Repairs Design Furniture

Aprons for kitchen, views of the aprons, description (real photos). What makes a apron in the kitchen? Stylish apron for kitchen

In the design of the room, a kitchen apron can be a harmonious addition or a bright accent. Impressive, colorful wall decoration is suitable for a kitchen decorated in 2-3 colors. The original and modern move will be the combination of these two approaches.

Anyway, the kitchen apron must please the eye, match the shared style of the kitchen, it is possible - to be extraordinary and possess such useful properties:

But the material that 100% responded by this obvious to the kitchen requirements does not exist. So when designing a kitchen apron, you need to find the optimal ratio of important criteria. Examples - in the photo below.

However, you can apply proven tricks. For example, on the color surface of pollution is not as visible as on a monophonic one. And the use of various imitation of wood, stone, skin, metal will help favorably beat the situation and reduce costs. Just for these reasons, kitchen aprons are often made from ceramic tiles.

Apron from tile

High performance properties, varieties of colors, shapes, sizes, textures and democratic rates make ceramic tiles with popular material for aprons. By the way, on these aprons there is a separate one.

Standard dimensions make it possible to implement extraordinary ideas and color solutions. Imitating any surface, it will be appropriate in different styles of interior design, as evidenced by these photos.

The glazed ceramic tile - for many years is considered the best material for the kitchen and other rooms with high humidity.


This material has recently acquired new forms that does not prevent the use of rectangular or square options for the kitchen as in the photo.

In the trend, the design of the walls with a hexagonal tile (hexagon) resembling bee honeycombs, and other non-standard forms - for example, as in the photo below.

Usually the colors of the kitchen apron is selected under the furniture. Standard reception - strip in the middle Apron harmonizes with a dark part of the headset, and the main background - with light. But modern ideas are not alien to the violation of previously established rules, so that the walls can be all those present in the kitchen interior of the kitchen.

If you want, make a smooth color transition, creating a trend gradient. Can't pick up a color? Stop the selection on the mirror tile, especially suitable for the kitchen of small sizes.

Only in this case the kitchen apron is better to free from the rails and other utensils hanging over it, since the effect will be the opposite.

In 2018, the factual finishing of the walls that gives them an additional volume will not lose the relevance. The relief on the tile makes the design extraordinary, which will be confirmed by these photos.

But such beauty complicates the cleaning process. Alternatively, you can lay out the textured tile less contaminated fragments.


You have never been interested in why in our country the tile "Metro" received such a strange name? The answer is simple: on the tile end there are two holes that resemble a patch, and with a certain angle, it really looks like a very conventional image of a boar. The white tile "Metro" is considered universal and forever fashionable design of the walls.

It happens matte or glossy, with a contrast or monophonic grout. To create an original apron, you can combine several colors or choose a non-standard solution - for example, a cable for bronze, as in the photo.

The cable is suitable for the kitchen decorated in each style, and easily manipulates space - expands and enhances the walls. With the traditional layout in the dispersion, it resembles a brick, but it can also be postponed:

  • stacks;
  • christmas tree;
  • diagonally;
  • in a checkerboard;
  • vertically with displacement;
  • your ideas.


If in the kitchen apron there are roundings, niches, arches, complicating the laying of the tile of large sizes - the interior itself hints on the unique design of the mosaic.

Such a ceramic mini tiled is facing complex surfaces, make an edging of the apron or its accent elements. Ceramic mosaic has all the properties of the tile, but can be made of multicolored glass, pebbles, enamel and other materials.

It is ideal for kitchens in Stalinki or Khrushchev, which are not distinguished by large dimensions. Many constituents give unlimited possibilities for a flight of fantasy. Among the few flaws are a high price, the need for professional installation and regular cleaning.


In essence, it is a picture that occupies the entire kitchen apron or part of it. Its components can be a ceramic tile, a mosaic or a combination of these elements, relevant in abstract images.

What will happen on the panel - will help determine the selected interior style. But whatever it is - it will definitely ask the atmosphere of the kitchen. Plant ornament, reproduction of beloved paintings, intricate abstraction, marine or city landscape ...

As you can see, each plot will emphasize the dominance of one or another style. If you have not yet finally decided on the kitchen style, stop the choice on neutral images - landscapes and still lifes. They will easily fit into soft, classic and more modern directions.

Photo Plot

An excellent way to personalize the kitchen is to decorate it with your own, yes or simply an unrelated pattern.

Thanks to the digital photo printing technologies on the tile there may be any image. Want to admire live flowers while cooking, feel the taste of fresh fruit or berries? Perhaps you have long dreamed of a non-additive home pet? All this can have on your kitchen apron!

The problem of any type of ceramics is the seams between tiles that affect its hygienic indicators. But the smooth grout and protective varnish coating radically change the situation.

Examples of kitchen aprons from glass

It will be excellent protection for wallpapers and other materials unstable to moisture, but it is safely used in itself. Transparent, matte, smooth, textured, with drawings or patterns, glass has all the necessary properties, except for strength.

Therefore, the aprons for the kitchen most often draw up more durable tempered glass. Of course, it can also be broken, but for this you will need to try. Even if this happens, the fragments will be small and non-outdoor.

The leading positions in the design of kitchen aprons occupy skinali - glass panels with a variety of, including 3D plots.

The simpler version of the glass apron is lackel, you will enjoy lovers of unobtrusive monochromatic design. The wrong side of such a cladding is covered by special, safe for health varnish.

Reliability and super-resistance is characterized by glass "Triplex". It consists of 3 layers, between which the film is placed with the image, and completely does not hit. But again, the price will not please you.

To the most budget way to imitate similar design methods, glass covered with vinyl film is monotonous or with a pattern. True, it is poorly opposed to high temperatures and mechanical damage.

The disadvantages of all types of glass design include binting price and the inability to drill any holes for outlets or rails without the help of professionals.

From stone

The kitchen apron, identical to the tabletop, organically connect the cooking zone into a single whole, besides, will provide its durability. Most often apply granite, marble, quartzite, basalt, travertine - durable breeds of natural stone. Each of them looks very nice, easily washed and served for many years.

But this method can not be called a budget way to finish, besides, the installation of the stone is quite complicated. When installing glue can be leaked through microcracks and pores of natural stones and form non-exverse spots. This is not necessarily, but still possible.

A good imitation of natural relief will be an acrylic stone. With it, the most bold ideas and ideas will be implemented, as can be seen on these photos. The kitchen apron will decorate the luxurious stone texture, grain pattern, various intersions, colors and divorces. This method of finishing is more expensive than those mentioned by the stone conventions, unstable to scratches and high temperatures, but it is easily restored.

It must be said, these shortcomings do not belong to artificial stones like porcelain stoneware - mixtures of natural minerals and lytoxers - marble compounds with a cafeter. At the same time, nor appearance nor the combination of flowers will dismiss their artificial origin. Make sure you look at the photo.

If your home is brick, you will easily achieve such a design naturally, clearing the wall from plasters and other finishing materials. Then it will need to paint with white paint or varnish with special protective additives.

This design makes the wall significantly more and welcome in such directions as Loft, Country, Minimalism, in Scandinavian style. But with all its cozy form, brick may be impractical. Therefore, especially loaded kitchen apron areas can be additionally protected.

Stainless steel aprons

This material is perfect for modern kitchen. It perfectly fit into new and somewhat warming up less progressive directions in the interior design, harmonizing with other metal surfaces and verticals.

Stainless steel kitchen, durable and eco-friendly. It visually increases the size of the room by reflective ability. This apron is combined with warm and cold colors.

Combining metal surfaces - panels, tiles or mosaics with other materials allows you to realize extraordinary design ideas.

But there are disadvantages. On such aprons, the appearance of scratches is not excluded, they are sensitive to the effects of acids (splashes from lemon or tomato) and require mild care without abrasive agents.

From PVC panels

This is one of the most pleasant ways of finishing the kitchen apron, not inferior to ceramic tiles in a variety of colors, drawings and textures.

Mosaic, tile, stone, wood, metal ... Whatever you have chosen for the kitchen, it will symotize the PVC panels. Therefore, regardless of the style of the interior, you will easily find several options. And that's what they look.

Cons design:

  • relative tenderness of the material;
  • deformation from high temperatures;
  • burnout flowers from sunlight;
  • doubtful environmental friendliness.

Some drawbacks can be excluded, making sure the harmless and not having the panels right above the stove. Others are overlapped with ease of installation, which contributes to the embodiment of new ideas and frequent change of the situation.

Handmade aprons and original materials

Do you think that all the best is done with your own hands? This is true, especially if you have certain professional skills. Just remember that the apron for the kitchen should be moisture and heat-resistant, strong and easily laundering. You already have enthusiasm (if you read this section), it remains only to decide on the materials.

An extraordinary design of the kitchen apron will become a highlight of the interior. Among the materials are allocated:

On this, our selection of photos of various aprons for the kitchen approached the end. We are waiting for your comments and wish the original ideas, inspiration and successful repair!

The apron protects the walls in the working area from fat and dirt, steam and heat, while he is always in sight and is first striking at the entrance to the kitchen. Therefore, it should be, first, just unnecessary, and secondly - beautiful. In this material we will tell, what aprons are, what advantages and cons have different materials, and what apron to choose for the kitchen for design and size.

Material overview

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tile - the most sought-after material for finishing apron.

Pros: It is easy to wash, durable, resistant to moisture, fire, alkalis and acids. The tile is environmentally friendly and inexpensive. Among the ceramic tiles are a large variety of shapes and sizes, textures and designs, and there are a great set of laying methods. Tile can be combined with any table top, to organically enter both in modern and classic interior. If desired, the wall tile can be laid independently.

Cons: An apron from the tile has a weak place - seams. If the tile itself is cleaned once or twice, then the grout has to be born and periodically updated. Another disadvantage - the laying process is quite dirty and requires even base.

Selection Tips:

  • The light tile + bright seams are an impractical combination, since over time the seams are darker and look untidy.
  • So that the apron is easily cleaned, give preference to smooth matte tiles, not glossy and / or relief.
  • For seaming of seams, the apron from the tile should be used to use a waterproof grout designed for kitchens.
  • For classic kitchens Square fine-format tile is suitable, as well as a tile with a pattern under maitolika .

  • The most universal version of the kitchen apron is a cable format tile.

  • Diversify a simple tile apron will help decorative inserts as in the photo below, borders and focus from mosaic.


Mosaic can be made of ceramics, porcelain stoneware, glass, smalts, stone and metals and sometimes of all these materials at the same time. A mosaic has been for sale already folded on the grid-matrix.

Pluses: Strength (especially mosaic from smalt), the possibility of facing a curvilinear or simply not too smoothly surface, the possibility of compiling a complex and unique artistic composition.

Cons: a large number of seams, a high price (higher than on ceramic tiles), a little greater complexity and high-cost installation, especially when laying a complex pattern.

Selection Tips:

  • If you want to save, use a mosaic in combination with ceramic tiles, such as in this interior in the photo below.

Combined kitchen apron from mosaic and tiles

  • Mosaic can replace the tile "under the mosaic", which is cheaper, and stacked easier.

Artificial stone and natural

Most often for finishing, the apron uses tile (slab) from natural / artificial granite or marble with a thickness of about 2 cm.

Pluses of granite: due to its density and hardness, the granite is durable, not afraid of fire and temperature drops, does not absorb moisture and dirt. The color of the apron of granite can have a different shade - gray-pink (the most common and inexpensive), yellow, blue, brown, red, black and almost white.

Cons Granite: High price, need for professional installation. Granite bought from an unfair manufacturer may be radioactive.

Pluses of marble: Marble apron, perhaps the most beautiful. Domestic marble may cost relatively inexpensive.

Cons marble apron: Marble has high moisture absorption, which is why fat and dirt absorbs. The brilliance is lost with time, and some spots, for example, from rust or beet juice can simply not be laundered.

Pluses of artificial stone (agglomerate): Easy to care, strength, seamlessness of the finished apron, a variety of colors and textures, the possibility of restoration.

Cons of artificial stone: High price (higher than on porcelain stoneware, ceramics, glass).


Use a tree for finishing apron is not practical, not safe and expensive, so it is replaced by budget imitations - MDF or laminated chipboard. The thickness of such apron can range from 4 to 15 mm. As a rule, MDF and chipboard are picking up to the tabletop.

Pros: Ability to place an apron in a wooden or stone countertop tone, low price, light and fast installation even on the curve wall, ease of care.

Cons: MDF and DSP are not suitable for decoration of the zone behind the stove (especially gas), firstly, due to high flammability, and secondly, due to the sensitivity to aggressive cleaning. Therefore, these materials are combined with stainless steel insert or glass screen. Another lack of apron from MDF / chipboard - the presence of seams between sheets, which are closed with moldings and corners, which complicates the cleaning of the kitchen and does not look too good.


Pros: Matte and some textured stainless steel is very easy to care. Neither scratches nor fat nor cleaning agents are scary. Stainless steel apron is very durable and wearless.

Cons: Polished (not matte) steel, though very beautiful, but too practical, after all, traces from fingers, divorces from drops of water and scratches on it. In addition, the metal apron is suitable only for modern kitchens.

Glass apron

For decoration, the kitchen apron uses not a simple glass, but tempered, as it is stronger to hit and safer. If you are very trying and smashing the glass, it will not split on sharp fragments, but on small and smooth pebbles. The glass apron is hung on a special dowel with decorative plugs.

Cons: a glass apron is made only to order exactly under the individual sizes, it will not turn it on the installation phase. Installation is carried out only by professionals. Another significant lack of glass is a high cost (from 5000 rubles per square meter).

Pluses: Glass apron can be washed even with a brush and any means, it does not scratch, it is not afraid of fire, sun rays, temperature drops. Service life - about 10 years. Transparent glass can be installed over the "fragile" finish, such as wallpaper or painted walls, photocollage or posters, brickwork or wood.

And the glass is an excellent basis for photo printing. Such apron is called skinali.

The glass apron is manufactured not only in the form of one-piece sheets, but also in the form of a tile, which can be folded in traditional ways, for example, "Christmas tree" as in the next interior.

Plastic apron

Plastic wall panels are a good solution for super-budget repairs or design of a kitchen in a rented apartment or dacha.

Pros: The main advantage is a low price that allows you to often change the appearance of the apron. Plastic is easily clean, mounted independently and even on the curve wall.

Cons: Plastic apron is not compatible with the gas stove. It is also subject to scratches, abrasion and fading from sunlight. The service life of plastic is only a few years.

  • In Ikea, you can purchase a double-sided panel installed in special profiles. Such apron can be independently changing at least every day.

How to choose a color and design of a kitchen apron

Here are some tips to help you choose the appropriate design of the apron and correct some disadvantages of the kitchen:

  • Most often, the apron is selected under the tabletop and they are manufactured either from the same material, such as stone, or from materials as close as possible in color and texture. What else can you navigate when choosing a color and drawing of a kitchen apron? On color and drawing of facades, walls, floor, curtains and other elements of the interior.

Blue apron support blue accents

Kitchen apron design echoes with wallpaper and facades

  • Dark apron is the most impractical. On this background, dust, water drops, splashes of fat will be especially noticeable.
  • Choosing a bright color or a motley drawing for decoring apron, remember that the interior should be made neutral.
  • Want to visually expand a small kitchen? Then make the apron so that it is as much horizontal lines as possible. For example, it can be skinned in a strip or ceramic tile cable.
  • Increase the space and enhance the lighting of the kitchen will help and mirror apron . True, it is suitable only for those who rarely prepare and bet on a beautiful appearance, because the mirror is very difficult to maintain clean.

  • Appetizerous food looks on a warm background, for example, orange, red, yellow.

Determine with high and sizes

The standard height of the kitchen apron is 60 cm, which is convenient for medium and high growth. However, if the majority of households are low, then the apron is better to make a height of 45-55 cm. We also recommend slightly underestimate the apron, if the upper cabinets open up with the help of door closers. After all, if the opening of such a door is not difficult, then to close them, have to get up on the stool or do it in the jump.

For a kitchen headset, partially or completely without mounted cabinets, apron can be made of a standard height or overestimated. For example, it can reach the ceiling or occupy approximately the walls. Below are examples of aprons of kitchen headcases without hinged cabinets.

Kitchen apron is called a special coating located near the workstation and ensuring the protection of the wall. However, apron in the kitchen interior is not only a functional surface, but also an important element of the interior decor of the kitchen room.

Of course, moisture and fat are accumulated on the wall along the workplace from regular cooking.

Accordingly, this zone must be made of materials as resistant to moisture, fat, chemicals and elevated temperatures. At the same time, the apron must organically fit into the kitchen interior and easily clean.

Therefore, when repairing the kitchen, the question often arises, what to choose apron into the kitchen? What finishing materials are best used?

Classic option - tile

The tile for the kitchen on the apron is the most sought-after material. This is due to the fact that the tile has the following properties:

  • Increased resistance to household chemicals;
  • Lack of difficulties in care;
  • Increased density due to which fat repelling;
  • Increased resistant to temperature differences and moisture resistance.

Its attractive appearance and a large range of species, among which there are not only matte and glossy options, but also smooth, embossed surfaces of a wide variety of color solutions, forms, patterns and sizes make this material one of the most sought-after.

Ceramic apron for the kitchen is practical and beautiful. With the help of a tile, any kitchen interior can make fashionable and stylish.

Moreover, manufacturers every year produce a huge number of new collections, and not only different colors, patterns and forms, but also textures. With the help of modern ceramic tiles, you can create original design of the kitchen.


Exquisitely and luxuriously looks a design, which uses a mosaic for the kitchen on the apron.

It uses a rich variety of materials for finishing the apron of kitchen, among which there is ceramics, pieces of glass, smalt and metal plates.

However, the creation in the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen of the mosaic panel is the task not simple and most often, for only a specialist.

At the same time, ready-made mosaic sets appeared on the market, which includes a special grid, using a grid, you can make the original mosaic type apron alone.

A natural stone

A huge variety of solutions when finishing the kitchen apron in the photo presented in the catalog allows you to carry out any idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer, but the natural stone is distinguished among them. However, to create an organic design it is necessary that the countertop also has been made of stone.

I solve how to make an apron in the kitchen from a natural stone, first of all, you need to decide which stone is needed for finishing.

So, granite features hardness and density, as well as a huge amount of shades, starting with the most popular pink-gray, finishing rare blue. This material is characterized by increased strength, resistance to low temperatures and moisture resistance.

Another material that is widely used when finishing the desktops of the kitchen is marble. This stone has a porous structure and a large number of microcracks. From the point of view of practicality, it is not the best material, however, its beautiful appearance makes it in demand.

When finishing, the aprons rarely can be found such material as basalt, because it is less attractive and heavy. However, it has excellent performance.


Recently, in fashion such eco-friendly materials as a natural tree. When finishing the aprons, the following types of wood materials are usually used:

MDF. It has increased resistance to microorganisms and fungi, is not subject to mechanical effects and moisture resistant.

Laminate. Easily mounted, appearance is attractive, but does not have moisture resistance.

Array. Its main advantage is that with its help you can make a luxurious design, however, this material is susceptible to high temperatures, exposed to pollution and has a low moisture resistance, this designer solution can be viewed on the photo Apron for the kitchen in the catalog.

Glass apron

Exquisitely and sophisticated in the kitchen will look an apron of tempered glass, which has high impacts, fire resistance, resistance to mechanical and chemical exposure, besides, it will not be difficult to care for such apron.

Glass apron is convenient because in the interior it can be used not only as a simple transparent material, which will emphasize the luxurious finish of wall surfaces, as in the photo of a modern kitchen with a fashionable apron from the catalog, but also make a pattern on the glass, thereby making kitchen design more Interesting.

You can also use a combined reception in which two glasses connect a thin colored film.

Stock Foto Novelty apron for kitchen

Read 8 min.

The kitchen apron with designers is marked as a rather complicated element, which, with an improper selection, can spoil the view of the stylish facade itself, and with a successful choice will make a spectacular even the easiest headset.

In order not to make a mistake in the selection of apron, designers usually collect pieces used in the kitchen finishing of materials (wallpapers, floor coatings, countertops) and only on their basis proceed to the selection of apron. Today the construction market offers a huge selection of building materials to perform kitchen apron. Therefore, to figure out what kind of apron to choose is very difficult.

Designers this topic pay a lot of attention and consider the most amazing options for the selection of apron. Therefore, this article dedicates the choice of the material of the apron and nuances that influence its selection.

What do you need to know when choosing apron?

Before proceeding with the choice of apron, you should decide on it with sizes and height. As a rule, the height of the apron makes 60 cm. Such a height is the best option, as it is satisfied with people and high, and with an average growth.

But if the owners of the apartment are low, the apron is made 45 - 55 cm in height. Designers also advise to undertake the height of the apron if the top doors open up the headset.

If there are no hollow cabinets in the headset (or a bit), then the apron can be performed standard in height, and you can make an overestimated. So, its height can in some cases reach the ceiling or occupy the walls.

If desired, the area of \u200b\u200bthe apron can be raised above the hood. If a niche is arranged in the area of \u200b\u200bthe working area, then it is necessarily facing.

The choice of apron is carried out with the following nuances

1. The apron must harmoniously fit into the kitchen interior.

2. Excessive brightness is not desirable, eye tired of it. Therefore, it is better to give moderate tones.

3. To enhance saturation you can resort to glossy coating, as the matte surface will make the apron more pale.

4. Choosing an apron with a print, it should be remembered that large images in small rooms look cumbersome, and in too spacious kitchens will be unspecified.

5. So that the apron visually expanded the kitchen, it should be done with horizontal lines.

6. Visually increase the kitchen space with a mirror and glass apron. But here it should be remembered that it is very visible spots and any kind of pollution.

7. When choosing a tile for apron, it is worth the preference to give the square tile (10x10; 20x20). Its kind is more aesthetic, although its laying costs somewhat more expensive than rectangular tiles.

9. Tile for apron should be purchased with a reserve (it should be bought by 10% more than in fact it is necessary).

10. It is easier to care for apron with a smooth surface without reliefs, since in any irregularities apron will be gathering dirt.

What material can be made apron for kitchen?

Considering the fact that the apron zone is the most prominent and fastest polluting surface, very high demands are always presented to it.
The apron should wash well, withstand temperature drops, be resistant to chemical care. Consider below which materials offer us a modern market for the apron device.

Ceramic tile

This is the most practical finishing material that is easily clean, resistant to water, chemicals and temperature differences. Ceramic tile fireproof and durable, especially recommended to lay it out in those kitchens, where there is a gas stove.

Also, the advantage of the tile is the possibility of photographing on it. The variety of colors, decors and various panels allows you to create unique combinations.

The disadvantages include the complexity of its laying and costs of accompanying work: surface preparation, sticking and tile grout. In comparison with the device for finishing the MDF and plastic, the wall finishing apron from ceramic tiles will cost the hostess of the kitchen much more expensive.

Choosing a ceramic tile for apron, you should know that the bright seams are rapidly contaminated, so it is better to choose a darkened grout. It is important to remember that the smooth matte tile is lighter cleaner than glossy.

So that the seams have retained their attractive look longer, it is worth using a waterproof grout.


This is quite rich and spectacular finish. With a competent selection, you can make unique combinations of mosaics with floor and walls, pick up furniture and any subject in the interior.

Its characteristics are similar to ceramic tiles. An apron from mosaic is good in that he will serve for many years.

Negative sides of the mosaic decoration include the complexity of its device and a large number of seams. In the cuisine of the seams can be rapidly polluted, darkened and poorly laundered. Therefore, experts recommend using epoxy grout.

The device of the mosaic apron, in comparison with ceramic, will cost more. To reduce the project, you can use the tile "under the mosaic".


Glass apron is a new trend in design, gained popularity due to its originality. An important feature of such apron is the ability to apply a variety of images under the glass.

The lack of glass is that it is not suitable for each interior. In addition, splashes from water, spots from fat are well visible on the glass. Therefore, the hostess will have to pay a lot of time to devote the apron. Will not please here and the price. It is much higher ceramic tiles and MDF panels.


An apron from plastic panels refers to the cheapest options, it is installed quickly and easily. But in comparison with other options, plastic can easily light up from the fire, to deform from chemical cleaning products and temperature drops.

It can also be easy to scatter under mechanical loads. Some types of plastic are able to distinguish toxic substances into the atmosphere.

Today, the bilateral plastic panel is offered on sale. It is installed in special profiles, thanks to which the possibility of self-replacement at any time appears.

MDF panels

An apron from MDF refers to the cheapest finish. It is installed easily and quickly. In many stores, when buying a kitchen and MDF panels are offered free installation.

At the same time, the mounting of the panels is not complicated, so the installation can be done even on its own.

An important advantage of MDF panels is their easy dismantling and light selection. As a rule, the color of such apron is chosen under the color of the tabletop.

The negative side of the apron from the MDF is the instability to the effects of water, household chemicals. An apron from MDFs easily flammable and during ignition highlights harmful substances. Connoisseurs of expensive kitchen interiors such a finish is unlikely to appreciate.

What color to choose an apron for the kitchen?

There are a number of color selection principles, consider them in detail. By itself, the color of the apron is not oriented and looks like an independent element. This option is possible in monochrome kitchen. For example, against a white headset and white walls, the apron is made in bright colors in a combination of red, white, yellow, blue tones.

Partial combination with a kitchen headset facade

This maneuver looks beautiful when the hob in the hood area is isolated by the color of the facade. In this case, the remaining part of the apron will be performed in neutral color.

Principle of opposites

For example, the kitchen background is formed from two colors: white and black, matte and glossy. In this case, a black glossy apron is chosen to a white matte headset. At the same time it is performed in white color ceiling, and the walls and the floor are performed in dark color.

Combination with furniture

The kitchen atmosphere always wins when a combination of objects is observed. For example: Blue color of the kitchen apron echoes the blue upholstery of the chairs (or a blue vase).

Floor-coated combination

Against the background of a relaxed tone headset, a combination of apron with a floor tiled coating will emphasize in the kitchen interior. Curtains can be connected to the tone of the specified combination.

In one tone with walls

This technique can be used in the studio apartment, where the walls of the living room remain the main zone.

In one color with kitchen head

This variant allows you to give the headset type of integrity and ease. But if the walls are performed in a certain tone, then it is worth it to turn on the apron in the color. For example, the seams are maintained into the color of the walls.

There are two colors in the kitchen

If the kitchen is two-color, then the apron should be performed in the intermediate shade between the floor and the walls. That is, it needs to be made by the lighter floor, but darker walls.

Move the color of the floor on the wall (apron)

The holistic composition is the floor, apron and a countertop performed in one color.

Apron in tone table top

This is the perfect option to which you will not need anything.

What to choose apron for a small kitchen?

Considering different options for kitchen aprons, you should select some moments that should be considered when choosing an apron for a small kitchen.

Given that in a small kitchen, space is limited, for its visual expansion it is necessary to use light colors where the light headset will give a holistic picture with a light apron.

Also visually expand the space will help mirror surfaces. However, it should be remembered here that the presence of small items reflected in the mirror surface can form a sense of litterness.

It does not follow in a small space to organize apron with large drawings, patterns and photo printing. Such elements will be weighting the design of the room. In this case, a small unobtrusive pattern will be harmonious. An apron containing horizontal stripes in the pattern, visually extends the room.

Not acceptable for a small space, a combination of two contrasting colors (for example, white and black). Such a combination visually reduces the kitchen space and make it a chopped.

The kitchen apron is always in sight, this is a noticeable and important part of the image of any kitchen. But among other things, it is also a very loaded surface. The space above the working surfaces is subjected to drops of temperature, constant influence of moisture and not only water drops, but also hot fat. That is why approach the choice of material for the design of the kitchen apron follows with special care and spend time no less than when selecting a suitable version of the facades of the kitchen headset or raw materials for the manufacture of table tops.

Currently, there are many options for finishing materials for such difficult surfaces as a wall above the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen. Obviously, it should be non-commemant materials that are easy to care for, when cleaning, use chemical cleaning products, they must be resistant to moisture, exposure to high temperatures. Of course, the method of design apron should not disturb the stylist harmony of the kitchen space and its appearance to please the owners of the kitchen.

Before viewing the options for finishing materials for your apron, decide whether you want him to act as an accent element and attracted all the views or do you need to merge the surface over the work areas with a common color scheme? Would you like to make a company a stone or wooden tabletop from the same material or want to save on the finish of the apron? For what period of time (at least approximately) will be calculated as a whole and the design of the apron in particular? When you will have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich kitchen apron want to get in the end, comparing this knowledge with the budget for repairs, you can easily make a right decision. We hope that specific examples of the design of the aprons in modern kitchens will help you and inspire.

Of the modern materials, almost all of these requirements, one way or another, are responsible:

  • ceramic tile;
  • mosaic;
  • stone (natural or artificial;
  • mDF panels;
  • tempered glass;
  • metal (steel, bronze, aluminum, brass, iron).

But consider each material for the design of the surface of the apron separately, we will deal with the advantages and minuses, which, of course, have every option.

Ceramic Tile for Facing Kitchen Apron

It can be safely argued that the ceramic tile (tile, ceramics) is the leader in the market for cladding materials not only with kitchen surfaces, but also any other utilitarian premises of our dwellings. Each homeowner who has ever encountered the need to repair the kitchen and the bathroom, perfectly knows that for obtaining a beautiful, practical and inexpensive lining of any planes, you can safely acquire ceramic tiles.

Pluses of use of ceramics for design of kitchen walls:

  • high level of practicality and durability. Ceramic tile is not afraid of moisture and temperature drops, almost does not fade for many years and retains the type that was when buying;
  • easy to use. Fresh stains are easily mocked with a wet sponge, outdated dirt will be cleaned with the help of detergents;
  • universality from the point of view of harmonious integration into any stylistic of the kitchen interior. All thanks to the manifold of colors and textures, sizes and shapes produced to date the range of this finishing material. The tile can be monophonic and color, with a pattern, ornament and prints. The material can be produced in a matte or glossy form, with a smooth or textured surface. The tile can effectively imitate the stone or woody texture and fit perfectly into the interior of any style, starting with the country stylistics and ending with modern manifestations of high-tech or loft;
  • democratic value. The range of modern stores provides a selection of ceramic tiles designed for a different level of income of homeowners, and everyone can find the appropriate option. In addition, in many kitchen, the height and length of the kitchen apron is small and a small amount of tiles is needed on his finish. In this case, you can not save and select the appropriate option not only at cost, but also appearance and quality of execution.

Thanks to all these qualities, most of our compatriots, without thinking, choose ceramic tiles for facing the kitchen apron, without even considering alternative options. Minor disadvantages are absolutely not embarrassed by the majority of homeowners who have decided to transform the kitchen with a minor reconstruction or weathered fully repairs.

And the consultations as finishing material are as follows:

  • mounting complexity. Agree that for the right, beautiful and durable cladding apron with ceramic tiles, you need a considerable experience in this area. As a result, the need to appeal to specialists whose services are very expensive;
  • a high level of pollution is quite large area of \u200b\u200bkitchen space during installation.

Porcelain stoneware has long ceased to be finishing material only for flooring and moved to the facing of vertical planes. In addition to its strengthened qualities of perseverance and strength, porcelain stoneware is mounted faster due to a large sizes of a file (true and waste when the complex surfaces with sockets and other holes will be larger).

The Metro Tile is one of the most popular types of ceramic tiles used to finish vertical kitchen surfaces. The snow-white tile with a matte or glossy surface, combined with the grout of the same shade or contrasting, dark color, has long become the unchanged participant of kitchen designs and is not going to pass its position. The fact is that such a kind of facing the tile is perfectly integrated into almost any interior of the kitchen room.

Clinker tiles are usually produced in a tight form. Thanks to the special technological method of production of tiles (extrusion), it acquires high technical characteristics, because Its firing occurs with very high temperatures. Externally, the tile looks like a matte, its surface is smooth. The clinker calmly transfers the impact of moisture and high temperatures, chemical cleaning agents and incredibly easily cleaned. Beautifully looks in classic interiors or cuisines in the country style.

Mosaic for facing Kitchen Apron

If you need practical, but at the same time bright and dynamic design apron, then the mosaic can become an ideal option for cladding. Especially if the surface of the apron is quite complex, it provides for a niche or rounding.

Advantages of tile mosaic:

  • mosaic tile has in its arsenal the benefits that are characteristic of cafes, except for low cost;
  • in addition, the mosaic has a unique finishing material with the ability to facing complex from the point of view of the geometry of surfaces - niches, arches, roundings, recesses;
  • great for decoration of edging perimeter apron or isolation of certain parts of it;
  • visual expansion of the room. The mosaic tile is recommended for facing surfaces in small kitchens, which is very important for our compatriots who got "Stalinki" and "Khrushchev".

Among the shortcomings of the mosaic facing, the apron can be allocated:

  • greater than a simple ceramic tile cost;
  • a large number of seams between chips - separate elements of mosaic and as a result - a special care for them, the processing of moisture-resistant grout, cleansing, refreshment of the appearance of about once every 2-3 years;
  • as with ceramic tiles, for mounting a mosaic, you must resort to the services of professional tilers.

Combining tiles in the design of apron

An interesting effect can be achieved with a combination of ceramic and mosaic tiles when lining surfaces above the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen. Such interior will be unforgettable and individual. According to the cost of the design, it will be rigorously different from the one in which only the tile is used (because the mosaic needs a little), and the visual effect compensates for the costs of time and forces.

MDF plates for designing surfaces over the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen

The fastest and most inexpensive way of design apron in the kitchen is the installation of MDF plates with PVC film.

In addition to the low cost of MDF plates, they have another benefits:

  • fast manufacture. As a rule, the manufacturers of kitchen headcards take on the production of apron from MDF on your size;
  • quick installation. The same firm that made and assembled a set of kitchen cabinets, is engaged in the installation of plates of MDF;
  • the possibility of replacing MDF sheets is even without removing kitchen cabinets and changes to stop the kitchen at any time;
  • the lack of docking seams, which greatly facilitates the care of the surface of the apron;
  • ability to create a pattern, photo printing, any ornament without restrictions on the MDF panels.

Among the minuses of MDF panels with PVC film, the following can be noted:

  • low strength. MDF significantly inferior in strength to ceramics, glass, stone and metal;
  • unproved environmental friendliness. For a long time, manufacturers of MDF panels argued in favor of the environmental friendliness of this finishing material, the environmentally in opposition to them, nominate their evidence of harm to a person and the environment of certain substances involved in the process of manufacturing modern facing material.

Glass after hardening - a great option for the design of apron

Beautiful and durable way of designing surfaces over the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen space - the facing of glass. As a rule, Kalenoe Glass is used in two possible options - a painted surface or photo printing. Modern technologies allow you to transfer any image to the glass plane - from the family portrait before the words of the favorite song that you feed, doing the preparation of a family dinner.

Also, the glass has the following advantages:

  • all advantages of popular finishing materials (practicality, simplicity in care; high temperature resistance, calm transfer of high humidity);
  • ease of installation;
  • seamlessness;
  • a high level of strength and durability (and still throwing a pig-iron caught in the kitchen apron from glass).

Among the obvious drawbacks should be noted, first of all, the high cost. But it can be amortized for a couple of years of operation of the glass coating for the design of the part of the kitchen wall.

Natural Stone for Noble Finishing Kitchen Apron

Most often, natural stone is used to clamp apron, which is called "complete with a worktop". For the facing of surfaces over the work areas, durable rocks are most often used - marble, granite and basalt. Granite can be called the leader in popularity among natural materials. The fact is that it has high strength at low porosity, which means moisture, and along with it and dirt, much less penetrate the structure of the stone. About marble, for example, it is impossible to say. But with a fairly frequent grinding of this effect, it is possible to achieve. But the appearance of the marble countertop in the company of the same apron will delight you for many years and can serve not one generation of the family.

Recently, such material has become popular as a litter member - this is a composite from marble and tile. Externally, only experts are able to distinguish a natural stone from a synthetic "alloy", but the tiles obtained as a result of the fusion of the tile are much easier than marble, they are easier to mount, and they are definitely cheaper than the natural stone.

Marble tile "Metro" of one breed with a tabletop material creates an elegant and noble alliance that can decorate both the kitchen in the classic style, with a traditional setting and modern stylistics of the kitchen interior.

Metal apron for modern kitchen

Immediately, I would like to note that the apron of stainless steel or iron is harmoniously fitted not in every style of the interior. For example, for baroque stylistics, rococo and even classics, it is better to choose a traditionally ceramic finish. But modern style, high-tech and loft are perfectly harmonized with stainless steel glitter.

Creating an interior in which there will be a metal apron, it is important to remember about the necessary environment - use mirror surfaces or glass glitter, crystal. In any case, most of the home appliance models for the kitchen or are made of stainless steel, or have chrome fittings.

Using a metal for the design of a kitchen apron, you should be prepared for the fact that any drops, even from clean water, will be visible on your surface of their steel or iron. Such a facing option is not desirable for hosts, elevating the purity of their kitchen in the absolute.

If it seems to you that the use of a solid piece of metal can bring an excessive coldness in the kitchen interior, then a variant of metal tiles or mosaic can be considered.

Natural tree for wall decorations over working surfaces

Let's start with the fact that wood without coating for the design of the apron is an extremely unwanted option. The tree perfectly absorbs moisture, and with it and dirt, has a very porous, fibrous structure, absorb all odors. Therefore, if the interior of your kitchen requires wood clearance apron - take care of the necessary protection of a wooden surface. Obviously, such a finish from natural material will be no longer sues. But when installing the mud will be a bit, and you can be confident in the ecology of the selected way of facing the planes of your kitchen. But you also need to be ready for the fact that about once a year it will be necessary to handle the wooden surface with special oils that prevent the material drying (after all, the humidity and the subsequent swelling of the wood in the kitchen are inevitable).

Brick wall as a way of design of a kitchen apron

If your kitchen is made in Loft style and you would like to emphasize the facilities of the room to this stylist with the help of the apron, the best options will be the use of brickwork or imitation. Of course, the surface of bricks and seams between them should be opened with special moisture-resistant varnishes to protect the apron from the permanent exposure of moisture, dirt and drops of fat.

Thousand Ideas for Design Kitchen Apron