Repairs Design Furniture

Lizun do it yourself at home. How to make lysuan yourself from the girlfriend. How to make magnetic lysun do it yourself

In 1997, a cartoon called "Ghost Hunters" appeared. One of the cartoon characters was a ghost, which was called lysun. It was green, could fly through the walls and leave behind a sticky green liquid.
He became a popular character and played on the hand of the American company Matell. This company since 1976 began producing a toy that reminded this character.

Green ghostly liked the little spectators and selling this toy soared to heaven.

During the game with lysome, a small motor was developed, the vestibular device and motor activity. And it has long been known that the petty motoric is associated with the nervous system, attention, vision, memory and the perception of the child.

Children need to tell that when playing with lysun, it is impossible to throw it into the walls painted with water-mounted paint. And also on those surfaces that can not be washed, because after it remains a bold.

How to make lysuan from sodium tetraborate (borants) and glue with your own hands

Made from the bora, it turns out the same as the one that is sold in stores.


Stages of the production of toys from the borax and glue:

Lizun, prepared for this recipe, can not be taken in the mouth. It is necessary to store it in a closed jar.

How to make lysuan from starch and glue with your own hands.


  • pVA glue;
  • small polyethylene package;
  • liquid starch;
  • food coloring.

If you do not have a food dye, you can replace it with natural or simple gouache.

PVA glue is better to buy a new one and it should be white.

Stages of manufacturing toys from starch and glue:

If the toy turned out very sticky, then you used a lot of glue or little starch. Alterate it, slightly by adjusting the amount of glue or starch.

If the lysun turned out to be solid or crumbly, it means that an excessive amount of starch was used.

The toy prepared for this recipe must be stored in a closed jar and its shelf life will be about a week. Also remember that it can not be taken in the mouth and after the game you need to wash your hands.

How to make lysuan from water and soda with their own hands


  • soda;
  • water;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • dyes at will.

Stages of making toys from water and soda:

How to make lysuan from shampoo with your own hands.

This is one of the easiest ways to cook lysuine. Each time after the game you need to clean it in the refrigerator. It can not be taken in her mouth and you need to wash your hands after playing with him.


  • shower gel or dishwashing liquid.

Stages of manufacturing toys from shampoo:

Lizun from washing powder with their own hands.

To make lysuun on this recipe we will need to take not a common dry washing powder, liquid.


  • pVA glue;
  • food coloring;
  • liquid washing powder;
  • latex gloves.

Stages of making toys from liquid washing powder:

The toy prepared in this way needs to be stored in a closed jar. If it is changed, you can put it in the fridge.

How to make lysuna from flour with your own hands

To make Lizun, which will be relatively safe for children. You can use the recipe in which flour includes. And the food dyes replace natural.


  • flour;
  • cold water;
  • hot water;
  • dyes;
  • apron.

Stages of making toys from flour:

How to make magnetic lysun do it yourself

On this recipe you can make a magnetic lysun, which will glow in the dark.

We will need:

  • water;
  • bura;
  • iron oxide;
  • glue;
  • neodymium magnets;
  • paint phosphoric.

Magnetic Lizun Making Stages:

That's ready your magnetic lysun. If you bring the magnet to it, it will reach it.

If it is impossible to do lizun

It happens that it turns out not quite the way you wanted. It may depend on the quality, the ingredients that you use to make it. Because of this proportion, which are indicated in the methods described above may be incorrect. Therefore, you need to try to choose the right proportions in the production of this toy.
The correct lysun from the tank is obtained by a single mass. In some places, it can be inhomogeneous, but after you pour it within two minutes in your hands, it will become drum, relatively sticky and homogeneous.

If he sticks hard to fingers, and to make hands need to make efforts. In this case, it may be possible to help the addition of liquid starch or just water, for liquefying lysun. It depends on the recipe for which you made it.

And if, on the contrary, he will not stick to his hands at all, but just squeaks with them. This means that it has a lot of liquid. To fix this, you need to remove the excess fluid and add some glue, flour or borax solution. Added ingredients depend on the method of cooking lysun. After adding the desired material, you need to mix this mixture well.

Who among children, and adults will refuse themselves in a funny game with lysun? Make it with his own hands will take some time, and the materials will need even less. Below are the simplest ways, how to make lysune on your own from the girlfriend. They differ mainly ingredients that are used in the preparation of self-made lysuine.

In compliance with all rules and great desire, Handgam at home can be made in 5 minutes.

Easy way to make lysuan at home from boron (sodium tetrabrate) and plow glue

An interesting lysun is obtained from the sodium tetragorate, which is similar to the original on the original, which is sold in stores of children's goods.


For the manufacture of such a lysun, prepare:

  • bor - 0, 5 h. spoons;
  • glue transparent stationery - 30 g;
  • food dyes of yellow and green color;
  • water.

Step 1.Take two any containers. A mixture for the preparation of lysuine will need to be prepared by two parts. In the first container, pour a cup of warm water and half a teaspoon of bours. Stir this solution thoroughly, until the powder is completely dissolved.

Step 2. In the second tank mix half the cup of water, glue, 5 drops of yellow and 2 drops of green dye. Mix all the components thoroughly to a single consistency.

Step 3. The solution with a bore gently pour into the second container. You will see how in front of the mixture will begin to turn into a tight mass. It can already play. This is lysun. Watch that the child does not take such a lysun in the mouth.

Lizun Be sure to store in a closed container.

How to make lizena of glue and starch


For the manufacture of lysus, you will need:

  • liquid starch;
  • pVA glue;
  • small dense package;
  • food coloring.

Dye need to take food. If a small child will play with Lizun, prefer natural dyes. If you do not have dyes, you can add a gouache to the mixture.

Pay attention to the PVA glue so that Lizun is needed, glue, made recently. Glue should be white.

Step 1. In the package, pour 70 ml of liquid starch. It differs from food and used when washing the linen. For the lack of such can be taken and the usual, but it is pre-diluted with water in a 1: 2 ratio.

Step 2. Add a few drops of dye into the package. Many dye is not needed to add, otherwise the lysun will paint hands during the game.

Step 3. In the package, pour 25 ml of PVA glue, simply shake the bottle.

Step 4. Close the package or tie it tightly. Mix the content thoroughly. It is necessary to do this until the bulk will turn into a clock. In addition to him, there will be a little liquid in the package.

Step 5. Liquid need to merge. The clutch itself is lysun. Getting blocked with a napkin, removing an extra moisture from the surface. Now they can play.

If your lysun is sticking to the hands, remake it, adding less glue or increasing the starch content. If lysun, on the contrary, is too solid or scattered, it means that you have added starch more than you need.

Lizun prepared in this way will be suitable for games during the week. It is necessary to store it in a closed dish or a jar, so that dust does not fall on it.

Do not forget to wash your hands after the game and do not allow him to taste lysun.

Lysun from soda

Lizun from soda due to content in the composition of dishwashing liquid, it is recommended to give children under adult supervision. After the game with such a lysome, hands must be washed.


  • Dishwashing liquid;
  • soda;
  • water;
  • dyes at will.

Step 1. In the container, pour the dishwashing fluid. There is no specific dosage, gradually mixing and other components, you can simply pour a liquid for dishes or water to skip the mucus.

Step 2. Pour into the container soda, mix everything thoroughly. Your mixture should look something like in the photo. For lysun, such a mixture is densely, and therefore dilute it with water and mix everything again.

The final color of Lizuun will be like in the photo. You can change it a bit by adding a few drops of the dye.

Lisun from soda is ready.

Easy way to make a lysun from shampoo

This is a very simple way to make lysun, it turns out the desired consistency, but it is necessary to store it in the breaks between the games in the refrigerator. This lysun, like many others in no case cannot be taken in the mouth, and the hands after the Games need to be thoroughly wash.


  • shampoo;
  • dishwashing liquid or shower gel.

Step 1. Take the container and mix the shampoo and liquid for dishes or a shower gel in equal proportions. Please note the gel and liquid should not contain any granules, and if you want Lizun to remain transparent, the same quality should be the components.

Step 2. Mix the components thoroughly and send them to the refrigerator tank. The next day you can use lysun for games. In the future, store it in the refrigerator in a closed container. When a lot of garbage sticks to Lizuun, you can throw it out, he will start losing his properties.

The maximum shelf life of such a lysun is 1 month.

Lisun from washing powder

For the manufacture of this lysuine, it will be necessary not the usual dry washing powder, but its liquid analog. It is necessary to use a powder that needs a liquid soap, gel, etc., have a completely different consistency and in the layout with the elements of this recipe to make a lysun from them.


So, before starting work, prepare:

  • liquid washing powder;
  • pVA glue;
  • food coloring;
  • thin rubber gloves;
  • container.

Step 1. In an empty container, pour the glue quarter cup of glass of PVA. You can take it more or less, it all depends on the desired size of lysuine.

Step 2. Add a few drops of food dye into the glue, mix this solution thoroughly to a homogeneous shade.

Step 3. Pour into a solution 2 tablespoons of liquid powder. Mix the whole solution thoroughly. Gradually, it will become sticky, and the consistency will resemble a putty. If you have a solution, it turned out unnecessarily thick, add liquid powder into it, diluting the solution.

Step 4. Put gloves, get the mixture from the tank and carefully, as if the dough, start kneading the workpiece. From this solution there should be extra drops of powder, if any, he himself will remind a soft gum by consistency.

Store lysun is necessary in a closed container. If he starts to lose his properties, send it a few hours in the refrigerator.

Easy way to make leases from flour

The relatively safe Lizun is made of flour. Such can play even small children, especially if instead of food dyes use natural. With natural dyes, the color of Lizuun will not be so intense.


For the manufacture of lysun, prepare:

  • flour;
  • hot water;
  • cold water;
  • dyes;
  • apron.

Step 1. Pour two cups of flour into the container. Skip it through the sieve so that the mass is homogeneous and easier to prepare.

Step 2. In a bowl with flour, pour a quarter cup of cold water.

Step 3. Follow the quarter cup of hot water, but not boiling.

Step 4. Mix thoroughly all the mixture. Be sure to follow the consistency to be homogeneous, without lumps. It is very important.

Step 5. Add a few drops of food or natural dye. If the dye is food, add a couple of drops. Mix the whole mixture again thoroughly. It should be sticky.

Step 6. Send a container with lysome to the fridge for several hours. After cooling the mixture, it can be used for its intended purpose.

How to make magnetic lysun

The original magnetic lysun, which can also glow in the dark, can also be made at home.


  • Bora;
  • water;
  • glue;
  • iron oxide;
  • neodymium magnets.

Step 1. In the tank mix one glass of water and half a teaspoon of the bours. Thoroughly mix all the boron completely dissolved in water. This mixture will be needed to activate the second half of the composition.

Step 2. In the second capacity, mix half the glass of water and 30 grams of glue. Mix them thoroughly and add paint. Here can add phosphoric paint if you want the lysun to shine in the dark.

Step 3. The bords are neatly pouring into the adhesive mixture. It is necessary to add a solution gradually, constantly stirring the mixture of glue. As soon as the mixture begins to harden and reaches the desired consistency, stop adding the bords. Remains can pour it out.

Step 4. Take the ready-made lysun and crumple it on a flat surface. At the middle of the lysun, put a little iron oxide. Lisun carefully slow down until it acquires a homogeneous gray color.

Magnetic lysun is ready. When interacting with the magnet, Lizun will reach it.

  • With lysus flowers, you can experiment and even make a whole family of domestic lysunov. You can also use various sequins, small asterisks, etc.
  • You can use essential oil to give Handgam an interesting smell.
  • If you want Lizun to keep its properties and held longer, it needs to be stored in a closed dish and in a cool place. Also, it is desirable not to lay the lizen on the carpet or another surface, which can easily stick with smallpox.
  • If the lysun begins to dry out, place it in the container with warm water.
  • Such a toy is not toxic and not poisonous, although of course you should not eat her hands after the game after the game.
  • It should also be noted that some try to make lysuer using soda instead of a boral or starch, but in this case it will be a rather solid mass. So you should not spend time at this time.
  • Remember that the life of such a toy is extremely short (about a week), so stock materials for the manufacture of lysunov at home, as the occupation is infectious!

Several interesting facts about Lizuuna:

For the first time, such a toy appeared in 1976, and was made by Mattel.

  • The vast popularity of the toy brought the film "Hunters for Ghosts" (1984), namely, one of his main characters is a ghost named Lizun.
  • Handgam can play the role of means for massage hands, as well as for the development of small motility.
  • Lizun, which is sold in the store (IS "Smart Plasticine"), is the result of a mixture: 65% dimethylsiloxane, 17% silica, 9% thixatrol st (castor oil derivatives), 4% polydimethylsiloxane, 1% decamythyl cyclopentasiloxane, 1% glycerin and 1 % titanium dioxide.

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Do you know who such ghost hunters? If not - I really advise you to view the Cartoon of the same name, insanely popular in the mid-90s. Especially in this cartoon I remember a funny logo, a clockwork melody of entry and two other heroes - ghosts Bugmen and Lizun. Bougiemen we will not touch today, but how to make lysuun at home, let's try to figure it out.

The legendary animated series "Hunters for the leaders" came out on the screens in the mid-90s and immediately won wiping popularity. At the same time, the stream of unpaired toys, called in honor of one of the heroes, was hung on Russian counters, but good and terribly charming solver Lizun. This green miracle firing everything and everywhere left a liquid slippery trail, which all those surrounding were infinite.

The lease toy is very similar to the cartoon prototype, in fact - it is slim, viscous lumps with the properties of Newtonian fluid, elastic, sticky and stretching. The company "Mattel" began the release of this toy back in 1976, but he acquired mass popularity after the "hunters" exit.

Lysuns of that time were made from a guar gum with the addition of powders of the borants (in the chemical language - sodium tetraborate), mostly had a green color and were absolutely safe for children. Unfortunately, we cannot say the same about timely toys. The quality of their components cause big questions. Therefore, we propose to figure out how to make lysun yourself at home.

Main ways of manufacture

There is a lot of elementary and not very ways to make lysune on their own, at home. The selection of the recipe depends on the fantasy, the presence of free time and the handicrafts available under hand.

Plasticine toy

For the manufacture of Handgam from Plasticine, we will need the following materials:

  • plasticine - about 100 g, of any color;
  • - 1 pack;
  • cold and hot water;
  • plastic and metal cups.

The cooking method is quite simple.

  1. Dissate the gelatin in cold water, we use metal dishes for this.
  2. An hour later, put the dishes on the stove to warm up to a high temperature, but you do not need to bring to a boil.
  3. Meanwhile, in a plastic cup pour hot water, put a piece of plasticine there and thoroughly stir it in the water.
  4. Slowly pour in the resulting mixture gelatin, mix to homogeneous mass and remove into the refrigerator.
  5. We remove into the refrigerator, we wait a couple of hours - and you can play!

Such a toy is safe and environmentally friendly, but dirty hands and not long live.

Lizun from Starch

You can make a toy at home without plasticine. In this recipe, we will need corn starch - from it the toy will get more pleasant and more elastic. But if there is no corn, you can use potatoes. The manufacturer's recipe is quite simple.

The following ingredients are needed:

  • starch;
  • water;
  • food coloring. You can show fantasy - sequins and even small rhinestones will make a toy just cosmic.

Connect in equal proportions starch and water, place in the refrigerator, and in a couple of hours your lysun is ready! When cooking, you can add a droplet of perfume or essential oil - the toy will be tasty. And if you add a little phosphoric paint - the toy can glow in the dark.

The advantages of this method are simplicity, environmental friendliness and the ability to show fantasy. Disadvantages - Again, a very small shelf life, just about a week.

Handgam from shampoo and glue

This method is more complicated, but also the slide turns out more like its store relative.

We will need:

  • shampoo without adding - 3 tablespoons (50 ml);
  • polymer glue - 3 tablespoons (50 ml);
  • food dye, sequins, sequins, rhinestones - at will;
  • plastic container.

The method of cooking is such.

  1. Pour the shampoo into the container, add dye and sparkles, mix thoroughly.
  2. Slowly pour the glue, constantly stirring to a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Keep the resulting toy in a dark dry cool place.

Instead of polymer glue, you can use PVA, but this toy stretches worse and sticks hard to hand.

Lizun from PVA, water and sodium tetraborate

If the previous toys can be done at home with the child, then in this method from child presence it is better to refuse.


  • sodium Tetraborate (Bura Solution) - 1/3 teaspoon. Try to purchase a solution of boos in glycerin;
  • pVA glue, better in a bottle, 1 pc. Can be replaced by transparent stationery;
  • cold water - 200 ml;
  • food dyes, sequins, etc.

Manufacturing occurs according to the standard scheme.

  1. Mix glue and water in plastic dishes, mix thoroughly.
  2. Add dyes.
  3. Slow and gently add sodium tetraborate. The greater the borants, the "thick" lysun.

In the manufacture of lysuine in this way, be sure to use the means of protection: gloves, apron, unnecessary clothing. Store the finished toy is needed in a closed container, without access air and light. The sodium tetraborate has a big plus - in nature he is an antiseptic.

Lysun from soda

Another way to make a toy alone from simple girlfriends.

In this recipe we will need:

  • soda - 1 tablespoon;
  • pVA glue - 100 or 200 ml;
  • a glass of cold water;
  • food dyes, rhinestones, sequins, etc.;
  • plastic dishes.

The stages of "production" are as follows.

  1. Soda dissolve in water (1 tbsp. Spoon on 1/2 cup).
  2. Glue mix with dye to uniform color.
  3. We pour soda into the resulting mass.
  4. Mix thoroughly.

Store the toy in the same way as in the previous method - in a dark dry place.

Liquid washing toy

In this recipe, it is a liquid washing powder - a dry substance or a dishwashing agent is not suitable.


  • liquid washing powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • pVA glue - 1/3 tube;
  • dye;
  • plastic dishes.

Mix the glue PVA with the dye is the surrender of a homogeneous color mass. Slowly dropping the liquid detergent to purchase the desired consistency. Mix 5-10 minutes (in gloves!). Store in closed dishes.

Lizun from sodium and alcohol tetrabrate

This recipe also uses sodium tetraborate, but already without PVA glue.

We will need:

  • sodium tetrabrate (dry bora) - 2 tbsp. spoons (sold in a pharmacy);
  • a glass of cold water;
  • polyvinyl alcohol in the form of a powder (ask in the economic or construction store "Antimelitel");
  • metal (not plastic!) Dishes;
  • dye.

Stages of manufacturing are as follows.

  1. We dissolve alcohol in a glass with water.
  2. Put the dishes with this solution on the stove and slowly grate, stirring. Heating time is about 40 minutes.
  3. Turn off the fire, give the solution to cool to room temperature.
  4. Fall off the boor, mix.
  5. Add dye.

Hendgam on this recipe will be elastic, not disgusting sticky and very similar to the store.

If you make a toy any way above and add pieces of metal to it, it turns out an amazing magnetic slide.

In order not to crumble the Iron Detail with a file, try to find in the store of iron oxide or order in stores for office equipment Special powder-developer.

Mixing powder with metal particles, we get an unusual magnetic lysun changing the form under the influence of a magnet. And if you add phosphor paint to the toy, Lizun will shine in the dark.

Other recipes

The technology of making toys in all recipes is approximately the same.

We reviewed the most popular and affordable examples how to make lysun at home.

In addition to the above, there are ways to prepare the toys of soda without the use of glue - from flour and Fairi.

How to make lysuan from Fairi?

  • Fairy or other dishwashing agents;
  • soda;
  • moisturizing hand cream;
  • dyes.

We mix half the tablespoon of the detergent with a teaspoon of soda, carefully mix until homogeneous mass, add cream for hands and dye. The resulting mass is placed cool by 3-4 hours.

  1. If in the process of manufacture, the lysun does not work, do not be discouraged. Experiment with constituents. To increase viscosity, add more binding, for waters.
  2. Use gloves.
  3. If your child is still small, do not leave it with a toy unattended - children are all drawn in her mouth, and Lizun is very attractive in this regard.
  4. Try to persuade the child not to throw a toy into the walls, beyond, if you are not going to make repair in the near future.
  5. If the toy dried, it does not matter, it can be reanimated for a briefly in a mixture with water.

How to store lysus?

Toy, cooked with her own hands at home, unfortunately, is short-lived. Proper storage will extend the life to beloved entertainment.

Store Lizuun in a closed container, preferably without air access. It will be perfect if the place is also dark and cool. The best storage place is a refrigerator (but not freezer).


Nowadays, bright, cheap and not very, often unsafe toys overflowing shops. Unfortunately, make an independent Barbie doll or the machine will not work, and not every adult can sew a teddy bear.

But to create an unnecessary, but a cheerful toy alone from the girlfriend is quite bye. Therefore, the question of how to make Lizun himself is quite relevant.

Show fantasy, experiment, set aside the children's electronic gadget and attract the child to the process - the mass of positive emotions is provided to you!

Mother two children. We have been holding a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, modern, saturated. I love my family.

Lisun is a toy who has gained popularity in the 90s, is a jelly-like mass. Previously, Lizuuna was bought only in kiosks and small shops, but today there are many recipes, so everyone can produce lysun from childhood at home. Next, we will look at the recipes of toys, so if you are interested to know how to create lysun yourself, then continue reading!

How to make lysun do it yourself

We have collected proven and the best recipes of Lizunov, which you can repeat in 10-15 minutes. There will be no special knowledge in the field of chemistry to make Lizun, but it is better to cook them in the presence of parents. Watch that the active components for lysunov do not get into your eyes and mouth, but if it happens, rinse with cold water immediately.

Recipe first

This type of lysun is the easiest and affordable, since to create lysuine in this way there will only be necessary for the three components that are available in any house.

Alas, this recipe is not from each shampoo, we hope that you will succeed.


    • Salt;
    • Activator (for example, sodium tetraborate);
  • 60 ml thick shampoo.

    • It is necessary to pour the selected shampoo into a bowl for kneading than the thicker it will be, the better the result will be. Better use the easiest, even the common shampoo shampoo will suit. Head & Shoulders, though it smells pleasant, leases from it are fragile and can fall apart.
    • Fall in the shampoo two chips of the cook salt, then mix thoroughly. After that, we pour an activator and mix again.
    • Next, let us stand up a solution for a few minutes, and then check the condition of lysuine.
    • If you notice that lysun is liquid, then you need to add a cook salt, or a pair of a drop of an activator.
    • Continue the process while lysun will not be the necessary consistency. Unfortunately, there is no accurate amount of salt, since the shampoos have a different composition. In some cases, salt will be enough after the second step.
  • When the mixture thickens, remove the future lysuine into the fridge for a couple of hours.

Lisun ready! From such available ingredients, it turns out that you can also do lysuins. Of course, it will not be so durable, as purchased, and will be slightly different in consistency.

Recipe 2.

For the next recipe, too, you will also do not need any special ingredients. Prepare lysun from these ingredients will be no more difficult than in this recipe.


    • One lingon plasticine of any color;
    • Gelatin package;
  • Water.

How to mix ingredients correctly:

    • Mix the gelatin with cold water, following the instructions on the turnover of the pack.
    • Leave the mixture to come up for about an hour.
    • While the gelatin mixture swells, you need to do plasticine. It should be cooled well.
    • In a separate container, mix the softened plasticine and 50 milliliters of water room temperature. Digitly stir the mixture.
    • After 1 hour, place the gelatin on the stove and prepare on slow fire. The mixture must be brought to a boil, stirring constantly.
    • Remove the gelatin from the stove, it needs to be cooled to room temperature.
    • When gelatin cools it, you need to mix with a mixture of plasticine and water.
  • Next, mix the mixture to a homogeneous mass. The mixture must be a comfortable temperature, and it can be arched with hands.

Now you need to give a mixture cool, after lysun ready!

Recipe 3.

Lisun for such a recipe is also done easily as the previous two. There are no difficulties here, but strictly observe the proportions.

Required ingredients:

    • 100 milliliters of water;
    • 15 grams of soda;
    • Dye;
  • 50 milliliters of ordinary PVA glue.

How to mix ingredients:

    • In a specially prepared container or a plate, mix the PVA glue and 50 ml. Indicate water temperature. Mix the mixture.
    • Next to the resulting solution, add a couple of drops of dye and mix the ingredients well. It is better to use the food dye.
    • In the second plate, mix the soda and the remaining part of the water, that is, 50 ml.
  • Pour water with soda to the adhesive mixture and mix thoroughly.

According to the result, you will have a very damaging lysun, with which you can immediately start playing.

Recipe 4.

This recipe is a little more complicated, as it requires pharmacy components, which are sometimes not so easy to find. There is an activator of a penny, but, alas, not in each pharmacy for sale.

Required ingredients:

    • Zelenka, used as a dye;
    • 100 milliliters of glue;
  • 10 milliliters sodium tetraborate.

How to mix ingredients correctly:

    • Take an unnecessary plate, mix in it PVA and a few drops of greenflower.
    • The sodium tetrabrate is poured to the resulting solution and mix well well.
    • As you prevent a mixture of Lizun should be thick. If, as a result, the solution is still liquid, then we add a sodium tetraborate.
  • When the consistency of the mixture is thick and suitable, then the mass can be taken from the bowl and start to mive in the hands until it stops sticking to the palms.

Now your lysun is ready! You can experiment and make lysun, applying a special transparent glue to create it.

Recipe 5.

The next recipe is very popular among foreign video bloggers. Try and you make such a lysun, you will definitely succeed. We need only two ingredients + dye at will.

Required ingredients:

    • Any food dye (can be added optional);
    • Tube glue PVA;
  • Liquid concentrate for washing 30 milliliters.

How to mix ingredients correctly:

    • Mix both ingredients in a bowl and take care of any way.
  • The mixture should start thick. You can add a dye here if there is a desire.

That's all! If you did not add a dye, then your lysun is ready. This is so easy to make a good lysun, which will serve you for a long time.

Recipe 6.

Now you can try to make the next lysun. Use the usual paste and shampoo, without additional effects. For example, the shampoo with air conditioning is not suitable.

Required ingredients:

    • Slight salt;
    • Sodium tetrabrate (or other activator);
    • 50 milliliters thick shampoo;
    • You can add a dye to the solution (optional);
  • 25 milliliters of white toothpaste.

How to mix ingredients correctly:

    • First you need to mix shampoo and pasta. Mix the components thoroughly to a homogeneous consistency.
    • Here add two pinching salts, stir up to homogeneity again.
    • Start adding sodium tetraborate to the mass - a few drops. Start entering it gradually with one teaspoon. Each time after adding, mix the mass.
    • When you get the necessary consistency, then add a tetraborate no longer needed. If the lysun is too liquid, add more activator.
  • Get the ground and start laying out with your hands. Severe as long as the mass stops sticking to the hands.

Ready! You can add any liquid dye, then you will have a beautiful color lysun.

Recipe 7.

Now let's make a transparent lysun. Some call it glass, as it is transparent as glass. Maybe there is nothing terrible in this, we have already written what to do. Put lysuun into the fridge for a couple of hours so that it rests.

Required ingredients:

    • Stationery silicate glue transparent color;
    • 15 milliliters of borants;
  • Glass of water.

How to do:

    • First you need to mix water and boor.
    • Now to the resulting liquid, start gradually pouring glue, while constantly stirring the mixture.
  • When the mass turns out sufficiently thick, then you can stop pouring glue.

That's so simple you became the owner of a glass lizen. You can add various sequins and beads of transparent color to make the lysun more interesting.

Recipe 8.

The next recipe will also be very simple. The value of the ingredients is very low, so the recipe will be budget.

Required ingredients:

    • Any dye;
    • Ordinary PVA glue;
  • Boric acid.

How to mix:

    • In the bowl, pour the required amount of glue. Based on this, the size of your future lysuine will be set. If you want big, add the entire tube.
    • Add a little dye to the glue. Do not overdo it, otherwise the lysun will pack hands.
    • Add 5 milliliters of boric acid and stir carefully. If the mass does not start thick, then add another portion of the boric acid.
  • When you have a lot of necessary consistency, you can begin to knead it with your hands. This will help the components to be mixed into one.

Lisun ready! You can play with him for a very long time, if you store correctly.

Recipe 9.

With this recipe, you can get no less high-quality lysuine than in previous recipes.

Required ingredients:

    • Mixing package;
    • 20 milliliters of liquid starch for washing;
    • Dye;
  • Quarter Bottles of PVA glue.

How to mix:

    • Package liquid starch and add a drop of dye to it.
    • Add glue here and start to wash your hands. Do it carefully not to damage the package.
  • When the mass is mixed well, the package must be closed and removed into the refrigerator for several hours. It is better to check every half an hour of Lizun's consistency, as the time spent in the cold depends on your refrigerator. In some cases, Lizun will be ready half an hour later.

Ready! Such a lysun will live only a few days, but it is not scary, as you can always make a new one and try to make lysun by.

Recipe 10.

Now prepare! Try it and you will definitely like the result.

Required ingredients:

    • Foam particles or artificial snow;
    • Acrylic paint blue;
    • 125 milliliters of PVA glue transparent color;
  • 10 milliliters gel for washing Persil.

How to mix:

    • First of all, we mix the dye with glue in the prepared container. Try to make a rich blue color, but do not overdo the dye.
    • Now there is a foam or artificial snow. If you are using a foam, then you will pre-cough it into small particles so that it looks like snowflakes.
    • Mix the mass until uniformity.
    • Now start adding Persil to the mass and mix thoroughly.
    • Complete until the lysun starts falling back from the walls of the dishes.
  • After you get a lot of my bowl and start dressing it with your hands. This will help achieve a complete homogeneity of the components.

Upon completion of the sixth step, your lysun will be ready. Its appearance will surprise many, since such a lysun is unusual because of its texture. Playing with him will be very nice if the foam was used, since this material would be pleasant to rustle.

Recipe 11.

Be sure to try to make Golden Lizun. We have already done separate but this little is different.

Required ingredients:

    • 200 milliliters of PVA glue;
    • Golden sequins;
    • Sodium tetrabrate;
  • Dye.

How to mix:

    • In plastic containers, mix the dye with glue. Take a golden dye that is easy to find in specialized stores. You can also use bronze color.
    • Now add sparkles and mix up to the full homogeneity of the mass.
    • Next, add 10 ml of sodium tetraborate and mix thoroughly. Mass should start thick.
  • When the future lysun begins to lag behind the walls of the dishes, it is necessary to take it into the hands and start actively kneading.

That's all! Lisun is ready and shines very beautifully during the game. For a variety and more pleasant tactile sensations, you can add beads under the color of Lizen.

Recipe 12.

And finally, try to make this lysun. He is the most complicated and interesting in our selection.

Required ingredients:

    • Blue, pink and purple dye;
    • 25 grams of soda;
    • Silver sequins;
    • 150 ml. water temperature;
    • 500 ml. hot water (not boiling at least 40 degrees Celsius);
    • 30 ml. liquids for lenses;
  • 400 ml. Transparent PVA glue.

How to mix:

    • In a separate bowl, mix hot water and soda. Mix well and leave cool.
    • Now, while water with soda cools, connect glue and water room temperature. Pretty stirring.
    • To the glue with water, add liquid for lenses. Add it gradually, while stirring thoroughly.
    • Next, connect both fluids. The adhesive mixture begin to pour into a solution of water and soda. Stir carefully. Mass should start thick.
    • Now the lysun must be divided into three parts.
    • Add to each of the lizen parts by drop of dye and mix again.
    • Next, on each lease, pour an equal amount of sequins and mix again with the help of hands, evenly distributing them on the surface of lysuine.
  • Mix lysuins. Put them next to each other and connect. Do not overdo it, otherwise the colors are mixed, which will not give the necessary effect.

Ready! You got a galactic lysun!

Store the lysun only in hermetic packages, as otherwise the components will disappear, and Lisun quickly dries, which will make it unsuitable for games.

Many lysuins include chemicals dangerous to children, so if the lysun is done, then carefully follow how it will play. If the lysun is in the mouth of the baby, that is, the high probability of getting food poisoning!

Do not use cold water during the preparation of lysunov, because with such water, it will not work thoroughly ingredients. It will make components with solid, and they simply will not be able to connect to each other.

Dye, if you use liquid, add dropwise. With them, you can easily overdo it and in the end, the lysun will deteriorate, as it can stain your hands and all the items that will be concerned.

What to do if the lysun does not work

Very often such a trouble, as a bad result. Lisun can not easily work out if you use low-quality and overdue materials.

    • Often, many are in a hurry and perform the progress of cooking in the wrong sequence. This can also affect the quality of the future lysuine. All instructions are step-by-step, you can not break them, and change according to your preferences, only if you do not have the goal to spoil Lizen.
    • Perhaps you made a mistake and added any ingredients more, and others, on the contrary, less. It is best to use kitchen scales and measuring cups. These attributes are able to help in compliance with the correct amount of ingredients.
    • If there will be lumps in your lysune, then it can still be saved. Just continue to knead the mass with the help of hands, paying particular attention to these lumps. It may take more time, but in the end you will get high-quality lysun.
  • If the lysun is, but at the same time it is good, then you should simply add a little more binder material to the mass. This can be a sodium tetrabrate, flour, starch, washing gel and other components. It all depends on the recipe for which you did lysun.



With lysuns not only nice to play, but it is interesting to create them! If you have a baby older than six years, then you can invite it to participate in this process. So you can spend time with benefit, and the child will be busy with a useful occupation and get a lot of pleasure.

There are incredibly making options for lysunov, so you will definitely find exactly the one that is good only with you. And by connecting a fantasy to the process, you can add different decorations so that in the end it turned out the lysun with an individual appearance, which will not be similar to the rest.

What do not go to parents to satisfy their children's desires. And the more often we go for concessions, the more the desires and needs of our children grow. Show-windows of children's stores offer a wide range of goods. From transformers to cute barbie, from interactive machines to children's bicycles.

Nowadays it is difficult not to find a suitable toy, harder to pay it. For example, slug to the touch, often bright green mass today has won the child's attention and enjoys great popularity in children.

Do lizun at home

Lizun, or Handgam - no cheap toy for many parents. Some parents have stopped the content in this toy elements of sodium tetraborate in this toy. However, such entertainment can be made with their own hands at home, showing a little fantasy and knowing the principle for which the babies of Handgam is made.

Moreover, today we will tell you what the ingredients can do without engaging harmful substances.

Necessary components

To create a character of the cartoon series "Providers' hunters" need quite a bit. So, what can I do lysune from? We will give some frequently used ingredients for making toys.

In order to give the child a pleasure, and make lysuer with your own hands, often use the following components:

  • Ordinary water.
  • Soda.
  • Starch.
  • Gouache.
  • Shaving foam.
  • Toothpaste.
  • Detergents.
  • PVA glue
  • Plasticine.

As you will make a toy yourself, you will be able to control the process. When creating a lysuine at home, you can set the form, choose the color and size you like.

Lizun from water and shampoo

Let's try to make a lysuer with you using water and shampoo. The use of these components will allow you to make lysune with your own hands. When making a toy with a child, you will get a lot of pleasure from working together, and later you will take your business while your baby will make your favorite.

Take the glue PVA, Nallem in a bowl of a little water room temperature, add shampoo in equal proportions. In order to give the color to our lysuen, it is necessary to use an ordinary dye. In this role there can be an ordinary green or gouache.

Plasticine Handgam

The best recipes for the manufacture of lysun are recipes without a solution of sodium tetraborate. The use of girlfriend, plasticine or paper, more often causes parental confidence, moreover, crafts are familiar with these materials.

One of the simple ways to create lysuine is a method with plasticine. Moreover, the toy so loved to your child can be made without glue and sodium tetraborate.

For the manufacture of plasticine lysuine, you need the following components:

  • Gelatin -1 p.
  • Plasticine.
  • Water.
  • Plastic cup or glass.
  • Metal container.
  • Spoon for mixing.

Stir the bag gelatin in cold water, leave the capacity for a while at rest for the complete dissolution of gelatin. Bring the resulting weight to boil. Scroll in the hands of the plasticine you like your colors.

In the plastic capacity of the water and mix with plasticine. Add to the resulting homogeneous mass gelatin and mix the spoon. The resulting Lizun can be played immediately after it cools. This method is the most simple and contains familiar kid components. When using this recipe for the manufacture of lysuine, you will be quite able to do without adding harmful substances to the toy.

Lysun from soda

Our babies, like their parents, are close to crafts from paper, but in this case we have to disappoint you. The composition of the manufacture of lysus does not carry a paper base. But you should not worry about this. There is an exit. We will try to give a description of the recipe, in which we will tell about how to make lysun at home, using only soda.

You can doubt, but this is not pleasant to the touch, and the mass that is not an adult, contains in its composition this particular component. By offering such entertainment to your baby, you will get a lot of free time.

For this, the following components will be needed:

  • Glue PVA -50GR.
  • Water -100gr.
  • Soda 1st.L.
  • Gouache.
  • Wand.
  • Capacity.

Mix the water with glue to get the desired viscosity of the toy. It is better to do it in plastic dishes. In the resulting mixture, boldly add the dye. Next solution based on water and soda. Connect two solutions and mix with a wand, to obtain a homogeneous mass. Here you and Lizun! He will deliver a lot of positive emotions to your baby.

Lizun from Starch

One of the best recipes in the creation of lysun is a recipe using starch. For the manufacture of color transparent lysuine, you will need only two components: water and starch. More often use starch made of potatoes or starch based on corn.

Joint production of Lizun, gives great pleasure to your child, and takes a little time. Let's proceed? Mix two components in equal proportions and add a dye. In the role of dyes can be ordinary green.

Photos of homemade lysunov are filled with most Internet pages. Showing a little fantasy and desire, you can choose Handgam you like and have a great time in mutual creativity with the child. And we continue to offer you new options for creating a multiplication hero. Let's find out how to increase your cub in size.

Lisun makes up

Do crafts with children useful and informative. To do with children Lizun informative and interesting doubly. It is interesting to watch the child to watch the process of creating a toy, and if the lysun give a name, then your common friend will be the subject of the adoration of the defers.

Invite the child to grow lysuine. How it's done? Very simple. Place your pet in a glass with water and put in the refrigerator. In the morning, you will definitely ask how much your new friend has gone, offer the child to see how the pet feels.

Focusing the child's attention in this direction, you are guaranteed a daily report on the activities and viability of the new settler. The kid with great interest will observe how his favorite grows and changes.

Making Lizuun without adding sodium tetraborate

This recipe is exceptionally simple. It does not include in its composition harmful to the kid substances, and turns the process of creating lysus without adding sodium tetraborate, in a funny entertaining adventure.

To implement the children's dream of life, you need to stock: gouache, PVA glue, a container, a stick for mixing. And one more component that will help us in the manufacture. As not strange - this is an ordinary detergent, you can add an ordinary gel concentrate.

Add the required amount of glue to the container. The more glue you add, the stronger will be your lysun. Mix the glue with the gouache you like your color. Your choice fell on red? Wonderful! Take a stick for mixing and add the required amount of dye. Thoroughly mixing, add paints as needed to prevail the most saturated color to the future lysuine.

With a thorough stirring, the mass will be thick right in your eyes. Place the toy on the child's handle, give the shape, make eyes, mouth. The composition of the selected ingredients is simple, but their components will make a toy soft and elastic, and it will not stick to the child's hands.

Transparent lysun without sodium tetraborate

The prescription proposed by us is simple and only two ingredients contain. Pour into the plastic bowl of water and add some stationery glue, mix the mass.

If you want your lysun to be colored, use paints, or ordinary green. If you prefer to make it completely transparent, hire without these components.

Colored lysun from liquid soap and toothpaste

Colored and transparent lysons made by their own hands - some of the best toys of the child. Kids can twist the incomprehensible mass in their hands, and receive true pleasure from it. Let us provide them with this opportunity, and try to make colored and transparent lysuns with you at home using liquid soap.

Add liquid soaps into the glass container, and a teaspoon of starch. Then cover the selected capacitance with the lid and shake thoroughly in your hands. The mass gradually begins to thick.

Then add an ordinary toothpaste into a separate plastic bowl. Add an obsessed glass container to the toothpaste. And mix thoroughly. Your color lysun is ready. This recipe clearly shows how to make lysun without glue. The recipe leases is simple, but how many emotions!

Lizun from toothpaste. Heat!

This recipe for Lizun is unique with its simplicity, and is a simple way in making toys, however requires adult attention. For its creation, two tubes are paste-gel.

Classes with a child is a guarantee of good relationships. Fantasy is limitless. Making toys with baby, you yourself will return to childhood, feel joy and delight from the result. Do not be afraid to experiment. At first, I will help you using photo instructions, telling about how to make lysun with your own hands. Deliver your baby pleasure, go back to childhood. I wish you success!

Photo instruction how to make lysuuna