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DHW decryption water supply. The formula for calculating water heating in the receipt of utilities. How the fee for hot water is calculated. What is GVS heating. What is understood by one

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/13/2013 No. 406 "On the state regulation of tariffs in the field of water supply and drainage" with a centralized system of hot water supply in a closed system, a two-component hot water tariff is established, consisting of " cold water component "(Rub. / M 3) and" component for thermal energy "(RUB / GKAL). High-water. Research with the executor of utilities (management company, HOA) for 2 resources: · Cold water - at a rate of" Cold Water Component "; · Heat energy - at tariff On the "component of thermal energy". The component of the cold water is calculated by the tariff regulation authority on the basis of the cold water tariff. on the maintenance of centralized hot water systems on a plot from central thermal points (inclusive), on which hot water is prepared, to the point on the border of the subscriber's operational responsibility and the regulated organization in the event that such expenses are not taken into account in the tariff for thermal energy; · The cost of thermal energy loss in pipelines on a plot from objects on which hot water is prepared, including from central thermal points, including the content of central thermal points, to a point on the border of the subscriber's operational responsibility and the regulated organization in case such losses are not Considered when setting tariffs for thermal energy; · Expenses related to hot water transportation. Folder of utilities in accordance with the "Rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 (hereinafter - Rules), calculate the amount of payment for a utility service for hot water supply for the volume of hot water consumed in cubic meters. In accordance with the rules, the fee size (P i) for a utility service for hot water supply, indoors equipped with an individual device teaching The hot water is determined by the formula: p i \u003d V in * t to P (1), where: V in is the volume (number) of the settlement period in the I-M residential or non-residential premises of the communal resource defined according to the testimony of an individual device accounting; t to p - Tariff for a communal resource. So as the tariff for a utility "Hot water" is established in the form of two components, the performer of utilities with hot water consumers makes calculation for the components: cold water and thermal energy for the needs of hot water. Number of thermal energy (Gcal / Gkal / m 3) For the needs of hot water, per 1M 3, as a rule, the performer of utility services is determined on the basis of general-purpose (collective) readings of hot water metering devices and heat in hot water. It should be noted that the executor of utilities makes calculations with a resource-supplying organization based on the testimony of the same general (collective) devices for taking hot water and heat energy in hot water. Created amount of heat energy in hot water in I-room (GKAL) is determined by multiplying the amount Hot water according to the individual instrument of accounting (M 3) on the specific consumption of thermal energy in hot water (GKAL / M 3). Hot water concretion, determined by the individual instrument of accounting (M 3), is multiplied by the "Component of Cold Water" tariff (rub .: 3) - This is a fee for cold water in the composition of hot water. The volume of thermal energy in consumed hot water (GKAL) is multiplied by the tariff "component for thermal energy" (rubles / Gcal) - this is a fee for thermal energy as part of hot Water. In accordance with the information letter of the FST of Russia of November 18, 2014 No. SZ-12713/5 "On the issue of regulating hot water tariffs in a closed system of hot water supply on 2015, "says that the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of prices (tariffs) it is entitled to make a decision the establishment of hot water tariffs in a closed hot water system per 1 cu. m. At the same time, the calculation of the tariff for hot water (T DHW) is 1 m 3 according to the formula: T GVS \u003d T Hydz * (1 + to PV) + UCP + T t t t / e * q t / e (2), where : T Hyls - tariff for cold (rubles / cubic meters); t t t t / e - tariff for thermal energy (rubles / Gcal); to PV - coefficient, taking into account the loss of water in closed heat supply systems from central heat points to the point Connections; CT-specific costs for the content of hot water supply systems from central thermal points to the boundaries of the balance sheet of consumers (excluding losses) if such expenses are not taken into account in tariffs for heat energy (power), per 1 cu. m; q t / e - the amount of heat required for the preparation of one cubic meter of hot water (Gcal / cubic meter). In this, the amount of heat for the preparation of one cubic meter of hot water (Q T / E) is determined by the calculation by consideration heat capacity, pressure, temperature, water density, thermal energy loss in risers and heated towel rails. In fact, the accrual in the receipt for hot water depends on how the control body is installed for hot water: for two components (cold water and thermal energy ) Or for a cubic meter. In question The dimensions of the charges for 2 components (cold water and thermal energy) are shown, but not indicated municipality and tariffs for components. If we assume that the consumption of hot water was 10 m 3, then the tariff for the "Cold Water component" is 331 rubles. / 10 m 3 \u003d 33.10rub. / M 3. If it is assumed that the tariff for the thermal energy component is 1800 rubles / Gcal, the number of thermal energy consumed is: 1100 rubles. / 1800 rubles. / Gcal \u003d 0.611 Gcal, respectively, to heat 1 m 3 of hot water, thermal energy consumption was 0.611 pcaal / 10 m 3 \u003d 0.0611 Gcal / m 3. Chief Economist GK "Yurenergo" Isaeva T. V.

Generating payment for utilities, consumers see various abbreviations in receipts. It is important to know what is behind these letters and what money goes. DHW is a hot water service. But what it includes and from which it consists, consider in more detail.

Regulatory framework and definitions

Hot water, centrally submitted to consumers, in accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 06.05.2011, is one of the utilities. The utility service is the provision of a resource to the consumer by the Contractor (supplier) services.

That is, in the case of GVS, the utilities is the delivery of hot water required parameters to apartment apartment buildings, hostel rooms, enterprises and public buildings (hospitals, laundry, kindergartens, etc.).

Services for the supply of hot water Residents have a heating network, in its own duties, the implementation of centralized heating of residential and public buildings.

Features Services

The preparation of hot water for the needs of hot water supply occurs on centralized heating boilers, there, where the heat carrier of the heating system is heated.

Boiler rooms can be connected to a drop-down DHW system or be dead-end - designed for a group of houses or one house (for example, roof boilers). The closer the consumer is located to the source of hot water (boiler room), the better the service, above the water temperature will be better. However, the connection to the flaked networks is preferable from the point of view of the reliability and uninterruptedness of the DHW.

The service includes:

  1. Boiler room service. Unlike heating, the DHW is provided all year round, while the boilers go to the summer (minimum) mode of operation.
  2. Road service.
  3. Conduct planned repair work on networks.

The water heated in the boiler room for an open (open) system of the DHW enters the apartments of consumers by supplying water supply systems, distributing on domesticated DHW networks.

It should be remembered that hot water cannot be used to prepare food due to the presence of additives in it - special additives that reduce the level of formation of scale on the inner walls of pipelines.

The temperature of hot water in consumers is regulated by sanitary and legal norms and is + 50 ... + 65 ° C. In fact, it often does not exceed +40 ° C.

This is due to heat loss in the supply of heat carrier along the tracks (poor-quality insulation of pipes, impulses) or due to the low temperature at the outlet of the boiler room. Boiler operators adjust the output parameters based on the outdoor temperature.

Task Supplier Services Provide a communal resource for good quality in apartments. Sometimes the heating network justifies the poor-quality provision of services by the deplorable state of networks - built in the last century, the tracks that require major repairs will not withstand the temperature difference in winter, if you maintain the coolant parameters from the boiler room at the normative level.

It turns out a vicious circle - many residents often do not pay for hot water due to its low temperature or generally refuse to this service, moving to heated water with electric boilers. And the enterprises of the heating network cannot produce repair work, because The debt of the population does not give them the inflow of funds.

On video about the service of the DHW


Pay or not for the DHW service, if it turns out in insufficient quality, the case is purely personal. It is important to understand that deciding to go along the path of non-payment, it is not necessary to simply produce debts. It is necessary to assemble the evidence base according to the following scheme: to produce commissions of water temperature, send results to the enterprise supplying services. Be sure to get the official response explaining the causes of low quality service. Having collected a package of evidence, you can contact the court to defend your rights.

All Russian citizens pay monthly utilities. Special attention is paid to payment for water disposal. About what it is and how payment is made, we will tell further.

What is water disposal in utility payments

The concept of drainage is clearly deciphered in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 No. 354. It indicates that drainage is a complex of procedures aimed at removing household waste from residential premises using a connecting network. They can get all the consumers of utility resources.

Regarding the issue of the assignment of the water used, the state is engaged in legislative regulation, and establishes certain rules. So, the issue of drainage is regulated by a number of regulatory acts, including:

  • Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, which includes references to housing and communal services;
  • regional regulations and provisions on the basis of which calculate the amount to pay;
  • local rules of vodokanalov and other structures related to drainage;
  • resolutions and recommendations emanating from local governments.

Hydz and DHW in the receipt: what is it

The list of all utilities to be mandatory by consumers is clearly assigned in Article 154 of the LCD of the Russian Federation. It also indicates that public utilities are entitled to use reductions to denote a particular service.

The law states that the names and their abbreviation change is strictly prohibited, and they must comply with current recommendations. Considering the fact that in the receipt, the mass of abbreviations, users often arise a question that is a kind.

Under the abbreviation of the HPV means cold water supply, under the LDW - hot. In addition, in the payment documents of the graph may contain the terms of the DPA. It denotes that payment of the consumed cold water occurs on the basis of a common counter. If the receipt is indicated by the HPW KPU, this means that the consumer has its own account in the apartment, on the basis of which they pay.

Wastewater discharge in receipts

Many users believe that under the name of water disposal is hidden exclusively sewage, that is, stock used waters. However, in fact, the very concept itself is much wider, and it consists of mass procedures, including:

  • removal used hot and cold water;
  • transportation of wastewater to wastewater treatment plants;
  • wastewater treatment from garbage and pollution;
  • disposal of liquid waste;
  • wastewater removal (use for technical purposes).

Payment for water disposal in an apartment building: Tariff and calculation

The tariff for water disposal is established on the basis of various parameters. Note that there is no single tariff for Russia, and in each region there are special values. When determining the size of the tariff, the following parameters are taken to pay for drainage:

  • climatic and weather conditions of the region;
  • current state of sewage networks;
  • assessment of water supply networks;
  • distance pumping water and stocks;
  • the quality of pumping stations, as well as their remoteness;
  • the number of users who consume this service (in particular, having a separate meter);
  • payment for emergency brigades and specialists to maintain networks in an acceptable state. Separately pay for services in which water supply needs;
  • payment of work by Vodokanalov employees.

Depending on the above parameters, there are always serious differences in the size of the tariff mesh. So, for example, the residents of Surgut acts an indicator of 25.44 rubles per cube. m, in Rostov-on-Don this value is 24,26 rubles / cubic meters. m, and in Krasnoyarsk tariff is the most - 9.42 rubles / cube. m. If the magnitude has grown, this will notify the consumer in advance.

For calculating drainage, 3 methods are used:

  1. In each apartment (private house) there are an individual accounting device for which water consumption is determined.
  2. Water consumption is determined based on the indicators of general-owned meters.
  3. On general standards.

Each method has its own characteristics, however, for consumers the most advantageous is the one in which a personal counter is established in the apartments.

Cold Water Supply and Water Resistant Center

A specially formed center, whose employees count tariffs for water recurrence are engaged in issues of water consumption and leads.

In 2019, such approved centers exist in each large settlement, and their obligations include any operations related to water consumption and water supply, in particular, monitoring the current state of networks and the direction of emergency services to emergencies. In addition, in the event of disputes, the Center will be engaged in recalculating the bills.

Why water disposal more water consumption

Users are faced with the fact that the tariff for water disposal can be significantly larger than on water consumption. This is explained by several parameters:

  • climatic features of the region. In the colder regions, the tariff is traditionally higher, as it is more difficult to maintain the performance of networks;
  • the disposal price of liquid waste is accrued at a high level;
  • the use of special water purification technologies, the purpose of which is to improve the system.

Therefore, regarding water consumption, the tariff includes only transportation, preparation for use and heating (for hot water), then new operations are added with drainage. This means that expenses are higher, and therefore the tariff increases.

How to calculate drainage on the meter: tariff, formula and calculation example

To calculate the payment for water disposal uses the following formula:

  • SV \u003d (HPW + DHW) x TV, where
  • SV - the amount of water disposal fees;
  • Hydz - the number of cold water consumed for the month (in the cubic meters);
  • DHW - the number of hot water used is calculated in the cube. m;
  • TV is the included tariff for wastewall (water).

The rules for calculating the fee for water disposal, as well as recommendations, how to calculate everything as correctly approved at the highest state level, and registered in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the procedure and terms of payment by citizens of housing and utilities." We note an important nuance that the tariff for water disposal is established at the level of the regions, and therefore, depending on the settlement, the value may differ.

As an example of calculation, take the city of Krasnoyarsk. The consumer for the month used 20 cubic meters of cold water and 10 cubic meters of hot water. The tariff in Krasnoyarsk is equal to 9.42 rubles per 1 cubic meter. m.

Consequently, the consumer will be sent (20 + 10) x 9,42 \u003d 282.6 rubles to pay. Also to determine the bid, consumers can use a calculator located on special Internet portals.

How to pay for drainage

Like any other utilities, for water disposal for an apartment, you must pay a fee for the calendar month. Details of payment is quite clear. At the end of the reporting period, the receipt comes to the consumer, which indicates the amount to payment. Pay the rent must be up to the 20th day of the month following the reporting.

Otherwise, against non-payers who need money, penalties will be applied in the form of penalties for each day of overdue payment. Tightening payment will entail the consequences, as Vodokanal will assume that his interests are violated.

How not to pay for drainage

Payment for water disposal is mandatory for all citizens living in Russia, and cancellation is not provided. However, on April 16, 2013, the Government of the Russian Federation issued a resolution No. 344, according to which the determination of the regulation of water disposal for generalic needs is canceled.

Consequently, now the fee for the disagreement of water for general use should not be included in the receipt (unless otherwise indicated in the contract with the Vodokanal or the Management Company). Otherwise, consumers have the right to file a lawsuit against violators and demand recalculation by taking the scope of consumption on the meter.

Infected drain of water

Payment for deliberately draining water, housing and communal services have the right to demand only in that situation when it was made by the owner of the premises, or the noted situation occurred due to leaks and the improper state of the system in the apartment. It should be noted that it is periodically to merge the water, but the issue of payment remains open.

According to valid standards, owners are required to monitor the integrity and safety of its property, and if it is established that the draining occurred due to the negligent attitude of the owner, he will pay. But if the sewage is new, and in the apartment everything is in order, then pay the delightful plums will be housing and utilities.

If there is an intentional drain of water with housing and communal services, consumers will not pay for it. If the payment is otherwise indicated, that is, there is an unlawful calculation of the payment, they are entitled to contact the law enforcement officers with a complaint about public utilities.

In the near future, residents will start paying for hot water on a new principle: separately for water itself and separately for its heating.
So far, the old bookkeeping remains for residents, the old accounting remains for residents. Because of the communal confusion, Zhilkomservisi refuse to pay to thermal power engineers. "Fontanka" disassembled in the difficulties of a two-component tariff.


Until 2014, the population and business structures for hot water paid as follows. To calculate, it was necessary to know only the consumed number of cubic meters. It was multiplied by the tariff and the figures artificially derived by officials - 0.06 Gcal. It is such a number of heat energy, according to their calculations, it is necessary for heating one cubic meter of water. As the Deputy Chairman of the Tariff Committee Irina Bugoslavskaya told "Fontanka", the indicator of "0.06 Gcal" was derived based on the following data: the temperature of the hot water provided should be 60 to 75 degrees, the temperature is cold, which is used for cooking hot, should be 15 Degree in winter, 5 degrees - in summer. According to Bugoslavskaya, the committee officials made several thousand measurements, removing information from accounting devices - artificially derived digit confirmed.

In connection with the use of this payment method, a problem arose associated with the hot water supply system with risers and heated towel rails. They heat the air, that is, they spend the gkal. From October to April, this thermal energy is plusing to heating, this can not be done in the summer. Already a year in St. Petersburg there is a system, according to which the board for heat supply can be charged only in the heating period. In this regard, unaccounted heat is formed.


In May 2013, federal officials came up with a way out of the situation of unaccounted heated by heated towel rails and risers. For this, it was decided to introduce a two-component tariff. Its essence is in separate payment of cold water and its heating - thermal energy.

There are two types of heat supply system. One implies that a hot water pipe departs from the one that is intended for heating, the other implies that water is taken from the cold water supply system for hot water and heats up.

If hot water is taken from the same pipe as heating, then payment for it will be calculated taking into account the costs associated with chemical processing, wage personnel, equipment maintenance. If the cold water of the GUP "Vodokanal St. Petersburg" is taken for heating, the fee for it is taken according to the tariff - now it is a little more than 20 rubles.

The heating rate is calculated on the basis of how much resources were spent on the production of thermal energy.

Invangible housing

From January 1, 2014, a two-component tariff is introduced for consumers who are not related to the group "Population", that is, for organizations and enterprises. In order for and the citizens could pay for a new principle, it is necessary to make changes to regulatory acts. Pay on the new system prohibit the rules for the provision of utilities. Since the inhabitants still pay on the old scheme, housing organizations serving at home where non-residential premises are present, they received a new headache.

The accrual of the cost of hot water supply consists of two parts, or components, each of which is isolated in the receipt of a separate line - DHW and DHS heating. This is due to the fact that in the houses of academic preparation of water produced directly by the control company in individual thermal points of each house. In the process of cooking hot water, two types of utility resources are used - cold water and thermal energy.

The first component, the so-called

gVS feed - It is directly the volume of water that passed through the hot water meter and was consumed in the premises for the month. Either, if the testimony was not submitted, or the counter was faulty or it came out of the period of calibration - the volume of water, determined by the calculated path, or a standard for the number of prescribed. The procedure for calculating the supply of DHW is exactly the same as for To calculate the cost of this service, the tariff for cold water is applied, since the supplier in this case purchases it precisely cold water.

Second component

DHW heating- This is the amount of thermal energy that was spent to heat the amount of cold water provided in the apartment to the temperature of hot. This amount is determined based on the testimony of the thermal energy meter.

In general, the size of the fee for hot water is calculated by the following formula:

P i gv \u003d vi gv × t x+ (V V CR × VI GW/ Σ VI gv × t v kr)

Vi gv - the volume of hot water consumed for the estimated period (month) in the apartment or non-residential room

T Holy - Tariff for cold water

V V Kr.- The volume of thermal energy used for the estimated period to heighten the cold water during the independent production of hot water by the control company

Σ vi gv- the total volume of hot water consumed during the estimated period in all rooms at home

T V Kr.- tariff for thermal energy

Example of calculation:

Suppose the consumption of hot water in the apartment for the month was 7 m 3. Consumption of hot water as a whole at home - 465 m 3. The number of thermal energy spent on the heating of the DHW on the general home of the accounting is 33.5 Gcal

7 m 3 * 33.3 rubles. + (33.5 Gcal * 7 m 3/465 m 3 * 1331.1 rub.) \u003d 233.1 + 671.3 \u003d 904.4 rubles,

Out of which:

233.1 rubles. - fee for the actual water consumption (GVS string in receipts)

671.3 - Flow for thermal energy, spent on water heating to the required temperature (GVS string Heating in receipts)

In this example, 0.072 gigakloria of thermal energy was spent for heating one hot water cube.

IN elchina, showing how much gigaklori needed to heat 1 cubic meter of water in the estimated period is called the heating coefficient of GVS.

The heating coefficient of the month per month of the neodynaks and largely depends on the following parameters:

The temperature of the supplied cold water. At different times of the year, the temperature of the cold water is from +2 to +20 degrees. Accordingly, in order to heat the water to the required temperature will have to spend a different amount of thermal energy.

The total volume of water consumed in all rooms at home. This magnitude is largely influenced by the number of apartments that testimony in the current month, recalculations and in general discipline for testimony by residents.

The cost of thermal energy on the circulation of hot water. The circulation of water in the pipes occurs continuously, including at the clock of minimum water intake. That is, for example, at night, hot water inhabitants are practically not used, but the heat energy to heat the water is still spent to maintain the necessary hot water temperature in heated towel rails and in the apartment in the apartment. This indicator is especially high in new, minorized houses and stabilizes with increasing the number of residents.

The average values \u200b\u200bof the heat heating coefficients for each block are given in the section "Tariffs and calculated coefficients"

With the arrival of the colds of many Russians concerns the question of how to pay utility services. For example, toaK calculate hot water and with which regularity should pay these services. To respond to all these questions, you need to clarify whether the dwelling is installed in this dwelling. If the meter is installed, then the calculation is made according to a specific scheme.

First of all, what needs to be done - see the receipt for utilities services, which came last month. In this document, find the graph in which the size of the water consumed last month is indicated, we will need numbers with indicators at the end of the last reporting period.

First of all, what needs to be done - see the receipt for utilities services, which came last month

After these readings are discharged, they should be entered into a new document. In this case, we are talking about the receipt for the payment of utilities services for the next reporting period. As you can see, answers to questions, how to calculate the cost of hot water in the meter, how to determine its consumption is quite simple. You need to timely and correctly remove all the testimony of the water meter.

By the way, many managers themselves enamence the above information in a payment document. In this case, it is not necessary to look for data in old receipts. It is also necessary to remember that in situations where the water meter only installed and these are first readings, then the previous ones will be zeros.

The initial readings of some modern meters may not contain no zeros, but any other numbers

I would also like to clarify that the initial readings of some modern meters may not contain zeros, but any other numbers. In this case, in the receipt in the graph where you need to specify previous readings, you need to leave these numbers.

The process of searching for previous meter readings is very important if you need to understand how to calculate hot water in the counter. Without this data, it will not be possible to correctly calculate how many cubic meters of water were used in this reporting period.

So, before proceeding to studying the issue, how to calculate the cost of hot water, you should learn to remove the water meter.

Designations on the meter

Almost all modern meters have a scale on which the minimum of 8 digits is indicated. The first 5 of which are black, but the second 3 is red.


It is important to understand that only the first 3 digits that have black color are displayed in the receipt. Because these are data of cubic meters, and it is for them that the cost of water is calculated. But the data that is painted in red is liters. They do not need to be specified in receipts. Although this data make it possible to estimate how many liters of water consumes a specific family for a certain reporting period. Thus, it is possible to understand whether to save on this good or consumption goes within the normal range. And of course, you can determine how much water goes to the adoption of bathing procedures, and how much to wash the dishes and so on.

It is important to understand that only the first 3 digits that have black color are displayed in the receipt.

To correctly figure out how to calculate the tariff for hot water, you should know which day the testimony of this device is removed. Here, you need to remember that the data of the water meter needs to be removed at the end of each reporting period, after which they need to be transferred to the appropriate authority. You can do this through a phone call or via the Internet.

On a note! It should be remembered that the figures are always indicated at the beginning of the reporting period (that is, those that were removed last month) and the end (these are those that are removed now).

This Regulation was registered in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011. It is 354.

How to calculate the service?

It is no secret that the legislation of our country is constantly changing, in connection with which citizens begin to excite the question of how to calculate hot water or any other utilities.

If we talk specifically about water, then the fact that payment consists of certain terms should be taken into account here:

  • watermark indicators, which is indoors and controls the consumption of cold water;
  • meter indicators that shows hot water consumption in this apartment;
  • the instrument indicators that calculate the consumption of cold water of all tenants;
  • the data of the meter that controls the consumption by residents at home, it is installed in the basement of the house;
  • share of a particular apartment in total consumption;
  • the share that the concrete apartment in this house corresponds.

The penultimate indicator is the most incomprehensible, although in fact everything is quite accessible. It is taken into account when the amount of resource is determined, which was spent at all. It is also called "generalic needs." This, by the way, concerns the last indicator, it is calculated when generalic needs are calculated.

Calculation of hot water flow

As for the first two indicators, they are quite understandable. They depend on the tenants themselves, because a person himself can choose to save the consumption of a particular resource or not. But in other cases it all depends on how often wet cleaning is performed in the entrance of the house, from the number of riser leaks and so on.

The worst thing in this system of calculations is that almost all of the part of all-friendly needs is fictitious. Indeed, every house has such tenants that incorrectly indicate their individual indicators, or, for example, one person registered in their apartment, and five live. Then the general needs were supposed to be calculated based on the fact that 3 people live in Apartment No. 5, and not 1. In this case, everyone else would need to pay a little less. As we see, the question as to how to calculate hot water, still needs a thorough study.

That is why our officials are still trying to figure out how to calculate the fee for hot water and what mechanism would be the most successful.

Is all the same tariffs?

To save, you should always screw the crane, if at the moment it is not necessary to use water

To do this, it is enough to go to the website of the management company or simply call there. Also, such information is contained on the receipt, which comes to each tenant.

After this data is found, the cost of the speared cubic meters of resource should be calculated. Next, calculate the payment for hot water is quite simple, it is done in the same way as in the case of all other resources. You should take the amount of spent cubic meters and multiplied to a specific rate.

It should be noted that today there are many ways to save hot water consumption, thereby reduce your expenses for its payment. To do this, you can use special tap nozzles, they will help not spray water so much and control the power of the pressure. You should also open the valve of the crane is not valid by all the power, so the jet will go under less pressure, but the water will not fly into all directions. And of course, you need to always screw the faucet if at the moment it is not necessary to use water. Suppose when a person brings his teeth or washes her hair (while the head is embroidered or the toothbrush is flashed, the tap with water can be closed).

All these tips will help reduce the cost of paying hot or cold water, thereby help to correctly calculate the consumption of hot water.

The difference between the calculations of hot and cold water

Of course, in this formula, as in the one, which takes into account the consumption of hot water, a lot of flaws. Due to the fact that generalical indicators are taken into account, it is difficult to control where the difference between the individual indicators of all residents and those data that were removed from the water meter, which is installed on the house. Perhaps everything really is, and all this water went to clean the entrance. But it really believes in it. Of course, there are tenants who deceive the state and give incorrect data, but there are errors in the work of the pipeline system (the waste pipes in most houses are old and can proceed, so water goes nowhere).

Hot water bill account

For a long time, our government is thinking about how to correctly calculate hot and cold water and how to improve the current mechanism.

For example, in 2013, our authorities came to the opinion that it is necessary to establish standard standards for general business needs and it is these data to take into account during the cost calculations one cubic meter of water. It helped a little restraining the zeal of our management companies and help citizens of the country. You can learn these numbers in the management company. But this applies only to those cases when the tenants have entered into an agreement with the management company. If we are talking about water, then here in each settlement there will be a separate fixed minimum payment. And, let's say, overpayment in this reporting period can block costs in the following.

As you can see, there is a whole scheme that makes it clear how to calculate the heated hot water or how to calculate how much to pay for cold water consumption.

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2017:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1197.50 rub / Gcal \u003d 43,8285 rub. / sq.m.

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1197.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 14,6095 rubles / sq.m

october 0,0322 * 1211.33 rubles / Gcal \u003d $ 39,0048. / sq.m.

november-December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1211,33 rub. / Gcal \u003d 44,3347 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2017:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1197.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 253.87 rubles / person.

july-December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1211.33 rubles / Gcal \u003d 256.80 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply in the DHW Council in 2017:

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1197.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 55,9233 rubles / cubic meters. m.

july-December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1211,33 rub. / Gcal \u003d 56,5691rub. / Cube. M.

2016 year

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2016:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1170,57 rub / Gcal \u003d 42,8429 rubles / sq.m.

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gcal \u003d 14,2810 rubles / sq.m

october 0,0322 * 1197.50 rub / Gcal \u003d 38,5595 rubles / sq.m.

november-December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. M * 1197.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 43,8285 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2016:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1170,57 руб. / Gkal \u003d 248,16 руб. / person.

july-December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1197.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 253.87 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2016:

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gkal \u003d 54,6656 rubles / cubic meters. M.

july-December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1197.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 55,9233 rubles / cubic meters. M.

2015 year

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2015:

The standard of heating consumption * tariff for thermal energy \u003d the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. m:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 36,2523 rubles / sq.m

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. M * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 12,0841 rubles / sq.m

october 0,0322 * 1170,57 rub / Gcal \u003d 37,6924 rubles / sq.m.

november-December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gcal \u003d 42,8429 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2015:

GVS consumption ratio * Tariff for thermal energy \u003d Cost of a DHW service for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 990.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 209,986 rubles / person.

july-December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1170,57 руб. / Gkal \u003d 248,1608 rub. / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2015:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic. M of water * tariff for thermal energy \u003d cost of service for heating 1 cubic. M.

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 46,266 rub. / cube. M.

july-December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gkal \u003d 54,6656 rubles / cubic meters. M.

year 2014

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2014:

The standard of heating consumption * tariff for thermal energy \u003d the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. m:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 34,2001 rubles / sq.m

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 11,4000 rubles / sq.m

october 0.0322 Gcal / sq. M. m * 990.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 31,8941 rubles / sq. M.

november - December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 36,2523 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2014:

GVS consumption ratio * Tariff for thermal energy \u003d Cost of a DHW service for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 934,43 rub. / Gcal \u003d 198,0991 rub. / person.

july - December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 990.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 209,986 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2014:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic. M of water * tariff for thermal energy \u003d cost of service for heating 1 cubic. M.

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 43,6378 rubles / cubic meters. M.

july - December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 46,266 rub. / cube. M.

year 2013

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2013:

Heating Consumption Standard

  • january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. M * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 31,1477 rubles / sq.m
  • may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 10,3826 rubles / sq.m
  • october 0.0322 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 30,0886 rubles / sq. M.
  • november - December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 34,2001 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2013:

GVS consumption standard

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

  • january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 851,03 rubles / Gcal \u003d 180,4184 rub. / person.
  • july - December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 934,43 rub. / Gcal \u003d 198,0991 rub. / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHS meter in 2013:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic. m of water

  • january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 39,7431 rubles / cubic meters. M.
  • july - December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 43,6378 rubles / cubic meters. M.

year 2012

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2012:

Heating Consumption Number * Tariff for thermal energy (Supplier of MUP "Chkts" or Mechel-Energo LLC) \u003d Cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. M.

  • january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 27,3578 rubles / sq. M.
  • may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 9,1193 rubles / sq. M.
  • october 0.0322 Gcal / sq. M. m * 851,03 rubles / Gcal \u003d 27,4032 rubles / sq. M.
  • november - December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 851,03 rub. / Gcal \u003d 31,1477 rubles / sq. M.

Calculation of the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person in 2012:

DHW consumption ratio * Tariff for thermal energy (supplier of MUP "Chkts" or Mechel-Energo LLC) \u003d Cost of a DHW service for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

  • january - June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 158.47 rubles / person.
  • july - August 0,2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 792,47 rub. / Gcal \u003d 168.00 rubles / person.
  • september - December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 851,03 rubles / Gcal \u003d 180.42 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the cost of hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2012:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic. M of water * Tariff for thermal energy (supplier of MUP "Chkts" or Mechel-Energo LLC) \u003d The cost of the heated service is 1 cu. M.

  • january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 34,9073 rubles / cubic meter. M.
  • july - August 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 792,47 rub. / Gkal \u003d 37,0083 rubles / cubic meters. M.
  • september-Pectery 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 39,7431 rubles / cubic meters. M.


The Department of Zhkhiba city of Moscow has released a brochure "How to deal with END".

Each month, Muscovites get a unified payment document from the mailbox (END) - a receipt for the payment of utilities services. The document contains all information about housing and communal services: tariffs, consumption, accrual volumes, etc. It is not easy to figure it out in it, and Muscovites often ask questions, which means one or another graph.

What information contains eday:

1 . FULL NAME - surname, first name, patronymic of the owner / responsible agelers.
2 . The address of the residential premises for which calculations for housing and communal services were made.
3 . Barcode. Graphic image of 28 digital signs. We are necessary to pay END through electronic terminals.
4 . Month for which END is formed.
5 . Personal payer code. It is necessary to specify when paying utilities services in terminals, ATMs and via the Internet.
6 . Information about the management organization: name, address, contact details.
7 . Information about the dwelling: type of ownership (own or state (municipal), Square General and residential, the number of registered (separately indicated the preferential categories of the population), the date of creation of this END and the date of the latest utility bills.
8 . Types of services for which accruals are made.
Applied abbreviations:
Wall / GVS. - Cold / hot water supply
Dwarf. - drainage (sewage)
Kp - Department of accounting
DPU - Generalical instrument of accounting
Soda. And Rem.zh.p. - Content and repair of residential premises within the social norm
Soda. And Rem.Zh.p.zl.Pl. - Content and repair of residential premises (excessive area)
Soda. And Rem.Vtor. - Content and repair of residential premises (for those having a second housing or unregistered owners)
Otop.Sn.Pl. - Heating of the main area
Fear. - Voluntary insurance
9 . The volume of consumption of housing and communal services. For each service, uses their units of measurement: water supply and water disposal cube m. (Cubic meter), content and repair, social housing - square meters. m. (square meters), heating - Gcal (gigaklora), gas is charged based on the number of registered.
10 . Existing tariffs per unit service.
11 . The amount of accruals for services (the product of the graph 9 on column 10.).
12 . Information about the amount of benefits for certain types of housing and communal services.
13 . Information about recalculation. For example, recalculation for the temporary absence and recalculation for the services of inadequate quality.
14 . Accrual for payment for the service, taking into account benefits and recalculation.

That is why the Department of Zhkhib city of Moscow issued a brochure "How to figure out a single payment document", where an affordable language describes what information is contained in the payment document, on the procedure and methodology for calculating each utility service, as well as many other useful information necessary for "Reading" payment document.

The brochure will help to figure out how to correctly apply limit indexes, who have the right to measures of social support for housing and utilities and that threatens malicious defaulters for the LCD debts.

What is EPD

A unified payment document is a kind of "visiting" card of the city calculation system and accrual for housing and communal services.

A unified payment document is formed by specialists of multifunctional centers for the provision of public services of the city of Moscow (MFC) or state government agencies "Engineering services" of districts (GKU IP) and delivered to residents to the 15th. On average, per month, employees of the city settlement system and accruals form about 4 million (!) Payment documents.

When creating a payment document, a huge database is used: addresses and surnames of owners and employers of residential and non-residential premises, a list of services and their suppliers, information about social support measures, etc. This entire array of information is processed by the computer program ACS EIRC. Participation in the creation of ESD takes several thousand specialists. And all so that the payment document is in your mailbox.

Delivery control EPD with residents

The city's control system is debugged in the city. If the payment document is delivered later than the 15th day of the month, report this in the quality control service of the EPD delivery.

To leave a message about the late delivery of a payment document, it is necessary to fill out the form on the website of the GKU "Center for Coordination of GU IP"


Some residents and managerial organizations decided to make calculations and charges for housing and communal services independently. Their payment documents for the LCD may differ from a single payment document. The information set out in the brochure and further in the article concerns exclusively END.

For what we pay

The services specified in the payment document can be divided into several parts. Housing services, they include the service "hire" (fee for living space for his employer), and the service "Content and repair of housing". Municipal services: hot and cold water supply, drainage (sewage), heating, gas supply. In some areas of the capital, electricity is also included in the ENP. But in most cases, this utility service is paid for a separate receipt. Other services are also included in the payment document: locking device, radio, antenna.

Rates, prices and tariffs for housing and utilities are established by the Government of Moscow. Thus, the tariffs for housing and communal services for 2014 were approved by the Decree of the Government of Moscow of November 26, 2013 No. 748-PP.

The cost of services belonging to the category "Other" is determined by the civil-law agreement and are not regulated by the Government of Moscow. Let us dwell on all the services in order.

Housing services

If the family enjoys housing on hiring rights, then pays for hiring, as well as the content and repair of residential premises. The fee for hiring is calculated on the basis of the area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises and rates established by the Government of Moscow, for a specific type of hiring - social, commercial or hiring residential premises in bottom-out homes.

Housing owners pay the service "Content and repair of residential premises".

The cost of the service "Content and repair of residential premises" includes the payment for the management of an apartment building (MKD), the maintenance and current repair of common property, the work provided for by the management agreement of the McD.

The size of the board for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in the MKD is determined at the general meeting of the owners of the premises in the house. If the owners did not decide on the amount of fees for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, the calculation is made at prices approved by the Government of Moscow.

The Government of Moscow approves two types of prices for the maintenance and repair of residential premises:
- for the area within the established norms (given below), this price is subsidized by the Government of Moscow and now for most Muscovites is 17, 84 rubles. For 1 square. m.,
- for an area that exceeds the established norms. This is the actual cost of services and maintenance and maintenance, now for most Muscovites it is 24, 53 rubles. For 1 sq.m..

The price for the area within the established norms is applied to registered residents with a single housing. In the END, this service is indicated by "SOD. Rem. J.P. ".

The difference between the total area of \u200b\u200bthe residential premises and the area within the installed area of \u200b\u200bthe area (in the END is indicated by "Soda. And Rem. I.P.P.") Payable for the price for the area installed above the norms. For owners not registered in a residential premises or having a second housing, accrual is made at rates for the area installed in excess of the norm for all residential premises (in the END denotes SOD. And Rem. Second. Lived. ").

The following standards are applied to charge the content and repair of residential premises. For a lonely resident citizen - 40 square meters. m. The total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises, for a family consisting of two people, 56 square meters. m., for a family consisting of three or more people, 25 sq.m. The total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises for each family member.

For example, in an apartment area of \u200b\u200b60.3 square meters. m. 2 people registered. The established norm for a family of two people is 56 square meters. M. So, the area within the established norms will be calculated at a price within the established norm, and surplus area is 4.3 square meters. M - at a price for the area over the norm.

Municipal services: Water supply

Water supply fee can be charged according to the readings of apartment metering devices, according to the readings of the household instrument or according to the standards.

If you are calculated for the water supply service for the apartment instrument (KPU), then the following abbreviations are used in the END: "CPU HPP", "GVS KPU", "WATER. KPU "- Cold and hot water supply according to the readings of the apartment instrument of water accounting, drainage (sewage) according to the testimony of the CPU (the sum of the testimony of cold and hot water supply).

The cost of water is calculated on the basis of the volume according to the readings of the apartment metering device (CPU) multiplied by the tariff.

The payment document indicates the flow of water in the estimated month according to the readings of the apartment metering device. But if the testimony of the CPU was not transmitted on time, it is considered based on the average monthly consumption of 6 months.

If you calculate on the household instrument of accounting (DPU), the payment document indicates the abbreviations: "HBW DPU", "DPA DPU" and "WATER. DPU "- cold and hot water supply, water disposal according to the testimony of the water metering of water.

Calculation of calculations for cold and hot water for apartments where the KPU is not installed, is made in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow of February 10, 2004 No. 77-PP.

From the volume of water consumption according to the readings of the household instrument, consumption of consumption for all apartment devices, the amount of consumption by non-residential premises (if there is, for example, shops, hairdresser, etc.), and also deducted by the general costs that are determined by the testimony Accounting device installed at the site of water analysis on general needs. If there is no such device, there are no more than 5 percent of the volume of consumption on a general homework. The resulting residue is distributed in apartments without KPU in proportion to the number of citizens living in them. At the same time, the obtained consumption per person should not exceed two standards for the consumption of utilities.

If there is no apartment, nor household metering devices, accruals are made according to consumption standards: 6,935 cubic meters. m. Cold water per person per month, 4,745 cubic meters. m. Hot water per person per month, water disposal 11.68 cubic meters per person per month.

Heating and gas supply

The fee for the heating of residential premises in Moscow, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow of September 10, 2014 g No. 468-PP, is charged on the basis of the monthly indicator of thermal energy consumption. To calculate it takes the volume of heat consumed in the previous year, and is divided by 12 months. Then the average monthly volume consumed to the whole house is divided into the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house - this is how the amount of heat is determined, which was required for heating 1 square meter of the house. The result is multiplied by the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment and the tariff.

At the beginning of each year, the management organization performs reconciliation of the volumes of the population to pay, and the volume of thermal energy actually spent during the current year. According to the results of the reconciliation, the payment is made, which is usually indicated in the payment document in the column "recalculation". It can be done both towards the increase and in the direction of its decrease.

In the absence of instructions for accounting, accrual are manufactured according to consumption standards: 0.016 Gcal per 1 kV. m. total housing area.

The gas supply fee is charged at a rate for each consumer living in the apartment.

Limit indexes

The limit index of resizing citizens' fees for utilities is a universal tool for control over hot and cold water supply, drainage, heating, gas. Changing the size of the board above the limit index is unacceptable and should entail an immediate response of the executive authorities to eliminate such a situation.

In the capital, the marginal index was approved by the order of Moscow Mayor of June 30, 2014 No. 542-RM and from November 1 and until December 31, 2014 is 6.5 percent. At the same time, a maximum permissible deviation from the value of the limit index for a particular residential premises is 3.2 percent.

Also, the formulas of the Government of Moscow approved the limiting indexes of resizing by citizens by citizens for utilities for 2015-2018.

Limit index \u003d consumer price index x coefficient + 3.5%.

In this formula, the consumer price index is calculated on the basis of the forecast of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the year preceding the year on which the indices of the change (according to the results of 9 months) are calculated. The coefficient is lowering or enhancing the coefficient for the corresponding year of the long-term period, which is determined taking into account the forecast of the socio-economic development of Russia for this year.

How to apply limit indexes?

To determine whether the growth rate of utilities is not exceeding the limit index, it is necessary to compare the fee for two periods. The size of the fee for any month of this year must be divided into the amount of payment for December last year. The resulting value should not exceed the limit index. True, for the first long-term period (from July 1 to December 2014) the selected month must be compared with June 2014.

If the change in the size of the board exceeds the size of the established limit index, it is necessary to apply for clarification in the IFC / GKU of the IP of the region, the management organization. And if you failed to learn the objective causes of exceeding the utility index for utilities, it is not possible to apply to the State Housing Inspectorate of the city of Moscow and the executive authorities of the city.

Limit indices cannot be applied in the following cases.

1. In the attitude of one communal service.

Limit indices apply to the total payment for all utilities provided by the citizen. Those. To say that the growth of tariffs for some separate communal service exceeded the limit index, incorrectly.

2. To the final amount in the END.

Limit indices apply only to utilities (hot and cold water supply, drainage, heating, gas). And in the END, in addition to them, accruals are included in housing and other services.

3. To utility services, if the amount of consumption is changed.

In Moscow, the majority of the population pays utility services based on the readings of apartment or general-friendly metering devices. Accordingly, the volume of consumption, as a rule, is not the same every month, so the amount of payment changes from month to month.

In addition, the amount of utility services provided is affected by the increase in the number of citizens living or registered in the residential premises. Some services are accrued for each living or registered: gas, and in the absence of individual water metering devices Cold and hot water supply, water disposal.

4. If you have changed the right to benefit.

The amount of payment depends on the presence of a citizen of benefits for payment of the LCA. When payments are accrued, the amount of payment for a specific service is reduced by the amount of benefits provided to him by payment. In case of loss of the right to benefit or change its size, a citizen's payment may also change in the biggest and its growth will exceed the approved index.

For the convenience and simplicity of verification, whether the growth of utility fees is consistent with the limit indexes, the Government of the Russian Federation has developed an information tool that allows you to produce the required calculation in the ON-LINE mode.

Currently, this information tool is posted on the sites of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

Who has Ravo on benefits?

The Government of Moscow provides citizens with an effective system of social support in the housing and communal services. At the moment, in the capital, more than 50 categories of citizens have the right to benefits, which is significantly larger than provided for by federal legislation.

Benefits are provided in the form of discounts not more than one apartment (residential premises) based on rates, prices and tariffs established by the Government of Moscow. If the consumer has the right to meet social support for housing and communal services on two or more reasons, benefits are accrued one of them.