants, camellia. The names of the colors and trees are signed (Portuguese and Latin).

Terra Nostra Park is notable for Furnas Lake with its hot springs. Water has a reddish color due to richness with iron. Its temperature is 40 degrees. Swimming in the lake is considered healthy. After it, you can rinse in a specially equipped soul.

Another attraction of the park is Terra Nostra Garden Hotel. This hotel was opened in 1934 and is known for the whole world. His highlight is local cuisine. The dishes are prepared in the underground volcanic sand - the products are unfolded by special tanks and early in the morning put in the lake on the shore of the lake. By noon, they get them and served on the table.

This object is also located on the island of San Miguel and is the second largest lake on it. It has been considered a natural reserve for 45 years. The depth reaches 40 m, the area is almost 14 square meters. km.

The fiery lake was called because of the history of its origin. It is located in the crater of an extinct volcano that has arisen about 15 thousand years ago (mesolith). The volcano was last erupted in the 16th century. Then the mountain range was formed, in the center of which is the lake.

This place is striking with its beauty. The crater is drowning in the greenery, which starts from the water itself. There are many pedestrian trails, viewing platforms. You can get here on the mountain serpentine.

Manadash and St. Barbara Church

Manadash is a small village on the island of San Georges. It is attractive by its nature and the church arrival of the Holy Barbara, who is considered one of the oldest on the island. The exact year of construction is unknown, but it is believed that the building was erected until the middle of the XVI century.

The Church of Saint Varvara is a magnificent sample of Baroque style. The building was built on the site of another church, which was allegedly erected in the XV century.

The modern Church of Saint Barbara is an impressive structure. The famous Portuguese tiles of Azulezhos are decorated. The building is decorated with gilded elements. The arrival of St. Barbara today includes three chapels: Santo Cristo, Señora da Guadeloupe and Santa Rita de Cassia.

This small island is a landmark. Its area is 142 square meters. km. Tourists here attract local landscapes. These are blue lakes with shores covered with emerald greens, waterfalls, bright colors. All over the island, you can find live burnings from blue hydrangea.

During an excursion around the island, Villas Lazhech and Santa Cruz, which are founded in the 15th century should be visited. Florish includes other attractions:

  • 7 lakes. They are in craters of extinct volcanoes. Special attention deserves the blue lake - the place is very picturesque.
  • Rocks Rocha Dos Bordoes. This is a group of huge basalt blocks resembling organ pipes. Rocks cover mosses, lichen and other vegetation. The object is recognized by the Government of the Azores as a monument of nature.
  • Waterfall Ribera Grande. This is a whole group of waterfalls - all of them about 20. The place is surrounded by lush vegetation. Ribera Grande is the most remarkable waterfall - an impressive 300-meter cascade of water. It is entirely possible to see it from the observation deck.

This object is located on the island of San Miguel. The crater of an invalid volcano is huge. It has a double lake Sete Cidades. It looks like two separate reservoirs, as the color of water is different. Local call them blue and green lake.

This attraction is one of the most unusual in the country. It is possible to evaluate it from the observation deck Miradouro Da Boca Do Inferno. From here you can see the cave with the entrance to the Boca Do Inferno Bay. This place is unique by its nature, anyone can get here.

On the island, in addition to nature, some buildings are noteworthy. These are the Palaces of the 17-19th centuries, the Church of St. Peter (16th century), Church of St. Sebastian and her Treasury, ancient house of Karlush Buchida and the Karlush Museum Mossa.

Capelinhos Volcano and Lighthouse

Located an object on the island of Fayal. The volcano is notable for the fact that in the late 50s of the last century he was erupted for more than a year. As a result, the geography of the island has changed - it has become longer a few kilometers. About the former length of the island can be judged by the lighthouse - before he stood right by the ocean.

Looy was formed by a whole peninsula - the youngest in Europe. This place is popular in cinema for removing scenes after large-scale disasters. Tourists here attract impressions - in this place it is possible to fully experience the scale of the element and the strength of nature.

You can climb the crater of the volcano. Under the Lighthouse today, a museum is organized - here you can find out all the details of the eruption, familiarize yourself with the card of volcanoes of the world.

About how you can spend 3 days on the Azores, see the following video:

Azores - Archipelago, attracting many tourists. Here is a mass of picturesque places, monuments of nature and architecture. On the Azores, you can find many secluded corners with great nature, fishing, diving, get acquainted with local traditions.

Azorescape on a mountain peak background

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Azores is 2333 km². The largest island of the archipelago - San Migtel is 747 km², and the smallest in size is Korva (17 km²). The highest point is the volcano on the island of peak, which rises to a height of more than 250 meters above sea level.

About 240 thousand people live on azorah. The largest population has the island of San Miguel, and most of all the inhabitants live in the administrative capital of the island archipelago - Ponta Delgada. Since the Azores are an autonomous region of the country, they are managed by their own government and the legislative assembly.

The archipelago has an amazing nature in nature. Many endemics have been preserved here: an evergreen shrub similar to a bell tower - Azorina, resembling clover Martilia Azorian, day butterfly Hipparchia Azorina, a bat - Azores and Azor Bullfin. Locals seek to preserve the primordial natural landscape, and therefore, environmental tourism is very popular here.

Regarding the origin of the names of the Azores, there is no consensus. According to one of the versions, the island archipelago received his name from the Spanish word "Azul" or the Italian "Azzurre", which means "blue" or "blue".

For another assumption, the first navigators saw the islands, following the nuts-aunt, returned to their nests. In Portuguese, these birds are called "açor". The inhabitants of the archipelago most like this version, despite the doubts of the ornithologists who argue that hawks were never found in these places.

There is also an assumption that the islands were called the seurior Gonçalo Velo Cabral (Gonçalo Velho Cabl) in honor of the Christian saint. She revered on the Motherland of the Sailor - in the village of Açor, located in the central part of Portugal, as a patron of local residents.

History of Azores

When the Azores are accurately detected, unknown. For the first time they were marked on the maps of the Genoesers in the XIV century. It is believed that the deployers could also be the portuguese seawards, and the Genoese naval in the service of Portugal at the beginning of the XIV century.

In 1432, the ship was sailed by the ship of Morcheda Gonzalu Velu Kabral. Portuguese left small horned cattle on one of the islands. When they visited the island in a few years, they were convinced that the animals managed to survive. Portugal recognized the terrain of people suitable for the lives, and from 1439 its settlement began. Initially, everyone was confident that the archipelago consists of seven islands, but in 1452 two more islands were discovered - Korot and Florish, deleted from the main islands to the West.

In the next century, the Azores began to play an important role in shipping paths from Europe to America. It was imported here a lot of slaves, marine battles took place for the possession of the archipelago, and the islands were repeatedly attacked by sea pirates. About those times resemble palaces, mansions, fortresses and temples preserved to our days.

On the Azores were grown wheat, selling flour on ships, which were kiced by the Atlantic Ocean. Here developed winegrowth, cultivation of sugar cane, pineapples and tobacco. And the heather growing on the slopes of the mountains enjoyed in great demand among Flemish dyeers.

Agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries brought income of the islanders in the XIX and XX centuries. Nowadays, tourism plays a major role in the economy of the archipelago. In addition, locals are engaged in growing tea, tobacco, coffee, cereals and greenhouse pineapples. The Azores make beautiful wine and cheeses.

Nature and climate

Before Europeans settled the Azores, they were covered by evergreen forests. Most of the relict forests were then destroyed, but their place was taken by modern plantings. Sections of ancient forests are preserved only on the slopes of volcanoes. The red tree, cedar, laurels, English holly, Japanese pine and cherry are growing here. Only 560 species of flora, 200 of which are trees. Among the blooming plants, the symbol of the Azores became hydrangea.

The rich vegetation of the archipelago arose, thanks to the sea subtropical climate. The average temperature in the winter here is +14 ... + 15 ° C, and in the summer +25 ° C. Sea water temperature in the cold season does not fall below +17 ° C, and in the middle of summer it is very comfortable for swimming +23 ... + 24 ° C. Despite the warm climate, tourists are recommended at any time of the year to take warm things with them, as nights from the fresh ocean breeze on the coast can be cool.

From October to April, the rainy season occurs in the Azores of the Islands, when up to 110 mm of precipitation falls over the month. In the rainy season there are frequent fogs. It is noteworthy that more precipitation falls in the western part of the islands. Santa Maria is the island of Santa Maria. While the sun always shines on one half of the island, it is still raining in another part.

Dry sunny weather comes in May and lasts until September. This is the time of the high tourist season. Azores arrives a lot of marine bathing lovers, which are spent most of the time on black, covered with volcanic sands of the beaches.

Tourism in the Azores

Beautiful warm climate of the Azores is very useful for health. There are no large enterprises on the archipelago, so lovers of nature and beach pleasures prefer rest on the aizorons. The tourist infrastructure of the archipelago is under development. However, today it is not difficult to find a high level of service on the islands. In recent years, a lot of good hotels and restaurants have been built here.

Many travelers come to the Azores to admire the picturesque nature and see local natural monuments. In addition, on the islands you can do diving, sailing, surfing, snorkeling and sea fishing.

San Mighel Island

San Miguel is the largest island of the archipelago. He lies in the east of the Azores. About 140 thousand people live here. San Mighel stretches 60 kilometers and reaches a width of 14 km. For luxurious vegetation, he was awarded the title of "Green Island".

Several natural lakes are considered local attractions, the most beautiful of which is the "Fire Lake" or Lago-Do Fogu - located in a large volcanic crankcase. Picturesque landscapes on the area of \u200b\u200b12 hectares are the security territory of the terra-noster natural park. Many travelers come to San Mighel to visit the Valley Dash-Furnash Valley, where the blue lake is located and beaten thermal sources.

In addition to natural wonders, there are many historical monuments - palaces and churches of the XVII-XIX centuries on the island of San Miguel. In Ponta Delgad, you can visit the Museum of Karlush Molokat, located in the monastery of St. Andrew. Here are exhibited rich biological and ethnographic collections. In the old monastery, Esparanç come to see beautiful tiles of the XVII century, as well as the sculpture of Christ the Wonderworker, who fell into the Azores, thanks to the members of the Catholic Order of the Mary Mary.

Santa Maria Island

Santa Maria or Yellow Island is the most southernmost of the Azores. It is removed 82 km from San Miguel and is associated with a ferry message. It is believed that Santa Maria Island was opened the very first, and therefore it is located on it the oldest settlement of Vila do Porto.

The island became famous for the fact that Christopher Columbus visited him. True, when the famous navigator moored to the shore, he was accepted for the pirate and put in custody. However, Columbus managed to prove that he was not a sea corsar.

There are several houses of the XV century, picturesque mills, ancient chapel of Ermida de Nossa Senhora Dos Anjos and the Church of the Holy Spirit. Every year many tourists come to Santa Maria during popular car racing.

Fayal Island

One of the islands of the central part of the archipelago often refer to the "blue island", and the name "Fayal" in translation means "beech forest". On the southeastern coast of the island is the town of Orta, as well as a large seaport.

About 15 thousand people live on Faale. They grow grain crops, bananas and citrus fruits, engaged in animal husbandry and fishing. Of all the Azores, tourists choose Faial to see sailing to the shore of the couching, whales and dolphins. The coastal zone is popular for diving and underwater photographing. In addition, a lot of golf and equestrian fans is resting on the fanail.

Pica Island

Sea Strait of a width of 7 km separates the faale from another island. The peak stretches for 42 km and reaches a width of 15 km. From everywhere, the top of the acting volcano is descended over the island - the highest point of the Azores. This giant is noted in the Guinness Book of Records, as it rises above the ground for only 2351 meters, however, it has the largest underwater part on the planet - 6098 m. The last time the volcano everacted in 1963. In the last 500 years, traces of lava flows are spoken about its high activity in the last 500 years.

For a long time, the inhabitants of the island of Peak were engaged in whaling fishery, and today grapes are grown and tourists serve. The unique volcanic landscape and excellent vineyards are included in UNESCO in the list of World Heritage Monuments.

Graciosa Island

In the center of the Azores, a small grasiosia, which is also referred to as the "White Island". Here, as anywhere, you can feel all the delights of a secluded rest. White color dominates in island landscapes, in white-white color painted old houses, and, moreover, the word "white" is found in many local toponyms.

4600 people live on Graciosa. The main natural monuments of the island are a volcanic crater with a fancy "sulfur cave", as well as hot and sulfur sources. There is even its own thermal sanatorium. In 2007, UNESCO gave the island of the status of a biosphere reserve. In the local capital you can see vintage mansions, mills and churches, as well as make a visit to the local history museum.

San George Island

In the center of the archipelago there is San George Island. His peak and fayal are often referred to as a triangle. San Georges has an oblong, similar to the ship form, reaching a length of 53 km and width 8 km. It lives a little more than 9,000 people who are engaged in growing tropical fruits, vegetables, coffee and sweet potatoes. Gourmets are very valued by the local piquant cheese Queijo da ilha.

San Georges call the "island of coastal cities." In the town of Calheta, the old church of Saint Catharina has been preserved. The main city of Velas island welcomes guests with old temples, narrow streets and a picturesque town hall.

In the island village of Topo, the history of San George began. The first europeans sailing to this shore stepped onto this bank. In Topo, you can see a picturesque fishing port, as well as temples and houses of the XVII-XVIII century.

The coastal village Urzelina was restored in 1808 after a strong volcanic eruption. It is interesting to see the bell tower growing from Lava, which marks the scene of the church buried during the eruption. Beautiful temples and old houses can also boast the settlements of Manadas and Ribeira SECA.

Teresaira Island

The name of the island in translation means "the third", because TERSEYR has become the third of the open Azores. It was removed 140 km from San Miguel and received the name of the "purple (or lilac) island" in residents of the archipelago. TERSEYRA arose from eruption of four volcanoes, the most young of which is Santa Barbara - remains currently in force.

On the island of Terseira, it is interesting to see the historical capital of the archipelago - the city of Angra Do Heroísmo. His old building is included by UNESCO in the World Heritage List. In addition, Teresair is famous for magnificent beaches that are suitable for both unhightened rest and surfing and yachting. It is famous for the island and its holidays. A large number of travelers come here to the festival of the Holy Spirit and the Festival of the City.

Florish Island

Located in the West Florish was opened later than other Azores. When the first Europeans landed on the green coast, they initially called him the island of St. Thomas. From 1962 to 1994, the French Military Base was located on Florish, and then the island was discovered for tourists.

A lot of temples and mansions built in Baroque style have been preserved in the island capital. There is here and a large ethnographic museum. Of the natural monuments of the island are popular thermal springs, the grotto Eshareush, the picturesque mountain waterfall of Ribeira Grande and several small lakes, filled the crater of the falling volcanoes.

Korvor Island

The name of the neighbor Florish - Korot - in translating means "Raven". This is the northernmost and smaller island of the archipelago, where only 430 people live. The natural symbol of the crown was two blue lakes lying in the old crater of the volcano.

In the tiny town of Vila Nova, you can see the church built in the XVI century. And on the outskirts of the city rises the Morro Do Pão Açucar hill, from which an excellent review on old buildings and streets. Along the coast, old mills are located, which are made of black volcanic tuff, and their triangular blades are from cloths. It is noteworthy a device of windmills of the island of Corwa: wherever the wind blew, they always turn after it.

Transportation of the Azores

To move between the islands of the archipelago, you can use local flights. However, the carriage of passengers on small aircraft is expensive. Another, more popular option in the Azores - ferry crossings. Ferry tickets are cheaper than the plane, however, due to their intensive demand, they are worth buying in advance.

The islands are moving on buses, whose schedule can be found in hotels and tourist centers. In addition, there is an opportunity to rent a car on the Azores. Roads here are quite decent, and parking and gasoline are inexpensive. The disadvantages include limited parking in urban settlements and many unilateral movement streets.

How to get

It is most convenient to get to the Azores in the air. Regular flight communication with the archipelago is carried out from the Portuguese cities of Lisbon and Port, as well as from London. Airports hosting international flights are located on the three islands - San Miguel, Santa Maria and Tersaire.

Azor archipelago is a group of 9 islands, lost between Portugal and America. The Atlantic Ocean, washing azora, created picturesque lagoons on the island shores. Cratering lakes and hidden grottoes are the consequences of the volcanic nature of the islands. And all this natural splendor is complemented by the cultural heritage created by people over the centuries.

Beaches, eco-tourism, contemplation of historical attractions - the reason why many tourists choose rest in the Azores in Portugal.

The capital of the archipelago - Ponta Delgada, located on the island of San Miguel. The entire island group can be divided into three geographic parts:
1. Eastern part. This includes the Islands of Santa Maria, San Miguel and several islands, united by the name of Formigash.
2. The central part, including the islands of Graciosius, Falial, San George, Peak and Teresair.
3. Northwest. Korot Islands and Florish.

Go to the islands

Azor International Airports is just three islands: San Miguel, Santa Maria and Falial. The largest is Joao Paulo II, which is on San Miguel. The most convenient flight flight from Russia to Flight to Lisbon Airport to Joao Paulo II Airport is the most convenient flight.

How to get from Lisbon to the Azores?

The main airlines serving the route Lisbon - Ponta Delgada is SATA and TAP PORTUGAL. The cost of the ticket "Round-back" is from 80 euros. You can get from the airport to the capital by bus. The price of a ticket - an average of 5 euros.

By the way. Information about the cost of the trip can be read directly at the bus stop on a special stand. It is worth considering that buses on San Miguel, as in others, the islands go irregularly, despite the existing schedule.

Therefore, a good alternative to get from the airport to the city by taxi. A trip to the center of Ponta Delgada will cost no more than 10 euros.

Transport on Azorch

In the territory of all the islands of the group organized the movement of buses. Exception - the island of Korva. But, as noted, public transport here works irregularly. Therefore, the use of it as the main means of movement and visits to tourist objects is unlikely to be convenient. The ticket most often sells the driver.

Local taxi drivers are quite sociable. And if the tourist owns English, then he has every chance not to get to the destination, but also to find out interesting facts about the cities and islands Azor. It is worthwhile to know that on the aizorons it is not customary to catch a taxi on the streets. Generally accepted practice - pre-order taxi by phone. It costs about 1 euro in addition to the cost of the trip.

By the way, order a tour of the island - a common phenomenon on azorah. It will cost 30-50 euros. About the cost of the trip, whether it is a tour or a regular trip, with a taxi driver you need to negotiate in advance.

If you have the driver's license of the international sample, and during the islands trip, it is planned not just a beach holiday, but an active acquaintance with island territories, the best option will be the car rental. You can book a car before available online resources or directly at the arrival airport.

Movement between the islands

You can get from one island to another by plane or ferry.

By plane:
The largest airport of Joao Paulo II archipelago is associated with flights with the main islands. And directly on each island there is a local airport serving nearby islands.

On a ferryboat:
Ferry message - the option is cheaper, but more costly in time. Traveling on the ferry - the optimal route between the islands of the File - Peak - San Georgie. The reason for this is a small distance from each other. The duration of the trip on the ferry in this triangle from half an hour to 2.5 hours. The price of a ticket - 13-50 euros.

Moving between other islands of the archipelago may take over 10 hours and will cost more.

Important features of a beach holiday in the Azores

Speaking about the island beach holiday, it is necessary to note the insufficiently developed level of infrastructure on European standards. However, calm and not crowded in the local coasts surrounded by picturesque landscapes attracts people who appreciate exactly this type of rest.

Islands offering the best beach holiday

Beaches deserve attention:
Porto Pim, distinguished by rare for Azor with light sand.
Praia de Pedro Miguel is one of the most suitable for secluded pastime.
Castelo Branco is a separate beach, surrounded by cliffs.
COMPRIDO - the ability to spend time at the foot of the volcano.
Porta Da Eira - Suitable to lovers of outdoor activities, to those who are willing to overcome the mountain range on the road to the coast.

San Miguel Island.
The Western Island Coast is the main direction for lovers to relax at the ocean's edge.

Santa Maria.
It is here that one of the best and popular beaches of the Azor archipelago Praia Formosa. Beach strip covers golden sand, unique to Azor.

Pik Island.
On the coast of this island, it is worth paying attention to those who prefer a lazy beach rest with aqualing. The most interesting place for divers is the neighborhood of villages Punto Topo. Here, close to the shore you can see coral reefs with inhabited colorful fish. Frequently found meetings with dolphins and whales.

The best season for a beach holiday in the Azores - the period from June to the end of September. The air temperature during this period is within 25 degrees, the weather is free to +220. Sids rare.

What to see?

Despite the fact that the beach holiday is one of the main tourist destinations on the aizorons, the main attraction of the islands is unique natural landscapes.

There are no large plants, megalopolis, a large accumulation of vehicles. But there are places where the rarest birds come with their nests. And in the Atlantic Basin, the archipelago passes the migration path of whales. Each island is only inherent in natural attractions.

So on the island of San Miguel there are hot springs. And there are thermal hospitals.

Tereyr Island is an opportunity to visit the sulfur caves. There is a volcano with the widest crater on the entire archipelago.
Those who want to see the highest volcano of the archipelago, it is worth going to peak. Here you can visit the museum of wine, get acquainted with the island architecture of the 17-18 centuries.

During the trip to San Georgie, you need to taste the local eponymous type of cheese.

Florish Island got a name thanks to magnificent vegetation, making it similar to a luxury garden, washed with ocean waters. Local deep lake is worth attention.

Korot is the most compact island of the archipelago. There are no buses, local residents are welcome and open. Here are those who are looking for silence and complete separation from dynamic reality.

Entertainment on Azorh

Resting on the coasts of the Azores, you can enjoy a variety of water sports. Among them: Paraglider flights, windsurfing, boating, diving. Sports fishing is organized. At the same time, the prices of such entertainment are pleasantly different from other European beach resorts.

Fans of hiking will be descent to the caves, hiking, hiking for the gorges and foothills.

Another pleasant side of recreation that does not require physical forces is the ability to soak in hot springs, taste local cheeses and wines.

If the time of your trip falls at the end of June, you can become a participant in the celebrations organized in honor of the celebration of St. John's Day - June 24. On this day, the main square of all island cities illuminates the light of the bonfires there. Colorful processions are held everywhere.

Rest in the Azores, Portugal is an unforgettable journey. The riot of paints of untouched nature, picturesque beaches and benevolent residents will stay in memory of those who at least once visited this unique archipelago.