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Inn in the Czech Republic. The Register of Entrepreneurs of the Czech Republic provides information about everyone who does business in the Czech Republic. Company in the Czech Republic – conditions for doing business in the Czech Republic

After the death of Charles IV, Prague soon lost its former importance as the seat of the most powerful ruler of the then Christian world, since Charles's son, Wenceslas IV, was removed from the Roman throne. However, in the historical era that followed - the Hussite revolution, which was the prelude to the great European revolutions, the citizens of Prague themselves and their political representatives from its very beginning fully exploited the economic and military potential of the city and, with the help of their allies among the rural inhabitants, played a role that went far beyond the boundaries of the then Czech kingdoms. The “Chalice” was not only a symbol of the victory of the revolution, after its completion it became the actual result, recognized at that time by the highest spiritual institution - the church council. Prague at that time was, indeed, the center of the Czech kingdom and the true heart of the Hussite Czech Republic, which was recognized by both its Czech allies and opponents within the country and abroad.
the whole country. Thus, the election of a new Czech king from among the nobility within the walls of the Prague Town Hall only confirmed the high political prestige of the Prague residents. Jiří from Poděbrady ascended the royal throne to become a fair ruler of both Catholics and Chasniks.

Jiri from Poděbrady, who became famous, among other things, for his peaceful initiatives with which he addressed the rulers of the then Christian world, was replaced on the throne by the kings of the Polish Jagiellon dynasty. During their reign, the image of Gothic Prague and Prague Castle was completed with the construction of remarkable architectural structures of the late Gothic period. Prague at that time had already lost its role as a capital city, since King Vladislav Jagiellon, who also became the King of Hungary, moved the capital of the state to Buda, since at the election ceremony he promised this to representatives of the Hungarian estates. Given the internal political strife with the nobility, Prague, at the head of the royal capitals, was at that time a consistent supporter of the legal norm in which the capital represented the third vote (third estate) at the Diets of Estates. This provision was approved for cities in 1508, and civil strife between the Czech classes (lords and knights) ended with the conclusion of the so-called “Svatovaclav Treaty” in 1517. This important document, which did not resolve all the issues in the relationship between the warring parties, partially guaranteed what had been achieved the previous political and economic situation of Prague and other cities of the kingdom. Only the unsuccessful participation of Prague residents in the 1st uprising of the Estates in 1547 against Ferdinand I made it possible for the victorious king to completely subjugate Prague, which for many decades was quite independent within the kingdom, thanks to its political and economic authority. After the establishment of the government positions of hetmans and starosts (richtarzhes), city government became completely dependent on these employees, appointed by the king from among the nobles. Thus, the Prague Old Town Hall from the supreme governing body of the urban estates turned into a subordinate institution without the actual right of independent politics.

The official name of the country is the Czech Republic. But in everyday life it is customary to use a shorter name - Czech Republic.

The Czech Republic is a presidential republic in Central Europe, with borders with Poland (in the north), Germany (in the west), Austria (in the south), and Slovakia (in the east). - city of Prague. This is the only metropolis in the country; rich in cultural traditions and... Every year, Prague is visited by millions of tourists from all over the world.

The Czech Republic is formed by the merger of three regions - Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. In 1999, the Czech Republic joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Since 2004, the state has been a member of the European Union. Since 2007, the Czech Republic has been a full member of the Schengen area, which greatly simplifies visiting the country for holders of the coveted Eurovisa.

Administrative division

The Czech Republic consists of 13 regions (here they are called “regions”):

  • Central Bohemian Region (St?edo?esk? kraj) – administrative center of Prague
  • South Bohemian Region (Jiho?esk?kraj) – Ceske Budejovice
  • Pilsen region (Plze?sk? kraj) - Pilsen
  • Karlovy Vary region (Karlovarsk? kraj) - Karlovy Vary
  • Usti region (?steck? kraj) – Usti nad Labem
  • Liberec region (Libereck? kraj) - Liberec
  • Kralove Hradeck Region (Kr?lov?hradeck? kraj) - Hradec Kralove
  • Pardubice region (Pardubick? kraj) - Pardubice
  • Olomouc region (Olomouck? kraj) - Olomouc
  • Moravian-Silesian Region (Moravskoslezsk? kraj) - Ostrava
  • South Moravian Region (Jihomoravsk? kraj) – Brno
  • Zlín region (Zl?nsk? kraj) – Zlín
  • Vysočina – Jihlava


The territory of the Czech Republic does not exceed 80,000 square meters. kilometers. The landscape is varied and varied. The region in the west of the country, Bohemia, is conveniently located in the basins of the Laba and Vltava rivers. Bohemia is surrounded by a ring of low mountains called the Sudetes. The highest point in the Czech Republic, Mount Snezka, is also located there. Its height reaches 1,600 meters.

The eastern part of the country, Moravia, is located in the Morava River basin and is a hilly area. Also in Moravia is the source of the famous German Oder (though here the river is called Odra).

All rivers flowing through the territory of the Czech Republic flow into the seas: the Black, Baltic and Northern. There is no sea in the republic itself.


Just over 10 million people live in the country. The vast majority are ethnic Czechs (95%).

Foreigners account for only 4% of the country's population. The largest diaspora is Ukrainian. According to data for 2007, there were about 130,000 Ukrainians. Almost half as many Slovaks, about 70,000. About the same number of Vietnamese live in the Czech Republic, 50,000 people. There are approximately 20,000 Russians and Poles each. Then come representatives of Germany, Hungary and.


The Czech Republic and Prague are the most atheistic countries and cities in Europe. According to a survey conducted in the early 2000s, about 60% of the country's population does not believe in God.

Among believers, the overwhelming majority - namely 27% of the population - supports the Catholic religion. Just under 3% of the population are Protestants. There are also supporters of the Czech Reformed Church, little known outside the country.

Quite a few are among believers and Orthodox Christians. According to the 2001 census, their number is close to 25,000. Interestingly, the number of Orthodox Christians in the Czech Republic is steadily increasing, while supporters of Catholicism and other “Western” churches are increasingly losing their faith and joining the ranks of atheists.

Public holidays (non-working days):

  • January 1 - Independence Day
  • May 8 - Victory Day
  • July 5 - Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius
  • July 6th - Jan Hus Execution Day
  • September 28 - Statehood Day
  • October 28 - Day of the establishment of the Republic of Czechoslovakia
  • November 17 - Day of the Fight for Freedom and Democracy

Holidays (non-working days):

  • January 1 - New Year
  • May 1 - Labor Day
  • December 24 - Christmas Eve
  • December 25 - Christmas
  • December 26 - Christmas

Memorable days (working days):

  • January 27 - Day of Remembrance for the Victims of the Holocaust and Crimes Against Humanity
  • March 8 - International Women's Day
  • March 12 - Day of the Czech Republic joining NATO
  • April 7 - Day of Enlightenment
  • May 5 - Uprising of the Czech people
  • May 15 - Family Day
  • June 10 - Destruction of the village of Lidice
  • June 27 - Day of Remembrance for Victims of the Communist Regime
  • November 11 - War Veterans Day
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Very often in our work we come across a question from our clients - “how to check the existence of a company in the Czech Republic?” The question is really reasonable, because after opening a company, our clients want to make sure that the company was really open and exists for them.

First of all, I would like to say that the register of legal entities in the Czech Republic is publicly accessible; in other words, anyone can obtain detailed information from it. This, as you might have guessed, greatly simplifies the process of checking the existence of a company.

At the moment, there are two main ways to check the existence - this is an online check of the existence of a company in the Czech Republic or obtaining a paper certificate from the trade register. Since we are now “online” with you, let’s first look at how to check the existence of a company in the Czech Republic using the Internet. Agree, this is much easier than receiving paper statements.

Checking via the Internet.

Let’s not beat around the bush and say right away that in the Czech Republic there is such a wonderful website as, which can provide a lot of interesting information from various registers of the Czech Republic, but is focused specifically on obtaining information about legal entities in the Czech Republic. The only difficulty that you may encounter is that the site is entirely in Czech and does not have other language versions, but our short guide will help you with this, as well as some explanations for the search results. You can also use automatic page translation, which many modern browsers now offer.

As you can see, the process is quite simple, but in this case you will not receive an official certificate and this online service serves only for information. You can get an official certificate from the relevant organizations, but more on that below.

Official certificate of existence of the company.

You can also receive an official, certified certificate of the existence of the company. The list of places where you can do this is very, very wide. This can be done in the commercial court of any Czech city, at the post office or in special places called CzechPoint (most often located in the administrations of Czech cities and regions).

In order to make such a certificate, you will also need either the name of the company or its identification number. The certificate is made on the spot within 5 minutes, but costs little money - from 70 to 100 Czech crowns per copy, depending on where you will make this certificate.

Explanations for the extract from the commercial register

If you do not speak Czech, you may find some clarifications on the certificates helpful. Below is a translation of the main help points:

  • « Datum zápisu" - date of creation.
  • « Obchodni firma" - official name.
  • « Sídlo" - legal address
  • « Identifikační číslo" - an identification number
  • « Právni forma" - legal form.
  • « Předmět podnikání" - subject of activity.
  • « Statutory authority» — managing body (directors).
  • « Způsob jednání» - method of management (each director individually or only jointly).
  • « Společnici» - list of founders.
  • « Zakladní capital» — authorized capital.

As you can see, in terms of checking the existence of a legal entity in the Czech Republic and obtaining information about it, everything is quite simple.

Are you planning to use the services of a Czech company unknown to you, but don’t know anything about it? It doesn’t matter, you can get important information without getting up from your chair, just know the sources of information on the Internet.

Commercial register of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic

Public access to the register (often called the Czech Commercial Court) is possible on the website . This address is familiar to many, but not all possibilities are fully used. Public register (Veřejný rejstřík) – in a simplified search form, just enter the name of the company (it is better not to enter abbreviations like “s.r.o.”, there are spelling variants, for example “spol. s r.o.”) or identification number.

There is also a special registry page with a short address:

Once the desired company has been found, under its basic data you will see three links:

Výpis platných – an up-to-date extract (analogue of the Russian registration certificate) is an official presentation of the company’s registration certificate, it contains brief official information. At the bottom right there is a link - “Stáhnout PDF verzi výpisu” - clicking on it will download the statement to your computer. For many organizations that do not require a notarized copy, this will be sufficient.

Úplny výpis – a complete extract, which additionally indicates the data that was previously changed, for example, name, types of activities, size of the authorized capital. Strictly speaking, you can change everything in a company except the identification number ( IČO- Identifikační číslo osoby, ).

Sbírka listin – archive of documents, all documents that served as the basis for the status of the company are stored here - notarial records, agreements on the transfer of shares, as well as copies of the company’s annual balance sheets. With some skills or with the help of a Czech accountant, you can assess the solidity of your potential counterparty. If there are no balance sheets, this means that the company is breaking the law, for some reason hiding the true state of affairs. A sample signature of the director is also submitted to the archive; it can be found in the document entitled “podpisové vzory " I’m not sure it’s worth publishing a list of the company’s assets along with a sample signature of the director, but, oddly enough, Czech scammers are not encouraged by this.

What else you need to pay attention to: if “v likvidaci”, this means that the company is in the process of liquidation and cannot conduct full-fledged commercial activities.

From the main page of the portal A register of entities undergoing bankruptcy is also available.

In the registers you can find data not only of companies, but also of private entrepreneurs, cooperatives, communities of apartment owners, charitable foundations, etc. For an accurate search, you can use a search using advanced parameters.

Business register –

Basic information - a list of issued licenses, an address for searching by company name or identification number:

Unlike the Commercial Register, the Business Register also allows you to view a more complete history of the company - changes in types of activities, exact dates of appointment and removal of management persons, registered places of business (Provozovna). The advanced search form allows, for example, to find out which companies and in what quantity are registered at a given address.

If you are choosing a legal address for a new company, then it is better to avoid addresses where several hundred companies are registered.

Commercial register on the website

Improved shell, conveniently in which companies the founder is this or that person or another company. You can also view the company's status as of a specific date or set the minimum amount of authorized capital to be displayed.This is, for example, what the connections of PRE, an electricity supplier, look like.

Directory of companies on the website

Information from the commercial and entrepreneurial register in one place. A special feature of the resource is the ability to evaluate a person or company. For small firms, you shouldn't expect a lot of estimates, but it doesn't hurt to check.

So, from open sources in the Czech Republic you can obtain the following information about a company or entrepreneur:

  • registration data (composition of founders, size and distribution of authorized capital, information on managers, method of certification of documents on behalf of the company, types of activities)
  • copies of annual reports
  • manager's signature sample
  • change history
  • in addition to the legal address - registered places of business
  • participation of a company or entrepreneur in other companies
  • number and names of companies registered at a specific address

To open a company in the Czech Republic or register as a private entrepreneur, in most cases they try to resolve the issue of a long-term visa, the legality of long-term residence, and the opportunity to work and do business in the Czech Republic. This one belongs to the so-called business immigration to the Czech Republic, and has a number of undeniable advantages.

The Czech Republic provides excellent conditions for doing business. , and various legal entities operate under Czech legislation, which is constantly being improved in accordance with European Union standards, taking into account the experience of leading states. Openness of information and reasonable control allow you to comfortably conduct business in the Czech Republic.

Among all types of legal entities in the Czech Republic, the most optimal form of doing business is a Limited Liability Company - s.r.o. Registration of a company in the Czech Republic (Společnost s ručením omezeným), followed by organizing a business in the Czech Republic, opens up the opportunity for you not only to successfully conduct your business in the Czech Republic, having realized their abilities in a favorable legislative environment, but also obtain a residence permit in the Czech Republic, move to the Czech Republic with the whole family.

The founders of the company can apply for a short-term or long-term visa, and upon family reunification, transport their children to the Czech Republic. Having a residence permit in the Czech Republic, you can live both in the Czech Republic and in your homeland; your residence permit in the Czech Republic remains with you.

New firm may not immediately conduct profitable business activities - within two years you can submit a zero balance. But for those who want to connect their lives with the Czech Republic, it is better to obtain a residence permit in this country if business in the Czech Republic will reach a normal level of development. It will be especially appreciated if additional jobs are created on the territory of the republic. In this case, many issues can be resolved more easily; further obtaining a long-term visa and residence permit in the Czech Republic will not create problems. Your residence and residence in the country will receive positive interest from the authorities and financial authorities.

Procedure for registering a company (limited liability company - s.r.o.):

  1. Get in touch and consult on any questions you may have regarding opening a company in the Czech Republic or registering a private entrepreneur.
  2. Decide on company name(it is better that we check in advance whether it is free and if there are no problems when translating into Czech).
  3. Decide who will be among the founders of your company in the Czech Republic (the founder of the company can be a person who has reached 18 years of age, the maximum number of founders in a company is 50 people).
  4. Select Jednatele, the director of the company.
  5. Problems with the size of the authorized capital companies in the Czech Republic has not occurred since 2014. Now authorized capital of the company may be purely symbolic and equal 1 Czech crown. Until 2014, it was necessary to resolve the issue of percentage distribution of shares in the company (minimum the size of the authorized capital according to the law was 200,000 Czech crowns, but not less than 20,000 Czech crowns for one person). But when determining the size of the authorized capital of your company in the Czech Republic, it is worth considering that to a certain extent it reflects the seriousness of your intentions to do business in the Czech Republic. And this, in turn, will affect the possibility of obtaining a long-term visa to the Czech Republic. The latest exchange rate of the Czech crown to the ruble in banks and exchange offices in the Czech Republic can be viewed on our website. There are also forecasts for changes in exchange rates to major currencies from leading Czech economists.
  6. Prepare a certificate of no criminal record for the director and founders in the country of residence.
  7. Decide which types of activities will be written down in the Memorandum of Association of your limited liability company (s.r.o.), and for which of them you want to receive a živnostenský list - licenses for permitted types of activities.
  8. Prepare notarized copies of Birth Certificates of all founders.
  9. Make a photocopy of the first page of the international passport of each founder (no need to notarize).

We do not recommend overusing the number of founders, because... when reviewing documents when applying for a long-term visa, they will determine the need for a long-term presence in the Czech Republic of each member of the company separately. The approach is strictly individual.

If you decide to open a company through us, you will need a notarized power of attorney (we will send a sample power of attorney). The power of attorney may be written in the language of your country of residence, in which case you have it certified by a local notary. Or in Czech, and then you have it certified by a notary in the Czech Republic or at the Czech consulate.

If necessary, we will select a real legal address for your company in the Czech Republic, at which there should be a sign with the name of the company and a mailbox (in the Czech Republic, most documents are sent by mail), allowing you to respond in a timely manner to postal requests addressed to your company in the Czech Republic. Contact us via Contacts at any time.

Registration of a company in the Czech Republic usually occurs within 10-15 business days. After registration, all data on the company is reflected on the portal We advise you to carefully review all sections on the main page of our website. If you have any questions,

General conditions for obtaining a business permit in the Czech Republic.

A company in the Czech Republic – conditions for doing business in the Czech Republic.

To obtain permission to conduct business activities in the Czech Republic (Živnostenský list), in addition to the basic conditions, you must also meet the general criteria for obtaining such a right:

  1. be at least 18 years of age;
  2. be fit to make legal decisions - legal capacity;
  3. impeccability from a legislative point of view (controlled by the institution according to the criminal records register).

A fee is charged for obtaining permission for a certain type of business activity of a company in the Czech Republic. For the first license you need to pay 1000 CZK (500 CZK for each subsequent order, regardless of the number of licenses.) All the details of obtaining licenses and company work in the Czech Republic, including fines for violations and revocation (suspension) of the license are described in detail in the “Law on Entrepreneurship” (živnostenský zákon).

Types of business activities in the Czech Republic that require obtaining a certain type of license:

  • List of activities for a company in the Czech Republic that do not require additional documents and conditions.
  • Activities that require authorization (authorized engineer, architect or designer, driving schools and others). It is necessary to have a document on professional education or retraining and, if stipulated by the conditions, then the required period of practical work in the specialty - experience.
  • To obtain a license for such types of activities, professional suitability will also be required, which consists of having: special education in the given field (in this case, practice is not required) - see § 21 paragraph 1 of Živnostenského zákona - or education in related professions, but this is required year of experience in the specialty chosen for licensing - see § 22 paragraph 1 of the Law. There are also a number of conditions for a company to obtain this type of license in the Czech Republic.
  • Activities that require high qualifications, this also includes unsafe activities (organization of shooting ranges, weapon repair, etc.) It is also required to have professional suitability, i.e. education in the selected type of activity or a document on requalification, if required, then experience in the selected licensed activity - see Appendix 3 Živnostenského zákona.

What it is advisable to know when deciding to open a company in the Czech Republic.

Your employee is liable for damage caused in an amount of no more than 4.5 times the minimum wage. This law applies if a connection is proven between causing material damage and the employee’s violation of the rules or production instructions in force at the company in the Czech Republic. It should be noted that the “livestock owner” himself is responsible for material damage in full.

A company in the Czech Republic is considered valid from the moment it is registered in the Trade Register. On the contrary, liquidated - after the entry from the register is deleted.

Odpovědný zástupce- responsible representative

When a company operates in the Czech Republic on the basis of a license for a craft activity, if necessary, a responsible representative can be used. The responsible representative replaces the “livestock manager” if the latter does not have enough qualifications to conduct this type of activity. The intercessor must be registered with the Licensing Chamber. Register the change of the responsible representative (it will not be possible to initially obtain a license for this type of activity of the company without a representative).

Odpovědný zástupce - the responsible representative is responsible for the technological and production process, its compliance with the received license and compliance with the provisions of the (ŽZ) Law on Entrepreneurship.

The responsible representative can be either an employee of a company in the Czech Republic or work with the company under a contract (mandátní smlouva).

Some requirements for company employees

The employer must provide workers with safety and health training. For example, medical examinations for kitchen workers, drivers or night guards.

A salesperson in a store must know Czech or Slovak, otherwise he may be given a disciplinary interview (I have never encountered such punishments).

The company's production facilities are in the Czech Republic.

Not only stationary premises, but also kiosks and mobile retail outlets, trays. The company can also use vending machines, but it is prohibited to sell alcohol and medicine in them.

A company in the Czech Republic can have several production or retail premises, but they must be registered with the ŽU Office for Business Activities. In this case, it is necessary to attach ownership agreements for these premises or lease agreements with attached extracts from the real estate cadastre of the Czech Republic.

The production, sales premises or tray must be marked with a sign with the name of the company; if necessary, the responsible representative of the company in the Czech Republic must be indicated, IČO must be indicated. Mobile retail or production outlets must indicate the legal address of the company. Retail outlets must indicate opening hours. Dormitories must have a category or class indicated.

If a retail outlet or production facility is closed, an announcement indicating the deadline should be posted at least three days before.

On the basis of special orders, localities can issue so-called shopping arcades to companies in the Czech Republic. The documents indicate the allocated area, the number of retail spaces, opening hours, rules for maintaining cleanliness and safety.

First of all, we think that there is enough information to get a general idea of ​​how the company operates in the Czech Republic. If you have questions, it is better to consult our specialists in advance.