Repairs Design Furniture

Treatment of wood from fungus and mold: Causes of appearance and methods of struggle? Wood processing from fungus and mold. Antiseptic for wood than treating a tree from black mold

Infection of the fungus and mold of wooden floors - a frequent problem with which owners of houses and baths are faced.

Disputes are actively developing in a suitable habitat, so it is impossible to get rid of them with wet cleaning.

To effectively eliminate the fungus underground, it is necessary to find out the reason for its appearance, remove the formation and, if necessary, replace the floor covering.

Types and signs of fungal formations

Mold and fungi are the simplest forms of microorganisms that have long existed in nature. On the wooden surface, such types of fungus are developing as:

  • Brown house;
  • Mushroom home white;
  • Fungus basement.

Such educations are hidden danger not only for modern coatings, but also for human health. Fungal disputes provoke the occurrence of frequent headaches, difficulty breathing, night cough and allergic reactions.

The spread of fungal formations is accompanied by the appearance of the first signs:

  • Sharp smell of dampness;
  • Brown, black, dark gray and white spots with uneven edges and their further darkening;
  • Moistened sections of the floor covering with color burnout;
  • Swimming, cracking and dejunation of the plaster layer.

To take effective measures to eliminate the fungus on a wooden basis, it is necessary to find out the main reasons for its appearance.

Causes of appearance

The key causes of the appearance of fungal formations are increased humidity and bad ventilation. High humidity is manifested due to the oversaturation of soils with thaws and underwater waters.

If the building is erected on such soils, then with insufficient waterproofing, the likelihood of fungus is especially high.

Bad ventilation of the basement also leads to the appearance of mold and fungus.

High humidity can manifest itself not only in the utility, but also in residential premises. Most often, this is due to poorly conducted wet cleaning, insufficient or with excessive humidification.

How to withdraw and destroy

To eliminate fungal formations under the floor it is worth a comprehensive.

It is not enough to identify the reason for the appearance and remove fungal formation by the mechanical method, it is necessary to create a suitable microclimate indoors, which will prevent the appearance of new foci of infection.

If the fungus is infected with a large section of the floor, in this case it will not be able to completely get rid of it. Specialists recommend removing old flooring and replace new.

In addition, it is important to remember that with the extensive zone of sex infection, fungal disputes can spread all over the room.

Key areas of work to eliminate fungus with wooden floors are as follows:

  • Cleaning surfaces from formations by mechanical method;
  • Surface treatment with antifungal compositions;
  • Replacing damaged coating elements with new materials;
  • Arrangement of a good ventilation and waterproofing system.

Antifungal drugs

Effectively get rid of all kinds of fungus on wood can, such as:

Sulfur-based checker

This is the most effective of existing drugs, which allows you to quickly eliminate any mold and fungus. You can buy it in specialized building stores or on the market.

Sulfur gas is extremely dangerous for the human body and animal, so the processing of the room must be carried out in the absence of outsiders and with closed windows and doors.

The checker is placed in a metal container, sets up and left until its full burnout. You can open the room no earlier than 10-12 hours. The processed room is carefully ventilated and dried.

Chlorine-containing drugs

The most popular is the usual whiteness.

For surface treatment, a high concentration solution is prepared. When working with white, it is recommended to use a respirator, protective gloves and overalls.

White carefully cleaned all surfaces from fungal dispute and mold. After processing, it is recommended to ventilate the room.

Antifungal primer

This is a specialized antifungal agent that allows you to quickly solve the problem with fungal formations. It can be purchased at any construction store.

The primer effectively eliminates the lesions and interferes with their re-appearance. Antifungal primer is applied to a pre-purified surface. With a deep lesion of the surface, it should be cleaned to a pure base. The primer is applied in a few thin layers with a wide painting brush.


To effectively eliminate the fungus, you can use solutions of copper and iron vapora. To obtain a concentrated solution, a clay base is used, a solution of vapor and boiled water. In the liter of water, prepared ingredients are divorced, after which the affected surface is processed with solution.

Get rid of the defeat and prevent its appearance on the tree with the help of special antiseptic compositions designed for wood.

Their composition includes such components as: ammonium, sodium fluoride and zinc chloride. The drug in the necessary dosage is divorced in water to obtain a concentrate, which is used to spray the surface.

For effective struggle with fungus, homemade remedies are suitable - table vinegar, food soda and ammonia alcohol. Most often, they are used to carry out safe prevention, but for the integrated elimination fungus it is worth using more professional preparations.

How to destroy the fungus step by step

How to get rid of fungus from outdoor coverage? You can perform this procedure yourself by following step-by-step instructions.

  1. First you need to prepare an infected room. Remove clean things from it, furniture and household items in a suitable place, and infected items to pack in the garbage bags. The garbage is carefully sealing to prevent the spread of the dispute and take out to the garbage collector.
  2. Obsite items that were contaminated with an infected surface, it is better to carry out on the street for further disinfection.
  3. Indoors tightly close windows, ventilation and other holes, doors.
  4. Next, it is necessary to dismantle the affected flooring. If the fungus struck the small part of the floor, you can only delete it. With extensive damage, dismantling of the entire coating is required. If there is a coating as a parquet or laminate in the room, the dismantling should be started from the angle. If carpet or linoleum is used, it is removed along with the shot.

The affected areas should be rich in water to avoid the spread of fungal dispute all over the room. Soft flooring is not subject to recovery, but the laminate and parquet can be displaced and reinforced.

  1. For surface treatment, it is recommended to use any antifungal agent described above. For example, prepare a concentrated solution of vapor or antiseptic primer. Small areas are processed with a brush, and large - mop or painting brush. Mechanically, with a scraper, clean the floor from the fungus, then apply an antiseptic and leave for a quarter of an hour. After that, once again, it is required to moisten the surface with antifungal solution and clean the scraper.
  2. With a minor damage to the parquet and laminate board, it can also be treated with antiseptic solution, and fungal disputes remove with a vacuum cleaner. At the end, the coating should be additionally treated with an antiseptic and leave for a couple of days for drying.
  3. All items that were contaminated with the infected surface are processed by a slight solution of the boos, divorced in water.

Fighting fungal lesions requires mandatory disinfection or replacement of affected flooring. Timely prevention will avoid the emergence of new foci of infection.

Wood - common, easy to process and environmentally friendly material. It is used in different areas of construction: Baths and houses are taken from the tree and are used for inner and outer decoration. Also of wood create furniture and various products for the interior (from the frames for the photo and to the stairs).

Wood has a significant disadvantage: it is susceptible to rotting and tolerate humidity. With high humidity, a fungus quickly appears on the tree, it starts to rot, losing and their own kind, and their qualities. Let us consider in detail the reasons for such a phenomenon, as well as we will analyze the methods of protecting wood from rotting and mold.

The reasons for the rotting of wood and the appearance of mold

Of all building materials, it is the wood that is most susceptible to the formation of mold and rotting. The reasons are as follows:

  1. Tree - natural, living material. It contains enough nutrients for full growth and reproduction of fungus.
  2. Natural materials are capable of breathing well absorb moisture. From moisture, the tree begins to rot and turn mold.
  3. Even a well-dried tree still contains about 20% of the humidity, which is enough to form mold. With proper processing, caring and maintenance of wooden structures, mold and rotting can not be afraid. But if the conditions are incorrect, then the fungus will definitely appear.
  4. Do not install wooden structures in the ground. In this case, it is almost impossible to protect them from the penetration of moisture (if only on top of them additionally do not cover something).
  5. This material is not suitable for rooms with high humidity and poor ventilation. If in such premises without a tree can not do (for example, in the baths), they need to properly care for them: to ventilate, dry, warmer.
  6. The tree rotes in underground rooms if high-quality internal and outer waterproofing and insulation are not equipped in them. The reason is sharp drops of temperature and condensate formation.
  7. The freezing of boards and logs also leads to increased humidity and, as a result, the formation of mold and rotting.

What is dangerous wood rotting?

In addition to the fact that the mold loves to live on wooden products, it is she who causes the greatest harm to them:

  • aesthetic type of materials is lost;
  • strength is lost;
  • a form can change;
  • the destruction of the product is accelerated.

In addition, the mold expanding indoors on the finishing materials causes irreparable harm to the health of people.

Where is the defense of wood from rotting and mold need first?

Wood protection from mold is always needed and everywhere. Especially if the room is supported:

  • increased humidity;
  • lack of sunlight;
  • bad ventilation (insufficient fresh air, poorly working hood, scored Ventshacht) or its absence;
  • direct contact with earth;
  • sharp drops of temperatures.

The most attention to the protection of wooden structures should be reversed in the following premises:

  1. If direct contact logs or earth boards are provided, it is necessary to ensure maximum protection against moisture. This is relevant for Sarai, chicken coopers.
  2. It is often found on wooden racks and boxes. You can also often meet. In general, underground structures are the symbiosis of all the necessary conditions for the growth of colonies of mold mushrooms.
  3. It often appears - with incorrect arrangement and care for it.
  4. Also, the treatment of wooden products is needed in unheated premises: in the sheds, in the garages, in attics.

How to understand that the tree appeared on the tree and rot?

Rinse wood makes a specific smell. If entering the room, you heard a fascinated unpleasant smell of dampness - proceed to the search for an "enemy".

If the mold does not detect and not destroy immediately, the wooden products begin to darken, they appear a wet flare, on the view they become soft. If you explore all the wooden surfaces, you will find a black, white, green or blue colors (may be in the form of stains or fluff).

If the measures are not accepted on time, the rot is appearing in the wood, which is pretty quickly begins to destroy its structure.

Wood protection from rotting, mold and moisture: Methods of prevention

So that rot and mold did not hit wooden products and building materials, exist methods of its protection, as well as rules for storage and care:

  1. Before using wood, it needs to be properly dried.
  2. It is necessary to strictly follow the rules for storing wooden products.
  3. Before using wood materials, they need to be treated with special compositions.
  4. It is necessary to create conditions under which the mold will not be able to develop.

Below will analyze each item in more detail.

Drying wood

If you think about the use of wood as a construction or finishing material, you need to start with the simplest: correct drying. The smaller the moisture remains in the wood, the less it will be subject to rotting.

4 methods of drying wood are isolated:

  1. Drying in vivo. For this board, the logs or bars are placed in a dry, warm and well-ventilated room, where the material dries in itself. This is the longest method: can take up to 1 year in time.
  2. Forced drying. For this, hot air is used, constantly circulating indoors. This is an expensive way (the tree is dried in special chambers), but fast and efficient.
  3. Parafining. To dry wood in this way, it is immersed in paraffin, and then put in the oven for several hours to produce firing.
  4. Best in linen oil. This is an expensive way, applied to small wooden products. To do this, they are placed in Chan with butter and boil several hours.

Forced methods of drying, though expensive, but occupy much less time. In addition, when compulsory drying, the material is not deformed and not cracks (which can occur with natural drying).

How does the sawn timber dried? (video)

Compliance with Wood Storage Rules

When the material is dried, the following task occurs: proper storage. From compliance with the rules directly depends on the state of the wood and the degree of exposure to fungus and mold.

The main task when storing logs, bars, boards and other products - prevent the enhancement of their humidity in order to not look for answers to the question "Why does wood rot?". To do this, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. The material should be stored exclusively in the above-ground hangars, ideally - under natural (sunny) light.
  2. The room should be dry.
  3. The circulation of air masses is necessary.
  4. The tree should not directly contact the Earth. We need to lay materials on racks so that they do not pull moisture from the ground. Also, the airspace below improves the circulation of air indoors.
  5. If there is no heating in the hangar, during the harsh temperature drops, it is necessary to conduct a periodic drying and heating to prevent condensate formation.

Sample storage of sawn timber (video)

Wood coating by antiseptics

To understand how to protect the tree from mold and rotting (how to impregnate it), you need to know where and in what purposes the product will be used. For internal works, one protective composition is used for external - the other.

It matters and the state of wood. One impregnation is used to protect the pure surface, the other is to disinfect materials already affected by fungus and rot.

The paint is used when you need not only to protect the material, but also give it a certain color to preserve the style of the interior. Water-soluble compositions are more suitable for internal works, for external - paints based on organic solvents.

The antiseptic fluid is used, as a rule, when the wood has already struck the mold, or it began to rotate. 4 species of antiseptic compositions are isolated:

  1. Water soluble. This includes compositions with the basis of zinc chloride, boos, fluoride and boric acid. They dry quickly, do not smell, non-toxic. It is not desirable to use them in rooms with high humidity, since they do not possess water-repellent properties.
  2. Water-repellent. Increase the durability of wood to moisture penetration. Used for baths, cellars, basements and other rooms with high humidity.
  3. Antiseptics on organic solvents. These compositions can be used both for external and internal work. They create a dense protective film, drying up to 12 hours on the material.
  4. Oil antiseptics. Form a thick protective water repellent film. Ideally protect wood in any, even the most extreme conditions. But, it is possible to apply this tool only on perfectly dried wood. If moisture is preserved in the material, the oil antiseptic will not allow it to go outside and create an ideal microclimate for rotting the tree from the inside.
  5. Combined (most expensive). Used for any kinds of wood, for internal and external work. In addition to antiseptic properties, the fire protection is raised.

Antiseptic for wood is made by different companies. The following stamps have proven well:

  • Senezhe;
  • Neomide;
  • Pinotex;
  • Vikha.

In addition to modern compositions, there are folk remedies for the protection of wood and removing mold, which can be made with their own hands:

  • resin;
  • silicate glue;
  • sodium biocromate;

Wood coating lacquer (video)

Creating conditions under which rotting and mold do not appear

In order not to remove the mold and deal with rotting, you need to create the right conditions for wooden building materials:

  1. Hydro- and thermal insulation of wooden surfaces that are outside (on the street), or are located underground. This will protect the material from temperature drops, condensate formation, freezing and absorption of moisture from the soil.
  2. If we are talking about the interior decoration made of wood, the room should be ventilation, which provides permanent air circulation. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that sunlight getting and warming up the room.

Even observing all the rules of content, it is impossible to be 100% confident that the fungus will not appear. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically check the condition of the wood. Especially carefully you need to inspect the angles and sites where the moisture can fall and where the sunlight does not penetrate.

The tree is widespread in the construction of natural material. It is actively used even at the present stage, and the results tend to look very unusual and very beautiful. But it is only until that time, while on a tree, more precisely on wooden structures, will not appear mold. From now on, all the trouble begins. What to do in this case? How to remove mold from a tree? This costs to find out more.

What kind of fungus can threaten wooden surfaces in the chicken coop, basement or private house:

As soon as you have determined which fungus threatens the integrity of your structures from the tree, act.

Video "Wrestling Methods"

From the video you will learn how to effectively deal with mold on the tree.

Methods of struggle

How to get rid of mold in chicken coop and other premises? For this, many ways are provided. The modern market of such goods is represented by a variety of purchased tools. There is no special technology, but it all depends on the manufacturer. In any case, you only need to read the instructions before use, and then follow key requirements.

With fungus in our country, they fought in ancient times. However, then it was not known about how to remove mold from the tree, so the fungic-struck at home simply betrayed fire. At the present stage, people are well aware of the main causes of this kind of problem in the house, but still hardly fix the situation.
It is best to prevent the emergence of a favorable environment for these pests. That is, in the room it is necessary to ensure permanent circulation of air, as well as a low level of humidity. All this in the complex will make your wooden products less attractive for mold.

Folk remedies

How to effectively remove mold from various wooden surfaces? For this, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money for the purchase of expensive professional blends and drugs. It is only enough to arm the effective folk remedies. These include:

If you want to quickly get rid of such a problem as mold, but there is no possibility to spend decent amounts for the purchase of chemicals, prepare the mixture from the components that will be done at hand. Treatment of wood with a solution of food soda, salt with boric acid or tea tree oil, may not remove the mold completely, but it will largely contribute to solving the problem. In addition, such solutions can be significantly strengthened by the effect of purchased drugs.

Modern formulations

Of course, processing from mold. Wooden surfaces are recommended using special modern compositions. According to the method of applying and exposure, three main groups of chemicals can be distinguished:

The first two categories are the optimal option not only due to the fact that they are capable of sending your wooden products in the shortest possible time from fungus, but also because they have a shelter effect. They protect against moisture and in general it is customary to use as finishing materials that extend the service life. If your goal is to remove mold, it is better to give preference to special antiseptics.

Varieties of antiseptics

How to remove mold with synthetic mixtures? It depends on the tool that you decide to purchase. Among the most sought-after antiseptics are allocated:

Right choice

The choice of antiseptics and other drugs from mold is quite diverse. What product will be the optimal option for wood processing, for example, in the chicken coop?

It all depends on the level of humidity in the room, the presence of either the lack of contact of the wooden structures with the ground, the air temperature characteristic of your home, as well as directly destiny wooden products.

For example, if the room is sufficiently dry, it is not necessary to buy potent solutions, it suffices to treat the wooden surface with a paint mixture.


Preliminary protection

Such material as a tree must necessarily process back at the design, manufacturing, construction, construction of new designs. Only in this case can be calculated on a sufficiently long service life of a wooden product. As a rule, the material is covered with special varnishes or paints, and it is recommended to do it on a dry surface. Thus, you are warning problems due to increased moisture, and subsequently you do not have to remove the fungus from significantly spoiled structures.

Treatment of wood

It does not matter exactly where the mold appears: on various cutting boards, on plywood, etc. Such a material as a tree can be delivered from the fungus, if you take the necessary measures at the initial stage until the mold has not grown and does not penetrate the wooden products finally. Removing the fungus, for example, in the basement or in the chicken coop, in this case, includes several key points:

Adhering to certain rules for the care of such material, like a tree and knowing how to remove mold in a timely manner, you significantly prolong the life of wooden furniture.

All photos from the article

As a kind of fungus, the mold is able to inflict significantly damage for a fairly short time. Spoiled things are only part of the problem, much more dangerous impact of volatile dispute of mold on human health.

The question is how to deal with mold on wooden surfaces, appeared yesterday. Our ancestors infected with fungus at home simply burned.

Fortunately, now there are enough money, with which you can solve the problem. We will talk about them further.

Where the problem arises

As is known in the air of any residential premises there is a small number of disputes of a variety of fungi. They are in the inert state and are not dangerous until they fall into a favorable environment. This mold medium is warm and moisture.

Why it is a tree

The fungus is such vegetation that can exist almost on any surface in a residential building.

But wood for him is an ideal place.

  • Let's start with the fact that the tree material is porous and, falling deep into, disputes do not prevent anything to develop. They are warm and cozy there, the main thing is to be water.
  • In addition, the array itself is a hygroscopic, with illiterate or insufficient surface treatment, wood can quickly dance and, in fact, turn into a plating banner for mold.
  • Finally, the tree is a living biologically active material that actually feeds fungus in the process of its development. It is like a sweet tooth to settle in the confectionery shop.

The main causes of the problem

Before removing the mold from the tree, you need, first of all, think about why she settled there. After all, the various compositions and fluids that the modern market offers, as well as the wisdom of many generations collected in home recipes, delete only a consequence of the problem.

If you do not eliminate the root cause, this living question returns again.

  • As mentioned, heat and increased humidity are the main stimulants of growing fungus. But, in addition, mold, like mole, is very afraid of drafts, she loves stagnation. Competently equipped ventilation is an excellent preventive agent.

Hood in the kitchen, regular ventilation in the services and arrangement of the trunks in the subfield, is able to significantly reduce the likelihood of wood infection.

Wood - environmentally friendly and fairly simple material processing. That is why it is so popular in construction: the tree is used when erecting houses, baths, finishes of internal and external space spaces. Wood raw materials are used to create all sorts of furniture, as well as interior items. Wood could be an ideal building material, if not for two significant drawbacks: exposure to rotting and insufficient resistance to high humidity. Wet and warm medium contributes to the rotting of the tree, affecting mold and, as a result, its destruction and loss of characteristics and properties. It is for this reason that the protection and prevention of wooden structures in this case are of paramount importance.

Why mold may appear on the wood

Among the multitude of building materials, it is a tree most of all may be subject to rotting and the appearance of mold. Wood is a living natural building semi-finished product and rich in nutrients. She, like most natural materials, perfectly absorbs moisture and breathes, and even a dry board or a timber contains up to twenty percent of moisture. The main reasons for the appearance of mold on wood include the following factors:

  • wrong storage conditions and processing;
  • installing wooden structures in contact with Earth;
  • use in premises with high humidity and lack of ventilation;
  • lack of high-quality interior and outer waterproofing and insulation;
  • harsh temperatures and condensate;
  • winter - freezing of wooden structures.

What types of mold and fungus are striking wood

Wood mold is of various shapes and colors

  • black
  • red
  • white
  • gray
  • yell
  • blue
  • green
  • brown.

The effects of rot and mold in the rocks of trees are distributed as follows:

The dangers of influencing fungi and mold

Black mold is divided into a large number of strains that are classified and distinguished by the trained specialist. In general, the black rot is very active, and can potentially very quickly destroy the affected wood.

Black rot can very deeply penetrate the tree

This type of mold carries a serious threat to human health and, falling into the respiratory tract, can cause:

  • allergy
  • irritation,
  • toxicosis,
  • reduced immunity.

In addition to the divorces of dark shades on the surface, black rotes highlights very unpleasant (and harmful to health) smell. It is very difficult to get rid of black mold, as it is very resistant to various kinds of influences.

With white rot, it is much easier to fight, it does not tolerate the effects of chemicals and aggressive environments. White mold spreads not only on wood, she is very "like" and food. In addition, it does not carry serious threats to human health, with the exception of the danger of allergies in people with increased sensitivity.

Blue mushroom causes deep wood rotting. Syanka negatively affects the reliability and strength of wooden structures: this is especially dangerous when the fungus affects the bearing elements of the house, bath or basement.

With a very high humidity of mycelium, some types of fungi can soften the structure of the tree, making it porous and fragile. Razing, mold colonies will fall literally on all surfaces, striking the maximum possible area in a relatively short period of time.

Preventive wood treatment from rot and mold

Wood processing is carried out after drying wood

Preventive work with wood must be carried out at the stage of material manufacturing. Among the processing methods related to the prevention of the occurrence of fungus and mold can be allocated as follows:

How to get rid of mold if she has already appeared

Check the wood on the degree of damage as a result of the effects of mold, by sticking a long nail into the surface. In the case of strong resistance, there is hope that the injured element is possible to save without replacement. If the nail enters it very easily, it means only one thing - the tree rotted, no treatment will no longer help him, it remains only to change it.

The procedure for combating mold and fungus should be started by carefully drying the damaged surface. The drying process lasts two to three days depending on the conditions. After complete drying, you need to consider mold with a suitable tool, it may be a scraper, a spatula, a knife, etc. If the tree has a dense structure (oak, beech, ash), it can be treated with the use of washing powder and water, and then dry again . If the wood is soft (pine, spruce), the design element is desirable to replace.

Remove the surface rot. It is possible to use disinfecting compositions. Using chemical mixtures, caution should be taken and do not forget to air the room. If the drug contains such an active substance as chlorine, in no case can it be mixed with ammonium compositions. A mixture of ammonia and chlorine distinguishes toxic evaporations that can lead to health problems.

With a small (surface) damage to the wood, remove mold traces after its cleaning mechanically will help soap water.

House processing can be carried out both industrial and folk remedies.

Folk remedies

Among the set of folk recipes to prevent the appearance and removal of fungus and mold from wood are most popular:

  1. Silicate glue is mixed with water to obtain a slightly thick solution. The composition is a thorough treatment of elements of wood structures.
  2. A five percent solution of potassium bichromate is connected to a solution of sulfuric acid in the same proportions. It is used mainly to process wooden walls to protect against moisture.
  3. Potentially problem areas fall asleep soda, after which the surfaces are treated by spraying with vinegar solution.
  4. One hundred grams need to be divorced in ten liters of water and mix. Brush process problem areas.
  5. External wooden elements of the house can be treated with preheated resin.
  6. In the bucket, boiling water is breeding hundred grams of boric acid and one kilogram of salt. The solution is treated with wood several times.

Antiseptics, impregnations and other chemicals

Wood processing with antiseptics and impregnation at home is carried out by applying the composition to the surface with a roller or brush. From rot, mold and fungus use:

  • antiseptic compositions
  • varnishes
  • paints.

Antiseptic solutions give wood powerful protection, saving it not only from the effects of fungi and mold, but also preventing the invasion of insects, as well as the risk of microcracks. Processing with an antiseptic means gives a significant increase in the service life of wooden structures and elements.

Antiseptics contain specialized ingredients, stopping the reproduction of biological forms and kill them even in rooms with high levels of humidity. Antiseptics can be applied on wood at different stages of construction and repair of the house, and this can be done by adding them to other compositions, such as chalk solutions or cement, water-soluble paint and so on.

These means of mold have the following properties:

  • excellent degree of adhesion,
  • increased weather resistance
  • lack of exfoliation
  • light application,
  • simple surface treatment.

The composition of the fungus, as a rule, is applied with a brush, roller or spray on cleaned and preferably dried wood. The prevention of the appearance of pathogenic organisms is carried out by treating the surface with an antiseptic separated in water. In other cases, a concentrated composition is used to combat fungus.

Oil antiseptics, as a rule, can be used for wooden structures that are in particularly severe operating conditions. Including in the ground, water, outdoors; prone to drops of temperature, high humidity, etc. The disadvantages of oily antiseptics are toxicity, rather sharp and unpleasant odor, so it is better to use them for processing external elements of the structure.

Water soluble antiseptics are opposite to oily. They are not susceptible to burning and do not smell. Basically, they are used in the construction of houses, where there is no waste water.

Video: Wood processing by antiseptic

The impregnating varnishes effectively protect the wooden surfaces from atmospheric precipitation and sunlight, but do not interfere with the penetration of air. Special additives protect the tree treated by them from rot, fungus and mold. Wood at the same time, "breathes well," saves the texture and just looks beautiful.

The impregnations allow you to very effectively remove the fungus with the affected tree surface. They can be applied for prevention. The mold impregnations are used at different concentrations to prevent the occurrence of rot and fungus, as well as for processing wood with different degrees (including highly high) penetration of these and other biological forms. The impregnating compositions are suitable for both outer and internal processing, including rooms with high humidity.

To pay attention to the purchase of impregnation from mold:

Among the manufacturers of impregnations, varnishes and antiseptics on the domestic market, the following can be noted:

To combat fungus and rot in the bath there are a large number of methods

The main conditions for the occurrence of mold - dampness and warmth. Wooden baths in this context are the perfect place for the growth of fungi and the formation of rot. In case of damage to the bath mold, experts recommend the following methods:

Mechanical cleaning.It is carried out by a spatula, sandpaper, metal brushing or a drill with a special nozzle. Remote items are recommended to burn.
Antiseptics of industrial manufactureRecommended for use in the first place. They are applied by spraying or brushing (roller).
Bleaching powderThe dried and pre-purified wood is treated with a solution of oversized chlorine lime and water. Sometimes the composition includes formalin.
Media sulfateCopper vigoros can be found in stores for gardeners. In the liter of water, fifty grams of copper sulfate and one hundred grams of alumokalia alum (can be purchased in a pharmacy), as well as thirty grams of the usual stone salt. The surfaces are treated with a brush or roller with a spray using a spray.
SulfuricaVery unsafe method! In the clogged room in a refractory vessel, a smoke sulfur checker is lit (sold in horticultural stores). Located in the bath, respectively, can not be possible. After a few hours, the building is well ventilated.
Hydrogen peroxideHydrogen peroxide should be treated with a damaged fungus surface. Two or three hours later, the treated areas are wiping with a damp cloth.

Antiseptics and impregnation for baths

Impregnations and antiseptic solutions for baths are distinguished by certain parameters. So, there are compounds for outdoor treatment, including moisture protection and UV filter, protection against dust and wind. Antiseptics for internal processing are designed for the constant effects of high temperatures and humidity. Additionally, mold antiseptics carry flame retardant function, that is, they have components that reduce the risk of wood fire.

Impregnation for baths are also designed to use indoors with high humidity and high temperature. In addition, these compositions protect the tree from darkening as a result of the effects of extreme degrees. Soaking wood, such solutions additionally create a water-repellent film on its surface, eliminating surface contamination, but simultaneously preventing air access.

Before use, the solution is thoroughly mixed. Pre-cleaned surface is treated with a composition using a brush, roller or sprayer. The mixture should be applied evenly, as a rule, in two receptions, one treatment after another with an interval in one hour.

It should not be forgotten - it is much easier to avoid the appearance of mold and fungus in a bath by carrying out general for the wooden structures of preventive work than to deal with the already formed rot, which in time can completely destroy the structure.