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Night sea light ... Night light of the sea (about the causes of the black sea glow) that glows in the Azov Sea

Glow of the Black and Azov Sea in the Crimea. "... All the sea burns with lights. On the crests of small, a little splashing waves play blue precious stones. In those places where the oars touch the water, the magic brilliance of deep shiny stripes light up. Touching the water with your hand, and when we take it back, then the handful of glowing diamonds falls down, and in my fingers, the gentle, bluish, phosphoric lights are burning. Today, one of those magical nights, about which fishermen say: "The sea is burning!" "(A.I.Kuprin.) To all those who do not know the night bathing in the sea, which is so poetic and finely telling the classic. We are talking about the night glow. This magic nature is usually happening from July to the end of September, during the summer-autumn development of plankton. In our latitudes, it is possible to observe this phenomenon in the Black and Azov Sea. In August, the Azov Sea is very bright. To whom she was lucky to accidentally and unexpectedly witnessing this miracle, perceive him as magic of nature. Those who heard or read about it put themselves at a notes that this incredible phenomenon must necessarily see their own eyes. The glow of the sea was observed for a long time and the explanation for this phenomenon was not immediately given. Interesting paths that scientists were going before they could correctly explain the essence of the glow of the sea, which for centuries remained one of the mysterious phenomena of the universe. Various assumptions were expressed. It was believed that this was due to the content of phosphorus in water or electrical charges, which arise due to the friction of salt and water molecules. Others believed that the glow occurs as a result of friction of sea waves about the atmosphere or some solid body (boat, rock, coastal pebbles). It was also assumed that at night the sea returns the energy of the Sun, accumulated per day. Franklin to the truth approached the closer to all. He believed that the glow of the sea was an electric phenomenon. And only in 1753, they found an explanation for this phenomenon - the natural backs of the Becker saw under a magnifying glass of tiny single-celled organisms, two-billion size, which were answered by any irritation. The phenomenon itself was called "Boluminescence", which in the literal sense of the word means "weak living glow", or "cold" light, because it appears not from the heated source, but as a result of a chemical reaction with oxygen. This is a natural glow of a large mass of marine organisms that have luminous cells (luminous) cells. Many living organisms are lit into the sea - from tiny bacteria not visible to huge fish. But the principle of glow in all is similar, it is akin to the glow of night beetles of the fireflies, which we are surprised and admiring warm summer nights. The substance is luciferin (Svetonos - Greek) is oxidized by oxygen under the action of the luciferase enzyme and the quanta of green light is broken.

The ancient Greeks did not consider him by the sea, but called the Meoti lake.

The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is a shallow water flat reservoir with low coastal slopes. Water in it is muddy, and the shores are naked, low, clay-sandy. In summer, the temperature of the upper water layers is often heated to 28-30 degrees. At the same time on its coast and over the surface, the wind blowing the wind. Sometimes they are so strong, which catches the water ashore. Then the sea level in the coastal zone rises a few meters.

According to one of theories, the Azov Sea emerged 7,500 years ago as a result of a strong lift of the Black Sea level. And at present the level of its water is steadily falling. If the situation does not change, sooner or later it will disappear at all.

Names have a lot of names. It is called the sea of \u200b\u200bmollusks. The ancient Slavs called him by the Srozrian or blue sea. And the current name went from the Arabic phrase of the Bahr-Ela-Azov or the "Navy Blue Sea". But, very often his water because of the mixed sand acquire a greenish-yellow shade. At the same time, a lot of plankton lives in the sea. In view of this, at night, its surface is also glowing at all. Here are some more interesting facts about this amazing water branch of the planet:

  1. This is the smallest sea in the world. Its maximum depth is only 13.5 meters. In the middle of the depth of Azov, do not exceed 7 meters.
  2. The ancient Greeks did not consider him by the sea, but called the Meoti lake. Solidarity with them were the Romans, called the Azov of the Meoty swamp.
  3. The most distant sea from the ocean. His waters are separated from the Atlantic with 4 seas: black, marble, Aegean and Mediterranean. This is the most continental sea of \u200b\u200bplanet.
  4. Its water is 3 times forever than in other seas. It can be quenched thirst. And all because of the abundant flow of river water to the pool of Azov. In addition, the Azov Sea is hampered by water exchange with the Black Sea. Due to low salinity, it freezes in winter.
  5. The most fisheries in the world. Due to low salinity, the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is rich in fish. River views are even here. Its small sizes turned the reservoir into a peculiar fish nursery.
  6. Major minerals - oil and combustible gas. The Azov Sea is rich in minerals, hidden both at his day and under it. Gas deposits frame all its coast. The most promising oil and gas horizon is the deposits of the lower chalk. And the most affiliated - Maykop.
  7. Amazon lived on his shores. The Meetida state was located on the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov. According to the ancient Greek legends, beautiful women warriors or Amazons lived in the territory washed by the Black and Azov seas. Almost all the ancient writers write about them. For the first time, Amazon is mentioned in Iliad.

July 24, 2018.

A lot of holidays are written about holidays in the Azov, in detail its advantages and disadvantages ...

However, about the very sea of \u200b\u200binformation, except addressed to experts, is in surprise of little. And this is despite the fact that the Azov Sea is largely unusual, scientists believe that it was formed as a result of a global natural catastrophe about 5600 BC. er, that is, already in historical times. We tried in this article to eliminate some gaps in the knowledge of tourists who are happy to rest at the resorts of the warm and sunny Azov coast, and give little information about the Azov Sea here.

Shallow water and other "records"

The fact that the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is the most shallow-water in the world knows perhaps everyone. The largest depth is 13.7 meters, on marine standards - trifle. But a few people who belong to Him "World Record" know a few. The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov among the inland seas of the planet is the most remote from the world ocean. Including from the Atlantic Ocean, whose pool applies. Another "record" is all-Russian, this is the smallest of the sea from all the sleeves of our country.

Heat and Loda

The temperature in the upper layers of water in the spa zones of the coast in the summer sometimes rises to 30 degrees of heat. And in winter, bays and bays in the same zones are often covered with ice. In history, there are cases when the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Azov Sea was covered with ice almost completely.

To whom the crucian, whom the shark ...

A lot of large and small rivers bringing millions of fresh water cubic meters annually in the Azov Sea. A narrow Kerch Strait cannot provide him with a real, "marine" saline, it is three times lower here than on average in the World Ocean. Low salting leads to natural paradoxes. So, in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, river fish are found, such as pike perch, crucian, pike.

And they neighbor here with skates, sharks and even dolphins! True, sharks are small here, quite safe and the coast are extremely rare.

And waves here are quiet ...

The Azov Sea can be called the most "quiet" in the world. The highest wave, which has ever been observed here, did not exceed 4 meters. On average, the height of the storm waves in the seas and oceans is 7-8 meters, the waves (tsunami) are known for more than 30 meters high, but there are no such cataclysms on the Azov Sea.

Kerch Strait expands

In 1068, Gleb Svyatoslavich, the Russian Prince, who ruled in those days Tmutarakanya (the farthest Russian principality, at the mouth of the Kuban) spent the measurement of the distance between the extreme points of the Taman and Kerch Peninsula. It was the first well-known attempt to measure the width of the Kerch Strait. The measurement showed the result of approximately 20 kilometers. Today, after 950 years, this distance has become more than three kilometers. Whether the prince was mistaken, whether the shed over the years expanded - there is no one among scientists.

It also glows!

If you are lucky and you will go on to relax on the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov in August, you can witness an amazing spectacle - the night glow of the sea. The common belief is that these seaweed are shining, erroneously. An even fewer bases have speculation about some connection of this glow with the level of radiation. Scientists call such a natural phenomenon of "bioluminescence", its cause is a cluster at the surface of the sea water of a large number of living microorganisms.

Pure, Lazorous ...

Another erroneous opinion about the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is based on the stories about some unprecedented turbidity of its water. In fact, the Azov water is very clean, the sand, ripping the seabed and is quite close to the sea surface - an excellent natural filter. Waves and winds can sometimes raise sand from the bottom, and water can climb a little, but the wind subsides - and the water again becomes transparent, with a beautiful Lazorian tint.

For four seas

As mentioned above, the Azov Sea is the most remote from the world ocean. From the "native" Atlantic Ocean, it is separated by the whole four "intermediate" seas - black, marble, Aegean, and Mediterranean. Therefore, as well as because of the narrowness of the Kerch Strait, there are never either sakes or tides.

Deep and expensive

At the bottom of the Azov Sea, more precisely, in the depths of the Earth under his water management, and in coastal areas there are large fields of oil and gas. Fortunately for vacationers and fishermen, they are not developed, the production process is considered too time-consuming and expensive.

How to see ...

The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, European standards, not so small. At his water area, there could be a freely two European states - the Great Duchy of Luxembourg and the Kingdom of the Netherlands. And the overall length of the sea coastline is 2688 kilometers.

One of the plaster lakes located in Australia leaving tourists an incredible picture, which can be seen only here - at night the water glows as a large neon lamp. Such a phenomenon like bioluminescence itself is not uncommon and usually the guilt of its appearance becomes the activity of microorganisms called Noctiluca Scintillans.

The colonies of these representatives of the simplest organisms in large numbers accumulate in warm waters, and then the water surface begins to glow.

However, the glow on the Lake Jeepasend is unique, as it became a consequence of the accumulation of algae in water. This appearance is one of the few, giving water neon glow. In many cases, the science did not become known the functions of the bioluminescence in the life of organisms. And the tourists do not care at all, they just enjoy the beauty.

By the way, the popularity of the lake gained thanks to the avid traveler Fila Hart, who made a whole series of photos with this unusual phenomenon. In order to take a picture of the bioluminescence, Phil at the maximum set the camera resolution and threw stones and sand into the water.

Glow of the sea

The sea glow remained one of the magic ocean mysteries. The explanation of this phenomenon was looking for centuries. It was believed that the glow was caused by phosphorus contained in water or electrical charges that appear from friction of water and salt molecules. Even that nights the ocean returns the energy of the Sun. And only in 1753, the natural backs of the Becker saw under a magnifying glass of tiny single-cell organisms, no more than 2 mm. They were answered by light on any irritation.

The very phenomenon was called "Boluminescence", which literally means "weak living glow". The bioluminescence is also called "cold" light, because it does not proceed from the heated source, but caused by chemical reactions with oxygen. By the way, there are still glowing bacteria and mushrooms in nature. Thanks to the bacteria, spoiled fish and meat products are shouted, as well as bent wounds, to which the paracetesses paid attention to. Well, at night, you can sometimes notice the glowing threads of the fungny, which in the afternoon will see you by ordinary pegs.

"... All the sea burns with lights. Blue precious stones play on the crests of the waves. In those places where the oars touch the water, the magic brilliance of deep shiny stripes light up. Touching the water with your hand, and when we take it back, then the handful of glowing diamonds falls down, and in my fingers, the gentle, bluish, phosphoric lights are burning. Today, one of those magic nights, about which fishermen say: "The sea is burning!" "

Have you ever observed such a picture when you rested on the sea? True, an amazing phenomenon? Today I will tell you why the sea glows.

The ability of living beings glow is called bioluminescence. Could glow mushrooms, fireflies, some types of jellyfish and fish. The glow mechanism is similar to all organisms. They all have luminescent cells which contains a substance - luciferin. Under the action of oxygen it is oxidized, and the quanta of light is broken out.

Bioluminescence in jellyfish.

Glowweight siding.

Coverage of coastal waters, so perfectly described by Alexander Cookin, causes phyto and zooplankton. These can be swindlers, tiny croutons. But most often, evenly and strong glow is due to massive development. microscopic algae - Dinoflagellies, namely, plankton alga night (Noctiluca Scintillans). You can only see it in a microscope. The vents of the nighttime is a transparent cell with a flavor-flak. During in litter of seawater can be detected several million cells of the nighttime!It is thanks to this sea and burns with lights.

Algae Outdoor (Noctiluca Scintillans)

Mass accumulation of the nighttime.

In our country, it is possible to see this magic of nature in the Black, Azov and Okhotsk seas. Watch it better in quiet, warm, dark nights, When after the storm comes full calmThe peak of the glow falls on end of July - September - The period of mass summer-autumn development of plankton. Maybe that's why World Sea Day is celebrated on September 24, when the sea is such an elegant?! :) The spectacle of the luminous sea is one of the most fascinating natural phenomena. I wish you to see him see!