Repairs Design Furniture

Making a sofa with your own hands (100 ideas): a stylish and comfortable interior without unnecessary costs. How to make a sofa with your own hands? Homemade sofa sofa with their own hands from old mattresses

It is always nice to go home and, sitting on a comfortable sofa, enjoy homemade comfort. The sofas are now so quickly out of fashion that it is better to save considerable funds and make such furniture at home, especially if the interior space is made in a restrained style.

The main advantages of self-made upholstered furniture:

  • Saving funds. The sofa, made independently, will cost the owner several times cheaper than purchased in the store.
  • Quality control. Making a sofa independently, it is possible to carefully approach the choice of basic and consumables, pick up only high-quality, dried bar, certified foam rubber suitable density, as well as reliable, beautiful and durable upholstery.
  • Wide design selection. Before making a sofa with your own hands, it is worth measuring the stylistics of the room in which it will be, and pick up the product design in accordance with the interior design of the room.
  • Optimal dimensions. Planning to make an independently sofa, its dimensions and the form can be chosen, taking into account the actual size of the room, climbing it into free space.
  • Change of upholstery during operation. Having learned once to hold assembly and upholstery, you can replace textiles at any time or another coating on the product.
  • Pride for completed work. The hand-made sofa will always be the pride of its owner to whom he can boast before familiar and friends.

Make an independently simple sofa using the assembly schemes, any person with a slight level of training and a specific set of tools can be.

What is a sofa bed

In Soviet times it was enough to say that a bed was needed, and it became clear to everyone that a person was required. Modern sofas that can be used and as a bed differ not only by appearance, but also in the method of transformation.

Type of mechanism Description and method of transformation

The simple book mechanism can be safely called the oldest, but at the same time the simplest. In order for such a sofa to turn into a bed, it is enough to raise the front part before the characteristic click and lower it. To collect a sofa, actions repeat. From the positive characteristics, you can note the presence of a box for storing the linen and the low cost of the mechanism, but there is a significant drawback - you need to make considerable efforts to transformation. There should also be sustained some distance from the wall for the free lowering of the back, which is not always convenient in small apartments.

Such a sofa is an advanced model of "books" and is distinguished by the fact that the back can be installed in an intermediate state, that is, half a walk. The transformation mechanism is more expensive, but functional. Laying the sofa, you need to focus on the number of clicks of the refix mechanism of the back - one or two. The size of the decoration of the linen is depends on the design features.

The mechanism of such a sofa is quite durable, so it does not have to fear that with frequent decomposition it is extended. It is unfolded without much effort - it is enough to pull the strap, and the front part will push, and after it, and the entire mechanism. After these actions, the sofa can be used as a bed.

This mechanism is most often used in angular sofas. The transformation mechanism is very simple - there is a sliding part from below, with a soft pillow located in it, which is fixed manually in its place. Even a physically weak man can decompose. In such a sofa there is no box for linen.

The mechanism of such a sofa hides under a soft pillow, which every time you need to take off before it layout. After that, the mechanism is pulled out and declined. The bed consists of 3-sections, on which it is not very convenient to sleep, so the sofa with such a mechanism is extremely uncomfortable for everyday use. It is better if it is rated it to lay out, for example for guests. There is no box for linen.

In contrast to the French version, another principle is used in American - folding occurs with the back. It is not difficult to decompose - just pull the back on yourself. In the unfolded state, such a sofa bed is more convenient for sleep, and the convenience of layout makes the model more popular.

The sofa with the "Accordion" mechanism is very convenient for sleep, as it is wide, and the mattress is smooth. Eliminate such a sofa will not be difficult - it is enough to lift the seat on the appearance of a characteristic click, and then extend. It is during the transformation that it becomes clear why this mechanism is so called - it is moving away, as if the fur of the accordion. The sofa with such a mechanism is quite reliable, takes little space in the folded state, it is possible to use linen boxes.

Eurobooks are very reliable, since any mechanisms are not available at all. Having put forward the front part, the back is simply lowered - it is fixed on the loop. It is convenient to sleep, and there is also a large linen box. In order not to damage the floor covering with legs, they need to be hampered by a soft material, navigate plastic copies or set rollers.

Video: how to make a sofa bed

What is sofa sofa

People sometimes say that they need a sofa sofa. It is important to determine what is meant by this title. Now the differences between the sofa, sofa and the ottoy are gradually erased. For example, there is no separation on the furniture store website: both sofa, and sofa, and the ottoman is called sofas, and on another site they sell a sofa-tacht, calling it sofa. To understand this question will help a comparative analysis provided in the table.

Sofa Sofa
A sufficiently high back, substantially above armrests. The back is low, performed on the same level with armrests.
Soft seat can consist of several pillows. The seat is smooth and very wide, most often solid.
The contours are rounded, emphasizing the elegance of the product. Shape angular, without smooth transitions.
Tall. Low.
Volumetric and beautiful. Compact, inactible.
Multifunctional. The number of functions is minimal.

We now turn directly to the process of manufacturing the sofa.

How to make a sofa Chester

To perform work, you will need a tool:

  • manual circular saw;
  • electrolovik;
  • stapler (better pneumatic, but if there is no compressor, then you have to work manually);
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • marker and pencil;
  • rule and roulette.

This standard toolkit will be needed in the manufacture of any sofa.

So, you should prepare all the workpieces and cut into them the grooves in accordance with the sketches presented.

The assembly scheme is represented by a number of photographs that show the steps of work execution.

By inserting the workpieces into pre-suicide grooves, secure them with self-draws.

At first, the racks are fixed with plow glue.

The holders are screwed to the rake with self-draws and fixed with brackets, after which the part is fixed on the frame.

The armrests and the front of the sofa are hurt.

There are 14.5 cm with a top of 14.5 cm on it - this is how the layout of the buttons are made, which will then be installed. Then, with the help of a featured drill in marked places, holes are drilled.

After the skin is trimmed, we start gluing to the foam frame. In those places where it is inconvenient to glue, it is possible to shoot a staple.

Now make up two sketches by performing the necessary measurements.

First measure the distance from the top button to the lateral bar. We do the same with the back - from buttons to the rear bar. You also need to measure the distance from the front desk to the first upper button on the armrest. All these sizes are in sketch.

  • Size L is the length of the arc from the button to the top bar.
  • L + 50 is 50 mm to target.
  • 155 is the distance between the rows.
  • This data is not final, as they will change.
  • 195 is the size between the buttons horizontally. On the bar, it was a size of 145 mm, but now 50 mm is added to the fold.
  • Each row comes with a displacement of 97.5 mm.
  • Green shows a break from the edge of 50 mm.
  • Distance from below N. This is the distance from the lower buttons to the bar with the allowance.

Given all these sizes, we obtain the dimensions you need.

In the second drawing we see that there is also a distance IN From the front bar to the upper extreme buttons.

After receiving these sizes, we carry it all on the fabric.

Now you will perform a carriage tie. How to do it correctly, and how can you do without a press for making buttons, you can learn by looking at the next video.

Video: Right and wrong carriage

Now you need to make a mattress. For this, the stem is fixed on the basis of the snake, and on top of it dense woven material. The coconut coffer is then stacked, then the foam rubber 35 (or 42) with a thickness of 10 cm. From above Singry procession, and only after that you can begin to cover the sofa with a cloth (or skin).

Such a sofa will be comfortable, beautiful and durable.

After reviewing the next slideshow, you can watch the process of assembling similar design.

Video: Sofa assembly process

As you have time to notice, you won't call the work, so without experience it will not be easy to produce a high-quality sofa Chester.

How to make an angular sofa

Corner sofas are now very popular, but this is not only a tribute to fashion. This design saves a place in a small apartment. However, this is not an economy version, such furniture will serve as a decoration of both small and large rooms.

Video: Production of an angular sofa in the apartment

In our case, we will consider the process of manufacturing a soft sofa for a small-sized apartment. The basis will be chipboard.

As a rule, the size of each sofa is individual, as it is adjusted by the size of the room, but the presented sketch will help to navigate with further work.

In order for all parts to get the desired size, it is necessary to make molds, outline the contour of the workpiece. On the applied markup, all parts are cut out, after which you can proceed to the sofa assembly. Instead of the wood screws, it is better to use confirmates, as they are just intended for reliable fastening parts from chipboard.

Since our sofa will not be solid, but from two parts, then we will collect them alternately. First, we will deal with the sofa, and then the withdrawal angular part.

On the process of making a soft part, we will not stop there, since this information was presented in the previous section.

As a result, we must get such a small sofa. Please note that the strut installed in the middle has a deepening sufficient so that it does not interfere with the springs stretch to the limit level under the weight of a person.

The back of the inlet part of the angular sofa must be a continuation of the main part, but the lower part is made lifting, which allows you to hide inside the bedding.

The lower part is performed as a box, the lid of which will serve as a soft part of the sofa.

Maintain the lid in the raised state will be the mechanism simultaneously performing and the role of loops.

It turned out a very decent and comfortable corner sofa.

What should be a sofa for the kitchen

Since even in the same house, the size of the kitchens can be somewhat different, it is necessary to determine the sofa dimensions as accurately as possible for this room. Since the design is usually simple, will not be difficult to draw a sketch in which the necessary data will be indicated.

Special attention should be paid to the height of the seating. The legs will constantly be in an uncomfortable position if the seat is located too high or too low. If your growth is "non-standard", you are probably familiar with this problem. In any case, it is better to measure the height of your favorite chair, but it is impossible to forget about other family members.

You can also make a simpler unwretched construction, which is often called the sofa chair.

Video: how to make an angular sofa to the kitchen

How is the sofa eurobook

What is a sofa book, know all people, and what is the Eurobook, a little known. Essentially, this is an improved model of an ordinary folding sofa. The design of this model allows you to install it close to the wall and even in the middle of the room. The transformation method is also different, as the seat is advanced, and the back falls on the vacation place. Another enjoyable feature of the Eurobook is that in the unfolded state by convenience, such a sofa is not inferior to beds, as there is no deep depression in the middle, and 2 halves of the same size, almost flat.

The shortcomings are not so much, but about one - essential - it is worth mentioning: when the seat is put forward, the sofa legs can scratch and even spoil the floor covering.

Assembling Rama

First we make the frame for the soft parts of the future sofa. For this, we will need 4 two-meter smooth bars without bitch 40 × 40 mm, and from the same bar of 14 segments of 72 cm.

Segments of bars are screwed to four brusches on the edges - they will play the role of amplifiers. For fixing the frame, we will use the screws in a tree of 4.2 × 70 mm.

Now you can collect the frame, but for now use 1 screw at the angle.

The collected frame is stacked by 5 mm thick plywood sheet. It must be fixed on the narrow part of the frame with self-draws (or brackets), and then align the frame and check that the plane of this part is smooth. Then you can fasten the sheet completely.

It was a queue of fixing the crossbar. If they are fixed on equal gaps on the seat, then one edge edge must be installed in the back, and 2 - with an indent of 195 mm from the edge. The rest are attached arbitrarily.

Making a drawer

For the box it is necessary to make 2 guides from 40 × 40 mm bars. From both sides, a sleeve is made that reduce height by 15 mm.

As a leg, we will use the same bars of 40 × 40 mm. A little bit of their corners.

First, 50 mm will be departed along the edges from the top of the sidewall, since we have a 50 mm high tall. If you have another boss, then the distance should be equal to its height.

Screw the guide, then the legs are screwed into the guide. Exactly this is done and the second sidewall.

Then the longitudinal part is taken, it all stacked on a flat surface and twisted with a 50 mm screws.

The jumper is screwed to the finished box, and then the bottom of the plywood.

By installing the box on the legs, on the one hand we will make an amplifier under the loop from the bar.

Sofa legs

Now we will make the feet for the sofa. It will be necessary to make two legs for seating. For this purpose, we also use a 40 × 40 mm bar. The length of the leg will be equal to the height of our floor drawer. From the edge, we retreat 8 cm and stepping the face. The edge is processed by a verse so that it is beautiful. I do the same with legs and on the box.

If there is a desire, then the legs can be huddled with the skin, and then nourish the plastic heel, which will easily slide on the floor.

So we collected backdrop frames and seats. Rama backs are sewn on the back of the Fiberboard. We do not wear the seating frame. In addition, on the frame of the seating, we screw the lumps that will play the role of support for the leg.

Assembling seating

Now proceed to the installation of the kings. We take our king and put exactly. Where pacers pass, you will need to make rugs. We celebrate a little bit of the place where the boards will be held. The depth was cut 40 mm.

By making feeds in the kard, we install it on the seat and screw. The height of the CARGs should not be less than 150 mm.

Now the legs are screwed. Additionally, the mount can be reinforced with a furniture screw.

From the remains of plywood, we drink such a figure. Its size can be arbitrary. Then I cut out exactly the same second figure.

Each item is attached with 35 mm self-drawing to the frame and leg.

The remaining DVP can be used to smooth the transition by attaching it with brackets.

Now you can proceed to the trim.

Upholstery drawer

We will only cover with the front and side sides of the box.

Let's start navigating the fabric from the top of the front wall. Then side.

After killing the fabric, the tight cardboard strip is nourished on top of it with a width of 15 mm wide.

The fabric stretches through the case, the box turns upside down, and the fabric is fixed below.

Make foam pillows

To perform work, it will require 3 sheets of foam rubber, a density of at least 30, the size of 1 × 2 m and a thickness of 40 mm. Also need a small piece of foam rubber 20 mm thick.

Cut the foam rubber for our pillows. To do this, use a sharp knife and a ruler.

From the trimming of the foam rubber we will make a second layer, with the result that the thickness of the mattress will be 80 mm. If the weight of a person who will sleep on this sofa more than 90 kg, then it is better to use a thicap of 50 mm thick.

To glue the foam rubber, it is best to use glue, which is specifically designed for these purposes. You can also use titanium glue, which is sold in business stores. He also makes a foam foam well, but only will dry a little longer.

And so, the porolon is pasted. Behind the foam rubber is in the base, and on the sides and in front performs 2 cm.

The protrusions of the pillow pillows are made with such a calculation so that these voids can be sealed with a thickness of 2 cm thick.

Having salas the frame of the foam rubber, you can proceed to further work.

Testing seating

Consider 2 options for the seating of the sofa. One of them is tailoring the cover on the sewing machine. Using another option, you can decide the sofa with a solid piece of fabric without using a sewing machine. To do this, in front of the fabric, the cloth is collected by the harmonica and in such a state is nailed. On the side of the back of the pillow, the fabric simply lays so that the surplus is inside, and also nailed.

We will use the finished cover with crawls to him.

Staying the cover on the front, we raise the outside through the drilled holes of the rope of weights.

The case is shot to the sofa.

Outbill the sofa, you can go crayons. Each rope pulls up from the back so that all points are omitted to the same depth. After adjustment, the edge edge is shot by brackets to the bottom of the sofa.

Upholstery backlogs

Now you can enjoy the backrest. In the same way, like the seat, on the inside, the foam will be glued along the edge of the back, and its side parts will have a protrusion of 2 cm.

In those places where the mattress protrudes over the base, we glue the 4-centimeter strips of a thickness of 2 cm thick.

On top of the pillow we make marking on the merchant, and the bottom we are wearing a Vatin.

We are wearing not until the bottom of the bottom, since there will be a box and the covering there. Also, if you see to Niza, it is inconvenient to put a loop.

Now put on the case.

Pluging the cover on the back, you need to take another piece of fabric and over the trim to cut the back.

When using a standard covert, the upholstery is performed in the same way as the upholstery of the seat.

Planting loops and assembly

The average loop is screwed in the middle on the self-tapping screw. When attaching extreme loops, the lower self-tapping screw goes into the bar. The upper holes are fixed with screws, as there is no bar in that place.

After we screw the loops on the box, we declare our sofa in such a way as it should be in the unfolded state. That is, we put the box, put the seat on the box. The seat put forward to the end to the end, so that the buses rested in the front wall.

Why lay the back in the lying state, so that it is exactly laying near the seating. It is necessary to measure the distance from the edge of the back to the drawer. In our case, it turned out 21 centimeters.

Turning over the back, put the box on it, and exhibit the distance we measured, that is, 21 cm.

Now it remains self-tapping to the back of the loop.

On this assembly of Eurobooks is completed, and the product can be used.

Eurobook sofa drawing

Sofa with a teak mechanism

The process of manufacturing such a sofa is slightly different from the like. The main difference is the use of the tick mechanism, the principle of operation of which is shown in the video.

Drawing sofa tick-so

Pallet sofa assembly

Is it possible to make a sofa from pallets? Of course, you will answer, adding that it will be in the country, in the garage or on the veranda, and in most cases there are products from the pallets, but from this material you can make furniture and for residential premises.

Depending on the purpose of the sofa, you need to pick up pallets. So, for the manufacture of furniture for the cottage or garage, old pallets are suitable, but for residential premises it is better to purchase whole, slightly worn pallets.

The process of making a sofa from pallet

By purchasing pallets, the first thing they need to be examined by determining which which will go. In our design, niches will be cut out for plug-in boxes. After preparing the pallets, they need to be carefully taken.

In the process of assembling the sofa, the pallets are fastened with metal plates that are screwed by self-drawing.

In those places where it is possible, pallets are twisted with each other directly.

Also cut out of the pallets and install armrests.

To enhance the fixation of the back of the sides, the struts are installed.

To cover the bottom, the DVP is used, and the armrests and the back of the fabric are covered with a cloth on the laid foam rubber.

In these niches, laundry boxes will be installed.

It remains to make a soft part. To do this, the mattress and 3 pillows were used, for which covers were sewed from the same fabric, which was used for upholstery.

Now the sofa can be used.

The process of making sofas from pallets of various designs can be viewed in a selection of video.

Video: Assembling various pallets sofas

Photo of sofas from pallets

Bath sofa manufacture

Although such a building with difficulty can be called a sofa, the design has the right to exist.

So, for the manufacture of the sofa, you need an old cast-iron bath, which it is time to throw away. First of all, it needs to be cleaned of rust and garbage.

Now unscrew the legs. If the nuts do not succumb, then they need to moisten the kerosene, and from half an hour to wait. If they are not already unscrewed, then the procedure should be repeated.

We begin to mark the bath. This will require a marker.

According to the applied marking, the grinder cut off the unnecessary part.

The cut must be treated, rounded edges.

Bath paint blue paint.

Let's make the legs.

By screwing legs to the bath case, use new nuts, not forgetting to put the puck.

In order for paint well to the inside of the bath, it needs to be an eye.

From the inside painting the surface of white enamel, but you can choose any color suitable for you.

For the manufacture of the mattress we will use a thickness of 50 mm thick, and from the fabric with a savory case.

It remains to install our mini sofa and put inside the mattress.

Video: how to make a sofa from the bath

Using plastic bottles

The scope of plastic bottles is very large, up to the manufacture of furniture. About how to make a sofa from these tanks, describes in detail in the video.

Video: Unusual homemade sofas

How to sew a case

Make the campaign case is quite a lot, but it is also important to see it beautifully. Given the fact that the fabric is expensive, and is not bought with a margin, it is important to make the right patterns, and some of them sew a case.

What to choose a cloth?

Depending on where and in what conditions the sofa will be operated, a suitable fabric is selected. Consider several examples.

Where is the sofa Type of fabric

The living room sofa is often used, and not only people living in the apartment. Guests are often sitting on it during meals, therefore there is a high probability that a cutlet will fall on it or a piece of fish in lean oil. Taking this into account, it is better to use synthetic fabrics, as they practically do not absorb moisture, including fats, and well wash well.

In the bedroom, the sofa is used to sleep or just relax. Instead of synthetic tissues, it is better to use natural materials from natural materials, or those in which at least 50% of natural fibers. Flock is often used, since this type of fabric is durable, does not cause allergies and does not break.

Worry about the health of the child, it is better to use cotton fabrics that do not cause allergies. This type of trim has one significant drawback - it is easily dirty, which makes it impractical. Improve the quality of the fabric can be used by Teflon's impregnation.

In the zone of regular meals, there is a high probability of pollution of the coup of the sofa by food. The use of fabric is impractical and unprofitable, so it is better to use a high-quality leatherette, which is made specifically for these purposes. Embossed leathesum will very soon begin to flap from the base.

How to Cry

When repairing an old sofa, it is possible to use the fabric to use as a pattern, but when the new sofa is trimmed, it will have to linger on their own. How to make the right pattern?

Solid piece tissue

Briefly already mentioned this technology in the article, now we describe in detail the whole process. For example, we will use the sofa seat and instead of a solid piece of fabric, we will demonstrate with a piece, which remained after sewing the cover.

So, in order to hide a separate element of upholstered furniture, you need to cut a piece of fabric, which could be turned on the item so that the edges can be fixed from below.

Stretching the fabric into the details, it must be knocked up with brackets in front and rear. Then the hanging angle in the front is stretched, and it is fixed from below. The fabric is laid out with folds so that they converge at one point, and nailed with brackets.

The back of the seating will be turned to the wall, so it can be not uploaded, but simply folded, leaving the surplus inside, and in such a state to fasten.

Sewing case for a non-store sofa

The described technology will allow an inexperienced person to cut out and sew a case not only for a new, but also an old sofa.

Throughout this cover, 3.5 meters of fabric and coil of threads were gone.

So, you need to throw the fabric on the sofa, the involving side up, placing it as the finished cover will be located.

We put the labels so that on them then cut the cloth.

In these places, the fabric is cut to the sofa itself.

Cut seats must be copped with a backrest fabric.

With the help of needles, it is necessary to make a tissue for all alleged seams. Instead of needles, you can use the pins or sew the corresponding seam.

While engaging all parts of the cover, remove it.

Outowing the seams, put on the case on the sofa - it should be done without much effort, makes it easiest to make a trimmed product. If it turned out too tight or too free, then it should be fixed by removing it.

Now you can sew the case.

Then an oracker is sewn to it. If the cover is intended for the upholstery of the sofa, it is not necessary to sew the rim, as it will be uncomfortable to fix the fabric. The ruffle can then be killed if the need arises.

The result will be such a nice sofa. Based on this example, you can perform a trim of any sofa, but for the new one it is better to sew individual covers for the back and seats.

As you can see, make a sofa and to strip it at home quite real.

Sketches of sofas with dimensions

The sofa is one of the most important elements of the interior of any apartment or at home. It must be comfortable and beautiful, durable and resistant to pollution, especially if there are small children in the family. How to be if the products presented in the store cannot satisfy all the wishes, and buying a sofa created according to your request does not fit into the family budget? For a real man who knows a fuss in a joinery, the answer is obvious, create a sofa with their own hands. The drawings and schemes of the homemade furniture object can be the most diverse, as well as its shape, the texture and color of the upholstery. Tell how to make a dream and make a sofa on your own without spending.

Several arguments for motivation in favor of the manufacture of the sofa with their own hands:

  1. Not bad savings. However, we urge you not to put savings to the detriment of quality. In cases where you are not sure, use the services of professionals.
  2. The design of such a furniture subject will be created specifically for your interior. According to your sizes and dimensions.
  3. The sofa made by their own hands will always be fulfilled, because It is you responsible for this aspect.
  4. For manufacture, you can use high-quality wood, eco-friendly and reliable upholstery materials. Modern accessories will give the couch "viability".
  5. Repair of such furniture is carried out at times, because It is much easier to do if you know where and how it all arranged.
  6. Collecting the sofa independently, you will enjoy the creative process, satisfaction from the result and improving self-esteem is definitely.
  7. This is enough to start.

If in the thoughts the appropriate project is already prefeedling working. The first thing is useful is a sofa drawing with all the necessary dimensions, as well as assembly schemes. Drawings and schemes can be found on the Internet or in the presence of certain skills to create yourself. Unfortunately, ready-made software for designing upholstered furniture does not exist, and this would very simplify the life of modern ammodylkins. We offer a number of common ideas and sought-after sofas forms, which can be broken to modify on your own way.

Corner sofa do it yourself

Angular modular sofa is a very comfortable thing. It is large enough and will allow you to sit down all guests. In addition, it can transform depending on your mood. If you place a retractable or roll-out drawer on wheels, you can also get an additional storage location.

This is what is useful for the manufacture of such a sofa:

  • electrolovik;
  • schlifmashinka;
  • electric drill;
  • stapler for furniture;
  • sewing machine (if the sofa case you decide to sew yourself);
  • screwdriver;
  • Chipboard (from 12 mm thick);
  • bars wooden cross section 30x50 mm;
  • plywood (5 mm thick);
  • x / b cloth for the backrest;
  • metal corners, selflessness;
  • fabric for upholstery;
  • foam or other filler for packing (holofiber, batting, coconut fiber);
  • spring blocks;
  • required accessories (for example, legs).

The list of materials depends on the result you would like to get at the end of work.

Tip! Do not use nails for assembling parts. This connection quickly looses, and the sofa creaks and loses the form.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Based on each module there is a frame of chipboard (MDF or furniture shield, at your discretion) and bars. The parts between themselves are fastened with corners and self-drawing. Preferably, in places of compounds, it is pre-drilled holes for screwing the screws, which will protect the material from the bundle. The bottom is closed with a sheet of fine material (plywood, fiberboard).

  1. The finished box is closed by chipboard. Options are possible here. You can fix the slab completely, and you can use the loop, then it turns out a storage box. Sofa modules can at your discretion have folding lids or be tightly closed.
  2. The next step is formed a back. The ends of the back are fastened with the front part. Rear mounted Fiberboard and closes a cloth with a furniture stapler.

  1. The back is covered with foam rubber or other filler, the ends of which are fixed by the stapler. Similarly, it should be done with the external side parts of the sofa. Top in the future will stretch the case. It can be made independently either to order.

  1. Listed manipulations should be made with all sofa modules.

Tip! Before assembly, make all the details of the sofa, polish them with grinding or sandpaper, as well as treat a special tool to protect against mold and insects.

  1. You can decorate such a sofa with pillows or other means at your discretion.

Upholstery sofa

To create soft parts, the main material, as a rule, is foaming (density of 35 kg / m3) in two layers. Porolon must be covered with nonwoven material in order to avoid possible friction of decorative coating and base, as well as sticking, slaughtering and formation of folds on the final coating of the sofa.

The coupling of the sofa deserves separate consideration. You can simplify work and cover with fabric societies at the corners.

However, it is unreliable and shortly. It should be made cover with spit angles. This is one of the arguments in favor of the registered cover. If you are not sure that you succeed, trust the professionals, it will save time and money.

For the manufacture of pillows, use foam foam mats. Covers for them, sewing traditionally inside out. In the last unfinished seam, zipper (secret) is seamless for easy removal and washing case.

Sofa from pallet

In order not to spend time on the manufacture of sofa frames, wooden pallets can be used for these purposes. Of these, just designer things are obtained and, it is necessary to notice, not only sofas.

Sofa from the served bath do it yourself

Semi-finished product for the sofa can be made not only wooden pallets. The main thing is your inspiration and creative approach. For example, an excellent sofa can be made of an adhesive cast iron bath (you can use steel). Do not hurry to throw it out, let's see what it will fit.

If you have an old bathroom, remove the legs, and surface the surface from the paint. Figure cut one of the walls of the grinder. It will be necessary to thoroughly cut the cuts. What came out, cover the dye of the desired shade. The legs that were cleaned are polished and painted separately, attached at the very end. It will remain to build a soft seat and decorate the sofa.

As you like this turn of events. That's what it looks like.

If you think the sofa can be extremely difficult and pathetic, then we hurry to disperse you. Even the simplest design will be able to hit by its sophistication, and the main thing. In any case, you will hit your guests and households.

Thus, you can make a sofa with your own hands, but in some cases, even need. If you have at least minimal skills of a carpenter and a joiner, designer and seamstress, then you definitely have no reason to abandon the realization of the dream. We hope that for inspiration we did everything you need. Case for you!

In the furniture of the apartment, one of the most important places is given to the sofa. Sometimes there are several of them - in the kitchen, in the living room, hallway. The stores have a huge selection of such interior items, however, some craftsmen make them selfishly, as they just know how. For details on how to make a sofa with your own hands, its advantages, necessary materials and decoration, in this article.

Rounded sofa made by hand

In independent production of the sofa there are advantages:

  • low cost - when calculating the value of materials, the evaluation of the result turns out that the resulting product is an order of magnitude less than the store analogue;
  • originality - you can make such a sofa, which will not be anyone;
  • this is a subject of pride - not everyone will take the furniture with their own hands;
  • independent control of the quality of materials and fasteners;
  • the furnishing object is performed according to individual sizes;
  • if in the future you will need a sofa hauling, it is easy to do it yourself;
  • this is a creative process that brings joy.

From the minuses it should be noted that the necessary tools are not available in every home, therefore they will have to take from acquaintances or at the box office.

Council. Use high-quality, eco-friendly materials, good power tools.

Types of transformation sofas

To begin with, it is necessary to decide where the future sofa will be located, as it will be used - only for seating or also night sleep. It should fit well into the existing interior in color, size. For a close room, a large sofa is not suitable, in the spacious room a miniature corner or straight sofa simply "lost". His upholstery should be combined with the color of the remaining drapes in the room or create a bright accent.

Varieties exist as follows:

There are also P-shaped, built-in options, but this design is excessively difficult to perform at home. In the presence of a carpeting skills on a tree, you can create a unique baroque sofa or classicism. It is also possible to manufacture a rocking sofa, which is suspended on iron supports in the country garden.

Garden swing or sofa rocking with a design of a natural tree

Tip: Before starting production, all the necessary measurements produce, the weight of those who will sleep on it are calculated.

Drawings, sofa schemes

Corner sofa drawing

Consider how to make a corner sofa with your own hands. To begin with, you will need to make several sketches of a common view from different sides, draw a diagram, a detailed drawing with all sizes, indicating all the meaningful elements, moving parts. If the design is manufactured for the first time, you should choose the simplest drawing, without unnecessary parts. The angle of inclination of the back, the height of the legs is selected at will.

Spike connections will qualitatively be able to perform only a professional joiner. The drawing can be inventing yourself or choose the easiest option on the Internet. The connection of nails is not an option, it will not be durable, it is preferred to compound with self-draws that will ensure a solid fastening for many years. Pine, spruce is preferable from wood - they are durable, durable.

Council. Some make this piece of furniture from euro pallets, old boards and chairs that have narrated the age of interior doors, a thick bar, tires, but such a "rough" sofa is not suitable for each interior.

Required materials, tools

In order to make an unusual sofa with their own hands, some materials purchased in the store will be required:

  • pine timber, with dimensions 50 by 30 mm;
  • dVP panels, 3 mm thick;
  • phaneur of 5 and 15 mm;
  • Chipboard, with a thickness of about 16 mm;
  • microlift or other lifting mechanism;
  • nine feet for furniture or bars 7 by 20 cm;
  • thick foam 40-100 mm;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • filler for pillows.

To perform work, you need various tools:

  • electrolovka or hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill drill;
  • construction stapler;
  • a sharp knife for cutting foam rubber;
  • fasteners - self-tapping screws, screws;
  • pVA and carbon black glue;
  • sewing machine for upholstery, pillows, covers.

Tools that may need for the manufacture of a sofa

If there is an existence of open wooden parts - armrests, wooden legs, then they are covered with a mourn, varnish, paint. For premises with high humidity, special impregnations for wood, protecting the design from mold, rotting. Sometimes instead of wood uses MDF, laminated plates.

Tip: If the room is close, the materials will not work efficiently. Then this can be done when buying - most companies, stores provide this service.

Design Manufacturing Process: Step-by-step instructions

Before you start collecting the sofa, there are details on chicks, according to the drawing, sizes. After they are cut, driven up to each other.

What are the details you need.

  • Rama or linen box is the main part of the design, everything else is attached to it, it is made from boards, bars. The middle is enhanced by transverse rails, the bottom is drawn up DVP or plywood. The lamellas performing the function of the mattress supports on the frame.

    We make frame-box with a storage box

  • Armrests - they are made of chipboard, two are identical or different, depending on the intended design. The assembly occurs by joining closest items.

    The frame of the armrest of the desired size turns into syntheps, and then stretch the case

  • The back - it is attached when all the details are already connected. It has a rectangle look at at least one transverse bar, lamellas are also attached to it.

    Make a frame of backs, sewing it and the bottom of the sofa slab

  • Seats - they are going in parts, while it is important to take into account the coincidence of the diagonals of boxes, so that a normal form, steady framework, is.

    For the seat, a sheet that coincides in size is cut out, the foam rubon is glued on it, the spandbon and synthet

  • Legs - Cut from wood or purchased ready, wooden, metal.

    Frames with legs apply to frame and connect long screws through holes in the legs

Before assembling the sidewall is drilled, special mechanisms sold in furniture accessories are used for the manufacture of a folding sofa. The framework of the product is very careful - the fortress, durability, stability of this object of furniture depends on it.

Council. After the assembly, all the details are sick. They must be pretty well grounded.

Sewing cover, tight

Before starting the trim, check all the joints - the mount should be as hard as possible, nothing should "hang out." The surfaces are measured, each item is cut, sticks, then measured out-cut-sticks as follows. The elements are suitable with each other, they need to be high quality, and the trimming is used to make joints. The thick layer of foam rubber is stacked on the seat - at least 100 mm. To do this, it is glued from several thin sheets. For sidewalls, 40-60 mm is enough. At the end, it is checked how tight up the upholstery is, all the protruding corners, sharp details are well covered.

To the angular part attach the side, connecting the lower parts of the walls

After moving to the trim furniture cloth - it is chosen wear-resistant, high-quality, beautiful. From this depends on the appearance of the finished product. The fabric is bought at any textile store, fabrics for furniture.

We flash cuttings for seating, backrest and pillows from upholstery fabric

The following types are most popular:

  • jacquard - Premium-Upholstery, Characteristic features - Deep texture, silk sump, wear resistance Average, is poorly cleaned;

    The colors and the jacquard patterns are perfectly held, do not burn out

  • the tapestry is suitable for the "elite" decoration of the sofa, such a tissue has a special durable structure, a unique pattern, a pleasant texture;

    Tapestry - fabric with incredibly aesthetic appearance, but its price is quite noticeable for any budget

  • velur - natural enough dear, artificial cheaper, similar to a soft suede, sometimes with patterns;

    Velur - a cloth similar to velvet, but with a denser and long pile

  • the cargo is the most budget version that resembles a burlap, pleasant to the touch, is not erased for a long time;

    Furniture fabric of a lodge with an unusual weaving, there can be different colors and shades

  • flock - textiles with a dense pile, suitable for those who have pets, has a high wear resistance, not afraid of animal claws;

    Flock - Pleasant and soft fabric with artificial pile

  • leathesis - very racks to abrasion, has a luxurious appearance, irreplaceable on armrests, places where high friction occurs, unpleasant when contacting with a bare body in the heat;

    Artificial leather - modern upholstery material, with improved dust and waterproof properties

  • genuine leather is pleasant to the touch, eco-friendly, durable, but it is excessively expensive.

    Natural furniture leather - durable, elastic, wear-resistant upholstery material

If you combine two or three tissues at the same time, the product will be very original, but it is important to choose the upholstery correctly.

How the upholstery is produced:

  • from newspapers or wallpapers patterns were cut out of each part, their coincidence is checked, by applying the sofa to surface surfaces;
  • on the involve of the tissue draw bounds, cut the parts, leaving the allowances of at least one centimeter on each side;
  • tights are made symmetrically, so the finished sofa will look harmoniously, the folds will almost not be;
  • so that the fabric is better to keep, buttons and loops are fixed through holes on the case;
  • if under the upholstery to lay a layer of agrokelectile, syntheps, foam rubber will be much less crumbled;
  • textiles is fixed with the help of a construction stapler, first one side, then the opposite, edges are refilled.

After that, the sofa is collected again, make decorative pillows, harnesses, brushes, machine seams. Legs, wooden linings are fixed at the very end.

Finishing Stage - Decoration

Ready corner sofa for individual sizes

The sofa is drawn up bright or in the color of the upholstery with pillows. This is the easiest way. If you make several sets of various covers, they can be changed depending on the mood, the time of year - for winter design, artificial fur is suitable for summer - cotton, flax. Sometimes one side of the pillow is decorated with embroidery, appliqué, bright prints, small soft toys, cords, knitted elements, the second side remains smooth. The decoration in the technique of Patchwork is also acceptable exactly sometimes made and removable case. Regardless of the sofa size, more than five pillows are not used. It is better that they are different shapes, size, textures.

The bedspread for the sofa is selected under the interior: it should be well combined with other textiles in the room - curtains, carpet, capes on the armchairs, etc.

The material for it most often serves:

  • fur - natural or artificial, creates a unique comfort;
  • acrylic is very long, not allergenic;
  • machrov fabric - produced all sorts of color;
  • goblen - Suitable for the "rich" classic interior;
  • silk, satin - look luxurious, expensive.

Plaids for decorating upholstered furniture are made of bamboo, fleece, viscose, acrylic, cotton, silk. You can also independently make or buy a cover for the sofa - it is convenient because it does not slip, it is easy to wash it, but the store is quite expensive. Homemade sews on the type of patterns made by the size of the structure.


Make an ordinary or corner sofa with your own hands, in the presence of some carpentry skills, high-quality materials, tools, quite easily. Detailed master classes, photos and video reviews are available on many sites dedicated to the topics of furniture and repair. Such a homemade design will cost much cheaper than the shop analogues, besides, it will be done with the soul, according to individual sizes.

Video: how to make a sofa with your own hands (homemade sofa)

Modern designers come up with increasingly unusual designs of sofas, and manufacturers are no less actively embodying them. The market is filled with models of all forms, colors and sizes. But the trouble is - among the variety, it's not so easy to find a simple and comfortable sofa that satisfies your own feeling of the beautiful.

Why not come to the matter on the other hand and do not try to make a sofa dream with your own hands? After all, this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

How to understand which sofa is needed?

If you decide to make a sofa with your own hands, then the stores do not suit you something. Designing an interior update, do not forget about other important points.

How and where will you use it? Do you need a sofa, where you can comfortably with a large company, sofa for sleep, or both? For example, no matter how you like the idea of \u200b\u200bhammering his skin, it is not the best choice for a bed. Some kinds of upholstery will quickly come into disrepair if you have pets.

What size of the sofa do you need? Carefully measure the measurements to be sure that these parameters are optimal. Check if it will not be interpreted and will fit in the reserved place.

Where exactly are you going to put it? To the sofa on the balcony, the kitchen and the hall is presented their requirements for size and design.

Finally, decide with the mechanisms. If it is supposed to use a new job instead of a double bed, a folding sofa should be made. Despite the existence of more advanced mechanisms, the "book" does not lose popularity. The principle of her work is simple: we raise the seat, the back is folded - the sofa decomposed.

Determining with the construction and material of the upholstery, it will be worthwhile to take into account the overall interior of the room. Collecting sofa yourself, you are free to choose absolutely any cloth, but how can the green flock in a blue flower look in a minimalist room in black and white tones?

They will help to decide on the choice of nuances photos of sofas made by their own hands. They will give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the homemade sofa may look like.

Before starting work, you should get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe designs of sofas and their features. Consider the main of them.

If you need a sofa for sleep, choose a straight model. This is the most common form presented in the market in a variety of variations.

The angular sofa will fill the angle and become a spectacular addition of the interior. Such a sofa is suitable, for example, in the kitchen.

Modular sofa is a good solution for the studio apartment. It is a set of modules that can be combined in an arbitrary order or use separately.

Choosing materials

As a case material, wood is usually performed. It does not require special skills to work with it, it is durable and environmentally friendly. You can use a lip, walnut, birch, but Pine is not the best choice, as it needs factory processing.

Plywood - durable and reliable material, cheap and eco-friendly. It is perfect for creating any furniture with your own hands.

MDF and chipboard are very fond of furniture manufacturers. Consider that they are cheap, but short-lived.

Do not limit your fantasy: the material can perform the most unusual items: pallets (pallets), remaining from construction, or cardboard boxes.

Fabric for upholstery needs to be bought with a margin that takes into account the thickness of the details. A few moments to pay attention to:

  • velur, being soft and pleasant to the touch, quickly dumps and does not suit the owners of domestic animals;
  • shenille is an excellent choice for children at the expense of its practicality;
  • flock with a small pile is pleasant to the touch, but quickly dumps and in a few years erased;
  • jacquard is practical, but not very pleasant to the touch;
  • the rohozhod is rough and durable fabric. Does not suit the owners of cats;
  • the skin looks solid, but dear.

The choice of color and pattern is the case of your tastes exclusively, but try to pick up the coloring harmony with the interior.

As a filler of a self-made sofa, a foam rubber (35 kg / m3 density and more) is used. This is a cheap, but short-lived material - after a few years it will have to be changed. On the seat you need a minimum of two layers, and one can be enough for a back.

To securely fix the filler and upholstery, do not give them to sink and slide, you need to cover the base with an additional layer of nonwoven canvas. The soft layer can be attached to the velcro.


  • Rule, roulette, square, pencil and others to build a drawing.
  • Lobzik, hacksaw for cutting parts.
  • Furniture stapler for attaching upholstery fabric.
  • Adhesive for foam rubber.
  • Drill or screwdriver.
  • Nails, nuts, metal corners, additional accessories.


On the Internet you can find a lot of instructions how to make a sofa with your own hands. Complement to several advice. It all begins with the construction of the sofa drawing. You should not neglect this, since the drawing carries important information about the size, the number of parts and their exact location. You need to clearly represent what you want to get.

The frame consists of the base, back, armrests and legs. Additionally, mechanisms and boxes are installed. The base is a frame from a bar strengthened by the lamellas. They need not less than 32 pieces. The legs are recommended to take up to 10 cm high. Be sure to use durable wood species. Strengths can be added metal corners.

Frame details are collected in the following order: back, front panel, seat, armrests. Then the base is mounted on the frame. Boxes are collected, the retractable part, mechanisms, wheels are installed. All surfaces are carefully sealed, processed by a veil, furniture wax or colored icing.

Details made of foam rubber and attached to the frame. With the help of a furniture stapler attached upholstery fabric.

The sofa from the pallets is an unusual and original solution, with an extremely simple and worthwhile penny.

Pallets are shattered, covered with primer and color. Two bars are fastened to the resulting base. From above, they have oblique spice, which, at a low angle, it relieves the part from plywood or MDF, previously processed in the same way. This item becomes a back.

Legs are attached to the body. All connections are strengthened with metal corners. Then the layer of filler is stacked, and the upholstery is performed using a stapler. This way you can easily make an angular sofa.

A lot of boxes and glue will be needed to the sofa from the cardboard, but such a non-standard solution will have to do with creative people.

From the boxes cut out the required number of parts having a sofa view in the profile. You also need to cut small rectangles, by number several times superior to the number of parts profiles.

With glue, for example, PVA, part-profiles are glued, alternating with rectangles. Inclosure they need to place the highest load: seat and back. The resulting sandwich should be pressed to the press and leave until complete drying of the glue. The resulting design is punctured by another layer of paper, attach a layer of foam rubber and outraged.

Thus, from several cardboard chairs, you can collect a modular sofa.

Typical furniture is not always suitable for a particular interior. When the standard options do not fit into the situation, you can make a sofa with your own hands - after all, any craftsman will cope with work. This will require drawings, materials, step-by-step instructions. The product assembled independently will serve for a long time, and it will also be interesting to look in the room.

Work at home should be started with the creation of a scheme. To make the correct sofa drawing, it is necessary:

  1. Select the transformation mechanism.
  2. Depend on the size of the finished product, depending on its purpose (for sleep or for rest), as well as the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which the self-made furniture will stand.
  3. Select a model suitable in form and design.
  4. Prepare everything you need to work.

When choosing or independently constructing drawing, it is important to take into account the features of a particular material from which the home master plans to produce homemade sofas. When the scheme is ready, you can proceed to the next step - the calculation and order of metal, wood (or plywood, chipboard), filler, upholstery tissue, consumables.

Upholstered standard-type furniture consists of two blocks - backs and seats. In the unfolded form, these components form a sleeping place. The angular sofa from plywood is a design of three modules interconnected in the form of the letter G (less often - P). Furniture stands on four legs, in some models instead, rollers are applied.

If the product is intended for recreation and night sleep (for example, for a bedroom or children), a niche for bedding can be provided in the design. In such a box, it is also convenient to fold children's toys or old, unnecessary things. The presence of a special box makes furniture more functional, but increases the weight of the sofa, it makes it difficult to transport it.

Before studying the drawings and schemes, you need to decide on the size. Standard dimensions of the product with a book mechanism are 140 x 220 cm in unfolded form. To when furniture is collected, these dimensions decrease (100 x 220 cm).

First, individual parts (modules) of the products are manufactured, and then connected to a single whole. The sofa assembly is the most responsible stage. Connecting together two main elements, the master must ensure that the seat in folded form does not go for armrests. When the sofa is decomposed, the distance between the frames should not be less than 10 mm.

The back with the seat is made from blanks. Their number is equally for any model. Need to cut out:

  • rack;
  • upper and lower crossbars;
  • side bars;
  • lining.

You will also need two seats crossbars - rear and front. For the manufacture, a 50 mm board is suitable. Lastly, make blanks for the backrest and the seat panel.


For sleep and rest

Materials and tools

For the manufacture of the frame, the wood is most often used. There are also less expensive options - plywood or LDSP. The strongest metal framework, but they have one disadvantage - the high weight of the finished product. Experienced masters take to work such woods such as:

  • pine;
  • birch;
  • alder.

When choosing a drawing, you should pay attention to the fact that each scheme is designed for specific materials. The drawing of the metal frame is not suitable for those who decided to make a sofa from wood, and vice versa. For additional stiffness, experts recommend applying a tree, plywood or chipboard. It can be made independently or replace industrial production lamellas.

For upholstery, it is recommended to choose velor, tapestry or jacquard. These fabrics are resistant to pollution, it is easy to care for them. The most popular fillers are batting, synthesis and compressed felt. They are distinguished by elasticity and high density. Syntheston is a cheap option, but it serves for a short time.

It should be prepared in advance tools necessary for assembling the product at home. First of all, it is a furniture stapler (for upholstery) and a screwdriver. Also, the master will be needed:

  • line;
  • wooden or metal coal;
  • stationery knife cutter;
  • stuslo.

It should be purchased in advance and dilute the glue joiner and foam rubber. Consumables will also need: self-tapping screws, wood screws, nails, brackets. After that, you can start work.

In Soviet times, foam rubber was most often used as a filler for upholstered furniture. It does not serve it for a long time and can cause an allergic reaction. In the preheating of old sofas at home, the foam rubber is usually additionally sealing syntheps.

Tree array ram

Sheets of chipboard


Materials for upholstery

Tools for work

Selection of transformation mechanism

It is necessary to choose high-quality parts from a good metal, withstanding a large load. Each mechanism has its pros and cons. They are presented in the table below.

Name How valid Advantages and disadvantages
Book Two frames with fixed spring blocks correspond to the transformation, instead of which a soft filler can be used. The back is easily folded, at the bottom you can put a box for storing bedding. However, such a sofa is difficult to decompose if there is little room in the room.
Tango The principle of operation is similar to the book, but the back of the angular sofa (or the product of the standard form) can be in three positions: horizontal, vertical and intermediate. The furniture has a compact dimensions, when laying on the bedroom there are no irregularities, but the back cannot be closed close to the wall.
Eurobook The seat rolls forward due to the small rollers, the back is hiding in a special niche. The mechanism serves a long time, the sleeping place occupies a large area, but the rollers can leave scratches on linoleum.

Most often in homemade products use a mechanism of a book. It is easier to make it easier. If the spring blocks are made of high-quality raw materials, they do not wear out for a long time. More modern modification of this model - Eurobook sofas with their own hands.

Most popular with fans of transformer sofas uses the mechanism of the French folding bed. To decompose a sleeping place, it is enough to pull over the edge of the seat, and the three products are straightened. However, for homemade furniture, this option is not suitable, because such a mechanism fails to quickly.

If the room in which the sofa from the tree will stand is quite spacious, the accordion mechanism can be used. Such a product occupies a very few space in folded form, but requires a large space for folding. When the sleeping place is advanced, it relies on the leaving legs. The main advantage is that it does not need to make physical efforts.

Accordion sofas serve for a long time, but the leaving legs can scratch the floor covering. They also have no place to integrate a box for bedding, and niche is located in the rear back area, and this is not entirely convenient.


French clawing


Stages of manufacture with a model

Step-by-step guide to the manufacture of furniture for sleep and recreation can vary depending on the specific model. Most often homemade craftsmen crawling classic books, corners and modular products from pallets. Each option is their design features. The instructions for assembling sofas depends on them.

Sofa book

There will be a bar and boards, foam rubber as a filler and upholstery fabric. Also need a ready-made transformation mechanism. Of the consumables, nuts, self-tapping screws, furniture bolts, brackets are required. The following is a step-by-step instruction. Need:

  1. Collect from boards of 1900 mm box for linen. The finished product is strengthened with 2 ridges.
  2. Make two frames - for seats and backs, secure lamellas on them to support the mattress.
  3. Blind from fiberboard armrests. Use the boards with a width of 55 mm and a length of 1 m.
  4. Make a wood frame for armrests and collect details into one.
  5. Drill holes in the box for bedding.
  6. Collect the sofa book from modules.

When installing the transformation mechanism, you need to trace the distance between the back and the seat in a horizontal position accounted for about 10 mm. To strengthen the design, you can additionally apply a mesh from the rails. The frame is squeezed by rubber sheets. To smooth sharp corners along the edge of the product, it is recommended to glue an additional strip from the specified material as edging. If everything is done correctly, there should be a soft roller. The sofa book is distinguished by compactness and convenience, has an interesting design.

We collect a box for linen from boards

Strengthen the rails

We collect frame for seats and backs

Lamed to support the mattress

Drink armrests

Frame for armrests

Drill holes in a box for linen

We collect modules

We are trimmed

Soften the armrests with foam rollers

Sofa-book with your own hands ready


There will be a bar and boards for work. You should also choose to find Phaneur or chipboard in advance. The first option is more durable and reliable, the second is cheap. The minimum recommended chipboard thickness is 16 mm, it makes no sense to take the material thinner. Stages of work:

  1. Draw a drawing. Calculate the length of both modules.
  2. Make a diagram in which the location of fasteners will be indicated.
  3. Collect and brazen rectangular frames from boards.
  4. Install transverse bars in the center of the lower and upper parts.
  5. Bottom box to sew fiberboard.
  6. Described in the way to make the second half of the product, the angular insert of the square forst.
  7. Fold and braid the three elements obtained.
  8. Make a back of 6 modules, copp all the details with each other with a bar.
  9. Set the seat on the loop attached to the composite parts of the back.
  10. Fill up soft furniture with foam rubber with a thickness of at least 10 cm.
  11. Slash the frame to the upholstery cloth.

For upholstery, you will need a furniture stapler. Starting the trim is recommended from the very far corner of upholstered furniture, gradually moving towards the center. Scrimible to the back to the back need from bottom to top. When this part is already processed, go to the sides. Last but it is covered with a cloth seat.

Mounting scheme

Collect the frame from the boards

We sew the bottom box dvp

Install transverse bars

We collect a back

Connect the back and seat

Put foamon

We are trimmed by Vatin

We collect and bold a Vatin an angular insertion

We are sink

Nail the matter to the sides

We are under the upholstery cloth

Corner sofa do it yourself

Pallets are wooden pallets. They can be found in any construction store. The masters use pallets as modules in the manufacture of soft and cabinet furniture at home. To make the original sofas with your own hands for giving, you will need one large pallet. For work it is necessary:

  1. Split pallet on 2 fragments - large (seat) and small (back).
  2. Screw legs to the seat with screws.
  3. Secure the back in the desired position. This will require wooden corners.
  4. Protect and cover with varnish furniture surface.
  5. Secure the plywood for the backrest on the crossbars using the loops.

If the product will stand in the country or on the balcony, the protective case and decorative pillows are best sewn from the leatherette. This material is unpretentious in care. Also, the leathesum is well tolerated with high humidity and has a long service life.

To make the product of standard sizes, suitable for sleep and recreation, you will need 6-8 pallets. The manufacturing technology will be about the same. One of the pallets should be disassembled on the boards and use to fasten the modules with each other. Before you start sleeping on such furniture, it is desirable to lay an orthopedic mattress.

Cut the pallet into two fragments

Install the back

Fix back

Ground surface

We screw the legs with screws

We sew a case and fill it up

Ready sofa from pallets

To make a soft sofa, it is recommended to select functional models with good quality boxes and fillers. Retractable (retractable) options with rollers and guides are very popular. They are good because it does not need to make physical effort.

It is not necessary to save on the fittings, because it is from the reliability of the fastener depends on the operation of furniture. Beginner joiners and carpenters are better to choose clear geometric models. They are suitable for interiors in any style. Also, they are also much easier to make clearly and neatly compared to the furniture of complex forms.

Sowing connections located on the ends of the boards increase the strength of the product and increase its service life. However, it is impossible to make them at home, for this requires special equipment. For this reason, the novice carpenter should not set such a task.

Experts do not advise on separate elements with nails. Instead, experienced masters use screws or screws. If nails are used, fasteners are gradually loosened.

Recommended wood breeds for the manufacture of a sofa at home - spruce and pine. Before the work of the board is thoroughly grinding - the surface of the material should be smooth, without roughness. Do not perform sawing boards in the room, since the wood dust accumulated in the air is harmful to health and can cause allergies.

To pack the back, you need to use a thin thoroughtone, for the seat - more dense. You can glue several sheets with each other. It is necessary to pay attention to the density of the pile of soft details with each other. A thin layer of synthetic hybecue is placed on top of the foam rubber to protect the filler from external influences. On furniture factories, it is used to make sofas softer.

The frame must withstand the weight of several people. Children's sofa from a bar is calculated based on the weight of the kids (adolescents), an adult - depending on the complex of senior family members.

So that products from the tree or chipboard serve for a long time, all the details need to be treated with a special furniture varnish (vengeance). If the garden sofa is designed to relax children, the coating should not contain aggressive and allergenic chemicals. Homemade sofas have many advantages. They fit well into any space, it looks unusual, suitable for sleep and rest. The main thing is to choose high-quality material for work and clearly represent a step-by-step sequence of actions. Then the manufacture of paint furniture will be the most interesting hobby.


Children's sofa in the interior

Sofa from a pallet treated with a verse
