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The roof is leaking in a five-story building what to do. How-drip-drip ... What to do if the roof is leaking. What should the arriving team do?

Unfortunately, not only the residents of old buildings know from personal experience what roof leaks are, many new houses do not withstand the first test of rain. The roof leaks not only during periods of heavy rains, but also during winter thaws, spring snowmelt, etc. What should I do if the roof leaks in an apartment building?

In apartment buildings, roofs are most often flat with rolled coverings, but pitched roofs with a complex configuration are also found. The more complex the roof, the more difficult it is to fix the leak.

What causes problems with the tightness of the roofing?

Cause of the leakBrief description and methods for solving the problem

The integrity of the roof may be broken during snow removal in the spring. Inept and illiterate work of personnel cause mechanical ruptures of roofing materials. Another reason is the installation of various engineering networks on the roof. To install them, it is necessary to cut new holes in the roof, perform various construction works. Any violation of technology can cause mechanical damage.

All roofing materials have their own lifespan. Quite often, what manufacturers promise does not correspond to practice. The fact is that manufacturers rely on ideal operating conditions for roofing materials, but this does not occur in practice. As a result, the roof loses its tightness much earlier than homeowners expected. Depending on the type of roofing materials, a method is chosen to solve the problems that have arisen: current repairs are being made or a complete replacement of the roofing pie.

Unfortunately, the products of not all enterprises meet the existing quality requirements. Defective roofs are produced not only by unlicensed companies, but also by some domestic ones that work quite officially. The elimination of leaks that have appeared due to low-quality materials requires a lot of time and financial losses.

One of the most common causes of leaks on the roofs of apartment buildings. The low responsibility or lack of professionalism of builders causes big problems for residents of apartment buildings. This is the so-called human factor, the unscrupulous attitude of performers to their duties is a big problem for all general contractors.

Some leaks appear only after heavy snowfalls or strong dock winds, others are caused by light rain.

On pitched roofs, problems most often appear at the junction of slopes to flat vertical surfaces, in valleys, on skates. Flat roofs have an insufficient minimum slope, the roof surface is not divided into zones with water drainage, etc. Each error causes leaks, affects their intensity and, accordingly, can cause various material damage.

Algorithm of actions of residents

Currently, at the state level, the old housing departments are being liquidated, but the changes do not always meet the wishes of residents of apartment buildings. The new management companies adopt all the features of ZhEKs: unwillingness to work, striving to get maximum profit with minimum effort. Out of habit, most property management companies see tenants as a problem rather than as partners. Hence such an attitude - by any means to withdraw from the solution of pressing problems.

Conclusion - when leaks appear, you need to tune in to a long struggle with officials to protect your natural rights. What should be done when a leak occurs?

Step 1. Fix the fact of leakage and assess the amount of damage.

This is a very important step, pay close attention to it. There are several ways to fix the fact of a leak.

First. Inform the managing organization about the leak and call a commission to verify the fact and assess the damage. You can call the emergency number or write a letter.

The first method is not very reliable, although all calls should be recorded. Do not forget that management organizations consider residents to be their enemies, and not persons providing them with finances. They do not want to compensate for losses, they are in no hurry to eliminate technical problems in the operation of houses in a timely manner. If within three days the servicing organization has not sent its commission, then it is necessary to photograph the places of leaks on your own.

Second. Call at least two neighbors and draw up an act in any form.

The main condition is to indicate the full data of witnesses in the act. There may be issues with damage assessment. According to the current legislation, it can be done by a special appraisal company, such data are taken into account by the judicial authorities. But in practice, a court decision can be expected for many months, during which time the number of emergencies may increase, and the damage, respectively, increase. It turns out a vicious circle, which is impossible to break without harming oneself.

In large cities, there are public organizations for the protection of consumer rights, it is recommended to contact them on all controversial issues, they provide services free of charge. And then they sue the house management companies, the victims do not take part in this lengthy process.

Practical advice. It is recommended that the application be made in two copies, both should be registered with the public utility. When applying, you must have a passport, a photocopy of the completed pages and documents confirming the right to live in a flooded apartment with you.

What should be indicated in the application?

  1. Details of the applicant, full address, telephone, e-mail. The more data, the better, the more difficult it will be for the management company to find out the reasons why they did not answer the victim.
  2. Describe the problem in detail, point out the specific places where leaks appear on the roof, attic, ceiling, walls and floor. Date and time, approximate dimensions, volume of water, etc. It is highly desirable to have photo and video recording with the date. The more visuals, the better.
  3. Approximate amount of damage caused. We have already mentioned that you will have to contact appraisers, it is advisable to have receipts for the purchased goods.
  4. The final part is to indicate the date of the desired repair, ask to draw up an appropriate act. Signatures are placed at the bottom of the application.

Step 2. Wait for the arrival of representatives of the management company.

They will not fix the leak, but will only inspect the problem area on the roof and try to assess the damage. If there is no response within three days, you need to write complaints to higher organizations, up to local governments. Such walks on bureaucrats can last for several months, during which time there may be several floods, it all depends on the weather or the behavior of the neighbors living upstairs.

Step 3. Nothing works - prepare documents for going to court.

Attempts to delay the issues of repairs and compensation for losses are calculated on the fact that our compatriots do not go to court. They do this for several reasons: they do not believe in the independence of judges, they do not want to waste time, they do not know their rights. Indeed, in practice, no more than five percent of those affected by leaks through the fault of house management companies go to court to protect their rights. So the officials of various organizations are not afraid to send applicants in a circle just to drag out time as much as possible, to wait for the moment when people just give up. Lawsuits for compensation for damages are filed with the HOA or housing cooperative, it is these organizations that are required to constantly monitor the technical condition of the building.

What documents should be prepared for the court?

The bigger, the better. In our country, any piece of paper is still much more important than a citizen, you should be prepared for this. The minimum list of documents includes:

In the letter of claim, give the maximum number of facts, indicate when you first contacted the management company, what was its reaction. How long have you been communicating with company representatives, where did the progress of solving the problem stop? Indicate the names and positions of all employees with whom you had direct contact during this period. You do not need to expect that the court will instantly satisfy all your requirements, you will have to make a lot of efforts.

Important. The damage is compensated regardless of whether the apartment is privatized or not. We are talking about compensation for the personal property of a citizen living in a personal or rented apartment.

It will be much easier to prove the amount of damage if the owners have receipts for the purchase of various household goods or building materials.

If you have enough free time to go to the authorities, if you have an extremely strong nervous system and are incorrigible optimists, then you can write statements, photograph the flooding of the apartment and go to various authorities.

If you have a desire to quickly solve the problem on your own, then it is better to fix the leak, and then contact various authorities and seek justice. Thus, you will insure yourself against an ever-increasing amount of damage.

Where to get money for capital repairs of the roof of an apartment building?

The question is not as simple as it might seem. The roof and the attic are included in the list of property of the owners of the house, some management companies on this basis are trying to refuse to perform various works. Such actions are semi-legal, they may not make major repairs, but the current, especially emergency, are required. The fact is that in the receipts for the payment of services of the Criminal Code there is a separate line for the cost of maintaining housing. This includes ongoing roof repairs.

But very often, after fixing leaks, you need to think about performing a full-fledged roof repair, who should finance these works?

Everything is much more complicated here. First, you should carefully study the article on payment for current repairs, how much money is there and where they went. Not all management companies tell this information, you will have to fight with them. As we have already mentioned, all of them still consider the tenants to be their main enemies, who demand not only financial reports, but also the performance of official duties.

Find out how much free money there is and ask the management company to order project documentation and calculate the estimated cost of roofing. It is desirable that among the residents there are builders who are able to at least approximately check the honesty of the employees of the management company. If there is not enough actual money in the account, then you will have to hold a general meeting of the owners of the house and on it, under the protocol, entrust the management company with the implementation of such repairs. The missing money can be taken towards future payments for the maintenance of the house or additional targeted contributions can be introduced.

You need to know that a major overhaul campaign can only be carried out after receiving a protocol order. At least 2/3 of the listed number of home owners must vote for this decision. This is a real way to solve the problem, only the consent of the apartment owners is needed.

You can try to go one more way - to demand your legal rights from local governments. In accordance with Article No. 16 of the Law "On Privatization", the municipality was obliged to make a major overhaul of buildings whose depreciation period had expired at the time of privatization.

As practice shows, more than 99% of buildings before privatization were not repaired not only capitally, but also emergency. The reason is always the same - the lack of funds in the accounts of ZhEKs, although utility bills were paid by residents on time and in full. The law allows you to sue municipal authorities and demand monetary compensation from them for failure to fulfill their obligations. At present, there are still no cases in our country when these claims were resolved in favor of ordinary residents. Even single positive court decisions are not executed, local authorities always refuse on the basis of lack of available funds.

As for the timing of the elimination of leaks, the management company must eliminate the problem within a day. If its representatives claim that repairs will begin only after the owners of the apartments collect additional money, then this is a direct fraud. You have to get used to fighting for your rights, the only way to make the huge bureaucratic mechanism function in the interests of the country's inhabitants. Patience, perseverance and unwillingness to feel like a worthless cog is the key to positive changes in the country.

Video - The roof is leaking, and your management company is inactive? Contact the prosecutor

How to quickly repair flat roofs

Prices for bituminous mastic

Bituminous mastic

We will consider the case of flat roofs, such structures often leak, and they are much easier to repair than pitched ones. Of course, in the future, it is possible to require the managing organization to perform a full-fledged repair, including a major one with a complete replacement of roofing materials. But you will have time to calmly fight for your rights in various instances and not worry that another rain will significantly increase the damage.

The composition is specially designed for the rapid repair of the roof, can be used in any weather, including during rain. It does not require great practical knowledge and special expensive construction tools and fixtures.

Step 1 Inspect the roof surface for leaks.

We must say right away that sometimes it is quite difficult to detect them, especially for old houses. Each repair of the roof in such buildings was done without dismantling the leaky layers of waterproofing; during the operation, the roofing pie can have more than ten layers. Which one is leaking and where exactly is very difficult to find out. The leak can be located at a distance of tens of meters from the place of accumulation of water or snow, from the junctions to vertical architectural structures. Currently, there are special devices for finding leaks, but such a service costs many times more than the roof repair process itself. Yes, and you can call a specialized company only in big cities, small regional centers have no idea about such a complex technology.

Step 2 Clean the roof surfaces of vegetation, debris and dirt.

There is no need to dry the water, it will be removed by a special component that is part of the repair mixture. Remove vegetation with plastic brushes, it is strictly forbidden to use metal ones.

Step 3. Thoroughly mix the composition in a container.

If the roof needs to be repaired in winter, then the solution must be heated for a day in a warm room. Read the manufacturer's instructions carefully before starting work. Mix the composition with a mixing nozzle at medium speed.

Practical advice. Do not turn on the mixer at high speeds, in this mode a lot of air bubbles are formed, which negatively affect the quality of the repair mixture.

Prices for popular models of rotary hammers


Step 4. Pour the solution on the problematic and previously prepared place.

Step 5 Using a large, flat metal spatula, evenly distribute the compound over the surface to be repaired.

Do not leave gaps, make sure that the thickness of the solution is approximately the same. Keep in mind that the composition will even out on its own in the future, thickening will appear in some places. It's not scary, you just have to wait a little longer until the material solidifies completely.

Mastic is added as needed and spread with a spatula

Do not press the spatula too hard, especially on wet areas. Here, the strength of rolled materials is significantly reduced, mechanical damage is possible. If necessary, it is better to add another portion of repair mastic.

After a few minutes, the polymer material becomes airtight, it perfectly tightens all cracks, including large ones.

We have already mentioned that this method can be used to make urgent repairs to the roof, further actions depend on the condition of the roof of the apartment building and the amount of damage from flooding.

Modern repair compounds can be applied even under water, they perfectly perform their functions in any operating conditions.

Video - What to do if the roof leaks in an apartment building

Buying an apartment on the top floor of an apartment building is usually not difficult, but selling it is much more difficult. And it's not a hard climb up, but the fact that in 80 percent of domestic houses the roof periodically leaks. And the residents of the nearest apartments suffer from this.


Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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There can be several sources of the problem:

  • the use of low-quality materials in construction and repair, which quickly fail;
  • roof wear due to long-term use;
  • violation of sealing due to walking on the roof or weather conditions;
  • violation of the technology of laying materials;
  • non-compliance with the rules when cleaning the roof and installing additional elements;
  • improper installation of additional elements (ventilation systems, drainage systems, and so on).

In any case, this part of the building belongs to the department of the service company, which should be contacted if a problem arises.

Responsibilities of the management company

Since the roof belongs to the common house territory, its maintenance and repair must be carried out at the expense of the management company. For these purposes, funds are collected related to the category of housing maintenance and.

At the same time, some companies refer to the need to organize and raise additional funds. But such actions are not legal. must be carried out at the request of one resident and at the expense of funds collected from residents on a monthly basis.

At the same time, the elimination of a leak in one place should occur within a day, and the repair of a violation of the drainage system - in 5 days.

Legislative regulation

The legislative framework for applying to housing and communal services in 2019 are:

  • Housing code, according to which every resident must be provided with acceptable conditions.
  • Decree of the Gosstroy of 2003 No. 170 "On approval of the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock."
  • Agreement with the management company and other documents.

What to do if the roof of an apartment building is leaking?

When the roof of an apartment building leaks, you need to decide what to do quickly. After all, the sooner the problem is fixed, the less damage it will cause.

First of all, the owner needs to call the service company and register a complaint. It is advisable not to even call, but to apply personally and write a statement that will definitely be recorded, and you can keep a copy with a note for yourself.

The leak itself should be photographed or filmed, in the future this will help defend your point of view in court if the company refuses to carry out repair work.

It's also a good idea to contact your neighbors and find out what their leak situation is. If they also suffered, you need to unite and contact the company together.

Where to apply?

An appeal for a leaking roof must be submitted to the service organization of the housing department, and preferably immediately to the manager, which can combine several housing and communal services.

Sample Application

Some companies provide applicants with a standard application form to fill out. And in some it will have to be written independently. In the latter case, you will need a regular sheet of paper, on which the tenant's data (name, address, contact phone number) is indicated in the upper right corner and to whom the application is sent.

Then the word “Statement” is written in the center, and the situation that has arisen is described below:

  • what happened and where;
  • how severe the damage;
  • request to take action;
  • desire to draw up an act for further compensation for damage.

The application itself is written in two copies: one remains with the management company, and the second with a mark and acceptance is with the tenant.

Within the next two weeks, the housing department should create a special commission that will conduct an examination and draw up an inspection report. It should indicate the time and date of the inspection, its results.

Remedial action is then taken promptly. As a result, the leak should be completely eliminated in two weeks.

What to do if the CC does not respond?

In the event that the appeal remained unanswered and the problem was not resolved within the next day.

Residents can complain in several ways:

  • housing inspection;
  • prosecutor's office;

Complaint to the prosecutor

This is the most convenient solution to the problem. If the Management Company refuses to repair the leak, it is advisable to obtain a written refusal from it. Even if it is not available, the existing statement with the recorded date is sufficient.

When contacting the prosecutor's office, you need to write a statement in which you indicate the grounds for the appeal and the inaction of the housing department.

The application must be accompanied by:

  • a copy of the passport;
  • copies of documents for the apartment;
  • evidence of a leak that has occurred (here photo fixation is needed).

If several apartments were damaged, then it is better to write a collective complaint, then the decision in relation to the Criminal Code will be more severe. The prosecutor's office will consider the complaint and within a short period of time will check the performance of the management company of its duties.

Upon completion of the verification, a response to the claim will be sent to the applicant's address. As a rule, this is an order to eliminate a leak, which can be supplemented by penalties.

Going to court

What to do if the roof in an apartment building is leaking, and the management company is not going to repair it, citing lack of funds or other reasons? In this case, it is better to go to court, especially if there is serious damage to property.

Going to court involves writing a statement of claim. Along with it, a list of documents is submitted:

  • a copy of the applicant's passport, when filing a claim, the passport itself is needed;
  • real estate documents;
  • certificates of inspection of the roof and apartment, if they were not made by the employees of the housing department, it is worth contacting the housing inspection, which will conduct an examination and draw up an act;
  • the address of the service organization to which the application was sent with a request to eliminate the leak;
  • if any, responses from the company;
  • available photos and video materials of the incident and other documents.

The application should also be supported by documents indicating the amount of material and moral damage suffered as a result of the leak.

The only disadvantage of going to court is the length of the procedure, which sometimes requires months of proceedings. During this time, destruction can become very strong. And the elimination of the leak may not come immediately after the court decision, all this time the residents will have to wait.

If you live on the top floor of an apartment building, then you probably know firsthand problems such as leaks. Of course, ideally, the management company to which your house belongs should take care that such problems do not arise, which is why regular inspection of the roof and periodic repairs are needed. But, unfortunately, as practice shows, there are still problems, especially when it comes to the old building. And many simply do not know how to write a statement and where to apply. It directly depends on whether measures will be taken at all.

Therefore, we have compiled detailed instructions for you in case the roof leaks in an apartment building: what to do and in what order. Act legally competently - and the problem will be solved with minimal losses!

The fact that the flows on the ceiling in your apartment is bad and fraught with certain problems is not worth saying. After all, dampness not only causes inconvenience to households, but also has a bad effect on the house itself, destroying it over time. Its appearance deteriorates, wear accelerates, mold develops:

Let's list the main causes of leaks in an apartment building so that you understand what is happening:

  1. The most common reason is use of poor quality roofing material. Most often, this is encountered in new buildings, when control over the purchase of the necessary materials leaves much to be desired.
  2. Also roofing materials tend to wear out, and they simply expire. In addition, they are affected by both precipitation and wind.
  3. Another reason - unskilled process of installing a roof or repairing it. Technological violations are allowed, for example, gaps between the joints of roofing sheets, or insufficiently reliable fastening, and the roof of the house quickly loosens, and you probably know how strong the wind is at such a height.
  4. The roof is also damaged. in during mechanical harvesting and from germinating plants.

Quite often, the reason for the formation of condensate is too noticeable a difference in air temperature in the attic and on the street. In this case, the attic becomes damp, and this affects the condition of the upper apartments.

According to all current standards, the attic temperature in winter should correspond to the street temperature. Otherwise, when snow is blown into the attic windows, it will melt and seep into the lower rooms already in the form of moisture.

Who is responsible for the safety of the apartments on the upper floors?

So, let's start with who exactly is responsible for the integrity and safety of the roof of a residential apartment building. This is a management company or housing and communal services.

There is such an article as current repairs, where the funds of the apartment owners are accumulated. And when this repair is necessary, a brigade should arrive and repair the roof with the funds accumulated under the article:

At a meeting with representatives of the management company, it is necessary to determine the approximate cost of the upcoming repair and whether there will be enough funds under the article. Then, at the general meeting of tenants, they vote to entrust the solution of the problem to the management company, and at the same time, a certain number of apartment owners must vote positively.

Keep in mind that the voting results are calculated in accordance with the area of ​​apartments and the vote of the owner of a one-room apartment is not at all the same as the vote of the owner of a five-room apartment. By the way, if it turns out that the funds are still not enough, you can offer to make repairs at the expense of future payments or introduce an additional payment right now.

Whatever decision the tenants come to, it must be recorded as a decision of the general meeting of owners.

What kind of repair is needed: current or major?

How quickly the management company reacts and how well it does everything depends on the exact situation in which the leak occurred. For example, stains on the ceiling after rain indicate that the roof was not repaired on time and it will continue to leak. But the leak itself will disappear with the rain.

In the long term, this is bad, because a constantly damp roof is a favorable environment for the development of mold and fungus. In addition, in such houses, electrical wiring often suffers and a short circuit occurs, which breaks down the stairwell equipment and even there is a risk of fire. To fix this problem, maintenance is needed:

In the case of constant leaks in different places, which increase from year to year and affect more and more apartments, we are already talking about the need for a major overhaul of the roof:

There was a leak: what should be done first?

So, it happened: a wet spot has formed on your ceiling, or water is dripping right on the furniture. What to do? First of all, you need to immediately call the hotline of the management company and call the emergency service (all numbers are usually indicated in the entrances).

The management company itself must maintain and repair roofs at the expense of those payments that residents regularly make. Those. she does not do it “out of her own pocket”, which means that since you pay regularly, you have the right to demand appropriate work. If you are interested, then right in the receipts for rent you can find such a line of expenses as a fee for the maintenance and repair of housing.

The second step is to think about where else you will go about the fact that the roof is leaking. One call, as practice shows, is not enough - it is quickly "forgotten". Especially if the leak occurs regularly!

In such a case, the utilities should conduct a normal inspection and find the causes of the problem, and initiate major roof repairs if necessary. Therefore, if you call, then force the person who receives the call to issue it in the form of a formal complaint indicating the time of the call.

The dispatcher should soon send a technical specialist or a team to you to assess the damage and draw up an act.

What should the arriving team do?

So, if they responded to your call or appeal, then, having a leak inspection certificate in your hands, you can get repairs and even compensation for the damage caused (the need for repairs, damaged furniture, etc.).

It also happens that after a call to the operator of the management company, the specialists did not leave for the place, or they came and left, having been purely formal and without drawing up an act. If this does not happen, you need to write a statement in which you indicate all the damage. And fix them on photos and videos, just set the correct date and time of shooting in the settings of your device or camera so that they are indicated on the photos.

When applying to the management company, you will need documents such as:

  • The title document for your apartment in the original, if you are the sole owner, or all others, if you are not alone.
  • Your passport in the original and the primary act of inspection of the apartment after flooding.
  • Photo and video materials on electronic media.

For convenience, follow this plan:

Therefore, if the roof is leaking, use this sample application to the management company:

Also, if you have such an opportunity, also examine the roof and determine the place of the leak - it is also desirable to fix it in the photo. Most likely it is not at all in the place where you think, i.e. not above your ceiling, but much farther. It's just that water is looking for ways to get down and often flows all over the stuffing of the roofing cake. The saddest situation is when a major overhaul has never been done in decades. This is where you have to achieve your goal, but more on that later.

Your application must be considered within 14 calendar days and then take some action. It is desirable that such a statement be written not only by you, but also by all the affected apartment owners, then the complaint is already considered collective and the public utilities begin to work faster. If you do not know the full name of the head of the company, then you can simply indicate the position or ask such a question on the hotline.

The application itself is allowed to be submitted both in printed form and in handwritten form. The main thing is to state the essence of the problem of eliminating defects in the roof and compensate for the material damage caused. You can hand over the application in person when visiting the management company, having all the necessary documents on hand, or send it by mail with a notification letter - in this case, you have no right to refuse to consider the problem.

But, if you see that after your appeal there is still no action, then write a letter of claim to the head of the management company on the basis of the Law on the Protection of Rights and send again by letter with notification. Here is an example of such a complaint:

The application must indicate the exact time when the leak was noticed, the exact time when they contacted the management company and to whom, the full name of the employees who refused or could not help you. In addition, you can complain about the management company to the Housing Inspectorate, and this is easier than immediately suing:

How can I claim compensation for damages?

When locksmiths arrive and the flood stops, but the damage is too noticeable, contact the management company again. You must have a completed act on hand, which describes in detail all the damage due to leakage (you have the right to demand one copy of the drawn up act from employees). If this is not the case, the employees of the management company are able to rewrite a single copy in their own interests.

In principle, you have the right to make an estimate of the damage yourself, as long as it is based on real prices. After all, the management company may not agree with the amount, and an independent examination will have to be involved. Therefore, it is easier to initially order an assessment of an independent appraisal company and include the cost of its services there, in the cost of the amount of the claim. The amount recovered includes a repair estimate, sales receipts, the cost of building materials like whitewash or paint, and even restoration of items. And, of course, the cost of damaged things that got water, appliances and furniture.

But we will warn you here against a common mistake: do not draw up an act more solid than it should be. Of course, if you previously had some kind of renovation in the room, then I would like to consider a leak as a great opportunity to rip off more money from the company and make repairs better. But, according to the law, the company should only bring the room back to the original state it was in before the leak. And therefore, it is impossible to include wallpapers that are more expensive than those that already exist, or another type of finish, in the estimate.

File a claim for damages within 10 days. To do this, you will need an additional act, which is drawn up in the presence of a commission from the management company and the senior in the house. Ideally, if you still have checks and documents for damaged appliances and furniture, or an estimate for a fresh repair.

If the management company does not want to compensate for the damage, then you can file a lawsuit. But the court will begin to figure out who is to blame for the leak, and whether the company has anything to do with it. And indeed, sometimes the point is not in an unsuitable roof. Then the residents of the house gather and decide whether the leak occurred due to the fact that the roof was not repaired on time. If not, then they solve the problem on their own, turning to private firms and dumping it for repairs. This option also has the right to life, at least it costs much less nerves.

If the commission draws up an act and reports the amount of damage to the management company, you should be reimbursed for it. For this purpose, a special agreement is drawn up - a document that should be certified by a notary. As practice shows, most often such companies do not agree with the indicated amounts, so it is better not to overestimate them. In extreme cases, everything will have to be decided through the courts.

Either way, the law is on your side:

How to insist on roof repairs?

According to the law, the management company must give you a written response within 14 days and form a special commission that will inspect the roof of the house and decide what kind of repair is needed.

It is extremely important to ensure that the commission's decision is implemented, and not just exists on paper. Until then, experts advise:

  • Step 1. Collect a special commission from the residents of the house, which will include the senior and affected apartment owners.
  • Step 2. Register the status of this commission at a meeting of apartment owners and apply to utilities with a request to allow all these members of the commission to control the progress of repairs.
  • Step 3. When permission is received, the commission will have the right to familiarize itself with the plan of the work itself, the estimate and ensure that high-quality building materials are purchased.
  • Step 4. If something goes wrong, the commission submits a collective application, and these will no longer be the words of any one tenant of the house.

Of course, not in all cases such a commission is needed - only if your utilities are unscrupulous. If the repair has not begun, then it makes sense to immediately go to court.

And be vigilant when residents are offered to raise money for major repairs on their own. In fact, a roof leak is an emergency, and the management company must eliminate the causes of the leak in a day, no more.

In what cases will you have to go to court?

As practice shows, the management company often refuses to compensate for damage from a roof leak. Therefore, in case of serious damage, you still have to go to court, where it is important to correctly draw up documents, attach evidence in the form of information media and attached photographs of the attic and roof with leaks:

If the management company refuses to compensate for the damage, then, in addition to the housing inspection, they turn to the district prosecutor's office or the court. And there they are already demanding not only compensation for material damage, but for what has been done to health. True, if just the thought that you have to fiddle with documents so much makes you feel bad, then it makes sense to turn to specialized firms or a good lawyer.

They really have more experience in such appeals and will compose an appeal more competently. Indeed, often the owner of a troubled apartment is refused only because he stumbled over some legal subtleties.

But, we hope that your case will not come to court - do the right thing from the very beginning, and the problem will most likely be solved!

Many are familiar with the situation when, with the advent of inclement weather, problems with roof leakage begin. Few people will be pleased with the damaged ceiling and the streams of water from above. And if you recently made a fresh repair, then watching dirty stains above your head is all the more unpleasant. If the roof is leaking, what should we do first and who to complain to, let's look at the details.

If you live in your own home

Frequent rains, snow that has begun to melt, often manage to penetrate our homes, seeping through attic floors, insulation layers, and ceilings.

So what if you live in your own home? First, let's try to solve everything ourselves.

Water is able to overcome many obstacles in its path, and the slightest damage to the roofing can be a suitable loophole for it.

It often happens that when the roof leaks, it is very difficult to identify the specific location of the leak. After all, it can be at a considerable distance from the place of its obvious manifestation.

Repair of the roof of your own house

Water penetrates very well through the attic and ceilings, soaking into roofing materials, so the damaged area of ​​​​the roof may not be at all where it drips from the ceiling inside the dwelling.

If you undertook to identify the original place of water ingress, you should get on the roof. Then very carefully inspect the proposed place, and be sure the area around it.

And be sure to check if it was correct

On pitched roofs, it is recommended to explore suspicious areas, moving from the bottom up the slope. That is, knowing where it flows from the ceiling, find this place on the roof, and move from this starting point up the slope.

Most likely, you will find the ill-fated place a little higher than previously thought.

If the roof suddenly leaks, what to do after you find the damage? The owner of a private house, no doubt, will take up the repair of the roof.

This can be done either on your own or with outside help, replacing part of the coating with a new one.

But what about those who live in an apartment building, and not in their own house? Especially often this problem concerns the residents of the uppermost floors, although the leak can be so serious that several apartments at different levels can be flooded at once.

Where to contact if this happened in an apartment building

What should be the actions of the owners of apartments in a large house, and where to turn if the roof is leaking? Residents of apartments flooded with water, first of all, should urgently call the housing and communal services serving their home.

Roof leak claim

At the same time, it is advisable to find out the name and position of the person who accepted the application for an accident. As soon as possible after this, utility workers along with a plumber should come to your house for inspection.

It is recommended to take a photo of damaged ceilings and walls, and possibly a video recording. This will serve as strong evidence in case of litigation, if it comes to them. Be sure to turn on the shooting date and time function on your camera or camcorder.

In case of a leak that caused damage to the property of citizens, as well as changed the appearance of the apartments, an application is written to the management company. The application is drawn up in two copies, one of which the applicant keeps for himself with the signature of the employee who accepted this application.

Now if , you know for sure.

Coming at your call, utility workers are required to draw up an act on the presence of damage in each apartment. The act must be drawn up in the presence of several competent members of the commission and independent witnesses.

The document must be drawn up in two copies, one of which remains with the affected tenant.

When a roof leak causes damage to furniture, household items, things and other things, this must be indicated in the act.

Moreover, the members of the commission must indicate in as much detail as possible the nature of the damage to the property, list everything that has become unusable, and also indicate how serious the damage has been.

The tenant is free to sign the act drawn up by the commission only after its detailed study. Moreover, you have the right not to sign the document if you are not satisfied with everything that is indicated in it, or individual points.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that the act does not indicate the specific cost of the damage caused to the victims. (This should be spelled out in detail in another act - a defective statement).

The document describes only the cause and features of the accident, its possible perpetrators, and also lists what has become unusable due to the fault of the incident.

In the event that the act of roof leakage did not lead to rational actions of the housing and communal services to correct the consequences, you have the right to file a claim with your management company. The claim should indicate the reason for your appeal, the nature and extent of the accident, as well as the amount of material damage.

The application is written in the name of the head of this company. A copy of your passport must be attached to it, as well as a copy of a document confirming your right to own an apartment. If there was a commission of independent experts, then a copy of the act drawn up by them is attached.

Most often, the management company, having received a statement of this nature, does not bring the case to trial. Therefore, if the roof is leaking, it is better to act in this sequence.

If your company's claim has no effect, and the company is inactive, you should go to court to file an application against it.

Many tenants often find themselves to blame for the fact that housing services do not pay due attention to their problems. Often there is simply no desire to drag out unpleasant chores, believing that all the same, the perpetrators will not be found and the damage will not be compensated.

Unfortunately, the tenants themselves, thus, give public utilities a reason not to fear for their negligence. In many foreign countries, just the opposite is practiced.

Homeowners study and practice their rights so meticulously that management companies simply try to prevent accidents. They know that the slightest violations in their work can lead to huge fines and job loss.

If you have a leak and it seems to you that the damage and troubles are minimal, still apply for a report. This act of roof leakage - a sample that you can find on our website, will be a fairly strong document in your favor.

If the damage to the roof is not repaired by the utility, please contact again. When precipitation stops, water may temporarily stop flooding the ceiling, but this is only temporary - until the next rain or snow.

Therefore, do not succumb to the persuasion of housing and communal services workers that everything will close up by itself, the gap will clog up, and water will no longer flow. By no means, if the roof is not repaired on time, leaks will only intensify over time.

If you are photographing damaged property, as well as repairs damaged due to a leak, do not only set the date of shooting on the camera.

It is highly desirable that the commission that draws up the act officially certifies photographs or video material. Try to perform all actions in the presence of independent experts, or your neighbors.

They will be able to confirm the necessary facts, if required in further proceedings.

Shop receipts for the furniture and equipment you purchased will come in handy. If it has deteriorated and become unusable, it will be much easier for you to confirm its value. Checks for purchased building materials during the last renovation in the apartment can also be useful.

In cases where step-by-step legal actions did not bring a positive result, go higher. That is, observing the chain of command, each time apply to an ever higher authority.

Remember that every organization is influenced by a higher one. Often even mentioning that you will go higher can give a positive result.

With your persistent and decisive actions at the very beginning of the problem, utilities will understand that you will not back down. As a rule, people who are not too lazy to seek their rights remain the winners.

Ask your friends and acquaintances how the process of solving their problem went, if they had to deal with it. How did they act in their case, and what would they advise you in this situation.

When you know who to go to and what to do - if the roof is leaking, you will not be at a loss when a similar problem arises. And decisive and competent actions always end in success.

Gennady Tikhonov

Articles written

The off-season brings a lot of inconvenience to the residents of the last floors of high-rise buildings. One of the most common problems is a leaky roof in an apartment building. As a result, not only the ceiling and walls of the apartment can deteriorate. Severe downpours can even damage furniture. Citizens often have no idea where to turn when wet spots appear on the ceiling due to roof damage. They are trying to solve the problem on their own, laying out serious funds to repair the roof of the house. It is the responsibility of the utility to repair the damage.

Why is the roof leaking in high-rise buildings

The problem of roof leakage on the top floor is very common. This happens because of the following issues:

  • low-quality roof material;
  • roof wear over time;
  • a sharp change in temperature;
  • violations of norms during the construction of the roof;
  • improper cleaning of the roof from snow and ice, resulting in cracks;
  • mechanical damage due to weather or force majeure.

The first step in the event of damage is to determine the cause, if possible, eliminate the problem.

Where to go

Many do not know where to turn if the roof is leaking. If wet spots, stains on the ceiling and walls are found, you should resort to the help of utilities. In this case, you need to call the dispatchers of the communal office. Their duty is to fix the appeal and transfer it to a specialist. He must record the extent of the damage.

Some negligent employees of the housing office are unwilling to accept applications or measures to eliminate the leak. They expect better weather or other circumstances. However, the obligation to repair the roof is assigned to the housing office.

What to do first

It is important for residents of the upper floors to understand exactly what to do when the roof in an apartment building is leaking. If damage is found, it is important to enlist the support of neighbors. There is a possibility that their apartments were also flooded. Residents can come together to file a collective complaint. If the housing office refuses to take action, the case can be transferred to the prosecutor's office. The issue can also be resolved in court.

Photo fixation

One of the important points in fixing the fact of a roof leak is photo or video recording. It must be carried out before the arrival of the housing office employee. A photograph will be an important proof of damage. If the report of a roof leak drawn up by a housing office employee does not correspond to reality, is an attempt to hide the severity of damage, a photograph of the tenant will help to protest it.


The company's refusal to repair the roof or failure to meet the deadlines for repairing damage should be described in a statement to the head of the management company. A sample application to the housing office about a roof leak can be found on the website or taken from the office staff. The document must contain the following information:

  • information about the addressee and the applicant;
  • information about the owner of the property and its address;
  • date and time of the leak;
  • detailed information about the leak (when and where it was discovered, the degree of damage);
  • preliminary assessment of damage to property;
  • references to legislative acts;
  • enumeration of the evidence base (photographs and video recording);
  • the requirement to repair the damage;
  • date and signature of the applicant.

A lawsuit allows the applicant not only to achieve repair of the roof, but also to recover material and moral damage from the utility company. The claim must contain specific requirements and evidence of damage and refusal of the management company to fulfill its obligations. The applicant should enter data on the Criminal Code, the time of applying for their help and the result of communication with public utilities.

What to do when the roof is leaking: Video

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