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I found a lining (chicken bones). What to do? Question from Natalia. Chicken foot lining A ritual of healing feet with burying chicken feet

If you find out that your husband has fallen in love with another woman and constantly meets with her in his free time, but you still want to save the family and prevent divorce, then you can perform a lapel ritual to completely destroy the relationship between them.. You never know. what is your situation, read my author’s rituals, maybe some other one will suit you better.

The main thing in such a situation is not to waste precious time before it comes to trouble. After all, if your spouse files for divorce and moves in with her, the more difficult it will be to restore everything.

If you are worried that you will not be able to carry out magical work on your own, then you can always seek the advice and help of an experienced witch or sorcerer. A specialist will take upon himself the solution to your problem, quickly carry out and select all the necessary rituals and correctly make the necessary payments to protect you from possible consequences. After all, a lapel, no matter how good your intentions are, is a dark matter. And, of course, it would be nice to complement the lapel with a love ritual. After all, since your husband is so easily attracted to other women, it means that his feelings for you have cooled down, and it would be nice to tie him to you with a stronger love spell. Then he will have neither reason nor desire to look around in search of a new mistress.

We carry out the lapel ritual

If you decide to carry out the lapel ritual yourself, then purchase one chicken paw, a church candle, and prepare a copper basin with cold tap water.

Perform the ritual at night, strictly during the waning moon. Turn the candle over, light it with a match and hold it in your left hand. Take a chicken paw in your right hand, move it touching the water in the basin counterclockwise for about ten minutes, and say the following words out loud: “I will speak, I will swear, I will divorce my husband and his mistress. They will swear like dogs fight.". Put out the candle by lowering it slightly into the water, then break it in half and throw it in the trash. Pour the water into a convenient container and pour it on your mistress’s door until the next night. Be careful so that no one notices you.

And throw a chicken paw to stray dogs on the way home. If you have done everything as written, within a week the relationship between your spouse and mistress will begin to deteriorate. It would be nice for you to visit the church in the coming days after the lapel and leave a generous donation. This will be your payoff. It is impossible to pray, to be baptized, to ask for forgiveness for what you have done.

Many peoples of the world have various amulets and amulets that can protect a person and his home from damage, the evil eye and various misfortunes. They were used in ancient times and are still used today. However, some now famous symbols actually have a completely different meaning than the one to which modern people are accustomed.

Among the symbols and amulets, the pacifist sign known in the modern world, the name of which is translated from Latin as “pacified,” is of particular interest. Nowadays it is considered that this symbol has only positive meaning.

This sign resembles a dove's foot circled in a circle. The circle has the meaning of continuity and unity. The dove is considered a symbol of peace. This sign of the hippie youth movement is a characteristic statement: “We stand for peace!”

Hippie pacifists opposed violence and were peaceful. This is the basis of their worldview. Harmony between man and nature was important to them. Despite the fact that hippies rejected many of the values ​​of civilization, they defended their rights and views without resorting to cruelty.

Origins of the pacifist sign

It is known that this famous symbol was developed in 1958 in Britain by artist and designer Gerald Holtom for the then emerging political movement for nuclear disarmament, which in English sounds like “Nuclear Disarmament”. To develop the symbol, the artist used the semaphore alphabet. He made a cross from her symbols "N" and "D" and placed them in a circle, which was a symbol of global agreement.

This mark is not protected by copyright. Its logo was first used during the anti-war march in Trafalgar Square. And later it spread throughout the world. In the sixties of the twentieth century in the United States, it began to be used by activists of the hippie movement as a symbol of peace. This sign was often accompanied by the inscription “Make love, not war!”, which translated means “Make love, not war!”

Gradually, its origin began to be forgotten? and many who wear the image of this sign in the form of a keychain, pendant or tattoo? They can’t really explain what exactly it means. The important thing is that in fact this sign has a rich ancient history and a completely different meaning.

In fact, such a sign has existed since ancient times and has many meanings, most often negative. Modern symbol of all hippies is an ancient sign, which is far from related to a peaceful perception of life.

It's called the Cross of Nero. This symbol of the inverted and broken cross of Jesus Christ denotes hatred and contempt for Christianity, as it expresses the views of Emperor Nero, the persecutor of Christians. Nero believed that world peace would only reign when all Christians were destroyed. In Satanism, such a cross is used for black rituals, and it is also used to decorate the altar. There is a ritual when welcoming newcomers, when this particular symbol is hung on their neck as a sign of reconciliation with Satan.

Why did people who represented the peace movement use such an emblem? It turns out that they were simply explained that this was the “foot of the dove of peace.” And no one even remembered that such a symbol is called a “chicken leg.” A chicken or rooster is often used as a sacrifice during various dark witchcraft rituals. For example, among gypsies such a sign is widely known as the “crow’s foot,” which is a symbol of war and death.

Pacifists and ancient Slavic runes

The symbols of the peoples of the world are largely repeated. This sign has a mystical character and is associated with Germanic, Scandinavian and Slavic runes.

The Algiz rune symbolizes life and the person himself. This rune exists in two forms: straight and inverted. It was associated with the image of a man who raises his hands to the sky, which symbolizes the upward direction of consciousness and the bright upper worlds. It symbolizes the Tree of the World and the Universe. But if the symbol is turned upside down, it turns out to be a metaphor for the world of the dead. That is, inverted, the Algiz rune is a symbol of the roots of the world tree, which go underground to the lower worlds, and has the meaning of chaos and death.

Based on the values ​​​​that the pacifist movement popularized, this rune in an upright position should have become its emblem. In this case, it would symbolize the forces directing the world towards order, protection, patronage of the gods. Accordingly, the inverted Algiz rune represents the forces turning the world towards Chaos. Therefore, the use of the death rune in the symbolism of a social movement advocating peace and love is more than unreasonable and absurd.

Chicken foot in magic

The chicken foot amulet comes from Africa. He was widely known in Europe, Asia and the islands of Oceania. African amulets vary in strength and purpose. Most often, shamans make them from the remains of animals, and the chicken foot amulet is especially popular among them.

Chicken foot is a powerful item of power. It is believed that it can increase the owner’s well-being, as well as protect him from damage, evil and injury. However, chicken legs are quite often used in various magical rituals. among different peoples both to attract money and to cause damage.

Charms of Japan

Japanese magic is of particular interest. This country is full of beliefs, traditions and various rituals. The making of amulets occupies an exceptional place. Every home has many souvenirs with protective symbols, as well as protective amulets and talismans.


  • Traditionally made from jasper of different colors. This amulet is shaped like a bean and brings happiness and prosperity to a person. Its very shape as a bean symbolizes a seed, a new beginning. In ancient times, only the emperor was allowed to wear such an amulet.


  • The name "Maneki-neko" means "calling cat". The symbol in the form of a funny cat waving its paw is most popular in Japan. It can be seen literally at every step, especially near shops. On sale you can find both expensive Maneki-neko, made of gold and silver, and the simplest ones - made of clay or plastic. Such a talisman is designed to bring prosperity to the house and protect against evil spirits. The cat is a symbol of good, successful changes; it brings comfort to the house.


  • The magic of knots. Skillfully intertwined red, blue and yellow threads are considered a powerful amulet. Knot magic is very popular throughout Japan. Manufactured amulets have different meanings and protective powers, it all depends on what color the product is and what shape the master gives it.

Charms of the peoples of the north

Bone figurines

  • Figurines made from walrus tusks were made in the form of various animals. Such small figures were considered amulets and were used by local residents as amulets, which were intended to protect against evil spirits and help fight the hostile forces of nature.

Ornate pendant framed in fur

  • Ornament for the northern peoples is of paramount importance. It is actively used to decorate household items, clothing, shoes, which makes things beautiful and unique. Mostly birch bark, fur, fabric, beads, and leather are used for production. The ornament is characterized by a variety of geometric shapes, filled with a certain content and semantic load. These can be animals, birds, trees, plants and people.

The Bird of Happiness

  • The bird of happiness was made from wood in a special way. She had unusually beautiful carved wings. It was hung in the house as a talisman, guardian of the hearth and well-being. She has the ability to protect home, family and give peace of mind. This amulet protected the house from damage and the evil eye.

Armenian infinity sign

Almost every culture has its own sign of eternity. In Armenia it is called “arevakhach”, which literally means “solar cross” in translation from Armenian and symbolizes eternal movement in the Universe. Outwardly, it really looks like the sun, as it has a round, helical shape, as well as six or eight rays.

Arevakhach is a symbol of life, as well as fire and fertility. It can denote both an active and a passive principle, depending on which direction its rays are turned - to the right or to the left. Since ancient times, it was believed among Armenians that this symbol was the most powerful of all amulets, so it was hung over the cradle of a baby. The right-handed arevakhach was suitable for boys, and the left-handed one for girls.

The continuous cyclical nature of existence, its closed cycle, is embodied in the form of this vortex, helical circle, which looks like the sun. Being an ancient magical symbol, arevakhach is often found in the ornaments of ancient churches of Armenia, on modern company emblems, on weapons, clothing and various objects.

The peoples of the world have different amulets. Many carry a negative meaning, some are considered amulets and are used as talismans. And there are such symbols, the true meaning of which many people still do not even know. A person can wear such a symbol and not even realize that this should not be done. Therefore, before using any amulet, it is worth asking about the origin of this sign.

Attention, TODAY only!

Good evening!

My name is Natalya. I am 42 years old.

Today I was cleaning the kitchen and found two chicken bones in the shape of a slingshot in the farthest corner of the cabinet. We moved into this (rented) apartment 3 years ago. A year ago, my husband left the family. I know that a year and a half ago these bones were not there. I look forward to your opinion on the current situation. Thank you in advance.

Hello, Natalia!

Unfortunately, there is nothing particularly to please you with. You found in the apartment nothing more than a “lining” - these are objects on which witchcraft and magical rituals are performed. Then these objects are thrown into the house of the person to whom they wish harm, and from then on the influence of black magic on the family begins.

They make a conspiracy on chicken bones to harass people, cause discord in family relationships, and cause harm to health. Under no circumstances should you touch these bones, but you should use a broom to wrap them in a cloth and burn them. Bury the ashes.

I assume you didn’t do any of this, so the witchcraft began to work on you, destroying your family.

There may be even more serious consequences ahead, so you urgently need to get rid of the negativity brought on you. Go to church and order yourself a magpie for your health. You can also pray for your husband who left you.

Cleaning the apartment from “black energy”

For this you will need a church candle.

Open cold water in all taps, open doors in cabinets, mezzanines, chests of drawers - wherever they are.

Then stand in front of the front door, light a candle, read the Lord’s Prayer seven times and begin to walk around the house along the walls clockwise, drawing the sign of the cross in the air with a candle. Pay special attention to the corners.

Eventually you will return to the front door, where you will pray more for cleansing. Put out the candle and bury its remains under a tree. In this way you will cleanse yourself and your home from induced evil. It is possible that after this your husband will return to you, because... the evil spell will stop working.

A lining (poklad) is a certain object (sometimes a substance - water, salt) that is thrown into the victim’s home, office (threshold, corner) or work space (office, desk drawer, flower pot, etc.).

It so happened that you found powder poured under the door, spilled water or needles, wool, fluff, garbage, soil, sand, chicken feet, etc. Never touch them with your bare hand!

Take the lining through a piece of paper or a rag and throw it away along with the paper or rag.

You can sweep it away...

There are few talismans that lie literally under our feet. All that remains is to find it. Which is what many people do when they find themselves on the sea coast. And how can you deny yourself the pleasure of getting a talisman that makes wishes come true and brings good luck?

A drop wears away a stone

Such a stone was definitely considered very lucky by all nations. Why is he so honored? The hole in the middle of the stone is a kind of mark of water that has worn it away for centuries, and water, as you know, is the best way to “wash away” the bad...

The intricacies of fate and the black and white stripes of life, periods of ups and downs - all this sometimes forces a person to turn to magic and supernatural rituals. Life crises force us to believe in omens and talismans. Often things like this really help.

No one knows for sure: either the amulet worked, or perhaps the person himself overcame the problems with the help of his energy and diligence, or simply had another streak of bad luck. Magical properties are often attributed to some...

An amulet is a small object usually worn on the human body and, according to superstitious beliefs, is a magical remedy against illnesses, misfortunes, etc. Amulets should not be confused with amulets or talismans. Usually amulets are worn on the chest to protect against witchcraft and disease. Amulets are usually covered with various signs or inscriptions. Many believe in the miraculous power of the amulet to protect the owner from disasters, illness and witchcraft. Belief in the power of the amulet appeared along with primitive magic and...

It is believed that it is best to have three amulets in the house. These can be either the same items or different ones. They can be placed on a specially created “altar”, at the front door, on a windowsill or bookshelf. These can be figurines of angels, various pebbles, shells.

Chicken God

The chicken god, a pebble with a hole, is considered very powerful. These are found on beaches, river banks and lakes in every corner of the earth. Protects the owner from negativity and protects health. The Chicken God can be placed above...

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Not only beautiful precious crystals, but also simple, inconspicuous pieces of various minerals, contain sources of radiation of subtle vibrations. People noticed this long ago, and looked for correspondences in stones and metals and...

So many times I wanted to seek advice and help from specialists, but each time I put it off with the thought that it was unlikely that anyone would be able to help me. But I was so fed up with everything that I decided to write anyway...

I and my family have been haunted by sorcerers all my life. Previously, when I was younger and when we lived in a private house, I thought about completely different people who aroused my internal hostility. But a few years ago, our family moved to a place of residence in a city box and then I...

Magic salt, often called Thursday salt, is an indispensable assistant for magicians and healers. First of all, such salt is a powerful purifier of a person’s aura, capable of healing from strong negative influences. Likewise, Thursday salt has the ability to cleanse inanimate objects from the charge of dark energies.

Method one: charmed by prayer

“Thursday salt” gets its name from the day of the week on which it is created. And, as you understand, this day is Thursday.

Lining- these are thrown foreign things that you found in the house or in the yard. The lining can be anything: from a piece of kitchen utensils (spoon, fork) to piles of hair, coals, bones. If you find damage to yourself or your family, you need to immediately thoroughly search everything around and inside the apartment in search of treasures.

Lining- an object charged with harmful energy that could be thrown by a person who wants to do harm. can be very different: a doll, a needle, a bag of salt, chicken feathers, bones. A strip of white fabric tied in knots, a pectoral cross bent into a “box,” rye grains. A well-made lining has such an effect on the victim that you can look at it and not see it. Therefore, you can draw a small plan of the yard and house. Break it into small squares and carefully examine square by square. But don’t forget to mark on the plan all the places you looked at. Pay attention to any suspicious item whose origin you cannot explain. Finding a lining is great luck for someone suffering from damage. After all, by destroying a magical object, you can instantly get rid of harmful witchcraft. And with this you seriously hit the one who made it.

Lining through clay. Used by witches on the day of induction of witchcraft. Witches have many options and methods of causing damage in their arsenal. These are clay figures, pieces of clay placed under a mat, or simply spoken clay. If you find a clay figurine, a fragment from it, or scattered clay on the threshold or in the house, then all this must be destroyed immediately. Moreover, such a lining cannot be destroyed in fire or by burying it in the ground. Spells also have little effect on enchanted clay. The enchanted clay must be dissolved in water. You need to take a jar of water, sweep the lining away from you into a scoop, pour it into the jar, wait a few hours until it dissolves. Then you need to pour holy water into this jar crosswise and read the “Our Father” three times. After this, dig a hole, pour the contents of the jar into it, and cover it with soil; Cross this place three times and sprinkle with holy water.

Lining through toad. This is a favorite animal of witches and wizards. With the help of toads, witches caused rain, potions were made from them, and hexes were cast on toads. If you find a dried toad under the threshold of your home or in your house, do not rush to throw it away. Next to the dry toad is the living spirit of this animal, whose purpose is unknown to you. What is known is that this toad can cause harm and evil. To neutralize the lining, you need to stand facing east in relation to the dried toad and say: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the names of the Angels and Archangels, return, spirit, to your body.” After this, cross the lining three times with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, perish, all that is evil and spoken.” Read the “Our Father” three times, sweep the toad away from you on a scoop, take it outside and burn it while reading any prayer.

Attic. The attic is home to all sorts of spirits and therefore needs periodic cleaning. To do this, you need to stock up on crushed incense, holy water, wormwood, St. John's wort and three onions. The attic needs to be tidied up and unnecessary rubbish destroyed. Go around the attic clockwise, while spraying the ceiling, walls, and floor with holy water. All this time you need to read the “Our Father” prayer. Then take crushed incense and sprinkle along and over the walls of the entire attic. Place branches of St. John's wort in the corners of the attic - 3 or 7 branches each. Finely grind the wormwood with your hands and scatter it around the attic with the words of the conspiracy: “In the name of the Lord our God Jesus Christ, an evil and vengeful spirit is forbidden to be here.” Then read the prayer “May God rise again.” Hang three bulbs in the middle of the attic for seven days. Cross the four cardinal directions: east, west, north and south with the words: “Lord, save and help.” When you go down from the attic and close the attic door, the entrance to the attic must be baptized with the words: “The evil, witchcraft, vengeful and far-fetched spirit must not be here. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". After seven days, burn the bulbs over a fire.

Lining of feathers, seeds, grains. If feathers, Ostyaks, dyed feathers, feathers torn out with meat, rags with feathers sewn to them, various grains (oats, wheat, corn, watermelon, squash seeds), coal, sticks, planks, horsehair, threads, rags, etc., all this must be properly destroyed. The discovered lining must be wrapped in paper or cotton cloth, and then wash your hands thoroughly. If the full moon has not yet arrived, put the bundle in a place where no one will come into contact with it. When the full moon approaches in the evening, closer to midnight, find a place where paths or paths intersect. It is necessary to be baptized with the words: “Lord, bless.” Then light a fire and throw a bundle with the found objects into the burning flame. As soon as the contents of the package light up, you must say: “Go away, evil, to where it came from. There is no way back for you." Then read the “Our Father” prayer three times. Wait until all the contents of the package are completely burned. As soon as you are sure that everything is burned, use your right foot (for a man) or left foot (for a woman) to scatter the ash on all four sides and, without looking back, go home. Upon returning home, take the pillow in which the harmful objects were found and go outside with it or hang it through a window or balcony. You need to hit it three times and say: “As dust comes out of the pillow, so all evil, come out of the pillow.” Turn the pillow over and hit it again three times and repeat the same words. Then turn the pillow over again and say: “As dust returns back to the earth, so you, evil, return to where it came from.” Turn the pillow over to the other side and repeat the previous words. Then go into the house, put a pillow on the bed, sprinkle it with holy water and cross yourself three times. Turn the pillow over and do the same. Once all this is done, wash your hands, moisten them with holy water and drink three sips of holy water. Now the effect of evil and harm has been destroyed.

Pike teeth. The witches remove the jaws with teeth from the pike head. Various spells are cast on them for evil and harm, and then they are thrown into the garden or under the door of their victim. If such a lining is discovered, you must immediately push it onto a scoop with some object, take it outside the house and burn it at the stake with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, let the witchcraft spells, intended by evil, be destroyed. Return, spirit of evil, straight to hell." While the fire is burning, read the Lord's Prayer. When the fire burns out, cover the ashes with earth and cross yourself three times. Turn to the east and say: “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Spray the place where the jaw lay (garden or threshold) with holy water in a cross shape with the words: “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Then sprinkle this area generously with soil.

Lining in the form of an egg or shell. Eggs have always attracted the attention of witches. The egg is a symbol of life. There are many black magic effects on a person with its use. Sometimes there are people who throw charmed eggs. There are eggs that a witch sucks out and then spits out with spells, and throws the shell under the threshold of her victim. If you find an egg or shell planted under a threshold or in the yard, under no circumstances should you pick it up with your hands. All this must be collected on a scoop, taken outside, made a fire and burned, while reading the prayer “May God rise again.” Arriving home, you need to clean the threshold and the inside of the house with a candle and holy water, reading any prayer against damage.

Spoilage through chicken. If you were given a slaughtered chicken with its legs tied as a gift, you need to be very careful. This bird carries a fatal disease. The witches tie the chicken's wings and legs with the rope that tied the dead man's hands. Sometimes a piece of meat may be cut off or its wings may be twisted. Such a piece is cut out from a living chicken, thereby desiring the same torment for the victim. Such a chicken can be brought for a treat, and feathers and meat can be discreetly placed in the victim’s pillow. Having received such a “gift”, you should not touch it with your hands. First, carry the bird three times counterclockwise over the fire, which will break the witchcraft spell that connects the chicken with the hex. Then take it to the intersection and burn it. Read the Lord's Prayer three times over the ashes. After which, for three days in a row, drink holy water in the morning with the prayer “May God rise again.”

Lining through rope. Sometimes you can find a rope with knots near or in the house. These can be loops or loops with knots. The more intricate the knots, the more sophisticated the damage. This is a special type of damage in which the witch deprives a person of certain abilities or paralyzes any parts of the body. This type of damage is very strong. For removal you need to contact a healer. But first, neutralize the harmful lining. If ropes with knots are found, they must be destroyed as soon as possible. But first, pierce each knot with a knife with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, destroy the forces of the enemy.” Cross the rope three times and repeat with each knot. Then burn everything, saying the prayer “Our Father,” and bury the ashes and read the prayer “Alive in Help” over this place.

A trace of a quarrel. If during the feast there was a quarrel among the guests, then, after seeing them off, you need to walk around the house with a candle, starting from the door, counterclockwise, while reading the prayer “Our Father”. Then walk clockwise also with a lit candle, reading the prayer “May God rise again.” Thus, the information of the quarrel is removed. Then you need to leave the lit candle to burn out at the front door on the threshold. At this time, sprinkle holy water on all corners of the apartment or house in a clockwise direction. At the end of this ritual, you should turn to the east and bow to thank God for your help.

Guests. If a person whom you suspect of witchcraft stayed overnight in the apartment, and there is a possibility that he will leave enchanted objects in the apartment, then make a bed for this person in a place where he can be seen. Place a piece of chalk under the bed or mattress where the sorcerer sleeps, and rub the door frame with incense. Place a clove of peeled garlic in a visible place in each room. Before going to bed, you need to pray and cross all the windows and doors.

Lock. It happens that someone else's castle is discovered near or inside the house. This kind of lining needs to be taken very seriously. You can't touch it with your hands. The lock needs to be wrapped in paper and hidden in a place where no one can take it. On the waning moon, hit the lock three times with a stick, while saying: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, I unlock everything that was locked, the key is God’s name for me, the intercessor is the Mother of God, the guard is my Guardian Angel. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of the Holy Trinity of Consubstantiality, I unlock the lock.” After reading the plot again, hit the lock with a stick three times, then throw the stick and lock into the fire and read the “Our Father” prayer three times. After this, you need to go to church, light one candle for the health of your enemies, order a service for your health and light a candle to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, in front of whose icon ask in your own words for help and protection from all enemies and other people's witchcraft.

Henbane. If you find a lining of henbane seeds at home or under your threshold, you need to be careful. These small black grains show the way for the demons. If you touch such seeds with your hand, then demons can get into a person this way. You need to carefully sweep the seeds away from you and take them outside. They need to be burned in this way: light a fire only from thin branches, draw a circle around the fire with one branch with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Then throw this branch into the fire. Tie a cross from two branches using a thread. Cross the fire three times, throw henbane seeds into the fire with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, go, demons, to eternal hell.” Then cross the cross made from branches with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” and throw it into the fire. And cross yourself three times; leave without looking back.

Damage through blood. If you find drops of blood on your doorstep, be careful. We need to try to find the source of the blood. If it is not found, then it is necessary to clean this place. You need to be careful when doing this. These may be drops of blood from a killed ritual animal. A sorcerer or witch uses special spells to take possession of the soul of an animal with the aim of harming it. The blood must be washed off with water using a rag. Carry a burning candle over this place three times with the prayer “Our Father.” Then sprinkle with holy water. When the water dries, rub the treated areas with the onion. The rag used to wash off the blood should be burned on the street.

Witch's egg. This is a strangely shaped mushroom with a corpse-like odor. Witches love to throw such eggs under the threshold of houses in which there are infants. Having discovered such a lining, you need to sweep it away from yourself, then take it outside the house or apartment and bury it. Seal the buried place with a cross with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Drive an aspen peg into the ground. When you return home, wash the doors and pour the water outside. If you find an egg on the ground, then you need to generously fill the area with holy water. The gate (if any) can also be washed well with water and the prayer “Our Father”. Then cross the place where this lining lay three times.

Apricot kernel. Sometimes you find an apricot kernel in the bag along with the apricots you are treated to. It can be burned on both sides, split or tied with thread. The lining must be burned on fire with the prayer “Our Father.” Then sprinkle the place where the bone was burning with earth and cross it three times. When you come home, make three circles with your hands over the candle fire counterclockwise and drink three sips of holy water.

Tablecloth. After guests leave, you can sometimes see a hole in the tablecloth. But you won’t immediately understand where it came from. Meanwhile, one of the guests could have done this. But if you don’t find the hole immediately after the guests leave, then the well-being of the house may gradually deteriorate, the table will begin to get scarcer, and ultimately poverty may set in. If you find a hole in the tablecloth, do not rush to shake off the crumbs. You need to take a thread, moisten it with holy water, and thread it into a needle. Cross all this three times with the words of the conspiracy: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, I will destroy all evil, witchcraft and sorcery.” Sew up the hole without removing the tablecloth from the table and constantly repeating: “There shall be no witchcraft and sorcery.” When the hole is sewn up, put a piece of bread in this place and make the sign of the cross with the words: “Let there be bread and all kinds of food on this table.” Then burn the bread. After this, remove the tablecloth, shake it and put it in the wash. After washing and ironing, fumigate it with incense with the prayer “May God rise again.”

Nails. You need to be careful if you had to trim your nails outside the home. They should not fall into the wrong hands. But if there is a suspicion that this has happened, the following precautions should be taken: at dawn, take undrinkable water, which can be left standing for 2 hours, and water the palm of your hand so that the water flows down the nails into the ground with the words: “Let all the bad things that came from from my hand, what my hand desired goes into the ground.” At sunset, light a fire, cut off the nails from all fingers and toes and throw them into the fire with the words: “Go away the evil, witchcraft that was spoken to me through the nails cut before and now.” When the fire goes out, you need to say: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” When the fire burns out, scatter the ashes to the cardinal points. Leave without looking back.

Crow. If a dead crow or its wing is found under the threshold or near the gate, you should be careful. You can’t take it with your hands; you need to take either a wooden scoop or a wooden plank and pry off this find. Take it to a crossroads, pour gasoline on it and set it on fire. When the crow ignites, you must say: “Go away, evil, there is no way back to where it came from.” Then read the “Our Father” prayer three times. When the crow burns, go home without looking back. On the way back, you need to repeat the words all the time: “Lord, save and preserve.” Near the place where this lining used to lie, you need to cross yourself three times to the east and light a small fire. Arriving home, light a candle in front of the icon of the Mother of God, read the prayer “Our Father” and the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice” seven times. Cross yourself three times and bow to the east.