Repairs Design Furniture

Operation of steam and water boilers. Regulatory documents IV. Materials and semi-finished products

4-1. Requirements of the rules of Gosgortkhnadzor

The operation of steam and water-heating boilers should be carried out in strict accordance with the "rules of the device and the safe operation of steam and water boilers" of the USSR Gosgortkhnadzor. The design of the boiler, the steamer and water economizer should be reliable and safe in operation, and should also provide an inspection, cleaning with the use of mechanization, purge, flushing and repairing all the elements of the aggregate.

The design and hydraulic scheme of the boiler, the steamer and the water economizer should ensure reliable cooling of the walls of the pressure elements. The placement of uninsulated elements of the drums and collectors in the stationary space and in the rods is allowed only under the condition of reliable cooling of these elements from the inside of the liquid. When trash and normal mode of operation, all the elements of the boiler should be evenly warm and have the possibility of free displacement due to thermal expansion. The boilers with a capacity of 10 t / h and the above must be installed references (displacement pointers), allowing to monitor the movement of the elements due to thermal expansion.

For the correctness of the design of the boiler, the steamer, the economizer and its elements, the settlement of the strength and choice of materials is responsible for the organization-developer, for the quality of manufacture - the manufacturer, installation and repair - organized

weights that performed these works. Changes in the design of the boiler can be made only in coordination with the manufacturer or a specialized organization that has the right to produce the reconstruction of the boobagners.

Each boiler unit is equipped with a necessary number of climbing, hatches, gladies and cooker, used during operation, to control its operation and repair.

In accordance with the "Rules" of Gosgortkhnadzor, steam and water-heating boilers equip the devices and devices that ensure safe operating conditions. Such devices include: safety boiler safety valves, gas duct safety devices, water level pointers in the boiler, nutrient pumps, measuring instruments and safety devices.

Steam boilers with a capacity of more than 100 kg / h must have at least two safety valves: one control and one working. With two safety valves and an unconnected superheater, one valve (control) is installed at the opening conductor output manifold. When operating steam boilers, the safety valves adjustment is made in accordance with the data of the table. 4-1. At the same time, in order to avoid the withdrawal of the steamer, it should always be the first to open and. The latter is closed by the safety valve installed on the opening conductor output manifold.

At least two safety valves are also installed on the water boilers. At the same time, on direct-flow water heating boilers with chamber fireboxes, equipped with safety automation, safety valves may not be installed. Safety valves of water boilers are adjustable at the time of opening start at pressure, not more than 1.08 working pressure in the boiler.

The economizers disconnected by the water side are equipped with a single safety valve at the inlet of water and the sensing valve at the output of the economize! Installation of the valve at the water input to the economizer is made after the disconnecting body, and at the exit from the economizer -J-before the disconnecting authority. A safety valve at the input of water in L Economizer should be opened when the pressure is exceeded by 25%, and at the exit from the economizer - by 10% of the operating pressure in the boiler.

Safety valves of the boiler, steamer and water economizer must be systematically checked. Checking the health of safety valves is produced by purging (manually "undermining"). The check is performed at each start of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer, as well as during their work. At boilers, steps and economizers working with pressure up to 2.35 MPa inclusive, checking each valve is made at least once a day, and with a pressure of from 2.35 to 3.82 MPa inclusive - it is performed alternately, but at least one valve is made alternately per day. Verification of safety valves is performed in the presence of the shift chief and is recorded by the record in the Vachnic log.

The main problems during operation of safety valves are: Passage of steam, delay when lifting and frequent triggering with sharply fluctuating load. Passage pair of valve leads to its premature wear, so after checking or triggering the valve should be verified in the density of its landing. Passage steam can occur due to skewing, entering foreign objects under the valve, spontaneous movement of cargo, etc. The delay of the valve lift occurs when it is harvested, spontaneous movement of cargo, while increasing the press on the spring, when the guide ribs are hot in the nest and rod in The location of the pass through the lid. In order to avoid frequent valve response at the oscillating load, the pressure in the boiler is maintained by 0.10-0.15 MPa less than the worker to which the valves are adjusted.

To protect the irrigation and gas ducts from destruction during explosions of boilers with chamber stacks (burning of dusty, liquid, gaseous fuel), as well as with a mine furnace gas for burning peat, sawdust, chips and other small industrial waste are equipped with explosive safety valves. In fig. 4-1 shows the design of used safety valves. Valves are installed in the furnace of the furnace, the last gas coating of the boiler, the economizer and the ash collector. It is allowed not to install explosive valves in the smelting of boilers, having one stroke of combustion products, as well as in the roasted smokers.

For boilers with a capacity of less than 10 t / h, the accommodation and dimensions of explosive safety valves are set by the project organization. Typically, the projects are chosen by the area of \u200b\u200bexplosive valves for these boilers at the rate of 250 cm 2 of the explosive valve area per 1 m 3 of the volume of the furnace or gas pipes of the boiler. As an example in Fig. 4-2 shows the placement of explosive safety valves on dcvr boilers. For boilers with a capacity from 10 to 60 t / h in the top of the winding over the furnace

Explosive valves are installed with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 0.2 m 2. At least two safety valves with a total minimum cross section of 0.4 m 2 are mounted on the last gas duct of the boiler, the water economizer gas and gas duct. When operating explosive safety valves, made from asbestos, it is necessary to monitor them. Experience shows that due to ripples in the furnace, a valve is possible, which leads to an increased suction of cold air. When executing explosive valves in the form of a folding door, it is necessary to check the valve adjacent density to the frame.

Waterproof devices and "reduced" level pointers installed on the boiler maintenance site must be systematically checked. Verification of waterproof devices of boilers, working at a pressure of up to 2.35 MPa, is performed every shift, and boilers at a pressure of more than 2.35 MPa - once a day. Comparison of the testimony of reduced level pointers and water appliances should be made at least once in a change with the record) of the operation in the Watched Journal.

When exploiting water appliances, the following problems are observed in their operation: clogging the valves, "steam pass through a looseness, fragility of glass. When steam pass through a looseness in the valve of the top head, the water level in the waterproof glass will be higher than the valid. When the pair is passed through the slope in the bottom head. The water level in the waterproof glass will be

wives. To eliminate the brittleness glass, it should be boiled in pure lubricant oil for 20-30 minutes and then slowly cool.

When operating the equipment of the boiler shop, the health of all installed nutritional pumps is systematically checked. At boilers with a pressure of up to 2.35 MPa, each of the pumps is briefly incorporated into operation at least once again in shift, and in boilers with greater pressure - in the deadlines provided for by the production instructions, but at least once every 2-3 days. With a test start-up of pumps, the pressure generated by them, no leaks through looseness, bearing heating, vibration amplitude, the proportion of the pump drive (electric motor, turbine, steam engine).

To control the operation of the boiler and to regulate the combustion process, a set of measuring instruments is established. The volume of thermal control of the boiler is chosen depending on the performance of the latter, the type of fuel and the method of combustion, the design features of the boiler and other factors. However, each boiler unit in accordance with the "Rules" of Gosgortkhnadzor must have a certain minimum number of instruments, without which its operation is not allowed.

A steam boiler must have instruments for measuring the steam pressure in the boiler drum and after a steam-heater, the pressure of the feed water in front of the organ regulating its supply to the boiler, water pressure at the inlet and outlet of the water being turned off on the water, the temperature of the superheated steam to the main steam valve of the boiler, Steam temperatures up to the steamer and after it, the temperature of the nutrient water before and after the water economizer.

The water boiler must necessarily have instruments for measuring water pressure at the inlet and heated water at the outlet of the boiler, water pressure on the suction and discharge lines of the circulation pump, water pressure on the boiler feed or to feed the heat seafood, the water temperature at the inlet and at the outlet of the boiler.

On steam boilers, the capacity of more than 10 t / h and hot water boilers with a capacity of more than 5815 kW is required to install a registering pressure gauge. On steam boilers with natural circulation with a capacity of more than 20 t / h and direct-flow capacity of more than 1 t / h, as well as on hot water boilers with a capacity of more than 1163 kW, the device for measuring the temperature of the superheated steam and heated water should be registering. The pressure and temperature of hot water in hot water boilers are measured between the boiler and the locking authority.

At boiler units, burning liquid fuel, its temperature and pressure are measured in front of the nozzles. When

bot on a gaseous fuel should be measured the gas pressure and air before each burner after regulators, as well as the vacuum in the upper part of the heat chamber.

The service personnel is obliged to systematically follow the correctness of the testimony of measurement instruments. The boiler machinists at least once once in shift produce checks for pressure gauges using three-way cranes or replacing their valves. Engineering and technical staff of the boiler shop produces at least once every six months checking the working manometers by comparing their testimony with the control manometer. The check is recorded in the control check journal.

It is not allowed to apply pressure gauges without seals, stamps or with an overdue test date, with a broken glass or other damage reflected on the readings accuracy, with an arrow that does not return to the zero position when the pressure gauge is disconnected (deviation from the zero position by the value, not a greater half of the error pressure gauge).

Boiler units in order to improve reliability are equipped with security devices that stop the work of the boiler in emergency situations. Boilers steam-performance 0.7 t / h and above must have automatically active sound alarms of the lower and upper limit water levels in the boiler drum. If these boilers have chamber furnaces, then an automatic device is installed, stopping the fuel supply to burners (dust, gas, fueling) in the case of a decrease in the water level in the drum for the allowable limit set by the manufacturer.

Direct-flower water heating boilers with chaincases are equipped with automatic devices stopping the fuel supply to burners, and boilers with layer fireflies - devices that disconnect the fuel-feeding mechanisms (fuel feeders, drops, chain grids) and driving machines, in cases:

a) increase water pressure in the outlet boiler manifold
up to 1.05 pressure obtained by calculating the strength of the pipeline of the heating network and the boiler;

b) lowering water pressure at the boiler output manifold
to the value corresponding to the saturation pressure at the maximum operating temperature of water at the outlet of the boiler;

c) increase water temperature at the outlet of the boiler to
values \u200b\u200b20 ° C below the saturation temperature that corresponds to the water pressure pressure in the output manifold of the boiler;

d) of such a reduction in the consumption of water through the boiler, when
torus underwriting water to boiling at the outlet of the boiler when

the simulation load and operating pressure in the output manifold reaches 20 ° C.

Safety valves on a direct-flower water heating boiler with chamber furnaces may not be installed if there is specified protection. Excess the temperature of the heated water of the specified value is dangerous, as it can cause hydraulic strikes due to partial vaporization. To avoid local boiling, the average water velocity in separate heated pipes should be at least 1 m / s. The temperature of heated water can reach the limit due to insufficient working pressure, increased boiler forcing or a noticeable reduction in water consumption. In operation, it is impossible to reduce water consumption compared to the minimum. Minimum allowable water consumption (kg / s)

where q Max is the maximum power of the boiler, kW; t S.- saturation temperature at operating pressure at the outlet of the boiler, ° C; t VK- water temperature at the entrance to the boiler, with C.

When burning gaseous fuels, in addition to these safety devices, automation must be installed on steam and hot water boilers, which ensures the cessation of gas supply in the case of:

a) deviations of gas pressure in unacceptable limits;

b) resetting the flame at least one of the main burners;

c) violations of thrust (increase or decrepitation
in the upper part of the furnace in unacceptable limits);

d) stopping the air or reduce its pressure in front of the burners for the mounted limit (for boilers,
equipped with burners with forced air supply).

In order to increase safety when burning gaseous fuels, gas ducts should have holes with a diameter of at least 50 mm for continuous ventilation of the furnace and gas ducts. The removal of combustion products from boilers, in which gas is burned, and boilers, in which other fuels are used, in total baguings are allowed only for already existing boilers translated on gas. At the same time, the start of aggregates on the gaseous fuel should be carried out only with the remaining other aggregates operating on other fuels. If the stop of these aggregates when starting one of the gas boilers is impossible, special security measures agreed with the local government of the Gosgortkhnadzor are being developed.

The safety devices of the boiler unit are systematically checked for triggered in the deadlines specified by the factory

manufacturer, and must at each boiler stop. In the boiler shop, a graph of preventive repair and inspection of all installed control and measuring instruments and safety devices, approved by the main engineer of the enterprise, is usually compiled.

Steam boilers

When operating vertically-cylindrical boilers, special attention should be paid to systematic observation of the surface of the heating surface. The most frequent damage to the vertically-cylindrical boilers are the fractures of the fiber sheets. In this regard, at boilers of the MZK type, the furnace chamber is covered with a protective refractory intake, for the use of which must be systematically monitored. When adjusting the boiler and configuring automation, the air mode of the furnace is particularly carefully chosen in order to avoid the appearance of a chemical lack of delivery, since the presence of the latter leads to the deposition of soot on the heating surfaces, the cleaning of which is extremely difficult. Periodically, it is necessary to make a complete analysis of combustion products and follow the change in the temperature of the outgoing gases. Increasing the temperature of the outgoing gases after starting the boiler indicates the contamination of the heating surface.

Vertical water-tube boilers manufactured at present by industry have a horizontal or vertical orientation of the heating surfaces. From the old types of boilers of horizontal orientation in large numbers, the boilers of the DCVR Biyky Boiler Plant are operated. DCVR boilers were designed to burn solid fuel, but subsequently adapted for burning liquid and gaseous fuels.

Operating experience and examination of the DCVR boilers, produced by CCTI, showed that the main disadvantages in their work are: significant air supplies to the gas dawn of convective beams (in heavy intake AA k \u003d 0.4-F-0.9; and in a lightweight with metal trim Yes K \u003d 0,2-T-0.5) and especially in the gas duct of cast-iron water economizers; insufficient factory readiness; long installation time; Lower operating to. p. d. compared with the calculated one. Fuel facing due to air supplies is estimated from 2 to 7%. Therefore, during the operation of the DCVR boilers, it is necessary to systematically eliminate the looseness that appear at the insulation site of the upper drum.

When working on gas and fuel oil, part of the upper drum, located in the heat chamber, should be protected from radiation. Operating experience has shown that the protection of the drum by means of a torcrette is defined and is collapsed within one or two months. To protect the drum more

shaped refractory brick. The design of the fastening of refractory brick is shown in Fig. 4-3.

In connection with these shortcomings of boilers of type DCVR CCTs, together with the bicz for burning gas and fuel oil, developed gas-contained boilers type de, and for burning solid fuels based on CVR boilers - boiler aggregates of KE type. Boilers type de and ke are delivered in full factory readiness.

DE boilers have a number of structural features: the upper and lower drums of the same length; from convective

the beam, the coil chamber is separated by a gas-particle partition; The pipes of the partition and the right side screen covering also under and the ceiling of the furnace are introduced directly into the upper and lower drums; The ends of the rear and front screen pipes are welded to the upper and lower branches of the C-OB-different collectors; All the screens of the heat chamber and the partition separating the firebox from the convective gas station are made of pipes, between which the estimates are welded providing the necessary density; The winding of the boiler is made of plates that have a thickness of about 1 mm outside.

When operating a horizontal orientation boilers that have lower handing and top collectors, careful control over the state of the pipes of the heating of heating should be carried out, since they are less reliable to circulate a steaming emulsion. To increase the reliability of circulation in these boilers, the installation of recycling pipes is provided (for example, at the DKVR-20 boiler). Recycling referred to as low-heated pipes connecting the upper contour collector with the bottom.

During the operation of the boiler unit, there is a failure of individual heating surfaces. In this case, temporarily, before replacing the pipes, the plug is put. For boilers operating at a pressure of up to 1.27 MPa, it is recommended to use the plug shown in Fig. 4-4. The plug consists of two parts: a pipe cut from the pipe, and the bottom. The nozzle is rolled into the hole, and then from the side of the inner surface of the drum is welded or installed on the thread of the bottom. When welding, the penis is not allowed to warm the roller compound to avoid the violation of its density.

When starting and the operation of the DCVR boilers and Ke, it is necessary to follow the thermal expansion of the front ends of the side screens cameras and the rear bottom of the lower drum on which the references are usually installed.

The reliability of the boilers of the horizontal orientation largely depends on the mode of the trash. To reduce the time of the trash and reduce the difference in the temperature of the water in these boilers, use the water heating device in the lower drum. To do this, from working boilers through the supplying steam pipe to the lower drum, it is served before launching steam furnaces. It is recommended to heal water in the boiler to a temperature of 90-100 ° C. The steam heating of the lower drum is stopped when the pressure is reached in the boiler, equal to 0.75 pressure of the heating steam, and then the firebox is allowed, melting it with a fire heated. The rise of pressure on the horizontal orientation boilers, calculated for the pressure of 1.27 MPa, is carried out so that after 1.5 hours after the extracts, the pressure in the drum was 0.1 MPa, after another 2.5 h was 0.4-0.5 MPa and after 3 hours - 1.27 MPa.

Currently, the Belgorod Energy Engineering Plant (BZEM) produces many modifications of boiler aggregates of a vertical orientation with a capacity of up to 75 t / h with a pressure of 1.4-4.0 MPa. All vertical orientation boilers have a P-shaped layout of heating surfaces and solid shielding of the furnace chamber. Cottoaggers are quite reliable in operation and have high working capacity. The main disadvantage of boilers in operation are elevated cold air shocks into gas ducts from the furnace to the last surface of the heating (AA \u003d 0.25 ^ 0.35).

When burning solid fuels with high ash content, it is necessary to monitor the wear of the heating surface

boiler. Sola wear depends on the speed of combustion products and the concentration of ash and underlying. Especially dangerous, elevated local velocities and concentrations, which are observed in gas corridors between the walls of the gas and pipes, as well as in places of exploits of individual pipes and coils (impaired fasteners and the appearance of various gaps between pipes and coils for the passage of combustion products). The pipes located near looseness in gas partitions are also exposed to greater wear and in the combustion zone.

When operating any boiler aggregates, engineering and technical staff should pay special attention to the timely detection of damage to the heating surface of the heating surface. When it is formed in the pipes of the boiler, and especially the superheater, the steam and water coming out of them with a high speed, mixing with the ash, intensively destroy the adjacent pipes. The appearance of fistulas is dangerous and when combing fuel oil.

The looser in the pipes of the heating of the boiler, the steamer and the water economizer can be revealed for noise in the risks, a decrease in the water level in the boiler drum, the discrepancy of the steamometer's testimony and the water meter, the appearance of water in slag and alcohol bunkers. During the change, it is necessary to carry out the boiler bypass at least two times, viewing the condition of the heating surface, listening to the furnace, the gas pipe of the steamer, the gas ducts of the boiler and the water economizer.

The failure of pipes of the surface of the heating of steam boilers is also observed due to water circulation disorders. Therefore, in operation to increase the reliability of circulation, it is necessary to follow the maintenance of the correct combustion mode, to ensure uniform power of the boiler with water, not allow sharp vibrations of the steam pressure and the water level in the boiler drum, not allow the heating surface to be slapped, follow the purity of the inner surface of the pipes, control the density of purge reinforcement.

Under the correct combustion regime is understood as the absence of thermal distortions in the operation of the furnace and the first gas ducts of the boiler, as well as the blowing of the torch to the screens and thermionate Maintaining the optimal subtleties of dust and a good spray liquid fuel, a uniform distribution of fuel on the grille with layer burning.

It is necessary to increase the pressure in the boiler gradually, especially at low load of the boiler, since the heat pipe heat pipe increases with intensive forcing, and the steam arrangement increases much more slowly, for part of the heat is consumed to heighten the water to a higher temperature.

pattern of saturation corresponding to the increased pressure. The pressure lifting should be produced so that under reduced loads it grew approximately at a speed of 400 pa / s, and at the nominal - with a speed of 800 pa / s. With a sharp discharge of the load, immediately reduce the coaching of the furnace to avoid overheating of the screen pipes due to the deterioration of circulation.

When operating the reinforcement installed on the boiler, it is necessary to monitor its density, lack of a saving through flange connections or a gland seal, for ease of the spindle when opening and closing the valve. Especially quickly wear out valves and valves in operation are used to regulate water flow or steam. Before each start of the boiler unit, all installed fittings must be checked for ease by opening and closing it. When the boiler unit is running, the density of the reinforcement is checked by feeling the pipeline, which, with a closed position of the reinforcement, should be cold.

With an internal inspection of the boiler, engineering and technical staff should pay attention to the state of the following elements. In the drums inside the inner surfaces, welded and rivet seams, the ends of the spangled or welded pipes and fittings. Damage in the rivet seams of vertical water tube boilers occur mainly in the lower drums, in places of pairing of longitudinal and transverse rivet seams. Intercrystalline cracks can appear in the tube lattices of the drums, as well as in the fields of injection water, phosphates. The inner surface of the boiler may have corrosion wear, mainly in the places of nutrient water, weak water circulation and in the deposition places of the sludge.

When inspecting the pipes, the angular screen pipes, horizontal and low-charts of boiling pipes are checked. The most common defects of screen and boiling pipes are ring and longitudinal cracks, dewins, fistulas, local thinning of pipe walls and deformation of pipes due to scale deposits or circulation disorders.

Heated combustion products of the drums are inspected by heating places in which they can be formed. It is checked by a torch, protecting the drum from overheating. Fractional formation is possible in welds of drums and collectors.

The outer surface of the pipes is inspected from the furnace and gas ducts. Rales, foiling, deflection, pulling pipes from pipe lattices most often are in the first rows of pipes facing the furnace. In addition, wear is checked under the action of ash. Wear pipes are detected using special templates.

It is very important for industrial and water-heating boilers to carry out activities that prevent corrosion of the internal surfaces of heating when stopping for a short or long term. At the same time distinguish the following cases:

a) conservation for a period of less than three days (when the boiler is stopped without opening the drum) using steam from a continuous purge separator or from other boilers;

b) preservation for a period of more than three days (when the boiler is stopped without opening the drum) by connecting the boiler to the pipeline with a discharge condensate or nutrient water with a pressure of 0.3-0.5 MPa;

c) conservation for any period (when stopping the boiler with the opening of the drum) with the filling in the steamer condensate containing ammonia (ammonia concentration of 500 mg / kg).

1. These rules define the requirements for the device, manufacturing and operation of steam boilers, steamers and economizers with a working pressure of more than 0.7 kgf / cm2 and water boilers with water temperatures above 115 ° C.

2. To the boilers, which apply to the Action of these Rules include:

but) Steam boilers with a firebox;
b) Boilers - utilizers;
in) boilers boilers;
d) Water heating boilers with firebox.

3. The requirements of these rules do not apply to:

but) boilers and steam transmission steamers and heating boilers of railway rolling stock cars;
b) boilers, steam steampers and economizers installed on marine and river vessels and on other floating means;
in) atomic reactors;
d) Boilers with electrical heating.

Main definitions

1. A steam boiler is a device having a firebox heated by the products of the fuel combined in it and intended for obtaining steam with a pressure above atmospheric used outside the device itself.

2. The water boiler is a device having a firebox heated by the products of the fuel combed in it and intended for heating water under pressure above atmospheric and used as a coolant outside the device itself.

3. The recycler boiler - steam or water heating, in which hot gases of the technological process are used as a source of heat.

4. Boiler boiler - steam, in the steam space of which is placed a device for heating the water used outside the boiler itself, as well as a steam boiler, in the natural circulation of which is included a separate boiler.

5. Stationary boiler - installed on a fixed foundation.

6. Mobile boiler - having a running part or mounted on a mobile foundation.

7. Steamer - a device intended to increase the temperature of the steam above the saturation temperature corresponding to the pressure in the boiler.

8. Economizer is a device heated fuel combustion and intended for heating or partial evaporation of water entering the steam boiler. In the presence of a shut-off body on the pipeline between the boiler and the economizer, the latter is considered to be disconnected by water; In the presence of rubber gas and spikes to disable the economizer from the gas, the economizer is considered to be turned off by gas.

Responsibility for rules

1. These rules are mandatory for the execution by all officials, engineering and technical workers and workers who have a relation to design, manufacturing, installation, repair and operation of boilers, steamers and economizers.

2. Officials at enterprises, organizations, as well as engineering and technical workers of project and design institutions and organizations that are guilty of violating these Rules carrying personal responsibility regardless of whether it has led to a disorder or accident. They are also responsible for violations made by their subordinates.

3. Issuance by officials of the instructions or disposal, forcing those who subordinate to them to violate the rules of security and instructions, the unauthorized renewal of the works stopped by the Gosgortkhnadzor authorities or the technical inspection of trade unions, as well as the failure of measures to eliminate violations of the rules and instructions that are allowed by workers or other subordinate persons to them in Their presence is gross violations of these Rules. Depending on the nature of violations and their consequences, all these persons are responsible in disciplinary, administrative or judicial.

4. Workers are responsible for violating the requirements of these Rules or special instructions related to their work, in the manner prescribed by the regulations of the internal labor regulations of the enterprises and the Criminal Codes of the Union republics.

Production permit, passport and marking

1. Boilers, steamers, economizers and their elements should be made at enterprises with the permission of the local government of the Gosgortkhnadzor, in accordance with the "Instructions for the Supervision of Manufacturing Objects, Kotlonadzor".

2. The project and technical specifications for the manufacture of boilers, steamers and economizers should be agreed and approved in the manner prescribed by the Ministry (partition), which is subject to a project organization, the manufacturer of these facilities.

3. Any project changes, the need for which can occur in the manufacture, installation, repair or operation of boilers, steps, and economizers, must be coordinated with the organization that has implemented the project of these objects, and for boilers, steamers and economizers acquired abroad - with a specialized organization on boilers.

4. Each boiler, the steamer and the economizer should be supplied by the manufacturer with the customer with the passport of the installed form and the installation and operation instructions.

5. On the bottoms of the drum or on the hull of the boiler near the waterproof reinforcement, as well as on the ends or on the cylindrical part of the collectors and the chambers of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer should be applied by the following passport details: the manufacturer or its trademark; factory number of the product; Year of manufacture; calculated pressure; The estimated wall temperature and steel brand (only on the collectors of the steamers). In addition to the stamp, a metal plate with the above-mentioned passport data should be attached to the bottom of the drum or the boiler housing.

6. Boilers, steamers, economizers and their elements, as well as materials for the manufacture of this equipment purchased abroad, must meet the requirements and standards of these Rules. Retreats from these rules should be agreed with the State University of the USSR, before purchasing equipment or material abroad.

Armature, instrumentation and safety instruments

General requirements

1. To manage work and ensure normal operating conditions, boilers, steam steampers and economizers must be equipped with fittings, instrumentation and safety instruments available for observation and maintenance.

Safety valves

1. Each boiler over 100 kg / h should be equipped with no less than two safety valves, one of which must be control. On boilers, 100 kg / h overweight and less installation of one safety valve is allowed.

2. The total bandwidth of safety valves installed on the boiler should be at least a boiler performance.

3. If there is an unconnected steamer at the boiler, some of the safety valves with a bandwidth of at least 50% of the total bandwidth of all valves must be installed at the output collector of the steamer.

4. At unconquisitive steamers of locomotive boilers, a locomotive type, vertical with smokery pipes and other boilers, in which the temperature of gases wash the steamer, but can cause overheating of its elements, the installation of safety valves is not required.

5. The use of fuse valves of lever-cargo or spring (direct valves) or pulse (indirect action) is allowed. The auxiliary valve in pulse safety valves should be direct action with a diameter of at least 15 mm and is equipped with an electromagnetic drive.

6. On steam boilers with pressure above 39 kgf / cm2 (with the exception of utilizers and mobile boilers), only pulsed safety valves should be installed; On mobile boilers, the installation of lever-car valves is not allowed. The diameter of the lever-cargo and spring valves should be at least 20 mm. It is allowed to reduce the conditional passage of valves up to 15 mm for boilers with steam-capacity up to 0.2 t / h and pressure up to 8 kgf / cm2 under the condition of installing two valves.

7. The bandwidth of the safety valves must be confirmed by the corresponding tests of the head sample of the valve of this design, produced at the valve factory, and is indicated in the valve passport.

8. On steam boilers with a working pressure of more than 39 kgf / cm2, pulsed safety valves (indirect action) must be installed at the output manifold of an unconnected superheater or on a steam line to the main shut-off body, with drum boilers up to 50% of the valves for the total bandwidth, steam selection for The pulses should be made from the boiler borax. On block installations, in the case of placing valves on a steam line directly, the turbine is allowed for pulses of all valves to use superheated steam, and an additional electrical pulse from the contact pressure gauge connected to the boiler can be supplied for 50% of the valves.

9. In the energy units with intermediate overheating of the steam after the high pressure cylinder of the turbine (CVD), safety valves should be installed with a bandwidth of an equally maximum amount of steam entering the intermediate superheater. If there is a disconnecting reinforcement, additional safety valves must be installed. These valves are calculated on the total bandwidth of pipelines connecting the system of the intermediate steamer with high-pressure sources that are not protected by its safety valves at the input system in the system of intermediate overheating, as well as on possible steam tubes that may occur during damage to the high pressure and gas pipes. heat exchange devices for regulating the temperature of steam.

10. On direct-flow steam boilers, in which the first (along the course of water), part of the heating surface turns off during the extracts or stopping the boiler from the rest of the heating surface by locking authorities, the need for installation, the number and dimensions of the safety valves for the first part are determined by the boiler manufacturer.

11. On the hot water boilers it is necessary to install at least two safety valves, it is allowed to install one valve when the shut-off devices on the hot water line from the boiler to the expansion vessel are equipped with pipes with a diameter of at least 50 mm with the check valves mounted on them for passing water from the boiler to the expansion The vessel is connected to the atmosphere. On the direct-flow water heating boilers with chamber burning fuel equipped with an automatic device according to paragraph 4 of these Rules, the installation of safety valves is not required.

12. On a disconnected water, an economizer must be installed at least two safety valves with a diameter in the passage of at least 32 mm each. One valve is installed at the outlet of the water from the economizer to the locking organ (along the water), the other - at the entrance to the economizer after the shut-off (in the course of water). The calculation of safety valves installed on the economizer should be carried out by the formula for calculating safety valves for the water-heating boilers given in paragraph 21 of these Rules.

13. Safety valves should be installed on the nozzles attached directly to the boiler drum or to the steam room without intermediate shut-off. When there is a cross-sectional area on one nozzle of several safety valves, no less than 1.25 sum of the sections of all safety valves should be. Seaming steam from the nozzle on which one or more safety valves are located, is prohibited. For forwarding boilers, the installation of safety valves is allowed in any steam pipeline to the locking device.

14. In the design of the safety valves, the ability to verify their operational action in working condition by compulsory opening of the valve should be provided. Pulse safety valves should be equipped with a device that allows forced opening of the valve remotely from the place of the machine (Kochnar) of the boiler. If the force required to open valves will exceed 60 kgf, the valves must be equipped with appropriate fixtures for their lifting.

15. Safety valves must have protective devices (tap tubes) that protect the service personnel from burns when triggered, and the control valves, in addition, should have signaling devices (for example, a whistle) if the output of the environment is not heard from the workplace of the driver (stir) boiler. The medium coming out of safety valves should be discharged beyond the space; The removal should not be created for the protrusion valve; Distribution pipes must be equipped with a device for draining the condensate accumulating in them.

16. The drainage pipe from the fuse valves of the economizer must be attached to the free drainage of water, and there should be no shut-off on it and on the drain line; The device of the system of drainage pipes and lines of free drain should exclude the possibility of burning people.

17. Pulse safety valves (indirect valve) must have a device that prevents the ability to shock when they are opening and closed. On the auxiliary valves, this requirement does not apply.

18. The design of spring valves should exclude the possibility of a spring tightening over the established value. Valve springs must be protected from direct exposure to a steam jet.

19. Safety valves must protect boilers and steam steampers from exceeding pressure in them by more than 10% of the calculated (allowed). Exceeding the pressure with full opening of safety valves higher than 10% of the calculated can be allowed only if, when calculating the strength of the boiler and the steamer, a possible increase in pressure is taken into account.

20. The amount of steam that can skip the safety valve at full opening is determined by the following formulas:

but) for pressure from 0.7 to 120 kgf / cm2; saturated steam

where GN.P, GP and G is the bandwidth of the valve, kg / h; a - steam consumption coefficient taken equal to 90% value determined when testing head samples of valves of this design produced by the manufacturer; F is the smallest area of \u200b\u200bfree cross section in the flow part of the valve, mm2; P1 is the maximum overpressure in front of a safety valve that must be no more than 1.1 computational pressure, kgf / cm2; VN.P - specific volume of saturated steam in front of a safety valve, m3 / kg; VP.P - Specific volume of superheated steam in front of a safety valve, m3 / kg; V is a specific amount of steam (saturated or superheated in front of the safety valve), m3 / kg.

Formulas (1), (2) and (3) can be used under conditions for a saturated pair, if

where P2 is an overpressure behind the safety valve in the space in which pair from the valve (in case of expiry into the atmosphere P2 \u003d 0), kgf / cm2.

21. The number and diameter of the passage of safety valves installed on hot water boilers is determined by the formula

where n is the number of safety valves; d - the diameter of the valve seat in the light, see; h - the lifting height of the valve, see; K - empirical coefficient is accepted equal: for low lifting valves (H / D<= 1/20) K=135; для полноподъемных клапанов (h/d >\u003d 1/4) k \u003d 70; Q - maximum heat output of the boiler, kcal / h; P is the absolute maximum allowable pressure in the boiler with full opening of the valve, kgf / cm2; i is the heat-containing of a saturated pair with the maximum allowable pressure in the boiler, kcal / kg; TVC - water temperature in the boiler, ° C.

22. Safety valves on steam boilers and steamers must be adjusted to the pressure not exceeding the values \u200b\u200bin the table.

When adjusting the valves of the direct action mounted on the drum, and the pulse valves with the selection of the pulse from the drum for the working pressure takes pressure in the boiler drum. When adjusting the valves of the direct action mounted on the output collector of the steamer, and the pulse valves with the selection of pulses for the operating pressure for the working pressure, the pressure in the output collector of the steamer (steam pipeline) is taken. If two safety valves are installed on the boiler, the direct action safety valve mounted on the opening conductor output manifold, or a pulse valve with a pulse selection for a steamer must be control. The control valve must have a device that does not allow the service personnel to adjust the valve, but not preventing the status check. On the boilers of energy trains in the absence of automation of pressure control of the superheated pair, the safety valve installed after the superheater is considered to be a work valve.

23. Safety valves of the disconnected water economizer must be adjusted to the beginning of the opening of water input to the economizer at a pressure greater than the working pressure in the boiler by 25%, and from the outlet of the water from the economizer - exceeding 10%. Safety valves of water boilers must be adjusted to the beginning of the opening at a pressure of no more than 1.08 working pressure in the boiler.

24. The safety valve must be supplied to the customer with a passport, which includes the characteristic of its bandwidth.

Water level pointers

1. At each newly manufactured steam boiler for permanent monitoring of the position of water level in the drum, at least two water appliances direct action should be installed. Waterproof devices can not be installed on direct-flow and other boilers, the design of which does not require control over the position of the water level.

2. In boilers, steam producers are less than 0.7 t / h, as well as the steam-type boilers and locomotive, the replacement of one of the water circuits with two trial cranes or valves allowing their cleaning to directly. Installing the lower crane or valve should be made at the lowest level, and the upper - at the level of the highest allowed water level in the boiler. The inner diameter of the test crane or valve must be at least 8 mm.

3. The waterproofing device of direct action must be designed so that it can be replaced with the glass and the case during the operation of the boiler.

4. If the distance from the site, with which the water level is monitored in the steam boiler, to the waterproof devices of direct action more than 6 m, as well as in cases of poor visibility of the instruments, two reliably existing reduced remote indicators of the water level with tariated scales should be installed to which There are lower and higher levels of water along the waterproof device installed on the same boiler. In this case, on the boiler drums, it is allowed to install one water appliance device direct action. Reduced or remote indicators of the water level should be attached to the boiler drum on separate fittings, regardless of the upper water appliances and have sedative devices.

5. On the drums of boilers with stepped evaporation, according to which the water level is monitored, should be installed at least one water supply in each pure and each saline compartment, and on the other drums - one water supply in each pure compartment. In the case of a saline compartment device with independent separators, the installation of water appliances on separators is not required.

6. At boilers with several upper consistently included drums, at least two waterproof devices should be installed on the drum, according to which there is a constant monitoring of the water level, and one water supply to the remaining drums filled with water and steam.

7. If there is a steam boiler with several upper drums included in parallel circulation systems, i.e. The coupled and pair, on each drum should be installed at least one water supply.

8. In the boilers of the locomotive type, energy trains, direct action pointers in the presence of columns are installed: one on the column, the other on the windshield sheet of the boiler. In the absence of columns, it is allowed to install one level pointer and three-piece cranes.

9. The waterproofing devices of direct action should be installed in a vertical plane or with a tilt ahead at an angle of no more than 30 ° and should be located and illuminated so that the water level is clearly visible from the workplace of the driver (Kurchar).

10. Water-heating boilers should have a test crane mounted in the upper part of the boiler drum, and in the absence of a drum - at the outlet of water from the boiler to the main pipeline to the locking device.

11. On waterproof devices against the allowed low water level in the boiler, a fixed metal pointer should be installed with the inscription "Lower level". This level should be at least 25 mm higher than the lower visible edge of the transparent plate (glass). Similarly, the indicator of the highest permissible water level in the boiler should also be installed, which should be located at least 25 mm below the upper visible edge of the transparent plate of the water circuit.

12. When installing water appliances consisting of several separate waterproof glasses, the latter must be placed so that they continuously show the water level in the boiler.

13. Each waterproof device or trial crane should be installed on the boiler drum separately from each other. The installation of two waterproof devices on the coupling pipe (column) with a diameter of at least 70 mm is allowed. When connecting water appliances with a boiler with pipes up to 500 mm long, the inner diameter of these pipes should be at least 25 mm, and with a length of more than 500 mm, the diameter should be at least 50 mm. Pipes connecting water appliances with a boiler should be available for internal cleaning. Installation of intermediate flanges and shut-off authorities are not allowed. The configuration of pipes connecting the water supply device with the boiler drum should exclude the possibility of formation of water bags in them.

14. Pipes connecting water circuits with a drum (housing) of the boiler should be protected from freezing.

15. In the direction of the direct action level of steam boilers, only flat transparent plates (glasses) should be used. At the same time, for boilers with a working pressure of up to 39 kgf / cm2, the use of corrugated glasses and glasses having a smooth surface on both sides are allowed. For boilers with a working pressure of more than 39 kgf / cm2, smooth glasses should be applied with a mica gasket that protects the glass from the immediate effects of water and steam, or the head of the mica plates. The use of observation plates without protection of their mica is allowed if their material is resistant to the corrosion exposure to it water and steam at appropriate temperature and pressure.

16. Waterproof devices must be equipped with shut-off valves (valves or valves) to disconnect them from the boiler and purge reinforcement. To drain the water in the purge of water appliances, funnels with a protective device and a vents for free drain should be. At a pressure of more than 45 kgf / cm2, two shut-off to disconnect from the boiler should be installed on water instruments. The use of cork cranes as shut-off authorities is allowed in this case only for boilers with a working pressure of up to 13 kgf / cm2.


1. On each steam boiler, a pressure gauge should be installed, showing steam pressure. On boilers, stealing capacity of more than 10 t / h and water-heating boilers with heat production capacity of more than 5 Gcal / h is required to install a registering pressure gauge. The pressure gauge must be installed on the boiler drum, and if the boiler has a superheater - and behind the steamer, to the main valve. On the direct-flow boilers, the pressure gauge must be installed behind the superheater before the locking authority. Installation of a pressure gauge on steam-barrier, locomotive, winter-tube boilers and vertical type boilers is not required.

2. Each steam boiler should have a pressure gauge on the nutritional line in front of the body regulating the power supply to water. If several boilers are installed in the boiler room less than 2 t / h each, it is allowed to install one pressure gauge on a common nutrient line.

3. When using a water supply network instead of the second nutrient pump in the immediate vicinity of the boiler, a pressure gauge must be installed on this water supply network.

4. On a disconnected water economizer, the pressure gauges must be installed at the inlet of water to the locking organ and the safety valve and at the outlet of the water to the locking organ and the safety valve. If there are pressure gauges on common nutrients to economizers, installing them at the input of water into each economizer is not required.

5. On the hot water boilers, the pressure gauges are installed: at the inlet of water into the boiler and at the outlet of the heated water from the boiler to the locking organ, on the suction and discharge lines of circulation pumps with the location at one level in height, as well as on the power supply lines or to feed the heat seafood.

6. Manometers installed on boilers, steamers, economizers and nutritional lines, should be accuracy class not lower:

2.5 - for operating pressure up to 23 kgf / cm2;

1.6 - for the operating pressure above 23, to 140 kgf / cm2 inclusive;

1.0 - for the operating pressure of over 140 kgf / cm2.

7. The pressure gauge should be with such a scale so that at the operating pressure of the arrow of it in the middle third of the scale.

8. On the scale of the pressure gauge, a red feature should be applied on a division, corresponding to the highest permissible working pressure in the boiler, and for reduced pressure gauges - taking into account the added pressure from the weight (mass) of the fluid column. In return, the red feature is allowed to attach a metal plate painted in a manometer, painted in red and tightly adjacent to the glass gauge.

9. The pressure gauge must be installed so that its testimony is clearly visible to the service personnel, while it should be in a vertical plane or tilt forward to 30 ° C. The nominal diameter of the pressure gauges installed at an altitude of up to 2 m on the level of the observation site of the pressure gauge must be at least 100 mm, at a height of 2 to 5 m - at least 150 mm and at an altitude of more than 5 m - at least 250 mm.

10. A connecting siphon tube with a diameter of at least 10 mm with a three-way crane or a similar device with a hydraulic shutter should be between the pressure gauge and the steam boiler. On boilers with a pressure above 39 kgf / cm2, with the exception of power boilers, instead of a three-way crane on a siphon tube, valves must be installed, allowing you to disconnect the pressure gauge from the boiler, to inform it with the atmosphere and blow the siphon tubes.

11. Pressure gauges are not allowed to use in cases where:

but) The pressure gauge does not have a seal or stamp with a check mark;

b) expired test validity of the pressure gauge;

in) The pressure gauge arrow when it is turned off, it does not return to the zero indication of the scale by a value greater than half the permissible error for this pressure gauge;

d) The glass is broken or other damage to the pressure gauge, which can affect the correctness of its testimony.

Devices for measuring the temperature of steam, water and liquid fuel

1. In the superheated steam steam pipelines on the plot from the boiler to the main vapor valve must be installed devices for measuring the temperature of the superheated steam. For boilers with natural circulation with steam-capacity over 20 t / h, and for direct-flow boilers, steam-capacity more than 1 t / h, in addition, the installation of a device that registers the temperature of steam is required.

2. On steam-parallers with multiple parallel sections, in addition to the instruments for measuring the temperature of steam, installed on the total steaming steam steamings, instruments must be installed for the periodic temperature measurement of the outlet from each section, and for boilers with a pair temperature above 500 ° C - at the output part Steamer coils, on one thermocouple (sensor) for each meter of the width of the gas plant. For boilers steam-performance more than 400 t / h, the steam temperature measurement instruments at the output part of the steamer coils should be continuous with the recording device.

3. In the presence of an intermediate superheater at the output, devices must be installed to measure the pair temperature in accordance with Art. 2.

4. If there is a steamer on the boiler to regulate the overheating temperature of steam to the vaporoolel, and after it must be installed instruments for measuring steam temperature.

5. At the entrance of water to the economizer and outlet of it, as well as on nutritional pipelines of steam boilers without an economizer, sleeves should be installed to be able to measure the temperature of nutrient water.

6. At hot water boilers, the water temperature measuring instruments must be installed at the inlet of water into the boiler and at the output of it. At the outlet of the hot water, the device must be located between the boiler and the locking authority. The boiler has a heat output of more than 1 gkal / h, the temperature measuring the temperature mounted at the outlet of the water from the boiler must be registering.

7. When the boilers on the liquid fuel on the fuel line in the immediate vicinity of the boiler should be set a thermometer to measure the temperature of the fuel in front of the nozzles.

Armature of the boiler and its pipelines

1. The armature, installed on the boiler or pipelines, should have a clear marking in which it should be indicated:

a) the name or trademark of the manufacturer; b) conditional passage; c) conditional pressure or operating pressure and temperature of the medium; d) Direction of the flow of the medium.

2. Armature with a conditional passage over 20 mm made from alloy steel must have a passport (certificate), which indicates the grades of materials used for the manufacture of basic parts (housings, covers, fasteners), conditional passage, conditional pressure or working pressure and temperature medium.

3. On flywheels of reinforcements should be marked signs indicating the direction of rotation when opening and closing the valve.

4. On all pipelines of boilers, steamers and economizers, the addition of reinforcement should be performed on flanges or with welding. In the boilers, the operation of no more than 1 t / h is allowed to attach the reinforcement on the thread with a conditional passage of no more than 25 mm and the operating pressure of the saturated steam not higher than 8 kgf / cm2.

5. Between the boiler and accessible steps or turbine, a locking valve or a valve should be installed. If there is a superheater, the shut-off valve must be installed for the steamer. If necessary, the installation of the return valve is allowed between the shut-off reinforcement, which prevents the admission of steam into the boiler in the boiler in the boiler room. On the velocity steam generators (PPU) vehicle installation of the check valve is required. At boilers with a pressure of more than 39 kgf / cm2 on each pipeline from the boiler to a common boiler vehicle or to the retaining valve of the turbine, at least two locking organs must be installed with a device between them with a passage with a passage of at least 20 mm communicating with the atmosphere. On monoblock steps (boiler turbine), the locking reinforcement behind the boiler can be not established, provided that the need for it is not caused by the scheme of the extracts, stop or adjusting the boiler operation.

6. If there is an intermediate superheater in the inlet and outlet of it, the pair should be installed on one stop valve. Monoblocks have the installation of valves is not required. If the steam turbines are sent to the intermediate superiments of two or more boilers, then at the entrance to the intermediate superheater of each boiler, except for the shut-off valve, a control body must be installed for proportional to the pair of steam steam steamers of individual boilers.

7. Shut-off authorities on steam pipelines should be located as close to the boiler (superheater). For direct-flow boilers, as well as for monoblocks and double-blocks (two boiler turbines) with drum boilers, the installation of shut-off reinforcement is allowed anywhere in the steam pipeline connecting the boiler with a shared boiler bag or with a locking valve of the turbine.

8. Each boiler has 4 t / h overlap and more control of the main shipping authority from the workplace of the driver (Kochghar) of the boiler.

9. A shut-off valve or a valve and a check valve should be installed on the nutritional pipeline, which prevents the output of the water from the boiler to the nutrient pipeline. On boilers with pressure up to 39 kgf / cm2, the shut-off body is set between the boiler and the check valve. In steam boilers with centralized food on each nutritional pipeline, at least two locking valves or valves, between which the drainage device should be with a passage of at least 20 mm, connected to the atmosphere, should be installed in the use of inflaming reinforcement. If the boiler has no economizer-disconnected economizer, then the locking body and the check valve are installed on the nutrient pipelines before the economizer. The economizer disconnected by water, the shut-off body and the check valve must also be installed at the outlet of the water from the economize.

10. In the nutrient lines of each steam boiler, control valves (valves, valves) must be installed. When automatically adjusting the boiler nutrition, there must be a remote drive to control the adjusting feed reinforcement from the workplace of the driver (stir) of the boiler.

11. When installing several nutrient pumps with common suction and injection pipelines, each pump on the suction side and shut-off valves must be installed. On the pressure pipe of each centrifugal pump to the locking authority the check valve must be installed.

12. On the nutritional pipeline between the piston pump (which has no safety valve) and a locking body, a safety valve must be installed, eliminating the possibility of exceeding the calculated pressure of the nutrient pipeline. The inner diameter of the attached pipeline (nozzle) to the safety valve should be at least 1/3 of the inner diameter of the nutrient pipeline and at least 25 mm.

13. The nutritional pipeline should have air to release air from the upper points of the pipeline and drainage to drain the water from the lower pipes.

14. Each boiler (steamer, economizer) must have pipelines for:

a) blowing the boiler and draining the water when stopping the boiler; b) removal of air from the boiler during the cross; c) removal of condensate from steam pipelines; d) sampling of water and steam and input additives in boiler water; e) release of overheated steam from drum boilers and water or steam from straight-flow boilers during trash or stop.

For boilers with a capacity of not more than 1 t / h, the installation of the pipelines specified in the points "b" and "g" is not required.

15. The purge and drain pipeline system should provide the ability to remove water and precipitation from the lowest parts of the boiler (steamer, economizer). The conditional passage of drain pipelines must be at least 50 mm. For water-tube boilers that do not have lower drums, the conditional passage of drain pipes connected to the lower chambers must be at least 20 mm. For boilers with pressure above 60 kgf / cm2, it is necessary to install two locking organs on each drain pipeline. Shut-off authorities must be installed as close as possible to the drum or camera. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe pipeline between the boiler and the locking body, there should be no detachable compounds, except for the flange, necessary for the connections of this pipeline with a boiler or a shock body.

16. On boilers with a pressure of 39 kg / cm2 and more must be managed from the workplace of the machine boiler device for resetting water from the top drum in case of dangerous overflow of it above the upper permissible level. This device should exclude the possibility of draining water below the lowest allowable level.

17. Pulling pipelines must be joined at the lowest points of the respective drums, chambers and boilers. At boilers with a pressure of more than 8 kgf / cm2, two locking organs should be installed on each purge line or one shut-off and one regulating. At boilers with a pressure of more than 100 kgf / cm2 on these pipelines, in addition, it is allowed to install throttle washers. To clean the chambers of the steamers, the installation of one locking authority is allowed. The conditional passage of purge pipelines and the valves installed on them should be at least 20 mm for boilers by pressure up to 140 kgf / cm2 and at least 10 mm for boilers with a pressure of 140 kgf / cm2 or more.

18. Each boiler for periodic purge should have an independent purge line connected to a common highway aimed at the atmosphere or to a purge tank working without pressure. The use of a purge tank operating under pressure is allowed, provided that the tank will be equipped with no less than two safety valves. Devices for continuous blowing of the boiler and purging steam collectors (cameras) must have separate purge lines. Installation of shut-off valves on common blowing or drain highways is prohibited. It is allowed to install an additional locking organ on a common drain or purge line that combines several drain or purge lines of one boiler. The device of purge and drain lines should exclude the possibility of burning people.

19. In drain and purge pipelines, the use of cast-iron fittings (with the exception of the forging cast iron), shaped parts, as well as cork pulp, gas welded and cast-iron pipes are not allowed.

20. In places of possible accumulation of air in the boiler and the economizer, devices must be installed to remove it. If you can remove the air accumulating in the economizer through the drainage pipes, the installation of the air removal device is not required. On the pair selection pipe, the installation of the air device is not allowed.

21. In all parts of the steering pipe, which can be disabled by shut-off authorities, drainages must be arranged, providing condensate removal. On each drainage pipeline, a locking organ must be installed, and at a pressure of more than 8 kgf / cm2 - two shut-off organs or one stop and one control valve. At boilers with a pressure of more than 100 kgf / cm2, except for shut-off authorities, it is allowed to install throttle washers.

22. Each hot water boiler connected to the total hot water highway, on the supply and discharge pipelines should be installed on one shut-off (valve or valve).

23. The water boiler in the top of the drum must have a device for removing air when filling the boiler (system) with water.

24. On water-heating boilers with forced circulation to prevent a sharp increase in pressure and water temperature in the boiler during a random stop of circulation pumps, on a pipeline or a hot water removal manifold from a boiler to shut-off reinforcement, a burst with an inner diameter of at least 50 mm with a locking valve should be installed ( Limit) for removal of water in the drain. On the boilers with a capacity of 4 Gcal / h and more installation of the destrument is not required.

Security devices

1. Boilers steam-performance 0.7 t / h and higher with chamber burning of fuel should be equipped with devices that automatically stop the fuel supply to the burners while reducing the water level below the allowable limit.

2. Steam and water-heating boilers operating on gaseous fuel when air supplying air from blowing fans must be equipped with devices that automatically stop the supply of gas in the burner when the air pressure drops below the permissible.

3. Water heating boilers with multiple circulation and chamber burning of fuel should be equipped with devices automatically stopping the fuel supply to the burners, and with a layer burning of fuel - devices that disconnect the drums when the water pressure decreases in the system to the value at which the danger of hydraulic blows is created, and Increase water temperature above installed.

4. Direct-flowing water heating boilers with chamber combustion of fuel should be equipped with automatic devices that stop supplying fuel into the fuel furnace, and with a layer burning of fuel - disconnecting the drums and fuel feeding machines of the furnace in cases:

a) increase the water pressure in the output manifold of the boiler to 1.05 calculated pressure on the strength of the pipeline of the heat seafood and the actual boiler: b) lowering the water pressure in the output manifold of the boiler to a value corresponding to the saturation pressure at the maximum operating temperature of water at the outlet of the boiler; c) increase water temperature at the outlet of the boiler to a value of 20 ° C below the saturation temperature corresponding to the water pressure in the output manifold of the boiler; d) Reducing the consumption of water through the boiler, in which the weathering of water to boiling at the outlet of the boiler at maximum load and operating pressure in the output manifold reaches 20 ° C.

The definition of this consumption should be determined by the formula

where Gmin is the minimum allowable water consumption through the boiler, kg / h; Qmax - maximum heat output of the boiler, kcal / h; TS - boiling point of water at operating pressure at the outlet of the boiler, ° C; TVC - water temperature at the entrance to the boiler, ° C.

In order to avoid boiling water, the average speed of it in separate heated radiation from the pipes of the pipes should be at least 1 m / s.

5. On boilers, steam-performance 0.7 t / h and above must be installed automatically active sound alarms of the upper and lower limit positions of water levels.

6. Boilers steam-capacity 2 t / h and more must be equipped with automatic power regulators; This requirement does not apply to boilers boilers who have the selection of steam to the side, in addition to the boiler, does not exceed 2 t / h.

7. Boilers with steam overheating temperature above 400 ° C must be equipped with automatic temperature controllers overheated steam. In cases where it is possible to increase the temperature of the walls of the intermediate superheater pipes over a valid value, it must be equipped with a protective device that prevents such an increase in steam temperature.

8. Safety devices must be protected from affecting them who are not related to their maintenance and repair, and have devices to verify the serviceability of their action.

Water mode of boilers

General requirements

1. The choice of a method for processing water to feed boilers should be made by a specialized (design, applied) organization.

2. Water mode should ensure the operation of the boiler and the nutrient path without damaging their elements due to the deposits of scale and sludge, excess of the relative alkalinity of boiler water to hazardous limits or as a result of metal corrosion, as well as to ensure a pair of proper quality. All boilers steam-performance 0.7 t / h and more must be equipped with installations for water treatment. It is also allowed to apply other effective ways of water treatment that guarantee the fulfillment of the requirements of this article.

3. For boilers with steam-performance of 0.7 t / h and more taking into account their design, the specialized (adjusting) organization should develop instructions (regime cards) approved by the administration of the enterprise, indicating the procedure for the production of boiler and nutritious water analyzes, nutritious and boiler water quality rates, The modes of continuous and periodic purge, the order of maintenance of equipment on water treatment, the timing of stopping the boiler for cleaning and flushing and the order of inspection of the stopped boilers. In the necessary cases, the aggressiveness of boiler water should be inspected.

4. In the boiler room there must be a magazine (statement) on water treatment for records of water test results, performing the modes of blowing boilers and operations for the maintenance of water treatment equipment. At each stopping of the boiler for cleaning the inner surfaces of its elements in the water treatment journal, the type and thickness of the scale and the sludge must be recorded, the presence of corrosion, as well as signs of looser (walling, outer salts) in rivet and rolling connections.

5. At boilers, a steam-capacity of less than 0.7 t / h period between cleaning should be such that the thickness of the deposits on the highest-pressure sections of the boiler heating surface at the time of its cleaning stop did not exceed 0.5 mm.

6. On the backup lines of raw water attached to the lines of the softened nutrient water or condensate, and two locking organs and the control faucet between them should be installed on the nutrient tanks. Shut-off authorities must be in a closed position and be seated, the control crane is open. Each case of raw water should be recorded in a water preparation log.

Nutritional Requirements

1. The quality of nutrient water for boilers with natural circulation with a steam-capacity of 0.7 t / h and above with a working pressure of up to 39 kgf / cm2 must comply with the following standards:

but) Overall rigidity (no more):

for gas-pipe and winter-tube boilers working on solid fuel - 500 μg-eq / kg;

for gas-pipe and winter-tube boilers working on gaseous or liquid fuel - 30 μg-eq / kg;

for water-tube boilers with a working pressure of up to 13 kgf / cm2 - 20 μg-eq / kg;

for water-tube boilers with a working pressure above 13 to 39 kgf / cm2 - 15 μg-eq / kg;

b) The content of dissolved oxygen (no more): for boilers with a working pressure of up to 39 kgf / cm2 and steam-capacity 2 t / h and more, not having economizers, and boilers with cast-iron economizers - 100 μg / kg; for boilers with a working pressure up to 39 kgf / cm2 and 2 t / h steam-capacity and more with steel economizers - 30 μg / kg;

in) Oil content (no more):

for boilers with a working pressure up to 13 kgf / cm2 - 5 mg / kg;

for boilers with a working pressure above 13 kgf / cm2 to 39 kgf / cm2 - 3 mg / kg.

2. The quality of nutrient water for steam boilers with natural circulation with a working pressure of more than 39 kgf / cm2, as well as for direct-flow boilers, regardless of pressure, the requirements of the technical operation of electric stations and networks should satisfy the requirements of the technical operation of electrical stations and networks.

3. Colebeling rates and alkalinity of boiler water are installed on the basis of the appropriate tests. The relative alkalinity of boiler water for steam boilers should not exceed 20%. In steam boilers with welded drums, an increase in the relative alkalinity of boiler water can be made on the permissible norm under the condition of adoption of measures to prevent intercrystalline metal corrosion.

4. The quality of feeding water for water boilers must comply with the following standards:

a) carbonate rigidity - no more than 700 μg-eq / kg; b) the content of dissolved oxygen - no more than 50 μg / kg; c) the content of suspended substances - no more than 5 mg / kg; d) the content of free carbon dioxide is not allowed; e) pH indicator at least 7.

Nutritional devices

General requirements

1. To feed the boiler with water, the following nutrients are allowed;

but) centrifugal and piston pumps with electric drive;

b) piston and centrifugal pumps with steam drive; c) steam injectors; d) hand-driven pumps.

2. On the case of each nutritional pump and the injector, a plate with the following data should be attached:

a) the name of the manufacturer; b) year of manufacture and factory number; c) nominal feed at rated water temperature in m3 / h (l / min); d) the number of revolutions per minute for centrifugal pumps or the number of moves per minute of piston pumps; e) maximum pressure at rated feed, water. Art. (kgf / cm2); e) Rated water temperature before pump, ° C.

In the absence of a factory passport, a pump must be carried out to determine its feed and pressure. Such a test should be carried out after each pump overhaul.

3. The pump head must be selected taking into account the supply of boiler with water at a pressure corresponding to the full opening of working safety valves mounted on a steam boiler, as well as taking into account the pressure loss in the pressure network.

4. To power boilers with a working pressure of no more than 4 kgf / cm2 and steam-capacity of no more than 1 t / h, the use of water supply as a backup power supply, if the water pressure in the last directly at the boiler exceeds the allowed pressure in the boiler at least 1.5 kgf / cm2.

5. For boilers with a working pressure of no more than 4 kgf / cm2 and steam-capacity not more than 150 kg / h with periodic power, the use of manual nutritional pumps is allowed.

6. Food of steam boilers with different operating pressures should be carried out from independent nutrient devices. It is allowed to power such boilers from a single nutrient device if the difference in working pressures of boilers does not exceed 15%. Nutritional pumps connected to the general highway must have characteristics that allow parallel operation of pumps.

7. As nutrient devices, instead of steam drive pumps, the use of injectors in the same quantity and the same performance are allowed.

8. In block installations (turbine boiler or two boiler turbines) food boilers must be individual for each block.

9. Each direct-flow boiler must have an independent nutrient device (with an electric or steam drive), independent of the nutrients of the boilers of other structures.

10. When using nutrient pumps, only with steam drive should be an additional nutrient device for powering a steam boiler during its extracts or a steam supply to a steam drive from the side.

11. When using pumps, only an electrically driven should be provided with automatic switching from one independent power supply to another.

Number and productivity of nutrients

1. The number and supply of electric pump pumps to power the steam boilers of stationary power plants are selected with such a calculation so that in the event of a stop of any of the pumps, the remaining operations provided all working boilers (without a backup boiler) at nominal vapor performance, taking into account water consumption for purging and other losses. In addition to the specified nutritional pumps, backup power pumps with steam drive must be installed:

but) on power plants not included in the total power system or not related parallel work on another, permanently operating power plant; b) to power steam boilers with chamber burning fuel, in which drums are heated with hot gases; c) to power steam boilers with fuel layer burning.

The total supply of backup nutrition pumps should provide at least 50% of the nominal vapor capacity of all workers. It is allowed as the main constantly working nutritional devices, the use of steam drive pumps, and the installation of backup pumps is not required. The amount and supply of pumps for the power of the direct-flow boilers with steam-performance 450 t / h and more on the core parameters are selected with such a calculation so that in the case of stopping the most powerful pump, the remaining, including the backup pump, ensured the operation of the boiler with a steam-capacity of at least 50% nominal.

2. For the power of steam boilers (with the exception of boilers of power plants and energy trains), at least two powered powers, of which one or more should be with a steam drive, should be set. The total supply of electric pump pumps should be at least 110%, and with steam drive - at least 50% of the nominal vapor capacity of all boilers. It is allowed to install all nutritional pumps with a steam actuator, and if there are two or more independent power supplies, only electricity. Pumps for steam boilers with a pressure of no more than 4 kgf / cm2 can only be with an electric power supply with a single power supply. In these cases, the quantity and supply of pumps are chosen with such a calculation so that when stopping the most powerful pump, the total feed supply of the remaining pumps was at least 110% of the nominal vapor produce of all workers boilers. The work of boilers with steam-capacity is not more than 1 t / h with a power pump with an electric drive, if the boilers are equipped with an automatic security device that excludes the possibility of lowering the water level and increase the pressure above the allowable.

3. To power boiler boilers in the absence of steam selection, in addition to the boiler, at least two pumps with a total feed of at least 50% of the steam output of the most powerful boiler must be installed. In the presence of pair selection, in addition to the boiler, the total pump feed must be increased taking into account the actual selection of steam.

4. At least two pumps should be installed to feed the hot water boilers with natural circulation, and at least two pumps for feeding and at least two circulation pumps should be installed with forced circulation. The pressure and supply of pumps must be chosen with such a calculation so that when the most powerful pump can be able to provide the remaining operation of the boilers (systems). Pumps for the water-heating boiler with heat production capacity of 4 Gcal / h and more must have two independent power sources of the electric drive. To feed the hot water boilers, instead of one of the total pumps, the use of water supply is allowed if the pressure in the plumbing directly at the site of connecting it to the boiler or the system exceeds the sum of the static and dynamic headproof system at least 1.5 kgf / cm2.

5. The pressure created by circulating and feed pumps must exclude the possibility of boiling water in the boiler and the system.

6. The number and supply of nutritional pumps to power the steam boilers of energy trains must comply with the following standards:

but) With individual power, each boiler is installed one working pump with steam or electrical drive and one backup vapor pump. The supply of each pump should be at least 120% of the nominal overpassing of the boiler;

b) With centralized nutrition, the boilers must be installed two pumps with steam or electrical drive and the feeding of each at least 120% of the total nominal vapor produce of all workers boilers. In addition, each boiler must have one backup steam pump with a supply of at least 120% of the nominal vapor capacity of this boiler.

7. At the location of the nutritional devices outside the boiler room, a direct telephone or other connection between the machine (fireborne) and the staff serving the nutrient devices must be installed.

8. The nutrient pipe must be designed for the maximum pressure created by the pumps connected to it. Food boilers with steam-capacity 4 t / h and more than a layered fuel combustion, and with any other method of burning fuel in the presence of drums heated by hot gases, it should be carried out in two nutrient pipelines independent of each other. One nutritional line between the power regulator and the boiler is allowed. The throughput of each nutrient and suction pipe should provide nominal vatabilities of the boiler, taking into account the flow of water to purge.

Rooms for boilers

General requirements

1. Stationary boilers should be installed in separate buildings (boiler room closed). It is allowed to install boilers in boiler rooms:

a) semi-open type - in areas with the calculated temperature of the outer air below minus 20 ° C to minus 30 ° C; b) open type - in areas with the calculated temperature of the outer air from minus 20 ° C and above.

In areas of dust storms and abundant precipitation, regardless of the calculated temperature of the outer air, the boilers should be placed in the boiler room closed type. Boilers - utilizers and steel straight-type water-type boilers can be installed in open-type boilers in areas with the calculated temperature of the outer air not lower than minus 35 ° C. When placing boilers in boiler houses of a semi-open and open type, measures should be taken against the effects of atmospheric precipitation on the cutting of boilers, the freezing of water in pipelines, reinforcement and elements of boilers during their work and stop. All measuring instruments, controlled and control devices for boilers, nutrients, water treatment equipment (with the exception of deaerators) and workplaces of service personnel must be in warm rooms. Boilers must be fenced from tolerance of unauthorized persons.

Note. The calculated temperature of the outer air is considered the average temperature of the coldest five days of the year in the area of \u200b\u200bfinding the boiler room.

2. Boiler rooms should not be adjusted to residential buildings and public premises (theaters, clubs, hospitals, children's institutions, educational institutions, changing rooms and soap premises of baths, shops), and be located inside these buildings. It is allowed to adjoin the boiler rooms to the production premises, provided that they are separated from the fire wall with the limit of fire resistance at least 4 hours. If there are door openings in this wall, the doors should be opened toward the boiler room. The device of any premises directly above the boilers is not allowed.

3. Inside the industrial premises, as well as on them and under them is allowed to install:

a) direct flow boilers with steam-performance each no more than 4 t / h; b) boilers satisfying condition (t - 100) v<= 100 (для каждого котла), где t - температура насыщенного пара при рабочем давлении, °С; V - водяной объем котла, м3; в) водогрейных котлов теплопроизводительностью каждый не более 2,5 Гкал/ч, не имеющих барабанов; г) котлов-утилизаторов без ограничений.

4. The installation of boilers inside the industrial premises, above them and under them should be separated from the rest of the room by non-aggravated partitions over the entire height of the boiler, but not lower than 2 m, with the door device for the passage to the boiler. Boiler recyclars can be separated from the rest of the production premises together with the furnaces or units with which they are related to the technological process.

5. In the industrial premises adjacent to residential premises, but the capital walls separated from them are allowed to install steam boilers, in which (T - 100) V<= 5, где t - температура жидкости при рабочем давлении, °С; V - водяной объем котла, м3.

6. The boiler house buildings are allowed to accommodate household, service premises and workshops intended for the repair of the equipment of the boiler room, provided that they are separated by the walls and overlaps made from non-aggravated materials, and ensure normal conditions for people working in them.

7. If necessary, the device in the building of the coil room can be isolated from other premises to prevent gas and dust penetration.

8. It is allowed to use the boiler frame as carrier elements of the building structure, if provided for by the project.

9. For service personnel, household premises must be equipped in the boiler room in accordance with the sanitary standards.

10. All elements of boilers, pipelines, steam steampers, economizers and auxiliary equipment with a wall temperature of the outer surface above 45 ° C, located in places available for service personnel, should be coated with thermal insulation, the temperature of the outer surface of which should not exceed 45 ° C.

11. The ventilation and heating of the boiler room must ensure the removal of excess moisture, harmful gases and dust and maintain the following temperature conditions:

a) in the area of \u200b\u200bpermanent stay of the attendant personnel, the air temperature in the winter should not be below 12 ° C, and in the summer should not exceed the temperature of the outdoor air by more than 5 °; b) In the other places of the possible stay of the attendant personnel, the air temperature should not exceed more than 15 ° C in the main zone.

12. In the boiler room, the device of attic overlaps over the boilers is not allowed.

13. The floor level of the lower floor of the boiler room should not be below the level of the territory adjacent to the boiler room.

Door and Tambourov

1. On each floor of the boiler room should be at least two outlets located in opposite sides of the room. A device of one output is allowed if the floor area is less than 200 m2 and there is a spare output to the outer fire staircase, and in one-storey boilers - with the length of the room on the front of the boilers, no more than 12 m. Output from the boiler room, it is considered to be a direct output outside and output through Staircase or tambour.

2. The weekend doors from the boiler room should open out from handpad and should not have constipation from the boiler room. All weekend doors of the boiler room during boilers should not be shoved. The weekend doors from the boiler room in service, domestic, as well as the auxiliary-production premises must be supplied with springs and open towards the boiler room.

3. The gate of the boiler room, through which fuel supply and the removal of ash and slag are produced, must have a vestibule or air thermal veil. The sizes of the tambour should provide security and convenience of servicing for fuel or remove ash and slag. In areas with an average air temperature of the coldest five days, no lower than minus 5 ° C, the device of the tambouries and thermal veil is not necessary.


1. Boiler room facilities must be provided with sufficient daylight, and at night - electric lighting. Places that for technical reasons cannot be provided by daylight should have electrical lighting. The illumination of the main jobs should be no lower than the following norms:

2. In addition to working light, the boilers should have emergency electrical lighting from power sources independent of the overall electric lighting network boiler room. The following places are subject to mandatory emergency lighting equipment:

a) the front of the boilers, as well as the passages between the boilers, the back of the boilers and over the boilers; b) heat shields and control panels; c) water and measuring instruments; d) ash premises; e) fan seat; e) smoking area; g) premises for tanks and deaerators; h) platforms and stairs of boilers; and) pumping room.

For boiler rooms with an area of \u200b\u200bfloor up to 250 m2, portable electrical lights are allowed as emergency lighting.

3. Electrical equipment, lamps, conduits, grounding and their installation must comply with the requirements of the electrical installation rules.

4. For electrical lamps of the total and local illumination, suspended at a height below 2.5 m above the floor or venues, the voltage must be no more than 36 V. The voltage 127-220 is allowed to be allowed that the device will not allow the lamps to be replaced by the lamps, In which this is not entrusted with the instructions for boiler houses, and the lamps will be protected from random contact of the service personnel.

Placing boilers and auxiliary equipment

1. The distance from the front of the boilers or protruding parts of the furnace to the opposite wall of the boiler room should be at least 3 m, while for boilers operating a gas or liquid fuel, the distance from the protruding parts of the burner devices to the wall of the boiler room should be at least 1 m, and for Boilers equipped with mechanized fireboxes, the distance from the protruding parts of the furnace should be at least 2 m. For boilers with steam-capacity, no more than 2 t / h. The distance from the front of boilers or protruding parts of the furnace to the wall of the boiler room can be reduced to 2 m in the following cases:

a) if the manual firebox for solid fuel is served from the front and has a length of no more than 1 m; b) in the absence of the need to maintain the furnace from the front; c) If the boilers are heated by gaseous or liquid fuel (while maintaining the distance from the burner devices to the wall of a boiler room at least 1 m).

2. The distance between the front of boilers and protruding parts of the furnaces located against each other should be:

a) for boilers equipped with mechanized fireboxes - not less than 4 m; b) for boilers working on gaseous and liquid fuel - not less than 4 m, while the distance between the burner devices should be at least 2 m; c) for boilers with manual fireboxes at least 5m.

3. Before the front of the boilers, installing pumps, fans and heat shields, as well as storage of solid fuel reserve for nothing more than one change of boilers. The width of the free passes along the front must be at least 1.5 m. Installed equipment and fuel should not interfere with the maintenance of boilers.

4. When installing boilers for which the lateral maintenance of the furnace or boiler is required (airborne, blasting, cleaning of gas ducts, drums and collectors, the exhaust of the economizer packages and the steamer, exhaust pipe, maintenance of burner devices), the width of the side passage should be sufficient for maintenance and repair, but Not less than 1.5 m for boilers with steam-capacity up to 4 t / h and at least 2 m for boilers with steam-capacity 4 t / h or more. Between the extreme boiler and the wall of the boiler room, regardless of the capacity of the boiler, it is allowed to reduce the width of the side passage to 1.3 m.

5. In the absence of lateral maintenance of the furnaces and boilers, the device is necessarily a device for at least one pass between the boilers or between the extreme boiler and the boiler room. The width of this side passage, as well as the width between the boilers and the rear wall of the boiler room should be at least 1 m. The width of the passage between the individual protruding from the cutting parts of the boilers (frames, pipes, separators, etc.), as well as between these parts and protruding parts of the building (columns), stairs, workpapers, etc. It should be not less than 0.7 m. In the absence of a pass between the wall of the boiler climbing the boiler and the wall of the boiler room, the icing should not be close to the wall of the building and should defend from it at least 70 mm.

6. The distance from the top mark (platforms) of the maintenance of the boiler to the lower, located above it is the constructive parts of the coating of the boiler room must be at least 2 m. In the absence of the necessary transition through the drum, an armor or an economizer, the distance from them to the lower structural parts of the coating of the boiler room should be at least 0 , 7 m.

7. It is prohibited to install in one room with boilers and economizers of machines and instruments that are not directly related to their maintenance, repair of equipment boiler room or to the technology of obtaining steam. It is allowed to install steamel engines, water heaters, pumps and backup heating engines, provided that these installations will not make it difficult to maintain boilers and economizers. Boiler units and turbines of power plants can be installed in a common room or in adjacent rooms without the construction of separation walls between the boiler room and the machine room.

8. The placement of boilers, steamers and energy trains in power trains, on the lifting cranes and other mobile means are determined by the design organization based on the maximum serviceability and safety of work.

Places and stairs

1. For convenient and safe servicing of boilers, steps and economizers, permanent sites and stairs with railing with a height of at least 0.9 m with a solid shearing of the panel panel at least 100 mm should be installed. Transition platforms and stairs should be with railings on both sides. Plates of more than 5 m long must have at least two stairs (outputs) located in opposite ends. A device of dead-end platforms is allowed with a length of more than 5 m with one output, intended only for the production of repair work.

2. Playgrounds and steps can be performed:

a) from the spacing leaf; b) from the rifered sheet steel or from sheets with a non-low surface obtained by surfacing or in another way; c) from a varietal or strip (on the edge) steel with a lumen of no more than 30x30 mm.

The use of smooth sites and steps of stairs, as well as the execution of them from the rod (round) steel is prohibited. The playgrounds and the steps of stairs in boiler houses of semi-open and open types should be made of a sparkular sheet, varietal or strip steel.

3. Stairs must have a width of at least 600 mm, the height between the steps is not more than 200 mm, the width of the steps of at least 80 mm and every 3-4 m in height - the site. The stairs with a height of more than 1.5 m should have an angle of inclination to horizontally not more than 50 ° C. To maintain the tanks of deaerators and other equipment that does not require frequent observation, as well as to access hatches and lazes and for short stairs, the height of no more than 1.5 m is allowed to the device of stairs with an inclination angle to horizontally not more than 75 °. Stairs with a height of no more than 3 m, intended for use during the repair of the boiler, can be vertical.

4. The width of the free passage of platforms for maintenance of fittings, instrumentation, etc., must be at least 800 mm, the remaining sites are at least 600 mm. A free height over the passage sites and stairs should be at least 2 m.

5. The distance vertically from the site for servicing water appliances to the middle of the waterproof glass should be at least 1 m and not more than 1.5 m. In exceptional cases, when the design of the boiler cannot withstand the dimensions, the specified distance can be taken from 0, 6 to 2 m.

6. In cases where the distance from the working platform of the driver (Kochghar) to the upper platform of boilers exceeds 20 m, a cargo-passenger elevator must be installed.

Fuel supplied and slag-gold

1. For boilers with steam-capacity 2 t / h and above, working on solid fuel, the supply of fuel into the boiler room and the boiler firebox must be mechanized, and for boilers with a common slag and ash output from all boilers in the amount of 200 kg / h or more (regardless of The productivity of boilers) should be mechanized the removal of ash and slag.

2. When equipped with mechanized gold, mechanisms are allowed to place mechanisms below the level of the territory directly adjacent to the building of the boiler room, in non-recovery channels and recesses, subject to access security for inspection and repair of these mechanisms. When the device is a passing corridor for a periodic inspection and repair of the zerolation mechanisms, it must have dimensions in height to the lower parts of the protruding structures of at least 1.9 m and the width of at least 1 m. The corridor must have two exits outside.

3. When manually ascending, the slag bunker and to remove ash should be equipped with devices for filling with water ash and slag in bunkers or trolleys. In the latter case, insulated cameras should be arranged under the bunker to install the trolleys before the ashes and slag in them. Cameras must have tightly closing doors with glazed glazed glazed and equipped with ventilation and lighting. The bunker bar and the slag fill must be made beyond the camera to the safe place. The lower parts of the ash bunkers with a manual disbuild: in trolleys should be at such a distance from the floor level, so that under the shutter of the bunker, the height of the passage was at least 1.9 m from the floor; With a mechanized disbuild, this distance should be 0.5 m greater than the height of the trolley. The width of the kil-premises should be no less width of the trolley, increased by 0.7 m on each side. A decrease in width is allowed only in drives between the columns of the foundation of the boilers.

4. If the ash and slag are fused from the furnace to the workplace, the exhaust ventilation should be arranged in the boiler room above the place of the bred and fill the focal residues.

5. With mining furnaces with manual loading for wood fuel or peat, loading hoppers with a lid and a folding bottom should be arranged.

6. When burning liquid fuel, a rope of fuel flowing from nozzles should be provided, eliminating the possibility of entering it to the floor boiler room.

7. On liquid fuel pipelines, lock valves must be installed to be able to stop supplying fuel to boilers.

8. Gas equipment of boiler houses should not make it difficult to maintain boilers; All locking devices and measuring instruments must be convenient for maintenance.

9. The transfer of liquefied gas burning boilers in operated boiler rooms is not allowed, the floor level is below the level of the territory adjacent to the boiler room.

General requirements

1. The administration of the enterprise should provide the content of boilers, steamers and economizers in good condition, as well as to ensure the safe conditions of their work on the organization of repair and supervision in full compliance with the requirements of these Rules.

2. The administration of the enterprise is obliged to appoint the necessary number of engineering and technical workers in the boiler room. Responsible for the safe operation of boilers, steamers and economizers - the head (head) of the boiler room. In the absence of the head of the head of the head, the responsibility for the safety of boilers, superheater and economic economizers should be assigned to one of the engineering and technical workers who have experience in the operation of boilers, steamers and economizers and testing knowledge in the prescribed manner.

3. Engineering and technical workers who are directly related to the operation of boilers, steamers and economizers should be checked by the knowledge of these Rules before appointing and periodically, at least once every three years, in the enterprise commission, and in the absence of relevant specialists in the enterprise - Commission of a higher organization.

4. Persons not under the age of 18, who have passed a medical examination, trained in the relevant program and having a qualification commission for the right to maintain the boiler can be made to the boiler service. Programs for training personnel serving boilers should be drawn up on the basis of typical programs approved in the manner established by the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers on Vocational Education. Training and certification of staff serving boilers of power plants to which the rules for the technical operation of electrical stations and networks are subject to, should be made in the manner prescribed by these rules.

5. Certification of machinists (Kochegarov) Boilers and waterproofs should be carried out in permanent qualification commissions organized with specialized vocational schools, educational combines and other educational institutions. Certification is also allowed at enterprises and organizations with the necessary conditions and specialists in coordination with local government governors. The participation of the representative of the local government of the Gosgortkhnadzor in the work of the qualifying commissions on the certification of machinists (stamps) boilers and waterproofs is required. About the day of examinations The local government of the Gosgortkhnadzor must be notified no later than 10 days.

6. Re-checking knowledge of the serving staff of the boiler house should be carried out periodically, at least once every 12 months, as well as when switching to another enterprise and in cases of transfers to maintaining the boilers of another type or transferring boilers from solid fuel to liquid in commissions directly in enterprises or In organizations without the participation of the Kotlonadzor inspector. When transferring personnel to serving gaseous fuel boilers, checking its knowledge should be made in the manner prescribed by safety rules in the gas farm

7. The results of examinations and periodic testing of the knowledge of the service personnel should issue a protocol signed by the Chairman of the Commission and its members and indicate in a special journal. Persons withstanding exams are issued certificates signed by the Chairman of the Commission and the Kotlonadzor inspector.

Requirements for servicing boilers

1. It is forbidden to entrust the machine (Kochgar) of the boiler and water treatment, which is on duty, performing any other duties during the operation of the boiler not provided for by the instruction.

2. It is forbidden to leave the boiler without constant surveillance from the service personnel to the cessation of burning, removal of fuel from the furnace and a complete pressure reduction in it to atmospheric, with the exception of boilers that do not have brickwork, in which the pressure reduction to zero after removing the fuel from the furnace is not necessary, If the boiler room will be closed on the castle.

3. The operation of the boiler in the chamber burning of fuel can be allowed without a permanent supervision of the machine driver (Kochgar) if there is automation at the boiler that ensures the maintenance of the normal mode of its operation from the control and control panel, as well as stopping the boiler in disabilities of the operation mode that can cause damage to the boiler, with simultaneous Alarm about it on the control panel. It should be possible to stop the boiler at any time from the control panel.

4. The operation of drum boilers, in which the water level in the drums is at an altitude of more than 6 m from the boiler service site, without waterproof, subject to the fulfillment of the requirements provided by paragraph 4 ("water level pointers"). At the same time, one of the remote pointers should be with the registering device.

5. The administration of the enterprise based on the "typical instruction for boiler room personnel", taking into account the characteristics of this boiler installation, the production instructions for the staff of the boiler room should be developed and approved in the prescribed manner. The production instruction should be posted in a prominent place in the boiler room and issued by the service personnel. In boiler power plants, which are distributed "Rules for the technical operation of electric stations and networks", the instructions may not be hung. For the elements of the boiler with a temperature of steam overheating of 450 ° C and above, in addition, there must be an instruction for observation of creep and structural changes in the metal.

6. In the boiler room there should be a clock, a phone or sound alarm for a challenge in emergency cases of representatives of the enterprise and communication of the boiler room with a pair of consumption of steam, and the boiler-utilizer is also for communication with the installation site of the heat source.

7. The boiler room should not be allowed by persons who are not related to the operation of boilers and equipment of the boiler room, unauthorized persons can be allowed in the boiler room only with the consolation of the administration and accompanied by its representative. It is forbidden to store any materials and objects in boiler house. Boiler room should be kept clean.

8. In the boiler room there should be a replaceable magazine established by the administration of the form for records of the results of checking boilers and boiler equipment, water appliances, indicators of limit water levels, pressure gauges, safety valves, nutrients, automation equipment, time and duration of boiler purge, as well as other data on the instructions of the administration . The delivery and reception of boilers, steamers, economizers and auxiliary equipment should be issued in this journal in signatures of persons responsible for shifts. The replacement journal also records the orders of the head of the boiler room or a person, replacing it, about the extract or stopping the boiler (except for emergency stop cases). The log entries should be checked every day the employee responsible for the safe operation of the boilers, with the part of the journal.

9. When working in the boiler and shelters for portable electrical displacement, voltage is not higher than 12 V; Apply kerosene and other lamps with flammable materials are prohibited.

Checking safety devices, measuring instruments, reinforcements and nutritional pumps

1. Checking the pressure gauges with their sealing (brand) should be made at least once every 12 months in the manner prescribed by the Rules of the Committee of Standards, Mens and Measuring Devices of the USSR. In addition, at least once every six months, an enterprise should be checked by working pressure gauges by a control pressure gauge or a proven working manometer that have the same with a valid pressure gauge and the accuracy class, with the results of the results in the control check log. Checking the health of the pressure gauge using three-way cranes or the replacement of their locking valves should be made at least once in shift. Checking the health of pressure gauges on boilers, steam-controllers and economizers with a working pressure pressure of 100 kgf / cm2 and above thermal electric stations can be made in the time limits provided for by the instruction of the Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR.

2. Verification of water appliances to purge should be made in boilers with a working pressure of up to 24 kgf / cm2 inclusively at least once in shift, in boilers with a working pressure of 24 to 39 kgf / cm2 inclusive, at least once a day, and at boilers with operating pressure Over 39 kgf / cm2 in terms established by manufacturing instructions. Record of readings of reduced water level pointers with water-compliant direct action should be made at least once in shift.

3. Checking the health of safety valves by purging should be made at each start of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer to work, as well as during the period of their work on the following dates: boilers, steam steampers and economizers with pressure up to 24 kgf / cm2 inclusive check of each valve is not less than one times a day, with a pressure of from 24 to 39 kgf / cm2 inclusive, alternately is checked by one valve of each boiler, the steamer and the economizer - at least once a day, with a pressure above 39 kgf / cm2 (including safety valves of intermediate steamers) - Dates established by the instructions of the Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR. Checking the good effect of safety valves of boilers, steam steampers and economizers with pressure of more than 24 kgf / cm2 is made in the presence of a person responsible for shift.

4. The health of all nutritional pumps or injectors should be checked by short-term start-up of each of them: at boilers with a working pressure of up to 24 kgf / cm2 - at least once in shift, in boilers with a working pressure of over 24 kgf / cm2 - in the time limits set by manufacturing instructions.

Emergency stopping boilers

1. The boiler must be immediately stopped in cases stipulated by the production instruction, and in particular: a) if more than 50% of the safety valves or other substitution devices will be opened; b) if the pressure rose above permitted by more than 10% and continues to grow, despite the cessation of fuel supply, reduction of thrust and blasting and reinforced power boiler with water; c) when weaning water; boiler feeding with water is categorically prohibited; d) if the water level is quickly reduced, despite the enhanced nutrition of the boiler with water; e) if the water level has risen above the upper visible edge and the waterproofing device (the twist) and the blowing of the boiler fails to reduce it; e) with the termination of all nutrients; g) with the termination of all water appliances; h) If in the main elements of the boiler (drum, collector, chamber, heat pipe, firebox, casing, pipe lattice, external separator, steam lines), cracks, omens, passes in their welds, breaks of two and more connections nearby ; and) in gas fuel boilers, in addition, in cases stipulated by the rules and safety instructions in the gas economy; k) in the explosion of gases in risks, cessation of electricity supply with artificial traction, as well as during damage to the elements of the boiler and its irrigation, creating a danger to the service personnel or the threat of the destruction of the boiler; l) when a fire occurs in boiler room or sunbathing, fuel and particles of fuel in gas tanks, threatening service personnel or a boiler.

2. Possible causes and order of emergency stopping boiler must be specified in the production instruction. Causes of the emergency stopping boiler must be recorded in a shift journal.

Repair of boilers, steamers and economizers

1. The administration of the enterprise (organization) should ensure timely repair of boilers, superheater and economizers according to the approved schedule of planning and preventive repair. Repairs must be carried out on the specifications and in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.

2. In each boiler room, there must be a repair journal, which, signed by the head of the boiler room or the person responsible for the safe action of the boiler, should be made information about the repair work that does not cause the need for early examination, and about stopping boilers for cleaning or flushing. Replacing pipes, rivets and fading pipe connections with drums and cameras should be marked on the layout of the pipeline (rivets) in the repair log. The repair journal also reflects the results of the inspection of the boiler before cleaning indicating the thickness of the screaming of the scale and the sludge and all defects identified during the repair period.

3. Information on the repair work, causing the need for early examination of boilers, steamers and economizers, as well as data on materials and welding applied during repair, and information about the welder should be included in the boiler passport.

4. Before the production of any work inside the drum of the chamber or a collector of the boiler, connected to other working boilers with common pipelines (steps, nutrient, drainage and dental lines, etc.), as well as in front of the inspection or repair of elements under pressure, when The presence of hazards of the burn of people with steam or water boiler should be separated from all pipelines with plugs or disconnected; Disconnected pipelines must also be muffled. It is allowed to disconnect boilers with a pressure above 39 kgf / cm2 by two locking organs with a drainage device between them with a diameter of a conditional passage of at least 32 mm, which has a direct connection to the atmosphere. In this case, the drives of the valves, as well as open drainage valves, should be locked on the lock so that the possibility of weakening their density during the locked lock is excluded. The key from the castle should be stored at the head of the boiler room. When gas heating, the boiler must be reliably disassembled with a common gas pipeline in accordance with the instruction of the boiler maintenance company.

5. Applied to shut down the boiler plugs, installed between pipelines flanges, must be appropriate and to have a protruding part (shank), according to which the presence of the supplied plug is determined. When installing pads between the flanges and the plug, they should be without shanks.

6. The admission of people inside the boiler and the opening of the shut-off reinforcement after removing people from the boiler should be made at a temperature not over 60 ° C only by written permission (alongside tolerance) of the head of the boiler room, issued in each individual case after carrying out the appropriate check.

7. The work of people in the risks can be carried out at a temperature not over 60 ° C. only after the place of work is ventilated and securely protected from the penetration of gases and dust from working boilers with closing and sealing dampers with constipation of them on the lock or the setting of temporary brick walls. The time of staying people in the furnace (gas duct) at a temperature of 50-60 ° should not exceed 20 minutes. When working on a gaseous or dusty fuel, the boiler should be, in addition, is reliably separated from the total gas pipeline or dypiper in accordance with the production instructions.

8. On the valves, valves and valves when disabled the relevant sections of the pipeline, steam lines, gas pipelines and gas ducts, as well as on launchers of smoke, blowing fans and fuel feeders, people must be posted, people work ", while the launchers of the smoke, blowing Fans and fuel feeders must be removed fissure inserts.

Registration, Examination and Permission for Operation

check in

1. Boilers, independent steam plasters, individual and group economizers before starting to work must be registered in local gosgortecadzor organs. Registration in Gosgortkhnadzor organs are not subject to boilers, in which: (T - 100) V<= 5, где t - температура насыщенного пара при рабочем давлении, °С; V - водяной объем котла, м3.

2. Registration of the boiler, the steamer and economicizer is made on the basis of a written statement, the administration of the enterprise - the owner of the boiler or the organization renting them, with the submission of the following documents:

a) the passport of the established form with the appearance of the drawings of the actual execution of the filling device; b) Act on the health of the boiler, if he arrived from the manufacturer's factory in the assembled form (or rearranged from one place to another); c) certificate of quality of installation with an indication of the draft changes in the project; d) drawings of the room boiler room (plan, longitudinal and transverse cuts); e) certificates of compliance with the project project; e) certificates about the presence and characteristics of nutrients.

The listed documents besides the passport must be signed by the head of the enterprise and intertwined together with the passport.

3. In the absence of a factory passport, it can be compiled by the enterprise - the owner of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer or the appropriate organization on the basis of the manufacturer's recorded documentation or according to the data of natural measurement, mechanical tests, chemical and metallographic studies of the metal, its main elements and testing welded compounds by non-destructive methods of flaw detection In accordance with the requirements of these Rules. The passport of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer should include the results of the material and welded quality studies, as well as the calculation of the strength, made in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation.

4. Mounting quality installation is an organization that has installed. The certificate must be signed by the head of this organization, as well as the head of the enterprise, which is the owner of the boiler of the steamer and economizer, and fastened the seal. The certificate must contain the following data: the name of the assembly organization; Enterprises - owner of the boiler, steamer and economizer; Plant manufacturer of boiler, superheater and economizer and their factory numbers; information about the materials applied by the assembly organization in addition to the data specified in the passports; about welding, including the type of welding, type and brand of electrodes, the names of the welders and their identity numbers, the test results of the test joints (samples); Information about checking the tube flow system and the flushing of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer; About stylish elements of a boiler, a steam-controller, operating at a wall temperature above 450 ° C; General conclusion on the compliance of production assembly works by this Regulation, Project, Technical Conditions and Installation Instructions for Boiler, Steamer and Economizer and Suitability of them to use when parameters specified in the passport.

5. Boilers, steamers and economizers after dismantling and installation in a new place must be registered again.

6. The boilers of energy trains after arrival at a new place of work should be registered in the local government of the Gosgortkhnadzor.

7. According to the documentation of the requirements of this Rules, the local government of the Gosgortkhnadzor is registering the boiler, the steamer and the economizer with the assignment of registration numbers and returns the passport to the owner of the boiler.

8. The answer to the application for the registration of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer should be given by the supervisory authority no later than five days from the date of receipt of the documents. In case of refusal to register the boiler, it must be reported on this in writing, indicating the reasons for refusal with reference to the relevant articles of the rules.

9. On each boiler and group, the economizer should be attached to a format of at least 300x200 mm in a prominent place with the following data: a) of the registration number; b) allowed working pressure; c) dates (year, month) of the next internal inspection and hydraulic test.

Technical examination

1. Each boiler, the steamer, the economizer must be subject to technical survey before starting to work, periodically during operation and in the necessary cases early. The survey of steps and economizers that make up the boiler one unit is made simultaneously with the boiler.

2. The administration of the enterprise is obliged to prepare and present a boiler, a stereogenerator and an economizer to survey in the periods specified in the passport and provide technical means necessary for examination.

3. On the bottom of the readiness of the boiler, the steamer and economicizer to the primary, periodic or early examination, the enterprise administration no later than 10 days is obliged to notify the Kotlonadzor inspector.

4. In case of the impossibility of directions and arrival at the enterprise of the Kotlonadzor inspector to examine the boiler, steamer, economicizer within the prescribed period, the administration of the enterprise - the owner of the boiler can be examined only to resolve the local government of the Gosgortkhnadzor under its responsibility. For this, by order of the head of the enterprise, a commission of competent engineering and technical workers should be established. The boiler allowed by the Commission to work is subject to compulsory inspection by the Cottalonadzor inspector to the term appointed by the Commission, but no later than 12 months later.

5. The technical examination of the boiler, the steamer, the economizer should be made by the Cottalonadzor inspector in the presence of the head (head) of the boiler room or the person responsible for the safe action of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer.

6. The technical inspection of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer consists of an internal inspection and hydraulic test.

7. Internal examination is aimed at: a) with a primary survey, it is established that the boiler, the steamer and the economizer are built, installed and equipped in accordance with these Rules and submitted during the registration of documents, as well as the boiler and its elements are in good condition; b) With periodic and early surveys to establish the health of the boiler and its elements and the reliability of its further safe operation.

8. At the internal inspection of the boiler and its elements, attention should be drawn to the identification of possible cracks, supervisors, bending, revealed and corrosion on the inner and outer surfaces of the walls, density disenasses and strength of welded, rivet and rolling compounds, as well as damage to the irrigation, which can cause hazard overheating Metal elements of the boiler.

9. The hydraulic test is aimed at checking the strength of the elements of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer and the density of their compounds. The magnitude of the test hydraulic pressure in this directory is not given. In the hydraulic test, certain requirements of paragraph 4. The boiler, the steamer and the economizer should be placed on the hydraulic test with the reinforcement installed on them.

10. Primary technical inspection of newly installed boilers, steam-steerlers, economizers are made by the calellum inspector after their installation and registration. Boilers to be squeezed can be examined by the Cottle Joine inspector before registration.

11. Boilers, which were subjected to internal examination and hydraulic test at the factory and arrived at the place of installation in the assembled form, as well as boilers not registered in the supervision bodies, are subject to primary technical examination at the installation site by the person responsible for the safety of the operation of boilers, steamers and economizers. .

12. The boilers recorded in the local government gorutochnadzor bodies that were not subjected to internal inspection and hydraulic tests based on the plant at the factory, as well as boilers, the installation of which was made using welding, rolling or riveting of their elements, are subject to primary technical examination by the Cotton Jewel inspector.

13. The periodic technical examination of the boilers registered in the local organs of the supervision of boilers, steamers and economizers in operation is made by the Cotele Joine inspector on the following dates:

a) an internal inspection - at least once every four years; b) Hydraulic test - at least once every eight years. In front of the hydraulic test, an internal inspection must be performed.

14. The administration of the enterprise is obliged to independently perform the examination of boilers, steam steampers and economizers in the following cases: a) an internal inspection - after each cleaning of the internal surfaces or repair of elements, but not less and less than 12 months; This inspection is allowed to combine with an internal inspection conducted by the Cottal Monasterator inspector, provided that the gap between the terms of the inspection does not exceed three months; In thermal electric stations, there is allowed internal inspections of boiler aggregates during their overhaul, but at least once every three years; b) an internal inspection - immediately before presenting a boiler to surpasses the inspector of the boiler judgment; c) Hydraulic test pressure - every time after cleaning the internal surfaces or repair of the elements of the boiler, steamer and economizer, if the nature and volume of repair do not cause the need for early examination.

15. Periodic examination of boilers that are not subject to registration in local gosgortecadzor organs is carried out by the person responsible for the safe operation of boilers, steamers and economizers.

16. The day of examination of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer is established by the enterprise administration, while the boiler must be stopped no later than the period specified in the passport.

17. The local authority of the Gosgortkhnadzor is provided with the right to extend the established deadlines for the examination of the boilers to three months on the informed written petition of the enterprise administration with the presentation of data confirming the satisfactory state of the boiler, and with the positive results of the inspection of the boiler in working condition, the Cottalonadzor inspector.

18. Before the internal inspection and hydraulic test of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer must be cooled and carefully cleaned from scale, soot and ash. Internal devices in the drum must be removed if they interfere with the inspection. If in question in good condition of the walls or seams, the person who conducts an examination, has the right to demand opening or removing insulation fully or partially, and when conducting an internal inspection of the boiler with smokery pipes - full or partial pipe removal. With the examination of the direct flow boilers, as well as other systems with internal inspection with pipe beams in the necessary cases, it should be required to cut samples from the pipes of heating surfaces in order to monitor the state of their inner surface.

19. The early technical examination of the boiler, the steamer or the economizer should be carried out in the following cases: a) the boiler was inaction of more than one year; b) the boiler was dismantled and re-installed; c) replaced at least part of the sheet or welding the elements of the boiler, except for the welding of single fittings, pipes and plugs; d) replacing the released and dents of the main elements of the boiler; e) over 25% of the total rivets in any seam; e) more than 15% of the connections of any wall change; g) after replacing the screen of the screen, superheater or economizer; h) replaced at the same time more than 50% of the total number of screen and boiling pipes or 100% overheating, economizer, smokery pipes; and) according to the condition of the boiler, the administration of the enterprise or the Cotelet inspector considers it necessary such an examination.

20. The early examination of boilers registered in the local government bodies of the Gosgortkhnadzor is carried out by the Cottalonadzor inspector, and boilers, not subject to registration, is a person responsible for the safe operation of boilers, steamers and economizers.

21. If, with the technical examination of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer will not be detected defects that reduce their strength, they are allowed to operate at nominal parameters until another survey.

22. When identifying defects, in which only temporary operation of the boiler, a steamer and an economizer is possible, a person who has made an examination may allow the work of the boiler with a shorter period of the next survey.

23. If, when the boiler surveys, the steamer and the economizer will be detected defects, reduce the strength of its elements (wall thinning, bond wear, etc.), then until the replacement of defective elements, the further operation of the boiler can be resolved under reduced parameters (pressure and temperature). The ability to operate the boiler during reduced parameters must be confirmed by the calculation of the strength represented by the enterprise administration.

24. If, when examining a boiler, a steamer and an economizer, defects will be detected, the reason for which it is difficult to establish, the Kotlonadzor Inspector is given the right to demand from the Administration of Special Studies, and in the necessary cases of submission of specialized organizations or relevant specialists about the reasons for the appearance of defects, opportunities and conditions for further operation of the boiler .

25. Depending on the state of the elements of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer, in the presence of defects (captives, the bundle of metal, cracks, breaks and inflatable pipes, etc.), causing doubts about the quality or brand of metal, the inspector of the bootpan is given the right to make a requirement to conduct a mechanical Tests of metallographic research and chemical analysis. In these cases, the cat's passport should indicate the reasons why metal testing is required, as well as places from which samples should be taken.

26. If, when examined by the boiler, mechanical tests of metal drums or other basic elements of the boiler and the results obtained for carbon steel will be lower than the values \u200b\u200bspecified in the table, the further operation of the boiler must be prohibited. The permissible values \u200b\u200bof the indicators of the mechanical properties of the metal elements of the boiler under pressure 39 kgf / cm2 and more made from carbon and doped steel are established by local government agencies in each particular case on the conclusion of the manufacturer or a specialized organization.

27. If the boiler surveys will be discovered to be discovered (flowing, traces of steaming, salting growths) in places of rolling or riveting seams, then the further operation of the boiler can be allowed only after the studies of defective compounds on the absence of intercrystalline corrosion. In case of detection of cracks, the boiler must be subjected to repair. Babe, cabinet and fading of loose connections without research are not allowed.

28. If, with the examination of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer, it turns out that it is in disrepair or has serious defects that cause doubt in its strength, the further work of the boiler must be prohibited.

29. If, when analyzing defects identified during the examination of boilers, steam-heater and economizers, it will be established that their emergence is associated with the operation of boilers in this enterprise or inherent on the boilers of this design, the person who has conducted an examination should require an extraordinary examination of all established at this enterprise Boilers, the operation was carried out at the same mode, or respectively all boilers of this design with the notification of this local government of the Gosgortkhnadzor.

30. The results of the survey and conclusion about the possibility of working the boiler, the steamer and the economizer, indicating the allowed pressure and the deadlines of the next examination, should be recorded in the potport of the boiler. With early examination, the reason must be indicated that caused the need for such examination. If additional tests and research was performed during the examination, the types and results of these tests and research should be recorded into the boiler passport, indicating the selection of samples or sections subjected to tests, as well as the reasons that caused additional tests.

31. If, as a result of the survey, the further operation of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer will be prohibited, reduced working pressure or the term of the next examination is reduced, then the corresponding motivated entry must be made in the boiler passport. An examination entry is signed by a person who made an examination. If the survey was conducted by the Commission in accordance with paragraph 4, the record is signed by all members of the Commission, and a copy of this record is sent to the local government gosgortecadzor no later than five days after the survey.

Permission for starting to work newly installed boilers

1. Each newly installed boiler, the steamer and the economizer can be paved in the work on the basis of the written order of the enterprise administration after the acceptance of the Boiler's Acceptance Commission, the steamer and the economizer from the installation organization and in the presence of the permission of the Kotlonadzor inspector.

2. Permission to operate the boiler, the steamer and the economizer is issued on the basis of the results of the primary technical examination and inspection during steam testing, in which it is checked:

a) the availability and health of the valves required by these rules, measuring instruments and safety devices; b) the health of the nutrient and compliance with their requirements of this Regulation; c) compliance of the water consumption of the boiler with the requirements of this Regulation; d) correctly connecting the boiler to the general steam pipeline, as well as the connections of nutrient and purge lines; e) the presence of certified service personnel, as well as engineering and technical workers who have been checking knowledge; e) availability of production instructions for staff of boiler house, replaceable and repair logs; g) compliance with the room with the requirements of this Regulation. The permission to operate the boiler, the steamer and the economizer to be registered in the local government of the Gosgortkhnadzor, is recorded in the Passport of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer by the Cottle Joine inspector, and not subject to registration - the person responsible for their safe operation.

Control over compliance with these rules

1. Control over compliance with these Rules is carried out by local government agencies by periodic surveys of enterprises operating boiler installations, and manufacturers in accordance with the methodological instructions, instructions and other government guidelines.

2. If the manufacturer's plant survey it will be found that in the manufacture of boilers, steam-steerlers, economic and individual elements, violations of these rules are allowed, then, depending on the nature of the violation, the timing of their elimination or is prohibited later manufacture.

3. If, when surveyed on the operation of boilers, steps and economizers, defects will be revealed in their elements or violations of rules, threatening security during further operation, and also expired for the date of the next survey or attendants are not trained, the work of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer should be Forbidden. The passport must be recorded for the prohibition with reference to the relevant articles of this Regulation.

Investigation of accidents and accidents

1. About each accident and every serious or fatal case associated with an accident or servicing boiler, steamer and economizer, the administration of the enterprise - the owner is obliged to immediately notify the local government of Gosgortkhnadzor.

2. Prior to the arrival of the representative of the State Mountainnadzor to the enterprise to investigate the circumstances and the causes of the accident or accident, the administration of the enterprise is obliged to ensure the safety of the entire situation of the accident (accident), if it is not dangerous to the lives of people and does not cause further development of the accident. The investigation of accidents and accidents should be carried out in the manner prescribed by Gosgortkhnadzor.

Final provisions

1. The need and deadlines for bringing in line with these rules of boilers, steam-heater and economizers operating, as well as manufactured or under the process of manufacture, installation or reconstruction at the time of the entry into force of these Rules are established in each individual case by the Office of the Goshgortkhnadzor district.

2. With the introduction of this Rules, the "Rules of Device and Safe Operation of Steam Boils", approved by Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR, March 19, 1957

PB 10-574-03 rules of device and safe operation of steam and water boilers install the design requirements, design, materials, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, repair and operation of steam boilers, autonomous steamers and economizers with a working pressure of more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf / cm2), water boilers and autonomous economizers with water temperature Above 115 ° C.
PB 10-575-03 rules of device and safe operation of electric boilers and electric motor set the requirements for the device, manufacturing, installation, repair and operation of electrical boilers and apply to steam boilers with a working pressure of more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf / cm2) and water heating boilers with water temperature above 115 ° C
GOST 20995-75 Steam fixed boilers with pressure up to 3.9 MPa. Indicators of nutrient water and steam. sets the values \u200b\u200bof nutrient water quality indicators and pair of stationary steam boilers according to GOST 3619 with absolute pressure to 3.9 MPa (40 kgf / cm2), including boilers with a boiled boiler.
The standard does not apply to steam boilers with an absolute pressure of 0.9 MPa (9 kgf / cm2) with steam-capacity up to 0.7 t / h, operating on solid fuel, as well as electrode boilers.
RTM 108.030.114-77 Steaming boilers low and medium pressure. Organization of water-chemical it applies to steam stationary boilers with natural circulation according to GOST 3619-76, pressing up to 4 MPa (40 kgf / cm2) and steam-capacity from 0.7 t / h
RTM 108.030.130-79 Steam Steam High Pressure Coppers with Natural Circulation. Nutritional quality rates and steam. it applies to nutrient water quality norms and a pair of steam stationary high-pressure boilers with natural circulation and stepped evaporation for pressure 100 and 140 kgf / cm2
RD 24.031.120-91 Methodical instructions. The quality of the network and feed water of hot water boilers, the organization of water-chemical mode and chemical control. These Methodical Guidelines (MU) are applied to stationary direct-flow water boilers with heat-producing from 2.33 MW (2 Gcal / h) to 209 MW (180 Gcal / h) with a network water temperature at the outlet of the boiler not more than 200 s
RD 24.032.01-91 Methodical instructions. Normal water quality and vapor, the organization of water-chemical regime and chemical control of steam stationary boiler-utilizers and energy technological boilers. set the norms of nutrient water quality and steam, requirements and recommendations on the organization of water-chemical regime and chemical control for steam stationary boiler-utilizers and energy technological boilers with a pair of 4 MPa (40 kgf / cm2), for active boilers, up to 5 MPa (50 kgf / cm2), as well as for boilers with a pair of 11 MPa (110 kgf / cm2).
RD 34.37.506-88 Methodical guidelines for water treatment and water-chemical regime of water heating equipment and thermal networks water heating equipment with a capacity of over 58 MW and thermal networks included in the RAO "UES of Russia" system, and establish the requirements for the choice of water treatment regimens, a water-chemical regime that ensures reliable operation of the main and auxiliary equipment of heat supply systems with the required composition of water and heat-co-preparatory equipment.

Back to water treatment for boiler room

Exposure from PB 10-574-03 Rules of device and safe operation of steam and water boilers

VIII. Water-chemical boiler mode

8.1. General requirements
8.1.1. The water-chemical mode should ensure the operation of the boiler and the nutrient path without damaging their elements due to the deposits of scale and sludge, increasing the relative alkalinity of boiler water to hazardous limits or as a result of metal corrosion.
All steam boilers with a natural and multiple forced circulation with a steam-capacity of 0.7 t / h or more, all steam straight boilers regardless of steam output, as well as all water boilers must be equipped with installations for water treatment. It is also allowed to apply other effective ways of water treatment that guarantee the fulfillment of the requirements of this article.
8.1.2. The choice of a method for processing water to feed boilers should be carried out by a specialized organization.
8.1.3. The boilers have a steam-performance of less than 0.7 t / h period between cleaning should be such that the thickness of the deposits on the highest-circle areas of the surface of the boiler heating to the moment of its cessation has not exceeded 0.5 mm.
8.1.4. Sugpent with raw water boilers equipped with devices for moving water treatment is not allowed.
In cases where the project is provided for in emergency situations to feed the boiler with raw water, on the raw water lines attached to the lines of softened water or condensate, as well as to nutritional tanks, two locking organs and the control faucet between them should be installed. During normal operation, locking bodies should be in a closed position and be seated, and the control crane is open.
Each case of feeding the boilers with raw water should be recorded in the water preparation log (water-chemical mode), indicating the duration of feeding and nutrient quality during this period.
8.1.5. For steam and hot water boilers, instructions and regime cards should be developed to maintain water-chemical regime, taking into account this Rules, manufacturers' organization instructions, guidelines for the development of instructions and regime cards for the operation of the water treatment plants and by maintaining steam water and water-playing boilers approved by Gosgortkhnadzor Russia. Instructions for the operation of the installation of water treatment plants should be developed by the manufacturers of installations.
8.1.6. Instructions and regime cards should be approved by the head of the owner of the boiler and be on staff workplaces.
8.2. Requirements for nutrient water quality
8.2.1. Indicators of nutrient water quality for boilers with natural and multiple coercive circulation with a steam-capacity of 0.7 t / h and no longer exceed the values \u200b\u200bindicated:
a) for steam gas-tube boilers - in table. 3;

Table 3. Nutrient quality rates for steam gas pipes


For boilers working

on liquid fuel

on other types of fuel

Overall rigidity, μg × ec / kg

50 8

8 For boilers that do not have economizers and boilers with cast-iron economizers, the content of dissolved oxygen is allowed from 100 μg / kg.

b) for water-tube boilers with natural circulation (including boiler boilers) and steam working pressure up to 4 MPa (40 kgf / cm2) - in Table. four;

Table 4. Normal water quality rates for water-tube boilers with natural circulation and steam working pressure up to 4 MPa (40 kgf / cm2)


0,9 (9)

1,4 (14)

2,4 (24)

4 (40)

Transparency in the font, cm, not less

Overall rigidity, μg × ec / kg

30 9

15 14

10 14

5 14

Not normalized

300 14

Not normalized

100 14

50 14

Not normalized

10 14

Not normalized

50 14

30 14

20 14

20 14

PH value at 25 ° C 11

8,5 - 10,5

9 The numener indicates the values \u200b\u200bfor boilers operating on liquid fuel, denominator - on other types of fuel.

10 For boilers that do not have economizers, and for boilers with cast-iron economizers, the dissolved oxygen content is allowed to 100 μg / kg when burning any type of fuel.

11 In some cases, a decrease in the pH value to 7.0 may be allowed to reduce the specialized organization.

c) for water-tube boilers with natural circulation and working pressure of steam 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm2) - in table. five.

Table 5. Nutrient water quality rates for water-tube boilers with natural circulation and pair 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm2)


For boilers working

on liquid fuel

on other types of fuel

Overall rigidity, μg × ec / kg

PH value at 25 ° C 12

9.1 ± 0.1.

9.1 ± 0.1.

Note . For gas-tube boiler-recyclars of vertical type with a pair working pressure over 0.9 MPa (9 kgf / cm 2), as well as for the coherent boilers, the rating quality indicators are normalized by the values \u200b\u200bof the last column Table. . In addition, the salt-containing of nutrient water is normalized for coordinating boilers, which should not be more than 50 mg / kg.

12 When replenishing the losses of steam and condensate with chemically purified water, an increase in the pH value to 10.5 is allowed.

d) for energy technological boilers and waste disputation boilers with a pair of 5 MPa (50 kgf / cm2) - in Table. 6;
e) for energy technological boilers and waste disputation boilers with a pair of 11 MPa (110 kgf / cm2) - in Table. 7;

Table 6. Nutrient water quality norms for energy technological boilers and waste disputation boilers with steam working pressure up to 5 MPa (50 kgf / cm2)


Working pressure, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

0,9 (9)

1,4 (14)

4 (40) and 5 (50)

Heating gas temperature (calculated), ° С

Up to 1200 inclusive

Up to 1200 inclusive

Over 1200.

Up to 1200 inclusive

Over 1200.

Transparency in the font, cm, not less

30 13

40 18

Overall rigidity, μg × ec / kg

40 18

20 14

Not normalized

50 15

a) for boilers with a cast-iron economizer or without an economizer, μg / kg

b) for boilers with steel economizer, μg / kg

PH value at 25 ° C

Not less than 8,5 16

13 in the numerator is indicated for water-tube, in the denominator - for gas-pipe boilers.

14 For water-tube boilers with a working pressure pressure of 1.8 MPa (18 kgf / cm 2), the rigidity should not be more than 15 μg × eq / kg.

15 It is allowed to increase the content of iron compounds up to 100 μg / kg, subject to the use of methods of reagent water treatment, reducing the intensity of scale formation due to the translation of iron compounds into the solution, and the regulations agreed with the State Unitaryuncture of Russia should be respected to the amount of deposits on the inner surface of steam generating pipes. The conclusion about the possibility of the indicated increase in the content of iron compounds in nutrient water is given by a specialized research organization.

16 The upper value of the pH value is set not more than 9.5, depending on the materials used in the equipment of the park-condensate path.

Table 7. Nutritional water quality for energy technological boilers, waste disputation boilers with pair of 11 MPa (110 kgf / cm2)



Overall rigidity, μg × ec / kg

PH value at 25 ° C

9.1 ± 0.1 17

Conditional pickling (in terms of NaCl), μg / kg

Specific electrical conductivity at 25 ° C, IMM / cm 18

17 The upper value of the pH value is set not more than 9.5, depending on the materials used in the equipment of the park-condensate path.

18 The conditional salt content should be determined by the conductive solmeter with pre-degassing and concentration of the sample, and the electrical conductivity is a conductor with preliminary hydrogen-cathionic sample; Controlled one of these indicators.

e) for high-pressure steam-gas installation boilers - in Table. eight.

Table 8. Nutrient water quality rates for high-pressure steam-gas installation boilers


Working pressure, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

Overall rigidity, μg × ec / kg

50 19

30 24

20 24

PH value at 25 ° C

9.1 ± 0.2.

9.1 ± 0.1.

9.1 ± 0.1.

Conditional pickling (in terms of NaCl), μg / kg 20

Not normalized

Specific electrical conductivity at 25 ° C, ICM / cm 25

Not normalized

19 It is allowed to exempter iron content of 50% when the steam generator on natural gas is operational.

20 The conditioned colebeling should be determined by the conductive solmeter with preliminary degassing and sample concentration, and the specific electrical conductivity is a conductor with preliminary hydrogen-cathionic sample; Controlled one of these indicators.

8.2.2. Indicators of nutrient water quality for water-tube boilers with natural circulation and working pressure of steam 14 MPa (140 kgf / cm2) and for all energy directing boilers should meet the requirements of ND in effect in the electric power industry and agreed with the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia.
8.2.3. The quality of the feed and network water for hot water boilers should satisfy the requirements specified in Table. nine.

Table 9. Quality of the quality of feed and network water for hot water boilers


System of heat supply



Network water temperature, ° С

Transparency in the font, cm, not less

Carbonate rigidity, μg × ec / kg:

800 21

750 26

375 26

800 26

750 26

375 26

at pH no more than 8.5

700 30

300 26

250 26

600 26

500 26

375 26

PH value at 25 ° C

From 7.0 to 8.5

From 7.0 to 11.0 22

Note . These standards do not apply to water-heating boilers installed on thermal power plants, heat stations and in heating boilers, for which water quality must comply with the requirements of the maintenance rules of electrical stations and networks approved in the prescribed manner.

21 In the numerator, the values \u200b\u200bfor the boilers on solid fuel are indicated, in the denominator - on a liquid and gaseous fuel.

22 For heating networks in which water-heating boilers work in parallel with boilers having brass tubes, the upper value of the pH of the network water should not exceed 9.5.

8.3. Requirements for the quality of boiler water
The quality of the boiler water, the necessary mode of its corrective processing, the modes of continuous and periodic purges are made based on the instructions of the manufacturer of the boiler manufacturer, typical instructions for maintaining water-chemical regime and other departmental regulatory documents or based on the results of heat chemical tests.
At the same time, for steam boilers with a pressure of up to 4 MPa (40 kgf / cm2) inclusive, having riveted compounds, the relative alkalinity of boiler water should not exceed 20%; For boilers with welded drums and fastening of pipes The rolling method (or rolling with a sealing cabinet) The relative alkalinity of the boiler water is allowed to 50%, for boilers with welded drums and welded pipes, the relative alkalinity of the boiler water is not normalized.
For steam boilers with a pressure of over 4 MPa (40 kgf / cm2) to 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm2), the relative alkalinity of the boiler water should not exceed 50%, for boilers from pressures Over 10 MPa (100 kgf / cm2) to 14 MPa (140 kgf / cm2) inclusive should not exceed 30%.

Gosgortkhnadzor Russia

Gosgortecadzor of Russia
06/11/2003 No. 88

And safe operation
Steam and hot water boilers

The rules and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers (PB10-574-03) are printed according to the official text published in the "Russian Gazette" of 21.06.03 No. 120/1 (3234/1).

I. General provisions 1.1. The appointment and scope of the rules

1.1.1. Rules and safe operation of steam and water boilers (hereinafter referred to as the rule) establish requirements for design, design, materials, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, repair and operation of steam bags, autonomous steamers and economizers with operating pressure1More 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf / cm2), water-heating boilers and autonomaicomizers2 with water temperature above 115 ° C.

1 Here and then the textbooks are excessive pressure. In connection with the introduction of international system of measurement, a table of relations between these units in these Rules (Appendix 1) is attached (Appendix 1).

2 The main terms and definitions used in these Rules are shown in Appendix 2.

The conditional designations used and the measurement units are presented in Appendix 3.

1.1.2. Rules apply to:

a) steamers, including boilers boilers, as well as autonomous operations of and economizers;

b) water-imaging and water boilers;

c) energy technological boilers: steam and water heating, in the extender thegeneration boilers (SRC);

d) boilers - utilizers (steam and water heating);

e) boiler windows and transportable installations and energy trains;

e) Steaming boilers fluid, working with high-temperature organic coolants (here);

g) Pipelifiers and hot water within the boiler.

1.1.3. The rules apply to:

a) boilers, autonomous steamers and economizers installed on marine iris courts and other floating means (except for drag) and underwrong objects;

b) the heating of railway cargoes;

c) boilers with selectric heating;

d) boilers with a steam and water space of 0.001 m3 (1 l) and less, the work of the working pressure in MPa (kgf / cm2) to the volume in m3 (L) does not exceed 0.002 (20);

e) the heat-energy equipment of nuclear power plants;

(e) Par steamers of tubular furnaces of enterprises of the refinery of the oil refinery industry.

1.1.4. The targets from the rules can be allowed only to resolve Gosgortkhnadzozozia.

To obtain the deregistration, the enterprise must submit to the Gosgortkhnadzor to the Russian Rossiputic Justification, and if necessary, also a concluded organization. A copy of the resolution of the retreat from Rolling to be attached to the boiler passport.

1.2. Responsibility of organizing rules

1.2.1. Rules for execution by managers and specialists engaged in projecting, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, repair, technical deportation, examination and operation of boilers, autonomous steamers, economizers and pipelines within the boiler3.

3kotla, autonomous steamers, economizers and pipelines in the reach of the text - boilers.

1.2.2. The design of the design of the boiler, the calculation of it for strength, the choice of material, the quality of manufacture, installation, adjustment, repair, technicality, examination, and also for compliance with the calmination of rules, standards and other regulatory documentation (hereinafter referred to as ND) is responsible for the organization (regardless of the departmental affiliation of the ioform Property) who fulfilled the relevant work.

1.2.3.The system and specialists of organizations engaged in designing, designing, manufacturing, commissioning, technical diagnostics, survey and exploitation, violating rules, are responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Boilers Ipolofabrikati purchased abroad

1.3.1. Boilers II Elements, as well as semi-finished products for their manufacture and components of kitels, acquired abroad, must comply with the requirements of the rules. Passport, installation and operation instructions and other documentation supplied with the boiler must be translated into Russian and comprehensive rules.

Possibility of rules should be justified and coordinated by the Customer of the Sgosgortakhnadzor of Russia before the conclusion of the contract. Copies of coordination should be applied to the boiler passport.

1.3.2. Calculation of the strength of boilers and their elements should be carried out according to the standards, coordinated by the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia, except when specialized by an expert organization will be issued a conclusion that the calculations performed by the method adopted by the supplier meet the requirements of these norms.

Compliance and welding materials of foreign brands. The requirements of the rules of the or form of their application in each particular case should be confirmed by specialized or expert organization. Copies of the specified documents applied to the boiler passport.

1.3.3. The passportcotla must be compiled in Russian in the form according to Annexes 4 and 4a.

1.4. Order of investigation and accidents

1.4.1. The examination of accidents and accidents related to the operation of boilers should be carried out in the manner prescribed by Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia.

1.4.2. On each accident, a fatal or group accident associated with servicing boilers, the owner of the boiler is obliged to immediately notify the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia immediately.

1.4.3. Upcoming in the organization of the representative of the State Morning Supplies of Russia for investigation and the reasons for the accident or accident owner is obliged to ensure the screen of the entire situation of the accident (accident), if it disrespects danger to the lives of people and does not cause further development.

II. Design 2.1. Project development

2.1.1. Projects of their elements (including spare parts for them), as well as the projects of their installation or modification, modernization and modification must be executed by specialized organizations.

2.1.2. Desigcotlov must be coordinated and approved in the prescribed manner.

2.1.3. Designer, including transportable, as well as projects, their reconstruction will be carried out by specialized organizations.

2.1.4. Compliance with the projects of boiler houses developed by non-profits, the requirements of the real rules must be confirmed by the conclusion of a specialized or expert organization.

2.1.5. Calculation of the strength of elements of pressure boilers should be carried out by Ponorms agreed with the Gosgortakhnadzor of Russia.

2.2. Change projectsKotlov

2.2.1. Changes in Project, the need to appear in the process of manufacture, installation, operation, repair, modernization or reconstruction, should be the coordinator of the project developer, and for boilers acquired abroad, as well as in the absence of an organization-developer-developer of the boiler - a contributing organization.

III. Construction 3.1. General provisions

3.1.1. Construction of the boiler and its main parts should ensure reliability, durability and safety of operation in the calculated parameters during the extensive resource of the safe operation of the boiler (element) adopted in technical conditions (technical specifications), as well as the possibility of technical presentation, cleaning, washing, repair and repair and Metal operational control.

Inland devices in the steam and water portion of boam drums that prevent viewing surfaces, as well as conducting flaw detection control, should be removable.

Allowed in the drum, welded elements for fastening internal devices. The manufacturer is required in the installation and operation instructions for reading the read and install these devices.

3.1.2. Construction and hydraulic diagram of the boiler, steamer and economizEravnya provide reliable cooling of the walls of the elements that give themselves.

Temperature of the elements of the boiler, the steamer and the economizer should not be exceeded in strength calculations.

3.1.3. Configuration placed in pipes of pipes, reducing the operating environment of an intertoomyzer, should exclude the possibility of forming steam bags in them.

3.1.4. The construction of the boiler should provide the possibility of uniform warming up of its elements during damask and normal operation, as well as the possibility of free-moving expansion of individual elements of the boiler.

To control the location of the elements of boilers during thermal expansion, movement pointers (references) are installed in the appropriate points. Installation sites are referred to in the boiler project.

The possibility of providing free thermal expansion in calculating in the calculations is necessary to take into account the corresponding additional stresses. In this case, the installation of the references is not required.

3.1.5. The boiler included in the natural circulation of the boiler (located outside the drum) is to be reinforced on suspensions (supports), allowing the possibility of free-moving expansion of pipes connecting it with a boiler and calculated by the method of hydraulic blows in a boiler.

3.1.6. PlotsElements of boilers and pipelines with increased surface temperature, the direct contact of the service personnel may be coated with thermal insulation, which ensures the temperature of the outdoor surface of no more than 55 ° C at an ambient temperature of no more than 25 ° C.

3.1.7. The design of the boiler should ensure the possibility of removing air from all elements under pressure, in which air transfers may form when filling the boiler with water.

3.1.8. Device of nutritious water input, feeding chemicals and join recycling boiler, as well as the distribution of nutrient water in the drum should not be deployed to local cooling of the walls of the boiler, for which protective devices must be obtained.

The design is allowed without protective devices, if it is justified by the calculations for strength.

3.1.9. Device of gas ducts should exclude the possibility of formation of explosion skews to the gases, as well as to provide the necessary conditions for cleaning the gas supply of the sediment of combustion products.

3.1.10. The design of the boilers should take into account the possibility of a short-term increase from "cotton". When equipping boiler with smoke, the design of the boiler should be the possibility of short-term vacuum after "cotton". Extractive pressure and pouring are chosen by the designer.

3.2. Position of water level

3.2.1. The lower dopatory water level in gas-pipe (winter-tube) boilers should no less than 100 mm above the top point of the surface of the boiler heating.

The lower permissible water level in the drums of water-tube boilers is established by specialized organizational.

3.2.2. Upper-consumable water level in steam boilers is established by the developer of the projectotle.

3.3. Lases, shells, Covers ITOTIy doors

3.3.1. Forbarabanov and collectors should be applied to lazes and hatches that meet the exemptions.

In the drums of the Lazidolenge to be round, elliptical or oval shape: the diameter of the circular climb is not less than 400 mm, and the size of the axes of elliptical or oval laza is less than 300'400 mm.

Lazamas cover more than 30 kg should be equipped with a device for relief and closing.

In the collector-powered diameter of more than 150 mm, holes (shells) of an elliptical or round shape with a smallest in the light of at least 80 mmdl of inspection and cleaning of the inner surface should be provided. Instead of the specified luchkov, the use of welded round-section fifumes, plugged with a snout donkey, cut off during inspection (cleaning). The number and location of the hosts are set when developing a project. The hatches and the fitting is allowed to fail if the pipes are attached to the collectors with an outer diameter of 50 mm, located so that after their segments it is possible to access the internal scope of the collector.

Specifications on the implementation of this work should be contained in the manufacturer's instruction manufacturer on the installation and operation of the boiler.

3.3.2. In the walls and gas ducts, lazes and glades, providing the possibility of controlling the burning and condition of the surfaces of heating, irrigation, as well as the insulation of heated parts of the drums and collectors, should be provided.

Rectanglese should be the size of at least 400'450 mm, round - with a diameter of at least 450 mm and ensure the possibility of penetration into the boiler to inspect the surfaces of its elements (with the exception of winter-tube and gas-tube boilers).

Fire doors and embrasures of burner devices of sizes are used as lazogut, that their sizes will not be less specified in this article.

3.3.3. The door of the iquidas of Lases, the hatching and gladies should be durable, dense and should have the possibility of spontaneous opening.

On the boilers with a seabugat pressure of gases in the furnace, in the rover shells must be equipped with devices that exclude gases to outward when they are opened.

3.4. Safety devices Fires and gas ducts

3.4.1. Boilers with a non-fermented fuel combustion (dust-shaped, gaseous, liquid) or with a shafttop for burning peat, sawdust, chips or other small industrial applications with steam-capacity up to 60 t / h inclusive must be equipped with suspected safety devices. Explosive safety devices must be placed and are arranged so that there is no excluding people. Design, quantity, placement and dimensions of passage of explosive safety devices are determined by the boiler project.

Boilers with chain incineration of any type of fuel over 60 t / h explosive safety devices are not equipped. The reliable operation of these boilers should be provided by automatic protection and locks in all modes of their work.

3.4.2. Construction, quantity, placement and size of the passage cross section of explosive installation devices are determined by the project of the boiler.

Explosive protection devices are allowed not to be installed in the furnaces and gasohodachkotlov, if it is justified by the project.

3.4.3. An intercotron-utilizer and technological unit must be a fixing device that allows the operation of the unit without a boiler-utilizer.

It is allowed to unavailable this disconnecting device if the mode of the operating technological unit allows you to stop the boiler and fulfill the requirements of the requirements for technical examinations or repairs.

3.5. Cast iron economizers

3.5.1. Significations of cast-iron economizers must comply with the requirements of the manufacturer's instruction and operation.

3.5.2. The water temperature at the outlet of the cast-iron economizer should be no less than 20 ° C below the saturated pair temperature in the vapor boiler or temperatures with the existing working pressure of the water in the hot water boiler.

3.6. Bottoms and pipes

3.6.1. The bottoms are used to use convex semi-alien or elliptical. When delivery, aim is allowed to use torusferic (box) bottoms.

For gas-pipes of winter-tube boilers, it is allowed to use torusferic bottoms with flavored flat bottoms with flavored or without flaming. Flat bottoms must be lowered by longitudinal and (or) angular connections.

For collector-tube boilers, the use of flat bottoms of the inner diameter of the non-maximum 600 mm is allowed. This restriction is not mandatory if the resource is collector bonded with a test calculation for strength.

3.6.2. The bottoms should usually be made from one sheet. The bottoms of the two-lists are allowed, while the sheets must be cooked before the manufacture and welded sovoprotnut radiographic or ultrasonic control (narrow) across the entire length of the bottom of the bottom.

3.6.3. Pipes are allowed to be made of two or more sheets, provided that the transfits between adjacent welds will be at least 5-fold thickness and welds along the entire length of narrow or radiography.

3.6.4. The flat-sided rods or with a cylindrical part, made by a mechanical boring, should be made of forgings tested for narrow solidity.

It is allowed to apply a sheet metal pressure to 4 MPa (40 kgf / cm2) and the temperature of the medium to 450 ° C under the condition of 100 percent controls were bought out the bottom-made ultrasonic bottoms or another equivalent method.

3.6.5. Thelliptic, torusferic and flat bottoms with flanging should have a cylindrical board.

3.6.6. Flat vials with an outer diameter of no more than 80 mm can be made of rolling stock processing.

3.7. Welded joints, arrangement of welds and holes

3.7.1. Welds should be butt, with full peculiar.

Application welded joints is allowed under the condition of solid ultrasonic radiographic control.

Allowed to apply angular seams with a constructive gap without control by radiography by orultrace for welding to collectors, drums of water-tube boilers of the oscillates of gas-pipe boilers of pipes and fittings internal diameter of no more than 100mm, as well as flat flanges (regardless of their diameter) and strengthening elements. Quality control of such compounds should be carried out on regulatory documents (hereinafter referred to as ND text) agreed with the Gosgortakhnadzor of Russia.

It is allowed to apply the fattest compounds for welding the outer couplings of the compounds with a pipe cutting passage of less than 16 mm, as well as for welding overlays and shirts.

3.7.2. In the butt welded joints of parts of the differential thickness, a smooth transition from one piece of the cdocular is provided by gradually thinning a more thick-walled part with an angle of incubating from the transition surfaces not more than 15 °.

Mastering the angle of inclination of the transition surfaces to 30 °, if reliability is connected to the calculation of the calculation of the calculated resource.

With the difference of the marked thickness of the wall elements of the wall less than 30% of the wall thickness of the wall, but not more than 5 mm, the specified transition from the side of the edge disclosure is allowed due to the inclined location of the seam.

Cleaning compounds of multicollectric elements with different strength devices, such as molding elements with pipes, parts made of lengths, as well as pipe compounds with cooling knee-made knee-made broaching methods or sediment, should be determined by Nd agreed with Gosgortkhnadzor Russia.

3.7.3. Construction and location of welds must provide:

a) the possibility of welded joints in compliance with all established in ND, production and technical documentation (hereinafter referred to as the text of the PTD) requirements of the assault;

b) free impact of heating devices in the case of local heat treatment;

c) the accessibility of the quality control of the quality of welded compounds provided for nichthemes;

d) the ability to repair welded compounds with subsequent heat treatment and monitoring, if they are provided by ND.

3.7.4. The intersection of butt welded joints is prevented. The displacement of the axes of the welds overlooking the wheel of the weld in parallel or at an angle should be less than 3-fold thickness of a thicker sheet, but not less than 100 mm.

The required point is not mandatory for butt welded joints, with a nominal thickness, walls up to 30 mm inclusive, as well as harvesting units, pre-welded from parts of various nominal solids while complying with the following conditions:

a) weldings must be made automatic welding;

b) Playing the switching of welds must be subjected to ultrasound and radiographical control.

In the event that the assigned holes are located, then the immediate edge of the hole should be located at a distance of the number where Dm and S is the middle diameter of the element thickness, respectively, in which the holes are located, mm.

Measurements must be used for drums on the inner, and for the remaining elements - a discharge surface.

3.7.5.Mimal distance between axes of seams of neighboring unpaired butt welds (transverse, longitudinal, meridional, chord, circular, etc.) should be no less nominal thickness of the welded parts, but not less than 100mm with a wall thickness of more than 8 mm and at least 50 mm with a wall thickness of 8 mm name.

3.7.6. The length of the cylindrical paper from the axis of the butt weld before the roundabout of the convex bottom of the oroudular bending element should ensure the possibility of ultrasonic-octo-controlling the weld weld welding on the bottom side of the bottom.

3.7.7. The weldings of the boilers should not touch the supports. When the supports above (under) welded connections, the distance from support to the seam should be a sufficient to carry out the necessary control over the state of the welded joint of the operation.

It is allowed to overlap the transverse welds of cylindrical housings of boilers operated in a horizontal position, provided that overlapping welded joints with a viscosity to the side is no less but not less than 100 mm were subjected to radiographical or ultrasound control.

Do not be allowed to be supported by supporting the intersection and pairing of welded connections.

3.7.8. From the edge of the seam of the butt welded joint to the axis of the holes, the subframe or welding of pipes should be at least 0.9 diameter of the hole. It is necessary to have holes for welding pipes or fittings on the butt compounds and at a distance from them less than 0.9 hole diameter. Providing the following conditions:

a) before breasting, welded joints must be subjected to radiographical orultable control on the field of opening holes for no less but not less than 100 mm in each side weld;

b) the calculation of the operation must be justified by the testing calculation for strength.

It is not possible to calculate the distance between the edges of the holes located in the longitudinal seam, at least for holes in the ring (transverse) seam - no less

Allowed holes for the boding of pipes on the butt welded joints of the invoice with ND agreed with the Gosgortakhnadzor of Russia.

3.7.9. There should be at least 1.4 diameters of the hole or 1,4 pump diameters, if the diameters are different, should be between the centers of two adjacent holes in the shells and convex bottoms of the outer surface.

When there is arranged in one longitudinal or transverse series, the specified distance is allowed to 1.3 diameters. When installed in such a row of the pipes of the gas-metal panel with the welding of the pipe collector and the spacer with interlogs (or fins) throughout the length of the rejected with the collector panels between the holes, it is allowed to reduce to 1.2 diameter of the opening.

3.8. Curvilinear elements

3.8.1. The constructions of the knees and curvilinear collectors must correspond to ND agreed with the Gosgortakhnadzor of Russia.

3.8.2. Schedule knee is allowed to use with one transverse weld of the ILS by one or two longitudinal welds of the diametrical arrangement of conditions for conducting radiographic or ultrasonic control over all lengths.

3.8.3. Thickness on the outer and inner sides, as well as the ovality of the transverse sections, should not exceed the valid values \u200b\u200bestablished by the ND on the product.

3.8.4. The priority of the knees, the curvature of which is formed by the folds (corrugations) of the patient side of the knee, is not allowed.

3.8.5. Approaching sector knees is allowed at a working pressure of no more than 4 MPa (40kgs / cm2), provided that the angle between the cross-sectiones of the sector exceeds 22 ° 30 ¢ and the distance to the adjacent welds along the inner side of the knee provides the control of these seams on both sides Outdoor surface.

3.9. Roller joining

3.9.1. Raltamy compounds made using manual or mechanized rollerwood, as well as using an explosion inside the roller pipe, follow up for pipes by an outer diameter of no more than 108 mm at a wall temperature at the place of rolling under operating conditions not more than 400 ° C.

With these schograpters, the use of rolling compound from the oadocutrub to or after rolling is allowed.

3.9.2. Nonal thickness of the wall of the shell or pipe lattice when used by the Usage compound should be at least 13 mm.

3.9.3. Construction of the rolling compound (with one or more grooves obtained by boring or rolling, as well as without grooves, with or without a beads, or without a beads) should correspond to ND on the product agreed by the Sgosgortakhnadzor of Russia.

3.9.4. Double ovality of the opening, the height of the protruding pipe or the magnitude of the pressure, the angle of flaming the bell must match the ND on the product.

3.9.5. Crackers of the yardnye on the edge of the bell is not allowed.

3.10. Purge, emptying and drainage systems

3.10.1. All should have pipelines:

a) supply or network water;

b) blowing and shutting the water when stopping the boiler;

c) removal air of the boiler when filling it with water and extracts;

d) blow-viewer and steam pipelines;

e) sampling singers and steam;

e) entering intoxic water corrective reagents during the operation and detergent reagents of chemical cleaning of the boiler;

g) removal of water vapor during extract and stop;

h) heatingbanks during trash.

Combined pipelines or their absence should be indicated by projectorization.

3.10.2. Number and point of attachment to the elements of the boiler boiler, descent, drainage of air pipelines must be selected by the organization designing the boiler, so as to ensure the removal of water, condensate and precipitation from the most important and air from the upper parts of the boiler. In cases where the removal of the workshops cannot be provided due to samothek, it is necessary to provide it with its removal by purge by steam, compressed air, nitrogen or other vehicles.

3.10.3. Upper pipeline should divert water into a lifting tank. It is allowed to use a pressure capacitance, provided that the reliability and efficiency of purging with the corresponding calculations is allowed.

3.10.4. At all admissions of steps, which can be disabled with shut-off authorities, drainages are arranged, providing condensate removal.

3.10.5. Constructive and layout solutions of blowing systems, emptying, drainage, reagent input, etc., taken by design and project organizations, the perkskit equipment must ensure the reliability of the operation of the boiler by the traffic boiler, including emergency, as well as reliable preservation during downtime.

3.11. Burner devices

3.11.1. Gorgeous devices should ensure safe and economical operationCotles.

3.11.2. Great devices should be manufactured by organizations in accordance with the snormetive documentation agreed with the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia. Inevitative documentation should be established by security requirements, instructions for operation and repair.

3.11.3. Allowed to be manufactured and imported burner devices is maintained on the basis of the permission of the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia.

A copy of the permissions of Russia for use should be attached to the burner's passport.

3.11.4. The manufacturer should have a passport of the manufacturer, in which basic information (name and address of the manufacturer, factory number, production date, design solutions, main dimensions, workplace parameters, type, power, adjustment range, basic characteristics and etc.). The form of the passport is made by the manufacturer. All burner devices should be in the prescribed order to be followed by testing (receiving, certification, certification, typical).

3.11.5. Kotelgent to be equipped with:

a) Complete and backup nozzles. The number of reserve nozzles and nozzles on the burner-dealer chipped boilers using liquid fuels as a milling, is determined by the project;

b) Easy-protective devices (ZZU) with the control of the cast and the fundamental fan. Installation sites of the ZAD and torch controls are determined by the project;

c) Complete molds, providing automatic, remote or manual controls.

Boilers of thermal electrostations are equipped with burner devices in accordance with the snormetive documentation (ND) agreed with the Gosgortakhnadzor of Russia.

3.11.6. Gorgeous devices, designed and supplied together with the boiler, the manufacturer are passing by acceptance tests in the composition of this boiler (the headless samples of boilers simultaneously with the testing of the boiler as a whole).

3.11.7. Test for burner devices with a heat capacity of up to 3 MW for industrial and water boilers can be carried out on stands under conditions as close as possible to one-time.

3.11.8. Gorgeous devices should ensure reliable ignition and stagnation of fuel without separation and spacing of the flame in a given range of modifications, prevent dropping drops of fuel liquid to the floor and walls of the furnace, and the separation of coal dust (if special measures are not accepted by the volume of firebox ).

3.11.9.Arodynamic characteristics of the burners and placement of them on the walls of the furnace should be equipped with uniform filling of the firebox with a torch without sketching it onto the walls, it is excluded the formation of stagnant and poorly ventilated zones in the volume of the furnace.

3.11.10. Punching fuel for extracting devices of dust carbon fuel is used to use fuel oil or natural gas.

Allowed to apply other types of liquid fuel with a flash point of not lower than 61 ° C.

Applicable fuel fuels are not allowed as mocking.

3.11.11. The location in the burner of the fuel oil nozzle should be such that the spray (head) of the fuel oil nozzle is not washed with high-temperature product combustion.

3.11.12. The cutting into the burners, the requirements for the locking regulating and shut-off (safety) reinforcement, the list of the necessary protection and locks, and the accurates for the preparation and supply of fuels are granted for each type-based on ND, coordinated with the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia.

3.11.13. The suspensions of the boilers are the main carrier elements that perceive from the mass of the surface of the boiler heating. In the process, it is necessary to follow the uniformity of the load distribution and monitoring the position of the suspended system. The tension of the suspension after installation and the field of operation should be adjusted in accordance with the instruction manufacturer of the boiler.

IV. Materials and semi-finished products 4.1. General provisions

4.1.1. To preparation, installation and repair of boilers and their details working under pressure, materials and semi-finished products according to standards and technologies specified in Table should be applied. 1 - 7 applications 5. New standards and technical conditions, and tactics and technical conditions after their next revision should contain requirements for materials and semi-finished products not lower than those specified in this section.

4.1.2. Approach the materials listed in Table. 1 - 7, the girlfriend of the ND, not specified in the tables, is allowed with a positive conclusion specialized research organization, if the requirements of these are not lower than the requirements of the ND specified in Table. 1 - 7.

4.1.3. The use of materials and semi-finished products that are not switched. 1 - 7, the expansion of their use or reduction of testing and control, compared to those specified in this section and tab. 1 - 7 Resolved in Russia in Russia on the basis of a positive conclusion specialized organization.

4.1.4. Supply POLUBIRICATS (their delivery characteristics, volume and norms of control) must be made on ND agreed with Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia.

4.1.5. Data from theatics and properties of semi-finished material must be confirmed by the manufacturer of the semi-finished product and the corresponding labeling. Single or incomplete certificates (labeling) Manufacturer organization Ilganization that performs the installation or repair of the boiler should carry out the necessary tests with the results of the results of the feedback supplier's protocol.

4.1.6. Before making, installation and repair, the input control of the main and welding materials of the ipopabrikatites should be produced.

4.1.7. In the preliminary climates supplied to the boilers supplied to the cold climates, the effect of low temperatures during operation, installation, loading and unloading operations and storage should be taken into account.

Organizational and technological agents and methods of accounting for low temperatures should be agreed by a specialized organization.

4.1.8. Allupabrikat, used in the manufacture or repair of the boiler, should have a marker comprising the designation of the manufacturer, the steel brand, standard, or that manufacturer.

The method is established by production and technological documentation (hereinafter referred to as the text of the PTD) on the semi-finished product, it should be excluded to not be excluded that the properties of the semi-finished metal of the semi-finished product and the labeling is preserved.

4.1.9. Marking of pipes with a diameter of 25 mm and more, the thickness of the wall is 3 mm and more to make the designation of the trademark of the manufacturer, the brand of steel and the room. For pipes with a diameter of less than 25 mm of any thickness and a diameter of more than 25 mm, a thickness of less than 3 mm is allowed to carry out on the tags attached to the pipe coales, in the marking, the manufacturer's trademark, pipe size, steel brand, party number, regulatory number on their preparation.

4.2. SteelPolfabrikati. General requirements

4.2.1. The preparatory of semi-finished products should control the chemical composition of the material. In a semi-finished product document, the results of chemical analysis should be made, obtained by semi-finished product, or similar data on the workpiece (as well) used for its manufacture.

The subdivisions used for the manufacture of semi-finished products, the types and classes are given to these 6.

4.2.2. Polfabrikati must be supplied in a thermally processed state. Personal processing must be specified in the manufacturer of the manufacturer of POLUFUBICITA.

Allowed to offer semi-finished products without heat treatment in the following cases:

if the mechanical and technological characteristics of the metal installed in ND are provided by the manufacture of semi-finished manufacturing technology (for example, method rental);

if the vorganizations of manufacturers of equipment semi-finished products are subjected to hotmorm formation, combined with heat treatment or subsequentlyermic processing.

In these cases, semi-finished software controls properties on thermally handled formations.

In other cases, the use of semi-finished products without heat treatment should be confirmed by a specialized organization.

4.2.3. The manufacturer of semi-finished products should control themehatic properties of the metal by tensile tests at 20 ° with the resistance resistance, the conditional yield strength of the suspension deformation of 0.2 or 1% or the physical yield strength, relative elongation and relative narrowing (if the tests are carried out by plant samples). The values \u200b\u200bof the relative narrowing are allowed by using reference data. In cases where values \u200b\u200bare normalized, the control of relative elongation is not ignited.

4.2.4. Tests on the shock viscosity should be subject to reflex in accordance with the requirements specified in Table. 1 - 6 Annex 5, with a thickner, forgings (castings) or walls of a pipe 12 mm and more or with diamelographic rolled rolled (forgings) 16 mm and more.

At the request of the Design Organization, the test viscosity tests should be carried out by pipes, sheet and forgings with a wall thickness of 6 - 11 mm. This requirement must be contained by the ND on the product or in design documentation.

4.2.5. Tests on a shock viscosity at a temperature below 0 ° is intelligent to be subjected to metal parts of the flange compounds of pipelines laid outdoors, in ground, channels, or in unheated, where the metal temperature can be lower than 0 ° C, as well as other items at the request of the design organization, which should To be indicated in the NDNA product or in design documentation.

4.2.6. Tests for shock viscosity on samples with concentrator U (KCU) must be used at 20 ° C, and in cases provided for by clause 4.2.5, with one sopper, specified in Table. one.

Canceled due to exit.

The rules of the device and the safe operation of steam and water boilers establish requirements for design, design, materials, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, repair and operation of steam boilers, autonomous steamers and operating systems with a working pressure of more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf / cm 2 ), water boilers and autonomous economizers with water temperature above 115 ° C.

The rules are mandatory for execution by leaders and specialists engaged in design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning, repair, technical diagnostics, examination and operation of boilers, autonomous steamers, economizers and pipelines within the boiler.

In connection with the introduction of these Rules after their official publication, the rules of the device and the safe operation of steam and water boilers are considered invalid (order of the Gosgortkhnadzor of Russia dated June 17, 2007 No. 156).

I. General provisions

1.1. Appointment and scope of rules

1.2. Responsibility for violations of the rules

1.3. Boilers and semi-finished products purchased abroad

1.4. The procedure for investigating accidents and accidents

II. Design

2.1. Project development

2.2. Changing the projects of boilers

III. Design

3.1. General provisions

3.2. Position of water level

3.3. Lases, shells, covers and coarse doors

3.4. Safety devices Fixes and gas ducts

3.5. Cast iron economizers

3.6. Bottom and tube lattices

3.7. Welded joints, arrangement of welds and holes

3.8. Curvilinear elements

3.9. Rolling compounds

3.10. Purge, emptying and drainage systems

3.11. Burner devices

IV. Materials and semi-finished products

4.1. General provisions

4.2. Steel semi-finished products. General requirements

4.3. Sheet steel

4.4. Steel tubes

4.5. Steel forgings, stamping and rolling

4.6. Steel castings

4.7. Fastener

4.8. Cast iron castings

4.9. Non-ferrous metals and alloys

4.10. Requirements for steels of new brands

V. Production, installation and repair

5.1. General provisions

5.2. Cutting and deformation of semi-finished products

5.3. Welding

5.4. Heat treatment

5.5. Control

5.6. Visual and measuring control

5.7. Radiographic and ultrasound control

5.8. Capillary and Magnet Power Control

5.9. Control of stylish

5.10. Measuring hardness

5.11. Metal Bowlhead Control

5.12. Mechanical tests, metallographic studies and intercrystalline corrosion tests

5.13. Quality assessment rates

5.14. Hydraulic tests

5.15. Correction of defects in welded connections

5.16. Passport and labeling

Vi. Armature, devices and nutritional devices

6.1. General provisions

6.2. Safety devices

6.3. Water level pointers

6.4. Manometers

6.5. Temperature Measurement Devices

6.6. Shut-off and regulating fittings

6.7. Security devices

6.8. Nutritional devices

VII. Room for boilers

7.1. General provisions

7.2. Lighting

7.3. Placing boilers and auxiliary equipment

7.4. Places and stairs

7.5. Fuel supplied and slagosol pumping

VIII. Water-chemical boiler mode

8.1. General requirements

8.2. Requirements for nutrient water quality

8.3. Requirements for the quality of boiler water

IX. Organization of safe operation and repair

9.1. Organization of safe operation

9.2. Service

9.3. Check for measuring instruments, automatic protection, reinforcement and nutritional pumps

9.4. Emergency stop of the boiler

9.5. Repair organization

X. Registration, Technical Examination and Permission for Operation

10.1. check in

10.2. Technical examination

10.3. Commissioning works

10.4. Permission to operate newly installed boilers

Xi. Additional requirements for boilers working with high-temperature organic coolants

11.1. General provisions

11.2. Design

11.3. Armature

11.4. Liquid level pointers

11.5. Manometers

11.6. Temperature Measurement Devices

11.7. Safety valves

11.8. Expansion vessels

11.9. Automatic protection

11.10. Pumps

11.11. Installation and operation

XII. Additional requirements for coordial boilers

12.1. General provisions

12.2. Design, Equipment and Control

12.3. Installation and operation

XIII. Additional requirements for gas-pipe boilers

13.1. General provisions

13.2. Design

13.3. Automatic protection

XIV. Control over compliance with these rules

Appendix 1. A brief table of relations between the units of the international system (C) and other units of physical quantities adopted in these Rules

Appendix 2. Basic Terms and Definitions

Appendix 3. Legend and Units of Measurement

Appendix 4. Passport Boiler (autonomous steamers and economizer)

Appendix 4A. Passport boiler

Appendix 5. Materials used for the manufacture of boilers, steamers, pressure-based economizers

Appendix 6. Division of steels for types and classes

Appendix 7. Determination of the concepts of the same type and control welds

Appendix 8. Norms for assessing the quality of welded connections