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The workers will come and give you the runes. Proven runes for fulfilling desires. Becoming abundance with wands of wealth

Becoming Gift - Gift.

Just a bag of gifts for anyone.

Changes the direction of the probability lines to positive - problems weaken, money appears, goals are achieved. Ingredients: Eyvaz - a powerful push and redirection.

Becoming a Soul - fulfillment of desires and dreams

Rune Soulu - success, solution to a problem.
Tours - clears space and path
Tivaz (Shooting Range) - goal, idea, dream, desire
Berkana - amulet
Second plan:
Vunyo and Raido - movement towards good luck, removing obstacles
Uruz - new situations and qualitative changes
Algiz - luck and protection of the goal
Fehu - increasing material level
Inguz - fertility inexhaustibility
Hyera - annual cycle
Sol(Round) - general protective shell

becoming Viljir - wish fulfillment

standing against enemies, to prolong life, for protection, to fulfill desires. One of the most famous “wands”. It can both cure a person, correct a life situation (whatever it may be), and punish enemies, protect. (Please note this is not variety of Rodu kross despite the external similarity).

Material - wood, clay, paper. Can be worn as a talisman, can be stored in the house, can be used to solve specific situations.

Elm Gift

Brings an unexpected gift into your life. It doesn’t matter what kind, materially valuable, or just pleasant and unexpected
main - gebo - gift, gift
fehu - useful, meaningful, expensive (financially and for the heart)
vunye - bringing joy and satisfaction
Dagaz - changing life for the better (improving quality of life)
perth - chance, luck to get it
yera - again - profit and a thing for constant use, benefit
Becoming applied to yourself.

Becoming Gifts of the Universe

(becoming to reveal extrasensory abilities, opening Divine channels, including money ones).

Thanks to the material that was kindly provided by Shamal, such a thing was born.
Shamal thank you for the colorful design!

And so the basis of the stav is the Glyph - a symbol of a person’s talent. In practice, it is used to reveal talents in a person.

Below is the connection - Glyph RETURN OF MEMORY - Talisman for opening a spiritual channel. It is used to connect a person with higher beings of Light, to increase the spiritual level; development of intuition and extrasensory sensitivity to receive information from the higher worlds. The talisman reveals the Divine essence of the feminine and masculine principles. Helps to feel the energies of the Earth and Space to the fullest. Gives awareness of past lives and understanding of the processes of reincarnation as a mechanism for educating the soul.

Glyph Kuus. High potential - Promotes focus on the highest, the disclosure of leadership qualities, the ability to unite, psychic abilities (clairvoyance, telepathy, mesmerism).

Glyph FORWARD - The talisman is aimed at accelerating the awakening of consciousness, the opening of clairvoyance, spiritual growth, and calming emotions.

Use with caution! By becoming strong enough! You can draw on yourself, a photo, or make it a talisman!

Becoming the Gold of the Scythians.

Becoming works to attract material wealth (as specified).

Working runes:

Fehu - material benefit (the one you negotiate)

Laguzy is the attraction of this good,

Raido and Algiz provide an open opportunity to get what you want,

Vunyo - joy from achieving (receiving).

Of course, it’s not a fact that a car will fall out of the sky for you within the agreed time frame! =))) Simply by becoming it solves material problems. If we wish for a car, then it is given to you in the way that is most favorable and most likely to achieve the goal.

Becoming was originally conceived for the acquisition of material things... But I never specify deadlines, since the runes work within THEIR timeframes and they themselves choose the path of least resistance to achieve the goal.

Becoming a wish come true - square bali

Becoming a wish come true 1

Elves of enchantment: x – for making deals, for getting a job, success; l - for acquiring various benefits, for protection and prosperity, for protection from evil, concentrates the action of the stave, generalizes the work of runes and letters in the stave; q – for the fulfillment of plans, for the fulfillment of desires...

Sol-runir: ? - used to obtain results, guarantees the fulfillment of any fleeting desire (therefore it is better to specifically and immediately stipulate it); ? – to achieve what you want in long-term projects, for long-term plans and prospects, to achieve major desires, for profit, to attract clients, for transactions, etc...; p – intended for success, good luck and well-being, fulfillment of desires, prosperity and productivity, while the rune protects by becoming.

Make it as a talisman and carry it with you. The application procedure is normal. It is advisable to activate it as a runic talisman and carry it with you. It will stop working on its own when your wish is fulfilled. Therefore, there is no need to specify deadlines. Just burn it later with gratitude and that’s it. Gifts to the Elves as usual: candies with colored wrappers, honey, milk, calendula flowers (marigolds), etc... not everything, of course, and a little at a time, you don’t need to bring a lot. The main thing is that you compose a song of praise for them with feeling (“song” is not necessary, but is encouraged). The desire to order one by one becoming.

Becoming a wish come true 2

Becoming a wish come true 3

Actually, as it’s called, that’s what it does

The formula consists of:

Perth – luck, getting what you want;

Gebo - gift, gift;

Ansuz (2 pcs., form 2 evaz on top) – our desire, evaz in the background ensures rapid movement towards what we want;

Vunyo (2 pcs) – result, fulfillment, happiness from getting what you want.

Mannaz, which can be seen in the middle of the formula, is in the background and fits perfectly into the formula

Becoming the fulfillment of any desire.

Becoming "Oath"

Created on the basis of the "Blessed Union" stave of the respected Trap. The meaning of the stave is to appeal to the Gods, ask for the fulfillment of a desire, followed by an oath to do/not do something for the rest of your life or for a long time, i.e. payment is the fulfillment of an oath. It will also help to ward off bad things if what you want can be harmful to you. If the Gods agree, arrogant and vile disobedience, violation of the oath will be accompanied by hot shouting, so think a hundred times whether what you want is worth it, such a step is not one that can be taken lightly.

Working runes in the stave:

Eyvaz - the will of the Gods;

Gebo + Salt - oath;

Mannaz is a man, and a gift if it is the will of the Gods;

Slander as an appeal:

“Oh, Great Gods, I appeal to you and ask you to hear me. If it is your will, then (formulation of desire). Let (if love, etc. - “let feelings develop” (I quote uv. Trap), here the same thing in the formulation of the desire, they say, if you want to be able to learn to play the piano, then let my abilities and skills grow and improve, or prosperity come without loss, if you want to get rich, etc... turn on your imagination.) In return, I swear (to do/not to do) then all your life\for some time. You need to swear to something significant enough to justify the value of what you want). If it is not your will, then let everything remain as it is. If I dare to deliberately break my oath, then I ask you, Punish me justly. Let the great Thor be a witness to my oath. In the name of the Great Odin, d.b.t.!"

Slander on a piece of paper with a mark written in blood (you can sign your name on the bottom in blood). Activation only by burning, ideal for starting a situation. What they swore not a word to anyone!!!

Becoming an Angel Lomador

Standing on the wings of dreams.

Becoming influences all aspects of life and helps you gain everything that you are missing. Gives prosperity and success. He helps you follow the right direction to fulfill your dream, but only one that will not harm anyone.


Draw stav on paper, cardboard, wood, canvas, silk, etc. Use a brush and paints. You can print the image and color the mascot itself.

As soon as you start drawing, the glyphs immediately begin to move.

Becoming a pyramid

Becoming consists of glyphs: beginning, expansion, growth, saturation and revelation. Frame stave Glyph power. Becoming is designed to achieve your plans, success, good luck. reinforced with the letters of Charlemagne. I placed the glyph on a photograph of mountains because it feels similar to this energy. When you come down from the mountains and come to the city, there are no problems for a while, there are problems that you can solve relatively easily. Here, in terms of impact, something similar happened. The validity period is a week!

Becoming a Gift of Fate

"A gift of fate". In the form of a chain of events following one after another, in the form of gifts or winnings, we achieve the result (goal) we need. The goal can be from winning the lottery, to changing housing, work, etc... The second becoming “Win” is financial, you can replace the filling of the stav (Fehu-Dagaz) with other runes (for example, direct and mirror Fehu) and win, attract something else...

Becoming a helper - fulfillment of a wish

Sometimes you dream and dream about something: how the date will go, what you will do on the weekend, how you will go on a visit, what gift you will receive, who knows what... And so you think like that, you dream, and when the time comes, what you want or not comes true or it comes true so awry that it would be better if it didn’t come true at all... Here is the formula for such cases:

Working runes:

eB (Hung.) - receiving something: gifts, profit, information;

Thromaz (German) – dream, dream, fairyland;

eK (Hung.) – precise targeting;

Sigel (northumb.) – victory, quick and bright;

eM (Hungarian) – joy, fun, tone, good mood

Stipulate: “May the power of the runes fulfill / realize what I am now dreaming about, my desire / my dream, with precision and exactly as I want, may the fulfillment of my dream be quick and bright, and bring me joy, fun and good mood "

Going straight to the target - a breakthrough in the field

Becoming is intended for a breakthrough in a certain area and achieving results at all costs. Specify in the following way:

Becoming collects and accumulates energy from the surrounding world (in addition, this and that) and directs it to an unconditional breakthrough to solve a given problem with a successful outcome and achievement of results. Becoming highlights only the positive qualities necessary to achieve the goal and does not harm the operator.

The composition of the runes in the stave: Sol, Inguz, Yera, Kano, Gebo, Teyvaz.

"Circles" is the Icelandic rune Sol repeated four times. Having become, start drawing as convenient as possible, from any rune.

Becoming the implementation of plans.

Soul - gives energy

2 Teyvaza – aspiration

Evaz – constant, persistent progress in the right direction

Naud – mobilization of forces, concentration

Mirror Vunyo Fehu - moral satisfaction and reward for

work. It is in a mirror position that these runes give the desired effect.

Becoming a wish candle

Becoming a “Candle of Desires” is intended to achieve a goal, get what you want, or create a necessary situation.

The main thing is that the desire (goal) is realistic and good.

This form cannot be used for harmful desires.

Made for the waxing moon.

Start with the day of the week whose planet suits your desire.

(Monday – Moon, Tuesday – Mars, Wednesday – Mercury, Thursday – Jupiter, Friday – Venus, Saturday – Saturn, Sunday – Sun. Look for details on the forum).

Buy a candle that matches the color you want. Draw on it (with a marker, a sharp object, etc.) standing in full length (look closely, it consists of seven small stands that form an ornament).

Display and activate as usual.

Then place a candle in front of you and light it.

Look at the candle and think about your wish or say it out loud until the first element of the stave burns out. Put out the candle.

Repeat the ritual for seven days until the candle burns out completely.

“DESIRE OF POSSESSION” - helps to realize your plans and manage circumstances and people.

“BIRD OF LUCK” - attracts good luck in any endeavor - from love to business.

"WELL-BEING" - helps to satisfy all your needs.

“ACHIEVEMENT OF THE TOP OF GOOD” - contributes to obtaining a positive result.

Becoming Taran is a creator - fulfilling a wish, attracting good luck...

Becoming 3rd throne - wish fulfillment

"In the book “Runic spells and apocryphal prayers of the Icelanders” by L. Korablev, you can find the following set of bets for fulfilling your plans:

The options may be the following: engrave it on a ring, bracelet, or, depict it on paper, place it in a small tube. Since there is no conspiracy in the original recipe, you cannot do without improvisation - you need to somehow appeal to the forces, formulate what you want, etc. For these purposes, I have composed a short spell based on the “Vision of Gilvi”, after which the desire should be briefly and clearly voiced. Here is the spell itself, with some editions:

“Eg se ?rju has?ti og hvert upp fra o?ru og satu ?rir menn sinn i hverju. Nofn ?eirra eru Har, Jafnhar, ?ri?i og ?eir munu hjalpa mer i malefnum.”

“I see three thrones, one higher than the other, and three men sitting on them. Their names are High, Equally High, Third and they will help me in business."

Becoming a successful goal achiever. Runes Eyvaz - Yera

Becoming Freebie 1

Uruz+Evaz+Raido-Favorite horse))), pushed by the forces of desire (or a specific “philanthropist”, or everyone around.. “suddenly” and “unexpectedly”, who wanted to be one)))

Eyvaz+Ansuz-push and awareness (the very desire) of what needs to be “given”))

Vunyo (mirror) + Fehu - embodiment and materialization of plans

Nautiz (mirror) - the realized need for “philanthropists”)))

Raido comes and gives

Vunyo gives and he himself is happy about it.


Teyvaz (secondary) - pushes the “philanthropist” to action.

Becoming Tsvetik seven-colored - wish fulfillment I was doing becoming, my friend came, I automatically put it aside on the flyer with sushi delivery. An hour later, maybe less (they didn’t pay attention for a while), the doorbell rang
- You are the 1,000,000th user of our kitchen, you will receive a gift from the set sushi company for 4 persons.
We are shocked. Well, a gift is a gift. Later, we noticed that we were on the flyer. My friend immediately said, “These are your things, so explain, I want that too.”
Why explain, I didn’t even activate it, I just created it. They started checking. She put her stave in the compartment where the perfume is. Within a week, everyone who turned to her for help gave her perfume. And I inserted it into a bouquet of flowers. I don’t think it’s necessary to say that at the end of the week there was nowhere to put the flowers. We decided to try it with a not very pleasant friend, she kept crying that her bills were big, we unanimously and confidently advised putting it on one of the accounts. Yes.. The result was not forced myself to wait - taxes came already for 2009. In general, we called it just that - A LOT. So girls, if you need something and a lot during the week, you need this one. That's what we need - that's what we're betting on. Stav has not been working for more than a week.

A talisman or a permanent carrier is not needed, just a piece of paper and an intentional desire and, probably, a smile like in a simoron.

So about the runes.
Eyvaz is the miracle we are waiting for
Perth finds opportunities to create this miracle.
Fehu - prosperity, miracles come in large quantities
Vunye - it feels good for you, and it feels even more pleasant for the people who give it to you.
Dagaz - changing the situation in your favor
Laguz - flows aimed at receiving
Yera + Nautiz - mandatory harvesting.
Soulo gives energy to the entire squad, and Teyvaz purposefully directs energy to achieve the set goal.

There are secondary inverted Laguz, but it’s better not to mention them, since in the stave they, like streams of wind in a weather vane, cool the ardor a little. It’s worth stipulating the whole stave to make the wish come true. Gifts - yes, I took the whiskey and apples to the forest under tree.

Becoming Moguch

I present to your strict opinion my new work, becoming “Mighty”. The main task that was laid down was to make all actions to achieve something (no matter what actions, whether you are waiting for a resolution on your application, applying for a job, housing, benefits) not be empty troubles, as they say, so that your efforts do not turn out to be empty . The stav contains the runes Kenaz, Yera, Algiz, Fehu.
Kenaz - there is a simple clause here - to be CABLE, i.e. I do it because I can, and if I can’t, I want it to be possible. Opportunities have opened up to accomplish the task. I recommend that you set a goal for this particular rune, and the rune, in turn, will look for opportunities to realize it. Yera - so that the task at hand acquires completeness, so that actions find implementation and logical completion. Algiz - Acquiring a lasting result and, of course, a positive one. Fehu - consolidation of the result until the desired result is obtained.

Becoming a Gift

“Gift” (to receive as a gift the required amount of money or the necessary thing)
I once compiled a formula for receiving a gift of a desired item or the amount of money needed to purchase it. Since then, I tested it on myself and on friends 5-6 times - the desired result was always there, and quite quickly.
Uruz - Mannaz - Gebo - Fehu - Dagaz - we attract personal luck (Uruz) to a person (Mannaz) for a person to receive as a gift (Gebo) material values, money (Fehu) to improve their financial situation, to get what they need (Dagaz), in the last testing I decided to add Yera - it worked very quickly, so I decided to leave it (but it also works without Yera). You can negotiate both the amount of money needed for something and the desired thing.

Do you want to quickly get the necessary amount of money from friends, relatives or bosses? In this article you will learn information about what a fast-acting runic bet for money is, and also learn how to correctly apply the information received in practice. We wish you pleasant reading.

How do quick runic bets for money work?

A correctly selected, well-composed runic bet to receive a large sum of money makes it possible to open a money channel necessary to attract finance in the required amount.

Before making a very strong runic bet for money, pay attention to the following.

  • Fehu: The main action of this Scandinavian symbol is aimed at attracting/concentrating the corresponding energy flows, their subsequent transformation into financial resources and other material benefits.
  • Othala (Odal): An indispensable companion of the above rune. Preserves existing material wealth, allows you to expand the boundaries of knowledge, discover previously hidden sources of income, etc.

Note! If you have irreconcilable enmity with your competitors, you can add the Nautiz rune to the formula. This symbol should be used only in extreme cases - do not abuse the effect of strong runes, otherwise you will not end up in trouble

Even the most powerful runic form will not bring the desired effect if you do not take care of the correct formation of consciousness. To successfully work with financial flow, constantly charge the runes, and also spend. Best of all, make an amulet and wear it away from prying eyes. Recoding of the runic program at the mental level is allowed.

Runic becoming “Cash Flow”

Let's consider the runic stave “Cash Flow” - a simple, convenient way to get the missing amount of finance. The simplicity of this runic formula will help even beginners achieve what they want.

The stav consists of the following runic symbols:

  • Fehu+: The operator’s task is to enjoy the presence of material goods. This includes additional financial income, bonuses, expensive gifts, etc.
  • Laguz + Soulu: Symbolize the calm flow of energy, peace, joy
  • Yera. Cyclicity, regular updating of the stav (depending on the period for which it was charged)
  • Turisaz + Teyvaz: The main functions of the combination are cutting off possible negative programs, energy bindings/suckers protecting the money channel

When working with the above formula, make an approximate clause. The point is to visualize in detail the state of happiness and joy associated with a good level of material wealth. Say to yourself or out loud: “I protect my cash flow from any negative impact, let it grow and multiply.”

(becoming) better by the element “Air”, i.e. with the help of breathing. Deactivation of the combination means burning of the carrier.

Runic becoming “Fast money”

Runic becoming “Fast Money” allows you to get the required amount of finance in a record short period of time. Below is a detailed diagram of the formula and its detailed explanation.

The combination includes the following Scandinavian symbols.

  • Fehu: Represents classical wealth in the usual sense. May indicate rapid changes that promise considerable profits. The task of the rune is to create the necessary situations to attract additional financial flow
  • : Getting money by communicating with authoritative people. The power of this rune allows you to quickly release monetary energy from a state of stagnation - this will accelerate changes in the financial sector
  • Dagaz: Breakthrough, rapid positive changes in the material sphere. Allows you to quickly get the desired result
  • : Promotes the unification of several people, is a conductor of cash flow. Guarantees good luck when concluding financial transactions

The essence of working with the formula is simple. Apply the above combination to any medium that can be burned after work. The use of dry herbs will help enhance the effect - clover, basil, oak bark, or any plant that symbolizes profit. After making a reservation for material well-being, burn the carrier along with the stav, the selected dry grass, scattering the ashes into the wind from the palm of your hand.

Runic stave "Mill"

The runic “Mill” (for money) will help increase the operator’s income several times after just a couple of months. Let's look at the features of drawing up this diagram.

The formula includes three runes - Soulu, Fehu and Dagaz. It is recommended to apply it on a paper medium (paper, cardboard, etc.). You can carry it in your wallet near banknotes or in another compartment - it all depends on individual preferences. Used without special reservation - works independently.

Runic becoming “Wealth” for quickly receiving money

This runic becoming for attracting money and wealth allows you to expand the financial capabilities of the operator, increase cash flow, directing it to you. Let's consider the features of working with this formula.

Stav promotion is very fast - one/two hours. You should put a sign on cardboard (as in the previous case) or make yourself an amulet, constantly carrying it with you. It is recommended to update the setting every two to three days. The formula has a lot of positive reviews.

Consists of the following characters:

  • Uruz: Gives confidence and determination when taking actions.
  • Soulu: Joy, peace after receiving the desired result
  • Turisaz: The operator is on the right track
  • Fehu: Symbolizes the material sphere of life - financial well-being, wealth
  • Teyvaz: Protecting the formula from extraneous negative influences
  • Mannaz: Points to the operator
  • Yera: Creating the situation necessary to obtain the desired result
  • : Operator protection when working

Letters used:

  • L: resembles the number 9, located in the center of the circle on the left side
  • T (Syrian letter): Draw it at the bottom of the circle, closer to the center
  • S: Drawed at the top of the circle, vaguely reminiscent of the English letter R
  • F: The letter resembles the letter Z. It is depicted to the right of the center

Attention! When drawing a stave, start by drawing a large circle, then a small one. The signs should be applied like this - first S with a slow clockwise transition to other symbols. The runes are depicted in the following sequence - Mannaz, Fehu, Berkana, Teyvaz, etc.

When drawing up a contract, do not be impudent; indicate only the amount actually required. Good luck on your life's journey - don't forget to stay tuned for updates!

As evidenced by numerous finds left over from ancient civilizations, our distant ancestors were very smart people and possessed all sorts of secret knowledge that is inaccessible to us today. This knowledge concerned almost all spheres of human life - power, love, wealth and more. They also used runes and runic staves. So, what is instant money betting and how to use it?

What is becoming?

Ancient secret signs, which were used, among other things, to attract cash flows and everything that may be connected with them, are called runes. In turn, a runic stave is a wooden block (or tablet) on which runes of a certain meaning are carved.

But runes can be applied not only to wood. Their also worn as amulets, where the symbols are inscribed on bone, leather, copper or other material. It is important that this material is natural, but wood is predominantly used, since it carries “living” energy.

Moreover, the ancient sages always took into account the fact that each tree carries special strength and energy, therefore, the same tree was not taken for different purposes. For example:

  • Birch brings peace and strengthens the connection with ancestors.
  • Oak symbolizes the strength of the stave.
  • Ash– feeds with information, gives stamina and strength for attack.
  • Alder prolongs the effect of the stave, strengthens it, so it was used for protection.
  • Pine– also strong for protection.
  • Spruce symbolizes the circle of life - birth and death.
  • Rowan– active protection.
  • Willow widely used in women's magic love spells to induce negative energy; it is a symbol of grief (obviously, because it is “weeping”).
  • Hawthorn good for love spells.
  • Heather– cleanses the senses.
  • Holly- a tree that brings balance and balance.
  • Apple tree– well-being, love, peace.

Runes for prosperity

Before you start working with any runic stave and with runes in general, you need to thoroughly study the symbolism of the signs. In addition, you need to understand that, in essence, you are dealing with what is called “subtle matter.”

It should be understood that runes are not just symbols that mean something. Various combinations of them can activate energy that carries a certain charge., and if you make a mistake, you can activate a completely opposite one to what was intended.

As for bets for attracting cash flows, there are also several of them, which affect their areas of organizing monetary energy. The 5 most famous and powerful runes that are responsible for material well-being have survived to this day: Otal, Fehu, Yer, Berkana, Soulo.

In order to quickly receive a large sum of money, the Yer symbol must be present in the bet. This becoming is able to work for a very long time, it constantly activates energy, since it contains the ring symbol.

Otal is a symbol of accumulated wealth, property, and in combination with Fehu, a symbol of material wealth, profit, money, it symbolizes profit, fertility, prosperity, property. If you combine these two runes with Yer, then such a position will contribute not only to obtaining material profit, but will also be able to increase income in general.

Generally speaking, to attract money, you can use various combinations of runes that are responsible for some material benefits. The most important thing in this case is to understand what they symbolize, because when composing staves, not only the symbols themselves are of great importance, but also the person’s energy and the thoughts with which he composes this stave.

You can also add to the “material” runes such as Berkana and Soul. Berkana was usually used to implement ideas and protect against enemies, and Soul personified success in endeavors.

Effective formulas

To attract finance and clients

Many modern professions are associated with attracting clients, the number of which determines profit. For such people, there are also some combinations of runes that will help organize the right circle of people around them - potential clients. To do this you need to use a combination of the following runes:

  • Mannaz- this is a symbol of the person to whom the stature will belong.
  • Evaz– movement of clients to the entrepreneur. Just these two signs will significantly enhance your ability to attract clients.
  • You can add another rune Fehu, meaning attracting financial clients and the movement of money itself.
  • The rune has a similar meaning Laguz– it’s luck, bringing the right clients. This symbol will be useful to those people who do not have enough strength to retain a large number of clients, and the symbol will strengthen them in this. Rune Eira ensures a constant circulation of money and clients.

In addition to these runes, there are also so-called “protective” ones, which are not so directly related to attracting and retaining customers. For example, Teyvaz means supporting oneself in entrepreneurial activity; Algiz is a protection of physical health, which is spent on constant and exhausting work.

To attract good luck in business, use the rune in stakes Petro.

If the work is more related to various kinds of partnership agreements, then you can use Gebo rune, which symbolizes reliable partnerships, understanding of the responsibilities and rights of the parties.

For debt repayment

Sometimes you need to somehow influence a person who borrowed money but does not return it for a long time. As you know, requests for repayment, even the most persistent ones, do not always influence the borrower. Then you can resort to using rune staves.

Signs symbolizing the consciousness of the debtor are suitable for this. (Ansuz), coercion (Nautiz), thoughts about the debt that hangs over a person (Teyvaz). The rune will help strengthen these signs Evaz, symbolizing acceleration, and the already mentioned rune Yer as a triggering mechanism for the influence of the composed stav.

The combination of the already mentioned runes has great power Fehu and Otal, meaning “return of one’s own.”


Becoming a “Mill” or “Money Mill” is considered very powerful for attracting quick money from the sky. To compose such a stav, you can use three Fehu runes, drawn in the form of mill blades emanating from a single center.

This is a classic option and, as they say, a win-win. But it can be supplemented with any enhancing runes. This will not only help make your cash flow constant, but will also be able to increase it.

"I am a magnet"

The runic formula “Money Magnet” is energetically strong. Its essence lies in the fact that the person who activates this becoming will be treated like a magnet, it’s not just money itself that will be attracted (after all, it can go away as easily as it appears), but opportunities for making money will also be attracted.

This stav is composed of the following runes: Evaz, Laguz, Perth, Kenaz, Dagaz, Fehu, Otal, Gebo, Soulo, Vunyo,– most of which have already been mentioned. This form is quite complex, however, according to the testimonies of people who have experienced its power, it is very effective.

Urgent money

In order to quickly and easily receive a large amount, you need to use a position that combines runes Fehu, Ansuz, Dagaz, Algiz. This stave is applied to some medium, and then burned and the ashes are blown from the hand into the wind.


In addition to the fact that you need to draw a certain position for yourself, its power is enhanced by reservations- these are something like spells that activate the power of the stave. For example, to attract customers you can use this:

“With the power of Runes I conjure flows of money. May the income of my clients not dry up, may my income not dry up. May my clients always bring me benefits and prosperity. Let every deal be better for me than the previous one. I am in complete control of my own business, I am able to regulate any external influences. The runes support me at all levels; I always have enough physical, mental, energetic, mental and magical resources and skills for the prosperity of my business.”

Naturally, each person can adjust this clause to suit themselves, or come up with something similar on their own. In addition, the money stash should be carried near the money - in a purse, wallet, or put in a piggy bank. Alternatively, you can draw it directly on the wallet. This will enhance its effect.

Quite often you can encounter a situation where you have a lot of plans and ideas, but there is absolutely not enough energy, time or finances to achieve your plans. As often happens, the fulfillment of a desire is delayed for many years.

But fortunately, these processes can be accelerated. To do this, you can ask for help from Runes and runic formulas: stavs and runescripts.

First, you need to prioritize your goals. Take two or three goals as a basis and direct energy in the right direction, and runic formulas will help attract and concentrate the necessary forces.

What you need to know before you start working with runic formulas for the fulfillment of desires:

State your desire clearly and clearly,

Follow the rules and sequence of writing runic signs,

It is always worth remembering that the chosen sequence of Runes determines a specific result; rearranging the Runes leads to a different result, even a favorable one.

Correctly pronounce the names of Runes,

Draw up a clause correctly - simply and clearly describe what is required from the formula.

Runes for fulfilling wishes:

Teyvaz – advancement, strength and courage.

Dagaz – transformation and transformation.

Feu + Otal – responsible for material well-being and successful achievement of what you want.

Turisaz - clears the way for the implementation of plans.

Vunyo - illuminates the path to the goal.

Raido is the very road to fulfilling desires.

Inguz – fertility and success.

Formulas for making wishes come true.

Everyone’s desires are different, therefore runic formulas are aimed at achieving different goals and solving specific problems.

When there is a realistically achievable goal, and there are all the resources to fulfill the plan, then you can use the following formula:

Vunyo + Teyvaz + Vunyo

Vunyo illuminates the path and removes all pitfalls from the path, Teyvaz leads to victory.

Also, to realize the goal you may need finance, the formula will help with this:

Soulu + Feu

Feu + Otal + Soulu

Feu + Feu + Feu

Feu is a money Rune, Soulu is light energy, Otal is property.

A powerful amulet to attract financial flow and prosperity:

On the one hand, the formula: Soulu+Soulu+Feu – written in a line.

On the other side is the formula: Feu + Otal + Soulu + Soulu - also written in a line.

Wish Granter:

Feu + Gebo + Vunyo + Vunyo + Gebo + Kano + Evaz + Uruz

Feu – what is requested.

Gebo - gifts, Vunyo - positive.

Vunyo and Gebo have fortunate circumstances.

Kano - illuminates human capabilities.

Evaz - movement of the requested towards the needy.

Uruz - gives strength to embody and fulfill the desire itself.

Talisman formula for good luck:

Perth + Feu + Algiz + Raido + Kano + Vunyo

Perth – attracting good luck from minimum to maximum.

Feu – acquisition and possession of a material component.

Algiz – receiving and accumulating protection.

Raido is activity and the path to the goal.

Kano – power, love, passion, desire to achieve results.

Vunyo is joy both from receiving what has been achieved and from the process of achievement.

Fulfillment of desires associated with material goods or property:

Hagalaz + Otal + Raido + Nautiz + Feu + Soulu + Naud + Kenaz + Mannaz + Otil + Gebo + Algiz

Feu + Inguz + Dagaz + Uruz + Turisaz + Kenaz + Vunyo + Dzhera + Soulu

Hagalaz - removes obstacles.

Otal is a reference point for what is desired.

Raido + Naud – need and the road to achieving the goal.

Feu + Soulu is a necessary financial component.

Naud + Kenaz - indicates the path along which you need to go and discover yourself.

Mannaz - for whom.

Uruz is a force that moves and does not allow you to retreat.

Kenaz + Vunyo – breakthrough and light, changes for the better.

Jera – result, getting what you want.

Attracting and achieving what you want:

Laguz + Kano + Mannaz + Raido + Feu + Uruz

You can use the clause:

The power of Runes Laguz and Kano for the person (Name) Mannaz will be a successful development of circumstances to obtain the desired Raido and Feu, Uruz will soon be.

Attracting various gifts into your life:

Soulu + Nautiz + Vunyo + Gebo + Laguz

Soulu – solar energy formula.

Nautiz - need for what is desired.

Vunyo – joy of achievement.

Gebo and Laguz - receiving a gift.

To bring your plans to life:

Teyvaz + Soulu + Perth + Kano + Uruz + Soulu + Teyvaz

Teyvaz - achieving what you want, paving the way.

Soulu is the energy of the runescript.

Perth, Kano, Uruz - are intended to create a period of positive events during which it is necessary to have time to implement your plans.

Improving the situation:

Soulu Vunyo+Soulu Vunyo+Soulu Soulu

A constantly working formula for success and fulfillment of plans:

Soulu + Jera

With the only caveat - one formula, one desire.

Attracting assistants and defenders to implement plans.

Ansuz + Perth + Eyvaz + Nautiz + Dzhera – defense

Feu + Teyvaz + Uruz + Soulu – implementation of the task

Soulu + Feu + Teyvaz + Uruz + Soulu – wish fulfillment.

To make your dreams come true:

Ansuz + Feu + Inguz + Vunyo + Gebo + Turisaz + Dzhera

Ansuz - thoughts about a dream.

Feu – achievement and fulfillment.

Inguz – implementation of plans.

Vunyo – positive attitude.

Gebo – optimal execution.

Thurisaz – removes secondary goals, cuts off unnecessary things.

Jera is responsible for the execution process and monitors the realization of dreams.

Formula for achieving what you want, both material and spiritual:

Feu + Dagaz + Eyvaz + Uruz + Gebo

Feu – materialization of the requested.

Dagaz - transformation of the situation into the necessary position for the implementation of the plan.

Eyvaz is an impetus for embodiment.

Uruz is the stav engine.

Gebo – strength and acquisition of what is requested.

A more complex formula that fulfills wishes:

Perth + Gebo + Ansuz + Ansuz + Vunyo + Mannaz

Achieving what you want and making your dreams come true:

It is based on the solar Rune Soulu.

Turisaz + Teyvaz + Berkana + Vunyo + Raido + Uruz + Algiz + Feu + Inguz + Dzhera

Turisaz and Teyvaz protect and protect the target, clearing the way for it.

Berkana is an additional amulet.

Vunyo and Raido light movement towards the goal.

Uruz provides new situations to achieve the goal.

Algiz – protection.

Feu and Inguz are a material component, recharge from an inexhaustible source.

Jera – time to achieve.

Runescript of good luck:

Raido + Teyvaz – fair movement.

Runes that bring success:

Feu + Soulu + Otal + Turisaz

Victory, success, self-realization, as a result of achieving desire fulfillment:

Soulu + Dagaz + Mannaz

Purchasing something:

Vunyo + Gebo + Soulu + Perth + Laguz + Feu

Vunyo – joy and light.

Gebo - gift

Vunyo in conjunction with Gebo getting what he wants.

Soulu – integrity, victory, results.

Perth - opening up opportunities.

Laguz – intuitive abilities.

Feu is a material component.

If it is necessary to acquire property or material well-being, then the formula can be strengthened by a combination of Soulu and Feu, thereby recharging finances.

To target a specific or end result:

Mannaz + Soulu + Dagaz

Completing what you started and entering a new stage of life:

Soulu + Dagaz + Feu

Wish fulfillment happy path:

Teyvaz + Algiz + Algiz + Ansuz + Turisaz + Raido + Soulu

Teyvaz - indicates the direction in which you need to move.

Algiz – increased help from above.

Ansuz - obtaining the necessary information to implement the plan.

Thurisaz is a push and expansion of the path.

Raido is the road to what you want.

Soulu is the fuel and energy of the entire team.

Achieving a change in life for the better. It all depends on the planned goals and objectives:

Evaz + Inguz + Soulu + Algiz

Achieving what you want:

Inguz + Teyvaz + Feu + Ansuz + Gebo + Algiz + Vunyo

Inguz – ensures easy achievement of the goal.

Teyvaz + Feu – speaks of the result.

Algiz – protects.

Vunyo – gives joy.

Rule: one desire or goal - one runescript. Once your wish has been fulfilled, you can begin to fulfill the second one, and so on.

Breakthrough and shift for the better, development and protection of higher powers:

Algiz + Dagaz + Soulu + Raido

Finding courage and resilience:

Teyvaz + Feu + Laguz

Some girls want attractiveness, the formula will help them with this:

Kano + Gebo + Laguz

Someone wants love:

Kano + Gera + Otal

A bright and successful way out of a difficult situation:

Soulu + Dagaz + Vunyo

To realize a desire, you need happiness and accompanying luck, which can be attracted using the following bet:

Ansuz + Uruz + Djera

Help from Higher Powers, Gods:

Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz + Algiz – under the protection of the Gods

Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz + Gebo - love and favor of heaven.

Attracting good luck from the Gods:

Soulu: Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Attracting the protection of the Gods:

Algiz: Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Opening cash flow to achieve the goal:

Feu + Otil: Ansuz + Laguz + Uruz

Attracting good luck to fulfill your desires and realize your plans:

Ansuz + Uruz + Djera + Ansuz – is responsible for happiness and a successful state of affairs.

Hagalaz + Eyvaz + Laguz + Ansuz – a lucky coincidence.

Gebo + Feu + Perth + Otil - attracting the desired income or increase.

Feu + Laguz + Raido – directed movement and development.

Kano + Turisaz + Soulu – return of control over situations that are out of control.

Quite often it happens that a person doubts his abilities, is unsure of himself and, as a result, abandons his desires and does not strive for anything. To solve this problem you can use the following rescript:

Turisaz + Ansuz + Laguz – destruction of fears and doubts.

You can secure this stave with a stave to attract masculinity and stamina. (Teyvaz+Feu+Laguz).

Clearing negativity and finding a way to implement plans:

Gebo + Ansuz + Vunyo + Soulu + Algiz + Mannaz + Otal

The connection between Rune Ansuz + Gebo will add credibility to your words.

Where to put runes to make your wishes come true

When you have decided on the goal and have compiled the necessary runic formulas, you can begin to apply Runes and pronounce the slander.

The runes themselves, like staves, can be applied to several media, which can be either permanent or temporary.

Temporary media is usually used for a temporary task. For such talismans, you can use a simple sheet of clean paper, an ordinary piece of sheet, or you can also use cardboard. You can also draw runes and staves made up of a series of runes on yourself. Usually the forearm is used for this purpose (not so noticeable to others), they are also drawn on the leg, on the body (if the purpose of the stave is to attract beauty or fulfill a wish in the treatment of a disease).

After the rune has worked, the design is erased or (if paper or cardboard) burned in an open fire, and the ashes scatter in the wind, but sometimes the ashes are buried in the ground or the entire carrier with the runic formula is buried in the ground.

Staves or runes that are intended for long-term work are applied to a permanent carrier: for protection, to attract money, clients, as well as staves used for other desires. Such talismans are worn either around the neck - if it is made as a talisman. Or in your pocket, wallet, bag. They are created using objects such as stone, wood (bark, birch bark, dies cut from wood). These are mainly birch, oak, and aspen. Metal, silver.

You can apply runic formulas:

Place it on a sheet of paper clean on both sides and carry it with you.

For pre-prepared material that will serve as an amulet. It could be: stone, clay, wood, bone.

On yourself or your photo.

In some cases, it is possible to apply a stave to a desire without a carrier, simply with a finger in the air or by visualization. With subsequent activation.

Slander and activation

When applying a runic formula, it is necessary to pronounce the name of each Rune, then, pronouncing a clause, list the Runes and indicate what each Rune is responsible for.

To activate a runic formula or a single rune, you can use several methods, such as breathing, a drop of blood, saliva or 4 elements.

When activating a rune stave, words and phrases must be spoken that stipulate everything that is required from the work of the stave.

The clause is very important for working with runes; it can stipulate everything that is necessary both in poetry and in prose. And it is advisable for each case to come up with your own clause, including all the necessary points. Clarity and clarity are important in a clause. It is important not to make a mistake with the slip, so that later it does not turn out to be a joint.

After achieving what you want, you should thank the Runes for their help and work. If you applied it to wood, a photo or paper, you can burn it with gratitude. You can do the following with the rest of the materials: take them away from the house and gratefully bury them in the ground. Thus stopping the action. Some amulets can be left and simply recharged periodically by pronouncing a reservation.

Runic staves have been known for thousands of years. They came from the far north and became entrenched in Slavic culture as firmly as if they had always been present in it. very strong, they are able to help in any endeavor, be it love experiences, solving health problems or getting out of financial difficulties. The last point is most in demand among rune specialists. There are dozens of possible caveats that make up the success of creating and.

Varieties of money runes

Each rune targets its own sphere. The energy charge emanating from these symbols is so strong that it can instantly solve all problems. It is worth remembering, however, that if you make a mistake during the creation and activation of the rune, you can bring big troubles to your head.

In order to avoid this, you need to choose the right symbols and carefully carry out the activation and reservation. If everything goes smoothly, life will change immediately.

Money runes include combinations of signs such as , Soulo and. They all relate to income and how to acquire it. You can, of course, get by using only one sign, but in this case the effect will be incomplete.

Soulo attracts energy that allows you to save your already acquired funds. It protects against fraudsters, financial crises and long downtime. For example, if an entrepreneur does not receive new orders for a long time, then Souilo will help him get out of a difficult situation.

This position should only be used if there is already some source of income. He is aimed, first of all, at developing it, and not acquiring a new one. Although there are a lot of testimonies that talk about random finds of large sums immediately after activating the stav.

Rune activation and reservation

In the classic literary version, runes should be activated using human blood. Yes, in fact such a method exists. However, despite its effectiveness, in our time it is difficult to implement, and it is not necessary.

Regular fire is suitable for activation. A lighter won't work, you need a match. The fact is that, although the match is treated with chemicals, it carries a charge of vital energy from the tree, necessary for the runes. To activate, simply move the flame over the sign.

So, let's move on to the stipulation clause. To perform the ritual, it is necessary to recite the runic text and the actions performed. Along the way, the names of the runes and energy charging are recorded on paper, or better yet, stone media.

  1. After recording and stipulating the names of the runes, you need to activate becoming.
  2. It is necessary to describe the existing problems in as much detail as possible. The more detailed the better, the charge must be accurate.
  3. We indicate the progress of the runes. Precisely, it is necessary to describe what the process of overcoming difficulties should look like.
  4. The final step is to write down the names of the runes again.

After this, a process is launched that solves the difficulties. You can also indicate some amendments to the operation of runes. For example, it would be useful to indicate that the health of the applicant and his family members should not be affected.

You can write with anything: pen, pencil, paints. Some even apply runes to the wearer with their own saliva, there is no difference. The main thing is that during slander and activation, there are no negative thoughts in your head, because they tend to become material.

Video on activating bets: