Repair Design Furniture

Make little tricks for your home. Little useful DIY tricks for the home. #77 Strong connection of wooden parts

Dear friends, we want to please you with a huge set of tricks for the home that will be of interest to both housewives and experienced craftsmen. Add to bookmarks and your life will become easier! Enjoy...

#1 How to fix a hole?

To fix a hole in wooden parts, you will need a wooden plug, which is tightly inserted into the hole and cut flush. Then clean it up and you're done.

#2 Wire stand

If you have nothing at hand except copper wire, then you can make a simple stand, as shown in the photo.

#3 Lifehack for farsighted people

If you are farsighted and forgot your glasses, then do not despair. With a small hole in the cardboard, you can easily read small print.

#4 How to get rid of dried paint?

By punching holes in the rim of the jar, you will forever get rid of dried paint and difficulties with opening the lid.

#5 How to choose a long-lasting cutting?

It is necessary to choose a cutting only with straight parallel lines of fibers. The handle shown in the picture on the left will last you much longer.

#6 Lifehack for fishermen

It is a common occurrence for fishermen to drown their glasses. This can be avoided by attaching small pieces of Styrofoam to the temples.

#7 Using an old glove

An old glove can serve as a good tool organizer.

#8 Lifehack for a door lock

If you often return home in the dark, such a mount will help you quickly find the keyhole.

#9 How to glue uneven objects?

Use sandbags to glue irregularly shaped objects together.

#10 Wardrobe hack

To prevent clothes from touching each other, wrap an elastic band around the rod.

#11 Transporting sheets of building material

Transporting large sheets of building material can be a problem, but placing the timber beams centrally can avoid transport problems.

#12 Lifehack for comfortable work on stairs

If all your pockets are full and there is no place to place your tools when working at height, then you can use a regular clamp.

#13 Clothespin to the rescue

To avoid losing the drill key, simply attach a clothespin to the wire.

#14 How to save your fingers?

When working with a circular saw, wooden tools like those in the photo will help you avoid dangerous situations.

#15 How to make screwing screws easier?

Regular soap will help simplify and speed up screwing screws.

#16 Attaching brushes to stairs

Using the metal base from the binder, you can easily attach the brushes to the stairs.

#17 How to get rid of chips on plywood?

When plywood is cut, unwanted chips often appear. You can avoid this problem by using masking tape.

#18 Belt stopper

On an inclined plane, a wheelbarrow with a heavy load may roll back and injure you. To prevent rolling away, use leather or thick fabric belts secured over the wheels.

#19 How to avoid licking postage stamps?

Regular potatoes will help you avoid licking postage stamps.

#20 How to protect the facade from scratches?

By wearing gloves on the stairs you can avoid scratches on the facade.

#21 How to move heavy stones?

You can tow heavy stones using a tire and two thick boards.

#22 Simple opener

If you don't have a bottle opener handy, you can use a piece of wood with a nail hammered into it.

#23 Door closer

A simple and cheap door closer is a mousetrap.

#24 How to find identical positions on opposite sides of a wall?

To find the same positions on opposite sides of the wall you will need a compass and a magnet attached to the other side of the wall. The compass accurately indicates the position of the magnet.

#25 How to check if the blade is sharp?

If you run the blade along the nail and it slides, the chisel still needs to be sharpened.

#26 How to measure the diameter of a drill without a caliper?

If you don't have a caliper on hand and you need to drill a hole that will match the diameter of the dowel or bolt, then an adjustable wrench will help you with this.

#27 How to unscrew a bolt without a key?

To unscrew a bolt without a key you will need another bolt and two nuts, as shown in the photo.

#28 How to carefully cut paper from a roll?

To make a neat cut from the roll, start the cut a few centimeters from the top, the paper will not hang down and the cut will be neat.

#29 How to prevent chain rattling

By weaving the rope into the links of the chain, you can avoid its rattling.

#30 Protecting painted walls

To protect the walls when removing nails, use a putty knife under a hammer.

#31 Using an old hose

Using pieces of old hose, you can make a wall organizer on the wall.

#32 How to level a surface without a level?

To level the surface you will need a mirror or thick glass on which to place the ball from the bearing. The lowest place will be where the ball rolls.

#33 Scraper on the stairs

Such a scraper will protect your work on the stairs in a dirty yard.

#34 Hanger in the camp

Using a leather belt and wire hooks, you will get a very convenient hanger for dishes or clothes.

#35 Drainage material

If you don't have drainage material for the flowerpot, then you can use regular metal lids.

#36 Lifehack for cleaning dirty windows

Use regular newspaper to clean dirty windows.

#37 Lighting coals

To light the coals, use a milk carton, placing the coals in and around the box.

#38 Stand for women's shoes

Looking for a simple shoe rack for your wife? You will need a sheet of plywood with holes drilled.

#39 Life hack for car enthusiasts

If you find a leak in the radiator, then do not despair. Pour a raw egg into the neck of the radiator and you can drive to the nearest workshop.

#40 How to dig out cracks in concrete?

Using a regular shoehorn, you can easily get rid of weeds in concrete cracks.

#41 Playpen for a child

To create a temporary playpen for a child, you need a dining table and fabric. Making such a playpen is very simple.

#42 Canopy over the front door

An original canopy over the front door can be made from the hood of a vintage car.

#43 Tool organizer from a bucket

Using a plastic bucket you can make a similar spacious organizer.

#44 Marking using a self-tapping screw

Using a block of wood with a screw attached, you can make a simple marking device.

#45 How to drill a vertical hole

To drill a completely vertical hole, place a mirror near the drill. This will help you guide the drill so it doesn't wander.

#46 Tool stand

A convenient tool stand can be made from foam packaging.

#47 Tool organizer

You can easily make such an organizer from a wooden board and leftover hose.

#48 Organizer

Another example of an organizer made from old hoses.

#49 How to restore rusty files?

To restore worn files, it is recommended to place them in an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid for several minutes. The acid will clean the files.

#50 How to protect tools from corrosion?

To protect important tools from corrosion, keep them in a sandbox soaked in machine oil.

#51 Life hack for pliers

The elastic rubber tube on the handles of the pliers will make your work easier.

#52 Handy tool

By adding this simple homemade product to your technical arsenal, you will get rid of wasting time searching for a nut.

#53 Polishing small parts

A round standard eraser, secured with a screw and nut in a chuck, can be used to polish small parts.

#54 Correct sharpening of a drill

Using this device, made from a wooden block, you can sharpen drills correctly and quickly.

#55 How to drill metal plates correctly?

Drilling a hole in a thin metal plate is not difficult if you hold it in a vice with a wooden block.

#56 How to shorten a bolt?

To shorten the bolt and not damage the thread, a nut screwed onto the bolt shaft will help with this.

#57 How to drill a hole in a round rod?

Even without a vice, you can easily drill a hole in a rod or pipe. Wrap the pipe with a few magazine pages and then the magazine.

#58 How to avoid damaging a part?

To avoid damaging the coating of the rod, clamp it in a vice together with wooden clothespins.

#59 How to unscrew a rusty nut?

On the edges of the nut, 1-2 notches are made with a depth of 1-2 mm. After moistening the thread with kerosene or WD-40, the nut is not difficult to unscrew.

#60 How to turn a metal rod?

Wrap several skeins of thick rope, folded in half, around the end of the rod. Insert a metal rod into the resulting loop and you can easily turn the rod.

#61 Homemade scales

Small scales can be made using paper and wire.

#62 How to get rid of fogging on a bathroom mirror?

An anti-fog aerosol for car windows will help you.

#63 Life hack for screws

If you want the screw to be impossible to unscrew, to do this, use a file to file the slot in the head, as shown in the figure.

#64 How to cut a tin drainpipe?

This can be done using a regular can opener. First, cut the pipe with a hacksaw, and then use the knife.

#65 How to straighten a wire?

We clamp one end in a vice, and the other in a drill chuck. The wire is pulled tight and made several turns.

#66 How to solder a hole in a bucket yourself?

Insert a piece of plastic film rolled into a cone into the hole and set it on fire on both sides. Once melted, the polyethylene will seal the hole.

#67 How to protect material when drilling?

By placing a felt washer on the drill, you will protect the surface of the material.

#68 How to protect wooden tool handles?

A regular metal cover will protect the wooden handle of the tools.

#69 Lifehack for an outdoor shower

Install the float intake. With this design, only water from the upper, sun-warmed layer is used.

#70 Uniform heating of shower water

When making a solar heated shower made from a refrigerator condenser, use the following diagram. The water will warm up evenly.

#71 Carrying lamp

The simplest lamp can be made from an ordinary glass jar with threads.

#72 How to avoid damaging the wire?

To remove insulation from the wire without damaging the wire, bend the wire and carefully press the knife onto the insulation. The insulation layer will rip apart before the blade touches the metal.

#73 How to drill two adjacent holes?

To prevent the drill from jumping off, hammer a hardwood plug into the first hole and then proceed to drill the second hole.

#74 How to cut a circle from plywood?

A neat circle can be cut using a wooden plank and two sharp Samoyeds or nails.

#75 Comfortable plows

It is very useful for a home craftsman to have comfortable plows in his arsenal. With their help you can process the sides and ends of the board.

#76 How to plan a board with knots?

Pre-soften the surface layer of the knots with a hammer and you will get rid of burrs.

#77 Strong connection of wooden parts

The clip and tenon provide a very strong connection between wooden parts.

Household tricks: 105 ways to use common things Save for yourself so as not to lose 1. Vinegar 2. Baking soda 3. WD-40 liquid 4. Paper towels 5. Napkins for softening and scenting laundry Vinegar Vinegar is a golden liquid. It is mainly used for cooking and preserving food. Here's how else you can use vinegar at home: Disinfect cutting boards with it. Soothe a sore throat. Dilute a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and gargle. Get rid of dandruff. After washing, rinse your hair with two glasses of warm acidified water. Treatment of indigestion. Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink. Polish chrome interior parts. Add two tablespoons of vinegar to the water to prevent the eggs from cracking during cooking. Remove sediment from the aquarium. Remove urine stains from carpet. Rid your dog of fleas. Add some apple cider vinegar to your dog's water bowl. The smell that will then emanate from the pet's skin will repel fleas. You can also rinse your dog with a vinegar solution. This will rid her of fleas and unpleasant odor. Prevent car windows from freezing. Make a solution of three parts vinegar and one part water, wipe the glass with it. Clean dentures. Soak them in vinegar overnight and brush them in the morning. Soften clothing and give it electrostatic properties. Add half a glass of vinegar when rinsing clothes. To soften wool blankets, add two cups of vinegar when rinsing. Remove grease stains from suede. Destroy weeds. Refresh wilted vegetables. Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water and soak the vegetables. Clean limescale deposits on your drip coffee maker. Get rid of odor in gutters. Once a week, pour a cup of vinegar down the drain and rinse with water after 30 minutes. Substitute lemon juice. A quarter teaspoon of vinegar will replace one teaspoon of lemon juice. Make the rice crumbly. When cooking, add a teaspoon of vinegar to the water when it boils. Prevent fat from settling on the oven walls. Wipe the walls with a cloth soaked in vinegar and water. Destroy germs. Spray the surface with a solution of one part water and one part vinegar. Clean the shower head of deposits. Place it in a saucepan with a solution of one part vinegar and one part water, bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Add shine to patent leather shoes. Freshen the air. Leave a bowl of vinegar in a room with an unpleasant odor for several hours. Soften the brushes. Soak your brush in hot vinegar and then wash with soap and water. Remove bumper stickers. Cover them with a cloth soaked in vinegar for a few minutes. Extend the life of freshly cut flowers. Dilute two tablespoons of vinegar and three tablespoons of sugar in a liter of warm water and place the flowers there. Baking soda Baking soda is needed for more than just making fluffy buns. Here's what else you can do with baking soda: Eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator. Place a box of baking soda on one of the shelves. Remove odor from shoes. Clean the drain and remove the smell. Pour four tablespoons of baking soda into the drain and rinse with hot water. Get rid of sweat odor. In the morning after a shower, apply a little baking soda to your wet armpits and wipe off the excess. Soften the skin on the heels. Cure diaper rash. Remove tan. Use baking soda paste while washing. Put out a small fire. For example, if grease on the stove or wiring caught fire. Polish silver items. Clean the refrigerator. Remove cat litter odor. Pour baking soda into the tray and top with cat litter. Clean an old thermos and eliminate the smell in it. Soften dried beans. Soak them in a solution of baking soda and water. Make the taste of game less harsh. Remove greasy stains from laundry. Add baking soda when washing. Remove stains from marble, tiles, and plastic surfaces. Apply a paste of baking soda and water. Remove machine oil from garage floor. Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly. Empty the trash can. Eliminate odor in the dishwasher. Run it with baking soda instead of soap. Extinguish and remove the smell from cigarette butts smoldering in the ashtray. Clean the shower curtain from soap scum. Clean your teeth or dentures. Get rid of heartburn. Dissolve ½ teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water and drink. Reduce toothache. Rinse your mouth with a solution of ½ teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water. Wash smoked pots. Soak them for 15 minutes in a soda solution. Relieve pain from a bee sting. Make Homemade Play-Doh: Mix 1 ¼ cups water, two cups baking soda and one cup cornstarch. Wipe the car windshield with baking soda solution. It will acquire water-repellent properties. Clean thick fabric bags. Add shine to chrome and stainless steel items. Liquid WD-40 Removes complex contaminants from the car. It will help to unfasten a stuck zipper. Helps untangle gold and silver chains. Keeps pigeons away from the balcony. WD-40 can be used to lubricate dentures. Will not allow silver to tarnish. Protects ceramic and terracotta pots from plaque. Scissor lubricant. Lubricant for door hinges at home and in the car. A lubricant that will help get rid of the squeaking of children's swings. Lubricate window latches if you can't open them. Lubricant for umbrellas that do not open well. Cleans car pillars. Grease against fan squeaking. Bike lube. Removes traces of glue after using tape. Cleans grill grates. Removes black marks from the floor. Paper towels Use a roll of towels as a lumbar pillow. Remove the lint from the corn cob by wiping it with a damp paper towel. Use a towel as a filter in your drip coffee maker. Lettuce will stay fresh longer if you wrap it in a towel and put it in the refrigerator: the towel will absorb excess moisture. If you are freezing bread, wrap it in a towel before freezing. Defrost the bread in a towel: it will absorb the moisture released and the bread will not be soggy. Relieve pain from sunburn. Apply damp paper towels to burns. Clean your can opener. Place the edge of the towel into the opener as if it were the edge of a jar, and twist the opener. Remove a pencil from a chalkboard by waxing the board, placing a paper towel on top, and ironing it. Remove candle wax from carpet or upholstery. Proceed in the same way as in method No. 8. Sprout the seeds. Place them between two damp towels. To remove fat from broth, place a towel in a colander and strain the broth. Wrap your Christmas tree decorations when putting them away for storage. Remove any remaining machine oil from your sewing machine by doing the first few stitches on a paper towel. Wipes for softening and scenting laundry. As a repeller for mice and ants. As protection against wasps, mosquitoes, bees. Hang a napkin on the balcony, it will repel insects. Wipe down household appliances and computers to prevent dust from collecting on them for longer. Remove soap streaks from shower doors. Remove odor from your trash can: Place one tissue in the bottom. Wipe the blinds to prevent dust from settling on them. Deodorize your shoes with wipes. When storing sleeping bags and tents, add a few napkins to keep them fresh. Throw a tissue in a suitcase or bag that you don't use regularly. Use a napkin to collect cat hair. Use the napkin as an air freshener for your closet, room, or car. To prevent the thread from getting tangled while sewing, wipe it with a napkin. Collect fine dust from drilling or sanding. Remove unpleasant odors by placing a tissue in the bottom of the dirty laundry basket. Wipe away any traces of insects from your car. Pre-moisten the napkin. Clean the pan from any burnt-on food. Place a napkin, cover with water and leave overnight. In the morning, wash the pan with a sponge.

For most of us, not keeping the house in order is a difficult responsibility and almost the most terrible punishment. However, this needs to be done. And if you know some tricks, then everything will go quickly and easily, while the quality will remain at the highest level.

In this article you will find many useful tips that will save not only nerves, effort, time, but also money.

Little tricks to help with cleaning

  • If you add ammonia to the water when washing windows, the glass will acquire a crystal shine.
  • To wash mirrors, you should use cold water to which linen bluing or tea infusion has been added. Thanks to this, the mirrors will shine pleasantly.
  • If there are fly stains on the mirror, a cut onion can easily remove the stain.
  • Leather book bindings can be easily refreshed using a woolen cloth soaked in beaten egg white.
  • A solution of citric acid will help remove ink stains from the floor.
  • The oilcloth covering the kitchen table will not crack if it is wiped with a mixture of vinegar and sunflower oil, taken in equal proportions.
  • An old shower curtain can be updated by washing all contaminated areas, including areas with mold, with a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide, taken in a one-to-one ratio.
  • Hydrogen peroxide will help remove yellow stains and limescale from the surface of the bathtub. It is enough to spray it onto the bath with a spray bottle, and after thirty minutes rinse thoroughly.
  • The surface of the bath can also be cleaned by filling it with salt, and after five minutes pouring vinegar. Then clean the surface with a brush and rinse everything off with water.
  • A regular white paraffin candle will help remove dark deposits, mold and dirty deposits from the seams between tiles. It is enough to run a candle along the contaminated seam several times. These simple steps will not only clean the seams, but also prevent their subsequent contamination.
  • A dirty iron sole can be easily cleaned by wiping with vinegar or dishwashing powder, and using a cotton swab with salt to remove starch particles.
  • A simple remedy that you can easily prepare at home will help you tidy up your washing machine. For this you will need:
    • vinegar - two glasses;
    • baking soda - a quarter cup;
    • water - a quarter glass;
    • sponge.

Mix baking soda and water in a bowl. Pour the solution into the powder compartment. Pour vinegar into the drum machine and turn on the normal wash cycle. Once the cycle is complete, wipe down the door and rubber gaskets with a sponge. Leave the drum to dry without closing the door.

Do-it-yourself help to clean and refresh the toilet cleaning bombs. To achieve a hygienic effect and a pleasant smell, two pieces thrown into the toilet will be enough.

To make these bombs you will need:

  1. soda - one glass;
  2. citric acid - a quarter cup;
  3. vinegar - half a teaspoon;
  4. hydrogen peroxide (6% solution) - one tablespoon;
  5. favorite essential oil - twenty drops.

Into a bowl add baking soda and citric acid. In another bowl, add hydrogen peroxide and vinegar and pour the liquid drop by drop into the mixture of soda and lemon juice. Add essential oil and form small balls from the resulting mixture. Place the resulting bombs on parchment and dry for at least six hours. Store in a tightly closed glass jar.

Residents of private houses will find it useful in the winter season to clear paths and steps of ice and snow with a solution that can be easily prepared with your own hands in a few minutes:

  1. Warm water - two liters.
  2. Liquid dishwashing detergent - six drops.
  3. Alcohol - sixty milliliters.

It is enough to pour the solution on a frozen surface - the ice will melt in a few seconds. This tool will also help with frozen car windows.

If you wipe your car windows with wet salt wrapped in gauze, they will not fog up.

Tricks for caring for home furniture

Home furniture is very susceptible to temperature changes, exposure to sunlight and changes in air humidity. In this regard, furniture requires systematic and proper care. A few tips to help with this:

Helps get rid of old stains on leather sofas formaldehyde solution. To prepare it you need to mix:

  1. formalin - half a glass;
  2. soap shavings - one teaspoon;
  3. ammonia - one teaspoon.

Apply the prepared solution to the stain, leave for two hours, and then wipe with a clean soft cloth.

  • A mixture of gasoline and potato starch, taken in a one-to-one ratio, will help remove stains from leather upholstery. It must be rubbed into the area of ​​contamination, allowed to dry and cleaned off.
  • To make it easier to move heavy furniture, you can put pieces of felt under the legs.
  • To get rid of squeaking shoes, you need to apply a little warm sunflower oil to the soles, rub it in and leave it overnight.
  • To prevent shoes from staining your socks, just rub the lining with alcohol.
  • If the heels of your new shoes are hard and rub your heels, you can rub them with a candle, wet soap or alcohol.

Tricks for repair

  • If you lubricate the screw with soap or grease, it will fit into the wood surface much more easily.
  • The board into which you need to hammer a nail will not crack if you slightly blunt its tip.
  • A rope stretched over a can of paint can be used for more than just securing a brush to it. With its help you can remove excess paint from the brush. The edges of the jar will remain clean.

Little home tricks for every day

DIY air freshener

To freshen the air in a room, you don't have to use a store-bought air freshener. For these purposes, a wonderful home-made product is perfect, which is guaranteed to fill the rooms with a pleasant aroma.

Cut the orange in half and carefully remove the pulp. Pour salt into the resulting orange peel bowls.

The salt will absorb moisture from the air, helping remove musty smell. At the same time, the orange peel, thanks to the same salt, will constantly release a pleasant citrus aroma.

This homemade air freshener will “work” for several weeks.

Every day we have to do hundreds of things, hundreds of situations happen to us and, as a result of all this, we are forced to use dozens of different skills. So in the new review we have collected several useful household tricks that will help make life much easier.

1. Two pizzas

Baking two pizzas is not an easy task. Not only do they need to be cooked, but they also don’t fit on one baking sheet. To avoid baking them separately, cut the pizzas in half and place them in the oven as shown in the picture.

2. Reliable protection

Everyone knows that wounds and burns should be protected from moisture. However, this does not always work out, because you have to wash the dishes, go to the shower and wash your face. A condom will help protect the dressing from water. You need to cut the tip and pull the product over the damaged area.

3. Laptop ventilation

A cardboard egg container makes a great laptop stand that will protect your device from overheating.

4. The bucket is too big

You can use a clean plastic scoop to fill a bucket that won't fit in the sink.

5. Cleaning the keyboard

Use the sticky part of the sticky notes to clean the spaces between the keyboard buttons from dust and dirt.

6. Garbage container

Make it a rule to always place newspaper in the bottom of a new garbage bag. This will protect the trash can from food juice and unpleasant odors. This life hack is especially relevant for the summer, when among the waste there is a lot of fruit and vegetable peelings.

7. Comfortable walking

Walking in heels causes a lot of discomfort to millions of girls around the world. To relieve some of the pressure on your foot, connect your second and third or third and fourth toes with an adhesive tape. Thus, the load on the nerves that pass through the instep of the leg while wearing heels will be redistributed, and walking in shoes will become easier.

8. Organize your closet

Use plastic curtain rings to display all your tank tops on one hanger. This trick will save a lot of space in your closet and prevent your T-shirts from getting wrinkled.

9. Cup holder

No cup holder? No problem! It can easily be replaced by a regular sneaker. By the way, motorists can also take note of this trick. The only thing is that for hygiene reasons it is better to use a clean sneaker.

10. Eggshells

Add a little baking soda to the pan where the eggs are boiled to make them easy to peel.

11. Clogged drain

To quickly clear a clogged sink, pour half a glass of baking soda and the same amount of vinegar down the drain.

12. Stash

To ensure that your money always remains safe and sound, you need to store it in a safe place. A clean lipstick stick will do a great job as a hiding place.

13. Vacuum cleaner attachment

The ketchup cap can be used as a vacuum cleaner attachment. This trick will allow you to clean even the narrowest crevices and make cleaning much more efficient.

14. Microwave

To ensure that food heats evenly in the microwave, place food so that the center of the plate remains empty.

15. Remotes

Glue Velcro to remote controls and always attach them to the side wall of the table to forever forget about the exhausting search for the right device.

16. Soft pedals

Attach ordinary dishwashing sponges to the bicycle pedals. This trick will appeal to people who like to ride a bike without shoes on hot days.

17. Saving water

In the pursuit of savings, all means are good. Just place a bottle of water in the toilet flush tank so you don’t have to pay extra for wasted water. This way, you will reduce the volume of the tank and save tens of liters of water.

The new review contains useful household tricks that are designed to make everyday life much easier. Even if you don’t manage to take them into service, it’s worth keeping them with you, because you never know what might come in handy in life.

1. Unpleasant odors in the toilet

Pour some scented detergent into your brush holder to help eliminate unpleasant toilet odors forever.

2. Plaque and rust on cutlery

Lemon juice will help deal with rust and dark deposits on cutlery. Carefully treat spoons, knives and forks with half a lemon, leave for a while, and then rinse with running water and wipe with a clean woolen cloth.

3. “Noisy” boxes

If you're annoyed by the loud noise your drawers make when closing, try applying a thin bead of hot glue to the top of the inside wall of the cabinet.

4. All-purpose cleaner

A mixture of table vinegar and dishwashing liquid is a miracle remedy that will help cope with almost any dirt in the house. This emulsion will allow you to save a lot on the purchase of special household chemicals.

5. Clean windows

Washing windows is a difficult and unpleasant task. It can easily cope with complex stains, and water with starch will help to avoid streaks. Dilute a tablespoon of starch in one liter of water and wipe the surface of the window with the resulting emulsion. Wash away dirt and starch with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

6. Dust on varnished surfaces

Never wipe polished or varnished furniture with a wet cloth. To effectively combat stains on such surfaces, use only dry flannel, cloth or special wipes.

7. Window defogger

A mixture of glycerin and alcohol is perhaps the most effective remedy for glass fogging. In addition, such an emulsion will help the windows stay clean for a longer time. This recipe is especially relevant on the eve of cold weather and the beginning of the heating season.

8. Caring for kitchen towels

To help your kitchen towels wash better, soak them in warm water and vinegar before machine washing.

9. Shiny pens

When tidying up, don't forget about door handles. A lot of bacteria settle on them, and stains and fingerprints are obvious and spoil the appearance of the room. So, at least once a week, wipe the handles of doors and cabinets with special wipes or an alcohol solution.

10. Cleaning upholstered furniture

Upholstered furniture, like a sponge, absorbs dirt and unpleasant odors. Pour a little vodka into a spray bottle, spray the surface of the sofa with the liquid and let it dry. This trick will help refresh your furniture and eliminate unwanted odors.

11. Carpet cleaning

Carpets create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the room. However, in order for the carpet to last a long time and not lose its attractiveness, it requires proper care. Regular baking soda will help clean dirt and eliminate odors. Sprinkle it over the surface of the carpet, leave it for several hours, and then vacuum thoroughly.

12. Shiny plumbing

Do not rush to throw away an unnecessary piece of lemon. It can be used to clean chrome bathroom fixtures. Run a slice of lemon over the surfaces of your faucets, showerheads and hoses to make them sparkling clean, like new.

13. Shiny mirrors

Take half a raw potato, run it over the surface of the mirror, rinse with cool water and wipe dry. This is the easiest and most affordable way to clean dirt and restore shine to all mirrors in the house.