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How to make autonomous electricity. Autonomous electricity for the home: comparison of efficiency and cost. Let's talk about life in the presence of an industrial power grid and, at the same time, “under the shadow of solar panels”... What to choose, or why - what is “German” x

We are publishing another article from our guest - Anatoly Scriabin, the author of well-known materials about private houses and dacha farming. Anatoly kindly provided us this time with material on how you can install electricity in your home if you do not have a connection to electrical networks.

In order for light bulbs to illuminate rooms, to be able to use a laptop and the Internet, you need electricity. And if the nearest power line is 100 kilometers away, then only autonomous electricity is available to you.

In what ways can you implement an autonomous power supply at home when you need to power electrical appliances and lighting in the wilderness?

Let's look at the possible options.

Wind generators

To obtain electrical energy from wind energy, you can use simple wind generators. I will return to the topic of using a wind generator on my site and describe in detail what and how.

In the meantime, it’s worth understanding one simple truth - if your house is located on the banks of a large river and stands on a steep ravine, if your site has a visual perspective, that is, there is a large open space, you can generate electricity using the wind.

If your house is located in the forest, if your site is surrounded by hills that are densely overgrown with vegetation, if your area has more calm days than windy ones, you will not benefit from wind electricity, literally and figuratively.

Only when there is a decent wind load does it make sense to install a windmill to receive electricity from its generator.

There are methods for calculating wind loads, we will touch on them later in the articles on the site. And to understand right now whether it is worth installing a wind generator set on your site, do simple practical work.

Buy the simplest anemometer, which uses an impeller to measure wind speed.

Install it on the roof of your house and take readings every day. Then, over the course of a month, record these readings and enter them into a table. Of course, to be fully confident, you will need observations in all four seasons, however, the first month will show you whether it is worth thinking about this issue at all.

Such a simple thing as a household anemometer will quickly dispel your illusions about free electricity from the wind. Or, on the contrary, it will strengthen the desire to continue further work in this direction.

Solar panels

Nowadays, only lazy people don’t write about using solar energy to generate free electricity. To understand whether you can receive solar electricity on your site, you should do the same simple experiment as in the case of determining the wind load.

Buy the cheapest solar photocell laptop charger. Display it, ideally place it on the southern slope of the roof of your house.

Connect the smallest load to this charger, for example, a cell phone. And see how low-power solar charging copes with recharging a phone battery. Write data throughout the month on all days – sunny and cloudy. Write data even when there is no sun and it is raining or snowing. Even on such days, the earth's surface receives a fairly large amount of light energy from the sun.

After a month of observations, you will be able to transfer your “toy” data to the power that you are going to use in real life.

You will clearly understand what area of ​​solar cells you will need to power your TV, refrigerator, washing machine and computers in your off-grid home.

Accurate calculations will take some time and require calculations, but I hope the principle is clear.

Hydro station

This path is accessible only to those who have a stream or river in close proximity. It doesn't have to be a mad mountain stream, just a small forest stream.

You won’t be able to simply get electricity by placing a turbine in a river. To get any reasonable power, a dam would be needed. However, building a dam costs time and labor, and a lot of it.

To understand whether you need to block a serious carpenter on your stream, first build a small dam, only 30 centimeters high. Place a low-power generator on this dam, which will provide you with a current sufficient to recharge a small battery, for example, with a capacity of 7-12 Ah.

Measure the time it takes to charge such a small battery. Next, understand that installing a more powerful generator will require you to raise the height of the dam, and, as a result, a large amount of excavation and hydraulic engineering work.

You can find out whether you should rely on generating electricity from the energy of falling water.

These simple and, at first glance, “childish” methods will allow you to understand which path you should take in the process of obtaining autonomous electricity for your home, built on the outskirts.

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Autonomous systems for cottages are constantly used. Sewage, water supply and heating have long been independent of city utilities, so families are happy that there are no restrictions. Electricity could be a problem, but solar panels for a private home or other alternative sources can help overcome this difficulty.

Autonomous power supply possible

Many people believe that electricity will always be supplied to homes exclusively from central systems. Although in Europe, even high-rise buildings often do not depend on traditional services. Which autonomous sources are gradually gaining popularity?

  • Generator sets
  • Solar photocells
  • Wind power stations

Such energy sources have become the norm in some countries. Their application depends solely on environmental conditions, so details need to be considered. The description will allow the user to choose the optimal systems for installation in a private home.

Generator sets

This is an affordable and simple solution. Generating equipment is sold in specialized stores. It can be freely purchased by spending a relatively small amount.

You just need to take into account important features:

  • High liquid fuel consumption
  • Increased noise level
  • Insufficient power

High gasoline consumption is the main problem. Such autonomous systems turn out to be expensive. People have long been convinced of this, so whenever possible they look for another way out.

Increased noise levels disturb the peace in the home. Optimal performance is only achieved after installation outside the home. Because of this, difficulties arise that force you to look for a separate room.

The power ratings of liquid fuel generators are not so high. Typically, such sources are used only as a temporary replacement for a traditional connection. The systems cannot fully provide energy supply, therefore they are practically not used alone.

Solar panels

This is an advanced equipment that has been used by people for several decades. For a long time, the developments remained impractical for domestic use, but are now often used in the private sector, in dachas. What features encourage users to do this?

  • No ongoing costs
  • Great power
  • Long service life

The absence of ongoing costs makes autonomous supply systems cost-effective. The initial cost of purchasing and installing equipment quickly pays off. Afterwards, only regular maintenance is required, but this is carried out only 1-2 times a year, so it is not taken into account in the calculations.

High power is considered a misconception, but it is justified by real indicators. Modern wiring diagrams consist of several parts, in particular generators and batteries. Electricity is quickly stored during the sunny day and then used up at night.

Long service life is an interesting advantage that affects the owner's overall costs. After installation, you don’t have to worry about difficulties for several years. Yes, maintenance and partial repairs lead to some costs that are insignificant.

Wind power stations

They are rarely used in homes, but such systems are available to the public. Great for certain regions where large amounts of energy are produced in open spaces. Such concepts were previously used only on large objects, but now it is possible to highlight features that can interest families.

  • Good power
  • Job instability
  • Minimal Maintenance

The power is generated by a certain number of wind turbines. Such autonomous units allow you to quickly charge large batteries to supply energy to homes. Moreover, the process requires a minimum of time, so people are often interested in such solutions.

Only they should take into account a serious disadvantage - instability of work. Strong enough winds are rarely sustained in the same area. Dependence on weather conditions and the vagaries of nature will quickly get boring for a family that wants to gain complete autonomy.

Minimal maintenance is a definite plus. Although the initial costs of the equipment are high, the systems pay for themselves within a few years. During them, owners will practically not have to spend money on purchasing spare parts or calling a technician.

Is it profitable to use alternative energy supply options?

Having considered the most common solutions, I would like to make a comparison. This is not easy to do, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to even assess profitability without professional help. There are many subtleties that should be taken into account so as not to make a mistake when choosing.

To provide energy for private housing construction, it is more useful to install complex circuits. They turn out to be the optimal solution in all respects, but the initial cash investment remains a problem. In practice, few families are willing to spend money even on their own comfort, so the calculations continue.

In fact, almost all autonomous complexes are associated only with initial costs. Their maintenance requires small sums; for example, replacing photocells will not exceed a couple of thousand rubles. Moreover, you will have to deal with repairs 1-2 times a year, which will bring enormous savings.

No installation complications

Installation remained another problem for years. Outdated technologies for stable energy supply to a small house required space. Now new photocells have appeared that have eliminated this nuisance by using a small battery mounted directly on the roof of the house.

Installation will require a small area and free space for installing equipment. After this, electricity literally flows into the batteries, charging them to later power the entire building. Because of this, there is no need to talk about a lack of free space or the need to turn to professionals.

Why do people refuse alternative energy?

To this day, alternative methods of power supply remain rare. They are practically not used in everyday life, although they have proven their profitability. Users are accustomed to central energy supply, so they do not want to turn to the latest developments, which frighten them a little with their novelty and unreality.

It's time to forget about outdated principles as unprofitable. Previously, there were no circuit diagrams that would ensure a stable supply, but now a detached house can become completely autonomous. The family will not depend on central systems, and will therefore continue to enjoy comfort without restrictions.

In fact, the main impetus should be colossal monetary savings. Monthly payments in a modern cottage are huge, because electricity is necessary. This makes you think about saving; if you carry out simple calculations, you can find out how quickly the funds spent on purchasing the necessary equipment will be returned. Accordingly, they will be justified.

Obtaining energy without a centralized source is not fantastic. Autonomy is available to anyone who is willing to get up close and personal with the latest technological developments. As a result, users will be able to connect any devices and equipment without restrictions, enjoying comfort. So it’s better to take advantage of interesting scientific achievements that will open a new path to a bright future.

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Quite often a situation arises when the place to build a private house is simply ideal in all respects, but at the same time there is no possibility of connecting to centralized ones. The issue of providing electricity, without which the normal functioning of modern facilities is impossible, is becoming particularly acute. Therefore, the best way out of this situation would be autonomous power supply systems, ensuring complete independence from central electrical networks, without any damage to the environment.

The use of autonomous systems will be much cheaper than laying a new power line, which requires significant material costs. The autonomous power source is the complete property of the owner of the house. With regular maintenance, it can be used for a long time.

Autonomous power supply systems for a private home

Autonomous utility networks are widely used in private homes. Own water supply, sewerage and heating system provide complete independence from local utilities. The issue of providing electricity is much more difficult to solve, but with the right approach using alternative power sources, this problem can be relatively easily overcome. There are several options for autonomous power supply, each of which is most suitable for specific operating conditions, including solar power supply systems.

All autonomous systems have the same operating principle, but differ in their initial sources of electricity. When choosing them, various factors are taken into account, including operating costs. For example, gasoline or diesel generators constantly require fuel. Others, conditionally related to the so-called perpetual motion machines, do not need energy carriers, but, on the contrary, are themselves capable of generating electricity by converting the energy of the sun and wind.

All autonomous power supply sources are by and large similar to each other in their general structure and operating principle. Each of them includes three main units:

  • Energy converter. Represented by solar panels or, where the energy of the sun and wind is converted into electric current. Their effectiveness largely depends on the natural conditions and weather in a given area - solar activity, wind strength and direction.
  • Batteries. They are electrical containers that store electricity actively generated in optimal weather. The more batteries there are, the longer the stored energy can be used. Average daily electricity consumption is used for calculations.
  • Controller. Performs a control function for the distribution of generated energy flows. Basically, these devices monitor the condition of batteries. When they are fully charged, all energy goes directly to consumers. If the controller detects a low battery, then the energy is redistributed: part of it goes to the consumer, and the other part is spent on charging the battery.
  • Inverter. A device for converting direct current 12 or 24 volts into a standard voltage of 220 V. Inverters have different powers, for which the total power of simultaneously operating consumers is taken. When making calculations, it is necessary to allow for a certain margin, since operating equipment at the limit of its capabilities leads to its rapid failure.

There are various autonomous power supplies for a country house, ready-made solutions of which are supplemented with various elements in the form of connecting cables, ballasts for discharging excess electricity and other components. To select the right unit, you should become more familiar with each type of alternative power source.

Generators and mini-power plants

Generator sets and mini-power plants are widely used and provide autonomous power supply to the home, especially where there are no centralized electrical networks at all. Provided the unit is selected correctly, the output voltage is capable of fully providing the facility with electricity. The main factor in the normal operation of the equipment is its compliance with the electrical parameters of the connected consumers.

As a rule, autonomous power plants perform two main functions. They serve as a source of backup power during a power outage or supply the facility with electricity on an ongoing basis. In many cases, these devices provide a higher quality voltage supply than the central network. This is very important when using highly sensitive equipment, such as gas heating boilers, medical equipment and other equipment.

The power of generators, their productivity and the ability to operate for a long time without shutting down are of great importance. Low-power equipment belongs to the category of electric generators, while more complex and powerful designs are considered mini-power plants. Low power devices include generators capable of withstanding a load not exceeding 10 kW.

There are different types of generators, depending on the fuel used.

  1. Gasoline. Most often used as a backup power source due to the high cost of fuel and relatively expensive maintenance. The cost of gasoline units is significantly lower than other analogues, which makes them economically viable precisely as a backup source during a power outage.
  2. Diesel. They have a significant service life, much higher than that of their gasoline counterparts. Such equipment can operate longer, even under heavy loads. Despite their high cost, diesel generators are in high demand due to cheap fuel and low maintenance.
  3. Gas. The reliability and efficiency of these units can easily be compared with gasoline and diesel generators. The main advantage is their low price and environmental friendliness during operation.

Each unit consists of an engine and a generator itself. For more convenient operation, all devices are equipped with an ignition switch, starter and battery, sockets for connecting consumers, measuring instruments, a fuel tank, an air filter and other elements.

Batteries and uninterruptible power supplies

One of the options during a power outage in a country house is uninterruptible power supplies. Their use allows solving many problems, especially during short-term power outages. Power regulation is carried out using an inverter and stabilizer. Using uninterruptible power supplies allows you to save important information on your computer, which can be destroyed if there is an unexpected power outage.

The structure includes a control circuit and an inverter, which is essentially a charger. The switching time and ensuring uninterrupted supply of electricity to the consumer depends on its power. Due to this, an autonomous power supply to the country house is ensured.

A special role is given to the stabilizer, the main function of which is to increase or decrease the supply of current coming from the main network. Therefore, when choosing an uninterruptible power supply, you must take into account the technical characteristics of the inverter and stabilizer. Standard devices are equipped with a stabilizer that can only reduce the voltage.

The positive qualities of UPS include their relatively low cost. They operate silently and are not subject to heating due to their high efficiency of 99%. The main disadvantage is the long switching to your own power supply. There is no possibility of manually adjusting the voltage and frequency of energy supply. During battery operation, the voltage output will have a non-sinusoidal shape.

Uninterruptible power supplies have proven themselves well in conjunction with computers and local networks, effectively maintaining their functionality. They turned out to be the most optimal option for use in this area.

Power supply of a private house with solar panels

In private and country houses, solar panels are becoming increasingly common, used as main or backup power sources. The main function of these devices is to convert solar energy into electrical energy.

There are various ways to utilize the direct current generated by solar panels. It can be used directly, immediately after production, or accumulated in batteries and consumed as needed in the dark. In addition, direct current using an inverter can be converted into alternating current with a voltage of 110, 220 and 380 volts and can be used for various groups and types of consumers.

The entire autonomous solar power supply system operates according to a specific scheme. During daylight hours they produce electricity, which is then supplied to the charge controller. The main function of the controller is to control the battery charge. If their capacity is 100% full, the supply of charge from the solar panels stops. The inverter converts direct current into alternating current with specified parameters. When consumers are turned on, this device takes energy from the batteries, converts it and sends it to the network to consumers.

Solar energy, depending on the seasons, is not constant and is not always considered as the main source. In addition, the amount of electricity consumed daily also varies in different directions. Therefore, when the batteries are completely discharged, the home power supply system automatically switches from solar panels to other backup power sources or to the central electrical network.

Solar panels make home owners completely independent from the central power supply. In this case, electrical networks are not required, and additional costs for obtaining permits and paying for electricity are eliminated. This system does not depend on interruptions in the centralized supply of electricity, it is not affected by rising tariffs, and there are no restrictions on connecting additional capacities.

Solar panels can be used for a long period of time, ranging from 20-50 years. Serious financial investments are made only once, after which the system will work and gradually pay for itself. All battery operation is carried out fully automatically. A significant advantage is the complete safety of solar energy for humans and the environment. To obtain the desired economic result, you must correctly select the equipment, install it and put it into operation.

Wind turbines

Wind energy has been used for a long time. A clear example is sailing ships and windmills, which are a thing of the past. Currently, wind energy has again begun to be used to perform useful work.

A wind generator is considered a typical representative of these devices. The operating principle of the unit is based on the rotation of the rotor blades mounted on the generator shaft by the air flow. As a result of rotation, alternating current is created in the generator windings. It can be consumed directly or accumulated in batteries and used in the future as needed. Thus, an autonomous power supply to the facility is ensured.

In addition to the generator, the operating circuit contains a controller that performs the function of converting three-phase alternating current into direct current. The converted current is sent to charge the batteries. Household appliances cannot operate on direct current, so an inverter is used to further convert it. With its help, direct current is converted back into alternating household current at 220 volts. As a result of all transformations, approximately 15-20% of the initially generated electricity is consumed.

Solar batteries, as well as gasoline or diesel generators, can be used in conjunction with wind turbines. In these cases, the circuit additionally includes an automatic transfer switch (ATS), which activates the backup current source if the main one is turned off.

In order to obtain maximum power, the location of the wind generator must be along the direction of the wind flow. The simplest systems are equipped with special weather vanes attached to the opposite end of the generator. The weather vane is a vertical blade that turns the entire device towards the wind. In more complex and powerful installations, this function is performed by a rotary electric motor, controlled by a direction sensor.