Repairs Design Furniture

How to extend the service life of the Hitachi screwdriver. What battery is better for a screwdriver - lithium or cadmium? Screwdriver with Ni-CD or Li-Ion battery. What to choose

The screwdriver is needed in the household tool, but the time and its energy source comes - the battery stops working. Models are constantly changing and sometimes cannot find the right battery. At the same time, it is possible to fully restore it or extend the service life for 2-3 years. On how to repair the accumulator of the screwdriver, says this article.

Disassembly battery

Solving the question of whether you can restore the accumulator of the screwdriver, it is necessary, first of all, to figure out how to extract elements from it. The battery is placed in the plastic case of two half. First you need to unscrew the connecting screws. If the connection is made with glue, you will have to tinker with a screwdriver or a chisel. It should be disassembled carefully so that then you can take the case again.

Inside placed elements connected in series. Some structures use a parallel-serial connection.

Replacing elements

Solving the question of how to restore the screwdriver battery, it is necessary, first of all, to identify defective banks that spoil his work. If the battery is sat down, it must be charged, and then check the voltage on all items. It should not differ from the nominal no more than 10%.

Repair lies in how to restore the screwdriver as a whole. It affects the serviceability of each element. It must have a given capacitance under which the ability to feed the load connected to it is understood. Sometimes it is better to replace the elements that have fallen, which are quickly discharged. They can be detected by damage to corrosion or presence on the surface of characteristic electrolyte traces.
One or two elements may be a serious interference in the work of the entire line.

If the battery is used for more than 3 years, most elements can be faulty. In this case, it is better to replace them with everything. It is important that they come along voltage and sizes. The cost of batteries collected separately, lower than new assembly.

The serviceability of each bank is checked by the magnitude of the internal resistance, which should be about 0.06 ohms. To do this, it is connected to the load (resistor at 5-10 ohms) and at the same time determine the current and voltage. Conveniently apply low-voltage incandescent bulbs. Measurements are made with two different resistances constitutively 30% and 70% of the permissible load. Of the 1st voltage, the 2nd, and from the 2nd current - 1st is subtracted. Then the results of subtraction are divided and, in accordance with the Ohm's law, we find the internal resistance of the battery.

The battery is often sold complete with a spare. Of the two you can collect one and still can remain banks in stock. It is advisable to use them somewhere as power sources, for example, for a flashlight with a car lamp.

After the diagnosis, the check elements are collected in the ruler. The selected set must be soldered in the same order. The corpus of the bank has a negative polarity, and the middle tire is positive. Then, without assembling the battery, you should connect to it. In this case, it is necessary to control the temperature of the elements. If they are good, then there should be no strong overheating. After the charge time expires, as well as a day on each element, the voltage should be measured. If any battery "sits" by more than 10%, it is required to replace the new one. After the battery passes the test, you can collect its body finally. The mounting screws are screwed into place according to sizes, and as glue use acetate acrylate ("Super-Glue"). With a competent selection of battery elements, it will serve as a new one. After charging, it should be subjected to intense training, creating the maximum load of the screwdriver until it is discharged. Such cycles should be repeated 2 more times, and then - 1 time per quarter.

Bank restoration

Non-checking batteries do not need to hurry to throw away. The main reason for their failure is the evaporation of water through a sealing gum located between the case and the middle bus. When it is full "zero" on it, the battery is briefly charged with a pulse supply voltage 12 V through resistance 40-50 ohms. It should be monitored so that the housing does not overheat. If after that it still will not be voltage, can be disposed of bank.

To restore the electrolyte, some craftsmen in the side excavation of all battery batteries drill a mini-hole under the needle of the syringe. Then the banks are filled with distilled water. After batteries should lie during the day. The battery then "train", charge and check the voltage on each element. Holes close to silicone.

How to restore the accumulator screwdriver

Batteries inside everything looks like. They consist of consistently soldered cans. The result is the total battery voltage on the output contacts. Elements apply the following types:

  • Ni-CD (nickel-cadmium, u \u003d 1.2 V).
  • Ni-MH (nickel-metal-hydritic, u \u003d 1.2 V).
  • Li-ion (lithium-ion, u \u003d 3.6V).

Interskol screwdriver battery

The Interskol screwdriver is one of the most popular, thanks to its versatility. In addition to the main function, he can also serve as a drill.

Batteries in it can be any of all common. Nickel-cadmium and metal-hydritis are used more often than cheaper and more powerful. So that they worked reliably, they should be fully discharged and charge to fully use the charge. Otherwise, the service life of the equipment is significantly reduced. The reversible loss of the tank of the element with incomplete discharge and charging is called the memory effect.

This disadvantage does not possess, but have a much greater price. During work, when every minute in the account, a small recharging is often required to support the desired screwdriver power. Here such batteries are indispensable because their capacity can be quickly restored.

The Battery of the Intercol screwdriver is choosing independently, depending on the preferences, features and required work. In most cases, nickel-cadmium batteries use.

How to restore the intercol screwdriver battery if it has not been used for a long time? When operating, we must try to drop the voltage to zero. For a can of 1.2 banks, it is produced to 0.9 V. If it is completely discharged with long-term storage, the charger may not "see" it. It is necessary to "push" the battery to another, more powerful source of current so that a small voltage appears on it. After that, you can connect it to a standard charger.

Screwdriver "Makita"

Before restoring the battery, you must first disassemble its body. It consists of 2 halves connected by glue. If you carefully cut the body of the battery with a rubber hammer, the glue will go back. In some places there may be problems with disassembly. There may be needed an additional hand tool. Next, you should separate the halves of the case, holding the terminal screwdriver.

According to the performance of the Mcita Drill, the Mcita screwdriver approaches the network tool. Autonomous power supply 2 replaceable Li-Ion batteries. Computer technology charging allows them to be restored in just 22 minutes. It is significantly increased.

Faulty banks must be replaced with similar new models. If it is difficult to find on sale, you will have to assemble one from two batteries. Factory welding can be a contact, and during repair it is necessary to create a soldering connection.

How to restore the Bosch screwdriver battery

Bosch screwdrivers are perfect for non-professional application. They have batteries with Ni-CD elements. They withstand large load currents, but quickly self-discharge (for 3-4 weeks). At least 1 times a month they must be restored so that they do not fail. In addition, during operation, the elements are unbalanced and the container is lost over time.

One of the recovery methods is the disassembly of the case and "training" separately each element. If it helps little, some of them will have to be replaced. Then the battery will last for a long time.

Hitachi screwdriver battery recovery

How to restore the Hitachi screwdriver battery? Both Ni-CD batteries must be charged, after which they should be disassembled and measure the voltage at each bank with a load of 1.5 ohms. Elements showing less voltage can be thrown out, and from whole collect one high-quality battery. Only 1 or 2 banks can spoil the impression of the battery. How to restore the accumulator of the chitachi screwdriver, as well as all other models, depending first of all, on the type of elements installed in them.

Restoration of the accumulator AEG accumulator

Complete with screwdriver for sale 2 batteries on Li-Ion elements. If one of them is not charged, it does not yet talk about its fault. It is possible that it is too much discharged. To do this, you can try to "strain" the battery with a pulse voltage to it, and then put it for charging. The easiest way is to connect for a few seconds to the charged battery.

After restoring the AEG screwdriver battery above, it failed, its housing should be disassembled and check out each jar.

  1. If the battery was not used, it should be discharged once a month to the permissible load and charge again.
  2. It is advisable to buy a screwdriver with two batteries in the kit.
  3. The screwdrivers should be stored and applied under conditions that exclude moisture.


How to restore the screwdriver battery? There are several ways. Before disassembled, you need to try to find the cause of the fault that can also be conclusted in the mechanism or charger. Observing the rules of operation of the battery, set out in the instructions, it is possible to significantly extend the life of its operation.

In modern screwdrivers use various types of batteries: nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride or lithium-ion. For each type of battery there is its own rules for use, their execution will provide long and efficient tool operation.

Overview and recommendations for the operation of various types of screwdriver batteries

Nickel-cadmium Ni-CD. In the nickel-cadmium battery, a positive electrode is made of nickel, negative - from cadmium. Such batteries, with a relatively low cost, provide for a long time of operation of the instrument and are not afraid of low temperatures.

A significant disadvantage of the battery is the so-called memory effect. If you start charging the battery, before it is completely discharged, its service life will decrease. This is due to the fact that the charged substance, during the subsequent additional charge, is compacted and subsequently ceases to interact with the electrolyte.

The owner of the screwdriver with a nickel-cadmium battery should be observed a simple rule: be sure to completely discharge the battery before charging. Otherwise, the time of operation of the instrument after each charging will be less and less. There are special equipment to restore the capacitance of the nickel-cadmium battery, but the recovery effect is not guaranteed.

Nickel-cadmium batteries can be charged about one and a half thousand times. Over time, the battery occurs irreversible damage to the electrolyte and the working substance, these damage are not related to the memory effect, but also reduce its time. The more intense the tool is used, the faster the battery ages. To reduce the depreciation speed and increase the battery life:

  • bear battery with overheating;
  • comply with the recommendations of the Instructions for the time of charging and the discharge of the instrument;
  • use branded chargers;
  • store battery fully discharged.

Nickel-metal-hydride Ni-MN . The rules of operation of the nickel-metal-hydride battery differ significantly from the above recommendations for nickel-cadmium battery, it is connected with its properties.

First, he does not have a memory effect, so you can start an additional charge at any time, regardless of the level of charge. Secondly, such a battery is not required to be discharged before storage, on the contrary, it is necessary to store it in the charged state, after receiving the recharging. Thirdly, the chemicals of the battery do not like heat, the discharge of the battery at high temperatures reduces its service life.

In order for the battery to serve a long time, it is important to charge it correctly: unacceptable overheating or reload. To charge, it is necessary to use branded accessories, and after charge - to turn off the batteries from the charger in a timely manner.

Lithium-ion Li-Ion . The main advantage of the lithium-ion battery is a high capacity with a small amount. Excessive discharge, reload and overheating can significantly reduce the service life of the batteries of this type. Especially rescued deep discharge: it is impossible to leave a screwdriver with a lithium-ion battery for long-term storage completely discharged.

Lithium-ion rechargeable batteries in instruments that work almost on an industrial scale are especially effective, and not at one-time works. Regular use of the battery, with its subsequent charging, significantly slows the aging of the battery.

After buying a new battery, you need to fully charge and discharge, repeating this process to three times. In other cases, the charging of the lithium-ion battery is optimally carried out when about 20% of the charge remains. It is worth remembering that the reload is harmful, so it is better to complete the charge at the level of 95%. Another important charging rule: you can not charge such a battery in the cold.

The optimal temperature for the operation of the screwdriver with the lithium-ion battery is from - 18 to +25. Overheating leads to rapid aging, so you should not leave the tool in the sun, and in the heat it is better to work in the shade.

Power tools operating in batteries is now in unprecedented demand, as it makes it possible to work offline from the power supply network for quite a long time. Such equipment during operation does not require additional gasket supply of extension cords and network filters around the room, which constantly interfere with the workflow.

Many wonder what batteries are better suitable for the battery tool. You can answer it, only comparing the advantages and disadvantages of each type of battery.

Types of batteries

The accumulator for the screwdriver (AKB) is an element of a device in which the energy supply required for its operation is accumulated. The right choice of this important component affects the future operational and technical properties of the equipment.

Today, rechargeable products are used everywhere: from children's toys and appliances for hygiene to laptops and cars.

Batteries come in various types and subtypes, but in the configuration of the power tool, only the following are found:

  • nickel-cadmium batteries (Ni-CD);
  • nickel-metal hydride elements (Ni-Mh);
  • lithium-ion Akb (Li-Ion);
  • lithium polymer accumulating elements (Li-POL).

Each of these types of AKB has its own negative and positive parties, based on which the power tools should be selected.

Important! When you first use and in the future operation, important technical specifications of the battery can be measured by a versatile device - multimeter.

Nickel-cadmium accumulating elements

Nickel cadmium batteries are the most popular view of the battery in the screwdrivers, designed for more than a century ago. Wide distribution was obtained due to sufficient energy capacity and high reliability at a low price.

Nickel Cadmium batteries for a screwdriver stand out from other species by the following advantages:

  1. The correct operation of the AKB allows you to increase its service life of up to 3-4 years;
  2. The Ni-CD battery can be operated at a low temperature background without a significant loss of its charge, which makes it possible to work with an outdoor tool in winter;
  3. Unpretentiousness even to the most extreme working conditions, reliability;
  4. The battery can be discharged and rearmed up to 1000 times;
  5. Excellent load capacity;
  6. The components failed can be reanimated by a whole range of events;
  7. Such an element can be in a discharged state for a fairly long time without losing your main properties. A tool with such a battery can be operated up to a complete discharge and only after that put on recharge - the capacity of the AKB will not change upwards.

Having a lot of positive parties in its reserve, nickel-cadmium acb is not deprived of both weak points, namely:

  • high toxicity of substances that are filled with battery components (banks), which causes problems with the utilization of waste elements;
  • high enough weight in comparison with other types of batteries;
  • high indicator of the self-discharge, which leads to the loss of capacitive qualities and a general reduction in voltage;
  • the effect of the memory is a phenomenon that occurs with the incomplete discharge of the battery item when the battery remembers this value when it is turned on to the network for charging and with further operation it will be disconnected at this mark, and not until the complete discharge.

Due to the memory effect in nickel-cadmium batteries, resuscitation measures are required to eliminate it, which are called "memory firmware".

The essence of this event is to impact the accumulating components of high voltage larger from the nominal indicator. Such procedures are able to make adjustments to the memory effect and increase the lost capacity of the battery.

Interesting to know. Many European states banned the use of nickel-cadmium batteries in various equipment and devices in order to maintain ecology in their territories.

Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries

Ni-MH batteries were created to eliminate the essential drawbacks of nickel-cadmium acb and have the following advantages:

  • weakly pronounced memory effect;
  • almost non-toxic;
  • high capacitive properties;
  • low weight and dimensions;
  • battery components can be reduced procedures;
  • high resistance to mechanical damage.

However, along with many pluses, substantial minuses of nickel-metal hydride accumulating energy elements are distinguished:

  • long charge until the full mark;
  • the tool with such power elements is not recommended to operate at minus ambient temperatures;
  • fairly high price;
  • reduced number of charge cycles (about 500-600);
  • lower service life in comparison with other types of screwdriver batteries;
  • can quickly discharge;
  • the battery can not be completely discharged.

Based on the comparison of the batteries of this type with nickel-cadmium acb, it can be concluded that on the operational characteristics the latter is much better.

Lithium-ion batteries

Batteries whose elements contain such a chemical element as lithium, are called lithium-ion. This type of batteries has a huge amount of advantages over other batteries.

Pluses of Li-Ion Power Elements:

  • quickly charge;
  • there is practically no memory effect;
  • almost zero self-discharge;
  • do not lose the capacity of the capacity in the process of charging at any stage of the discharge of the battery;
  • do not contain in its composition toxic substances and their impurities;
  • a good service life is 4-7 years;
  • small size and weight.

Cons of lithium-ion batteries:

  • low resistance to mechanical type damage (an explosion is possible from a strong impact);
  • high enough cost;
  • quickly fails with a deep discharge;
  • over time, the process of lithium decomposition occurs, which leads to the failure of some components of the battery system;
  • not subject to resuscitation activities - when you fail, it is possible to replace it with a new one;
  • fast discharge at negative temperatures.

Important! Lithium-ion acb is different types, differing from each other with dimensions, capacity and other characteristics. For their excellent capacity indicators, the lithium-ion batteries of 18650 were widely used, which are most often used when rewriting Ni CD batteries in lithium-ion.

Lithium Polymer Akb

Li-POL batteries - the elements of the last generation, developed on the basis of lithium-ion technology. The main difference between such batteries from lithium-ion batteries is to replace the liquid electrolyte on the polymer gel-like substance. The result of the manufacturer of such batteries managed to significantly increase their capacitive characteristics, reduce weight and overall dimensions, thereby creating ultra-thin batteries.

It is also worth noting that such Li-POL accumulatory products have become less explosive than their predecessors.

The obvious minuses of lithium-polymer battery for screwdrivers are:

  • low service life - just 2-3 years;
  • small number of cycles charge-discharge - only 500;
  • high cost;
  • high requirements for working conditions.

Note! Drills and screwdrivers on the basis of lithium polymer batteries are quite rare due to the cost of this technology. As a rule, they can be introduced by manufacturers to their premium power tool.

Comparative battery rating

If you compare all types of batteries with each other by the main characteristics, setting estimates from 1 to 5, the following rating table will be obtained.

Comparative table of batteries by type of 12V

ParameterNickel CadmiumLithium-ionLithium polymerNickel-metal hydride
Price5 2 1 3
Fear of negative temperatures4 2 5 2
Capacity2 4 5 3
Element memory effect1 5 5 3
Self-discharge2 4 5 3
Number of discharge-charge cycles3 4 2 1
Toxicity1 5 5 3
Deep discharge fear5 2 3 3
Gabarits.1 4 5 3
Total points24 32 36 24

Get an unambiguous answer to the question of which battery is better for the screwdriver, it is impossible, since each type of batteries has its own distinctive features and is suitable for various operating conditions.

So nickel-cadmium batteries in a screwdriver for their unpretentiousness can be used at any ambient temperature, and due to its low cost and the ability to be for a long time without charging this version of the power tool is ideal for infuse at home.

Professionals give a choice of a screwdriver based on lithium-ion batteries, as such batteries have a high capacity, quickly charge, do not have a self-discharge, which makes it possible to exploit it for a long time without long charging.

Important! There is a possibility of alteration of one type of battery to another if you follow certain rules and instructions, for example, from nickel-cadmium acb can make a lithium-ion battery, purchasing the necessary components, new charging and other materials.

Choosing a screwdriver, a drill and battery for him - the matter is not an easy, but important, since it is precisely from this element that a tool with tasks assigned to it will cope. It is recommended to make your choice based on the use of instruments, as well as the assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of each type of battery.



Muffin the screw is one of those tasks that seem to be nowhere to, but with enviable constancy. To fix the closer door, hang the mirror in the hallway, attach the shelf in the bathroom - small household problems, to solve that you need daily. Tighten the bolt, screw or screwdriver with a screwdriver - it is possible, but it does not always work. Who tried, knows: the case is ungrateful, long, and the result is often zero. And you need to quickly and efficiently.

Buy electric for everyday household work on the house is the best way out. Not to mention the fact that he is indispensable in the work of professionals. It is used at construction sites, during repairs and in furniture workshops. With the help of a screwdriver, the installation of plasterboard structures, installation of windows and doors, fastening of plinths and furniture assembly.

Choose a screwdriver, focusing solely on its cost - a gross mistake. They differ in power and different functions. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, it should be carefully examined by its technical characteristics before purchasing. The main ones are the speed of rotation, torque and type of battery (in the battery tool). But to read the digital data - half the way, you need to be able to navigate what the indicators are needed for you and for planned work.

1. No need to overestimate: buy a household screwdriver for professional work

The screwdriver can work from the network or from the built-in battery. Not only the mobility of the tool depends on the type of power, but also its power. A small and convenient rechargeable tool is the best assistant for a home master. He has all the necessary functions, and he weighs quite a bit, and the hands are not tired. But the main minus of the rechargeable screwdriver is low-capacity - a sore joke will play with those who plan to use it as a professional tool. That is, a lot and often. For profi - need quite different power. Professional price higher. Most often, it is tied to the outlet, but tolerates intensive loads well.

2. Incorrect battery selection

The most expensive part of the tool. More than half of the price you pay exactly the battery. In order not to run every 20-30 minutes with a battery screwdriver to recharge, read the battery passport. We recommend carefully consider such parameters.

  • Voltage (determines power)
  • Capacity (affects the duration of work)
  • The effects of memory and self-discharge (much better when they are not)

3. Purchase of aptive batteries for long work

Battery capacity directly affects the duration of work. The higher the container - the longer the time can work without recharging. The capacity is measured in amps clock and depends on which item is installed inside the battery. The longest capacity in cadmium batteries, and the largest - in lithium-ion. Therefore, for long work, choose a lithium-based screwdriver. It costs 2-3 times more expensive, but gives a warranty of work for several hours.

4. Prolonged battery charge time

The time of recharging at different models is different. Professional tool need about an hour. Amateur - 5-7 hours. Buy a screwdriver, which is more time to charge than it works - a prosperous error for a home master. This tool is used infrequently. And his long-lasting recharging does not bring inconvenience. For "pros" - a long time of charge negates all its work. Charging time depends on battery performance and charger.

5. Purchase a single-speed screwdriver for drilling and screwing

Screwdriver - universal tool. Usually, in addition to "spin-unscrewed," it is capable of drilling. But not all models have such a function. Often the buyer suggests that when buying a single-speed tool, it will perform tasks for screwing and drilling. This is a common error. To operate in screwing mode and in drilling mode, it must be equipped with a speed controller. Drilling is performed at a different speed than twisting. Work with different materials implies different revs.

6. Purchase a rechargeable screwdriver for very rare work

If you take on a screwdriver once two a year, then it is better to buy an electric tool running from the outlet. After all, each rechargeable battery has its own storage. It must be charged and discharge, if not constantly, then often. Otherwise, it strongly loses the container. If the storage period is exceeded, the electrolyte is separated, the metal plates inside are covered with salt.

7. Incorrect battery type

Observing with the choice of battery and not knowing the features of its operation, you will understand with time that it is not suitable for you. So you note that three varieties batteries are used in the screwdrivers:

  • nickel Cadmium (NI-CD). Inexpensive. But tall and toxic. Suffer from self-discharge and "memory effect". It is impossible to store without charging. And the biggest minus - you can not charge a not fully planted battery. That is, the possibility of pre-charged during a swift is excluded.
  • nickel-metal-hydride (NI-MH). Initially developed to replace nickel-cadmium batteries, but due to the same shortcomings, they could not take a worthy place in the assortment of batteries for the power tool. More powerful, with the same dimensions, compared to Ni-CD batteries. The charge cycle is cooked in the range of 200-300 recharges. Developers eliminated the problem of the memory effect, so they can be reduced. The only minus is a high degree of self-discharge, relatively with other types of batteries.
  • lithium-ion (Li-Ion). Most Popular. Large capacity and power. Do not lose the containers in the cold. The number of full charges is 3000. You can charge at any time without waiting for complete discharge. There is no memory effect. Self-discharge too. But the price is much higher.

8. The most powerful is not always the best

A powerful screwdriver is needed for long work with a load at the maximum. If these are not planned, you should not choose a big power. Powerful has its drawbacks:

  • He is heavy. It is inconvenient to work on weight, hand tired.
  • Large dimensions. You will not be able to work in hard-to-reach places.

For homework, it is better to take a screwdriver less powerful, compact, but with a good torque.

9. Purchase a shock screwdriver instead of a perforator

If it has a shock mode, this does not mean that he can hammer the wall or stone. Screwdriver is not a perforator. The beating mode is used to more effectively screw the bolts and screws.

10. Incorrect selection of cartridge

Cartridges are two types:

  • Quick Quick Patron. Do not require any clamping tools.
  • Key. For their clamp you need a special key of the gear type.

Quick-time - much easier and more convenient. If it is necessary to work with a frequent change of consumility (for example, drill, bits), it is recommended to take a quick-distance screwdriver. The key cartridge slows down the work.

11. One battery is good, and two better

If in the kit there is another battery - this is a huge plus for your screwdriver. Spare battery gives additional features. While working on one battery, the second can be charged, and then on the contrary. It turns out continuous operation. But for domestic affairs it is enough and one battery is not to overpay for the extended complete set. But for professional work is a great option, in some cases it is possible to stock other in the future.

12. Incorrect packaging selection

The cheapest packaging option is cardboard. But he will last long. Packaging breaks. Then there will be no place to keep a screwdriver. For an amateur who bought a tool for an apartment or at home, it will not be a problem. But the professional master is needed by Case. It should be selected in plastic suitcase. It is convenient for storage and transportation. There are also thoughtful modular cates. They are attached to each other, can be transported on a wheelbarrow. These are optimal plastic suitcases for L-BOXX or METALOC professionals. Cases with such a system often use popular tool manufacturers: Metabo, Bosch.

13. Choice for smuggling

Purchase a screwdriver from an incomprehensible manufacturer - stay with a broken tool one to one. Without a guarantee, without a service, without spare parts. Never seduce too low at the cost of power tools from the "China-under China" series. Please note that the "gray product" does not have a formal guarantee, and reliable trademarks give both a guarantee and service in service centers.

A rechargeable screwdriver is a fairly convenient and in demand tool. Independence from the power grid makes this device mobile and allows you to carry out work in hard-to-reach places. But despite all the advantages, the battery (AKB) is a weak link in the screwdriver. Therefore, choosing the power tool, you first need to understand what kind of batteries exist, in which there are differences, pros and cons of different types of batteries.

In the electric tool market, 3 types of batteries are presented:

  • (NICD) nickel-cadmium;
  • (NIMH) nickel-metal hydride;
  • (Li-Ion) lithium-ion.

Nickel Cadmium Akb

This type of batteries is the most commonAlthough they have been over 100 years old. NiCD batteries have a good capacity and low cost.

Nickel-cadmium acb have the following advantages.

  1. Durability. With the correct operation of the battery may stop 8-10 years.
  2. Ability to work at low temperatures. The battery charge is practically not reduced, which allows you to use the tool in the winter outdoors.
  3. High degree of reliability and unpretentiousness to working conditions.
  4. The battery can withstand a thousand charging cycles-discharge.
  5. The battery can be stored for a long time in the discharged state.

Since the NICD batteries are not "afraid of" a complete discharge, it is possible to work the tool until it stops it, that is, to a deep discharge of the battery. Only after that you can put it on a charge without fear that the battery capacity will decrease.

However, nickel-cadmium batteries are not devoid of flaws. Toxicity of internal filling Batteries cause problems during disposal.

In some European countries, the operation of nickel-cadmium batteries is prohibited in order to preserve ecology.

The batteries of this type are pretty heavy, if compared with other types of ac. In addition, they possess "memory effect". Such a phenomenon occurs in a nickel-cadmium battery when he is not allowed to completely discharge. If you enable such ankb to recharge, then it will "remember" this value and will be discharged for further work precisely before this mark. Thus, a significant part of the battery capacity will be lost. The figure below shows a clearly demonstrated as "memory effect" appears.

Nickel-metal hydride batteries

NiMH batteries were designed to remove flaws of nickel-cadmium acb. The positive characteristics of nickel-mellal hydride batteries are as follows:

  • have smaller dimensions and mass;
  • have low toxicity;
  • "Memory effect" is poorly expressed;
  • have high capacitive characteristics;
  • resistant to mechanical damage;
  • the number of circuit-discharging cycles increased (up to 1500).

However, NIMH batteries have their drawbacks:

  • they are forbidden to be used under negative ambient temperatures;
  • Akb has a property quickly discharged;
  • little battery life, if compared with nickel-cadmium acb;
  • high price;
  • it takes a lot of time to charge;
  • Akb does not "transfers" deep discharge.

Thus, although Nimh batteries were created to compile a competition of nickel-cadmium acb, they are significantly inferior on operational characteristics Latest.

Lithium-ion batteries

Li-Ion Batteries noticeably won most of the positions from other types of batteries. The relevant lithium-ion battles include the following:

  • almost complete absence of "memory effect";
  • you can recharge a lithium-ion battery at any stage of discharge, without fearing the loss of tank;
  • no power loss with low battery;
  • the effective service life is 5-8 years;
  • low self-discharge;
  • it takes a little time for charging;
  • there are no toxic elements;
  • high power with small dimensions.

Cons of lithium-ion batteries:

  • sensitivity to shocks (can explode with strong shuffles);
  • the battery does not tolerate the full discharge and reload - from this, the battery fails;
  • at low temperatures quickly discharged;
  • high price;
  • service life is lower than Nickel Cadmium AcB.

Definitely say what battery is better, difficult. Mainly, you must decide for what purposes are you going to acquire a screwdriver. If for home use, which implies an infrequent inclusion with long breaks in operation, then you need to choose a tool with nickel-cadmium acb.

It is possible to explain this by the fact that with long-term storage without recharging the NICD battery does not lose its properties, provided that it has been discharged completely.

Lithium-ion batteries are selection of professionals. They are designed for permanent, long-lasting and continuous operation. Also, the time of recharging the battery is important for the professional tool. But it is worth remembering one rule: a lithium battery cannot be brought to a complete discharge.

Than you can replace the "native" battery in the screwdriver

If batteries have developed your resource in your screwdriver, you can easily replace them. There is such a concept as interchangeability of batteries. For example, under brand PowerPlant. Akb has compatible with most popular power tools. They cost much cheaper than "native" batteries and are well efficient.

But if this option does not suit you, then the batteries themselves can be replaced with new ones. To do this, you will have to disassemble the battery block and extract the elements included in its composition.

Replacing batteries for similar

In some blocks you can see the fastening screws that you need to unscrew. But on most battery units there are no screws, since the body is glued. To open such a block, you will need to gently insert a screwdriver into the place of the gluing (the photo shows the arrow) and slightly press the walls of the housing to be disconnected. The same actions must be done throughout the perimeter.

After opening the block, you will see the batteries in it.

Next, you should look at the marking applied on the elements, write it down and choose the same in the online store. When new batteries are in your presence, they need to be soldered and install back into the housing. To spread the batteryMake a soldering iron and flux (alcohol on rosin or soldering acid), as well as tin. It is necessary to take into account several nuances during the soldering.

  1. You need to solder quickly, not allowing the battery to heat up, as it can come into disrepair.
  2. For connections need use "native" plates, disappearing them from old power items (they have the desired section and resistance).
  3. It is important to connect the right plus with a minus battery. You need to connect items sequentially: minus the previous battery must be connected to the plus of a new one, and minus a new battery is with the positive contact of the next battery.

After connecting all the elements, it is necessary to level the potentials on all batteries, as they differ. Spend one cycle charging-discharge: Connect the charger to the battery overnight, after which let it cool during the day and measure the output voltage in turn on all items. If everything went well, then on all batteries the indicator will be the same - in the range of 1.3 V.

Now the battery needs to be discharged by inserting it into a screwdriver and loading the last maximum. The main thing is not to overheat the engine tool. Let him a small rest. Bring the battery to complete discharge. This procedure should be repeated 2 more times (full charge and full discharge).

Replacement on lithium batteries

Replace NICD elements on Li-Ion will also not be much difficult. From the school coup, it is known that if the batteries are connected in series, then their voltage rates will be summed. For example, your screwdriver works from the battery with a voltage of 14.4 B, it means that it can be replaced with four finger batteries by 3.3 V. This voltage will be enough, because the lithium battery is not too "seated" when the device is started.

It is recommended to buy batteries of well-known manufacturers, for example, SISTEM A123. The LIFEPO4 battery of this company has a capacity of 2400 mAh sufficient for the normal functioning of the screwdriver. If buying batteries via the Internet, then they will cost you cheaper - in the area of \u200b\u200b900 rubles for 3 pieces.

When buying batteries, pay attention, whether there are copper strips on their contacts. If they are, the process of soldering is much facilitated.

Also need to purchase instead of alcohol flux soldier. In this case, overheating of batteries will be minimized. The soldering iron must have a power within 65 W.

Learn more, how the batteries are replaced on lithium batteries, you can, looking at this video.

Charger for AKB screwdriver with your own hands

If your charging for a screwdriver failed, or you remade the tool battery, replacing the NICD battery on Li-Ion items, then you will need to get a new charger. The following is a charger scheme capable of providing a charging current suitable for any type of battery.

This charger is a current generator, which is based on the VT2 transistor. The latter is powered by a rectifying bridge. Bridge, in turn, connected to lowing transformerhaving a necessary output voltage. This transformer should have good power so that it can work for a long time without overheating, providing the necessary current. Otherwise, the transformer can overcome. The voltage issued by the transformer should not be higher than 27 V.

The charge current is regulated by the R1 resistor (the battery for the screwdriver must be connected). It must remain constant throughout the charging process. The R3 resistor is designed to limit the maximum current. VD6 LED It will burn until the charge goes. When the charging process is approaching the end, the luminous glow will begin to decrease, and it will go out.

For lithium-ion batteries, temperature control of temperature and accurate voltage values \u200b\u200bare important.

All elements of the electronic circuit are installed on pCB from textolitecovered with a layer of copper foil. The diodes specified in the diagram can be replaced by diodes extracted from the old radio equipment, CD202 or D242. Details on the board must be placed in such a way that there are no intersections. High density of placement of parts is not needed. If you leave 3-5 mm between them, then it will be easier to solder. Be sure to install the transistor on the radiator with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 20-50 cm 2.

Based on the size of the board, it will be necessary make a housing (You can from plastic) using a glue gun. The table below provides the entire list of necessary radio components.

If you collect the charger, sticking to this scheme, you will get reliable, simple and inexpensive charging for your screwdriver.