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Female orgasm, as it arises and manifests itself. Signs of orgasm in women how much the organism lasts in women

Function of orgasm in women The formation of the function of the orgasm in women begins from the moment of birth and is mainly ends by the age of three years. The dominant role in this process belongs to the mother who gives his daughter on the non-verbal, that is, in a wordless, level understanding of good and bad.

For example, when a mother sees a beautiful landscape, neat dressed man and the like smiles, behaves relaxed, she gives to understand through the facial expressions and gestures that it refers to the category of good. If the father comes home with a bouquet of flowers, this gesture usually causes his wife's emotions of joy and delight, which also stimulates the child to perceive what is good. Understanding the bad is formed by a similar principle. Broken toys, broken dishes, painted wallpapers cause anger, anger, and sometimes tears.

Female orgasm. - This is the culmination of sexual intercourse, absolute discharge and complete calm, based on the summation of positive emotions and sensations. If the understanding of good has not been laid sufficiently, then there will be nothing to summarize. Sex in this case will turn into ridiculous mechanical movements, consequence that women are frigidity.

However, not in all cases, insufficient attention of the mother to his daughter, grandmother to granddaughter or senior sisters to the younger leads to the development of frigidity. At the admirable girl, the stereotype of perception of relationships with her husband can develop into something painful, unpleasant, nasty.

Of course, there is no female impotence, which arose after violence and heavy injuries, including psychological.

Very often, people having defects in the scale of perception of good and bad, replace these concepts on expensive and cheap. Such women tend to look for a golden cage for themselves, and then with no less zeal trying to get rid of it. Nutrition becomes eternal, which additionally stimulates frigidity.

The orgasm is a complex psychophysiological process, which is based on stimulation of the excitation of the pleasure zones located in the brain, occurring under the influence of pulses emanating from the genital organs or some other parts of the body of a woman.

Most modern sex patrologists allocate physiological and pathological forms of female orgasm. Physiological include clitoral, vaginal and uterine (or cervical). Pathological is considered oral, rectal (anal) and nipple.

How important is it for a woman anatomical compliance of its genital organs with the genital organs of the spouse?

As mentioned above, sexologists about the three physiological forms of female orgasm. And at two, namely, when clitious and vaginal, the amount of penis partner does not have absolutely no meaning. Only with cervical (uterine) form it is necessary that the genital organ of a man has a certain length, not very large.

The anatomical structure of the genital organs of spouses may not correspond only in the case of a pronounced organic pathology of the vagina due to its underdevelopment or cutting narrowing after injuries and burns. In all other cases, the woman's vagina, which is a rather complex functional system, is able to stretch if the spouse has a large member of the big size and, on the contrary, shrink and tightly facilitate the sexual member of a small size.

Clitual orgasm

Clitual orgasm with sexual acting in the usual Posa for Europeans is achieved by irritation of the clitoris rich in sensitive nerve endings, when contacting it with the back of the penis.

Vaginal / vaginal orgasm

Erogenic field with vaginal, or vaginal, orgasm form is the front wall of the vagina. With cervical (uterine) shape - cervix.

With any form of orgasm, women have a reduction in the muscles of the vagina, so the female orgasm is often combined: clitious-vaginal, cervical and vaginal.

Objectively vaginal orgasm It is manifested in the form of 5-12 abbreviations of the smooth muscle cuff of the vagina at intervals of about 0.8 seconds and the rapid relaxation of the cuff and the walls of the vagina after the achievement of the orgasm.

A feature of the uterine orgasm There are contraction of the muscles of the uterus, the strength of which is equal to the severity of orgasm.

How to speed up a woman's offensive

If parents sleep in the next room or there is a small child, a woman is very difficult to distract from thoughts about them. In such cases, the brain includes a fuse and the best way out is intimate proximity in a separate room with good sound insulation.

Sometimes a woman does not give to relax complexes about their attractiveness or any other thoughts.

Such a woman before sex is worth relaxing as much as possible. For example, take a bath with aromatic oils.

It is also help to relax exercise. A small physical charging in front of intimate proximity can pleasantly surprise any woman.

Helps to accelerate the onset of orgasm and strengthen it Deep breathing. When a woman is already excited, but the peak has not reached, several deep breaths can significantly increase sensations.

How to get a multiple orgasm (multi-Russian) not all women manage to experience multiple orgasm. If some of the lucky are getting it without taking anything special for this, the majority is given with difficulty. Sexologists believe that some women have a predisposition to such an orgasm genetically laid. However, due to the fact that the insensitive period in women after orgasm, in contrast to men, there is no not received from the birth of a "gift" in the form of the ability to multi-Russian women can still be achieved.

Of course, a lot depends on the spouse. It is important that he wanted to deliver the maximum pleasure and knew how it can be done.

A woman after a single orgasm should not be disconnected from sex, configuring himself to the next orgasm, and the man should not stop at that time.

There are also some techniques that allow to achieve multiple orgasms. It is important that the spouse continue with small breaks to stimulate the clitoris, and during breaks, he needs to pay attention to the caresses of other erogenous zones.

The psychological factor is of great importance. A woman can completely relax only when he trusts her husband.

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Orgasm, Greek - Orgasmós (There was a word of ORGÁō, meaning "swelling", "Frying Passion") is the highest stage of the voluptuous sensation appearing at the end of the sexual intercourse (or at the time of completion of the surrogate sexual forms - onanism, pollutions, etc.). The basis of the orgasm is the unconditional reflex, supporting sexual reactions and forms a certain behavioral act. In women for fertilization, the orgasm is not mandatory. Many animal females have no orgasm in general .

In the complex mechanism of orgasm, physiologically coented nervous structures take part - spinal, cortical and subcortical.

In healthy men, sexual intercourse is always completed by the onset of orgasmic state, starting from the moment of puberty. At full-fledged healthy women (from the overwhelming majority), the appearance of orgasm, along with a complete awakening of sexuality, comes far from immediately after the start of regular sex life - sometimes a woman needs for several years. In further sexual life, the condition of the orgasm comes not every time during sexual contact. Approximately 50% of orgasm in sexual intercourse is considered the norm.

Pretty many women (according to statistics this number reaches 40%) never experienced orgasm. Many of them have acquired anorgasmia that can be corrected. The rest of these women is constitutionally cold individuals who can know all the joys of motherhood, married happiness, but never know the sweetness of the condition of the orgasm. Therefore, trying to treat every case of asexual manifestation in the behavior of a woman - a completely unprotected occupation, since, like attempts to change the temperament of a person, it is impossible to ignore the biological features of natural individual differences in the female sexual sphere.

Excitation as a mandatory part of the orgasm

Orgasm precedes excitation. It occurs under the influence of various irritants - visual, auditory, olfactory, including the activities of higher nerve centers - cortical and subcortical. In men, due to the development of the spinal center, an erection of a penis occurs. The excitation in women is manifested in the strengthening of the blood tide to the milk glands, which, because of this, their size increases and the nipples are straightened.

A man is experiencing experiences in two stages: the stage of approaching the ejaculation and the stage of its inevitability. The second stage is associated with the periodic abbreviations of the prostate gland, as well as the muscles of the pelvic bottom and the seed-winning ducts.

Manifestations of orgasm in men and women

In men, the orgasm is manifested by the release of seed - from the seed-winning ducts of the penis and is achieved only when stimulating the penis itself.

Women are increasingly harder. The orgasm of women can be divided into three types: clitual, vaginal and mixed. During orgasm, rhythmic and vagina occur. Feelings may vary: from the most minor - short-term retention of breathing, several swallowing movements - to a frantic, violent ecstatic state with uncontrolled sounds and movements. Orgasm variation depends on the activity of a partner, sexual experience, age, intensity and the nature of preliminary affection, as well as the phase of the menstrual cycle and the use of contraceptives.

Actually, the orgasm lasts only a few seconds and is rhythmic muscular cuts. At the same time, the human attention is concentrated on sweet sensations, and a person himself can lose control of himself and even losing consciousness. During orgasm, the facial expression changes - it is distorted, becomes another. Under the influence of strong emotion and experiences in the climax moment, a person can publish uncertain sounds, moans, sighs, screams, many cry, bite, plug and so on.

The greatest force and height of the orgasm reaches the simultaneous onset of both partners. At such moments, a woman feels an act of male ejaculation, and a man feels abbreviations of the muscles of the vagina, which covers his sexual member like a cuff. It enhances the overall pleasure.

Gradually, the orgasm enters the final stage - Blood drops from genitals, the skin is paler, the pressure is normalized, the organs acquire the previous outlines and dimensions, restores breathing and heartbeat.

Video - 9 types of female orgasm

Video about the types of male orgasm, which will completely reveal the question, what is an orgasm?

Sex pleasure is one thing, and an orgasm is completely different. The first is most likely to emotions, and the second is the physiological phenomenon. True orgasm has objective signs. Experts argue that they are impossible to simulate them.

How to recognize

  1. Rhythmic ripple - Reducing several muscle groups: uterus, vagina, anus, pelvic floor, abdominal press. As a rule, these are spontaneous abbreviations, but rhythmic, by type of pulsation with second intervals. The abdominal press muscle contractions are well noticeable, a man feels the abbreviation of the vagina's muscles, which is even stronger than. Reductions are performed unconsciously, at the level of the instinct.
  2. Protective television. A woman involuntarily makes energetic television that the contact of erogenous zones with a male sexual member was closer. The purpose of such movements is to prevent pauses, to maintain the pace, to achieve the increase in passion before the attack of the climax. At the same time, a woman is not interested in caressing, kisses and words of love. She will not give a man to distract all this.
  3. Tides and erection. The forehead, cheeks, breasts blush, the woman feels the heat, appears the Haprin, there is an erection of the clitoris, the germ lips, nipples. Even an experienced mistress will not be able to simulate these signs.
  4. Allocation from the vagina. The excitement reaches such an extent that these discharges are strong, more physiological necessity. Sometimes the abundance of fluid is the cause of extraneous sounds during the intercourse, and after its completion it can be frowning out.
  5. Facial expression. All stories about the blissful smile during orgasm is a myth. At this moment, bliss is impossible, since a woman is unable to control his facial expressions. The woman's face usually distorts a low-surparate grimace. The same applies to men. This is an instinctive force of the face muscles that helps strengthen orgasm and completely surrender to him.

After orgasm, a feeling of thirst arises, a woman comes to himself for a long time.

One of the signs is an increase in blood pressure and pulse.


Specialists allocate several types of orgasm. The easiest - genital, he is the most common. This species arises due to muscle contraction in the pelvic region. The genital orgasm lasts long, but felt acutely. Based on the anatomical features, it can be cliting, vaginal and uterine. It can be separate phenomena or they follow each other or even occur at the same time.

Rare phenomenon - chest orgasm. Practically never arises spontaneously. Special exercises are needed. As a rule, it comes against the genital background.

The most true is the orgasm of the whole body. It should be the highest satisfaction. It is long, steady and very strong. Even the next day, a pleasant ester is felt in the whole body.

All about orgasm

To simulate orgasm, you need to know two main rules:

  • do not play if you do not know what is a orgasm and what sensations it causes,
  • do not simulate too early, otherwise you and your partner will lose your ability to achieve this ecstasy. In addition, your premature finale can negatively affect his subsequent adjudicion and diligence.

Each woman in terms of physiology may experience orgasm. Theoretically - no. It is believed that the sensations of women during this state are brighter and diverse than in men. When conducting research, doctors received six hundred and experiences, absolutely similar to each other, which women described their sensations. Some feel warm in genital organs, which is bottled throughout the body. Others define orgasm as a reduction in vaginal muscles, which are always, but not all feel them. Feelings are the most diverse. At the same woman, they can be different depending on the conditions.

Orgasm is a condition that differs from ordinary strong excitement. Catch it easier to behave a particular woman. Indirect signs are: rapid breathing or short-term delay, convulsive motion or fading, compression of the muscles of the vagina, different sound support or the surveillance of foreign objects. Sometimes these manifestations are so weak that it is almost impossible to determine their eye.

Based on the characteristics of the physiology, the true orgasm to distinguish from the false can only with the help of expensive equipment. Under normal conditions there is not a single exact feature, the absence or presence of which indicates the truth of sensations. A number of concomitant manifestations Woman cannot fake. For example, redness of the top of the chest, wrinkled skin around the nipples, compression of vaginal muscles. But even the absence of these signs cannot be the proof of the true feelings of a woman.

On orgasm affects the duration of sexual intercourse. Sexologists argue than the longer the plateau phase, the brighter feelings. In addition, the value of excitation has the value.

The duration of female orgasm is similar to male from four to six seconds. But options are also possible. It can be long, up to several minutes and wave-like, continuing for a long time. As a rule, women are experiencing this moment very violently. They can shout, cry, swear and even lose consciousness. All this is absolutely normal. Studies of the brain of women during this state revealed changes similar to those observed in an epileptic seizure. For this reason, many women during orgasm cannot control their behavior. Moreover, holding back emotions, a woman cannot get a full feeling, and if it happens constantly, the result can be the development of various neuroses and false frigidity.

Semi-in-law is divided into four phases: excitation, plateau, orgasm, refraction. Sexologists in the third phase allocate two periods: the first - approximation, the second is directly orgasm. If necessary, in the first period, the process can be stopped, in the second - no.

Women, unlike men, are able to experience a multiple orgasm, that is, a woman always remains in the second phase of the plateau. When repeated, everything begins again - from excitement to orgasm. Multiple orgasm is congenital ability and occurs about thirty percent of women.

Many believe that this orgasm can only be vaginal. This is not true. From a physiological point of view, any orgasm is true if it leads to the appropriate discharge.

To achieve the climax, approximately fifteen-thirty minutes. At the same time, a woman needs more time for this than a man. The latter first goes first phase, then a longer plateau phase, orgasm up to ten seconds and a small refractory period to ten minutes. In women, the first and second phase is longer, the third may include several peaks, the fourth is also longer than in men.

The simultaneous orgasm of both partners is possible, if a man, having come to the top, is delayed there, helping a woman catch up with him. That is, with the help of various methods, holds itself at the plateau level.

Women came to simulating orgasm. Yes, so deftly, that you can not distinguish the simulation from the genuine orgasm. And we are not needed by men, we need to get a real assessment of our sexual efforts. Only, we will find out whether everything is done correctly, or you need to try better. There are physiological signs of the true female orgasm, who will tell if the woman received pleasure, or she imitated an orgasm.

Plateau - harbing orgasm

Female orgasm necessarily precedes a special state - plateau. What is a plateau is a period of maximum sexual excitement of a woman. Orgasm occurs only after the woman reached the plateau.

According to external manifestations, the plateau can be confused with an orgasm. Woman shouting during frictions, writhing, wriggling. And after reaching the plateau subsides. But it is a lull "before the storm." She slowly continues friction. Then he gradually accelerates. Again begins to shout-moan. And then a real orgasm is experiencing in joyful convulsions.

Reducing the moisture sheds

At the time of orgasm, the vagina worst a member is especially tight. The grip can be felt. And the peasant, respectively, it gives a special pleasure. If you feel more pleasant sensations inside the "pussy" in the midst of a female orgasm - it means that it cums in real. In some cases, during orgasm, the vagina may even push out a member or, on the contrary, caustize deeper. Do not be afraid. These are normal manifestations of genuine orgasm.

At a slim woman, orgasmic spasms can be felt, just putting her hand on her belly. The act of these cuts are so strong that the wave rolled throughout the body of a woman, reminding convulsions. The most convulsions that love to imitate simulators. But if there was no cramps inside the vagina, then all other convulsions are doubtful.

Women's ejaculation

In some women, the orgasm is also accompanied by the release of a large amount of fluid from the vagina. Do not confuse it with an intimate lubricant allocated during sex. And it does not flow out the sperm of the partner. Vagina, indeed, can allocate some liquid during orgasm. By analogy with a male orgasm, this liquid is called ejaculate. After orgasm, the woman remains "lake" between the legs. The more female ejaculate, the stronger there was an orgasm.

The moment of selection of the ejaculate can be felt. The man has a feeling that the partner pressed on him during sex. Especially clearly it is noticeable in the position "Rider", when a woman is sitting on top with the legs spread and does not prevent anything from ejaculate to flow into a partner.

"Erection" of nipples

Orgasmic spasm inside the female body can absolutely not manifest outside. The lack of screams and convulsions does not mean the absence of orgasm. And on female nipples you can diagnose orgasm. If the orgasm was genuine, then the internal spasm will come to the chest and make the nipples to get up with a bar.

However, seductively stitching the tips of the breasts can and simply from strong excitement, and even from the cold. Therefore, the erection of nipples can be considered a secondary sign of orgasm.

Cold lips

Another secondary sign of orgasm, or rather, a sign of the lack of orgasm can serve as the cold lips of a woman during the conversion kisses. There are in mind your lips on your face ;-) Kiss a woman. And if in response it kisses as if reluctantly stressful cool lips - a formal kiss - then it may not have experienced orgasm. And if the lips are soft and pliable, then, most likely, the orgasm was.

Calm and relaxation after sex

An authentic orgasm is a peak of sexual pleasure, in which a huge number of "pleasure hormones" endorphins enter the blood. Scientists measured that endorphine allocated during orgasm operate with 200 times more morphine. Yes, sex is like drugs.

However, we will not conduct a chemical analysis of female blood to determine the content in it endorphins. But it is easy to see in what mood a woman after sex, or in the morning.

For many women, orgasm is nothing more than a mystical phenomenon that occurs only in the Favorites. The reason is simple: most of the fair sex representatives do not know how to get an orgasm. Women closes, begin to believe that they are frigid and defective. However, it is not. Let's find out why a woman cannot cum, and what reasons for this problem exist.

Psychological barrier

If a woman does not receive an orgasm, then this is the first alarming bell, which indicates the presence of any problem, physiological or psychological. The main reason for the impossibility of cum is a pressure and constraint.

During the Socia, a woman cannot relax and enjoy. As a rule, her thoughts fly anywhere, but not only in bed. She closes his eyes and sees no half-naked guys or exciting facilities, and household problems, conversations with girlfriends and dinner, which languishes on the stove.

Do not warm up

The physiology of a woman is unique, but not all men remember this. They only undress the girl in front of the sexual act, throw on the bed and passionately attack, seeking to immediately enter it and start consideration. And only then ask the question: "Why can a woman can't finish?".

So that the man gets an erection, he is enough to look at the exciting object and massage a member. Women are increasingly harder - it needs to be caught, passionately kiss, touch the skin and whisper in the ear tenderness, vulgarity. If a woman does not experience orgasm, perhaps she just hides that Koitus himself does not satisfy her, and she waits until the partner ends. Again, the wonderful floor began and rewarded you with sweet moans, sincere and natural, you need to give 10-20 minutes to excite the girl, relax her and put it as much as possible.

Egoism of man or indifference women

Let's answer the popular question: "Why can a woman can't finish?". She is simply not interested in enjoying and know the highest point of Koitus. Instead, the girl will endure painful sensations and discomfort, not take an active part in sex. It is important to understand that to obtain an orgasm you need to work your body and find optimal postures. If you feel that the missionary posture does not stimulate the nerve endings, try to roll over to the belly or sit down on a man.

The reason why a woman does not experience an orgasm is a man's egoism. Sometimes the strong floor does not hear his partner when she says that she does not like the posture or the depth of penetration. Paying attention to your girlfriend, you will find how vibrant of her orgasms can be. And for this it is enough to caress the chest, and not enough rude and rigidly. Change poses and together look for an optimal position where the sensitivity is higher.

Sad statistics

In 2017, the percentage of women who did not experience orgasm (vaginal or uterine) were exceeded for 70. Most sex representatives cum only if the clitoris stimulates, while it is not enough time to enjoy other types of pleasure.

New problem - lack of time

Why can't a woman cum? Because she elementary does not have time for his man. It prove numerous reviews, because the female body is unpredictable. If a full-fledged man can have sex on an average of 30-60 minutes, while pulling away orgasm for a long time, then most of the representatives of the strong sex are spending no more than 20 minutes. During this time, a woman has time to relax, choose a convenient posture and start enjoying the process.

So why doesn't a woman reaches orgasm? Not all men can wait until the girl caught the cherished wave and enjoy. Often they simply can not tolerate, why there are ejaculation before the woman will have stimulation of cherished points. In this case, there is a good advice that tells how to get an orgasm to a woman.

If you do not have time to cum and start to hurry, distract, worry, you can play with your body before sex. Connect a man into the game, let him caress you with your hands or orally so that you get clitoral orgasm. This will help speed up the process, because immediately after you graduate, a man must enter you. But here you do not need to relax - continue to stimulate the clitoris, because with a point G, you can get incredible sensations.

Reveal the root cause

Sometimes the lack of orgasm is not connected against time or with the situation. The main reason is pathologies and diseases that affect either genitals or endocrine or nervous system:

  • Diseases. These include diabetes, multiple sclerosis, surgical interventions, hormonal failure and impaired endocrine system. The decrease in libido and sensitivity can cause various infections, in particular those that are transmitted by sexually. Also for the lack of orgasm meet operations on the organs of a small pelvis and childbirth. Often in the postpartum period, women hurt sex, they lose sensitivity and attraction, feel discomfort and impossibility to cum.
  • Medications. Anorgasmia can lead to sedatives, antidepressants, drugs for reducing blood pressure and antihistamine preparations. Also noted that during chemotherapy, sexual treatment disappears.
  • Dependencies. Reduce sensitivity regular alcohol intake, smoking, drug use.
  • Climax (menopause). During this period, a woman has a restructuring of the body, a hormonal background is disturbed, which is why problems are possible in sexual life.

Frigidna or not

There are several types of anorgasmia that explain who are such frigid women. As a rule, they have absolutely no attraction and they do not feel sensations - neither moral nor physical. There is never any orgasms in the life of a frigid girl, and all the talk about sex are reduced to indifference. However, the anorgasmia is divided into several types that partly explain why the girl cannot cum:

  • Primary and secondary. The first type of women never experienced an orgasm and hardly be able to get acquainted with it without medical intervention. But the second type is those girls who periodically cum, but only in a certain way. For example, it enjoys only if it stimulates the clitoris with his hand.
  • Situational and sporadic anorgasmia. In the first case, the girl cums only in certain situations. For example, when watching a pornographic film or in a room with green wallpapers. In the second case, the woman is able to get orgasm only during penetration (entering the penis in the vagina).

Stressful situations and psychological barriers

It is important to understand that the female organism is truly unique and unpredictable. Even simple quarrels that are not playing an important role can reduce sensitivity.

  1. Child injuries. Perhaps the girl is afraid of intimacy, but can not say about this partner or herself does not suspect the presence of this problem. This may arise against the background of cruel treatment, internal conflict in the family, harassment, manual design. In the world, every tenth woman faces perversion and childcare in childhood. Someone is lucky, and they are separated only by vulgar jokes.
  2. Stresses. If there are constant conflicts and unresolved questions in a pair, the woman begins to move away from the man. Gradually, it closes in itself, and all of interest in sex disappears. In this case, you just need to get rid of the negative, quarrels, elevated tones, screaming, condemnation and accusations.
  3. Streking. Many girls can not cum, because they are worried about their appearance. Overweight, small pimple, uneven eyebrows - these little things can affect the mental state of the woman and lead to a common problem - the inability to get an orgasm.

Orgasm in the life of each girl is important. It removes emotional tension, relaxes and enhances the development of endorphins that affect the mood. Therefore, if you realized that you can't finish, then it's time to look for the root cause. In many cases, it helps work on themselves, a change in nature, an appeal to a psychologist and a regular test of the gynecologist.