Repairs Design Furniture

What to choose a heater for the floor. Heal insulation: All materials that can be used, their description, characteristics and features of application which insulation is better for the floor on the first

Floor insulation in the house is an important procedure that requires a responsible approach. Qualitatively insulation the wooden floor - minimize cash spending on heating in the winter time and provide a long service life to the outdoor coverage. Currently, the market of insulating materials offers a wide selection of products that make it possible to make a person's life comfortable even in cold climates. However, you need not only correctly install the insulation, but also to choose it competently. The fact is that each of such materials has features that allow you to use it in certain cases.

Insulation is performed during the construction of the house, in this case it is not necessary to dismantle the insulation material, and the consumption of building materials and time costs is minimal. But if it is necessary to make the insulation of the floor of a wooden oblique house, then it is more difficult to perform work. First, it will be necessary to determine what insulation material is suitable.

Types of insulation

Choose insulation

The choice of insulation materials is suitable. In no case cannot save money on thermal insulation, remember that the thermal losses in the room entail the cash costs for constantly worthwhile electrical energy for housing heating. But what should be the insulation for the floor in wooden housing and how to choose it correctly, it is possible to determine after you familiarize yourself with the pluses and disadvantages of each type of thermal insulation. Popular heat insulators are:

  1. Equata and Minvata.
  2. Sawdust.
  3. Ceramzit.
  4. Polyfoam and foam.
  5. Polyurethenietian thermal insulation

They differ from each other features and technology of mounting. To choose the right to choose one or another type of heat insulation, some parameters are taken into account:

  • Temperature and humidity indicators inside the wooden house and the frequency of their drops.
  • The required thickness of the insulating layer.
  • Wood floor operating conditions and alleged loads on it.
  • Estimated floor outdoor design.

Warming sawdust

It should be noted that the tree in itself is a good heat insulator, however, without an additional insulation layer, wood will not provide a high level of heat saving in the room. High-quality heat insulation is performed using wooden sawdust.

This material has a number of advantages, among which:

  • Low price. Purchase of sawdust will be cheaper than buying minvati.
  • Ecology material. To insulate the floor with sawdust in a wooden house, the draft floor will need to be covered with the material.
  • The layer thickness is from five and above centimeters. The thicker layer of heat insulation, the better.
  • Speakers can easily fall asleep into the slots and other hard-to-reach places where the type of thermal insulation cannot be put on the overlap.

Warming sawdust

Tip! The insulation of a wooden house with sawdusts are made then if you are not afraid of a high level of fire hazard, in another case, it is more reasonable to draw attention to the thermal insulation material that has a lesser degree of flammability.

Warming Minvata.

If a question arose before you, the better to insulate the wooden floor, in this case the mineral wool will become an ideal solution. At the moment, such thermal insulation is an attractive solution in the ratio of price and quality. In addition, mineral wool has many advantages in comparison with other insulation:

  • A low degree of thermal conductivity, it allows you to minimize thermal losses in the winter.
  • Excellent level of water repellence. Mineral wool is used as insulation in houses with high humidity, the material does not miss moisture.
  • Non-hatching. This indicator minimizes the emergence of the fire.
  • Long service life. Wood insulation with mineral wool provides a long service life of the heat insulator than other materials cannot boast.
  • Ecology.
  • Resistance to rotting.
  • Mineral wool is distinguished by resistant to temperature drops.
  • Low cost. The price of such a thermal insulator is slightly higher than on sawdust, but lower than the majority of other thermal insulation materials.
  • Good sound insulation.

A number of ministerial wool minuses follows from the advantages. The main level of the shortcomings consider the low level of vapor permeability, because of this, water condensate is collected on the heat insulator. Therefore, if you have chosen my mineral wool, then think about the vapor barrier device.

In addition, over time, the mineral flooring is flattened, which negatively affects the properties of the wool - thermal insulation becomes worse. Therefore, during the installation, mineral wool is recommended to lay in two - three layers of the mustache. Installation of the insulation is carried out without gaps, a vapor barrier layer is put on top of it, the seams are sinking, such a step will allow to ensure reliable protection of the mineral cotton from accumulating condensate.

Laying of mineral wool

Insulation foamball

Such material for the insulation of floors is applied not so long ago, therefore, the Penofol did not have time to "promote" as many heat insulators. Such a heater consists of two layers, the first layer of fooled, the second is insulating. Using the foam as an outdoor insulation, you provide a lot of advantages:

  • Mounted easy installation. To lay such a material will not submit difficulties, for this you do not need to possess professional skills.
  • The insulation is distinguished by resistant to the effects of mechanical loads.
  • The insulation has high density indicators, it allows you to lay material under the wooden underground with a thin layer.
  • When using foams as insulation, there is no need to arrange vapor barrier, because condensate does not accumulate on such a material.

Tip! The foam has too high cost, but let it not scare you, because the operational qualities of such a heater with interest compensate for such a price.

To insulate the floors using foam, it is necessary to adhere to this sequence of work:

  • At the first stage - laying a layer of waterproofing.
  • The insulating material itself is laid on the already laid waterproofing layer.
  • The joints and seams are securely closed using a mounting foam.
  • Further, lags are installed on the insulation at least fifty centimeters.
  • Between wooden lags, again laying the insulation, gaps and seams are revealed by foam.
  • Now you can perform the installation of boards.


Insulating material of foam

This type of insulation is in its popularity in one position with mineral wool. However, the latter thermal insulation material is characterized by higher indicators: it does not fit with time, does not absorb moisture and for a long time saves properties. In addition, using the foam as a heater under wooden floors, you will ensure such advantages:

  1. The highest strength characteristics of the heat insulator, it freely withstands the mechanical effects.
  2. Low degree of thermal conductivity. Thanks to this property, even a thin foam layer minimizes thermal losses in the room.
  3. Resistance to ignition.
  4. Resistance to temperature differences and negative impact of the environment.
  5. The material is not subject to rotting.
  6. The foam is not terrible rodents.


Insulated material Ekwata

Choosing an EcoWhat as a insulation, you should know that such thermal insulation will require time for installation in contrast to the above materials. But this, such a heat insulator will serve you more than a dozen years and throughout this time will be securely preserved heat in a wooden house. The disadvantages of the material include its price and the need to apply in the process of installing special equipment.


Insulating material Painoplex

If you insulate the floor with a fastener, then the installation scheme is such as laying mineral wool. Installation of insulating material, seams and joints are sealed with foam. Insulation can be placed in two - three layers. The use of fasteners provides the following advantages:

  • During installation, there is no need to make vaporizolation, because the condensate is not going on such a heat insulator.
  • The material does not require the creation of additional protection against moisture.
  • Resistant to any mechanical effects.
  • Polymplia is not terrible rodents.
  • Has a long service life.

One of the main conditions for comfort and coziness in the house is its insulation, including the presence of heat insulation. This is especially important when the dwelling floor directly contacts the soil. Moreover, the insulation for the floor is necessary not only as a means of improving the comfort of living, but also to reduce cash spending on housing heating.

Basic materials for floor insulation

To date, thermal insulation materials are presented in the market in a sufficiently large quantity. Depending on the properties of the insulation, various requirements are presented to them. The main ones, regardless of the type of material - low heat and high strength, moisture resistance and durability. The most common materials:

  • polystyrene foam, most often in demand for the insulation of concrete floors;
  • extruded polystyrene foam polyplex, another famous brand - tehnoplex;
  • ceramzit;
  • mineral wool;
  • cork insulation;
  • gypsum or fiberglass;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • cealthy, based on its eco
  • foamglass.

These insulation are divided into two types: natural and artificial. The first category includes cellulose and a granular slag, which is a by-product of cast iron smelting. Its use is quite popular due to high thermal insulation properties. However, it may contain harmful impurities, so it is necessary to buy it only from proven suppliers.

So looks like a bulk insulation

The artificial type includes all other insulation. In their appearance, they are also divided into several categories:

  1. Sprayed. This is a foosen, or liquid foam, cellulose and polyurethane.
  2. Rolled: mineral wool, linoleum, foam.
  3. Tile: glass gamble, penplex, foam, foam glass, etc.
  4. The bulk, which includes foam glass, granulated slag, clayzit and sawing insulation.
  5. Polymer mixtures, that is, bulk insulation.

Depending on which insulation for warm sexes is used, its laying technology depends. For example, linoleum, dvp-sheets or cork insulation are rolled on the floor and covered with solid material: parquet, laminate or wooden coating. A minvat, ceramzite or extruded polystyrene foam need to launch a screed or lag.

Floor insulation with tiled materials

Features of the most popular materials

Mineral wool and glass wool possess good sound and thermal insulation properties. I thank the presence of fine mineral fibers. When burning, harmful toxins are distinguished, and the noises are "quenched". The lack of glass gamblers is that it quickly absorbs moisture, so it is not necessary to use in wet rooms.

Most often both of these material are used for wooden floors due to their good vapor permeability. However, chemicals, although in small quantities, they still identify, therefore, it is impossible to attribute to environmentally friendly materials of glass and minvatu. Their laying requires a ventilation gap.

Cork insulation is more expensive due to its significantly better characteristics compared with other materials. It retains its strength and integrity for a long time, it is also considered one of the most eco-friendly and durable materials. Cork litter can be put under linoleum, which will significantly improve sound insulation. However, the irregularities of such a coverage, after some time, can pass onto the linoleum, especially if you put just one layer of material. Such a heater is made from the cortex of cork oak.

Good replacement glass gamble - polystyrene foam. This is a moisture-proof material, so it can be used in wet rooms. Polystyrene foam reduces heat loss, because it is poorly spent warm. He barely flashes, however, if it turns, "write" I walked ", as fire resistance is not its quality.

Another name of polystyrene foam, more familiar to all of us - foam. It is often used during the installation of a floating scroll, after which they are poured with a concrete or cement layer. Due to the good moisture resistance, it can be used to insulate the floor on the balcony.

Because of the low density of glass wool when laying it is possible to crack material, which requires careful control when installing

Another available and inexpensive material is a ceramzite. It is also used as a heateler for the floor under the tie, but mostly dry. Ceramzite is added to concrete or poured under dry-fiber plates. It can also be used for a floating screed, but then you need to pour cement or concrete. Keramzite has a porous structure, made of clay, serves as excellent thermal insulation material even in very cold conditions. However, for such a purpose, the insulation layer must be at least 10 - 15 cm.

The most important characteristics

Before choosing a heater for the floor, it should be taken into account not only by its applications, but also important parameters from which it depends on how much the material will maintain heat in certain conditions:

  1. Coefficient of thermal conductivity. Perhaps one of the most important parameters. It determines how much material is capable of passing heat. Equals the amount of heat that passes through the material with a thickness of 1 meter, an area of \u200b\u200b1 square meter in 1 hour. Calculations of this coefficient must be carried out with the condition that the temperature difference on both sides of the coating is 10 ° C.
  2. The characteristics of the insulation are largely dependent on porosity. Equal to the ratio of the number of pores to the total volume of the material.
  3. Ability to absorb water. The lower, the better the material is stable to the conditions of high humidity.
  4. Parry permeability. It depends on it how well the material will "breathe".
  5. Strength. Important when there is a compression load.
  6. Heat capacity. Determines how long the material layer can withstand heat during the temperature difference.
  7. Fire resistance - the ability of the insulation to withstand high temperatures.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account exactly the floor - wooden on the lags, concrete or system "warm floor". In all three cases, various materials will be needed.

Floor insulation in a country house

Do not be surprised why the country house is selected. In them, the floors are wooden, and concrete, so the insulation is set by the most different.

For insulation of wooden floors, it is possible to use bulk materials, such as clamzite or arbolit, as well as mineral fibers or glass. The mineral wool plate is covered with rubberoid or polyethylene, then poured with a cement-sand or concrete tie. Polyfoam due to bad vapor permeability cannot be used. The thickness of the thermal insulation layer depends on the climate in the region. If the average air temperature in the winter is -20 ° C, then this parameter must be 150 mm and above.

For the insulation of the floor, its alignment and the subsequent flooring, it is necessary to fall asleep a bulk gravel layer and tamper it.

For the insulation of wooden pores, it is best to lay lags every 60 cm. The gaps between them are closed with boards with a muffled insulation. On both sides, it is necessary to pave waterproofing, the layer of which is 200 mm or higher. This insulation technology will protect material from mechanical loads.

For concrete floor, the foam is suitable, because it has good moisture resistance, compressive strength and a small thermal conductivity coefficient. The thickness of this insulation is equal to at least 100 mm.

The thermal insulation should be laid tightly to the lags, not leaving the gaps and cold bridges.

It stacked as follows:

  • the concrete base is pre-dried and waterproofing on it, which can be plastic film;
  • then they put the foam and the waterproofing layer again;
  • at the end, a concrete screed with a thickness of at least 50 mm is poured.
  • then you can start laying the floor covering.

Waterproofing must be put on both sides of the insulation

Video on laying insulation for floor

System Warm floor

This is the so-called low-temperature water heating system, which is used in apartments, kitchens, baths and children's rooms. It is not so often established, since such technology is fairly costly. Under the surface of the floor, pipes with circulating hot water are stacked. Of course, in addition to pipes, you need to purchase an automatic control device, manifolds, risers and locking valves.

Basically, polymer pipes are used for floor heating, which are produced from polyethylene, polybuthene and polypropylene. They are resistant to corrosion, durable, possess good strength.

There is another version of the "warm floor" system. Under the floor covering, the cable converting the current in the heat is placed. However, on top of the heating elements, it is necessary to lay a concrete layer of 3 to 7 cm or cement-sandy solution, and then flattening the floor covering. The lack of such technology is that due to faults you need to completely dismantle the floor.

The advantages of water low-temperature heating systems are simplicity of design and small compared to steam heating systems. Capital costs

Main conclusions

It is impossible to say for sure which insulation is better for the floor. There are many such materials today. Polystyrene foam, or foam, well suited for concrete floor. Minvata and glass gamble are more often used for wooden floors, but they need to be well to isolate so that the dust does not fall into the room when it is wear. Ecostat is also the best use for wooden floors, but only where there is no moisture.

When choosing a coating, it should be paid to its thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and other important characteristics.

Tree houses require a more thorough approach to floor insulation work. It is necessary, first of all, to preserve the structure of the structure from rotting and fungus. The warm floor makes the house cozy, it is pleasant and comfortable.

Before entering the insulation of the floor independently, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the views and features of insulation. As well as a work algorithm. It is about this that will be discussed in our article.


Wooden floors, unlike concrete, much warmer. Tree - the material is capricious and when the house is erected, it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect. The ratio of indicators of thickness and thermal conductivity is often disproportionate, so the insulation of floors in the wood house is simply necessary.

The possibility of insulation of the floor is not only in new homes, but also in the long erected.

  • dampness;
  • the appearance and reproduction of mold;
  • the emergence of microorganisms and fungi, adversely affecting the health of those living in the house;
  • high heat consumption for heating at home;
  • damage and destruction of the construction.

Floor insulation work can be carried out independently. This will significantly reduce the budget. Building stores present a wide range of materials, which is possible even without certain skills.

Warming of structures implies different types of work:

  • insulation of overlaps over the ground floor;
  • warming of intergenerational floors;
  • warming overlap between residential premises and attic.

In each case, materials are used not only to maintain the optimal temperature regime, but also for noiseism. Well warmed first floor - the guarantee that the house will be comfortable for living.


Two types of floors use in houses from wood: concrete and wooden.

The second option is divided into two categories:

  • board board, glued wood;
  • parquet board and laminate.

Concrete floor can be made with their own hands without attracting specialists. There are two options for laying concrete: on the ground and on the lags. The most common is the first option.

All works are performed in several stages:

  • priming;
  • sand;
  • thermal insulation;
  • waterproofing.

The next step is the fill of the floor with a concrete tie. If a warm floor is installed, then it is necessary to mount it at this stage.

The wooden floor, like a concrete coating, also has several layers:

  • bulk floor (draft);
  • layer of waterproofing;
  • layer of thermal insulation;
  • cutting.

If the installation of a warm floor system is needed, it is performed at the construction stage between chistov and draft coatings. Wood floor is a natural material, which means environmentally friendly. When operating in the air, a substance harmful to humans will not be highlighted. Such a coating has aesthetic and noble appearance.

What can be insulated?

Heating insulation in a wooden house is carried out in order to reduce heat loss. The most commonly used and inexpensive insulation serve as ceramzit and sand. Below is a list of other popular heaters for the floor.

  • Mineral wool.The main features of this thermal insulator are low thermal conductivity, durability, high noise insulating properties, moisture absorption. It should also be noted that mineral wool is an environmentally friendly material.

In order to determine the product quality or not, it is necessary to check its color. Mineral wool made from natural raw materials has brown. The product, in the production of which prohibited substances were used, will have a yellow shade.

This insulation is produced in stoves and rolls. Rolled insulation is most common when used on large areas. Mineral wool is very convenient, during operation does not require special knowledge and skills. Everything can be done with your own hands. Material light, breathable.

  • Polyurethane foam.The insulation is quite expensive. It will take not only the help of specialists, but also special equipment. The material in its properties is close to foam. But he will not stand the tie. They can warm the floor from below. The average service life of such insulation is 30 years old.

  • Ceramzit.The material is quite common. Ceramzite is the granules of the foam foam clay. The material has high performance properties, light. But with all the variety of advantages there is one serious drawback. Ceramzite absorbs moisture very well, so when it is used, it is necessary to establish waterproofing.

  • Saws are a bulk version of insulation. Speakers are used against mice, mixed with a powder hawed lime: 8 pieces of sawdust on 2 parts of lime. Such a heater can be filled between draft and finishing floors. The layer thickness on average is 20-40 cm, depending on climatic features.

  • Isolon is polyethylenewhich has a foamed structure. The thickness of this coating is 10 mm. From one or two sides foil. Stacked on top on Wat. And also used as a coating under the warm floor.

What is better to choose?

A wooden house can be put on the foundation and have a ground floor (basement), and can be located on piles.

Houses at piles are in great demand among consumers. It is due to the fact that such a design does not require a large amount of time and energy during the construction and operation of the construction and operation. There is also no need for the soil on which the construction will be located. The choice of insulation for the house at the piles requires to take into account the design features. With the right approach, the house will not only be warm, but also cozy.

But with all the advantages there is a disadvantage: the house is at a distance from the ground. The structure is not protected by the ground floor and is subject to winds. In this case, it turns out that the house is protected from soil moisture, but the entire floor area is available to winds and frost. In order for the house to please their owners, it is worthwhile to produce high-quality insulation of floors.

The insulation of the floor in the houses on the piles is made in several stages:

  • Preparation.Before starting work on floor insulation, it is worth ensuring full access to lags. It is done for the possibility of checking check. After the start of work, it will be impossible to inspect.
  • Rough floor.The methods of creating rough floors are very much, but still builders more often use traditional. You need to nail the bar on the lags, which will continue to serve as a support for the flooring. Bar and lags are treated with special means against rotting and the appearance of fungus.

But you should not use the means that create a film. It will not allow the tree to breathe, which will lead to rotting. Boards for flooring under the draft floor should also be processed. This is necessary to improve the service life of the material. When calculating, it is worth considering the weight of the insulation, which will be used. As a flooring, you can use Phaneur for light insulation. If it is used, for example, polystyrene, then a reinforced grid can be applied to strengthen the lower layer. This will help distribute weight.

  • Parosolation.Vaporizolation must be used to make moisture not to enter the insulation. To do this, it is better to use polyethylene or runner. These materials refer to economy class. When they are laying, it is worth providing ventilation products. The vapor insulation layer should be both on top of the insulation and below. This will not allow a condensate formed when the temperature drops to get to the materials.

  • Picture floor.The finishing floor is the final stage of floor insulation, which can also be an finishing coating. To do this, absolutely any materials (wood massif, chipboard, plywood) can be used.

So that the house on the piles looks presentable, as well as for additional protection against the effects of climatic conditions, experts advise you to make an easy challenge of the ground floor.

Caring for insulated floor


Many companies are engaged in the production of materials for insulation of sex. Among them are world famous brands and those who are just starting their way. Most companies have almost a century of history. In order to help you choose, the rating of the most popular manufacturers firms is below. All of them represent materials with proven quality.

  • Knauf. The international manufacturer has experience more than 90 years. Warming materials are popular around the world. Products are made from natural raw materials according to the latest technologies. All insulation are environmentally friendly and harmless. Knauf occupies a leading position on the market for many years.

  • Rockwool. The company works on modern technologies and specializes in basalt thermal insulation materials. The advantage of this raw material in high performance and affordable price. In Russia, branches are located in Moscow, Chelyabinsk and Leningrad regions. The company is in second place in the rating of manufacturers of insulating materials.
  • Paroc. The company also specializes in the production of mineral wool. Quality tested by time. The manufacturer focuses on saving thermal energy to heat the dwelling and excellent noise insulation. But the lack of this firm is that all insulation have a fairly high price. That is why the company ranks third.

When building a cozy and comfortable home you need to isolate all areas through which the cold penetrates inside. The floor is such a zone, its proximity to the ground and the insufficient thickness significantly reduces the coating temperature. Large heating costs slightly change the situation, so the owners of houses have to decide whether the floor is better.

You can fulfill the work on the insulation of the floor in the house or apartment on your own, the main thing is to choose the material. To prevent errors, it is necessary to analyze the main characteristics of thermal insulation materials:

  • resistance to ignition;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • environmental safety, lack of toxic evaporation during operation;
  • strength, lack of deformation;
  • life time;
  • vapor permeability, the material should easily give the accumulated moisture;
  • the complexity of laying.

Floor insulation technology

The purpose of the thermal insulation is to create a reliable barrier on the cold way. To do this, between the base of the floor (concrete slab, earth embankment, lags) and the finishing coating placed the layer of the insulation. The material is covered with a vapor barrier film. To achieve maximum effect and protect it from moisture, before heating the floor, it is necessary to put waterproofing.

The sequence of performance depends on the type of base, the conditions of operation of the room, the permissible thickness of the heating layer.

Heal insulation, what to choose?

Polyfoam is popular not only due to low cost, the material has low thermal conductivity and resistant to moisture. It will become the optimal choice for the insulation of the basement and the base. The foam is environmentally safe, and when it is located under the layer, concrete ties, it is not at risk of fire. Heat insulation is universal in use, it is placed on concrete, ceramics, wood or brick.

Polystyrene foam is an improved foam version. It is more dense (40 kg / m3 against 10 kg / m3), it absorbs moisture less, has a homogeneous structure. Polystyrene foam does not rot, has a low thermal conductivity and weight. The insulation plates are not frozen, serve noise insulation, suitable for concrete and wooden floor.

Ceramzite - natural material that is used in dry form and as an additive in concrete. It is made of clay, so safe for health. Ceramzite does not burn, resistant to temperature changes. As part of the screed, it significantly reduces the thermal conductivity. When used in the form of bulk granules, the insulation is sensitive to moisture, so waterproofing is required. Effective layer of material up to 20 cm, not everywhere it is possible to raise the floor level in such a height.

Mineral wool is offered three types:

  • Glasswater - elastic and durable heat insulation, great heat and soundproofer. Its disadvantage - irritating fiber skin. Modern Minvat is made of high-quality raw materials, it is less dangerous and stuck.
  • Stone - fragile insulation with high hygroscopicity. Plus Minvati - Low cost.
  • Basalt wool resistant to burning, frost and biological effects. The insulation, made in the form of rigid plates, is not inclined to fermentation and deformation. Its density is 30-35 kg / m3. Basalt wool safe for health, has good vapor permeability, operated up to 30 years. The material loses its properties during wetting, so when installing it is carefully protected from moisture. Basalt watts are most often used as thermal insulation of the floor of the tree.

Cork insulation is characterized by high elasticity and noise absorption. It is environmentally friendly, keeps heat and is not afraid of moisture. Available in rolls that allow you to quickly cover the floor indoors. The cork material in the form of plates is labeled between lags under a wooden coating.

Polyurethane foam has a minimal thermal conductivity for even low density. The composition during spraying forms a cellular structure, providing high insulating properties. When frozen polyurethane foam forms a solid surface without seams. Due to the high moisture resistance of the insulation, the vapor barrier can not be laid. The polymer composition uses under the screed or black floor of plywood.

High moisture resistance allows not to cover polyurethane foam with a vapor barrier film.

Heat insulators with foil layers, such as foam, reflect infrared waves back to the room. A thin layer of foamed polyethylene with an aluminum coating is indispensable as a substrate for laminate or linoleum. The density of the foam is high enough, it is not deformed by the load. The material is used independently or in a complex with another insulation.

System "Warm floor" - types and possibility of mounting

The device in a private house of water warm floor will forever solve the problem of cold coating. It is mounted under a concrete screed and is an economical way to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room.

In addition to hot water circulating on plastic pipes, an electrical cable can be used to heat the floor.

In the apartment you can not arrange such a system due to the high load on the overlap. The infrared floor on the film was the replacement of wires and pipes under the tie. The coverage strips are easy mounted and raised under the tile, laminate, parquet and linoleum.

Heat insulation of wooden floor

The tree is characterized by low thermal conductivity, but the thickness of the boards is not enough to eliminate the penetration of the cold, in addition, with time in the coating, the gaps that create drafts are formed. Recommendations How to properly insulate the floor will help yourself cope with work.

  • The wooden bar (lags) is laid along the entire length of the floor.
  • The plywood or trimming of boards is attached to the lower part of the lag, which will become the base for the insulation.
  • The thermal insulation material - minvat, foam, polystyrene foam is tightly placed between the bar. The thickness of the floor insulation depends on the location of the room - the first floor will need a more solid layer.
  • The insulation is covered with polyethylene film or pergamin for vapor barrier.
  • Outdoor coating boards.

How to insulate the floor of concrete

It is impossible to use a concrete base in the residential room without multi-layer insulation. It takes a dense, durable, stable to load and moisture material. Choosing how to warm the floor from concrete correctly, consider several options.

Laying the heat insulator under the tie.

  • With the initial flooring device, a pillow is performed from a gravel and sand mixture, which is poured by a thin layer of concrete.
  • Roll waterproofing is stacked over the screed.
  • On the moisture protecting the moisture, placed insulation: polystyrene foam, basalt wool, foam glass. The plates of the material are placed close to each other so that the cold bridges appear.
  • A damper tape is placed between thermal insulation and the wall.
  • A polyethylene film is spilled on the insulation and the reinforcing grid is stacked.
  • A concrete screed is poured.

Adding perlite or clamzite to the concrete reduces the thermal conductivity of the material. Installation of "Falsefol". This method is suitable for rooms with high ceiling.

  • The concrete base is stacked by wooden lags from a bar of 5 × 10 cm.
  • Waterproofing is catering with a wall at 10 cm.
  • There is a heater between lags: ceramzite, foam, basalt wool.
  • The thermal insulation material is covered with moisture-resistant plywood or fiberboard.
  • The finish coating is stacked.

After examining the performance and technology of laying popular insulation, you do not problems with the heat insulation of the floor.

Select the insulation for the floor in a wooden house can be compared of operational properties. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the structure of the floor and the compatibility of thermal insulation with the elements of the structure of the structure.

In low-rise individual buildings under wooden, the house was introduced by one of the technologies:

  • the log house - a sterling or rounded log;
  • brous cottage is a good outline of a cut, but without locks in the corners;
  • frame - assembly of walls by method platform or baloon;
  • shield - sets of factory readiness;
  • panel - self-supporting SIP panels with pre-installed PSB insulation;
  • facrifice - powerful power frame, filling the space between it by translucent and decorative materials.

All buildings are easy, for them there is enough budget columnar or pile woodwork. However, due to the ground conditions, the relief, the characteristics of the projects and the preferences of the developer often apply floating and insulated plates, tape foundations of various depths of the attachment. What affects the choice of floor design and housing overlap.

Paul varieties in a wooden house

Depending on the design of the foundation, overlapping and half a cottage can have several options:

  • plate Floating or warm UCP - is often used for log cabins on wet soils, a wooden floor of lags is possible or a screed aligning for any other coatings or mounting of a warm floor;
  • ribbon foundation - Paul in soil or overlap for beams;
  • ruralstock is low - options are possible on an even plot by analogy with a belt foundation;
  • scarlet hanging - only overlap on beams.

There is a tree in the design of overlaps on the beams, there is no place in the floors on the ground and slab foundations.

Selection of insulation

Designing for overlapping or floor designs, insulation, not enough to calculate the layer thickness. It is necessary to take into account the mutual influence of the materials of the specified pies to each other:

Overlapping on the beams:

  • the heat insulator is stacked between the bar;
  • even with the use of the most reliable vapor insulation membranes, the wet air inevitably penetrates the inside of the design;
  • if the thermal insulation is absolutely countertileous (EPPS or PSB), all moisture is absorbed into the bar, and it will not be able to exit the outside due to dense contact with the insulation;
  • problems (rot, fungus, insects) are possible after 1 - 1.5 years of operation;
  • but they will not arise when using hygroscopic thermal insulation materials (eco-water, minvati, sawdust, clamzite, cork granules), which absorb part of the water on a par with beams, and then give it out through the waterproofing (membrane).

Paul in soil

  • in this design, the heat insulator is placed on a sweeping or membrane under the tie;
  • cotton and bulk materials do not have sufficient strength to withstand operational loads (some manufacturers have exceptions in the form of high density minvats);
  • these insulation are hygroscopic, the likelihood of their wets is always preserved, even due to the capillary absorption of concrete;
  • it will not be able to outward through the moisture screed anyway without dismantling the design, and the moisture is not scary for concrete;
  • therefore, it is better to apply polystyrene foam, absolutely not absorbing water in the floors of the ground, and has a high density.

Tip! Foams and polystyrene foams are considered incompatible materials for wooden structures and wood-based plates. Therefore, the technology of housekeeping from the SIP panels individual developer is better not to use.

Polyfoam and expanded polystyrene

By virtue of the above laws of construction heat engineering, countertile materials are suitable only for floors on the soil. The layer thickness is usually:

  • from 5 to 10 cm for EPPS;
  • up to 5 to 13 cm for PSB.

Important! With a minor reduction of this characterization, the user will not significantly feel a significant deterioration in the comfort of living, but will be overpaying a monthly energy supplier of 10-20% of the family budget.

Mineral wool

In contrast to previous materials, minvats are not recommended in the screed of the floor on the ground, but dramatically increase the resource of sawn timber in wooden floors. Depending on the heat loss inside the design, the thickness of the layer will be:

  • 20 - 30 cm for base overlap;
  • 10 - 15 cm for all subsequent floors.

Important! Elementary overlaps without heat insulation sharply increase the heat loss in the roof, the sound insulation of the supporting structures of the building is reduced.

Impregnated with protective antipiren - brown and antiseptic acid boring chopped waste paper and cardboard packaging received an eco-friendly name. The material has features:

  • not suitable for floors on the ground, since it does not have the necessary density to withstand the load;
  • the only insulation in which the rodents do not make and do not move;
  • it is considered the best thermal insulation for overlap on beams;
  • the thickness of the layer is 25 cm and 20 cm for the base and the next levels of overlap, respectively.

Tip! Without changing the thermal conductivity of 0.04 W / m * to and 20% hydrophobicity, the density of the EcoWhat can be adjusted on an independent object. For overlaps, 40 kg / m³ maximum is used.

In comparison with popular ministes and polystyrenes, foamed polymers are more expensive. These materials are designed to save the workspace, which in the floors on the floor and overlaps on the beams is not relevant.

When pouring into the concrete of foil modifications, the gap between the heat source and reflective insulation disappears, and it stops working. Foamed polymers are better to use in thin-layer structures under floor coatings, but not in the cakes of overlaps and screeds.


After the foaming of quartz raw materials receive foam glass, whose weight is 5 times less than that of dry wood. By analogy with expanded polystyrene, this material is a vapor polypoletor, withstanding high loads without destruction from 40 tons / m² and reduced sounds of 50 dBA.

Available in plates for which loaded trucks are calmly moved, or pellet granules into wooden floors. At density of 150 kg / m³, the layer thickness is for the base and all subsequent floors 18 cm and 15 cm, respectively.


With the occurrence of highly efficient thermal insulators, clamzite is used selectively. With its characteristics - the thermal conductivity of 0.01 W / m * K, it will be necessary to increase the thickness of the layer 4 times in comparison with basalt wool or 6 times relative to the eco. This volume in the ceiling overlap does not fit, and when it is added to concrete, thermal conductivity rises even more. Therefore, for floors on the ground, the ceramzite in its pure form is rarely used.

Thermal insulation material is obtained fibrolite mixing wood wool with liquid glass and cement. Plates are considered universal, as structural and air noises are quenched, reduce heat loss in the supporting structures of the building after the past material.

Release fibrololite in Satka under Chelyabinsk, in Bulgaria he is known under the brand zidrite, in Austria is called Herclite. Since the material is hygroscopic, it should not be confused in the floors on the soil. But for overlapping on beams and for pieces of other designs from sawn timber fibrolyt fits perfectly. The layer thickness recommended 10 cm for the upper floors and 15 cm for the basement.


To reduce heat loss in the basement over the beams, it will have to be put on it 30 cm sawdust minimum. Therefore, in its pure form, the material is used only for filling the plates of non-operated attic. Most often sawdust serve as raw materials for more efficient thermal insulation and structural materials with similar properties.

Considering the foregoing, if there are wooden elements in the design of the floor, it is necessary to use vapor-permeable insulation - mineral and eco-art. The concrete floor of the soil should be placed foam glass or highly discovered extruded polystyrene foam.

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