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Warming of walls of the house outside: the best insulation under siding. What to insulate the wall of the house under siding insulation brick wall by penplex outside under siding

Such a modern and only gaining momentum in our country, the method of finishing facades as siding seems to be specifically created in order to in parallel with the appearance of the aesthetic appearance at home, hide under it a layer of insulation. Moreover, for insulation, it will not be necessary to carry cotton "wet" processes of hiding insulation under the layer of plaster. Two complex operations are combined into one and all of this benefit all: and customers, and contractors, and the technology is so simple that insulation under siding cm has a root to make any good owner having a normal set of tools.

Why need insulation

Very often, developers arises the question: "Why, in general, to warm the house?". Really, why? After all, in the near past, no one even thought about it, and now suddenly it is necessary to spend a large amount for insulation. And many begin to remember the times of the USSR, when all the energy resources really cost a penny, the batteries in the apartments could be hot as a fire, so the vehicles were open in all rooms. Gas boilers heated no water in the heat exchanger, and the air on the street and weighed so much that they were impossible to carry them - their or tiled, or rolled on lows.

But this time has already passed and, returning to the realities, it is worth noting that the energy carriers are becoming more expensive, and will continue to go. Housing heating every year becomes more expensive. And from this, unfortunately, we will not go anywhere. What are the exits from this situation?

  • First, it is the most complete use of energy from various types of fuel. Modern models of gas and electric boilers have the efficiency, which has long oversail a line of 90%, even get energy from condensate. Pyrolysis boilers burn everything that is possible in solid fuel, even generator gases, and electricity energy is converted almost directly into long-wave infrared radiation. And improvement will continue.
  • Secondly, finally, humanity has become more actively using the energy of the sun, wind, geothermal heat. Several projects for the radiation of electricity from tidal waves are considered. All this is the most promising destinations of energy development because completely renewable natural sources are used.
  • And finally, regardless of which source heating gets energy - it is necessary to save it in any case: do not allow her to leave the buildings without free, and create a barrier for her leakage. And the first, the most effective measure is insulation of buildings.

The laws of thermodynamics say that medium or bodies with different temperatures always strive for thermal equilibrium. That is, the more heated will give heat coolest until their temperatures are equal. If you stop moving away any house, whatever insulation is, it is still gradually temperatures inside it equal to the outer one. The physical meaning of insulation is to reduce the speed of leakage of heat energy, and, it means, to compensate for losses it will be necessary to spend much less fuel, and money, and the savings are so significant that competently favorable insulation pays off after several years under service life of several decades .

From the above figure it is clear that the main heat leaks from the house occur through the walls - up to 43%.

Review of modern insulation

In modern construction, many insulation are used: bulk, sprayed, slab, rolled. Each of them can be used in different designs of the building, but we are interested only on those that can apply in insulation under siding. First of all, consider the main characteristics of insulation and on the basis of this we will make the choice of those suitable for our purposes.

The main characteristics of insulating materials

Manufacturers and sellers of heat-insulating materials in CE in vainly praise the merits exactly what they produce and sell. It often happens that, in principle, the same insulation is produced under different trademarks and has a different price. In order not to get caught on the fishing rod marketers, you should independently understand those characteristics that will determine the right choice.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity

Various materials have different ability to transmit thermal energy. The transmission intensity depends on the properties of the material itself, the temperature difference and thickness. To estimate this ability to introduce such an indicator as the coefficient t of an enterprid that is indicated by the Greek letter λ (lambda) and is measured in W / (m 2 * ° K). For the same material, this value is permanent and can be found in reference books, as well as in the accompanying documentation.

The physical meaning of the thermal conductivity coefficient consists in the amount of thermal energy in watts, which transmits a specific material with an area of \u200b\u200b1 m 2 and a thickness of 1 meter, if the temperature difference on its opposite sides is one degree. Naturally, the less λ for the selected material, the greater the chances of being called insulation. The figure shows the values \u200b\u200bof the thermal conductivity coefficient of the main insulation (λ≤0.1) compared with the main construction materials.

For the convenience of heat engineering calculation in In led such a thing as heat resistance (thermal resistance, reduced heat transfer resistance), which is nothing more than the value of the inverse thermal conductivity coefficient. Denotes this indicator of the letter R.and is measured in (m 2 * ° K) / W. Obviously, for insulation purposes, the higher thermal resistance, the better.

Water absorption

This indicator reflects the insulation property to absorb and retain moisture with direct contact with water. There are two types of water absorption:

  • Mass water absorption - B M.=(m W./ m D.)*100% where m W. - this is a mass of water that the material absorbed, m D. - Material mass in absolutely dry condition. From the formula it is clear that this indicator reflects as a percentage as much as it may be absorbed during wetting and keep the insulation compared with its mass in a dry state.
  • Volumetric water absorption - B V.=(V V./ V. 1 )*100%, where V V. - this is the volume of water absorbed by the material, and V. 1 - its volume in the state of saturation with water. In fact, this indicator means how much the material can absorb compared with its volume in a water-saturated state.

If the insulation absorbs and keeps water, its density increases and a little volume, but the strength is reduced. Unfortunately, the coefficient t of the process becomes larger, which reduces thermal insulation properties. Manufacturers of insulation with porous or fibrous structure (glass gamble, mineral wool) to reduce water absorption treated material special hydrophobic additives.

For walls under siding, the water absorption indicator is not so important, since the insulation does not have direct contacts with water. It is hidden under the lining and is additionally protected by special membranes. In addition, the insulation under siding is ventilated - the excess moisture is quickly excreted from it and compared with humidity atmospheric air. To exclude direct contact with water during transportation and storage, manufacturers use reliable packaging, which must be checked when purchasing.

Parp permeability

The very important characteristic of any insulation is vapor permeability, which characterizes the ability of the material to pass moisture in the form of a vapor with an equality of atmospheric pressure, but the difference in the partial pressure of water vapor. This indicator is estimated using the vapor permeability coefficient, which is measured in mg / (m 2 * h * PA). The physical meaning of this indicator: how much water vapor in milligrams passes through the square meter of the material per hour.

At first glance, the high parry permeability ratio is undesirable, as well as water absorption, but in fact it is not at all. Inside the residential building, in most cases, the firmware is higher than in the outer air, therefore the partial pressure of the water vapor is also higher. Couple tries to leak through building structures from the inside outward, but meets the resistance of walls and insulation. I would like to note that water vapor can be leaked even through concrete, not to mention the brickwork. The only reliable barrier for the couple is metal, glass, very close to them foam glass.

If the vapor permeability coefficient of the outdoor insulation is lower than the walls, the moisture will accumulate on their border, which in winter will freeze and destroy materials, and in the summer it is to contribute to the appearance of mold and fungi, especially on the walls of wooden houses. Construction science suggests that the vapor permeability of multilayer structures in the direction of from the inside - the outside should increase, then optimal humidity will always be maintained in building structures. It is on this indicator to insulate the siding best use mineral wool.

Fire hazard

All building materials are classified according to the degree of fire danger, including insulation, which must be taken into account when building houses. Very often, these indicators are neglected, but sometimes such an attitude leads to emergencies. Fires facades insulated An ordinary foam is no longer such a rarity, and the tragedy in the notorious "chrome horse" shook the whole world. Several sighs of toxic products of burning foams were enough to die painful death from sufferer dozens of people.

All building materials are divided into non-combustible (NG) and combustible (d), which, in turn, are evaluated by several indicators, we have brought them into one table:

Naturally, the priority in the choice of insulation under siding should be non-combustible (NG) materials.

Density and mechanical strength

Most insulation have a porous or gas-filled structure, respectively, and the density of them is small: from 15 (foamizole) to 250 kg / m 3 (some types of stone wool). Mechanical strength determines the ability of the insulation to resist mechanical loads (compression, stretching, load distribution). Under siding, the insulation does not load anything besides its weight, so these parameters in our case are not so important.

However, the insulation still must keep his shape, securely attached to the wall and fit tightly to it. Therefore, some manufacturers produce mineral wool slabs in which the inner surface has a density of 45 kg / m 3 - it allows you to tightly lay down to a warmed wall, and the outer layer 90 is 100 kg / m 3, which allows you to securely secure the plates in the crate and keep the shape.

Biological stability

This indicator is useful for ventilated facades, since the insulation is not inside the building structures, therefore, it can be exposed to mold and fungi. But manufacturers have long provided this and almost all heat-insulating materials are not prone to it and may even directly contact with vegetation and soil, although this is not necessary.

Some types of foams may be influenced by small, but not as food, but for asylum - they love to arrange their nests or load moves. However, if the house facing by siding was carried out competently and efficiently, then the penetration of rodents is excluded.


In the production of any insulation currently produced, chemical compounds are still used, one of which stabilize its properties, others help keep geometric sizes, third hydrophobize Material, fourth are antipyrenes and so on. Not all of these connections are useful for a person, but the point is absolutely not in this. The point is how much of these compounds they can highlight into the surrounding atmosphere to harm the person. In fact, this amount is so negligible to pay close attention to it does not make sense, under siding they are still outside the house.

In the market there are insulation, positioned by marketers as absolutely eco-friendly, as they are based on only natural materials - linen fiber or cellulose, which glue no less natural and clean compositions. Naturally, "absolute environmental friendliness" is more expensive than traditional and proven decades of mineral wool, from which no one person died to painful death from the equalization. Here the consumer must make his choice and we will not give any tips on this occasion.

Comparative characteristics of insulation

Among the modern manifold of insulation, the injecting person is very difficult to navigate. There is such an abundance of names, trademarks, varieties that even a specialist is difficult to decide on the choice. Let's try to figure it out in this matter.

Mineral wool insulation

Initially, we will list, under what trademarks mineral wool can be found: Knauf (Knauf), Linerock (Linerock), Beltep (Beltep), Axi (AXI), Termosthek (Termostek), Bazalit (Bazalit), ISOVER, Termobazalt ), Nobasil (Nobasil), Termo (Termo), Isobox (ISOBOX), URSA (URSA), Rockwool, Parks, Teknonicol (Technonicol). Isorock (Izomin), Izomin, Izovol (Tehno), - and this is not the most complete list.

Main characteristics of mineral wool We reduced to the table:

Mineral (stone) wool

Water absorptionUp to 70%
NG (non-combustible), g1, g2. G3, G4.
Density (kg / m 3)50-225
EcologyIn basalt (stone) mineral wool of well-known manufacturers, a binder (phenol formaldehyde resins) are located in a polymerized (associated) state. For insulation outside the facade under the siding harm for a person do not bring.
Form releaseReleased in the form of plates and mats (rolls) of various sizes.

Mineral wool is the most preferred insulation under siding. When it should be selected, firstly, pay attention to the manufacturer (from the list above), secondly, the gramifications class (it is better to choose non-combustible), and, finally, all the rest of its properties: the required thickness, density, siperware and environmentalities.

Heaters from glass gambles

Most large manufacturers in the range of their products have more glazed - this type of insulation is known for a long time and was applied, and is still successfully applied. The main characteristics of this material will be present in the table:


The coefficient of thermal conductivity - λ (W / (m 2 * ° K))0,03-0,052
Water absorptionUp to 70%
Parry permeability (mg / (m 2 * h * pa))0-0,6
Feling class (fire hazard)NG, G1.
Density (kg / m 3)11-50
EcologyGlasswater with proper installation is absolutely chemically inert. It can mechanically collapse into a small glass crumb, capable of harming man.
Form releaseProduced in the form of rolls and plates of various sizes.

Thanks to its properties, glass gamble may well be used as insulation under siding. Its insulating and sound-proof properties, durability and safety manifest themselves best with competent installation.

Heaters made of polystyrene foam (foam)

Most common And the famous insulation is a polystyrene foam, or as they are called in everyday life - foam. The simplicity of production of this material, when the set of necessary qualities determined its widespread use. Foam characteristics are presented in Table:

Polystyrene foam (foam)

The coefficient of thermal conductivity - λ (W / (m 2 * ° K))0,039-0,05
Water absorptionNo more than 3%
Parry permeability (mg / (m 2 * h * pa))0.05
Feling class (fire hazard)G1, g2, g3, g4 (unmodified expanded polystyrene has a flammability of G4). Over time, the effect of anti-view additives is reduced.
Density (kg / m 3)60-220
EcologyWith combustion, toxic products are formed (phosgene, cyanode garden, bromomopod), causing suffocation. The foam layer can get rodents.
Form releaseProduced in the form of plates of various thickness.

The main obstacle to the use of foam for thermal insulation of walls under siding is its combustibility, therefore it is better not to use it in the ventilated facades or use with a combustion class not more than g1. The best use of this thermal insulator is inside wall structures or under the layer of plaster.

Insulation from extrusive (extruded) polystyrene foam

By chemical composition, this insulation is absolutely identical with conventional expanded polystyrene, only production technology is different. It is obtained by extrusion (extrusion) through a special molding hole. As a result, this material appears new properties, it has a closed cellular structure and much greater mechanical strength, which allows the use of extruded polystyrene (EPPS) in such responsible building structures as foundation and screed.

Epps is produced by most manufacturers of thermal insulation materials and can occur under various trademarks: Euroxps, Styrex, Pleeplex, Ursaxps, Greenflex, Extrol, Kinplast, Novoplex, Stirof, Technoplex, Primaplex, Tekhnonikol, and this is not a complete list. The extruded polystyrene of different manufacturers is roughly similar in quality, it can differ in the presence of modifiers and plasticizers that improve its properties. The main characteristics of this insulation are indicated in the table:

Extruded (extruded) polystyrene foam (foam)

The coefficient of thermal conductivity - λ (W / (m 2 * ° K))0,028-0,033
Water absorption0,2-0,4%
Parry permeability (mg / (m 2 * h * pa))1.2-2
Feling class (fire hazard)R1, g2, g3, g4
Density (kg / m 3)20-48
EcologyThe combustion products are very toxic (similar to foam). With an unprotected insulation, the settlement of rodents is possible.
Form releasePlates with a thickness of 20-200 mm, a width of 0.6-1 m and a length of 0.5-2.4 meters.

Excellent thermal insulation properties of EPPS, very low water absorption and ability to withstand high mechanical loads, of course, make this material one of the leaders among insulation. But the ability to ignite and allocate toxic products limit its use in insulation under siding and manufacturers recommend to hide it in building structures. In addition, the low vapor permeability of EPPS will contribute to the condensation of water on the outside of the walls, which is very undesirable, especially for wooden houses.

Polyurethane foam insulation

(PPU) is a gas-filled plastic, which everyone is perfectly known according to ropon (elastic PPU) or mounting foam (solid PPU). This insulation is applied in a liquid form by spraying to the surface, after which it foams and, in contact with atmospheric air And moisture, hardens. The characteristics of polyurethane foam are presented in Table:

Polyurene Foolder

The coefficient of thermal conductivity - λ (W / (m 2 * ° K))0,019-0,03
Water absorptionNo more than 2%
Parry permeability (mg / (m 2 * h * pa))0.05
Feling class (fire hazard)G1, g2, g3 (depends on the anti-epires used)
Density (kg / m 3)30-150
EcologyPPU is not afraid of water and organic solvents, but destroyed under UV rays. When combustion, there is toxic gases.
Form releaseComes in the form of two components (polyal and isocyanate)

Although Polyurethane foam, with severe heating, highlights toxic gases, it does not support burning. It is successfully used as insulation under siding, but it is better to do it in stone houses. Extremely low PUP vapor permeability can contribute to moisture condensation, but this material has a powerful adhesion to most surfaces and "seals" walls under its cover. Very simple application technology allows one working day to fully organize the insulation of the house.

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Heat insulation materials

Video: Modern insulation

Warming Technology for Siding

Before starting the insulation of the house under siding, it is required to produce heat engineering calculations to find out which insulation and how the layer should be applied. The following table shows the recommended thickness of insulation of basalt or fiberglass wool in the form of plates with a thickness of 50 or 100 mm. The coefficient T of the procession is taken 0.036 W / (m 2 * ° K), and the heat transfer resistance, as is known from the previously stated - this is a reverse value.

Estimated data are given for the Moscow region, with its HSOP (degrees-day of the heating period). This conditional value showing the severity of climatic conditions in each specific region. HSOP can be found from the reference manual for SNiP 23-01-99.

It turns out that for the insulation of houses for siding, plates from mineral or glass wool, a thickness of or 5 or 10 cm or a two-layer design of plates 10 and 5 cm can be used. How this can be carried out will be considered in the subsequent sections.

Surface preparation

Before starting the process of insulation and, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface. Imagine the steps in the table:

Miniature Description of the preparation stage
All external lamps, decor elements, drainage system are dismantled.
Removed, if any, windows and doors are available.
The outer walls of the wooden house are cleaned of the foci of rotting, and then processed by flaky-protected compositions.
The surface of the walls of brick, aerated concrete, concrete is cleaned from the influx, contaminants, and then processed 2 times with primer deep penetration.

Marking. Calculation of the number of components

In order not to make a mistake in the number of necessary materials, it is necessary to make warming and facing qualitatively. On this occasion, we can give several delight tips:

  • Best of all calculations for insulation and cladding to order in that organization where siding is ordered. Experts will make all the necessary measurements of the house and the calculations of all components. Considering that this will be done using special software with maximum accuracy, this approach will further result in significant savings.
  • With an independent calculation, it is necessarily taken into account that the lamp should always be installed at the bottom and on top of the insulated wall, at the corners, and must also be framed by all windows and doors.

  • Most siding models are mounted horizontally, which requires a vertical crate. The shadow step is determined, firstly, the installation requirements for a specific cladding model, and, secondly, the width of the insulation. The most common value is 60 cm. If the insulation is selected mineral or glass plates, the distance between the adjacent bars of the "in the light" crates should be 59 cm. This will provide a dense adjacent of the insulation.
  • The fastening step of the bars themselves to the walls should be no more than 50 cm. Mounting to the wooden walls can be carried out by tree screws, and to the brick - appropriate dowels.
  • The thickness of the crate bars should correspond to the calculated layer of the insulation, if the installation of wooden bars goes directly onto the wall. If a metal frame or wooden on the brackets is used, then the bars of the crates are most often selected 50 * 50 mm, or special P-shaped suspensions are used.

  • When insulation, under siding, a ventilation gap is made a minimum value of which 2 cm, and better 4-5 cm. For this, on top of the main crate, one another, to which further fasten the facing. It must be considered when purchasing components.
  • If the insulation layer exceeds 10 cm, then in this case it is best to use a cross-crate when the direction of laying insulation will be mutually perpendicular.
  • The layer of insulation from mineral or glass gamble, as well as polyfoam must necessarily be hidden by a special hydraulic protection membrane, which will protect from external influences, but freely pass the water vapors from the inside out. The membrane canvas must overlap each other at least 10 cm that need to be considered when purchased.
  • After calculating the number of all components, it is necessary to add 10% to them, since the waste during trimming and fit is inevitable.

Installation of insulation under siding on a wooden crate

In most cases, for the installation of siding, among other things, the insulation is used by a wooden crate of bars. The application of such a crate has advantages:

  • Timber have a democratic price.
  • The tree is easily processed.
  • It has much less thermal conductivity compared to the metal, does not form a cold bridges.
  • Wooden bars can be attached directly to the wall, special brackets are not required.

At the same time, there are still disadvantages from a wooden crate:

  • The tree is exposed to mold and fungi (eliminated by processing).
  • The tree refers to flammable and flammable materials (partially eliminated by the processing with special compositions).
  • You can not always pick up smooth wooden bars of the desired length.

When choosing sawn timber, you should always choose only those that are dried, the level of humidity should not exceed 10-12%.

For self-insulation under siding, you will need a simple set of tools:

  • Marking cord, construction level, plumb, water level.
  • Perforator with a set of necessary drills.
  • The electric drill with a set of rolled.
  • Screwdriver.
  • A hammer.
  • Spatulas - for applying a glue mixture to polystyrene foam plates.
  • Construction knife with a set of spare blades.
  • Step staircase or landing.

The installation process will be submitted in the form of a table:

Miniature Description of the stages of Montaja
All wooden bars are processed by flame breeding compositions 2 times. Processing the second time you can start only after complete drying.
The corner bars of the crates, which should defend the corners of the crates, which should defend the corners of the corners of 10 cm by the building level, their vertical is checked. If the walls are uneven, then wooden lumps are put in the right places.
If a wooden lamp is mounted on metal brackets, they first mounted on the wall, and then a bar is attached to them. The process is controlled by the level.
Mounted horizontal bars, fond on top and bottom. Horizontality is better to check the water building level (Waterpas). These bars should be in the same plane with angular.
At a distance of 15-20 cm from the ends of the corner bars from above and below, a thick fishing line or a cord is stretched from the bottom, which must defend from the surface of the bar for 3-5 mm (refined screws). It will set the plane of the installation of the entire crate.
Mounted all the doom. Vertical is checked by a building level, and the plane is set on the cord. If necessary, under the crate put lumps. Mounting step 50 cm. The interval for mineral wool is 1 cm less than the width of the insulation. For example, Rockvul slabs 60 cm wide, which means 59 cm "in the light", and for polystyrene foam plates and polyurethane foam - 60 cm. Framing windows and door doors are also exhibited in the same plane.
The insulation is stacked. Mineral wool slabs are stacked upwards, as close as possible to each other. The latter plate is cut by a special knife and the next row is started from the remaining part. So there will be a rebirth of seams. Narrow non-standard pieces near window and doorways, as well as angles cut and stacked last.
Mounting mineral wool to the walls is best done by special dowels with a wide hat (fungi, umbrellas) of the corresponding length. To do this, the dowel is inserted into the previously drilled hole, and then its central part is clogged. On one plate 600 * 1200 mm requires at least 5 dowels (one in the center, and the remaining 15 cm from the corners). It is allowed to mount two layers of mineral wool slabs with long dowels.
The fastening of polystyrene foam plates to the wooden walls is done by dowels, and to brick or concrete walls - on a special adhesive composition and dowel-umbrellas. The calculation of the number of dowels is made similar to mineral wad. It is allowed to fit the dowels in the joints of sheets. Laying is lowered up. If there are gaps at the joints of the plates - they are placed by mounting foam.
Rolled insulation of mineral or glass gamblers are unwound from top to bottom. The insulation is attached to the walls of the umbrella dowels at the rate of 5 pcs. 1 square meter. The extra pieces of the roll are cut off and are used further.
The polyurethane foam insulation is sprayed between the bars of the crate of the layer of the desired thickness. After complete drying, the surplus of the insulation is cut into a sharp knife. The plane is checked by rule or cord.
A hydraulic recovery membrane is installed on top of the insulation. The canvases are attached horizontally from the bottom up to the bars of the crates with the help of a construction stapler in increasing no more than 20 cm brackets 10 mm. The backstage of neighboring cave on each other is 10 cm. The joints are additionally skidded with a reinforced tape. Polyurethane foam insulation and extruded expanded polystyrene foaming optional.
Over the hydraulic recovery membrane on the bars of the insulation crates, the lamp is mounted under siding. It will provide a ventilated gap between the insulation and the trim. For this, the bars 50 * 40 mm (50 * 30 mm is allowed) with the help of wood screws with a step of no more than 40 cm are attached to the insulation crate.
Siding installation is made according to the recommendations of manufacturers. It is best to do this immediately after installing the insulation.
Prices for mineral wool

Mineral wool

Video: Warming house mineral wool Rockwool

Feature of mounting two-layer insulation on cross-frame

The cross frame for siding is mounted when it is necessary to make multilayer insulation, for example, a house of reinforced concrete with a wall thickness of 230 mm, built in the suburbs, requires a thickness of mineral wool in 150 mm. This can be achieved, only using plates of 100 mm and 50 mm thick, since the plates of 150 mm are not released.

With the method described above, it is necessary to build a depth of 150 mm depth, which will require the use of a massive bar 150 * 100 mm. The bar has 30 times greater thermal conductivity than mineral wool, respectively, the effectiveness of such insulation decreases sharply, but there is a very good way out of this situation - the use of cross-frame. As this method is implemented in practice, shown in the figure.

Obviously, the use of cross-frame increases the heat engineering properties of insulation, such a design is more reliable and durable, but also material intensive. We describe the main features of the cross-frame mount:

  • Marking of the walls of the house to be insulated. The first frame must be mounted not vertically, but horizontally. The distance between the first frame barcas should be 1 cm and the plates of mineral or glass gambles and accurately correspond to the size of polystyrene foam plates.
  • Mounted lower and upper horizontal bars frame. Horizontality is checked with water or laser level. The bars must lie in the same plane, as they will set the plane of the entire cladding of the house.
  • Between the bars at the beginning and at the end the cord is stretched, which will set the plane for the entire first crate.
  • Mounted all the bars of the first horizontal crate with self-drawing to the wooden wall or dowels to the stone walls. Fastening step - no more than 50 cm.

  • Between the bars, the first layer of insulation is covered horizontally. The polystyrene foam plates on the stone walls are glued with a special composition. The first layer is not fixed by plate dowels, it must be done after laying the second layer.
  • In the future, the process of mounting the frame is absolutely identical to the above described above, only the bars of the vertical crates are assembled not on the walls, but to the first doom with the help of self-samples of the corresponding length. The fixation of the insulation of the umbrella dowels is done immediately through two layers.

Installation of insulation under siding frameless way

He received widespread method of insulation under siding for a frameless way. Some mistakenly believe that the frame is missing completely, but this is not so, without it, siding is not mounted. The fact is that the insulation is attached to the walls and it is not located between the bars of the crate. Warming in this way possible when the walls of the house are smooth and allow you to mount the insulation directly on them, for example, houses from a bar or plastered bricks. We list the advantages of this method of insulation:

  • In the frameless method, the insulation layer completely covers the walls of the house, which affects the heat engineering characteristics.
  • This method of insulation is less material intensive.
  • The insulation technology is much simpler, so it can be performed independently.

The disadvantages of such a method of insulation are:

  • The presence of prepared smooth walls.
  • Difficulty or even the impossibility of implementing two-layer insulation.
  • The smaller mechanical strength of the house is siding.

Consider the order of installation work when frameless insulation. For example, take insulation with plates of mineral wool and frame of metal plasterboard profiles. Installation steps are presented in Table:

Miniature Description of the stages of Montaja
On the walls prepared for the decoration, the position of the future crate under siding is made. For this, the vertical lines are beaten by the vertical lines - the axis of the crate. The interval is determined by the recommendations of the siding manufacturer (usually 60 cm). Also made marking the position of the crate around window and doorways.
On the laid lines, the positions of the brackets are direct P-shaped suspensions for drywall. The suspensions should be installed at the beginning and end of the profile of the crate, and the rest with the interval is not more than 60 cm.
In the outlined places, the suspensions are mounted: on wooden walls with screws with a press washer, and on stone - clogged dowels 6 * 40 or 8 * 60. For each suspension should have two screws (dowels). Foots of the suspensions after installation are immediately rejected by 90 ° so that they are perpendicular to the wall.
Plates of the insulation are attached to the walls of the house according to the manufacturer's recommendations. In the locations of the paws of P-shaped suspensions, a neat incision plate is made with a sharp knife. Some rigid basalt wool plates can be mounted on stone walls using a special adhesive mixture. Each plate 600 * 1200 mm is additionally attached to the wall with four plate dowels of the corresponding length.
On the plates of mineral wool, the hydraulic membrane is attached to the protective layer inside (the manufacturer's logo is out). To do this, the edge of the membrane is fixed by two dowels, the membrane is unwinding vertically from top to bottom and fastened to the center of each mineral cotton plate with a plate dowel. All joints should be with the allen 10 cm. In places of P-shaped suspensions, neat cuts are made with a knife.
All joints of the hydraulic membrane are glued with a wide reinforced scotch.
Mounted extreme profiles of crates on each wall. To do this, the ceiling profiles are used for plasterboard PP 60 * 27 (CD 60 * 27). The profile is pressed against the membrane and insulation (not too much) and attached to the suspension with the help of sharp metal screws with a press washer (bugs, fleece, tacks). Suspension paws are torn to the side. When installing, it is necessary to control the verticality of the construction level or plumb.
Between the extreme profiles above and below the cord is stretched (as when installing a wooden crate) to control the plane.
The entire doom of PP 60 * 27 profiles is mounted, including framing window and doorways. When installing, vertical and plane is monitored.
According to the instructions of the manufacturer's plant, the installation of siding on the crate with the help of self-samples with a press washer.

With a frameless way, it is not necessary to make a controlling, which provides ventilation of the insulation. Metal profiles simultaneously serve as the basis for siding, fix the membrane and also create the desired clearance for ventilation.


Summing up the article, it is quite appropriate to make several conclusions:

  • For insulation, the siding is most preferable to use mineral wool slabs. This material combines excellent thermal insulation properties, non-causing, ease of installation, good vapor permeability, durability, environmental friendliness, biological stability and reasonable price.
  • When choosing a specific brand of insulation, it is better to trust famous brands and buy only in proven places.
  • For the insulation of wooden houses from logs in one layer, the skeleton method of insulation with a wooden crate.
  • For insulation of houses from a bar or stone houses with plastered walls, a frameless way is more suitable for drywall crate of plasterboard profiles.
  • If the insulation is applied in two layers, then the best solution is a cross-wooden frame.
  • For mineral and glass gamble, the use of a hydraulic protection membrane is required!
  • It should be started immediately after the insulation of the house.

Wall insulation One of the most important stages of building building. Thanks to good thermal insulation, the inhabitants of the house will feel comfortable, even in the strongest frosts.

Choosing a material for plating walls, floors and even the foundation, we recommend paying attention to the penplex.

It has several advantages that will help save the budget. We offer to familiarize yourself with the main advantages of the material and installation methods.

If for some reason it does not suit you, you can choose a heater from these materials:

There are several options for insulation of the walls of the private house:

  • insulation;
  • Polymphax.

If you look from the practical side, the exterior warming of the walls is much more convenient and more efficient. In addition, it appears to additionally separate the facade of the house with an unusual material, like a mosaic or decorative plaster.

At the expense of the walls of the wall of the house are additionally aligned, saving the finishing material. The only obstacle to the external insulation of the walls can be a ban on facade repair in apartment buildings.

Comparison of insulation methods

But you should not despair, because there is always the opportunity to insulate the walls from the inside. Interior wall decoration by penplex can be made in any season.

Warming door or window openings, use only solid pieces of polyplex, it will provide better thermal insulation.

When using polyplex, installation works are simplified and they can be carried out independently. Whatever the way you do not choose, it is necessary to carry out the cleansing works of the walls where the sheets of the penosel will be located. The surface is then treated with special means of humidity and anti-grapple solutions.

Skin, cracks and other damage formed in the walls are repaired. Penoplex is installed only on a well-skinned surface using a special adhesive composition, and then additionally attached to the wall with fungi dowels.

Sheets must be fixed with a small displacement, and the gaps between them are closed by mounting foam or construction tape. After installing the foaming, you can proceed to investigative works on the facade.

Penoplex - advantages and disadvantages, technical characteristics

In recent years, construction has become increasingly used penoplex. All thanks to the special properties and unique manufacturing technology.

It is inexpensive, synthetic thermal insulation material, which is much easier to install, than for example, glass gamble.

The standard dimensions of the fastener sheet - length of 1.2 m, width 60 cm. Various can only be its thickness, from 2-10 cm.

From a technical point of view, the penplex has the following characteristics:

  • Heat resistance according to GOST. The standard should be 0.03W / m * C;
  • Park permeability should not exceed 0.008 mg / m * hour / * PA;
  • Soundproofing at 41DB;
  • Moisture resistance not more than 0.6%;
  • The material density varies between 28-45 kg / m 3;
  • The maximum pressure when compressing a sheet between the plates should be no more than 0.18 MPa;
  • The range of temperature drop from -100 to +55 c 0.


Selecting the material for better thermal insulation, orient to these characteristics. This guarantees you a high-quality insulation of the facade of a brick house with a low absorption of liquid.

Like any building material, Painways has several advantages and disadvantages.



  • Although the material is not ignited, but in the fire it melts, highlighting the toxic and dangerous smoke, even after attenuation continues to smoke for a long time;
  • The material is afraid of direct sunlight, and loses its properties with long staying in the sun.
  • Susceptible to the use of solvents, collapsed;
  • The price depends on the properties and quality of the fastener;
  • Practical zero vapor permeability, therefore is not recommended when insulation and .

Comparison of polynems with other insulation

What is the penplex to choose for insulation of the walls? What is better suitable for external insulation?

Penoplex is divided into several main species. They differ from each other with the composition and characteristics. The better the properties of the material, the higher its price. The name of each brand speaks for itself, so the builder is easier to choose the appropriate option:

  • Roofing - It is used for thermal insulation of any kinds of roofs;
  • Wall- used for thermal insulation of the walls and the inside of the house;
  • Foundation - It is used in the insulation of the foundation of the building or basement. The main advantage of this species in its waterproof, specially designed for such works;
  • Penoplex Comfort. - It is becoming more popular when finishing balconies, apartment rooms. It has pretty good characteristics, but a high price of material;
  • Penoplex 45. - The highest density of the sheet. It is used with the construction of highways, run-off stripes at the airport. This type of polyplex is stable even to the most critical temperatures.


For external installation work on building insulation, it is better to use wall penplex. It is economical in terms of price and has excellent characteristics.

The technology of insulation of walls by the penplex outside - from which elements is the cake of thermal insulation?

To insulate the outer walls, the following procedure for placing thermal insulation layers is used:

  • Glue, It is applied to a pre-dry and purified from various kinds of pollution and irregularities, wall;
  • Insulationwhich is additionally attached to the wall with special fungi dowels. This allows the sheet to lie tightly on the surface of the wall without creating heat-bridges;
  • After fixing the fastener, it must be protected from the effects of ultraviolet. Therefore, a layer of reinforced putty with a soft grid is applied. If you plan to finish with siding, it is recommended to install a waterproofing membrane;
  • Decorative finish, creates an additional layer of protection and gives aesthetic type of building.

Wall Pie.

How to calculate the thickness of the fastener for high-quality insulation?

Before proceeding with the calculations of the thickness of the polyplex sheet, it is necessary to know from which material the walls of the house are made. Any material has its own properties of thermal conductivity, so for each wall requires its thickness of the insulation.

Which thickness of the penplex to choose for insulation of the walls? Formula for calculating the thickness of the foam :

P (calculated thickness, m) \u003d R (heat transfer resistance) * k (0, 028 W / (m2 * ° C).

An example of calculating the insulation

Preparation of the surface of the wall

Before starting installation work on the placement of thermal insulation on the outer wall, be sure to carry out work on cleaning and surface processing. All irregularities are completely removed, then with the help of putty and other repair materials, all the flaws of the wall surface are corrected, namely:

  • cracks;
  • chips;
  • holes.

After the surface is treated with special solutions that prevent the development of fungi and mold. After complete drying of the wall, the glue composition is applied to which the insulation is fixed.

Preparation of the surface of the wall

Preparation of crates - step-by-step installation

For the manufacture of the crate, it is necessary to determine the material from which it will be made:

  • aluminum;
  • wood.

The tree is environmentally friendly, but more complicated in terms of installation. Aluminum frame is much more convenient and practical. We turn directly to the installation of the crate:

  • First of all, it is necessary to clean and prepare the surface for the future crate.
  • At the second stage, you will need certain tools for fastening the frame on the prepared wall.
  • The third step must be marked throughout the surface, where the frame of the crates will be installed.
  • After all preparatory work, you can start setting the elements of the crate on marked tags.

Preparation of the crate

Methods for fastening fastening the wall, the most optimal method

To install the fasteless sheets as a heater for aerated concrete and other types of walls, several fastening methods are used:

  • Epps is attached to special glue or mastic;
  • Use of a special polyurethane mounting foam;
  • Fastening the fastener with dowels.

Each option has its own features. Experienced builders are used by several ways at the same time for better fixation of the infix.. For example, the use of glue, and from above additional fixation of the dowels.

Mounting with a dowel

Mounting with mounting foam

Wall insulation outside the penplex with siding

To carry out work on the insulation of external walls, we must comply with certain rules:

  • First. Prerequisites are required with the surface., the wall should be without flaws and processed by antifungal agents;
  • Second step - installing the base profile to which the penplex will be installed. The data of manipulation is necessary for the smooth layer of the future insulation, this will provide additional protection against harmful factors.
  • The next step is to install the plates of the inferno so that a 2 millimeter clearance remains between the sheets.
  • After installing the plates of the polyplex they need to be fixed, for this, special dowels or adhesive mixture are used.which is pre-processed the surface of the wall and sheets of the fox.
  • The last step is the decorative processing or finishing of the facade siding.

Plate laying

Penoplex under Siding

Pour the joints of the mounting foam

The insulation of the outer walls with the help of polyplex is possible due to the ease of material and installation work. After completing the repair, subject to technical nuances, you will receive additional insulation and isolation from many unpleasant external factors. Good luck with repair.

Useful video

Warming in penplex with their own hands:

In contact with

One of the easiest ways to increase the heating resistance of any house is the insulation of the walls outside the penplex with siding over the siding after that. Extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS) is an excellent highly efficient heat insulator, and siding protects it from ultraviolet.

However, this procedure is not applicable for all wall materials. For some materials it is impossible to warm the walls outside the penplex with siding.

Why? Let's consider this question in detail.

Which houses can be insulated outside Epps

So, when is it possible to insulate the house outside the penplex for siding? Then, when the wall material that is used to build a building has low vapor permeability.

In this case, it will not lock the moisture, which is formed when the water vapor exits from the living space, inside the wall.

For example, take a concrete wall. Concrete has practically zero vapor permeability. And between the concrete wall and the layer of extruded expanded polystyrene will not be condensed with water vapor.

This rule will be true for all heavy concrete. For example, for a ceramzite concrete, from which blocks are made for private construction.

But if light concrete is used with good vapor permeability, such as foam concrete or aerated concrete, the penplex cannot be used for their insulation. The insulation for the walls of the house outside under siding for such walls should be with vapor permeability not lower than in the wall material.

For the insulation of foam concrete and aerated concrete, the usual polystyrene foam is perfectly suitable - PSB or PSB-s. The smaller the density of the polystyrene, the better it will be its vapor permeability.

Epps and tree

Separate "relationships" in extruded polystyrene foam with wooden walls.

If you want the wooden walls "breathe", then for this option you will need another insulation for the walls of the house outside under siding. Pleeplex is just a ban on the outlet of water vapor - a wooden wall will rot, and as a result, the walls of the house will come into disrepair.

So that this does not happen, on the side of the inner premises, wooden walls are squeezed by vapor barrier - a film that does not miss water vapor, leaving it indoors.

In this case, water vapor does not fall into the wall and, as a result, there is nothing to condense between the wall and the layer of the steamproof insulation.

For the same reason, the use of EPPS as a insulation in a frame house, because from the inside the frame is trimmed with vapor barrier with the flavored and sizing seams.

However, in this situation there are two important additions for a wooden house:

  1. Since now the wooden walls do not miss water vapor, the correct exhaust ventilation must be organized, which would remove this steam from the interior.
  2. By mounting vapor insulation from the inside on the wooden wall, you turn your house in fact in the "thermos". Are you sure that this is what you want?

The bar is also a tree. I think, after reading this section, you yourself can now tell how correctly insulate the house from the bar outside the penplex for siding.

The process of insulation by extruded polystyrene foam under siding

If you want to make insulation at home outside the penplex with your own hands under siding, then you need to know three simple things:

  1. Warming Epps with brick wall, foam concrete, aerated concrete, packed blocks or warm ceramics, you must isolate from a water vapor the wall from the inside.
  2. When you are insulated with polystyrene foam on a wooden or steel frame, then the seams between the insulation and the frame are better to die, since the EPPS is completely inelastic material and will not close the seams as wata, for example.
  3. It is not necessary to make windproof or vaporizolation to protect the insulation, since the EPPS is completely fluttered, does not scatter and does not crumble. But to close it from ultraviolet - necessarily, since he begins to decompose in the sun.

Here, in general, and all the features of the use of this wonderful insulation under the decorative finish with vinyl facade panels.

Siding has a lot of positive characteristics, but cannot boast of thermal insulation properties. That is why, when finishing residential buildings, the walls are first insulated, and only then the coverage panels are attached. What insulation under siding has the best properties, for which criteria it needs to be chosen, and how to correctly perform insulation with your own hands - this will be discussed in the article.

In each construction store, insulation are presented in a wide range, and the person inexperienced to understand them is quite difficult. Rolled and slab, expensive and cheap, domestic and foreign production, different density and thickness - how to determine exactly what you need?

First of all, you need to be guided by the requirements that material must meet:

  • low thermal conductivity is one of the most important qualities that the insulation must have. The smaller this indicator, the smaller the heat goes through the walls of the room;
  • resistance to temperature and moisture drops - as the insulation is located on the outside of the building, it is exposed to high and low temperatures, and not all materials retain the initial properties. When moisturizing, the same thing happens, in addition, the risk of fungus under the trimming increases;
  • environmental friendliness - the presence in the composition of toxic compounds is hazardous health and requires additional protective measures when performing thermal insulation;
  • fire safety - insulation should not contribute to the spread of fire during a fire and highlight a poisonous smoke when burning. Therefore, preference should be given to fire-resistant and self-tapping materials;
  • durability - here it is understood that the insulation must fully maintain its characteristics, including geometric forms, during the entire service life. Unfortunately, many materials give shrinkage after a few years, or begin to crumble, which leads to a decrease in thermal insulation properties.

In full, not all materials possess such qualities, and below we will consider only the most suitable. Next, you need to take into account and the installation method, especially if you are going to perform all work on your own. Rolled insulation are less convenient in the installation, it is much easier to mount the plates.

Rolled and slab insulation

Types of insulation

The most popular insulation under siding today are:

  • mineral wool;
  • based on polystyrene foam;
  • integrated insulation (eco-tree, foamizol, polyurethane foam).

Mineral wool, according to GOST 52953-2008, is divided into three types - stone, slag and glass wool.

GOST R 52953-2008 - free download. Materials and products heat-insulating

To produce the first species, basalt and silicate rocks are used, as well as their mixtures, slag cotton wool made from metallurgical waste, glass gamble - from the waste of the glass industry. These insulation are very thin fibers compressed in a large thickness canvas, which are produced in the form of rolls and mats of various sizes and density. Additionally, they may have a foil coating. As a rule, for the insulation of the house for siding, only stone and glass gamble are used, since the slag insulation has less water resistance.

Mineral wool insulation with foil layer

The polystyrene foam insulation, foam and Epps are light dense sheets formed from a large number of closed cells filled with air. Thanks to such a structure, these insulation practically do not absorb water. They are available only in the form of plates differing in density, size, the degree of flammability.

Inventions are called those materials that are applied to the base using a special high pressure plant. After drying, they form a durable seamless coating with excellent thermal insulation properties.

Insome insulation - Equata

Characteristics of mineral wool insulation

Stone Vata.

Of all the varieties of stone cotton wool, basalt insulation is considered the most demanded. It is characterized by the lowest content of binding components, which includes health-hazardous formaldehyde resins and phenol, and therefore it is one of the most environmentally safe materials. The fibers from which the insulation consists, do not stick and smooth enough, so they do not cling to clothes, they do not cause irritation on the skin, you can perform work without protective gloves.

Thermal conductivity0.035-0.041 W / (M · K)
Water absorptionno more than 2%
Parp permeability0.55 mg / MPP
Density30-225 kg / m3
Working temperaturefrom-180 to 700 ᵒc
The degree of flammabilitynon-combustible material
Material thicknessfrom 30 to 150 mm
Dimensions500x1000 mm, 600x1000 mm, 600x1200 mm

Manufacturers produce stone wool in the form of mats, soft, semi-rigid and rigid plates, in rolls. For mounting under siding, hard and semi-rigid plates are most convenient, but the rolled insulation is more suitable for horizontal and inclined surfaces.

Pluses of stone wool:

  • the material is easy to cut, it has a small weight, does not create difficulties when installing;
  • does not burn and does not distinguish harmful substances;
  • it does not develop microorganisms, including fungi;
  • reduces noise level up to 20%;
  • the service life is 40-50 years without loss of basic characteristics.
  • the production of material requires high costs, respectively, the price of stone wool is quite high;
  • when stripping and shaking the material, thin fibers break and form very fine dust that easily penetrates the respiratory tract. As a result, during thermal insulation work, always use the respirator.

There are quite a few manufacturers who are used to reduce the manufacturing process instead of clean rocks a variety of industrial waste, but at the same time give their products for high-quality basalt insulation. Visually to recognize the counterfeit is very difficult, especially a person in fairness, so buy stone cotton wool known, proven grades. Now the following manufacturers are used to be a high reputation in the market of thermal insulation materials:

The popularity of glass gambles fell markedly with the advent of basalt and slag insulation in the market, but it is still used in various spheres. According to the form, it is not very different from the stone wool, but has a greater fragility, so many manufacturers additionally reinforce the material using firmware with steel threads. The feature of the glass gamble is that glass fibers at the slightest exposure are destroyed and form thin dust, easily injected into the skin penetrating into the respiratory tract, eyes and causeing strong irritation. For this reason, it is possible to work with glass gamble exclusively in protective clothing, respirator and glasses.


Thermal conductivity0.039-0.047 W / (M · K)
Parp permeability0.6 mg / mg * PA
Water absorption1,5-1,7%
Density11-25 kg / m3
The degree of flammabilityfrom ng to g1
Material thickness50-100 mm
Dimensions610x1170 mm, 600x1250 mm
Working temperaturefrom -60 to 450 ᵒc

Pluses glass gambles:

  • due to the low thermal conductivity, the glass gamble perfectly holds heat in the house. A layer of material with a thickness of 50 mm is similar to the thermal insulation properties of the brick masonry of the meter thickness;
  • in the manufacture of glass gambles are not used toxic additives, so it does not emit harmful substances even under the influence of high temperatures;
  • glass cookers have a small weight and can be compressed in a package of 6 times from the initial volume followed by straightening, which simplifies the transportation of the insulation;
  • the material easily cuts and mounted on the wall;
  • the glass gamble does not develop microorganisms and insects and rodents do not come;
  • compared to other fibrous insulation, glass gamble is much cheaper.
  • the high fragility of fibers requires enhanced protection and caution in operation, increased load on the material should be avoided;
  • the average life of the glass gambled is 10 years old, then it gives a strong shrinkage and does not even provide the minimum heat insulation of the walls;
  • the glass gamble absorbs wet evaporation and water, which leads to a complete loss of thermal insulation characteristics.

Council. Under siding is best suited for stoves, stamped with glass chickens, and a density of about 30 kg / m3. In order not to get caught a poor-quality insulation, pay attention only to the certified glass gamble from leading manufacturers, for example, Knauf, Isover, URSA, domestic brand "Neman".

Prices for mineral wool

Mineral wool

Characteristics of polystyrene foam insulation

Polyfoam has very low hygroscopicity, which is significantly superior to fibrous insulation. Walls, protected by foam, also do not require additional windproof. This is one of the budgetary insulation options, although not the most efficient. Because of the paronger of the material, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room so that the condensate on the walls is not accumulated.

Pluses of foam:

  • affordable cost;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low weight;
  • ease of installation.
  • on the noise absorption, the foam is inferior to other types of insulation;
  • the sheets of the material are easily breaking, so caution is needed during transportation and installation;
  • polyfoam is damaged by rodents;
  • refers to flammable materials, with combustion allocates toxic smoke.

EPPS (extruded polystyrene foam)

This material has similarity with foam characteristics, but it is much better for all indicators. Epps is widely used in industrial and private construction, its installation does not require great efforts or special skills.

  • high density and strength of material;
  • practically zero hygroscopicity;
  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • good noise rates;
  • long service life;
  • relatively low weight.
  • the cost of EPPS is approximately 20-30% higher than that of the polyfoam;
  • does not give the walls to "breathe";
  • may be damaged by rodents;
  • refers to combustible materials.
Thermal conductivity0.035 W / (M · K)0.028 - 0.032 W / (M · K)
Water absorption0,5 - 1% 0,1 - 0,4%
Density11-35 kg / m330-40 kg / m3
The degree of flammabilityG1 - G4.G1 - G4.
Thickness20-100 mm40-100 mm
Dimensions500x500 mm, 600x1200 mm, 1000x1000 mm580x1180 mm, 600x1200 mm

Prices for foam

Characteristics of soaking insulation

Equata is a new material manufactured from cellulose fibers. It contains a binder - lignin, anti-epires and boric acid as an antiseptic. Equata is a loose mass, which is applied to a dry or "wet" way.

Penosole and polyurethane foam have a cellular structure and are applied to the walls in liquid form. They have a slight weight, therefore almost do not have loads on the base, but at the same time cover the entire area with a dense homogeneous layer. With this method of insulation, there is no need to level the walls and mount the windproof, which greatly simplifies the installation.

  • no cold bridges;
  • durability;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • speed mounting.
  • these materials are more expensive than the remaining insulation;
  • for application it is necessary to have special expensive equipment and experience with it.

Thermal conductivityfrom 0.037 to 0.042 W / (m * k)from 0.031 to 0.041 W / (m * k)
Layer density28-65 kg / m35-75 kg / m3
Parp permeability0.3 mg / (MCPA)0,21-0.24 mg / (MCPA)
The degree of flammabilityГ2.G1.
Working temperaturefrom -40 to +120 0s-60 + 80 ᵒС

Installation of insulation under siding

Regardless of the material selected and the method of its attachment, you first need to properly prepare the surface. To do this, you remove everything that can interfere with the work - lighting devices, platbands, decorative elements and other items, and then carefully inspect the walls. It is not necessary to align the base, but to close the cracks and remove the fungus necessarily.

As a crate for siding use a wooden timber or metal profiles. If you prefer a bar, it is necessary to pre-process it with antiseptic impregnation to avoid damage to the wood from condensate and the development of mold.

Prices for various types of bars

Wall insulation of mineral wool

Step 1. On the wall fix the frame from the timber cross section 50x50 mm. The bars are attached vertically using self-tapping and dowels, the distance between the racks should be 1.5-2 cm to be less than the width of the insulation. Be sure to control the location of the racks vertically by the construction level so that all the elements of the crates were in the same plane.

Step 2. Mineral wool slabs alternately insert between bars, slightly coin edges. After installation, the material easily straightens and tightly fills the cells of the crate. If necessary, the plates are cut with a knife or fine-grained hacksaw.

Step 3. If the insulation is planned to be mounted in two layers, horizontal jumpers from the bar are fixed on top of the racks from the bar at the same distance. Next, the plates of mineral wool are fixed again.

Step 4. A windproof membrane is fixed over the insulation. Since its widths lack on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe wall, fix it with horizontal stripes, starting from the bottom of the facade. For fixing the membrane is the most convenient to use the stapler. Each subsequent strip is stacked with an adhesive at least 10 cm. To increase the tightness of the coating, the joints are sampled by scotch all over the entire length.

Step 5. Then strictly in terms of the level set the guides to siding using mounting plates. Plates are fastened with self-drawing to the crate with a pitch of 40 cm. There should be an air gap of about 3-5 cm between the guides and windproof membrane.

After that, you begin to cover the facade of siding panels. As you can see, the technology is quite simple and die for everyone. The most important thing is to firmly fasten the plates so that they do not hang out between the racks. If the gaps remain, heat will go outside and all efforts will be in vain.

Prices for siding

Warming extruded polystyrene foam

Step 1. On the wall in terms of the level place the location of the suspensions for the guides. The suspensions must be attached along the entire facade with a step of 40 cm. In the points noted, the holes are drilled, the dowels are inserted and the suspensions are fixed.

Step 2. Take the EPPS plate, apply to the wall and press a little to imprinted traces from suspensions. According to these traces in the insulation, they make slots with a knife or a special cutter. Next, the plate is reopening again to the wall and put on the suspension, tightly pressing to the base.

Step 3.. The remaining plates are fixed in the same way, trying to make joints as thinner as possible. If during the work of some kind of gaps formed, they need to be sealed with a mounting foam with a pistol.

Step 4. After the front of the facade, the insulation is embarking on the installation of guide profiles under siding. The profiles are attached to the suspensions that protrude from the heat insulating layer, between the guides and the insulation, the ventilation clearance of 2-3 width is left. The following siding is fastened.

This insulation can also be attached with umbrella dowels and special glue. In this case, it is more convenient to first mount the crate to which siding will be attached. Glue is applied to the insulation, then the stove is inserted between the guides and presses to the base. Upon completion of the installation, the slabs at the joints are additionally fixed with umbrella dowels.


The insulation of the walls of the eco-water can be performed in two ways - dry and wet. The first method is not sufficiently reliable, since the blade of the material is carried out through small holes in the protective film, and control the density and uniformity of filling is impossible. In this regard, a wet mode is more convenient, the whole process is happening in sight. It is this second way we will look at.

Step 1. Walls are cleaned of dust, cracks and other defects are eliminated. Strictly in terms of the level, the guides for siding in increments of about 50 cm are strengthened. The attachment of the guides should be performed using mounting plates so that the frame thickness is at least 10 cm.

Step 2. Ecostat is poured into a blending installation, the aqueous-gel solution is added there, stirred to homogeneity.

Step 3. Include installation and apply a viscous mass on the walls with a dense layer. Especially carefully processed joints and angles so that no emptiness remains.

Step 4. Give insulation to dry completely, after which the siding panels are mounted to the crate.

In a similar way, the insulation of the house of the penyazole and polyurethane foam is performed. Installation for spraying Many firms are leased, which is significantly cheaper than buying equipment. But to do everything qualitatively, certain skills are needed, and the newcomer is better to hire specialists for this.

Video - insulation under siding

Video - insulation under the siding mineral wool

Video - Installation of the Epps insulation under siding

Many build vinyl siding, in order to adjust the appearance and increase the thermal insulation of the house. Wall insulation by foam plastic for siding will make it possible to increase the effectiveness of the use of thermal energy. Therefore, you first need to see the house outside the material of the desired dimensions. Speaking otherwise, if the thickness of the foam will be greater, then, of course, the insulation of the building will be better. The insulation of the walls of polystyrene foam under siding gained popularity and became the glorified component of construction work at the owners of private or country houses. The choice is a personal matter, as it is customary to assert the people. Therefore, the dimensions can be chosen on your taste and color. However, do not forget that everything is connected with the weather, which will dictate your rules.

The insulation of the walls of the house by foam is suitable for not very cold weather conditions.

We prepare the wall to the installation

This kind of work can be performed both in winter and in the summer, but more expedient, of course, when dry in the street, because the penetration of moisture contributes to the further appearance of mold and various fungi. By the way, the insulation of the walls under siding is also produced absolutely in any season, but when using building material from vinyl, the average temperature should be 7 degrees, because if it is cold outside, it will lose its strength.

Having started the installation, all the drain pipes, chandeliers, lamps, all kinds of plants and other parts are removed from the walls. Other restrictions in the preparation are absent, because the presented process is performed using the crate, which will hide all the convexities and flaws. Why start warming at home?

Install the crates and labeled the foam

In order to install thermal insulation on the walls of the structure under siding, the toolkit below will be required:

Step-by-step foam installation: 1- preparation of the facade; 2- Profile installation; 3- applying glue to foam; 4- gluing foam plastic to the surface; 5- fastening with dowels; 6- installation of angular reinforcing parts; 7 reinforcement; 8- Protective-decorative layer.

  • standard "Bulgarian" (diameter of 150 millimeters);
  • punchher;
  • scissors for metal;
  • electrol holder with a tree filling;
  • middle hammer;
  • electrous;
  • scaffolding;
  • electric barrel;
  • screwdriver.

Using wooden bars and a metal profile, covered with zinc, set on the walls of the house a durable frame. Wood, of course, the price will be more economical than metallic, but their service life is much smaller. If the dry climate, then you need to use a wooden crate, but when the wet is iron. To install the crate needs to do the following. At the very beginning of work, you need to decide how to place siding - horizontally or vertically. This is exactly the tone for the distance between the profile and its installation.

In the case of horizontal siding, the bar or the profile itself is perpendicular, and you can also vice versa. If the vertical placement of the facing material is taken into account, the framework must be mounted horizontally. The lattice dimensions are determined by the width of the foam itself, that is, the thickness of the heat insulating material, the greater the frame size will be. Wood bars are impregnated with special refractory and disinfectant compositions in order to increase the operating period.

The entire surface of the wall is covered with special mastic. It is forbidden to use the hydrobarmers, because in this case the walls simply will not pass the air, and this will very negatively affect the state of residents of one or another home. The frame is placed outside the room, in particular - around the doors, windows and in the angular part of the structure. The iron profile or a wooden timber is strengthened with screws (from zinc) and specialized plastic dowels, which are scored in advanced holes made by Punchher. After laying the crate to the remaining holes between the frame, foam is added and strengthened with specialized screws and glue, which is applied to the wall and foam plane, for the most durable connections.

The remaining seams fill a special construction mastic, in order to close the access of air, it will mostly preserve heat in winter, and in the summer it will create a coolness. After laying thermal insulation, the special membrane is put on top, which passes moisture and air only one way - from the room outside, but not vice versa. With the help of the presented membrane, you can remove steam from the insulation. The waterproofing protection is raised at a distance of 25-45 millimeters from the foam itself. This process is performed with wood bars or galvanized profile.

Attention! It is extremely important to consider that the plate is considered a flammable substance, and its combustion takes place at a greater speed.

Install Siding

Wall cake diagram for siding: 1- carrier wall; 2- doom; 3- thermal insulation; 4-air gap; 5-membrane; 6- Siding.

Upon completion of all installation works of the insulation, plus the windproof membrane on the frame of the crates is carried out in the installation of siding in the direction that was chosen at first. During the installation of siding, it is very important to comply with all directives manufacturer due to the fact that each building material has its own nuances.

The massiveness of the insulating material is obliged to be 22-28 kg / m³, and the thickness is approximately 45 millimeters. Nevertheless, the building material is chosen individually because it all depends on atmospheric and weather criteria.

By the way, the dimensions of such a material in their dimensions are almost identical to the brick wall of 300 millimeters. Consequently, it makes no sense to spend extra money to get the effect of a brick option.

During the installation, you can use plastic dowels, excluding metal. Due to this, thermal insulation is exploited for a long time, without unnecessary repairs and cash costs. Professionals do not advise the use of metal dowels, because it is believed that in winter, a cold can fall into the walls.

After the insertion of the foam, it should be done by plaster, using a fiberglass grid, to strengthens the insulating material.

This will allow the foam from the negative impact of the atmosphere and will give much better isolation. To get a significant effect, the insulation must be installed in 2 rows.

It will not allow the seams to appear through which the cold is able to directly penetrate the walls of the structure. The presented variation is more expensive, but its effect is more significant. In this case, the frame will be greater thickness, and the foam is cleaned so that the seams are not noticeable.

It is possible to warm the room not only when building a new home, it is possible to implement such work on already decorated (old) objects.

Before starting work on the insulation of the house, it was recommended to replace the former windows and doors to new ones, which will further bring their fruits.

Today, the innovative approach suggests not only the modernity of the buildings erected from high-quality materials, but also on excellent insulation of the house. This makes it possible to maintain energy resources ending with our planet day after day. In the process of correct thermal insulation, the walls will serve you for a long time.

One way or another, it is still better to consult with experts in this area engaged in the insulation of houses, in order to eliminate future errors and problems that can lead to unscheduled material expenditures. Thus, provided that all work is performed correctly, in the future, it is possible to reduce the cost of Siding, walls and insulation services in the future.